(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well it's great to be here tonight and it's exciting to be at the beginning of something new. These are gonna be great memories someday of having been here at the beginning of a great church. I like the fact it's a little hot in here because I feel really comfortable. It's just like back home and you know I was thinking about one of my fondest memories from when I was a teenager and I first got into a good soul winning independent fundamental Baptist Church July 1998 going to my first Sunday night service at Regency Baptist Church and the pastor was sick so somebody else was filling in but I remember it was like a hundred and ten degrees or something because Sacramento has some really hot days like that and this church building had no air conditioning but they just had all the doors open and they had fans on it's like a hundred and ten degrees outside you know six in the evening and we were just in metal folding chairs that had stenciled on the back of every metal folding chair Nuestra Casa they just got it from like a Mexican restaurant or somewhere and it was just the hardest preaching I'd ever heard because I'd been five years in the liberal church with the air conditioning and the soft pews and it was like 20 minutes of a sermon I just remember sitting in there just sweating hard preaching it was hot just ripping face on soul winning and everything else and I was just like I love this like where has this been all my life so it just brings back great memories and the this is a day that we're gonna look back on many years from now thinking about the beginnings of pure words Baptist Church and it's it's gonna be great to be here on Sunday morning you know for the first service as well so it's exciting now what I want to preach about tonight is the deceitfulness of riches if you look down at mark 4 look at verse 18 the Bible reads and these are they which are sown among thorns such as hear the word and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches and the lusts of other things entering in choke the word and it become it unfruitful so the I want to focus on that phrase the deceitfulness of riches there's something similar of a Matthew 13 if you want to flip over there Matthew 13 you see deception is when you're being tricked or you're being fooled or you're beguiled right that's what it means to be deceived and the Bible says that riches are deceitful that means that they offer something that they don't really deliver on right that you know you have a certain idea but it turns out not to be right look at Matthew chapter 13 verse 22 he also that received seed among the thorns is he that here at the word and the care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word and he become it unfruitful now according to the Bible the deceitfulness of riches can cause us to become unfruitful why is that well flip back to chapter 6 of Matthew the reason why the deceitfulness of riches can make us unfruitful is because you cannot serve God and mammon you can't serve God and money so if riches deceive you they can actually take you out of the fight and cause you to become unfruitful you're no longer evangelizing like we heard about in the last sermon look at Matthew 6 19 lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth where moth and rust of corrupt and where thieves break through and steal but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust of corrupt and where thieves do not break through nor steal for where your treasure is there will your heart be also the light of the body is the eye if therefore that I be single thy whole body shall be full of light but if thine eye be evil thy whole body shall be full of darkness if therefore the light that is in thee be darkness how great is that darkness no man can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other you cannot serve God and mammon so you have to choose today is your life going to be about laying up tres on earth or is it about laying up tres in heaven are you seeking money with your life or are you seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness now flip back to Ecclesiastes chapter 2 and I'm gonna give you three deceptions of riches the threefold deceitfulness of riches because deception means a lie so what are the lies that are out there that the devil would get us to believe about riches or that riches could entice us with number one the deceitfulness is that riches will make you happy now this is what a lot of people think today that riches will make you happy and look in your life you're gonna seek after something in your life unless you're just a complete loser just you're lazy you do nothing you're gonna do something with your life and the two big things that he usually boils down to are seeking after mammon or seeking after God because you know most people in their life are gonna be seeking after something whether it's to serve God please God get closer to God and that's their big thing or their big thing is about getting rich making money having a fancy car fancy house whatever the the things that they crave in their life but the deceitfulness is that the world today thinks that riches will make you happy don't they that's the lie that's out there most people believe that lie but look what the Bible says in Ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 4 I made me great works I builded me houses I planted me vineyards I made me gardens and orchards and I planted trees in them of all kind of fruits I made me pools of water it's pretty obvious that this guy's got money right I mean he's got houses gardens orchards swimming pools he said he watered there with the wood that bringeth forth trees verse 7 I got me servants and maidens and had servants born in my house also I had great possessions of great and small cattle above all that were in Jerusalem before me I gathered me also silver and gold and the peculiar treasure of Kings and of the provinces I got me men singers and women singers and the delights of the sons of men as musical instruments and that of all sorts so