(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Other upcoming events we've got, Pastor Shelley preaching at Faithful Word on February 19th. We've got Pastor Corbin Russell preaching on March the 12th. We've got the Bahamas cruise missions trip on March 23rd. But also there is another cruise missions trip happening in February. Because maybe you're just like, man, I don't want to wait that long. Let's go. Pastor Corbin Russell is going to be doing one. I was talking to a bunch of people when I was out in Oklahoma that are going on that trip and excited about it. I don't remember the exact dates or the vessel involved. It's on their website. If you go to Steadfast Baptist Church website in Dallas, Fort Worth area, Cedar Hill, Texas it's called, they'll have the dates and the info on that. So go ahead and get saved and do something great for God on that trip. So that is it for announcements. Let's go ahead and tally up the soul winning from the past few days. So going back to Thursday. Anything from Thursday? Okay. Okay. Who's that? Okay, gotcha. Alright. Got it. Anything else from Thursday? How about Friday? Anything from Friday? Okay. Okay. Alright. And then Saturday. Got it. Okay. Okay. Anybody else? And then today. Brother Scott. Five for the main group with Brother Scott. Got it. Okay, got it. Alright. And then another thing, speaking of soul winning, Brother Steve Tilson is gonna be doing a soul winning event. It's at a thing called First Friday in the downtown Phoenix area. And if you need any details, go ahead and stand up if you would real quick, Brother Steve, just so that we can know who we're talking about. So this is who you talk to if you're interested. And it's gonna be meeting at Taco Boys at 6pm. He's got these little cards that have all the details and everything. They're gonna be going out and doing soul winning at the First Friday Art District Festival deal. And so if you're free this Friday night, wanna do that style of soul winning, Brother Steve Tilson would love to have you work with him on that. I posted something on the Facebook page. Okay, so the church members Facebook group on Facebook as well is a good place to get details or you can talk to him. He can give you the details on that. Alright, very good. I think that that's about it for announcements. So let's go ahead and sing our next song. Come lead us. Alright, Shabbat and the answer is from your hymnal with Psalm 126. If you don't have an answer, you can raise your hand. And we'll sing it together on that first, When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion. When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion We were like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter Then said they among the heathen, the Lord had done great things for them, the Lord had done great things for us. Whereof we are glad. Turn again our captivity O Lord As the streams in the South They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. Then said they among the heathen, the Lord had done great things for them, the Lord had done great things for us. Whereof we are glad. He that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed Shall always come again. Shall always come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheeps with him. Then said they among the heathen, the Lord had done great things for them, the Lord had done great things for us. Whereof we are glad. Whereof we are glad. Good singing everybody. Let's go to hymn number 193 in your song books. Hymn number 193. You may have the joy bells. Hymn number 193. 193. You may have the joy bells ringing in your heart. Let's sing it out together on that first now. Hymn number 193. You may have the joy bells ringing in your heart let yourself play. Step from you, never will depart. Walk the straight and there will way. Live for Jesus every day. He will keep the joy bells ringing in your heart. Joy bells ringing in your heart. Joy bells ringing in your heart. Take the savior here the joy bells ringing in your heart. See, those are having a little trouble remembering this song. So, let's go back and sing that first verse, alright? So, on that first together now, you may have the joy bells ringing in your heart and the peace that from you never will walk the straight and narrow way. Live for Jesus every day. He will keep the joy bells ringing in your heart. Take the Savior here below with you everywhere you go. He will keep the joy bells ringing in your heart. Love of Jesus in its fullness you may know. Endless love to those around you sweetly show. Words of kindness always say, needs a mercy to each day. Then he'll keep the joy bells ringing in your heart. Joy bells ringing in your heart. Joy bells ringing in your heart. Take the Savior here below with you everywhere you go. He will keep the joy bells ringing in your heart. You will meet with trials as you journey home. Grace sufficient he will give to overcome. Though unseen by war till I, he is with you every night. And he'll keep the joy bells ringing in your heart. Joy bells ringing in your heart. Joy bells ringing in your heart. Take the Savior here below with you everywhere you go. And he'll keep the joy bells ringing in your heart. Let your life speak well of Jesus every day. On his right to every service you can pay. Standards you can help to win if your life is pure and clean. And you keep the joy bells ringing in your heart. Joy bells ringing in your heart. Joy bells ringing in your heart. Take the Savior here below with you everywhere you go. And you keep the joy bells ringing in your heart. Matt, good singing tonight. In Hebrews 13, the Bible reads, Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them, and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body. Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled, but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Let your conversation be without covetousness, and be content with such things as ye have, for ye have said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee, so that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me. Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God, whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday and today and forever. Be not carried about with diverse and strange doctrines, for it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace, not with meats which have not profited them that have been occupied therein. We have an altar, where they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle. For the bodies of those beasts whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin are burned without the camp. Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate. Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach. For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come. By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. But to do good and to communicate forget not, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves, for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy and not with grief, for that is unprofitable for you. Pray for us, for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly. But I beseech you the rather to do this, that I may be restored to you the sooner. Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. And I beseech you, brethren, suffer the word of exhortation, for I have written a letter unto you in few words. Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty, with whom, if he comes shortly, I will see you. Salute all them that have the rule over you, and all the saints. They of Italy salute you. Grace be with you all. Amen. Father, thank you for the King James Bible and Fifth Ward Baptist Church. I thank you for the opportunity to hear your holy and your sacred word. I ask you, fill Pastor Anderson with your Holy Spirit, open our hearts and our ears to receive your word, and I pray this in Jesus' holy name. Amen. Amen. Tonight, we're continuing with the Revelation 21 8 series. We've talked about the fearful, the unbelieving, the abominable murderers, and tonight we are on whoremongers, right? And the Bible says that whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. And, of course, we're thankful that Christ came to this world to save sinners and that by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, we are saved, we are redeemed, we're forgiven, we've been sealed by the Holy Ghost unto the day of redemption. Nothing can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord, and so we have been forgiven of all of our sins. But at the same time, as we read a verse about God's wrath being upon these particular sinners, even though we are saved and forgiven children of God, we do not want to displease God by engaging in the same types of sins that would incur the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. And so we want to make sure that we are not fearful or unbelieving or abominable or murderers or, as we're going to see tonight, whoremongers. Now, what is a whoremonger? Well, this is probably not a term that people use very much in 2025 unless they are a Christian, unless they go to church. It's not something that is really in the popular imagination. Kids probably aren't hearing it on TV or in school or anything like that. But a whoremonger is a word that's used interchangeably in the New Testament with a fornicator, and it's really just talking about a man who is engaging in, you know, that kind of activity outside of marriage, right? He's sleeping with women outside of marriage. It is the male counterpart of a whore, right? You have the whore and the whoremonger. And here's what can sometimes confuse people is that a lot of times when we see words like harlot and whore, of course, we're talking about that in its literal sense, which is talking about a woman who is actually selling her body for those services, okay? And that's what the literal definition of a whore or a harlot is, a prostitute, right? But what you have to understand is that in the Bible, women will often be labeled as a whore or a harlot or that they're playing the whore or playing the harlot, they're being like a whore or being like a harlot, even if they're not actually selling their bodies, but just if they are just loose, if they're just easy, if they're just promiscuous, then they get labeled as a whore. And in the same way, the whoremonger is not only talking about men who are actually paying for fornication, but rather this is just talking about dudes who are engaging in fornication in general. You see, our society has this really big stigma on prostitution as being really immoral, but then they turn around and then they're fine with fornication. And this is not the way that God looks at things in the Bible. God is very upset about fornication in and of itself. It's not the selling aspect that bothers God. It's the fact that people are sleeping together outside of marriage. That is the problem, not the fact that money is being exchanged. Okay. And in fact, God even rebukes women in the Bible for