(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Man Proverbs chapter 30 is actually one of my favorite chapters is one of the first chapters I memorized when I was a teenager when I only had like less than five chapters memorized This was actually one of them one of the first things that I learned. I've always loved this chapter It starts out in verse number one the words of agar the son of jakey Even the prophecy the man spake unto I feel even unto I feel and you Cal now These names are people that we know nothing about and so we're no longer in the proverbs of Solomon chapters 1 through 29 We're all by Solomon, but these last two chapters are by different authors. We don't know who agar is we don't know who jakey is Well, you know he spake to I feel well I don't know who that is either and neither do I know who you Cal is okay, so First of all let's get into this guy's credentials. Okay. We don't know him or any of his friends or his relatives, okay? Verse two maybe this is gonna. Give him more credibility Surely, I am more brutish than any man Now what does brutish mean you know brutish basically means? Dumb ignorant foolish right like kind of like whenever I hear the word brood or brutish. I think of like a big dumb animal Okay Said surely. I'm more brutish than any man and have not the understanding of a man I Neither learned wisdom nor have the knowledge of the holy Now when you read these first three verses you know you can be a little bit taken aback Maybe and say well, you know what's going on? Why should I listen to you? Then you know if you don't know anything, but what we see here is that? This chapters in the Bible Why is this chapter in the Bible if it's written by a guy that nobody's ever heard of who just says hey Let's just start out by saying one thing. You know. I'm not a smart guy, and I haven't learned Wisdom, and I don't have the knowledge of the holy Why would this be in the Bible and here's the thing? This is such an important question because it really goes to the core of why is anything in the Bible That's in the Bible. Why do we believe the Bible? Why do we believe all the 66 books of the Bible and everything that they say it's not because of archaeology It's not because of history. It's not because of science because there's no archaeology or history about this guy We don't even know who this guy is you see the Bible is self-authenticating You know why we know that this chapter is the Word of God. It's because this chapter is awesome This chapter has power Only God's Word has power and so when the book of Proverbs is being put together You know God's people knew hey, this is supposed to be in there. They're led by the Holy Spirit Hey, this is God's Word We need to include this and that's why these last two chapters are tagged on to the end of the book of Proverbs Instead of just making it all the Proverbs of Solomon is that God? Led these chapters to be put into the Bible and God's people have recognized them as God's Word because of their built-in awesomeness because it is self-authenticating and So that's why it's in the Bible because it's God's Word And you say well, that sounds like kind of a circular argument. Well, amen. So what? This isn't a logic problem. This isn't a philosophy class Okay, God has put this chapter in the Bible and in fact This little preamble at the beginning makes it remarkable For this chapter to have ended up in the Bible with a preamble like this but yet when God wants something in the Bible, he puts it in the Bible and God's people are led by the Spirit of God to Acknowledge as God's Word that which is actually God's Word and you see this is why it's so important that we not only Believe in all 66 books of the Bible that we have Nothing more and nothing less But also that we stick to the traditional text of the Bible the text that has been passed down by God's people preached read and used by God's people non-stop as opposed to some new discovery some document that's been forgotten and and it's been gone and Supposedly that's a more accurate Version or whatever and that's what all these modern versions are based on by the way things that have been buried away No, we have the traditional text God's Spirit has authored this book and God's Spirit has also preserved this book and here it is Now, you know with that being said let's talk about what he's saying here. You know, he's basically exaggerating or using hyperbole and He's making the point that Human wisdom is not what it's cracked up to be. He's a guy that people are looking up to he's teaching He's writing down these These words that everybody wants to hear and that everybody's gonna preserve and ultimately put in the Bible But he's saying, you know, even me I look at myself and I feel dumb and you see here's the thing People that actually Learn a lot and then actually get a lot of education they realize how much they don't know and how much they don't realize and sometimes the people that walk around bragging about how smart they Are and acting like they're so much smarter than everyone else and having all this ego and pride it's it's really that they don't know much at all and some of the dumbest people think they're the smartest and some of the smartest people think they're the dumbest and Here's a guy that's obviously a super smart guy but yet he looks at himself and he says man, you know I feel like I'm dumber than other people I feel like I'm more brutish than any man and have not the understanding of a man I never learned wisdom nor have the knowledge of the Holy what is he saying? You know, there's so much more for me to learn and and so everybody who actually does real learning and real study as they delve into this Infinite book called the Bible They're gonna constantly be overwhelmed by a feeling of oh man. There's just so much that I still don't know There's so much more to learn. There's so much more study I need to do but then you knock the door of some guy who doesn't know Jack and he'll say oh I've already read the Bible. I don't go to church anywhere because I know more than all the pastors I've had somebody look me in the face and tell me well the reason I don't go to church because I'm I know more Bible than every pastor And do you really think That that guy knows more Bible than any pastor He probably doesn't even know more Bible than most of the people in this room right now Even if they got saved, you know a few months ago because people that talk a big talk like that You know and and and he said, you know, he'd read the Bible a few times in prison, you know So well case closed, right? But then you talk to people who literally have read the Bible 40 50 even a hundred times They're not gonna brag to you about how they already know everything there is to know and they don't need to go to church And they don't need to listen to preaching and they don't need to be taught No, the people who know the most realize there's still so much more learning. They want to be taught they want to attain unto wise counsels and hear what other people have to say so that they can learn even more and So that's what I get out of these first three Verses here and then this leads us right into the next thought in verse four after talking about his Deficiencies in learning and what he lacks in wisdom and knowledge He says who have to send it up into