(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Good morning, it's good to have you here this morning if you would please take your seats and if you would please find the hymnal close by you should find one close by turn to number 138 we'll begin with the haven of rest number 138 yes i understand that him number 138 my soul in sad exile was out live scene number 138 seeing all four verses singing out on this first verse thank you i'll sail the white sea is so oh in jesus is i think my soul in the haven of grass i'll sail the white oh oh it is lord thank you for this opportunity to be here this morning and i pray that you would fill pastor with your holy spirit please help us to all be edified and please bless the soulening that'll happen later today it's in christ name i pray amen go over one page number 139 him number 139 i know whom i have believed number 139 singing all five verses i know not why god's wondrous grace to me he has made known number 139 singing on this first i know let me i i know here him golden that he is Go through our announcements together, if you don't have a bulletin, slip up your hand We'll get to you with one on the inside. We have our service time Sunday mornings at 1030 is our preaching service Sunday nights at 6 o'clock Wednesday nights at 7 is our Bible study this week will be in Psalm 64 We've got the soul winning times listed there below as well as salvations and baptisms And then across the page is the Bible memory passage. We're working on Isaiah 40 verses 21 through 31 So keep plugging away at that just a few more weeks to go and then below that The coffee and tea station is up and running again and the water coolers are open again And then the weekly shuttle to Tucson is going to resume on October 1st So it looks like there's not going to be a shuttle to Tucson over the next couple weeks So that'll start back up again on October 1st on the back We've got the singing class on Sundays at 4 30 Keep praying for our ladies that are expecting that they'll have a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery And then of course, we've got the preaching class every Tuesday night at 7 o'clock that's for participants only and then other upcoming events The Spanish night is the second Thursday of every month. So that'll be again on October the 8th That's about it for announcements. So let's go ahead and sing our next song come lead us Oh one other thing. We've got some of these shirts here Brother Perez brought these faithful word shirts. So if you need a faith for Baptist shirt There's a limited supply over there If you want to grab one of these they're free, of course, so grab one of those on the table if you want one Come lead us All right, we're gonna sing. He is mine Should find the insert there. He is mine He is mine long before the fall of man, let's sing it on this first verse Sing it out nice and loud together Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh 144 a mighty fortress is our God number 144 singing all four verses Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Time will pass offering plates as the plates go around. Let's turn our Bibles to John chapter 17 gospel of John chapter 17 as We always do we'll read the entire chapter beginning in verse number one John 17 starting in verse number one fall along silently with brother Nick as he reads John chapter 17 These Words spake Jesus and lifted up his eyes to heaven and said father the hour is come glorify thy son that thy son also may glorify thee as thou hast given him power over all flesh that He should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him And this is life eternal that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent I've glorified thee on the earth I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do and now Oh father glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was I Have manifested thy name under the men which thou gavest me out of the world Thine they were and thou gavest them me and they have kept thy word Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me and they have received them and Have known surely that I came out from thee and they have believed that thou did send me I pray for them I pray not for the world but for them which thou hast given me for they are thine and all mine are thine and thine are mine and I am glorified in them and Now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world and I come to thee Holy Father keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me that they may be one as we are While I was with them in the world I kept them in thy name those that thou gavest me I have kept and none of them is lost but the son of perdition that the scripture might be fulfilled and Now come I to thee and these things I speak in the world that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves I have given them thy word and the world hath hated them because they are not of the world Even as I am NOT of the world I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil They are not of the world even as I am NOT of the world Sanctify them through thy truth Thy word is truth as thou hast sent me into the world even so have I also sent them into the world and For their sakes I sanctify myself that they also might be sanctified through the truth Neither pray I for these alone but for them also which shall believe on me through their word That they all may be one as thou father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in us that the world may believe that thou hast sent me and The glory which thou gave is me. I have given them that they may be one even as we are one I in them and thou in me That they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou hast sent me and has loved them as Thou hast loved me Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am That they may behold my glory which thou hast given me for thou lovest me before the foundation of the world Oh righteous father the world hath not known thee But I have known thee and these have known that thou hast sent me and I have declared under them thy name and will declare that the love were with thou hast loved me may be in them and I in them Father in heaven, thank you for the gathering here that you have allowed to gather today I pray that you please bless pastor Anderson as he preaches your word and Help us become better and better Christians with every passing day in Jesus name. I pray amen Man, the title my sermon this morning is the danger of everything going online The dangers of everything going online over the last few years Everything has been going online work school shopping entertainment social life for some people even church But now with the dreaded c-word Being upon us in 2020 and I call it the c-word because I don't want to trip some Algorithm on YouTube and get my channel deleted mid sermon because that happened a couple weeks ago This process has sped up dramatically. I mean things were already all going online But now this year it's going at an incredible pace I mean how many people have had your job switch to being online this year because of what's going on a bunch of people School has gone online lots of other things and so I want to preach about the dangers of Everything going online and if you would turn to Acts chapter 4 the book of Acts chapter 4 the first danger of everything going online is total censorship Total censorship. What do I mean by that? Well, the devil has always had an agenda to want to silence the truth and the devil's minions are always trying to silence the truth and censor the truth and stop God's Word from having free course and With it going online Things are easier to control online When everything's online this allows the powers that be to have a greater Control go if you would to Acts chapter 4 verse 16 the Bible reads saying what shall we do to these men? For that indeed a notable miracle have been done by them is manifest to all that dwell in Jerusalem and we cannot deny it But that it spread no further among the people Let us straightly threaten them that they speak henceforth to no man in this name And they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus But Peter and John answered and said unto them whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you More than unto God judge ye for we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard So when they had further threatened them they let them go Finding nothing how they might punish them because of the people for all men glorified God for that which was done They said look we've got to stop this. We don't want it to spread any further. So let's threaten them Let's arrest them. We've got to stop these guys and look there's nothing new under the Sun Just like the devil's crowd wanted to shut down the preaching of God's Word back then he