(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Jesus bless this sermon tonight fill me with your Holy Spirit your God and help everyone who's here myself included to put aside all the cares of the week and Focus right now on your word and being in your house And please just help us to learn something that would help us to grow spiritually and in Jesus name we pray. Amen Now the chapter starts out Oh Lord rebuke me not in thine anchor neither chasing me in thy hot displeasure Have mercy upon me O Lord for I am weak O Lord heal me for my bones are vexed so what is this all about basically David has committed sin and Basically, I believe that this psalm is here in the Bible to teach us the kind of response that we should have toward God when we sin, okay the Bible has all the answers and Psalms a variety of different prayers and and and Praises to God and here David is basically talking to God after he's committed some kind of sin now We don't know what sin it is that he committed It doesn't say what it is, but he's just like we are you know he commits sin. We commit sin We make mistakes we do things wrong, and that's why he's saying rebuke me not in thine anger Neither chasing me in thy hot displeasure. He knows that he's got some chasing incoming He knows God's gonna discipline him for whatever the sin is that he committed But he's just trying to get some mercy from God that God will chase in him, but not in anger That God will rebuke him, but not yeah, but not be too hard on him as it were to go easy on him That's why he's asking for mercy. He says have mercy upon me. Oh Lord for I'm weak Oh Lord heal me for my bones are vexed now look at another Psalm look at Psalm 38 look over to Psalm 38 Here's another psalm. That's basically the same thing starts out the same way in Fact it starts out with the same word verbatim it says oh Lord rebuke me not in thy wrath same exact thing Neither chasing me in thy hot displeasure For thine arrows stick fast in me and thy hand presseth me sore There is no soundness in my flesh because of thine anger Neither is there any rest in my bones because of my sin For mine iniquities are gone over my head and as an heavy burden. They are too heavy for me now From this we can see that when you sin God gets angry Notice that because he says very clearly in verse number Three says there is no soundness in my flesh because of thine anger and so David was a Christian David was saved It was a believer just like you are just like I am and when David sinned against God God had some intense anger about that sin And let me tell you that every time that you sin it makes God mad and makes God angry God gets angry I mean you do something wrong you violate his word Especially if you sin willfully it makes him angry he gets angry and he has wrath and it says here in verse five My wounds stink and are corrupt because of my foolishness now This is the attitude both in Psalm 6 and Psalm 38 that we should have when we sin not notice He's not saying well. It wasn't really my fault. Let me explain He's saying look I am wrong Be merciful to me you have every right to punish me But just please go easy on me, and he's saying you know what I've done stinks is basically what he's saying He said I've been a fool. I've done wrong. This is what the Bible calls confession Now does the Bible tell us that as Christians we need to constantly ask forgiveness for our sins No My sins are already forgiven in whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins And there are a lot of religions out there and this can somehow confuse people Because a lot of Baptist will use the same terminology They'll talk about asking forgiveness every time you said well good night We run into a lot of people out solely that think they have to do that in order to be saved And you say well, you know you're saved right? Oh, yeah, well what if you said well I have to ask forgiveness Or I won't go to heaven and they think they have to ask forgiveness every single time that they sin Now first of all I don't even know every time that I sin David said cleanse thou me from secret faults He didn't even know every time that he sinned and so you can't ask forgiveness every time you sin you'd be doing nothing, but ask forgiveness, and you wouldn't even be able to keep track of it all and Plus we already have forgiveness one time. We're saved and one time all our sins are forgiven, but We are commanded by God in many places in the New Testament and Old Testament to confess our sins to God And that's what David's doing here. He's confessing that he's done wrong and The Bible says You know if you confess and forsake your sins You'll find mercy, and that's what David asked for mercy And so when we realize that we've sinned we should number one confess it to God and number two forsake it and not Try to make excuses, but call it what it is. It stinks. It's corrupt. It's foolish keep reading in verse Six it says I'm troubled. I'm bowed down greatly. I go mourning all the day long now today There's a message of just well you sin, and it's no big deal now it's true that once you've confessed it and forsaken it and Lamented it it's time to move on in fact the time to move on is the next day for sure Because his mercies are new every morning the Bible says great is thy faithfulness And so you should wake up in the morning with a brand new day Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before But the problem is in our zeal to preach that in many cases. We've taken away any kind of sorrow percent and Now it's like oh you sent don't worry about no big deal when you sin you should mourn The Bible says be afflicted and mourn and weep let your laughter be turned to sorrow and your joy to heaviness Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and each other do up We ought to be sorry for our sin We ought to feel bad about it and sorrow and mourn and lament and confess it to God then move on But so often we just want to just