(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) be brought closer to you and also to learn some Bible truth that could strengthen them and build them up dear God and just help us all to put aside the cares of this world and to focus on your word now during this time and in Jesus name we pray, Amen. Now the Bible reads in verse number 1, O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth, who has set thy glory above the heavens. Now again this is one of the many Psalms that is praising God, lifting Him up, how glorious He is, how excellent He is, but it says how excellent is thy name in all the earth. The Bible emphasizes God's word and it also emphasizes God's name and of course it says in Psalm 138 verse 2 that He has magnified His word above all His name, but at the same time God's word is to be held in reverence. The Bible says, Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. And so we ought not desecrate God's name by throwing it around and using it as a curse word for example. People get angry and they utter the name of Jesus Christ as an expletive and they are not talking about Jesus, they are not talking to Jesus and therefore they are using His name in vain. They are basically blaspheming His name. You know out of one breath they are using a word for excrement or dumb as an expletive and then they are turning around and using the name of Jesus. Like that is just something that you blurt out when you are upset or angry, you know we ought to hold God's name in reverence. The Bible says that Jesus has been given a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus Christ every knee should bow and every tongue confess of things in heaven and things in the earth and things under the earth that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father and so we ought to be careful to never use Jesus Christ's name in vain. Now a lot of people will use things like oh my God and yet God is also a name according to the Bible. It says His name is the Lord God and the G-O-D in many cases in the Old Testament is in all capital letters, capital G, capital O, capital D as a proper name, God. And so don't throw around the word God or the word Jesus or Christ or anything like that because His name is excellent, His name is a name that is above every name and ought to be held in reverence and respect and dignity not thrown around. Now there are some people, sometimes I'll get like a hateful email, you know I get hateful emails all the time, but I'll get these ones where people will not even write God's name. Now this is contrary to scripture, this is not right. They'll put like G-D or L-R-D, like they're afraid to spell out God. And it turns out these people are always Jewish because oh the Jews have such respect for God's name that every time they write down His name they go take a shower and change their clothes and stand on their head and do all this stuff, but you know what, they don't even know the name that's above all names and that's Jesus Christ and so don't tell me that you're respecting God, you don't even know the Father, because if you don't know the Son you don't know the Father. You got to acknowledge the Son because no man cometh unto the Father Jesus said but by me. And so you know people are going to hell today and they think that they're respecting God because they're spelling out His name with a hyphen, G-D, but let me tell you something, it's okay to speak God's name, you don't have to be afraid to say it and just say you know G blank D or something or just you know maybe you just say you know you know who I'm talking about. You know like just leave a space right. You know well we're here to worship you know that's wrong you know we ought to use God's name okay we ought to speak to Him by name okay the Bible says that we're supposed to praise Him, praise His holy name okay and like for example in the book of Psalms it says praise Him by the name Job okay so it's telling us use God's name when you praise Him. So we don't want to take this extreme view of well we're afraid to use His name, we're afraid to even speak His name or we have to go take a shower. You know why would you have to take a shower after you use God's name and the same people who reject Jesus don't even believe the first five books of the Bible that they claim to believe are going to go take a shower every time they speak or write down God's name and I guess they just didn't want to take five showers when they wrote me that email so they just hyphenated it and then you know give me a break I mean that's that's a bunch of loaning the name that's above all names is Jesus you know and by the way I've noticed that people today are attacking the name Jesus saying that the name of Jesus is wrong and they're saying oh you must call him Yeshua you know forcing us to speak another language besides English to refer to Jesus or God or the Lord and it's funny you know what I've noticed about these people who say Yeshua all the time why don't they ever call the Lord Jesus Christ it's always just Yeshua Yeshua why don't they say the Lord Yeshua Christ you know they don't say that they just talk about oh Yeshua this Yeshua that my Bible says the Lord Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Christ Jesus Jesus Christ our Lord okay and so we ought to get our names right here okay and the name that's above all names is Jesus okay here's another name Lord here's another name Jah here's another name Jehovah here's another name Christ Jesus here's another name our Lord Jesus Christ these are the names by which we know God we ought to use them we have to praise him by those names speak to him by those names not be afraid to out of those names but not to use them in vain not to just throw them around unless