(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Dear God, and I just pray that you would help us to take the truth that we hear, dear God, and maybe not to be offended by what's preached, but rather to take it and look at it in the light of God's word and be edified and built up by the truth, dear God, and please just speak to every heart that's here, my own included. Dear God, please bring us closer to you and help us be more effective servants of yours, dear God, and soul winners, and we love you, and in Jesus' name I pray, amen. Now this is kind of a fake passage, it's actually one of my favorite chapters in the Bible, but it's a little bit of a negative chapter, 2 Peter chapter number 2, and it's dealing with the subject of false prophets, false teachers. Now, I hate to break it to you, but not every church is a good church. I mean, not every pastor is a good pastor. Not everybody who calls themselves a Christian is really a Christian, and not everything that's in the name of Jesus Christ is really according to this book right here, is according to what God wants. And God says right there in verse number 1, but there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them and bringing upon themselves swift destruction. Now throughout this chapter you'll see described pretty much the condition of most churches in our day, most of what we would call the evangelicalism, or new evangelicalism, the liberalism that has crept into churches that has made them just become more of just a social club, more of a rock concert than anything. Now I'm going to show you some of the things that I noticed right away in this passage. Look at verse number 2, if you have your Bible open there, it says, and many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. Now look down at verse number 18, and verse number 18 and 19 are kind of the key verses of this chapter. For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. And then look at the next phrase, while they promised them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption, for of whom a man is overcome of the same as he brought in bondage. Now you see, this is what you hear in churches taught as Christian liberty. Have you ever heard that before? Free in Christ, Christian liberty. Now I'm going to explain this to you, and I do believe in Christian liberty, but not in the way that they're teaching it. Look if you would at the book of Galatians, and I'm laying the foundation for the message, but flip back in your Bible, maybe keep a finger in 2 Peter chapter 2, but flip back to Galatians, just several books backward in the New Testament there, Galatians, and I'm going to show you a passage in Galatians 5, 13. Galatians 5, 13. Galatians 5, 13. The Bible says in Galatians 5, 13, For brethren, ye have been called unto liberty, only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. For all the law fulfilled in one word, even in this, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Now look, God does say that we have liberty. Look back at the beginning of the chapter, look at Galatians 5, 1. Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Now look, we've been made free when we got saved. Now what does that mean? Does that mean that God just lets us do whatever we want? Just do whatever you want, live how you want. Look, this is what the freedom of the children of God is. When Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago was nailed to the cross, the Bible says he himself bare our sins in his own body on the tree. And when Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, he died for every sin that we've ever done, that we did today that we ever will do, he died for every single sin of the whole mankind. And so I'm here to tell you tonight that there's nothing that I could do to lose my salvation tonight. I mean, I'm free, I have liberty. God says, Pastor Anderson, do you want to go out and get drunk tonight? You want to go out and party and live like the world? You'll still be saved. You're free to do that. Go ahead and do that. I mean, if I went down to Walmart right now and I walked up to the counter and purchased a gun and went out and shot somebody in the head with it, God would not stop me from doing that. I mean, isn't that the truth? I mean, if I got in the car and went down, he's not going to stop me from doing it. Now look, I can do that or I can say, you know what, I'm going to live for God. I'm going to love God. I'm going to do what God wants me to do. I'm going to preach the gospel. I'm going to knock doors. I'm going to preach. I'm going to work my job. I'm going to raise my family. I'm going to do everything that God told me to do in this book. And that's freedom because I have the choice to do that. Now, why would I choose to do right over doing wrong? Well, there's a couple reasons. Number one, the Bible says, if you love me, keep my commandments. So if I love God, if I'm grateful at all for the fact that he shed his blood for me on the cross, that he died for me, it's going to be my choice that I'm going to want to show him my love by obeying his commandments. But he says, look, I'm not saying that you have to do it to go to heaven because the Bible says, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. But he says, if you love me, and I'm not saying that you do, he's saying, if you love me, then keep my commandments. And so that's the first reason. But number two, God also said in the Bible, I said before thee this day, a blessing and a curse. He says, a blessing if you do everything that's written in this book and a curse if you disobey the things that are written in this book. And so you can go through life cursed by God or blessed by God. I mean, you can go through life and live like the world, the partying, the alcohol, the drugs, the cigarettes, and you know what? You're going to pay the price for it. Not because God hates you or he's not going to send you to hell or anything, but there's just a natural repercussion that comes from living the life of sin. It's called, you know, parents who don't know who their dad is. It's called, you know, living off the government because, you know, you don't have any money. It's called because you spent it, you smoked it up or drank it up. It's called being in jail. It's called disease. It's called the consequences of sin. And so God says, look, you live however you want. I give you liberty. You're saved. You have the choice. You can do right. If you love me, you know, do what's right. Or he says, you can do wrong and you're going to pay the price for it. You'll still be saved. You'll still go to heaven, but you're going to live a worthless life on this earth. And when you get to heaven, you're going to be happy that you're in heaven, but you're going to look back and say, why did I waste my life? You know, why didn't I do anything for God? What a fool I was. I mean, it just blew by and I could have just suffered for Jesus Christ a little bit. I could have just bit the bullet and been in church. I could have just forced myself to turn off the stupid television and turn off the stupid radio and read the Bible. But instead I wasted my life and it's gone and I'm in eternity with Jesus Christ. But I wish I would have been able to come to him and say, this is what I did for you. You know, these are all the people that I won to the Lord. These are all the people that I brought with me, but no, I wasted my life. And so look, you say, wait a minute. Before I was saved, I was free also. I had that same choice. No, you weren't. Because the Bible says that the carnal mind, and it's talking about the fleshly, unsaved mind, the carnal mind is enmity against God. It says that it cannot be brought into the subjection of the laws of God. See, an unsaved person is incapable of obeying the Bible, of living a godly Christian life. And you say, wait a minute, I know all kinds of people that are unsaved and they live a godly life. Well, you don't know what's going on in their mind though. I mean, you don't know what's going on behind closed doors. The Bible says there's none righteous, no, not one. And the Bible says we're all as an unclean thing and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags. And so, you see, the unsaved person doesn't really have a choice. They just have to go down the road of sin. But when you get saved, when God saves you, the Holy Spirit comes and lives inside you, now you have a choice and God gives you the