wants to shut it down Today and when everything's online It's so much easier to do that instead of having to go to each church and figure out what's being preached Instead of being like the mayor of Houston, Texas and saying all right Everybody mail me your sermons or whatever that lesbian wanted them to do now They can just do it all online and now with artificial intelligence. They can basically just have a machine Looking for quote-unquote hate speech and just have a machine looking for people who are preaching Things that they don't want to be preached. They can just be triggered by little keywords and The algorithm is triggered now go to Acts chapter 5 verse 27. We have another example of this Acts chapter 5 verse 27 It says and when they had brought them They set them before the council and the high priest asked them saying did not we straightly command you That you should not teach in this name. I mean look we've already given you a warning and two strikes on your account you've already been in faith Facebook jail for 30 days and Look, it says and behold you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine and intend to bring this man's blood upon us Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said we ought to obey God Rather than men and you see that when the Word of God is preached By a man of God with the power of God it spreads like wildfire and That's what we see here. It was spreading It's filling the city with the doctrine and they're like we have got to put a stop to this and let me tell you Something they have the same attitude today. They want to shut it down. They want to censor the truth or They just want to straightly threaten people see here's the thing They don't even have to cancel everybody's account or give everybody a strike or whatever Because what they do is they make an example out of somebody like me or someone else and then you know What a lot of other preachers will do? Well, I don't want it up like Peter and John Out in jail or whatever, you know, I don't want to get canceled I don't want to get my account deleted and it has a chilling effect Where then preachers don't preach like they would have preached Because they don't want the persecution and they're afraid of what's going to happen And so when everything goes online The thing that's dangerous about that is that the powers that be can have total Censorship online because it's so much more easy to control that which is in a computer online It's a controlled environment and not only just total censorship. How about total surveillance? Total surveillance think about this in the Soviet Union or other totalitarian type Systems they had to actually send this network of spies to go physically hang out with you and your friends to catch you, you know, they'd have to get one of your friends to become an informant and They had all these spies and all these informants so that when you went to church and you're hanging out after church And you're talking to your buddies turns out one of your buddies is a Soviet spy That's there to make sure you're not saying anything bad about Stalin or whatever But nowadays they don't even have to do that They don't even have to physically do that because people aren't even standing around talking to anybody. They're chatting online Since it all happens online. It's all under their watchful eye It's all under their control total censorship total surveillance. You say well pastor Anderson I think you sound a little bit paranoid right now folks I'm not paranoid when our church has had literally eight of our donation Platforms shut us down Starting with PayPal and then seven other donation platforms have shut us down We had our channel deleted from YouTube. We had about ten other channels deleted from YouTube now We're getting our channels deleted from YouTube like every week And we just keep making new channels and just keep getting deleted this channel that I'm speaking on right now Hey watch it while you can because it's gonna be gone This channel is not gonna last. It's not gonna survive and So we've already experienced this We're already seeing the total censorship and total surveillance where you can be preaching in the middle of a sermon You mentioned the wrong thing and then BAM channel deleted during a live stream That's a machine that's doing that my friend because it's so you talking to your phone, right? And it turns your voice into text all day long Well, guess what when I'm preaching right now, my voice is being turned into text right now It's the automatic subtitling feature on YouTube and it's ready to trigger an algorithm if I say the thing That they don't want me to say or if they figure out that I'm not Speaking along the lines of the official narrative on whatever the subject look There's only one viewpoint allowed on a lot of these social media platforms and it's not the biblical viewpoint And so therefore the danger of everything going online. Is that at least a total surveillance total? Censorship but number two if you would go to John chapter 17 What's another danger of everything going online? What do I mean by everything going online? I'm talking about school going online work going online Social media. I'm talking about entertainment going online Church going online. I mean think about how many areas of our life that we used to do in real life now It's all online. Okay, I'm not saying it's bad necessarily that it's online But I'm just warning you of some of the dangers that I see of it all going online but number two Total isolation. So number one the danger was total censorship that we're seeing but number two total Isolation look what the Bible says in John chapter 17 verse 11 and now I am no more in the world But these are in the world and I come to thee Holy Father Keep through thy known name those whom thou has given me that they may be one as we are While I was with them in the world I kept them in thy name those that thou gavest me I have kept and none of them is lost but the son of perdition that the scripture might be fulfilled and Now come I to thee and these things I speak in the world that they might have my joy Fulfilled in themselves. I have given them my word and the world hath hated them because they are not of the world Even as I am not of the world and here's the key verse 15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them From the evil don't take them out of the world. Just keep them from the evil he says They are not of the world even as I am not of the world Sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth and thou has sent me into the world. Don't miss this Even so have I also sent them into the world. He said I have sent them into The world I don't want to take them out of the world. I want to send them into the world Keep them from the evil. Yes, take them out of the world No, and then it says for their sakes verse 19 I sanctify myself that they also might be sanctified through the truth neither pray I for these alone But for them also which shall believe on me through their word So why are we sent into the world? Because there are going to be people who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as a result of our word We're going to reach people We need to be in the world so we can reach people that's why we don't withdraw and Isolate ourselves. We're here in this world for a reason to reach this world with the gospel So we do not want to be isolating ourselves, but what we have with everything totally going online is People are becoming isolated and they surround themselves Virtually with only people who agree with them This is a phenomenon that we're seeing today with the internet is that now People can just surround themselves with only people who agree with them. I Guarantee you that my newsfeed on Facebook looks a lot different than the newsfeed of some left-wing liberal Think about it because you know, I've got all my independent fundamental Baptist friends I've got all these foaming at the mouth Fundamentalists and Bible believing Christians and King James Bible preachers I've got all of those type of people on my friends list So, you know, I might get a certain perception of like this is what public opinions like Everybody sees it my way. I mean look at it. Just look at my newsfeed, but then I guarantee you There's someone else who's some left-wing liberal They're surrounding themselves only with people like them other left-wing liberals and they're never even getting a biblical viewpoint a conservative viewpoint They're just getting that viewpoint Everybody on their newsfeed is on that same page or whether it's everybody's an atheist Everybody's a Muslim. Everybody's a Buddhist It doesn't matter people on the internet now are able to just only interact with people that are just like them Find everybody who's