(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) In my personal life and thank you for the blessings that you continue to bless this church with and father I just pray that you would bless the message tonight and use this sermon in the lives of everyone That's here that it would help them and in Jesus name I pray. Amen Now did you notice in the passage that we just read Psalm 148 through Psalm 150? Did you notice something that was a little bit repetitive? Probably, I don't know I didn't even count how many times but just over and over and over again this statement Praise ye the Lord look at Psalm 148 verse 1 Praise ye the Lord praise ye the Lord from the heavens praise him in the heights praise ye him all his angels Praise him all his hosts praise him sun and moon Praise him all you stars of light praise him ye heavens of heavens and ye waters that be above the heavens Let them praise the name of the Lord for he commanded and they were created It's also established them forever and ever you've made a decree which shall not pass praise the Lord for the earthy dragons and All deeps and listen this is one of the most beautiful parts of the Bible fire and hail snow and vapor Stormy wind fulfilling his word mountains and all hills fruitful trees and all cedars Beaks and all cattle creeping things and flying foul kings of the earth and all people Princes and all judges of the earth both young men and maidens old men and children Let them praise the name of the Lord for his name alone is excellent his glory is above the earth in heaven He also exalted the horn of his people the praise of all his saints and on and on well What a great powerful passage of Scripture describing for us the glory of God boy brother Dave and I just outside any day We're looking around at just the scenery. I mean this storm that's been coming in this afternoon, and then just that being in the desert There's all kinds of sky you know formations in the sky Clouds and beautiful colors and just Magnificent things he commanded and it was created is what the Bible says praise the Lord, but everything that has breath Praise the Lord praise he the Lord you know on and on throughout the book of Psalms You'll see that that's not just in those three chapters then these three chapters especially, but all throughout the book of Psalms It's a command that God's saying a lot of people just say the word praise the Lord Like it's an exclamation point that they use oh praise the Lord Hallelujah, you know, but it's a command really if you think about it the Bible. God Jesus Christ is telling us praise the Lord Now we're to obey God's commandments the Bible says in John 14 15 if you love me keep my commandments and God is commanding us to praise him He's saying tell me how wonderful I am You say well isn't that a little bit arrogant not if you're God if you're the God of the universe you have the right to Say praise me everything that has breath animals plants human beings he says even devils and dragons One day are going to bow the knee and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father Everything in heaven everything on the earth everything under the earth everything that breath should praise the Lord the Bible says And so God is constantly throughout the Bible Commanding us to praise him and to tell him how great he is he even gives us the book of Psalms It's basically a list of reasons why we should be praising God it was a hundred and fifty Psalms Telling us about the greatness of God and he says look at my marvelous acts think about Psalms 105 106 107 Which talk about some of his acts with the children of Israel? You think about some of the psalms that tell a great story of him Partying the Red Sea or other great things they did parting the Jordan River and on and on why because God is giving us ammunition For praising God he's saying praise me for all the things I've done praise me for the natural world that I've created praise me for my righteous act Oh that man would praise the Lord for his goodness for his wonderful works toward the children of men the Bible says Now I made a list quickly and this isn't the sermon, but I made a list of 40 things that God did for you the moment that you got saved 40 different things that happened the moment that you got saved number one your your dead spirit was resurrected from the dead Number two you were delivered from the power of darkness the Bible says number three you were given Works that God before ordained for you to do with your life number four Well, you got saved you were given hope the Bible says in Ephesians 2 12 that at that time you were without Christ Being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the world Think about the hopeless condition of the unsaved. He says now you have hope number five We've been made fellow citizens a part of spiritual Israel Number six we've been brought nigh who were once a far-off number seven We've been given access to God the Father the Bible says number eight We've been made a brand new creature number nine Blessed with all spiritual blessings every blessing every promise in the book is mine every chapter every verse every line And so every blessing that spiritual applies to us God says if you're born again if you're saved tonight Number ten he gave us the adoption of sons number eleven. He made us accepted in the beloved number twelve He sealed us with his own Holy Spirit number thirteen. He enlightened the eyes of our understanding. This is when you got saved This is the moment that you got saved. You're just getting started in your life with God You've just been born again. You haven't even been in church being saved. You haven't even been baptized You just got saved and you already had all these great blessings from God think about how God blessed you since you've been saved Number twelve or number thirteen or number fourteen number fourteen He forgave and forgot all of our sins never missing them again number fifteen He delivered us from the pit of corruption also known as hell number sixteen He made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance You say well, I don't know what that means that's my favorite one He made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance. What does that mean? What does it mean to be meet to be a partaker the inheritance look a human being? does not deserve to partake of the things of God does not deserve the inheritance of the home in heaven or You know the Bible says the meat shall inherit the earth flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God We have been made meet to be partakers of that inheritance of a home in heaven of ruling and reigning with Christ What is it? You know what it means? It means that we've been made good enough. That's what it means. We've been made meet M-e-e-t meet to be partakers of the inheritance. I mean God took an unsaved ungodly fleshly Person that would that in my flesh Paul said well, it's no good thing He took an unsaved sinner named Steven Anderson He took him out of the gutter so to speak Spiritually you say you were six years old when you got saved spiritually I wasn't I was my righteousness was filthy rags. I was an ungodly sinner. There's nothing to do with good No, not one and God took Steven Anderson And he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life like he did to Adam when he brought into life He breathed into my spirit the breath of life Directed my spirit from the dead and made me meet to be a partaker of the inheritance Maybe good enough to go to heaven made me good enough to be ruling and reigning with Christ Maybe good enough to stand next to Jesus Christ and it's coming Wow You say what you think you're good enough not having my own righteousness, which is of the law But that which is through the faith of Christ the righteousness, which is of God by faith. I've been justified I've been declared righteous by God and now I am worthy worthy to walk into the to the courts of heaven and to be Accepted and