(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) man Proverbs chapter number eight is probably one of the most interesting chapters in the whole book of Proverbs it's really great especially at the end here because there is such a foreshadowing and appointing to the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior and so this is a great chapter I'm gonna maybe spend less time on the first half because I really want to get into that powerful section at the end there that is so unique about this chapter being the Old Testament so verse number one says does not wisdom cry and understanding put forth her voice she standeth in the top of high places by the way in the places of the past she crieth at the gates at the entry of the city at the coming in at the doors and so we see that wisdom is personified as a woman and she is in opposition with the strange woman that we've been hearing about the past few weeks who's trying to seduce young men and she wants to get physical with them she wants them to commit fornication she wants them to commit adultery and in fact if you study this early part of the book of Proverbs from chapters 1 through 9 you'll find that wisdom and the strange woman will say almost the exact same words you know oh ye simple ones you know whosoever is simple let him come in thither because basically the strange woman is saying if you're stupid then yeah come on in because I want to take advantage of you and then wisdom is saying if you're stupid well guess what I want to change that I want to give you wisdom I want to give you understanding I want to help you to get smarter and so young men face this choice between wisdom and foolishness and if you go after the strange woman make no mistake you're a fool okay you're being foolish the opposite of seeking wisdom is going with these loose women and going out and being a womanizer or fornicator an adult or whatever and so these are the two options both of them are trying to get your attention God's trying to get your attention wisdom is trying to get your attention and then also there are worldly people that are out there trying to seduce you over to their side and so she says in verse number four unto you o men I call and my voice is to the sons of men oh ye simple understand wisdom and ye fools be ye of an understanding heart saying look even if you're dumb even if you're a fool change it's not too late for you to learn something to take heed unto the Word of God now why is wisdom personified as a woman well this is first of all you know there are many women in the Bible that are wise women that sort of are examples of wisdom and they are women like for example in the book of Judges and in the book of 2nd Samuel you know there's a wise woman that they go to and get advice and so forth and so obviously women can have wisdom and that's part of it also it's one of those things that just traditionally maybe gets a female gender sort of like cities or female ships or female you know certain things we just kind of gender maybe grammatically as feminine versus masculine and if you think about most languages if you've studied a lot of foreign languages you'll find the word wisdom is usually a grammatically feminine word in most languages like in Spanish gonna be la sabidoria in German it's D vice height right so it's feminine in Greek e Sophia right and so get on the line wisdom is traditionally personified as a female and this chapter is personifying wisdom as a woman but as we're gonna see this lady wisdom also foreshadows the Lord Jesus Christ now some people might be bothered by this and say like well why is the Lord Jesus Christ being you know pictured by wisdom and then wisdom is is a woman you know what's going on here but remember the Bible also says about Jesus in Isaiah chapter 53 that as a sheep before her shearers is dumb so he openeth not his mouth so Jesus is actually being compared to a sheep that's going to the slaughter but actually a female sheep that's going to the slaughter the sheep before her shearers is dumb so he openeth not his mouth so the moral of the story is you can't get too hung up on these things because of the fact that pictures of Jesus in the Old Testament are never gonna be exactly like Jesus otherwise they wouldn't be a picture they would just be Jesus right so if David pictures Jesus he's not gonna be exactly like Jesus not gonna be a perfect picture of Jesus because that would make him Jesus Sampson pictures Jesus you know but obviously we could find all the things about Sampson that don't fit with Jesus like you know Jesus didn't have long hair first of all you men but second of all you know Sampson is this is this guy who is giving into temptation and committing fornication whereas Jesus was tempted at all points like as we are and yet without sin so Jesus and Sampson are opposite in that sense does that mean that Sampson doesn't picture Jesus of course Sampson pictures Jesus of course David pictures Jesus well what about that business with Uriah's wife no picture is going to be perfect that's what makes it a picture okay because it's not real it's a picture it's a symbol it's a figure it's not the actual thing so what we need to understand when we're studying Proverbs chapter 8 and we're reading about wisdom being personified right being given human attributes even though wisdom isn't actually a person there is no such woman wisdom but wisdom is just poetically being personified or treated as a person and so this personification of wisdom yes is a picture of Jesus symbolizes Jesus foreshadows Jesus but you can't expect everything to match perfectly just like every other picture of Jesus in the Old Testament so the fact that wisdom is female is really no issue