(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Man, the title of my sermon this morning is Your Outward Appearance Matters. Your outward appearance matters. Go ahead and stay there in 1 Corinthians chapter 11, but I'm going to read for you from Matthew 23 verse 25 where the Bible reads, Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you may clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. Now of course this verse is often quoted to point out maybe that the outward appearance doesn't matter, but what it actually says is that we should first cleanse that which is within, that the outside may be clean also. So the Bible is saying that our outside should be clean. Of course our inside is more important than the outside, but yet the outside still matters. Even though the inside is more important, the outside matters. Other people will quote the verse that says, Man looketh on the outward appearance, but God looketh on the heart. This is true and again emphasizes the importance of the inside, but it doesn't change the fact that man looketh on the outward appearance. And so we should provide for things honest in the sight of God and in the sight of men. We should cleanse the inside so that the outside may be clean also. Now it's funny. We were just talking before the service with one of our church members that works in a grocery store chain and they were confronted with a guy that came in there in drag, almost naked and the store ended up throwing him out of the store because of his clothing, because of his appearance and it turned out the guy worked for a law firm and was basically just there to just provoke a confrontation or whatever and wants to sue them and this and that. But the point is that even the world, even a grocery store chain has some standard where it gets to a certain point where even they would say, You can't be here. Your clothing is out of control. So everybody has clothing standards. Everybody draws the line somewhere. Even at ASU I guarantee you there's some standard where they would send someone home or throw someone out or what have you. So we need to go with the Bible standards today. Don't get mad at us for having standards. Everybody has standards. The grocery store has standards. The university has standards. We just have biblical standards and if we're to preach the whole word of God, we need to preach on these biblical standards about our appearance. Now if our appearance doesn't matter, then pray tell me why is half of this chapter that we just read about the length of your hair if it doesn't matter. If supposedly our hair can be any length, then why would God write this chapter? Why would God talk about clothing over and over again in the New Testament if it doesn't matter? The truth is that what's inside is paramount but the outside matters also even though the inside is more important. So I'm going to go into three points this morning and point number one is the right hair. Point number two is going to be the right clothing and point number three is the right appearance in general. So let's start out with the right hair. Look at verse three of 1 Corinthians 11. It said, but I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is the man and the head of Christ is God. We just already lost the liberals right there because they can't handle the fact that the head of the woman is the man. And then we also lost the oneness Pentecostals right there because it said the head of Christ is God. So just that verse alone tends to divide, doesn't it? He says in verse four every man praying or prophesying having his head covered dishonoreth his head. Now let me ask you a question. Who was it that was the head of the man? In verse number three back up the head of every man is Christ and then it says in verse four every man praying or prophesying having his head covered dishonoreth his head. So who is he dishonoring? He's dishonoring Christ. And then it says but every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoreth her head for that is even all one as if she were shaven. So who is she dishonoring when she has her head uncovered? She's dishonoring her head which is whom? Her husband, the man, right? So she's dishonoring her husband at that point. Now what does this mean to have your head covered versus not covered? Look what the Bible says in verse 13 judging yourselves is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered does not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair it is a shame unto him but if a woman have long hair it is a glory to her for her hair is given her for a covering. So the Bible tells us right here that the covering is long hair on women being uncovered is having short hair and the Bible says that it is a shame for a man to have long hair. Now some people will try to wiggle out of this and say well it says it's a shame but it doesn't say it's a sin but the Bible says the thought of foolishness is sin and it's very foolish for you to think that oh well I know the Bible said it's shameful but I think I can still get by with it. Okay but how about this? What about when he said in verse 4 that if you pray or prophesy having your head covered you dishonor your head means you're dishonoring Christ so why would you want to dishonor Christ by preaching or praying having long hair if that dishonors Christ? The Bible says not to do it. Now some people will say oh this is talking about wearing a hat or something on your head but hold on a second. First of all he just stated here that the long hair is the covering, short hair is the lack of covering and not only that number 2 he said that nature itself teaches you this meaning that this is something that we know to be true on the inside that women are supposed to have long hair and men are supposed to have short hair even human nature itself would teach us that and let me point out the fact and we're going to see some of these scriptures in a moment in the Old Testament the priests that worked in the tabernacle who preached and prayed and did sacrifice they had to wear a hat. They wore what was called a mitre on their head or they would wear bonnets on their head so men of God in the Old Testament part of their uniform as a priest in the tabernacle or as a Levite was to wear a hat. So how can he command people for thousands of years to wear a hat while serving God in the Old Testament tabernacle and then turn around and say oh well nature itself teaches you you know how dare you wear a hat when you're praying it's like what we've been doing this for thousands of years right so this isn't saying hat or no hat okay and this is where you get a lot of women that they cover their heads all the time like a Muslim constantly and they think that they have to wear that hijab even as a Christian but guess what that's not what it's talking about he's talking about long hair on women he's talking about short hair on men and folks this is not my opinion this is fact because men were commanded in the Old Testament sacrificial system to wear a hat while doing the office of a priest and if this is telling men that they can't have a head covering as a hat or a bonnet while they're praying or prophesying then that would contradict the entire Old Testament folks and that would make no sense so then you can't just tell the women to put on this covering that's not what the Bible is teaching here it is impossible to make it say that okay well if you go back to the Greek no it says the same thing but anyway so it says here in verse 6 look