to be welcomed in the greatest place in the world in heaven itself in the throne in the in the throne room of God Jesus said in In the Revelation chapter 2 we're just looking at on Wednesday nights He says and hit him that overcometh Well, I give to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of God come on in Everything I have is yours. Come on and eat of the tree of life the greatest food that's in heaven He says you've been accepted in the beloved and you've been made meet To be a partaker of the inheritance boy. So much. We feel like you know, you talk about low self-esteem and If you think about it, we're we're all a bunch of nobodies. We're all worthless without Jesus Christ But you know, I'm not worthless anymore. I've heard people I've heard preachers say, you know, you're just a you know, you're just such a You're just a ball of dirt and you're you know, you're junk and it's a wonder that God even loves you and cares about You know, he's trying to preach right, you know, he's saying like it's amazing that God even loves you or me But you know, I'm really not a ball of dirt or piece of trash You know without Jesus Christ, I would be but you know that God has made me meet to be a partaker the inheritance Hey when you walk out that door, and I'm not telling you to be pompous or arrogant or prideful But when you walk out that door Stand up straight and say I am God's son. I'm God's daughter I am neat to be a partaker of the inheritance I'm a child of God I'm a king and a priest and a prophet and a king the Bible says hey I need to be partaker of the inheritance and walk out of there Hey, maybe that'll affect the way you dress if you have some respect for yourself and realize who you are Hey realize who you are. I mean, can you imagine George W. Bush? He's the president United States getting up and Making some kind of speech and he's wearing blue jeans with a hole in them And he didn't really shave right, you know, he's a little past due on a haircut and he's just kind of like hunched over like this And he's and he talks like he's calling that he's calling the reporter like hey, dude, what's up? Would that be would that be appropriate? No, he needs to realize who he is He's to realize the president United States He's have a little dignity about what that means think about the royal family in England all the pomp and circumstance Hey realize who you are You've been made me to be a partaker the hair Don't let anybody tell you that you're not worth anything. Don't let anybody make you feel like you're inferior Hey stand up tall with pride and say I am God's child and you've been made me to be boys that grass is one point On this whole list the moment you got saved Since some you work toward the moment you got saved God made you meet to be a partaker of the inheritance Wow Number 17 he made us heirs of the kingdom. That's what we just talked about first He made us worthy to be heirs of it and then he made us heirs of the kingdom Number 18 he made us heirs of the promises made to Abraham and if you be Christ's then are you Abraham seed and heirs? According to the promise number 19 He opened our understanding so we can understand the Bible number 20 Delivered us from this present evil world Galatians 1 4 number 21. He washed us from our sins in his own blood number 22 He made us kings and priests unto God and his father number 23 He passed us from death to life number 24. He gave us eternal life number 25 He saved us from the wrath to come 26 he began us again 27 he made us his people 28 he sanctified us and made us Saints 29 Redeemed us from the curse of the law. And by the way, he made us Saints Tell me about some Catholic saint and I'm supposed to bow down and worship them. Hey, I'm a saint st. Stephen st Stephen Baptist Church, so we're gonna put on the side St. Stephen The prophet priest king meet to be partaker of the inheritance Baptist Church because I'm going to tell you something every single person in this room who saved which I believe is everybody in the room is a saint of God according to the Bible Number 30 he gave us the comforter number 31. He made us at peace with God number 32 He translated us into the kingdom of his dear son number 33 gave us a home in heaven number 34 He Christ came and dwelt in us Christ in you the hope of glory the Bible says 35 we obtained the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ the Bible says where unto he called you by our gospel to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ Number 36. He reconciled us to God number 37. He gave us the ministry of reconciliation as we saw this morning number 38 He set our feet upon a rock number 39 He put his word inside of us to remain in us forever his word and number 40 He made us free from the bondage of sin Oh that man would praise the Lord for his goodness and for his wonderful works to the children of men Hey, how much time you have and I'll tell you all the wonderful things that he's done for me since I've been saved in the last 19 years that I've been saved how long have you been safe? I'll guarantee you that God's done great things in your life since you've been saved But that's what he did the second the moment that you got saved. Oh That men would praise the Lord for his goodness for his wonderful works for the children of men So it's important that we praise the Lord Now look view it at John chapter 4 flip over to John chapter 4 in your Bible You John chapter 4 And I'm going to show you a very important verse about this thing of praising God The Bible reads in John chapter 4 verse 20 our fathers worshipped in this mountain and you say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship Jesus saith unto her woman believe me the hour cometh when you shall neither in this mountain Nor yet at Jerusalem worship the Father you worship, you know, not what we know what we worship for salvation is of the Jews But the hour cometh and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth For the Father seeketh such to worship him God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth now according to the Bible Does God just accept any kind of worship? Just Hey if you're worshipping I'm thrilled I mean if you want to worship using rap music, you know if you're unsaved Hey, I just want people to worship me. Is that what is that what he says here? He says no God is a spirit and they that worship him must Worship him in spirit and in truth See the truth. Did you notice that phrase the true worshippers in verse number 23? So are there some worshippers that are not true worshippers Absolutely, because he says there are a lot of people who are worshippers But then there are the true worshippers and the true worshippers must worship him in spirit and in truth What does it mean that they have to worship God in spirit? Well number one their spirit better be alive And if they're not saved their spirits dead according to the Bible and so number one No one is qualified to worship God who's not saved to be a true worshipper Now think about this obviously everything that has Brett one day is gonna fall on their face and say Jesus Christ is Lord of the glory of God the Father But but the kind of worship that God's looking for right now in 2007 He's looking for the true worshippers is what he really wants and he wants them to worship him in spirit and in truth You think about in the Old Testament not have time to turn there But in the book of Exodus when the priesthood is being laid out the Levitical priesthood He tells Aaron that in order for anyone To be able to serve God in the tabernacle They had to go through a ceremony of cleansing and also for them to handle the music even and there were certain musicians Asaph was one of them later on in the days of David and the Bible lists off 24 other Head musicians that work with Asaph and music was a very important part of this whole thing Especially in the book of first chronicles you see that just listed on and on toward the end of first chronicles