just like them socially interact with people that are just like them and they end up becoming Isolated now stop and think about this it used to be that places like work School and church would be the type of places where you would interact with people that you wouldn't normally seek out To be your friend like think about people that you've worked with over the years Would you have gone on Facebook and found that person and sought them out and said boy This is a guy that I want to hang out with No way So work put you with people that you never would have chosen to be your friend But yet there you are in the work truck day after day with these people there You are on the assembly line or out on the job site. You're with People that are totally different than you. They don't have your exact religion your exact politics Your exact hobbies your exact demographic Whatever, you know you go to school. You're in a classroom with everybody You're mixed in with a whole bunch of different people you go to church and at church They're gonna be rich poor all races all different types of backgrounds Our church is very diverse. So if you come to our church you get around a lot of people now sure We all have the same basic beliefs and doctrines, but we vary in a lot of other areas You know just in our in our personalities our backgrounds. We're from different geographies I mean we have people here from all over the world who here was born in another country besides the United States put up your Hand, I mean look about tons of people that were born in other countries And so it brings people of different kinds together when you're at church when you're at work when you're at school Whatever, but now with all these things going online You're not gonna interact with those people anymore Now you're just in this echo chamber Where everybody agrees with you all the time and you're just surrounded by people that are just like you and the problem with that Is that we need to? Get out there and reach other people with the gospel, you know, yeah, we go to church Okay But how often are you gonna be able to do effective soul winning at church most of the soul and needs to happen? Out there amongst people that aren't already saved that aren't already a Christian. They don't already believe and so Isolation Jesus did not want us to become isolated He didn't want us to just only be around people that are all saved Only get around saved Christians only get around with people that believe exactly like us and be isolated no, he wanted us to go out into the world and Mingle with the people of this world. I mean look at the Apostle Paul and he just mingled He's going into the marketplace He's going into the place where all the philosophers are talking Jesus walks into the temple and engages with the doctors and lawyers and then you see Paul Goes down to the river a bunch of women are washing clothes. He goes down there and hangs out I mean he just goes everywhere and just interacts with people and just talks to people out in this world But today it's getting to where those kind of in-person interactions are happening less and less Where you don't interact in person very much Because everything's going online and then when you interact online you end up just interacting in these little niches of People that are already just like you. Okay, and that leads me to my next point Which I said number one total censorship Number two total isolation people are becoming isolated. Some people are getting to where they can't even interact socially anymore They don't even know how to have a normal conversation anymore. They can only text they can't even talk anymore They can only do it by text, you know, so some of you, you know You meme like a real warrior, but then it but but it's sort of like it's sort of like it says in 2nd Corinthians You know, his letters are weighty and powerful, but his bodily presence Is contemptible like like we get to where we're just we're just this lion online, but we're a paper tiger Okay, we you know we need to still interact in real life folks and not become so isolated where everything's just this cyber reality you say well What's wrong with just being locked into a total cyber reality? Well that goes back to point number one. It's totally controlled by a couple companies Located in the Bay Area in California. May they all burn down? so, you know It's just a few companies that are just sitting there and and and having a monopoly and and folks these people get together And have meetings and decide hey these fundamental Baptist preachers have got to go Look if you look at I kid you not if last time YouTube updated their terms of service They literally quoted pastor Jimenez in the terms of service almost verbatim I mean if you look who saw that where the terms of service looked like they were literally like they they looked at Roger Jimenez a sermon and then they're like For example, here's what you're not allowed to say and they've they almost spelled out exactly what he said There's no way that it was a coincidence because it was so close to what he said. I was blown away by it The point is that there are people who are sitting around and it's not just the Bible that they're trying to censor They're trying to censor all kind of viewpoints that they don't like It's not just the Bible folks. It's there. They're just getting everybody to think the way they want to think and There's an agenda behind it. So number one, we've got total censorship total surveillance number two We got total isolation and this leads to point number three total radicalization now, what do I mean by total radicalization? Talking to people outside of your little group people with different views prevents you from becoming too radical See when you just get around only people who agree with you only people who believe like you you're just gonna keep winding each Other up and just getting more radical more out and your ideas are never challenged by anyone So you just get more radical more radical more radical and you can tend to get Radical now look if you would at Luke chapter 21 Luke chapter 21 you see the truth can stand up to scrutiny The truth fears no investigation. I've got the truth my friend And so I don't mind interacting with people outside my little group and talking to people out there in this world I know that I'm gonna be able to hold my own and because why because I'm Smart note because the truth can hold its own the truth can handle scrutiny the truth fears no investigation and So we need to talk to people outside of our little group and not just be these people who we just our Facebook feed is everybody just like us and that's who we interact with and that's who we talk no No, we need to get out and talk to some people that are different and that prevents you from becoming too radical But look at Luke 21 verse 15 The truth can stand up to scrutiny the Bible says for I will give you a mouth and wisdom Which all your adversaries shall not be able to gain say nor resist God said that he would give us a mouth and wisdom that all of our adversaries would not be able to gain say nor resist So are we should we be able to go toe-to-toe with the people of this world and speak the truth? Or do we have to go hide and just get around people that are going to encourage us and pat us on the back No, we can engage with people outside of the church We can engage with people outside of the fundamental Baptist world we can get out there and talk to people whether we're at work or school or wherever and interact with other people and The truth is gonna win and you know what if we would actually do that Then the truth would spread just like it spread in the book of Acts if we were out constantly talking to people breaches people the truth powerful The Word of God is quick and powerful Sharper than any two-edged sword. And so that's why point number one They want to have total censorship because they know how powerful it is but number two There's total isolation going on right now And it's not just because of the c-word folks because even before the c-word this trend was already happening But because of the c-word in 2020, this has ramped up Big time and so this is going faster. It's just it sped up a process that was already happening, but now it's going even faster Because a lot of people who went to online during the lockdown Jobs and schools and everything. They're just kind of like well, let's just keep it this way Why are we paying rent at the building, you know, or who knows if there's gonna be a second wave or whatever? Hey, let's just go with this. We already went through the trouble to set up all the technology we set up zoom You know, let's just leave it. Just leave it the way it is. So it's speeding up this process of isolating people and That leads to radicalizing