(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) which is a pattern book of what the local church should be like, dear God, and what we should be like as believers. And it's an exciting book, dear God, to read the book of Acts. And so Father, I just pray that you would help us to learn what's taught tonight and apply it into our individual lives and to take it personally and use it for your honor and glory. And in Jesus' name I pray, amen. Now in Acts, chapter 6, we see an interesting story. It's obvious from the story that this church in Jerusalem, which is pretty much the first church, if you think about it, because the church was started by Jesus Christ. Of course, we know that. That's clear from reading the book of Matthew if you're here on Wednesday nights. Jesus Christ started the church. He had his 12 disciples. They were all baptized by John the Baptist, including Jesus. And that church grew in number. And at the beginning of the book of Acts, you'll see that there were 120 people that were pretty much the diehards of the church that were the core of that group. And then you see it just expand rapidly at the day of Pentecost. The Bible says that there were added to that church 3,000 people in that one day because those 120 people went out soul winning and they reaped a great increase that John the Baptist and Jesus had been sowing for all those years of preaching. They went out and kind of reaped the increase and built this great church up to over 3,000 people almost immediately. And then we see just in the next few chapters, there's more great preaching and soul winning and the church is growing. And in chapter number six here, the Bible says in verse number one, In those days when the number of the disciples was multiplied, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration. And notice the next verse says, Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them and said, It is not reason that we should leave the word of God and serve tables. Wherefore, brethren, look you out among you, seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom whom we may appoint over this business, but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and the ministry of the word. Now you see that these apostles who were pretty much the kind of like the pastor of the church, I mean, they were the leadership in this church and you know, they're going to be split apart very soon in the story and they're going to be scattered everywhere and they're going to be, you know, pastoring and starting individual churches. But this is just started. This is still the very early church and you see that they have a certain priority that they want to keep. I mean the pastor, these men that are in leadership, they said, you know, we don't want to spend our time just serving tables. And they say, well, we know it's important that these widows be taken care of and they have needs and they need somebody to take care of them and God gives criteria for what a widow is according to the Bible. It's a woman who's over 60 who's been the husband of one man. I mean, that's 2006 for you. Who's been the wife of one husband. The Bible says she's the wife of one man and she's been a godly Christian and done right and she's had children and raised children. And the Bible says she's a widow that doesn't have children to take care of her anymore for some reason and she's over 60 to take care of her. And so they're taking care of these women who legitimately needed to be taken care of by the church according to the Bible. But they were murmuring because they weren't getting the care that they needed and so the apostles are saying, look, we can't just make this our full-time job to just take care of people's physical needs. I mean, it's important. It needs to be done. And so they said, we're going to pick seven other men who we're going to make and these are basically the first deacons in the Bible. We're going to pick these other seven men and we're going to hire them to take care of these widows and to make sure that people get what they need. And they said, we're going to give ourselves to prayer and the ministry of the word. They said, we want to devote our time a hundred percent to things like praying and ministering the word. Now, it doesn't mean reading the Bible. I mean, every Christian should be reading the Bible incessantly. But they're talking about giving out the word, you know, the ministry of the word. They're talking about and then not just preaching, you know, three times a week. I mean, they're talking about going up and down the street. I mean, preaching the gospel to every preacher, winning souls to Christ. They said, that's what we're going to be spending our time on, that most important practice of praying for the power of God, praying for souls to be saved, praying for Christians to be strengthened and live for God and preaching the gospel, yes, behind the pulpit but way more out among them in the highways and edges, preaching the gospel, preaching the word of God to every preacher. Now, you'll notice something that's conspicuously missing from this story. If this story were in 2006, there would be something else that's not mentioned at all in this chapter, nor is it mentioned anywhere else in the Bible. But if we were in 2006 and we were talking about a Baptist church of this size, there would be something that's conspicuously missing from this story because it's not in the Bible. What is it? Well, it's called the Christian school. And so the title of my sermon tonight, and don't be offended by the sermon, just listen to the whole sermon and you'll see the truth of what I'm preaching. If you don't agree with me, that's fine, but I'm going to preach to you from the Bible what I've entitled, not the Christian school movement, but what I affectionately call the Christian fool movement. Yes, the Christian fool movement, which started in the 1960s. And let me explain to you the problem with the Christian fool movement. First of all, it stems from a misunderstanding of what the word church means. Look, if you would, just on the next page, and we're going to be in Acts 6, 7, and 8 for the first part of the sermon. Look at Acts chapter 7, verse number 38, and you'll see a reference to this word of church. It's very easy to determine from the Bible what the word church means. The Bible says in verse 38, This is he that was in the church in the wilderness, with the angel which spake to him in the Mount Sinai, and with our fathers who received the lively oracles to give unto us. Now Moses, the Bible says, was with the church in the wilderness. You see, the group of people that came out of the land of Egypt, that were assembled with Moses were a church, according to the Bible. They're called a church in a few different places. Now, a church is a congregation of people. The Bible says that the tabernacle was called the tabernacle of the congregation, because the people who loved God, the people who wanted to hear from God, would assemble at the tabernacle, and Moses would preach to them. If you study the Old Testament, you'll see that. And that was called a church. See, a church is an assembly of people together. This right here is a church, because we're assembled here together to hear preaching, to sing the praises of God. Now, a church is not an organization like the Catholic Church, like the Mormon Church, where they have like an organization. It's like a business that they run. A church is a group of people. It's not a building. Good night. This is not a building at all. Hey, the church is the people, and that's what makes up the church is born again, baptized believers that have come together to fellowship with one another to hear preaching. Now, the Christian school is not a church. Is it a general assembly, as the Bible says, where everybody gets together and assembles together? No, it's not. All it is is where you drop off your kids separate from the church, and there are a few people that are running this school and teaching your kids. They're not in the church. They're not in the assembly. See, the assembly is open to everybody. Did you know that? The house of God is the house of prayer to all nations. He calls it the general assembly. It's where all the people come together, and you'll see this in the book of Deuteronomy and in the book of Numbers. When they have church, it's they assembled all the people. Men, women, and children were all assembled for church. That's what church is, and that's why it's called the church in the wilderness because it was a legitimate church because every single person was gathered together in one place. The Bible says in Acts chapter 2, they were all with one accord in one place. That's what a church is. Now, is it church when you have a Christian school where there's usually, and this is the makeup of a typical Christian school, usually you have one to two men that are employed for this matter, and they're usually like the principal and maybe teach a few subjects, but they're administrators. Then you have a whole stack of women that work for the men, and they're the teachers of the individual classes. Now, I will give you $1,000 if you can show me one Christian school in America that's staffed by men, where the teachers are men. I'd love for you to do it. You can't because it doesn't exist. Now, the reason why this is so unscriptural, this thing of