all these different musicians And what their positions were, you know, every single one of those musicians had to be cleansed in a certain way And what they would do, you know, they'd wash their clothes and wash their clothes and then there would be a ceremony where they put oil Onto their they would anoint them with oil and they put it on For example, they put it on Aaron's right ear and on his thumb and on his great toe But I believe the musicians just were they were anointed with oil in some way It fails me exactly how but they were anointed with oil which pictures the oil always pictures in the Bible the Holy Spirit All throughout the Bible and so you see the person who's a musician should be should be not only saved But they should have the Holy Spirit upon them because it's it's it's so important that they worship God in spirit Now if you're not saved your spirits dead, so you can't worship God in spirit no matter what but number two If you're saved, you know You may be filled with the Holy Spirit says you can worship God in spirit And then number two, he said worship God in spirit and in truth So Don't worship God with words that are not true. Don't praise God with words that are wrong Praise God that's with a with correct doctrine You see what I'm saying? Like praising God at spirit entry the songs that you sing should be doctrinally, correct Okay, and they should be sung by the right people because they should be sung by born-again Spirit-filled Christians, that's God's kind of music Now look if you would back at Psalms where we were to the Psalm 150 and I just we just read Psalm 148 again, of course, we read all three of them before the service, but but look at This Psalm 150 and I'm going to show you something about praising God the Bible reads here Actually look at Psalm 149 praise ye the Lord singing to the Lord a new song and his praise in the congregation of saints notice the new song Let Israel rejoice in him that made him Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King let them praise his name in the dance Let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp for the Lord take it pleasure in his people He will beautify the meek with salvation So God enjoys it when his people are praising him vocally by shame and also by playing instruments such as the timbrel the harp He says let the Saints be joyful in glory. Let them sing aloud upon their beds. I Ain't take the Bible literally he's talking about when you're in bed at night praise the Lord Sing praises to God let the high praises of God be in their mouth notice that word in their mouth and a two-edged sword In their hand to execute vengeance upon the heathen and punishments upon the view What's the two-edged sword in their hands like about the King James Bibles in their hand? To bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron to execute upon them the judgment written this honor have all his Saints praise ye the Lord praise ye the Lord praise God in his sanctuary Praise God in church is what he's saying That's what the sanctuary means sanctuary means the holy place the house of God praise the Lord in the sanctuary Praise him in the firmament of his power Praise him for his mighty acts praise him according to his excellent greatness praise him with the sound of trumpets See musical instruments being mentioned again praise him with the psaltery and harp praise him with the timbrel and dance Praise him with stringed instruments and organs praise him upon the loud cymbals praise him upon the high sounding cymbals Let everything that has breath praise the Lord praise ye the Lord now What kind of music do we need to have as? Christians what kind of music do we need to have as a church well number one? It's the kind of music that you are praising God with now Did you notice something conspicuously missing from Psalm 148 through 150 or anywhere in the Bible for that matter? nowhere in the Bible From Genesis revelation will you have an admonition from God for you to listen to music find it in the Bible? Go ahead show me where it is show me in the Bible where anyone listens to music from Genesis to revelation I can show you one person listens to music and his name is Saul, and he had a problem with God He was not right with God. He was rebellious against God spirit of the Lord upon him had departed and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him and Instead of getting right with God instead of correcting the problem instead of clearing up the rebellion that he had with God You know what he did he said I've got an idea I'm gonna get a guy to come in here and play music for me play good. Godly music You know who that man was David and David came in and played the harp and play you think he's playing acdc Obviously he's playing the right kind of music David Okay, he wrote the book of Psalms and so David comes in and plays the right kind of music on his harp And it was just instrumental music and what happened the evil spirit from the Lord departed him, and he felt so much better But you know what later on He comes back and plays again the evil spirit comes back He plays again this time it doesn't work anymore And then the third time doesn't work anymore pretty soon while David is playing this godly righteous music He's listening to it on his headphones. He actually grabs the javelin and tries to kill David While the music is being played now, did you notice how it worked at first at first it worked great I mean you just read first same in chapter 16 You'd think wow this is great fine If I'm if I'm having problems with God or if I'm doing wrong all I got to do is this man Just get to get that Christian music. Yeah, let's get these teenagers We just need to get the right godly Christian music in their headphones They can listen to it, and then they'll be right with God wrong That's the only example in the entire Bible and the entire Bible of anyone listening to music the whole rest of the Bible You praise the Lord You sing unto the Lord a new song you praise the Lord on an instrument of ten strings You praise the Lord remember the implied subject you an imperative you praise the Lord with these musical instruments You sing the praises of God you have the high praise of God in your mouth. Hey this Honor has all his saints Praise ye the Lord every saint of God is to be singing praises to God and speaking praises to God Now what does God define as wrong music well I'll give you two things that God defines as wrong music now number one I would not encourage you to listen to any kind of music. I listen to zero music I Haven't listened to music in years you say well past friends. You don't like music. I love music well good night We look at all the Bible. We just read about music music is extremely important I have not listened to any kind of music in years years Because I don't listen to music. I sing music the Bible says let the high praises of God be in their mouth and a two-headed sword in their hand he had put a song in my he had put a new song in my mouth even praise to my God the Bible says and So I don't listen to any music But what does God define as right music and wrong music well number one This is the first kind of wrong music music that has a bad source Now we already established who are the true worshipers who are the people that should really be? Singing God's kind of music and we establish that they must be born-again saved Christians right because otherwise they can't worse of God's spirit if their spirits dead and Number two they have to be singing music. That's doctrinally correct now Revelation 4 and you don't have to turn there revelation 4 11 the Bible says thou art worthy o Lord to receive glory and honor and power For thou has created all things and that includes music thou has created all things and for thy pleasure For thy pleasure they are and were created. Are you still in Psalms? Okay, look at look down at Psalms now for thy pleasure. They are and were created no matter what it is and