move on. Oh, whoops. Sorry you know When sometimes we've committed a major sin we need to really do some more Do some some crying or fasting or praying or something to what to basically? Let God know that we're really serious about forsaking this and we're confessing it. We're acknowledging it we're not trying to downplay it and So he says in verse number you say you said I go mourning all the day long verse 6 Verse 7 for my loins are filled with a loathsome disease, and there is no soundness in my flesh I'm feeble and sore broken I've roared by reason of the disquietness of my heart Lord all my desire is before thee and my groaning is not it from me my heart Painted my strength failed me as for the light of my eyes. It has also gone from me My lovers and my friends stand aloof from my sore and my kinsmen stand afar off They also that seek after my life lay stairs for me And they that seek my heart speak mischievous things and imagine deceits all the day long But I as a deaf man heard not and I was as a dumb man that openeth not his mouth Thus I was as a man that heareth not and in whose mouth are no reproofs for in thee Oh Lord Do I hope thou wilt hear oh my god for I said hear me less otherwise They should rejoice over me when my foot slippeth They magnify themselves against me for I am ready to halt and my sorrow is continually before me For I will declare mine iniquity. There's your confession right there declaring your iniquity I will be sorry for my sin But mine iniquities are live my enemies are lively and they are strong and they that hate me wrongfully are multiplied They also that render evil for good or mine adversaries because I follow the thing that good is forsake me not Oh Lord Oh my god be not far from me make haste to help me. Oh Lord my salvation Now, you know what's funny about this chapter? It's a great chapter. And does that sound like no no big deal, right? When you said no, I mean he was making a big deal out of it But here's what cracks me up verse 18 for I will declare my iniquity I will be sorry for my sin if I have a nickel for every time I've seen a gospel track They claim that that is necessary for salvation you have to be sorry for your sins In fact, you have to turn from your sin and then they quote that verse now is David getting saved in this verse He's already been saved. He committed a sin and he's feeling bad about he's confessing it to God But see a lot of times people would just lift verses that don't even say the word saved Nothing about eternal life nothing about and just apply it to salvation. I Mean I guess you could do that with whatever whatever command in the whole Bible Pretty soon you'd have to keep the whole Bible to be saved I mean, yeah, can you see where they're getting at? Cuz I can't I mean nothing in this chapter is talking about salvation It's pretty much just talking about his deep sorrow and repentance for his sin after he's already been saved for years Okay, because he just committed a sin, but let's go back to Psalms Psalm 6 where we started So he says Oh Lord rebuke me not in thine anger neither chasing me in thy hot displeasure So he's not he's not saying he doesn't want to be chasing He's just saying don't do it in anger and be merciful go easy on me For I am weak Oh Lord heal me for my bones are vexed. My soul is also vexed, but thou O Lord How long return Oh Lord deliver my soul Oh save me for thy mercies sake now flip over if you would to Deuteronomy chapter 9 Deuteronomy chapter number 9 Want to show you a passage that uses a lot of similar wording to Psalm 6 here in Deuteronomy chapter number 9 beginning verse number 16 This is where Moses is Recounting the story about how he went up on the Mount Sinai and got the Ten Commandments and he came down and they're worshiping The golden cat they're naked. They're dancing. They're partying. They're drinking Fornicating etc. And he says in verse 16 and I looked and behold you had sinned against the Lord your God and had made you a Molten calf you had turned aside quickly out of the way which the Lord had commanded you and I took the two tables and cast them out of my two hands and Break them before your eyes and I fell down before the Lord is at the first 40 days and 40 nights I did neither eat bread nor drink water Because of all your sins which he sinned and doing wickedly in the sight of the Lord to provoke him to angry For I was afraid of the anger look at these words and hot this pleasure Wherewith the Lord was wrong against you to destroy you But the Lord hearkened unto me at that time also and the Lord was very angry with Aaron to have destroyed him And I prayed for Aaron also at the same time and I took your sin the cap Which you'd made a burn it with fire and stamped it and ground it very small even it Until it was as small as dust and I cast the dust thereof into the brook that descended out of the mountain That's where he made them drink the actual talk about colloidal silver for health, you know He's grinding up the golden calf and making him drink it suspended in water. But look at Psalm look at Psalm 90 Psalm chapter 90 So basically David he knows this scripture of Deuteronomy. He knows the law. He'd written it out by hand. He'd studied it He'd meditated upon it day and night and he remembered God's extreme anger God's wrap God's hot displeasure That's why I use that wording that the Lord had toward the children of Israel when they sinned and you see Moses because of their sin Not only was should they have been weeping for their own sin. Moses wasn't even the one who did anything wrong He was weeping for the sins of his nation he was crying out and and and begging God and abstaining from food and And then basically trying to intercede for the children of Israel Look at Psalm 90 verse number said now whose whose Bible has at the beginning of the Psalms This little phrase at the beginning that tells you What it is, you know I'm talking about like a psalm of David or like a