(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Very good to see y'all here. Let's all find our seats, please, and take your songbooks. We'll begin with hymn number 110. Hymn number 110, All the Way, My Savior Leads Me, number 110. Once you find your place, let's sing it out on that first verse together. Hymn number 110. Hymn number 110, All the Way, My Savior Leads Me, number 110. Once you find your place, let's sing it out on that first verse together. Hymn number 110. All the Way, My Savior Leads Me, number 110. All the Way, My Savior Leads Me, number 110. All the Way, My Savior Leads Me, number 110. All the Way, My Savior Leads Me, number 110. All the Way, My Savior Leads Me, number 110. All the Way, My Savior Leads Me, number 110. All the Way, My Savior Leads Me, number 110 Gushing from the rock before me, Oh, a spring of joy I see. All the Way, My Savior Leads Me, number 110. All the Fullness of His love, Earth has rescued me as one, As in my Father's house of mine, When my spirit, love, and warmth, Won't waste its life in two rounds of rain, Bless my song, and bless ages, Jesus, let me all the way. Bless my song, and bless ages, Jesus, let me all the way. And my great sergeants, thank you tonight. I've asked Father A.J. to open this up in prayer. Father in Heaven, thank you, Lord, for this opportunity today that we had to go soloing. Lord, I pray that you fill us all with the Holy Spirit and bless all aspects of the sermon. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. Amen. Hymn number 53 is next. Beulah Land, number 53. I've reached the land of joy and divine, number 53, on this first verse all together now. I've reached the land of joy and divine, With all its nations free and divine, Here shines the big wine, bless you again, For all my night has passed away. Oh, Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land, As on the highest mountains I stand, I look away across the sea, Where vengeance are prepared for me. And when the shining glory show, I bear my bones forevermore. My Savior lies and walks with me, There to speak of him, yet dear to me, He gently leads me by his hand, For this has happened, Father Land. Oh, Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land, As on the highest mountains I stand, I look away across the sea, Where vengeance are prepared for me. And when the shining glory show, I bear my bones forevermore. Oh, sweet Beulah Land, As on the highest mountains I stand, I look away across the sea, Where vengeance are prepared for me. And when the shining glory show, I bear my bones forevermore. Oh, sweet Beulah Land, As on the highest mountains I stand, I look away across the sea, Where vengeance are prepared for me. And when the shining glory show, As angels with a white robe, Join in the sweet redemption song. Oh, Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land, As on the highest mountains I stand, I look away across the sea, Where vengeance are prepared for me. And when the shining glory show, I bear my bones forevermore. All right, this time we'll go through our announcements together. If you don't have a bulletin, slip up your hand nice and high. We'll get to you with one. On the inside we have our service times. Sunday mornings at 10.30 is our preaching service. Sunday nights at 6. Wednesday nights at 7 is our Bible study. This week we're in Ezekiel 21. We've got the soul-winning times listed there below. As well as salvations and baptisms. The birthdays and anniversaries for January are listed there below. And then on the back we've got the homeschool field trip coming up this Friday, January 7th at 10.30 a.m. And so be sure to read all the details there as far as the rules and everything like that. Keep praying for all of our ladies that are expecting that they will have a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery. Other upcoming events, there are several other things going on this week. We've got Mexico Monday tomorrow. That is the trip that Brother Segura leads down to Mexico on the first Monday of every month to do a day of soul-winning down there. And so we've got that. We've got the music emphasis night on Thursday. And then we've got a small town soul-winning trip this Saturday in Globe. If you want to sign up for the small town soul-winning, sign up over here on this clipboard. That's where the schedule and schedule is for that. You can also talk to Brother Raymond Cooper in the green shirt there in the front and he can give you more details or answer any questions about the small town soul-winning. And he can also answer questions about the missions trip to the U.S. Virgin Islands. So that's coming up in just two weeks and it's on January 16th through the 22nd. And the thing about this trip is that it's in the U.S. So you're not actually leaving the United States, but it kind of feels like you're leaving the United States. So it has the atmosphere of being in another country in the sense that, you know, you fly there, you leave the contiguous United States, and the soul-winning is very receptive there. It's more receptive there than if you were going soul-winning in the mainland United States. So it has the benefits of a missions trip. You know, you're going somewhere exotic and the people are a lot more interested in hearing the gospel there, but the good news is you don't have to necessarily have a passport, you don't have to worry about all the COVID regulations, about international travel. Right now, a lot of missions trips are just closed to us. A lot of trips that we have in mind and places that we'd like to go and do missions, we just can't go because the rules for COVID are too strict. So that's why we're focusing on the Virgin Islands right now. We're going to see how this trip goes. If it goes really well, we'll probably keep repeating this trip until some of these other places open up. So this is kind of the test. We've already sent a couple guys in to spy out the land, and they found it to be very receptive, soul-winning. Now we'll take a bigger crew, and if it's good, hopefully, God willing, we can just keep going back and just canvas the whole place. Just knock every door on the whole island and win as many people to Christ as we can. So that's pretty exciting. If you're not going, pray for them that they'll have a great trip, that everything will go well, and that many people will want to hear the gospel and that many people will get saved. And so that's about it for announcements tonight. Let's go ahead and count up the soul-winning for the past few days. So going back to Thursday. Anything from Thursday? Okay, got it. Gotcha. Anything else from Thursday? What about Friday? Anything from Friday? Okay, and then what about Saturday? Okay, anything else from Saturday? And then today, I know there was one in the church van today. Outside of the van? Got another one? Gotcha. Got it. Got it. Okay, anything else? Oh, there we go. Alright. Am I missing somebody? Alright, so that's about it for announcements. Then let's go ahead and sing our next song. Come lead us. Alright, you should find the insert into one of your hymnals with the song Seek Ye First, the kingdom of God. If you don't have one, please raise your hand. Seek ye first the kingdom of God. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. And all his things shall be added unto you. Allelu, alleluia. Ask and it shall be given unto you. Seek and he shall find. Dark and it shall be opened unto you. Allelu, alleluia. That shall not live by bread alone, but by every word. That will cease from the mouth of God. Allelu, alleluia. Amen. And your song with us now, please go to hymn number twenty-four. Number twenty-four, and can it be that I should gain an interest in the Savior's blood? Number twenty-four, let's really sing it out altogether on that first verse. Hymn number twenty-four. Sing it out. And can it be that I should gain an interest in the Savior's blood? Or me who caused this dream or me who ran until then pursued amazing love how can it be that though my God should strive for me, in love, how can it be that thou, my God, shouldst die for me? He let his fathers grow now above, so free so liveth and liveth his praise. Empty himself from all above, and bled for Adam's helpless ways. Tis mercy, all humans and free, for, O my God, if thou shalt be amazing love, how can it be that thou, my God, shouldst die for me? Long, my risen spirit lay, cast out in sin and nature's night. I, I, if you, stuck with me, pray, I woke the dungeon flame with my eyes. My chains fell on, my heart was free, I rose, went forth and followed me. Amazing love, how can it be that thou, my God, shouldst die for me? Amazing love, how can it be that thou, my God, shouldst die for me? All right, this time we'll quickly pass our offering plates around. As the plates go around, let's turn our Bibles to 1 Thessalonians, Chapter 5. 