(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Within the Bible's pages this morning and please just stir us up and speak to our hearts Help us not to resist what's preached, but God help us be tender to the Holy Spirit to speak to our hearts and that we would Learn and do what we get this morning in Jesus name. I pray. Amen Now Romans chapter 8 very famous passage. There are two things that are brought up in this chapter That I see brought up many times throughout the Bible and I see as a great theme of the Bible Now the first thing that I want to point out to you is this one word freedom Also known as Liberty and you'll see this word in this chapter and you'll see throughout the Bible these two concept freedom Liberty, whatever you want to call it But God brings this up because God is the God of Liberty the Bible says where the Spirit of the Lord is There is Liberty. That's where you can know where God's being honored That's where you can know where God's Spirit is present because there's freedom. There's Liberty there We live in the United States of America a country with a Statue of Liberty a country That's the land of the free in the home of the brave. Why do we live in a country? That's a free country Why because it was started by people who said we want to honor the Spirit of the Lord We want to have in God we trust we want to say God bless America. We want to say one nation under God And so that's why we live in a free country today because it was started by people Who were interested in the Spirit of God they were interested in the Lord Jesus Christ Now, let me show you a few verses in the book of Romans chapter 8 here. Look at Verse number 2 says for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ. Jesus hath made me free From the law of sin and death now he's talking about his salvation in verse number 1 it talks about him being in Christ Jesus and Then he says that the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death and Then look at if you would at verse number 15 The Bible says here for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear But you've received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba father So here he's contrasting being a son of God being a child of God being free Versus being unsaved which is called bondage being enslaved Then if you would look at verse number 21 the Bible says Because the creature itself also being delivered from the bondage of corruption Into the glorious liberty of the children of God so you'll remember when Peter and Jesus had this conversation about paying their taxes He said he said then the children are free see my children are free They're not my slaves and I'm I so easy when you're a child of God You're free now Just for all my liberal friends who might be here today or somebody who's listening to this message And you think that I'm saying that you don't have to obey God's law Then you need to get your head screwed on straight because 80% of this book is called the Old Testament The first 80% of this book is called the Old Testament and the Old Testament Contains a lot of laws of God and then the New Testament contains a lot more laws that are even harder to keep Than the Old Testament you get into Jesus preaching. He said you've heard that it was said of them an old time Thou shalt not kill, but I say unto you that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause Shall be in danger of the judgment You see he said you've heard that it was said thou shall not commit adultery But I stand to you that he that looketh on a woman to lust after Has committed adultery with her already in his heart the Bible says he said you've heard that it was said You know thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thy enemy But I stand to you love your enemies and so on he's upping the responsibility and see What is the liberty of the children of God? What does it mean to be free in Christ Jesus? Well, I'll tell you what it means when you're not saved look if you would at verse number Let me see here. I got the wrong place verse number seven It says because the carnal mind This is the mind of a person who does not have the Holy Spirit inside them It says later on that if you don't have the Holy Spirit inside You're none of his so everyone who's saying that's the Holy Spirit living inside of them and look over summer said seven because the carnal Mind is enmity against God for it is not subject to the law of God neither indeed Can be he's saying people that are unsafe this carnal mind is Incapable of being subject to the laws of God that the unsaved man this morning can try to reform himself He can try to obey God's laws. He can say I'm never gonna do that again. I'm never gonna sin again What's it? He's gonna sin and sin and sin. He's gonna be you know could be addicted to alcohol It could be addictions to pornography and he might clean himself up on the outside But don't tell me that there's an unsaved person who follows God's laws Because the carnal mind cannot be subject to the laws of God so even if his actions appear to be subject his mind is not subject to cause of God then in his mind is wickedness and Wrongdoing and sin that's what the Bible says because he's in bondage. He's a slave to sin. He's incapable of living for God Now look what it says in the next verse it says so then they that are in the flesh cannot please God They can try to please God, but they're incapable of doing it because they're in the flesh. They're not safe, but it says When you get saved you know when you accept Christ as Savior you are given freedom now you have the choice You are given the choice whether you want to live for God and do what's right and live a spiritual life a life of holiness and righteousness and godliness where you're gonna find blessing and Contentment and joy and peace or you can say I will go back into bondage I will willingly put myself back into the bondage of sin see that's all it's so simple to understand People would pervert the Word of God, but it's so simple to understand that when you're not saved you have