(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Man title my sermon tonight is soul weighing in apartments soul winning in Apartments now. This is something that I've been dealing with literally for the last 20 years I started soul winning when I was 17 years old and in Sacramento, California When I went soul winning we had problems back then where you know They try to throw us out of the apartment complexes. The police could be called occasionally This is something that I've literally been dealing with for 20 years and I believe the same way about it That I believed about it back then is that God has called us to preach the gospel to every creature The Bible says daily in the temple and in every house They cease not to teach and preach Jesus Christ God has commanded us to go out into the highways and hedges and Compel them to come in that God's house might be filled and the command is to preach the gospel to every creature Not forty percent of the creatures not fifty percent of the creatures forty five percent of the creatures He said preach to every creature and let me tell you something these apartment complexes. They're not getting less prevalent They're getting more prevalent in 2018 America there are more apartment complexes than there have ever been and Especially in a place like Tempe, Arizona Where you have the college and where it's a newer city It's filled with apartment complexes and literally more than half of the population of our city either lives in an apartment complex or an HOA homeowners association neighborhood or a gated community or a mobile home park and Supposedly we're not supposed to knock any doors in any of these places Oh, and by the way It's also not legal for us to go soul-winning on Indian reservations And we constantly have the tribal police coming to us and telling us Hey, you can't be on this reservation kicking us off this reservation and that reservation Let me tell you something if we were to actually follow all of these rules that This city or the state or these complexes are putting on us We would literally only be able to knock about 40% of the doors that God has called us to knock I don't know about you But I want to do the whole job And if you look at our map over there our soul-winning map where we shade in what we've done orange You'll see that we have shaded in a lot of this city and some of the most densely populated portions of this city have already been shaded in we have literally knocked the doors of Almost two million people and we're not going to stop Now the thing about it is that there are poor people who live in houses but there are also a lot of poor people who live in apartments and The Bible commands us first and foremost to preach the gospel to the poor Okay, flip over if you would to the parable found in Luke 14 Keep your finger in Acts because we'll be back there go to Luke chapter 14 There's a principle in the Bible of preaching the gospel to the poor The Bible says of course in Luke chapter 4 you're turning to chapter 14 But in Luke chapter 4 Jesus preached and said the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me Because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor the Bible says hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith and Heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him But you've despised the poor do not rich men oppress you and draw you before the judgment seats Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by which you were called look the Bible teaches that poor people Tend to be rich in faith and that the rich people tend to be hostile to the gospel That's why the Bible said it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to be Saved so the most fertile ground for sowing the seeds of the gospel The best people to talk to and preach the gospel to are the poor the working class the lower middle class Those are the people that are most likely to get saved look at Jesus disciples. They were working men fishermen He's coming from a family of a carpenter And so we see that that's the type of demographic that Jesus's ministry revolved around the Bible said the common people Heard him gladly. It didn't say the rich people heard him gladly the common man heard him Gladly look at the parable in Luke chapter 14 It says in verse 21 so that servant came and showed his lord these things then the master of the house being angry said to his servant go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city and Bring in hither the poor and the maimed and the halt and the blind and the servant said Lord it is done as thou Commanded and yet there is room and the Lord said unto the servant go out into the highways and hedges and Compel them to come in that my house may be filled You know we start with the poor and then we reach everybody else You know I believe in getting the gospel to everybody But first the poor then everybody else now if you look at the soul winning that we've done in this church We have knocked the doors of the poor areas that are anywhere near our church Many different times for example the town of Guadalupe just a couple miles from here We have knocked every door in that town systematically eight times now the first time we knocked all the doors That's when we got the most people saved The second time through we got a little bit less people say the third time through we got even less people say Because eventually after you've knocked every door over the course of a decade eight times You know about once a year over the course of eight or nine years or something There's a law of diminishing returns because you get to a point where most of the people in that town They're either already saved because we've already gotten them safe, or they've already told us. They're not interested They don't want to hear it or they've heard the gospel and rejected it So it's you don't want to just keep knocking the same doors over and over again is what I'm saying, right and Eventually, it's just going to get annoying to both you and them if you just keep knocking the same people's doors So by the time you've knocked an area Seven or eight times over the course of a decade that area is pretty much done Okay now when we go to a rich area or an Unreceptive area a place where a lot of people are not getting saved. We just knock that area one time and We shade that sucker in and we mark it and avoid it and we're done going back there Right and we shade in the map and we're done But look we want to give everybody at least a chance one time We want to at least go to each neighborhood and knock every single door now if it's a good area We'll go back and we'll go back and we'll go back But if it's an unreceptive thing, we won't so look it's getting to the point my friend where anything within 20 minutes of our church if it's a poor neighborhood. It's been done many times So it's getting to where what's left is a lot of rich neighborhoods of houses and What's left as far as the poor our apartment complexes because even if you're in a nicer area when you go to the apartment Complexes, it's more the common man that's living there. It's not the lifestyles of the rich and famous in a typical Apartment complex and so look in order for us to have a fertile soul-winning ground near us. We've got to hit these apartments this is part of first of all, it's part of the mission to get the gospel to every creature and Secondly, it's some of the best soul-winning and when we go to these apartments and go soul-winning There are many people who want to hear the gospel. There are many people who are glad that we came by They're