we were talking about Jesus or to Jesus we shouldn't be using his name and so we shouldn't use other things like oh my god okay we shouldn't use we and you know some people just say oh geez but really geez all it is just short for Jesus that's true and you know maybe you probably didn't even think of that you probably didn't even notice that but now that you know that you know you might want to stay away from that because all it is is just basically a shortened form of Jesus's name and so we have you know God's name is supposed to be excellent it's supposed to be lifted up and not to be desecrated you know by by Jew or Gentile you know the Jews are desecrating it over here by worshiping a false god and calling him Jehovah and then you know we've got the world who desecrates it and uses it as a curse word you know we have hold God's name in reverence but look at verse number two it says out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies that thou mightest still the enemy and the Avenger that's the famous verse you know out of the mouth of babes and sucklings and it's interesting because it seems that children baby babes sucklings young children it seems like they have a more honest viewpoint of things it seems like later on is when they get corrupted now obviously they're born in sin but it's it's interesting because this verse is quoted by Jesus when he has the triumphal entry on Palm Sunday and they're all shouting you know Hosanna bless is he to come up in the name of the Lord you know blessed art thou son of David and if you remember the Pharisees try to rebuke the children who are basically saying that and he says well hey the Bible says out of the mouths of babes and sucklings pray another quote from the book of Psalms by the way which is the most quoted book in the New Testament and so it seems that children often are a little more honest and seem to recognize things more than sometimes adults who've been brainwashed let me give you a few examples go soul winning how many children do you need to say there is no God I mean that's pretty rare most children you meet they believe in God they believe that there's a God they believe that God created them and it's not until they go to the government school and get told that they're an animal and that there is no God that they begin to change that that belief but they start out believing that there's a God they start out believing that God is real children are more honest sometimes we as adults are a little bit hypocritical about certain things like we'll accept certain things in our life that are that are wrong and sometimes our children will point it out and say well dad you know isn't this bad you know according to your preaching according to what the Bible says isn't this wrong you know because they're not they haven't been corrupted yet in many ways and so they can just kind of see things the simple clear picture and the Bible says in regard to salvation except you be converted and become as little children you shall know why is entered in the kingdom of God and so children can understand the simplicity of the gospel of just total reliance on Jesus and what he did on the cross I got saved when I was four years old or I'm not four years I'm sorry six years old I was six years old when I got saved my sister got saved the next day she was four years old I was six years old and I remember at the time it was so clear it was so simple it was so basic it was Jesus did everything in order for me to be saved and that all I had to do was just believe on him that there was I was totally hopeless without Jesus Christ I had to put all my faith on him is very simple then later on from being in church you know there were times when I became confused you know from sitting in church for years and years and people would try to make it complicated it's like you got to come down the aisle and like you know you got it you got to sit there and you know be sorry for your sins and you have to turn from your sins and you have to repent of your sins it's like well how sorry do you have to be and what do you have to be sorry for which sin do you have to plan on not doing you know and I get all this complicated stuff and I remember as a teenager you know becoming a little bit confused with all this preaching about repentance I was like what you know what's the deal with this you know and then I just dug into my Bible and just realized you know what it's what I believed back when I was six it's just belief it's just faith it's all Jesus this this other stuff is just man adding to it and trying to take credit for his own salvation I remember you know my wife and I we first got married you know we talked about this she she was questioning me about this you know she's saying look if you just have to believe on Jesus Christ to be saved why is it that they talk about how like people who turned out that they weren't really saved and they just had a head knowledge you know but they didn't have in their car whatever that means and and then they like were too embarrassed to come down the aisle so they quit off getting saved for several months I mean I've heard this from the pool who's ever heard something like this people putting off getting saved because they were embarrassed to come down the aisle so they just put off and it wasn't that they didn't know how to be safe they realized they weren't saved and they knew what they had to do but they were just too embarrassed to go down the aisle so they waited and waited and then finally they just have to do this I don't want to go to hell they came down the aisle and got saved now what's wrong with this picture it's stupid it is stupid because you know what if you already know how to be saved just by believing on Jesus