(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) belong silently with brother Raymond as he reads Deuteronomy chapter 22 starting in verse number one. Deuteronomy 22 in verse one the Bible reads thou shall not see thy brother's ox or his sheep go astray and hide thyself from them thou shalt in any case bring them again unto thy brother and if thy brother be not nigh unto thee or if thou know him not then thou shall bring it unto thine own house and it shall be with thee until thy brother seek after it and thou shalt restore to him again and like manner shalt thou do with his ass and so shalt thou do with his raiment and with all lost thing of thy brothers which he hath lost and thou has found shalt thou do likewise thou mayest not hide thyself thou shall not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall down by the way and hide thyself from them thou shalt surely help them to lift them up again the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God if a bird's nest chance to be before thee in the way and any tree or on the ground whether they be young ones or eggs and the dam sitting upon the young or upon the eggs thou shalt not take the dam with the young but thou shalt in any wise let the dam go and take the young to thee that it may be well with thee and that thou mayest prolong thy days when thou buildest a new house then thou shalt make a battlement for thy roof that thou bring not blood upon thine house if any man fall from thence thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with diver seeds lest the fruit of thy seed which thou has sown and the fruit of thy vineyard be defiled I shall not plow with that with an ox or an ass together I shall not wear a garment of divers sorts as of woolen and linen together thou shalt make the fringes upon the four quarters of thy vesture wherewith thou covers thyself if any man take a wife and go in unto her and hate her and give occasions of speech against her and bring up an evil name upon her and say I took this woman and when I came to her I found her not a maid then shall the father of the damsel and her mother take and bring forth the tokens of the damsels virginity into the elders of the city in the gate and the damsels father shall say unto the elders I gave my daughter unto this man to wife and he hated her and lo he hath given occasions of speech against her saying I have found not thy daughter a maid and yet these are the tokens of my daughter's virginity and they shall spread the cloth before the elders of the city and the elders of that city shall take that man and chastise him and they shall immerse him in hundred shekels of silver and give them unto the father of the damsel because he hath brought up an evil name upon a virgin of Israel and she shall be his wife he may not put her away all his days but if this thing be true and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she died because she hath wrought folly in Israel to play the whore in her father's house so shout thou put evil away from among you if a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband then they shall both of them die both the man that lay with the woman and the woman so shall thou put away evil from Israel if a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto and husband and a man find her in the city and lie with her then you shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city and you shall stone them with stones that they die the damsel because she cried not being in the city and the man because he had humbled his neighbor's wife so thou shalt put away evil from among you but if a man find a betrothed damsel in the field and the man force her and lie with her then the man only that lay with her shall die but unto the damsel thou shalt do nothing there is in the damsel no sin worthy of death for as when a man riseth against his neighbor and slayeth him even so is this matter for he found her in the field and the betrothed damsel cried and there was none to save her if a man find a damsel that is a virgin which is not betrothed and lay hold on her and lie with her and they be found then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsels father 50 shekels of silver and she shall be his wife because he hath humbled her he may not put her away all his days a man shall not take his father's wife nor discover his father's skirt brother Daniel will you pray for us dear God please fill pastor Anderson with your spirit and please bless us all your ears to hear the message you have for us in Jesus name I pray amen how about now or is it just that you don't want to hear what I have to say this morning huh this morning I'm preaching on the love of God no title my sermon this morning is pants on women pants on women now when you preach a subject like this a lot of people are gonna think hey this is outdated don't you know it's 2020 what are you talking about you're crazy you're fanatic you're the Taliban you know these are the kind of reactions that I've gotten over the years preaching on this subject but I want you to approach the sermon this morning with an open mind and see what the Bible has to say about this subject instead of just having an emotional reaction or getting upset actually listen to what the Bible has to say on this subject now I want to start out in this important verse in Deuteronomy 22 5 where the Bible reads the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so our abomination unto the Lord die God this is obviously something that God feels strongly about when he talks about an abomination it means it's something that he hates so this is something that is very serious in God's sight that he does not want men to put on women's clothing and he does not want women to put on men's clothing now when it comes to men putting on women's clothing you never really get any argument from anybody everybody pretty much agrees that I should not wear a dress or that I should not put on a skirt in fact there's only one garment that would be deemed acceptable for me to wear I'll prove it to you because I'm 39 years old so I've existed as a man as a boy before that for over 14,000 days I have woken up and put on a pair of pants well over 14,000 times in fact there has not been a day of my entire life that I did not dawn a pair of pants because we could also classify shorts as pants they're just short pants and over 14,000 times I have put on pants and not one of those days did I put on something other than pants does everybody understand and how many men would say I have that same testimony Pastor Anderson I have put on pants every single day of my life so then why would there be confusion about what a man's garment is when we all wore it every single day and there was no other it wasn't like should I wear pants or there wasn't another choice the only choice is am I gonna wear short pants or long pants that was the choice that we've made throughout our lives now if you're further confused about what is a men's garment and what is a women's garment look at the bathroom door the