thrilled to talk to us about the Lord They receive Jesus Christ their Savior with gladness and sometimes they'll even visit our church and so forth Look, that's a great mission field and we're not gonna let the police department or some manager or anybody else Tell us that we can't do the work that the Lord has given us to do this country is a free country and we have the First Amendment for a reason and the reason why we have the First Amendment is Because there have always been Wicked people that want to trample our rights and want to abuse us and take away our rights and just like it was Hundreds of years ago It's the same way now and the Bill of Rights is there to protect us from these kind of idiots that want to stop us From freely exercising our freedom of speech freedom of religion and all the other freedoms that are in the Constitution Why do we have the right to go soul-winning? Why do we have the right to preach the gospel? Why do we have the right to knock doors in any neighborhood? Why do we have the right to enter the Indian Reservation and go soul-winning? Why do we have the right to go into the apartment complex and go soul-winning to go into the mobile home park to go? So any you say oh, it's the first minute wrong. No, we have the right because God told us to do it. That's why So look forget the Constitution forget the Supreme Court Forget what the law says. What does the Lord say God commanded us to go preach the gospel to every creature Now let me ask you this in the book of Acts when the authorities said hey you can't preach the gospel here You can't teach in this name. You can't do this. What did they positive? Oh, thank you, sir. Thank you so much officer Is that what they said? They said we ought to obey God rather than men Judging yourselves Should we obey you or should we obey God? That's what they said and that's why they were persecuted and that's why the Bible said all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution Now look, it's so easy for our watered-down lame Lazy, sorry Baptist brethren to say oh you guys are just provoking me I'll buy girls up. Why don't you just go so winning somewhere else? We already did you lazy jerk, you know Of course, you don't understand because you go soul-winning twice a month Your church goes out so many twice a month and all you do is leave a door hanger and then run away as fast as you Can you go doorbell ditching with your church? We go soul-winning? They go there they leave their little door hanger once a month for 45 minutes and then they well I wonder why we didn't have these same problems that faithful word had Because you didn't do any real soul-winning That's why because you know what when I was doing real soul-winning with Regency Baptist Church We had these problems when I was doing real soul-winning at faithful word Baptist Church We had these problems why because if you do enough soul-winning you're gonna run into these rabid Atheists who are triggered and they just want to call the police And let me just explain to you where this sermons coming from. Okay on Monday night We had a group of soul winners soul-winning in an apartment complex. The police were called now, that's nothing new for us We've literally had the police called on our soul winners at least probably 50 to 60 times now I will say this 13 years ago when I started pastoring this church. It was a rare occurrence It would happen literally like once a year or once every year and a half That the police would be called out and that we would actually have to deal with the police It was literally something that would happen once in a blue moon. Okay? But I'm telling you the last two or three years this has ramped up To the point where we are literally getting the police called on our soul winners every Single week in many cases just my Wednesday night soul-winning time alone We had a time where three weeks in a row at three completely different apartment complexes We had the police called and you know why the police are called. It's not because we're being rude. We're not being rude We're being friendly. We're courteous. We're nice. And if people don't want to hear the gospel, we don't want to talk to them. Anyway, I Mean if I knock on somebody's door and they're not interested I can't get out of there fast enough I want to get to the guy who is interested. Okay, I'll tell you what happens because I've seen it with my own eyes 2030 times. Okay, you knock on the door of some god-hating atheist Some pervert some freak some reprobate and they're just like oh, yeah You're not supposed to be here. I'm gonna call the place. You don't even say anything. You just say hi. I'm for bit You Don't even have a chance to even tell them who you are. Who knows what I'm talking about. They're already mad They're already cussing you out They already hate your ever-loving guts the moment that they see the Word of God in your hand Because they don't hate you they hate the Lord they hate Christ So they see you walk up to the door You got the Bible in your hand and they freak out they're triggered because they're reminded that they're gonna spend eternity in hell And they hate Christ. They don't even want to retain God in their knowledge they did sure don't want somebody knocking on their door and reminding them that God exists and So what happens is you knock enough doors? It's gonna happen now you knock doors in these apartment complexes and they call the manager and the manager comes over on a little golf cart and Says hey, you guys can't be here. You guys are soliciting We're not soliciting because we're not selling anything Okay, the Bible does not say anything about soliciting the Bible doesn't say go solicit in all the world It says go preach the gospel to all the world. That's what we're doing. So we're not selling anything. We're not soliciting Okay, but you can call and they say well, but you know, you're you're you're you're going door-to-door. It's illegal You know what? It's not illegal. But even if it were illegal, I'm still gonna keep doing it And if it gets to a point where we're continually thrown in jail and they're content and they're just making it possible For us to continue our work, then we'll go somewhere else Because the Bible says if they persecute you in this city flee into another that's what the Bible says But stopping soul winning is never an option The Bible never gives that option of just laying low go underground or wait for the people to come to your church No, he says that if they persecute you in this city flee into another but you keep preaching the gospel You keep knocking doors. You keep shouting it from the housetops and you never stop You don't stop now. Look, I don't consider it to be a heavy enough persecution for the police to come up and hassle us a little bit or even when people do get Arrested or whatever and get let out a few hours later or the next day That's not enough to where we're gonna move to another city folks There are still plenty of people here that need the gospel. There are still plenty of people that are receptive Ninety nine point nine nine nine percent of the time you're gonna be able to get away with it You need to just keep doing it, you know now Yeah, when they start clamping down on us to the point where it becomes impossible, then I would say, okay I'm gonna go somewhere else But I don't think it's ever even gonna get to that point and if it does get to that point Then we'll cross that bridge when we come to it but we're far from that and you know what if if churches like us would stand up for ourselves here and Stand up for our right to