at verse 6 just to show you that we're talking about hair again he says for if the woman be not covered let her also be shorn but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven let her be covered he's saying look if she's not going to have long hair if she's going to have short hair you might as well just buzz it all off just give her a buzz cut make her completely bald like Sinead O'Connor and you know but if that's shameful if you think that's weird then let her be covered you know let her have long hair now go if you would do Song of Solomon chapter 5 Song of Solomon chapter 5 some people will inevitably ask the question well what is long hair and what is short hair they want to know an exact length for this well I believe that the reason why God did not give us an exact length is because he doesn't want people pushing it all the way to that line now stop and think about this let's say there was a length given let's say God said in the Bible long hair means that it's more than six inches long well then what you'd end up with is you'd have some women with hair that is six and one-eighth inch and say hey this is long hair and then you'd have some men with five and fifteen sixteenths inch hair and say this is short hair and basically they would look exactly the same you wouldn't be able to tell the difference what is the spirit of the law we don't want to just go by the letter of the law what's the spirit of the law here what do you think God's getting at here why do you think God wants men to have short hair and women to have long hair he wants them to look different so basically there would be short hair on men that's obviously short and then there would be long hair on women that's obviously long and you know that gray area let's just both stay out of it let that be a little DMZ or a little you know kind of buffer zone between long and short the medium length hair let's all skip it right because we just want to be able to look at somebody for crying out loud and just know that it's a man or a woman that's all we want is that so much to ask for in 2019 America that we can just look at someone and just instantly know based on their hair and their clothing I'm dealing with a man here I'm dealing with a woman here that's all we want that's all God wants you say oh God's so strict his commandments are not grievous he's not asking for much here folks and instead of just trying to figure out how long you can make it or how short you can make it and still technically comply why don't you just have obviously short hair or obviously long hair now I want to make it clear though I'm not saying that your hair has to be as short as mine I know mine is very short you don't have to have your hair this short because you know we have Song of Solomon chapter 5 here verse 10 it says my beloved is white and ruddy the cheapest among 10,000 his head is as the most fine gold his locks are bushy and black as a raven so it's okay to have a little bushiness to your locks amen you know this is a man with some bushy hair so I'm not against you having a you know a little bit of a you know a bushy bushy blonde hairdo right I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with having some bushiness or having more hair on your head than mine but you know I think we all know what it means for a man to have long hair you know when you see a man with hair down to his shoulders or beyond obviously that's long hair okay so you know we just want our hair to be a man's haircut a man's hairstyle short hair on men long hair on women this is matters God commands it there's half a chapter about it in 1 Corinthians 11 and the last thing you want to do is to be dishonoring Christ with your hairdo of course and if you would flip over to Ezekiel chapter 44 of course other people will bring up well then why did Jesus have long hair Jesus didn't have long hair there is not one shred of evidence in the Bible of Jesus having long hair those pictures were painted centuries later and they're painted by people who portrayed him with long hair because they had long hair you know it's just like black people make a black Jesus Chinese people make a Chinese Jesus white people make a white Jesus with blond hair and blue eyes right and so a guy with long hair made a Jesus with long hair because he's making God into his own image instead of vice versa okay so pictures of Jesus with long hair are wrong pictures okay nothing in the Bible indicates that and ask me answer this how would it make any sense to say hey if you pray or prophesy with long hair you're dishonoring Jesus who's a guy who has long hair how would that make any sense and how about the fact that the Bible says in verse number we're still in chapter 11 I had you turn to Ezekiel 44 but I'll read for you from chapter 11 it says that man indeed ought not to cover his head verse 7 for as much as he is the image and glory of God but the woman is the glory of the man so the Bible tells us that man is in the image of God therefore he should not cover his head but then you're gonna tell me that God in the flesh had long hair we're supposed to have short hair because we're in his image he clearly didn't have long hair so any picture of Jesus with long hair is a fraud actually any picture of Jesus is a fraud because there are no pictures of Jesus from his lifetime okay they all came many many centuries later even the oldest orthodox icon is from like 500 A.D. or something like that way after the fact so we should not as men have long hair look at Ezekiel chapter 44 verse 17 and it should come to pass that when they shall enter in at the gates of the inner court they shall be clothed with linen garments and no wall shall come upon them walls they minister in the gates of the inner court and within they shall have linen bonnets upon their heads and this is again what I was talking about how the priests would always have some kind of a head gear whether it's bonnet, mitre, whatever the word that's used and then it says they shall have linen bonnets upon their heads and shall have linen britches britches that is an old word for pants you've heard the expression being too big for your britches they shall have linen britches upon their loins they shall not gird themselves with anything that causeth sweat and when they go forth into the utter court even into the utter court of the people they shall put off their garments wherein they ministered and lay them in holy chambers and they shall put on other garments and they shall not sanctify the people with their garments watch verse 20 neither shall they shave their heads nor suffer their locks to grow long they shall only pull their heads now the locks are basically the portions of your hair coming off your head you know if you grab a clump of somebody's hair that's called a lock of hair some people will save as a keepsake a lock of their child's hair a lock of their loved one's hair so the Bible says that men and this is confirming what we read in 1 Corinthians 11 in the Old Testament he's saying they shouldn't let the locks of their head grow long neither should they shave their head completely bald he's saying but they should pull their heads which means cut your hair short pulling is to cut it short so I don't believe that men should be completely bald either okay now go if you would to Leviticus chapter 13 now there's some people that are bald you know and they they didn't make it that way it did that on its own okay and the Bible talks about you guys all right in Leviticus chapter 