Now look at Psalm 149, let me turn there myself quickly For thy pleasure They are and were created look at Psalm 149 in the midst of this trio of Sermons about praising God Psalm 148 149 150 for the Lord taketh pleasure in his people Now for there is a conjunction so we need to see what came before that conjunction He says let them praise his name in the dance let them sing let them sing let them sing Praises unto him with the timbrel and harp for the Lord taketh pleasure in his people the word for means because so let them sing praises unto him Because the Lord taketh pleasure in his people you see that Why should we sing praises to God because the Lord takes pleasure in that and everything this whole world is? And was created for God's pleasure, so what's the purpose of music for God's pleasure? Every look life is too short to have a bunch of music that has nothing to do with God There's nothing to do with Jesus Christ. Why do you want to waste your time listening to or singing music? That's not about God It's not about Jesus Christ. Do you have time for that? I don't have any time for it I want to be filled with the Spirit. I want daily Throughout the day to be meditating on the things of God day and night. I'll mess with music that does it's not about God I'll mess with music. That's not about Jesus. I don't mess with music doesn't bring pleasure to God and By the way music is such a spiritual thing You know I wouldn't even and I don't have time It's for another sermon because it's not really within the scope of this sermon But I could show you in the Bible the spirituality of music And I did that in a sermon called the devil's music, and I went through and just showed how the Bible Music not just the singing not just the words But actually the music is very spiritual every false religion is wrapped up in music, and we went through the Bible We really saw that clearly that the Holy Spirit or spirits unclean spirits are both Tied in with music and we saw that very clearly. I'm not going to redo that But From Genesis chapter 1 God starts teaching us a principle that everything brings forth after its own kind He says if you go to a spring of fresh water. He says that the fountain sent forth at the same place Sweet water and bitter can the fig tree my brethren bear all the berries either a vine figs so can no fountain both yield salt Water and fresh. He says you go to a source like a fountain or a spring he says either you're going to get good from that source, or you're going to get bad from that source and so If we go to the source of music we can tell whether it's good music or bad music isn't that right because the Bible says That good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit Neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit The Bible says the tree is known by its fruit you look at what comes out of the how do you know whether this spring? Is a freshwater spring or a saltwater spring? Well you look at the way, it's shaped and You know you decide where it is you check the GPS coordinates of where it is No, what's the best way you put it in your mouth and taste it right? What do you take the spring? No, you taste what came out of the spring right you taste the product That's how you know what kind of a spring it is So we can tell that this if the source is good the product is good And if the product is good at the source is good. It's the way it is job said and Chapter 14 verse 4 who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean not one You can't go to an unclean source and find something clean and pull it out. You can't do it and So when you're deciding what is right and wrong music? Why don't you go to the source of that music and decide whether it's right? There's two sources of music number one the father number two the world First John 2 15 says love not the world neither the things that are in the world for all that is in the world I'm sorry if any man loved the world the love of the father is not in him for all that is in the world All that the world has to offer all That is in the world the lust of the flesh The lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father But is of the world and the world passes away in the lust thereof But he that do with the will of God abideth forever So everything that's in the world is either the lust of the flesh The lust of the eyes or the pride of life now tell me that that isn't true Tell me that the music that the world puts out is not either the lust of the flesh The lust of the eyes look at the album cover for the lust of the eyes all the nudity although all the women that are being made light of and being reduced to just being a physical object that people stare at and the pride of life think about the poses You know, it's a stupid like they probably think it's cool But if you're you know, if you're a born-again child of God and you're a Christian you read the Bible when you see these posters Don't you just laugh and think they're stupid? Just you know You know, I mean like some rap music cover, you know, am I doing this right, you know Yeah, it's stupid and you're laughing but you know the world thinks that's just It's the coolest thing in the world. Oh Wow 50 cent is so awesome. Oh, man. I want to be just like Ludicrous, you know, whoever these people are. Hey stupid. It's ridiculous retarded. I mean, it's it's garbage. But why is it? Why is it that the Christian realm tries to then copy That same look you won't walk in now walk into the Christian bookstore Walk into walk into what's this one? Berean Christian bookstore and you walk into that place and what are you gonna see Christian rap and you're gonna see You know word to your mother, you know, you're gonna see how stupid it's it's the same stuff Why because it's conformed to the world. There's only two sources my friend There's the father and there's the world now. What's the source of the songs in this hymnal right here the world Is this what the world puts out to God be the glory blessed assurance lead me to Calvary Is this the kind of world's kind of music? No, this is God's music. It's from the world. Does this promote the lust of the flesh? Does this promote the pride of life? Is this the lust of the eyes? I mean, come on. It's white painted with black ink Does it all man, let me just feast my eyes on Burdens are lifted at Calvary This isn't the less the flesh. This is spiritual music. These are Psalms hymns and spiritual songs and So there's two sources for music the world or the father you say wait a minute. No, there's other music. No, there's two sources Use the process of elimination if it's not of the father It's of the world and say well, this one's not of the father and it's out of the world impossible Impossible it must be from the spirit from above or must be from the flesh from the earth earthy Sensual devilish as it says in that James chapter 4 and so there are two types of wrong music number one music That has the wrong source and number two music that is conformed to the wrong source So you may say well this music is not a wrong source because this is Christian music This is music that came from the father quote unquote so to speak, you know, this is the father's music It's at the Christian bookstore But is it conformed to the world? Does it look like the world conformed to think about form forming shape pattern? Is it patterned after the world? Did they take the world's pattern and they just took a different fabric thing about sewing? Yeah, it's the same the Christian rock and the Christian contemporary and the Christian rap and all this this what they did They took the same pattern that the world used And they've got a different color fabric from Joanne fabric and they're just cutting out the same shape the same form They're just cutting it out with a different color It feels a little different. Oh, it looks a little different. It's the same pattern It's conformed to the world be not conformed to this world the Bible says but be