the Christian school, number one, it's never found anywhere in the entire Bible. And number two, and this is the big reason, it's basically pulling people away. It's pulling the church away. It's pulling men of God away. It's pulling pastors and deacons away from what God says is their vital role in the church. Let me give you an example. When I started this church, and I'm going to show you this from the Bible, but let me just give you the example. When I started this church, I moved here on December 21st, 2005. I got here late in the day on December 21st, 2005, which was a Wednesday. Now, from the time of December 21st to December 31st, I was off from work. I took that time off so that I could kind of jumpstart the church. I came here, didn't have anybody here, didn't know anybody here. It was just me and my family. And we just got here, and I just started soul winning. And I told my boss, I'm going to take this time off from work, and I'm just going to go soul winning and just see people saved. And that's all I'm going to do. Well, in those 11 days, and really the 21st was only part of a day, in those 11 days, I won 33 people to the Lord in those 11 days. The first day, I won two people to the Lord. The second day, I had the whole day, I won seven people to the Lord. The third day, I won four people to the Lord. The fourth day, I won three people to the Lord. The fifth day, I won two people to the Lord. The sixth day, I won three people to the Lord. You know, and on and on, just every day. I was just out soul winning because, I mean, that's what I was doing, right? I wasn't working my job, and I had to unpack and everything, and we just moved into town, I got set up, got to go to DMV, and all that kind of garbage, you know what I mean? You know how it is, you're calling the utility companies. But I didn't have like a full-time job demanding my time. And so, man, I was just out soul winning for hours a day. And I was seeing a lot of people saved. And then the 11th day, you know, I had, let's see, the ninth day, I had one person saved. The sixth day, I had, I'm getting all mixed up. The ninth day, I had one person saved. The 10th day, I had six people saved. And on the 11th day, I had zero people saved. So it was really in 10 days. So if you think about it, that's 11 days, 33 saved. So that's three people per day, seven days a week. And that was when I was busy, you know, moving in, okay? Well, since then, in 2006, so far, we've gone through 300 days of this year. And not only that, but I've not been the only soul winner anymore, because now that we have people coming and everything, now other people are involved in soul winning. My wife and Amanda have been out and won a bunch of people to the Lord, got people saved. You know, Virginia has brought all kinds of people that have gotten saved, friends and family that she has reached. Me and Dave have gone out winning souls. You know, we've had more people involved in this process of winning people to Christ. And yet, in those 300 days, even with more people doing it, we've had, let me find the number here. Why did I not write down the number? Or is it both? You know, 163 saved, which comes to, you know, about half a person per day, or one person every other day, with more people doing it. Now, do you see a little bit of a difference there? The difference is that, you know, I work 60 hours a week for my secular job to make money. You work your job. You know, we all work and we're all busy, and we don't have as much time to just devote toward just 100%, you know, just out there preaching the gospel and winning souls. Now, if you think about it in this story that we're looking at here, these men, that's what they were doing. I mean, they said, this is all we do. They said, we will give ourselves to prayer and the ministry of the word. They said, if we're, and by the way, they were employed by the church full-time. You know, it's a big church, they had the money to do that. And the Bible says that they that preach the gospel should live of the gospel. And so these men were employed by the church full-time, you know, they were getting a paycheck. And so they said, we're not going to serve tables. You know, we're not going to do this menial task. They said, if we're getting paid by the church, if we're men of God, you know, if we're apostles and God has ordained us to be in this position, he said, I want to just give myself to prayer and the ministry of the word. And they said, then let's hire other people. And let's have them just doing nothing but, you know, preaching the gospel. He said, that's why they need to be filled with the Holy Ghost and with power, was one of the criteria. And he said, and I want these men to also do some of the more menial tasks of the church, of just the administration of the church, mainly taking care of the widows and things like that. Look, if you would, at Acts chapter number eight, verse number five. Now, in chapter six, when we read the scripture, we saw Stephen, who was one of these seven men that was hired, you know, to do this task and he's a deacon, he was hired by the church to take care of these widows and to do some of the daily administration of the church. Well, look at chapter eight, verse number five, we'll see the second man, Stephen was one of them in chapter six. He was preaching the gospel. He was just turning the place upside down, people getting saved left and right. He ends up getting thrown in jail, gets to preach to the entire Sanhedrin of Israel where he's preaching to this giant group of basically their political body. He got to preach to all of them. But look at chapter eight, we'll see a second deacon mentioned, this is Philip. And in verse number five, the Bible says, Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them. And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. For unclean spirits crying with loud voice came out of them that were possessed with them, and many taken with palsies and that were lame were healed, and there was great joy in that city. But when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God in the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women. Then Simon himself believed also, this is verse 13, and when he was baptized, he continued with Philip, and wondered, beholding the miracles and signs which were done. So this man Philip, who's an employee of the church basically, he's a deacon, was sent down, he says, I'm going to go down to Samaria and just go soloing, just preach there. He went down to Samaria, starts preaching. The Bible says basically practically the whole city got saved. I mean, with one accord, they gave heed to the things that he sang. And there's power of God, I mean, there's excitement. People are getting saved, people are believing on Jesus Christ, multitudes of men and women. I mean, this man was a soul winner. I mean, this man had some power. This man was doing something great for God. But see, here's the sad thing. In churches today, we have the employees of the church, they're not working on these kind of great soul winning campaigns that Philip was working on. They're not working on winning souls on their face in prayer, preaching the gospel to every creature, knocking doors, seeing multitudes of men and women saved and baptized. That's not what they're doing. You see, they're busy with something that's taking them away from the ministry of the word of God and prayer, and it's not taking care of the widows. It's called the Christian school. The Christian school is what's dominating their time. You see, the Christian school, and this is what we're talking about tonight, but the Christian school basically has a man at the helm who's an assistant pastor, is what they call him. And an assistant pastor in our day is what the Bible calls a deacon. That's the Bible terminology. And the thing that churches today call deacons does not exist in the Bible. But there's pastors and deacons. And what's called today an assistant pastor is actually a deacon, according to the Bible. And so what we have today is we have assistant pastors who, they're employed by the church full time, and every assistant pastor, unless there's a giant church that had multiple assistant pastors, every assistant pastor that I've ever known, he had one role. He ran the Christian school by day. And for eight hours a day at least, he sat, and his job was to run a Christian school. Not only that, but you're taking... He's the only man in the school, by the way. Maybe there's two men in the school, maybe to teach the Bible or teach certain subjects and to administrate the whole thing. And the rest of the staff is women that have been hired by the church. Now, think about this with me for a second. In light of my illustration that I gave a little earlier about those last 10 days of 2005 versus the whole year of 2006, you know, I'm trying to be a soul winner every chance I can get. You know, I'm trying to knock doors. I'm trying to raise my family. I'm trying to work my job and pay the bills. I'm trying to administrate the things of the church. And so, in light of that illustration, think about if we could take that same man who's an assistant pastor whose tithes and offerings are paying his salary. I mean, people put their money in the plate, the tithe and the offering. It's paying his salary. Think about if we could take that guy and just put him