heaven or decent He kind of moves on to a thought in verse four if you know is anybody's knowledge really what it's cracked up to be You know people that are claiming to be experts and really smart and have a lot of wisdom Are they even what they're cracked up to be because there are just so many things in this world that are just unknowable that we can't know that we will not know he says who at the Senate up into heaven or Descented who had gathered the wind in his fists who had bound the waters in a garment who had established all the ends of the earth What is his name? And what is his son's name if thou can't tell and then this logically leads us into verse 5 Every word of God is pure. He's saying look at the end of the day Human wisdom is not going to be the final authority. It's the Word of God. That's the final authority and So my knowledge is deficient my learning and wisdom is deficient But guess what other people in this world can't really claim to know everything either At the end of the day it's God's Word that's pure it's the counsel of the Lord that shall stand It's God that knows everything. It's the Word of God. That is our final third You know, I was talking to pastor burzins a while back and he was just telling me how in his life. He's found so many experts To just be really disappointing even just in the business world Just just in secular pursuits so many people that are touted as experts They're really nothing special and they don't have all the knowledge that they claimed at me You know every once in a while you run into a real expert and they'll kind of blow your mind with how smart they are And how much they know but it's pretty rare they're out there, but you don't run into them very often Okay, a lot of people that are touted as experts They're just ordinary people and sometimes you can get this attitude that there are just these people out there. They just know so much They're so smart. We just need to trust them. We just need to listen to them. They must know these things They must be right But at the end of the day the Word of God is our final authority because that's really the only thing we can trust We can't necessarily trust an expert even if he is that smart you might not be telling the truth We can't always trust Everything that we read or hear but the Word of God is something that we know is pure something that we can rely on Say, how do we know that we know that by faith? We believe that and so I believe that everything in this book The King James Bible is 100% true And so this is the rock upon which I build my life This is the foundation of our church the foundation of my salvation and of my life is the Word of God It's the Bible because every word of God is pure. He's a shield unto them that put their trust in him Add thou not unto his words lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar, right? we don't want to add to God's Word because God's Word is Sacred and you can't take from it. You can't add to it. It is what it is Now he says after this part about God's Word being pure and and don't add to God's Word Which is obviously a really important scripture verses five and six These two verses were part of what drew me to this chapter when I originally learned this chapter as a teenager Because it's so important that we have the the Word of God Intact and and of course There's an attack on God's Word today adding and removing things and there always has been an attack on God's Word people have always been trying to sneak in apocryphal books and and bogus fake scriptures and there's always been an attack on certain parts of scripture to remove things and so forth, but Thankfully God promised to preserve his word and he said heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away So here we are and we have the preserved Word of God including this chapter Says in verse 7 two things have I required of thee Deny me them not before I die So he's kind of changed gears here because he's now speaking to God because so far he's been talking about God in the third person but now he's switched over to a prayer that he's actually praying to God and You're gonna find out that this guy's not as brutish as he is letting on at the beginning This guy is a very smart guy And of course, he's inspired by God, but it says two things have I required of thee deny me them not before I die Remove far from me vanity and lies Give me neither poverty nor riches So the two things that he is asking God for is number one remove far from me vanity and lies, right? I don't want to be surrounded by liars and and and people who are just Saying things that aren't true, but also just saying things that are vain just a bunch of just vain jangling hot air Stupid stuff that doesn't matter, you know, just just get rid of that junk. Basically. He's saying I'm not gonna watch the news It's basically what he's saying, you know remove far from me MSNBC remove far from me CNN You know remove far from me Fox News, you know, because it's van it when it's not lies It's vanity and when it's not vanity, it's lies So He says, you know get this stuff away from me. So, you know, I don't want to waste my time I don't want to be deceived. I don't want to listen to that stuff. Just vanity and lies and then he says give me neither poverty nor riches Now a lot of people today they want to be rich, but the Bible says labor not to be rich Do not try to be rich the Bible says they that will be rich meaning they that want to be rich Fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts Which drown men in destruction and perdition for the love of money is the root of all evil Which while some coveted after they've heard from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows Don't love money don't desire money Don't have a goal to be rich and you talk to young people sometimes and they'll just flat-out tell you Hey, I want to be rich. I had a guy tell me about a year or so ago He just looked at me and just said I just love money He said this is the path I'm taking in life because I love money And I'm just like dude the love of money is the root of all evil You know, this is what the Bible says, but he just he just said to me. He wasn't kidding. He wasn't being ironic He was just saying I love money. I'm like no and the thing is that Today a lot of young people this is their goal. It's just grow up and be rich. What what job can I do? What education can I get what path can I take that will lead me to being rich? But we should not desire to be rich because those who want to be rich end up falling into temptation the Bible says but at the same time I Don't want to be poor and God isn't saying that you should want to be poor You've got to take a vow of poverty. You've got to be poor your whole life. You should want to be poor That's not what the Bible teaches. The Bible says give me neither poverty nor riches right because He says in verse 9 lest I be full and deny thee and say who is the Lord look if I'm rich if I have Too much I could get to a point where I'm so arrogant pompous I start feeling like I don't even need God because I've got everything figured out I got everything taken care of I want to be a little hungry. Sometimes I want to be a little lean So that I still remember that I need God to sustain me and so that I'm trusting God for my daily bread But at the same time