sleeping around saying, you know, you're just like a whore, except you're not even making money. And he even insults them in that way and says, the difference between you and a prostitute is that at least a prostitute's getting paid. And he roasts them in that way in Ezekiel chapter 16, for example. And so, you know, obviously the world has their standard of what right and wrong is, but the Bible has a superior standard and the Bible is not just condemning women for selling their bodies. He's also condemning them for hopping in the sack with the guy that they're not married with too in general. But sometimes there could be a double standard where Christians, churches, or even society could be negative towards loose women, promiscuous women, easy women, women who have sex outside of marriage, and then it can turn around and kind of give a pass to guys who do the same thing. Or to somehow act like a girl who does that is sleazy, but a guy who does that is somehow macho, or he's a Casanova, or he's a pimp daddy, mac daddy, whatever. And they basically would almost glorify this in men. And just as they would shame women for engaging in this activity, they would then turn around and glorify men like, that a boy or something, you know. And let me tell you something, in God's economy, it is equally sinful, it is equally shameful on both sides. It also is something that you should be ashamed of and something that you should not be doing as a young man and don't think somehow, well, because I'm a young man, it's not a big deal, you know, the girls should stay pure, but I'm a young man, it's normal for me to go out and sow my wild oats or whatever. No, my friend, God demands purity from not just the girls, but also from the boys as well. And I think one thing that kind of evidences this double standard that sometimes takes place is that I was thinking about the German language. Where are my Germans tonight? There we go. You're going to have to do tonight, you know. You're going to have to be my German, you know. So, you know, it's like in German, the word for a virgin is a word that really sounds like it could only be applied to a girl because it's Jungfrau, which literally means like, you know, kind of young lady, but when you put it together, when you put the Jung, young, Frau, lady, if you put it together, Jungfrau, it's a word that means virgin. But how do you think you'd feel as a dude saying like, I'm a Jungfrau? It doesn't really sound that great, but that is the word. It's super weird, but it just shows that German is a stupid language in that area, okay? I'm sorry, but it just is. I like German, I speak German every day, and, you know, but that's just dumb. German is actually lacking in some other areas morally as well. It's funny how you can look at the language and see some problems with the morality of Germany just from the beginning. And I think that Jungfrau being virgin and that that being the word for it kind of shows that it's like, oh, well, we expect that from the girls. Well, we need to expect it from the men as well, okay? And let me prove that to you. Look, you're already in Revelation 21, maybe, or actually you're not, but let's pretend that you were. And let's go to Revelation 14, Revelation chapter 14, and we're going to see that God wants the men to be virgins as well, okay? When they get married, they should be a virgin as well. Look what the Bible says in Revelation chapter 14 verse 4. It says, these are they which were not defiled with women, for they are virgins. And we're talking about men, and the Bible is using the word virgins about men. And what's the opposite of being a virgin as a man? Being defiled with women, right? So it's not just women that are being defiled by committing fornication. It's not just them that are losing value or that are cheapening their bodies or cheapening themselves or selling themselves short. No, the young men are also cheapening themselves. They're also selling themselves short. They are also defiling themselves by committing fornication. And that's why in order to not be defiled, they need to be virgins, right? Now obviously, if you would flip over to Hebrews chapter 13, obviously within marriage this is a godly act. This is a clean, righteous act. It's not a defiling act unless you're some weird Catholic with a bunch of weird hang-ups and you're probably whipping yourself and getting in a little box and telling a priest all your dirty secrets and whatever in that pagan idolatrous cult that is Roman Catholicism. And they have all these weird doctrines that like even within marriage it's kind of sort of sinful or something. They're just a bunch of weird so-called celibate pervert, queer faggots. Other than that, they're wonderful people. But the point is that that religion has a weird view on this subject. And in some ways their weird view on this subject has sort of permeated society and culture sometimes. But we need to get a biblical view on this subject which is found in Hebrews chapter 13 verse 4. Marriage is honorable in all. You see that? Hebrews 13 verse 4. Marriage is honorable in all. And the bed undefiled, right? And what did it say about the virgins? They've not defiled themselves with women but that's talking about doing it outside of marriage. Because within marriage it's the opposite. It's not defiled, right? The bed, the marriage bed is not defiled but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge, right? So the Bible is saying that for a man to engage in this activity within marriage with his wife is wholesome it is undefiled and it is honorable. It is an honorable activity. However whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Now we're talking about men here because whoremonger, like I said, is a male term. The female term would be whore, the male term would be whoremonger. And so what the Bible is saying here is that whoremongers, which would be dudes that are having sex outside of marriage with single women and adulterers, dudes that are having sex outside of marriage with married women, God will judge, okay? So these are both directed at a man who would commit this sin. So God's not just going to judge the women, he's going to judge the man as well. He expects purity on both sides, right? And in fact in that list, fearful, unbelieving, abominable murderers and whoremongers specifically that is a male term. Now of course we know that male terms in the Bible typically can be used to refer to both genders because of the fact that God isn't just going to spell out every single time, you know, son or daughter, you know, and just always fall all over himself to say that. Obviously if the Bible says that if you believe in Jesus you'll be a son of God, you should be smart enough to know that if you're a woman you're actually going to be a daughter of God, right? And he doesn't have to sit there every single time and say, you know, he, she or it or whatever every single time. Or no there is no more it because now there's only two genders again. I remember that it's been it's been declared by executive order that there are only two genders and two pronouns now. So I heard I heard a rumor you know I'm hearing all these things I don't follow the news or politics because I figure if something's really important somebody will tell me about it, you know, or I'll see the memes about it. If there's no memeing did it even happen? Is it even important? And so I heard somebody said that all the passport applications because we just we just renewed some passports for our kids recently and we were kind of just scoffing at how it said like you know male female unspecified you know whatever it gave like four options for the gender I heard a rumor that all the passport applications where they checked one of those weird boxes are all like on hold and they're all like getting sent back because now the federal government is is not recognizing that anymore thank God praise God hopefully that they keep on changing things like that and we could kind of you know get back at least halfway to normal in our society and so the Bible says here in Hebrews chapter 13 verse 4 marriage is honorable in all right so activities that men and women do with each other when they're intimate with one another you know there's nothing to be ashamed of there's nothing sinful or unclean or defiling about it or or like oh man you know it's a you know a little naughty or whatever no not really because you're married and so it's actually a wholesome godly righteous activity in fact it would be sinful and wrong for you to not engage in that activity in the sense that you'd be depriving your spouse of something that they want to do and then you're not doing it well that it's kind of like you know you're actually sinning by not engaging in a physical relationship with your spouse we're supposed to have that relationship but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge so this is a stern warning there are lots of sins listed in the Bible but one of the ones that is really rebuked hard in the New Testament is fornication you know this is not something that is taken lightly it's saying no I'm gonna judge you for this you're not gonna get away with this and there's a lot of scripture about fornication in the New Testament you know if you had to ask the question which sins are called out the most in the New Testament fornication is going to be on that list every single time of just sheer frequency for being brought up as something that we as Christians should not engage in now if you would go to 1st Corinthians 5 and I remember when I was a teenager back in the late 90s and there were Christians in liberal churches that I went to and even you know people that were on staff and everything that would sometimes argue the possibility that hey maybe sex outside of marriage is okay and people would try to act like maybe this isn't a sin maybe it's fine and part of the reason why is because they have these new Bible versions and the new Bible versions change all these references and they don't use words like fornication or whoremonger they get rid of those terms and a lot of times they'll just use this blanket term sexual immorality and the problem with that is that if you study the word immorality or moral okay it really just has to do with what is considered right and wrong by society you know and in fact there's another similar word ethics you know and if you think about the word ethical or ethics if you look at the root of that word and I'm kind of a language geek so I'm always thinking about the etymology of words and I understand that you know words don't always mean what their root is but if you think about ethics it comes from the same root as like the word ethnic and it really has to do with like what's considered right and wrong by society and you might live in a different ethnos and have a different ethos you know what I mean and so you can see how these words are kind of connected ethics and then if you think about the word moral and you could think about