on the street, give him a stack of these invitations and say, go soul winning all day. Go soul winning until you can't talk anymore and then get on your face and pray. And let's see what would happen. Good night. Can you imagine how many songs that people would be getting saved? Now, did you know, and maybe you don't know this, but back in the 1940s and 50s and 60s, independent fundamental Baptist churches were huge. I mean, I don't know if you know that. I mean, nowadays, they're not as big anymore. And don't get me wrong, they could be just as big. And I hope that this church grows to be as huge as the one in the book of Acts. But I'm going to tell you something. Independent fundamental Baptist churches back in the 1940s, 50s, 60s, early 70s used to be huge. And it wasn't just a few big ones. I mean, they were big all over. There were huge churches all over this nation. The biggest churches, and I believe 17 states in 1976, I think it was, were independent fundamental Baptist churches like this church. I believe the King James Bible, soul winning, hard preaching. I mean, straight down the line, 17 of the states in the United States, the largest church was an independent fundamental Baptist church. Nowadays, I think it's two states where the biggest church is an independent fundamental Baptist church. And most of the biggest churches are the Charismatics, you know, the Pentecostals, the Scottsdale Dream Center, you know, the Grace Community Church, you know, the Living Water Fellowship, the whatever you want to call it. Why? Why have we seen the death of the independent fundamental Baptist movement? Why is it that even the good independent fundamental Baptist churches or even the ones that are big, okay, why are they just a shadow of what they once were? Why are they afraid to preach hard on sin? Why are they not seeing the multitude saved and baptized that were once seen? Or why are they not seeing the on-fire Christian soul winners like a Stephen and a Phillip who go out and just win multitudes to the Lord and preach the gospel? Why? Because they've left the Word of God not even to serve tables, but to rear other people's children, which they were never told to do in the Bible. I would love for you to show me in the Bible the Christian school. I'd love for you to show me in the Bible where people dropped their kids off somewhere and had a bunch of women get together and put their kid in daycare so that they could raise other people's kids in a Christian school and teach kids the Bible. Let's see what the Bible says, shall we? I'm going to give you several reasons right now why the Christian school should not exist and why it could not exist and why it could not exist before the 1960s and why it only came into being in the 1960s and why, if we were following the Bible, it would not even exist. Number one, and don't be offended by the sermon. You know, this is Bible preaching. But number one, women should not be working outside the home, okay? Now, if you have to work outside the home because your husband's not providing for you or whatever, that's another story, that's not your fault. But in a perfect world, you know as well as I know that women should not be working outside the home. You read the Bible and you'll see that Dad goes out to work and pays the bills and Mom stays home and raises the kids. That's what this country was built on. That's old-fashioned Bible Christianity. It's something that you can't find in a Baptist church, unfortunately. Most Baptist churches, the pastor's wife is working. The deacon's wives are working. And I mean, they'll be working secular jobs, they'll be working in the church, whatever, but they're working. Most people, just dual income is just the norm. Look at you would at 1 Timothy 5 verse 14. And this is not meant to hurt anybody's feelings, but we've got to get back to an understanding of what God says is right and wrong. And this will help us just annihilate the Christian school because the Christian school will not exist. After I get through about the first two or three points from the Bible, just straight from the Bible, you see a Christian school is not possible. It couldn't even happen if we wanted one. Look at you would at 1 Timothy 5 verse 14. The Bible says, I will therefore that younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. That is God's perfect will for a young woman. And if you read the Bible here in this chapter, he defines young as under 60 years old in 1 Timothy 5. He says, my will for your life, if you're a woman that's under 60, is that you're married, you bear children, and guide the house. He said, that's my will. Now look, for whatever reason, maybe that's not your situation. But ideally that would be your situation. And pray to God that eventually that will be your situation, because that's what God wants for your life, according to the Bible. Now, does God's will always come to pass? No, if God's not willing, then any should perish, and there's people going to hell every day, right? And so God's will is not always the case, but this is God's will. This is what God wants. And so you'll see, and then flip over if you would to Titus chapter 2. Titus chapter 2, look at verse number 4. The Bible says that they may teach the young women. This is Titus 2, just a few pages to your right there. That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. And so we see that the Bible makes it clear that women should be at home rearing children, having kids. Hey, I'm going to tell you something. My wife is never going to go to work, period. She will never walk out that door in her high heels and her little business attire, and all her makeup and her hair done up, and the little business suit, and the little miniskirt, and strut out the door to her little job. It's never going to happen. You say, what happens if it just gets so unaffordable? Hey, I'll work two jobs. I'll work three jobs. I'll live in the car. I've done it before. I slept in the car this year a hundred times probably, literally. Hey, I'm going to tell you something. I am never going to send my wife to work. I'll eat rice and beans every day. I'll eat top ramen. I'll eat off the ground. I am not going to send my wife to work because my kids are going to have a mom raising them, period. That's my priority in life, is to make sure that my children are raised by a mom. Now look, you wonder why divorce is so prevalent in our day? Well, you take women out of the home, and these things all happen around the same time. Taking women out of the home, Christian school movement. I'm sorry, Christian fool movement. Sorry, I misspoke. And divorce is rampant. 70% of marriage is ending in divorce. Well, think about it. My wife goes out to work. She's piling around with some other guy all day. She's piling around with the boss all day. And then I go off to work, and I'm piling around with a bunch of women all day because I go to a workforce filled with women. I go to an office filled with women. I don't, thank God, because I work in construction. But a lot of times, actually, when I do the fire testing, I am just dealing with women all day in these department stores that I work in. And if you think about it, think about a police officer. I saw a police officer the other day. A man and a woman team, they drive around together eight hours a day. They're not married. They're married to somebody else. They spend eight hours in the car with one woman, and then they go home to be with another woman for a few hours in the evening. You think that's healthy relationship? No, I mean, if you spend eight hours in the car with somebody, you're going to get really close to them. I mean, and it's a dangerous situation. And so women are out palling around with guys at the office. Guys are out palling around with a bunch of women at the workforce. And it's just a recipe for divorce. Women start feeling financially independent because they're making a bunch of money themselves. And they just think, well, I can just get divorced whenever I want to. You know why divorce used to be unheard of? Because how is a woman going to support herself if she gets a divorce? I mean, she's relying on her husband's income, right? And you say, well, that's terrible. Well, you know what, it actually was great because then kids knew who their parents were and they lived with the same parents their whole life. You know, people talk about hard preaching and they think it's some guy standing up and yelling. Hey, this is hard preaching whether I'm yelling or not because I'm preaching to you straight out of the Bible something that nobody wants to hear that's as true as the day is long. It's the hardest preaching you'll ever hear. And so you wonder why our world is the way it is. It's because you've taken women out of the home. You've destroyed the human family. I mean, you've destroyed the family unit of a man and a woman and children in a home. Now, think about this for a moment. I heard people say that the problem with homeschooling is what they said. The problem with homeschooling is that a boy who's at home with his mom all day will become effeminate. This is what I've heard people say. They said you must have a Christian school because if you just leave that kid at home with mom he's going to become effeminate. And I'm thinking to myself if he goes to the Christian school he's being taught by a