preach the gospel then we'll keep our freedoms, but America is so lazy and apathetic They won't stand up for their rights They just want to roll over and let the government just take over their rights and and look most churches aren't affected by this Because they're not even evangelizing Or the independent Baptists who do soul-winning. Yeah, they don't go to apartments They don't go to mobile homes They don't knock any door that says no soliciting you want to know why because they do so little soul-winning They don't even get to those You know, they have plenty of neighborhoods to knock because they're doing so little look if you actually have an aggressive soul-winning program Where you're knocking the doors of four million people You're going to have to run into these apartment complexes and mobile homes and everything and let me tell you something Every time the police have been called and thrown us out of an apartment complex We always got people saved there Every single time that they throw us out before we get thrown out We've already had a salvation or two salvations or three salvations, you know, so is that wrong? No, God's blessing us. God's using us. God's leading us God's guiding us and you know what a little bit of opposition from the man shouldn't stop us because we should have a backbone Okay, and not just let every little thing just make us want to curl up and roll over and die And you know what? I'm sick and tired of this watered-down Lame Christianity that's got this big beam in their eye of not even going soul-winning And then they're gonna tell you how to go soul-winning right here. Let me get the mode out of your eye Let me get that little speck out of your eye because you're going so any apartment you need to stick with houses They have this giant beam in their eye no soul-winning and you know what if you don't go soul-winning Don't even give me your opinion shut your mouth. I don't even want to hear what you have to say about Sony You don't know anything about so any if you don't go so any then shut your mouth and leave it to the people who are Actually doing the work of the Lord Oh Peter I don't think you should preach in the temple Peter. Shut up. You don't even go soul-winning Get thee behind me Satan Bunch of losers. Yeah, we're soul winners and then there are the sole losers because if you don't gather with Jesus Christ Then you scatter abroad. That's what the Bible says Why don't you get off your butt and get out there and do some soul-winning why don't you win somebody to Christ? Why don't you bring your convert to come get baptized and then come tell me how to run a soul-winning program? That I've been running for 20 years For 20 years. I've gone out every single week and I've knocked doors and they've threatened me and they've thrown me out of this Complex thrown me out of that complex throw me out of this country ban me from that country Deport me from that country, but guess what not before I'd gotten scores of people saved Yeah, we got thrown out of Botswana after we got several hundred people saved Yeah, we got kicked out of the schools in Guyana after we got thousands of people saved Yeah, I got banned from Jamaica, but we got 900 people saved And he You're turning people away. No, if you don't gather with Christ you're scattering You know who's turning people away the person who doesn't evangelize the person who doesn't go soul-winning That's the one who's scattering abroad and you know what when we go out so winning Hey, we're friendly to the people. We love the people people are the people are the people that we're doing it for we're trying to get them saved and by the way when these cops came and arrested our soul winners on Monday night as They're pulling them away from the door of the people they're talking to the people at that door said wait. I want to talk to them These people are my guests. I wanted to hear what they have to say as this butch cop is pulling them away What in the world what right do the police have to stop somebody from having a visitor in their own home and don't tell me It's the private property of that apartment complex. That's baloney the people who pay to live there. It's their property You know what if you rent your house does the landlord just come over and just take a shower in your house Does he just let himself in plop down in the living room put his feet up on the coffee table say I own this house No, you don't buddy because you leased it to me and so for the next six months It's my property, and you know what the people who live in that apartment complex. That's their domicile That's where they live they're paying to be there And they have the right to receive visitors from church if they want to and if they don't want to and they say I don't Want you here then bye We'll go to the next person, but they don't have the right to throw us out of the whole community Or throw us out of the whole Neighborhood or throw us out of the entire apartment complex, and you know what I was just riding my bike today through Tempe and I just passed apartment complex after apartment complex, and you know every single one of them has a sign out front Private property no trespassing no soliciting no loitering No, handing out any literature of any kind pursuant to a sub statute 13 dash blah blah blah You think that signs gonna stop me from going in there and win somebody to Christ because it's not And you know what these churches that don't knock the doors in the apartment complexes because they're too scared You know what it's because they're barely knocking any doors anyway They don't have the problems that we have of oh, we've already knocked all these doors eight times. Where do we go next? That's that's the kind of that's fwbc problems right there Okay, we're looking for new ground to knock We're doing the real work here of evangelizing every creature, and I'm sick of the the Monday morning quarterbacks and everybody the armchair critics Telling us how to run a soul winning program Bunch of atheists and sodomites telling us how to be a Christian and a bunch of backslidden Christians telling us how to run our soul Winning program doesn't make any sense folks. Why don't we let the Bible tell us how to do it? And I'm gonna get into some specifics of how we deal with this as a church and and and what our steps are gonna be Taking going forward, but look what the Bible says in Acts chapter 4 verse 1 as they spake unto the people The priests and the captain of the temple and the Sadducees came upon them being grieved that they taught the people and Preached through Jesus the resurrection from the dead and they laid hands on them and put them in hold Under the next day for it was now even tied How be it many of them which heard the word believed and the number of the man was about five thousand So look, yeah, they get arrested and dragged away But not until they'd already gotten five thousand people saved So is this a regrettable incident Look if we're getting people out of hell, that's worth going to jail for the night. Amen That's worth paying a fine. That's worth a citation. That's worth having to deal with the police or whatever. It's worth it Okay, because it's a lot easier to go through dealing with the man than to go through Hellfire for the people that we're trying to get saved. We don't want them to go to hell. We're trying to get them saved It says in verse 18 and they called them and Commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. Okay. Yes, sir But Peter and John answered and said to them whether it be right in the sight of God to harken unto you more than