(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Welcome to our services tonight here at Faithful Word Baptist Church. It's good to see everyone here on this Sunday night. Let's all take our seats, please, as we take our hymnals now. We'll begin with our congregational singing. We'll turn to hymn number 164 tonight. Number 164, Praise Him, Praise Him, Jesus, our Blessed Redeemer. Hymn number 164, so get on this first verse all together now. Praise Him, Praise Him, Jesus, our Blessed Redeemer. Sing o'er this wonderful love proclaim. Hail Him, Hail Him, highest archangels in glory. Strength and awesome, enter us, Lord, again. Like a shadow grow, He loves the largest children. In His arms He carries them on and on. Praise Him, Praise Him, Jesus, our Blessed Redeemer. Praise Him, Praise Him, ever enjoy the song. Praise Him, Praise Him, Jesus, our Blessed Redeemer. For our sins He suffered, who bled and died. We are like our hope against our salvation. Hail Him, Hail Him, Jesus, our Blessed Redeemer. Sound His praises, Jesus, in our song rise. Love unbounded, wonderful, even strong. Praise Him, Praise Him, tell of His actual greatness. Praise Him, Praise Him, ever enjoy the song. Praise Him, Praise Him, Jesus, our Blessed Redeemer. And we, poor souls, come and listen to the things. Jesus, Savior, reigneth forever and ever. Round Him, round Him, prophet of grace and peace. Christ is coming over the world victorious. Out with glory, out with glory long. Praise Him, Praise Him, Jesus, our Blessed Redeemer. Praise Him, Praise Him, ever enjoy the song. Amen. Dear God, thank you for this church and for your word. Please help us to sing out loud and praise you with every last breath. In Jesus' name, Amen. Amen, hymn number 120. Jesus, Savior, pilot me, hymn number 120. Against Jesus, Savior, pilot me. Jesus, Savior, pilot me, hymn number 120. Against Jesus, Savior, pilot me, hymn number 120. Jesus, Savior, pilot me, hymn number 120. O, the light and ecstasy are now raised before Him, O. High and broad, His hands are sure, God and love His love for me. Jesus, Savior, pilot me, as our Father's hills have gone. Thou canst watch the ocean cloud, watch the waves on day by day, when thou saves with every sin, wondrous Son of the sea. Jesus, Savior, pilot me, when at last I hear the shore, and the pimple breakers roar, makes me and the peaceful rest. Then walking on my breast, may I hear He say to me, man of love, O God of my faith. All right, this time we will go through our announcements together. If you don't have a bulletin, slip up your hand nice and high. We'll get to you with one. Just grab that highlighter, Chris. On the inside of the bulletin, we'll go through our announcements together. Preaching service every Sunday morning at 10 30 a.m. Sunday nights is at 6 p.m. Wednesday nights at 7 is our Bible study. This week will be in Ezekiel chapter number 3. The Soloning times are listed below, as well as salvation and baptisms. Don't forget this Thursday night is the roller skating night. Six o'clock to eight o'clock. It's in USA skate land in Chandler. The whole church is invited. It's free. There's no cost. You just show up and you just tell them the password and you're in. And then I'm just kidding. There's no password. Shibboleth, but you have to you have to pronounce it right though. Okay, so and then there's the ladies retreat coming up in Oracle, Arizona. That's the 25th through the 28th. Now we had a sign-up sheet over here and we asked all the ladies. We read all the names this morning and we asked you to highlight your name just to confirm that you're coming. So right now brother Segura is going around and people that didn't highlight their name. He's confronting them and and seeing if they're going. So if you know that you didn't highlight your name and you're going, maybe you could just walk over to Chris right now. That way he doesn't have to hunt you down and then get your name highlighted on there. Yes, okay. So 11 a.m next Wednesday, not this Wednesday, next Wednesday. So 10 days from now they're going to meet at 11 a.m at Biosphere 2 because that's kind of the first activity and then I guess from there then they'll end up heading from there like over to food and lodging and stuff like that. Am I right? So there's a carpooling caravan leaving here at 9 a.m on Wednesday morning. And then when is the preaching for you guys going to be down there? Is that Wednesday night? Wednesday night at 7. So you're competing with what's going on up here. All right, no I'm just kidding. So they're going to have their own uh because they're leaving on Wednesday morning, they're not going to be here for church. So they're going to have their own service down there and is it going to be brother Corbin Russell is preaching down there right on Wednesday night? All right, so that's going to be next Wednesday and so uh brother Segura is working on that. And then what else have we got on the back? Of course the birth announcement. Baby John Battaglia born Wednesday, August 11th at 807 a.m. And we got the great picture there so be sure to congratulate them. The Sierra Leone missions trip is coming up a couple months away, October 6 through 12. And brother Raymond Cooper is organizing this and so you get with brother Raymond for details. He's put up a lot of videos, informational videos and I know several people are already signed up for this thing and I think it's going to be great. And so that's coming up in a couple months. If you if you're not going then just pray that everything goes well, that it's a big success. And then below that just a list of other upcoming events. That's about it for announcements. Let's go ahead and count up the soul winning from the past few days. Going back to Thursday, anything from Thursday? How about Friday? Anything from Friday? How about Saturday? Okay. All right, two on the weekend trip. Anything else from Saturday? How about today Sunday? Okay, got it. Okay, got it. Anything else from today? All right, very good. Keep up the great work on soul winning. And with that, oh wait, there we go. All right. If anyone else speak now or forever hold your peace. All right, very good. Let's sing our next song. Come lead us. Hymnal is number 186. Jesus loves me. Hymn number 186. Hey, real quick, sorry. Ramon, did I get your soul numbers from the missions trip? Okay, so, all right. All right, as you were. Number 186, Jesus loves me. It begins, Jesus is such a savior. Jesus is such a friend. Number 186. On this first verse, all together now. So, Jesus is such a savior. Jesus is such a friend. Jesus is such a friend. Jesus is such a friend. Jesus is such a friend. Jesus is such a friend. Jesus is such a friend. Jesus is such a friend. Jesus is such a friend. Turn over to hymn number 247. Save, save, number 247. If I found a friend who is all to me. Save, save, number 247. Sing it out like you're saved. I want to tell how he lived in me. And what his grace can do for you. Save, save, number 247. Save, save, number 247. But now he's sweet and my joy has come clean for us. Save, save, save. He saved me from every sin and harm. Save yours, my soul, each day. I'll lead him strong on his mighty arm. I know he'll guide me all the way. Save, my his founding line. Save, my his founding line. Save, my his founding line. Come unto me, and I'll lead you home, to live with me eternally. Save, I inspire, be mine, save, to your life so blind, like hellish me, and my soul is complete, more than mine. Save, save, save. Thank you for singing tonight. Alright, this time we'll pass off. Let's go around and start our Bibles through Revelation chapter 16. Revelation chapter number 16, as we always do, we read the entire chapter in verse number 1. Revelation 16, all along silently from the day end as he reads, Revelation 16, starting verse number 1. In Revelation 16 the Bible reads, And I heard a great voice out of the temple, saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth. And there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea, and it became as the blood of a dead man, and every living soul died in the sea. And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of water, and they became blood. And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and was, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink, for they are worthy. And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are they judgments. And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun, and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues, and they repented not to give him glory. And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast, and