no freedom the freest person in the world is the person who's saved and Look at verse number one it says there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus That's salvation then look at the next phrase who walked not after the flesh But after the spirit see first you get saved then you walk after the spirit, that's the freedom okay the freedom is where you Take the next level where you've been saved, but now you're gonna say now. I'm gonna live for God I get so tired. Let me just put this in it's not in my outline I get so sick and tired of independent fundamental Baptist so-called who won't get up and say that Salvation is by grace through faith Minus nothing I don't understand it because to me that's the theme of the entire Bible I sat down with brother Jimenez to say we're out so any where in the car, and we're we're You know just talking about some soul winning experiences that we had there, and I said watch this Roger I said I'm gonna flip open my Bible three times You know I'm just gonna point somewhere on the page And I said I bet you it's gonna say something about being saved just through DC. No just by grace By you know just by faith just by believing And I just flipped it open it was just like two out of three is that right two out of three times It said something about how our trust is in Christ to get us to heaven or something about we have those of us Which have believed and on and on and I get so tired of you And they say well if you do that if you tell people That we're just saved by faith, and that you can it doesn't matter how you live Then you're just giving people a license to sin That's what I say if you tell people they have eternal security and they can and they can't lose their salvation You're just giving people a license to sin. Yes, I am. I am giving people a license to sin You're right, just like God gave Adam and Eve a license to sin Just like God said you can eat the tree, but in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die He says look do whatever you want, but whatsoever a man so at that So he also reap and look God is a God of freedom. He gave Adam and Eve freedom He gives me his freedom this morning whether I want to get up this morning and live for God or go out and live like The devil today. I have that choice, but you know what if I if I live like the devil I'm gonna face the punishment of God in this life not hell because my that's already been paid for by Jesus Christ But I'm not I'm talking about the chastening like a father chases his son And if I want to live wrong God's gonna chasin me if I want to live right God's gonna bless me But my eternal standing is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved But unto him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness See I don't have my own righteousness this morning as Paul said not having my own righteousness Which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ the righteousness which is of God by faith That's my righteousness this morning And so I have no bones about saying that salvation is no no works at all It's not faith plus works. It's not faith plus baptism. It's not faith plus turn over a new leaf It's not faith plus turn away from your sins and repent of all your sins. It's not faith plus anything It's faith alone by grace alone through faith alone to God alone be the glory Amen and so that's what salvation is but then comes the free choice Then comes the liberty of the children of God where God says you've been saved as the Passover in Exodus You've applied the blood to the doorpost as a symbolized there in the Passover now You're saved now you're born again, and now you have the choice are you gonna stay in Egypt? Are you gonna stay in bondage or are you gonna cross the Red Sea which pictures baptism? Are you baptized in the Red Sea and in the cloud unto Moses? I'm gonna go into the Promised Land where freedom is glory to God see the Bible Teaches that when you're at the Sun shall make you free then are you free indeed you see there's no freedom in Egypt You can be saved you can put the blood on the doorpost, but if you if you stay in Egypt Somebody's gonna find you and put a whip to you if you stick around there long enough I'll guarantee you you start hanging around Egypt so maybe I start telling you what to do say build this for me They're gonna put you into slavery Yeah, I guarantee you that when you cross the Red Sea if you try and go back You're gonna find the same thing was there when you left Those of you that have been saved maybe out of a wicked life or or what have you if you go back You're gonna find the same thing was there and it's called slavery It's the slavery of somebody who can't put down the bottle of alcohol It's the slavery of somebody who can't refrain from wasting their money at a godless casino It's the slavery of somebody who can't quit watching the hell of it And they have to fill their mind with television all day because their life is so miserable They have to watch some make-believe fantasy land It's the slavery of not being able to get in the car without turning on that radio and just Blasting a bunch of music and I just I just can't not go without listening my music That's slavery friend. I don't have anything controlling me like that Because I'm a child of God see once you're a child of God you can say now. I have the choice I'm a freedom I can say Do I want to do wrong? I don't want to do right and God can give me the power to do right? Yes, see that's what freedom is You'll find places where The Spirit of the Lord is not there and you'll find freedom is gone See, unfortunately, the Spirit of the Lord is departing our nation I don't know if you've noticed that but you'll notice that our freedoms are going to begin to depart you say well Good night. We're free here. We are, you know in a Baptist Church on Sunday morning We're listening to some preacher scream and yell about controversial things in the world's eyes We must be free. Well, is it freedom when when you sign over a 30-year paycheck to the government, you know Before it even