people, okay Not only that but it just our nation is not united at all Why because because we don't we don't even have the same culture anymore We just have all these separate cultures all these separate groups many of whom just hate each other It's not a united country folks and and sorry neither Trump nor Biden is gonna bring us all together You think Biden's gonna unite the country? Is that what you think? You think Trump's can unite the folks? Nobody can unite the country because it's like oil and water Because we've gotten so isolated, you know, it used to be that our country had a certain culture had a certain identity It was a certain Nation, but now everybody's getting so isolated They're all getting into their own little niche and here's the thing no matter how weird you are No matter how bizarre your beliefs are You will find a group of people online that should share them with not just one person So it used to be that if you believed a bunch of stupid crazy stuff Everyone around you would tell you you're an idiot and then you'd realize I'm an idiot. I need to fix this But nowadays you'll just find some idiot in Japan Idiot in England idiot like you you if you go to the whole pool of the world 7.6 billion people You're gonna find those flat earthers You're gonna find a lot of them Any any bizarre viewpoint? I mean folks this world has 7.6 billion people in it and some of them are pretty weird Everything's out everything exists when you have seven point billion people everything's out there I mean, there's a guy in England who literally ate an entire airplane piece by piece. He swallowed it And ate an entire airplane. He's just eating each little bowl nuts He's just some psycho eats metal who knows what I'm talking about kids. Don't try that at home. You'll die. I Mean there's always gonna be some weird freak some weird Oh, so no matter how dumb your beliefs are no matter how crazy your beliefs are. You'll find a whole Facebook group for it Where people egg you on? Yeah. Yeah. No, we get it. No one else gets it It's us against them flat earth. That's what the Flat Earth phenomenon is Okay, it would not have happened. Normally it wouldn't happen naturally Because it would be laughed out of the classroom be laughed out of the church house be laughed out of the job site Be laughed out of the pizza parlor. It would be laughed out of Normal places where people hang out and talk But online you can find each other and and and then there's this strength in numbers and the the stupidity just just Becomes exponential and the stupidity becomes greater than the sum of its parts Because they think of dumb stuff that you weren't even dumb enough to think of but you're dumb enough to believe it and so total radicalization Go to Titus chapter 1 Titus chapter number 1 The truth can stand up to scrutiny We must talk to people with other beliefs than ours so that we don't become too radical By just only surrounding ourselves with yes men Who believe exactly like us and pat us on the back and don't require us to ever prove anything? You know it's sort of like in the preaching class at faithful word You can get up at the preaching class at faithful word And you can rip on this and rip on that you don't have to prove anything from the Bible because everybody already agrees with you So hey man, yeah, but if you took that outside of the preaching if you took that out into the world You know what you'd have to do you'd have to provide chapter and verse You'd have to provide evidence you'd have to show here's where the Bible says that you wouldn't just be like well yeah, we all know this and that and Pretty soon all that we all know this we all know that it starts leading to a bunch of stuff that we all Know that isn't even in the Bible Because you get out of the habit of actually fact-checking things proving things Testing things looking things up because you just get used to everybody around you Just accepting everything you say and without question Well out there in the world people don't accept what you say without question you guys show the evidence now It says in Titus 1 9 holding fast the faithful word as he had been taught that he may be able by sound Doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers God wants us to be able to use sound doctrine to exhort and convince the gainsayers The opponents the adversaries the people who don't believe like us We should be able to engage them and convince them and straighten them out. That's what God wants Now here's what some people would say to this point They'd say well. You know I argue online Folks no Here's what you find online Interacting with people you don't believe like you online You find a lot of strife and debate is what you find and let me explain to you what the difference is and If you would turn to 1st Peter chapter 3 Here's the difference If I go online let's just let's just pick a few subjects, okay, let's just pick the subject of let's say creation evolution type debate right if I go online and Talk about creation. I'm probably going to be talking with two kinds of people Number one I'm going to be talking with my fellow Bible-believing Christians and creation believers where we can all pat each other on the back and rah rah shish kum bah and have a little pep rally for what we already believe or We're going to end up talking to rabid atheists who hate God and are just hell-bent on disproving creationism Because those are the type of people that are going to be hanging out on a creation chatroom or on a creation video Average Joe Blow out there. He's not researching that stuff necessarily. He's just living his life and doing whatever So typically if you're on some kind of a forum or Facebook group or YouTube or chat or whatever about Creationism it's probably going to be with people that are hardcore for it or hardcore against it And it's just this debate strife arguing that gets nowhere. It's a waste of time arguing with people online like that It's a waste of time Whereas in real life When I say come into contact with people with different views I'm not saying that you're running into Richard Dawkins at the grocery store And you know you're having it out with them in the produce section or something. That's not what I'm talking about Because chances are you're not going to be at work next to Bill Nye the Science Guy and and and going after These subjects with him see in real life. You're going to be out talking to people Most of whom are sincere People that are actually interested in the truth and interested in learning. They just have a different view than you Just like you're interested in the truth. You're interested in learning you have a different view sometimes You're going to change your view sometimes. They're going to change their view okay when you're out talking to normal people in real life Not just seeking out this group where we all get together and hash out this subject It's like these Christian versus Muslim debates. It's not like after the service There's some big altar call where a bunch of Muslims come forward and get saved Because typically the Muslims that are there are hardcore Muslims the Christians that are there are typically hardcore Christians Does everybody see what I'm saying? People who attend a political rally or something they're into it people who attend a creation seminar are into it The point is that when we actually interact with people normally in this world We end up just talking to nice people Who have different views than us that can challenge our views and we can either prove to them Why we're right and show them evidence and get them on our side, or maybe when they challenge us We're going to realize whoa. I don't have any evidence for this. Maybe I need to rethink this Everybody understand what I'm saying. That's a big difference from arguing online Okay, and look at first Peter chapter 3 verse 15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you A reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear and here's what I see in this verse number one I see meekness So it isn't just a bunch of just strife and and bitter contention and debate and back-and-forth and arguing It's giving an answer with meekness Giving an answer with gentleness kindness having a civil conversation having a friendly conversation is why I see with meekness there The other thing I see is every man that asketh you You know that shows that there's some interest on the part of who you're talking to if they're asking you then they must have some Interest you're not just beating your head against the wall talking to some reprobate Talking to somebody who's so far off the deep end. They're never going to get straight on these things So arguing online Does not take the place of having friendly conversations in real life. Hey, I can't even