(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Man, well it's great to be here. I love West Virginia. It's a beautiful place, and I've known Pastor Jason Robinson for now over a decade. I first met him on July 12th of 2008, and I remember the exact date because it was a special event, so that's kind of a funny story that he can tell you sometime about how we met, but we've known each other for over 10 years. He's a godly man, and I'm really excited about the fact that he has started this church, and it's already reaching its one-year anniversary, and there have already been almost 200 people saved, and so it's exciting to be a part of it in the early days, being in these early days of starting a church and and getting it going. So God bless you all for being here. I know a lot of people drove from two, three, four hours away or even further, and so I really appreciate you coming all the way out here to hear me preach tonight. The title of my sermon tonight is Woe Unto the Filthy City. Woe unto the filthy city. I'm going to be using the city of San Francisco, California tonight, believe it or not. We're all the way in West Virginia. We're preaching against San Francisco, California as the example of just what a city ends up like when they turn away from the Lord, when they completely reject God, because sin sometimes looks appealing to fool around with, to play with, to flirt with, but the end thereof are the ways of death, and if you look at San Francisco, California today, you can kind of see what's at the end of that road that some people might think that they want to go down. Well, when you see what's at the end of that road where sin and turning away from the Lord takes you, you'll see that it's not as appealing as a lot of people think, and as the devil would want you to think that it's appealing to follow the ways of sin. So I have three points tonight about woe unto the filthy city. Point number one is dung. Point number two is drugs, and point number three is dogs. Now, it would be sodomites, but I was trying to have the same letter, like a Pastor Jimenez style, you know, dung, drugs, and dogs, all right? So point number one is dung. If you would, look down at your Bible in Deuteronomy chapter 23. Look at verse 12. The Bible reads, Thou shalt have a place also without the camp, whither thou shalt go forth abroad, and thou shalt have a paddle upon thy weapon, and it shall be, when thou wilt ease thyself abroad, that thou shalt dig therewith, and shalt turn back and cover that which cometh from thee. For the Lord thy God walketh in the midst of thy camp to deliver thee, and to give up thine enemies before thee. Therefore shall thy camp be holy, that he see no unclean thing in thee, and turn away from thee. Now, of course, we want to have God's presence in our lives. We want God's presence to be in our homes, and certainly in a church. You want God to be present, and the Spirit of God to be present. You don't want it to be said the Spirit of the Lord is departed from that place, and that it's Ichabod. And in your city, you know, you want God's presence and power. Let me just guarantee you one thing. God has departed from San Francisco, California. God has forsaken that city. You say, well, how do you know that, Pastor Anderson? Because the Bible talks about the fact that when God is with you, and he walks amongst your camp, and walks in your area, if he finds something unclean there, there's a good chance that he could turn away from that, right? Because it says here, thy camp shall be holy, at the end of verse 14, that he see no unclean thing in thee, and turn away from thee. And what unclean thing is he specifically talking about here? He's talking about human waste. He's talking about excrement, okay? He's talking about people using the bathroom all over the place. He's saying, look, God doesn't want to see that in the camp, and if he does see that, he might just leave. He doesn't want to step in that. He doesn't want to be around that, and that's what he says here in the Word of God. You know, God cares about cleanliness. God cares about sanitation, and San Francisco is a filthy place tonight. Now, I watched some stuff about San Francisco. I read a lot of news articles, and there was a news crew with just a mainstream news organization, and they decided to go on a walk through San Francisco. They walked over a hundred and fifty-three blocks, so they went actually twenty miles of walking, just walking up and down the streets of a portion of San Francisco. They found trash on every single block. A hundred and fifty-three blocks, trash in the streets. They found three hundred and three piles of human excrement on a twenty mile walk. Think about that. That means that for every mile that they walked on average, there were fifteen. Can you imagine walking one mile and having fifteen piles of human dung on the sidewalk? That's San Francisco, California tonight. Is that disgusting? It's wicked. Three hundred and three piles of human waste and over one hundred used hypodermic needles on the ground in that walk. So again, if you break this down, I mean every mile they're finding at least what? Five hypodermic needles and fifteen piles of dung, trash on every single block. In fact, now they're publishing maps of San Francisco that show you how to avoid the dung. Say, hey, this is where the highest concentrations are. In fact, there's even an app for your smartphone where you can, you know, if you're going to San Francisco, you know, you better make sure you have that app on your phone that tells you how to avoid the dung in the streets so that you can try to steer around the worst concentrations of feces in San Francisco, California. Now just to give you a picture of San Francisco, California, it's a very small city geographically because it's on a peninsula, so it's all kind of crammed in. So it's about seven miles by seven miles. In fact, it's even a little bit less than seven miles by seven miles and it has a population of eight hundred and seventy one thousand people. The government itself distributes each month four hundred thousand hypodermic needles to the people. So in a city that only has eight hundred seventy one thousand people in it, the government's giving out for free over four hundred thousand hypodermic needles that are specifically to be used by drug users for shooting up heroin. Four hundred thousand needles and then they recover each month two hundred forty six thousand. So that means that there are still a hundred and fifty four thousand needles that are unaccounted for every month. I mean how would you like to walk down the street and there's just used needles from people shooting up heroin, you know, in between all the other stuff. Go to Leviticus chapter 10. Leviticus chapter number 10. I mean it's a disgusting place tonight. It's a filthy city. Look at Leviticus chapter 10 and verse 8 the Bible reads and the Lord spake unto Aaron saying do not drink wine nor strong drink thou nor thy sons with thee when thou go into the tabernacle of the congregation lest ye die. It shall be a statute forever throughout your generations and that you may put difference between holy and unholy and between unclean and clean and that you may teach the children of Israel all the statutes which the Lord has spoken of them by the hand of Moses. God's saying look you need to take heat onto my laws and my statutes. You need to teach the Bible to people so they can put a difference between clean and unclean. Isn't it interesting that when a city is wicked and turns away from God that they are covered in filth, literal filth. Why? They don't put a difference between clean and unclean. Isn't it interesting that the same people who can't figure out the difference between male and female, they also can't tell the difference between clean and unclean and they've turned their beautiful city into one large outdoor toilet because they hate God's Word. They hate God's laws. They don't want Leviticus 2013. Well it turns out they don't want Deuteronomy 23 either so they'll just defecate wherever they find a place. The Bible says if you flip over to Ezekiel, Ezekiel chapter 44, it gives something similar to what we saw in Leviticus chapter 10. He said look don't drink wine. Don't drink strong drink. What is one of the effects of alcohol? You won't be able to tell the