unto God judge ye and you know what? That's my same answer to the police My same exam answer to Chandler police. It's my same answer to the apartment manager It's my same answer to anybody who's going to try to stop us from preaching the gospel to every creature We cannot but speak the things which we've seen her so when they'd further threaten them They let them go finding nothing how they might punish them because of the people for all men glorified God for that Which was done and let me say this We've had the police called out at our church at least 50 60 times that that's a that's a low estimate. Okay? But this is the first time that anybody has ever been arrested for soul winning that I know of At our church or any church that I've ever been a part of No, they'll probably add that to the book so but but honestly I've been solding for 20 years I've had the cops show up. We've had the cops show up every week for a month before The cops just showed up on Sunday on our soldiers and then again on Monday night We've never had anybody arrested this Monday night was the first time that the cops have actually arrested people For being out soul winning in an apartment complex, and you know what the four people who got arrested Let's give them a big hand right now. Good job Bravo Hey, and you know what that's just rewards in heaven for you just leap for joy Just be happy that you were counted worthy to suffer affliction for the cause of Christ Okay, and so this is the first time because usually they just threaten you as it says in verse 21 And then they let them go finding nothing how they might punish them But this time the Chandler PD has decided. Oh, we're gonna actually make an arrest We're gonna actually issue a citation and you know what we're gonna fight them tooth and nail We're gonna give them a war that they won't believe Okay, because we are gonna die on this hill Because I have been fighting this for 20 years And I'm gonna keep on fighting it because I promise you this if we roll over and say okay We won't knock doors in apartments. We won't knock doors in mobile homes. We won't knock doors in the gated community We won't knock doors in the HOA. We won't knock doors in the Indian Reservation. You know what's gonna happen next We just won't be able to knock any doors because if you give them an inch, they'll take a mile you give them a finger They'll take the whole hand and the next thing, you know, they'll say oh you need a permit to go soul-winning They're already trying to pull that in Tempe. Oh, you need a permit to go door-to-door Here's my permit right here And That's what they're trying to do folks. And if you let them do it, that's what they're gonna do The government will take as much as you let them take There has to be a check and a balance on the government's power where the people stand up to them And you know what? We have freedom in America. Why don't we use it? If we have the Bill of Rights if we have freedom We need to stand up and use it because you know what? Otherwise we'll get to the point where standing up gets you thrown in prison or gets you killed when you're in the USSR Or something like that. Look, we're not to that point yet in America. So let's not let it get to that point Let's other people in other countries like wow I could we could never get away with the civil disobedience that you guys do in the United States man if we tried that here Yeah, exactly. That's why we need to keep doing it So that we can keep getting away with it so that we don't become this oppressive Government where you know soul winners are being thrown in jail and and for more than just a few hours Amen, you know, we don't want it to get to where The consequences are more serious than they are right now Flip over to chapter 5 if you would chapter 5 the Bible says in verse 11 and Great fear came upon all the church and upon as many as heard these things and by the way That's fear of God not fear of man If you get the context verse 12 and by the hands of the Apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people And they were all with one accord in Solomon's porch Now Solomon's porch has to do with the temple Okay, and of the rest durst no man join himself unto them But the people magnified them and believers were the more added to the Lord Multitudes both of men and women and so much they brought forth the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and couches that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them there came also a multitude out of the city's roundabout unto Jerusalem Bringing sick folks and then which were vexed with unclean spirits and they were healed everyone Then the high priest rose up and all that were with him Which is the sect of the Sadducees and were filled with indignation and laid their hands on the Apostles and put them in the common But the angel of the Lord by night opened the prison doors and brought them forth and said Go stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life. Let me ask you this The angel of the Lord is a messenger from the Lord bringing a message from God When he gets them out of prison, does he tell them? Hey guys, let's stay out of that HOA Let's stay out of that apartment complex. Let's stay out of that mobile home park. Let's just go somewhere else He sent them back to the exact spot that they were arrested true or false Isn't that what it says? He said go stand and speak in the temple. That's where they got arrested Go speak in the temple all the words of this life And then the next day when they go to pull them out of the jail cell and arraign them They say oh, well those guys you arrested they're standing in the temple preaching They're preaching the Word of God what in the world and then they arrest him again You know cuz the angel I mean these angels throughout the book of Acts are like these jailbreak artists. I Mean the book of Acts is a series of prison breaks It is the angel comes in and lets him out of prison. I mean look the famous verse what must I do to be saved? That's a jailbreak story because remember all the chains fall off all the doors open and then The the jailer is gonna kill himself because he thinks he's gonna die for letting the prisoners go and they say Hey, we're all here do thyself no harm And then he grabs a light and he's trembling and astonished and he says what must I do to be saved? Right after the big jailbreak from the Lord. Okay, so I don't know what Bible these people are reading these bunch of bootlicking Republican Neocon Fox News Christians, they're not reading the Bible They're they're listening to talk radio and they say oh, oh, we gotta stay with the police Baloney Oh the police. Yeah, let's talk a little bit about the police Yeah, the police who come and harass us every single week for preaching the gospel the police who allow Abortion to go on and murder to be committed every single day in our city and every city in America Why don't the cops go arrest them for murder? Well abortion, you know, no murder is against the law Murder is illegal. Why don't the cops go in and put that abortion doctor under arrest? Why don't the doc the cops come in and put those nurses under arrest and drag them downtown and book them for murder and just Keep arresting them and keep booking them and then the judge can say you're guilty. I Sent you to death for murder first-degree murder Well, they don't have the power to do that. Then. You know, why don't they do the honest thing and turn in their badge? Why don't they turn in their badge and make an honest living since they can't enforce real laws like murder You