13 it talks about those that are bald because their hair fell out okay that's not what we're talking about the Bible saying here that men should not shave their heads now there were times in the Bible where it was appropriate to shave your head basically if you were mourning and weeping and lamenting someone died and you're doing extreme mourning people would you know rip their clothes they'd rend their garment they put ashes on them they'd shave their heads and go sit in the dirt you know just as a form of mourning but this is not the normal hairstyle that God tells us that we should have you know we should have short hair not long not bald but just a short hair okay he says in Leviticus chapter 13 verse 40 and the man whose hair is falling off his head he is bald yet is he clean now the reason he talks about the cleanness is because this is in a chapter about leprosy and he's talking about the people that are unclean meaning they're contaminated they could spread germs they could spread the disease of leprosy and he's talking about people that are clean and he basically is saying you know hey if there's a bald spot and then it turns white and there's you know one hair growing out of it and hairs yellow he's going over all these skin disorders in Leviticus 13 and he explains all these things and he talks about baldness as being one of the signs of leprosy when it's found in connection with these other symptoms okay but here he's just referring to look just because the hair falls off somebody's head that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with them it's not a disease it doesn't mean they're not contagious it's not if you get around bald people you're gonna start going bald so he's telling them look it's clean if the hair falls off their head he's saying that's normal okay and it's a genetic thing some people's hair falls out some people's hair doesn't fall out it has to do with genetics and so he says the man whose hair has fallen off his head he's bald yet is he clean verse 41 and he that hath his hair falling off from the part of his head toward his face he's forehead bald he has a receding hairline right yet is he clean some of you didn't even know that you're in the Bible no I'm just kidding so anyway he's saying look you know if your hair falls out or if you get a receding hairline that's normal that's not an illness that's not leprosy don't worry about it you're still clean you're good to go okay but I don't believe that we should shave our heads completely bald so you say well what do I do my hair's falling I'm just gonna shave it all off you need to have the cul-de-sac I'm sorry but you know I think you should just have short hair I'm not saying you got to grow it out and do a comb-over you know but you should still have some hair on your head all right this is what the Bible says all right so let's move on to the next point before people get too upset on that point let's go to 1st Timothy chapter 2 1st Timothy chapter 2 so number one the right hair okay God cares about our appearance sure it's not the most important thing obviously what's in our heart is far more important than what's on the outside but our appearance does matter as well and once we've cleaned up the inside then we should clean up the outside as well shouldn't we and if the world's gonna have their standards we should have our own standards that are based on the Word of God so when it comes to the right hair women should have long hair how long just obviously long hair we don't want to wonder whether someone is a woman or a man okay that's the spirit of the law here so one of the right clothing and the right hair the right hair is gender specific short hair on men not completely bald not the bic razor but just short hair and then you know unless you're crying and putting dirt on your head and ripping your clothes then get out the bic but until then just a short haircut will do and then a little bit of bushiness is fine just as long as you're not into the realm of women's hair long hair okay but number two the right clothing right we want to wear the right kind of clothing so let's get some biblical guidelines on clothing first of all you're in first Timothy I'm gonna read for you the famous verse from Deuteronomy 22 5 it says the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so or abomination unto the Lord thy God so the Bible is saying that there are people out there there are men who put on women's clothing and there are men or women who put on men's clothing and he says these people are an abomination to God cross-dressing transvestite okay so we don't want to be like unto those people these wicked people that are out there who are out there in drag whether it's a man dressing as a woman or a woman dressing as a man we don't want to be like unto those people that are an abomination unto the Lord God the sodomites okay so we want to make sure that we have gender specific clothing the Bible says the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man so the Bible is teaching us that there are certain clothing that pertains to men and women should not wear it and then the Bible says that a man should not put on a woman's garment okay it's very clear here now in today's culture this doesn't fly and churches today try to explain this away and say well that's the Old Testament we're not under the law folks when Jesus died on the cross it wasn't to liberate your closet Jesus dying on the cross shedding his blood for our sins freeing us from the curse of the law getting us out from under the Levitical priesthood under the priesthood of Melchizedek doesn't change the fact that God wants men to look like men and women to look like women otherwise explain 1st Corinthians 11 he obviously feels the same way folks he wants us to have gender specific clothing now in our culture today thankfully barely skirts and dresses are still considered women's clothing right and if a man puts on a skirt or a dress people are gonna freak out right in our 2019 American culture people are still gonna freak out but unfortunately we've gotten to a point in America now where there is no article of clothing that the world considers men's clothing basically anything that men wear they think it's okay for women to wear so basically we have gender neutral clothing and women's clothing no such thing as men's clothing in the mind of a lot of people in 2019 America well let me tell you something we need to have some clothing that is specific to men in order to be in compliance with God's Word here in order to follow the intent of God's Word we should keep the pants on the men and the skirts and dresses on the women so that there can be a difference okay now you say well I think it's just fine for women to wear pants okay well then what what some what's the thing that pertains to a man there's nothing left if you put the women in the pants then basically you've given them access to the whole department store of clothing okay so unfortunately today those of us in the new IFB quote-unquote are almost the only people still preaching this left amongst independent Baptists most of the independent fundamental Baptists now have backed down on this even though back in the 60s 70s 80s 90s they were preaching hey we need to have women wearing skirts and dresses keep the men in pants amen now in the last 20 years they've totally backed off on that now you'll see the pastor's wives out in pants and nobody bats night but it's interesting how they'll still wear the skirts and dresses