difference between clean and unclean. Who are all these people that are just using the restroom all over the street? Well most of them are drug addicted or drunk or both to do something like that in that city. Look at Ezekiel chapter 44 verse 20. Neither shall they shave their heads nor suffer the locks their locks to grow long they shall only pull their heads. Pulling means just to cut a short haircut not to cut it all the way off bald and not to grow long hair. Verse 21. Neither shall any priest drink wine when they enter into the court. Neither shall they take for their wives a widow nor her that is put away but they shall take maidens of the seed of the house of Israel or a widow that had a priest before and they shall teach my people the difference between holy and profane and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean. You know God wants us to know the difference between what's dirty and what's clean what's sanitary and what's unsanitary. It's a disgrace when we have filth and unsanitary dirty things and germs everywhere. God says if he finds that unclean stuff he'll turn away from you. Twenty thousand two hundred and nineteen complaints made over the phone where people called the city of San Francisco and complained about human waste. Six thousand two hundred and seven complaints made. Can you imagine how just do the math on this in one year people picked up the phone over 20,000 times? I mean how many times is that per day like 60 times a day they're picking up the phone and say excuse me city of San Francisco there's human waste in the street can you clean this up they just keep calling nothing's done about it. City health workers hand out nearly six million clean needles a year and the goal is for the dirty ones to be turned in as the new ones are distributed but nearly two million go unaccounted for annually. Distributing clean needles helps prevent HIV and other diseases or infections that come by sharing or using dirty needles. So the practice is considered by the city's health advocates worth the trade-off. I mean that yeah that's that's worth it right so having a hundred fifty thousand used hypodermic needles litter the street every month is worth it so that the druggies and fags don't get AIDS so that normal people have to step on ten every mile that they walk. And think about this this is the logic though today that says oh let's just give all the young people contraceptives in school so that they can do it safely. Or oh let's just let's just teach people how to use alcohol responsibly. Let's just teach people how to let's give them a safe space where they can shoot up drugs in a supervised facility. Let's give them clean needles so that they can do heroin. You know we can't make provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof. You know we can't just sit there and have a culture that accommodates people's sins, accommodates people's filthy lifestyle and makes it easy for them. No you know it should be hard for them to sin. It should be hard for them to shoot up here. Why we want to help them do that because you know what message you're sending you're just giving a green light like go ahead and do it. You know when you tell the young people well it's best if you practice abstinence but hint hint wink wink nod nod if you do here you go here's what you need here's how you can do it safely here's the contraceptives no it's abstinence it's abstained from fornication it's wait until you're married and keep yourself pure we're not gonna bend over backwards to try to make it easy for people to fornicate and do drugs and get to know they just need to stop doing it we need preachers to get up and preach hard against these sins and rip some face and we need a society that frowns on it and shames people that are on drugs and and says oh you're addicted here are you gonna be ashamed of yourself get right with God are you fornicated that's harlotry that's whoredom what a shame get right with God repent of that wickedness but instead it's like well you know we gotta gotta help these people out as they continue in sin and continue in their filthy lifestyle well what happens with that liberal soft bleeding heart philosophy well you end up living in San Francisco California where you came walk down the street without drugs and and feces everywhere here is something that I found from Southern California down the California coast in Orange County a vast encampment of homeless people stretched for miles along a riverside bike path when officials eventually cleared the encampment in March they reportedly found more than 13,000 used syringes in this little and homeless encampment and over 5,000 pounds of human waste now look you say oh how dare you get on the homeless people they're just a little down on their luck oh really then what are they doing with 13,000 needles down there if they're just a little down on their luck and you know I'm sick of this politically correct garbage that won't call out the homelessness for what it is laziness and if a man won't work he shouldn't eat and I can understand how maybe in certain eras of time or certain cities or certain situations people could be down on their luck but you know what in 2018 America unemployment is at an all-time low I don't know about West Virginia but in Arizona everybody's hiring everywhere you drive people are hiring and we have certain businesses that are right near our church where we can send people they will hire you the same day every day and they'll hire anybody they'll you can send them the weirdest derelict they'll hire them the same day at some of these places we have certain companies on speed dial like that and when people show up and complain to us that they don't have we say look we'll have you working tomorrow but they don't want to work they want to do drugs they want to get drunk they want to lay in the street they have chosen that lifestyle 99% of the time they choose to live that life that's why there's 13,000 needles there and pray tell me this I'm sorry that they're homeless but can they at least use the bathroom outside the camp and bury that which coming from them you know I know they don't want to obey the Bible when it said look not on the wine when it's red I know they don't want to obey the Bible when it said be sober I know they don't want to obey the Bible when it said flee fornication but can they at least obey the part of the Bible that says that when you use the restroom to bury it to put it somewhere else no no they're just living in their own filth 5,000 pounds of can you imagine living with 5,000 pounds of human waste around it's sick this is all reality folks this is all from mainstream news organizations this wasn't even from some conspiracy website in San Diego County the combination of drugs and homelessness turned deadly last year when an outbreak of hepatitis A eventually killed 20 people a county spokesperson said that the majority of people who contracted the disease during the outbreak had been homeless and or illicit drug users so point number one dung point number two drugs open drug use has exploded in San Francisco in recent years enraging residents who complain of having to step over people injecting heroin in train stations and to traverse a seemingly unending series of tent villages on sidewalks and bike paths the problem has ballooned into a public health crisis officials say leaving elected leaders scrambling for solutions as discarded needles pile up in the streets the issue also tested San Francisco's image as a liberal compassionate urban oasis and underscores a broader trend in large California cities that have been grappling with rising homelessness and drug use on their streets public drug use in San Francisco was thrust into the spotlight last week when a series of shocking videos uploaded to YouTube showed dozens of drug users seemingly unaware that they were being filmed sprawled out in a Bay Area rapid transit station and openly injecting drugs as computers walked past commuters walked past others appeared to be unconscious lying next to a pool of vomit according to the San Francisco Department of Public Health there are about twenty two thousand intravenous drug users in the city or about four hundred and seventy per square mile so in one square mile there are four hundred and seventy people shooting up heroin in