1 Thessalonians, Chapter 5, as we always do, we'll read the entire chapter, beginning in verse number 1. Follow along silently with Brother Dan as he reads 1 Thessalonians, Chapter number 5. 1 Thessalonians, Chapter 5, the Bible reads, But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light and the children of the day. We are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore, let us not sleep, as do others, but let us watch and be sober. For they that sleep, sleep in the night, and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and for in helmet the hope of salvation. For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep we should live together with him. Wherefore comfort yourselves together and edify one another, even as also ye do. And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labor among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake, and be at peace among yourselves. Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly. Comfort the feeble-minded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. See that none render evil for evil unto any man, but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves and to all men. Rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks, for this is the will of God and Christ Jesus concerning you. Quench not the spirit, despise not prophesyings. Prove all things, hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil, and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly. And I pray God, your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it. Brethren, pray for us. Greet all the brethren with an holy kiss. I charge you by the Lord that this epistle be read unto all the holy brethren. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. Father in heaven, we want to thank you for all the souls that were won this past year, Lord, and we want to thank you for all the silent partners that took the big step this last year, Lord, and our talking partners now, Lord. We just appreciate it, Lord. We love you, Jesus. It's in your glorious name, pray. Amen. Amen. All right, tonight's sermon is called Pre-Trib Rapture Arguments Debunked. The Bible is crystal clear that the rapture takes place after the tribulation, and yet this doctrine is still out there. The vast majority of independent Baptist churches are teaching this erroneous wrong doctrine that says that the rapture will happen before the tribulation, and that it could even happen at any moment. It could happen in 2022 according to them. It could happen today. This is a wrong doctrine, and it's very easy to prove this from scripture. I'm going to go through with you tonight the arguments that they will come up with to try to prop up this wrong doctrine and just take these apart systematically one by one. Of course, the pre-tribulation rapture does not have any clear scripture to rest on because no false doctrine has a clear scripture upon which it is based. It's based on a lot of human reasoning. They've got their charts and their explanations, but they don't have a clear verse like we do. We have a verse that says, after the tribulation, Christ comes in the clouds, the trumpet sounds, etc., and we'll get to that later. They have no such clear verse, so often if you ask them for a clear verse, this is probably their biggest verse is 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 9, and one of their biggest arguments is that we are not appointed to wrath, so how could we be here for the tribulation if we're not appointed to wrath? Look if you would at 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 9. It says, for God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ. Now let's see if their argumentation holds up here. They're claiming that because we're not appointed to wrath, it must be a preacher of rapture. Well, let's flip back over to chapter 3 of 1 Thessalonians and let's look at verse 3. Now, of course, most of us are probably familiar that with the fact that 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 is the most famous passage on the rapture. 1 Thessalonians 4 describes Christ coming in the clouds, the dead in Christ rise first, then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord, wherefore comfort one another with these words. So the big rapture passage is in chapter 4. In chapter 5, we've got this verse saying we're not appointed to wrath, and so this is what they run with, but they forgot about chapter 3. Let's back up to chapter 3 and look at verse 3. It says, that no man should be moved by these afflictions, for yourselves know that we are appointed thereunto. Isn't it interesting that the exact same word is used here, that we are appointed unto these afflictions. Verse 4, for verily when we were with you, we told you before that we should suffer tribulation, even as it came to pass, and ye know. Now, think about how absurd it is to take chapter 5, where it says we're not appointed to wrath, and claim that that's a pre-tribulation rapture, when chapter 3 literally says in those exact words we are appointed to tribulations. Apparently tribulations and wrath aren't the same thing, are they? Okay, you see tribulations, yes, we are appointed unto them, and in fact even the word affliction in verse 3, you need to understand that the words affliction and tribulation are used interchangeably in the Bible. For example, in Matthew 24, it says, for then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the world began, no nor ever shall be, and in Mark chapter 13, in the parallel passage, it says, then shall be great affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the world to this time, no nor ever shall be. So Mark 13 and Matthew 24, when talking about the great tribulation, use the words tribulation and affliction interchangeably. The Bible says we are appointed to affliction, verse 3, we are appointed to tribulation, verse 4, we are not appointed to wrath. So what this teaches is not a pre-tribulation rapture, it teaches a pre-wrath rapture. I do believe that the rapture is pre-wrath, but it's not pre-tribulation, it's pre-wrath is all that that proves. While we're in 1 Thessalonians chapter 5, another thing that sometimes people will say when they believe in the pre-trib rapture is they'll say, well Christ is coming as a thief in the night. So, you know, Christ coming is as a thief in the night and so therefore it could be tonight, it could be tomorrow, it could be in, you know, when we don't expect it, boom, it's just going to hit us like a thief in the night, so we don't know when it's going to happen. Look at 1 Thessalonians 5 because remember chapter 4 is the rapture passage. I just finished quoting it to you, but let's just go back to 4.17 just to refresh your memory. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together. And by the way, that's what the word rapture literally means. It just means being caught up. It comes from Latin. If you were to look up this verse in Latin, then it's going to use a form of the word raptura and so that's where we're getting it from. So a lot of people say, well the word rapture is not in the Bible. Yeah, but caught up together with him in the clouds is in the Bible. So we could call it the caught up if you want, but it doesn't sound very good, does it? We call it the catch up, but that it just doesn't have the same ring to it. So don't get caught up and say, well rapture is not in the Bible. Yeah, but caught up together and that's all that rapture means. Even we would even use that even in our just everyday speech. If someone were enraptured, it means they get caught up in something, right? They get enraptured in a more figurative sense. So it says then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words, but. Now what we need to understand is that the chapter divisions in the Bible, okay, they're not just some hard break because here we have chapter five starting with a conjunction. So chapter five is continuing the thought from chapter four. So you can't just bail at the end of chapter four, you know, you got to finish the book of 1 Thessalonians, okay. So it says comfort one another with these words, but of the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I write unto you. The times and the seasons of what? The rapture, because that's what we just talked about. He said this is going to happen, we're going to be caught up together in the clouds, but of the times and seasons, brethren, you have no need that I write unto you, for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. There's two things we can learn here. Number one, we can learn that the timing of the day of the Lord and the timing of the rapture