because a female sheep could also picture Jesus it's just a symbol it's just figurative so don't get too pedantic about the details but we're gonna see how powerful of a picture of Jesus this is as we go forward so wisdom is crying out and the illustration or the metaphor is that it's like a woman trying to get a young man's attention okay and she's saying in verse number 6 here for I will speak of excellent things and the opening of my lips shall be right things for my mouth shall speak truth and wickedness is an abomination to my lips all the words of my mouth are in righteousness there is nothing for a word or perverse in them and so this is wisdom speaking but here's the thing we could also apply this to the Word of God right because the Word of God is always right about every single subject there's nothing wicked or perverse in the Word of God all the words in the Bible are righteousness okay they're all verse 9 plain to him that understandeth and write to them that find knowledge so what the Bible is saying is that you know people that don't know people who don't get it people who lack wisdom they might look at certain things in the Word of God and say like well that's not right but what the Bible is saying is that everything that God says is right to those that find knowledge it's right to us we look at it and say well that's right people out there in the world might be well the Bible is wrong about this it's because they don't get it because they lack understanding they lack wisdom all those who have knowledge and wisdom they see these things plainly they're obvious right they're plain to him that understandeth and write to them that find knowledge okay and here's the thing about arcane knowledge or difficult disciplines is that to people on the outside they just kind of seem impossible or really difficult like maybe what about somebody who doesn't know anything about the Bible and they've never studied Bible prophecy and they look at the book of Revelation and they might just look at the book of Revelation and just say like this is way too complicated I can't figure this out it's way too cryptic nobody knows what this means okay whereas to those that understand it's plain like you just chapter after chapter it's just like well yeah duh right but it's like that with anything you know what's easy to one person is really hard for someone else and it really just depends on whether they get it you know I remember taking certain math classes where you take a really hard math class and I remember just sitting there for weeks and just having no idea what's going on and just feeling like a total idiot as everything goes over my head and then it clicked and then it was just like wow this is so easy like what what was the big deal once you get it once that light bulb comes on it makes sense and so obviously the Word of God is not understood by everyone but it becomes plain it becomes clear it becomes manifest to those who gain understanding and wisdom from the Lord and so it's always right it's just some people don't get it that's their problem you know and so as people make fun of and scoff at that which they do not understand it's over their head and then they mark it's like the flat earthers they mock all this like high-level physics and astronomy but it's really just because they're too dumb to understand all the physics and astronomy so they just act like it's dumb you know you mean to tell me that you know the earth is spinning you know one time it yeah you know if you're at the equator you're moving a thousand miles an hour you know you really expect people it's but they're making fun of it but really the joke's on them because it's actually pretty simple to him that understand it okay that's how the Word of God is you know and then but if we listen to physicists try to tell us about the Bible we're gonna be it's like listening to a flat earther we're kind of like this guy doesn't get it you know it's like you watch some guy on Jeopardy who's just killing it in like 18th century French opera but then it's like New Testament and he just you know he came and get New Testament for 100 okay anyway I don't know if Jeopardy is still a thing anymore actually I was driving down the freeway the other day and it said Jeopardy so I I thought Alex Trebek was dead but we're probably just on to somebody else but I digress verse 10 receive my instruction and not silver and knowledge rather than choice gold for wisdom is better than rubies and all the things that that may be desired or not to be compared to it I wisdom dwell with prudence and find out knowledge of witty inventions the fear of the Lord is to hate evil pride arrogance and the evil way and the froward mouth do I hate man this is this is some hateful stuff here this is hate speech but you know the Bible says that those who fear the Lord hate evil you know to fear the Lord is equivalent to hate evil here's what that means that means the guy who doesn't hate evil he doesn't fear the Lord because to fear the Lord is to hate evil and wisdom personified here hates pride arrogance in the evil way all of these statements about wisdom you can apply to the Lord because he is the fountain and source of all wisdom and understanding and as we're gonna see there's some really explicit comparison with the Lord Jesus Christ coming up as we get deeper into the chapter but it says here in verse 14 counsel is mine and sound wisdom I am understanding I have strength by me Kings reign and princes decree justice by me princes rule and nobles even all the judges of the earth I love them that love me and those that seek me early shall find me riches and honor are with me a durable riches and righteousness my fruit is better than gold even