San Francisco California most of those people are using heroin and prescription opioids but the use of methamphetamines is on the rise said Rachel Kagan a health department spokesperson good job Rachel K you're doing you guys are doing a great job out there in San Francisco California good job government but listen to what this doctor said they stated the obvious in this article people might be using heroin for 20 years and the really pleasant part of it might have been the first few months and then another 19 and a half years of a kind of misery and you know what the verse that's perfect for that is where it says by faith Moses when he was come to years refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God then to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season how long is a season typically right three months right we have four seasons three months each this expert said they have about three months of enjoyment when they first get on the heroin three months are quote really nice and then they have nineteen and a half years of living hell that's what 20 years on heroin looks like and you know it's not just San Francisco California brother Robinson and I were talking at lunch he said that drug use is a big thing even out here in West Virginia he said that heroin use takes place here people are using meth they're addicted to drugs today listen to me young people don't even get started with it because yeah it'll be fun it's gonna feel good and then you're just gonna live in misery for year after year decade after decade it's not worth it you really want to have fun for a couple weeks or months and then just destroy your whole life flush your whole life down the toilet and look don't even smoke pot by the way San Francisco is one of the most pot smoking countries in America as well guess what that's where it starts it starts when you drink alcohol you know once you break that barrier of like well I'm just gonna start drinking and it's like well if I'm gonna drink why not smoke a little pot well if I'm gonna smoke a little pot what's the harm in taking a couple pills and if I take this pill and then I drink a beer it's like drinking three beers and it's cheaper I'm saving money you know and this is the logic that takes people down a road of drug addiction they start drinking a little beer they start smoking a little pot next thing you know they're taking this pill and if I'm gonna take this pill might as well take that pill and it gets worse and worse and worse and you think any of these people started out thinking I'm gonna inject things into my arm with a needle I don't know about you but I don't like having a needle poked into me I mean whenever I've had to go to the doc who feels the same way like who finds it kind of just disturbing thinking about being injected with anything you know I go to the doctor and they want to take a little blood sample or something you know I that's unpleasant and I can't even imagine stabbing a needle into myself I remember one time I had to give my wife a shot of something for is he was dealing with some of their pregnancy and it was like some vitamin B shot or something and I was supposed to give my wife this vitamin B shot and it was weird having to just stab her with a needle you know you know and put it that you know that was weird and and you know I remember my dad was telling me that when he was in boot camp in order to graduate from boot camp this is like in the Vietnam era you had to prove that you can inject yourself with a needle because I guess there was some kind of an antidote to something or other that you had to be able to do so they had to go and be around tear gas and take off their mask and and breathe in the tear gas and then they had to be able to inject themselves with this needle and one of the biggest toughest guys he was already on a second time through boot camp he failed the first time because he couldn't inject himself because you had to do it was just a I don't know if it was a saline solution or whatever it was just a placebo but they had to stab this thing in their leg and inject it and the last time my dad saw the guy my dad walked out of there and the last time he saw me the guy was just sitting there and he just couldn't do it so I don't know if the guy ever did it or what you know look stabbing yourself with a needle it kind of goes against the grain but not for you know 470 people per square mile in San Francisco but you think they started out thinking you know I'm going to take intravenous drugs no they start out smoking pot they started out taking a pill they started out drinking a beer and they just keep pushing it a little further it's like the frog in the hot water and they get worse and they enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season I'm sure it's really fun in the beginning oh it's such euphoria but the end thereof are the ways of death it's a horrible lifestyle yeah San Francisco's in the top five percent of cities for smoking weed sixty nine percent of the homeless population claim that they lived in San Francisco housing prior to becoming homeless fifty five percent say they've been homeless for a decade or more these people aren't exactly trying to change are they fifty five percent say I've been homeless for more than a decade forty one percent admit to having drug or alcohol addiction look and that doesn't mean the other fifty percent or fifty nine percent are teetotalers these are the ones who say I'm addicted I'm addicted to drugs I'm addicted out the rest of them are probably like well I drink and do drugs but I can quit anytime it's probably what the other group say oh here's try this on thirty percent of the homeless in San Francisco are openly sodomites thirty percent are openly sodomites so you walk down the streets of San Francisco and you have all these aggressive violent bombs and homeless people accosting you just remember that about one third of them are openly sodomites I remember one time I was in San Francisco this is like twenty years ago it wasn't even as bad as it is now and I walked down San Francisco's street as a teenager and a bomb just hurled an empty glass bottle and it just exploded like ten feet from me you know it kind of is startling having somebody throw a bottle that near you and just explode and I looked at the guy and the guy just gave me a look like what are you going to do about it this is the way the bombs are you know they'll throw some of you and then just what are you going to do about it thirty percent openly sodomite go to Isaiah chapter twenty eight Isaiah chapter number twenty eight because I'm here to tell you that drugs and alcohol create a filthy environment in a city in a home in a business they create mess and filth go to the home of someone who's drug addicted go to the home of somebody who's a drunk and you know what you're going to find a bad smell a mess dirty filthy dwelling places and those of us who've gone soul winning and knock doors in the ghetto we've smelled those smells we've seen those messes and you know one of the things I love about taking my kids out soul winning even to the worst ghettos is it shows them what sin will do to people because you say oh you don't want your kids to be sheltered you got to show them everything on tv and the movies but here's that on tv it's a clean house as they get drunk right it's I mean look you see people on tv doing drugs drinking and you know you don't see any laundry piled up you don't see the food that's been rotting on the counter for weeks you can't I mean it's not a smell-o-vision so you can't smell the smells of that filth and so tv is showing you and magazines are showing you a really pretty picture of what alcohol and drugs look like but the reality is when you go soul winning go to the worst ghetto and then you can see what it looks like when this buds for you you can see the filth and the dung and the smell and the rot well let's read the bible isaiah 28 verse 7 and they also have erred through wine and through strong drink are out of the way the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink they're swallowed up of wine they're out of the way through strong drink they earn vision they stumble in judgment for all tables are full of vomit and filthiness so that there is no place clean that's where drugs and alcohol are going to