I was great and increased more than all that were before me in Jerusalem also my wisdom remained with me and whatsoever mine I desired I kept not from them so I mean this guy saw something he bought it he didn't even think about it he did money was no object whatever he saw he just gave it to himself and it says I withheld not my heart from any joy for my heart rejoiced in all my labor and this was the portion of all my labor then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought and on the labor that I had labored to do and I said boy this is living this is the life is that what he said no he said it's all vanity but not only was it vanity because vanity just means is empty it's worthless is meaningless but he said it was vexation of spirit vexation think about that word vexation you know the Bible verse that comes to mind is when lot beheld the wicked deeds of Sodom and Gomorrah and all the perverts and homos and it said he vexed his righteous soul daily and seeing and hearing their evil deeds you know what that means it really just bothered him it bugged him it was an irritation to him right well look the Bible said here that all the wonderful things that Solomon had purchased and build and acquired and done he actually looked at them and they bugged him they were a vex it was all just a vexation of spirit to him not only did he feel neutral toward it he actually felt negative toward his wealth at this point because he looks at it and it did not give him the happiness that he thought it was going to give him and he said there was no profit under the Sun it was unprofitable it was vain and not only that it vexed his spirit jump down to verse 17 you say oh man if I could just get ahead financially if I could just turn the corner financially if I can just pay off the house or if I could just get the boat or the RV no this is where you'll be when you get all your financial goals it says in verse 17 therefore I hated life I mean is that where you want to be do you want to get to the point where you say I hate life my spirit is vexed with the boat it's vexed with the RV it's vexed with the Cadillac and the Mercedes is vexed with the summer home in the winter I hate my life but people think it's gonna bring happiness why because it's the deceitfulness of riches are you deceived tonight have you been deceived where you think oh man if I could just get these possessions I'm gonna be so happy that stuff doesn't bring happiness it's a lie he said I hated life because the work that is rotten to the Sun is grievous unto me for all his vanity and vexation of spirit yeah I hated all my labor which I'd taken under the Sun because I should leave it under the man that should be after me look at chapter 5 in Ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 10 you say oh man if I could just get the the finances that I need I'll be so happy look at verse 10 of Ecclesiastes 5 he that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver money doesn't satisfy I mean that's what the Bible is saying here and then he said nor he that loveth abundance you know the guy who loves that fat bank account the fat billfold the abundance of goods it says you know what he's not going to be satisfied with that increase its vanity look at verse 11 when goods increased they are increased that eat them now I can give a testimony about that because I've got 12 eaters in my house and it says and what good is there to the owners thereof saving the beholding of them with their eyes you know the sports cars the fancy outfits the wardrobes the decorations the paintings on the wall the original you know first printing first edition of this book and that artwork and that artifact and that treasure what what good is it you just can look at it the beholding of them with your eyes the sleep of a laboring man verse 12 is sweet whether he little or much but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep there's a sore evil which I've seen under the Sun namely riches kept for the owners thereof to their hurt so riches can be a curse the Bible says but those riches perished by evil travail and he begateth the Sun and there's nothing in his hand as he came forth of his mother's womb naked shall he return to go as he came and shall take nothing of his labor which he may carry away in his hand and this is also a sore evil that in all points as he came so shall he go and what profit hath he that hath labored for the wind wasting your life laboring for the wind you came into this world naked you're gonna go out of this world naked the Bible says in all points the way that you came in is the way that you're gonna go out and it's vanity to spend your life seeking money the deceitfulness of riches is number one that riches will make you happy but number two it's that riches will last forever see the deceitfulness of riches is that people think that once they get riches they're gonna stay rich they're gonna keep those riches but how many times have people been rich and lost everything happens all the time and we know of course that upon physical death you're certainly gonna lose everything we remember the story about the man who said I'm gonna build a bigger barn and I'm gonna lay up all my goods and just the day that he retired literally the day that he said alright I can retire I can relax God said thou fool this night shall I so will be required to be what shall become of all this that thou is laid up you know just the very night of his retirement he's so happy he got his watch or whatever you know retirement he's just about to just enjoy now I can just enjoy you die tonight that's what God did and you know God did that on purpose just to show that guy and just to teach a lesson to all of us now look you say well what you know what's wrong with waiting for retirement and looking for that I'm looking forward to my retirement when I die I mean think about it and that's a great retirement it lasts forever you never gonna lose it it's never gonna go bankrupt or anything you know you say well I want to retire at 65 just retire at 70 when you die you know I'm just kidding