are the same timing, because he says, well you don't need me to tell you the times and seasons of the rapture, because you already know that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. Now if the day of the Lord and the rapture happened at different times, that sentence would make no sense, but it makes sense because the rapture happens on the day of the Lord, that's why it makes sense. So you say, well Pastor Anderson, you just proved that the rapture is coming like a thief in the night. Amen! Amen! The rapture is coming like a thief in the night upon the unsaved, not upon the saved. Keep reading. It says, the day the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night, for when they shall say peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape, but ye, brethren, are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief. You know, so what someone is inadvertently saying when they say, well you know the rapture is going to come upon us like a thief in the night, it's like they're accidentally saying that they're not saved or something, or that they're in darkness, or that they don't know the Bible. Like, I don't know the signs to look for. I don't know. I'm in total darkness here. It's going to come upon me as a thief. That's what they're basically saying, and obviously they don't mean to say that, but if they read the rest of the passage, they'd know that he's only coming as a thief in the night upon those who are in darkness. But the Bible says, but ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. So it doesn't make sense for me to come into a Baptist church where we're saved and reading our Bibles every day and know the scripture and say, okay guys, Christ's going to come like a thief in the night, because it doesn't apply to us. It applies to them out there. They say peace and safety, sudden destruction comes upon them as travail upon a woman with child. They shall not escape, but ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Very easy to understand this passage. You're all the children of light and the children of the day. We're not of the night nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep as do others, but let us watch and be sober. The word watch in the Bible means to stay awake, to be vigilant, alert, watching, okay? So that's that. Let's go to Matthew 24. So flip over if you would in your Bible to Matthew chapter 24. So we saw that this argument that says we're not appointed to wrath doesn't hold water, because literally in chapter 3 on this practically the same page in your Bible it says that we are appointed to affliction, we are appointed unto tribulations. Now obviously we're constantly as Christians going to go through affliction with a little a and tribulation with a lowercase t, right? We're always going to be going through trials and tribulations in our life, but what's coming is a big tribulation. Tribulation such as was not since the world began to this time, nor ever shall be. But here's the thing, if God allows us to go through tribulations now, who's to say that he can't allow us to go through tribulation in the future? If every generation goes through lowercase t tribulations, why would God just be obligated to pull us out before the tribulation? There's no such teaching in the Bible, there's no such verse, and not appointed to wrath isn't going to cut it because we are appointed to tribulations and afflictions all the time. And so what's one more tribulation to add on at the end? We are not appointed to wrath. But people who believe in this pre-trib rapture doctrine, they're confused because they think that the tribulation is a pouring out of God's wrath, and it isn't. The pouring out of God's wrath begins after the tribulation, the pouring out of God's wrath begins after the rapture. Look what the Bible says clearly here in Matthew chapter 24. In verse 29 it says immediately after the tribulation, and again if you're reading the Bible in Latin, which I don't know why you'd ever want to do that, but if you did, this would actually literally say post tribulatonem. That's my favorite Latin verse, because it says like post tribulation. But it says immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken and then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other. So what we see here in this passage is that after the tribulation the sun and moon are darkened and Christ comes in the clouds. The trumpet sounds and all the elect are gathered unto him. Now when we read this passage those of us who understand this subject and have studied this, this makes perfect sense to us because we know that all throughout the Bible the mark of the day of the Lord is the sun and moon being darkened. You know I'm not going to take the time right now to turn to like eight or ten passages in the Bible where it says the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord come and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. That's one that I could talk about in Acts 2. We could go to Joel 2. We could go to the book of Isaiah. We could go throughout the New Testament, Old Testament, both and you'll see that the sun and moon being darkened is the primary characteristic of the day of the Lord. So it makes perfect sense to us we just read in Thessalonians that the timing of the day of the Lord is the same as the timing of the rapture and here we have the sun and moon being darkened, trumpet sounds, Christ comes in the clouds and gathers the elect. It's obviously the rapture. Of course those who uh don't believe in uh uh or excuse me those who believe in this pre-tribulation rapture they'll deny that this is the rapture. They'll say this isn't the rapture. We're going to get to that in a moment but first let's just enter their minds for a second right let's think like a pre-tripper for a second okay let's all pretend that we're pre-trib. I know it's weird but let's do it all right we're all going to pretend like we're pre-trib for a second. Everybody cool? All right but pre-trib I mean let's go I'm not looking for the undertaker I'm looking for the upper taker I'm not looking for the antichrist I'm looking for jesus christ right when the holy spirit's taking out I'm taking okay so we're all pre-trib all right so even if you're pre-trib even if you're pre-trib and you say like this isn't the rapture you still have to acknowledge one thing even if you're pre-trib you're all pre-trib here right okay hey you still have to acknowledge one thing and you know what that one thing is that the sun and moon are darkened after the tribulation can we agree on that my pre-tribbers because whether you think this is the rapture or not it says after the tribulation of those days the sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven I mean can we at least admit that not even you won't admit it yeah you're a typical pre-tribber then you're you know one guy's in character because he's making no sense and that's how they are but anyway any reasonable person even if they want to claim this isn't the rapture would have to admit that after the tribulation sun and moon are darkened stars fall okay now go to revelation chapter six keep your finger in matthew 24 because we'll be back but go to revelation chapter six and in revelation chapter number six we have in the book of revelation the sun and moon being darkened okay revelation chapter number six the bible says in verse 12 and I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal and lo there was a great earthquake and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became as blood and the stars of heaven fell onto the earth even as a fig tree cast with her untimely figs when she's shaken of a mighty wind I mean even a pre-tribber would have to admit okay this is the same thing as matthew 24 sun and moon darkest stars fall what did matthew 24 say about this it says after the tribulation am i right okay now let's keep reading and the heaven departed as a scroll when it's rolled together and every mountain and island were moved to other places and the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the mighty men and every bond man and every free man hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the watch this from the wrath of the lamb for the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand what does is come mean it means it just now arrived it didn't say it had come it came a while back it has come no it says it is come like the song joy to the world the lord is come okay it's celebrating the event of the birth so when they say here the great day of his wrath is come you're not going to say that years into something months into something weeks into something you're saying it on the day that the day has come and this is even stronger because