meaning of Psalm 90 It says a prayer of Moses the man of God now people have asked me before like is that part of the Bible? Is that part of God's Word? I would definitely say no. It's not part of the text. It's not in the verses It's not the text Can you try are these accurate can you try I don't know Personally, I don't know. I know that I've had many bottles that didn't even happen You know you take a lot of the typical King James I think that these statements have been put in there and I'm not sure who put them in there But I think it's just they've been put in there just like when the original King James version Was was printed in 1611, you know half the page is all the notes and all the references just like today you get reference Bibles that have all kinds of additional information and So it says here a prayer of Moses the man of God now, I don't know whether that's really true or not But you be the judge as we read it But I wouldn't necessarily just believe that thing because I don't I don't it's not in the text It's not part of the verses. I mean, it's just up above the chapter So, you know, I believe that's just a note that's been put in there, but look at verse look at verse 7 It says for we are consumed by thine anger talking about God's anger and by thy wrath Are we troubled thou has set our iniquity iniquities before thee our? Secret sins in the light of thy countenance for all our days are passed away in thy wrath now notice How many times God's wrath is mentioned you see this verse 7 anger wrath Verse 9 for our days are passed away in thy wrath We spend our years as a tale that is told The days of our years are three score years in ten and if by reason of strength they be four score years yet Is their strength labor and sorrow for it is soon cut off and we fly away who knoweth the power of thine anger Even according to thy fear. So is thy wrath So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts To wiz unto wisdom and then he says in verse 13 the exact same thing He said in Psalm 6 see if you notice the same wording return. Oh Lord how long that's exactly what it said in Psalm 6 Return oh Lord how long and let it repent thee concerning thy servants Oh satisfy us early with mercy that we may rejoice and be glad all our days You see Moses if Moses is the one who wrote this song or whether it was David or whether it was some other man Of God who spake as he was moved by the Holy Ghost These men in the Old Testament. They knew that God's wrath was toward his people when they committed sin He said well that was the Old Testament Hebrews chapter 10. You don't have to turn there But it says hey, it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God And it says to remember that the Lord shall judge his people It's talking about God's people very clearly He says those who've been sanctified by the blood of Jesus Christ and then turn around and just Turn the grace of God in the lasciviousness tread upon the Son of God and and do despite to the spirit of grace Hey, I'm gonna tell you something. God's anger is kindled toward Christians who live in sin And let me tell you something you say well We're all sinners and this what Christianity in 2009 just throws up our hands as well We all sin so what there is a difference in sin I'm sick and tired of this Baptist bologna all sins equal now I think that you must be partially insane to believe that because how can any person who's in their right mind I Mean stop and think about this. How can any person who is in their right mind? Actually believe that if I take a pencil home from work That's not mine. That's all one is if I went out and murdered someone now look. Where do we get this in? The Bible show me in the Bible all sins equal in God's eyes Well, you know we rate things you know good You know big sin little sin But in God's eyes all sins equal and I've heard it a million times, and they say we don't want to be like the Catholics Where we have big sins and little sins well You know if that's what the Catholics believe then that's the one thing that they're right about my friend Because there are big sins and little sins. Let me tell you something Jesus told Pilate He said he that delivered me under you have the greater sin now if all sins equal How can you have a greater sin? How do you have a greater damnation like Jesus told the the the pharisee said? Won't you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you devour widows houses and for a pretense make long prayer Therefore you shall receive the greater damnation All sin is not equal in God's eyes, and there is also what the Bible calls sinning willingly Sinning presumptuously versus sinning through ignorance or sinning just in the moment, okay the Bible I have a whole sermon on that called sinning through ignorance And I go through it from Leviticus all throughout the Old Testament all throughout the New Testament I preach a book of Romans I mean going in great detail there is a difference in sin And let me tell you something when a Christian goes out and commits a wicked sin a grievous sin And obviously all sin is wrong I'm not belittling any sin, but there are some sins that are really high up on God's list of Anger let me tell you what one of missed fornication Fornication is one where God's wrath is kindled okay? He I mean he basically Kindled his wrath against the children of Israel in the book of Numbers and slew thousands of them Because they were committing fornication with all the worldly nations around them Go you can go even higher up than fornication worse than fornication you say well How do you know which ones are worse because God put? Worst punishments on the worst sins and lesser punishment on the lesser sin the symbol of justice in America that we know is Of course the scale in the hands that you know that there's the the lady You know who represents justice And she has a blindfold on and she's holding a scale in one hand and a sword in the other hand right