(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But in Psalm 15, the Bible reads in the first verse, Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? Who shall dwell in thy holy hill? Now the word abide means to stay. And basically when the Bible talks about staying in God's tabernacle, today we know that the house of God is not in the tabernacle like it was in the Old Testament. It's not in the temple like it was after that was built. But the Bible says that you might know how you ought to behave yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. So let me ask you this, who is going to abide in God's tabernacle? Who's going to stay in church? Okay, and God lists here who's going to stay in church and basically what I see from this is that sin is what's going to get people out of church. Because he describes here all these sins that people could be committing and those are the people that are not going to stay in God's tabernacle. They're not going to dwell in his holy hill. They're not going to abide in his tabernacle. They're going to be the ones who get out of God's house. Remember what David said in Psalm 23? I'll dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Okay, but there are those who come to church and they get backslidden, they get out of church. It's usually because of sin. That's why people get out of church. Sin will eventually drag you out of church if you keep sin in your life. But let's see what some of those sins are because he describes here who is going to stay in the tabernacle. He says in verse 2, He that walketh uprightly and worketh righteousness and speaketh the truth in his heart. He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbor, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbor, and whose eyes a vile person is contempt, but he honoureth them that fear the Lord. He that sweareth to his own hurt and changeth not, he that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the innocent, he that doeth these things shall never be moved. So there's your formula right there for not being moved, for not shifting and saying, well I used to be in church, I used to be winning souls, I used to be serving God, now I don't really believe that way anymore. I'm going to a church that's a little more laid back, you know, it's a little more like a worship service and it's a little bit more watered down. How are you going to still be in a fire-breathing, independent, fundamental, King James, Bible-only, soul-winning Baptist church years and years from now? Pay attention to this chapter, it's going to tell you. He that walketh uprightly and worketh, notice that word, worketh and worketh righteousness and speaketh the truth in his heart. You see, those who are not a worker will not stay in church. You've noticed that just in the short history of our church. Those who go out and do the work, those who go out and do the soul-winning, who don't just be a hearer of the word but a doer of the work. They're the ones who remain in faithful, word-of-habit church. And it's not because the ones who don't work aren't welcome, it's just that they end up leaving and the ones who work hard are the ones who stay in church. So he says, first of all, he that worketh righteousness, he walketh uprightly and worketh righteousness and speaketh the truth in his heart. Look at verse 3, he that backbaiteth not with his tongue. This is basically talking bad about someone behind their back. You know, this is going around, sneaking around and criticizing someone behind their back, stabbing someone in the back. It says, nor doeth evil to his neighbor, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbor. This is talking about attacking people, slandering people, lying about people and you know there have been people like that in this church and and I'm sure other churches have had people like that. They're bad people. Look at verse 4, and this one right here, you gotta stop and don't let this one pass you by, in whose eyes a vile person is contempt. Now what does the word contempt mean? Well, you would know the word that we use a lot in today's language, contempt. Contempt means disgust or hatred, okay, and to contempt something means to despise it. And it says here that the person who's gonna abide in the tabernacle, the person who's gonna dwell in God's holy hill, the person who's never gonna be moved, a vile person, a disgusting person is contempt in their eyes. They don't take pleasure in the ungodly. Look at Romans 1, keep your finger here, and I want to show you something in Romans chapter 1 that ties in perfectly with Psalm 15. Look at Romans chapter 1, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans. Look at Romans 1 where it says in verse number 26, and for this cause God gave them up unto vile affection. See the word vile, disgusting? It says for even their women to change the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the man, leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another. Men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient. Look at verse 32 though, who knowing the judgment of God that they would commit such things are worthy of debt, not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them. That's the opposite of having contempt for those who do disgusting, vile, wicked things like sodomites, perverts, queers, whatever you want to call them, homosexuals. The Bible says that we