we don't hopefully you'll live long in that but you know whenever it is what's a few more years you waited your whole life to retire you know you might as well just wait all the way until the bitter end and quit laying up your treads on this earth so you can just enjoy them for a couple years if you lay them up in heaven you can enjoy them forever the deceitfulness of riches is that they will last forever people who have riches they're very confident that they will continue to be rich that they will remain rich they could lose those things even on this earth go to James chapter 1 the Bible says lay not up for yourselves treads upon earth where moth and rust of corrupt and where thieves break through and steal the Bible says in Proverbs 23 for labor not to be rich cease from thine own wisdom wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not listen to this for riches certainly make themselves wings they fly away as an eagle toward heaven you know so picture all these money bags picture like a bag with a big dollar sign on it like on a cartoon you know you like these money bags and just picture these little wings on it and just kind of flying away right the Bible says that riches make themselves wings and fly away meaning that you don't understand how they'd left you don't understand where the money went but the money's just gone so don't be deceived into thinking that riches are permanent they're never permanent at best they can last you a lifetime but even then they get stolen they make wings they fly away you lose the wealth look at James 1 verse 8 a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways remember you can't serve God and Mammon you got to pick you can't be double-minded and say well I really want to make it financially and I want to serve the Lord to the best of my ability those two things are not compatible now obviously we need to go work six days a week and make money and pay the bills but we got to seek first the kingdom of God our main focus in life should be on pleasing the Lord not on becoming wealthy and when we go to work we work as unto the Lord and on Monday when we go to work and on Tuesday when we go to work we're working because God told us to work we're working to put food on the table we're working to pay the bills but we're not working so we can get rich someday our attitude should be I'm serving the Lord today it's about serving God it's about winning people to Christ about reading the Bible getting closer to God going to church being a blessing to the church hey that's what my life is about work is something that I do that's a means to an end money is a tool that I use to serve God and to live my life in a way that pleases God but we got to make sure that it doesn't become about the money and about the career and about the job no those things are important I don't want to downplay them too much but we need to keep them in their proper place at the end of the day who are we serving the Lord and whatever we do should be as unto the Lord even just whether we eat or drink we are the Lord's we're bought with a price he says in verse 9 let the brother of low degree rejoice and that he's exalted you know what that means that means if you're here tonight and you are one that would be considered low income you consider working class or lower-class you're the brother of low degree that's just the Bible's way of saying lower economic class you know what he's saying you ought to rejoice if that's you oh man you're sound it's like being poor being low income hey rejoice let the brother of low degree let that low income brother rejoice in that he is exalted by whom by God blessed are ye poor he said in in Luke chapter 6 but the rich in that he is made low because of the flower of the grass he shall pass away so the deceitfulness of riches is number one that it's gonna make you happy but number two that it's gonna last forever it says nope rich man it's gonna pass away like the flower of the grass it's not gonna last forever look if you would have James 5 you're already in James just go a couple pages to the right chapter 5 verse 1 go to now ye rich men weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you your riches are corrupted and your garments are moth-eaten you know that fancy suit the Italian suit the thousand dollar suit the two thousand dollar suit you know what the moths will come and eat that when you're not paying attention who's ever had their clothing eaten by moths before what in the world there's like five people with their hands up is this like a regional thing or something and I we have I've had moths eat my clothes you know you pull out a suit that you haven't worn it has all these little holes in it maybe just didn't know what that was those are moths okay I mean moths I know in Sacramento California our clothes would get eaten by moths in Phoenix Arizona I've seen the clothing eaten by moths I it's a thing people five of you believe me but you know what what if that's your fancy a suit you can't fix that those little holes what do you do how do you fix put a big patch over it or something your Italian suit it's not gonna work right and the moths will come in and eat your clothing he says your riches are corrupted your garments are moth-eaten your gold and silver is cankered and the rest of them shall be a witness against you and shall eat your flesh as it were fire you have heaped treasure together for the last days this is pretty negative this is some pretty hard preaching here I mean it's a strong rebuke to people who are putting money first and they're putting righteousness on the back burner these are people the Bible says in verse four you know they're they're keeping back the wages of their workers by fraud you know they're they're kind of a penny-pinching nickel-nipping kind of a tightwad employer that's that's ripping off their employees behold the hire of the laborers who've reaped down your fields which is of you kept back by fraud cryeth and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth Sabaoth means hosts the Lord of hosts has heard the cries you've lived