(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Psalm 101. I will sing of mercy and judgment, unto thee, O Lord, will I sing. I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way, O when wilt thou come unto me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart, I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes, I hate the work of them that turn aside, it shall not cleave to me. A froward heart shall depart from me, I will not know a wicked person. Who so privily slandereth his neighbour, him will I cut off. Him that have in high look and a proud heart, will not I suffer. Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me. He that walketh in a perfect way, he shall serve me. He that worketh deceit, shall not dwell within my house. He that telleth lies, shall not tarry in my sight. I will early destroy all the wicked of the land, that I may cut off all wicked doers from the city of the Lord. He that filtrated the homes of America, and that's what we read about in the psalm right here in verse number three, actually verse two at the end, he said, I will walk within my house with a perfect heart. You see it's one thing to be outside, it's one thing to be at church or on the job and to walk right when people are watching, to do what's right when other people are around, to do what's right in front of other people, but what about when you're in your house? David said when I'm in my house, all by myself, he said in verse number three he said I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes. He said when I'm in my house, I will not take that opportunity of being by myself or alone outside the crowd to put something wicked in front of my eyes. Then he said I hate the work of them that turn aside, it shall not cleave to me. A forward heart shall depart from me, I will not know a wicked person, who so privily slandereth his neighbor, him will I cut off, and that hath a high look and a proud heart will not I suffer. Mine eyes, notice again he's talking about what he's putting in front of his eyes, shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me. He that walketh in a perfect way, he shall serve me. He that worketh deceit, he's saying basically a liar, somebody who's a deceiver, shall not dwell within my house. He that telleth lies, shall not tarry in my sight. He said I don't want to watch or look at somebody who's a liar. I don't want to watch something that's wicked. And I'm going to tell you something tonight, the television is what I'm preaching against tonight, and the television is nothing but sitting down and watching wickedness, lies, deceit, garbage, smut, filth, nudity, blasphemy. You know that's what's on TV and that's what I'm preaching against tonight. Now, I don't care whether you say, well, I've never heard a pastor preach against the television, probably because he's got a television in his living room that he watches. That's why he never heard it before. I don't have a television. So I can get up and stand by the pulpit and preach against it, because you know what, I've not even watched TV on anybody's television for over six years. And I haven't owned a television in about eight years, since I've been married pretty much, I didn't have a television. And I'm going to tell you something, television's wicked. And tonight's sermon is called this, and don't have a preconceived idea right now and just turn me off. Why don't you listen tonight as what the Bible says and what I'm going to preach, and then you walk away and be the judge at the end. But don't answer it in your mind before you've heard the sermon. Listen to the sermon, listen to the word of God, and then if you think that I'm wrong, you're entitled to your opinion. And you can be wrong about it. But look at Revelation chapter 18. Look at the last book in the Bible, Revelation, and turn to chapter 18. Now, in the average church, you'll hear the pastor get up and say, hey, be careful with your television. What's that supposed to mean? Don't sit too close to it? You know, when your kid mom says, don't sit too close to the TV, be careful with it. Well, let's see what the Bible says. Look at Revelation 18. I'm going to teach you a word that's used a lot in the Bible, and I've got the dictionary definition, but I'm going to show you how the Bible teaches the same definition, and that word is sorcery. Look, if you would, at Revelation 18, verse 23. The Bible reads, and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee, and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee. For thy merchants were the great men of the earth. Watch this. For by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. Now, if you would, turn to Acts chapter eight. So he said there, for by thy sorceries, he's talking to a nation. Probably the United States would be a great example, but he says, by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. Now, let me read for you the dictionary definition of sorcery. This is from the American Heritage Dictionary of the English language, fourth edition, 2006. The dictionary definition of sorcerer is a noun, and it means the use of supernatural power over others. Are you listening to that? The use of supernatural power over others through the assistance of spirits and witchcraft. So that's what sorcery is. It's using demonic, right, demonic powers or evil spirits or witchcraft to try to use power over other people, to use power to control other people, to use power to manipulate other people. That's what it means. Look at Acts chapter eight, verse nine. It says, but there was a certain man called Simon, which before time in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one, to whom they all gave heed. Are you listening to this? They obeyed him. I mean, they looked to him as a leader, and he bewitched a group of people. Sorcery is directed at certain people. Do you see that? It's to deceive people, it's to manipulate people, and these people, because of his sorcery, they all gave heed to him, from the least of the greatest, saying, this man is the great power of God. And to him they had regard, why? Why did they regard him? Because that of a long time, he had bewitched them with sorceries. But when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men went. So here's a man who's manipulating a whole group of people, right? And whatever he says, they just believe it. They just follow him blindly because they're enchanted by him, right? They're bewitched by him. He's a sorcerer, the Bible says. That's what sorcery means. Now, it's funny because I'm not one of these preachers that goes back to the Greek and everything, and you don't need to go back to the Greek to understand the Bible at all. But it's just interesting, it's just a good anecdote, that the word sorcery in Greek is pharmacia. Did you know that? Because a lot of manipulating and controlling other people is done through drugs. I mean, it's true. Now, go to the drug dealer on the street corner. He doesn't just sell a product. He is manipulating people, right? Many times they'll have prostitutes that are being manipulated through drugs. There are kids that are being controlled and manipulated through drugs. Organized crime that basically is preying upon people who are addicted to drugs. And so the drug dealer is a sorcerer. I mean, he's using drugs to control people. Go into the legalized drugs, the prescription drugs. We've got doctors and psychiatrists who are getting people hooked on drugs, for financial gain, for filthy liquor. They will get you hooked on drugs. They'll get your kids hooked on drugs. Your kid acts up in school. He doesn't want to sit still all day. Get him out, he wants to go out and play or whatever. And so what do they do? They put him on dope, they put him on Ritalin, and why? Why do they put the kid on Ritalin? Because they want him to think like they think, act like they act, believe what they believe, and just mindlessly take whatever's taught to them in that school. That's why. And you know what, what's taught in the school? Half of it's wrong anyway. I mean, if I was down there, they'd want to put me on Ritalin. I don't believe in evolution. I don't believe that man came from a monkey. I believe man came from God. You say, oh, you're crazy. Hey, I think you're crazy because you think a monkey is God. You think a paramecium is God. Hey, God gave us humankind, not an animal. And so I don't believe what they teach down at the school. I don't believe that there is no God. I don't believe that man came from animals. I don't believe half the stuff they teach, but what they want to do is get people on drugs so that they'll believe whatever they're told. And