take you my friend to a filthy vomit filled dung filled place where there's nothing clean and they're never going to show you that in the commercial you're never going to see that in a magazine but you'll find on youtube it's reality here's a san francisco article chronicle article if you would turn to mark chapter 9 the san francisco chronicle main newspaper there they say that san francisco has doubled the money that they spend on homelessness to more than 300 million dollars a year they spend on homelessness 300 million dollars in that time the overall homeless population according to one night counts done every two years has fallen from 8640 in 2004 to 7499 in 2017 so basically they reduced the amount of homeless people by 500 people over 13 years by spending literally billions of dollars so they spend like billions of dollars to get like 500 people off the street or whatever but yet even though supposedly the number has gone down by like 500 people per night it says yet because of that but yet in spite of that the residents of the city when surveyed said that it's the number one problem in the city and that it's getting worse so why is it getting worse or why do they think it's getting worse well because this is what the san francisco chronicle says the decades old problem lends itself to a perception that it has no end in sight and the exploding opioid epidemic that's opioid translation heroin and other things like heroin which has thrust more addicts onto the street shooting up in public only adds to the sense of futility the most disheartening manifestation of homelessness is the daily exhibition of mentally ill people screaming at the sky tearing at themselves and otherwise behaving beyond their own control now listen to me thou bible believing christian screaming at the sky tearing at themselves and behaving beyond their control i wonder what do you think's wrong with these people what are these girls i don't know i don't know what the problem they're demon possessed why are they screaming at the sky who are they screaming at the lord they hate god they're screaming at god himself shouting to the sky screaming at the sky tearing themselves this is the wording used by the san francisco chronicle tearing at themselves and behaving beyond their own control look at mark chapter 9 verse 17 and one of the multitude answered and said master i have brought unto thee my son which hath a dumb spirit and wheresoever he taketh him he what tereth him so this guy's tearing himself and he fometh he's foaming at the mouth gnasheth with his teeth and pine at the way and i spake to thy disciples that they should cast him out and they could not he answerth him and sayeth oh faithless generation how long shall i be with you how long shall i suffer you bring him unto me and they brought him unto him and when he saw him straightway the spirit tear him isn't it interesting that the newspaper article uses the exact same wording that the bible keeps using about these demonic people that they're tearing themselves as they yell at the sky and behave beyond their own control it says he fell on the ground and wallowed foaming and this is exactly what you're going to see if you look on youtube all the videos of these violent aggressive wild insane homeless people roaming the streets of san francisco california in fact one person described san francisco california as the world's largest outdoor unsupervised mental institution it's like you're just in an outdoor open-air unsupervised mental asylum look i've worked in a mental institution before i did fire alarms there and it was pretty scary being there and you had these little card access and every once a while you'd end up on the wrong side of the door and you're like trying to get your card to work and the the the they're just kind of converging on you they're looking at your tools and stuff and you're just picturing them grabbing that screwdriver and just you know so it could be scary because there are a lot of people that are demon possessed in these places and you know you see all this violence of of that you know they're throwing things they're beating each other up they're attacking pedestrians and things like that and you know i can't help but think of the song right if you're going to san francisco who knows the song i'm talking about put up your hand if you know that song all right all the older generation you're sure to find some gentle people there uh no not exactly but that's not what i had in mind with gentle you know and i thought of revelation 13 6 about the antichrist how he opened his mouth in blasphemy against god to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven that's probably what they're doing when they're screaming at the sky you know blaspheming god and them that dwell in heaven but that brings me to point number three which is the dogs and i don't mean the four-legged kind of dogs but i mean sodomites the bible calls sodomites dogs go back if you went to deuteronomy 23 where we started you know what makes san francisco such a filthy place why why do you say whoa into the filthy city well number one it's covered in dung i mean that's what makes it a filthy city there's human waste everywhere 303 piles in 20 miles okay of walking down the sidewalk number two it's the drugs what makes it a filthy city i mean when you're walking down the street and people are just laying in the street shooting up heroin openly when you have to dodge hypodermic needles you know i'm pretty big on running barefoot i don't think i would even have the guts to run barefoot through san francisco now i've run barefoot through los angeles i've run barefoot through broken glass but i'm not going to run barefoot through san francisco california can you imagine the the bacteria can you imagine the waste can you imagine that you know i get these little sharp thorns in my feet sometimes in arizona they're i i don't know what they're called like a burr or a little goat's head i think they call it sometimes but i'll i'll be pulling these out of my feet sometimes i'm running but can you imagine looking down you feel that sharp twinge and you have some hypodermic needle from some sodomite homeless drug user hanging out of your foot oh man forget that you know i'll buy all the nike's and forget everything i ever told you about barefoot running if you live in san francisco all right but number three the sodomites that's what makes it a filthy place it's the dung it's the drugs and it's the dogs look what the bible says in deuteronomy 23 verse 17 there shall be no whore of the daughters of israel nor a sodomite of the sons of israel thou shalt not bring the price of a whore or the price of a dog so look in verse 17 he's talking about whores and he's talking about sodomites and then in the next verse he's talking about whores and dogs why because the dog and the sodomite are synonyms in the old testament that's what the bible calls them it's calling the sodomite a dog it's not saying hey don't bring the price of a dog to the house of god you know if you have a dog breeding business you know don't tithe on that that's not what it's saying all right you need to tithe on that dog breeding business all right now i'm just kidding anyway he says don't bring the price of a dog into the house of the lord thy god for any vow for even both of these are an abomination unto the lord thy god okay i've got a really shocking statistic for you did you know that san francisco has the highest population of homos in the u.s is that a shock you've never even heard that yeah guess what everybody knows that we could go up and down the street and ask any person name the the city in america that's known as being a homo place and you know that 100 of people would say what san francisco california right that's what everybody would say i mean when i was a kid even uh you know i was born in 1981 growing up in the 80s and 90s san francisco was just synonymous with homos like i lived in sacramento which is only like an hour and a half away but to us it was like oh somebody's from san francisco are they a homo you know it was just like you just it was just synonymous to you isn't interesting that it's the filthiest place and they have the highest percentage of but here's what's interesting do you want to know what percentage of the adult population so this isn't