capability, if you want to, to walk in the Spirit and to do what's right. And so he puts before you that choice, liberty, where you can choose to do right or wrong. Now, back to the passage that we're on Galatians and I'll show you what he says here. The Bible says in verse 13, for brethren, ye have been called unto liberty. Only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. He's saying, look, don't use your liberty as an occasion to just gratify your flesh. You know, I mean, if it feels good, do it. He says, oh, just because you're saved eternally, just because you can't lose your salvation, don't use that liberty to gratify your flesh. I mean, do you understand what he's saying there? He's saying, look, don't use it just because you can do it, to just sit down and watch all the filth on TV, to just sit down and, you know, do the drugs or the alcohol, whatever feels good to your flesh. He said, don't waste the liberty, don't use it as he said, use it to serve God. But what's being taught in modern, new evangelical, liberal churches, this is what they teach, free in Christ. If your conscience doesn't bother you about something, hey, maybe it's wrong for me if my conscience bothers me, but maybe it's not necessarily wrong for you. You know, you've probably heard that talk, like, hey, what's wrong for me is maybe not necessarily wrong for you, and what you say, you know, hey, if the Holy Spirit's spoken to you about that, then fine. But the Holy Spirit just hasn't spoken to me about that, so, you know, I'm going to go ahead and do it anyway. And that's why I say, we're free in Christ, no rules. No, don't anybody tell somebody how to dress or how to act or how to talk or anything, because it's just free in Christ. Don't try to bring me under the law, you know, and they're missing the whole point of the fact that the Bible says that the law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. Listen to me, are you telling me that you don't want to live by the laws of God like thou shalt not steal? Thou shalt not kill? Thou shalt not commit adultery? Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor? Thou shalt not covet? He says in verse number 14 there, where we were just looking at, he says all the law is fulfilled in this one word, even in this, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. He says, if you love your neighbor, you're going to obey God's laws because you don't want to hurt people, you don't want to do wrong by people. He says if you love God, you're going to fulfill God's laws. You're going to obey his commandments, not his suggestions. He said, keep my commandments. And so he says, yes, you have freedom, but don't use that to break my laws. I mean, God's laws are set in stone and they never change and the Bible doesn't change. Otherwise, just take the first 80% of your Bible and cut it out and throw it in the trash can, because that's 80% of the Bible is the Old Testament. Don't tell me the Old Testament does not apply to anything. I mean, it's the laws of God. If the Old Testament says that something's wrong, then it's wrong. If it says it's right, then it's right. Now, I'm not talking about, obviously, there are certain things in the Old Testament that were a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ, like the animal sacrifices. Obviously, that was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. And obviously, there are certain rules that God changed in the New Testament. He says, I'm changing this, okay? But you can't just throw out 80% of the Bible and throw it away and say, I'm free in Christ, not under the law, under grace. We're in the age of grace. Look, the age of grace started with Adam, because Adam went to heaven by grace, because he didn't deserve to go to heaven. Just like, I don't deserve to go to heaven, just like you don't deserve to go to heaven. Mankind has always been saved by grace, always been saved by faith, all the way from Adam, all the way to me standing here right now, and all the way until the end. It's always been by grace through faith, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ once for all. But this Christian liberty teaching is a teaching that says, no preacher can get up and preach on sin because he's trying to bring you under the law. Well, wouldn't that be terrible if you live by the laws of God? I mean, wouldn't that be horrible if a preacher got up and told you what right and wrong is? I mean, it doesn't make any sense. Now, look, am I going to come to you and come to your house and tell you how to live? No. I mean, you could walk into this church disobeying everything that I ever preached, and that's fine. And I'll love you. I mean, it's fine with me. It doesn't bother me at all because it's none of my business what you do. I mean, that's your business. I'm not here to be your boss or your Lord or something, but I am here to preach the Bible. And you do answer to the author of this book. You don't answer to me. I mean, if you want to come in here, smoke a cigarette on the way through the door, that's fine. But you know what? See if God likes that. See if God appreciates that. Okay. But do I care? I don't care because it's not my business to tell you what to do, but it is my business to preach this book. And this book is what you're going to be held accountable to God. That's between you and God. That's where the liberty, you see the liberty there, but it's not a liberty that says that my tongue is tied, my hands are tied, and I can't get up and preach on sin. Hey, look, I'll preach on sin until I die. And I'll get up here and I'll name all your favorite TV shows and tell you that they're wicked and out of hell. I'll tell you about Will and Grace. And I don't even know the shows anymore. I'm like, that's probably like been canceled like five years ago. Is it still on? All right. Hey, meet me at the service. Give me a new list of shows. I mean, all the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, the Will and Grace, and all the filthy sodomy that's promoted on television, prime time television. You can't even turn it on without having somebody just jam it down your throat, some kind of a homosexual agenda. Look, that's not freedom. You say, oh, it's freedom. Let people do whatever they want. It's not freedom when my mind has to be jammed with just the homos, queer, gay, gay, just every day to where I can't even make a decision for myself anymore. I mean, look, 50 years ago, if I told you that there was going to be on the ballot a measure saying that marriage is between a man and a woman and that it would lose, they'd put me in a straitjacket. They'd say, this guy's insane. He's nuts. But now if I get up and say that God says that homosexuality is a sin, it's an abomination, it's perverted. He uses words like strange, filthy. Now there's a white van pulling up right now to take me to the insane asylum. Now I'm nuts. Why? Because society has changed. The world has changed. Churches have changed, but this book has not changed, and therefore I will not change. And I'm going to keep preaching this. If it puts me in a jail cell, I'll be behind bars preaching this because I'm not going to change what I preach because the world is changing. But see, the new evangelical movement says, whoa, whoa, buddy, that kind of preaching is going to turn people off. It's going to turn them away. Then I'll just wave at them while they're going away. And you know what? I hope the door doesn't hit them on the way out. And I mean that. And I'm not trying to be mean about that. And unsaved people, people that are unsaved, I don't expect them to understand these things. And when I knock on their door, hey, I'm just bringing them the gospel. I'm just bringing them the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I'm just trying to get them saved. And you say, Pastor Anderson, don't you want to get people saved? I mean, if you preach like this, unsaved people will not like the service. Look, the service is not designed for unsaved people. The service is designed for Christians. I mean, it's designed for born again Christians. That's what church is supposed to be, an assembly of Christians. That's why we go out and get people saved, and then we bring them. And then once they're saved, hopefully they'll understand. And we'll bring them in here and sit them down and preach the devil out of them because we're preaching the Bible for saved Christians who ought to know better, who ought to be growing in grace and growing in their knowledge of the Bible and growing in their Christianity past this baby Christianity where they can't take our preaching. So this kind of preaching used to be normal, believe it or not. But we have just a new wave of Christianity. And this is what we're talking about tonight, these false prophets who will not preach on sin, who tell people that they have a license and a liberty to do whatever they want. Yes, for salvation, but no, God does not just say live however you want. He says, if you love me, keep my commandments. And if you're not keeping my commandments, it's probably because you don't love me. That's what he's saying, basically. And so go ahead and not keep his commandments. He gives you the freedom to do that, but just know that you don't love God if you're not at least trying to keep his commandments. That's what he says. But look back, if you would, at 2 Peter chapter 2, and we'll go through this passage. 