(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Fall along silently with brother Hester as he reads Psalm 71 beginning in verse number one Psalm 71 and The Bible reads in me. Oh Lord. Do I put my trust? Let me never be put to confusion Deliver me in thy righteousness and cause me to escape incline thine ear unto me and save me Be thou my strong habitation where unto I may continually resort Thou hast given commandment to save me for thou art my rock and my fortress Deliver me. Oh my god out of the hand of the wicked out of the hand of the unrighteous and cruel man For thou art my hope Oh Lord God thou art my trust from my youth By thee have I been holding up from the womb Thou art he that took me out of my mother's bowels. My praise shall be continually of thee I am as a wonder unto many but thou art my strong refuge Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honor all the day Cast me not off in the time of old age forsake me not when my strength faileth For mine enemies speak against me and they that lay wait for my soul take counsel together Saying God hath forsaken him persecute and take him for there is none to deliver him. Oh God be not far from me. Oh my god make haste for my help Let them be confounded and consumed that are adversaries to my soul Let them be covered with reproach and dishonor that seek my hurt, but I will hope continually and Will yet praise thee more and more? My mouth shall show forth thy righteousness and thy salvation all the day for I know not the numbers thereof I will go in the strength of the Lord God. I will make mention of thy righteousness Even of thine only Oh God thou hast taught me from my youth and hitherto Have I declared thy wondrous works? Now also when I am old and grey-headed Oh God forsake me not Until I have showed thy strength unto this generation and thy power to everyone that is to come Thy righteousness also Oh God is very high who has done great things Oh God Who is like unto thee thou which has showed me great and sore troubles? Shout quicken me again and shalt bring me up again from the depths of the earth Thou shalt increase my greatness and comfort me on every side. I Will also praise thee with the psaltery even thy truth. Oh my god unto thee Will I sing with the harp Oh thou holy one of Israel? My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing unto thee and my soul which thou hast redeemed My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness all the day long for they are Confounded for they are brought unto shame that seek my hurt Father in heaven, thank you for the Bible and salvation and thank you for this church gathering tonight I pray that you please bless Pastor Anderson with the fullness and the power of the Holy Ghost As he preaches your word and help us your children get better as Christians in Jesus name I pray amen Man, Psalm 71 the Bible reads in verse number one in the O Lord. Do I put my trust? let me never be put to confusion and When I think about all the different ways that people get punished in the Bible One of the worst ways that people get punished in the Bible is by losing their mind becoming confused becoming Confounded and if you think about the worst people in the Bible that Romans chapter 1 describes where they've gone down that downward Spiral of just getting worse and worse and worse the end of that is being given over to the reprobate Mind right? I would rather lose any part of my body than to lose my mind I'd rather have anything else go wrong with my health than to lose my mind It's the worst and over and over again you see God Astonishing people confounding them Confusing them and punishing them with that It's prophesied all the way back in the Mosaic law and you see it throughout the book of Psalms even in this psalm David is praying this for his enemies. Look what the Bible says in verse 13 let them be confounded and Consumed that are adversaries to my soul. Let them be covered with reproach and dishonor that seek my Hurt he's saying look Lord. Don't ever let me be put to confusion But let them be confounded he says and then if you jump down to verse 24 It says my tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness all the day long for they are confounded For they are brought unto shame that seek my hurt So again, this is a bad punishment that's gonna happen to the enemy They're gonna be confounded but he says Oh God, let me never be put to confusion those two words confusion and confounded are connected Somebody who speaks Spanish. I'm not an expert in Spanish, but help me out confundido. Is that not being confused? Who speaks Spanish who can I get a witness? Ah, Who will testify that I'm right confundido, right? Estoy un poco confundido. Oh Rita No, I'm just kidding. No, I'm not nobody speaks Spanish here a couple people but anyway you know these two words are the same thing being confounded is being confused being put to confusion and This is something that God will often do to the enemy in order to protect his people and punish them You know, for example There are times when the opposing armies of Israel would actually get confused and start fighting each other Instead of fighting against the Israelites when they were severely outnumbered and then that's how they could win the battle In fact brothers say girl weren't you just talking about in your sermon? the other day friendly fire and Just how many people were getting hit with friendly fire where people get confused and they're firing at their fellow Americans and they're saying hold your fire. It's us And so this is something that we see happening throughout scripture in a battle scenario But just in general the last thing you want is for God to mess with your mind and let me tell you something I have seen the enemies of the Lord confounded many times in my life and I've also seen my own personal enemies get Confounded many times when they're attacking me as a preacher of God's Word because look I'm human. I'm a sinner I'm just a normal guy, but you know what? I preach the gospel I preach the Word of God and so therefore I have protection from God Because of the fact that I'm his servant Not saying that I'm some kind of a special person or something But just because of the fact that I serve God and preach the gospel and preach the Word of God You know God's going to protect me He said touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm and you know, if you're out there serving God You're out there winning souls and preaching the gospel. You know what God's gonna have some special protection for you, too Okay, because you're also anointed and and and filled with the Holy Spirit as you're out there doing the work of the Lord You know recently a certain preacher Manly Perry Who has been a wicked lying slanderer of our church a user somebody who basically was just an infiltrator who used me and used my friends and Flattered his way in and then got a bunch of people to follow him try to draw away Disciples after him and then now he's teaching them a bunch of damnable heresy And basically what he's got is a cult Where he's got them all brainwashed and they're not they don't listen anybody else and he teaches them strange Heretical doctrines now you say well, I think you might be going a little bit overboard there pastor Anderson No, I'm not because wait Oh you hear what he's teaching because once I tell you what he's teaching you'll see that I'm not exaggerating and for someone to teach Something so bizarre. The only way you can