the Spanish word for example those of you that speak Spanish morar which has to do with where you live and you think about social mores and so forth and so these are habits and customs of a certain group of people or a certain geography here's the problem I have with that is that if you have a Bible that just condemns sexual immorality well who decides what that even is who decides what's that even mean because you could just say oh that just means you're paying for it or oh that just means you don't really love each other oh that just means that you're not committed or something no my friend the Bible is clear it's got to be within marriage and let the Bible define itself marriage is honorable at all but here's the other two ways that you could satisfy that you can either satisfy that craving within marriage or it's being a whoremonger an adulterer there's no third choice of having some kind of a moral you know respectful consensual you know thing outside of marriage the Bible does not leave room for that and when the Bible uses the word fornicator or fornication it is talking about any and all sex outside of marriage it's not like well you know it's not really a sin as long no my friend and these modern Bibles are confusing people and when I was in these churches in the late 90s they all had an NIV in their hand and they were having trouble like actually figuring out whether sex outside of marriage was a sin using their NIV Bibles because of the fact that it's so vague in what it says where the King James is clear on this okay and so we need to understand and also let me just say this these kind of false doctrines they're just dumb think about how dumb it is to think that God's okay with you having sex outside of marriage because then you just have a world full of bastards because if you have all these people sleeping around outside of marriage where you can have a bunch of kids out of wedlock that's not God's will so how does that even work oh well you know birth control whatever where does the Bible teach that where's the Bible teaching you hey you know go out and just use birth control no my friend the Bible is telling you to abstain outside of marriage and people will lie and twist scripture to try to fit their doctrine of convenience but at the end of the day common sense will tell you this is stupid and it isn't going to work and we have a bunch of idiots today that will try these weird alternative lifestyles like having an open marriage and all this stuff and it just ends up torturing everyone involved everybody's miserable it spreads a bunch of disease around it creates a bunch of bastard children who don't know who their parents are or they're living with all these weird creepy step parents and all these weird situations and bad situations hey we need to do things God's way and if you get sucked into one of these weird teachings whoremongers and adulterers God will judge and that's you if you think oh well I think it's okay and then you have these people saying oh you know polygamy is okay it's okay to have two wives or three wives think about how stupid that is when 50% of the people on the planet are male and 50% of our female how is that going to work how it tell me how is polygamy going to work when the world is literally split right down the middle 50-50 so how is a dude going to have four wives then there's not going to be enough wives to go around and that's why if you look at it every single society that embraces polygamy ends up with a bunch of teenage brides and child brides because they just don't have enough women to go around to satisfy the greedy dudes who are not satisfied with one wife like God prescribed and so if you look at the fundamental latter-day saints up in northern Arizona that are practicing polygamy and of course the brides just keep getting younger and younger because it doesn't work it doesn't even make common sense what makes common sense is a man and a woman getting married for life till death do us part and then the product of that relationship is children and then those children are growing up in a nuclear family with a mom and a dad that is God's will and it's foolishness to try to justify your sin and say well you know I'm in a committed relationship hey it better be called marriage it better be legal you better have a marriage certificate you better have it sanctified in the eyes of God and in the eyes of man and not just be out there being a whoremonger being an adulterer you'd better do it legally and do it right and do it in a godly way and marriage is the option here you're either you're either doing it in marriage or you're a whoremonger an adulterer that's what the Bible is saying and so if you would flip over to 1st Corinthians 5 we don't even have time to look at all the scripture on fornication tonight but that's what a whoremonger is whoremonger is talking about a fornicator you know whether he's paying for it or not isn't the issue the Bible doesn't emphasize that distinction again the Bible just brings out the fact that hey you know whether you're paying for it or not it's wicked it's sinful it's dirty it's filthy it's wrong that's what the Bible emphasizes now the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 5 verse 9 and really we're gonna look at chapter 5 chapter 6 and chapter 7 all three chapters deal with this subject and we could spend time looking at all the passages in the New Testament we're just gonna hit the highlights here 1st Corinthians chapter 5 says in verse 9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators right do not hang around with fornicators now if this were just a minor sin if it weren't a big deal God wouldn't be telling you do not hang around these people because everybody's a sinner nobody's perfect but there are certain sins that he singles out and says do not company with fornicators but then he says I wrote that to you but he has to clarify what he meant he says yet not all together with the fornicators of this world or with the covetous or extortioners or with idolaters for then machine needs go out of the world he's saying you know when I wrote to you not to company with fornicators and these other type of really sinful people he's saying you know I didn't mean the fornicators of this world because then you'd have to go out of the world because obviously we're living in the world people are unsaved people that are sinful they're going to be either a fornicator, covetous, idolater, railer, drunkard in many cases and he's saying you'd have to go out of the world he's not saying you'd have to get on a spaceship you know and go to the moon or go to Mars that's not what he's thinking about because obviously that wasn't possible back then is not even quite possible yet now but you know maybe it will be possible soon I guess we'll find out but you know they're obviously talking about colonizing the moon colonizing Mars whatever but it hasn't happened so far and it certainly wasn't on Paul's radar at that time was it so what does he mean when he says you'd need to go out of the world when he talks about withdrawing from the world he's talking about withdrawing from the inhabited world what he's talking about is withdrawing from society he's saying you would have to go out of the world meaning you'd have to go live in some cult compound somewhere in the middle of nowhere you'd have to be a hermit or living in a monastery you'd have to isolate yourself from the world as in the people in the world is what he means by that right because often when the Bible says world it's not talking about the planet it's talking about the people like when it says God so loved the world and so he says look you'd have to leave the world and he said that that's not what he wants to do and in fact when Jesus is praying in John 17 he says to the Father you know I don't want you to take them out of the world but I want you to keep them from the evil and so we are to be in the world but not of the world and so God does not want us to withdraw from society and I'm not even interested in you know strategically relocating to someplace out in the middle of nowhere or something you know I want to live in this great big city of Phoenix Arizona with five million people because I'm here to reach people I'm here to preach to people I'm here to win the souls of people not to go withdraw myself and then maybe I can get to heaven get an award for being the most super holy person ever that's not what God wants us to do with our lives he wants us to reach people with the gospel in order to do that sometimes you got to get among the people of this world of course in order to do that so God's not trying to remove us from the world so he's saying look you're gonna be around fornicators, covetous people, extortioners idolaters you're gonna interact with those people it's okay to interact with those people it's okay to have a meal with them it's okay to go to their house it's okay to have them at your house it's okay to interact with them but here's the clarification verse number 11 but now I've written unto you not to keep company and here's the difference if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator so what the Bible is saying is here is that the people that we really need to stay away from is not just sinful people who are engaged in these big sins like fornication railing extortion covetousness he says no no no then you'd have to leave society but he's saying no no what I'm writing to you is not to keep company with someone who's called a brother who's doing those things right so what's worse is getting around Christians who are living in fornication Christians who are idolaters and so that those are the thing people that are a saved Christian or at least people believe that they're a saved Christian they're claiming to be a saved evangelical Christian and then they're doing these things those people should be ostracized going to the Bible it says if any man that's called a brother be a fornicator etc with such a one know not to eat verse 12 for what have I to do to judge them also that are without do not you judge them that are within but then that are without God judges therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person so the people that we need to stay away from our Christians who are living in fornication and these other sins that tells me that fornication is a big deal because if someone is a saved Christian or calling themselves a saved Christian and they are a fornicator this is a bad influence on our life that we need to get out of our life and that's why the Bible said earlier in the chapter a little 11 leavens the whole lump you know you don't want to be influenced contaminated defiled or leavened by that influence I mean I mean imagine you're a teenage boy or a young adult man and you're trying to live a pure life you're trying to keep a pure testimony until your wedding day and then you're around guys that are out sleeping with women I mean that's gonna make it a lot harder for you you know to to