gets to you. Is it freedom when you go to gas pump and you're paying You know half that money's just going straight to some government agency that they're just taking from you We're not giving you anything return not giving you any gas You paid a dollar for the gas you paid a couple bucks to the government that you go slave and work for That's not freedom. It's not freedom when you know The CPS or something wants to tell me how to rear my kids Somebody thinks they can cut I mean it hasn't happened to me thank God But some some You know some short-haired woman's gonna come to my house and tell me that I can't spank my kids When the Bible says to spank my kids It's not freedom and I'll guarantee you that freedom is gonna be the next thing to go in this country after the morality goes Then freedom goes look in the world today places that don't honor God There's no freedom. There's no freedom in red China There's no freedom in the in the in the countries that are controlled by the Roman Catholic Church, there's no freedom in Mexico today There's no freedom in these Islamic nations today. There's no freedom in Indonesia today. There's freedom in the United States of America today because The Spirit of the Lord was here, but unfortunately the Spirit of the Lord is departing and freedom is going to depart So number one my first point is that as Christians we have Liberty we have freedom God says to us You're my son You'll always be my son. You'll always be in the family. I give unto you eternal life and and Just like my three sons here. I'm gonna always love my sons no matter what they do But I give that but they have the freedom don't they of what they're gonna whether they're gonna do right or wrong so number two We have the opportunity as the children of God Now that we're free we have the opportunity to choose to serve God and to be Rewarded for our service for God look if you would at verse number 16 the Bible says the spirit itself bear witness with our spirit that we are the children of God and if children then heirs and Joint heirs with Christ if so be that we suffer with them that we may be also glorified together That's part of the rewards there Says in verse 18 of chapter 8 for I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory Which shall be revealed in us turn if you would to 1st Corinthians chapter 9 I want to show you something 1st Corinthians have my next book in the Bible to the right there 1st Corinthians chapter 9, and I want you to look if you would at verse number 17 Actually, let's start in verse 16 of 1st Corinthians 9 The Bible says here in 1st Corinthians 9 16 And just think think if you would logical I'm trying to get you in the frame of mind So you understand this this thing about Liberty think about this think about the person Who cannot get themselves out of bed in the morning? You know to get to work on time? They just can't seem to drag themselves out of bed, and there are people like that I mean there are people that just they can't hold down a job. They're not promoted at their job. They just cannot Force themselves to get out is that person free That's not a free person. I mean they're being they're being dominated by the flesh and And that's the way sin always is whether it's laziness or whatever it is But the freedom the person is free is the person who can when the alarm clock goes off they can get up And they can go do what they need they can go work and make my head That's freedom because they can make the choice whether they're going to get up or not the person you can't get out of bed They're not making the choice They're slave to their own laziness and their and their own human body But look at 1st Corinthians 9 16 the Bible says for though I preach the gospel I have nothing to glory of for necessity is laid upon me Yea woe is me woe is unto me if I preach out the gospel notice for if I do this thing willingly I have a reward But if against my will a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me What is my reward then verily that when I preach the gospel I may make the gospel of Christ without charge that I abuse not my power in the gospel and look at this for though I be free from all men Yet have I made myself Servant unto all that I might gain the more and Here's what he's saying. I total freedom. He says I freedom whether I'm gonna preach the gospel or not He says woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel woe is unto me if I'm not a soul winner But he says I I make I do that willingly and God's gonna reward me Because I willingly chose to obey and see God's looking for somebody to willingly Choose and say I want to serve God and then God's gonna turn around and reward that person now Look at this. It says here. I've made myself Servant unto all that I might gain the more so he's talking about winning people to Christ and under the Jews I became as a Jew that I might gain the Jews to them that are under the law as under the law Then I might gain them that are under the law to them that are without law as without law Being not without law to God. So I'm not gonna break God's laws to reach somebody that's without law. You see that But he says but not be not without law to God but under the law to Christ That I might gain them that are without law to the week I became became as weak and I might gain the week I made all things to all men that I might by all means save some and This I do for the gospel's sake that I might be partaker thereof with you and then look at this No ye not That they would run in a race run all but one received at the prize so run that you may obtain Now look, here's what he's saying. He's saying look Nobody's making me be in the ministry. Nobody's making me preach the gospel. Nobody's making me go soul winning I'm going to heaven. I'm saved. Nothing can take that away from me. There's no man on this earth That's compelling me to be a soul winner. That's compelling me to serve God God's not even compelling me to be served serving God. He's commanded me to do it He says that I'm going to be facing consequences if I don't