his kingdom was full of darkness, and they gnawed their tongues for pain, and blasphemed the God of heaven, because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds. And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates, and the water thereof was dried up, that the way the kings of the east might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits, like frogs, come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth, and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see as shame. And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air, and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven from the throne, saying, It is done. And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings, and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell, and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent, and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail, for the plague thereof was exceeding great. Dear Father in heaven, please fill pastor's spirit and please give us all ears to hear to receive wisdom we pray. In Jesus' name, Amen. Men, tonight I'm going to be preaching on the subject of the seven vials. We talked about the seven trumpets this morning, and tonight we're going to talk about the seven vials, and so we're continuing our study on the wrath of God, being poured out in the end times upon a Christ rejecting world, upon the unsaved that are here on this earth at that time. It says in verse number one of chapter 16, and I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, go your ways and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. And the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth, and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. Now this sore, what does that mean? It's talking about basically sores on their body. It uses the word singular sore, but obviously it's talking about a type of sore, so it's sores all over their body, and what I think of when I read this verse, I think of people that are on advertisements for why you should not take meth, and they're just kind of covered in sores. You know there's going to be some kind of a grievous sore that crops up on the bodies of those who've taken the mark of the beast. Now I want to just take a moment and talk a little bit about the mark of the beast at this point in the sermon. This particular judgment is specific to those people who have received the mark of the beast. Not everyone has received the mark of the beast. Other judgments are more universal where he's just kind of destroying the environment, but this one is particular. Now I want to point out the fact that it says, upon the men which had the mark of the beast and upon them which worshipped his image, and I want to say that consistently in the Bible these two things cannot be separated. Worshipping the beast and receiving the mark of the beast, okay? Let's look at some examples of this. Go back to Revelation chapter 13 where we first learn about the mark of the beast. Revelation chapter number 13. It says in Revelation chapter 13, and this is, you know, where this is first introduced, the idea of the Antichrist and the mark of the beast and everything. And it says in verse number 14, it says, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast, saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads, and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom, let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred, three score and six. So we see that the commandment is you must worship the beast or die. And then the mark is to signify those who worship the beast. They receive this mark and that's what allows them to buy and sell and so forth. Now look at chapter 14 verse 9. It says, And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast in his image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation, and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb, and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever, and they have no rest day or night who worship the beast in his image and whosoever receive at the mark of his name. Notice how those things are connected. It's like you worship the beast, you get the mark, you get the mark because you worship the beast. These things are inexorably linked. You can't separate them. You don't get the mark of the beast without worshiping the beast because the main thing is that the devil wants you worshiping the Antichrist. Now flip over if you would to chapter 20 and we'll see this again being consistent in the Bible. Revelation chapter number 20, it says in verse number 4, And I saw thrones and they sat upon them and judgment was given unto them, and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands, and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. So the thing I want to point out is just how those two things are connected and why it's important because a lot of people today will just grab hold of something and say, I think this is the mark of the beast or we'll get emails and phone calls. Hey, is this the mark of the beast? And it changes depending on what's going on in the world at the time. You know, just a couple weeks ago I had a guy approach me in a restaurant and say, hey, you're Pastor Anderson and, you know, I've watched your videos. And he was just convinced and he just wanted to preach to me in the lobby of Red Robin that, you know, the COVID vaccine is the mark of the beast. And he's not the only person who said that. I mean, there's all these people that say that kind of stuff. But the problem is the Antichrist hasn't even been revealed yet. Nobody has to worship the Antichrist to get a COVID vaccine. In fact, get a COVID vaccine, they give you a $50 grocery voucher or they give you like a $20 Walgreens certificate or, you know, they're like paying you to get it. They just want everybody to just get this vaccine. It has nothing to do with the Antichrist. It has nothing to do with the mark of the beast. It's absurd. Now, first of all, I just want to make it clear. You know, I didn't get the COVID vaccine. I'm not going to get the COVID vaccine, period. And no one in my family is getting the COVID vaccine. And I'd be kind of surprised if anybody in this church gets the COVID vaccine. OK, we're not into it, but that doesn't make it the mark of the beast. And by the way, I already had COVID, so I already have real immunity anyway. So I don't need to like simulate having the illness because I actually had it for real. So I'm already vaccinated by nature, by actually doing the illness. But the point is that if you're not worshiping the Antichrist, it's not the mark of the beast. You know, you can look at a UPC symbol and show that the UPC symbol has a 666 embedded in it, but that's not the mark of the beast because it isn't associated with worshiping the beast because the beast isn't even on the scene yet. The Antichrist has not even been revealed. As I talked about this morning, we are for sure not in the tribulation whatsoever. And how do I know that? Because the Bible says the tribulation is going to be worse than anything that has ever happened on this earth. And so in order for me to start wondering if it's the tribulation, it better surpass World War II, it's going to have to surpass World War I, it's going to have to surpass other catastrophes throughout history. And until it gets to that level, I'm not even wondering. And even then, let's say World War III breaks out and we might be thinking, hey, could this be it? You know, is this the tribulation starting? We're not going to know for sure until we reach the abomination of desolation. When we see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet, that's when you know for sure this is it, this is not a drill. Obviously throughout history, what about people in World War I or people in World War II? Many of them thought that it was the end times. And you can see why, because it was an unprecedented war. But we're not experiencing anything even close to that, so I wouldn't even begin to think that we're starting the tribulation right now. Okay, so no, nothing is the mark of the beast until there's a beast. And you have to worship the Antichrist to receive the mark of the beast. What's the whole point of even having a mark of the beast? The whole point is to persecute Christians, to kill Christians and to make things hard for them. So by saying, well you have to worship the Antichrist to get this mark, and then real Christians aren't going to worship the Antichrist, so then that puts them in a bind. That's the whole