describe it is that they're confounded they're confused Because I can't even imagine a false prophet or an unsaved person being this stupid to teach the things that he's teaching but it's because God is punishing him and putting him to confusion confounding him because he seeks the hurt of Actual preachers that are preaching the Bible Because he's malicious toward people who are actually serving God his punishment is to get Confused to get Confounded and to teach bizarre heresy now, let me explain to you the heresy that is teaching and you know what? When things like this happen all things work together for good to them that love God It's a great opportunity to teach sound doctrine because there's a lot of things that I wouldn't even really think about teaching because you just kind of take them for granted or you're Not really aware of every heresy that's under the Sun So when these weird heresies pop up it's an opportunity to teach the Bible and to learn something So here's the garbage that he's tea and I could give you a whole list of weird garbage He's taught just over the last two months, but let me just give you the biggest heresy that he's teaching. He's basically teaching that Jesus Christ in Body soul and spirit is is not fully God But that rather he has a God part and a human part And what he taught was that his body is the human part and his soul is the God part So he's trying to divide this and say like well his body is the human part That's not the God part and his soul is the God part and then this way he said he said God can't die God can't die for you. God didn't die for you. No my friend God died for me because here's what the Bible actually says it says hereby perceive we the love of God Because he laid down his life for us and we lot ought to lay down our lives for the brethren 1st John 3 16 says that God laid down his life for us Now I've had people say this to me before well, how could God die? But they were always Muslims or Jehovah's Witnesses or atheists This is one of those cute little questions that they pull out like well How could Jesus be God if he died because God hey avoid foolish questions The Bible says he died done. The Bible says he's God the Bible says he died It's done But people try to just come up with all these weird ways To twist the truth and get away from what the Bible taught and so he teaches this doctrine that says well God can't die for You there's no way God could die Well, yes, he did because Jesus Christ is God and he died for us But let me just show you why this is damnable heresy this thing of the God part and the human part How his body is the human part now stop and think about this. Where did Jesus's body come from? Did Jesus just sort of teleport onto this earth at age 30 and just kind of beam down from heaven and just start doing his? Ministry or where did his body come from? Jesus's body Came from a natural birth. Jesus actually was born of a virgin, right? So he was physically Naturally born into this earth, right? It was it was a born at home like a home birth, right because there's no room in the inn so they went into the the the the stable and Mary gave birth right so just a natural birth It wasn't like and by the way There is some creepy Catholic text that says that basically Jesus wasn't born naturally that that he basically like Turned into this mist and then he like re metastasized outside the womb I'm not kidding. That's what that's what the Roman Catholic because they're they're obsessed with Mary Remaining a virgin and so they they even have to keep her birth canal just intact I'm not kidding. So they have this weird doctrine where it was some weird mist or something that re Reconfigured on the other side folks We know that's Catholic fairy tales and garbage because we know the truth is that Jesus Christ was Naturally born into this world. His mother went into labor and gave birth to him. Am I right? And the reason I say natural birth is because it wasn't a c-section All right, Joseph wouldn't have been qualified to even perform that so the point is That Mary gave birth to Jesus and we know that Mary was a virgin. Am I right? So therefore there's no earthly father to Jesus It's just Mary So who's the father then because in order for a child to be born there's got to be a mother and a father you can't just have one you've got to have both and The father is God the Father So Jesus is the Son of God and Jesus Christ Father is God the Father and his mother is the Virgin Mary Mary is an earthly woman and Obviously God the Father is heavenly right and so this union of those two components Produce the Lord Jesus. Okay. Now, let me do an illustration. Can I use you brother Thomas and your parents do come on up here All right. Sorry to put you guys on the spot. I should have asked you if it was okay, but come on Come on up here. Okay, so so here's how this works. Okay, this is a we got this family here is perfect Okay, so here you hang on to this. Okay, you're gonna hang on to this. All right Now now look, okay, so we got we got mom and dad here. Okay, and this is the child that they produce Okay, so they're each going to contribute some DNA here, right? So what do you got there? He's got a Y chromosome. All right, and she's got the X chromosome. All right, so go ahead and contribute your DNA here All right, let's go and then boom. Whoa, what do we got here? All right there You can go ahead and have a seat stay up here Thomas. All right, so so look so here's the deal He's got DNA from both mom and dad Okay, some some traits we could look at him and say oh that reminds me of your dad or that reminds me of your mom He's got traits from both of his parents in his DNA. Now. Here's the thing. I've got a brother. I've got two sisters They're not genetically identical to me Because they got a different mix of genes from mom and dad right now think about this does Thomas here Does he have a dad part and a mom part? His body is the mom part and his soul is a dad part No, because here's the thing every single cell hold this up every single cell in Thomas's body contains traits Contains the alleles from both mom and dad right certain traits. He got from mom certain traits He got from dad certain things that are dominant and recessive But everything that went into him is this super complicated mix from mom and dad Could it be separated? Is there any way to separate it? Can we say like well your arm that's from dad You know, yeah, we might say oh you have your father's eyes or something There are parts of his eye though Even if let's say he has the same color eye as one parent But some other component of the eye came from the other parent folks because there's so many genes We're talking about tens of thousands of genes. We're talking about 2.9 Billion base pairs in his DNA You're not gonna be able to split this up and carve him up into the mom part and the dad part Okay. Now here's the thing. Does this DNA right here? Does this have anything to do with his soul? Is this a soul DNA? Does this have anything to do with his spirit? What does this have to do with it's his body. This is flesh. This is physical stuff okay, now Jesus Christ body is a product of the Virgin Mary and God the Father you know what that means every single bit of his DNA Contains Divinity in it and here's the thing about DNA every cell in your body has DNA in it every single cell It's not like oh, well your skin cells have just DNA that has to do with your skin No, no, the whole genetic code for