that's why they got all these kids on Ritalin. What is it, one in six or something? And you know, now the public school is forcing kids on Ritalin. They're sending home notes. I've personally known people, they got a note home from the school that says, put your kid on Ritalin or we're kicking them out of the school. I mean, forcing parents to put their kids on drugs if they want to send them to school. But the point is that sorcery is a way of mind control, whether it's through drugs, whether it's through witchcraft, whether it's through demonic means. But let me tell you something, and this is the title of my sermon, The Sorcery of Television. The Sorcery of Television. It's interesting because I've been studying about TV and what it does. And you know, TV actually has physical effects on you. Let me explain to you how that is. First of all, when I was a teenager and when I was a child growing up, I literally watched five or six hours of TV a day. At least. And you know, I was reading a statistic and that's the average person in America watches about five to six hours of TV a day. And I can testify that was me. As a child, as a teenager, I watched TV five, six hours a day, easy. And I'm gonna tell you something, from the time that I was about 12 to the time that I was 19 years old and got married, left the house, quit watching TV, I used to have trouble sleeping. And I think there was two reasons why I had trouble sleeping. Number one, I wasn't working that hard. You know, I'm sitting in school all day, I'm sitting around in front of a TV. But number two, just the flickering of the screen has a physical effect on you. You know, it flashes 30 times a second, that screen. And when you're watching that screen, it has a way of keeping you up at night. And so I'd watch TV for hours, then I'd go to bed at night, lay in bed, and I'd go to bed at nine o'clock every night. I'd lay in bed and it's like my eye is still TV, you know, still flashing in my eyes kind of with my eyes shut. And I used to fall asleep at about 11.30. I mean, I'd lay in bed at nine, fall asleep at 11, and wake up tired because of the fact that I was just watching so much TV, it had that adverse effect. When I was a kid, I used to have bags under my eyes. And my parents told me, you're watching too much TV, you're playing too many video games, you know? And I had these dark circles on my eyes and bags under my eyes, couldn't sleep at night. There are physical effects. But listen to this article. Here's a scientific article that I got on the internet. It says this. It says, watching TV puts the viewer into a highly suggestible sleep-like hypnotic state. This provides easy access to the subconscious. When you watch TV, brain activity switches from the left side of your brain, which is responsible for logical thought and critical analysis, to the right side of your brain. This is significant because the right side of the brain does not critically analyze incoming information. Instead, it uses an emotional response. This means there is little or no analysis of incoming information. Right brain activity causes the body to release chemicals, which make it feel good. Endorphins, you know, the reward center of your brain is affected. And so when you watch TV, it kind of puts you in a little bit of a, you know, you sit in front of the TV and, right? Right? And people have a tendency to believe what they see on TV is what, you know, just to put this in simple terms, what it's saying here is that when you sit in front of TV, the way it affects you is that you have a tendency to believe everything that you see on TV. You just uncritically just take it as fact, what comes in on that TV. Now this is evidenced in our society. You can see, and I'll get into that a little bit later. But I'm going to tell you something. And turn to 1 John chapter two in your Bible toward the end of the New Testament. 1 John chapter two. Now you have to ask yourself this question. Who is it that's producing today's TV programming? Is it Jesus? Is it God? Is it Christians? Is it Baptists? Is it soul owners? No. It's some of the most wicked people in this world that are putting out the programming that's on TV. And I'm going to get to that. I'm going to prove that to you in a little bit. But watch what the Bible says in 1 John chapter two, verse 15. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loved the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God, Now when it says it's not of the world, he's talking about the source. Where did it come from? Okay, did it come from the Father? Did it come from God or did it come from the world? And God is teaching us here, anything that comes from the world pretty much is these three categories. He said, for all that is in the world, comma, and then he's going to state for us what's in the world. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, he said, is not of the Father, but is of the world. He said, love the Father and you don't love the world. You love the world, you don't love the Father. You gotta choose whether you love what God has to offer or what the world has to offer. Now, listen to this scripture. Job 14, four, you don't have to turn there. Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? Not one. He's saying you can't pull something clean out of something dirty. Imagine if I were to tell you that in the garbage can back here, there is a Subway sandwich. A perfectly good Subway sandwich. Nobody ate off it, nothing. It was made at the Subway right across the street and somebody threw it in that garbage can. Now, at the very bottom of that garbage can, go pull out that sandwich and eat it. You'd say, wait a minute, Pastor Vincent, you cannot take something clean out of something that's unclean, right? Because that sandwich has been tainted by being in that garbage can. Now, I guarantee if you dig in that garbage can, you could probably find something good in that garbage can. In fact, I just saw a guy the other day digging in that garbage can. And there are people, that's what they do, right? Homeless people and they just dig in the garbage can. And they're looking for that treasure that you threw out. They're looking for a piece of food or something to recycle or something of value, something that could be, because sometimes we throw stuff out but some people might. You know, you're ever driving down the road and somebody threw their couch out and you're like, hey, let's pick that up. Or their bookcase. Who's ever done something like that? Come on, everybody. You see something, somebody else threw it out, but you're like, hey, I want that. You pull over and get it. But let me tell you something. You say, well, I think that there's some good stuff on TV. I think you're wrong, number one. But if you do think that, are you willing to go swim in the garbage can of TV to go find it? I mean, are you willing to wade through all the filth and all the smut and all the blasphemy and all the nudity and all the wickedness to find that one show that has nothing wrong? And when you find it and you tell me, oh, I found this one show, there's nothing wrong. You just don't know what's wrong with it. Come talk to me, I'll tell you what's wrong with it. I mean, I can find something wrong with it. Because it's from the world. I already know it's gonna be bad. Okay, it's already gonna have something in it, some hidden agenda. And let me, here's what I'm gonna preach about tonight. It's not the things that most people think of that are the most dangerous part of television. Most people think of like, well, this is the worst part about television, the cussing. Right, the cussing. Or they'll say the nudity, right? And those are the two things that you know, the ratings, the PG, the PG-13, the R, pretty much based on those two things, right? Or maybe violence, you know, violence, nudity, cussing. You know, and that's the big thing that's wrong with TV. But I really think that those three things are probably, those are bad, don't get me wrong. I think that that's probably the least problem with television. I'll tell you what's the worst part about television is the programming, the philosophy, okay? I mean, the manipulating of your mind. The philosophy, the mentality, the system of thinking, the ideology. That's what's wrong with television. That's what's wrong with the movie. That's where they're really getting in your head. Take for example, Walt Disney, right? And many people that will preach against the TV, they'll preach against the movies, they'll preach against Hollywood because it's obvious that that stuff is bad. But then they'll say, well, we watch Disney movies. And I've been