to church put on a show go home put it on the jeans go out and you know operate a jackhammer or whatever so but you know here's here's the point though folks in 2019 America do we need less distinction of gender or more I mean if there was ever a time to say hold up let's stick with some traditions about clothing it would be now now more than ever we shouldn't have women wearing that which pertains to a man or a man putting on a woman's garment given the gender-bending nature of our society now a hundred years ago in America it was considered obscene even by the world to for a woman to wear pants if a woman went out in pants in public should be arrested there are examples of this of women that have been arrested in the 20th century in America for wearing pants because they were seen as being cross-dressed okay you say well I was back then right thank God that we're in this new godly culture of just gender-bending where we every day we run into people and we don't know what they are and some of these trannies you can't tell whether they're coming or going you know there's some kind of a transition going on you don't know from where to where and what direction they're going you have no clue folks my dad went to public school in the 1960s in the Bible Belt also known as Los Angeles California who thinks Los Angeles is the Bible Belt it's not he was a stone throw from Hollywood in the San Fernando Valley Los Angeles in the 1960s and the girls were not allowed to wear pants to school they must wear a skirt or a dress in 1968 in LA okay and by the way they open every school day in prayer and they read to them out of the King James Bible and they had one week per year where they would let all the kids out of school where they would go to their church to go to spiritual training at their church so if they were Baptist they go to the Baptist Church they're Catholic they go to the Catholic Church and it was called spiritual emphasis or whatever it was in a public school in the 60s in California in LA right near Hollywood folks this world is changing so fast that your kids are growing up in a world where they're gonna look at you like you're crazy just for thinking that there are two genders just for thinking that marriage is between a man and a woman folks we cannot just continue to be on this bobsled to hell we need to stand up at some point and draw the line and say hey this is where we draw the line folks we're gonna stay traditional we're gonna keep our women feminine and we're gonna keep our men masculine we're not going off this clip folks the United States is an empire in decline it is a culture in decline and everybody amongst the progressives and liberals they think it's new they think I oh so new we've gotten so advanced we're evolving man this is the next stage in evolution folks go back a few thousand years you'll find the same thing in ancient Greece and in the Roman Empire you'll find all the people dressed in drag you'll find the sodomites you'll find folks you know why they're called lesbians because the Greek island of Lesbos because it's already going on there thousands of years ago folks when they were in decline when they'd gotten past the pinnacle and the peak of their greatness and they're on the decline and they're deteriorating and they're decadent and they're rich and they slack off and they just get weirder and weirder and then comes a judgment of God there is nothing new under the sun there's nothing new about what's going on in America today there's nothing progressive or modern about it folks every empire in decline goes through these stages we are a society in decline the greatest days are not ahead for America I don't care what political candidate tells you we are in decline now look the greatest things can be ahead for God's people see with God's people Christ always gives us the victory the Bible says we are always on the ascendancy I'm pressing on the upward way new heights I'm gaining every day hey we're always climbing for higher ground spiritually but you know our society is going downhill nothing's gonna change that nothing will change it except the extreme judgment of God which will eventually come it's the same thing folks repeat it's just on repeat human nature is human nature people are people there's nothing new under the Sun those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it those who remember the past are doomed to watch other people repeat it and know what's happening okay and so that's what's going on folks so I don't understand why my independent fundamental Baptist brethren all of a sudden just want to put their wife in jeans and all it's like what in the world man let's be more specific about the genders because we got to push back we don't need to be less spiritual or less feminine and masculine respectively than the Los Angeles public school system of the 1960s amen so I'm not I'm not bad if you think well pastor is eventually gonna relent on that I'm not going to I'm gonna go to the grave believing this and you know my daughters and you know I don't care if every other woman in the world puts on pants my daughters as long as they live in my house are gonna wear skirts and dresses they're gonna be feminine easy oh but there's so much that you can't do in a dress maybe there's certain things that you just shouldn't be doing do you ever think about that but here's the thing okay about that what's so stupid is that the same people argue with you and say oh you can't do anything in a dress these same people will say oh pants weren't around in Bible days so I guess everybody did nothing right because they're saying oh you can't do anything address then how did society exist in Bible times they these are the same people that show you a picture of Jesus and his disciples and dresses oh you can't do anything address so what did they do how'd they build the pyramids you know what I mean because guess what men have always worn pants I guarantee you I promise you I'll bet you a million dollars that Adam had a pair of pants because pants aren't that complicated folks they're not this invention that came around about time of computers and the internet and cell phones pants are kind of a no-brainer cloth on this leg cloth on that leg all comes together at the top it's a great invention and you know what these idiots who say pants were invented in the 1700s I've actually had people dumb enough to say that to me but what here's what they're actually talking about the word pants goes back to the 1700s because before that they're called britches and hosen and other they have other names okay but the garment existed right and you can read ancient history like when the Persians are facing off with the Greeks and all the Persians have pants to their ankles and the Greeks are like half naked because they're an empire in decline because they're a society in decline becoming effeminate and queer in long hair and they're out there fighting in their underwear and while the Persians have pants to their ankles like normal people okay so anyway that was just one small part of the clothing point is that we should have gender specific clothing amen I don't want to spend the whole sermon on that look at 1st Timothy chapter 2 let's get some more guidelines on clothing 1st Timothy 2 9 and like man are also that women adorn themselves in modest apparel with shame face in this and sobriety now the word modest is often misunderstood modesty has to do with not being prideful puffed up or drawing attention to yourself right