2 Peter chapter 2, and look at verse number 18 again. It says, for when they speak great swelling words of vanity. Now, do you know what the word vanity means? The word vanity means kind of like empty. It means there's just not a lot there. It's like a waste. Like, for example, it's kind of the same root word as the word vacuum. Vanity is empty. So basically it talks about preachers who get up and they preach with big swelling words. I mean, it sounds fancy, but it's like there's nothing there. You know, and they'll get up and you hear these preachers, they'll talk for a half hour. And they'll just talk about, they'll drop a lot of words. You know, grace, faithfulness, trust, Jesus, love. But it's like, what are you talking about? What are you saying? What do you mean? What are you trying to say? You know, it's just a lot of fluff, but there's not a lot of meat, not a lot of content to what they're saying. He says they speak swelling words of vanity. They allure through the lust of the flesh. That's why it's all about the music. You know, that's what their draw is. Not the preaching, not the Bible, not the soul winning, not how many people got baptized, not how many people got saved, but no, it's what kind of music? How's the praise worship team? What's the worship leader like? Because it's just the lust of the flesh. Does the music make me feel good? Hey, the music that we sing in this church, it might not make you tingle. I don't know. Maybe it's not some kind of something that you heard on the radio on the way in the soft rock station, but I'm going to tell you something. If you're a saved, born again child of God, that kind of music stirs your soul because the message of the music, because you understand what it represents. Now an unsaved person, I mean, you've got an unsaved person here who knows nothing about the things of God and starts singing to God be the glory great things he has done so loved he the world that he gave us his son who yielded his life an atonement for sin and opened the life gate that all may go with praise the lord praise the lord hey they don't understand but when we say it we're like whoa glory to God praise the lord jesus christ died for all my sins my sins are never going to be mentioned to me again it's all been paid for under the blood whoa hallelujah but then you get some unsaved person and they're just like sounds boring it's old you know it's like it's like grandma and grandpa you know it's like a dinosaur you know it's like co-magnon man or something this is ancient you know they want it to be you know that's what they want why because that's the kind of music that's appealing to the lust of the flesh but the the kind of music that speaks to the spirit your spiritual heart is music that uplifts jesus christ that talks about the great scenes of the bible that actually has content not just repeating a phrase over and over that has no doctrine no conscious our god is an awesome god he raised from heaven above with with you know and that's the whole song with wisdom power love our god is an awesome god and then again our god it keeps going up and over our god is an awesome god our god is an awesome and just over and over and over and over why because me yeah i could feel it but there's nothing there it's vanity there's not a great doctrine like the song you know the song i was just mentioning to god be the glory oh perfect redemption the purchase of blood to every believer the promise of god the vilest offender who truly believes that moment from jesus apart and receives praise the lord that's a great song i mean that's got some content that'll get you excited if you know what that means let's see if you don't know what that means you're probably not in your liking and so it's it's a it's a church service that's geared towards saved people because we're going out getting people saved you say well you don't care about lots of people that's why your music is like that is that why is that why me and brother dave were out knocking doors last night you know is that why uh amanda my wife brought knocking doors last night no we we knock the doors because we're out getting people safe that's why we get people say that's why that's why we're baptizing people that's why we're doing something for god but we're not going to tailor our service to 2006 you know we're going to just have the same old service exactly the way it's always been if you come here 20 years from now it's going to be the same thing same music same preaching same bible same thing they lure through the lust of the flesh that's that's their draw through much wantonness those that were clean escaped from them who live in error he's saying you know they'll suck in people who are saved you know those are clean escaped and then look at verse 19 while they promise them liberty so it sounds good like it sounds like man just liberty dress how you want act like you want do what you want listen to music you want watch the movies you want but it says but they themselves are the servants of corruption for whom a man is overcome of the same as he brought in bondage he says look it seems like it's freedom it seems like it's liberty but it's actually bondage it's actually slavery why well look if you would at verse 14 and you'll see why having eyes full of adultery the bible says in second peter 214 and that cannot cease from sin you see that cannot cease from sin there's your addiction there's your television addiction and you say why are you preaching do you not have a television no i don't have a television i haven't had a television in like what six years something like that i've not watched the television in four years i don't even i've not watched the television for more than like five or ten seconds in the last three or four years why because i can cease from sin if i want to see i'm the one who's living in freedom because i i can decide this morning on november 12 2006 i wake up in the morning and i can decide whether i want to watch television or not and i decide not to and i've been making that same decision for like the last three or four years okay but here's the thing can you make the same decision can you decide this week whether you're going to watch television prove it because i'd say that you probably can't if you have a television and you watch television you're probably addicted to it you know what i mean and it's going to be like you just you get home you sit on the sofa it's just going to turn on by itself almost it seems like it just turns on you know i sat down and it turned on and so you know the freedom comes and i'm not trying to lift myself up or something you know oh i'm so holy i mean obviously i'm a sinner just like you i sin every day but i'm going to tell you something the more you abstain from sin the more freedom you'll feel because you won't feel like you just have i just have to have i gotta watch the television you know oh you know oh i gotta get something to drink oh i gotta smoke a cigarette oh i gotta take my pills you know and i'm not saying all pills are bad you know i take my vitamins and stuff but i'm talking about like the the ritalin the valium the prozac you know oh you know i gotta have all this stuff hey no freedom is where you say i'm not addicted to anything i can do whatever i want i can eat what i want i can drink what i want i can do what i want i can uh sit down and do whatever i want i don't have something controlling me i remember i worked with a buddy of mine and this guy