woman, okay? Now, would I rather have my son all day at home with a woman who's feminine and a homemaker and dressed like a homemaker and acting like a homemaker or would I rather have my son at a Christian school with a woman who's bossing kids around? Get in line! You know, I mean, these school teachers I mean, they have to. They don't spank. And so they're like, get in line. You have to talk to her. It's like, wind up, do this, do this. Johnny, stop doing this. Susie, quit doing this. This militant woman is running their life all day. And so they're used to being with a woman all day who's militant. Or they could grow up with mom at home and they're used to being with a woman all day who's a homemaker. Hello? That's what they're going to do when they get married. They're going to live with a woman who's a homemaker just like they live with mom right now. And so, and if you think about the logic there, okay, well, if the logic says that a boy who's with his mother all day at home, you know, she's cooking and cleaning everything, he's going to become a feminist, isn't he? Well, then what's the girl going to become that you're taking out of the home? That you're taking away from the homemaker and putting in a situation that's more like working a job, sitting at a desk, doing a bunch of paperwork all day for eight hours a day. The logic doesn't even make sense. Now, if you look at Proverbs, don't even look at it. I'll just, actually, yeah, turn there. Turn to Proverbs 31 quickly. Proverbs 31. And I'm just laying more of the foundation for the message at this point. This is just kind of the introduction, actually, but look at Proverbs 31, verse number 1. The Bible says, the words of King Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him. Now, you see, King Solomon, Lemuel, as he's called here, but it's actually King Solomon. It's just a nickname for him. But King Solomon was taught the Bible by his mother. Do you see that? His mother taught him the Bible. Now, look down at the bottom of the chapter. Look if you would at verse number 27. And this is basically, his mother is teaching him what to look for in a wife. And he basically turns around and says to his mom, you know, that's you. That's what you've been to me. And so this is all his instructions for how King Solomon should choose a wife. Now, he learned this so well that he chose 300 of them. Just kidding. But anyway, look if you would at verse number 27. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. So she's not lazy. I mean, she's not sitting around. Idleness is where you're just sitting around, watching the soap operas, you know, doing whatever. But it says, no, she looketh well to the ways of her household. She doesn't have a job, but she just does such a good job at homemaking. I mean, she looks so well to the ways of her household. You read the story, I mean, she makes sure the food is right. She gets the deals on the food. She makes sure that the clothing is right. She makes the clothing. She does everything just to make sure that this household is running efficiently and effectively. And it says she looketh well to the ways of her household, not running somebody's business for them, not receptionist somewhere. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and therefore eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed. Her husband also, and he praises her. Many daughters have done virtuously, this is him speaking to his mother, but thou excelest them all. You see, a woman's job is in the home, and you say, well, what's she going to do all day? Good night. A woman who's in the home is busy. I mean, if she's doing it right, I mean, if she's taking care of all the food, the clothes, if she's rearing children, like the Bible says, she's having a bunch of kids, and good night, she's probably busier than a woman who just goes to work and has no kids. I know she's busier because I live with one. And that's going to keep you busy. She's not eating the bread of idleness. The Bible says she riseeth before it is light to give meat to her household. I mean, it's a busy job. And it says it's not idleness to do to your household. He said it's going to keep you busy. So let me ask you something. When you leave that, and you go work outside the home, a secular job, is your work getting done in the house, like it should be getting done? No. I mean, you know, if you run into people that are married and have kids, and they both work, you know what, they are not getting things done like they're supposed to. So what do they do? Well, they have to ask somebody else to rear their children for them. So they take them to daycare. So they take them to a Christian school. Now, number one reason why I believe that the Christian school should not exist is because I don't believe that it's God's will for women to be outside the home working. Number two reason. I don't believe that women should be using birth control. And that's the number two reason. Now, logic with me for a second. First of all, let me give you some statistics. The average size family in America in the year 1800 was eight children and two parents. Ten people in that household. The average size family in 1900 after birth control had already started being used a little bit, although it was illegal, people would use natural methods of birth control, was down to four children per family. And the average size family in America at the year 2000 was two children per family, two children only. And you know that's true if you live in America, you know that's true. Now, the only way that the Christian school has been possible is for women to take birth control pills. Because if it wasn't for birth control pills, you could have no Christian school. Let me illustrate. Think about this. You have a classroom with how many kids are in a typical class? I mean, the max must be 30. I mean, you're not going to put more than 30 kids in a classroom. Okay, well, if every woman is having 10 kids, so you have to have a whole class for every three women. And then you have a couple of teachers. So what, you have two teachers teaching 30 kids and then one of them goes off to work or something? I mean, it doesn't even make sense. It would be totally inefficient. Not only that, but think about this. If a woman is constantly bearing children like the Bible says that she should be, you know, bearing children and then nursing them and then weaning them and then having another child the way that God intended, just nature. Well, then think about it. How is she going to hold down that job of teaching at the Christian school? I mean, every time she gets pregnant, she's going to get to a point, you know, where she can't work anymore. She's going to have to be at home. So think about it. You got this class with 30 kids. So there's only three women corresponding to these 30 kids and these three women are going to be getting pregnant all the time. You know, they're going to be at home with a newborn for a couple of years, right? Because their kids are not going to be school-aged until they're five years old or something. So they're going to spend four years at home and then they're going to have the next one by the time they can go back to work and they're going to have the next one by the time they go back to work. It'd be impossible for women to leave the home if they had 10 kids. Eight kids. Six kids. How are they going to leave the home and teach some Christian school all day? It couldn't be done. It couldn't happen. It couldn't work. And it couldn't work with women staying at home doing what they're supposed to do in the household. And you say, Wait a minute. I've got an idea. Why don't we start a Christian school and have all men teaching? Well, here's the problem with that. In order to have a Christian school with men teaching, go find a man that's willing to work for $10,000 a year. Because they pay in these Christian schools slave wages, which is a sin, by the way. The Bible says the labor is worthy of its hire. The Bible says not to use people's service without paying them. The Bible says that you should pay people just wage. And paying somebody minimum wage or less, usually it's less than minimum wage in a Christian school is a sin and it's wrong. And they just pay these people these slave wages. And so no man could do it. No man could support his family on $12,000 a year. No man could support his family on $15,000 a year. You can't do it. So it has to be women doing it. Or, in rare cases, that one man, you know, they'll have him and his wife both working, you know, the slave wages and maybe they can scrape together like a single income worth of money to live on. And so you can't have a Christian school staffed with men and I defy you to show me one. I'll give you $1,000 if you show me a Christian school that's staffed with male teachers. And so the whole impetus for Christian school movement has been birth control and women leaving the home and going to work, both of which are against God's will. You say, well, wait a minute, Pastor Anderson, that woman, she's only going to get pregnant and have kids. She's only going to have to have that newborn at home for a week and then she can go back to work and put that newborn in daycare. I'm going to tell you something, that's sick. I mean, if you have to do that because you're just, you know, you have no husband or something or whatever the case may