in pleasure on the earth and been wanton you've nourished your hearts as in a day of slaughter what does that mean you know a day of slaughter when you slaughter an animal it's a big party and you know it's a big feast right when you when you slaughter an animal he's saying you know you're living like that every day like every day is slaughter day while your workers are starving and you're ripping them off and everything and the bottom line is that these people here these rich people in James 5 they're not putting the Lord first they're not putting his righteousness first they don't care first and foremost about the Lord Jesus Christ they care about themselves and their bottom line and he's rebuking them hard and he's saying you know what I can take that away from you I can send the moths to eat your clothing I can send the rust to to destroy your precious metals I can send the thieves to break through and steal your money so the deceitfulness of riches number one is that it's gonna make you happy it's not number two is it's gonna last forever it's not gonna last forever and number three go to 1st Timothy chapter 6 is the lie that says that riches won't corrupt you what are the lies that people believe about being rich they think oh well number one they think man if I could just be rich I'll be happy it's a lie then number two they think oh man you know if I can just get to a certain point financially I'll be set for life how many times you heard those words set for life they think it's permanent I'll be set for life that's a lie you won't be set for life and number three they say oh you know what no matter how rich I am I'm still gonna be the same person isn't that what people say oh I'm still just that same person that you grew up with I'm still the same guy you won't be the same person you will become a rotten person riches will corrupt you look what the Bible says at first Timothy 6 9 but they that will be rich fall they that will be rich fall just just think about those words what does it mean they that will be rich they that want to be rich people who want to be rich people have this thought and you know they don't have to be rich people just people want to be rich they that will be rich fall he says but they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare you know what they're falling into a trap a snare is a trap he said look people who want to be rich fall into a trap they fall in a trap it's the deceitfulness of riches right what's a trap it's a deception right the little piece of cheese and then the mouse goes in it's a trap the mouse is deceived that's how all traps work through deception money and the love of money and riches deceive people they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown man in destruction and perdition for the love of money is the root of all evil of all evil now if you think about a root the root is what produces the plant so if you're out pulling weeds mom will tell you make sure that you pull up the root as well because if you just pull up the plant and you leave the root what's gonna happen the plants gonna come right back so the root is that which produces the plant right so when the Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil think about a root if I had a root in my hand right and I took that root and I planted it in the earth something's gonna grow right if I have a living root and I planted in the earth some kind of plants gonna grow now depending on what kind of root I have right that's going to determine what kind of plant grows from that root right but see the love of money is like this universal root all evil grows out of this root you understand what I'm saying because like a physical root if I planted in the earth it's gonna grow a certain plant one specific thing you know whatever the the weed that that is or whatever the the plant that that is that's what this root is going to produce if I plant this root in the earth but the love of money is the root of all evil meaning I mean you this root fornication grows out of this root rape murder you just lust robbery just everything wicked blasphemy pride foolishness I mean the love of money is the root of all evil I mean this is the most dangerous root to have in the soil of your heart you know we're talking about the parable of the sower and the deceitfulness of riches choking the word make it unfurl I mean if there's one root that you want to rip out of the garden of your heart that you want to rip out of the soil of your heart you need to get in there and dig deep and totally eradicate the love of money from your heart I mean just get it oh I mean rip it out and don't just kind of just pull up the plant and leave no no beat you better be sure to go really deep and pluck up every last bit of the love of money from your heart you know I think it's possible to remove the love of money from your heart in general but still have a little bit left get it all out get it all out because this is the root of all evil this could lead to all kinds of sin and wickedness in your life and it says the love of money is the root of all evil which while some coveted after verse 10 they've heard from the faith and pierce themselves through with many sorrows I mean all kinds of bad things happen sadness sorrow pain suffering hurtful lusts every evil he says but thou O man of God verse 11 flee these things and follow after righteousness godliness faith love patience means he's saying just run away flee run screaming the other direction from these love of money types and and the Donald Trump seminar and the Robert Kiyosaki seminar about making money and and worshipping money and those type of things and you know I was preaching against Donald Trump long before he became president for the love of money you know for writing books teaching people to love money and to seek after becoming wealthy and for basically becoming a role model of someone who seeks after wealth and riches and the love of money you say well is it a sin to be rich it's not a sin to be rich but desiring to be rich will cause you to fall into a trap to fall into