and that scale Represents the fact that the punishment matches the crime. That's why in the Old Testament if you commit fornication What was the punishment? The punishment was that you know you you if the girl will have you and if her dad will have you then you have To marry that girl if she's willing to marry you you have to marry that girl Otherwise you have to pay a fine those were punishment fornication under God's laws under human government, okay? What was the punishment for adultery under God's law? Yeah, okay, so what's worse fornication or adultery? Adultery is much worse than fornication because not only are you committing an act outside of marriage? But so much worse you are violating and desecrating The sacred vow of marriage that the sacred trust between you and that person Disposably till death do us part okay these sins cause God's wrath to be killed you say well years and years back I committed that sin well look you should have already confessed it Forsaken it mourned over it and be done with it and don't beat yourself up about it forget about it. It's over It's under the blood you say well. It was after I was saved Every thing you've ever done is under the blood whether it's before You know these people say well before your saviors under the blood hey if it was yesterday was under the blood Okay, but the point is that God's wrath and God's anger is kindled toward believers that commit wicked sin And so don't expect to get away with sin Moses said be sure your sin will find you out and God will Chasing you he will punish you and if you have committed a wicked sin you better get on your knees and beg God for mercy Like David did in Psalm 6 in Psalm 38 in Psalm 90 and Deuteronomy 9 They were begging for mercy because they knew what it was to fall into the hands of the living God And so don't be little sin our world. It doesn't think it's any big deal I mean you try to tell them a sin, and they think it's nothing Who cares but it doesn't change the fact that God is angry with the wicked every day and God's angry with his people who? commit these kind of sins and look every sin is wicked, but you know when David committed sin with Bathsheba that Really angered God and he paid for that big time he paid for that fourfold He had four of his children die as a result of that and then all the horrible things that were Associated with those four children that remember the four children had died the infant son of Bathsheba right after he committed sin She was pregnant. She gave birth to the son He died when he was a week old remember the next son who died was Amnon after he had defiled his half-sister Tamar Remember the next son that died was Absalom when he was killed by Joab hanging from a tree and you remember the fourth son that died Adonijah when he basically conspired against King Solomon by wanting to Have Abishag the Shunammite wife to try to strengthen his position to take over the kingdom And so you will reap what you've sown and so don't make light of sin. God's mad Get on your knees and beg God for mercy, and he and he's very merciful He's very much look how merciful he was to David You know what always blows my mind whenever I read the story about David and Bathsheba how merciful God was Just the fact that God forgives him I mean that you know that that's amazing how forgiving God is but I'll tell you why it's because you read the Psalms and see how David was praying that's why he got that forgiveness is because of his attitude. That's why and that's amazing I mean if David could do that wicked of a sin, and yes He was punished severely But just to not have died for it just to be able to be forgiven in the way that he was is pretty amazing It shows God's mercy toward him, so we're in that psalm 90 Turn back to Psalm 6 if you would I Wanted to turn to Psalm 90 because of the fact that it talked about the same thing God's wrath towards sin But also it used the exact same phrase word for word that we found in Psalm 6 where he said return Oh Lord, how long that's what it says at the end of verse 3 how long return Oh Lord deliver my soul. Oh save me for thy mercy State verse 5 for in death there is no remembrance of thee in the grave who shall give thee thanks now has anybody ever had a Jehovah's Witness show you this verse before I've had a Jehovah's Witness to show me this verse before and They have this verse and they have one verse in Ecclesiastes the dead know not anything at all and They take these verses and they basically try to use these verses to negate the whole rest of I was teaching and say See when you're dead you're totally unconscious you're in soul sleep. You're not in heaven. You're not in hell. You're just I Don't know where you are you know rest in peace I mean, I guess you're just floating around or or maybe just laying there. I don't know if you're cremated You're sprinkled, or I don't know what's going on with your soul But apparently they believe that you're just asleep Now the Bible does talk about Christians as being asleep, but guess what it's talking about your body being asleep Because that body is gonna rise again, okay And so that's not talking about your soul being asleep Paul very clearly said to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord He said in Philippians 1 I have a desire to depart and to be with Christ which is far better Nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more than evil for you And so we know that those who are in heaven are very conscious look at Revelation chapter 5 or links to chapter 6 You have people up in heaven talking conscious of time Conscious of what's going on on the earth, and they're up in heaven and by the way Believers never die anyway only the body dies because he said whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die and Jesus said to the scribes He said as touching them as touching the dead they rise again. He said wait a minute Did it God say to Moses? I'm