should have contempt for them. They should be contempt in our eyes. We should be disgusted by them, not take pleasure in them, not listen to their music, not watch their movies, not buy the DVD, not tune into their programs, not put a poster of them on the wall, not have a poster of them on your children's wall, and by the way the Joker from Batman, the actor Heath Ledger, he's in hell burning right now, he was a sodomite. Don't take pleasure in him, oh he's cool. If you think he's cool, you know, if you think the Joker's cool, just paint Obama like the Joker or something and laugh about that. But don't take pleasure in some sodomite. Well, okay, maybe you're still taking pleasure in a sodomite, I don't know, but the point is don't sit there and idolize these people in Hollywood who are vile people, according to the Bible. You say, I don't think you should call them vile. Romans 1 said that men with men is vile. Women with women, it's vile. Therefore, we should not take pleasure in the vile, they should be contempt in our eyes. Like when they come out and say, oh, you know, it's contempt in our eyes, is what he says. In whose eyes a vile person is contempt, like, oh man, I don't even want to look at that. You know, we go to the store and see one of these things, you know, walking around the mall, you know, just, ugh, you know, you just don't want to look at it. I mean, do you want to look at it? He, she, it, they, I mean, I feel like I have to go through all the pronouns. Like when I was a kid, we had to memorize this list of pronouns, you know, he, she, it, they, you know, like we had to memorize like the state of being, Amazon was, were, be, be, been, have, I, say, I, do, does, did, shall, what, should, would, may, my, my, can, could. You got to learn these lists of parts of speech. I feel like I go through the whole list, like, he, she, it, they, what are you? I don't even want to look at it. It's vile. It's gross. And I'm not going to say, oh, let me tune in to you. Let me listen to you. Let me watch you. No, they're condemned in my eyes. That's why I'm going to still be in church a year from now. Now you, I know you love them so much because you're the most lovable person. But wait a minute, who's going to be in church a year from now? The one who has contempt for vile people. That's the one who's still here, okay? That's what the Bible says. It says, in whose eyes a vile person is contempt. You can look up contempt in any dictionary, it'll tell you the same thing. It means disgust, despise, hate, whatever. Look it up every time it occurs in the Bible. You'll see the same thing. It says in the next word, but he honoreth them that fear the Lord. That's who he lifts up as a hero, to his children. That's who he wants his children to, to look up to as a hero and a role model. He honors those who fear the Lord, say, here is somebody you ought to pattern yourself out to. Not this actor, not this singer, not R.E.M. and U2 and Elton John and Keith Ledger and all these acts. No, why don't you look up to some Baptist preacher somewhere? Or why don't you look up to some godly Christian somewhere? Or here's a lady who's out winning souls every week. There's somebody who deserves to be honored and lifted up as a hero, not some athlete who can throw a ball around and he can throw the ball through the hoop like a third grader can out on the playground, but he can do it even better. This is not who we should be lifting up. We should be honoring those that fear the Lord. Those who fear God, the Bible says the same word again. A woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. That's what it says in Proverbs 31. A favor is deceitful, beauty is vain, but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. God's telling us not to praise women. Oh, look how beautiful so and so the actress is. We ought to say, hey, look how godly and righteous so and so the lady soul is. That's what we ought to be honoring and praising. We ought not praise the wicked. They that forsake the law praise the wicked, but such as keep the law, contend with them, the Bible says. It says, but he honoreth them that feareth the Lord, watch this, he that sweareth to his own hurt and changeth not. Now the Bible makes a big emphasis on keeping what you've vowed. And the Bible says, even when you make a vow to your own hurt, you'll still keep your word. Do what you say you'll do. If you make a vow, if you make a commitment, stay with it, even if it hurts you, keep that thou has vowed. And this could go for your wedding vow, you know, if you make that vow, you say, oh, it hurt for better for worse, for rich for poorer, sickness and in health, poverty as in wealth and forsaking all others, keep me only unto her so long as we both shall live. You know, I so promise, you know, you ought to stick with that, even if it hurts, swear to your own hurt and change not, you'll still be in church, you'll still be here years from now, you'll dwell in God's holy hill, you'll abide in the tabernacle, you'll never be moved, if that's the type of person you are according to the Bible. It says, he that sweareth to his own hurt and changeeth not, he that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the innocent. Two different things. Now wait a minute, what does it mean to put out your money to usury? This is basically, you know, loaning out your money for interest, that's what usury means. Okay, this is, now, you