do it But I'm choosing to do it and he says there's a race that I'm that I'm here to run And he says God has set this race before me and he says If you run this race, and if you run to win He says I'll reward you and you will get eternal dividends now look at the next verse though It says so run that you may obtain he says run like it run like you're in a race This is the Christian life run like you're in a race. There's only one winner he says and you want that to be you That's what he's saying. He's saying only one person wins now of course everybody the Bible says is going to receive praise of God in that day But he says run like you're what run like you want to be first place Run like you want to be the best you want to win, and he says and every man that Striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible I Therefore so run not as uncertainly so fight I not as one that beateth the air But I keep under my body and bring it into subjection lest that by any means when I preach to others I myself should be a castaway now turn to 2nd Timothy chapter 2 and I'm going to explain to you the connection here So remember number one we saw look the Christian life is a life of freedom God's not Forcing people to serve him. I'm not as the pastor. I'm not forcing anybody to serve him I'm not going to command people and tell you must do that I'm going to just say look this is what God says he says to do it. He commands it. He demands it Are you gonna obey him or not? Then number two we see that God has this race for us to run he has this he had this Goal that he wants us to fight for he said strive for it push for it fight to win And he says because you want to Because you choose to because you love me and for the sake of the Gospels for the sake of Jesus Christ He died on the cross for you. He says run this race Now look what it says in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 thou therefore my son be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus and The things that thou has heard of me among many witnesses the same commit thou to faithful men Who shall be able to teach others also thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ No man that warth Entangleth himself with the affairs of this life That he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier and of a man also strive for masteries Yet is he not crowned? Except he strived lawfully Now look at that you say you're a legalist people people have accused me many times of being a legalist because I preach because I preach That people should obey the Bible Weird You're a legalist you think people should obey the laws of God Duh, you don't think you know yeah, you believe in the Ten Commandments, okay, okay? Do you believe that the Ten Commandments? And you're a legalist because that's God's law you believe thou shalt not kill legalist get out of my church You believe you believe stealing's wrong bunch of legalists. It's the heart that matters It's only what you feel in your heart that matters. Yeah, I mean, it's ridiculous isn't it silly I mean, but we like we just swallow You know some preacher somebody makes it sound good all this legalism. We're free in Christ. Yeah, that's right We're free to say listen stupid devil. I'm tired of obeying you That's free in Christ We're thinking that we're talking about names for churches like funny names like I was in Chicago And there's all these real goofy names for these churches because it's one on every missionary Baptist Church in every street corner It's like I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day Baptist Church second Philadelphia Baptist Church Am I my brother's keeper Baptist Church literally real funny names free in Christ Baptist Church Was one of them, but anyway Here we are in 2nd Timothy 2 Here's the freedom God says now You're not living like a slave anymore the chains have come off when you have saved and now he says I'm giving you something That's worthwhile for you to do with your life. I'm giving you this race to run where you can be the winner I mean you can win you can be Somebody who is crowned by me with a crown of righteousness when you get to heaven. You'll be rewarded You'll be praised by me. You'll you'll obtain the glory of Jesus Christ. He said you'll share my glory With me then he says I'm giving you something to do I'm putting this opportunity before you if you want to take me up on this opportunity you say yes Does that sound good? Hi You want you want to run this race for God this morning you want to get into into the starting block and say? I'm through being a slave. I'm gonna strive I'm gonna fight to win this race for God boy doesn't that sound good and when I get to the end of this short life that appeared as a vapor and Vanishes away this little time of suffering God says there's gonna be no Comparison with the effort that I put forth when you compare the effort and the striving and the fight compared to the glory that's gonna be Revealed at the finish line and a boy. I'm excited aren't you let's fight this thing, okay? Well, let's see let's let's look at this one catch to this One catch I mean it sounds too good to be true Let's face it okay It says here look in verse number five and if a man also strive for masteries Yet is he not crowned except he strive lawfully he says look sir You want to run this race with me boy sounds great doesn't it only one catch you have to obey the rules of the race Don't try and cut a corner. I'm trying to run before the the starting gun goes off Do you know don't try and take steroids and and drugs and be Mark McGuire or Jose Canseco or something he says look? Your kids heroes by the way that you let him watch on the television on the major league baseball Idolized posters on the wall, that's a dope head the homeowners and so he's saying here look If a man also strive for master easy yet is he not crowned says you're not gonna win Except you strive lawfully boy this verse. Let me tell you something. Here's a personal thing when I was 17 years old I Had a dream about this verse when I was 17 years old