he just he would just always have the radio on in the work truck you know we go like for now and just always have it on he's not even listening to it you know what i'm talking about and so he would just always have it on and you know and he was listening to music that i didn't appreciate you know because the music that they play nowadays on the radio sometimes i can't even believe like that it's even allowed to be played like some of the filthy content just really explicit uh content i'm not even going to go into it because there's children in the room but i mean just some of the stuff i'm just i'm like you know is that what they said it's unbelievable and i remember he'd have music on and i didn't approve of it so i would always try to uh hey let's just talk you know why don't we talk you know and i try to talk you know invoke some conversation hey let's play a game or you know let's do this and i just try to get him talking i turn off the radio and get him talking and he would just he talked to me and we'd be talking having you know laughing joking around telling stories and everything and like 15 minutes later he just kind of reached out and just turned on like without even thinking about it and he would just have it on just while we're talking like a talk show like i'm not even talking about music then he turned on like he's like well i'll turn this on this doesn't offend you you know like a talk show he just wanted that noise in the background it's weird and then i had this other guy that i worked out of town with and we'd go we'd get to the hotel room the tv came on and he'd leave the tv on all night i mean sleeping with the tv on just that background all right i see that hand god bless you it's like the invitation it just he just likes the noise and the flicker and it was you know it's an addiction let's face it when i was a teenager i was addicted to all the rock music and all the wrong music and i was saved but i just listened to all the worldly music and i remember that was the hardest addiction that i ever broke you know i i don't know what it's like to get to get off of alcohol or cigarettes i've never been addicted to anything like that but i know it was tough just to get off the rock music because it was just it was almost like a physical addiction and so they promised them liberty they say yeah do whatever you want free in christ but at the same time they're teaching you to be a servant to sin where you can't control yourself where you cannot cease from sin i mean the case in point having eyes full of adultery you talk about pornography we're talking about just looking at even what i i consider 90 of what's on tv to be pornography to be honest with you i mean really a lot of it is pornography and it's like eyes full of adultery that cannot cease from sin i mean i remember when i was a teenager just watching the television watching movies i see something indecent and i think oh i hate it why do they have to put that in there you know i'm just trying to watch the movie and trying to just have some fun you know and i want to be clean and why do they have to put that in there but do i turn it off no you know am i going to watch it again tomorrow yeah you watch the same thing why because it cannot cease from sin and that's what this teaching of this false liberty is see the person who loves you is the person who's trying to help you get some freedom where they get up and call sin what it is and say it's wrong don't do it and then through jesus christ say you can break these addictions and you can grow in the lord and you can do what's right i mean look if i were to ask you would you like to be able to just open the bible and just read it for like three hours and not even turn on the tv and just love it you say man i wish i was like that you know i'd like to be like or do you would you like to be able to just walk up to somebody's door and just give them the gospel and have them bow their head and get saved and get baptized and their whole life changed and they were going to get a divorce and now they're getting back together and and the life's being changed hey my friend i've seen it they say i'd love to be do that i'd love to see that happen look i can do all things through christ with strength and with me you can break these addictions and hangups in your life you can become somebody that you never thought that you'd be if you'd yield yourself to jesus christ but it's not going to come from a preaching that's afraid to tell you a spade's a spade it's not going to come from a preacher that gets up for 15 minutes after 45 minutes of a bunch of rock music and he gets up for 15 minutes and says god's so good i just feel so much love right now you know like michael jackson or something hey look michael jackson baptist church is not going to help you go as a christian the usual word baptist church hey you're going to hear something you're going to get something you can take with you some preaching i got to move on i'd love to just be on that passage for a while but look at uh look at verse number three and you'll see this second peter chapter two verse three and there's so much in this chapter i mean it would be in this chapter for days you know i'm approaching the end of the sermon but i'm not gonna say how far away from the end i am but i'm approaching it but second peter chapter two verse three and you'll see another another uh earmark of this group of christianity this false prophets that are out there that are teaching these wrong things but the bible says in second peter chapter two verse three and through covetousness that's where you want something that you don't have that's what covetousness is and through covetousness they shall with so they with feigned words make merchandise of you whose judgment now of a long time linger is not in their damnation slumber is not see god says these people want to make merchandise of you they want your money and they want to put your hand their hand in your pocket and get to your money just like it says in verse 15 which have forsaken the right way and are gone astray following the way of balem the son of bosor who loved the wages of unrighteousness see it pays to preach what's wrong is what he's saying and so they're going to make merchandise of you they want your money that's why they're preaching they're tickling your ear telling you what you want to hear to get your money is what he's saying now it's amazing to me that the people who preach this christian liberty they're the same people who teach that you can lose your salvation if you don't live right so supposedly free in christ but if you don't do the rules that we do have you may go to hell that's what they're saying or like well you can't just live however you want i mean you do have to do a little bit to go to heaven whereas i'm what i'm teaching is the real freedom where believe i'm the lord jesus christ and thou shall be saved if you love me keep my commandments and then just preach on every sin that i can think of that i can find in the bible see that's the real freedom that's the real liberty but see this thing of merchandise of you this reminds me of the christian bookstore so to speak which i call the balemite bookstore because that's what it refers to you're a man named balem who loved the wages of unrighteousness i went you know i i go to the christian bookstore from time to time and i don't i don't like going there to be honest with you and i walk in the door i mean if i could get the seven borders i go to borders or bars i don't even like to walk in the christian bookstore because i go in there and it's supposed to be a christian bookstore and what do i see rosary beads catholic paraphernalia you know and it didn't used to be that way even 10 years ago you'd go into a christian bookstore and they did not have catholic paraphernalia but now they're just you know it's just ching ching money money money they just say well hey if we can make a few bucks selling rosary beads so that people who think that if they rub these beads and pray these prayers every night they'll get to heaven and they don't care they don't care whether that's true they don't care if it's a lie they just tell it uh amanda was just telling me before the service she went to christian bookstore to buy the tabs for the bible and uh she accidentally brought home the catholic version and so it had all these additional books she's like tobit you know what is this book i've never heard