it's the day is come present helping verb there okay does everybody see that so notice after the sun and moon are darkened is when the great day of his wrath is come totally consistent with all the other day of the lord verses now look at chapter 7 verse 1 because remember we don't want to treat these chapter divisions as just a hard break and after these things i saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth that the wind should not blow on the earth nor on the sea nor on any tree and i saw another angel ascending from the east having the seal of the living god and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea saying hurt not the earth neither the sea nor the trees till we have sealed the servants of our god in their foreheads now let me ask you this has god been hurting the earth and the trees up to this point no because he said don't do it don't hurt the earth don't hurt the trees don't hurt the sea so has god been just pouring out his wrath on the earth and just destroying all these things and fire and brimstone from heaven no that hasn't started yet it's so clear isn't it so when the sixth seal is opened the wrath is about to start the day of his wrath is here it's about to happen and it's like hold up wait you're about to hurt the earth you're about to hurt the sea you're about to hurt the trees but just put it on pause for a second until we do this thing with 144 000 and whatever the point is that in the book of revelation god's wrath does not begin until the sun and moon are darkened that's when the great day of his wrath has come and after this point as we roll into chapters eight and nine what do we see a great outpouring of god's wrath where there's literal fire and brimstone coming down from heaven as the trumpets are blown and so we got fire we got water turning into blood one-third of the fishes in the sea die right the green grass is burned up one-third of the trees is burned up men are scorched with great heat and blasphemed the god of heaven who had power over these plagues it's god plaguing the earth it's kind of similar to the plagues of egypt you know turn water into blood locust from hell all these things but before this point we have not seen god pouring out his wrath because if you actually backed up and read revelation chapter six you know what you're going to find is that seals one two three four and five are not the wrath of god seals one two three four and five are not the wrath of god it's just there's wars famines pestilences and then you have christians being killed for the cause of christ the fifth seal is christians being killed for the cause of christ how is that the wrath of god that's christians being killed for the cause of christ that's not god pouring out his wrath god doesn't pour out his wrath until after the sun and moon are darkened and and that's when he says okay the great day of his wrath has come and that's when the wrath begins so just stop and think for a second if matthew 24 says that the sun and moon are darkened after the tribulation and if the wrath comes after the sun and moon are darkened how can the tribulation and the wrath be the same thing tribulate just stop and think tribulation comes before the sun and moon are darkened wrath comes after how can they be the same they're not the same here's the order tribulation after the tribulation the sun and moon are darkened when the sun and moon are darkened they say the great day of his wrath has come it's so simple right so clear but you guys are pre-trib and that's why you don't want to accept it so go back if you would to matthew chapter 24 matthew chapter 24 so so you know their argument that says well we're not appointed to wrath is bogus because we believe in a pre-wrath rapture the rapture takes place at the sixth seal sun and moon are darkened christ comes in the clouds trumpet sounds okay that's post-trib but it's pre-wrath because the tribulation and the wrath are not the same thing it's very clear okay now back to matthew 24 we're going to talk about the second argument that was the first argument was not appointed to wrath and i would say we put that one to bed pretty well okay number two pre-trib argument that we're going to debunk tonight is this argument that says well matthew 24 isn't the rapture you know they say matthew 24 is not the rapture so i'm going to have you stop being a pre-tribber now and turn your brain back on all right and so uh so matthew 24 isn't the rapture is what the pre-tribbers will say okay but here's what's funny pre-tribbers love to teach a doctrine called imminence don't they that jesus can come back at any moment and whenever i've talked to pre-trib pastors or or just pre-trib brothers in christ i always ask them where does the bible teach that christ can return at any moment where is this imminency where is this teaching that says he can come at any time he can come today you know where is this coming from and inevitably they will always quote this verse look if you would at verse 36 but of that day and hour knoweth no man know not the angels of heaven but my father's only so they'll say well nobody knows the day or the hour therefore it can happen at any moment that's their argument because what other argument is there for imminency the only argument would be watch therefore for you know not what hour your lord doth come watch you don't know what is going to happen or you know no man knoweth the day or the hour you know uh we don't not you know not even the angels in heaven no nobody knows watch at such a time as you think not the son of man cometh no man knows that are there that's their argument for imminency guess where their argument for imminency comes from matthew 24 mark 13 but here's the big giant question we need to ask ourselves about this argument but of that day and hour ask yourself this question what day and hour what day and hour because they're saying no man knows the day or the hour watch you don't know when he's coming that's all found in matthew 24 and in matthew or mark 13 like for example you know jump down to uh verse 44 wherefore be also ready for such an hour as you think not the son of man cometh you know uh and and these are the verses that they're quoting the verses that they're quoting are literally from matthew 24 the only verses that they have for imminency are like matthew 24 mark 13 luke 17 luke 21 and they're all passages that if you pin them down they would say well that's not the rapture so isn't it interesting that when they want to teach imminency suddenly it's the rapture but then when you know you show them it's after the tribulation now all of a sudden it's not the rapture how does that work because look at the pronoun verse 36 but of that day and hour i mean that begs the question what day and hour what day now okay so let's back up to verse 29 immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun and moon be darkened or so the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken and then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven the other they're going to scream that's not the rapture well how how do we know it's not the rapture well it can't be because it says after the tribulation it can't be the rapture the rapture is pretty true amen so they're going to scream and yell that this cannot be the rapture because it's after the tribulation but let's keep reading so he sends his angels great sound of a trumpet verse 32 now learn a parable of the fig tree when his branches yet tender and put forth leaves you know that summer is nigh so likewise ye when you shall see all these things know that it is near even at the doors verily i say unto you this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled heaven and earth shall pass away but my words should not pass away but of that day and hour no what day and hour it's what we just read that they're saying is not the rapture so actually what we don't know the day and the hour of is matthew 24 29 through 31 christ come in the clouds trumpet sound elect being gathered that's what we don't know the day and hour of okay because that day is what we're talking about in the passage that's what the pronoun is even referring to now let me deal with a couple things quickly here when it says this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled a lot of people will erroneously understand this to mean that everything in matthew 24 happened to the generation that jesus was talking to that's absurd because no christ did not come in the clouds the trumpet didn't sound and and he didn't gather the elect from the whole planet that didn't happen that's bogus read it in context it says in verse 33 likewise ye when ye shall see all these things know that it is near even at the doors verily i say to you