know, I was driving down the road in Arizona I had a car slamming to me from behind and then flee the accident. I chased the car down I'm chasing the car down that slammed in the back of my car and fled from the scene. I wrote down the license plate I'm chasing this car through traffic I was right behind it and I see a motorcycle cop by the side of the road and it was heavy traffic I'm thinking saved. I mean this guy's on a motorcycle. He's gonna easily be able to catch up to this guy. I Pull up to the motorcycle cop. I say that white Monte Carlo right there just slammed in the back of my car. I Chanted or not chant. I recited the license plate number to him go get him. He hops on his bike rides off Rides back man. I lost him I'm like you're on a motorcycle I'm in a car and I was able but you know, he lost him on purpose is what he did Because I said well, here's the plate. Are you gonna run the plate? No Can you fill out a report for me? No, I Said well, this is a rental car. What am I gonna tell the rental car company? I mean, I need something kind of report. No, it's alright. He's like, oh this will just buff out the bumpers like hanging off I'm like, this is serious damage You need to write me a report or so, you know so then finally I Forced the guy to make a police report for me about the fact that I was rear-ended and smashed and I said, you know What if you would have caught the guy would you would you would you have even done anything? Would you even been able to punish the guy? Probably not. I Said well, I guess he might as well just run away then he might as well just escape because I said are you gonna run The plate here's what he said. Well, maybe if it were a homicide we would Maybe He's literally I was exactly well, maybe if this were a homicide, but all he did was just hit your car We're not even gonna run the plate. There's so much crime. We can't even deal with it Oh, but you sure have time to send five police cars when we're out sewing So there's so much crime. You don't have time for the hit and run. Oh, that's just small potatoes That's no big deal, but you got time to show up every single week For the soul winners and they don't send one car they send like five police cars look on the video the What's her name? Sergeant Donna Reno? She's like we're in Italy's two cars back up We got a couple of blonde women out here soul winning we're gonna need severe backup here They have Bibles. It's a two-edged sword It's a deadly weapon But it's funny they don't have time for the hit and run They just know won't do anything. Look I wrote down the plate number. Can you do something? No, you're gonna run this now He thought report. No too lazy Look, this is the day that we're living in folks The police are not your friend. I don't care what Fox News told you They're there to take your kids away from you They're there to enforce a bunch of unjust laws when the bunch of goons from CPS come to your house They're there to Right there with them to kidnap your kids. They're there to shoot your dog Beat you up taser you Right, you know give you excessive fines you park in the wrong place 200 bucks Roll through a stop sign because it's tilted sideways and you can't even see the thing 400 bucks. I Don't like this then get out of here go listen to Sean Hannity idiot. Why are you even here in church? Why do you even come to church you bootlicking police-loving Goon, you know, it's so funny how you don't want to hear what the Word of God says, but you love Sean Hannity Sean Hannity's a Roman Catholic. He's gonna burn in hell And that what's that guy's name Wiener? What's his name? The the the radio host? Michael Savage. Yeah, his real name is Michael Wiener because he's a god-hating Christ rejecting Jew Go listen to your Jew Glenn Beck and your Mormon or he's the Mormon, right? Yeah go listen to your Mormon Glenn back and your Catholic Sean Hannity and go listen to your Jew Michael Wiener and go listen to Who else do you listen to? That slob rush limbaugh, what's he on his fourth wife? Yeah, mark Levin another Jew another Christ killing Jew a Freemasons Jews Roman Catholics, that's who you listen to every day and then somebody reads the book of Acts to you And yeah, you just need to support the police No, we need to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and we shouldn't care about what the police are doing Okay, let the police go fight real crime and leave us alone because we're not killing anyone we're not committing adultery We're not doing drugs. We're not snorting cocaine. We're just trying to live our Christian lives Leave us alone We don't need you to come in and hassle us for serving the Lord. We're sick of it You say why I understand why you're so mad, okay, when was the last time you were beaten by the police I Got 11 stitches in my head from the police beating the snot out of me for doing nothing wrong Okay, I was tasered by the police for 20 seconds straight for peacefully Protesting for my rights and just sitting there Not even moving a muscle and just getting juiced with electricity for 20 seconds straight so you know what until you've had the police beat the crap out of you and Electrify you for doing your job for making a living for winning souls to Jesus Christ Until you've been thrown in the gravel and tackled like one of our ladies was tackled on Monday night You know, don't tell me about how great the police are because I'm sick of it I'm sick of it. And you know what? You know what? I'm not voting next Tuesday. So put that in your pipe and smoke it Not gonna vote for these bunch of these bunch of police state Republicans and I'm sure not gonna vote for these filthy perverted Democrats with their abortion and sodomy and transvestite garbage agenda You see I don't like this kind of preaching Well, you know what then go to pretty much any other Baptist Church in the world and you won't hear it And you know what? I'm glad you're hearing it while you're here. Somebody's telling you the truth for once You think I'm gonna vote I'm seeing I keep seeing all their ads popping up So some some woman Is running for something in Arizona? She's gonna be a warrior against the drug cartels. Oh I'm so tired of what heroin is doing in our neighborhoods. I'm gonna be a warrior. Okay. Well, are you gonna start by? Going after the US military Black operations for bringing in the drugs. I mean look people must think we're stupid You know how many drugs are consumed in this country on a daily basis that are imported from other parts of the world and let Me tell you something. It's not some Mexican running through the desert with a little bit of drugs Its entire shipments coming in its entire boatloads. It's giant airplanes and Containers of drugs coming into this country every day. Look at the amount of drugs that are consumed and you know now It's just an it's just openly known that the government brings in the drugs now They just made a Hollywood movie about it. I was reading about a Hollywood movie with Tom Cruise in it It just makes a joke out of the fact that the government all throughout the 1980s was just bringing just Planeloads of cocaine into Mina, Arkansas. They made a movie about it And oh, yeah, isn't this funny and Bill Clinton was a huge part of that He was importing drugs and you know, they were sending planes down to South America filled with guns Illegally selling them to the Contras down there and then they didn't come back with an empty plane Then they filled the plane with cocaine and they flew it into the United States our government imports drugs period and Then these lying politicians. They're