have the right willpower and to stay on a godly path you know it'd be like if you're on a diet or something and you're just hanging around with a guy who's just eating an ice cream cone all day or eating candy bars all day or something you're supposed to be on a diet right you'd probably be better off hanging around with a guy who's constantly exercising self-control exercising period you know in general and so we don't want that influence in our lives go to chapter 6 so fornication is a big deal and look anybody who tries to tell you that oh sex outside of marriage is allowed in Scripture is a fool it's easy to prove from the Bible there's marriage and there's fornication there's marriage there's adultery there's not this thing of just going out and sleeping with people that you're not married to and that somehow that's okay or fine I mean it's it's madness okay it's it's easy to debunk from Scripture and it's just a doctrine of convenience for people who want to indulge the lust of the flesh okay and so don't even fall for it for one second and I'm blaming the modern versions for their vague wording and their use of the stupid word immorality instead of spelling out what we're talking about fornication okay look at 1st Corinthians chapter number 6 verse 12 it says all things are lawful unto me but all things are not expedient all things are lawful for me but I will not be brought under the power of any meats for the belly and the belly for meats but God shall destroy both it and them now the body is not for fornication but for the Lord and the Lord for the body and God has both raised up the Lord and will also raise up us by his own power know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ now the word member in this context is a body part right you've probably heard of someone being dismembered it means that they lost a body part okay a body part came off of their body and so the idea here is that our bodies are not to be used for fornication our bodies are to be used for the service of God our bodies exist so that we can be on this earth interacting with this world and serving God not so that we can just go out and indulge the flesh in fornication the body is not for fornication but for the Lord the Lord for the body okay and it says your bodies are the members of Christ meaning that our bodies are basically the body parts of Christ in the sense that you know number one we're the hands and feet that he's using to get the work of God done in 2025 he's not physically here on this earth doing the work we're doing the work and he's working through us and so we are the members of Christ but not only that we have become united with Christ through salvation okay and not only that we have been bought with a price and so we belong to Christ and he owns our bodies in that sense as well and so we are the members of Christ and then it says in verse 15 shall I then take the members of Christ and make them the members of harlot God forbid right I mean I'm taking something that belongs to God my body is a temple of the Holy Ghost I've been bought with the price and then I'm going to take the members of Christ and go make those the members of a harlot or unite them physically with a harlot God forbid what know ye not that he which is joined to in harlot is one body for two saith he shall be one flesh but he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit so we are spiritually united with Christ we have Christ in us Jesus Christ is in our hearts right Christ in you the hope of glory that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith the Bible says and then we have Christ in our heart and then we're gonna go become one flesh with a harlot God forbid right it's super wicked it's ungodly it's a defilement of the temple of God big time it's disrespectful and defiling of the temple of God which is why he says in the next breath and you got to love these little punchy you know two word type statements in the Bible flea fornication period flea fornication what does it mean to flea fornication fleeing means to run away and it's not just running away it's running scared fleeing is when somebody's after you and you're scared and you're running as fast as you can to get away you're trying to escape that's what fleeing is and the Bible says flea fornication and so here's the thing if you are hanging around fornication if you're opening yourself up to temptations and making provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof right you are very likely to fall into this trap of fornication it is a sin that is easy to get into okay because of the fact that our biology as men and we're focusing on the men tonight you know we could talk about the women as well but we're gonna focus on the men tonight because again the title of sermon is whoremongers which is a male term and so focusing on the men tonight this is sin that's easy to get into because our biology is wired for us to desire this type of sin okay you see men are wired by their DNA their biology it's it's just inborn it's innate that men find a multitude of women attractive and are tempted to commit fornication a lot big time okay now of course every once in a while you'll have some guy that will just lie and claim that this isn't the case whatever but you know our people they're just oh I'm just so holy I just don't even think that way I don't even look at women that way I'm just I'm just super righteous super pious okay whatever that's great but let's talk to 99% of everybody else and just understand that this is a temptation that is common to man you know and and every once in a while you'll get these guys that oh you just don't understand you know I'm special I just you know I just have this really wild you know drive or whatever that's just called being a dude you know what I'm saying like like you have these guys oh you don't understand I'm broken or something no you're not broken that's just how dudes are but the difference is that you have to exercise self-control and not just give in to every animal urge that you have so don't don't try to think that you're different and you're special and all this stuff now look there are some people who are who do not have a strong urge in this area and these people can go through life just being single and serving God and that's great but they're the exception not the rule okay and I'm and that's great I'm not upset at them except I am upset at them if they didn't turn around and act like oh everybody needs to be like me because see here's the thing the Apostle Paul was one of these guys that he didn't mind being signal single but you know what he said though he said let every man have his own wife let every woman have her own husband and he said you know not everybody has this gift that I have you know most people need to be married because of the fact that it's better to marry than to burn and the burning is talking about burning with lust you know it's better to satisfy that appetite in a natural normal way within marriage but you know people try to think sometimes that oh you know I'm different because I just have all these urges it's a dude you're there's no temptation taking you but such as common to man okay men are wired this way and and women are not this way typically and you know I'm so sick of our stupid weird society that just acts like men and women are the same men and women are not the same men and women are wired different okay and it's like this young this new generation they they've been brainwashed they just think men and women are the same they're not the same you know what because I guarantee you that there's probably about a thousand times as many magazines with a bunch of naked or half naked women in them there's probably about a thousand times more than magazines with dudes looking that way because women women don't want to sit around and look at magazines of dudes like it's just that's just not how women think you know there's probably all kinds of filthy establishments all over Phoenix of strip clubs and all these places but I guarantee you that 99% of them are geared toward men because unfortunately you know this is just part of the male condition that men are super tempted in these areas and they're super susceptible to this temptation because our biology just wants us to just go out and just have all this fornication and whatever but God is asking us sorry God is commanding us to transcend those physical urges and to walk in the spirit and to abstain from fornication and so don't have this excuse of well God made me this way and it's just biology you know you can't just ask the Sun not to shine you just can't ask the Apple not to fall from the tree I mean it's just the way it works you know the water is gonna flow downhill and it's just gravity and it's just nature and whatever no my friend because we're not animals we're humans and as humans made in the image of God we have the ability to rein these things in and not just be like some weird animal that's just out there just humping everything and anything no we as a man as a man a human in the image of God no we are to control ourselves and to have dignity and honor and keep ourselves pure and abstained from fornication and I'd say well you know I just have to check out every babe because that's just my biology you know what that is your biology but you know what I am more than biology I am a soul I am a man I'm not an animal and so no I don't have to just check out every babe and just be out there tempted by these things I can transcend what the flesh is telling me to do and I can walk in the spirit and so you know obviously this is something that's easy for men to get involved in which is why the Bible says you got a flea fornication okay in fact if you go back to Proverbs it talks about the strange woman greeting this guy and she kind of catches the guy off guard a little bit she just grabs him and kisses him right out of the gate and then the Bible talks about how she seduces him and entices him back to her place and it says that she quote forced him now when it says that she forced him she's not stronger than him right that's not what it's saying but I'm telling you the temptation is so strong that the Bible is metaphorically using the language oh she forced him and so obviously yeah women aren't gonna physically overpower you but if you allow yourself to get in these compromising situations and you allow yourself to be seduced and you allow yourself to be manipulated like that you know you may not be able to stop yourself unfortunately and you need to run out of there you need to literally literally run away and flee fornication you need a literally flee fornication and this is what Joseph does back in the book of Genesis right because Potiphar's wife is throwing herself at him and he literally runs out of there she grabs his clothes as he's running out and she rips part of his clothing off his body and she's left holding his outer garment as he runs screaming in the other direction and that is a symbol of what