universal sign for a man and woman on the bathroom door is a stick figure of a dude in pants and a stick figure of a woman in a skirt okay everyone would agree that if a man were walking down the street in a skirt or an address they would say this man is cross-dressed this man is in drag this man is wearing a woman's garment but then when you flip it over and say okay well women shouldn't wear pants because that's the man's garment they're like whoa what are you talking about buddy according to our world today men can't wear women's clothing but women can wear any kind of men's clothing that they want that's basically the standard that we have in our day they want to apply half of this verse I want to apply the whole verse instead of just saying men don't wear women's clothing I'm gonna say women don't wear men's clothing and I don't think that's pants then what is it there is no other garment that is exclusive to men it doesn't exist okay now you say well there's men's pants and women's pants okay well why don't I get a men's skirt and a men's dress and I look my wife and I we were visiting somewhere one time on vacation and we saw this biker dude show up in like a jean skirt with chains all over it and leather and it was it was a very manly skirt but I didn't look at that and say well no problem it's a men's garment I looked at it as like this guy is dressing in the wrong genders clothing okay so that is a is not a legitimate argument to just say well there's women's pants and and and here's the thing what's the difference between men's pants and women's pants the difference with women's pants is that they're tighter more form-fitting and more revealing well guess what that's not something that pleases the Lord either because we're supposed to be dressed in modest apparel so the snug fitting form-fitting clothing that's showing every curve of your body guess what that's not appropriate clothing either okay so God wants women to wear women's clothing and men to wear men's clothing flip over to 1st Corinthians chapter 11 another objection you hear is oh that's Deuteronomy that's the Old Testament you're trying to bring us under the law we're free in Christ but hold on a second I'm gonna prove to you that God's opinion about this subject has not changed in the New Testament and we can't just throw out the entire Old Testament folks Jesus Christ death on the cross changed some things about the rules that govern us but the Bible is very specific about what those changes are you know for example in the New Testament we're not doing the Levitical priesthood we're not doing animal sacrifices we're not doing the tabernacle we're not doing a meat offering and a drink offering the Bible really clear about those things about the Sabbath and about the holidays and the new moons and the feast days that those things are done away in Christ but does anyone truly believe that Jesus died on the cross to open up a brand new era of gender can inform gender uniformity where there's no more gender and we all dress the same we all wear a space jumpsuit no so the death of Jesus Christ on the cross and the bringing in of a new covenant has nothing to do with with men and women's clothing if God said in the Old Testament that it's an abomination to wear women's clothing as a man or vice versa he didn't change his mind about that and here's the proof he didn't change his mind look at 1st Corinthians chapter 11 verse 14 it says does not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair it is a shame unto him but if a woman have long hair it is a glory to her for her hair is given her for a covering look if God's saying in the New Testament men need to have short hair and women need to have long hair obviously he still wants the genders to look clearly different and let me tell you something it should be that I can look at somebody from 200 feet away and know whether they're a man or a woman because I could look at their hair and I could look at their clothing those are the two things I could look at and instantly know am I dealing with a man or am I dealing with a woman but yet today I could be two inches from somebody and not be able to know whether I'm dealing with a man or a woman and you're constantly making mistakes and misidentifying people you know it's ma'am or whatever and you know you you can't figure out what you're dealing with and we are living in a messed up gender confused society and God wants this point one I have five points this morning point number one is that God wants men and women to look differently we don't want to just go by the letter of the law we want to go by the spirit of the law what is the spirit of the law why would God say don't put on a woman's garment because he wants men to look like men and women to look like women that's the spirit behind that law we should follow both the letter of the law and also the spirit of the law okay so God doesn't want them to look the same now here's the thing if you're gonna tell me it's okay for women to wear pants then basically my wife and I could dress exactly the same because we could both put on a pair of jeans we could both put on a t-shirt we could both put on a pair of tennis shoes and we'd be dressed identical and we'd both be in compliance with your standard because your standard says t-shirts are fine for both pants are fine for both sneakers are fine for both then basically you'd have men and women dress exactly the same and that's what we see today out in the world whereas what I'm saying is that in order for the Bible to make any sense when it says neither the woman should not wear that which pertain to men there has to be some garment that pertains to a man or that commandment would make no sense and the spirit of the law is different clothing for men and women to where my wife and I don't dress the same we shouldn't have the same length hair and we shouldn't be dressed the same there should be a difference between men and women and then people will say well how short is short or how long is long why didn't God give us an exact measurement why didn't he give us how many inches because here's why if he said well you know it's it's nine inches is the length then you know you'd have a bunch of guys with eight and three-quarter inch hair and a bunch of women with nine and a quarter inch hair and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference see the whole point is that manners and look men you don't have to have your hair as short as mine obviously mine's very sure you have to be this short but you so you're really sure yeah but anyway you know you just want to have short hair where people would just look at it and just clearly say it's short if you have to wonder like is this short didn't get a haircut and same thing with the ladies how long well you know just make it long make it to where we can see it and say that's long hair and and you say well what about in between nobody should have in between here how about that how about there's like this DMZ of hair length that nobody has right like