gonna go tough on drugs know what they really mean. They're gonna go tough on you They're gonna spend more money on police More money on Border Patrol and and I wonder which way the barbed wire is gonna point on that wall that they're gonna build down At the border. I wonder if it's gonna point toward us or toward the Mexicans Because I have a feeling it might even point this way to keep us in You know when they built the Berlin Wall, they built that wall They said oh it's to keep people out of East Germany because communism is gonna be so good. Everyone's gonna want to come over That's what they told them Let me tell you something our government brings in the drugs and 90% of the people that are in jail right now are for drugs that the government brings in that the military and that our Secret agencies and the government bring it, you know, I remember when I was a teenager I was really interested in learning foreign languages and I thought it'd be a cool job to work for the CIA. I Watched a documentary about the CIA and I was thinking like man, this looks pretty cool. This looks like a fun job You know, I like learning foreign languages, you know You travel and do all this stuff and then they got to end and they're explaining how in order to be a CIA agent Though you have to be willing to murder commit adultery sell drugs, you know You have to be willing to just do all these immoral things for the greater good and I said, well, I looked over at my dad You know, I was watching the program with my dad and I said well, you know, no Christian could be a CIA agent then Because you have to be willing to Sleep with women and you have to be willing to commit murder and you have to be willing to sell drugs and do all the Stuff, you know for the greater good or whatever that even means the greater money in some Jews bank account is what they really mean By that the greater good okay, and you know, this sermon is a radical sermon, but Okay Somebody's got to tell it like it is Now I'm I'm you know, I'm opening all different cans of worms here so let me kind of refocus the sermon, okay soul winning in apartment complexes Let's get back on that for a while. Now. Let me let me explain to you my rationale here Okay at the end of the day, you know what I want. I want to be left alone by the government I want to live my life. I want to Raise my family. I want to preach the gospel I want to evangelize and do my work and I don't want the government to hassle me. I want to have freedom. That's all I want now I Am on this earth to fulfill a mission for the Lord and so are you I mean we're here to do work for the Lord And it has to do with getting the gospel to everyone That's a big part of our job and to teach them other things and to preach all the things in the Bible So at the end of the day what I really want is I want to be able to go soul-winning in apartment complexes On a weekly basis and be left alone by the government I want the police to leave me alone as I go and knock doors in apartment complex And if people don't want to talk, I don't want to talk to them either. So, you know if they say hey I'm not interested. All right. See you later. Have a good day. Was that so hard? I Gotta go call the police to come beat someone No Now look the reason this is what we do when we go so I just want to explain to you the policy of our church and And what our game plan is and and and how we handle this just to make sure everybody's on the same page. Okay? so When we show up to an apartment complex to go so winning a lot of times we'll go and we'll knock doors for an hour or two hours, we'll get the whole thing done because we usually bring about 15 people and A lot of times we just have no problems and that's great but many times you'll knock on the door of that rabid atheist who will call the police and Or call the manager or try to kick us out or whatever now when that happens. Here's what we do If the manager comes and tells me to leave I Say to them No, I'm not gonna leave. I'm gonna keep on Knocking doors, you know, this is my god-given right to do this The First Amendment You know, I'm we're not bugging anybody if people don't want to talk. We're gonna move on but we're gonna keep on going and If they say well, I'm gonna go call the police or I just say go call the police then I Don't argue with them because I'm not there to waste time in an argument. I want to just keep sewing So I just say go call the police and if they keep following me and bugging me then I just tell them hey You need to get away from me and leave me alone if what I'm doing is truly illegal then call the police But you don't have the right to follow me around and chase me or all call the police and tell them that you're stalking me Okay, that's what I've said to him a bunch of times. Just go call the police if what I'm doing and then they're like, okay Now the good thing is the good thing is that when we go soul-winning on Wednesdays, it's only a one-hour soul-winning time So by the time that rabid atheist gets their door knocked and Then by the time the management calls the police and by the time the police respond, usually we're leaving So I there have been many many times when we're literally in the van Driving out the driveway and the police are driving in and I just rolled down my window and I'm just like see you suckas And we're done. We've already knocked every door. We're leaving So it doesn't matter at that point, okay That now here's the thing a lot of people say well, yeah, but when the manager tells you to leave you should leave Here's the problem with that. Sometimes the manager will tell us to leave like 10 or 15 minutes in All right, everybody. Let's all leave. It's like well, we haven't even gotten anything done Whereas if we wait for the police to show up we can actually continue to knock and and many times we can even finish the Job and get out of there before the police respond because they're too busy with the Dunkin Donuts or Looking for somebody's drugs that the other branch of the government brought in to the country Okay You know not to mention the drugs that a third branch of the government Buys for people the prescription drugs that they get high with okay, the prescription drug abuse is huge That's a whole nother that subject. There's a lot we could talk about tonight friends Don't get me on the subject of our government So That's that's our rationale. You know all we want to do is you know we don't want to deal with the police that we love it when they don't show up in time and The best thing is when we're driving away, and they're driving in and we're just like See ya Okay Now sometimes the police will actually you know come and confront us and whatever now what I try to Do is I try to just waste their time Because of the fact that I know that I've got 10 other guys soul winning in the buildings So what I do is I try to just talk to them and just kind of waste their time But what I'm certainly not going to do is go round everybody up for them If they want to go round up the other 15 people let them do that So I just kind of waste their time and talk to them and just stall and create a diversion So that they can finish everywhere else you know And so you know if you're out so winning, and you personally get thrown out You know don't don't rat on everybody else or help them find everybody else Just you know if you want to leave just say okay. I'll leave and just walk away But don't you know don't don't don't start calling everybody. Hey everybody. We're all gonna go meet up with officer donut over here. It's like No So I I Understand also that there