fine gold and my revenue than choice silver I lead in the way of righteousness in the midst of the paths of judgment that I may cause those that love me to inherit substance and I will fill their treasures here's what the Bible is trying to get across to us here is that we should not go through life seeking after riches right the Bible says they that will be rich they that want to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and in many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition because the love of money is the root of all evil which while some coveted after they've heard from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows and so we don't want to seek after riches it's smarter to seek after wisdom and if we seek after wisdom wisdom can just hand us riches anyway wisdom provides riches but riches do not provide wisdom if you spend your life seeking riches you might get riches but you're not gonna get wisdom seek your life spend your life seeking wisdom you can get both okay because wisdom can hand you the finances that you need and so the Bible says in verse number 21 that I may cause those that love me to inherit substance and I will fill their treasures now here's where this gets really interesting starting in verse 22 I I kind of just blew through the verse 21 verses didn't quite do it justice but it's because I really want to focus on starting in verse 22 the Lord possessed me in the beginning of his way before his works of old I was set up from everlasting from the beginning or ever the earth was now here's the interesting thing here is that wisdom is being described as basically pre-existing even before the creation of the world but not only as existing before the creation of the world but also as being from everlasting now what does that mean from everlasting well everlasting means lasting forever or going infinitely into the future and so being from everlasting means being from the infinite past right sometimes people will call this eternity past or something it's just a way of describing like just as the future goes all the way off into eternity this way it'd be like an infinite past that just goes forever into the past with no beginning that's what the Bible means when it says from everlasting and there's a great verse on this in Micah chapter 5 verse 2 you don't have to turn there but it says but thou Bethlehem Ephrata though thou be little among the thousands of Judah yet out of these shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel whose goings forth have been from of old from everlasting so Jesus Christ's goings forth are from everlasting right because he's the one that's born in Bethlehem and so forth and so notice that wisdom says I was set up from everlasting so let me ask you this if wisdom was set up from everlasting was there ever a time that wisdom did not exist was there a time that wisdom was created from nothing no because wisdom was set up from everlasting and so wisdom here foreshadows the teachings in the New Testament about Jesus because a lot of what we're gonna see here in Proverbs chapter 8 is similar to what we read in John chapter 1 where the Bible says in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God the same was in the beginning with God so in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth it says in Genesis 1 1 in John 1 1 says in the beginning was the word so the word already existed in the beginning why because the word is from everlasting because Jesus Christ has eternally existed the Word of God has eternally existed Jesus the Son of God has eternally existed from everlasting this term from everlasting comes up in a few other verses as well in Habakkuk chapter 1 verse 12 Habakkuk says to God art thou not from everlasting Oh Lord my God mine Holy One also in the book of Psalms this comes up a few times Psalm 41 13 blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting and to everlasting right God has always existed and he always will exist Psalm 90 verse 2 before the mountains were brought forth or ever thou hadst formed the earth in the world even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God and then Psalm 93 to thy throne is established of old thou art from everlasting but it's not just God the Father that's from everlasting it's also Jesus that is from everlasting because the Word was with God and was God and was in the beginning with God and is also from everlasting and in eternity past the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost all existed and we're gonna see even more of that in this chapter as we move forward here so he says in verse 23 I was set up from everlasting from the beginning or ever the earth was when there were no depths I was brought forth when there were no fountains abounding with water before the mountains were settled before the hills was I brought forth now here's where some people get hung up and they say well you know if he was brought forth then that's that's an origin or that's a starting point or that's when he's great no because hold on didn't we already establish that he just said I was set up from everlasting so I thought we already settled that why are you confused I mean the Bible says that Mary would bring forth her firstborn son did that mean Jesus didn't exist before that Jesus already existed before that but yet he was brought forth so bringing forth is not necessarily an origin or a starting point or a creation because Jesus was brought forth of Mary and yet you know he already pre-existed of course because he was in the beginning with God and he was God but not only that we're talking about wisdom here we don't want to forget that we're not actually literally reading about Jesus in Proverbs chapter 8 