so the opposite of modesty is boasting or bragging like for example if I started telling you how good I am at basketball and how I'm just such a great basketball player and oh man I was the MVP and I was so great in high school then it would that be modest you know and then sometimes people will jokingly if someone says hey tell me about your basketball career they'll say hey modesty forbids you know and of course that's a little bit immodest to say that so it's a little bit of an ironic it's kind of an ironic joking statement who's ever heard somebody say hey I would tell you that but modesty forbids right what are they saying hey I don't want to draw attention to myself I don't want to be prideful I don't want to brag I don't want to boast because that's what it means to be immodest okay now this has come to mean a woman who is scantily clad you know a woman who has a really short skirt is called immodest a woman with a low cut top is called immodest the reason why it's called immodest is because they're basically drawing attention hey look at me they're showing off their body which is not a modest thing to do because any kind of showing off is immodest does everybody understand when you're showing up it's it's not just clothing any kind of showing off is immodest so if I have some super fancy house that's not a modest dwelling but if I just had a sensible normal house people would say he lives in a modest home he drives a modest vehicle he wears modest clothing he has a modest bank account whatever that's what modest means so he's saying that women should adorn themselves in modest apparel with shame-facedness and sobriety not with broided hair or gold or pearls or costly array so once you get the correct definition of modest now you can understand why the opposite of modest is the gold the pearls the costly array the broided hair he's talking about being all fancy decked out expensive clothes expensive jewelry that's the opposite of being modest does everybody understand that so that makes sense and he says that they should have shame-facedness and sobriety now why shame-facedness well if you do a study on the word naked in the bible and the word shame you'll see that just verse after verse in the bible links these two words nakedness and shame nakedness shame over and over old testament new testament because it's a shameful thing to be naked in front of other people or be naked in front of the opposite gender especially is shameful and embarrassing right it should be now some people are not ashamed of this there's something wrong with them they're mentally ill people who just want to just walk around naked that's bizarre a normal person is ashamed of being publicly naked or or being naked in front of someone of the opposite gender they're horrified by that right so what the bible is saying here is that they should have shame-facedness meaning that they should be ashamed to show their nakedness publicly they should be modest and then he says sober sobriety sobriety or sober means serious don't dress like a clown is what he's saying right don't dress wild and crazy and look at me everybody and showing your nakedness you're half naked whatever expensive your brand awareness and you're you're showing all the labels and everything that's what we want to get away from look at first peter chapter three first peter chapter three and i want to point out that you know not only does the bible tell us that men should wear men's clothing that women should wear women's clothing that women should wear modest apparel and they should be shame-faced sober about their their dress about their clothing not with all the expensive things but just with reasonable sensible clothing but i want to point out also that your clothing is associated with the way that you act or it affects the way that you act okay like for example it says in first peter three three who's adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plating the hair and of wearing of gold or putting on of apparel but let it be the hidden man of the heart in that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of god of great price so notice that the modest clothing is associated with having a meek and quiet spirit proverb seven has the opposite you don't have to turn there but in proverb seven nine it says in the twilight in the evening in the black and dark night and behold there met him a woman with the attire of a harlot so she's wearing the clothing of a prostitute she has the attire of harlot now look she's not a prostitute but she's wearing the clothing of a prostitute right and then it says she's loud and stubborn now is that a coincidence that right after it says she's in the attire of a harlot the next breath she's loud and stubborn what's the opposite of being loud and stubborn having a meek and quiet spirit let me tell you something loudness and stubbornness on a woman is not comely it is not seemly it is not appropriate for a woman it's not feminine for a woman to be loud and stubborn and acting like a man women should act like women men should act like men and it's interesting that we have the right clothing and the right spirit in the same breath and we have the wrong clothing wrong spirit why because our clothing affects the way we act she's loud and stubborn she's in the attire of a harlot how many meek and quiet spirits have you met dressed in the attire of a harlot and typically if a woman is modestly dressed she's not acting like some kind of a brawling betty or something like that and so the way that we dress has to do with the way that we act have you ever felt sometimes like you just couldn't relax because you were dressed formally and it's not until you get out of your suit that you can actually relax a little bit because when you're in a suit and tie it's you can't fully relax right or vice versa when you're in those really dressed down casual clothes you don't feel as serious about work you know it's been shown it's been scientifically studied people who work from home if they actually get up for the day get dressed put their shoes on and sit at their desk they get more work done than the people who just kind of roll out of bed and just plop down why because it puts you in the right frame of mind it puts you in work mode when you actually get up get dressed and and if you really want to relax sometimes you have to dress down so that you can actually relax and be more comfortable and so so the the right clothing for the right situation has to do with your behavior okay so and by the way again like i said earlier these women that say oh i can't do anything in pants well maybe there are some things that you just shouldn't be doing number one but number two is you know i have four daughters and a wife and they do everything they need to do in skirts and dresses you say well you know what about this what about that look anything that you can think of they've done it they've ridden roller coasters in a dress they've ridden horses in a dress and i'm not saying they rode side saddle where this myth comes from that you can't ride horses in a dress is from these little pencil skirts you know if you have this little pencil skirt where you can barely even move in the thing right this little tiny pencil skirt and then you're like all right saddle up yeah you're not going to be able to ride a roller coaster in that either okay but guess what if you actually have a long flowing dress you can just jump on a horse you can get on the roller you can do pretty much any my wife