this guy is in every cell of his body Which is why he could leave just a little bit of bodily fluid at a crime scene He could leave a little bit of saliva Snot sweat and although snot sweat and saliva themselves don't have DNA in them Every cell in his body has DNA and guess what's in your saliva sweats not a little bit of cells I mean look when you swab the inside of somebody's cheek, you're not just getting saliva my friend you're getting cheek cells and those cheek cells contain DNA right his bones contain DNA his hair follicles contain DNA Every cell of every organ of his body I mean It's just DNA did so here's the thing about this if Jesus Christ is the son of God And we're not just talking about well. He's spiritually the son of God. He's adopted as the son of it. No no he is Physically the product of a virgin birth. He's not walking around with some kind of a just you know 23 chromosomes Good good and have a seat. He's not walking around with with with just you know a half a deck On his DNA he had a full set of DNA men Well guess where half of it came from half of it came from God the Father Half of it came from Mary, and so you know what that makes him a hundred percent God and a hundred percent man Every cell in his body is human Every cell in his body is divine his deity because God the Father contributed something to that DNA in Every single cell is right is it rare sound I'm saying so how can you sit there and carve him up? Into the God part and the human part and folks. We're just talking about his body alone here Forget the soul and spirit his body is the product and and look It's to deny the virgin birth to sit there and say oh his body's just totally human not divine That's not the God part cuz God can't die. That's just the human part So what is the virgin birth not a thing? He's just all human no no he's divine. He's deity every cell of his body is deity How could God die? I don't know when you get to hell. Maybe somebody will tell you down there And You and all the other idiots who asked that question you guys can all talk about that when you're down burning in hell together You and your Muslims and atheists and Jehovah's Witnesses can all get together and say well. I still just don't understand how God could die You know that'll give you something to do in hell Because let me tell you something the Bible says that God laid down his life for us the Bible says that Jesus was born of a virgin the Bible says that Jesus is the Son of God and the Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is God Manifests in the flesh okay, and so when Jesus died on the cross for us You know what that is not just an earthly man dying for us That is the Son of God dying for us that is deity that is God dying on the cross for us the Lord Jesus Christ is God now What do you end up with with this weird doctrine that says the God part human part basically you end up with a Jesus dying? For you that isn't God There's nothing new under the Sun because this was taught by famous oneness Pentecostal William Branham in the 20th century that the man who died on the cross Was not divine because that was just the man Jesus you know the oneness Pentecostals Don't they always separate the man Jesus from you know the deity also it goes back even further To a false teaching called adoptionistic Gnosticism Which taught that basically Jesus of Nazareth is a human being and then the Christ spirit came upon him and then He became deity and then it left him on the cross or whatever now look obviously those are different heresies than this But you know what it's just repackaging of the same garbage Let me tell you something the Jesus who died on the cross for me was God So this this doctrine that says the God part in the human part it makes no sense okay now He taught and said well the part That went to hell For three days and three nights is the God part that wasn't the human part because the human parts is buried in the tomb Because he's separating the body and the soul as that but well here's the stupid thing about that What does the Bible say about Jesus being in the heart of the earth it says the Son of Man? Shall be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth Well, let me ask you something. What does the term Son of Man even mean? What is the word if you were to put the term Son of Man into our everyday vernacular? What would you say human right? Son of Man means human because everything brings forth after its own kind So the Bible says the Son of Man is Three days and three nights in the heart of the earth so riddle me this if the human part Didn't go to hell then then how come it says the Son of Man is three days and three nights in the heart of the earth Because Jesus Christ is 100% man 100% God no matter where he goes no matter what he does Whether we're talking about his body soul or spirit we're talking about the man Christ Jesus and by the way Jesus is still a man right now It's not like well he used to be a man well He is one right now because the Bible says there's one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus Right the Son of Man which is in heaven and by the way in the Old Testament When we have Old Testament appearances of Christ or Christophanies, what do we see we see a man? Man wrestled with Jacob a man showed up at Abraham's tent door etc And so we see here that Jesus Christ is 100% man 100% God now you you would expect this doctrine to be just basic Baptist doctrine that everybody would fully believe and understand you know the fact that Jesus Christ is basically God and man I Mean that's that's isn't that the main thing about Jesus is That he's basically God and man both He's both human and divine. I mean that's the miracle of Jesus and And so to get up and teeth but but here's the thing when you devote your ministry to attacking good men of God You know what you're gonna end up preaching heresy If you're just setting yourself up to let's preach against everything that faithful word Baptist teaches Let's preach against everything that the new IFP stands for well You know what it's just gonna be heresy after errors and let me just say for the record I don't believe that anybody who believes this doctrine is saved You know if somebody is gonna sit there and teach that Jesus's flesh is Just the human part. That's not the God part. You know what they're not even saved because I don't even think anybody's that stupid I think that that is just evil and wicked and it's damnable heresy, and it's an attack on the deity of Christ It's an attack on who our Savior actually is but not only that let me give you some of the other bizarre things That he said he also said this he said well. It's the God part of Jesus could die Then you know Why couldn't he die again? We'd have to worry about him dying again Folks Can we say confounded can you say confusion? Folks let me explain to you why I don't have to worry about Jesus dying again because Jesus said this he said behold I'm he that liveth and I was dead and behold. I'm alive forevermore Amen and have the keys of hell and of death You know what when Jesus says I'm alive forevermore. You know what that I'm not worried about If he's gonna die again because I'm not an idiot and because I don't reject the Word of God and because I don't dream up These damnable heresies because I want to separate my cult from everyone in normal Christianity by teaching bizarre Heresy okay, let me explain something to you when Jesus said I'm alive forevermore and when the