like you have short hair and then like this is a no-man's-land no woman's land and then you got long hair let because what's the point folks look I'm not gonna go through my life trying to figure out how far can I push God's rules and still technically be in compliance I'd rather just roll out of bed every day put on a men's garment have short hair and go out of the world and everybody instantly knows that I am mr. Anderson and not mrs. Anderson instantly now that's point number one but point number two is that pants are mentioned in the Bible go to Exodus chapter 28 verse 42 because one objection you'll get is well that's Old Testament well I showed you in the New Testament where God still teaches that he wants the genders to look different different hair obviously that's the same thing as different clothes he wants us to look different but another objection is they'll say well the Bible doesn't mention pants I've even heard some people say this pants weren't invented yet which is so ridiculous because you know pants aren't exactly the theory of special relativity folks I mean how hard is it to come up with pants it's a piece of fabric on each leg I'm pretty sure that had been invented a long time ago but they'll say well pants aren't even been invented yet everybody just wore a robe so they just want us to believe everybody's is naked with a robot just working battling traveling it's nonsense okay but look what the Bible says in Exodus chapter 28 verse 42 it says Exodus 28 42 and thou shalt make them linen britches to cover their nakedness from the loins even under the thighs they shall reach so when the priests are getting their clothing laid out for them and God's describing what clothing they're supposed to wear he says that the priests are supposed to wear linen britches and britches maybe you're not familiar with that word it's just an old word for pants you've heard of people being too big for their britches okay but britches are pants now I've heard some people say no no no pastor Anderson that's not talking about pants and I think even some of the modern versions change this to underwear it's under it let me let me check the ESV or can you check the ESV for me we're in Exodus 28 42 because I'm pretty sure that they change this you want you want to check this for me in the NIV the non inspired version but while they're checking that flip over to yeah so ESV changes this to linen undergarments NIV undergarments here's what's so dumb about this under garments so did you notice the under okay what does the Bible say that this garments used for to cover now somebody explained to me how something that's under is a covering can somebody explain that typically a cover goes over something doesn't it if I put a cover on my car do I put it under the car cover me I'm going in you get under me hey a covering is something that goes over so they're cut the verse is contradicting itself in their dumb version where they're like Oh undergarments to cover their nakedness okay well let's all start wearing our underwear on the outside as a covering to cover our nakedness like Superman or something with our underwear on the outside the Bible is talking about the britches covering your nakedness it's because they're on the outside because guess what's under the britches your nakedness guess what they're covering your nakedness but if they were under something and we never saw them then they would not be needed to cover your nakedness see here's the thing I could I could go 14,000 times without wearing underwear and nobody would even know it who would even know cuz you don't see people's underwear do you you don't well yeah nowadays you do yeah okay before the hip-hop culture you didn't see people's underwear I'm saying you're not suppose yeah see people in 2020 they don't get this preaching because they're like well I see people's underwear every day well guess what when I was growing up you didn't see people's underwear you never saw anyone's underwear because that's why it's called under where okay and by the way we're not a member of the Bible of the month Club around here we believe in the King James Bible so we don't surf all the Bibles to get the opinion that we want we believe britches means britches and britches are a pair of pants okay so he's telling them to wear linen pants to cover their nakedness you know what's covering my nakedness right now pair of pants that's what it's talking about okay now these particular pants the Bible says reach from the loins to the thighs so we would call these shorts right so these particular britches are knee length britches sometimes in historical writing you'll see these called knee britches that's actually a word knee britches where they'll wear their pants down here and you remember like in the 1700s or something they'd wear the pants that go down on their knees and then they'd have like stockings pulled up and fancy shoes and whatever in French you'll sometimes see these as culottes right and they'll have culottes or culottes where they would have knee length pants okay that's what these are look at chapter 39 verse 28 let me hurry through some of these Exodus 39 28 and a mitre of fine linen and goodly bonnets of fine linen and linen britches of fine twined linen go if you would to Daniel chapter 3 Daniel chapter 3 while you're turning to Daniel chapter 3 Leviticus 6 10 says the priest shall put on his linen garment and his linen britches shall be put upon his flesh and take up the ashes and so forth Leviticus 16 4 he shall put on the holy linen coat and he shall have linen britches upon his flesh and shall be girded with a linen girdle and a linen mitre shall he be attired these are the holy garments therefore shall he wash his flesh in water and so put them on so he gives a rundown of the holy garments and what have you got you got a hat you got a coat you got britches and that's the outfit and a girdle right which is like a belt that makes sense I mean what it's not really that different from what I'm wearing right now because I got a coat and I got britches and I got a belt and I got this shirt on and I got a tie on right but the basic components are there of the britches the coat you know and so forth so this makes sense it's a man's garment Ezekiel 44 18 they shall have linen bonnets upon their heads they shall have linen britches upon their loins they shall not gird themselves with anything that causes sweat Daniel chapter 3 verse 21 this is Shadrach Meshach and Abednego then these men were bound in their coats their hosen and their hats and their other garments and were cast in the midst of the burning fiery furnace now for those of you that speak German you know hosen means pants English is a Germanic language German and English used to be the same language and then they drifted apart as languages do just like Spanish and Italian drifted apart or Spanish and Portuguese well English and German have drifted apart so back when the Bible was put in the King James Version in 1611 the word hosen was still in use for a type