this generation what's the this generation the ones who see all these things and know that it's at the doors this generation should not pass to all these things be fulfilled so the importance here is that when we see the events of matthew 24 happening we know that it's near at that point he says when you see these things begin to come to pass you know that it's near which makes no sense if you're a pre-tripper because they don't think we're going to see anything they think we're just like at church on a sunday night january 2nd 2022 and then we just disappear and there's no run up to it i mean i've heard my whole life he can come before the end of this service there's no that would be no run up nothing to watch for nothing to pay attention for and so here's the thing when you see these things begin to come to pass you know that it's near and this generation that sees these things begin to come to pass and knows that it's near is not going to pass till it's all fulfilled what the bible is saying here is that this all happens in one generation it's not dragged out over centuries or millennia because there are people that will take the the events of matthew 24 and revelation and try to drag them out over centuries and say you know well you know the 1260 days is actually 1260 years 1335 days is really 1335 years and you know it's been going on ever since the first century until now it's called the historical view of the book of revelation that it's it just kind of is it's going on throughout history it's being carried on throughout history that's not what the bible teaches when you see these things begin to come to pass it's all going to happen it's all happening it's not like well here's the abomination of desolation and then 200 years later no it folks when you see these things in matthew 24 happening it all is happening that generation is not going to pass until it's all fulfilled that's what the bible is actually teaching okay so they say matthew 24 isn't the rapture the problem with saying that matthew 24 isn't the rapture is that they lose all of their scriptures on imminence because then they're going to have to admit that they would have to say that mark 13 isn't the rapture luke 17 luke 21 aren't the rapture well if none of these are the rapture then you just lost all your verses on imminence and in fact saying that we don't know the day or the hour doesn't even teach imminence now what if i said to you i say hey baron i am going to pay a surprise visit to your dwelling i'm going to show up at your door and knock on your door and you don't know when i'm coming i'm not going to warn you you're not going to know but it's after it's going to be after summertime so if i said sometime after summer i'm going to show up and surprise baron at his house now now think about this folks could i could i come today can i come in april can i come in july no because i specifically said it's after summer now do you know the day that i'm coming do you know the hour but is my coming imminent no because see not knowing the day and the hour doesn't mean it's imminent we don't know the day we don't know the hour but here's what we do know it's after the tribulation that's what we know there's no imminence being taught in this passage the pre-tribbers use this to teach imminence and they're being a big hypocrite because they're then turning around and saying it's not the rapture when they get to the part that's after tribulation i kid you not i listened to an independent fundamental baptist sermon that preached verse by verse through matthew 24 he started in chapter 1 and he preached through and he preached down and preached down and when he got to verse 28 he said well we all we all know the rest of the story let's jump down to verse 36 no joke he literally he did every single verse and then he got to verse 28 and he said you know we we know that we know the rest of the story let's jump down to verse 36 of that day an hour no no man you know it's gonna be today you know what that's that's a bold-faced liar that man was a bold-faced liar i mean he's just lying to his congregation i mean how is that not a lie when you know what that chapter 20 that verse 29 says and then you lie and say well we're skipping it because you know what it you already know the rest of the story you're a liar that's not why you're skipping it like if he wanted to be honest he could just say hey we're gonna skip these verses because i don't have time to explain why they don't say what they really seem like they're saying i don't have time to twist these sufficiently i don't have time to turn this on its head and do the mental acrobatics necessary so let's just jump over it you know he but even if he wanted to save face he could have just said hey we're gonna we're gonna skip versus 29th or 31 because that's complicated and i'm gonna deal with that another time you know okay at least then he's not a bold-faced liar but to get up and say well we we know this we know the rest of the story let's uh jump down you're just a liar at that point how do you how do you even look at yourself in the mirror when you say things like that how do you even how can you even have any respect for yourself as a pastor and say something like that it's embarrassing i mean what kind of a person are you that would say something like that from the pulpit you know and look i understand that every single person has lied in their life and the bible says you know let god be true and and every man a liar and you know we go out soul winning and we ask people have you ever lied before and and virtually everyone agrees yeah we've lied you know who here has ever lied before who in the auditorium has ever lied before yeah i think we'd all admit that we've all lied before but you know what to get up behind the pulpit and just lie to your congregation though that that's another level just to get up and lie about what the bible says and lie about what you're doing in your sermon that is a whole nother level of wickedness it's embarrassment all right let's move on to the third point so number one we said you know not appointed to wrath doesn't hold up does it number two well matthew 24 is not the rapture yeah sure is the rapture because it's christ coming in the clouds gathering the elect the timing coincides with the day of the lord fits like a glove with first thessalonians four and five yada yada yada but they'll say no no no matthew 24 is in the rapture and here's the third argument because matthew 24 is written to the jews matthew 24 is written to the jews and so when it says elect there that's not the christians that's the jews now here's what i would ask you know when is so christ is coming in the clouds sounding a trumpet and gathering all the jews what new doctrine is this but okay let's see let's test the scripture here and see if this argument holds up because why do they say matthew 24 is in the rapture they say well it's the jews it's written to the jews okay go back if you would to verse 24 of chapter 24 it says for there shall arise false christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect now what the bible is saying there is that it's impossible for the elect to be deceived he says these guys are going to be so good these false christs and false prophets they're going to be so good that if it were possible if it were possible if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect now let me ask you something is it impossible to deceive jews now look if somebody showed up on the scene claiming to be jesus christ if the anti-christ came on the scene tomorrow and claimed to be jesus christ you and i both know that no saved person in this room would accept him it doesn't matter how good he is it doesn't matter how slick how well he pulls off his part no one who is actually saved in this room will fall for it and in fact no one who is actually saved in any church will fall for it even the pre-trippers won't fall for it okay people who are saved are not going to fall for it because a saved person the elect are not going to be taken in by a false christ you know there's some guy in russia right now claiming to be jesus and he has thousands of followers but you know what none of them are saved there's some guy in florida some latino guy a while back and he had thousands of followers he's claiming to be christ and guess what nobody who follows him is saved there's some guy in texas right now who's claiming to be the you know the second coming of christ and the reincarnation of john f kennedy rolled into one this is a real thing in dallas fort worth area and this guy right now has hundreds of people following him you know i don't know if they're more excited that he's the second coming of jfk or jesus but they're into this guy and