be, you know, I'm sorry you're in that situation. But if you willfully put your newborn baby in a daycare center, you're sick. Look at you with a lamentation chapter four. You're without natural affection is what you are. If you can take a newborn baby that you just gave birth to and just stick it in some daycare and have somebody else raise it. Now, if you have to do that, it should break your heart. But most people don't have to do it. They're choosing to do it because they want the money and they want to leave their state as a woman and go teach in some Christian school or do whatever. But look at Lamentations chapter four. Look at verse number three. Lamentations four, three, this is a reference to whales, which are mammals, if you don't know that. Even the sea monsters draw out the breast. You see that? Even the sea monsters draw out the breast. They give suck to their young ones. The daughter of my people is become cruel like the ostriches in the wilderness. The tongue of the sucking child cleave it to the roof of his mouth for thirst. The young children ask bread and no man breaks them. He's saying these people have become cruel to where these women won't even nurse their own child. He says even a sea monster, even a whale, has more compassion for its children. It says these women are like ostriches. Well, you want to see what the Bible says about ostriches? Flip over and I'll show you. Look at Job chapter number 39. Job chapter 39. God uses this illustration about an ostrich throughout the Bible. There's so much we can learn from nature. But an ostrich is one of the stupidest animals in the world. I don't know if you know that, but they're completely stupid. And the Bible says that they're stupid. But look at Job 39. He says women who don't want to care for their own newborn child, he says they're like an ostrich. He said they don't even have the love that a whale has for its case. But look, if you would, at Job 39, verse 13. And the Bible says, Gavest thou the goodly wings unto the peacocks, or wings and feathers unto the ostrich? This is God himself speaking to Job out of the whirlwind. Oops, I lost my place here. One verse of my own. Thirteen, there we go, okay. Gavest thou the goodly wings unto the peacocks, or wings and feathers unto the ostrich? Which leaveth her eggs in the earth, and warmeth them in dust, and forgetteth that the foot may crush them, or that the wild beasts may break them. She is hardened against her young ones, as though they were not hers. Her labor is in vain without fear, because God has deprived her of wisdom. Neither has he imparted her understanding. He says her labor is in vain. He says she spends her day working, she puts her kids off somewhere, she doesn't even care about them. It says she acts like they're not even her kids. She's out working and laboring in vain, because God has deprived her of wisdom. He says she's foolish, she's without understanding, because she doesn't realize in verse 15 that, you know, something can happen to her kids when she's not taking care of them. Somebody could step on them, you know, in this case, because we're talking about ostriches. Somebody might step on them, some wild beasts might attack them. You know, some pervert might molest them in the Christian school. Some idiot might attack them and kidnap them and hurt them. But she doesn't care, she's out laboring in vain. Wasting her life, the Bible says, because she's laboring in vain because she's not caring about her own children. Because that's her job in life, is to take care of her children. She says, what are you talking about, you know, molested in the Christian school? Hey, I had homosexuals try to recruit me in the Christian school, personally. I know people that had homosexuals try to recruit them. I watched the sodomites, and I'm talking about children recruiting other children. I'm talking about the older kids trying to physically abuse younger children. I've seen it with my own eyes. You understand me? I've been to eight or nine different Christian schools and I saw it everywhere I went. Filthy sodomite reprobate haters of God in the Christian school whose parents just force them to be there. And you know what? You're in the Christian school and you're not supervised. You're not being watched. Nobody's taking care of you. Because look, you'll be in the class, right? And then it's recess. And then the teachers all get a break from the kids. And then you go out and you learn about pornography and filth and you learn about every filthy, wicked thing under the sun. You learn every four-letter word. You learn about all the Hollywood movies. I've been there. I've been to eight different Christian schools, eight or nine, I forget which one. But I've been to eight or nine different Christian schools. That's the way they all were. You always would be left alone with other kids. And I had a good friend of mine, left alone with some other kids. You know, some older boys tried to, you know, commit a filthy act with him. I mean, a full-blown sodomite act with him. And he barely escaped by the skin of his teeth. Thankfully, some teacher walked by. You know, this isn't an independent fundamental Baptist type Christian school. Some teacher walked by and saw what was going on, right? The kid who was doing it, the main perpetrator, who was trying to rape this boy, was thrown out. I mean, we're talking about a male with a male, okay? Thrown out of the Christian school, right? He was back the next semester. Did you hear me? It's a real-life story. He was back the next semester. The child, I mean, we're talking about a child who was trying to be violated by these kids. He's scared to death. I mean, he's a little kid. He's a little kid, huh? That he's being violated, attacked in the Christian school. And the kid's back the next semester. Independent fundamental Baptist church. And that kid, that little kid, the poor kid who is the victim of this abuse, walks into the principal's office and says, what the hell are you doing letting this kid back in school? Are you insane? And they said, well, you know, the rule says. He said, and he pulled out the rule book, the child who was attacked. He said, this is what the rule says. The rule says that anybody who commits, you know, homosexuality will be permanently expelled. That's what the rule says. And you know what they said? They said, well, he didn't commit it though. He tried to and we stopped him. And so that's why we can't do anything about it. Go ahead, send your kids to the Christian school. Go ahead. But I'm going to tell you something. It's going to be a cold day in hell with my kids ever set foot in the Christian school. I sooner send them to the public school than send them to the Christian school because I've been to both. And Christian school is one of the scariest places I've ever been in my life. I'll tell you that right now. Look, I'm going to tell you something. Get out of La La Land naivety. When you put a bunch of children together, you get the lowest common denominator. You put a bunch of children together and send them out on a playground with no adult, no supervision. And kids who grew up in church, grew up in Christian school, they don't want to be there, but their parents are forcing them to be there. And they are evil. They are wicked. They're ungodly. I would love to just go through every year. And I've done this with my wife. I said, this is what I learned in first grade. This is what I learned in second grade. This is what I learned in third grade. I'm not going to do it just out of decency behind the pulpit. I'm not going to talk about those kind of filthy things. But I told my wife, this is what I was exposed to in first grade in such and such Christian school. This is what I was exposed to in second grade in such and such Christian school. This is what I was exposed to in third grade. And I've just gone down the list. All the years that I was there. I was in public school for three years, but all the years I was in Christian school, I listed for the filthy, vile things that I wouldn't even mention, I wouldn't even want to talk about publicly. Wouldn't even want to talk about them privately. Because they're so vile and wicked, the things that I've been exposed to in the Christian school. Why are we willing to make this trade-off where we'll leave our own kids, throw them to the wolves, literally, and then go off and work some job in vain? Why are we willing to make that trade-off for something that's not even in the Bible? Which is never mentioned one time in the Bible. You see, it's a de-emphasization of the local church. The local church should be men of God who are paid by the church, winning souls, preaching the gospel, on their faces, prayed. And then it should be a congregation of man, woman, boy, and girl who are all involved in the same thing. You know, as much as their schedule can allow. But no, we've taken, and every Christian school that's a part of a church dominates that church. Like, for example, you know, I'm not trying to pick on a certain church or anything, but this is just one that I was at, you know, First Baptist Church of Hammond in Indiana. Huge, massive church, big, giant schools. They had over 600 employees, church employees, over 600. 550 of them worked for the schools. 