of pants whereas we don't use that anymore but it's just an archaic word for pants now here's what's interesting pants are mentioned in the Bible six times and every single time it's a man that's wearing them 100% of the time and by the way six is the number in the Bible that represents man man is created on the sixth day the the Antichrist number is the number of a man 666 and so a six represents manhood and we've got what six mentions of men wearing pants no mentions of women wearing pants okay the next point I want to make number three and if you would flip over to Job chapter 38 number three only men in the Bible gird up their loins only men in the Bible gird up their loins now what does this mean to gird up your loins well pay attention I'm gonna read for you some verses while you're turning to Job and see if you can figure out what girding up your loins is second Kings 429 says then he said to Gehazi gird up thy loins and take my staff in thine hand and go thy way if thou meet any man salute him not and if any salute thee answer him not again and lay my staff upon the face of the child so when Elisha is sending Gehazi and he tells him to gird up his loins he also says go to this child that's dead and he says don't say hi to anybody and if anybody says hi to you ignore them why would he tell him to not say hi to people and and ignore people that greet him what's he based what's the essence of what he's telling him to do yeah hurry up go fast get there well guess what girding up your loins is part of that he's like hey gird up your loins rush over there do not pass go do not collect $200 okay second Kings 9 1 says and Elisha the prophet called one of the children of the prophets and said in him gird up thy loins and take this box of oil on that hand and go to Ramoth Gilead and again it's haste that is the idea here hurry up get there go quick gird up your loins to do that okay Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 17 thou therefore gird up thy loins and arise and speak unto them all that I command thee be not dismayed at their faces lest I confound thee before them and then the Bible says in 1st Peter 1 13 gird up the loins of your mind and be sober okay now look down at your Bible in job 38 verse 3 job 38 verse 3 says gird up now thy loins like a man so we see that girding up the loins is something specific to men it's something that men do you gird up your loins like a man girds up his loins as opposed to a woman that does not gird up her loins okay all of the example and again you have six examples of girding up the loins all men okay look at verse 7 of chapter 40 go to job chapter 40 verse 7 job chapter 40 verse 7 says gird up thy loins now like a man I will demand of thee and declare thou unto me so what does it mean to gird up the loins now we know what a girdle is right a girdle in the Bible is a belt being gird the Bible talks about having your loins girt about with truth so the modern versions will say like the belt of truth or whatever so girding up your loins has to do with the fact that men in those days in Bible times it often talks about them wearing a long coat like we saw earlier they'll have a long coat and this type of a long coat if you tried to run with it or do some kind of serious work or something it could end up getting tangled or getting caught on something you know it'd be like if you went to work as an electrician or a carpenter or a plumber or something and you're wearing like a long duster or a trench coat or some kind of a long coat you know you could see how it could cause a lot of problems and get caught up on things or that running in that would not necessarily be the best running attire so when he tells them to gird up their loins they basically take the bottom of that garment and basically tuck it in to their belt to get it out of the way so that their legs are free to run without being encumbered by that long garment. Does everybody understand what I'm saying? So you have a long garment and then you would gird that up put it up into your girdle so that you could run or whatever and be in a hurry you're ready for action you know you're ready to fight you know you could picture like a gunslinger in the Old West and what does he do you know before the quick draw he takes this and like buttons it who knows what I'm talking about who's ever seen that the gunslinger like buttons this up here so that this is like ready so that he can you know do the the quick draw or whatever you know you think of like you know these martial artists or whatever in some Asian movie some kung-fu movie or something and they have like kind of a flowing garment or something and they take that off before they do the the fight scene or whatever right everybody kind of picture that you know they're they're getting rid of anything that's loose and hanging and flowing well these guys that are going on a long trip they bring their coat with them because they sleep in their coat like a sleeping bag you know when it's cold and they they need it for in the evening when it gets cold they're bringing it with them and they're running folks in the ancient world most people aren't riding horses horses are expensive and hard to take care of rich people have horses throughout the Bible we see a lot of walking and a lot of running and you don't want to carry a bunch of excessive gear you don't necessarily want to carry a big sleeping bag if you're in a fairly warm place you just have your coat and you bring that and that's why Jesus say you know hey don't bring two coats it's one coat when he sends them out preaching and so forth so the idea is that the reason that you'd gird up your loins like a man is because let's say a man girds up his loins is he naked underneath he's got pants on so there's no issue right so his long coat is there but all he has to do or roll or if he's wearing a robe or whatever you want him to be wearing if he lifts it up and tucks it in he's got a pair of pants on so there's no issue with girding up his loins but because a woman is wearing a skirt or a dress if she girds up her loins she'd be naked from the waist down and so therefore it'd be inappropriate for her to just you know all right ride up my skirt and let's go that's why girding up the loins is something specific man that's why the Bible says gird up your loins like a man like a man because that's a man would do that because he's got pants underneath but today Bible teachers and scholars and theologians expect us to believe that everybody in the Bible was that guy in Central Park with a trench coat on and no pants that's what they're teaching all men didn't wear pants and then these same people turn around and say how dare you teach women not to wear pants they are not gonna be able to do anything who's heard that argument well if you tell women they can't wear pants how are they gonna do anything they can't do anything okay well then how'd people do things in the Bible you're claiming none of them wore pants how'd they build empires and ride horses and farm and fight and