has ridden horseback in a dress my daughters have ridden horseback we they've all ridden roller coasters you say what about snow skiing they've got snow skiing in skirts and dresses right and look and you say well it's too cold then put something under it the whole point is looking right on the outside so that you look like a woman on the outside and that you look like a man on the outside if you're a man so look there's nothing wrong with obviously wearing something warmer on your legs under your skirt look put on the exact snow suit you were going to wear and then put a skirt over it so now you look like a woman skiing instead of a man skiing let's put on the it so it sounds like you're getting one extra layer of warmth am i right you've added something oh it's too cold what adding that skirt on the outside makes you cold really folks it's about the outside looking feminine okay and the outside looking masculine if you're a man god wants us to look gender appropriate gender specific amen and then uh if you would go to exodus chapter 28 i gotta hurry i'm running out of time here exodus chapter 28 when it comes to how we dress i mentioned this a little bit earlier want to make sure that we cover up our nakedness now now what is the world consider nakedness what is the what is the tempi law consider nakedness not i mean you can be wearing almost nothing right and not be considered naked by tempi law okay you just have to cover up just a few tiny areas on your body and they're like you're good to go okay now is that god's standard though you know no it isn't the bible says in in exodus chapter 28 verse 40 and for aaron's sons thou shall make them coats and thou shalt make for them girdles and bonnets shalt thou make for them for glory and for beauty and thou shall put them upon aaron thy brother and his sons with him and shall anoint them and consecrate them and sanctify them that they may minister unto me in the priest's office and thou shalt make them linen britches to cover their nakedness from the loins even under the thighs they shall reach so this garment that covers the nakedness is to cover the loins and the thighs the loins and the thighs are to be covered that's the garment that covers the nakedness now some people say well it just it just reaches to the thigh okay so basically it's a it's a thread it's one thread because let me just explain some of you where the loins end the thigh begins so it was just like from the loins to the thighs exclusively it would literally be a string is that what god's telling here put on this yo-yo as a as a garden no he's saying that it's supposed to reach from the loins to the thighs inclusively not exclusively obviously we know the loins should be covered okay so if the loins would be covered guess what the thighs would be covered because it's from the loins to the thighs it covers both loins and thighs so therefore when we wear clothing and this is talking about men by the way okay so we as men we shouldn't wear short shorts okay this isn't the 1970s but it seems like in some circles that's been coming back lately folks don't let it happen how do we stop this you know but look if you if you have and look sometimes i end up buying my clothes at the thrift store just so i can get stuff from before america got so weird you know what i mean because now it's like you go to the store and you get pants that say relax fit and you're like great relax fit and you're like you can't even put them on they're so tight everything's such skinny jean queer little sissy clothes you have to go to the thrift store get something you know from 1990 or something that actually fits right and then uh you know when it comes to the shorts the shorts should be knee length right so i'm not against men wearing shorts i wear shorts all the time but i make sure that they're knee length because i want to i want to because that's what the bible said hey i want to make sure your nakedness is covered that's why your your your your pants or your britches need to reach from the loins to the thighs to cover your nakedness now look obviously when you move around there's going to be a couple of inches of your thigh that are going to be seen down at the bottom but see this is the whole point god is telling them to be dressed down to their knee that way when it moves around a little all you see is a little bit of skin above their knee and everybody's okay but when you have these short shorts and you move around or whatever now all of a sudden you're seeing that which is obscene so you know it's not that that one inch above your knee is just you know the worst thing ever for someone to see but what it is is that he's leaving a buffer zone there and telling you hey you know be clothed cover your buttocks cover your loins cover your thighs so that you are decent amen and you say well how about if it's just two inches above the knee or three inches above the knee well is that what the bible said no the bible just said to cover the loins and the thighs so look my daughters they need to wear dresses that are down to the knee not two inches above the knee five inches above the knee one inch above the knee look you got to draw the line somewhere let's cover that whole thigh with that garment knee length okay and even better yet go even longer than that it can't hurt to even go longer than that but that's the limit right there is the girls dresses should be knee length and the men's pants should be knee length okay now throughout history a lot of men didn't wear ankle length pants they would often wear just knee length pants in many different societies and so you know that's what they wore in israel maybe because it's a hot climate and so they don't want to be too sweaty and so forth so they want to stay cool so they're wearing what we would consider shorts but it calls them britches and says that they cover the loins and the thighs okay you say well you don't know anything about bible clothing you know you should see the flannel graph that i got but here's the thing we're looking in the bible to learn about bible clothing say well what about the greek artwork from that time and roman artwork folks those are decadent societies in decline so yeah of course you see the toga like i'm supposed to believe farmers went out and farmed in a toga you think that farmers went out and plowed their field in a toga that's never happened in the history of mankind yeah sure these guys who just hang out at a bath house all day and argue in the senate and sit around having some slave feed them grapes while another slave is fanning them yeah they're in a toga okay yeah they wore togas is that what jesus and the disciples were no they're working men they're blue collar they did real jobs these men are farmers fishermen whatever and they dressed for work nobody's ever worked in a toga or a tunic and then they they show them in these little tunics which is like a party dress on a man who knows what i'm talking about you look at the flannel graph they wear what's called a tunic which is basically a party dress and then just some big old loose toga it's like all right let's go plow the field now folks that never happened men who actually did real work with their hands they always wore sensible clothing pants a shirt you know stuff that actually works for work amen so sometimes the best place to get a pair of pants is to go to like car hearts or dickies or like a uniform store where you know i was a man it's even worse in europe i was visiting europe and i went to the