count how many times I've sat down with people of other religions other beliefs other political views and Just sat down with Christians with different doctrine and just had a friendly conversation And you know people are always telling me you got to debate this guy you got to debate this guy You know why I don't do debates is because I'm not full of debate I want to have friendly conversations with people though And I find that you learn a lot more in a friendly conversation than a debate Where you have a friendly conversation? And you find common ground and you can talk about differences and challenge them and they challenge you And you can actually make progress and get somewhere not just like the battle lines are drawn And I'm on this side and you're on that side, and I'm going to kick your butt that doesn't accomplish anything That's why the Bible says avoid strife and contentions and strivings about the law Don't get in arguments when I'm out soul-winning and somebody wants to argue with me. It's like all right. Have a good day See you later You know I'm there to talk. I'm not there to fight. I'm not there to argue I'm not there to debate because it's unprofitable in vain Okay, people's heartbeat starts racing and guess what the blood leaves their brain I'm serious. You know because they get into like a fight-or-flight And it's there's even a physiological component to this where people get mad and they don't necessarily think straight when they're mad We've all gotten mad where we're seeing red and and we aren't thinking straight because we're just enraged So that's not the best way to learn that's not the best way to have a conversation That's not the way to engage with with other people so you know we want to have a friendly conversation in real life That's a lot better than a flame war online and by the way people act differently online than they would in real life Not only that but you can't even say all the things that you want to say online because it's censored So you know if I say this it's going to trigger this algorithm And I'm going to get deleted and I'm going to go to jail and whatever Facebook jail that is Behold the devil shall cast some of you into Facebook prison, but anyway Here's the thing okay. We don't want to become too isolated because then we can become radicalized now look It's not just us getting radicalized. It's the other side that could get rattle out radicalized too Because these left-wing liberals they get more and more radicalized too Because they're just talking to each other egging each other on riling each other up and look Let me give you a perfect example of this last year. I think it was last year time flies I took a lot of flack because I'm friends with a pastor in town But here's the problem with the pastor in town that I'm friends with it's not enough that he's Baptist It's not enough that he's independent Baptist It's not enough that he's a fundamentalist with a lowercase F Because he's a fundamentalist according to every definition if you look up. What is fundamentalism? Hey, he checks all the boxes of being a fundamentalist even if he doesn't have it in the name Okay, but he's reformed Baptist. He's Calvinist so and look I don't like Calvinism at all okay. I've always been against Calvinism. I'm against Calvinism right now I think that that predestination doctrine is stupid okay the way that they teach it It's it's just crazy in my opinion, but here's the thing I Can interact with people that are different than me? And I can actually get around people that are different me and I can learn from them and they can learn from me And we can hang out and have a good time because I'm not just like well I can only hang around people exactly like me Hey only the internet even allows you to do that without the internet your level of separation wouldn't even be possible It wouldn't be humanly possible because without the internet Okay, who what pastor would I be friends with in Arizona if I didn't have the internet? If this guy's off-limits to me well, then here's it you say well you have a lot of pastor friends Yeah, you're right. I got a pastor friend in West Virginia. I got a pastor friend in Georgia I got a pastor friend in Texas. I got pastor friends in California. I got a pastor friend in Washington I got a pastor friend in Kansas. Hey, I got pastor friends in Australia I got pastor friends all over the world, but let me tell you something only because of the internet so here's what I mean about everything going on line I if I wanted to I can just totally isolate myself and Those are the only pastors. I Friends with those the only pastors all hang out with Because they're just like me and we can all pat each other on the back and rah-rah and we can get more and more And more and more radical To the point where we could get so radical it becomes stupid becomes ridiculous Okay, what we need is a little cross pollination my friend We need to cross pollinate and not just only get around people and look I'm not talking about being ecumenical I'm not talking about getting together with the Catholic priests a Jewish rabbi and getting together with the imam I'm not talking about getting together with people that are of just Dramatically different, but I'm talking about other saved Christians that aren't exactly like us for crying out loud. It's just bizarre It's like I can't even hang around with another independent Baptist. Who's King James? Well, he's not King James enough though Good stinking night, but that just you know what and if you're uncomfortable with what I'm saying right now You know you probably need to hear this Maybe you're one of the people that's becoming too radicalized If you think that pastor Anderson can't even hang around with another kind of independent Baptist who's King James and right on the gospel folks that's people just What the world being so big does and all being connected online it basically allows us to just get stricter and stricter on who we fellowship with and we can still have a thousand friends and They're all exactly like us And folks this has a detrimental effect people people walk into a fundamental Baptist Church I talked to my pastor friends all the time. You know the ones you approve of okay I talked to my pastor friends all the time, and you know what they say here's what they say They say someone will walk into our church, and they'll just be like wrong on one little doctrine. Everybody's just jumping down their throat Jumping down their throat because they're wrong on this doctrine that doctrine folks is how are we gonna reach people like that? That's so dumb like you can't just expect people to walk in off the street They better be nailed down on the reprobate doctrine They better be nailed down on Israel nail it down on end times now They better know exactly the right wording about believe and repentance, and I mean they better have it wired tight Or they're in trouble, and I'm telling that's sad and that is wrong Okay, people should be able to walk in here with different beliefs and different views and we could in meekness Instruct them and and get to know them and talk to them and bring them our way Hey, it took me years to figure out the things I believe I'm not gonna expect everybody to believe what I believe after a week Or a month or even a year Takes years and years to learn these things It's sad when someone who believes a little different comes in the church, and it's just like whoa you know and look I'm not look we had some guy come here and say God's a woman or something yeah We dragged that fool out in the parking lot. That's not what I'm talking about folks I'm not talking about somebody who comes in and says hey, you know. I'm one of the two witnesses I'm the Antichrist that's not what I'm talking about okay I'm talking about people just come in here, and they don't cross every T and dot every I Cut them some slack Okay, and quit just getting more radical. We must cross Pollinate and you know what I've in our I interact with a lot of people that I wouldn't call them friends but I interact with a lot of other people of other denominations and things just so that I can basically have my ideas challenged and Talk to them and I can influence them too, and then they can challenge some of my ideas I can make sure that I have my facts Or do you think I'm just a hundred percent right about everything all the time I don't need anybody to challenge my but no it's okay for me to get around other pastors and other people who've studied the word of God on my level and basically they can challenge me on things and cause me to find the proof and make sure that I'm right and Be able to defend what I believe better iron sharpens iron and look I've even gotten together with some pastors that were unsaved You know just to talk to them