the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac the God of Jacob God is not the God of the dead But of the living didn't he say Abraham saw my day and rejoiced So was Abraham just off in slumberland No, he was aware of Jesus Christ coming on this earth and he was rejoicing about the fact that Jesus was there that Jesus was fulfilling the Word of God and so Clearly all throughout the bottle look at the rich man in Lazarus The rich man died lift up his eyes. He's in hell Lazarus was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom Which is not a place, but a body part. It's bosom all right Not a place a body part, okay You know I just see you get there, and there's like a neon light flashing Abraham's bosom. Yeah Like these weird you know these weird taverns that has real weird names. You know. I mean like same rise Abraham's bosom You know no, it's a body part. Okay, and he was leaning upon Abraham bosom like for example. It's like this look see Abraham had his arm around him, so he's in his bosom, right? pretty weird, huh, oh So the point is that He was very conscious. He's speaking. He's thinking he's talking. He's awake. He's alive the body is asleep Okay, you got that the body sleeps the body dies the soul and spirit live on in heaven or burn in hell Whatever the case may be but look what this says here. I mean just take it for what it says He says for in death there is no remembrance of thee in the grave who shall give thee. Thanks now think about this is the grave a Reference to the spiritual or the physical abode of man when he dies That's a physical place. Okay. I mean the grave is talking about the hole that's dug in the ground That's the physical place of death The soul goes to heaven or the soul goes to hell the body goes to the grave okay So basically he's referring to the fact that in this physical world that we live in He says no one in the graveyard No dead body is you know praising God right now and thanking God He's basically saying when he's dead He's not going to be thanking and praising God anymore on this earth his body's going to be dead The grave is not going to praise it obviously look when you're dead. You're not going to be doing any more soul winning You're not going to be praying you're not going to read in the Bible you're not going to be serving God You're not going to be bringing people to church. You're not going to be getting people baptized. You're not going to be preaching the gospel Okay, yes, you'll be in heaven, but are you going to be doing anything for God on this earth? No, and so this is from a human perspective here. It's from the perspective of the grave Hey when you go to the grave, that's it. You're done. It's over. Okay. Does that mean that there's no no heaven? No, but just as far as life is concerned It's like when Jesus said it is finished. He gave up the ghost was it was he done for No, but he was his life was over. He was done with the work that God gave him to do on this earth Humanly speaking he gave up the ghost he was done with his life, okay? And so yeah a lot of people just get hung up on stuff I guess and let me tell you something whenever you're taking one verse and trying to negate hundreds of other verses you're wrong You Know you you got hundreds of verses that say faith not works, and then just James 2 People will try to take that and just try to negate the whole rest of what the Bible is saying No that the Bible does not contradict itself and so you have to be understanding it right now guess what? Everything that the Bible says is not literal Now you should always take it literally Unless you unless it's because unless it's obvious because whenever it's symbolic God always makes it really obvious The rest of time you take it literally let me show you something in this chapter. That's not literal Tell me if you think that this is literal Verse 6 I'm weary with my groanings all the night make on my bed to swim I mean do you really think that his bed was swimming? Do you think he cried I cried so much so many tears that my bed was actually swimming in the tears and Not only that, but I water my couch with my tears. You know do you think he has a little? Like a little sunshine bucket, you know Okay obviously there's metaphor used in the Bible people people get hung up on the fact They say the Bible is scientifically inaccurate Because it says that the Sun rides it and the Sun go it down and really it's rotating You know the planet is going around the Sun and the Sun is rotating around You know the galaxy, and they say see the Bible's wrong because it's not really going up and down Okay, but guess what when you're standing on earth. It is rising and it is going down I mean how hard is that from our perspective? Okay, it goes up and it goes down, but that people get hung up on this kind of stuff They they try to you know. I don't know what they're doing, but yeah Just take it for what it says people in the grave are not praising God. They're not doing anything for God Okay, they're not accomplishing anything does that mean that their soul and spirit is not up in heaven with God no And so the Jehovah's Witnesses need to do a little better than that if they're gonna Promulgate this false doctrine of soul sleep. It's just not true It's it's simply not true You never if you spend five seconds dead as a believer And God lied because he said whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die Say what about Lazarus he said it about Lazarus in chapter 11 of John He said that about Lazarus he said Lazarus sleep it, and I'm going to awaken But he was not dead okay his soul and spirit were not dead now Jesus when he died on the cross He was dead for three days and three nights, and then he rose again. That's why his soul was in hell That's the place where the dead people go people who are in heaven are alive Abraham Isaac and Jacob are alive right now And you know we have this great cloud of witnesses Okay in heaven and so that's clear in the Bible