of it she's got tobit and judith and maccabees and see i don't even know what to do with these tabs you know she put them in the dictionary and the concordance and stuff you know she put them in the maps you didn't know what to do with them you know she's putting them across the top across the bottom you know it's like why are they selling catholic paraphernalia they don't care they don't care whether catholicism is a false religion they just it's money you know they sell the collar you can turn around backwards they sell dresses so you can uh wear a dress as a preacher and yes it's a dress yes it's cross dressing put on pants sir he calls himself father and then he dresses like my mother acts like a homosexual but and then uh on and on okay this is the this is the depth that they'll sink to uh this isn't supposed to be funny okay it's supposed to be a sermon all right but come on people are supposed to be getting mad while i preach you know wait this is all wrong and uh i was there recently and this is what i saw a bible zine is what they called it it was the new testament in the form of a magazine and it looked like a teen magazine it had a girl on the front with real trendy makeup and it said like guys tell all top 10 list over here i mean it was like it looked like a girl magazine but you open it up and it has actually the text of the bible you know not the real bible but like one of these warped out modern versions literally in this version and you're gonna think this is a joke again but it's serious but in uh in luke chapter two in this bible we looked it up it said that you know she gave birth you know they went to the she laid him in a manger because there was no room at the hospital is what it said literally i mean it's just it's just warping the scriptures just trying to i mean using words that didn't even exist back then i mean talked about like cars and stuff and supposedly this is supposed to their bible this is the new testament and it's just totally changing everything that god says warping everything about the bible and in the form of a magazine it's got little columns and pictures and articles and everything i mean it's it's horrible i mean it's just anything for money just whatever will sell and it'll sell so they'll sell it because they want money they don't care that god wrote a book that's got white pages and black ink and no pictures it's not a video game it's not a dvd it's not xbox not ps2 it's the king james bible it's the word of god will change your life if you read it you know i saw another thing i was and i could go on and on about this but i saw just this uh this left behind series and uh and i'm against it and it totally is wrong biblically i mean couldn't be any more wrong like what they're what they teach and everything about about the rapture and about the the revelation everything it's just unscriptural garbage written by you know a bunch of charismatics and liberals but you know they i saw this poster and it was like glorified i don't know if this is supposed to be like the anti-christ or something it says this real evil picture is like glorifying evil you know like i mean it's real dark thing well they just came out with a video game last month the left behind video game you know they already had the they already had the board game the coffee mug you know whatever i don't know but they just came out with the video game left behind eternal forces okay and i printed out this article from newsweek magazine about this game praise the lord i'll read this right this is from march 6 2006 before the game came out praise the lord and pass the ammunition christians are finally getting a high caliber shoot them up video game of their own due out on pcs in the second half of 2006 left behind eternal forces is the first game adapted from the blockbuster books by tim lay and jerry jenkins it says gamers familiar with the largely uninspiring and unprofitable history of christian video games he's saying yeah they've all been does so far is what they're saying we'll quickly notice two differences in forces the top shelf design which offers an eerily authentic reproduction of the game's manhattan setting and a level of violence reminiscent of grand theft auto is everybody heard of the game grand theft auto it's like it's controversial game you know because it's very violent and graphic and everything they're saying that's what it reminds them of players scour the street for converts training them into a workforce to feed shelter and join a paramilitary resistance against the growing force of the anti-christ and in this game i have to blow through this but in the game they literally you like try to convert people to christianity and if they don't convert you kill them at a point in the game i mean i'm not kidding you actually kill somebody who will not believe on jesus christ in the video game and you say why would you say that's kind of weird i don't think it's weird at all because all throughout history in the dark ages the roman catholics were killing people who didn't believe like they did it's called the inquisition it's called the dark ages it's called 60 million people it's called 50 million of them who were bible believing christians who were killed because they would not join roman catholicism because they were against it usually the name baptist actually comes from the word anabaptist and we're actually kind of talking about this before the service because the word anabaptist means rebaptizer because what the bible believing christians through the ages were called baptists or anabaptists because what they would do is somebody was sprinkled or baptized as a baby they didn't know what they're doing you know they don't even know the gospel then they'd get older they'd convert them and get them safe and then they'd rebaptize them baptize them a second time because the first time they got wet is about it because they didn't understand what they were doing or anything well it doesn't surprise me that you know this modern liberal christianity that that sells the rosary beads also sells you a video game where you tell somebody about jesus christ that they don't get saved and blow their brains out and this is a video game for teenagers for 13 year old your 13 year old kid can play this this video game see if it's anything for money because i'll guarantee that game's gonna be a best seller you know it will that's what kids like you think they want this and you know they said how the games used to be a dud a personal note when i was a kid okay my friend his mom he's all just playing video games all day you know his eyes are like flickering because all he did is play video games that's kind of how i was when i was a kid okay i'll admit that but his eyes are just you know video games so his parents are like well we're gonna give him this bible video game you know just at least channel it towards something good and back then it was real corny goofball it was like this noah's ark video game and i played it no you're noah okay you got this long white beard and you're running around like trying to catch these animals and they're running away you know and you got to get two of each of them you know you're like running it was on nintendo it was on the original old 8-bit nintendo and you're grabbing a sheep throwing it in the ark you know you're chasing after all the animals i mean it was stupid but now they're saying look nobody wants to run around some old guy taking animals it's stupid you know it's dumb or this one where you're like baby moses you're like trying to get him into the bull rushes and stick them in the river and see what we're trying to do it you know it was goofy stuff and now they're saying no we're gonna pattern it exactly after the most popular video game you know grand theft auto we're gonna make it look just like this perverted sinful game with cursing and and the profanity and fornication and violence we're gonna make it just like that and we're just gonna put jesus on it and we're gonna make millions of dollars it's wrong that's what they do they take the world's rock music they put jesus in bam package it sell it 1599 it's a sin they make merchandise of you they're liars they're deceivers and they'll go to any death to make money you see it's and i have to skip part of my sermon just for sake of time i get so caught up in in these illustrations but a sermon like this is so easy to take it just a hundred different directions