Bible says that Jesus liveth to die no more Death hath no more dominion over him. Well, you know what? Okay, I'm done That's all I needed to hear because I understand that Jesus died on the cross for my sins He was buried and three days later. He rose again from the dead and it's never gonna happen again You know reminds me of the guy who didn't know anything about the Bible and he started reading Matthew and they finished Matthew started reading Mark and he got confused and said wait a minute. How many times did Jesus come to earth? You know, he didn't He didn't realize that it was a retelling of the same thing But but the you know The point is that obviously Jesus Christ died once and for him to make such a stupid point I didn't know well, we know he's not gonna die again Ah You know because he said he's not gonna die again But guess what? He did die the first time he died and He didn't just kind of fake it or or Quasi die or sort of die he died You know and I think part of the reason why God had him be dead for three days and three nights is just to prove He's dead You know just that there'd be no doubt because if it was just a few hours and then he resurrected People could say hey, wait a minute. I think he was just Unconscious. I think he's just resuscitated But obviously the fact that he was dead for days He's buried not only that but remember the soldier stabbed him with a spear Just to make sure and all the blood and water gushed out and so it was a sure thing that Jesus died He said well, I was just a human part that died And you know what? I thought this is the craziest thing I'd ever heard except then I Saw that there's other people online teaching this There were other websites teaching. Oh, it was only the human part that died because God can't die this it was on this carm Or something the Christian apologetic project and you know part of the problem with some of these apologetics types Is that they they spend way too much time dealing with foolish questions? You know the Bible tells us to avoid Oppositions of science so-called and the Bible tells us to avoid Foolish questions, but what we have is people in the apologetics world who spend their time Trying to find an answer for every foolish question and trying to debunk every single opposition of science falsely So-called and this is not what we're called to do because when you sit there and want to just ponder well How can God I don't know. Hey, I just say to that avoid foolish questions The Bible says now now obviously the Holy Spirit didn't die God the Father didn't die but Jesus did die and Jesus is God because Basically God is made up of Father Son and Holy Ghost and Jesus is God There's no question about that. The Bible says God was manifest in the flesh The Bible says in the beginning was the word the word was with God the word was God, you know The Bible is crystal clear on that And so these are foolish questions another person, you know, I was talking about this I made a video about this that I put on YouTube and Some kind of a Catholic or Protestant came out of the woodwork and here's what he said He said okay Pastor Anderson. You're definitely right about this But if you're acknowledging that Jesus is a hundred percent God and a hundred percent man Then that means we need to be calling Mary the mother of God You know cuz there's not it's not like there's a God part and a human part But here's the thing. Guess what there actually is a God part in a human part Now Jesus doesn't have a God part in a human part Thomas is just Thomas He doesn't have a mom part and a dad part. He's just Thomas, right? But here's the thing though. His dad contributed something and his mom contributes Well, guess what Mary contributed do you think she contributed the God part Did she contribute deity? No, in fact the part that Mary contributed was a hundred percent human because guess what? Mary isn't God Mary's not God and Mary's DNA is not some kind of a divine Deified and of course the Roman Catholics many of them think that Mary was totally sinless Which is a crazy unbiblical doctrine No, the part that Mary contributed was a human part The part that God contributed is the divine part, but hey as soon as that conception takes place There's no more God part a human part There's just Jesus at that point and every cell of his body is both Does everybody see the difference there? But not only that Let's let's give it to this guy. Okay Obviously Mary is the mother of Jesus. We all agree with that, right? Of course Mary's the mother of Jesus because of the fact that number one she contributed half the DNA and number two She gave birth to him So Mary's the mother of Jesus and Jesus is God So therefore let's call her the mother of God Here's here's why I'm not gonna call her the mother of God even though technically that would be true using that logic Because we could use that same logic to say this Joseph is the stepfather of Jesus So he's the stepfather of God God's stepdad now should we start a new doctrine where we start referring to Joseph as God's stepdad? You'd say that's a dumb thing to call or why don't we call the author of the book of Jude the brother of God? James brother of God Jude brother God, but I'll take it a step further Jesus said who is my mother Who are my brethren? Whosoever Doeth the will of my father which is in heaven the same as my mother and sister and brother You know what? That means every faithful Christian later lady. We could call her the mother of God Because Jesus said whoever does the will of my father was ever so you are the mother of God You are the mother of God You are the mother of God just mother of God mother of God mother of God Does anybody think that that makes any sense to start using that term? Is there any benefit to calling Christian women mother of God is There any theological benefit to calling Joseph the parent of God Stepdad of God, is there any theological benefit to that? Although these are all technically true, you know, the Bible talks about Jesus parents in Luke chapter 2 He's clearly a stepdad step by hail Joseph stepdad of God The Lord is with thee it makes no sense Everybody see what I'm saying Folks Why would I call? Mary the mother of God when there are a billion people Worshipping Mary which the Bible condemns and I did a whole sermon on this a while back called worshiping Mary's a sin Let me give you some scripture on this. First of all, if Mary is so important that we should be just Quasi deifying her and praying to God through Mary and Worshipping Mary and having statues of Mary and making a big deal about Mary and giving her this title mother of God Which although technically true is a is a foolish title. That should not be you the Bible doesn't use it So why would I use it when it's misleading? Even though look I could say a lot of things that are technically true, but they're still misleading I could say my wife is the mother of God And I could use logic to prove that true. That's still a dumb thing to say, isn't it? No, but she's special I mean she was the chosen vessel, okay Well riddle me this if Mary's so important then explain to me why Mary is mentioned so little in the Bible explain that Explain to me why we could give a huge list of characters that are mentioned more than Mary. I Don't have the list in front of me But in that sermon that I did I had a list of people I mean David's mentioned a lot more than Mary Moses has mentioned a lot more than Mary guys like Elijah and Elisha are mentioned