department store i couldn't find any pants that fit it was all so skinny finally i said take me to a hardware store and i had them take me to this hardware store that was called bow house which is like their version of home depot and i said i'm gonna find a pair of pants here and i literally had them take me to the home depot of germany and i went and i bought a pair of pants there and i was like these pants fit thank god i found some pants that are usable all right and then lastly let me just sum up under the clothing heading here let me just sum sum up three points to think about with your clothing so we talked about the right hair pretty simple right short hair on men long hair on women when it comes to the right clothing there are three points to consider nakedness modesty and identity meaning gender identity right so when you're getting dressed you should ask yourself you know first of all is my nakedness covered right are my buttocks loins and thighs covered is that part of my body fully covered number two you should ask yourself is this modest am i drawing attention to myself am i showing off you know uh with a low-cut top short skirt tight fitting i mean look if it's only about covering your nakedness then i guess yoga pants should be fine then but guess what it's tantamount nakedness because it's so tight fitting that basically it becomes immodest at that point right so even though the yoga pants are covering the nakedness they're immodest and not only that they're not gender specific because you're putting on pants you don't have a skirt or a dress as a woman okay so anyway we should ask ourselves about these three points nakedness modesty and identity is this men's clothing or is this women's clothing right so those are the three points and then number three if you would go to uh leviticus 19 just quickly i'll finish up so point number one was the right hair point number two is the right clothing which covers our nakedness is humble modest sensible clothing and not scantily clad not the attire of a harlot not the clothing of a whore or prostitute and gender specific men's clothing on men women's clothing on women sometimes you'll be in the department store it's hard to even tell what section you're in sometimes you're like excuse me where's the men's department they're just like you're there you know you're in the middle of it and it's hard to believe but you really are i mean the real men's department right appearance in general number three so number one right hair number two right clothing number three the right appearance in general okay because even if you have technically the right hair and the right clothing basically you can just sum up this point in one sentence don't look like a freak or a weirdo is that so hard just don't look like a freak or a weirdo is point three okay and it's sad that we have to talk about this but today we have people who just want to look as bizarre as they can right now it does god want us looking bizarre let's look at the bible leviticus 19 verse 26 says you shall not eat anything with the blood neither shall you use enchantment nor observe times now verse 26 is talking about doing witchcraft right enchantment and observing times that's like the horoscope and the the the the occultic stuff eating blood is obviously something satanic then he says in verse 27 you should not round the corners of your heads neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard you should not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead nor print any marks upon you i am the lord do not prostitute thy daughter to cause her to be a whore lest the land fall to hoard them and the land become full of wickedness so he's giving just a bunch of general guidelines here in leviticus 19 and right here between being a satanist and being a prostitute he's basically telling you don't have a weird haircut and don't get tattoos right don't now look a lot of people will will misunderstand this when he says you should not round the corners of your heads neither shall the mar the corners of thy beard some people have said oh the bible teaches you can never cut your beard is that what it says does it say never trim your beard like we all have to have this is moses beard down to our waist or something right i mean is that what the bible's saying no that's not what this says read it again nowhere does the bible say you can't shave your beard as a man it doesn't say that folks i believe that's perfectly fine for a man to be clean-shaven i believe it's also perfectly fine for a man to have a beard okay what the bible is telling you is don't mar the corners of your beard what does that mean marring is when you damage something take a chunk out of something right that's what it means to be marred okay when something is gouged or a chunk is missing or it's damaged or something you would say it's marred and that's a word that's used throughout the bible and it's still used in our modern english vernacular to mar something who's familiar with that word in our vernacular that's a word that you know you use you're familiar with yeah most people are pretty familiar with that word to mar something okay well what the bible is saying here is he doesn't want you like carving shapes in your beard making it a crazy shape making it all yeah and look you see people with these exotic haircuts shaving strange chunks out writing things on the back of their head making strange shapes to their beard strange edging of their haircut i think that what he's saying here in verse 27 i think it's clear if you just actually read the verse don't round the corners of your head don't mar the corners of your beard basically what he's getting at is don't have a stupid haircut or a weird facial hair don't make some stupid or weird facial hair or haircut have normal hair not with chunks missing rounding corners doing strange things with the way your hair looks just look like a normal person is what he's basically saying here okay now there are people out there who demand that every man have a beard there are a few problems with that problem number one is that there are literally hundreds of millions of people on this planet who can't even grow a beard who are just naturally clean shaven well if god created them that way it must be okay for a man to not have a beard if there are literally hundreds of millions maybe even a billion people or more who can't even grow a beard like one time i like to tell the story one time i met a native american guy here in arizona who had literally 10 or 12 hairs coming off of his face but they weren't all grouped together they were distributed throughout his face and they were all about eight inches long so you literally just have like one hair one hair one hair one hair it was the weirdest thing i've ever seen this guy he was afraid to mar that beard but there was nothing there i mean it was literally like 10 to 12 hairs that were super long it looked very strange and so i just yanked them all out no i'm just kidding i didn't do it so here hold still no you'll thank me later all right the girls are going to start to notice you now all right now that we fixed this no but anyway the point is that you know this guy that's all that grew he just completely neglected himself neglected his appearance and he had long hair that's what grew out of his face when he just left it alone so this guy is clearly designed by god to be a clean shaven guy and there are a lot of people who don't grow a beard they just you know asiatic peoples