I went to bed, and I had a dream and I died and went to heaven in the dream And I've you know I've been start I started going out soul-winning and I was starting to learn the Bible a lot more and they've gotten a really good church when I turned 17 And I was going soul-winning, but just very worldly. You know it's just very I mean I was all the rock music all the movies all the Unsaved friends, which is a sin by the way being friends with unsaved people and obviously you'd be friendly and curious that that shouldn't Be your friend You should be friends with God's people but I remember I I went to bed and I had a dream and I got to heaven and I stood before God and you know I'm not saying this is how it's gonna be because this is not how it's gonna be I'm just telling you about the dream that I had okay, and I got to heaven. I stood before God and there was God And there he was on his throne, and I got there and I was excited because I was thinking man I've been winning people the Lord. I've been doing good. You know this is great I'm this is the glory you know and so I get there and He just had all these rewards for me I mean clowns everything and he was gonna give me he's just like you can't have these And I was like what? What are you talking about? He's like no you didn't strive lawfully. I mean that's literally what he said He said no you didn't strive lawfully you broke the rules you didn't win the race you cheated And I just remember just waking up just feeling like oh, man And why you know I just felt terrible I felt like good night I didn't strive lawfully and obviously that is not how it's going to be when we get to heaven I just want to tell you but I remember how God used this verse in my life though to say I mean it's not going to be a negative time when we get there, but God says you're not going to win unless you strive lawfully that is the truth And I remember I read this verse and that this verse haunted me And haunted me and haunted me and I started to think to myself. Why am I even running this race if I'm not going to win? You know that's how I was asking myself like why am I even running this race? If I know I'm not going to be crowned you know and I know I'm not going to succeed. I know I'm going to fail Why am I even doing it and I just decided if I'm going to do this? I'm going to do it lawfully if I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it right. I'm going to obey God's laws I'm going to strive lawfully to get the crown. I want to win I want to be I want to be number one And I said I'm going to start to clean things up in my life and God used that verse of my life Greatly, and it was like the holy spirit just kept bringing that up in my mind that verse 2nd Timothy 2 5 But what are we talking about here? God's laws. That's a very broad subject. Well look at verse 4 says right here No, man, that warth the same with himself with what the affairs of this life Same with the things of the world he said about all the things that the world wants you to be interested in all the things That the world will do to take your attention away. That'll get you occupied I mean think about somebody who these people who train for the olympics and that this is the comparison It's people who train for the olympics today. I don't think I have a lot of hobbies I don't think they're into cross stitching okay these people are training for the olympics because it's just one thing Training the every they don't just go and just eat whatever you know and just go to McDonald's And I feel it's like they're eating exactly what it's going to take to win there They eat breathe and sleep winning That's the people that go to the olympics are true if you study any of them You'll see that that's the way they are and this is what he's talking about. He says no man that warth Entangle it himself with the affairs this I mean think about if we were in a war like second brother He meant as he works for a bank And he's like I am he checks the banking incessantly like I get on there every day and just check the balance just make sure That something crazy is not going on with with yeah, you know how banks are these days people like you are responsible I'm just kidding, but anyway, you know banks are and some I I don't check it every day anymore But I you know I like to check it and just make sure that things are you know the things are normal Well think about it. Can you imagine me on a battlefield? I mean people are coming toward me screaming I've got you know. I've got it. I've got a gun. I got grenades things are blowing up everywhere, and it's like Maybe I can get on my palm pile and just make sure That there aren't any checks going on. I mean look you're not going to be you're not going to be worried about much else You're not going to be sitting there. Oh, man. Wait a minute. There's bullets fire ever. Let me check the score I gotta see how the I gotta see how the The Milwaukee Brewers are there Trying to bring this down on your level I'm trying to check the Kings the sacramental kings score. You don't care about some stupid score You're like I want to win. I want to fight I want to do this and that's what he's saying, but look look at you with it first John chapter 2 This is these are the three verses that are not in the Bible first John 2 15 through 17 Or maybe I just thought they weren't in the Bible because I didn't hear very much preaching huh, I thought they were only in my Bible But first John 2 15 through 17. I mean, I think are these in everybody's Bible I just want to make sure all right first John 2 15 through 17 I just make sure I didn't have the wrong Bible or something. Okay, I Mean I go to church and it's like I don't hear these preach I just thought like he's not in the Bible. These would be great preaching. This would be a great sermon Yeah, but hey, I'll preach it, you know love not the world Neither the things The things that are in the world Okay, and then look at this if any man loved the world the love of the Father's not in him now He's gonna explain to us what it means to love the world a