we're reading literally about wisdom but this is a picture of Jesus it's symbolic it's figurative of Jesus and Jesus and wisdom have a lot in common here because Jesus was also in the beginning with God okay and Jesus also is from everlasting according to Micah 5 2 so let's keep reading here it says when there were no depths I was brought forth when there were no fountains abounding with water before the mountains were settled before the hills was I brought forth verse 26 while as yet he had not made the earth nor the fields nor the highest part of the dust of the world when he prepared the heavens I was there when he set a compass upon the face of the depth when he established the clouds above when he strengthened the fountains of the deep when he gave to the sea his decree that the waters should not pass his commandment when he appointed the foundations of the earth then I was by him as one brought up with him and I was daily his delight rejoicing always before him now that's a pretty interesting verse there in verse 30 when it says I was by him as one brought up with him now think about this one that you are brought up with wouldn't that be your peer you know it's basically an equal if you're brought up together you're the same generation your peers your equals so that's the metaphor that's being used is that I was you know by him I was as one brought up with him and I was daily his delight rejoicing always before him so again connecting this to Jesus Christ Jesus was in the beginning with God and he was God and Jesus is is co-equal with God right so Jesus is not like a lesser divinity or a created being but the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost are all equally God okay now if you would flip over let's keep our finger here but let's go to John 17 because obviously there are a lot of connections between Proverbs chapter 8 and John chapter 1 but there's also some connection to things that we read in John 17 so the thing I really want to draw your attention to in Proverbs chapter 8 verse 30 is that it said I was by him as one brought up with him and I was daily his delight so we have God delighting in wisdom before the world began God delighted in wisdom but we also have in the New Testament is we have the Father loving the Son loving the Son before the world began look what the Bible says in John chapter number 17 verse 24 it says Father I will that they also whom thou has given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou has given me watch this for thou lovest me before the foundation of the world so we see that Jesus Christ was beloved of the Father before the foundation of the world so that's consistent with what we saw over in Proverbs chapter 8 about God delighting daily in wisdom even before the world began and so Jesus was in the beginning with God and the Father loved the Son before the world began if you back up to verse 5 it says and now oh Father glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was so before the world was Jesus had glory with God the Father and was loved by God the Father and so this really hammers this idea of the Trinity of God eternally existing as Father Son and Holy Ghost even before the world began and we want to always be aware of this heresy that's out there this false doctrine called modalism which says that you know God the Father basically became Jesus or became the Son or so you know the Father just became the Son it's sort of like you know there's a guy in the town and he's the fire chief but then he takes off the fire hat he puts on the police hat and now he's a police chief because the town is so small and then he takes off that he puts like a black top hat and now he's the mayor or something you know God is not one person putting on the Father hat the Son hat and the Holy Ghost hat okay rather God eternally exists as three persons the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost okay and that's why Jesus said you know I'm not glorifying myself you know the Father is glorifying I didn't send myself the Father sent me not my will but thine be done okay because the Father is not the Son and the Son is not the Father but the Father is God the Son is God they're co-equal but they are three persons one God and before the world began this was the case I've seen independent fundamental Baptists sometimes get into some weird doctrine where they'll say like well okay there's Father Son and Holy Ghost but like if you go back far enough they were all like merged into one person and then if you go far enough into the future they're going to like re-merge into one person again like after the millennium they're going to merge into one person or something that's false because God is always the same Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever and even before the world ever was you've got the Father loving the Son dwelling with the Son by the Son there as one you know the Son is as one brought up with him because they're both equal okay and when we say that they're equal obviously we understand that there's authority in the sense of you know Jesus always did the things that pleased the Father and the Bible tells him first Corinthians chapter number 11 that the head of the woman is the man and the head of the man is Christ and the head of Christ is God that's authority okay but here's the thing I have authority over my wife right because just just as the head of Christ is God also the head of the woman is the man so therefore I have authority over my wife but does that mean that my wife and I are not equal we are equal see the world out there tells you that in order for women to have equality they have to have authority is that really true though no because women can already be