Christ what is coming down an aisle have to do with it why can't you just call upon the Lord for salvation why do you have to come down an aisle in front of the whole church and you're gonna put off getting saved because you know what I'm glad thank God that people don't have to march down an aisle to get saved where does the Bible even say that now look if somebody wants to come down an aisle because there's somebody at the front of the aisle that's going to show them the Bible show them the gospel and explain them how to be safe you know there was something wrong with that picture we're talking about people who've already been in church for years and they have to come down the aisle to get saved that doesn't even make any sense I mean either they believe it or they don't and yet we have this man-made well it's a Protestant thing this this whole aisle come down the aisle you know go down the aisle when you get married but this whole thing about you know coming down the aisle it comes from these big Protestant revivals of people weren't even Baptist Billy Sunday and Bob Jones and all this and you know what we as Baptist need to just get away from this step and let's just get back to the basics I've just preached the Bible believe on Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved you have to sit there and come down an aisle to be safe you know and then they emphasize the aisle more than the word believe they'll talk more about coming down the aisle talk more about the altar and here's what I've always wondered if you come down the aisle to the altar then why does the Bible in the book of Deuteronomy say that there should never be steps leading to the altar who's ever read that verse put up your hand yeah that's an obscure verse says thou shalt not have steps leading up your teeth to the altar and yet they have all these steps and you come up and they call the altar and you bow down at the feet of a man okay no we don't need to come down the aisle to get safe we need to just believe in our heart to be saved confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in our heart that God has raised from the dead to be saved and you know what most often that happens outside of church that could happen at your house that could happen door-to-door that could happen in the car that could happen in the hotel room you don't have to be in church to be saved and you don't have to get up in front of everybody in order to be saved okay you can just believe in the chariot like the Ethiopian eunuch and so we gotta watch out for this kind of stuff it's kind of doctrine I don't know what that has to do oh yeah it's simple when you're a child right Jesus paid it all all to him I owe sin had let the crimson stain he washed it white as snow and it's amazing how it's easier to get children to understand that than adults because it's simple and adults have a preconceived idea that's the problem adults have trouble with the simplicity of Christ because they have a preconceived idea what about the aisle what about repenting of all my sin what about turning from all the sin that I have when in reality they need to just rely upon Jesus and put all their faith on him it's just so simple kids can understand but adults have a hard time with it and you know the Bible says here out of the mouths of babes and sucklings has to ordain strength because of thine enemies that that might is still the enemy in the vision let me tell you something the enemy would love to get into the minds of those babes and sucklings okay because the babes and the sucklings are the ones who they recognized Jesus when he came they proclaimed the truth they worshipped him and praised him for who he was the adults around them were missing out on it they praised God for what it was but that's why the devil would love to get in the minds of the babes and sucklings those pure young minds those minds that have not yet been defiled that's why the school system just wants to start earlier and earlier you know it used to be first grade six six years then kindergarten five years old you know and who was it the Nazis that invented kindergarten Tuesday can you help me out I'm asking my German wife yeah but did it start during Adolf Hitler or what don't ruin my sermon when it okay with some other socialist garbage though okay yeah they you know take the Germans came up with this you know and you know obviously they had a total you know messed up society for a long time before Hitler you know I was just reading a book about World War one and everything you know that's not anything to do with the sermon night but you know all throughout the late 1800s that led up to World War one and World War two dollars you know they were all the ones who pioneered this thing of taking it okay let me bring this back where it needs to be Adolf Hitler is the one who made homeschooling illegal in Germany in the 1930s and it's yeah my wife's nodding her head now Adolf Hitler made homeschooling your children illegal in the 1930s and it's been illegal in Germany ever since Adolf Hitler also took away the guns in the 1930s and people in Germany are still not allowed to have guns to this day okay so that's how we tie that in but anyway honestly kindergarten five years old but then it's k4 oh k3 you know and now it's getting to the point now where the government is just going to just you know they'll take your kids six weeks after you give birth you know so that you can go to work and you can put it in a government subsidized daycare and then go from the daycare to k3 to k4 k5 we need to understand that children are inherited from the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward and so these children that God has given us and blessed us with we ought to guard their minds