counting kids and teenagers what percentage of the adult population is a homo in san francisco it's only six point two percent so do you see how just six point two percent can just ruin the whole city can give it a reputation where an hour and a half away every kid on the playground the biggest insult is oh yeah well i bet you want to live in san francisco when you grow up huh oh i bet you're from san francisco i mean that was hurled as an insult when i was a kid in the 80s of oh you know what you know are you from san francisco you have aids that's what people would say on the playground i'm not saying that they should have thrown that around but that's what they did how can six point two percent of the people just turn an entire city into a dung-filled just filthy wicked disgusting look six percent of the people can destroy the city and ruin it ruin the reputation and you know what six percent of people righteous can turn a city around too and cause god to bless a city you know it can kind of go either way but hey i've got really good news for you i looked at the reverse statistic because i so i looked at the most sodomite city and of course number one six point two percent of the adult population san francisco california after that was portland oregon which by the way portland oregon is also known as being kind of a mecca for homeless people and drug users as being a major hub of that after that was austin texas after that new orleans louisiana and on and on but listen to this here are the the out of the 50 largest cities in america the one with the least amount of sodomites which one has the least amount of sodomites is birmingham alabama but second place pittsburgh pennsylvania all right so good news it has almost the least sodomites of any city pittsburgh pennsylvania amen that's good news for you guys out here so yeah you know i figured i'd throw you a bone when i come out here you know so it's a filthy lifestyle that's why the bible called it vile affections go if you would to second peter chapter two second peter chapter two it's a filthy lifestyle and you know what we need some bible preaching that uses the words that the bible uses like filthy i mean the word filth or filthy comes up the bible over and over again the word vile comes up but today you hear pastors even call it gay oh these are gays they're lgbt or or you know and they soften the language don't they and they say oh well you know they're homosexual no no they're filthy they're beasts they're vile they're disgusting we need to use the language the bible uses look at verse six of second peter two and turning the cities of sodom and gomorrah into ashes condemn them with an overthrow making them an ensemble under those that after should live ungodly and deliver just lot vexed with the what the filthy conversation of the wicked the word conversation in the bible often means lifestyle would be our modern word back when the king james was translated the word conversation was the word that they would use today we would use the word lifestyle and you know what he's saying lot was vexed by that filthy lifestyle that they had and god had to turn it into ashes because he had to burn up all the pathogens he had to burn up all the germs he had to burn up all the disease he had to use fire just so that the whole place wouldn't be contaminated and you know what he said that is an example to those that after should live ungodly don't tell me that's how god was back then because i don't know about you but when i'm in second peter i'm pretty close to the end of my bible how dispensational do you want to get i mean we're at the end of the book and he says hey remember sodom and gomorrah from back in genesis it's the same thing in second peter that is the example you say well you know well how would jesus treat these homos okay well what's the example that he gave show me an example in the bible of how jesus treated homos well i look at matthew i can't find it i didn't find it in mark i didn't find it in luke i didn't find it in john you know why because god said i already gave you an example it's in genesis chapter 19 that's the example to those that after should live ungodly there's nothing new under the sun the same way that sodom and gomorrah was is the same way the roman city of pompeii was and it's the way that san francisco is becoming i don't think san francisco is anywhere close to as bad as sodom and pompeii and places like that god but that's the route that they're on you know it's only six percent of people in san francisco that are homos in sodom it was all the men from every quarter i think it was worse in sodom but san francisco's on a bobsled to hell and they're getting worse and worse and there's nothing new and by the way you know pompeii was wiped out in a similar way to sodom and gomorrah because and by the way that's ad you know i don't know the exact date i think it was somewhere around 70 ad or there about i know 70 ad is the destruction of jerusalem by the romans but i know it was around that same neighborhood of the first century ad where god allowed that volcano to erupt and what came out of volcano fire and brimstone and what happened to it it rained on the city of pompeii and the city of pompeii was completely wiped out and there are all kinds of remains of people that are like in the process of like running or in you know they're frozen because the lava just came in and just froze them right where they were and just burned them and melted and killed them and when they excavated pompeii they had they found all the artwork it was all sodomite stuff the entire city of pompeii was all filled with sodomite artwork just male anatomy everywhere in the streets and the marketplace just openly displaying wickedness and you know they even had a museum in phoenix recently feature a pompeii exhibit but there was a part of the exhibit they said don't go in this part with children because it was so pornographic and filthy in there of the sodomite things going on in pompeii that's why god wiped it out oh but wait a minute i thought in the new testament he doesn't do stuff like that anymore you know there was a wicked city in jamaica that was wiped out by god because it was filled with sodomites and filled with wickedness and god literally caused the entire city to sink into the ocean it's just gone and even the tour guides in jamaica were telling our soul winners about this when they were there you know the most wrathful book in the bible is the book of revelation i mean where are you going to find the most hellfire and damnation in the whole bible it's not in the old testament it's in the book of revelation the last book in the bible you know it's in the future so don't tell me it's outdated it hasn't even happened yet folks that's an example to those that would afterward follow that filthy lifestyle you know anyone who lives in san francisco should be scared to death that god's not about to just wipe it out especially since it's sitting on this fault line of an earthquake god someday is going to wipe that place out it's a wicked place here's an article that i read about stds in san francisco san francisco has a rich history and beautiful culture defined by one of the largest most prominent lgbt communities in the world they have a rich history and a beautiful culture defined defined by what one of the largest most prominent lgbt communities in the world however due to misinformation and a lack of resources and general discrimination san francisco also has had a growing issue with hiv and other stds are you listening this garbage it's like oh it's so wonderful it's lgbt it's so beautiful and all the homos are so they define everything it's so great but you know here's why there's so much hiv it's due to misinformation oh wait oh misinformation like hey uh men are supposed to be with other women not men yeah a little misinformation like you mixed up your genders idiot you mixed up your information like you didn't realize that toilets aren't optional that's a requirement of living in a civilized society using the toilet oh it's just a little misinformation and and it's you know lack of resources so a lack of resources gave you hiv oh i get well oh let's up those 400 000 hypodermic needles a month let's make it 500 000 let's get you guys more resources and general discrimination oh you know why