figure out what they believe and at the end of the day I realized this guy's not saved. I'm not gonna be friends with this guy I don't want you know I'm not gonna get together with this guy again because he's not safe But did it harm me to get together with that guy and talk to him and check his salvation to see what he believes Check in with them show him what the Bible says. No, it's okay to interact with other people folks And by the way It's okay for me to have a friend who's not exactly like us on every doctrine if he's a saved Christian He's a brother in Christ and he's ninety nine percent like us or ninety five percent like us or whatever To sit there and say well, no, you're not separated up pastor Anderson You're ecumenical because you're friends with another kind of independent Baptist That's not ecumenicalism. You think two kinds of Presbyterians getting together is ecumenical Would you think that two kinds of anything else getting together would be an ecumenical it's crazy But I was literally labeled as ecumenical for hanging out with other Baptists I went to a conference where both of the keynote speakers were independent Baptist now They don't believe like us But it was it was a conference about Why the modern versions are bad and why the critical text is bad and why we need to have the Texas Receptus and the King James Version it was Pro King James Pro, Texas Receptus bunch of smart guys Who've studied a lot of history studied the issues? I went to that conference and I got roasted for going to that conference where both speakers were Baptist Okay, and I sat there and and listen and then they're like, yeah, but a Presbyterian attended They're like there were two Presbyterians and and something else and it is I'm like I took that Presbyterian aside during the break and was was was teaching about baptism by immersion Literally when I was at that I I yeah, I was at that conference I know there were Presbyterians there because I was talking to him and I was open in my Bible and I was Discussing baptism with them showing them all the proof why baptisms by immersion and why it's after salvation Okay, is there is there a problem with that? Like why why can't I go to a conference? That's about defending the King James Bible and the Greek received text so that I can learn history And learn the technical stuff and I can get around other pastors and I can challenge them and they can challenge me There's nothing wrong with that folks unless you're just so Radicalized that you can only be around people that are just like you and you know what? You know what's gonna happen with when you don't have any cross-pollination. It's like an inbreeding That takes place and pretty soon, you know, what you get is the result of inbreeding You know and pretty soon you become a ruckmanite That's the result that's the result of inbreeding and you're like, oh yes, I'm so King James only Yes, I'm so King James only that you know, I think that even if you spell the words differently it's not King James I Think you happen to have to spell it the same way in English You're a freak You're a mutant You are a cautionary tale about inbreeding you Why because those kind of arguments would be laughed out of any intelligent room If you actually took those arguments out into the world and talk to people that weren't in your little group There's just been radicalizing and radicalizing and inbreeding Those wouldn't fly. You know what? Excuse me for preaching a King James only ism that actually makes sense That is actually logical and matches reality without we weakening the position at all I've strengthened the position. I Believe that the King James Bible is the Word of God without error If that's not King James only enough, you're crazy You've lost your mind The King James Bible is the only English Bible that we will ever use and we believe it's without error Done that's just not good enough How weird do you want to get with that and that's just one example folks and look it's not just Fundamentalists that are radicalizing. It's not just Christians. The left is radicalizing to the atheists are radicalizing the LGBT freaks are radicalizing Antifa's radicalizing black lives matter is radical everybody's radicalizing and it's a result of everything going online where you can just seek out people all over the world who believe in your Radical views and you can just get more radical and more and then just becomes a contest who can become the most radical You know like well, you know, it's it's sort of like Jihoo, you know, well, you know, hey he served bail a little bit I'm gonna serve bail a lot You know, it just becomes like hey, my little finger is gonna be thicker than Pastor Anderson's loins You know, it just becomes this big Pissing match of just who can get the wildest and most radical folks It's not gonna work when you actually take it out there to real people in the real world Not just your little niche group total isolation leads to total Radicalization and you know, I've noticed people who don't go to church. They keep getting more radical I've known people personally they quit going to church and they just get more radical more radical Church even even physically going to church has a moderating effect on you because when you start saying something too wild people are gonna be like Whoa there tiger and they're gonna reign you in I'm sure you're probably thinking of things right now where you got a little radical and somebody kind of reigned you in Or where you saw someone else get a little too radical and it's like whoa, buddy You're going a little too far because you know what some new Christians They can hear something that I preach and just run with it and just go too far with it go too crazy with it go overboard with it and Then they're gonna find some bozos online to be like, yeah. Yeah, go go go go go You know, whereas the normal church would be like, whoa, you misunderstood. That's too much and the next thing, you know They're like, well pastor Anderson, you know, he's he's too soft You know cuz they because I'm not gonna follow them down that path I'm not gonna I'm I'm not gonna leave the ground in the spaceship that they want me to board and Just go off into this out-of-this-world kind of doctrine. Anyway, I got to hurry up. I'm almost out of time So the what are we talking about this morning the dangers of everything going on line number one total censorship number two total isolation number three is Just total radicalization and then number four is total temptation Folks the problem with everything going on line is that there's a lot of junk online That could be a temptation and when you're spending your life on computers and devices and everything There's a lot of sin that's on there go to Romans chapter 13 if you would quickly Romans chapter 13. I'm almost done and While you're turning to Romans 13 the Bible says in Matthew 6 and lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen lead us not into temptation We don't want to be led into temptation the Bible says in Romans 13 12 the night is far spent the day is at hand Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light Let us walk honestly as in the day not a rioting and drunkenness not in chambering and wantonness Not in strife and envying but put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ and make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof what that means what it says make not Provision for the flesh to fulfill the lesser. I was saying don't give yourself an opportunity To fulfill the lusts of your flesh don't put yourself in that position. Don't be led into temptation You don't want to be in a position where you're tempted you want to walk honestly as in the day and here's the thing people who would never walk into an adult bookstore or a triple X theater Will look at pornography online Because it's just easy to access it the temptations there, but would they actually get in their car and drive to an adult bookstore You think that there'd be as many and I don't know the statistics on pornography But there's an incredible number of people looking at pornography and sometimes those statistics are out there about all the millions of people Go into these big porn websites and let me ask them. Do you really think that if they had to go to a Theater or a store that sold that do you really think that the parking lot would just be filled with cars There just be just millions of people going to those businesses No way So by everything going online, what does it do it emboldens people to commit sins that they would not normally commit Because in real life they'd think twice about going there and physically going there But it's just so easy to just pull out their phone Pull out their computer and they can virtually go there and they can do it in private