point. Look if you would at Revelation chapter number 12. Revelation chapter 12. It says in Revelation chapter 12 verse 17, And the dragon Satan was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. So the devil goes to make war with the saints, make war with the remnant who keeps the commandments of God and has the testimony of Jesus Christ. That's at the very beginning of the tribulation, he sets out to make war with the saints. Okay, then in chapter 13 we see that play out, because it says of the Antichrist that he makes war with the saints. It says in verse number, let's see here, verse number, let's start reading in verse number four, They worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast, and they worshiped the beast saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months, and he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations. So notice the devil wants to make war with the saints in 1217. In chapter 13, the dragon puts the Antichrist in power and he goes out to do what? To make war with the saints. And that's when you see the mark of the beast being implemented, because that's one of the tools that he's using to make war with the saints by requiring this mark of the beast to buy or sell, and saying anybody who doesn't take the mark of the beast should be killed, and so forth. Now if this were allowed to run its course and be fully implemented, then all Christians would eventually be killed. If they all have a death warrant and they all can't buy or sell, but the Bible says that those days will be shortened. The Bible says, you know, if those days would not be shortened, then no flesh would be saved. But for the elect's sake, those days shall be shortened. So this plan is going to be shortened. You know, the Antichrist is going to reign for 42 months, but this is not going to last for 42 months, because if it did, everybody would get smoked. So it's 42 months of the Antichrist's reign, but it's cut short because Jesus Christ returns, comes in the clouds, the rapture takes place, and we're pulled out, and then God pours out his wrath on this earth, and the Antichrist is still ruling and reigning, as we're going to see in Revelation chapter 16 where we're reading. So the big point that I want to make here is that in order to receive the mark of the beast, you must worship the Antichrist, and once a person receives the mark of the beast, they are permanently damned. They cannot be saved. They cannot change their mind. They are a reprobate at that point. Now there have been some prominent Bible teachers lately who have come out with some really stupid doctrine saying, oh, you can get the mark of the beast and you can still get saved after that. Wrong. Take the mark of the beast, you're done. You're toast. The Bible says anybody who takes the mark of the beast is going to the lake of fire and is going to burn forever and ever. The Bible is real clear on that, okay. Kent Hovind said, oh, you can take the mark of the beast and still be saved. Uh, uh, what's his name? John MacArthur. I don't see why not. You know, it's like that meme with that, like, I see no problem with this, you know. I see no problem with this doctrine. But anyway, uh, you've got these bozos teaching this weird doctrine that says, oh yeah, you can still get saved. No, you're a reprobate. This is what happens when you throw out the reprobate doctrine. It's like they don't want the reprobate doctrine anywhere. Not even the mark of the beast makes you reprobate anymore according to these bozos. But guess what? It does. Now, a question that will come up with a lot of people is they'll say, well, we know that you can't lose your salvation. We know that we have everlasting life and God will never leave us or forsake us. But if you take the mark of the beast, you're for sure damned. So they'll ask this question. What if a Christian takes the mark of the beast? But here's the answer to that question. It will be impossible for a Christian to take the mark of the beast. So there's no issue here. There's no contradiction because anyone who takes the mark of the beast is damned. And we know a saved person cannot lose their salvation. The answer to this problem is that no saved person will be able to take the mark of the beast. So you say, well, how is that? Because a lot of people would just speculate about this and say, you know, what if somebody just gets really hard up and they're just like, forget this. I just want to buy stuff. I'm just going to pretend to worship the Antichrist. You know, in my heart, I'm going to be worshiping Jesus. But I'm just going to pretend and get the mark of the beast. You know, people are speculating about this and theorizing about this. But at the end of the day, we need to just trust what the Bible says. We know for a fact that you can't lose your salvation. That's fact. And we know for a fact everybody who takes the mark of the beast is damned. The only way to reconcile these two things is to say that it's impossible for someone who's saved to take the mark of the beast. Now I think when I first started the church, I think one of the ways that I preached this as a possibility was I said, you know, maybe whatever it is to worship the Antichrist is going to be so repugnant that anybody who's indwelled by the Holy Spirit just wouldn't be able to bring themselves to do this repugnant act of worshiping the Antichrist, whatever that is. You know, and that's still, that's possible. But I think that what's probably far more likely than that is that there's going to be some kind of a technology employed to make sure that only the real worshippers get the mark. Now a lot of things about end times Bible prophecy, they come clearer the closer we get because of technology. Now if we were living in the 1700s or 1800s, it would be pretty hard to understand some things in Revelation that are easy for us now. Like for example, what about the part that says that when the two witnesses are killed, they're going to lie in the streets of Jerusalem for three and a half days and every person in the world is going to be able to see them. Every kindred and tongue and people and nation in the whole world is going to see these dead bodies laying in the street of Jerusalem for three and a half days. If you were reading that in the 1600s, 1700s, 1800s, you know what you probably would have thought? This is impossible. This cannot be fulfilled literally. Maybe it's just symbolic. What does this mean? It'd be confusing, wouldn't it? But nowadays, do we have any issue understanding how people all over the world could easily watch that? No, because it's easily envisioned as a webcam or just watching it on the internet, watching it on TV, watching it on satellite. So it's super easy to understand, but you know people in the 1800s are probably just beating their head against the wall trying to figure that out. So that's why I don't really beat my head against the wall trying to figure out anything because I bet you as we get even closer, there's going to be other technology where we go, okay, now I see how that's going to pan out. You know, the Bible says that the Antichrist is going to have this image and the image is going to have the power to speak. I mean, he had power to give life unto the image of the beast that it would speak. Now again, this is probably blowing John away like, wow, I've seen a lot of graven images. I've seen a lot of idols, but I've never seen one talk. But here's the thing, to us in 2021, is it any marvelous thing or any wonder that an image would talk or that a statue would talk or that an image or a hologram or a picture or an android or, you know, this is like, well, duh, of course inanimate objects can talk. It's just electronics. It's just a recording. It's just technology. So my point is, as we get closer, there are going to be technological answers to how some of these things play out. And I don't think it's that hard to understand when you stop and think about the fact that the whole point of the Mark of the Beast is to do what? It's to make war with the saints. So if Christians are getting the Mark of the Beast, it kind of defeats the whole purpose for the devil because his whole point is to wipe out Christians and get rid of Christians. So does he want Christians doing this? No. So it's easy to think that he would make it impossible for them to do it. And how would he do that? Well, think about the fact that all the way back, what, 50, 60 years ago, you're already developing lie detectors. And they're not necessarily the most accurate thing in the world. And there are people who