a lot I mean look look at the epistles of Paul Where does he talk about Mary is he just is it in Romans? It's all about Mary 1st Corinthians. Let's talk Mary 2nd Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians, let's talk Mary Mary Mary, you know, there are some mentions of him being born of a woman Well, why don't you say he was born of the special Mary mother of God no, he's born of a woman a woman a Woman and you know, let me ask you this if Mary's so important then how come when they told Jesus? Oh your mother stands without desiring to speak with you. He said well, who is my mother? Whosoever doeth the will of my father which is heaven the same as my mother and sister and brother Notice what he didn't say the same as my father. Did he say that? Did he say whosoever does the will of my father with seven the same as my muster and mother and sister and brother and father Is that what he said? No, he only said mother referring to older women Sister younger women brother referring to all men because guess what his father's pretty distinct God the Father We're never gonna be on that level with God the Father are we but can you be on the level with Mary? Well, you know, but the Bible says blessed art thou among women, well, you know what the Bible said to JL in judges blessed above women So JL Got a bigger title It back in judges chapter 5 then Mary gets so Oh blessed among women Wow Okay. Wow. So what blessed among women lots of women are blessed among women. That's what the among women part means There's a bunch of other women that are blessed too and JL was blessed above women Because she put a tent spike and hammered it through Cicero's head and most women don't do that They wouldn't do stuff like that. I mean that's like a warrior That's not what you'd expect from the weaker gender, all right But that's what she did. So so the point is Elevating Mary is Something that the Bible is against there was a woman who yells out in the book of Luke and says blessed is the womb that bear thee and the paps which thou has sucked and Everybody's like, huh? But that's your first Roman Catholic in the Bible Blessed is the womb that bear thee in the paps which thou has sucked and you know what the next word is, but but Jesus said But Jesus not like and Jesus said amen. Yeah Blessed be those paps blessed be that womb. He said but Jesus said Yea, rather Blessed is he that here at the will of God and do with it So, you know what rather means what does rather mean? What if I said I'd rather go to Chipotle than Panda Express What does that mean it means I want to go there more Rather is is more right if I'd rather do this. I have more desire to do that Does everybody understand so guess who's mo blessed? Guess who's more blessed than Mary Anyone who hears the will of God and does he says yea rather blessed is he that do it the will of God here at the Well gutter, but all of the reformers they all exalted me. They were all too Catholic They didn't reform enough That's why their slogan is semper reform ando always reforming and I'm like, yeah keep going guys Keep on reform ando people cuz you're not there yet. If you're still calling Mary the mother of God You need a little more Reformation there, buddy Because you're a little too pagan there with your goddess Female deity that you're praying to because there's one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus And you know what they call Mary the mediatrix Sorry, there's only one mediator and it's the man Christ Jesus Mary's not the mediator so worshiping Mary is condemned a woman tries to just give Mary a shout-out and Jesus like rad no But rather blessed is he that here at the will of God and does it people try to get him to defer to mom? Hey your mom's outside. He's like I'm not done This is my mother right here sitting in the front row Because whoever does the will of my father which is in heaven the same as my mother and sister and brother That's what the Bible actually teaches my friend Okay Not only that but Jesus first miracle is when he turns the water into wine at Cana and this guy who was Trying to get me to embrace this term mother of God He said well, what about the fact that Jesus first miracle was done at the request of Mary, okay But you forgot to actually read the story Where Mary says to Jesus they have no wine and he says woman What have I to do with thee Mine hours not yet come and let me tell you something woman. What have I to do with thee? That's not Deference That's not being submissive and deferential now Look, Jesus did submit to his mom and dad when he was a child the Bible says that he went home when he was 12 years old and he was subject unto Joseph and Mary of course Joseph's not his father, but he's the step-parent or whatever you want to call him but he went home and submitted to Mary and Joseph he treated Joseph as an authority He treated Mary as an authority even though he's the god of the universe, right? But he submitted unto them because he's trying to teach children to obey their parents. So he's modeling that way Okay So but when he's an adult when he's doing his ministry you know Mary's not in charge anymore Mary's not the boss when he's 30 years old and he's a preacher of the Word of God and He is in his own ministry So he says to her woman What have I to do with thee and look what have I to do with thee? Look up that phrase in Scripture You know, it's it's that's a rebuke That's a rebuke that's used, you know throughout scriptures in the Old Testament New Testament What have I to do with you, you know Dave, I think David correct me if I'm wrong But I think David said, you know, what do I have to do with these sons of Zara? Why you guys are too hard for me. You guys are too rough. You know, what have I to do with you? But but it's something that's used in Scripture and it's not positive. It's it's a rebuff Okay Just like he rebuffed them when they were standing outside Wanting to talk to him when he's in the middle of teaching the Word of God and he did not interrupt his sermon to go Running to mommy and and and his brothers but rather he told them no This is my mother and brethren right here that I'm preaching to and he you know asserted himself there So there's there's so much evidence showing this and then here's the thing. What is Mary's response when Jesus says woman? What have I to do with thee mine hours not yet come? What's Mary's response to that? Mary says to the servants whatsoever. He saith unto you do it So she basically just takes herself out of the equation and just says look whatever he tells you to do do it like what it you know, she's basically putting the ball back in his court and Basically putting him back in his rightful place that he's in charge. He's in the driver's seat. He's gonna do what he wants to do She's not gonna tell him what to do now If you're gonna take that verse and make it seem like oh, well Mary is telling Jesus what to do You need to read the story again, okay She brings up something and Jesus rebuffs her and then he ends up doing it his way you know and and so there's a lot of evidence and you want to know a book that mentions Mary more than the Bible and And by the way, this book is much shorter than the Bible but the Quran the Quran is much shorter than the Bible Did you know the Quran mentions Mary more than the New Testament does? Even though the New Testaments considerably longer why because Mary is a very minor character in the New Testament She does not play a major role