and this is very dangerous There's a lot of temptation and there's a lot of sin to be tempted with online. There's not only the pornography There's online gambling and there's just a lot of filthy communications that you could get involved in and and here's the thing People say things online that they wouldn't say in real life They wouldn't say those things but they'll type it or Post it or whatever. They'll send pictures and videos and do all of these bad things online Filthy communications porno gambling whatever all the junk that doesn't folks. There's a lot of junk online and People will indulge in that stuff that would not do those things in real life They would not seek out those things in real life. And in my generation when I was growing up those things weren't Available like that, you know, I was a teenager surrounded by idiot teenagers. Thank God the people I was around Didn't have access to that kind of stuff Thank God we didn't have access to the things that young people have access to today Which is why you should not let your kids have unfettered access to the Internet because imagine the stuff that's out there that they could get into so easily and Get themselves in all kinds of trouble and look young people are stupid you say Well, how dare you say that the Bible says that it says foolishness is bound in the heart of a child Let me repeat that Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child But the rod of correction will drive it far from him our children going to be foolish Of course they are because they're children They haven't learned they don't know better. They don't have the maturity What was the last time you saw a 12 year old have their own apartment? Don't talk to me about doogie howser that's a TV show that's not real, you know, you don't see teenagers Running their own households. Do you do you see teenagers running a business? Having their own house. You see a 14 year old driving a car. You don't see those things Do you you want to know why is because they don't have the maturity to do those things Okay, but yet they think that they know everything when they're 12 13 14 15 they think they understand this world and they don't and Then they have all this power at their fingertips. Look folks. The smartphone is power this is a powerful tool and If it falls into the wrong hands, it could be used for evil. It could be used for good It could also be used for evil so you have a bunch of dumb young people who don't know how to wield that kind of power and You know what they're gonna get into all kinds of sin and not only to look at stuff Some of them are even gonna be dumb enough to send out even pictures of themselves And these different or say things or whatever and guess what when you do that kind of stuff once that genie's out of the bottle You can't put it back Folks, you know what? I'm constantly telling my kids and everyone else This is what I tell them I say if you type something in a text message if you type something in an email if you Text something on or type something on Facebook or you upload something to YouTube or Snapchat or Instagram I say you might as well just take a chisel and a hammer and just engrave it in marble You know what I mean you might it that's how permanent it is You might as well just take a chisel and marble and just engrave those things because it's permanent And you say well no and look I don't know which social media this is. So maybe somebody can help me out There's like a one where it's like a video that like it like self-destructs When you're done, is that snapchat? Yeah, like like you make a video and then it disappears on its own And I think this is catering to people who want to just like go out get drunk post a bunch of stupid stuff And then it goes away But it's like hey idiot. All somebody has to do is just do a screen grab and just record it Blue people are so dumb Hey, I can just put it on snapchat. It's gonna be good. Yeah until somebody takes a screenshot Until somebody records the screen Folks anything you put on snapchat text email Any look you might as well be engraving it in Stone look at my preaching look at all the stuff. I've preached right and Yet my channel got deleted is my preaching gone. None of my preachings gone now This is a example where we're glad that it's engraved in marble. Amen. All my preachings always gonna be there They're never gonna get rid of my preaching Every second of preaching that has been recorded over the last 15 years is available online right now Every second of preaching that I have done that was recorded over the last 15 years is available online Right now even with all the censorship and everything getting lit. It's all there. It's all out there In fact, I'd say probably 99% of it is online in video format and And very few videos are missing and we'll get to those by the end of the week. Amen Folks stuff is but young people they're too dumb to think this through and they put stuff out there They throw this stuff out there They go out and they take these videos and pictures and they say things and whatever Hey, it is a just rife for abuse the internet So therefore there's total temptation okay, because of the fact that the technology puts all this temptation right in front of you and You might even sit down to your computer to do something good But then boom just temptations are popping up You know, you're just sitting down and you're doing something good. You're doing your job, right? You're you're by my job went online Hey, my school went online or whatever, but then what happens you just like Oh, I think I'll just go check social media over. Oh, I think I'll just go over And not only the sin that you could get into the waste of time That you can get into where you sit down to do your schoolwork you sit down to do your job I was just talking to a teenager He said, you know, it's a lot harder now that my schooling has moved home because he said I get distracted It's hard to focus, you know when I'm in class, it's easier to stay focused when you're at home It's just everything's right there video games are right there other things and so there's a temptation to do sin There's a temptation to waste time now that it's just unhealthy just being online all the time. So here's the conclusion I am NOT against technology. I'm not up here saying hey the Internet's bad You know Let's go isolate ourselves because that would violate the spirit of one of my earlier points in the sermon Is that I don't want to be isolated and today in order to be fully plugged in and engaged with society There's an online component to society at this time So I you know, I want to stay plugged in and be a good influence online and preach the Word of God online So I still am for technology and I and look even though I spent the last hour talking about all the bad things There have been some good things of everything going on line I'm not saying that everything going on lines all bad Because you know some people they don't have to commute to work anymore. So now it's safer because driving a car is dangerous It's safe. They're saving gas money. They're getting more time with their families They get to eat lunch with their wife every day. Look, there are a lot of positives But I don't need to warn you about the positives. Just go enjoy the positives I'm here to warn you about the dangers though, because the danger is real So I'm not against technology. I'm not saying it's all bad. I like the fact that some things have gone online It's a blessing that some things have gone online. It's helping a lot of people It's making our lives better in some ways but folks there are some serious dangers and The point of preaching a sermon like this is that you'll hear about those dangers and you'll be careful and you'll be like okay, now that I know what the dangers are I Can watch out for I mean basically this world is a minefield and every Sunday morning Sunday night Wednesday night What I'm doing is I'm drawing you a diagram of the minefield I'm not telling you not to cross the minefield. I'm just telling you. Hey, here's a landmine here. Here's a landmine here Here's the line. Well, how dare you tell me where the landmines are? Who do you think you are some kind of a expert hey, look I know where some landmines are folks. I Don't know where all of them are But I can warn you about a lot of them and I can give you a better chance of getting to the other side Okay, and so I'm warning you about some landmines this morning some dangers that you could fall into Now the censorship we can't do anything about that. Okay, that's just the word the world and the devil That's what all we can do is just keep preaching and keep doing what we're doing and keep trying to circumvent the algorithm That's all we can do but you know what we can do about the isolation