know how to beat the lie detector, the polygraph, because it's a bit of a primitive machine. But what happens as we get closer to this? What happens 10 years from now, 20 years from now? Now we're getting to the point where there's brain scan technology where they can scan people's brain without destroying their brain. And they can actually show a picture on a screen and say, this is what this person is seeing with their eyeballs. And we're reading this from their brain and projecting it. And so, obviously, given another 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, who knows how long, and it's going to get to a point where you go down to CVS to get your Mark of the Beast or whatever. And you're swearing your allegiance to the Beast, or you're worshipping the Antichrist in order to get the beast out, or to get the Mark of the Beast down at the post office or Walgreens or wherever, DMV or whatever. And the thing is, if you go down there and it's fake, if it's not real, maybe then you get put to secondary for a little bit of a second examination. And so he that seeketh to save his life shall lose it. So here's a pro tip going into the end times. Okay, if you're a Christian and you're weak and you think about, hey, I think I'm just going to deny Christ and get the Mark of the Beast, well, it's not going to work. So you're just basically just going to end up being the first in line to get beheaded, all right? So anyway, let's go back to Revelation chapter 16. I just wanted to clarify some things about the Mark of the Beast. Nothing is the Mark of the Beast if it doesn't involve worshiping the Antichrist, because consistently those two things go together. So unless they ask you to worship the Antichrist before giving out a COVID vaccine, then it's not the Mark of the Beast. And the Seventh-day Adventists will say that Sunday is the Mark of the Beast. Anyway, there's all kinds of wild doctrines out there. So don't be carried about with every wind of doctrine. You know, I know we're all excited about the second coming of Christ. Amen. And we're all excited, even so, come Lord Jesus. But let's not just pretend that it's happening every day. Can we do that? You know, just because we're excited about it, let's not just be like, oh, a volcano erupted. This is it, you know, or, oh, man, you know. I mean, it's starting right now in Afghanistan today. You know, that's it, man. The first shot's been fired. This is it. This is the end. I mean, come on, just relax a little bit, okay? Go ahead and buy your green bananas. Live your life and just wait until you actually see the abomination of desolation to start panicking, okay? So the first vial is a sore where people who took the Mark of the Beast, they start getting this sore. And I wonder if they're going to say, like, it's a side effect. It's a reaction. You know, there's something, some chemical thing that caused this or whatever. But we know it's God, basically, supernaturally sending a sore upon the people who received the Mark of the Beast. They're going to be covered in sores. Now, I know I'm spending a lot of time on this point, but this is kind of one of the most important points. If the sore affects those who've taken the Mark of the Beast, that means there's probably a lot of people that didn't take the Mark of the Beast. Because remember, this thing doesn't get fully implemented. It's cut short. And think about how many unsaved people are not going to take the Mark of the Beast. Every unsaved person isn't going to take the Mark of the Beast. The Bible says everybody's going to worship him whose names are not found in the Book of Life. People who've been blotted out of the Book of Life, people that are reprobates, they're going to love it. They're going to line up for it. Lots of people will be lining up for this. But I mean, Alex Jones is not saved. But you think Alex Jones is going to take the Mark of the Beast? No way. And a lot of his followers that aren't saved, they're not going to take the Mark of the Beast either. So there are going to be a lot of people, a lot of children, a lot of young people, people in rural areas, and people that are just skeptical of it. So a lot of people will actually survive the pouring out of God's wrath. Because even at the worst points of God's wrath, you know, one-third of the population is getting wiped out. That means two-thirds isn't getting wiped out. So a lot of people are going to survive all this wrath of God and are actually going to roll into the millennium. Okay. But I will say this. The people who take the Mark of the Beast, they're all going to be smoked before this is over. They're going to be gone. Okay. And so it starts with the sores and it just gets worse from there. So let's move forward here. The second angel poured out his vial upon the sea and it became as the blood of a dead man. And every living soul died in the sea. And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters and they became blood. And I heard the angel of the water say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art and Weston shall be, because Thou has judged us, for they have shed the blood of saints and prophets. And Thou has given them blood to drink, for they are worthy. And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are Thy judgments. Now, when it talks about them being given blood to drink, here's the thing about drinking blood. It's not that drinking blood is just not a fun drink. Like, oh man, what a drag drinking blood. It tastes nasty or whatever. Because the reality is that blood is just not a viable drink for human consumption, period. That's why the Bible in the Old Testament does not tell you not to drink blood. It says don't eat blood because of the fact that most cultures would eat blood because you can't really drink blood. I know there are people in Africa who will dilute it with milk and other things in order to make a drink. But if you just drink straight blood, it will actually kill you. And this is why it's so bad for you is because, and I'm sure you could, you know, fix it and dilute it or whatever. But I'm saying, let's say you're in a survival situation, okay? And you decide to drink the blood of an animal because you don't have anything else to drink. You're basically just speeding up your own destruction because drinking blood would be similar to drinking ocean water. You know, would drinking water from the ocean be a good way to survive when you're thirsty, when you're dehydrated? Oh yeah, just drink this ocean water. Well, you know what? The salinity of blood is similar. It's not quite as saline, but it is similar. And so the saline content in blood is so high that it's a bad survival drink, okay? So there's another pro tip for surviving these things is don't drink blood, okay? It's not a solution. So this is obviously a drink that is not a sustainable beverage. It's not just that it tastes bad. It's that it's not going to work as a hydrating beverage, okay? Now it's also possible here that we're not actually talking about literal blood. It could be that the water is just very high in its mineral content. It's too salty and it's dark colored or red colored so that it's like unto blood and that God's symbolically punishing these people by making them drink something that's like blood and that's going to have the same effect on them and taste nasty and be bad for them and dehydrate them and ultimately kill them. But it is possible also that it's just supernaturally literally turned into blood like he did in Egypt. And so either way, it's pretty much the same effect. One thing that's really interesting about this scripture though is the attitude of this angel here that says, "'Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art and west and shalt be, because thou hast judged us.'" Verse 6, "'For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink, for they are worthy.'" They're saying, hey, this is right. These people deserve this. And one of the themes that we'll find in Revelation is the people in heaven, whether they're the angels in heaven or human beings in heaven, are cheering on the destruction of the earth. They're actually cheering it on. And again, some people today would say, this is wrong, this is an unchristian attitude, how could you do that? But what does the Bible say? I mean, the Bible's our final authority, and I'll tell you this, anybody who's in heaven as a saved Christian is no longer a sinner. The only reason that we sin is because we're here on this earth in the flesh. When I die and go to heaven, I'm never going to sin again. Now on this