could be people who are not comfortable with this and they don't want to Run the risk of getting arrested or they don't want to be confronted by the police and and sometimes for a legitimate reason Maybe they have children with them Or you know obviously we don't want pregnant ladies getting thrown into the gravel and stuff like that by the police when they come out We don't want them coming on tasering pregnant women So look if you're not comfortable going soul-winning in apartment complexes then go soul-winning in the neighborhoods You know there's always a neighborhood right across the street that you could walk over and go soul-winning there But for those of us who are willing to take the chance for those of us who are willing to stand on this you know We need to keep knocking these apartments and keep on soul-winning in all these places now We're gonna have a soul-winning marathon In the city of Chandler on December 15th, okay, because the city of Chandler is the one that arrested our soul winners Okay, and you know if you're not mad about this then something's wrong with you You're mad at stuff that I said in my sermon because I offended your little talk radio wiener host Whatever isn't a Michael Savage or whatever You know why don't you get offended about the fact that your sister in Christ was thrown in the gravel? If you're offended by this sermon And you're not offended by a Christian lady with the Bible being thrown on the ground by a cop jumped from behind unawares Snuck up and throw her on the ground You're not offended by that huh, but go go ahead and vote for all your little Republican drug warriors on on November whatever the date is I don't even know what date it is I don't is it this Tuesday is it next Tuesday. Don't even tell me I Don't even know I don't even care because voting only encourages them We're not gonna stop so we're gonna actually take it to the city of Chandler You know and the reason we wrote the addresses up here is because people in our church are writing letters to the The the police department writing letters to the mayor of Chandler we already wrote you know 100 200 letters or whatever this evening And you know hopefully people all over the country and all over the world will keep calling them emailing them writing letters to them And you know what they think they can bully us and intimidate us into not soul winning We're just ramping up our soul winning in Chandler You know a lot of our soul winning times. We're just gonna start redirecting them to Chandler I'm not kidding And we're gonna put on a special event on December 15th in Chandler, Arizona I hope that people will fly out here from all over the country to go soul winning with us in Chandler and What we want to do where you know we're gonna do the typical soul winning marathon routine We'll have breakfast at Panera amen at 9 a.m.. We'll go soul winning from 1030 to 1230 We'll have lunch at Panera. We'll go soul winning from 2 30 to 4 30 And you know we're gonna break into two different kinds of teams We're gonna break into the teams of the people who are willing to get arrested or willing to take that chance of dealing with the police and We're back those groups are just gonna hit apartments all day Just hit apartments all day, and if they throw us out an apartment complex. We'll just be all right See you guys at the next apartment complex officer because we're just gonna get in the car and drive to another one and Then we'll break up into a group of people who don't want to get arrested and basically they can hit neighborhoods in Chandler And they'll go up and down this the houses the neighborhoods in Chandler And you know I'd love to see a hundred and some people in the neighborhoods hundred and some people in the apartment complexes And let's just get hundreds of people saved in Chandler and See what they think about that how they like that and you know what at the end of the day No matter what happens at the end of that day We know that if we go out and preach the gospel people are gonna get saved It's gonna be a great day Then what I think we should do after that is we should probably have some cookies and hot cocoa because it's so close to Christmas and Then when we're done with that you know we should all do I think all of us You know hundred maybe 200 people or whoever's willing to do it Should all go to the exact apartment complex Where our soul winners were arrested and go Christmas caroling that night Let's Let's let's do a flash mob let's bring 200 Christmas carolers So what's that apartment complex called? To that River Ranch apartments in Chandler Let's go out there, and let's sing all the Christmas songs in the hymnal right in the middle of that apartment complex And let's all wear a festive Christmas sweater while we're doing it And see what the Chandler police thinks about that I Mean is this really what the police want their image to be they there? Oh, yeah fighting the crime of preaching the gospel and singing Christmas songs The crime of tacky Christmas sweaters Look It's a joke friend Anybody who thinks that the police is justified to throw a Christian lady on the ground for going out soul winning with a Bible in hand and Being friendly and inviting people to church and telling them about the gospel to come up behind her and throw her on the ground like that thug Sergeant Donna Reed did from the Chandler Police Department. You know you're a wicked person if you think that's okay And you know sticks and stones may break my bones But words will never hurt me and I'm sick and tired of these left-wing liberal atheists being triggered by the Lord and the gospel and Soul winning and then they think they can just call in these goons, and then of course the goons are just like yes master You know this little tiny short woman Donna Reed this little female Napoleon or what did I say? Oh? Oh Donna Reno wasn't Donna Reed like a show a black-and-white show for the 50s Yeah, okay, hey, I don't have anything it's not Donna Reed I Don't even I think I saw a few episodes of the Donna Reed show back in the day. It's been a while Okay, look this Donna Reno this short little Napoleon little woman with her little complex Okay, and then she's got all the and then she had like this giant guy That's just like Like literally just this big thug. That's like doing her bidding And she and look I have a confession to make I've run into this Donna Reno before Because I was out so winning about a year ago, and I had a run-in with this exact officer Donna Reno and She came up and tried to tell us that we couldn't be so winning an apartment complex And I just looked at her and said I don't talk to women in uniform And I only talked to her partner and every time she tried to talk to me I just said I don't talk to women in uniform, and then I would just keep talking to the man that was there So she's probably just been laying in bed every night since then like oh, I gotta get them You know and and you know why you know why she you know why she threw down? A godly soul-winning lady you know why she did that because the because basically Debra said she said I'm gonna go talk to this officer over here And she literally just pointed toward him and then also next thing. She knows she's put on the ground No warning of you're under arrest or anything. I had just you know she was just like triggered Boing But you know people like that shouldn't be police officers if they can't control themselves if they can't control their emotions Yeah, I mean yeah, I mean yeah, you can file an assault charge, but is it gonna go anywhere You know cuz I I've tried