we can do something about that About the radicalization we can do something about that the temptations we can do something about that and let me just close With a few things that we should do number one because I'm warning you about the dangers. Here are some solutions. Okay number one interact with people in person when you can Get some personal interaction my friend Don't get isolated get some personal interaction if if you have an opportunity to do some stuff in person go do it Get out there and get around people and don't just be glued to a screen all day actually come to church and Interact go to your job and interact go to school and interact if you're a student whatever look interact with people That's what we need to do To not fall into this number one interact with people in person when you can and I realize that now a lot of things Are closed and it's not possible, but if you can interact with people in number two Go outside every day Go outside every and you know people laugh at that, but here's the thing about that there are people who don't go outside I Guarantee you there are people in this room who go an entire day they wake up They do everything they go to bed, and they never spend any time outside. I'm not gonna ask for a raise of hands I don't want to embarrass anyone, but we see you pale-faced. No, I'm just kidding. I'm just saying you know look You know that there are a lot of people that aren't getting and look I've got a whole day every once in a While it's rare because I get outside a lot, but I'll be like whoa I didn't go outside at all today And I noticed that even about myself, and I'm a pretty outdoorsy kind of person, okay So just number one interact with people in person when you can number two make it a point to get outside Every day even if it's just to go for a walk. You know how long it takes to walk one mile 20 minutes Take a 20-minute walk you could combine it with a prayer time You could make it your prayer time go out take a walk pray you could combine it with a look Here's my rule anybody calls me on the phone. I grab the phone and I start walking and I'll walk for hours if I'm dealing with phone calls talking to people talking to my pastor friends helping out with situations I walk while I do it, and I'm out in the sun. I'm getting the vitamin D I'm getting the exercise get outside number three beware of the sinful junk online Okay Go into it realizing Hey There's junks out there and make a point to avoid it and not to just fall down the rabbit hole of just Randomly surfing the net laking it and letting it take you wherever you go just get online with a purpose Hey, I'm going to this website. This is what I'm doing I'm not just going to go on there and fool around because if you start fooling around online Next thing you know you're going to start going down the wrong pathways Number four you should limit how much time you spend on your computer in your free time And I say in your free time because your job is probably requiring computer time your school might be requiring computer time But I'm saying in your free time You need to regulate yourself and put a cap on that and say hey, you know I'd rather spend some time You know reading a book outside Talking to my family do something else Limit yourself, okay, and lastly here's a big one go soul-winning Go, so what do you know going soul-winning solves everything on this list and here's why because if you go soul-winning you're going around the censorship Facebook can't hear you Mark Zuckerberg can't hear you at that door YouTube can't hear you can say whatever you want at that door, okay now I'm not saying it starts saying a bunch of wild things at the door But what I'm saying is you know what you can go and knock on doors and preach the gospel to every creature And you know what you're not isolated anymore. Are you because when you're out soul-winning and knocking doors? What are you doing? You're talking to people that are different than you folks when you knock doors You're going to talk to all kinds of people all walks of life all Demographics all religions, and it'll help you not to get too isolated and radicalized to go out and knock some doors It's a great way to interact with the public. Amen And not only that but it will also keep you out of temptation because of the fact that when you're doing something good You're not doing something bad and an idle mind is the devil's workshop It's when we're bored and we're idle and nothing's going on that we get into trouble just like King David got into trouble when he didn't go to warfare and he got into trouble with Bathsheba, so Follow these tips interact in person when you can go outside every day Beware of the sinful junk online go online with a purpose what you're going to do where you're going to go Don't just wander the wilderness and do not give your kids unfettered access to the internet You must engage some kind of parental controls and things and and and watch that stuff because they'll find a way around the controls too so you need to make sure that you're on it with that and Limit how much time you spend on the computer in your free time. Don't just become this this basement dwelling computer guy who just doesn't get out and and interact and talk and get in the Sun and Lastly keep sowing so when he's getting you in the Sun You're getting you're walking in you get an exercise. You're led away from temptation and You're circumventing the censorship you're getting God's Word spread and getting it out there. See they can't censor a DVD You know I they can't stop me from handing someone a DVD or a CD of preaching doesn't matter how hardcore the preaching is I can hand it to them all day long and I'm not gonna get overly radicalized because when I go to the door And I'm chatting with people and I give them my ideas if my ideas are stupid They're not gonna go for them, and I'm gonna have to show proof Whereas when I get around my fundamental Baptist buddies I don't have to show any proof necessarily. It's just like yeah Because that's human nature We just get to get together pat each other on the back about how awesome We are and how everybody else in the world's wrong folks. It's not profitable We are to be sent into the world to reach the world with the gospel as far as that word of prayer Father we thank you so much for your word Lord and and that even even preaching about such a modern subject and preaching about such a Such a modern phenomenon of everything going online the Bible still has the answers Lord. Thank you for warning us About the dangers of withdrawing from society or being isolated or leaving this world and and and Lord Help us to interact help us to be ready to give an answer Help us to be able to convince the gainsayers help us to avoid strife and debate and and all these things Lord God as You said in your word Lord, it's it's a good thing to behold the Sun help us to get outside and Enjoy your creation Lord and and not to get too sucked into this artificial Computer world that's being constructed in many cases by people who do not love Jesus Christ and it's in his name. We pray. Amen Please take your hymnals will be dismissed singing number 143 Blessed assurance Now on this song we're gonna sing all three verses and we'll sing the whole song and we'll go back and do that fancy And so watch me and we'll slow that down Really slow so we'll sing the all three verses and then do that fancy and 143 blessed assurance Oh what a foretaste the glory Oh This is my story This is my story This is my song Praising my Savior All the day long Perfect submission Perfect delight Visions of rapture Now burst on my sight Angels be sending Bring them above Echoes of mercy Whispers of love Bring them above Echoes of mercy Whispers of love This is my story This is my song Praising my Savior All the day long This is my story This is my song Praising my Savior All the day long Perfect submission Perfect delight All the day long Perfect submission All is at rest I am my Savior I'm happy and blessed Washing and waiting Looking out the Filled with His goodness Lost in His blood This is my story This is my song Praising my Savior All the day long This is my story Praising my Savior All the day long This is my story This is my song Praising my Savior All the day long This is my story This is my song Praising my Savior All the day long This is my story This is my song Praising my Savior All the day long This is my story This is my song Praising my Savior All the day long Praising my Savior All the day long This is my song Praising my Savior All the day long This is my song Praising my Savior All the day long This is my song Praising my Savior All the day long This is my song Praising my Savior All the day long Praising my Savior All the day long Praising my Savior All the day long