to the home of preachers and Christians who would never watch TV or the movies, but yet they have the whole library of the Walt Disney movies. You know those white plastic cases? And they have them all lined up. And I mean, they have tons of them lined up. I don't know how many there are, but there's hundreds of them. And they have them lined up and lined up. And they have their kids watching those movies all day long. I'm gonna tell you, I'm gonna prove to you right now that those movies are wicked. Say, what? Disney movies? Come on, you're crazy. They're rated G. Well, let's see. First of all, did you know this? Did you know that Disney movies are filled with subliminal messages? Subliminal messages. What are we talking about tonight? Sorcery. What are we talking about tonight? Getting inside your mind and messing with you. Controlling your thought process by supernatural means or demonic means. Hey, I'm gonna tell you something. Disney movies are filled with subliminal messages. And you say, oh, that's a hoax. I've seen it with my own eyes. When I was a teenager, I had a friend of mine sit me down at his house and show me the subliminal messages in the Disney movies. They're filled with subliminal messages. Let me give you some examples. The Lion King, filled with subliminal messages. Okay, all throughout the movie, there are pornographic pictures hidden in the movie. Like you'll be watching the movie and just for a few seconds, something filthy will come on. Like off to the side, there'll be some kind of a, you know, reproductive anatomy will pop up. You know, over here and then over here. There's this one point where the lion, you know, he kinda goes like, like this. And a cloud of dust comes up and just spells the word sex. And the word sex is put in the Lion King movie subliminally, literally hundreds of times. Hundreds of times, the shapes on the screen will spell the word. And I've seen it. I mean, I had my friend sit me down at his house and pausing the movie, showing me the word S-E-X popping up on the screen a different time because he knew where they were. And he would show me these things. Another one, and they all are filled with it. You know, Aladdin is another one. In the movie Aladdin, there's a part in the movie where the guy, what's his name, Aladdin? And then, what's that? Is the main character named Aladdin, right? The young guy in the movie? Okay. Aladdin and then what's the girl's name? Jasmine. You are watching the, you are busted. But, you know, Jasmine, right? There's a point in the movie where he tells Jasmine to take all her clothes off. But you don't even know it unless you know it's there. You listen to it and he mumbles it kind of under his breath. And I mean, once you know it's there, you hear it just as clear as day. But you didn't know that it was there. You wouldn't hear it. And the Little Mermaid has a filthy picture drawn in the cover on the front of the Little Mermaid. And nobody would realize it until somebody shows you and says, look at this. And you look at it, whoa. And all throughout the movie there are scenes, I'm not even gonna describe some of the scenes in the Little Mermaid where subliminal messages are coming on the screen. The other movie, Beauty and the Beast, there, you know, a nude woman pops up a few times in the background of Beauty and the Beast filled with subliminal messages. Your kids are watching it and their mind is maybe not even seeing it, but it's going into their subconscious. Words flashing on the screen over and over, S-E-X, S-E-X, you know, nudity, filth, all the smut is just coming on the screen. Oh, those movies are harmless. They're filled with subliminal messages. Who knows what your kids are being programmed? Oh, but you know what? I'm sure that it's only just the Disney movies. I guarantee you it's the rest of Hollywood probably doing the same thing. And these Disney movies, at first when I was a teenager and somebody showed me this, I thought it was just a couple movies, a couple scenes, but you know, as time has gone on, I've realized that virtually every Disney movie is packed with hundreds of subliminal messages to program the minds of your children. Okay, but then forget the subliminal message. Just the message of the Disney movies is perverted. Even if you just forget the subliminal message. I mean, what movies did we bring up? The Little Mermaid. You know, a half animal, half human being. That's perverted in and of itself. All throughout the Bible, every false god is a half animal, half human being. They're constantly merging of animals and human beings. It's paganism, it's wicked. And yet every Disney movie is pretty much based on the merging of a human being with an animal. It's described in the Bible. And the movie The Little Mermaid, you know, she's topless the whole time, right? She's just wearing like a bikini top. How is that? Is that how you want your daughter to dress? Oh, but there's no cussing, there's no nudity. Do you want your daughter going around in a bikini top? Is that modest apparel? Is that what Jesus Christ would have you to wear, ladies? No. The movie's filled with Satanism, witchcraft. There's some, what is it? Ursula, some witch that's casting spells and using sorcery and demonism. Oh, pretty innocent, right? All of them are filled with it. Take Beauty and the Beast. Beauty and the Beast is a movie about a woman who falls in love with an animal. And in the movie, they keep acting like, well, he's just ugly. He's not ugly, he's an animal. There's a difference between being ugly. Let's see, who here is really ugly now? I was gonna have somebody stand up for an example, but just kidding, but you know, you can look at a guy that's ugly, but there's a difference between being ugly and being a beast, being an animal. And if you've seen the cartoon, it's an animal. It's like a dog, it's like a big dog man or something. It's clearly an animal, and yet she falls in love with him while he's an animal. You know, only when she kisses an animal does he become a human being. Oh, wow. And you say, well, what's wrong with that? Read the Bible sometime. Read Leviticus chapter 20. Leviticus chapter 20 lists all kinds of perverted, filthy things. And it lists off, and it starts out with, you know, the homos. He says, whosoever lieth with mankind as he lieth with a woman, you know, talking about homosexuality, he said, shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. The next verse says that if a man lies with a beast or a woman lies with a beast, they shall be put to death. You say, oh, that's off the wall, that's crazy. Well, if our society has accepted the one, hey, the one's not any weirder than the other. They're both perverted, they're both filthy. No one normal would even think of either one, would even dream of either one. And yet it's being accepted in our society. Kids are being programmed that animals are like people, that animals have a soul and a spirit like people have. And then we fall in love with an animal. It's perverted, it's sick. And in the movie Beauty and the Beast, the whole first half of the movie is these prostitutes in the town that are dressed as half naked, dancing around, admiring this guy, the big, strong, handsome guy. I don't know the movie. I saw it like 10 years ago or something. But all these girls are dressed indecently. They're obscene in their gestures, subliminal messages. And then the whole movie is basically just exalting a certain physical standard of appearance. And all of TV and all of movies does this, but look if you would at, let me show you what I'm talking about. Look in your Bible at Ecclesiastes chapter three. Ecclesiastes chapter number three, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes. See, this is what I'm talking about the philosophies that movies portray and TV portrays. Look at Ecclesiastes chapter number three. And the Bible reads in verse number 11, he had made everything beautiful in his time. Also, he had set the world in their hearts so that no man can find out the work that God make it from the beginning to the end. So the Bible says he had made everything beautiful in his time. Look at Psalm 139, go back a few pages to Psalm 139. And while you're turning there, Genesis 131 reads, and God saw everything that he had made and behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Look at Psalm 139 verse 14. The Bible says, I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, marvelous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well. So according to the Bible, God created, cause in Psalm 139, the context, he's talking about being formed and fashioned in his mother's womb. I mean, while his