transformed by the renewing of your mind and So those are the two types of wrong music you think about that. I've been in churches so many times they make it so complicated Well, you know, I remember I was in Bible college a guy stands up and says Pastor, you know the pastor was there doing question-and-answer And he wasn't trying to be a smart he's just like what is wrong music he's like I can't figure it out Probably because the music is hearing in church sounded so much like wrong music that that's what was confusing him Okay in reality because I was there and that's what was going on The music that they were having in church was very worldly and contemporary and wrong And so he's confused he can't tell he's looking his own music that everybody's telling him's out of hell and then he's going to church and listening to music and he just What's the difference and this is what the pastor said he said well, you know, he's like that's so complicated of a subject He's like I can't even answer that question in this brief time that we have He said you know what you're gonna be here in college for four years He said and you know what by the time you've been here for four years. You'll know what right music But I can't even explain it he's like there's a lot, you know the harmony and the melody versus the rhythm and the Syncopation and this man, but just just on and on just real confusing and just like you're not smart enough I can't explain to you right now. You know, so then He wasn't really satisfied with that answer and some of the other people in the class were not quite satisfied with that answer either So then somebody else, you know raise their hands You know, can you explain to me, you know, what's what's wrong with this and that music or what the you know He explained this to me. And again, he just brushes mom, you know, there's some oh well, you know That's why most of his answers were to all questions to be honest The question answer time is a little silly but and he didn't he would never give you a straight answer, you know, yes, dr Jack Scott first Baptist Church of Hammond. I'll name all the names for you. I always do Though I'm not don't mean to disappoint you or anything and so Then this is what he said. This is the last thing he said to finally brush off the second guy. He said well listen All the music that we have in church is right music and whatever we don't have that's wrong music So just watch for four years what we have and that's right music and whatever we don't have is wrong music because otherwise we'd be Having it. Okay, and I mean I I couldn't believe that I was the stupidest thing I've ever heard because it's not a Bible answer It's just their opinion It's what they consider. Okay, if we do it and that's the way people's morality always is isn't it if we do it It's it's it's not that bad If I look we don't do it. It's it's wicked as hell I mean, that's the way people are they demonize the things they don't do but then the sins that they do Well, those aren't that bad. Give me a break You know, it's me I've been in churches and at that same church for example and they would have weddings on Saturdays and they would use rock music songs in the weddings But they would just clean them up to their standards. They would make it sound like their music like how about this song? but I can't help Falling in love with you Elvis Presley They sang that it in church at a wedding You say what's wrong with that? Well Apparently nothing because they had it there and that's what I was taught It's okay, and then they sang from this moment on by Shania Twain Okay, and you know, I have a list here I'm not gonna read them all for sake of time but a list of all the rock music songs that they sang and Country music and worldly music that they sang and they just cleaned them up sanitized for your protection They cleaned up the songs and use them in church Now what's wrong with those songs I'll tell you exactly what's wrong I Don't have to beat around the bush about what's right and wrong music. I don't have to give you some answer Well, I'll come to this church for four years and you might figure it out if you're lucky Hey, I'll give you the answer right now Music that's from the world is wrong Period all of it. What do you say? What about? Yes, it's wrong. Oh Wait, what is wrong? But you haven't heard what I'm saying wrong Okay It's wrong from the world. It's the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life It's not of the father, but of the world and the world passes away in the last era But he's to do with the will of God to fight it forever. And so the world's music is wrong I don't care what style it is. I don't care about the syncopation Frongabrasion and the harmony melody. I don't care If it's from the world, it's wrong. If it's from the father, it's right. The source is what makes right and wrong music Period the source is everything and then number two, there's even more music that's wrong if it's music that's from the right source But if it's patterned after the wrong source, those are the two kinds of wrong music according to the Bible Don't be of the world and don't be conformed to the world. That's it right there So what's the source of Christian contemporary music what's the source of all these godly Christian CDs that we want to get in people's hands and get them on their headphones Turn their life around for God Well, the source is Nashville, you know, the source is a bunch of southern gospel singers who sing for money Now doesn't the Bible say that all things were created for his pleasure Now, do you think I should do you think I should preach for money? You think I'd be right do you think be right for me to go around and just say hey look I'll preach for you. I'll preach my best sermon. It's a thousand bucks a pop. I'll preach it anywhere. Okay You're like come on past Anderson your your sermons are like 49 99 Come on it's like two for one sale or something thousand bucks, but I said like thousand bucks. I Don't care if you're a United Methodist Homosexual priest or you know, I don't care if you're some pedophile category. I'll come preach in your church for a thousand bucks I'll just preach anywhere. I'll preach on TV. I'll preach to anybody Hey, would that be right for me to do that and to charge money would it be right if you walked into church tonight at 630 when the service started and We had a little turnstile at the door, right and you put your money in, you know You swipe your card and then ting and it lets you in Would that be right to charge you money to come to church to listen to preaching? No, because the Bible says Freely you have received freely give I didn't make this sermon up. I didn't make this step up. It came from the Bible I don't have the right to charge people money for Preaching the Bible because this is from the Holy Spirit. It's from the Bible I good night My sermon would be nothing without the Bible without God's Word without the Holy Spirit And so I don't have the right to peddle it for money I don't have the right to charge you money for the things of God Paul said I want to make the gospel without charge He said freely you've received freely give now music is just spiritual as preaching singing is just as spiritual as preaching is Why would you sing God's music with God's throat that he gave you From God's Word with God's doctrine and say come listen to my wonderful Pride of life singing voice and it's 1995 a ticket for it to come into this concert. It's wrong It's a sin ungodly singing God's music for money is a sin. Yes. It's a sin. It's wrong. Yes. It's always wrong Yes, it's wrong to preach for money Now I'm not saying that I couldn't be paid as the pastor or that other pastor shouldn't be paid It should be paid the Bible says they to preach the gospel should live up the gospel and so forth, but they're not being paid Per sermon, they're just being supported to be the pastor of that church. It's not like Come preach for us and we'll give