earth, there's a battle going on between the flesh and the spirit, and I sin, you sin, none of us is totally free of sin. When we get to heaven, we will be totally free of sin, and you have these people in heaven totally free of sin, and what are they saying? How long, O Lord, holy and true, does thou not judge and avenge our blood? Avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth. What kind of an ungodly, unchristian attitude? No, it must be a righteous attitude because they're up there having it. You see, the people in heaven understand that everything that God does is ultimately right. Everything God does is right. God makes no mistakes. We might look at some things that God does and say, it's too harsh, you went overboard, take it easy. We see Ezekiel saying that to God, you know, we'll get to that in several chapters, begging God to back off, and God says, no, I'm not going to back off. This is what people deserve, and so we look at people going to hell. It's a tragedy. Obviously, it would be much better for them to be saved. God would much rather that people get saved. He's not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance. But if people reject the Lord Jesus Christ and go to hell, we are going to someday be at peace with that. Because we will ultimately realize this is what they deserve, God is right, and we would just have to say amen at that point. You know, even though right now it might be hard for us to wrap our mind around these things, everything that God does is righteous and just. And the people that are being punished severely in Revelation chapter 16, at the end of the day, they deserve it. We feel bad for them because we're kind of a little closer to them because we're also sinful creatures. One day when we're in heaven, though, we're going to realize, you know what, this is justified, God's right. And keep your finger in Revelation because, you know, some people would even attack the book of Revelation and say, the book of Revelation is not God's word, or it doesn't belong in the Bible. You know, people throughout history have tried to throw out the book of Revelation. Okay. But it's not just the book of Revelation, my friend. Because look at Psalm 58. Are you there in Psalm 58? Flip back if you would to Psalm 58, and let's see if this Revelation scripture is foreign to the rest of the Bible, or if it's somehow not compatible with scripture. Look what the Bible says in Psalm 58, verse number 10. The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance. He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked, so the man shall say verily there is a reward for the righteous. Verily he is a God that judgeth in the earth. So there you have it, folks. If you want to throw out Revelation, you're gonna have to throw out the book of Psalms as well, and then you're gonna have to throw out Deuteronomy, and we can go down the list because God is a God of love, yes, but God is also a God of holiness, and God is a God of wrath. And we have to understand both aspects of God's character. Now we obviously would much rather see people get saved, and so would God. And that's why we're out there knocking doors and telling people the good news about Jesus Christ, because we want them to be saved. We don't want to see people go to hell. We want them to be saved. But there are certain people for whom we know it is too late. And instead of crying about it, we just focus on the 90-some percent of people for whom it is not too late, and we focus on evangelizing them and getting them saved. But you know, the people for whom it is too late, you know, we kind of just have this attitude that basically just says, hey, nuts to them. Oh, it's such an unchristian attitude. Oh, you're not sweet enough. Oh, but hold on a second. What's the attitude toward people that are doomed? What's the heavenly attitude toward people who've received the mark of the beast? When people have received the mark of the beast, it's like, see you suckas. And nobody is up there saying, oh God, would you please stop? It's enough. They're just like, keep going. Okay, now look, obviously we love the lost. We love the unsaved. We want them to get saved. But ultimately, it gets to a point where it's too late. And when it gets to a point where it's too late, at the end of the day, we have to make peace with the fact that God is right. It might be hard for us to do as human beings because we're flesh. We're human and we empathize. You know, we might even empathize with people who hate God sometimes. Even people who just hate the Lord just because we're just kind of sinful creatures ourselves. We might sometimes empathize with people like that. But I guarantee you when you're in heaven, you're just going to be like, man, these people hate the Lord. You're going to love the Lord so much and you're going to be seeing things so clearly. You're just going to be like, man, throw these people in the trash. How much longer until these people hit the trashcan? That's what you're going to be saying because that's what they say in Revelation 6. Sorry, but this is Bible. And a lot of people, they want to oversimplify the Bible and dumb it down. Just God loves everybody and it's never too late for anybody. And we should never have negative words for anybody and never be angry and never, you know, just all sweeten his life. No hate, no anger. But hold on a second. Is that what the Bible teaches? No. So let's take the time to actually read the Bible right and read all of it and read Psalm 58 and read Revelation and read all the books and put it all together and get a balanced view that yes, we talk about the love of Christ and God's long-suffering and forgiveness and mercy, but you know what? We also ought to talk about the fact that God created hell and that God is going to bring hell on earth someday. What kind of a God would turn the planet into a living hell? The only God that there is. Jehovah God up in heaven. That's who's going to do it. That's what the book of Revelation is about. Read it, embrace it, love it. You know, hey, we all love the parable of the good Samaritan. But you know what? This is Jesus too. You know, we gotta like everything about the Lord, not just pick and choose and make our own Jesus that's sort of half what the Bible says and then we kind of fill in the other half with stuff that we like. We need to love the Lord our God for who He is and understand that at the end of the day He's right. And the longer you live on this earth, the more you're going to realize that He's right. And when you get to heaven, you'll totally realize that He's right about everything. Everything He does is right. True and righteous are thy judgments. God, what you're doing is fair. I mean, these people shed the blood of saints and prophets. You're giving them blood to drink. They deserve it. They're worthy. This is an important scripture to understand this concept. Look if you would at verse number 8. And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire and men were scorched with great heat and blasphemed the name of God which had power over these plagues and they repented not to give him glory. They're still not giving him the glory. And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seed of the beast and his kingdom was full of darkness and they gnawed their tongues for pain and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores and repented not of their deeds. Now let me stop right here and talk about the chronology of these events. Now if you're reading the book of Revelation, it's super obvious to anyone that the seals have to lead into the trumpets. I mean, if you read chapter 8, you really have to turn it on its head to come up with an idea that somehow the seals are not followed by the trumpets. Because the opening of the seventh seal, the thing that happens is that the seven angels who have the seven trumpets prepare themselves to sound. So that's super obvious that seals lead into trumpets. But the part that a lot of people would question is do the vials come after the trumpets or are the vials and the trumpets happening at the same time? Are they happening concurrently or do we go seven trumpets and then seven vials? Okay, now I'm going to prove to you that they happen concurrently side by side. Now first of all, if you want to understand the book of Revelation, one of the best pieces of advice I could give you is to basically cut the book in half and realize that chapters 1 through 11 are pretty much in chronological order and chapters 12 through 22 are also in chronological order. The chronology starts over