mother was pregnant, he was being formed and fashioned and God was forming him and making him into a certain person, a certain shape, a certain appearance. And God said, he made everything beautiful. When he finished making everything, he said it was very good. And yet Hollywood and Walt Disney and the world portrayed a very limited image of what beautiful is, don't they? And if a woman is beautiful, she has to fit this certain mold of being, you know, skinny and maybe blonde hair, maybe a certain look. And they say that is what is beautiful and this is not. And yet God says that every person is beautiful. And yet we buy into the world's philosophy that says, well, you know, 90% of people are ugly, right? It's just that 10% that's just this perfect model or these, and by the way, those bodies and those people that are flashed across the screen, it's not even real. Have you ever seen, have you ever run into the movie stars in real life? Go to LA and when you bump it, they don't look the same because they've got makeup, they're doctored up, the screen's doctored up. It's fake, it's an illusion, it's a fantasy, it's not real. And yet girls grow up with eating disorders, you know, afraid that they don't fit some certain mold because they're trying to be as skinny as some model on TV or something. Hey, not everybody's designed to be skinny as a real. You know what I'm saying? And yet we think that everybody, every girl you talk to seems like is starving themselves to try to be super skinny. Now look, I don't think, you know, I don't think you should overeat. And obviously the Bible talks about gluttony or overeat. I don't think you should eat junk food and, you know, gain a bunch of weight and stuff. But at the same time, I mean, come on, do you think that a person who's 40 is supposed to look like somebody who's 20? No. Is a person who, some people are built to be a little bit bigger, you know what I mean? And they're not built to be super skinny. And yet the world puts out this thing that says measure up to our standard of what good looks is. Now look, who in the world says that a girl being very skinny is what is attractive? Who taught you that? The world. You see what I'm saying? And so a lot of times girls that are just a normal size, guys that are just a normal build for what they're built are told, oh, you're fat, you know, you're overweight or something. This is the world says you're overweight because they set this standard of you have to look like we look, you gotta dress like we dress. And so look, your kids are picking up more than just cussing and nudity when they watch TV. They're picking up a philosophy that says, look like Britney Spears to be cool. If you wanna be beautiful, you have to look like Madonna and you have to look like, I don't know who they are. Who are the, Angelina Jolie or you know, help me out worldly people. What is it? Jennifer Aniston or something. You know, they put out this philosophy that says, this is what's beautiful. Cake yourself in makeup and you're beautiful. Hey, when God says I made you beautiful, you don't have to paint your face and change everything about the way. Why don't you just accept who you are, be proud of who you are and not feel like you have to live up to somebody else's standard of what they look like and go through life with a chip on your shoulder cause you're not Hollywood's version of beautiful. You know what God said is beautiful? Holiness. The Bible says, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. And I'll tell you something, there's nothing more beautiful than a woman who is dressed decently and modestly like a woman. That's a beautiful thing. I mean, to see a woman wearing a long skirt and dressed decently and appropriately and modestly, hey, that's what a normal, godly, righteous man will find beautiful. But the world says it's beautiful to go around the bikini top. The world says in order to be beautiful, you gotta go around half naked. And so your little daughter is picking up more than just cussing in nudity. She's watching a bunch of girls in tight clothing, stripped half naked. She's watching them strut around, be promiscuous, be flirtatious, be obscene. And that's what's being programmed into her little mind. If you think my little daughter is gonna sit around and watch a bunch of girls that are sleazy and obscene, you're wrong. I'm not gonna let her be influenced like that. I want my little daughter to come to church and see women that are dressed decently and act like ladies and that are feminine and that are godly and righteous and modest. Not just, and to be around her mother that's modest and to be around ladies at church that are modest and you say, oh, they're sheltered. They're not sheltered because we take them out soul-winning and they see the world. They go out and they knock the doors with us. They go to the grocery store. They go to the, you know, whatever. I don't know, where do you go, honey? Walmart, I don't know. The grocery store, the post office, the bank. But the difference is that they see it in reality. Not a doctored up version where everybody is looking great while they sin, looking great while they drink, feeling good while they smoke, everything's great while they do drugs. It's not reality. It's fake. It's a lie, it's deceit. And if you're deceived by it, you're not wise. If you, the Bible says wine is a mocker and strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. And if you sit down and watch TV and the Budweiser ad comes on, they don't show some guy laying in the gutter in his own vomit. They don't show some guy throw his wife across the room and beat her up and say this Bud's for you. They don't show a guy who's having his stomach part of it removed and his liver removed and his nose has grown to twice its normal size and turned bright red because, and his eyes are yellow because he's, and he's got a big beer belly. Well that's real attractive, right? A beer belly from drinking. They show you some sleek, cool, young, athletic guy and drink Budweiser. That's not what he's gonna look like 20 years from now. That's not what he's gonna look like after a life of drinking. That's not what he's gonna look like when he gets in an accident, drunk driving and gets his face mutilated by the windshield. It's a lie. It's deceit. They show you alcohol, it's a lie. You say, well, do your kids ever see alcohol? My kids see alcohol. We go out soul winning in the ghetto and in the slums, hey, they see alcohol and they see a filthy house. They see alcohol and they see kids who don't know who their parents are. They see alcohol and they smell alcohol. They smell the smell of sin and filth. Go, you wanna see alcohol? Go down to the bar and go to the public restroom in the bar and smell alcohol. Smell sin. But on TV it all looks great because TV is a deceiver and TV is a sorcerer. Why is TV sorcery? Number one, it's filled with subliminal messages planting images in your mind that you didn't even know you were seeing because TV flashes at 30 frames a second and the human mind can only pick up images at 23 frames a second. Anything above 23 frames a second, you can't see the individual pictures anymore. It blurs into one video. And so what happens is, let's say you got 30 frames a second, they'll just flash one frame. One frame will be, you know, could be a filthy picture. One frame could be a message telling you something. You know, advertising. They did experiments with this back in the 1940s. They did experiments where they would have people go to a movie theater, 30 frames a second, they would flash up a picture of popcorn. Just one frame, you know, you can't even see it. They'd flash a soda. They'd flash a candy. And they tested it and people would buy more soda, buy more popcorn, then they'd come in and, you know, go row to row selling it. They'd sell more when they had those images. But people realized the power of it and it became illegal. And so now nobody ever does it anymore. I doubt it. I've seen it in the Disney movies, just one example. I've been exposed to it in other situations of other TV and other movies. Subliminal messages are being used by wicked people. The Bible says, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. And you say, why would Walt Disney put in all these dirty messages and just, I mean, come on, Disney movies are geared at kids. They're marketed to kids and they're putting in a nude woman. They're putting in dirty pictures. They're putting in flashing words on the screen that are obscene. Well, I wonder if this has something to do with it. I wonder if it has something to do with it that the former CEO and one of the major stockholders