especially in this chapter but it's not just important that we use god's message of salvation through jesus christ but how about god's methods i mean how about the methods of the bible you say well anything to get these kids thinking about the bible i mean if it means blowing some jews brain out on a video game because he doesn't believe on jesus christ or a muslim blowing his brains out and just a civilian hey we'll do it look no we need god's methods let's get back to the old methods knocking two by two house to house preaching the gospel talking to your friends and loved ones one on one preaching soul winning prayer bible reading god's message church not video game not christian video game not bible zine no we don't need that stuff we need the old time religion there was a story i was going to go into i'll just briefly touch on it but in the old testament well i don't even have time for it i'm just going to blow through it but in the old test i'll tell you quickly in the old testament there's a man named usa and he was one of uh david's captains and david was bringing the ark of the covenant and he was bringing it he just stole it back from the enemy you know the enemy the philistines had stolen the ark of the covenant he was bringing it back to jerusalem and so the god god had ordained that the ark of the covenant is a sacred box you know they have the ten commandments in it and everything and it had these two poles on it and they were supposed to carry it on their shoulders the levites and only they were supposed to do it they weren't supposed to touch it they weren't supposed to open it they just carried on these two poles and it was a it was a symbolic thing of the presence of god well they brought it back and they decided that they were going to put it on a new cart they said we're not going to carry it you know we're going to put it on wheels you know we're going to put it on this cart and we're going to bring it behind some animals now where they had learned that was from when the philistines stole it they moved it around on a cart you know they didn't know that how they were supposed to carry it a bunch of them died well so they're carrying this ark of the covenant and they're excited man they're praising god david singing and praising god and they're all happy but they're carrying on this cart and one of the oxen kind of stumbles and the ark shakes a little bit and uza reaches out and touches the ark you know just to stabilize it because he didn't want to fall off the cart and god's smoking dead immediately and david got angry and said you know why have you done this god you know what are you doing we're doing what you want us to do god we're doing what you told us to do we're bringing the ark back they weren't doing it how god told them to do it and somebody got hurt in the process and somebody got killed because they weren't supposed to touch it and they should have known that and david should have known that but when you start just using the world's methods that you learn from the philistines people get hurt you know use god's methods don't just use the message use the message of the bible but on and on through this chapter the bible also says if you go down to verse number if you go down to verse number 14 where we just were having eyes full of adultery and they cannot cease from sin beguiling unstable souls on heart they have exercised with covetous practices cursed children and then in verse 18 it says for when they speak great swelling words of vanity they allure through the lust of the flesh through much wantonness now wantonness is like very deep sin like evil sin and all throughout this chapter you'll see a theme and there's a parallel passage flip over if you would keep your finger there flip over just forward a little bit toward the book of revelation right before the book of revelation the second to last book in the bible is called jude and this is a parallel passage where jude basically goes into the same kind of a discourse as second peter chapter two you'll see a lot of the same wording a lot of the same phrases and all throughout the chapter you're going to notice a certain theme watch this i'll show you some words in jude and then we'll see them in second peter chapter chapter two but look at jude verse four the second half of the verse the bible says ungodly men turning the grace of our god into lasciviousness now the grace is the idea that you know hey we're saved by grace it's not by our works so whatever we do we're still going to go to heaven it says they turn that into lasciviousness lasciviousness is talking about like physical sin that you commit like fornication then look down at verse number seven even as sodom and gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication same idea going after strange flesh talking about homosexuality fornication sin look at verse number eight likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh look at verse 16 these are murmurers complainers walking after their own lusts verse 18 how that they told you there should be mockers in the last time we should walk after their own ungodly lusts verse 19 these be they who separate themselves sensual having not the spirit see how much has to do with the physical sin the fornication look back at second peter chapter two but chiefly they that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness verse 18 of course we saw the lust of the flesh verse 14 we saw adultery mentioned and on and on throughout these chapters you'll see this theme constantly coming up the same people who are teaching the false doctrine the same people who are teaching the heresy are involved in this filthy sexual sin is what god is saying immorality i would say you know i couldn't help but think of this uh ted haggard you know who has everyone heard about this thing in the news big deal in the news this uh this preacher his church runs 14 000 one of these big liberal churches like we're talking about with the rock music the worship team up there all the girls in the mini skirts swaying and and jiving and the 20-minute little feel-good sermon type of a church evangelicalism he's the president of the national association of evangelicals and of course he was just caught a couple weeks ago he'd been using a gay prostitute for the last three years taking methamphetamines and seeing a filthy gay prostitute okay but listen to how warped listen how warped these people are now there's a big church in town right here in phoenix called phoenix first assembly huge church pastor tommy barnett up on the north side okay well ted haggard this pervert you know sodomite he has chosen you know three men to be his mentors through this difficult time in his life this tough time that he's going through where he fell into sin and so he's gonna have these people restore him so that he could preach again okay you want to listen to this guy preach some guy's a gay prostitute filthy drug drug drug pushing gay prostitute i mean look if the guy's on drugs or something okay you know get over the drugs or whatever the guy's with a gay prostitute okay the guy's an animal i mean it's disgusting well this is what he says and i'm just reading this i couldn't even believe it let me find my place here on the page this is from the newspaper today in a letter read this congregation let's see denver after a denver man accused haggard of paying him for you know what and using methamphetamine he admitted the whole thing they played the voicemails on the radio and everything in a letter read this congregation haggard said he would undergo a process called restoration one of those helping to get haggard back on the right path is phoenix pastor tommy barnett who leads the huge phoenix first assembly of god this is what he said i am deeply distressed and disappointed at the recent events and revelations regarding pastor ted haggard the bible teaches that we are to help those in need and to lift those who have fallen he is seeking intensive mental and spiritual counseling and my prayer is that now that these issues have been exposed we can be instrumental in bringing healing do you hear what he's saying the bible says we're supposed to help those in need okay so help those in need i mean i picture somebody who's like down on their luck or something like they need food you know what i mean like i picture somebody who's like their car broke down and i'm giving them a jump start i don't picture some guy who's standing