we are supposed to do we are supposed to flee fornication do not put yourself in these compromising situations do not hang around with these sleazy girls and here's the thing you know hopefully if you're a Christian young man and you're dating a Christian young lady hopefully one of you is at least gonna have the godliness and the self-control to put a stop to anything before it turns into fornication but here's the thing let's say you're a godly young man and you're deciding okay I'm gonna be pure and I'm not gonna commit fornication I'm gonna wait till I'm married but then you're around some loose chick well then as soon as you have a weak moment she's gonna jump on that but what should happen is that when you have a weak moment she's there to say no and when she has a weak moment you're there to say no and it's like a double fail and then you need a third fail safe of just you're in public right and you're not dating in these kind of behind closed doors type of places where you could even get away with committing such an act so if you have a combination of godly young man who commit committed to purity godly young lady committed to purity and being in a public space you know now you're gonna avoid fornication and the thing is that that way even if the the boys morality slips if her morality slips well guess what at the end of the day though hey the other one will be there to say no but if you're hanging around with some guy that's always pressuring you to sleep with him or something you know then all it takes is just for you to have one week day or a moment ladies and then you're gonna give into that or vice versa you have some girl that's throwing herself at you physically you know if you do that long enough eventually you're gonna have a weak moment you need to keep yourself out of these situations and not just you know run into these situations you need to run away from these situations okay and again it's like I was preaching the other day you know you need to make sure that you put out a clear signal and put out a clear vibe that says that you're committed to purity and that you're not interested in fornication or adultery as a man because women are pretty good at reading reading those signals and so if you put out that right vibe then you're gonna save a lot of trouble right there and so the Bible says flee fornication okay so especially you young man I'm preaching to tonight you know do not hang around with these loose easy girls they might be fun to hang around and you think oh I just want to kind of play with fire see how close I can get or whatever nah man you are playing with fire you're gonna get burned and you need to stay away from those kind of girls and be around girls that are also committed to purity like you are they also have a Christian view of this subject so it says every sin that a man do it is without the body meaning outside of his body but he that committed fornication sinneth against his own body right so what the Bible saying here is you are hurting yourself when you commit fornication you are harming yourself you are doing yourself a disservice do not do it and then he says what know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which you have of God and you are not your own for you're bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are gods now that's the end of chapter six but then we could roll directly into chapter seven right and it says in the very next verse now concerning the things wherever you wrote unto me it's good for a man not to touch a woman and you know it's always kind of wish you could get like the Corinthian letters back to Paul because we're kind of reading like one side of the correspondence but he says hey it's good for a man not to touch a woman nevertheless to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband so again how do you avoid fornication by being married which proves that what is fornication sex outside of marriage again it you don't have to be a genius to look at these verses and see that that's what we're talking about and that that's the definition of the word fornication and so he says look the way that you avoid fornication is by every man having his own wife and every woman having her own husband because the idea here is that if you satisfy this urge within its proper boundaries then it's not going to be as tempting right what does the Bible say the full soul loathes and honeycomb but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet and so if I already ate at home I'm not going to be tempted to spend a bunch of money on eating out if I can't afford it you know I remember when I was first married my wife and I had no money my wife's budget for one week for groceries and toiletries and just basic household needs was $40 per week for the whole week for both of us if you can imagine that okay so she had 40 bucks to spend to feed us by cleaning supplies so I mean we just had no money you know we lived in just a one-bedroom apartment we got a mattress on the floor you know we have a car that we're sharing and you know we had everything we needed can't complain we were super happy just to be with each other just to be married and those were wonderful times but we had no money so eating out was unthinkable even just a fast food or something like a lot of people today you know maybe just take it for granted just constantly buying the fun little drinks and Oh Starbucks and frozen yogurt and get a burrito get a burger whatever I mean to me like eating off the roach coach was just a luxury that I couldn't afford it was just it was just it was just not happening so we had no money so it was like and it was tempting sometimes because I would be in a situation where all the other guys are all going out to eat and I have to go out to eat with them and I'm sitting there at the table with them while they're all and I can't order anything because I have no money okay and I don't want to just like spend up the family's money when there's so little to go around and waste it in that way so you know occasionally if I did have to in a bind get food out I'd go to Taco Bell I get to bean burritos and get them double wrapped so two tortillas on each bean burrito and it was like less than two dollars back then and I'd be stuffed you know so that was like but even then that was too much of a splurge man and so here's the secret you say well what did you do pastor Anderson when you're constantly going out to breakfast with these people and there they'll take you out to you know sometimes there'd be a business breakfast or or you know everybody's going to the roach coach everybody's going to lunch here's what I had to do I had to just bring a lot of food from home I had to eat a big breakfast at home bring a big lunch full of food and then there's no temptation because you're full so I had to get full in the right way to avoid spending money I didn't have eating out of the house because it's a thousand times easier to say no to Burger King and no to Long John Silver's and those things if you've already had your sandwich that you packed from home everybody understand that concept pretty simple concept right well guess what you need to eat the sandwich at home and here's the thing just as with this analogy and I think this is a great analogy to be honest because here's the thing about that is that idiots think that fast food is better than eating at home am I right sorry I know it's like super quiet in here this is I just said the wrong thing I've made a terrible mistake I'm so sorry so so sorry no because guess what you know who you know always thinks that fast food is better than eating at home kid little kids because foolishness is bound in the heart of a child but let me tell you something it's dumb to think that fast food is better than eating nutritious home-cooked healthy meals and you think fast food and I'm not talking about a nice restaurant I'm talking like they think McDonald's they think Wendy they think jack-in-the-box is better than eating at home they think that's a step up they think Chuck E Cheese is a step up right now wouldn't you say that a more intelligent person says you know what the food that I'm getting at home is better than this fast food that's available wouldn't you say that smarter people probably eat at home more and dumber people probably more fast food in general I'm sorry to hurt your feelings I'm not saying you're dumb not saying you're dumb okay I'm just saying statistically you're the exception that proves the rule you're that super smart person that eats fast food every day but I'm just saying I believe that about you but what I'm saying is though that don't you think if we're honest in general wouldn't you say that in general if we were to go around and take a survey and then we took it out and everybody took a test on intelligence probably the smarter people probably eat at home more or at least eat better food and it's probably a demographic that's not as smart that's eating a bunch of fast food and outright because here's the thing it's kind of dumb to think that somehow fast food is going to be better than what you're eating at home right well let me tell you something else that's dumb it's dumb to think that fornication is going to be more enjoyable than that relationship within marriage that's also dumb you're dumb too if you think that if you think that the ultimate in enjoyment is going to be you out there with some skank that you bring home from some bar or from some club or that you meet up with on some app or something if you really think that that's going to be more fun and more enjoyable and actually a better encounter than what you can get at home you know you're stupid now here's the thing I guarantee you say well you know I that you know that's just your opinion but here's the thing about that is that what you have to understand is that the quality of the food at home does kind of vary from house to house doesn't it and I also have a feeling that probably dumber people also probably have a lot crappier food in their house than smarter people smarter people are probably cooking things that are more nutritious and healthy and just of a better quality and probably dumb people are you know they are making all kinds of weird struggle meals at their house or whatever you know what I'm saying and so here's here's the point that I'm trying to get I hope I'm not losing you in the food illustration and that you're actually remembering like what we're actually talking about because the idea the idea here is that you know the wise man is able the wise woman is able to put together a quality meal in the home that is economical and nutritious and delicious and let me tell you something the best meals are eaten at home period and I'm not just saying that because I'm married to a world-class cook because I literally am but here's the thing about that you know I went to Armenia for four weeks and in four weeks I ate at all kinds of different restaurants I ate all kinds of meals the best meal that