of Walt Disney Corporation, the former, he was the CEO until 2005, he estimated, he was quoted as saying that he thinks that 40% of Disney's 63,000 employees are homos. That's what he said. The CEO of the company said that he would guess that probably about maybe 40% of the 63,000 employees of Disney are queers. That's what he said. Did you know that twice a year at Disneyland, they have Gay Day? And at Disneyland, I mean, who goes to Disneyland? It's young guys in their 20s, right? Just think Disneyland's the coolest thing in the world. These guys are, you know, these young single guys in their 20s are like, forget it. I mean, is that really the coolest place in the world to you right now, guys? Disneyland. I mean, come on, you're gonna go to what? Magic Mountain or something, you know, come on. But Disneyland's geared toward what? Children or families with children. Okay, and yet, why would a place that's geared toward children have a homosexual day twice a year? Does that make any sense to you? You say, I don't believe you. Okay, the last one was Saturday, October 4th of 2008. So what was that, a month and a half ago? That was the last one. We were at Legoland last summer, okay? And we're at Legoland and the guy behind us on the ride, he was a real nice guy, had a nice family. He had his parents with him and his kids with him and some people, you know. And it was a big like family reunion thing they were at Legoland. He said, well, he said, good night. He was talking to them and I was over hearing, you know, listening in. He said, you know, last year we went to Disneyland and we didn't know about this, you know, queer day that they have at Disneyland. And it says here, let me read this for you. Gay day at Disneyland, 9 a.m. until you drop. That's the time that it's gonna happen. Saturday, October 4th. Put on your red shirt and get ready to ride. Join APGF and thousands of other family, quote, members, as we invade Disneyland for a fun-filled day at the happiest place on earth as it becomes the gayest too. This is the eighth annual Gay Days at Disneyland. And organizers say they expect, and this is in LA, you know, Anaheim, anybody ever been there? Disneyland, Anna? It says they expect more than 30,000 gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people to attend the main day at Disneyland on Saturday. 30,000 were expected to attend this year. Attendees to Gay Days wear red shirts to stand out in the crowd. For more details about the event, go to GayDaySanaheim.com Okay, so this guy says, well, I was at this Disneyland. I didn't know anything about it. And the guy while he was telling the story was wearing a red shirt. And he said, guess what? On that day, I was wearing a red shirt. So here he is at Disneyland wearing a red t-shirt. He has no idea that it's a, he's looking around and all these queers and freaks are around him wearing red t-shirts and pretty soon some queer is hitting on him. He had to go to the gift shop and buy a shirt. I mean, I would have gotten just no shirt. It pays, you know what I mean? And I'm not the type of guy who, I don't go to Disneyland with no shirt on. But I'm gonna tell you something. I would have gone into the gift shop with no shirt on and said, hey, take your guess what I'm here to buy. You got three guesses what I'm here to buy. I would have, that red shirt would have been thrown in the moat around Cinderella's castle a long time ago. But the guy was, he said it was ridiculous. He said, you think they'd tell you or something? He plans a trip. He goes there and he's filled with queers and he's got some queer making googly eyes and he had to strip off his red shirt and buy a Disney shirt. And that's a true story. That was last summer. Somebody told us that at Legoland, just a stranger that we didn't know. They allow, the Disney company allows the homo organizers to use Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck as the example of a queer couple in their advertisements. They allow them to use that copyrighted trademark when they're promoting this day. And Disney has the largest homo employee organization in the entire entertainment industry. And yet that's the one thing that independent Baptists seem to accept for their kids. Come on, it's Disney. Come on, lighten up. Are you fanatic? Are you crazy? I guess I am. I guess I'm crazy. Cause I don't want my kids watching movies that are produced by queers. Produced by pedophiles, homos. And by the way, don't let the media deceive you. I can tell some of you have already been brainwashed because you know what, not the Bible, but is it the Bible? Some of you have already been brainwashed because you know what? They're not reproducers, they're recruiters. Come on, man. Have you ever picked up a newspaper? Who are these guys molesting? Boys. It's all over the news. It's in Phoenix. It's across America. And the Bible teaches it in Genesis 9 and then Genesis 19 and Judges 19. They're always recruiting the innocents into their filthy actions. They're always trying to get a hold of somebody and prey upon them. They're predators. Why do you think they love to go to a children's theme park and invade it with their filth? Why do you think they love to put out children's movies that have subliminal, perverted messages in them? And you can sit there and say that I'm crazy, but you know what, I think you're crazy if you'll just put your kids in front of it. You know, go ahead and take your chances with it. It's garbage. Every Disney movie has a slant. It has a perverted theme. It has a perverted, whether it's Beauty and the Beast or The Lion King with soundtracks sung by queer Elton John. The Lion King, which has queer characters in it. Walt Disney even said that Simba and Pumbaa were their first openly queer characters because they act so queer in the movie. You know, I don't even remember seeing the movie. Thank God. But I'm going to tell you something. If you think that that's... Look, if the Disney movies are bad, you say, what else is wicked about television? Well, number one, are the people on television dressed the way a Christian's supposed to dress? Now, I haven't watched TV in years and years, but can somebody tell me, has TV gotten a lot cleaner in the last six years? Because I might be preaching the wrong sermon. Have they cleaned it up? It's worse? You're kidding. And yet, when I was watching TV, you want to know the last time I ever watched TV? You know what the last show I ever watched was? The Twilight Zone. I watched the old black and white Twilight Zone. And as I watched The Twilight Zone, on the show, the guy on the show, Burgess Meredith was the actor in this pretty good episode. He was quoting the King James Bible. He was quoting the Psalm 53, the fool that said in his heart, there is no God. He quoted the whole Psalm. Start to finish. And I was thinking to myself, oh, you know, finally something good to watch on television. You know, it's a good episode. And this fast, this fast, a commercial break came on with no warning, and it was literally, literally, girls in their underwear. Completely in their underwear, dancing around in some Victoria Secret or something, ad. And I'm just thinking to myself, here I am, you know, trying to watch TV, trying to watch the cleanest thing I could find, is quoting the Bible, it's The Twilight Zone, and, you know, boom, this comes on. And I just said, I just said, God, you've shown me something here, I'm done with television. I'm through with it. You know, and I didn't even have a television in my house before that. But just, I would watch it, I was watching it in my parents' house when I saw that, you know. And that came on. And the second to last time I watched television, was when I was at my sister's house, and we were watching the show, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? And I thought, oh yeah, great, you know, Harlem was trivia, I love trivia, I love trivia games. And one of the contestants was a Solomite. I'm like, goodnight, you think I want to watch this fairy? Want to be a millionaire? And, you know, same thing. And then right about the same time, I was going soul winning in a nursing home. And I'm in a guy's room, and I was like, oh, what are you watching? He was watching something that seemed pretty innocent, and then boom, that fast. Commercial came on, and it was a strip club. I mean, things that I didn't want to be exposed to, I didn't want to see that image. And David said, I said no wicked thing before my night, I hate the work of them that turn aside. It shall not cleave to me. You see, what you watch on television cleaves to you. I mean, when you see that filthy image, you