to file that kind of stuff when they beat me up, and they don't they don't do anything about it You know Yeah, or get her decertified or I mean well, you know we'll try I'm for everything I'm for all of it Amen, but you know what what I'm personally gonna. Do is I'm gonna overcome evil with good by going and preaching the good news of Jesus to as many people in Chandler as I can And you know let the goo. I wonder how big the jail is in Chandler You know what I mean I? Wonder how many people that thing can hold If we have hundreds of people out soul-winning in apartment complexes that day You know it's just stupid. I mean this is America. It's a Christian nation so-called Supposedly founded on Christian principles courts being decrystian eyes every day but we have the right to go soul-winning and We're gonna keep exercising that right and you know what the old IFB is not gonna back us up on this They're scaling back soul-winning The Christian Law Association's not going to bat for us friend They'll probably testify against us in court is what they'll do okay these bunch of old IFB cowards I mean look you will open the sword of the Lord you think in the noteworthy news They're gonna put down that soul winners got arrested Nope because you know what's in the sword of the Lord noteworthy news The bathroom at Target Transgender Muslims It's all just what's on Fox News Everything that's the Fox News right-wing propaganda from the media. That's what you'll find the sword of the Lord noteworthy news section They don't we we get thrown out of we go get a thousand people saved and get deported from a country They don't it's not even a blip on their radar. We don't even exist under them Okay you think they care that soul winners are being assaulted no They're mad because some little girl wasn't allowed to pledge allegiance or wear a flag to school or something She couldn't wear a flag t-shirt. That's in their noteworthy news Right because it's it's all the Fox News talking points is all they're interested in So look the bottom line is this at our church We're gonna keep soul winning in the apartment complexes HOAs mobile homes the police can like it or lump it now look I believe that what we're doing is legal and we do have A piece of paper that we hand to the cops and hand to the managers that gives you know legal Justifications for what we're doing and it gives a Supreme Court decision that backs up what we're doing And I believe that what we're doing is legal no matter what the sign says But you know what at the end of the day. I don't care whether it's legal God told me to do it. I'm gonna keep doing it They can make a law against it all they want. I'm gonna keep doing it now if you're not comfortable with that You know then be a part of the soul winning program that goes to neighborhoods just knock doors and houses. That's okay fine you don't have to knock apartments if you don't want to but I'm knocking apartments and Many of us will knock the doors of apartments, and we're not gonna let these people stop us and you say you know well, how do we handle it and I've heard a lot of people say you know be friendly to the police be kind Be civil well look. That's a good. That's good advice. Just to not get killed Since they're so violent You know what I mean, and they fly off the handle, but look. I don't think you owe them that at all Because they're wicked people They are evil when they show up to shut us down when we're soul winning and say hey You can't go soul winning you can't preach the gospel when they interrupt a conversation where somebody's hearing the gospel They are working for Satan at that point there of the devil at that point, and I don't respect them I'm not gonna be friendly to them Because they're evil and what they're doing is wicked and when they assault One of God's people and they throw a Christian lady on the ground. They're evil. I don't respect that I'm not gonna be kind to them I'm not gonna be nice to them now be careful that you don't get killed out there if you mouth off to them But you don't owe them anything You know we don't want to be too nice to them because we don't want to give them the idea that what they're doing is Okay, I Want to make sure that they know that it's not okay I'm not gonna put up with it And you know we need to stop Caring about the issues that TV and radio are telling us to care about and start caring about the issues that actually matter You know what the issue really is that matters is soul winning That's the issue that matters our freedom to go out and win souls And I don't care. What stupid issues are on the ballot those issues don't even matter compared to this issue You know people need to start caring about this issue and look we go out so many every week and have the police Called on us multiple times a month for our 13 soul winning times a week. We have every right to be angry We're sick of being harassed We're sick of being stepped on by the Tempe police the Phoenix police the Chandler police they come out They threaten us with violence they threaten to kidnap us they threaten to taser us and shoot us Hey, we're sick of it And we're not gonna put up with it And why should we participate in their system and vote for them when this is what they do to us? when they hate us persecute us and treat us like garbage and the Republicans are no better than the Democrats and none of them will protect us none of them want to help us. No they all hate us Well then next to them why should we go down and check their name in some ballot I'm not gonna do it. You can go vote go vote all you want That makes you feel good. I'm doing something. I'm helping Wasting your time, I wouldn't waste five minutes on voting You couldn't pay me to vote for these people because they're all wicked The Republicans are a bunch of a lot of them are a bunch of closet sodomites and weirdos and Mormons and Freemasons and Roman Catholics and Jews. I'm not interested in supporting that. I don't want anything to do with that We need to get a focus on what the Bible says so when this is this is the kind of stuff we should care about and Unplug from the the what the media is telling us to care about And so the soul, you know, thank you for letting me get this rant off my chest tonight And the soul winning is gonna go on and that's that map over there. It's good. We're turning that thing orange we're turning it all the way orange and The police are not gonna stop us and they can try but you know what and I don't know what other people are gonna do But you know what? I'm just gonna keep doing it. I don't care how many times I get arrested or put in jail I'm just gonna keep doing it if it gets to where they arrest me so much that I can't be effective Then I'll just go somewhere else at that point. I'll move away and go somewhere else. I Don't think it's gonna come to that if we actually push back and stand up for ourselves Okay, but we need to just keep on winning souls and that's what that's what matters those pirates have word of prayer father We thank you so much for your word Lord and Lord I just pray that your people would actually read the book of Acts and and read about the Evangelism that goes on read about them preaching the gospel and getting beaten and getting thrown in jail getting thrown in prison all the authorities and officers Telling them that they can't preach and how they defied that authority and continued to preach the gospel Lord Help us to have the same boldness Lord to keep preaching the gospel To keep soul winning and not lose our freedom in America to evangelize and in Jesus name we pray. Amen