say, oh, well, that sounds legitimate, you know, that's a being a banker, but wait a minute, since when is that a godly way to make money as a person? Now, I've looked at this in the Bible and the Bible makes it clear in the Old Testament law, in Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, that the children of Israel were not allowed to charge interest on any money loaned to those that were in their nation. I mean, that's what they were told, they were not supposed to charge of a fellow Israelite, and you know, it's a whole nation of millions of people, and they were not allowed to charge interest of their Israelite, you know, fellow citizens. But today, we have great respect for bankers and the money changers and the, you know, but if you think about it, are they really producing anything? You know, they move numbers around on a piece of paper, they take advantage of people, this is the credit card company, you know, charging usury, charging 18%, 28% interest, and they basically charge you money, and let me tell you something, they're thieves. Now you say, wait a minute, Pastor Anderson, how can you say they're thieves? They're loaning out their money, they're charging interest. Well, did you know that in the United States of America, depending on what type of lending institution it is, and I want you to put your thinking cap on for a minute, because I'm going to give you some numbers, okay, lending institutions in this country, many lending institutions are allowed to lend out 32 times as much as they have. Other institutions are allowed to loan out 10 times as much as they have. So stop and think about this. I want to teach you a little bit, okay, why God says, look, there are people out there that are bad people that are putting out their money on usury. That's what it says. I mean, if you're going to be righteous and godly, He said, you don't put your money out on usury. That's what it says. Let me read it for you again. He that putteth not out his money to usury. Okay, now hold on. I'm going to pull out of my wall right now a $20 bill. Okay, now let's pretend that this is all the money that I have in the world. $20. Okay, now, but my friend the government is going to allow me to loan out $200. Now I only have $20, but the government is going to allow me to loan out $200 on paper. Just numbers on a computer, paper, okay, write checks. But how much money do I really have? $20, okay. Now, let's say I loan out that $200 and let's say I just charge an interest rate of 10%. I mean, most credit cards are charging more than that. Right? I mean, the average credit card is charging you 12%. Some of them charge 18%. Some of them charge 7 or 8%. You know, that's the best. Let's just say I'm just charging 10%, okay? APR, so that means in one year's time, okay, I'm going to get 10% interest, okay? But I'm not loanin' out $20, I'm loanin' out $200, okay? Then how much interest, mathematician in the front row, okay? I'm charging 10% APR on $200. Roughly how much interest am I making in that year? $20. So I only had $20 and I'm getting $20 in interest every year, okay? Well, guess what? I'm making 100% interest on my money. Now can you, do you know where I can invest my money as a citizen of the United States and get 100% interest every year? No. Okay, now let's talk about the lending institutions that can loan out 32 times what they actually have, okay? That means I only have $20, but I can loan out $640. So I'm getting $64 in interest a year off my $20. That's a pretty good investment. No, it's stealing. It's being a thief, okay? It's lying. You can't loan out money that you don't have, okay? It's not me, I mean really if I loan out, here, here you go, you borrow that $20, okay? That's loanin' out money, but today the bankers in America are thieves and they're all in bed with the government. It's a fact. That's why the government, why do you think the government allows them to loan out money that they don't even have? Can I loan people money that I don't have and collect interest on it? Sounds like a great plan, but they can do it because they're stealing. They're thieves. You say, how is it stealing? Well then our money all inflates to high heaven and it's not worth anything because they're loanin' out 32 times what they have and literally today, literally today, if you took all the debt in America, all the cash in America, if we were to take all the cash in America, it couldn't even pay off all the debt because they've loaned out 32 times what even exists. I mean, you understand what I'm saying? And so, I hope that just gives you a clue today about how bankers are thieves, okay? I'm not talking about the girl that you talked to at the teller counter and she gives your kid a lollipop. You know, I'm not saying she's a thief, okay? I'm trying to tell you that these you jurors are bad people because the love of money is the root of all evil. I don't care what the NIV says. I don't care what the New American Standard changes that verse to. I don't care what the Living Bible is twisted into. In the King James Version of the Holy Bible, it says the love of money is the root of all evil and there are people who make their money just off of moving around a shell game and moving money around and moving numbers on a page while you're out slaving at your job, working your fingers to the bone, sweat poured down your face just like God told Adam that he would work