She was obviously a very nice lady. She was a godly Christian lady, but you know what? She could have been someone else easily because you know what? She's just a woman Nothing special about her she Just got picked by grace to do it and she was really thankful Wow me really because you know, she didn't act like well, yeah, I mean I'm sinless after all Folks the Protestants are sometimes just hanging on to too much Catholic stuff You know, you're not you're never gonna walk away from the Bible with a veneration for Mary Nobody reads the Bible and just walks away saying well, it's about Mary, you know Mary's kind of a big deal. You're not gonna think that Okay, so the bottom line is Jesus is 100% God and 100% men. Does that make Mary the mother of God? technically speaking but that's a foolish term that should not be used because it's misleading and confusing and Also just to review You know when we say there's no God part and no human part to Jesus That's true because obviously Jesus is a hundred percent God hundred percent man But does that not mean though that there was a human part contributed and a God part contributed once we get to Jesus though It's inseparable. Just like there was a Raymond Anderson part that went into me, right? There's the Raymond part and the Susie part that came into me, but guess what now that I'm me. I Have my dad's DNA and my mom's DNA in every cell of my body and I can't just be like, you know What you're not my dad anymore, so I'm gonna get a procedure done and just get rid of every You know every gene that you contributed and By the way, that's why I can't lose my salvation either because you know what? Spiritually speaking. I'm a child of God and just like I couldn't take my physical dad's DNA out of my body Guess what God's DNA is spiritually in me I'm a child of God and nothing can change that because I've been born again And I'm a child of God I've been begotten by God and so because I've been begotten again unto a lively hope because I've been begotten You know what? I'm saved eternally secure I'm a child of God and it's it's like my spiritual DNA is to be a child of God so these guys, you know beware of These divers and strange doctrines and look folks. This guy has taught That Jesus has a God part and a human part his body's the human part his soul's the God part Folks, we just destroyed that with the virgin birth case closed Okay, then he's sitting there and teaching. Well, if so, we'd have to you know, if God could die We'd have to worry about him dying again Yeah, if you if you don't believe the Bible if you think God's a liar when he said he's never gonna die again Then I guess you would worry about that Okay, not only that but he also taught this false teacher damnable heretic He taught recently that Judas Iscariot got more people saved than any other disciple Folks you can't even make this stuff up Because he says he's so zealous to prove that unsaved people can win people to Christ Folks, how can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit? Well Folks a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit a good tree can't bring forth evil fruit Everything brings forth after its own kind and the Bible says the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life And he that win its souls is wise Some bring for 30 some 60 some 100. What is the fruit of the apple tree apples? What's the fruit of the orange tree oranges? What's the fruit of the Christian more Christians now? Obviously the Bible uses the word fruit in other places talking about the fruit of our lips, you know what we say or just other Context where fruit is used But when it comes to the fact that a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit an evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit What kind of fruit are we talking about there? We have to be talking about winning people to Christ and let me tell you why Because if we were just talking about stuff you say Then you'd basically be saying that a good Christian could never say anything bad You believe that? Because guess what good Christians say bad things because the Bible says the tongue can no man tamed it's an unruly evil full of deadly poison if anybody can bridle the tongue the same as a perfect man and Able to bridle the whole body because he says that the tongue can no man tamed Nobody goes through life without ever saying something stupid or saying something wrong So if the Bible says that the good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit We're not just talking about what you say and let me ask this can bad people say the right things all day long You don't think false prophets will say all the right things and pretend that they believe like us. Hmm I'm thinking of I'm trying to think of an example of somebody who would pretend for years that they believe like us and then all Of a sudden turn around and start preaching the opposite of everything that we stand for and that they pretended to stand for for years So I can't think of any examples. But but the point is That Obviously wicked people could talk the talk say the right things Creep in that's how look I'm sure Judas said a lot of the right things or else How did he creep in and fool everybody? Because he's saying the right things but here's what an unsaved person can't do an unsaved person can't win someone to Christ Only a saved person can win someone to Christ because you know what the Apostle Paul said about His converts like Onesimus he said I begat Onesimus in my bonds He talked about begetting the Galatians He talked about Timothy being his son in the faith Titus being his son in the faith folks When you talk about winning someone to Christ as begetting them Okay, that's reproduction and everything brings forth after its own kind. So how can the non-christian beget a Christian? How can the false prophet beget a saved Christian They can't because you don't gather Grapes of thorns or figs of thistles now is Judas a thistle is Judas a thorn? Yeah, you're not gonna be gathering good fruit from that guy You're not gonna be gathering things and thistles, you know last time I checked it would have been better for Judas if he'd never been born He wasn't some mega soul winner But what kind of a reprobate mind even comes up with something that stupid how warped and weird do you have to be to? Get up and say well, I can't prove this from scripture But I just personally believe that Judas Iscariot got the most people saved. Well, what demon revealed that to you? Since you didn't get it from the Bible What demonic influence told you what little birdie whispered that in your ear? Where'd you even get that? Oh and then another here's another one of his wonderful teachings from the last few months. Nobody burns in hell Because if they burned in hell they'd bad mean they'd burn up Folks you ever heard of the burning bush Ever heard of the burning bush Remember what Moses turned aside to see the burning bush. Why did he turn aside to see the burning bush? Because he said I want to see why the bush is burned but it's not consumed The whole miracle of the burning bush is that it keeps burning and it's never consumed I remember a guy asked me this one time I was good. I was giving a guy the gospel And he said well if people go to hell and they're burning how can they just keep burning wouldn't they burn up and I said to him I said well here. Let me show you the burning bush And I said see this is what God could do because God's God Because it's