do it it's like which one is it folks you can't have both ways the same people that tell you women can't do anything in a skirt are the same ones they're gonna tell you everybody in the Bible wore a skirt nothing happened until recently now here's the thing about this I have a wife and I have daughters and guess what they do everything in skirts and dresses and they they ride horses they go on rollercoasters they go swimming they do everything no problem and isn't it amazing how they do it all in skirts and dresses their whole lives with no issue every single activity there's a way to do it and there's no issue now here's an objection to this go if you would to Proverbs 31 Proverbs chapter 31 and I gotta hurry Proverbs chapter 31 is an objection they'll say well no no women gird up their loins also look at Proverbs 31 here's what the Bible says in Proverbs 31 verse 17 it says she girdeth her loins with strength and strengtheneth her arms what words missing there there's no up there she girds her loins with strength well here's the thing the Bible frequently talks about people girding their loins have your loins gird about with truth that's just talking about wearing a belt or wearing a sash and just like in the Bible you have the whole armor of God the breastplate of righteousness the helmet of salvation loins gird about with truth well this woman basically you know she girds her loins with strength it's sort of like the whole armor for her is like instead of girding with truth she you know she's girding her loins with strength but this is not girding up her loins like a man this is not her lifting anything up and tucking it into her girdle or tucking it into her loins so that is just wrong this is not an example of girding up the loins now flip over to Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 and while you're turning there I'm going to read you this verse remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have set remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have said now what does that mean the landmark was used in order to separate one person's property from someone else's you know this is back before GPS and back before really good maps and topography so I've got a field and you've got a field how do I know where my field ends and yours begins there's a landmark and it could typically be like a giant boulder or a big pile of rocks or something something that's there that says this is the border moving the landmark would be something that you would slowly do over time and in Job he says some remove the landmarks and he talks about people moving the landmark and what you do is like if you just moved it a couple inches each year you're like slowly gaining property and your neighbor's losing it'd be like if you kept moving your fence and it just kept getting over on your neighbor's property and some neighbors do that right they build a fence a few inches onto your property sort of like you know Israel and Palestine but that's another sermon so here's the thing we don't want to move the ancient landmark of the line between right and wrong good and evil male and female okay so what let me do an illustration here come on up here Daniel and Raymond come on up here so here's here's the way it works okay basically come on back here so everybody can see better basically here's the idea okay this represents what's right okay this represents what the world thinks is right this is like what's actually right this is what the world thinks is right the world standards and then this is where Christians are right so I'm Christian so here's what I should be I should be over here with this guy right hey I'm gonna stick with what's rights what the Bible says right and wrong now here's the thing he and I are a certain distance apart right now okay we're socially distancing right now this is six feet apart okay now here's the thing the world gets worse and worse they get weirder and weirder so that's where he was in say 1981 when I was born is he gonna stay there no he's gonna get a little weirder okay and he's going down lower okay so here's the thing what a lot of Christians do is they move with him now they're not gonna go all the way to where he's at that's way too weird okay but what they do is they say well we're still six feet apart okay and then he gets even weirder and then I get a little weirder and then he get and it's just like do you see what's happening here we're moving the landmark and then you you call out Christians and say hey that's not right that's not what the Bible says that's not godly and here's what they say well look how different I am from the world look at this six feet of difference I mean what's the big deal I'm I'm separated I'm holy I'm sanctified because you know what I'm not like that guy but what happens is notice I'm standing now exactly where he was standing in the past do you notice that so now the Christians of today are in some ways like the worst most worldly people of the past but they still think they're righteous cuz I have not as bad as that guy but do you see how if I if I use the world as my standard and say well as long as I'm more righteous than them I just get worse and worse and and folks go ahead and have a seat guys and by the way that's what's happening politically like the Republicans now are like the Democrats from when I was a kid you know the Democrats from when my dad was a kid are like more conservative than the Republicans now or whatever because it's just it's just that they always stay a distance apart and there's a shifting that's going on so I don't want to follow the world's standards you know I'd rather just stay put no matter how far just let him keep going and then people are oh man you're crazy you're weird look how far you are from that guy it's not my fault that that guy just keeps going does everybody understand what I'm saying so don't move that ancient limber and look let me give you a little history lesson a hundred years ago in this country was illegal for women to wear pants did you know that so I'm up here in 2020 I'm a lunatic on the Taliban for saying women shouldn't wear pants I'm preaching this in a church but even in the secular world women were arrested for wearing pants in the early 20th century okay how about this my dad going to school in the 60s in Los Angeles California guess what women weren't allowed to wear to school in the 1960s in Los Angeles California they were not allowed to wear pants not allowed to wear shorts they had to wear knee-length skirts and dresses in public school in Hollywood California in the 60s but I'm supposed to believe that God's just perfectly fine with women and pants and shorts and and that it's just normal and that anybody who says it's wrong is crazy well isn't it interesting how for the first 350 years or 400 some years in this country people had this figured out you know all the way to 1500 1600 1700 1800 and most of the 1900s this is no issue now all of a sudden it's like well how do you know that man the pants are even men's clothing