by the sweat of his face until he returned under the dust from whence he came. While you're out working, there are people who are just making millions and billions of dollars loaning out money they don't even have in a big government scam called the Federal Reserve System. That's what's happening. And so God says, well cool, how can I get in on it? Go ahead, get in on the scam. Go buddy up to the right people. Go start a bank somewhere. Maybe you can get into their scam of the Federal Reserve System and the FDIC and you can set up your own branch and you can set up the first bank of Tempe or whatever, but you know what? You won't be right with God if you participate in these usury scams that not only are around today but they were around in the Old Testament. People who were predatory lenders in the Old Testament and that's why God said don't exact usury of your fellow American is what he would say today because he was talking back then about the children of Israel. And so we ought not be a part of this, the money changers, the usury. Jesus chased them with a whip out of the temple. They're thieves then and they're thieves now. And they basically make money off the backs of people who actually work and build things. Like people who are like carpenters or electricians or plumbers or things that actually produce something like a construction worker or like somebody who builds a road or a bridge or somebody who does a service like prepares food and cooks it and sells it. You know people who actually do something productive and make something with their hands? No. They just move money around on paper. Well somebody loses. If a guy sits around in a suit in an office somewhere and just moves numbers around on a page but didn't produce anything, somebody loses so that he can make money for nothing. And this is the truth and we live in this debt society where we're like a slave and that's why God even had in the Old Testament the year of Jubilee. Every fifty years a reset button financially to keep people from becoming slaves into debt. He said if somebody sells themselves as a servant to you it can only be for seven years. You can't just own that person for the rest of their life as your slave. And you can't just have people indebted to you for generation after generation and the debt is passed on from the father to the son. He said no the year of Jubilee will be a reset button every fifty years to clear out all this debt. You know and that's what we need today like 2010 January first the year of Jubilee just like reset every debt. That's what God had in the Old Testament. But you know the money changers would love that wouldn't they? No they wouldn't because they love to make money off of other people and to deceive the poor. You know the poor guy who's so dumb he's going to go down to this check cashing place on 48th and Southern right here and he's going to go down there and get a loan until payday you know what I mean and pay exorbitant interest rates and he's being ripped off every time. You say well it's his fault. You're right it is his fault for going down there but shame on the guy who's abusing him and taking advantage of his stupidity you know instead of going out and working it on his shop. You know I'm not going to be part of it. I'm not going to be part of usury. I'm not going to be loaning out my money on interest to people. You know if I loan somebody something the first thing I'm going to do is go buy a new one. You know because they're probably not going to give it back because that's how it is when you loan stuff to people. But if I do loan something to somebody you know I'm not going to sit there and charge interest. And you know what's funny today? Today Bible colleges okay you know like for example Hiles Anderson College the Jericho plan. It's a predatory lending scheme. If you don't finish college you owe all these penalties and fees and you have to pay interest on the money and basically First Baptist Church of Hammond is now in the usury business. I mean look up the Jericho plan but you got to read the fine print my friend. You read the fine print and what happens is you don't pay it off in the right amount of time. You don't finish college and all of a sudden you're paying fees, finance charges, interest rates to a church. First Baptist Church of Hammond. Hiles Anderson College. You're paying interest to a church. You know and it's a predatory lending where I saw one brochure they put out didn't even have the fine print explaining all this. And then another brochure they put out one to the pastors explained the fine print about how you're going to owe all this money if you do it wrong okay in this Jericho plan of Bible college. And then I noticed that in the one that you're supposed to give to your people because I got this in the mail like this one's for the pastor and this is the one you hand out to your people. The one you hand out to the people did not even have the fine print like explaining the liabilities of not following the plan properly. Like you're sitting in church and you hear Dr. Scott say something really weird like that Joseph was 80 years old when he married Mary. That's what he preached recently. He said Joseph was 80 years old and Mary was probably a similar age. How did they have seven more kids after Jesus? That guy was that old rascal you know he's a hundred years old and he's still going strong. He said that Joseph