temptation to fall into a snare and so seeking riches is going to lead you into all manner of sin the Bible says you don't have to turn there if you would turn to Proverbs 16 but in Proverbs chapter 1 it says for the turning away of the simple shall slay them and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them so don't buy in this lie that oh if I'm rich I'll still be the same person no you won't be the same person you will get worse and worse and worse and worse and more corrupt and more rotten of a person the more you seek after money the more you desire to be rich and the more the love of the money starts to you know germinate in the soil of your heart you're just gonna get worse and worse and worse so lie number one is that riches will make you happy lie number two is that riches will last forever you'll be set for life and number three is that riches won't corrupt you you'll still be the same person those are all three lies okay but here's the good news that's the bad news the good news is that serving God will give you everything that riches won't give serving the Lord because remember you can't serve God and Mammon you got to pick right well serving God gives you everything that riches promised you but lied about serving God actually gives you those things so like number one we said you know riches won't make you happy but guess what serving God will make you happy because the Bible said in Psalm 6 you're in Proverbs 16 but in Psalm 16 11 it said thou will show me the path of life in thy presence is fullness of joy at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore joy unspeakable and full of glory the fruit of the Spirit is joy you know real happiness comes from serving the Lord so serving the Lord brings the real happiness that money promised but couldn't deliver but number two riches won't last forever but your reward in heaven will last forever the Bible said in 1st John 2 17 the world passeth away and the lust thereof but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever he that doeth the will of God abideth forever lay up treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not corrupt and where thieves do not break through nor steal for where your treasure is there where your heart be also and number three riches will corrupt you but serving God will make you a better person so it does the opposite of what riches will do to you it actually gives you everything that money promised it would give you but it actually delivers him in look at Proverbs 16 verse 1 the preparations of the hardened man and the answer of the tongue is from the Lord all the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes but the Lord with the spirits commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established look at verse 6 by mercy and truth iniquity is purged and by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil you know serving God makes you a better person when you commit your works unto the Lord all your thoughts will be established mercy and truth will cause your iniquity to be purged by the fear of the Lord you will depart from evil you will live a better life a cleaner life a more righteous life as you bring forth fruit God will purge you and then you'll bring forth even more fruit so you will become a better person you won't be the same person you used to be and people say why you change your different you know ever since you start going to pure words Baptist Church it's like you're just not the same anymore amen amen we ought to be different but at least it's an improvement not like man ever since you started making the big bucks ever since you started driving fancy cars you're just not the same guy anymore but that's a negative thing but you know when you start getting serious about serving the Lord when you start attending church regularly and you start growing and and and learning and and loving the Bible and and loving the people of God and loving the Word of God things are gonna change in your life for the better now look all of us want to be happy amen I want to be happy you know all of us want something permanent in our life something that's gonna last you know we don't want to work for the wind we don't want to work and and and put a bunch of effort into something it's just all in vain it all gets wasted it all is just a waste of time nobody wants that right we all want to be happy we all want our life to mean something for eternity permanently right and we all want to be a better person nobody wants to become a scumbag nobody wants to become a rotten person no one wants to become selfish self-centered right just a dirtbag nobody wants to be like that at least nobody in this room I mean nobody who's saved you know just wants to be scum I mean you know according to the inward man we all want to serve God we all want to love God we all delight in the law of God of the inward man you know some of you've got him buried very deeply but he's in there somewhere and what I mean by the inward man is the real you the new you the saved you the spiritual you he's down there somewhere and the thing is we all want these things right it's normal it's part of human nature to want to be happy to want to have something permanent in our lives and to want to improve ourselves these are three things that are just perfectly natural money comes to us and says you know what I can give you what you want you want to be happy I'll make you happy you want security and stability and permanence in your life I'll give that to you hey you want to be a better person you want to be philanthropic you want to help people and be a blessing to people oh I'll give that to you because once you have money then you'll be able to give to charity and everything you know you're gonna be this great person you're gonna be a rotten scumbag and you know when you look at these really rich people when they do give away money it's always to the most rotten causes I was just reading about some guy and he was some con artist he's ripping people off he's in prison now he was a Hollywood guy and he had all kinds of money and everything