because I put it on 14,000 times and on the 14,000 at first time I was like whoa I think this is what I'm supposed to be wearing and so you can see how things drift okay now let's move on to my fourth point and here's a real controversial point in 2020 we said number one God wants men and women to look differently all God's people said amen isn't that obvious number two pants are mentioned in the Bible are they mentioned or not okay number three only men in the Bible gird up their loins well the implication is men have something on underneath and women don't that's why you gird it like a man number four here's the controversial point buckle up there's only two genders I know this is real controversial now but there are only two genders we see only one amen in the whole auditorium no so Genesis chapter 1 verse 27 says so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him watch this male and female and and and and it's just male and female created he them I've got a bombshell for you this morning every single person on this planet is either male or female there I said it God only created two genders male and female okay Genesis 5 to male and female created he them and blessed them and called their name Adam in the day they were created now you you know what's funny is that today the liberals and the degenerates of our day they love to say that science is their religion don't they you know I don't believe in God I believe in science I don't believe in the Bible I believe in science aren't they big on science but here's what's interesting they don't want to hear what science says about gender at all all of a sudden they don't want to hear about science when it comes to abortion they don't want to hear about science when it comes to the sodomite death style well let's talk science you know you guys want to talk science I love science well let me explain something to you about human beings human beings their gender is genetic okay genetics determine your gender okay I'm not going to go too complicated this is going to be real simple everybody's gonna understand this okay you get a sex chromosome from your mom and from your dad okay now your mom has two exes okay she gives you one of them your dad has an X and a Y he gives you one if he gives you an X your female because you have an X and an X that makes you a female right if your dad donates a Y you have an X and a Y your male any questions everybody got this so far so every man here is XY and every woman is XX now we say wait a minute pastor Anderson what about people who are mutant or they have some kind of a genetic defect hermaphrodites or you know that people bring up all the stuff okay well I'm glad you asked well let's talk about these genetic defects and this comes from the the scientific term for this would be non disjunction during meiosis and the most common type of this is down syndrome so we're just talking about genetic defects in general right so down syndrome one in eight hundred people will be down syndrome right one at one in eight hundred human beings will be down syndrome or at least in the inception and that's because there's a certain chromosome that ends up it's supposed to split into two and it accidentally splits into three whoa there's a problem right down syndrome is the result one in eight hundred well what if the exact same thing happens on one of your gender chromosomes the X or the Y what if instead of two you get three or what if instead of two you get one right you get a defect well these are the I'm gonna give you the possible defects don't tune out this is gonna be quick and painless okay well there's one defect like that called Turner's syndrome and this is where a woman instead of getting an X and an X she just ends up with just an X only one instead of two she gets only one well this is what that type of woman is going to be like she's going to be broad shouldered sterile meaning she can't have children and short and this is about one in six thousand times this will take place remember down center was one in eight hundred this is one in six thousand now here's what Mayo clinic dot org says Turner syndrome a condition that affects only females results when one of the X chromosomes is missing or partially missing Turner syndrome could cause a variety of medical and developmental problems including short height failure of the ovaries to develop and heart defects intelligence is usually normal in females with Turner syndrome okay so notice it's still a female right one X or an X and a partial it's only female still female they're just shorter they have like maybe shoulders as broad as Michelle Obama's and they're sterile and whatever okay but then there's another defect where instead of having a single X they have a triple X okay now don't google this because you know the wrong things will come up it's not gonna be a genetics website okay so I didn't Google this one I had to look it up in a biology textbook and basically it's these women are if they have the triple X they're tall and thin with irregularities with their monthly cycle but that's it and this is about one in 1500 instead of two X's they have three X's right okay then we have what's called Klinefelter syndrome and this is where a man instead of having XY he ends up with XXY he gets two X's and a Y so here's how he ends up he ends up with smaller reproductive organs he's sterile and he's gonna have a little bit of breast development but listen to this men with Klinefelter usually don't know they have it until they run into problems having a child because how many dudes just have a little bit of whatever here anyway man whatevers you know who knows what I'm talking about I mean you know and by the way drinking beer gives you man boobs by the way just just that's true because of the the hops and the phytoestrogen mimickers and stuff you know you drink beer it can give you a little bit of a saggy chest like that okay but here's the thing these dudes are still a dude they got XXY still a dude they've got Klinefelter syndrome they go through their whole life sometimes not even realizing that there's an issue until they just thought they're a little chubby or whatever it's not a big deal lots of guys are a little chubby doesn't mean that they have something wrong with their genetics and then they end up going to have kids and boom it's like I can't have kids can't have kids hey let's go down to the fertility clinic it's like whoa you have Klinefelter you have an XXY chromosome you can't produce offspring and then there's another even more rare situation where they have three X's and one Y still male does everybody understand what I'm saying so far I don't think this is too complicated then there's another condition where you can get an XYY instead of XY your XYY and these guys are abnormally tall they have bad acne and higher testosterone levels and it's controversial whether or not they have a slightly lower IQ but their brain is pretty much totally normal okay okay so that's it folks there we go I believe I hit everything