in chapter 12. And this should be easy for you to understand when you get to chapter 12 that something happened because Jesus is born at the beginning of chapter 12. So if you have the birth of Christ at the beginning of chapter 12, it's kind of like, okay, here's a signal that we've just jumped out of our normal chronology. Okay, you know I had some guy from the old IFB challenge me and say, show me one other book that you cut it in half like that in the whole Bible and interpret it that way. I'm like, okay, how about the second most important book about Bible prophecy, Daniel? Because guess how the book of Daniel works? Chapters 1 through 6 are in chronological order and guess what happens in chapter 7? You back up again and chapters 7 through 12 are in chronological order. I mean, look it up. If you read about Daniel in chapters 1 through 6, you start out with Nebuchadnezzar, right, and then eventually you got Belshazzar in chapter 5 and then you get in chapter 6 to King Darius. But then in chapter 7, it's like, well, we're back to Belshazzar and we're back in time and we're in chronological order. Two chronologies and isn't it interesting that those are the two main Bible prophecy books, Daniel and Revelation, and they both start over the chronology halfway through and it's both obvious that that's what's happening when you read both because of the fact that when you're reading Revelation, chapters 1 through 11, you basically start out with the church because it's like the church at Ephesus, church at Smyrna, you know, so it's stuff that was going on at the time of Christ, meaning the first century AD, okay? So the church at Ephesus, church at Smyrna, church at Pergamos, that's first century AD, just like, you know, the time of Christ, the first century AD, so you're roughly the same time period, right? Then when you get to chapter 6, you have the six seals, which is the tribulation. Then you have, you know, the sun and moon darken, great multitude appears in heaven, and then God pours out his wrath with the seven trumpets. The seventh trumpet ends at the end of chapter 11. Then in chapter 12, we start over because boom, we're back in the first century with the birth of Christ, so then what do we expect to come next? The tribulation. So what do we read about next? We end up reading about the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast and those things. Well, Antichrist and Mark of the Beast is tribulation stuff, right? Then what would we expect to come next? The rapture. So what do we find in chapter 14? The Son of Man comes in the clouds and reaps the earth. Hmm, I wonder what that is. Son of Man coming in the clouds, the earth is reaped. He gathers the elect, okay? And then what do we expect next? God's wrath. In the first half, we have the seven trumpets. In the second half, we're going to have the seven vials. And you say, I don't know, Pastor Anderson, I'm not buying it. Okay, well let me prove it to you then. This is the key right here. It says in verse number 10 of chapter 16, if you're there in Revelation 16, 10, it says, the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seed of the beast and his kingdom was full of darkness. Whose kingdom is full of darkness in chapter 16 verse 10? Whose kingdom? It's the Antichrist's kingdom, am I right? The vial's poured out on the kingdom of the beast, his kingdom is full of darkness. That is the fifth vial, right? Now, keep your finger there and let's back up to Revelation chapter 11. Revelation chapter 11, we get there and we find the seventh trumpet. Now we, this morning's sermon was a little bit of a false advertising because it was called the seven trumpets and we only talked about six trumpets. So I'm going to make up for that now, okay, and give you the seventh trumpet that you missed this morning. It says in verse number 15 of chapter 11, and the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven saying, the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever. So what just happened with the seventh trumpet? The kingdoms of this world became what? The kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever. But yet at the fifth vial, it's still the Antichrist's kingdom. Seventh trumpet, it stops being his kingdom, it starts being the Lord's kingdom and so therefore the seventh trumpet has to come after the fifth vial. So what I believe the chronology is, it goes first trumpet, first vial, second trumpet, second vial, third trumpet, third vial, fourth trumpet, fourth vial, fifth trumpet, fifth vial, sixth trumpet, sixth vial, seventh trumpet, seventh vial. Okay, now the trumpets and the vials are not the same thing, but what I'm saying is that they're happening during the same period of time or over the same course of time. The trumpets are being sounded and vials of wrath are being poured out, both over the same period of several years. Now, when we get to the seventh trumpet, there's this feeling of finality, like it's over. Like the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever. Notice the are become, which means right now, presently, this is what has just happened. Now that this trumpet is sounded, it is become the kingdom of our Lord. They are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ. And he shall reign forever and ever. And the four beasts, excuse me, and the four and twenty elders, which sat upon, sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces and worshiped God, saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art and must art to come, because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned, and the nations were angry, and thy wrath has come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldst give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and unto the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great, and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament, and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail. So you have this kind of finality here of, hey, it's time for everybody to get rewarded, which obviously takes place at the beginning of the millennium when he's saying, Be thou over ten cities, be thou over five cities. He's destroying the heathen, he's giving out the rewards, and whatever. And then boom, chapter 12, verse 1, you get into the birth of Christ. New chronology starts. So here's the other thing I want to point out about this. Remember how this morning we talked about the three woes and how trumpets 5, 6, and 7 are the woes because they're way worse than trumpets 1 through 4. So these are the three big ones, the woes. Was trumpet 5 a big one? The locust from hell? Yeah. Was trumpet 6 a big one? The horseman just killing a third of the population? Okay, those are big. So wouldn't you expect the seventh trumpet to also be a big one? But you don't really see anything described here that's big. You see what I'm saying? Like it doesn't really give any details of what horrific thing is happening. Now what it does say at the end is it says there were lightnings and voices and thunderings and an earthquake and great hail. So I guess you could read into that and say like, well, that hail though was serious, you know, or there was a real big earthquake, incredible earthquake. But here's the thing. If you go with the idea that the trumpets and vials are happening side by side at the same time, then we could turn over to Revelation 16 and figure out what's the big deal about the seventh trumpet. You know, what's the big deal about that third? Whoa, because we didn't get a lot of detail in chapter 11 of anything really big happening. Okay, so if we go back to Revelation 16, then we keep going here. We were on the fifth vial. The sixth vial, we'll catch up to the seventh vial in a moment. The sixth angel, verse 12, poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates and the water thereof was dried up that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet for they're the spirits of devils working miracles which go forth under the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battle of that great day of God almighty. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments lest he walk naked and they see his shame and he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. So we see that the sixth vial is basically just preparing for this battle of Armageddon. Euphrates is dried up and the kings of the east are going to be able to come over and there's going to be the battle of Armageddon taking place outside of Jerusalem. In the valley of Megiddo. Look at the seventh vial and the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven from the throne saying it is done. So there's still kind of the same finality that we saw with the seven trumpets or the seventh trumpet. The seventh vial, the seventh trumpet, they both feel like an ending. It's done. And there were voices and thunders and lightnings and there was a great earthquake. Does that sound familiar? Same thing. But now we're getting a little more detail about just how bad this is. Such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake and so great. And the great city was divided into three parts and don't miss this next phrase because this is something you could easily just read over without thinking about. The cities of the nations fell. Now what does that mean, the cities of the nations fell? Well what characterizes cities of nations? What do they have in them? Big, giant, tall buildings, skyscrapers. So you've got New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Sydney, Paris, Berlin, you know, all these cities of the nations. You think of Toronto, Canada, I mean they've got some incredible skyscrapers and towers and buildings. You know, you go down the list. I mean we could list hundreds and hundreds of cities that have these really tall skyscrapers. Now imagine just 9-11 where you've got the twin towers coming down and never forget building seven also coming down a controlled demolition even though it was not hit by any planes and it's the first time in the history of mankind that any building that's steel-enforced concrete has ever, you know, collapsed just from fire in the history of mankind. But anyway, I'm not trying to say anything but you know you watch the footage of buildings one and two and building seven, did I mention building seven? Coming down and collapsing, I mean that's pretty scary and if you watch the video where people are running away screaming and you got all the debris coming after them and I mean that's intense. Okay, now imagine the cities of the nations fell. I mean imagine just major capitals all over the world, not even capitals, just major cities all over the world. Just imagine just cities being leveled to the ground because the earthquake is so great that God literally is just shaking down every major skyscraper to the ground. Now you can see why this is the third woe. I mean this is bad, this is serious, this is intense. The cities of the nations fell and great Babylon came in remembrance before God to give under the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. You know one last little housekeeping item he needs to take care of is just a nuke Babylon. So Babylon's going to get nuked, that's what the next couple chapters are about. 17 and 18 lead up to that and talk about that. But he says every island fled away and the mountains were not found. That's also pretty scary, okay. Every island fled away. So this earthquake is so intense it's leveling skyscrapers but you know Honolulu doesn't just have to worry about the skyscrapers coming down because they're just going to end up getting baptized basically by immersion. It's not going to be a Presbyterian style baptism because think about you know you're going to have such waves of the sea, you're going to have such tsunamis that basically you're going to have islands just being completely covered in water and you're also just going to have a tectonic rearranging of the furniture even that's going to be causing islands to go underwater and mountains to be rearranged and it's like didn't there used to be a mountain there? Okay now what you have to understand is that there are a lot of things in the Bible that are fulfilled with a dual fulfillment and in fact most prophecies have a dual fulfillment where they have a symbolic fulfillment and then eventually they get a literal fulfillment. Okay so you know in the end times stuff's getting fulfilled literally. Okay but you have these scriptures about the coming of Christ talking about his first coming even where it says every valley shall be exalted and the mountains and hills made low. The crooked strait, the crooked ways made straight, I'm not sure if I'm quoting scripture it's kind of coming to me in music from Handel's Messiah so I'm kind of like the crooked strait and the rough places play you know so I'm trying to like I'm like okay am I quoting this right or am I quoting the song? But anyway you know you think about how the crooked places are going to be made straight, the crooked ways are straight, the rough places play, the valleys are exalted, the mountains and hills made low. Now obviously symbolically when Jesus came you know there's a leveling of the playing field because of the fact that there's no more Jew or Gentile and you know the rulers of this world are counted as nothing in his sight so they would be like the mountains being made low and then the humble are being exalted, the meek are going to inherit the earth right you know so that's like a symbolic but in the end times it actually happens where the valleys are being exalted and the mountains and hills made low and you've got islands disappearing beneath the waves you know Kiribati and other islands or they don't stand a chance okay Kiribati is like less than two meters above sea level in most places. So basically you know this is going to be happening now it's interesting how he says he's going to make the crooked ways straight, the crooked ways will be made straight. Now obviously the symbolic meaning of that back in the time of you know Christ's first coming is about the fact that you know the Jews have messed up the religion and he's going to straighten them out you know you could look you know there's a lot of ways there's a lot of ways that you could go with that but what's interesting if you if you if you study earthquakes, earthquakes actually make crooked paths straight. Now you could look up some pictures like this I've seen some pictures like this online where they'll take a picture before the earthquake before the earthquake you'll have a fence that's crooked and a crooked fence and it's jack it's like it's it's cocked it's off and you're like huh and then it's like after the earthquake boing straight and you say like what like how does that work because you know you think you've got the before and after mix because you think like oh the crooked one that's after the earthquake you know the earthquake came and made it all jagged but actually if you look at the pictures carefully you'll see before it's crooked and then afterward it's straight now you say why is that well because people don't build crooked fences people don't make crooked roads on purpose you know I mean unless you're going around something when you build a fence you build it straight so what you see is there are these really old fences and they're very crooked because of plate tectonics because the speed at which plate tectonics move is about the speed that your fingernails grow four centimeters a year okay so it's very slow and so what happens is you build a you build a fence right and then over time basically the earth is shifting and you know if it's on a fault line or something you know things shift over and they shift over and they shift over and they shift over and what happens is one sometimes one part of the plate is moving and the other part gets stuck and is not moving okay and what an earthquake is is when the thing finally builds up so much pressure that it finally moves so earthquake sorry I'm going so deep on this but just wake up people listen to me this is big stuff here this is what happens you know the plates is everybody with me plate tectonics amen so the plates they you know they're supposed to just kind of slide by one another for example if it's if it's that type of a fault but what happens is they're just kind of cruising along for you know just four centimeters a year just kind of cruising along but what happens is every once in a while a part of it gets stuck everything else keeps moving but this one part's stuck and it's building up pressure because it's stuck it's stuck it's stuck and then when it breaks loose that's an earthquake that's what causes earthquakes okay so what will happen is because parts of the earth are moving differently than others and part of it's hung up and part of it's not the the the fences and the paths get crooked old roads and old paths and old fences get crooked and then what happens is the earthquake actually when it breaks free it snaps into where it was supposed to be and then everything's where it needs to be and you will literally see a fence go from being crooked to straight a path go