I don't want to live in poverty none of us does He says lest I be full and deny thee and say who is the Lord like what you know, what do I need him for? or lest I be poor and Steal and take the name of my God in vain and so people who are poor They could be tempted to maybe justify stealing and say hey It isn't fair everybody else has so much and I have so little and so it's only right that they shared the wealth a little So I'm gonna take this and I'm entitled to this and I guarantee you who's ever had your bicycle stolen before Look at all their hands around the building. Isn't it a shame? Oh, that makes me mad It's just like every hand that goes up. It's like I'm angry mad Stealing a bike. Oh Drives me nuts. I've had a couple bikes stolen, you know half the building just put up their hand that they've had a bike stolen But I'll bet you've had two bikes. So yeah, so half the building has lost two bikes So it averages out to one bike per person stolen And here's the thing about that is that I guarantee you that most of the people who stole those bikes They probably justified it in their mind and said oh, you know this privileged person and they you know They live in this nicer area and they have nicer things than me and I have this bad upbringing and you know They're not even gonna miss it. They're just gonna go buy another one and and I need this I'll guarantee that those kind of thoughts probably came into a lot of those thieves minds about how other people are privileged and they're Disadvantaged and that you know, America isn't fair and America ripped them off or whatever I guarantee you that those are the type of thoughts because people justify their sins And so what he's saying here is I don't want to be poor because there's a tendency in poor people sometimes to basically Steal to justify stealing and think well I have to do this And Lest I be poor and steal and take the name of my God in vain, you know They could also perhaps get angry at God lash out at God curse God like when things went wrong for job That's what his wife thought. He should do when he lost everything curse God and die and So he says, you know, just feed me with food convenient for me. What does that mean in verse 8? Does it mean that we need to do a lot of drive-thru? We need to eat as much fast food as we can, you know The virtuous Christian life is one that subsists and gets the daily bread from QT It's the gas station Right. I don't let lest I be let lest I be rich and eat at a steakhouse or lest I be poor and have no food You know feed me from QT feed me from McDonald's feed me from Taco Bell. That's not what he means. Okay, that's bad advice When he says feed me with food convenient for me What he means is that is the food that comes to me easily or naturally, right? That's what it means convenient is that which comes naturally or comes easily So for me in my house, you know, I don't have to get on my knees every morning You'd be like God the cupboards are empty. You know, I please provide now I do pray for God to provide I do. Thank God for my food But you know when I wake up in the morning there's food there when my wife goes to cook lunch or cook dinner the food is there and Virtually every single person here would say the same thing, you know when you go to your kitchen There's food there, right? So that's food could be for now we don't need to have necessarily all the filet mignon and lobster tails and Necessarily have all this stockpiled food to get us through the tribulation and the wrath of God just in case You know, we don't need all that stuff because of the fact that you know, we just need feed convenient We just need we just want to have what we need, right? I mean, what do we want? We just we want to have a roof over our family's head want to have a vehicle to get to work We want to have nutritious food Nothing fancy nothing special. We just want to have It not convenience foods not convenience store food Not fast food but food convenient for us and by the way eating out of fast food is expensive anyway That's not the cheapest way to eat I mean in some of these meals now you go to a fast-food place and it's like What 10 bucks a meal you can eat for a lot less than that at home Sometimes it's a lot more than that You can eat for less at home. Okay, you have to cook the food. Somebody's got to cook the food But man if you make things from scratch that's the cheapest way to eat and it's the healthiest way to eat too The problem is there's a little work that needs to go into it. A lot of people don't want to do any work It's a lot easier just to pull out that ready-made Convenience food dot feed me with convenience foods. Okay, it's not what it says Feed me with food convenient for me meaning not rich not poor middle class right the middle state here So the way this chapters laid out is a little bit Different it's a little odd in fact because the way that this chapter is laid out It's it's almost like a stream of consciousness, you know, and I'm not trying to be Disrespectful at all because obviously I've already acknowledged the greatness of this chapter and the power of God's Word And and how it shows itself to be God's Word because you know people have tried to make Imitations of God's Word and it's never good, but this is good But this that being said this chapter is laid out in kind of an odd manner at least from where I'm standing and from Where I see it because what the way this chapter is laid out is that? Agar the author of the of the chapter here. He will talk about something and then basically Something in what he said will connect it to the next thing But the next thing isn't really connected to what he was just talking about It's like he'll jump from subject to subject And he's taught which shouldn't really surprise us that much because isn't that the way the whole book of Proverbs has been in a lot of places So he'll kind of jump from subject to subject. But what's funny is that there's always like a little thread connecting the subject to the next subject Even though it's something totally different So like for example, he talks about well I don't want to be poor because then I might steal or take the name of God in vain and Then he just because we just talked about taking God's name in vain that kind of has his mind on Cursing so then he goes to this thought of accuse not a servant unto his master Lest he curse thee and thou be found guilty So that's just kind of a totally separate proverb It doesn't really seem to have anything to do with what we just read does it and look at the next thing There is a generation that cursed their father and did not bless their mother So you can see how one thought leads to the next even though these are kind of disconnected thoughts And here's the thing, you know, this is a poetic book. We have to understand that the book of Proverbs is poetry It's a poetic book. And so this is obviously a poetic device. This is done on purpose, you know For whatever reason and so it ends up working But he said it's not really the way that I would typically lay out a sermon though, okay But this chapter is a poem that's laid out in that way So it says accuse not a servant unto his master Lest he curse thee and thou be found guilty There is a generation that cursed their father and did not bless their mother and then he just starts going into