I ate the whole time I was in Armenia was when the pastor invited me to eat with his family and they made a home-cooked meal and the food was incredible and it was way better than any restaurant I ate at the whole time I was there just blew me away how good the food was let's face it the home the best meals that you have in your life are at home right so here's the thing the wise man the wise woman are actually putting in time and effort because guess what these really good home-cooked meals they don't make themselves do they they take all kinds of time and effort and love to put together these really high quality meals I mean my wife spends a lot of time in the kitchen putting together these really good meals putting in the effort that's why the food at home is so good so then my kids back I've got to go to Chipotle I'm like mom is literally making Mexican food tonight why would I get Chipotle when there's literally tacos themselves at home right now waiting for me why would I eat at Chipotle when there's a chimichanga homemade at home right now it would be madness now look I love Chipotle everybody who knows I love Chipotle I've eaten at Chipotle several times in the past few days but that's because my wife's out of town and I was out of town in Oklahoma so you know I got guys got to eat but I would never in a million years prefer Chipotle to my wife's Mexican food that she's making but again it's because my wife's putting in the time and the effort and so here's what I'm saying is that within marriage you can tag summits and reach mountain peaks and and and and have sublime experiences that will transcend anything that all these bunch of dirty whores and whoremongers are out there are experiencing and thinking oh yeah we're having so much fun and and you know yeah whatever we're going to hell but who cares because we're having so much fun no I'm having more fun you know but again what's it gonna take it's gonna take more effort it's gonna take love it's gonna take time it's gonna take effort just like making the good home cooked meals takes effort but you know what if you put in the time if you put in the effort if you put in the energy you know you can have the best possible relationship at home and then if you are having a proper relationship with your spouse at home adultery is not a temptation hardly at all you know what I mean it's like it's not even a thing you see the guys that are just really struggling with you know temptations to commit adultery or really struggling with temptations to look at porno or whatever you know it's because they're not eating at home typically you know and so you got to put effort into that relationship and both man and woman they both need to put effort into that relationship and make that relationship what it should be so that they can sit down and have a good quality home-cooked meal because then the full soul loathes at the honeycomb and the Bible talks about how the lips of the strange woman the harlot her lips are sweeter than honeycomb but if you're full you're not tempted right and so I understand that nobody's life is ever gonna be perfect nobody's marriage is ever gonna be perfect marriage has its ups and downs sometimes the cupboards are stocked well sometimes the cupboards are a little bare sometimes there are gonna be lean times I'm not trying to create some kind of a false reality that oh yeah you're just gonna eat awesome meals at home all the time every day it's gonna be great no sometimes you're not gonna have a good meal at home and you're still gonna have to skip the fast food and you're still gonna have to just suck it up and just get through it I'm not saying this is always gonna work but in general it's gonna be a lot easier to withstand temptation and a lot easier to stay pure if you're married than if you're single and if you're married and if you are engaging in this relationship because there's thing if you're if you're married but you're not having a physical relationship with your wife this doesn't work like how is this gonna help you stay pure if you're not even doing the activity that doesn't make sense it'd be like oh well you know I'm not I don't have to eat out because there's all this food at home but if you're not eating it you're not eating the food at home is that really gonna help you not be lusting after the Burger King and and Wendy's and Jack in the Box if there's food at home that you didn't eat no because there has to be food at home but then you also have to eat the food at home you know and and and here's the thing you know sometimes you know you need to really eat that big breakfast and pack that lunch and everything because then that way you know it's just gonna be way easier now look whether it's easy look sometimes I had the packed lunch and it was super easy other times I didn't have a lunch and I had to just sit there just watching my friends eating all this food at work and I'm just like so hungry and then that's where just self-control has to kick in and you just have to say no anyway so obviously failure is not an option when it comes to keeping yourself pure I mean you got to keep yourself pure is a big fornication the big sin adultery is a big sin failure is not an option but why don't you set yourself up for success by getting married and indulging in this relationship within its proper context in marriage okay and again I understand everybody's life isn't gonna be perfect everybody's marriage isn't gonna be perfect they're gonna be ups and downs good times and bad times but I will say this within a godly righteous committed marriage the mountain peaks that you will reach the summits that you will tag will I promise you surpass what's out there amongst the the horror mongers and whores this one you know I don't have to go out and experience it to know that because common sense tells me that and my reading of the Bible tells me that and so I don't have to figure that out myself and if you're smart you'll just believe me when I tell you that and by the way young people you know you're listening to a 40 some year old man up here talking to you right now you're listening to a 43 year old man who's been successfully married for 25 years who was pure on his wedding day right I did not commit fornication I went to my marriage pure and I have been successfully married for 25 years and faithful to my wife for the last 25 years and not only that I deal with people for a living and I deal with people all the time and I've dealt with their problems and I've dealt with issues and so look if you're smart teenagers and young people you will listen to me because I know what I'm talking about and I am right and I'm telling you the truth you know and you need to listen to my counsel as coming from your elder brother in Christ who has been down the road and done things right and understood what these things mean and I am telling you that I am right about this and you know because sometimes teenagers oh you're different you just don't know or what what do you know what is it what a mom and dad know well I don't know they they must have known something because they produced you and if they're still married then they sounds like they've been married for a while you know and if they're even if they're not still married you know they have more experience with these things than you do Oh teenager and so yeah your parents do know more about this and let me tell you something you know life is really simple when you're a teenager life gets a lot more complicated as you get older and so it's pretty easy for little teenagers to stand in judgment of their parents and stand in judgment of other adults and their pastor and different people but you know what at the end of the day you get into your 30s you get into your 40s you get into your 50s you're gonna find out that you know there's a little more to life than you think and you need to be smart and listen to counsel listen to instruction listen to the words of the wise and their dark sayings okay I'm giving you a parable right now I'm speaking to you words of wisdom that are in line with what the scriptures teaching what does the Bible say I mean let's get back to the Word of God to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife let every woman have her own husband let the husband render unto the wife do benevolence and likewise also the wife unto the husband you know I heard one of these bozo idiot pastors who's been attacking me lately he literally got up and preached his pastor said do benevolence means being nice it's talking about being nice or it's like what the heck are you really that stupid does Paul just have to spell it out for you he's talking about having sex with your spouse he's not saying be really nice it's like come on dude really get a clue the Bible is using euphemism the Bible is not going to get graphic for you sorry that I had to get graphic there but I have to because you got these bozo pastors out there teaching stupid foolish feminist garbage and then they're like well do benevolence that just means being nice I'm sorry I don't want my wife to just be nice to me you know I mean my wife being nice to me isn't gonna do it I'm looking for a little more than that alright there's a little more benevolence that's due you know and she's gonna have to pay the piper and it's not gonna be by niceness what the heck that's not the currency that I'm looking for but it says that the husband shall render unto the wife do benevolence and likewise also the wife under the husband this is saying that you know he needs to fulfill that physical need that she has and vice versa she needs to fulfill his physical need and then it says this it says the wife hath not power of her own body but the husband and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body but the wife defraud ye not one the other except to be with consent for a time that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer and come together again watch this that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency see God understands that there is a tendency in men possibly in women of incontinency not being able to contain yourself and giving into these temptations of the lust of the flesh and so the Bible is saying look you don't want Satan to tempt you for your incontinency so here's the best way for Satan not to tempt you is that the wife renders do benevolence to the husband the husband renders do benevolence to the wife and then Satan's not gonna be able to tempt you for your incontinency it's like you know he holds out that bag of Wendy's and you're just like not today Satan because I just ate an awesome meal at home now look even if you didn't eat the awesome meal at home you still can't have the Wendy's amen it's not an excuse well I didn't you know my wife didn't render do benevolence so you know here I am eating at Wendy's no man you still never have an excuse to commit adultery right you don't have an excuse to commit these heinous sins but why would you want to make it hard on