let me tell you something about his followers none of them are saved zero no saved person is going to join in something that brings islam and hinduism and buddhism and christianity all together around some messiah fake christ no saved christian will be deceived and look the anti-christ is going to be good he's going to be slick he's going to be believable he's going to be so slick that if it were possible he would deceive the very elect but it's not possible now now let's try that on with the jews oh yeah the jews will never be deceived by a false christ they'll never be deceived by a false prophet folks every single rabbi is a false prophet is any rabbi of judaism not a false prophet you know you got your orthodox rabbis hasidic reformed conservative you and i both know they're 100 false prophets because they all deny that jesus is the christ here's what the bible says who is a liar but he that denied that jesus is the christ he's anti-christ that denied the father and the son so he is an anti-christ he is a false prophet and jews are going there every sabbath and eating up whatever he's teaching with fork and spoon and so how could this be the elect folks if you actually read the passage the elect cannot be the jews because the jews are the most super deceived people religiously speaking and so therefore the elect that are immune from being deceived are saved christians indwelt by the holy spirit the bible says who shall lay anything to the charge of god's elect it is god that justifieth those who are justified by the blood of jesus christ are the elect and we will not be deceived by false christ and false prophets look if the anti-christ showed up and one of our church members here said this is it man this is the second coming we would all agree on one thing we would all say that guy was never saved to begin with he's not saved we would all agree not saved but if some jew followed him would we be like he's not a real jew no we'd be like if we see jews following the anti-christ we'll say that's jews being jews jews following the anti-christ is jews being jews because who is a liar but he denied that jesus is the christ he's anti-christ they denied the father and the son uh you know last time i checked the jews denied the father and the son last time i checked they don't believe in the trinity they don't praise father son and holy ghost shalom that's not how they end their services okay but they'll say no no it's only written to the jews go to mark 13 because remember matthew 24 and mark 13 are interchangeable folks if you study about mark 13 and matthew 24 are almost exactly the same it's the same sermon you know matthew writes it mark writes it they're both writing down the same sermon it's called a parallel passage where god gives the same thing twice he does that in the old testament he does that in the new testament matthew 24 and mark 13 are totally interchangeable luke 21 is a little bit different but it much of it is still parallel with matthew 24 and mark 13 so we haven't talked about those three but you know luke kind of puts some of it in chapter 21 some of it in chapter 17 and he deals with some other unique material but let me tell you something matthew 24 and mark 13 are totally interchangeable if you read them and what did it say about the elect in matthew 24 they're not going to be deceived but they said no it's written to the jews that makes no sense here's another reason why it doesn't make sense to say this passage is talking to the jews okay look at verse 35 of mark 13 watch ye therefore for you know not when the master of the house cometh at even or at midnight or at the cock crowing or in the morning lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping and what i say to you i say unto all watch what i say unto you i say unto the jews when i talk to you i'm really just talking to the jews because they'll say well in mark 13 he took his disciples up into the mount of olives in fact matthew 24 mark 13 and luke 21 are known as the olivette discourse and the reason they're called the olivette discourse is because they go from the temple up into the mount of olives and jesus begins to teach his disciples only so this isn't he's not teaching this to thousands of people or hundreds of people he's talking to a small group of just the 12 disciples and as he speaks to these 12 disciples he goes into great detail about these prophetic events but at the end he says what i say unto you i say unto all watch so he's saying you know this message isn't just for you 12 guys this is something that's for everybody which is why one of these 12 guys matthew you know writes a chapter about it and publishes it to the whole world matthew 24 because he knew hey this isn't just for us it's for everybody what i say unto you i say unto all watch why doesn't it say this is for the jews no it says it's for everybody it's for all okay what i say unto you i say to all watch how can you watch if there's no signs of his coming how can you watch if the next event on god's prophetic calendar is rapture how can you watch then there'd be nothing nothing to watch for when he says hey you know you don't want christ coming suddenly to find you sleeping watch and be sober okay so what what does that mean like what i mean we all go to sleep every day if it's talking about literal sleep we all sleep every night and you know i wake up with terrors in the middle of the night because i'd hate to be asleep when it happens that's stupid that's not what it means it's not talking about literally being asleep being asleep is not paying attention not knowing what's going on right not being awake to what's happening in our world and what the bible says understanding the bible and the signs of times that's being awake and so he says watch stay awake pay attention don't fall asleep be sober be vigilant watch for these things and when you see these things begin to come to pass then you know it's not even at the doors but the pre-trip view there's nothing to watch for there's no reason to be paying attention because we're just living in our you know middle class home and america is doing great and biden sends us another stimulus check and we go to church and we eat a good meal and everything's going great and america's doing great and then we all just disappear oh man i better be ready for that what no what we need to watch because there are going to be things that are happening in the world that show us hey this is it we need to be ready we need to be prepared for this so this idea that matthew 24 is only written to the jews because they'll say well you know all of jesus disciples are jews so he's just talking to the jews okay what is a jew is a jew an ethnicity or is it a religion well a jew is really a religion you know if we talk about people that are jewish that's a religion and guess what it's a false religion it's a false religion that denies jesus it's not a right religion folks otherwise why don't we all go join the synagogue and stop being christians and go be jews because it's a false religion that's why you might as well if you're going to be a jew you might as well be a buddhist might as well be a hindu you're you know you you you'll probably go to a hotter hell as a jew than a hindu i mean the hindu's are going to hell but i don't think it's going to be as hot for the hindu's because the hindu's aren't the ones listening to the old testament being read every week you know unto much is given much will be required and so the people who knew their master's will and did it not they're going to be beaten with many stripes and the servant who didn't know and didn't do the will he's going to be beaten with few stripes so you know judaism is really is a religion not an ethnicity so well everybody's talking to her jews but it's like okay so so it's written to a false religion what that doesn't even make sense no you know what i mean it's the ethnicity oh really because that's funny because one of jesus disciples is named simon the kainanite so how does that work if it's an ethnicity then how does it work that one of christ's disciples is called simon the kainanite and you know i literally had one of these pre-tribbers tell me well it's because he's you know it's just he's from that area of kainan he's not ethnically a kainanite he's from everybody's in that area jerusalem's in kainan the whole israel is called kainan i mean think about think about how silly that is well he's from you know that region of kainan all the disciples are from kainan everybody in judia is from kainan if they're calling him simon the kainanite you don't like everybody else then why would you even call him that it'd be like if i'm it'd be like if at our church we're just like daniel the arizonan you know it's just like