a whole bunch Of things about this generation. There's a generation that are pure in their own eyes and yet is not washed from their filthiness There is a generation. Oh how lofty are their eyes and their eyelids are lifted up There's a generation whose teeth are as swords and their jaw teeth as knives to devour the poor From off the earth and the needy from among men so I mean, there's a lot that we could talk about here because each of these Proverbs is Worth looking at in its own right it, you know each proverb like in the rest of the book of Proverbs is like a sermon in and of itself But you know a few things I like to home in on about this generation is that you know We could look around at our generation and say hey, I see these things even in our generation And that's because there's nothing new under the Sun thousands of years ago Literally, right probably around 3,000 years ago This guy's saying there's a generation that cursed their father and did not bless their mother But sometimes that feels like something new to us You know We see a generation cursing their parents saying that they hate their parents and talking bad about their parents and and but you know what apparently that's always been going on hasn't it and that's why there are even commandments in the Bible about those who curse their father and mother and so forth and so the the world is Going through cycles, right? So we can look back to a time in our country where people were respectful to their parents where Christianity was exalted Where people are reading the Bible where people in general have Christian morals and we could say oh man, you know We're on this downward spiral. We're on this downward trajectory and that's true But here's the thing though if we went back even further We could find times and places that were as bad as the world is today right now in America We know we can look around at America right now and we could say it's the worst ever It's the work, you know, the sodomites and the perversion and the weirdos it's the worst ever Okay, I guess you've never studied ancient Greece You know, what about Sodom and Gomorrah, I mean Sodom and Gomorrah was worse than the United States And that was thousands of years ago, I mean Sodom and Gomorrah is about four thousand years ago Okay, but we could also look at places more recently in history Like we could look at Pompeii or something in the first century AD We could look at Athens in you know the fifth fourth century BC and and show all the perverted things and the wrong things and the wicked things and so there's really nothing new understand now I do believe firmly that The world is on a trajectory of getting worse not better as far as it's getting more immoral It's getting more ungodly and I do believe that that trend will continue in general until the Lord Jesus Christ returns But as this world circles the drain there are gonna be ups and downs ebbs and flows two steps forward one step back and Different places will be godly versus ungodly, you know So like let's say we talk about four thousand years ago Sodom and Gomorrah You know, that was one little area Which is why God just ended up torching it and burning it all down Just say just to get rid of that blight off the face of the earth or when the Canaanites became super perverted and God just had The Israelites wipe out the Canaanites, you know the difference was that it was a smaller group of people in a certain area even in the times when Ancient Greece was super perverted and wicked and filled with homos, you know, the whole world wasn't like that You know the rest of the world was condemning homos It was just these little pockets of wickedness popping up And so throughout history you've had pockets of wickedness pockets of righteousness you've had countries go downhill morally and then come back and then get worse and then have some kind of a revival or some kind of a renaissance of godly culture teaching the Bible whatever I Think the thing that's really different about today though Because you could look at America and say hey America is not as bad as Sodom and Gomorrah I think we'd all agree that the Sodom and Gomorrah described in the Bible is worse than any city in America Even San Francisco or or Las Vegas or something like that But I think the difference what's different though because we don't want to also get this other foolish teaching called post-millennialism Which teaches that the world's getting better and more Christian and we're gonna bring in the kingdom like Durban I see you laughing back there, you know Durban, you know what Durban's teaching down at apostasy a church that you know It's gonna get better. We're gonna bring in the kingdom post-millennialism and so forth Here's the thing about that the difference in 2023 about why the wickedness is Unprecedented is just the fact that it's getting global in scale Okay, then it's not just one Group of cities or one small nation that has been given over to a reprobate mind and and that is indulging in all of these filthy things but rather it's getting to the point where Countries all over the world are all going down the same path because the world has become somewhat of a Tower of Babel Right because throughout history we've had separate nations separate cities Separate groups and so those groups were sometimes righteous sometimes wicked they had their ups and downs, you know, oh, it's wicked Let's move over here Oh now we're in a more godly place the difference is that we have now the internet and TV and transportation technology That's kind of causing everything to be a little bit more homogenous Where now in America, it's not like oh, well, San Francisco's super weird New Orleans is super weird Las Vegas is super weird now It's to the point where on the road trip last summer I walked into Walmart in Oklahoma City and was greeted by a transvestite Now you wouldn't expect that in the Bible Belt, would you? But see in America, there's not a Bible Belt anymore. All of American culture is Starting to go down this dark path Where it's not like oh, well, if I go to Idaho, I'll never see any of that If I go to Oklahoma if I can just get to South Carolina if I you know I'll never have to see any that no my friend you walk in to you know, I was in you know, Greenville, South Carolina Beautiful city. I love Greenville. It's one of my favorite cities in the south But you know, there were businesses flying rainbow flags in Greenville, South Carolina Transvestite greeted you at Oklahoma City, you know, we were in Idaho and it was like a lesbian convention in Idaho It was just like I've never seen so many lesbians in my life as I saw in, Idaho So, you know nowhere nowhere is immune From this downward trend morally and spiritually in our country. I think that's the difference I think that's why we would say that post-millennialism is full of baloney other than the fact that it's totally unbiblical Obviously the Bible doesn't teach post-millennialism But you know, why don't we just put the Bible aside for a second just use a little common sense Well, the world's really getting Christian and godly, isn't it? Are you serious? You know, it's getting to the point where even even countries in Africa and in Southeast Asia, you know They're having this propaganda forced down their throat the sodomite propaganda. So it's not just