supernatural look folks hell is a supernatural place If hell were a natural place, yeah, you'd be cooked fast Hell is a supernatural place now. I'm not saying that hell isn't a real place. Hell is real. It's it's very real It's very literal, but it's super natural. Guess what else was supernatural the burning bush The burning bush was not a normal bush Okay, so the burning bush was special because it burned and here's the thing Moses he looked out across the desert and he saw that bush burning And that probably wasn't a huge deal to him because he's seen stuff burn before But then what happened was a little bit later. He looked again and it was still burning And then he looked again a little bit later and it's still burning he's saying wait a minute You know he's going through he's doing the math he's doing the chemistry It's not computing why is this bush just keep on burning You know I got to go see this site. This is a miracle. This is something marvelous And so then you know it was probably it was probably very far off in the distance that he saw this bush burning You know when you read the story, that's the picture that you get and so then he had to travel to The source of this and when he gets there then of course the angel of the Lord speaks to him out of the burning bush And tells him put off thy shoes from off thy feet for the place where on thou standest this holy ground So the Lord spoke to Moses from the burning bush Now look if God can make a bush burn just perpetually and not be consumed Don't you think God can cause their worm to die not and the fire not to be quenched And for people to burn and you know what it's not that you know people burning in hell is like a made up doctrine The Bible teaches that people burn in hell The Bible teaches that hell is fire flaming fire and it talks about everlasting burnings That's an exact quote who shall dwell with everlasting burnings right and this isn't a sermon about hell So I'm not gonna sit here and go through with you 50 different scriptures on the fact that people burn in hell Or how about the smoke of their torment ascended up forever and ever but Manly Perry says that that's not real smoke That's not literal smoke That's just there. It's it's a it's just a picture of them yelling Sort of like the prayers of the Saints are like incense. Well, you know, the smoke is just the is just the yelling So people don't burn in hell God part in the Jesus part. God can't die. You know, I'm trying you know, what do all these things have in common? What do they have? Oh did Jehovah's Witnesses? The Jehovah's Witnesses is what they all have in common, right? Because the Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe people burn in hell The Jehovah's Witnesses believe that God can't die and is it interesting how Manly Perry's art is so powerful God can't die and is it interesting how Manly Perry's always telling us about all the wonderful Jehovah's Witnesses in his church That are ex-Jehovah's Witnesses, ex-Jehovah's Witnesses They went out witnessing and teaching lies and damning people for 20 years but now they're members of his church Well, you know, isn't it interesting how much Jehovah's Witness doctrine he's teaching That's never even been heard of in any Baptist church Because look, every Baptist church that I've ever set footed and I've been to a lot of churches my friend When I was growing up, we moved a few times and we tried different churches and I've been to a bunch of churches And as a pastor, I've traveled and visited churches When I was in Bible college, I traveled and visited churches I used to work on the road and go to different churches on Wednesday nights I've been to a lot of Baptist churches Every single one of them taught that people burn in hell Every single one of them taught that the smoke of their torment has ended up forever and ever Every single one of them taught that Jesus was 100% man, 100% God And I've never heard anybody say that Judas, the son of perdition, the traitor Who at the very beginning of Jesus' ministry said, one of you is a devil In John chapter 6 None of them has ever said that he was a big time soul winner that got a whole bunch of people saved And in fact, he won more people to Christ than anybody, can't prove it Am I missing one of his weirdo heresies? Somebody help me out When are you? Yeah, but that's tied in with this other stuff Because he said nobody burns in hell But I feel like I'm missing one here Let's see Well, that's not important That was doofus, but that's not important You know, the other thing that I heard was that He's teaching, oh yeah, he's teaching You don't have to call upon the name of the Lord to be saved Isn't it funny how it's just one thing after another with these people One thing after another with these people You know, it's like, but you know what it is? It's that God's confusing them God is confounding them And God is showing their true colors to everyone You know, the Bible says Now as Janus and Jambres withstood Moses So do these also resist the truth Men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith But they shall proceed no further For their folly shall be manifest unto all men as theirs also was Look down at your Bible there in Psalm 71 Oh, we're talking about Psalm 71 tonight Make no mistake Look at verse 13 It says, let them be confounded and consumed that are adversaries to my soul Let them be covered with reproach and dishonor that seek my hurt And you know what? That's what's happening to him right now Everybody's seeing what he is He's being exposed for the heretic false teacher Weirdo cult leader Who wanted to come in and draw away disciples after himself Teaching perverse things Drawing away disciples after him Not people that he reached But he takes from people that other people reach And just tries to subvert them But you know what? His folly is being made manifest unto all men As theirs also was And he is now being filled with reproach and dishonor Because God has confounded him and confused him And basically just fried his brain It's like, you know, this is your brain This is your brain on drugs This is your brain on heresy You know, God will warp people's minds And folks, it's bizarre to me That anybody would still be following this guy Or listening to this guy But there's always going to be a few people That you can get to believe anything I mean, look online People believe everything But folks, this is not sound doctrine And the good thing is He's been exposed to any normal person Any normal person is going to say Whoa, this is not kosher There's something rotten in Denmark This is not normal Okay And so we have to understand That when we have these false prophets The Janus and Jambres When we have people like these guys in Psalm 71 That are seeking David's hurt They're just maliciously After a man of God And again, I'm not trying to say that I'm anything special I'm not special I'm just a Baptist pastor I am just a Baptist pastor Is what I am Nothing special Because you know what If I were any other Baptist pastor That were just soul winning And preaching the gospel And preaching the Bible week after week You know what God would protect me no matter what Because anybody who's serving God Anybody who preaches the word Anybody who's out soul winning Has God's protection And that's why the Bible says In this passage here Over and over again How God's going to protect David And as his youth It says in verse 6 By thee have I been holding up from the womb Thou