say, well, whenever something bad comes on, I turn the channel. It's too late. You saw the bad thing, and then you turned the channel, you already saw it, and it'll stay with you. That image will be in your mind. It'll come back to haunt you. It'll come back, it'll come. Things go in, but they don't go out. And everything that goes in, you want your kids to see that image right before you flip the channel? And you say, well, wait a minute, Pastor Anderson, I can control my TV viewing. I know what's good and what's bad, and I can control it. I've got it under control. Now let me say this. When I first got rid of my TV, if I would have had a TV in my house, I would have watched it. Because the temptation is so great. You know, there it is. You know, you just plop down. You just want to turn something on and just veg for a while in front of the TV. Now that's the way it went. I mean, if I would have had it in the house, I would have watched it. So I got rid of it. You know, I just threw it out, got rid of it, removed the temptation. But today, today I could literally, I'm sure that I could have a TV hooked up in my house today, plugged into cable, satellite, whatever. I would never even think of turning it on, because I haven't watched it in so long. And I'll prove that to you. Every single week I travel around and I'm usually in a hotel about once a week. And what's in the hotel room? What's in every hotel room in America? TV. And what's on the counter? Ads, HBO, you know, special movies, special programs. The thought never even enters my mind to turn on the TV. You know what I mean? Because it's just I haven't watched it in so long. I know what it is. I know it's wicked. And if you say, I don't think TV is that bad, here's what you ought to do. Just take four weeks and don't watch TV. And at the end of four weeks, turn it back on and then it'll shock you how filthy it is. But right now you're watching every day, you're just used to it. You're just immune to it. You think I'm crazy right now, but it just shows that you're used to it so much that you think it's okay. You think it's fine. You think the homos that you see on there are fine when God said the death penalty for homos. I didn't write that. I didn't write that as Leviticus 20, 13. Came out of the mouth of Jesus Christ. In the beginning was the Word. Word was with God. The Word was God. And I basically, I could probably have a TV in my house hooked up to cable television. I would never even touch the thing. Wouldn't even dream of it. But would my kids ever touch it? Now stop and think about it. Say, oh, I can handle it. Can your wife handle it? Can your kids handle it? See, you're not the only one that lives in that house. And you know, you bring something into your house and say, I can handle it. Can your wife handle it? Can your kids handle it? Stop and think about that. And you gotta think that you're not the only person that you're in charge. Listen, Dad. You're responsible for that whole house. I feel responsible for anything wicked that's in my house. If my wife or my kids have something in my house that was wicked like, for example, a magazine that was inappropriate. You know what I mean? Or like a dirty magazine or an obscene book. I would take it about myself to throw it away. I wouldn't ask them, is it alright if I get rid of this? I'm the one paying the bills. I own that house. And you know what? If something's wicked in it, I'm gonna get rid of it. And so my job is to guard my home from evil. The Bible says not to bring the cursed thing into your house. Then you say, well, is the physical machine wicked? It's not the machine that's wicked, it's everything that's played on it. Okay? That's wicked. But you know what? You're responsible if you have the thing and you got the cable and you got the satellite or whatever you got, the DVDs. You know, you're responsible for what's being played in your house, whether it's your kids playing it or your wife playing it. I believe that, personally. And so the point is that maybe you could handle it, but can everybody in your house handle it? And ask yourself, can you really even handle it? Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed less default. Now, I said theoretically, I think I could have a TV in my house without being tempted to watch it or watch anything on it. I wouldn't even touch the thing. But do I really know that? Have I ever really had it in my house? Day after day, week after week? I'm not even gonna try it. Because I don't want to let filth into my mind. I don't want smut to come into my house. Now, this preaching is maybe an odd ball today. It's off the deep end. But you know what? This world's off the deep end. You're listening to the voice of reason right now. You're listening to the voice of somebody who still thinks that nudity is wrong. That still thinks that people are supposed to get married and be married till death do us part. That's what I believe. You're listening to somebody who believes that women getting pregnant out of wedlock is a sin and it's wicked. It's fornication. I believe that. You're looking at somebody who still believes that men should dress like men and that women should dress like women. I don't believe that. And I believe that effeminacy is wicked in a man. I believe that the TV is promoting male effeminacy. The stars on TV, they're effeminate. The actors are quick. Keanu Reeves is a queer. News flash. Leonardo DiCaprio is an open sodomite. News flash for you. These are the stars and the actors of today. The star of the new Batman movie. I don't know if it was Batman or the Joker or what he was. But he's queer as a stinking $3 bill. And now he's dead. What was his name? Heath Ledger. Heath Ledger. Who was he in the movie? Joker. Man, you guys know this too well. That's why I need to preach this tonight. So the bad guy, the Joker, is a filthy queer. And don't get mad at me for calling him filthy. Hey, the Bible says in Jude that they're filthy dreamers, that they defile the flesh like Sodom and Gomorrah. Hey, that's what the Bible says. But the movie will teach you that the queer is funny. The movies will teach you that the queer is something to laugh about. And some guy acts like a girl and acts like a food cake and a Twinkie and we're supposed to make a joke out of it. There's nothing funny about a pervert. There's nothing funny about a man who molests little boys. Would it be funny if it's your kid? Would you still watch it on TV? You say you're crazy. This world's crazy because this whole city of Tempe is filled with queers. And that's why every single day in the newspaper some kid's being molested. Some kid in the public school's being defiled. Some kid in America is being molested probably every 5 or 10 minutes because no Baptist pastor has the courage to get up and face the congregation and say, I don't care if your moms are queer. I don't care if your brothers are queer. I don't care who is a queer. That's what the Bible says. Like it or lump it. Fade to deal with it. And you know what? If every preacher in America would get up and actually get some boldness get some courage, become a man quit being a Twinkie spineless wimp and get up and preach it like God preached it and say they that do such things are worthy of death Romans 1 32 Leviticus 20 13 they're filthy dreamers they're perverted, they're after your children that we wouldn't be living in the cesspool that we're living in today. You say, you don't have love. Hey, I was out knocking the doors preaching the gospel to every preacher this afternoon. Where were you? Right there with me. That's love. Hey, this is the love of God that we keep his commandments. His commandments are not grievous. Hey, love is the truth. Love is protecting my kids from the freaks and weirdos out there. Love is warning you so that your kids don't twist their mind and warp their mind on a bunch of porno that's packaged as a children's movie. Now look, if you want to come to church and be lied to, then go somewhere else. And you can pretty much go to any independent Baptist church in this town, you may not hear this kind of preaching. You take your pick. In fact, come to me after service, I'll help you find one. I'll give you a ride, I'll drop you off. But if you want to hear the truth, hey, I'm preaching the truth tonight. And you know what, there's two kinds of people in this world. Those who like the truth and those who don't like the truth. And there are also two other kinds of people in this world. Those who watch television and those who don't. And you know, it's funny because you talk to the people who their mind is so their head is so far into television you try to explain