san francisco's filled with dung and disease tonight oh it's because the homos are being discriminated against i mean if we would just open up and be more accepting to homos we could clean up san francisco who believes that tonight these are the idiots in the media this is i mean look tell me either i'm insane if i'm insane put me in a straight jacket and drag me out of here and take me to a mental hospital right now because either i'm insane or the author of this article is insane that's right so if if it's me i'm willing to go peacefully put me in a straight jacket but don't tell me that it's normal that we're gonna blame discrimination oh it's so beautiful though the homo lifestyle so beautiful there's too much discrimination though that's the problem what did somebody tell them hey you can't use the toilets here is that the discrimination no homos are allowed to use these toilets go in the street that never happened if i was running a business there it would happen but it's never happened let's take a closer look at some statistics and incidence rates of stds in san francisco studies suggest that std incidence rates are on the rise throughout california but according to a survey from the centers for disease control and prevention from 2013 std rates are two to three times higher in san francisco than in any of the other cities of the bay area i can't figure out why it must be that discrimination that's going on in san francisco or maybe it's that lack of information or maybe it's the lack of resources why there's three times as much stds in san francisco as san jose i mean san jose california is right there who knows where san jose is right bay area it's right there yeah well that's funny because i looked up this list of cities and guess what the the city with the least homos was birmingham what was number two pittsburgh all right number three was memphis and number four was san jose did you hear that san jose california has one of the lowest amounts of homos it's in the same area i mean you know san francisco's up on the peninsula it's like an hour away in san jose california which is also a big bustling city it's it's it's packed with people but isn't it interesting that they have half the homos and that's why they have a third as many stds they have way less stds i wonder if there's a connection between homos and stds i wonder if there could possibly be a connection between feces in the street and a dirty city i mean folks wake up pastor anderson's not the one that's crazy it's not jason robinson that's crazy it's not roger jimenez that's crazy you know what it's these people that have forsaken god's laws they don't want leviticus they don't want deuteronomy they didn't just throw out the morality they threw out the sanitation they threw out all of it you say oh i'm so offended i can't believe it you know what we're just speaking the truth here pastor robinson loves you and tells you the truth get offended by it i mean give me a break three times as much std activity as in any of the other places even in the same region even in california itself because california tends to get a little bit of a bad rap because san francisco is so bad and parts of la are so bad but the most common stds in san francisco are syphilis gonorrhea and chlamydia so it's not just hiv stds are particularly excuse me std rates are particularly high among gay and bisexual men there let me pick myself up off the floor homos and those who are bi have the highest prevalence of chlamydia gonorrhea and syphilis oh you're not going to believe this did you know that trans residents also have higher than average rates of stds who to thunk it in 2004 hiv transmission among men was 93.9 by male to male homo contact 93.9 that's how the hiv got transmitted 3.6 was by injection drug use alone 1.1 was from hetero contact and 1.4 was from like blood transfusions babies who get it in the womb or other ways of picking it up there's 94 homos passing it around amongst themselves and then it asked this question at the bottom of the article what causes these high rates well there are a wide range of factors that contribute to the increase in std rates in san francisco much of it comes down to societal factors including homelessness poverty and unsafe substance use combined with structural violence and systemic racism so you know whose fault it is racism you know it's discriminate are these people nuts this is the lip tard mentality this is how the liberal left-wing uh political people of our country this is how they think well it's the poverty i mean it's the it's the the racism like high incarceration rates among black men that's the problem well nobody told them to go be a faggot while they're in prison you can did you hey what if i told you that you could go to prison without being a homo you have to be a reprobate to be a homo it has nothing to do with whether you got sent to prison or not let's go to nahum chapter three what's the title of the sermon woe to the filthy city now i got this title from a couple chapters in the minor prophets nahum chapter three and zephaniah chapter three so we're going to look at some of these chapters nahum chapter three and zephaniah chapter three i'm pretty much done talking about san francisco but i think i've made my point i think you get the picture of why i say that san francisco is the perfect example of a city that turns away from god rejects the lord rejects the commandments of god doesn't want hard preaching i mean show me one red hot soul winning church in san francisco california i don't know i don't think it's out there i've never heard of one and now there are some in the region there are some in the bay area and in in of course in sacramento california but san francisco has rejected the lord and you know what even if they haven't god already stepped in way too much there to where he said i'm turning away from this filthy place that's what deuteronomy 23 said god will not have his presence and blessing and power in a place that's filled with human waste period even if that were the only problem he says i'll turn away from that now if the god of deuteronomy 23 said i'll turn away from that i don't want to step in that i don't want to be around that that's filth what do you what makes you think god changed in 2018 because god said i changed not jesus christ the same yesterday and today and forever and by the way which member of the godhead is the one who walks around on this earth is it the father the son or the holy spirit that walks on this earth it was the lord jesus christ who walked on this earth in the old testament and on the new testament and now he's seated at the right hand of the father but we know that filth and dung and and and just unsanitary conditions god's not pleased he says that's enough for me to turn away from you right there alone so the bible says in nahum chapter 3 verse 1 woe to the bloody city it's all full of lies and robbery the prey departed not the noise of a whip and the noise of the rattling of the wheels of the prancing horses of the jumping chariots the horseman lifteth up both the bright sword and the glittering spear and there's a multitude of slain and a great number of carcasses and there's none into their corpses they stumble upon their corpses because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the well-favored harlot mistress of witchcraft that selleth nations through her whoredoms and families through her witchcraft behold i am against thee sayeth the lord of hosts and i will discover thy skirts upon thy face and i will show the nations thy nakedness and the kingdoms thy shame and i will cast abominable filth upon thee and make thee vile and will set thee as a gazing star now tell me something is that not descriptive of san francisco in verse five when he says i'm going to show the nations thy nakedness well guess what all the nations of the world they now know that san francisco is one of the filthiest places in the world because they can go on youtube and all nations have gone on youtube and seen the dung and the filth in the streets on many youtube videos he said i'll show the kingdom's eyes shame i'll cast abominable filth upon thee and make thee vile has god caused san francisco or at least allowed san francisco to become filthy and vile as a result of sin yeah it's covered in dung it's covered