you 800 bucks at some other church somewhere. I say no I don't need you don't need your stinking money and so you understand that Prostituting your same voice for God is you know for the world? God's voice that he gave you for filthy lucas sake is wrong. Well, that's where the Christian contemporary music comes from You go into the store and you pay 16 bucks for it you go to the concert. It's $25 It's motivated by money, so if you take music that's motivated by money What's the goal? Think about if I'm selling products My goal is to get that product in as many people hands as I can right let's say I'm a musician Let's say I'm a Christian music star, and I thought about doing it. No, I thought about it Yeah, but hey, let's say I was just this Christian rock star Well, what's gonna be my goal? I want to get my music in as many people's hands as I can I want to sell as many CDs I can all for the glory of God, but I want to sell as many CDs I can I want as many people to hear my music as possible, right? Well if I'm gonna get my music out to as many people as possible am I gonna limit I'm just marketing this to independent fundamental King James lonely soul winning Baptist. That's it No way, because if I want to sell maximum CDs if I want to make the maximum money I got to make it just broad enough for all audiences, okay? Now if I come out with a heavy metal album am I really appealing to all Christian audiences? Not really because there are going to be some people like our church and other churches that want traditional music They think that rock music is wrong and so right away. I'm limiting myself So if I want to really get this out to maximum people I'd make it sound pretty traditional You know I keep it pretty traditional, but I'd still make it. You know exciting enough To where you could really get the masses to be to be hip with it right and I did sure better not mention any Bible Doctrine because Bible doctrine divides people the Word of God has a way of dividing people And so if I were to say preach in my song like my song taught that salvation is only by grace through faith without works Well, I've just eliminated most of Christianity that doesn't believe that soon as I start singing a song about everlasting life the eternal life and Him that coming to me. I will not cast out and once you're saved you always be safe I've just eliminated a big part of my audience right are you kind of following my logic? So the best way to do would be to sound traditional sound like the old hymns be a little bit more You know upbeat a little more Exciting maybe than than the old songs a little bit of the less the flesh in there But I have to just be vague and not talk about doctrine Just God's good Hallelujah Pray our God's an awesome. God. Oh, it's so wonderful the peace of love, but I can't be specific by anything That's today's Christian contemporary music It's what it is You notice that the new songs that are coming out the new songs that are sung in independent fundamental Baptist churches are devoid of Doctrine they're not like the song that we sung verily verily Where he says? Though poor and needy yet I will not doubt for him that cometh he will not cast out He that believeth oh the good news shout half everlasting life It's not gonna work its eternal security its believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and now shall be saved Not happening, so we got to have if you could see what I once was If you could go with me Back to where I started from then I know you would see the miracle of love that took me in its sweet embrace and made me what I am today a sinner saved by grace I'm just a sinner Saved by grace okay look let me tell you all the things that are wrong with that song number one. It's stupid And that's all next point number two No doctrine anybody can sing that song anybody could listen you say a sinner saved by grace, but look Never faith or believe is mentioned. What's being emphasized that changed life If you could see what I once was You'd see that the miracle of love that took me his grace and made me what I am today a sinner saved by grace now Look those that believe in by grace through faith. They're interpreting that as yep See saved by grace saved by grace through faith, and now you know his life is changing and that's wonderful But see the work salvation crowd which is 90 90 percent of the people who like that and listen to that song They're thinking see this guy didn't just hey come on this guy didn't just pray a prayer and believe on Jesus He didn't just believe the Bible I mean look his whole life changed see what I'm saying see how genius these these things are that songs by Bill Gaither a Nashville you know southern gospel legend Millions of people buy his CDs of all denominations Because the guy's a genius he makes it clean enough for an independent fundamental Baptist Church Which I've heard that song in almost every independent fundamental Baptist Church ever been in but at the same time. It's broad enough To go to everybody and at the same time It's programming your mind to emphasize the changed life instead of emphasizing Born again by believing on Jesus Christ. Hey sometimes people change and sometimes they don't Sometimes people just live in the flesh Something now there's always a new creature there the spirit, but you can either walk in the spirit or walk in the place Hey, sometimes people always in a walk in the flesh You're not going to see any change But if they walk in the spirit you're gonna see a massive change But just because you don't see a change doesn't mean that somebody's not saved Because it's faith without the works of the law the Bible says but to him that worketh not No works before during or after but believeth on him to justify the ungodly his faith is counted for righteous Yes, and so songs like that, and that's just one example. I'm sorry to pervert your mind with that that garbage Let's just give you an example Okay, what I'm talking about is a perfect example, and so the world's music has crept in and it's called Christian contemporary music, and that's what it sounds like and it's Really the biggest sin to me about Christian contemporary music is not just that It's patterned after the world which it is that it's devoid of content and spiritual doctrine like the great songs We sung in Psalms had a lot of good doctrine But really the sin of Christian contemporary music to me is that it's replacing the good music Because by coming in it is pushed out a lot of the good songs that we could be singing now I take the I take the singing that we do in church very seriously I it's not something that we do because of tradition. Well. We just we can't just start preaching I mean we have to start out with a few songs. That's just what you do in church, okay? You can handle a few songs. No the we the singing is a huge part of the church You know there are people who who listen to the sermons on the internet, and they get the they download them You know a lot of people listen to them Yeah, they're not They're not getting what this church has to offer at all because they're not getting the same. That's huge And there's a lot more that they're not getting by not being a part of this church You know people who just list oh, I listen to the sermons hey It's easy it's nothing compared to being with God's people being with people who believe it It's a church. It's a congregation to group and the music is so important. I Love the songs that we sing here. I enjoy it. Don't you enjoy it don't you enjoy coming to just singing? Now why do you enjoy it so much well? I'll tell you I think here's a big reason why I enjoy it so much because you're the one seen Now we live in a day of spectators Everything in our life people don't play basketball they watch basketball People don't play baseball they watch baseball on TV They're out of shape and they sit on the couch, but they say we won You know I remember this this is this used to confuse me when I was a