look at verse. We already looked at verse 6 about Said I'm weary with my groaning have you ever become physically tired from weeping You know where you don't physically wear out your body. I mean your muscles will get sore you'll get tired Why he's basically he wept so hard That it was wearing him out. I mean it was just draining and physically said I'm weary with my groanings all the night Make I my bed to swim He's just basically using a metaphor to describe the extreme amount of tears that are coming out of his his eyes And he says I water my couch with my tears. You know he's sleeping on the couch. No. I'm just kidding Oh, I go too deep with that. You know see his wife's mad at everybody's mad You know he's sleeping on the couch. It says mine. Eye is consumed because of grief It waxes old because of all my enemies saying basically he's getting old before his time Which is from the stress and the weeping and sorrow? Cry weeping you say well, you know I never cry you know To manly you Jesus wept I don't think there's anyone more manly than that right Jesus weapon you know what the Bible says about Jesus Not only did he just weep John 11 35, but what about Hebrews chapter 5 when it says he offered up? supplications and prayers with strong crying and tears So he said strong crying and tears. I mean Jesus was weeping profusely I mean it remember when he was in the Garden of Gethsemane, and he was Pouring out sweat like drops of blood and and and begging God to let the cup of the of the wrath of God Passed from him, but he said nevertheless not my will but thy be done You should have weeping in your life, okay? Don't think that you always have to be happy all the time You know if you committed sin weep over it we have a weep over the condition of our country We had a weep over lost loved ones We had a weep over All kinds of all manner of things that that are that are wrong and that we want God to hear us and to step In think about Hezekiah Hezekiah prayed to God But it was only when he began to weep and cry the Bible says that God saw his tears And when God saw his tears, that's when he answered his prayer, that's when Hezekiah got through to God God hold the voice of God heard the voice of Ishmael when he cried as a 13 year old boy and wept God heard Ishmael and was merciful and gave them water when they were dying in the desert Ishmael and Hagar in the book of Genesis But he says in verse number Seven mine eyes consumed because of grief it waxed old because of all my enemies Depart from me all you workers of iniquity for the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping now look at Luke Chapter 13 this is just kind of interesting I'm not really sure exactly what to make of this you be the judge But I just when I read this this jumped out of me, and I remembered this being the exact wording from Luke 13 Look at Luke chapter 13 now we all know the famous verse in Matthew 7 23 and then while I profess unto them I never knew you and they said depart from me that work iniquity you remember that in that Matthew 7 and then remember Matthew 25 where he said of them also on the left hand depart from me He cursed into everlasting fire prepare for the devil's angels, but look at this the exact wording of what he said in Psalm 6 I Don't know if Jesus was was quoting Psalm 6 or if he's just using the same words But he says in verse 27, but he shall say I tell you I know you not whence you are Depart from me all you workers of iniquity That's exact wording like the one in Matthew 7 is pretty close But this is exactly the same look at Matthew 6 or Psalms It depart from me all you workers of iniquity for the Lord has heard the voice of my weeping and then here He says, but he shall say I tell you I know you not when she are Depart from me all you workers of iniquity now. Here's what's interesting about this go back You're in Luke 13 go back up to verse 24 It says strive to enter in at the straight gate straight with no gh there because it's talking about narrow like the Straits of Gibraltar the Let's see here. It says can't think of any other Straits right now For many I say unto you will seek to enter in and shall not be able okay now What does that mean you know they're gonna be people? Who one day? Desire to go to heaven they think they're going to heaven they try to get to heaven Right they attempted to go to heaven, but it was through their own works Just like it said in Matthew 7 they're gonna say Lord Lord Have we not prophesied in thy name in thy name of cast out devils and then thy name done many wonderful works then why? Professor them I never knew you depart from me that work iniquity and People try to point that out and say well see everybody who believes isn't safe. It doesn't say believe it says works Think about this let's say you were to die right now and all of a sudden You know shine obviously this would never happen because you're saved you're a believer But let's say all of a sudden you're just before God, and he says depart from me. I never knew you What would you say would you say? You know that's I'd be saying God I believed in you. You know John 3 16 John 6 47 623 I believe on you what it shows these people were not say they didn't even understand They thought it was about their works. They thought it was about them casting out devils and all these different things I always think of the Pentecostals right when I see that verse. You know they're a little all their little you know Exorcism and you know the demon of drunkenness and the demon of adultery and the demon of fornication They got to cast it out because that you know and the Pentecostals need that verse because it says part me I never knew you not I used to know you He said I never knew you depart from me that work iniquity, and he said Luke chapter 13 strive to enter in at the straight gate For many I stand you will seek to enter in and shall not be able When once the master of the house is risen up you see saying