in needles it's covered in disgusting filth i'll set thee as a gazing stock what's a gazing stock it means people will just stop and look at it and just be like can you believe this can you believe how bad this is now what are the sins that led to this well these are the words that i underlined in verses one through four i underlined these words as being the reason why these are the words i underlined lies robbery slain carcasses corpses corpses whoredoms harlot witchcraft whoredoms witchcraft so what are the sins that we can identify about this city back then of course the city of ninova but today we're talking about modern american cities he said lies basically stealing murder and fornication and witchcraft those are the five sins that i identified and by the way this is the same stuff that god's mad about in revelation chapter nine when he's pouring out his wrath in the end times he's mad about this same list of sins lies robbery murder whoredoms or fornication and witchcraft these are the five things now can we identify these today in many modern american major cities most notably san francisco yeah the murder the corpses the slain the carcasses it's called abortion three thousand deaths per day okay that's murder that's a great number of carcasses that's a bunch of corpses right there okay so we definitely see that do we see the whoredoms the fornica of course the fornication the adultery it's rampant how about witchcraft that which is demonic that which is sorcery of course we see that uh especially in places like new orleans louisiana i've seen that i you know but you'll see it in places like san francisco and other places the occult the psychic readers the seances the new age and all those type of things and then of course the lies that's what's coming across the pulpit from all these pastors in san francisco who aren't telling it like it is look if you had a bunch of red hot preaching in san francisco for the last hundred years you think it would have become the place that it is right now you think of mountain baptist church was there faith ward baptist church was there verity baptist church was right there in the heart of san francisco just for decades preaching knocking every door winning souls no you got a bunch of lying pastors in their long flowing robes just like the sadducees and pharisees that christ warned us about they got their long robes they got their color turned around backwards many cases even have a rainbow on the sign of the church they're up there preaching sweetness and light they got the niv they got the esv they got the new living translation they preach about one tenth of it they don't preach on nahum they won't preach zephaniah they won't touch deuteronomy chapter 23 with a 10-foot pole they don't even know that leviticus 2013 is even in the bible lies every sunday lies lies saying peace peace when there is no peace praising the wicked strengthening the hands of the evildoers from the pulpit lies what about the robbery well go to san francisco it's probably the most taxes you'll ever pay anywhere you know the sales taxes through everything's taxed all the property tax and city tax you know just robbing you blind ripping you off all the regulations and just people stealing from you and you know the people who are running san francisco they're all filthy rich you don't think the congressman and the congresswomen and the mayor and the senators that come out of that place are all filthy rich and they don't you think they do you think they walk down those streets you think that the leadership walks down those streets is whoop stepped in whoop stepped in another one oh seven another one no they're up in some fancy place way away from all that junk and they're stealing money from the people they steal money from the common man every day and they rip people off they lie they cheat they steal whoredoms witchcraft look there's nothing new under the sun and you know these are basic sins isn't this kind of a basic list of sins lying stealing murder adultery and witchcraft right i mean there's nothing deep here folks but yet you're hard pressed to even find a church in america that consistently preached against all five of these things and preaches hard against all five of these things right that preaches hard against the witchcraft hard against the fornication and adultery preaches hard against stealing murder abortion killing lying look it's nothing complicated folks it isn't that complicated that you you know who's ever been camping before i mean we're in west virginia for crying out loud who's ever been camping is it complicated that you don't take a dump in front of your tent i mean is that complicated is that like oh man i need to read a book on camping let me go get the boy scout manual and study it you know it's not really rocket science that you don't take a dump in the camp i mean don't you hate it when you take somebody out camping for the first time and and you gotta tell them no silly that's not the bath no because it's common sense it tells you to go far away from the camp use the restroom and then cover up that which went from thee that's what the bible says right it's not complicated but people who hate the lord and reject god this is where they end up professing themselves to be wise they become fools and this is how they become let's go to one more chapter here on the same vein here zephaniah chapter three the title of the sermon is woe unto the filthy city in nahum he said woe to the bloody city and he said i'll cast filth on you and then in zephaniah chapter three verse one it says woe to her that is filthy and polluted to the oppressing city so that's pretty much like what woe to the filthy city that's where i got my title she obeyed not the voice she received not correction she trusted not in the lord she drew not near to her god that's the problem folks you say what's wrong with san francisco is it the weather it's beautiful weather is it the scenery it's beautiful scenery what's wrong with it i'll tell you what's wrong with it they didn't obey god's voice and you know what you're no better here because if you don't obey god's voice you're gonna go the same way if morgantown doesn't obey god's voice they could end up the same way pittsburgh may have a low rate of homos now but you know what if they don't obey god's voice if they don't trust in the lord if they don't receive correction if they won't take the hard preaching if they won't draw night at god any city can become a san francisco it's been happening for thousands of years whether it's ninova or whether it's jerusalem or whether it's sodom or whether it's san francisco or pittsburgh or any other city when you reject god he'll cast abominable filth on you he'll make you a gazing stock he'll show the whole world your shame you'll become a proverb and a byword and be mocked and ridiculed and you'll be even the subject of a pastor who's preaching thousands of miles away let me tell you about a filthy place hey kids you want to do drugs here let me tell you about san francisco oh you like to drink here let me show you san francisco oh you want to be lazy and live outside you don't want to get a job you just want to kind of live in your vehicle for a while just because you don't want to go to work you want to experience the freedom of just living outside and being homeless okay well let me take you somewhere where you can see where that lifestyle ends up and it'll be an advertisement for you to do what to get a job to work hard to make something out of your life her princes within her are roaring lions her judges are evening wolves they gnaw not the bones till tomorrow that's talking about the the corrupt government and the government of california is is mess up i mean it's it's corrupt it's bad verse four her prophets are light and treacherous persons now what does it mean to be a light person does it mean he's too skinny he doesn't he doesn't weigh enough is that what that means no when the bible says her prophets are light persons what is what's the opposite of being light is being heavy you know you say oh that pastor he's such a downer you know he's always preaching this heavy sermon you know i i people want something lighter don't they they want a light sermon something that's easy you know what's light it's real easy to digest you know just we'll just eat