what because we okay we're all we all live here now we you know maybe if somebody came from new jersey or something we call him jersey joe or something you know then that would make sense because he's from this other place but they're all in kainan the reason why simon the kainanite is called simon the kainites because he's ethnically a kainanite because remember when the children of israel possessed the promised land who lived there first the kainanites remember the kainanites the perizzites the high vites jebesites those nations did israel wipe them all out now they're supposed to wipe out every kainanite they're supposed to wipe out every perizzite they're supposed to wipe out the high vites and the jebesites but did they no and so there's still kainanites around and so simon is a guy who's an ethnic kainanite but he believes in the god of the jews so he's yeah he's a circumcised uh jew in that sense of the religion okay but he's ethnically a kainanite and so here's the thing who's christ talking to he's not talking to an ethnicity he's talking to his disciples it doesn't matter if they're kainanite or if they're a full-blooded israeli that's not the point the point is that they're worshiping the true god jews are not worshiping the true god christians are worshiping the true god so who is matthew 24 for a false religion or christians because it's not about an ethnicity because simon the kainanite and because the fact the bible says avoid genealogies so we don't care about ethnicity red yellow black and white doesn't matter in the new covenant it means nothing the only genealogies that matter in the new covenant are the genealogies found in matthew 1 and luke 3 and they're both of jesus that's the only genealogy that matters is christ genealogy it's all that matters but here's what's funny these same people that will say oh the 12 disciples that represents israel that represents the jews are the same people who those same 12 people at the last supper suddenly represent the church i've never heard anybody teach that the last supper is given to israel or given to jews isn't it interesting that these 12 people magically are israel in this passage but then they magically become the church at the how about the great commission how about when the great commission is given to these same guys well that's the church oh yeah that they're the church now they're the church at the last supper they're the church in matthew 16 they're the church in matthew 18 they're the church before and after this passage but in this passage they're israel even though one of them's a kenanite that doesn't make any sense my friend it's bogus so number one the pre-tribbers will say not appointed to wrath not a valid argument number two matthew 24 isn't the rapture yeah it sure is uh number three it's only written to the jews not true because the elect will not be deceived which proves that the elect are holy spirit and dwelled saved christians and then number four uh false or argument that the pre-tribbers will use is that jesus can come back at any moment and we already touched on this but i just want to finish in second thessalonians chapter 2 second thessalonians chapter 2 they teach that it has to be pre-trib because of eminence and often you'll hear pre-tribbers say this they'll say well if you ditch the preacher rapture you lose eminence well your terms are acceptable because i'm willing to kiss eminence goodbye because eminence was never taught in the bible in the first place because i already debunked the verses that they use for eminence i already showed you that the eminence verses don't teach eminence they just teach that we don't know when it's going to happen that's all that teaches we don't know the day or the hour but we know it's after the tribulation and we know when we see that things begin to come to pass then we'll know it's at the door then we'll know it's about to happen at that point we can start looking at our watches and making some calculations saying well it's about to happen because this generation is not going to pass away and it's it's days away months away whatever depending on what we see but that's not eminence but not only do all of the pre-tribbers verses that teach eminence supposedly none of them hold water we actually have a scripture that defies eminence that actually says no eminence look at second thessalonians chapter 2 now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our lord jesus christ and by our gathering together unto him that's the rapture being gathered together unto christ that you be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us is that the day of christ is at hand let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and the man of sin be revealed the son of perdition who opposeth and exalted himself above all that is called god or that is worshipped so that he as god sits in the temple of god showing himself that he is god and until that happens christ cannot come in the clouds for the rapture it says don't let anybody deceive you into thinking that it's at hand because it's not at hand and you can look up every reference to the term day of christ and it's all referring to the rapture you can look up other verses and philippians and everywhere else day of christ is talking about the rapture and it says it's not going to come unless there's a falling away first and the man of sin has to be revealed and how is he revealed he opposes and exalts himself above all that is called god or is worshipped so that he has god sitteth in the temple of god showing himself that he is god if that hasn't happened yet the rapture can't happen yet and we know that happens three and a half years into daniel's 70th week and so therefore there is no way that christ is returning in 2022 there's no way he's coming in 2023 there's absolutely no way that he's coming in 2024 the soonest that he could possibly come would be 2025 and you know i wouldn't get your hopes up about that either but that's the literal soon as like if the tribulation started this year because it hasn't started yet once the tribulation starts it's over three and a half years in the future my friend and it hasn't even started there's no way but here's the thing you know if i upload a video to youtube called christ will not come in 2022 it's not going to get a lot of views but if i upload a video that says the rapture is happening in 2022 i'll get a ton of views you'll get a boatload of views by falsely predicting the second coming of christ and you know this idiot robert breaker what a lying fraud unsaved false teacher false prophet teaches all kinds of lies and garbage but he has a boatload of subscribers because he has falsely predicted the rapture like six times but then what he does he puts deep in the video like a disclaimer well i'm not saying it's gonna happen but i'm just saying you know it sure looks like it you know look at all this math i'm doing 83 minus seven equal you know it's just like what but it's funny it's funny how he had math to say it was going to be six years ago five years ago for every year he comes out with this every year and just like clockwork that false prophet lying sack of garbage came out with another false prediction say you know could 2022 finally be the year of the rapture he's got all this math and everything and it's all different math from last year different math from the year before that different math from five years ago they just keep changing the math and just idiot drooling mouth-breathing fools are just like rubber breaker wow look at the math you're an idiot this bozo has been lying to you every year and you're stupid enough to keep watching it and there's like click like yes please keep predicting the rapture more folks it's not gonna happen you know what let me tell you something i don't think that when robert breaker's burning in hell it's gonna matter to him how many youtube views he had and how many likes he got when he's roasting in hell with his hyper dispensational jesus preached a different gospel than paul all of his lying trash when he's roasting in hell it's not gonna matter how many youtube videos he had and how many views he got and how many subscribers he got you can't take that stuff to hell with you you know you can't take anything to heaven with you but you know you can't even take stuff to hell either what are you gonna you know he's gonna be down there like yeah you know i had a lot of subscribers folks why you want to just sell your soul to the devil to be some popular false teacher because because look if you want to get popular as a false teacher just teach the wildest stuff and make the predictions and teach lies and just just figure out what people want to hear and give it to them just figure out what do