50 of them worked for the church. You know, any kind of church works. The other 550, so more than 10 times the employees were in the schools. We'd get the budget at the end of the, you know, they'd give us the budget, like at a business meeting of where the money goes and everything. We'd look at the budget, way more went to schools than even close went to the church. I mean, that's where all the money was going. I mean, huge amounts of money. I mean, literally millions and millions of dollars worked for the schools. And the church budget was like way smaller. And that's indicative of every church I've ever been in. I mean, the tail wags the dog. The Christian school dominates the church. So if the Christian school dominates the church, if the Christian school is where the employees are spending all their time, it's where the assistant pastor spends eight hours a day running a Christian school, then tell me something. Why in the book of Acts chapter six, when there's a whole discussion in this chapter about what should a pastor be spending his time on and what should a deacon be spending his time on, why is it never mentioned? Well, he's got to teach people's kids, right? He's got to teach their kids. He's got to run the Christian school. It's not even mentioned. It's not even brought up. The whole chapter is talking about soul winning, prayer, and taking care of people that are in need, you know, visiting the widows and taking care of the poor and everything like that. No mention of the Christian school. I mean, if it's such a mass organization like you see in every church, then why is it not mentioned? Look if you would at Deuteronomy chapter number six. I have to skip a lot of my sermon because just I'm running out of time. Like I had a whole page in my notes just proving why birth control is wrong. And you know, I'm going to show you just one part of that just because I can't resist to show you this. But get your finger in Deuteronomy six and then flip over if you would to Genesis chapter 38. And I'm just going to skip my whole page of notes here, but I just want to show you one part of my, and I've preached whole sermons on that so you could always get the tape and listen to it if you're not sure about that. But Genesis chapter 38, I'm going to show you the only time in the entire Bible prove me wrong. Show me another place in the Bible and I'll listen to you. Show me one other place in the Bible where birth control is mentioned because it's only mentioned in one place in the entire Bible. It's Genesis 38 verse eight. The Bible says in Genesis 38 eight and Judah said unto Onan, go in unto thy brother's wife. His brother has passed away and so he's going to marry his brother's wife. Go in unto thy brother's wife and marry her and raise up seed to thy brother. And Onan knew that the seed should not be his and it came to pass when he went in unto his brother's wife that he spilled it on the ground lest that he should give seed to his brother. And the thing which he did displeased the Lord wherefore he slew him also. So here's one of the few people in the Bible that God personally killed. I mean God just, and I'm not sure I just thought of it, but I think that's the first person in the Bible that God personally just killed is this man's brother and then him. These wicked men. And what did he kill him for? For practicing birth control. And he'd say, well wait a minute Pastor Anderson, it was just because he was being selfish because he didn't want the kid to be in his brother's name. Hey look, everybody who uses birth control is selfish. It's because they want more money, it's because they're lazy, it's because they don't want to do what God told them to do and raise kids for the glory of God and multiply and be fruitful and have lots of kids so that they could raise up an army of children to serve God and to carry out. You think about it, look how big the Mormon church is. It's huge. They don't, I've never met anybody who was a convert to Mormonism that I can even think of in my entire life. They're all born into it because they have a bunch of kids. And then the Baptist down the street is popping a bunch of birth control pills till she's 300 pounds. And then she's putting her kids in a Christian school and raising other people's kids and having two kids and then they go to the devil because they got molested and perverted on the playground. See that's what's wrong. That's what's wrong in America. That's what's wrong in the independent fundamental Baptist movement. So what's wrong with the Christian fool movement? And so you see that's the only time the birth control is mentioned. I'd love to just go through this other page and just scream and yell about it because it's so clear in the Bible. But look if you would at Deuteronomy chapter six. And I'm gonna show you God's plan for child rearing and for education of children. The Bible says in Deuteronomy six verse number four, hero Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord and thou shalt love the Lord by God with all thine heart and with all thy soul and with all thy might. And these words which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart. And thou, now if you know the King James Bible, the word thou is always singular. Thou is singular, ye is plural. And that's why it's so important to have a King James Bible. One of the many reasons is to see that distinction between a single person being addressed and a group being addressed in the plural. And in Spanish, you know, in every language they have singular and plural separate you forms. Two versus, you know, ustedes in Spanish. But look, thou, one person he's talking to, thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children. You see that? You, one person, will teach it to your own children. And you can study, I've looked in the concordance, I've looked up every time the word teach is mentioned and every time the word learn is mentioned. 90% of the time it's talking about teaching the Bible. Because this is where most of the knowledge is, right here in the Bible. It's talking about teaching your children. And it never in the Bible do you see a school teaching God's people's children. You'll see thou teach it to thy children. And the other 10% of the time it's teaching them how to fight physically. If you study the word teach, like 90% of the Bible, 10% physical fighting, like with weapons or with hand-to-hand combat. And look it up, you'll see that that's true. And so it says, thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Now look, think about this passage. You have to read the Bible carefully. Here's a person who's waking up with their kids. You see that? Here's a person who's going to bed with their kids. Here's a person who's walking by the way with their kids. Here's a person who's sitting in their house with their kids. Because he says you're teaching them to your children when you get up, when you're walking down the street, when you go to bed, when you're in the house. He's talking about people who are spending time with their own children, raising their own children, teaching their own children. That's God's plan. Show me otherwise from the Bible. Pick up this Bible and show me otherwise. Show me where we all put our kids together like communism and have one person teach all the kids while we all go work in some factory somewhere like they do in Red China. No, it's not Bible. It's wrong. It's a sin. It's what churches use also to control people. Because look, do we have any rules in this church about the way you dress when you come to church? No. Do I have any rules about the music that you listen to in your house? Do I have any rules about what you watch on television? Do I have any rules about where you go on Tuesday nights or Thursday nights? I mean, do I have rules about that? I better not catch you. We don't have rules. We have liberty, like the Bible says. You do whatever you want. I'm not a ruler over you. Hey, I'm just a preacher. I preach the truth. And the one place that I rule according to the Bible is in church. Like, I control church as far as I decide what to preach and everything. I decide what we're going to believe. And if you don't like it, you go to a different church. But I don't run anybody's life. It's not my place. It's wrong. God says I'm not supposed to be a lord over the clock. I'm not supposed to try to run people's lives and control them. But here's what happens. You have a Christian school. Now you can impose rules on people. Because in order to have your kids in the Christian school, you must attend church Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night. You must not wear, you know, the kids have to dress in the school dress code seven days a week. And a lot of the Christian schools that I know of, they're not allowed to listen to rock music. They're not allowed to watch TV. You know, filthy programs on TV. They can watch, you know, only the ones that are only a little bit filthy. And so, you know, these are the rules that they have. And it allows them to impose their rules on other people and control people. It's wrong. It's sin. It's not in the Bible. It's ungodly. You think about how Christian school is putting a bunch of kids together. And this is what the Bible says. I'm trying to hurry to finish the sermon. But the Bible says wisdom is better than weapons of war. But one sinner destroyeth much good. You see, whenever you centralize things, whenever you put things together, if you