little bit And so I want to make sure that I don't love the world because it says I don't love God I love the world. He says he says I think it's like this. There's there's two It's like a balance like the scales of justice and like there's love for the world and love for God The only way to love God a hundred percent is to have zero love for the world And when you love the world a hundred percent you have zero love for God and then there's probably varying degrees in between of you know, I got 75% love the world and 25% love God and So he says if you love the world, there's no way you have the love of God in you So what's he saying here? He's talking about loving things that are in the world. Look at verse number 16 for all That is in the world. That's the most important word for all That is in the world. You say you preach against everything. That's right I do because all that is in the world and now he's gonna go on further to explain to us What is all that is in the world? Why is all those in the world wrong and you'll see this this is like in a positive He's renaming what he just said he says for all that is in the world Here's what it is the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life He says pretty much everything in the world is gonna fall under one of those three categories It is not of the father but it's of the world you see with that word of unfortunately in Our modern-day language sometimes we use the word of a little bit differently the word of here segment the source It would be more like our modern-day word from maybe when he says that something is of the world He's saying it came from the world is what he's saying and a lot of people misunderstand the Bible when they read the word of Like the Bible says that the Holy Spirit will not speak of himself and they said he won't talk about himself It's like he wrote the whole Bible which talks about the Holy Spirit The Holy Ghost speak about himself, and they say he won't talk about himself He won't speak of himself, but see what it means is he won't speak of himself But will take of mine and show it unto you so he's not the source is not himself He's not pulling stuff out of his hat, but the Holy Ghost takes of Mine and will show it unto you. You know. I'll show you the Word of God, and that's all explained there But just a common misconception that people make there And So of the world it's saying did it come from the world or did it come from the father? You see everything in this world has two sources is it from the father is it from the voice? He's saying he said It is not of the father, but as of the world now Do you think that there are things that are neither of the father or the world like a big gray area? No, he says it's not of the father. It's of the world Those are the two categories, and he says and the world passed the way and the less thereof But he did do with the will of God to buy it forever now look Let's talk about music is Music of the world or is it of the father those are the two categories of your music So just think about all your music and just think is this of the father is of the world Let me REM is of the world, okay Just let me just break it down for you the lead singer is a sodomite queer So that's of the world is that of the father is REM of the father You want to listen to REM on the radio some sodomite? Britney Spears is out of the father, okay Did I even need to say that okay, dr. Dre, I'm trying to cover everybody dr. Dre is not of the father you feel me all right dr. Dre is not of the father Snoop Dogg is not of the father Okay You too is not of the father I've seen the lead singer Bono, and that's a popular group that even Christians listen to you Too is not of the father I've seen Bono the lead singer cross-dressed on more than one occasion with my own eyes Dressed up like a woman wearing makeup is that of the father. It's of the world Garth Brooks is not of the father. Okay, that'll cover anybody that I didn't get so far Oh Polka is not of the father, okay I'm just making some okay Garth Brooks is not of the father all the songs are about beer and adultery and Just whiskey cigarettes whiskey and wild wild women and all this kind of garbage. It's not of the father to the world All of the world's music is wrong I don't care what style it is and I hear these preachers get up and say this is what's wrong with music You know the drums and the syncopation and this is that any other you know, that's not all that's I'll tell you What's wrong with music? The source is what's wrong with the music you say you take, you know, the Beatles Take the Beatles song yesterday All my troubles seem so far away Okay, no drums No syncopation no rock beat no rock music, but is that a good song? No I love you miss. Damn all that's burning in hell right now and I don't want to listen to somebody who hates God And that's what's wrong with it And that's why I'm so sick and tired of going to like a wedding and they take a rock and roll song like clean It up and fundamentalize it and it they'll they'll sing Wise man say only fools rush in But I can't help falling in love Okay, I've heard that song at many weddings Look Elvis Presley is not of the father. He's of the world. Okay Shania Twain I've heard songs by her sung at weddings. She's not of the father said the world Elvis Presley killed himself with drug overdose Let's clean up his songs and use it in church. Let's use in a wedding. Let's use it in a wedding It's ordained by God that's supposed to be in the house of God and on and on The music that's on the radio is of the world. I don't care what it sounds like I don't care what the beat is. I don't care what the style is. It's of the world Either that or it's conformed to the world and I want to have music that's not of the world and it's not conformed to the world It's distinctly God's people kind of music to God be the glory great things he had done I doesn't sound like the world's music at all Sounds totally different because it's of the father and see there's such a drastic difference between some that's of the father