the cities of the plain It's not Sodom Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboam and Zoar It's not just the Hivites and the Parisites and the Jebusites Just a small fraction of the world's population in this one little area that's gotten super wicked No, it's getting to the point where wickedness is happening everywhere Where the sodomites are taking over everywhere where all nations are being? de-christianized and people are getting away from sound doctrine on Mass ever not like well this area has gone bad, but the gospel is alive and well over here now, of course We're not there yet To Sodom and Gomorrah levels. We're not there yet where the Gospels totally gone because of course the gospel will never totally die Because as long as the Holy Spirit is there as long as the Word of God's there People are gonna be saved people are gonna preach, you know Christ's church is going to endure forever okay, and and the institution will endure the people will endure the Bible is gonna endure but When the end comes It's gonna be worse than it is right now. There's gonna be less godliness There's gonna be less sound Bible preaching. There's gonna be more wickedness and Christ is gonna have to come in and clean house. Okay? This is our eschatology Okay, we are pre-millennial and so we believe that the earth and I was I was talking to a guy that was one of these Post-millennial guys and we were you know, we were going back and forth with Bible verses and this is in real life By the way, I don't argue with people online, but I'm talking to this guy and I just said hey just stop for a second Just stop for a second Do you really like just put away the Bible for a second? Do you really think that the world's getting better or more godly or that Christianity is getting better and he's just like Yeah, that's a really good point. I don't know how to answer That's just kind of like it's kind of like just stop for a second and like why don't we look out the window You know, I mean, it's great, you know, and here's the thing. I believe that the Bible is the final authority But if the Bible doesn't match what I see out the window something's wrong with my interpretation of the Bible Because if I ever get because who believes that what I see out that window is real right now Or are we living in simulation? Okay. Look, I believe that what I'm seeing out that window is real right now Okay, so if the Bible is real And what I'm seeing out that window is real then you know, they should both match and if they don't match I'm either interpreting what I see out that window wrong or I'm interpreting the Bible wrong I don't think I'm interpreting what I see out there wrong I think we can all see that the world is on a bobsled to hell right now morally and spiritually Okay, and it's not and what's the difference you say? Well, you're the one who to hold us pastor Anderson that Sodom was like that that ancient Greece was worse that Pompeii was worse Amen Pompeii was worse I mean look the Pompeii exhibit in Phoenix here at the museum You had to be over 18 to even go into the Pompeii exhibit Because it's just it's just all male anatomy everywhere everywhere you turn Okay, by the way in the nation of bastards itself Reykjavik they had a whole museum Devoted to male Parts just just filth just total Queer smut. Okay. Look that's the kind of garbage that was going on a Pompeii Why God turned it into a second Sodom and Gomorrah and may a volcano erupt and just completely buried it So it's like oh, it's a sad look at this Pompeii people all burned up. It's like burn baby burn. They're a bunch of queers. I Mean think about it. Like do you wish Pompeii had not been this you wish they would have evacuated So they could just spread their faggotry to the whole rest of the world Thank God for that volcano Thank God for Vesuvius, you know what I mean? At least get rid of some of that stuff, you know We need we you know, we need a few other volcanoes to erupt and he's strategically located But you know the reason why it's you know, the reason why volcanoes aren't really You know blowing up and destroying cities like that right now. It's cuz like, you know You wouldn't really want San Francisco to get destroyed because there's a lot of good people in San Francisco There are a lot of good Christians in San Francisco, right? You know God smokes places like Pompeii and Sodom and Gomorrah where there's like nobody righteous. I Mean isn't wasn't that the whole story about lot? God didn't want to just wipe out lot and his family. I mean God God got a lot out of there You know, there there are too many lots in San Francisco. There are too many lots in Las Vegas and and these places They're good godly Christian people that live in these places And so, you know, they're not getting destroyed but Pompeii was just pure Fags, and so he just got destroyed just like Sodom and Gomorrah and by the way Lest you think God softened up in the New Testament get a history book Pompeii happened after Jesus died on the cross and rose again and ascended to heaven Okay Pompeii happened in the New Testament. So God still blows things up in the New Testament. Okay? When it when it went, you know and and you know Reykjavik with that museum They better watch out that because they because there's a lot of volcanoes in Iceland And I don't think there's a lot of righteous people over there So they better watch out, you know You know whenever like the one righteous guy like goes on vacation and leaves Iceland That sucker that volcano is gonna blow And it's all getting buried. Okay, and then people are gonna dig it up hundreds of years later and be like, whoa This is an over 18 exhibit All right, I digress But you know, so does agger he digresses a lot too so I don't I don't feel bad about it There's a generation that are pure in their own eyes verse 12, but it's not washed from their filthiness There's a generation. Oh how loftier their eyes and their eyelids are lifted up. You know, these are things that we should stay away from We don't want to be people who curse our father and don't bless our mother We don't want to be people who curse our father and don't bless our mother Want to honor and bless our parents. Amen We don't want to be people Who are pure in our own eyes and yet not wash from our filthiness We don't want to be Uh like this generation that's so arrogant and prideful and their their eyes are lifted up and they're so haughty and their eyelids are lifted up And we don't want to be like a generation whose teeth are as swords and their jaw teeth as knives To devour the poor from off the earth and the needy from among men, you know We don't want to run a check cashing place Or do predatory lending to poor people and take advantage of poor people and rip off the poor For our own financial gain so we can get rich while we rip off poor people We don't want to be that generation You know, the bible says in verse 15 the horse leech hath two daughters crying give Give there are three things that are never Satisfied gave four things say not it is enough now for the rest of the chapter We're going to be doing things in fours okay, so We had four things about the generation didn't we? You know, there's a generation there is a generation four different things So now for the whole rest of the chapter everything comes in fours But first