yourself when you can make it easy on yourself right why would you just want to put yourself in a position where it's difficult when you could make things easy and that's why investing in your marriage and marital relationship is the best way to avoid these temptations according to the Bible and I'm not the author of the Bible you know all pastor Anderson's got these really extreme teachings on marriage you know pastor Anderson's got these really wild and imbalanced teachings on marriage really because this is straight out of the Bible I mean who here has a Bible in your lap right now you got a Bible in your hand you got a Bible in your lap yeah so so there's no faith required in what I'm saying all you need is faith in the Word of God right everybody got the same Bible the Bible literally says the wife hath not power of her own body now if I get up and preach that people say oh I'm radical I'm imbalanced no here's how I balance that the husband doesn't have power over his body see how balanced that is perfect balance totally balanced and then you know because I said that the wife doesn't have the right to say no to her husband and that she has to sleep with her husband and he doesn't have to get her consent and you know you know it is this okay honey is this okay may I kiss you honey you know is this alright just stop me at any time we're married idiot okay that's not how interactions with my wife go but this is our weird stupid brain dead society there you know you want to know why they're so into consent is because they're a bunch of fornicators you know and so like for example you know there's all these training videos that you'll see at your job or kids that are going to college they watch all these training videos at their colleges and universities and literally I watched one of these training videos for Arizona State University I watched the training video and it was literally it showed a guy and a girl on a date and they're like and he's like is you know is this okay you know is this okay and then he's may I kiss you sure you know is this okay you know because basically what are they talking about they're talking about young people that aren't married fornicating and basically they're trying to say you know we don't want a bunch of people raping each other or whatever so therefore you know we got to have all this consent everything folks that is a culture that is outside of God's Word and marriage someone married married people don't talk about consent what kind of a weird lesbian relationship are you in the heck is that who could say I let me get you call your wife your partner you know you if you talk about your partner you better be in an LLC you know it's like like a guy said to me the other day my partner and I just instantly thought is this guy a faggot or what you know but I'm like no man I got to give this guy to benefit out hopefully he's just straight and he's just talking like a faggot oh my part got a good consent from my partner it's like shut up faggot I'm gonna sleep with my wife whenever I want I got her consent on the wedding day and guess what my wife can sleep with me whatever she wants and she doesn't need my consent you know I don't have to do that little consent app or whatever it proved that we're both sober and everything and whatever we're always sober anyway so it's not the issue you know the closest thing to being inebriated in my house is just when people get a little sleep deprived and you know and start losing their better judgment you know but the point is the Bible literally says the wife has not power of her own body her husband has power over her body she doesn't have the right to say well this is my body my choice no no that body is my body but but then oh and I have been preaching so imbalanced well no here's the balance she can say the same thing she owns my body can't be like oh don't touch me you know right and you say well I don't know this preachings radical you know what I'm sorry but why do you even go to church here if you're that stupid I have to wonder are you really that stupid that you can't understand this passage I don't understand how you're going to understand the rest of the Bible that I preach this might just not be the church for you if you're this brain dead and stupid that think oh but husbands are raping their wives and well you know it's like you're an idiot okay and there's the door and it has a push bar now so you can get out even faster the city made us put in all these stupid push bars I'm sorry but you know what I I've I've dedicated my life to this church for the last 20 years not so that I could babysit a bunch of brain dead idiots it's so that I can preach the Word of God to actual spirit-filled Christians who want to learn what the Bible says and don't give a rip what the world out there says or thinks about it and it'd be one thing if this were a gray area if this were something that were hard to understand if this were something that were unclear this is the clearest passage in the Bible that I've ever seen okay like it I I have zero doubt that I'm right about this there are other doctrines that I preach where I'm 99% 98% this I'm a hundred percent because again you have to just be a feminist or a libtard or an idiot to not see what is right in front of your face in this passage and you know I had one of these women come to me one time say oh my husband raped me I said oh really why were you refusing to have sex with your husband oh well actually before that it was before we were married okay well then I guess that makes you an idiot for marrying a guy who raped you idiot but she's a liar because she's just lying and making crap up because people lie all the time and you know what this thing oh my husband rape it's impossible for your husband to rape you because he's your husband and you know what I would say yeah oh I heard this horror story about a husband rape is what that sounds like a horror story about a wife refusing to have sex with her husband's what it sounds like to me there's the door anybody anybody want to leave right now we can all know who all the little weenies are who are who are henpecked weirdos you can get up and leave right now we can all laugh at you loser because you know what the Bible says marriage is honorable and all the Bible says the wife has no power of her body but the husband the husband has no bar over the body but the wife and so no my wife and I are engaged in a marital relationship where you know I meet her needs and she meet my needs and it's not optional it's not if I feel like it it's not if she feels like it's just we need to be there for each other and be selfless and not self-centered and help each other out and take care of each other in these situations and look I could sit there and give a bunch of disclaimers and caveats right now I'm not going to because I don't care because I want idiots to leave I don't want to be surrounded by fools I don't want to be surrounded by feminist libtards because those kind of little weenies that get all yeah I get all uncomfortable when pastor Anderson preaches hard when he preaches the Bible I get on cover those are the same people that put me in the nut house I don't want to go to the nut house again okay I don't want to go back to the nut house and these little faggot II little French people who basically will will get offended by this kind of preacher or the same kind of people they're gonna give me sent to the nut house again I don't want to go back to the nut house so why don't you just hit the road Jacques and don't you come back no more and look nobody is telling anybody to be to be rough or rude or violent with their spouse idiot okay what they're what they're saying what we're saying is hey if your wife wants to have a relationship with you you need to be there for her and vice versa and you know what's funny is that over the years as a pastor you know people come to me with all kinds of problems and they come to me with all kinds of issues because I've pastored a large church for many many years now and I obviously a lot of people all over the country look to me and send emails and look up and you know what's funny is that more I've had more women come to me and say that they're having a problem in their marriage where their husband is refusing to fulfill this need for them than men it's true and I'm not talking about a little bit I'm saying dramatically more it's it's men who are refusing to fill this need for their wife more than the other way around in my experience as a pastor in 20 years of pastoring but I don't know what I'm talking about right but but but so you know it's just ah it's just all these bad men and and you know oh the poor little women and their evil bad abusive men no my friend because it's a two-way street 1st Corinthians 7 it's a two-way street and guess what women they need this relationship too sometimes they might want it more sometimes they might want it less you know and and you could even maybe argue that they want it less in general okay I'm not gonna argue with that but at the end of the day though you know there are have been many times in my experience where women are being defrauded in this area in fact like I said I've had dramatically more women in my experience that I've seen that we're being defrauded in this area than men saying you know what do we do here why what do we do here why why is our relationship messed up why doesn't my husband want to be intimate with me more than the other way around so you could get up here and say that I'm just this big bad scary evil Pastor Anderson being mean to women but you know what maybe I'm actually going to bat for women that want their husband to hop in the sack with them do you ever think about that because in 1st Corinthians 7 it's apparently a two-way street now I don't I don't understand how I could get any more balance than that this is like the most balanced verse in the whole Bible because if you think about it lots of verses about marriage are imbalanced because they're saying the husband is the head of the wife the wife is to obey her husband that's not a balance that's male authority but when it comes to the bedroom it is balanced but they're their balance is like oh well you know you need to ask your wife permission before impregnating her and you got to ask your wife's permission it's her body and you got to ask you know may I please impregnate you and you know may I please pretty please and this is what they say if your wife refuses to go to bed with you you just need to take her out to dinner you know we can't always afford that and then and then what happens is now the due benevolence becomes a weapon it becomes weaponized where we're like oh here's how I'm gonna get that new pair of shoes here's how I'm gonna get that credit card here's how I'm gonna get that vacation here's how I'm gonna get that out to dinner all I have to do is just clam up for a while right and it's like hey if you want business to be open then you know you're gonna have