up in front of 14 000 people supposedly preaching the bible while he's performing filthy acts behind closed doors making millions of dollars living in some mansion up there some televangelist hey god bless somebody how you doing you know and then he's behind closed doors committing every filthy sin in the world that's who's in need that's not a need that's an animal that should be taken out of shock and you say i can't believe you're preaching that it's supposed to be the love of god hey this is the love of god the bible says that we keep his commandments and the bible says that if a man lied with the mankind as he lied with womankind he's committed an abomination they shall be put to death so the bible says you see i can't believe you're saying that i'm gonna call the police right now i'm gonna call 911 i'm gonna call Barney i'm gonna call Barney and friends because he said he said that caring means sharing i'm gonna call Bernie on sesame street they said i'm supposed to accept everybody no friend hey look the bible says the bible said thus saith the lord he said if a person murders another person he says it's a death penalty that's the bible he says if a person commits homosexuality it's a death penalty now look churches will get up and say that they believe in the death penalty for murder why don't they believe in the death penalty for homosexuality when that's the same bible same book friends same bible stay but look now you say pastor aniston are we supposed to go out and kill gay people like in the left behind video game no okay no i'm not buying a video game and i'm not going out and doing it because look that's that's not my job you know that's god is the one who handles that and you know the government is the one who has the laws and the police and whatever it's not our job to take the law into our own hands but if this were if this world will be running according to god's rules that would be the law say how do you know that because that's what he had the law in the old testament he's the one who wrote the law he's the one who made it up and in this country that used to be the law believe it or not because it was based on the bible because it was in god we trust and so i'm not gonna i'm not gonna stop preaching the truth about that but no we've come so far that a pastor gets up and says hey the bible says we're supposed to help those in need he's fallen oh we we can't just turn and shoot our wounded i mean think about it wounded is a passive intransitive verb okay wounded means somebody did something to you wrong i mean wounded i mean you go out of the battle you took a gun and oh he's wounded you know you didn't shoot yourself i mean you go out of the battle somebody else wounds you okay how is he wounded he's the one who's doing the wrong i mean he's the one who went into he didn't fall into sin he's just going along just praise the lord praise the lord no no he has a pattern of just committing some filthy sin of his own choice hey look i'm not going to accidentally go out and and commit some queer act tonight help us all that's disgusting it's filthy it's unnatural it's not even a temptation the bible says that there's no temptation taking you but such as is common to man look i'm tempted to steal sometimes i'm tempted to kill sometimes i'm yeah case in point i'm tempted to to lie sometimes hey i'm tempted to do all these i'm tempted to lust sometimes but i'm going to tell you something i'm not tempted toward homosexuality because it's unnatural and i preached a whole sermon about showing that from the bible explaining that but it's a it's a filthy act he did he doesn't need restoration he needs assassination okay so i had to make a rhyme and you know the other the other person that's helping restore him you know it's pastor barnett from the phoenix dream center and then uh james dobson from hocus pocus on the family i'm sorry focus on the family and then one of these other one of these other big liberal pastors that's going to help restore it the dream center um hey even more come on up here but anyway you know it just goes to show that the false teaching and the liberal doctrine and the departing from the bible departing from the old time past goes right hand in hand with with wickedness behind closed doors i'm going to close with this some of my experiences in the new evangelical movement now believe it or not your pastor i was raised in the church like this you know just straight down the line preaching the bible getting people saved people being baptized you know screaming and yelling kind of preaching singing the old great hymns i mean just the old-fashioned way but when i was a teenager the church that we went to you know crumbled and there were problems and so we ended up going to one of these really liberal churches they did not use the king james bible you know not sing old very just very much different than what we are let's put it that way and so uh these are some of the things that we had i remember one time i was in the youth group and i'm just giving these examples and i'm going to close i was in the youth group one time and they taught us that jesus was at a party where there was drinking and partying and so it was okay to go to parties where there's drinking and drunkenness and this is what they did you know they're using the niv bible which is totally changes everything not the same thing at all and this is what they read okay they went to john chapter two and verse number 10 and this is what they read about jesus turning the water into wine which in the bible the word wine means juice or alcoholic beverage because they didn't have the word juice back then in 1611 when the king james bible was written this is what it said in the niv well look at your bible first john chapter 2 verse 10 will quickly i just want to quickly show you this john chapter 2 verse 10 this is the story where he speaks to the man after he just had turned the water into wine and and the man at the feast says every man at the beginning does set forth good wine and when men have well drunk then that which is worse but thou has kept the good wine until now he's just talking about a beverage you know they they used to make you know different fancy wines in the old testament it's not alcoholic beverage i'm talking about booze and we're talking about just fruit drinks so to speak and so he's saying you know you put out the best stuff first and then you know later on you know that first sip they want to taste good and then later on you get out the less good this is what the niv says everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink okay so he's saying like so according to the niv jesus is at a wine a wedding reception a party people have had too much to drink i mean they're drunk they've had too much the bible says and then he's making more and giving it to them i mean can you believe this so he's making more after they've already had too much he's going to give them some more and they were actually teaching this in the youth group this is a baptist church and they're saying how like you know i mean it's not wrong to go to a party where there's drinking i mean jesus was there and people were drunk and i raised my hand i was arguing with them because i had a king james bible in my hand and i'm arguing with the teacher you know i'm like 13 years old arguing with the teacher and and finally i just said what's your point why are you teaching this to us you want us to go out and party or something you're an idiot i mean i mean i got just enraged i got frustrated i just thought this is stupid why like even if you believe that why would you be teaching that to a bunch of teenagers you're nuts we also have what was called this is what we had they canceled church this is the church i went to i'm just giving you a list they canceled church on wednesday all summer long and we had what's called pool and devotions okay and this is what we do we'd all go over to the home of a male gynecologist okay that's weird enough because we go to the home of a male gynecologist and all the girls would strip down to just bikinis and swimsuits and we'd go swimming for an hour and a half and have a five minute lesson from the bible and what do you think what do you think that we're doing the rest of time we're scoping out these babies you know and you say well pastor i can't believe you say that hey look it's called being a normal man and that's why god says not to look at it because a