there's gonna be time was too late One day people will want to be saved, but it'll be too late You know when at this time about the second coming of Christ is what this actually talking about it says when once the master of the House has risen up in a shut to the door and you begin to stand without a knock at the door saying Lord Lord Open unto us, and he shall answer and say unto you I know you know what you are then shall you begin to say we've eaten and drunk in thy presence And thou is taught in our streets But he shall say I tell you I know you not whence you are depart from me all ye workers of iniquity There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you shall see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God And you yourselves? thrust out and they shall come from the east and from the west and from the north and from the south and shall sit down in The kingdom of God and behold there are last which shall be first and there are first which shall be last Now he says here in verse number. Let me see here. Here's what I thought was interesting about this too in Matthew He says then will I profess unto them I? Never knew you Right in Matthew here. He says that basically the Lord Okay, he says the master of the house the Lord is going to say unto them Depart from me all you work is iniquity so again. You see that. You know Jesus and God That's the judge right there Jesus Christ is the final judge He holds the keys of death and of hell it said in Revelation 1 okay And so no man cometh unto the Father, but by Jesus Christ, okay, and so he's the one here That's saying I never knew you. He's the one here who's saying depart from me He's the one who's who's saying depart from me into everlasting fire in Matthew 25, so he's the final judge Okay, the father committed all judgment under the son the Bible says and so back to Psalm 6 Let's finish this up here quickly, but you say well. What do you make of that? I don't know. I just wanted to show you that because it's the same wording in Luke 13 and Psalm 6 I don't know why it's the same wording, but we know that David is a picture of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament We know that David is you know Jesus called the son of David and many times David speaks as Jesus in Psalms like when he says That will not leave my soul in hell Like when he said all my bones are out of joint, and he said my God my God Why is that forsaken me and all throughout the book of Psalms? He's a prophesying of Jesus Christ and so I think that this could be some kind of a foreshadowing of that day when when Jesus sets up his kingdom and Says to the unbelievers depart from me all you workers of iniquity For the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping verse 9 the Lord have heard my supplication The Lord will receive my prayer let all mine enemies be ashamed and sore vexed Let them return and be ashamed suddenly now. That's a negative thing. He's praying on his enemies there right He's praying for them to be vexed. He's praying for them to be ashamed now It's interesting One of the things that saw always praise and especially when I was studying a lot of these psalms when I was Meditating upon this chapter to priests tonight. I was noticing the fact that in Psalm 6 Psalm 38 a lot of places Also, Psalm 90 90 this was mentioned He's he's begging God for mercy, and he's explained to him how he's sorry and he did the wrong thing It's all his fault, but then he always brings up his enemies. Did you notice? We read something he always brings up his enemies, and he says you know God. This is what's gonna happen I'm a good guy. He tells God I Mean that's basically we told him at the end of Psalm 38. He said I follow the thing that good is He said I'm a good guy, okay, and he's like I'm not trying to say that I didn't do the wrong thing because I did it was wicked it was it was it was Wrong I'm crying about it. I'm sorrowful He's I'm in pain, I'm physically ill over it But he said wait a minute. I'm a good guy and see all these my enemies. They would love to see me destroyed This is what I'm paraphrasing about ten different songs where he goes into this and if you read the book of Psalms This is not kind of familiar to you. He basically said my enemies would love to see me fall They'd love to see me cast down and destroyed They'd love to see me punished because then they'll turn around and say aha Here's the guy serving God Here's the guy who's preaching God's Word. Here's the guy who loves God and look what a failure. He is and so he says look God I'm sorry. He says I know I deserve punishment, but God Confound my enemies don't let them triumph over me Don't let them rejoice over me because your pipe you know go easy on me for the sake of your great name It's kind of like the same thing Moses said remember when Moses said Lord I know the children of Israel have sinned exceedingly, but he said do we really want the heathen to say oh the reason that God destroyed him is because he couldn't bring them out of the land of Egypt and therefore he destroyed them and So that's why he said you ought to be merciful to them for your own glory for your own name's sake for your mercy's Sake, and that's what he said in verse number For here return oh Lord to live my soul. Oh save me for thy mercy's sake You say well, what are you playing out with that? God When we talk to God we pray to God sometimes It's almost like you know you want to speak God's language You know you want to talk to God and then when they talk God sometimes They're almost bargaining with God remember when Abraham kind of bargaining with God, and we see Moses kind of bargaining with God Abraham Basically what it is is that it's not about me is what they're saying He's saying look. I don't want you to be blasphemed because of my sin because of my downfall Let me live on and succeed so that many sinners can be converted under you He says in Psalm 51 so that I can you know bring