here okay so that's it your genes today every person's genes on this planet are one of those things that I just mentioned they're either XY XX or in these more rare cases XXY XYY X alone or XXX folks these are clearly if you have a Y in it it's male every single time if there's a Y it's male any questions if there's no Y it's female that's it done now there are other diseases or abnormalities or issues where let's say a woman's pregnant and something goes wrong in the pregnancy where her child who is genetically biologically male doesn't get hit with the right dose of testosterone at the right time in the womb and he could grow up deformed or having hormonal problems or you know having underdeveloped reproductive organs or women could get hit with the wrong hormone and have over developed reproductive or but let me tell you something my friend every single person on this planet in every cell of their body is either male or female and you know this actress or whatever this week they just became a dude this week and said my name's Elliot now and what's so stupid is that like every now you go to the her Wikipedia page and it just it's just everything he him him he and it just acts like she's been a dude her whole life he acted in this movie he was in this movie he and it's a picture of a woman he so so let me ask you something who's crazy this morning is Pastor Anderson crazy or is the world that accepts Elliot crazy who's crazy is it me or Elliot folks who's crazy and you know who believes in science me or Elliot because you know what all I have to do is go dig in Elliot's trash and get a soda can or a cigarette butt or something I can take it down to the police station and go to the forensics lab and check the DNA and you know what we're gonna know right away we're gonna know that Elliot's a female and it doesn't matter what what cell of her body we harvest that DNA from it's gonna be just female female female female female female female okay God created two genders my friend and don't give me this garbage well you you you fundamental Christians you just don't know science no the idiots out there that say that there's three genders don't know science or five gender yeah maybe in some bacteria there's a bunch of different genders but in human beings there's only two my friend God created man in his own image and they created them to be male and female the Bible is right and they're wrong it's male and female two genders that's what science says and if you actually read any real science book that's what they'll tell you but in our world today it's not about science it's just about being against the Word of God so when science is against the Word of God in their mind they'll rally behind that but you know what when science confirms the Word of God which all real science confirms the Word of God you know they don't want to talk about that do they I gotta hurry up I'm almost done but if you would flip over to Luke chapter 17 actually I'm sorry go to Matthew 19 go to Matthew 19 I want to finish on this point here what does the Bible say about these people that are XYY XXY all these different genetic disorders and make no mistake this is a genetic disorder it's a it's a problem it's a mistake it's just just like like Down syndrome is a problem okay it's an issue now look obviously God allows these things to happen for his glory you know God allows people to be born with Down syndrome for his glory he has a reason he has purpose and look we've had people with Down syndrome in our church we've had people in our church that had Down syndrome go out soul winning and win people to Christ you know and and especially with today's technology and information you know a lot of people with Down syndrome could be pretty highly functioning in today's world and they can actually live pretty normal life sometimes they can even like drive a car and I mean it's it's it's it's pretty wild the advances that have been made but but here's the thing God allowed that person with Down syndrome to be born with Down syndrome when I say it's a mistake or you know it's it's the same thing as if someone was born blind it's it's not a good thing nobody wants nobody's like oh I really hope I have a child that's born deaf or blind or you know with some kind of a genetic defect nobody wants that for their child right but here's the thing if we had a child like that we would love it we would be we would thank God for it we would praise God for it and God would use it in our lives and all things will work together for good just like the guy who was born blind God said well this guy was born blind for God's glory you know so there's a reason why so look let's say someone is born with this genetic defect that that that makes them develop abnormally in regard to their gender God still loves that person God created that person that way for a reason there's still a human being that you know can live a life that could be blessed by God and they're either male or female okay it's no issue but look what the Bible says some of these people could be so deformed that they cannot reproduce whatsoever or can't have a normal marital relationship what does the Bible say in Matthew 19 12 it says for there are some eunuchs which were so born from their mother's womb isn't that what we're talking about because a eunuch a eunuch in the olden days was where people would take a slave and they would castrate them and that's called a eunuch so the Bible is saying there are some eunuchs which are so born from their mother's womb he's talking about somebody who's born deformed in that in that way and then he says there are some eunuchs which were made eunuchs of men and there be eunuchs which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake he that is able to receive it let him receive it and obviously he's not saying that they mutilated themselves what he's saying is that they basically have remained unmarried and remain celibate that's all he's saying okay last point is this and I got to hurry for sake of time just go to 1st Corinthians 6 we're have to skip Luke 17 go to 1st Corinthians chapter 6 the last point I want to make is that today in 2020 with all the insanity and craziness out there we need more distinction in the genders not less did you hear me we need more distinction in the genders not less explain this to me if for decades independent fundamentalist Baptist churches have always taught women wear skirts and dresses men wear pants that's how that's how it was when I was a child teenager young adult that's what the independent fundamental Baptist have always stood strong on that and they said we're not changing on this we're not backing down on this and you know we don't care what the world does we've always stood on this and we're not changing we're staying with it okay why would now be the time for fundamental Baptist churches to back down on this think about that so in the 80s there it's like hold hold 90s hold 2000 hold and then all of a sudden now it's just like who cares it's not a big deal it's just a