like that and it was talking about how he was really big on charity the biggest charity he was big on was just on vaccinating you know he's just given all his money to make sure everybody gets vaccinated you know you look at you look at the charities that the Hollywood actors give to you know if you look up you look up actors and actresses on Wikipedia and you look up the little section it says like personal life oh man it's ugly on almost all of them right just look up all your favorite famous actors and actors look at where it says personal life oh here's where they got married in a traditional Jewish wedding and here's where they gave all their money to same-sex marriage and here's where they gave all their money to pro-choice and here's where they gave all their money to this left-wing Democrat campaign and everything like that right so it's like all that give to charity all these rich people they're so philanthropic they give away so much money they give it to the devil right you know sterilizing third-world countries with vaccines putting all kinds of weird experimental things in their vaccines you know giving money towards some queer and lesbian cause giving money to this synagogue of Satan and that Jewish thing and that you know it's all these rotten causes why because by the time they got all that money they're a rotten person they don't give to Jesus Christ they don't give I mean find me the Hollywood actors says hey you know he donates a lot of money to his local independent Baptist Church no but I'll show you where they donate a Planned Parenthood oh this Hollywood actor gave all this money to Planned Parenthood they gave money to the United Nations they gave money to these people happy it's all the worst causes because by the time they get there they're rotten I don't want to be a rotten person I'd rather be a poor person and have integrity I'd rather be a poor person that's happy than a rich person who's miserable I'd rather be a poor person who loves the Lord than a rich person who loves himself I'd rather be a poor person who's a blessing and refreshing like a cold drink of water to his friends and family than to be a rich person who's just a pain in the rear end that none of his friends and family even want to be around him because ever since he got money he's just not the same you know what everything that money lies to you and says here let me offer you all this the Lord gives you all that when you serve him the deceitfulness of riches on one side or serving God you can't have both you know brother Shelley here is is the pastor of pure words Baptist Church you know he's not choosing a life that leads to riches it's not like he chose to make his fortune you know what he's chosen is to serve the Lord with his life okay and you can't do both you can't say like well I'm gonna start an independent fundamental Baptist Church and I'm gonna become really wealthy at the same time it's just not gonna happen unless you'd lie cheat steal you know whatever and there are preachers who do that you know you got the Kenneth Copeland and the Joel Osteen and TD Jakes and whatever you know define irony oneness Pentecostal TD Jakes preaching on the Trinity Broadcasting Network you know go figure but you know you got all these these these wealthy preachers but you know they're not serving God they're serving only mammon because you cannot serve God and mammon it's one or the other you got a bunch of independent fundamental Baptist preachers serving God right serving God that's why they don't live in mansions that's why they don't drive all these really fancy cars and just have all this extra money and wealth and everything like that and wear fancy clothes and you know I don't believe that pastors should be poor you know I just believe we should just be in the middle state you know the Bible said in Proverbs 30 give me neither poverty nor riches feed me with food convenient for me you know we should just be at a middle station I'm not taking a vow of poverty I'm not asking brother Shelley to take a vow of poverty tonight but what I am saying is that I'm never going to be rich he's never going to be rich he's never going to be rich why because that's not what God has called us to do Jesus Christ was not rich and we're not better than him if Jesus Christ wasn't rich we don't need to be rich you know if John the Baptist wasn't rich if Peter wasn't rich if John and James weren't rich you know if Elijah and Elisha weren't rich if Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Daniel they weren't rich you know what there are people who want to be rich and they're wicked people and if you've got that in your heart you need to get rid of it tonight you need to you need to dig down and tear that out and say you know what I want to serve God I want to serve God I can't serve God and Mammon I got to pick one I'm gonna serve God yes sure I'm gonna go to work of course I got to work hard and give 110% at my job because I'm doing it as unto Christ but the goal is not to live an extravagant lifestyle the goal is to put effort into serving God so you need to prioritize your life around the things of God and what gets you up in the morning more than anything else should be to just wake up and say okay God you know I'm here to serve you I love you what have you got for me not to just get up and be like all right you know 362 more days until I've got enough money to make that purchase or what you know and that's just what you're living for in Canada it should be like all right you know 362 more days and I'm done reading my Bible cover to cover you know for the umpteenth time you know or or whatever right but spires never word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word Lord and we thank you that your word is the truth money riches they deceive us but you tell us the truth Lord and so help us to realize your word is truth kiyosaki and Donald Trump they're not telling us the truth they tell us that wealth will make us happy it's a lie Lord God help us to seek first your kingdom and your righteousness and it's in Jesus name we pray man