little kid I'm talking about there is one of my earliest memories of all time when I was like Isaac's age or John's it I mean, I was very young I remember hearing somebody say we bombed so-and-so country You know this was I forget what it was it was some thing that was going on in the 80s Where are you know the United States planes went and dropped some bombs somewhere? Some I don't even remember what wasn't a war some military act that happened, and they said boy We just bombed so we flew in and bomb and I thought that the people who were telling me this. I thought they did Right I didn't realize they meant we like the United States. I thought I'm thinking like these people fly jets They're dropping bombs. Yeah, I mean I I'm not kidding. I mean I was like two or three years old I just vaguely remember this I don't remember how old I was but they're like we bombed so-and-so and we did this I'm just thinking What? You did and I just thought it must be telling the truth. I just don't understand it And then I remember as I grew up I used to think it was weird when people say we beat the we beat the Lakers You know where we won, you know the Kings beat the later we won, I'm thinking like you won The Kings won. Yeah, the Sacramento Kings where I'm from the Kings won. You didn't do anything. We did it we won man We beat them so bad, and you know people use that terminology. It's like you didn't do anything Okay, and we live in a spectator society people. What's the biggest? What's the American pastime? sit and watch TV Sit in listen to music watch the game We ran into this council one day We knock on the door and he says guys I hate to tell you this but I'm watching the so-and-so so-and-so game What was the team's? New England Patriots versus somebody he's like I'm watching this game and it's sad to say this exactly He said it's sad to say it is that what he said said sad to say it But it's way more important than anything you guys have to say right now You know we're giving the gospel time how you can know for sure if he died today go to heaven So like okay, whatever. Thanks. You know he shuts the door. We start walking away. We get about 10 feet away He swings open the door Stick his head out. Hey by the way guys What was the team? He bust open the door. Hey by the way guys you know hey Chicago beat the so-and-so You know some teams. I can't even remember. I don't know and then he's like all right. See you guys later It shuts the door. I'm just thinking myself who cares like I don't even care Why does that guy just swing open the door and tell me that like does he know us? Does he know that you're from Chicago? I think is this one of Dave's buddies or something like what is this guy? But He's he's having a worship service today on Sunday to his God okay, and sports But it just goes to show he's so into it. He's not even there. He's not doing anything He had nothing to do with it. He's watching again, so people they come to church And what do they want to do they want to sit and watch? They want to just sit and just It's like TV to them. It's like it's like watching the game and so they come to church and They don't want to sing praises to God. They don't want to lift up their voice to God what they want to do They want to watch Some little girl get up there and wow us all with her town and sing in her wonderful voice and oh You don't clap hey look this isn't a this isn't a nightclub This isn't show business This is the house of God Sanctuary and the Bible says in the midst of the congregation Will I sing praise unto thee not will I listen? To the pastor sing a special although you do in the sermon, okay? That's how we see this how we sneak it in we have only congregational singing, but during the preaching That's where I can really shine No, I'm just kidding, but hey Why don't you want to go to church and be a spectator when you could be a participant when you could be praising God? When you could be lifting up your voice and the Bible says that the Lord Take it pleasure in his people not in his person not in sister show and so's beautiful voice Not in brothers so and so's marvelous baritone voice Singing songs that came from the father and singing out the praises of God. That's what pleases God Teaching and admonishing one another With songs and hymns and spiritual songs the Bible says be not drunk with wine We're in his excess, but be filled with the Spirit how be filled with the Spirit speaking to yourselves and songs and hymns and spiritual songs Singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. That's how you're gonna be filled with the Spirit How am I gonna be filled with the Spirit? Pray all night on your face, and you'll wake up and be filled with the Spirit no Be filled with the Spirit speaking yourselves and songs and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord this book right here Should be a part of your life Seven days a week if you don't have if you don't have one of these hymnals right here take it with you I got a big stack of them right here big pile of them take one with you take it home with you and open this up throughout the week and Get it out and sing these great songs blessed assurance Jesus is mine. Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine See if you see if you're filled with the Spirit see if you have joy and peace See if you have the fruits of the Spirit when you start to sing out the praises of God when you're singing and making melody In your heart to the Lord when the high praises of God are in your mouth When the new song is in your mouth the new song not the world's old tired old Stinking song but the new song that comes when you're saved and born again You're tired of God and you get out the song book and you sing the new song This is my story. This is my song praising my savior Tell me you're gonna be in a bad mood when you sing that song Tell me you're gonna be feeling sorry for yourself when you sing that song Tell me if you're gonna be down in the dumps when you think about the good things that God's done for you the great things The 40 things that he did the moment that you got saved I guarantee you you'll feel better. I guarantee you you'll love God more. You'll be more excited about the things of God It'll make you want to read your Bible more to make you want to be in church more It'll make you want to win souls more when you sing these songs take your Filthy rock music out of hell and throw it in the garbage can Take the stupid Jimi Hendrix and and the doors and the Beatles and all that 60s kind of garbage music for a bunch of communist God-hating devils and throw it in the trash can where it belongs Hey get all this hip-hop music and all this lust of the flesh kind of filthy Music from Ludacris and 50 Cent and all this junk throw it in the trash can it's junk Give it to your stupid Garth Brooks, Alan Jackson, Travis Pitt and throw it in the trash Get rid of the stinking Peggy Wise and Nirvana and AC DC and throw it in the trash Belongs because it's not of the father and it's of the world and if you don't throw it away now my friend one day when Jesus comes back after the millennial reign of Christ when he shows us how it's supposed to be at the end of that millennial reign of Christ he'll burn it up for you when he burns up this whole world because the world passes away in the lust thereof But he to do with the will of God to bite it forever. Hey, I'm taking my music with me So you can't take anything with you Patrick Anderson when I die I'm taking my music with me because I'll be singing these kind of songs in heaven Your music is going to be gone your music to be toast your music to be burned up My music is going to continue with me because it's God's music and so Use music see this isn't just a negative sermon telling you what the wrong music is Hey, let me tell you what the right music is Singing the Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs daily Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday when I'm