it starts out with a three and then it goes to a four. So this is a again A uh a poetic device That's often used in poetry Where you'll say like for example, you know nine days went by and then on the 10th day this happened, right? So that's uh, a poetic device Where you have the number and then you give it a plus one and so right here it says, you know, there are Uh three things that are never satisfied Yay, four things say not it is enough and this is how it's going to be most of the time Where it says for example in verse 21 for three things the earth is disquieted see that in verse 21 and for four Which it cannot bear Right look at verse 29. There'll be three things which go well Yay, four are comely and going and we see this elsewhere in the book of proverbs when it says these six things does the lord hate This is just a poetic device, that's all I mean, what is the what does the word poetry even mean? You know, you ever stop and think like why are the books of job? psalms proverbs Ecclesiastes and song of psalms. Why are they called poetic books? Now I think it's obvious why psalms is a poetic book. Why is job a poetic book? Right because it feels more like a story and preaching is going on But you know, I think it's obvious why psalms is a poetic book. Why is job a poetic book? The definition of poetry Is that it's a work of literature that is being constrained? By some arbitrary pattern or rule or something the opposite of poetry is what? Pros, what does prose mean prose simply means straightforward? Pros means straightforward. It just means you're just writing something you just write it Whereas poetry is constrained somehow. There's some kind of a rule or some kind of a pattern like for example Hey the first line and the third line are going to rhyme and the second and fourth line are going to rhyme That's arbitrary right because you don't you don't have to write that way or uh, it's poetry because i'm going to use all this really Flowery language that I wouldn't normally use or it's poetry because the first line is going to start with an a The second line is going to start with a b The third line is going to start with a c and it's going to spell out the alphabet on the left side or you know You'll see a poem like uh in in in verity baptist church in the lobby They had to think it said like pastor And then it something started with a p something started with an a something started with an s, right? So that's poetry The main thing about poetry in the bible is parallelism So everything in the book of job is stated twice. So when the people are talking in the book of job They don't just talk normally they say something in one word and then they say it in another in another set of words Right, so everything's repeated It's these little couplets these little doublets that you see all throughout job psalms proverbs You'll see that over and over again So we're we're doing poetry here. It's meant to be beautiful And it has these little extra things going on like the hey, there's three actually there's four It's not that he just you know, he didn't want to cross that He wrote that there were three and then he's like, oh, you know, I just thought of another one You know, I know I said there are six things that the lord hates, but you know what? Ah There's one more thing that he hates obviously he already knows that there's he's gonna do fours but it's poetry so it's just A device it's beautiful. Somebody said it was a contradiction in the bible. That's funny Because here's the thing whenever you have four of something, you know what you also have three Right every single, you know, how many day how many months of the year have 28 days in them? all of them Right every month has 28 days Okay You know, I have two children Yay, three yay four. Oh actually 12 You know, I gotta count real quick But the point is that if you have four you also have three if you have seven you have to have six So so is the bible telling the truth when it says hey these six things does the lord hate? Yeah, he does hate those six things and he also hates seven Right. So anyway, that's what's going on here So he says, uh, there are three things that are never satisfied Yay, four Things say not it is enough the grave The grave is never satisfied why because people are dying every day and they're going to be dying tomorrow and the day after that And the grave is never satisfied. It just keeps on saying give me more more bodies send more dead souls my way so the grave Is never satisfied the barren womb is never satisfied right women who can't have children this bothers them And so that that barren womb is not satisfied because they're longing to have a child Obviously that's in general not uh Necessarily 100 of the time but in general the barren womb is never satisfied The earth that is not filled with water So, you know the rain falls from heaven onto the earth And the earth is never satisfied. You know, the earth always needs more. Give me more. Give me more and the earth can always receive more Because we have the water cycle, right? Because the water it comes in it goes out and it's a never-ending process It's sort of like our bellies Are never satisfied we could never just eat that one ultimate meal And then just i'm done I'm, never going to eat again because that meal was so good I never need to eat again. I I I ate it three years ago and i've just It was awesome And I haven't needed to eat since no because your belly's never satisfied. So in the same way as our belly There's a cycle right and the same thing with the earth, that's why the earth is not filled with water and the fire Says not it is not, you know, as long as there's fuel for that fire to burn it's going to keep going It's not just going to burn and burn and burn and then it just you know It's it's tearing through all that dead grass and and and dead tree branches and everything and then it's just like i'm tired You know i'm done I've burned, you know, this fire's gone along the fire never stops. It will literally never stop because it's just satisfied It'll only stop because it has to stop because there's nothing left to beat it, but it has an insatiable appetite The fire that sayeth not it is enough these things are never satisfied So what's the point here, you know, what is he saying here You know, well Guess what the the eyes of man are also never satisfied Human beings are also never satisfied. They're greedy just like these natural forces that are Never satisfied so are human beings The bible says the eye that mocketh at his father and despiseth to obey his mother The ravens of the valley shall pick it out and the young eagles shall eat it again It's important to honor love respect your parents Verse 18 there be three things which are too wonderful for me yay for which I know not the way of an eagle in the air You know you think about all of the wonder of nature. I mean how many times have you just Gone outside and just looked at that beautiful arizona sunset which happens every single day in arizona virtually And you look at that Sunset you just marvel at it Or you look at animals and you marvel at the beauty of animals, you know, whether it's Dolphins jumping out of the water or it's just some school of fish or one of the things is, you know An eagle flying in the air and and how many times have we all in our lives? You've