to them the most basic things. You try to teach them the Bible. You try to preach to them. They look at you like they have two heads and they're brainwashed. That's why they look at you like you're crazy. That's why they don't know what I'm talking about right now. Because their head is so far into TV they don't even know what the truth is anymore. And look, I've been there. I grew up with this garbage. I grew up having it crammed down my throat and it was a great day when I decided to get rid of the TV and I decided to think for myself. I decided that me and the Holy Spirit and the Bible were going to form opinions about things. And not let Hollywood and Steven Spielberg and the news media cram their agenda and their philosophy down our throat. Which is a one world government a one world religion which is homosexuality is fine which is promiscuity is fine all religions are fine everything is true, we all go to heaven we're all going to get reincarnated everything is wonderful, everything is great and you know what, we all go to hell. This country goes to hell. Hey, why do you think this country elected a devil to Barack Obama? Why? Because the news media crammed him down our throat. Hey, you know what, get the hell out of here if you don't like this kind of preaching. Because you know what, Barack Obama is a devil Barack Obama is a partial birth abortion if you don't like to hear the truth then get the hell out of my church because I'm here to tell you something Barack Obama is for partial birth abortion Barack Obama is a murderer Barack Obama is wicked as hell and you cannot let the door hit you on your way out because Barack Obama is wicked and the other one that they had out there for us to make us feel like we had a choice John McCain was as wicked as he is but you know what the house of God is not wicked because in this church we're still preaching the truth they can turn the White House into a whorehouse like Bill Clinton they can turn the White House into a queer house like George W. Bush has they can turn the White House into a communist revolution like Barack Obama is but down at Faith Lord Baptist Church hey, nothing's changed down here we're going to preach it like it says it in the Bible you say, oh you're turning people away oh really? I'm shocked but you know what, the people are turned away by the truth deal with it and you know what this sermon needs to be preached because you know what, if I don't preach this every once in a while you're going to get a soft spot for the old hella visit that's right you're going to get a soft spot for the queers you're going to get a soft spot for pedophiles you're going to get a soft spot for Walt Disney and I'm here to tell you something we need to get back to hating sin God said love the good and hate the evil and you ought to hate what's wrong and wicked and sinful and perverted you can't love the flowers unless you hate the weeds and you know what if you don't hate those who want to destroy my family who want to put me in prison for preaching like I'm preaching right now who want to let pedophiles run our school system and have a field day with those kids if you don't hate what's destroying America do you really love my kids and love my family hey do you really love this church hey I'm here to tell you something this world is wicked and if you love this world then the love of the father is not in you and that's not my fault I'm preaching the truth tonight if you love the father you'll love God's word and God's word says that the homosexual deserves the death penalty God's word says I will set no wicked thing before my eyes God's word says I hate the work of them that turn aside it shall not cling to me God's word said to go out and preach the gospel to every creature and you know what the same guy who goes out and preaches the gospel until he can't even talk anymore the same soul winning Christian who goes out and wins souls is the same one who comes to a church the same one preacher that gets up and rebukes sin because love has two sides of the coin my friend one that loves the good and one that hates the evil hey God is love but God's angry with the wicked everyday hey God is love but holy is the Lord and so you can't have one without the other you show me the loving charitable giving soul winning church I'll show you the hell fire it's true the only place I ever felt loved was in a fundamental Baptist church I never felt loved in one of these new evangelical churches money money money twenty minute little feel good sermon you know where I felt loved is when I sat down and had a pastor tell me not what I wanted to hear but what I needed to hear and I thank God that when I was seventeen years old I sat down in a chair in an independent fundamental Baptist church and I looked like the world I dressed like the world I talked like the world I acted like the world I dressed like a fool I had my hair punked out I listened to all the world's music I watched all the world's movies and I sat down and I listened to that preacher get up and preach against Ellen DeGeneres and Seinfeld and Roseanne and Friends and all the movies and the list them off one by one church that taught me how to win souls after attending for two weeks after two weeks of attending that church they had me out soul winning with a guy named Dan Dion he took me out for two and a half hours he showed me how to win souls he showed me how it was done he got some people saved I learned from him I learned from others in the church the same church that will breathe fire against sin is the same church that loves and cares about the people in this city and people seem like they want to have the one without the other oh I suppose on your birthday you just eat the frosting and you don't eat the cake are you one of those people? not to preach against you Miriam you give Miriam a donut she eats it like she's eating corn on the cob you know what I mean? like she just eats all the frosting off the outside and you got this like interior skeleton of a donut left you know that's not where you can't go through life like that I mean when you're one you can get by with it but look you got to take the good with the bad you got to take the mean with the loving because if you say I want all love love love love well let's just love the devil then right? let's love Satan what kind of a world would that be? and look you can't have the one without the other there are two sides of the same coin now let me get back into my regular scheduled broadcast at this time where was I? television brain washes you let's see I already got into that subliminal messages check warped view of the physical body right? check that's what TV promotes I mean some of the girls on TV are so skinny it's not even healthy and yet that's the standard that girls feel like they have to live up to you know you need a little insulation on the wiring of your body you know what I mean? what happens if you get sick? and you go to and you lose weight and there's nothing to lose that's not healthy that's not right you say well what's the balance right here? no I'm just kidding anyway the point is don't let the world tell you what beauty is don't let the world tell you what right and wrong is but my last point is this turn to Proverbs chapter number 6 I got to hurry I'm running out of time Proverbs chapter 6 verse 9 the Bible says in Proverbs 6 9 I'll give you a second to turn there and I'm going to tell you something this cough drop you gave me is like a miracle that was amazing do you have another one of those? because I lost her hey there we go good night tonight's sermon is sponsored by Hals I thought I was going to lose my voice a long time ago look at Proverbs 6 verse 9 the Bible says how long wilt thou sleep O sluggard when wilt thou rise out of thy sleep yet a little sleep a little slumber a little folding of the hands to sleep so shall thy poverty come as one that travelth in thy want as an armed man now I talked a little bit earlier about television causing insomnia which is true I mean there's studies on it that television viewing can cause insomnia it can cause you not to be able to sleep at night and I remember when I was a teenager I had trouble going to sleep but the other thing was that television creates a lazy mentality because I mean everybody's heard of the couch potato right and listen I'm sure that there are some videos out there that are fine you know what I mean like a DVD of my preaching you know I'm not against that you know Ken Hovind has videos you know I'm not necessarily I haven't seen them I've listened to the audio from a lot of them I'm not endorsing them or anything but as far