And some that's of the world huge difference and and the stuff that's of the world It's all about the lust of the flesh. It's all about the lust of the eyes It's all about the pride of life think about the pride in the air can see these rock stars You know, yeah, come on clap for me You know people crying and It's all about pride Think about the lust of the flesh look at the album covers, you know The scantily clad women on the album covers think about you have the lust of the eyes Think about how you you just want to look at these and less of their bodies of this Musician on stage this idol that you worship this God that you worship. It's not of the father. It's of the world Now, who do you think controls what's on television the father or the world who's I mean down it down at CBS Do you think that it's being controlled by the father you think God the father's sitting at the controls with it with a headset on? You know tune in the channels. No, I think it's the world. I think the source is the world on anything on television I think I think if you if you dress in all the little trendy little styles You know the tight-fitting the the hip huggers and all this stuff and you and by the way it girls If it's not for sale then take down the for sale sign I mean my as soon as I moved into my house, I took down the for sale sign So these girls who walk around dressed sleazy. They got a for sale sign You say well, I don't think I don't appreciate you saying that I appreciate you you and put implying that well They're the ones walking around with the for sale sign. I thought it was for sale Call me crazy. You know this stuff that this stuff with the short skirts. I'm talking about Let me get specific for you the short skirts that are Above the one is me like the Bible says is wrong Why I preach the whole sermon on that couple months ago, like I'm talking about the low-cut and the low-cut tops That are not modest at all I'm talking about the tight form-fitting kind of clothing I'm talking about this flashy sleazy kind of a style. That's just right there with the Britney Spears This is right there with this music and you say why preach out some you legalist Look didn't we take care of that in the first week? That's the only reason I even pretty sad I was just trying to clear that up. And so look yes, you have freedom don't dress like a hooker. I don't care God doesn't care. He's just gonna judge you for it. He's just gonna let whatever happens Because if you want to if you want to live like the world God will let you live like the world I see you know, I see Christians who live like the world all the time. He doesn't stop them God will let you live like the world. God doesn't guys. I'm gonna make you run the race Don't even run don't do something else with your life I'm just trying to tell you how to run the race lawfully so you can get the crown Cuz I don't want to spin my will I don't want to run around in circles and have somebody tell me I didn't Strive lawfully I want to win and So on and on from that Worldliness will disqualify you from the race. This is what we're saying. It'll it'll slow you down James chapter 4 you don't have to turn there James 4 13 the Bible says go to now you that say today or tomorrow We will go into such a city and continue there a year and buy and sell and get gain Whereas you know not what shall be on the moral For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appear for a little time and then vanish the way Turn if you would to 2nd Peter 3, I'll show you one last thing 2nd Peter chapter 3 look at verse 10 You see the point of the sermon is this We have the freedom to choose to live for God or not to live for God. Nobody's gonna make us do it I'm not gonna make you do it God's not gonna make you do it. No man can make you do it You just have to decide that you want to run this race because you want to win Because you want to glorify Jesus Christ You want to win that crown so that you can throw it at his feet and say you deserve the glory God and you want to have that glory when you get to heaven and you're rewarded and you can share some of the Suffering with Jesus and share some of the glory with Jesus then you choose to do that You've got to do it lawfully But what I'm trying to say in this sermon this morning is that we need to realize the perspective of eternity I mean we need to not live just thinking about right now You know people have such a myopic viewpoint where they can only see what's right in front of them They can only see just today. We talk to people they can just see like a week from now They don't see I mean, they don't see eternity of tens of thousands of years Millions of years they're just seeing this tiny little deeper this tiny little life and they say I yell people that are in a marriage I just can't take it anymore Just take it for a little while and it'll all be over Just take just just a little while and he that shall come will come that's what the Bible says in Hebrews after he says yet a little while he that shall come will come and will not tarry and so yes Just a little while it's all gonna be over and so God says just hang in there you talked about I've known people that are married for like 30 some years and And they're like in their 50s, and then just just can't take it anymore It's like you're in the homestretch friend. You've almost made it. You know I mean look at you Don't buy any green bananas. You know cuz you might not get to eat them No, I'm just kidding, but anyway the point is why in the world Would you quit that such a that's such a short-sighted thing? It's such a short-sighted thing that you don't just hang in there I mean you see somebody run and run think about somebody running a marathon by 23 miles and just running and running and running And they're just they're just right to the end What's the use? It's like no Can't we just push ourselves for the few years that we're on this like can't we just do without a few things maybe Turn off the television a little bit and just just read this book and just say I'm just gonna push myself and