and Mary we picture a young couple but if you study history if you study the historical record you'll find out that Joseph was actually 80 years old minimum and that Mary was you know he said Mary was ugly and her hair was falling out and that's why she could only find an 80 year old to marry her. And they went to the inn and the innkeeper thought it was weird. But let's say you're a Bible college student listening to this and you just say you know I think I just need to go somewhere and just say you're like the Bible preacher. Okay but then you're like well wait a minute though all those finance charges are going to kick in. This is like the time that you know somebody that I know I won't incriminate anybody but a friend of mine okay actually a relative of mine bought a pack of band-aids at Target on a Target credit card but they just forgot all about the Target credit card that she had applied for. That pack of band-aids cost $115. I'm not kidding because you know she moved and she never got the bill and she forgot that she had even applied for this Target credit card and one pack of band-aids cost $115. Okay you know a poor little Bible college student is given up paying all these fees and charges and penalties and it's a scam and God help us when the church has become a predatory lender or a lender at all. Since when are churches in the banking business? You know I mean I guess everybody wants in on the action. You know the U.S. government wants to be a banker. Churches want to be bankers. Bible college, I don't want to be a banker. I want to go work and make money. That's what I want to do. I don't want to be a banker. I don't want to be a usurer. And basically what we've got today is you know it starts when the church starts selling merchandise. That's where it starts. It starts out just selling merchandise. Books, CDs. Next thing you know there's a Starbucks in the lobby literally. We proudly serve Starbucks coffee. This is independent fundamental Baptist churches. So it goes from the church bookstore to a coffee shop. And then it goes from a coffee shop to hey why don't we go into the lending business. You know now that AIG and all you know well let's get into this. And maybe we can even get more kids to come to our Bible college. We won't show them the fine print. We'll just tell them it's all free. We'll just tell them it's all loaned to them and they don't even have to pay it back. They just have to pay you know a couple of fees. You know three easy payments whatever. And God forbid that we as people of Faithful or Baptist Church would ever be tempted to say I want to get into this financial industry in order to make money because of the fact that you know it's an easy way to multiply money and it's like a scheme to get rich. The Bible says labor not to be rich. Cease from my own wisdom. And the Bible says he that make it haste to be rich. I don't remember what it says but it's something bad. Okay it's in Proverbs. Look it up. It says there's a guy who makes haste to be rich. It's something bad. I think it's something about he's not going to be guiltless. But whatever it is it was bad. I promise when you go home and look it up you'll see it was bad to be hasty to be rich. The Bible contrasts all throughout the book of Proverbs two people. The diligent versus the hasty. Those are the two types of people. The diligent is the guy who gets up and he goes to work every day. He gets up and goes to work on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. He's not trying to get some lotto ticket that's just going to make him set for the rest of his life. He gets up and works hard every day. And he consistently works and works and diligently labors at that job, labors at that business day after day after day. That is the guy who God blesses. Like Jacob who worked hard for twenty years for labor. God bless him. God took care of him. Not somebody who's just trying to get rich quick. You know Amway is their ticket out of their job. You know Robert Kiyosaki is coming to town going to a seminar. Donald Trump seminar. You know how to get rich. I just got this new book Rich Dad Poor Dad. I'm going to read this book. I just got this book. The Holy Bible. And he told me to work hard and not to put out my money to use your read. It said to work hard laboring night and day. He said study to be quiet and to do your own business and to work with your own hands as we commanded you. Second Thessalonians chapter three. Be a hard worker. Be diligent. Don't be in a hurry to just get rich quick. You know some kind of a scheme where there's a guy on TV with a Hawaiian shirt and he's telling you that he makes $10,000 a month all from a one bedroom apartment. You know. Look. My friend one time. Okay. This is a different friend. First one was a relative. This is a male friend. This was a guy that I worked with at an alarm company back in Sacramento. He said you know what. He said you know that guy with the Hawaiian shirt. He sits on the boat and he tells all about how he's making $12,000 from his one bedroom apartment and then he realized he could do it in every state and then make millions and he's going to send you the package. He said you know what. I ordered that package. I said what was it? How do you make the money? What is it? He said it was pornographic 1-900 numbers is what you're averaging. Because you know how he's telling you to put ads in all these papers. He