art he that took me out Of my mother's bowels My praise shall be continually of thee And the theme of this Psalm He talks a lot about being a baby And being a child And he talks a lot about being old and gray headed And you know he's basically saying God's protecting him the whole way through God's protecting him God is confounding his enemies And putting them to shame And putting the crap out of them But he himself He says don't put me to confusion Lord You know I don't want to be confounded Because losing your mind Is the worst thing that can happen And you know what That's what Manly Perry is being punished with right now Is losing his mind That's why he's just spewing out Stupid doctrine after stupid doctrine In rapid succession It's a punishment from God It is a punishment from God And it's to just show everyone Look folks This is who you're dealing with And I want to say one last thing about this piece of work Is that You know him and his church members Over the last few months As people and I haven't even been the one Really calling out this heresy Is mainly Jonathan Shelley Pastor in Texas That's been calling out this heresy The most over the last few months But here's what everybody has been saying To his defense is You know You're unloving You're so hateful And I like how Manly Perry's just like You know I'm so glad I'm not in the new IFB Because it's become so hateful It's like hey idiot we were declared a hate group Before you ever even showed up We got a plaque back there to prove it The SPLC declared us a hate group Before you It's like oh they've become so hateful We've always hated sin We've always hated false prophets We've always hated heresy We've always Hey David said I love the word of God Thy word's pure And I'm paraphrasing but he said Therefore I hate every false way Why? Because we love God We love the Bible Of course we hate heresy And false teaching And wickedness You know the Lord hates lying lips And those who sow discord among brother And garbage from the Bible They're teaching lies They can't stand up to scrutiny So it's just like well you guys aren't loving You guys don't have grace But here's my question Since Manly Perry's so loving And his church is so gracious And they want to give everybody the benefit of the doubt And they get so You know we're tired of y'all Reprobating everyone Putting good men in hell I've never put anyone in hell I wish I had that power What a blessing No I'm just kidding But the point is I Put ol' creepy Joe in there tomorrow But anyway that's another story And Kamala the hoe But here's the thing But folks here's the thing about that Since he's got so much love And so much grace oozing out of every pore Where was his love, grace, and benefit of the doubt For my friend Pastor Dane Johanson Why did he reprobate him Put him in hell Where was the benefit of the doubt then For somebody who I spent hours and hours out soul winning with Somebody who is sound on the gospel Although not exactly our brand of independent Baptist He's still an independent Baptist And doctrinally sound on the gospel Even though we aren't eye to eye on everything Where was the grace and the love That's called hypocrisy So people can get up and teach the worst damnable heresy We call it out and say You're denying the deity of Jesus Christ And that's being unloving Or calling people out for teaching works based salvation clearly And we're bad But then it's funny how he can turn around And not only condemn my friend and say that he's not saved But to then say that I'm wicked for even being friends with him Like I can't be friends with someone That he thinks isn't saved Folks do you see the irony in that So always beware of these people They can't show you what the bible says They can't prove it to you from scripture All they can do is come at you with this holier than thou I'm so loving I'm so gracious I'm so kind You're so mean and bad and hateful And that's all that they can come at you with Because they're wrong Because they're wrong And that's why I like what brother Heil said He said I'd rather do right wrongly than wrong rightly Oh you're so loving as you teach lies Oh you're so sweet about your damnable heresy Oh you're so sweet about drawing away disciples after yourself and starting a cult But oh oh oh The new IFB is so mean spirited as they preach the truth And the gospel And sound doctrine And actually have good fruit Actually have something to show for it Of actual fruit So be not deceived my friend By these people And you know what Take comfort in the fact that every false prophet will be exposed Because their folly will be made manifest unto all men It's what the bible promises And you know what If you go out and live a life of sin Beware of the worst possible punishment God striking you with astonishment of heart Confusion And you know what Let me say this No matter what you're going through If you're saved tonight And you have your mental faculties You're in good shape Amen You got the two most important things You got salvation and you got your brain Perry's got neither You're in good shape Let's bow your heads and have a word of prayer Father we thank you so much for your word Lord And we thank you so much for the miracle of the birth of Jesus Christ Lord It's so fun to talk about Jesus And think about Jesus being born And to think about the miracle of Jesus being the son of God And the son of man And the virgin birth Lord It's a really fun subject Lord Because it's the greatest story ever told We're so thankful For our savior Jesus And Lord may they all be confounded and put to confusion That would tamper with And pollute The doctrines of Christ Lord We know that those who don't abide in the doctrine of Christ Don't have God And so Lord I just pray that you would confound and put to confusion The enemies of the gospel Lord And Lord I pray that all of your people Would have a solid understanding Of right biblical doctrine About who our savior Jesus is And it's in his name that we pray Amen Let's take our psalms And turn to number 414 Hymn number 414 Stand up stand up for Jesus It is the other version So if you know it sing it out Number 414 Sing it out on this verse Stand up stand up for Jesus These soldiers of the cross Live by his royal banner It must not suffer loss From victory unto victory His army shall he lead Till every foe is vanquished And Christ is Lord indeed Stand up for Jesus These soldiers of the cross Live by his royal banner It must not, it must not suffer loss Stand up stand up for Jesus The trumpet call obey For to the mighty conflict in this his glorious day Be that our men now serve him Against unnumbered foes Let courage rise with danger And strength to strength oppose Stand up for Jesus These soldiers of the cross Live by his royal banner It must not, it must not suffer loss Stand up stand up for Jesus And in his strength alone The arm of flesh will fail You need dare not trust your own Put on the gospel armor Each was put on with prayer Where duty calls for danger He never want to fare Stand up for Jesus These soldiers of the cross Live by his royal banner It must not, it must not suffer loss Stand up stand up for Jesus The strife will not be long This day the noise of battle The next the victor's song To him that overcometh A crown of white shall be He with the king of glory Shall reign eternally Stand up stand up for Jesus These soldiers of the cross Live by his royal banner It must not, it must not suffer loss Make good scenes. Hi George Smith