and protect them from the devil's influence so that they will out of their mouth will come strength out of their mouth will come praise to the Lord and not the vileness of this world because people seem to have it all backwards they think well you know it's the teams that we have to worry about but you know what if you would teach them right when they're this tall they'll be fine when they're a teenager but many times when they're a teenager the damage has already been done you see that the formative years is what they're referred to those very young years it's amazing how when I was very very young we went to independent fundamental Baptist churches then as I grew up we went to more liberal watered-down churches and all throughout my teenage years we went to church to preach the NIV but isn't it amazing that I came back full circle to the kind of preaching that I heard in those formative years of you know two three four five six seven those are the critical times and so the enemy the devil would love to get into the heads of these children and indoctrinate them and spoil them and ruin them and it's getting that way you know younger and younger kids are starting to get corrupted but still thanks be to God when we're on knock on door soul winning boy if the parents will let you talk to the kids it's it's easy to get them safe and you know it's easy to get me up even even those Muslim children that we were talking to whose parents were devout Muslims the one nothing to do with us yet the children were like this close to getting saved you know I mean it was hard for them obviously because they've been taught a certain way but they were still open enough at that young age to where they were still willing to give you a hearing they'd listen to the verses they think it through they didn't just shut you down like those who were old who were much older and so don't ever don't ever push away that you don't ever get frustrated because we have children in the service either Jesus said suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such as the kingdom of God and then also they brought up to them infants what's an infant a child that's too young to walk that's the definition of the word infant infantry is a foot soldier the word infant comes from the fact that they're not walking that's what it means and basically an infant and look sucklings this is talking about a child about two years old or younger okay because these are these are children that are not yet totally weak and this is who Jesus is talking about is concerned about and that's why we have them in the service right here listening to preaching and we don't we don't think that they're a burden we don't think they're a pain in the neck no we want them here we think it's important that they be in God's house from that young age but he says in verse number three when I consider the heavens thy heavens the work of thy fingers the moon and the stars which thou is ordained what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou visitest him for thou has made him a little lower than the angels and has crowned him with glory and honor see we as human beings we have a style again this goes back to kind of respecting God's name just realizing our place in the scheme of things I mean when we look up at the moon and the Sun and the stars these giant bison and you know they say that what a thousand Earth's can fit inside the Sun it's so huge and you know we live in God's creation and the Bible says that God created all these gigantic stars and and planets and Sun and moon with his fingers you know that shows how small we are okay that's if that's the work of God's fingers what is man that thou art mindful of him and so as we think the whole world revolves around us and yet in the scheme of things we're pretty small but the great thing about this verse is that God is mindful of us you know even though we are so small and insignificant quote-unquote in the scheme of things he is mindful of us the Bible says that his thoughts to us were are so multitudinous that you know it'd be like the sand on the seashore got the hairs of our head are numbered you know God loves each one of us he cares about us he thinks about us and that's a pretty amazing thought those who don't believe in God just think that we you know we might as well just be ants in a big anthill or something you know that's how insignificant we are because we're in this giant universe but God says no even though you're small even though you're you're you're just a very small part of my plan with billions of people and all the plan he still is mindful of us you know and thank God for that but he says this in verse six thou hast thou made us Tim to have dominion over the works of thy hands thou has put all things under his feet look back if you would to Genesis look at Genesis chapter number two Genesis chapter number two actually I'm sorry look at chapter let's look at chapter one and look at verse 27 the Bible says in Genesis 1 27 so God created man in his own image in the image of God created him male and female created he them and God blessed them and said to them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have Dominion okay this is what's all mates referring to now do you know what the word Dominion means lordship Dominion is is basically lordship the word the Latin word Dominus means Lord you can think of dominating okay lording over and he basically God made us the Lord's over the animal kingdom according to this this verse here in Genesis 1 because he said let them have Dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth okay look at Genesis chapter 8 just flip over a few pages from chapter 1 chapter 8 so God has given us lordship over the animal kingdom according to the