as I know I think they're pretty interesting pretty good things and there are a lot of good things that are put out by Christians you know they're of the Father not of the world but you know I still wouldn't even sit down and watch them and I wouldn't even set my kids in front of them just for the simple reason that I think it's an unhealthy bad habit to get home from TV or to get home from work and just plop down in front of anything you know and we live in a society culture that's become lazy where you work from 7.30 to 4 and then you get off work you sit out and have dinner and then you just plop in front of a TV for the whole rest of your night now there's got to be something better to do with your life than sitting down and watching anything because you ought not be I mean God says look at Proverbs 24 he said look how long are you going to sleep sluggard how long are you going to sit on the couch? Arise he says arise out of sleep he says yet a little sleep a little slumber a little folding of the hands to sleep look at verse number 30 of chapter 24 I went by the field of the slothful and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding and lo it was all grown over with thorns and nettles that covered the face thereof and the stonewall thereof was broken down then I saw and considered it well I looked upon it and received instruction yet a little sleep a little slumber a little folding of the hands to sleep so shall thy poverty come as one that travelth and thy want as an armed man you don't have to turn there but chapter 20 verse 13 love not sleep lest thou come to poverty open thine eyes and thou shalt be satisfied with bread bread you know what bread is right? Money okay? Look we live in a lazy man society and you wonder why people look at me and say how do you get so much done and I don't get that I'm not a superman I'm not some work machine or something but look I'll tell you something is that I don't sit around watching TV and I don't sit around watching anything I don't sit around watching good DVD's or good videos or any just because I want to work with my life six days shalt thou labor God said and the seventh day is the Sabbath unto me now we don't observe the Sabbath today but the principle was there of God asking people to work a six day work week okay? and so we live in a society that says you work your 40 hours and you're done sit around on the couch veg out I don't believe that and you say well I only work 40 hours at my job hey put some time in out soloing do something with your life I mean work now I can't even survive working 40 hours just financially I mean it'd be great to work 40 hours but you know what I can't work 40 hours and even make it financially because we live in a society that's built on a two income household my wife doesn't work my wife stays home with the kids and so I have to do the work of two people to make ends meet and you men that are married and have children you know what I'm talking about because you're going through the same thing you know you got to work hard in order to make ends meet in today's world in today's society you got to go out and work hard and struggle and you know what but if I only work 40 hours a week man I'd find something to do with my time that's work for God do something for God you know get out and knock doors go out and win some souls read the Bible preach teach your family the Bible I mean do something with your life that matters I don't want my kids to get in the habit of sitting in front of a TV or a screen and we don't even have a TV but sitting in front of a screen and just watching things and you say well I think that videos can be very educational you know there's nothing more educational than reading if DVDs were the best way to learn God would have given us the Bible on a DVD there's something about reading because when you read you're actually working reading makes you tired I mean you're working you're doing something it burns calories to read and so I find that when I read a book about history if I read a book about the French Revolution now I know all about the French Revolution but if I watch the video on the French Revolution you don't retain it the same way I mean it's just a fact you do not retain things that you watch as well as what you read we need to get back to reading in this country we live in a dumbed down society and yet kids are watching more educational programming than they've ever watched they're in school watching educational videos parents are sitting in front of educational programming educational this educational that but the child who grows up on Sesame Street and Barney staring at that screen in daycare it's amazing how they can't read as well as the child who lived with stay at home mom who sat him down and read with him there's just something about physically reading that does what videos just can't do for you so seek you out in the book of the Lord and read that's what the Bible said you got to read work don't be idle and sitting in front of videos is idleness you say well I love to listen to preaching I don't even just sit and listen to preaching I listen to preaching while I'm driving I listen to preaching while I'm working I mean turn on a sermon and clean the house right do something build something make something do something with your life now there's a time for rest yes but but you know what we do too much rest and you'd have more energy if you rested less you think I'm crazy it's true you sleep too much you don't have enough I mean if you sleep 9 hours a night you're going to be drained you're not going to have energy it's true and yet sometimes I'll sleep very little I'm working hard I'm working 16 hour days sometimes that's the most energetic I ever feel because I'm doing something you know and they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength the Bible says and so man especially I guess I'm preaching to the man especially right now hey get out there and work do something build something or preach to your family spend time with your family play a game with your family play sports go out and do something don't sit around in front of the TV or videos or computer or whatever it's just not healthy it's just not a good lifestyle and then you know you may be putting your kids in front of the cleanest video they're going to grow up and just you know they may just be in that habit of watching and then they might go up and watch the wrong things you never know and so what am I saying tonight television is a sorcerer number one it's filled with subliminal messages number two it's the world number three it's an unhealthy lifestyle number four it's brainwashing you to think that queers are fine that that Jesus is a joke that all religions are fine global economy one world government one world religion accept everybody accept the transgender on and on and on I don't know what else to tell you tonight let's just close in prayer because if you're going to go watch TV you're probably just going to go watch it anyway and probably most of the people here 90 some percent of the people I'm preaching to don't even watch TV anyway but we need this reminder because we need to realize that it's wicked and you know what if you're ever talking to a Christian are you listening to me if you're ever talking to a Christian and they don't understand what you're saying and you're trying to show them stuff in the Bible and they're just not getting it they're probably just a real big TV watcher so you got to just be patient with them because their head is so far into TV they can't discern truth anymore let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer Father thank you so much for the great day that we have on soul winning today a new record the most people saved ever in the history of our church God I thank you so much for the things I preached about this morning just that you're going to enable us to do greater and better things Father thank you for your promises help us to keep on moving forward and pressing forward and Father others are beguiled tonight others are deceived from the pastor to the pew it seems that most people have been deceived by the television and they're bewitched by the sorceries of Hollywood and Disney but Father help us not to be among the number that are deceived help us not to be foolish and help us to understand what the will of the Lord is not to let any wicked thing come in front of our eyes not to listen to that which is ungodly and wicked and we love you and thank you very much for our church and please bless us this week keep us clean and keep us on the right path we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you