been camping or you're out somewhere and you see an eagle and everybody just kind of stops And just kind of looks at that eagle Right, who knows what i'm talking about? You just everybody stop it's like oh there's an eagle and we all just kind of stop and we're all just staring at an eagle Why why are we looking at that eagle because it's wonderful It causes wonder we we're we're amazed at it. It's beautiful So it says that you know the way of an eagle in the air is beautiful the way of a serpent upon a rock now this is also wonderful because Serpents are of course we would call them snakes In our modern vernacular. This is one of those king james words, you know that we have a hard time with you know, you know, what's so funny about this is that i've never heard anyone Use the word serpent in a normal conversation And they will always say snake You know unless they're unless you're like with a group of baptist preachers or something. It'll be like hey look There's a serpent in the path, you know And so I will sometimes call it a serpent Just because like you get that word in your head from thinking about the bible all the time But unless you're around somebody who's super into the bible nobody in america Would say that's a serpent. Let's go to the reptile house to view serpents You just don't say everybody says snake 100 of the time right But here's what's funny Pretty much every single person knows what a serpent is If I were to walk down the street asking people do you know what a serpent is they're gonna say of course, it's a snake So even though the king james bible doesn't talk the way we talk People still can understand almost every word in the king james bible and the rare word that they don't understand the king james bible Look it up in the dictionary Because you know what? Every single book I read I look things up in the dictionary. I have a dictionary app on my phone dictionary.com app I used it today I actually I didn't use the app today. I use the desktop version, but I use the dictionary Almost every day, but for sure every week Because i'm reading books and and I have to I look things up And you say well the books I read I never have to look anything up well I'm, you know, i'm glad that you're enjoying dr. Seuss so much And I enjoyed it too, you know Many many years ago But you know, if you actually read books that are beyond that level you're gonna have to look some stuff up And by the way, people will come at you with this list of hard words in the kjb You can do the same thing with the esv Do the same thing with the niv you do the same thing with the new king james There are always going to be hard words in the bible no matter what I don't care who translates it I don't care what translation i'll bet you the living bible and the message have hard words in them Oh garrett, you know because some sometimes there are just hard concepts in the bible There are just archaic concepts. So you have to use an archaic word because it's it's a thing that's old Or it's some sailing term or sewing term or military term that we don't know anything about because we're a bunch of city slickers in 2023 america But you know, it's like oh, you know, it's so hard to serpent Every nobody says serpent, but everybody knows what a serpent is. Isn't that funny how that works? But that's how a lot of things in the king james are But you know when you do see a snake on a rock It's pretty cool to watch a snake move and it can be mesmerizing To look at a snake and watch that thing move and it's and it's and then you pick it up And then you pick it up and it just feels like one big muscle like it just feels like it's all muscle It's so strange And the way it moves and you don't really know like what's what's it going to do next? You know, it's just kind of like it's very complicated the way it moves and that little it's doing a little I don't know. Is that a sign or a cosine or what is that? You know Trying to mathematically understand the movements But you see the snake moving. It's it's pretty it's pretty amazing. It's wonderful. It's beautiful And then you cut the thing open and think you're going to get a bunch of meat out of it Because it just seems like it's all muscle Then you find out like yeah, there's like no muscle And you don't get a lot of meat off of a snake Who's ever tried to skin a snake to eat the the meat off of it? You know, i've done it on a camping trip before with with a bunch of guys We we caught a snake and we're like, yeah, you know, we're gonna we're gonna do this We're gonna eat this thing and you know, we butchered and ate the thing but it it yielded a lot less meat than you'd expect it was like We burned more calories Like butchering the thing than it gave us so in a survival situation just skip it you know Eat bugs, you know, you just pop them in your mouth swallow them done because butchering a rattlesnake is hard It was a rattlesnake that we that we did So we were removing something bad, you know But it says, you know the way of a serpent upon a rock it's it's too wonderful to me I can't process it It's so amazing, it's so beautiful, you know, he's just marveling at creation the eagle in the air the serpent upon a rock And then the next thing he says is the way of a ship in the midst of the sea You know you think about how the waves work and the waves throw the ship around and again It's so complicated like it's hard for your brain to process That's why if you've ever done like surfing i've never been actual real life surfing, but i've done like body surfing, you know Where you kind of go out there you wait for a good wave You just kind of ride the wave just riding on your stomach or i've done like boogie boarding or something But here's the thing about that is when you're out there and you're kind of bobbing in the water and all those surfers are bobbing In the water, it's kind of hard sometimes to figure out when the big wave is coming Now the surfers i'm sure they know and they'll figure it out and and you know They they know when it's going to be totally tubular. Okay? but You know I could be out there for hours and I can't really figure it out and you're like, oh man There's gonna be a good one. It's just kind of like It just kind of peters out Right because because you know the waves and the sea the weather You know human beings I mean are still trying to figure out how to predict the weather how to understand The weather patterns because it's so complicated. There's so much going on You know, it's hard to process but it's also just beautiful Just watching the sea And people love to go to the ocean just stare at the ocean and watching a ship in the midst of the sea watching a boat tossed in the waves is a beautiful thing just like watching that snake or Watching the way of an eagle in the air And then lastly it says the way of a man with a maid right the the physical relationship Between man and woman that is of course reserved for within the bounds of marriage is a beautiful thing And it's interesting how like as he goes down the list here it kind of gets more down to earth You know, he starts out with the you know The eagle in the air and then the serpent upon a rock is still very much nature And an animal and then you get to the ship in the midst of the sea We're getting a little more human but still not quite because it's just it's