fight and run I can do it. Well. How long can you maintain this? I don't know how long I can maintain it right now, and then tomorrow. I'll maintain tomorrow Just keep pushing myself all the way to the end and Bill before I know it'll be over, but look at look at second Peter 3 10 The Bible says but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in Which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat The earth also and the works that are there and shall be burned up Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved What manner of persons ought you to be in all holy? Conversation and godliness he says look just considering the fact that everything in this world is going to be burnt up And the elements are going to melt with fervent heat all the riches all the cars all the houses all the lands all The things that we that we think are so important all the all the CDs that you like to listen to that are Wrong and and all the televisions, and it's all it's all going to be burned up Everything that you're working for everything that you're trying to amass great wealth on this earth He said it's all going to be burned up with that in mind. What manner of persons ought we to be? How should I live my life? I need to live my life with the constant perspective that what's happening right now is just a tiny Fraction of a part of the whole scheme of things of eternity. It's just this tiny little vapor It's just this temporal place the Bible calls it a temporal place. This is going to be burned up. Just temporary and It's all going to be gone None of it's going to matter What man or person ought you to be what does in the next verse holy? conversation godliness Looking for and hating unto the coming of the day of the Lord I mean, I'm sorry the coming of the day of God We're in the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat Nevertheless we according to his promise look for new heavens in a new earth We're in dwells righteousness Wherefore beloved seeing that you look for such things be diligent that you may be found of him in peace without spot and blameless He says because we're waiting for Jesus Christ to come back because we're waiting until the day that we go to heaven to see him Because that's where our mind is that's where we're thinking about. That's what we're working toward We don't let things get us down, you know problems and financial setback family problems We just say you know what whatever it is. I can take it because it's all gonna be over soon because that's The really a long time out of time. That's why I get to heaven and if this is all gonna be dissolved Anyway, oh, hey you owe money on the credit cards. They're gonna be dissolved. Don't worry about it. Okay, you look It's gonna be dissolved and he's saying look Keep your mind on what matters this world is not my home I'm just passing through my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue. You see the Bible says that Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and Sarah says they just were like pilgrims and sojourners on this earth It says they desired a better country a heavenly He said they didn't they weren't mindful of the country they came out of it says they were just looking Forward to being in heaven. They were just thinking about how we're gonna get the glory with God. That's all they cared about you see The closer you become to Jesus Christ the closer you would come to this book The closer you become in fellowship with the Holy Spirit with God You'll start to just start to just gotta like open your eyes and you'll start to see a bigger picture Seriously because you talk to people that are unsaved they see like this Timewise you talk to people that aren't living for God. I mean talk to backslidden Christians This is what they see like this much. They see like this week They see like right now, you know, this this would taste good or right now This would feel good right now, but let's see and they think man How can I handle this whatever the trial or tribulation? How can I do this for two weeks or where yeah It's like the closer you get to God You start to get the mind of Christ you start looking at the way things God looks at it where he just sees Billions of years and he just sees this little spot called life and he says you're only there for a little while I mean good night. It's nothing Good night. It's 70 years. Maybe 80 years Why don't you just be diligent to be found blameless when he comes why don't you just be diligent to be without spot? To be living a clean life. Why don't you just be diligent to have a holy conversation? Why don't you just be diligent to be godly because good night who cares about all this? Sports teams that you're all into and and and all this garbage and weird stuff. He says look who cares He says all that matters is one thing Are you in are you one of the people are you one of the few people that's in the race? Are you one of the people that's on that starting block? Are you one of those people that says I don't care what Mark McGwire is doing. I don't care what Jose can say goes doing I don't care what these these people are taking dope and steroids. He said no, I'm gonna strive lawfully and Just say I'm gonna run All the way to the finish line and nothing's gonna stop me. Nothing's gonna dissuade me. Nothing's gonna distract me Nothing's gonna cause me to stop and look around and see where I'm at He says no, my mind's on one thing I can only see one thing I don't see the the fans cheering I don't see people telling me to quit I don't see the the Burger King here That's that's trying to get me to stop running and sit down and just have a nice cold glass of water Then and refreshment and stop running. He says I see nothing but the finish line That's all I can see and I'm just gonna run all the way to the end And then there will be all the time I need in the world to take it easy But I'm just gonna keep on running all the way to the end let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer Well God, I thank you so much for loving us and dying on the cross for us