preference now hold on a second why now folks back in the 80s I went through the entire decade of the 80s without ever seeing a homo in real life not even one that I knew about you know I went through most of the 90s without even seeing a homo they didn't even hardly exist they were all in the closet you didn't know about it it was something that was a shameful thing and even then the preachers are up saying hey women wear skirts and dresses they wanted it to be they said hey man get a haircut don't wear long hair have short hair wear pants and back in the 80s now did we need that preaching in the 80s yeah did we need it in the 90s yeah but do we need it now less or more when today we've got all the you know you go to sign up for anything now male female I'd rather not say male female other and I I think I don't know Facebook still does but I remember at one point Facebook rolled out what was it 75 genders 73 it was like 73 options under gender because there's a cis male and a cis female and a gender queer gender fluid yeah anyone can name all 73 I you know I I've only come up with five or six but there were little I remember at the time looking at it and scrolling down and I'm just like the folks that's not that's not from biology I didn't come from science it didn't come from the Word of God so if it didn't come from science didn't come from the Word of God why should I believe in it stupid it's perverse it's weird it's confusion and so today I feel like if anything I want to dress more like a man than ever and you as ladies should really want to be as feminine as possible at this time and not want to be part of this confused society that we're living in it's not of God God does not look down and see all the people dress the same and and and and think this is I'm well pleased God wants there to be a distinction and a difference okay the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 6 9 know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abuses of themselves of mankind now some people try to twist this effeminate into being a homo or something folks effeminate is not a homo you know what a feminine is a feminine is a man who is feminine that's what it means okay God says here that it's a sin to be effeminate he's listing sins he's listing adultery idolatry fornication and effeminacy okay being effeminate is wrong okay well listen to me the Bible is often written from a male perspective that's often how it's written you know most of the authors are male and and you know well all of the authors are probably male of course some of the books are anonymous but you know most of the authorship is is for sure male you know most of characters are male it's just it's just obviously you got to be able to kind of flip things over my friend it's of God saying men shouldn't be effeminate don't you think he would also say that women shouldn't be butch or do you think he's just saying well I just said for men look like I literally had somebody tell me because the Bible said chasing thy son while there's hope and let not thy soul spare for his cry they said well we're supposed to discipline our sons but not our daughters because it said son it's like when the Bible is telling you to discipline your son isn't it kind of obvious that he's also telling you discipline your daughter you know because like I said some some things are written from a male perspective you're supposed to extrapolate and be like okay obviously you know if it when he says man or son obviously you're supposed to apply that across the board you know let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall but if you're a woman and you think you stand it's great but it's dumb right obviously it apply so if God says don't be effeminate then wouldn't it go to stand a reason that women shouldn't be masculine that women shouldn't be butch and you know look don't get a flat top women you know don't get a flat top don't put on pants don't be a tomboy be feminine be a girl be a woman right celebrate femininity Bible says woe unto them they call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter now look I believe I've put forth some pretty strong evidence this morning a pretty compelling case for why women should not wear pants now look you can go out of here and say well I don't agree with that and and you know I'm still gonna keep doing it and and I think pastor Anderson's wrong you know what that's fine because you know what you do what you want I'm not I'm not the one that is is gonna you know dictate your wardrobe but I will dictate my family's wardrobe and my daughters are not allowed to wear pants and and and the thing is that you can sit there and say well I don't agree with this but hold on a second just realize though that even our sinful world agreed with this until 50 years ago okay that's not that long ago folks and that a hundred years ago it was just it was just completely beyond the pale for women to put on pants it was considered scandalous and so some people change and some don't some people are just gonna keep drifting with the times but you know what some of us are just drawing a line at some point and just saying you know what with all the gender confusing garbage that's going on you know I'm gonna stick with the old-fashioned men in pants women in skirts and dresses the Bible talks about men wearing pants the Bible says for a woman and again the strongest piece of evidence is this the woman should not wear that which pertain to a man there has to be some garment that pertains to a man and if it's not pants then what is it use the process of elimination it's pants so as for me in my house we will serve the Lord and you know I believe that it's a sin for women to wear pants and you know here's the thing you know I it with I run into ladies from our church out in pants or something you know what that's none of my business I don't care but it's my job to get up and preach the truth from the Bible this morning you can take it or leave it I don't confront women I see it Trader Joe's and pants I'd be like what kind of an abomination you know look I'm but but but you know what what I'm preaching this morning is the truth so you you take it or he that the near let him here let's my rides in our word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word Lord and we are living in some crazy strange times Lord I think everyone would agree even people that are offended by this sermon would agree that we're living in an insane time when it comes to gender Lord and so I pray that Lord every single person that's under the sound of my voice would would want to live up to the spirit of your law and say you know what it's time to dress like a lady it's trying to it's time to dress in a way that's that's distinctly feminine and Lord help us as men not to wear a feminine clothing as well Lord in Jesus name we pray man and men let's grab our song books and turn number 420 number 420 there's a song in the air it's what do you sing it out Oh Oh and the end every thing in this morning our Smith you you