at work. Hey, you know what you're not gonna believe this believe this But how was that? I was driving down the road On my way out of Victorville, California driving eastbound. I got about 40 miles from Victorville. I broke down My alternator went out. I didn't know what the problem was. I broke down by the side of the road middle of the desert No cars even going by I mean just nowhere Thankfully, I had cell phone reception and every once in a while a car would go by I just I went to get some tools because I was I saw that there's a bunch of corrosion on my battery terminals I thought it might be the battery I was trying to fix that and I just started just singing at the top of my lungs because nobody's around You know the desert I just started seeing seeing them over again to me Wonderful words of life. Let me more of their beauty see Wonderful words of life words of life and beauty teach me faith and duty To pass your hands them for a guy who doesn't believe in special music you're singing But I was just say I was just saying the praise of God I was just singing out as loud as I could in the middle of the desert praising God Hey, praise God For his goodness for his wonderful works for the children men praise God seven days a week Your whole attitude will change your whole life will be changed Music is so powerful that if you're constantly singing the right music you'll be filled with the Holy Spirit But if you're singing the world's music, you're gonna be feel with the spirit You'll be filled with the spirit of the world be filled with the devil's spirit You'll be filled and I'm not saying the Christian could be demon-possessed obviously But I'm just saying you'll be filled with that spirit that now work in the children of disobedience that spirit that indwells that music The Bible says thou art holy. Oh thou that in habitus, which means that you live somewhere thou are holy Oh thou that inhabitus the praises of Israel. So God said I will he say he lives inside the praises of Israel So who lives in who lives in the praises of the world who lives in the rock music? I Don't even want to know I didn't want to mess with it I don't want to find out and so I wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole and You know, I did sure wouldn't touch this Christian contemporary music because it's twice as it's twice as satanic Because it's being sung By a bunch of Charismatics by a bunch of demon-possessed tongue-talking Charismatics Who don't who are who are preaching a false gospel? Hey, I'd rather hang around with Metallica tonight Than to hang around with Bill Gaither. I'm not kidding I'd rather go out to eat with Metallica tonight than to go out to eat with Bill Gaither and I mean that Because Metallica, you know, they're just unsaved. They don't even know they're just Stupid but you know Bill Gaither. He knows the truth and he willfully Believes wrong about the gospel. He willfully creates music for money and prostitutes the name of Jesus Christ and So I wouldn't touch this Christian contemporary music with a 10-foot pole And I don't see what the point of it is when you've got the diamond of these great songs But you got this treasure of music and this hymnal that we sing out of this soul-starring songs and hymns Good night most churches only sing about maybe if they use that hymnal they pricing about a tenth of the songs There's 500 songs in there There's a lot of song. There's a lot of something that I don't even know. I'm constantly learning new ones and There's great other songs that are not in that hymnal. There are all kinds of other hymnals out there and good music We don't have to go to the world's garbage can to find our music we can go to God's people people actually love God and know the Bible and get the right kind of music and Sing it ourselves not on the headphones, which are never found in the Bible But singing with the high praises of God in our mouth And I'm going to tell you something as long as as long as I'm in charge around here As long as I'm the pastor of faithful word Baptist Church. No one except me No one no one is ever going to come up here You say oh, I was small we're small so we have simple music program No, no one is ever as long as I'm pastor as long as I'm in charge as long as I have any say so Nobody's going to come up here and perform music in this church and get up here and sing and we all clap for it It's never going to happen now. There will be times. We have you know musical more musical instruments Maybe you know the Bible listed a lot of musical instruments. You know pianos is a stringed instrument All kinds of different you know you have pianos organs harps, whatever that's fine But we're never going to have music performances in this church and music concerts in this church Because God said church is a place where the whole congregation comes together and In the midst of the congregation every single person sings out to God and God said that pleases me And you say well pastor Anderson. I don't have a beautiful singing voice like you do Just kidding you say pastor Anderson. I don't have a beautiful singing voice I Rather just come and listen to sister so-and-so Belted out God wants to hear you sing God created you exactly the way you are God create your voice exactly the way it is He wants to hear you sing, and he wants to hear you sing loud and That's why you know I measure the quality of my singing not by quality But by volume okay, and so when I when I leave the scene I'm not I'm not a great singer, but you know I just sing as loud as I can I just try to sing loud That's the key to my song leading It's just sing as loud as I can and you know I wish that you'd sing louder to be honest with you every single person I wish you'd sing loud, and you know the bigger church you go to sometimes the quieter people sing That's true, and so I know we sing loud now, but it's in louder, and you know the bigger this church gets let's keep that where we're all singing loud and Everybody's singing out loud God wants to hear you singing God wants to hear everybody singing and there's nothing more beautiful than listening To all of God's people singing in the congregation. I think it's beautiful I'm sure you think it's beautiful And you know what God thinks is a beautiful thing when everybody's singing so sing the praises of God this week Don't listen sing the praises of God yourself and be don't be a spectator be a participant participate in every Avenue of this church Including the music well, let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer God I thank you so much For giving us the gift of music. I love music's one of my favorite things in the world. I love singing I love songs and God. I thank you so much for Creating music because I know that you created it I Know that I know you created everything People try to take credit for inventing things and coming up with things and it all came from you God And I understand that and so I know that you created music And so I'm going to use it for your pleasure and your honor and glory and I thank you so much for creating this beautiful thing called music and allowing us to use it as a way to worship you and God I pray that you would count us into the category of true worshipers that's the category I want to be in I want to worship you in spirit and the truth and So God, please just bless our church help us to continue to praise you the way that you would like us to praise you and Please help everybody in this church to Take that advice if they don't already have the hymnal, you know that they pick one up. It's not like we're charging money It's like we charge money for anything Just take that hymnal home with them and just turn through its pages throughout the week or have the songs memorized even better and just Sing out these great songs throughout the week and and see what you do when we praise the Lord. Oh The men would praise the Lord for his goodness and for his wonderful works the children of men father