equal without being put in authority without fulfilling the roles of men okay so the Father Son and Holy Ghost can have different roles and there can be an authority structure and they can still be equal okay my wife is every bit as important as I am she has the same value that I have we're both just as human we're both children of God we're both just as important to God it's not that one of us is better than the other or more valuable or more important so in that sense we are equal Jesus made himself equal with God you know the Bible says that he thought it not robbery to be equal with God but that does not mean that they are the same person or fulfilling the same role God eternally exists in three persons these three are one the Father Son the Holy Ghost three persons one God so it's always important that we hammer that doctrine and don't get sucked into these weird ideas of well it's temporary you know there's like a split into three and then it's going back you know it's like one that's three and that's no it's just it's just always three okay and by the way there's only one God and so just to say well how can God be three persons there's only one God and he is three persons so who are you going to compare him to well gods just aren't like that there's only one the only God that's real is the Father Son and the Holy Ghost the Muslim God isn't real he's one person oh you modulus you'll love him because he's one person your little pea brain would love for God to be one person but God is actually three persons Father Son and Holy Ghost so quit loving simplicity and get some knowledge get some understanding get some wisdom so Proverbs chapter 8 where we were if you want to go back there I was by him as one brought up with him and I believe that what he's getting at there with as one brought up with him is that I'm not a created being but rather we're in the same generation as it were okay and obviously that's not a word that you could apply literally to God since God has always existed but the point is that they are both from everlasting okay and so I was as one brought up with him and I was daily his delight right the Father loved the Son before the world began rejoicing always before him rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth so he's not you know he's not rejoicing in Antarctica because there's there's no there was nobody down there because it's talking about the very beginnings of creation and so forth and obviously wisdom is inhabiting the places where humans inhabit because as we talk about the word of God and preach the word of God and think about the things of God and learn truths about this world then we then wisdom is there in a sense so wisdom is not in places where humans don't exist so rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth and my delights were with the sons of men so you can see the parallelism there right I'm rejoicing the habitable parts of the earth my delights with the sons of men basically where humans live that's where wisdom has the potential to exist notice that the dolphins are not engaging in wisdom and understanding penguins down in Antarctica are not just like you know just give us wisdom you know give us understanding and knowledge animals don't get it okay animals are not people they don't have the intelligence that we have okay animals don't have language okay they make noises and they communicate by making noises but guess what communicating with noises is not language and anybody who is actually a linguist will tell you that animals can't talk okay you probably didn't need a linguist to tell you that but the thing about that is some people are like man if we could just learn how to talk to the dolphins man you know they don't talk they have nothing to say you know if you have a superpower where you can talk to animals you're gonna be real disappointed because they don't have anything to say because there is a if you actually study what language is you'll find there's a colossal difference between communicating with noises and language the difference is that when you communicate with language when you communicate with noises there's like a fixed number of noises meaning that birds you know they have all these different bird calls that mean different things and you know dolphins have different you know that means different things or whatever but the thing about that is that it's finite they can't make new sentences they don't put together like new thoughts of like you know big whale yesterday you know they can't they also don't communicate about stuff that happened like in the past or in the future nothing's abstract they don't use metaphor they they don't make new sentences basically they're making the same noise that that their grandpa made and for hundreds and hundreds of years generation after generation it's just like the same set of noises just like danger hungry let's go you know but it's not it's not language you know it'd be it'd be like if you it'd be like if you just communicated with colored flags and you just have these 16 colored flags and you're never gonna you know they're never gonna come up with a thing where well what if i grab these four flags and wave them at once it means like party time or something you know no it's just like red is this black is this great it's one meaning that's not language see our english language virtually every sentence that comes out of my mouth is a sentence that no one has ever said before like the sentence that i just said no one's ever said that exact sentence in the history of mankind i mean every sentence that i'm saying in this sermon is a brand new sentence that no one has ever thought of before whereas a dolphin is just like saying the same stuff that