Bible we're to have Dominion over the fish the birds the animals and so forth before we look at chapter 8 I'm going to show you something from from chapter 9 it says in verse number 1 and God bless Noah and his sons and said to them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth and upon every foul of the air and upon all that moveth upon the earth and upon all the fishes of the sea into your hand are they delivered every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you even as the green herb have I given you all things so this is what needs to be told these these animal worshippers these animal activists that want to basically put people's lives at a backseat to the concerns over an animal okay God is saying here that we're to be the bosses of the animals we're to Lord over them and he said hey I made the animals for you to eat that's why they're there he said I'm giving them to you to be meat for you every moving thing that breathe it and he's not even specifying certain animals he's saying every single animal you know I don't care what animal you eat you are right to eat that animal because you know it's all listed here elk or whatever you know is that what you killed the other day you know elk or cat not skin anyway you know don't eat things that are carnivores but if you did eat it it's not a sin it's just not gonna be very good for you but you know the way the economy's going you know you may need to barbecue your cat save money on cat food and feed your family a few times you know hey stimulate the economy or whatever you know but anyway it pretty soon we're gonna be eating cats and dogs like a third world country the way the way our country is being run but you know and then and then these verses are gonna really be you know important to us you know we laugh about it but it's pretty sad but the bottom line is we're the boss of the animals okay we Lord over them get this right here now you say oh but the environment you know we're destroying the environment look what God said in chapter 8 in verse 22 tell this to your environmental friend okay while the earth remaineth seed time and harvest cold and heat and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease so do we have to worry about the oh we're not gonna have the seasons anymore or we're not gonna be able to grow crops because the climate's gonna change and we're not gonna be able to plant the seeds and have the harvest no God is saying I'm in control of the weather and you know what there will be cold there will be heat there will be seed time there will be harvest there will be summer there will be winter as long as this earth exists so there is no such thing as the man's gonna mess up the climate and then we're all gonna live in a desert you know because it's all just gonna dry up and nobody can plant any crops and nothing you know I just saw some propaganda about this and they were basically saying that like crops would not grow and they show all these just deserts and this what the whole America is gonna look like it's like this dry parched cracking desert but wait a minute the Bible says no so who are you gonna believe Al Gore or the Holy Bible because the Bible says that it's not gonna cease the Bible says the weather's gonna be fine and you know animals that go extinct God's gonna create a new one in the millennium he said I make all things new and so there'll be a new one in the millennium there'll be a new one in the new heaven in the new earth don't worry about it you know well those of us who are saved we'll get to see every species that's ever existed okay you have to worry about it going extinct before you can feast your eyes on it okay but we live in a time where animals are exalted to the point where people are literally starving in certain places and they're not allowed to kill the animals and eat them and they're starving today okay or else people are going out of business because of you know environmental concerns and I'm not talking about people who are just trying to just dump a bunch of toxic waste all over the place I'm talking about people who are just trying to make a normal living and you know they buy property that they own and they want to build a building on that property but there's some kind of a an owl living in a tree or something and so they can't build that building and you say that doesn't happen the church that I went to in Sacramento California okay we went to this church and this is a Bible preaching soul-winning independent fundamental Baptist Church that was doing great things for God and here we are at this church and the building is packed I mean it was packed it was jam-packed every Sunday so we're trying to build a building in the state of California well they have this huge property and there's this one primo spot where they're gonna build the building but there's this there's this big old tree there okay well the problem with this tree was that the tree had cracked in half okay so the tree was like starting to fall apart and it was it was kind of a hazard because the tree was was it was huge and it was cracked down the middle so basically they wanted to just get this thing removed because the tree was breaking apart falling apart very old tree so they want to just get this tree out of the way because it's it's hazard anyway and so you know they could build a building there or whatever too well it turns out and they wanted to build part of the parking lot there you know pave it well turns out you know no you can't get rid of this tree and this this arborist the scientist comes out they've spent all this money for some specialists come out and he comes out he's looking at this tree and he's saying you know you're not allowed to cut it down but you can't leave it the