put a bunch of churches in a denomination, it's real easy for the devil to make that whole denomination go liberal. If you have all individual churches, he has to attack every individual church. If you have all individual families, he has to attack every individual family. In Genesis chapter 10, I don't really have time to go there. Genesis chapter 10 verses 31 and 32, the Bible says God separated out and ordained separate families for people to live in separate families, not communal living. He separated out separate nations. Separate families, nations, and churches is what God has ordained throughout the Bible. Well, I was in a Christian school, Victory Christian School in Carmichael, California. It's where I went for like three years. And boy, did I pick up some filth there. That's where I learned the F word as a small child. That's where I could go on and on. I mean, I'm not even going to go down that road. Videocapes of pornography being passed around from locker to locker. I mean, I could go on and on. But at this school, one of the teachers who was one of the teachers that had been there for like 25 years, she told the class that abortion was okay under certain circumstances, you know, and she's explaining how she would get an abortion under certain circumstances. Another independent fundamental Baptist church that I went to, they had a Christian school. One of the teachers was telling the other teachers and made no bones about it that there were situations where she would get an abortion, independent fundamental Baptist church. Now, all it takes is one person like that and every kid, I mean, this woman who was teaching at Victory Christian, of course, was a woman, you know, every kid, I mean, at one point is going to go through this woman's class because she taught so many classes. You will go through one of her classes and you're going to pick up her garbage. You want your daughter in that class, but she just takes that one sinner in that class, get a big class of kids together and you can just teach them all and open their minds a little bit. Hey, here's a born-again, blood-washed, baptized Christian telling me that abortion could be okay sometimes. No. You see, that's what the problem is when you put everybody's kids together, but see, in order to teach my kids that, it has to be my wife teaching them that, you know, or it has to be like every mother teaching that to their own daughter. But no, you put all the daughters together and they can hear it from her and supposedly a school that's in the name of Jesus Christ that's supposed to be run by Baptist churches. On and on. You put kids together, you get the least common denominator. If I put my kids, by the way, my kids never watch TV. My kids don't know anything about the worldly characters. They don't know anything about SpongeBob, Spider-Man, Batman. They don't have a clue about that stuff. Thank God. Put them with kids who do watch TV, who don't go soul-winning, who listen to rock music. What do you think? They're all going to become righteous? Never, never happens. They always, always, always go to the lowest common denominator. There's only one place in the entire Bible where you'll find a group of children without their parents. One time in the entire Bible, and see these things are significant when they're only mentioned one time. One time in the entire Bible you'll find a group of kids where their parents are not present. Do you say, well, when they brought the kids to Jesus and he said stuff for the little children? No, the parents were there. The parents were the ones bringing them to Jesus. No, there's one place in the Bible where you'll find kids away from their parents in a group. And you don't have to turn there. It's in 2 Kings chapter 2. And it's Elisha has just finished preaching. He's just seen Elijah go up in the whirlwind, which there's a lot of things there. But in verse 23 of 2 Kings 2, the Bible says, And he went up from thence unto Bethel, and as he was going by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him. So they're making fun of the preacher. They're making fun of Elisha. And said unto him, Hey, go up, thou bald head. Go up, thou bald head. You know, because they're making fun of him because Elijah had gone up in the whirlwind and they're making fun of him for being bald. I mean, they're laughing at him. They're saying stupid, you know, why don't you go like they're making a joke about it. Like they don't think it's serious. And look what in verse 24, Elisha turned back and looked on them and cursed them in the name of the Lord. Elisha did. This roving band of kids that are away from their parents in a group, the only time in the Bible. He cursed them in the name of the Lord and there came for two she bears out of the wood and tear forty and two children of them. So this big group of kids that's away from their parents is just going around just into trouble. I mean, they're mocking the preacher. They're making fun of the man of God. He curses at them in the name of the Lord and what happens two bears come and devour forty-two children and just tear them up and eat them alive. And you say, why is that story in the Bible? It's bizarre. God's trying to show you the danger of getting a bunch of kids together because you get a bunch of kids together. They get into trouble. They get into filth. They talk to each other. Do you think that my son Solomon here, who's my oldest son who's five years old, do you think he's ready for somebody to expose to him pornography? Do you think he'd be able to handle it? Not that anybody can handle it, but how do you think he can handle it? Do you think he's ready to have somebody tell him about all the filth that this world has to offer and tell him about the R-rated video that their parents let him watch and explain them in detail like I was explained on a playground when I was seven years old about hard porn and filth that was explained to me when I was around his age? Do you think he's ready to handle that? No, it will destroy his life. It's only by the grace of God that I was protected from more of it than I was influenced by it. But you know, obviously through Christ you can overcome anything. You know, I can do all things through Christ that's stronger than me. Hey, I've gotten rid of the filth and I've, you know, filled my mind with the Word of God, memorized the Word of God, cleaned out the garbage out of my mind. But I'm going to tell you something, I had a lot of garbage in my mind that came from the Christian school, most of it. And you say, Pastor Anderson, why are you on the soapbox? Why do you have this axe to grind with the Christian school? I mean, get off that kick. Hey, look, I'm mad about it. I'm angry about it because I see a whole world that's going to hell. I see a whole nation that's going to hell. I see a bunch of men who are preachers, who are fired up, who are great soul winners going out soul winning for one hour a week and spending 40 hours a week raising some woman's kids who doesn't want to raise your own kids, who's like an ostrich who wants to stick her head in the sand and send her kids to some Christian school, like they're not even her kids, so somebody else can raise them, so that a man of God can spend his time rearing other people's kids so that she can go, you know, work around a bunch of men all day and be like an ostrich and labor in vain and waste her life away and instead of running her own household like the Bible says. Yeah, I'm mad about it. I'm angry about it. I'm going to fight it. You say, Pastor Anderson, this isn't popular what you're preaching. The Christian school movement is super popular. Every church has a Christian school. Hey, I don't care if it's popular. I'm going to fight it. Maybe if somebody would fight it, maybe you would wake up and realize that the reason that this country is going to hell is because parents don't teach their own children the Word of God because the local church is no longer about soul winning, soul winning, soul winning, preaching, preaching, preaching, prayer, prayer, prayer, Bible, Bible, Bible. It's about Christian school, Christian school, Christian school activities, activities, activities, sports teams, sports teams, 14, cheerleader, cheerleader, cheerleader. Bake sale, bake sale, bake sale, hot dog stand to braise money for the Christian school, hot dog stand, hot dog stand. Sell this after the service. Sell this before the service. Come volunteer for eight hours at the carnival to pay for our Christian school. We're going to have a worldly carnival and we're going to have the carnival come and all the proceeds are going to go to the Christian school. Will you donate eight hours of your time? Why don't you donate eight hours of your time to preach the gospel? Maybe then people will be saved. Maybe then we'd ask, why is it that our church was just small, which is just a brand new church, hasn't even existed for an entire year yet, has won more people in the Lord and has more people baptized than the average church that's running 250? You say, Pastor, does it bother you that this is not a big giant church? It doesn't bother me at all because when we reach the point where we're running 250, think about the numbers that we're going to have because of the way that we're building this church, because of the way this church is, because of the way our emphasis is, think about how many people are going to be saved. It's going to be huge numbers of people saved. It's going to be huge numbers of people baptized because that's going to be the emphasis. That's going to be the focus because we're not going to leave the Word of God to serve tables. We're going to make the Word of God of prayer and preaching our number one priority. And number five, and I'm just going to quickly go into this. Isolating children out of the world and putting them in a little Christian utopia is supposedly going to produce all these great servants of God. Let me read for you what Jesus said in John 17, 14. I have given them thy word and the world has hated them. He's talking about the disciples of Jesus because they are not of the world, even as I'm not of the world. I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world. Are you listening? But that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through thy truth. This is Jesus praying to God the Father. Thy word is truth. As thou has sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world and for their sakes I sanctify myself that they also might be sanctified through the truth. Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word. So Jesus says the plan is not to take God's people out of the world. He says I want to keep them in the world, but I want to keep them from the evil. I want to shelter them from what's evil, but I want to take them out of the world and put them in their own little convent, their own little monastery, their own little cloister, if you will, where they're just, you know, we just all get together. Why don't we live in a commune like Jim Jones? You know, why don't we go buy some property out here in Arizona in the desert? We can all just live together. We'll get rid of all the sin, you know, and we're going to come out of the world and be separate and we're going to all just get together. That's what you're doing with your kids. I mean, you put all the kids together and they're living together like one big stinking happy family. Hey, look, that's not what God's plan. God's plan is for your family to be an individual unit in the world, within the world. That's why the last verse he says is neither pray I for these alone, but for them which shall believe on me through their word. But he says I want them to be in the world where they can be preaching the gospel to the world, not isolated out from the world, but I want to be kept from the evil. The Christian school is the opposite of this chapter. They're isolated from the world and the evil is there. They're not from the evil at all because the evil is rampant in the Christian school. It's just flowing freely. I've been there. I've been to nine different ones. I didn't go to one. I went to nine and I've talked to people all over America from different Christian schools. Hey, the filth abounds. So instead of being in the world, but away from the evil, you're taking them out of the world and keeping the evil in and then nobody's hearing about the word of God. Nobody's getting saved. Nobody's getting soul-winning because you're just in your little isolated little world with the assistant pastor and everybody's little snot-nosed kid and they're all there not getting anybody saved for 40 hours a week. Yet he's drawing a paycheck full-time from the church. My friend, the Christian school movement should be called the Christian fool movement. That's a much more fitting name because it's a foolish thing when you think that somebody else is going to raise your kids for you and turn out right. If your kids turn out right, you raise them right or else they're never going to turn out right. You can't just take your kids and send them off to some machine and say, I'm going to send them off to the Christian school. I'm going to pay my $300 a month, which is what usually tuition is. The cheapest one I've ever seen was $190 a month. I'm going to, per kid. Okay, there goes, again, if you have eight kids who can afford that? Who's got $1,500 in the back pocket a month? It's insanity. And so I'm going to ship off my kids and I know they're going to turn out right because the Christian school is going to make them turn out right. I can just buy it. I can just buy my kids turn out right. Look, the things of God can't be purchased with money. And if your kids are going to turn out right, it's because you teach them the Bible out of your own mouth, yourself. You talk about it when you wake up. You talk about it when you're walking down the road. You talk about it when you're sitting at the table in your house. You talk about it when you go to bed at night because you're actually with your kids to do that and you talk about it and talk about it and talk about it. Hey, I'd rather have the, and I'll close with this. I learned more great Bible doctrine from my dad than I learned in any Christian school or any Bible college. I mean, I only went to one Bible college, but I only learned the really good doctrine probably from my dad or in the local church. And isn't it amazing that those are the two institutions that God has ordained? The local church and the family. That's why I learned it. I mean, my dad sat me down and my dad's not a preacher at all. Okay, my dad's an electrician. I mean, but my dad just sat me down and he just said, son, let me teach you something. And yeah, I remember you opened up 1 John chapter 5 and just taught me one of the greatest things I've ever learned in my life that revolutionized my soul winning from something that he showed me in 1 John chapter 5. I can't even think of anything good that I learned in a Christian school ever in my whole career. I can think of great things that I learned in churches that I went to from the pulpit of a man of God screaming and yelling and beating the pulpit and preaching the word of God with power. And I can tell you a bunch of things that my dad taught me. I can tell you a bunch of things that my mom taught me when I was a young child. I can tell you things that my mom taught me from the Bible right now as a four, five, and six-year-old boy that she pointed to me in the Bible and showed me doctrine from the Bible. I learned more from my mom and dad and from a man of God than I ever learned in the Christian school because those are the two institutions that God has ordained. What parents teach their children sticks with them. Train up a child in the way he should go and when he's old, he will not depart from it. But you send your kid off to some institution, you're like an ostrich, you don't care if he gets stepped on, you don't care if some beast or some filthy pervert devours him, you're like an ostrich and your life and your labor is in vain. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. God, I thank you so much for the fact that I can preach the word of God and even if it's not popular, even if people don't like it, I can just get up and confidently preach the word of God because I know I got the Bible to back up everything I'm saying, that women should be in the home, that they should be having children, that they should love their husbands and love their children and take care of them and be with them and raise them, dear God. And Father, those in the room that don't have children, Father, I just pray that they would put this in their computer and that they would just remember that when the time comes that they do have children, that they would remember that God gave them those children because God loved them enough to give them that wonderful gift of children. And because God loved them enough to give them that wonderful gift of children, God thinks that they're the best person in the world to raise that child. Not some fiery preacher somewhere, not some spiritual woman somewhere in a business suit, but God, they themselves are the most qualified person in the world to raise their kids. That's why you gave it to them. And God, I just pray that you would help everyone to realize that great fact, dear God, that children are inherited to the Lord and that when you give children, dear God, it's a reward that you're giving us and it's something that's a blessing that you're giving us because you feel like we would be the parents of that child ought to have. God, I thank you so much for the children that I have right now and God, I pray that you would give me many more children in my life and help me to raise them myself for the glory of God and please just give my wife wisdom to raise our children for the glory of God and help me to never pawn them off on somebody else to raise, dear God, but help me to realize the treasure that I have in every one of my children, more than millions of dollars is the value of each of my children, dear God. Please help me to invest in them and not in the world and please help my wife to do the same and help everybody who's here to not be offended by the sermon, but just to take the truth they learned from the sermon and then maybe people didn't agree with everything I said, that's fine. But God, I just prayed that something that I would have said would have stirred in them to love their children to realize that investing in the next generation is the greatest thing that we could be doing and that soul winning is the greatest thing we could be doing as a church, dear God. Help us to keep that emphasis that we have now and keep this church exciting, dear God.