said you're putting ads in the paper for 1-900 numbers where you pay per minute and it's a pornographic phone line where people call and listen to filthy things. He said he tried to get his money back. Of course he never got his money back. That's what's out there. The grass is always greener but you know what. Just work hard. God's going to bless you. Be diligent. Don't try to make money and get rich quick. He says he that putteth not out his money to usury nor taketh reward against the innocent, he that doeth these things shall never be moved. Now what does it mean to take reward against the innocent? This is basically where you basically for your own financial gain harm someone else. Like for example an innocent person gets convicted of a crime and you benefit from that financially. That's what I'm saying. Take it reward against the innocent. Kind of like somebody who would get a paycheck and prosecute innocent people. You know it's funny I was in court today and my defense attorney walked up to the prosecutor at the end and the prosecutor was kind of just falling apart because we were winning. And it was looking bad for him. It was looking good for me. And the defense attorney walked up to the prosecutor and here's what he said to him. He said now's your chance for once in your life to just do the right thing. He's like pretty much telling you you're going to lose anyway. He said why don't you just do the right thing and just drop this thing. Why don't you just leave the poor pastor alone. You know he just basically told him just do the right thing just drop it and you know what that would have been the right thing to do. Because I was totally innocent. You know who did I do any harm to? Nobody. I'm not an evil doer. I didn't hurt anybody. I'm the one who was beaten up. And yet this guy takes a paycheck to prosecute innocent people. I said oh you prosecute a lot of guilty people. I don't know I only saw him prosecute one person it was me. Okay so maybe I'm a little biased. But I'll tell you right now that's immoral. He ought to say well I can't do this. Here's a guy who's just standing on his rights as an American. I can't prosecute this guy. That would be the right thing to do. Not to take reward against the innocent. Cha-ching. Let me deposit my paycheck this week where I spent it prosecuting a pastor listening to his sermons. You know trying to find fault with a man of God. You know what I mean? And that's taking reward against the innocent. I mean that's how I would see that. You could probably think of other examples of taking reward against the innocent. Benefiting financially from seeing an innocent person punished or guilty. He said he that doeth these things shall never be moved. Now I don't know about you but I don't want to be moved. If I move it's going to be because I choose to move. I don't want to be moved. I don't want to be standing today for the things of God. Standing on the Bible. Standing on soul winning. Standing on salvation by grace through faith. Standing against worldliness, Hollywood, rock and roll. I don't want somebody to move me. Push me around. I don't want some deacon to move me. I don't want some rich church member to move me. I don't want something to move me to where I'm not even in church anymore. And so I'm going to be honest. I'm going to go down this list and make sure that this is me. I want to be a person who walks uprightly. Who works righteousness. Who does the work. Who does the work of God. Who speaks the truth in my heart. I don't want to back by it with my tongue because that could cause me to be moved. I don't want to do evil to my neighbor. That could cause me to be moved. I don't want to take up a reproach against my neighbor. That might cause me to be moved. I don't want to take pleasure in the vile people of this world. I want to have contempt for them that I might not be moved. I don't want to swear to my own hurt and then change and then break my word because then I may end up being moved and I may not even end up being in church five years from now. I don't want to put out my money to usury and take advantage of immoral and unethical financial situations where I can make money off of other people's expense without doing the work by just being a usurer because I don't want to be moved. I don't want to take a reward against the innocent. I'm not going to harm innocent people for financial gain because I don't want to be moved. And hey, this is a promise from God. If you'll get this list down, he said he that doeth these things shall never be moved. Use it as a checklist. Make sure you're doing everything on the list and you won't be moved. That's what he said. He promises you this is the formula for not being moved, for being in church years from now. Let's bow your heads and have a word of prayer. Father, thank you so much for your word to God and the promises of the Bible. Every promise in the book is mine, every chapter, every verse, every line. And thank you God for the promise in Psalm 15. Thank you for a formula on how not to be moved. So many preachers today are swayed and tossed about with every wind of doctrine. So many church members in the pew are blown about with every wind of doctrine. Today they believe this. Tomorrow they believe something else. God, help us to be in the number of those who are not moved because we followed your formula in Psalm 15. We love you and in Jesus' name, amen.