people want to hear you know what what's the rah rah shish kumba that fox news or cnn or msnbc is feeding us this week and then just get on that board and just just say all that and do all that and then of course you're going to be super popular doing that you know and and these guys they try to seem all edgy and they're rebels they're saying like exactly what the republican party is saying or fox news or the democrats or whoever they're just you know they're just like parroting something that half of america already believes so you know this is really controversial you know folks if you actually really get controversial you know you're gonna have some tribulation in your life if you actually get out there and preach what the bible actually says but you know a great way to just get a bunch of followers is to falsely predict the coming of christ and you know what the reason this makes me so mad is because it basically makes christianity look stupid it makes all of christianity make look stupid when we're constantly predicting the second coming of christ every year and it doesn't happen it just makes us look like a bunch of idiots because you know what people are going to say in the end times well where is the promise of his coming since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation you can't just keep on having these false alarms it's like the boy who cried wolf and you just and you know this idiot's gonna be back in 2023 doctor a few numbers change the math a little bit and boom we're gonna be right back at it aren't we same junk same stupid whiteboard same chipmunk bozo lying to his followers telling them this could be it well you know what i promise you that robert breaker is wrong because the rapture is not pre-trimmed and it will not happen in 2022 and you know the the thing that's so funny i didn't even click on his stupid video because all the stupid videos are the same every year it's the same junk it's the same lies it's just all you have to do is change a few numbers i mean it's just like on on december 31st he's like all right let's goof around with this math a little bit here we go again but look i didn't even click on the video but just from the thumbnail alone he's still trying to claim that the this generation shall not pass away goes back to the founding of israel in 1947 and you know you know that these pre-trip dispensational bozos are still going to be saying that even in like the 2050s they're still going to be saying it what you want to be like want to be like 2057 and they're going to be like well i mean if a baby was born if a baby was born in 1947 you know and i mean if they're if it's betty white or something you know i mean it could still be a lie still the same generation that's not what a generation means my friend betty white isn't what we judge a generation by that's an anomaly okay you know typically a generation is considered something on the order of like 20 30 40 50 years would be like a typical generation right i mean that's the kind of numbers we would expect and think about this what about the shadow fulfillment you know christ preached this around 33 a.d right give or take and we know that the shadow fulfillment occurred in 70 a.d so you know that generation as like a secondary meaning shadow fulfillment you know it happened like 35 years later yeah if something happened about 34 35 36 39 even 40 years later you could be like yeah it was the same generation couldn't you yeah a lot of the you know it's pretty much the same generation you could say that okay and and by the way that's why there was another bozo who came out with a book called 88 reasons christ will return in 1988 because he's like well 40 years from 1948 to 1988 you know and then the guy's name was harold camping and this guy was like the male version of betty white he lived to be like 150 or something but anyway you know he just looked like he was 150 but he was really only like 90 something but he the guy looked like he'd already died several years ago but anyway this guy harold camping he kept falsely predicting 1988 whatever well i don't know if you guys remember this but back around like i don't know was it 2010 or something he put up billboards all over america and i would be driving down the freeway and seeing billboards that said christ is returning and such and such 2011 and it said the bible guarantees it you know what is that what do you think that does because then when it doesn't happen people are like well the bible lied but the bible didn't lie because the bible didn't say anything about 2011 the bible says that god the father doesn't know and that god the say or sorry excuse me god the father is the only one who knows the bible said that god the father is the only one who knows not even the angels in heaven know and in fact mark 13 says the sun doesn't even know but the father only so let me ask this are you smarter than jesus do you know the bible better than jesus you know astronomy better than jesus who spoke the stars into existence so guess what that means that means that if jesus stood on the mount of olives in mark 13 and says no one knows the day or the hour i don't even know is everybody getting this in mark 13 jesus said the father knows the angels don't know and the son of god doesn't even know only the father knows the day and the hour but but chipmunk robert breaker robert breaker believes that he knows more than jesus you know he believes that he's got it all figured out the 1335 days or really years on the 1290 days or years he's got it all figured out folks any of these people that predict the second coming of christ are all liars and you know what i just get a calendar and just every time somebody predicts a date just exit off can't be on that day and then we just make it we can start just whittling it down because any day that anyone predicts is for sure a lie period okay but to sit there and say oh yeah you know the fig tree generation folks we are not living in the same generation as 1948 can we finally admit that please now that betty white died can we admit that i mean can we just face the fact that 1948 was not the same generation that we're living in right now any way you slice it i mean 1948 is like almost 75 years ago now and you know that you know in 2000 you know in like in 2067 they're gonna find some 119 year old israeli and be like it's gonna happen this year you know this guy this guy dies we're doomed man i'm just like i just hope that i live to 2068 because i'm gonna throw a big party in 2068 and you guys are all going to be there right let's all let's just plan this out let's put on the church calendar okay 120 years after the founding of israel we're going to have a dispensationalist or wrong party because christ didn't return and it's 2068 and their doctrine is for sure proven wrong now obviously christ might return before that i hope christ does return before that even so come lord jesus hey if i could pick the year let's do 2025 let's do 2026 let's go but but folks the chances are we're gonna be having that party okay just just statistically speaking okay chances are we're gonna be having that party all right and and i hope you're all there i hope we all live long productive lives winning souls to christ and preaching what the bible actually says to an actual church like actual people like like i can literally i can like this is i'm charismatic now you know i can you can't do that you know robert breaker can't do that because he's preaching to a camera robert breaker can't do this preaching to a camera it's called the cloud church like iCloud stupid iCloud you know it's not even a real church it's a dude with a whiteboard lying for the 10th time this could be the year look at the math that i did that's some kind of common core whatever that you're doing up there all right let's bow our heads have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word lord and and thank you that we actually have a real church to go to with with actual physical human beings in it where we can actually shake hands and and uh congregate and um lord we're thankful that uh that we have your word to guide us because there are just so many liars out there so many false false prophets and deceivers lord please just guide us into all truth and help us to study your word daily so that we're not taken in by these people and in jesus name we pray amen amen let's go on our hymnals to him number three number three jesus paid it all him number three oh number three i hear the savior say thy strength indeed is strong great jesus all sin and let the crimson and sin i and let the crimson stay he washed it white as snow oh it shall still repeat jesus paid it all all to him my own sin and let the crimson stay he washed it white as snow you