way this is hazardous you know so they made them like spend all this money to like repair the street and like I mean seriously they I forget how they had to do it but they had to like repair the tree you know put bands around or whatever they had to repair the street and then they said you can't build a parking lot anywhere near the street and basically they said not just right up to the tree but they said the drip line from the leaves and then you have to go like another ten feet or so literally we're talking about like a hundred foot diameter or something around this tree seriously and they're not allowed to do anything on their property because this tree is so old and like it's so important that it still is because it's so old it needs to stay here even though it's like dying we have to prop it up and they literally just just this huge chunk of property that they own they can't you know do any kind of paving they can't do any kind of landscaping they can't use it for anything it's just all about this tree for for like this huge diameter because they're like well the roots some of the roots might go that far I mean that's ridiculous right and then they spent that church spent two hundred thousand dollars on an environmental impact report you know and they just I mean I'm not I'm not joking these are real numbers I was in this church this church is a building program for like five years and then they finally built like you know what they finally ended up building like a modular like the you know the school temporary classrooms that that's the type of building that they were finally allowed to put in after years and I remember we'd raised fifty thousand raised seventy five hundred thousand and it's just going to like these environmental impact fees and all and all about that tree and all this I mean this is garbage you know God formed this earth to be inhabited the Bible says not so we can worship a tree God made the animals that we could kill them and eat them okay and that's what we ought to be doing and that's sitting there worrying about oh man it's you're hurting these animals have you ever seen what they do to each other in the wild you know you think that we're bad when we just I mean at least we just end it quickly with a bullet have you ever seen the Discovery Channel you know I mean these animals are ripping each other apart I mean they're leaving them half dead I mean it's it's the most violent brutal thing you've ever seen I don't think anybody kills animals that that painfully is what they do to each other and yet we're all man you're cruel to animals because you know you didn't you didn't water your dog three times a day you only water twice a day you know and literally if your dog dies in Tempe or Phoenix because you didn't take care of it right it's a felony you'll go to jail I just heard about a guy recently was thrown in jail because his dog was sick and dying and he didn't want to pay to have it put down so he did it old yeller method you know and just went to jail felony for killing his own sick dog putting it remember the good old days hey put it out of its misery right I mean those were the good old days you know if your animal suffering you just put it out of misery but oh no no it's a human being now they call the dogs that work for the police department officers we were driving in Brent pointed out a billboard to me when we were in LA he pointed out a billboard to me that said animals are children too okay I'm not kidding it's exactly what it said animals are children too don't abandon them love them animals are children too and this billboard was all over LA I mean it wasn't just one it was everywhere all over all over the place okay you know and I'm a member of PETA you know people people who eat tasty animals you know anyway you know it's just it's it's ridiculous get get your get your opinion from the Bible you know Christians get sucked into this let's face it Christians who watch TV who get their who get their opinions from from the media and get the brainwashing they start saying well you know we do have to take care of the earth and you know be good stewards of the environment and all you know that didn't come from the Bible you didn't get that from God God never told you that one time but then Psalm 80 he says here you know that made us him to have dominion over the works of thy hands that was put all things under his feet all sheep and oxen yea and the beasts of the field the fowl of the air and the fish of the sea and whatsoever pass it through the paths of the seas God put it into our hand God put it under our feet and God gave us dominion over we are not animals we are made in the image of God and have dominion over the animals okay and he says in verse number nine Oh Lord our Lord how excellent is thy name in all the earth now one more thing I want to point out says in verse number five for thou has made him a little lower than the angels and has crowned the glory now let's look at Hebrews 1 8 Hebrews chapter 1 and that we'll go back to that just a minute actually we won't we're gonna be we're gonna close with this Hebrews chapter 1 because this is another place that quotes this on this psalm is quoted in several places in the New Testament Jesus quoted it the book of Hebrews quotes it but in Hebrews chapter 1 the Bible quotes the book of Psalms here it says in verse number eight but under the Sun he said thy throne Oh God is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom so notice he's saying to the Sun thy throne Oh God so he's calling the Sun God thou is love righteousness and hated iniquity therefore God even thy God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy falls now look at this verse 10 don't miss it see how it says and comma thou