native americans different types no there are some asiatic people or native americans that can grow a beard but the vast majority can't so and you know not everybody's a northern european viking descendant you know that can grow this big thick beard or whatever so they're all different uh types of people that god created and you know and look if you can grow a beard but you just decide to shave it off that's okay too right i mean there's nothing wrong with shaving your beard the problem is marring the corners of your beard which is a negative term to gouge take a chunk out of or damage in some way this is just a stupid or weird freakish looking haircut or beard that's what we need to stay away from the weird stuff okay have a normal haircut a normal beard don't make cuttings in your flesh for the dead don't print any marks upon you he's also saying why because of the fact god doesn't want us to get a tattoo now look if you already have a tattoo i'm not i'm not here to preach against you because it's permanent there's nothing you can do to remove that tattoo and i've seen don't even talk to me about tattoo removal i've seen the infomercials i say it's a scam every single person i've ever met in real life who tried it failed at it so you young people don't you see that billboard and think oh i could always remove it later dream on there are certain types of ink certain colors that remove easier than others so for that commercial they take a guy with the the cheapest ink that was going to fade by itself anyway and then they oh look at it it's like a magic eraser it's just gone folks the vast majority of tattoos cannot be removed you go there and they melt your flesh with a laser you get blistered you suffer pain you spend thousands of dollars and you still have a faded tattoo okay so don't sit there and think oh i can get a tattoo and take it off later folks it's permanent young people and i'm preaching this for the young people look if you already have a tattoo i'm not preaching about you it's too late i'm preaching to the young people i'm talking to kids that are 17 right now and they think oh i turn 18 i'm gonna go get a tattoo don't do it the bible said thou shalt not print any marks upon you and this is something that throughout history including here in leviticus 19 has been associated with paganism the occult it's been associated with cannibals for crying out loud right i mean you go to these tribes where people are cannibals and they're just completely demonic and they're just tattooed up and that's it used to be that was the only people who had tattoos you know now all of a sudden that's come into our culture now it's at the shopping mall it's considered normal you got a christian tattoo parlor here in phoenix and so forth we need to keep our appearance sober modest godly there's no reason in the world for you to go out and get a tattoo okay and i guarantee you that ink that they're putting in your skin is not good for you i guarantee you it's not organic or whatever who knows what kind of junk is in that ink what kind of garbage you're putting under your skin not worth it so bottom line shame-facedness and sobriety right isn't that what he told the ladies about their clothing sobriety don't dress like a clown is it sober if you dye your hair bright green would the apostle paul say you know that's a sober minded individual right there no so what are you trying to do you're trying to get attention why would somebody walk down the street with bright green hair is because they're saying hey everybody look at me i got bright green hair okay so that's not modest all right so modesty means that we dress like a normal person you say well i just want to stand out and you know teenagers they want to stand out don't they they want to be different because they're trying to kind of find their place in this world that's normal to be a teenager and they want to have some kind of identity and they want to be unique they want to be an individual they want to stand out they want to be different you know we've all felt that way when we were teenagers and we were growing up but here's the way that you stand out by by having actual achievements you see what i mean like actually doing something and achieving something how about being a godly christian you know if you go to your public school as a godly christian oh you'll stand out you know you tattoo yourself to high heaven pierce yourself to high heaven you know put on the wildest clothes mar the corners of your hair and paint them a bunch of weird colors you're just gonna look like everybody else that's the norm okay you actually go there with bible in hand preaching the word of god being a godly christian and you know what you'll stand out you'll be different i promise you that it's it's the ultimate counter-cultural rebellion is to be i mean literally we're counter-culture now this is like this is like the punk rock of baptist churches right here right i mean we're basically just telling the whole world to go jump in the lake man isn't that what we're doing i mean isn't it ironic that being a straight laced independent fundamental king james only baptist makes you literally the punk rocker of 2019 who just basically just says you know nuts to you to the whole world this is who we are accept it it's true so why don't you take all that teenage kind of rebellion and yeah man you know we're gonna be you know wild and different become a fundamental baptist it's like the wildest choice you can make now because no matter how freakish you get the world will just be like hmm this is nothing you can't out weird how weird they are but you can out normal them and then by out normaling them you become an outlier so anyway number one have the right hair number two have the right clothing number three don't look like a freak or a weirdo and and here's the thing about that is that you know god cares about this he gave us stuff in the bible about it it needs to be preached because we need to preach the whole word of god obviously it's not our main emphasis it's not something that we're just going to spend our whole lives trying to reform the way people dress and look but it's a part of what we believe as christians and it needs to be a part of our preaching a part of the way we raise our kids and a part of our lifestyle to look normal and he said i don't want to look like a weirdo look if you dress like a godly christian it just makes people respect you more they don't look at you like who are these freaks no they don't you ladies if you wear a long modest dress you know you know how you're going to be persecuted somebody's going to open the door for you that's how you're going to get persecuted somebody's going to call you ma'am and treat you with respect that's what's that's the horrible thing that's going to happen if you start dressing modestly and godly and in a feminine manner okay and you know you men if you dress like a normal man people will respect you and take you more seriously than old mr skinny jeans on the job site you're going to be taken more seriously looking like a normal man let's fire it's another word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word lord please just help us to take heat to it don't let us be brainwashed by this world into thinking that church is crazy or the bible's crazy lord help us to realize that the world is crazy help us to shine the light by our good works and good deeds and help us to be good ambassadors for you that dress the part and in jesus name we pray amen