normal man is gonna think bad thoughts and so here we are just being exposed to sin and ungodliness for an hour and a half and then a five minute lesson from the bible and sometimes we didn't even get to the lesson from the bible literally that was instead of church on wednesday night i went to another church one time i visited a french church it's called el camino baptist church we walk in the door of el camino baptist church is there a church around here called that or something okay all right i wish i could use an illustration from around here but this is back in sacramento california i walk into a church el camino baptist church and i'm like hey i know this song it was manic depression by jimmy hindrix okay and there are just these two guys one of them's got hair like down his back and it's and they're playing manic depression by jimmy that's it isn't that one of the great hymns of the faith right and they're just blasting it just two guys just rocking out to a jimmy hindrix song i mean they weren't even trying to have like christian rock they're just playing jimmy hindrix just instrumental though so nobody knew i knew you know i'm like this is jimmy hindrix you know and then uh i go to another church i visited this church and this was just a youth group that i went to on thursday nights everyone saw it's called fair oaks presbyterian church in sacramento i went there we sang congregational songs like we had congregational songs except you know the words were up on the screen you know with the little bouncing ball like karaoke okay and we're singing brown-eyed girl congregational singing instead of the hymns literally we're singing brown-eyed girl by van morrison they had to change some of the words because some of the lyrics the song are dirty lyrics there's a part of the song that's dirty they talked about fornication they had to change it and that's what we're singing in church we sang john denver country roads take me home in church i mean this is the spiritual music this is the song service literally i'm not making this up i promise we at ferrell's presbyterian okay we'd sing these songs then they'd turn off all the lights every light and make it pitch black in the side of the only teenagers are there 175 teenagers would be at this service jammed into a tiny room i mean barely fit 175 people they turn off all the lights pitch black and it was prayer time okay yeah prayer time okay what do you think teenagers are doing all kinds of wrong stuff they turn off the lights for an after like an extended period of time and this is what happened somebody would just start praying out loud as loud as they could you know and as soon as they were done it was just like a free-for-all like as soon as they were done like somebody else would start praying but like sometimes two people would start at the same time you know what i mean and then one person kind of stopped and it would just go on until the last person who wanted to was done praying and it was weird does that sound weird to you okay and we do this sometimes it would just go on for like 40 minutes and you're just like what are you doing i thought they wouldn't even get to the preaching at this youth service this was their wins this was like their midweek service for teenagers because we just went so long on this blackout prayer meeting it's like they're so weird okay another time i'm just blowing through my list here okay the bass player you know they have a full rock band that disturbs the bass player looked like a deadhead from the grateful dead i mean the guy has just been totally on drugs he's got long hair his eyes all glazed over and he couldn't even play the bass like he's like do do do do you know i mean it was it was like a freak show it's like a circus then uh another church i went to the one the main one that i went to the end or the baptist church that i went to that was one of these liberal churches they would have this canned music you know during the during the song service like on a tape and this woman would come up and sing special music and she'd get up and start get ready to sing right you're ready for her to sing the music and the canned music would turn on the recorded music and it would have these long instrumental intro for like one minute it had like rainforest sounds you know it's just it's like a whole presentation and she's getting up and and she's just singing and and then everybody's so good you know like it's some kind of a show like not we're singing praises to god like we're watching this woman some rainforest song it's weird on and on down the list i remember uh the the teacher in the uh in the class for our uh teenage sunday school class he said you should never judge anybody ever like if you look at somebody you don't know what they're doing is wrong like you can never judge which is totally unscriptural obviously and i said i said well what about like what about like if you saw somebody and they're wearing a maryland manson t-shirt are you gonna look at that person say this person's not right with god you know this born-again christmas wearing a maryland manson t-shirt are you gonna at least say that like that that's a sin he's like well it's just not he's like i don't know i'm like what possible right would it be for the advertising this filthy music and he's just like you know i just don't know he's i don't know if that's really wrong i mean maybe the holy spirit just hasn't spoken to him about that i mean a maryland manson t-shirt you know this is just how dumb it is how weird it is but the bottom i'm gonna close with this the bible says but you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation a peculiar people different he's saying you're supposed to be different than the world supposed to be righteous godly different peculiar he says that you might show forth the praises of him who had called you out of darkness into his marvelous light which in time passed were not a people but now are the people of god god says look when you got saved you should have come out of all that garbage i mean why do you want to live in that darkness why do you want to be in the bondage and slavery of sin don't you want to just step out of that and be in the glorious light of of living for god and be like a peculiar people maybe a little different than the people around you don't want to walk into work and people say there's something different about that guy he shows up on time he works hard he doesn't talk bad about the boss he's the best worker on the job he doesn't use uh filthy four letter words he doesn't have a pornography magazine in his lunch pail he's got a king james bible or you want them to see you and say man this guy is just his his heart is right i mean he loves god he loves his job he loves his family he's in a good mood he's not complaining or he'd look at a woman and say the same thing and say look at her she's she's dressed in a clean and modest way she's not advertising herself like she's for sale but she's uh dressed decently and and she talks nicely and courteously and and uh works hard and does what she's supposed to do don't you want to be different than the world you want to be just like everybody else hey god wants us to be different he wants to be holy clean and this new christianity where it's just the world plus jesus rock music plus jesus shoot them up video game plus jesus no that's not it's not of god god says i want the music to be my kind of music i want the bible to be my bible the king james bible not the bible scene and he says i want you to be my kind of people i want you to live for god and he says look i'm not going to make you do it you got liberty but hey that's what i want and he's saying if you love me then keep my commandments let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer father i thank you so much for uh loving us and for giving us the opportunity to be called your people dear god and father i thank you so much for the opportunity to stand up and preach the bible dear god and it's kind of a broad sermon usually i preach a more specific sermon just uh about something in the bible but kind of a broad sermon just illustrating a great truth that the old-fashioned kind of christianity the old-fashioned kind of preaching is the right way dear god it's the real freedom it's the real liberty and god i just pray that you would help us to by faith realize that your way is the right way your way is the way that's going to make us happier