not really the people It's a ship bouncing in the water and then you get to actual humans In the end and and usually when we have the list of things here Usually the final thing in the list is the big one Right, you know faith hope and charity The greatest of these is charity, right? So a lot of times when the bible listing the last one is kind of the big one the finale, right? So the finale here is the way of a man with a maid the beautiful thing But yet human beings could take that which is the most beautiful the most sublime the most wonderful thing And turn it into something nasty Because look what the bible says in the very next verse such is the way of an adulterous woman So we just finished talking about how the way of a man with a maid. It's too wonderful for me It's too wonderful. I can't even process it. It's so beautiful. It's so wonderful But then he says such as the way of an adult notice the word way The way of a man with a maid and then he says such as the way Of an adulterous woman she eateth and wipeth her mouth and sayeth i've done no wickedness. Here's the image Imagine a woman just eating in a very not ladylike manner Imagine a woman just gorging on food to the point where she gets food all over her mouth Right, you know typically when we eat we put the food inside of our mouth But if you thought of someone who's kind of like a semi-feral kind of a sad you guys Yeah, you know you just picture them just kind of eating and making a mess all over their mouth Now obviously a baby eats that way but that you know, that's beautiful in its own way But you know when a baby does it is beautiful when adults do what babies do it's not beautiful If a baby is just you know I mean if you saw an adult in a restaurant just shoving food in their face and their foods all over their face You know and then the wiping of the mouth is just kind of You know that kind of a gesture right, you know, I mean I don't want to make myself messy with food You know, it's just kind of like yeah You know and everybody's looking at that And saying like oh man, you know, like like if it was actual like drink other than water Because that you know that was I was just freshening up a little there But you know if it was actually something if it was actually something like milk or you know juice or? Food or something and I did that and I just you know made a mess like that and then i'm just kind of like Wiping my mouth like that And just say what are you looking at? You never seen anybody eat before what are you looking at? Yeah, that's the idea here that the adulterous woman She eats and wipes her mouth. I didn't do anything wrong. I've done no wickedness Right. She's committing adultery The bible punishes adultery by death, but she's just like this is fine I didn't do anything wrong and it's ugly You know young people getting married it's beautiful A man and his wife being intimate. It's beautiful Adultery is ugly And maybe they don't see it I didn't do anything wrong But you know, we look at that from the outside And it's it's disgusting The whorish woman is gross She's nasty The skanky woman is yeah, right? That's what the bible said. Oh, you don't like that. Well, that's what the bible is teaching The bible calls it the filthiness of her fornication And so it's filthy according to the bible And the bible talks about how the whorish woman, you know, if you read ezekiel chapter 16, you know the whorish woman in the end All of her former lovers and people that she's consorted with are all going to be disgusted by her in the end And so here we see that Such is the way of an adulterous woman. She eateth and wiped with her mouth and says i've done no wickedness For three things the earth is disquieted for four it cannot bear I'm, not going to finish the chapter for sake of time, but it's a beautiful chapter. There's a lot of great wisdom here It self authenticates as god's word even though the writer has no credentials and doesn't even he doesn't even tell you Well, you know, I know you've never heard of me You know, anybody heard of agar? Okay. I know you haven't heard of me. I I spake to eithiel anyone anyone you cal I don't know any of these days. Well, you know, but but let me tell you the seminary that I graduated from You know, let me tell you about my phd You know, I got my bachelor's over here. My master's over here, you know and and all this stuff. Is that what he's saying? No, because here's the thing when it comes to being a man of god You don't need these kind of credentials You know, you know, what kind of a degree do you have to be, you know to be a minister none You know, you you have to have the spirit of god, you know that it you know being A preacher being a prophet of god being a man of god. It's not something that you you go somewhere and pay money and and somebody You know Grants this to you as a diploma Grants this to you as a diploma Okay, and so, you know what gives agar the right to tell us these things Right it you know, he has no qualifications He did not go to seminary. He did not study. He doesn't have a degree I didn't learn wisdom nor have the knowledge of the lord. What what bible college did you go to agar none? You Know what gives him the right is that he's preaching the word of god And he's speaking truth And you know what? It's the proof in the pudding that matters Because you could have all the accolades and all the degrees And all of the name dropping and you do a debate at a mosque in south. Africa. We know You know, you could tell us that five million times but at the end of the day What really matters is whether what you're saying is worth listening to Right and what what agar is saying here is some real life wisdom We need to apply all these things to our lives These are principles of god's word that we can hang our hat on the purity of god's word respect and obedience to your parents humility right Loving the poor not devouring them and abusing them and mistreating them Uh being pure and clean and not being an adulterer adulterous All the different things that are listed here being a hard worker Not meddling in strife not belonging to you. All the things that are taught in this chapter Are godly principles being preached by a man of god. We don't care who he is who cares and it's so funny to hear sometimes people try to like Assign every chapter of the bible to some famous person. Just just you know, like well agar is a code name for you know, solomon or Or david or it no it isn't And that's why I think it's funny. It's like he's agora the son of jakey Just in case you're gonna say well agar is kind of like this other guy whose name is sort of like You know that or so, you know try to find it but it's like come on jakey Nobody knows these people ithiel ucal nobody knows Lemuel people say lemuel is a code word for king psalm. I don't believe that. I just believe that these are just two guys Who are they who knows who cares You know who wrote a lot of books in the bible we don't know The only thing that matters at the end of the day is that they're inspired by god Let's bow heads and have a word of prayer father. We thank you so much for your word lord Thank you for this chapter, I pray that we would apply the wisdom that we've learned to our lives lord and that we would live Godly lives that would honor and glorify you and in jesus name we pray. Amen