and the see how the T is capitalized that's because that is of the beginning of a quotation basically he's saying unto the Sun he saith thy throne Oh God and on and on and then he's saying and so this is another thing that he's saying to the Sun do you understand that that's why it says and and then the T is capitalized because in the Bible quotation marks are never used they just use a comma and then they capitalize the first letter of the quotation that's how you know it's a quotation and you say well the vows capitalized is talking to God never are pronouns in the Bible referring to God capitalized no when it says he or him referring to God or Jesus it's not capitalized in the King James Version and so the only reason that that's capitalized gets the beginning of a quotation that is spoken to the Sun so it says and thou Lord in the beginning has laid the foundation of the earth so who laid the foundation of the earth Jesus Christ the Bible says all things were made by him John 1 3 and without him was not anything made that was made talking about the Son of God Jesus Christ so it says and thou Lord in the beginning has laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the works of thy hands they shall perish but thou remainest and they also wax old as to the garment as a vesture shalt thou fold them up and they shall be changed but thou art the same and thy years shall not fail so he's basically saying here that look the earth is going to wax old as a garment right he says you know you created it it's going to get old it's going to die and what we need to understand is that the earth is not going to be here forever Jesus created it he formed it to be inhabited the animals are our food the plants are our food and one day Jesus Christ is going to come back destroy it and create a new one and it's not made to be here forever it will wax old as doth the garment he said in verse 11 they shall perish but thou remainest and they all shall wax old as doth a garment now look at verse look at chapter 2 and verse number 6 ok watch this quote but one in a certain place testified saying what is man that thou art mindful of him what place is that? Psalm 8 right or the son of man that thou visitest him thou madeest him a little lower than the angels thou crownest him with glory and honor and did set him over the works of thy hands thou has put all things in subjection under his feet and so basically what does it mean that we were made a little lower than the angels you know well the angels according to second Peter chapter 2 are flip there quickly if you would since we're right there anyway flip over to 2nd Peter chapter 2 since we're right Hebrews anyway just go Hebrews James 1st Peter 2nd Peter chapter number 2 look at verse number 11 it says 2nd Peter 2 11 whereas angels which are greater in power and might bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord so in what way are we lower than the angels well in the sense that they have more power and might than we do you know that the angels have supernatural power okay so the Bible says in second Peter 2 11 that they are greater in power and might than we are okay but are the angels God's sons the Bible says that under none of the angels didn't say at any time thou art my son this day of Abigail okay so the angels are not God's son and the Bible also says in the in first Peter out the angels they basically envy us okay it says which things the angels desire to look into you know that we've received the adoption of sons and so forth so we haven't we have advantage over the angels in that you know we're God's sons we've been saved by the blood of Jesus Christ they don't have that privilege okay of being God's children of being made in God's image okay because they're not made in the image of God and they're not his sons but the reason that we're a little lower than the angels is only in the sense that they have more power and might than we do okay and so I just want you to see that that's why it says of God of Jesus Christ when he was made flesh it says that he was made a little lower than the angels that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man in order to die in order to taste death he had to basically take on flesh take upon him the form of a man and basically he had to you know he gave up his power and might and experienced all the same things that we experience hunger thirst you know fatigue he went through all those things that was tempted in all points like we are yet without sin and he physically died okay because of the fact that he put off his power and might by making himself a little lower than the angels as a human being okay so that's what that means there when it says we're lower than the angels it doesn't mean that they're like better than us it's only their power and might okay that that's greater than us because they are actually here to serve us in Hebrews chapter 1 it says are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation so their whole purpose the purpose of the angels was they were created for man okay that's what I want you to understand even though they are more powerful and mighty than we are they're still created to serve us okay so you know they're they're here for us the animals are for us so stop me but God made everything for us he made the animals so we can eat them angels to serve us the plan I mean God loves us so that's pretty amazing in the whole big scheme of things that God is mindful of us and that's what Psalm 8 is all about it's just showing us you know the angels are there to serve us that the animals are under our feet everything is for us because God created us in his own image okay let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer father please help us now as we as we