to wine and dine me and then you have a bunch of idiot fools getting up behind the pulpit and teaching this crap and saying oh oh your wife doesn't want to be intimate with you that's just you it's your fault because you're not whining and dining or enough spend more money spend money buy things wine and dine her no my and look let me tell you something I love my wife and guess what my wife's not even here so I'm not up here preaching like you know all right honey you know I'm not trying to fix my wife because my wife doesn't have a problem in this area I'm trying to help other people that need this preaching I don't need this preaching I'm not up here preaching for myself I already know this and my wife already knows this we've known this for years we have a great marriage we have a successful marriage for decades now she's not even here and I know how she is she when she's here she loves my preaching but she's probably not gonna download this sermon and I'm not gonna be like hey you need to hear this one or something because it's like in our house it's already settled friend okay I'm up here preaching for you I'm helping you out in internet land even you hating weirdos creeps that are hating on me you need to hear this too because at the end of the day okay this marital relationship is a big reason for divorce it's a big problem for a lot of people it's a big temptation for a lot of people because of the fact that they're not getting the right teaching okay and you have men and women that are not rendering this as a benevolence that's due but instead it's something that has to be earned it's something that's weaponized because men have to earn the right I guess I have to earn the right every time I want to sleep with my wife right now man you know how I earned that right by being her husband and I don't have to wine or done it listen anybody who knows me in real life anybody who knows my family if my wife were here she would know this obviously you know I love to wine and dine my wife I take my wife out to eat all the time now that we can afford it you know there were times when we couldn't afford it but yeah I'll take her out to eat whenever I'll spend time with her whenever you know I'd love to treat her well and be nice to her and you know what I'm not one of these husbands that just like never changes a diaper or something you know what I mean and I'm not against you if you're that kind of husband because you know it's not necessarily your job but you know what hey I love changing diapers helping out around the house you know helping out wherever I can be in a but you know what the second that my wife started commanding me to change a diaper or telling me that I have to change a diaper or telling me that I have to take her out to eat I'd be like nope forget it you know what I mean and here's the thing men should do good unto their wives because they love them and be kind unto them and give them gifts and take them out and help them out and do favors for them not because they're being forced to do it and coerced to do it because that is a backward relationship where the wife is the boss and that's why we have so many jokes in our society about the wife being the boss I gotta ask the boss the old ball and chain you know what those jokes are based on reality those jokes are based on truth that's why they're even funny okay and it's sad today with these backwards relationships where women are the ones that are controlling their husbands and extorting gifts out of their husbands and extorting favors out of their husbands and extorting help around the house out of their husband by withholding that physical relationship and weaponizing it it is wicked it is fraud it is ungodly and it isn't right and you know what I'm sorry but I will never side with a woman against her husband because oh he's not being nice no no no he's the boss and you know what's funny is I've been counseling people for 20 years as a pastor and you know what I've never do I never side with children against their parents I never side with wives against their husband so put that in your Pope and smack it because I just don't go find so you'll find some other watered-down little sissified queer little sissy pastor that'll side with you against your parents and side with you against your husband and side with you against your boss you've come to the wrong place because I support biblical authority around here I just do all right beloved let's turn to one more scripture just very briefly very quickly let's look at first Thessalonians for we got off on a little bit of tangent there I have no regrets I have to just keep bringing this Bell I said 2025 is the year of doubling down on every doctrine I preach that people don't like you know you don't like hey he that hath an ear let him hear anybody who is offended by what I'm saying is offended by 1st Corinthians 7 because it is not a vague passage it's extremely clear and look I love my wife more than any other person on this planet I'm not saying you know what I mean by that I love her more than I love any other person on this planet I'm not claiming to be more loving than you are or something I'm saying I love my wife more than I love anyone else on this planet I love to help her out I love to do favors for her but you know what I do not let my wife push me around tell me what to do and extort favors out of me and I do not and not that she would try to do that I'm just saying that's not the way our relationship has worked does work or ever will work it will work that way over my dead body and you know people can say oh you know this preaching that do I have to be preaching you know what's funny is how many people come to me and tell me how much this preaching has helped their marriage you know for every little lying piece of crap like Colin Schneider out there there are a whole bunch of people coming to me and telling me hey your preaching has helped my marriage our marriage is better than ever our marriage was saved by this kind of preaching because it's the Word of God and the Bible is always right about every subject every single time and I've been preaching it I'm gonna keep preaching it and I don't care if people like it I don't care if my channel gets deleted I don't care if some you know big tech company doesn't think that my preaching is appropriate wants to censor me everywhere well you know what if you don't like it then walk away but I will never stop preaching what the Bible explicitly says and the reason I love to just really double down on this particular subject is because I really love preaching stuff where I just know beyond any of a shadow of a doubt that I'm a hundred percent right because it feels good feels good you know and then look look I you know I got my beliefs about the tribulation and the rapture and Babylon and and you know Revelation 12 and Revelation 14 but you know I've never been on firmer ground than I've been on for the last 30 minutes in my entire ministry I've never been on firmer ground than what I've just preached for the last 30 minutes first Thessalonians for the Bible says in verse 2 for you know what Commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus for this is the will of God even your sanctification that you should abstain from fornication and this is the part I love here that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor so we're off of marriage now let's get back to the main subject okay there's nothing cool or macho or honorable about being a whoremonger about you know being this womanizer or whatever being this pickup artist or whatever you want to call yourself macdaddy pimp daddy whatever there's nothing cool or honorable about that you know what the Bible says that we should know how to possess our vessel what is our vessel it's talking about our physical body you know this is a vessel it's a container vessel means container it's a container that houses our soul houses our spirit and houses the Spirit of God and we need to know how to bear this container this vessel this shell of our body we need to know how to bear this vessel in sanctification and honor we need to be honorable respectable men and don't have this double standard expecting girls to be pure when you're not going to be pure yourself young man you need to keep yourself pure sorry Moses but you need to be a Jungfrau okay well you know I'm just kidding I know don't you hate that language but anyway the point is you know we've got to be honorable men as well and you say well I've already screwed up because I've already committed for an occasion well then you know what time to push a reset button and be pure from here on out and have honor and respect yourself and respect your girlfriend and respect the people around you and be pure and free from fornication do not be a whoremonger and you know why nobody knows this word is because we need to bring back these concepts the reason the words are going away is because the concept is going away unfortunately because now we've replaced the word whoremonger with what pimp mack daddy what dog you got that dog in you or something you know all this stupid that you know trying to make it seem cool or positive you're not a pickup artist you're a whoremonger you lack honor you are defiled let's buy rides and have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word Lord God please help us to keep ourselves pure Lord I pray that these single guys the teenagers and the young men would realize that our life is just a vapor and that if they would just hang in there and hang on for a few more years they can indulge in this relationship righteously within marriage for the rest of their lives help them to get control over their biology for the next few years until they can satisfy that urge righteously within marriage Lord for those that are already married Lord I pray that you would bless every marriage and help every husband wife to love each other and to care about each other and be unselfish enough to take care of each other in this area in order that Satan might be foiled in his attempts to get us to defile ourselves Lord help us to keep ourselves pure as singles and also to keep ourselves pure within marriage and in Jesus name we pray amen amen all right everybody take your hymnals please go to him number 315 will be dismissed and singing 315 take my life and let it be number 315 so begins take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to me him number 315 sing it out with me on that first now take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to me take my hands and let them move at the impulse of thy love at the impulse of thy love take my feet and let them be swift and beautiful for thee take my voice and let me see always only for my always only for my take my silver and my gold my take my moments and my days let them flow in ceaseless praise let them flow in ceaseless praise take my will and make it mine it shall be no longer mine take my heart it is it shall be it shall be oh thank you yes you