from being crooked to straight now look i know some of you are skeptical of what i'm saying tonight you think i've lost my mind look it up my friend and you'll see that i'm telling you the truth okay i thought that was really cool how god says he's gonna make the crooked ways straight and then he's gonna send this earthquake and guess what it does it makes crooked paths become straight again things that were built straight become straight once again and then we see of course the mountains and the hills being made low the islands being submerged under the sea and there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven now what did we see remember we already knew that there's hail from the seventh trumpet we knew there was an earthquake and we knew there was hail but did we give this kind of detail though now we're getting the fact that the hail is every stone about the weight of a talent okay somebody want to google that real quick on your smartphone and tell me speak american and tell me how many pounds are in a talent and men blaspheme god because of the plague of the hail for the plague thereof was exceeding great now you see why it's a whoa it's a whoa because skyscrapers are coming down all over the world it's a whoa because it's the most incredible earthquake the world's ever seen just rearranging the face of the land unlike anything anybody's ever seen and it's a whoa because of this incredibly heavy hail you got something for me how many 100 pounds that's pretty intense i mean that's like giant rocks falling out of the sky you know now you know and again that's obviously not a for sure number because you know they're reading these ancient documents and trying to figure out what a talent is and whatever but that's pretty heavy that's pretty intense uh you know if even if it's even if it's half that that's pretty crazy you know it's like bricks falling out of the sky basically and you know don't bother running into a skyscraper for shelter because those are all as flat as a pancake so anyway you can see how it's a whoa now i already just kind of pointed out to you and showed you a little bit how the trumpet and the seventh vial are pretty much the same thing earthquake plus hail and they're both major now this one acts like oh man it's the biggest earthquake the biggest hail ever whereas the seventh trumpet didn't really emphasize that but we know it's a whoa so if it's a whoa it has to be serious and so it makes sense that it's describing the same period of time as the seventh vial okay also if we put the two side by side we could see very strong similarities such as the fact that the seventh trumpet was when the the the mountain burning with fire is cast into the ocean not literally but that's what it's like and then what do we see with the seventh vial we see a judgment upon the ocean you know that it's being turned into blood and everything's dying okay and then we see with the third trumpet remember it was wormwood and the water the fresh water is becoming wormwood and then what do we see with the third vial water turned into blood and they have to drink blood okay fourth trumpet has to do with the sun you know only shining certain parts of the day the fourth vial also has to do with the sun where they're being scorched with great heat when the sun is out it's scorching people with great heat you know the fifth trumpet is the locust from hell coming out of the bottomless pit and one of the things the bible emphasized was that smoke came out of the pit and darkened the air in the sky we talked about that this morning well guess what the fifth vial is darkness upon the earth well that's clearly a result of the fifth trumpet and then uh the sixth trumpet had to do with that uh army of of of uh monstrous whatever that was with the lions headed horses with the serpents for tails and fire and smoke and brimstone and you know these are the three ways you die by the fire by the smoke and by the brimstone okay and the the tails and the heads and you know it what it what are those things we don't know it's it's something rough though and you know the sixth vial is euphrates being dried up to make way for the armies of the east so they're both armies so there's definitely a thematic connection but i think that the only way to reconcile this and really make it make sense is to understand that the the the trumpets and the vials are happening concurrently basically they're happening at the same time that's why it's still the the the beast kingdom in the fifth vial vial even though seventh trumpet it's now christ kingdom it's all over so that pretty much sums it up for the seven vials of god's wrath and i believe that it's important for us to study things like this and and think about things like this because this aspect of god's character should be on our mind because if we never think about the trumpets if we never think about the vials if we never go through these scriptures we might lose sight of the fact that god is a consuming fire that god has a lot of wrath and that god hates sin and understanding his holiness and justice is going to make us a better christian and so you know a lot of churches maybe would shy away from these passages or maybe not know what to do with them you know what do we do with this what do you preach about it well you know what you just just get up and preach as the spirit leads because god is going to use these kind of scriptures in our hearts and he's used them in my heart and we need to get the whole council of god and every scripture is profitable for doctrine and so we as new testament christians you know we we need to get the whole bible and not just the parts that preach the you know that that basically are the the easiest to preach or the the the ones that really lend themselves toward a a good sunday sermon you know we really need to get all of the teaching of the body especially the new testament you know new testament's only 260 chapters and so we need to be getting all of it we need to get a balanced diet of scripture and so i hope that you're edified by this morning's sermon on the seven trumpets tonight's sermon on the seven vials and i hope that you walk away ready to serve the lord with fear and rejoice with trembling obviously we as christians are not going to be there for these particular events thank god we're not going to be there for the seven trumpets and the seven vials but this is who we're dealing with today in 2021 we're still dealing with the same person because the jesus christ of the seven trumpets and the seven vials is the jesus christ of 2021 america because there is only but one jesus christ who is the same yesterday and today and forever and so we need to understand that even though we're not going to be here for these particular events we still need to realize the character of god and we need to understand that this is who we should walk before with fear and trembling love and affection yes but also we should serve the lord with fear and rejoice with trembling spirits and every word of prayer father we thank you so much for this fantastic book revelation lord i don't know what these bozos throughout history were thinking when they questioned whether this should be in the canon lord because i love the book of revelation and i know many people here love the book of revelation and lord god we thank you so much for your love and grace and mercy because i for one would hate to be on the receiving end of any of this and so thank you so much for saving us through our lord jesus christ and it's in his name we pray amen we dismiss in singing him number 70 10 number 70 will jesus find us watching him number 70 we'll sing on the verse when jesus comes to reward in his sermons in number 70 when jesus comes to reward his service whether it be here or not thankful to him will he find us watching with our lives all trimmed and bright oh him he said we are ready brother ready for the souls pride alone say will he find you and he's still watching waiting waiting when the lord shall come in that the dawn of the early morning he shall hold us one by one when to the lord we rest for our talents when the yes and he will come we are ready ready for the souls watching waiting waiting when the lord shall come have we the truth to the trust he left us if we obey all the lord come at us we shall thank you truly bless waiting where the lord shall come at the dawn or midnight will you find us watching there oh can't he see we are ready brother ready for the souls pride oh say will you find you and he's still watching waiting waiting when the lord shall come oh no