forth your righteous cause and the kingdom of God And so you know this is a good idea for you Don't see this and understand how to get God's mercy in your life because there are times when you say Do you want God to rebuke you in his anger? Do you want God to chasing you in his hot displeasure you wanted to have mercy on you go easy on? Well pray to God and say look God. I know you have to punish me I Know that you're angry, and I'm sorry. I'm upset about man. You know shed some tears over it, but say you know what? God Please let me get back up again. God. Don't let me you know kind of like the sermon I preach about being cast down But not destroyed let me get up again. Give me another chance. God is what they're basically praying Don't let the enemy rejoice and think about this You know that there are people who would love to see you fall Because you're a soul winning Christian if you're sitting in faith for Baptist Church You love God you love the Bible, and there are people who would love to see you fall. You know that's true I could I could tell you right now if I were cast down if I fell There would be multitudes rejoicing. I mean the love the love rally You know we have on Sunday morning the love rally where they have the protesters Across the street. You know Protesting pastor Anson all all four of them and that that's including that guy who just sits in his lawn chair the whole time You know They man they'd have they'd have a great triumph. I mean they they'd go from like four to four hundred probably you know We defeated him You know so I could use that bargaining chip with God say God you know Help me out Don't let me fall because people would love it I I've said this kind of thing to people like this exact thing. We're eating here for example I Knew somebody who was basically having a bad marriage and on the verge of divorce And I said that first I said you know what I said I said let me name you all the people that would love to see you get a divorce because you're because you're a Christian and You're a Baptist and you you stood on a lot of things in the past and they've been wicked and ungodly and heathen And I said these people would love For you to get a divorce and fail in your marriage. Why don't you stay with it? You know why don't you stay in it because you're causing these other enemies to triumph Okay, these other people who hate the Lord who love to see Christians fall They love to see Christians fail. They want to see your marriage fail They want to see our church fail They want to see everything that you do be a flop and a failure and for you to quit on God and quit the ministry Hey, David said this a lot. I mean many times in the Psalms Don't quit because not only are people looking to you that want you to succeed because you have people that want you to succeed And you're being a blessing to them by staying in the fight by saying But you know what there's other people who'd love to see you fall. Do you really want to give them that satisfaction? Do you really want the devil to triumph and be rejoicing and all the demons of hell to be rejoicing and saying yeah You know we got him we destroyed brother so-and-so we destroyed sister so-and-so You know we destroyed pastor Anderson. We destroyed faithful word Baptist Church Hey, I don't want that to happen God doesn't want to happen and so that's why David saying you got look you want the enemy to triumph Let them be ashamed let them fall let them be trapped in their own devices, but God Forgive me Restore me you know punish me what you need to punish me, but God I want to get back up and keep on serving you I want you to use me get just like Samson Samson committed a wicked sin But he prayed to God and why did God give me strength back? So you can look at more women he said God. You know. I just really want to see more women That's what you've been looking at so much and finally He was you know Santa was looking at too many women and so God decided that you know you get his eyes poked out by the Philistines you know kind of like Jesus said you know pluck it out. God plucked it out for him, okay, but listen Samson prayed to God and his prayer was answered He prayed to God to receive his strength why? To do God's will to do God's work to destroy the enemies of the Lord And so what I'm saying is when you pray to God you can't pray For things to consume it upon your own lust You can't pray with your own self-interest if you pray with God's interest and God's will at mind And you know kind of benefits you on the side. You know I You know that's how you get your prayer answered. I'm serious. That's what David's doing He's saying God. I'm so sorry. I've done so much wrong, but you know man look How much worse my enemies are you want them rejoicing? You know why don't you help me? You know get back into this and so I just thought that was interesting because I've been studying the whole book of Psalms a lot Not just the Psalms You know not just memorizing what I'm preaching But I've also been you know just going through Psalms over and over again immense fascinating book, but I've seen that pattern a lot Praying from God's perspective praying for God's will to be done in a way that benefits you hey That's how you're gonna get your prayers answered Word of prayer father, please just help us to Help us not to sin dear God like you said these things you've written on us that we sin not But if any man sin we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous And so please help us not to sin, but when we do sin because we will sin Help us to weep and and sorrow and feel bad about it But then help us to pray to you and and get restored and get back in the saddle again dear God and please just Help us to to serve you to the fullest to get people saved and to be the kind of people to where you'll want to you'll want to help us not to fail because you want us to succeed because we're doing the thing that Good is as David said in Psalm 38