all these other dogs oh you think you're so cool flipper like you you just came up with that guess what every other dolphin's been saying the same thing for thousands of years whereas even the dumbest human we could find some of the dumbest people in phoenix today just round up the dumbest people and just start talking to them they will say sentences to us that are totally unique maybe not in a good way but they're going to be unique nobody's ever said that stupidity before that's language does everybody see the difference language is coming up with fresh content every day that's what we do because we speak you know going like this means apple that's not necessarily language you got to do more with it okay anyway so the point is you know wisdom dwells in the habitable part of god's earth and his delight is with the sons of men her delight actually because it's being personified as a woman now therefore hearken unto me oh ye children for blessed are they to keep my ways hear instruction and be wise and refuse it not blessed is the man that heareth me watching daily at my gates waiting at the posts of my doors for whoso findeth me find it life and shall obtain favor of the lord and you know again thinking about the picture of jesus he that hath the son hath life and he that hath not the son of god hath not life right and the bible says whoso findeth me findeth life and obtaineth favor of the lord and so the bible is saying in verse 32 that children especially young people they need to make the choice while they're young and so you kids out there you teenagers out there now is the time to decide i am going to be a person that is on a quest for wisdom i'm not just going to get caught up in looking for popularity or money or pleasure or fame you know i am looking for the truth i love truth i love wisdom i want to understand the word of god i want to learn truth and this is the quest that we should all be on and we should be after that more than gold and silver and rubies and everything else that we want to know god we want to know the word of god we want to know jesus christ you know even the apostle paul he's already saved but he said that i may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable unto his death and so we want to know christ we want to know the bible we want to know the word of god we want to know the wisdom and understanding of god this is so much more important than anything else you know if you get to age 30 40 50 and you have achieved this you're a success you are winning but if you get to 30 40 50 you may have a lot of money you may be at the top of your field in whatever the career you may have the fame and the looks and and the influence and you might be a complete loser on the inside and and you know it and that's why you get a lot of these celebrities killing themselves and miserable and having to just pound so many drugs and so much alcohol just to dull their senses so they can forget how pathetic and lame they are even though they have everything that the world has to offer but if you have wisdom you're a success okay this is the this is something that's worth chasing wisdom and understanding and he's saying look children listen to me kids listen to me young men listen to me this is what you spend your life doing because you know what people think when they're older man i wish i would have known this earlier this is what every older person says man i wish i could just go back and and and tell myself these things i wish i knew this when i was uh young i wish i knew when i was a teenager right and and now i'm 60 and i wish i could just go back so that's why wisdom is saying look kids do it right from the beginning get this understanding get this knowledge early and it's going to protect you for the rest of your life hear instruction and be wise and refuse it not verse 34 bless is the man that heareth me watching daily at my gates waiting at the post my door you know what that's saying you know reading your bible every day asking the lord for wisdom every day seeking god every day getting smarter every day for whoso findeth me find it life and shall obtain favor of the lord but he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul he's saying look if you go the other way you're just shooting yourself in the foot is what you're doing you know those who rebel against god those who rebel against jesus they think they're so cool they think they're so tough but all they're doing is just destroying themselves he that sinneth in the heaven shall laugh the lord shall have them in derision right god's up in heaven laughing at those who blaspheme him because they're they're nothing they're less than nothing they're lighter than vanity they came from the dust and under the dust shall they return and so he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul you could take this as wisdom saying you know if you go out and do foolish things and don't follow wisdom you're hurting yourself or thinking about the deeper meaning of sinning against god sinning against christ you're wronging your own soul all they that hate me love death he's saying if you if you oh you hate wisdom you hate like i just don't like to learn i just don't like reading i just don't like to study i just don't like learning new things oh oh you love death then you must just love death you must just love failing you just love getting your butt kicked in life that's what he's basically saying you if you hate me if you hate wisdom you love death and also of course those who hate jesus love death those who hate god love death you know this is part of why i don't celebrate halloween because i don't love death and halloween is like a celebration of death and and you know what what's