something light let's just have a light snack you know what that is low calories what that is so this is low calorie preaching this is fluff this is stretched out with a bunch of filler it's low cal it's not deep it's shallow there's no heavy doctrine there's no coming down on you with hard preaching it's just this light you know and by the way a lot of people call our type of church the new ifb and then they call the other kind of fundamental baptists the old ifb i like to call them ifb light you know there's ifb and then there's ifb light you know it's it goes down smooth cool crisp refreshing ifb light you know no guilt trip no sermons about excrement no hard preaching no guilt trip you know it goes down smooth ifb light try it today it's in every city in america you know find the nearest one uh near you or you can go to big boy church but her prophets are light and treacherous persons a traitor or a treacherous person is somebody who stabs you in the back that means they pretend they love you oh i love you guys so much why don't you tell us the truth if you love us why don't you warn us about fornication if you love us why did you warn us about drug use if you warn us why didn't you warn us of the dangers of drinking no you told us to be a social drinker because you knew that's what we wanted to hear traitor treacherous person you pretend that you love while leading people down a wicked path no the preacher that loves you tells you the truth her priests have polluted the sanctuary they've done violence to the law so in conclusion let me say this there is a way which seems right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death there's a way that seems right you know a lot of people today how they decide what's right and wrong they just say you know that seems right or you know they'll they'll listen to me preach or listen to your pastor preach and here's what they'll say that just doesn't seem right you know when he preached that sermon it just didn't really seem right you know i don't know it just didn't feel right that san francisco sermon you know when he rips on sodomites and drunks and drug addicts it just doesn't seem right to me i don't care if it seems right is it biblical is it biblical the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it you can't just follow the heart of your sinful flesh follow the holy spirit and the holy spirit is not just this figment of your imagination where you decide what you think and then say yeah i think god's telling me that that's right you dream up so i have your own imagination yeah i think the holy spirit's leading me to do no no the holy spirit speaks through god's word he'll bring into remembrance all the things that christ told you he will not speak of himself but he will take of christ's word and show it unto you okay there's a way that seems right but the end thereof are the ways of death and again the song if you're going to san francisco be sure to wear some flowers in your hair if you're going to san francisco you're going to meet some gentle people there for those who come to san francisco summertime will be a love in there doesn't that sound good i mean it seems right you know you put some flowers in your hair meet some gentle people there we're gonna have a love no it's a dung in there we're gonna have a love in there you know what this is love that we walk after his commandments but in the 1960s the summer of love 1967 you know what they said we have our own version of love you know what you know what their version of love was in 1967 san francisco hate and ashbury street is fornication they call that love adultery they call that love taking drugs uh free love make love not war peace there's no peace to the wicked the bible says but he said you know the song says oh there's going to be a love in there what's a love in just some filthy gathering of hippies committing fornication adultery and taking drugs and blaspheming and hating the lord jesus christ summertime will be a love in there these are the lyrics of the song in the streets of san francisco gentle people with flowers in their hair all across the nation such a strange vibration people in motion there's a whole generation with a new explanation you know what they're saying there we reject the bible we reject the lord we reject god's word we reject traditional christian values of america because we got a new explanation i don't want your stupid new explanation you could take your stupid new explanation and flush it down the toilet with the five thousand pounds of excrement that's on your street last night because you know i don't want a new explanation give me the old time religion give me the old explanation give me the explanation from genesis and exodus and leviticus give me the we got a new it's a straight yeah it's a strange vibration all right it's a queer vibration it's a strange vibration there's a whole generation with a new explanation people in motion people in motion for those who come to san francisco be sure to wear some flowers in your hair be sure to bring some hand sanitizer is what the song should say bring some hand sanitizer be sure to wear a thick pair of shoes that a hypodermic needle can't pierce you know be sure to if you're going to san francisco be sure to download the app that tells you where all the poop is you know because in the streets of san francisco it's the world's largest outdoor unsupervised mental institution i mean be sure to bring a sharps container right so that you can deal with all the hazmat and you know bring a pressure washer with you when you go there don't owe flowers in your hair good night so what's the answer what's the answer tonight here's the answer it's very simple be clean everybody listening be clean clean your house clean your body right so number one is be clean number two abstain from drugs and alcohol is the answer number three remain pure and only have that physical relationship within marriage number four put the sodomites out of the land or at least stay as far away from them as you personally can because look it's six percent of people that have turned that place into a filth hole because god looks down and he sees that disgusting filthy lifestyle you know what he says he says okay you like filth i'll cast abominable filth upon you and make you a gazing stock to all nations of the world you think it's a coincidence that the most homo city is the dirtiest city in america where people are now saying it's worse than a third world country they're saying it's worse than than than horrible countries where there's just uh poverty and slums and filth you know played places in in south america and africa they're known for being dirt but people are saying no san francisco is worse it's more unsafe you think it's a coincidence that's where the sodomites are it can't be be clean abstain from drugs and alcohol let me add one that's not my notes go to work get a job stay busy working remain pure only have that physical relationship within marriage no fornication no adultery and put the sodomites out of the land which obviously we don't have the power to put them all the way out of west virginia or all the way out of arizona but you know at least put them out of the church put them out of your social life and just when you see them just stay away from them to the best of your ability why you don't want the germs you don't want the filth you don't want the spiritual or physical garbage that they're carrying in their bodies stay away from it let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer father we thank you so much lord for your word and we thank you for the law of moses the law of the lord is perfect you told us and so lord help us to be smart enough to listen to you and your wisdom and the bible lord and lord it's easy for us to sit back and rip on san francisco as being the filth hole that it is but lord help us to realize that our own lives can become a a little personal san francisco if we if we go down that drunken drug addicted lazy man fornicating adulterous life lord help us to keep ourselves pure help us not to become a spiritual san francisco in our lives or in our church or in our neighborhoods in jesus name we pray amen 22 is the other song all right line your head goals we're gonna say one more song and then again uh we're gonna have ice cream try it is you