even worse than halloween is the day of the dead which is something that they do in latin america that is super satanic who knows what i'm talking about the day of the dead i mean it's bad and the roman catholic church participates in it and it's like a merging of roman catholicism with aztec religion and let's remember who the aztecs were folks they're doing human sacrifices and cannibalism and all kinds of awful horrible things and so yeah when the spanish showed up in mexico city skulls everywhere and now in mexico they decorate for the day of the dead with a bunch of skulls and they're good good roman catholics right christians just decorating with all these aztec decorated skulls because they're they're skulls that are decorated in the aztec fashion why would you want to reminisce about the good old days 500 years ago when human sacrifices happened in mexico city that's not cool and what does that have to do with jesus christ what does that have to do with christianity nothing and so day of the dead is satanic is is demonic it's of the devil and halloween is the same way you know halloween's halloween's not quite as weird or religiously oriented because most people think of halloween as more of a secular holiday it doesn't have like the religious undertones of day of the dead but but yet why would i want to uh decorate with skulls and skeletons and blood and gore and everything like that it kind of blows my mind when i see these houses that just go way overboard on halloween and then i'll see people like taking their toddler to look at it like oh look you know it's like corpses zombies dead bodies you know uh all those that hate the lord love death and so i don't love death and so i don't want to celebrate death or glorify death or glorify all of these undead zombie whatever and you say well it's fun well you know lots of sinful things are fun if sin wasn't fun nobody'd be doing it that's why the bible talks about the pleasures of sin for a season i mean if it weren't fun to go to the casino the parking lot wouldn't be full seven days a week 24 hours a day with a bunch of rvs with all the baby boomers down there gambling at the casino with their rv right i mean they must be having fun if it weren't fun they wouldn't be there if a rock concert weren't fun people wouldn't be there right if it weren't fun to go to the bar people wouldn't be there people go to these places that are sinful because of the fact that they're fun and so you say halloween's fun okay but you know what a lot of people have fun with fornication they have fun with adultery they have fun shoplifting they have fun getting drunk they have fun taking drugs but that doesn't mean that it's right and thank god there are lots of ways to have fun without sinning right i mean there are lots of fun things that we could do that don't involve sinning lots of hobbies and sports and activities and all kinds of fun things chili cook off for example could be fun you know you can do all kinds of fun stuff you can play games and and have all kinds you know and look anybody who knows me knows that i like to have fun i'm not a stick in the mud now i do spend a lot of time being serious and working hard and and applying myself at serious tasks but you know what i also know how to have a good time and have fun but you know i would it be fun is it was it fun and i did some trick-or-treating as a kid was it fun yeah it was fun well don't you want your kids to have that same fun no but you know what i want no i want my kids have different fun it doesn't involve ghouls and zombies and here's the thing about that is that my kids do a lot of fun stuff that i didn't do as a kid they have fun doing stuff that i never got to do that that i would have thought was super fun when i was their age but then there's certain fun things i did as a kid that that they don't do because you know we want to be christian in our hobbies and in our pastimes and our fun and it's just there's nothing godly about halloween you know it's not true honest just pure lovely good report you know and here's the thing you say oh it's fun to dress up in costumes i let my kids dress up in costumes but not in the month of october right we have a costume bin in our house and it's not ghouls and witches and zombies but we have costumes of knights and princesses and what what are they astronaut whatever but you know what they're not going to dress they don't dress up like an astronaut on october 31st but they can dress up like an astronaut on july 31st you know why not right but we just don't want to participate in something that's not christian there are plenty of christian holidays that we can get excited about celebrating the birth of jesus or the resurrection of jesus and thanksgiving and all kinds of godly celebrations that we can have where we're we're we're dwelling on good things not like oh yeah you know it's the devil's knight and let's go sacrifice a cat unto satan together you know that sorry but and i'm not saying that's fun okay i'm just saying it's out there okay so all they that hate me love death right uh choose life right because he said who's so fine with me find it life those who find jesus find eternal life those who hate jesus christ well they might as well be wearing a sign that says hello i love death because they've chosen death let's borrow that word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word lord and thank you for this uh powerful passage this this interesting parallel between wisdom and jesus and thank you for making things so plain in your word to those that understand i pray that everyone here would be on a quest for wisdom and not be sucked into the pursuits that the world has to offer and in jesus name we pray amen