(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) city of God then let our songs abound and every tear be dry we're marching through Emmanuel's ground we're marching through Emmanuel's ground to fair worlds on high to fair worlds on high we're marching to Zion beautiful beautiful Zion we're marching upward to Zion the beautiful city of God all right great singing thank you so much for being here this evening happy four-year anniversary to First Works Baptist Church amen we're gonna be celebrating today tomorrow and of course Sunday and we have pastor Steven L Anderson with us tonight and we were kind of scrambling around trying to figure out where we're gonna live stream this thing because he said he's breaking all the rules tonight so we got it we don't want to have our channel deleted so we're excited no pressure pastor Anderson we're looking forward to it tonight let's go ahead and pray we'll get started father we thank you so much for these great four years that you've given to us Lord thank you for all the souls that have been saved church members that have been added Lord thank you for all the persecution Lord and of course new friendships that we've made and I pray God that you'd be with our service tonight and be with pastor Anderson as he preaches may you fill in with your power in your spirit use them greatly and help us to have ears to hear that what you would have for us this evening in Jesus name we pray amen go ahead and take your seats grab your song books song number 29 at the cross song number 29 song 29 at the cross song number 29 everyone nice and strong on that first verse altogether alas and did my Savior bleed and did my sovereign die would he devote that sacred head for such a worm as I at the cross at the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away it was there by faith I received my sight and now I am happy all the day was it for crimes that I had done he groaned upon the tree amazing pretty grace unknown and love beyond agreement at the cross at the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away it was there by faith I received my sight and now I am happy all the day well my son in darkness hide and shut his glory when Christ the mighty maker died for man the creature cinnamon at the cross at the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away it was there by faith I received my side and now I am happy all the day but drops of grief can now repay the dead of love I oh dear Lord I give myself away is all that I can all right great singing thank you so much for being here this evening if you did not get a bulletin going to raise your hand and one of the ushers can get one for you just some important announcements in there along with the details to the Sony marathon tomorrow the services are as follows Sunday morning is at 1030 Sunday evening is at 5 p.m. and then we have our Thursday night Bible study at 7 o'clock of course today is the exception we move our service to Friday and in light of our anniversary and we are a family integrated church infants and children are always welcome in the service but for your convenience the mother baby rooms are located in the back of the building should your child needs some diversion changing tables are available in those rooms and their screens and speakers there as well you see the sowing times and teams and the list of expecting mothers please continue to pray for them the important reminders there and of course some of the upcoming church events of course we have pastor Anderson with us this evening looking forward to having him come preach and so I know it's gonna be a hot one tonight and it's gonna be exciting and then tomorrow we have our sowing marathon and if you pull up the little sheet there it has all the details to that we're gonna meet we typically would meet at a park in South Central but we're not gonna do that this time only because the parking in whatever park you go to in South Central is just really bad okay and so to save time and so there's there's places to park we're gonna meet at Dennis the Menace Park okay and that's not a joke that's literally what the park is called all right it's a park in Downey called Dennis the Menace I'm not lying I'm not being facetious that's literally what's called it's a nice park has a lot of parking there and it's about 15 20 minutes away from the location where we're gonna go to so it's not that far so we'll meet there and we'll have breakfast there from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. okay and then sowing will begin from 10 30 to 12 30 you see lunch there from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. at Dennis the Menace Park so winning will resume for the second half 2 30 to 4 30 p.m. and if you have any questions you have the number right there you can text I believe that's brother Ulysses his phone and he'll give you you answer your questions on whatever you need about that and so please bring prayer over that South Central is a very receptive area we go there pretty often and it's very receptive a lot of people get saved and so I encourage you to join us tomorrow and then men's prayer meetings coming up on Friday September 24th at brother hikes house Sunday October 3rd we're gonna celebrating the October birthday breakfast and that's when our fall program also kicks off and we're looking forward to partaking in that as it says right there on the 3rd and we're gonna be having different events pie baking contest steak cooking contest as well amen that's gonna be great and of course we finish it off in November with our annual Thanksgiving banquet of course the theme is gonna be the 1800s okay and so if you have any questions about that you can see my wife or or you just see your wife I think they already know I think there are they already ordered their dresses and stuff like that so they can kind of help you with that wider doc holiday style you know quiet time resumes from 3 p.m. to 4 15 in the main auditorium and the mother baby room no food or drink allowed in the main auditorium except for water and coffee and make sure you silence your phones during the preaching so as to not be a distraction during the service that's pretty much it for our announcements let's go ahead and sing our next song song number 15 lead me to Calvary song number 15 in your song books song number 15 lead me to Calvary everyone all together nice and loud on that first verse King of my life I crown thee now thine shall the glory be lest I forget thy thorn-crowned brow lead me to Calvary lest I forget Gethsemane lest I forget thy agony lest I forget thy love for me lead me to Calvary show to me now tenderly morn and web angels and robes of light array guarded thee whilst thou slept lest I forget Gethsemane lest I forget thine agony lest I forget thy love for me lead me to Calvary let me like Mary through the bloom come with the gift to thee show to me now the empty tomb we to Calvary lest I forget Gethsemane lest I forget thine agony lest I forget thy love for me lead me to Calvary may I be willing Lord to bear daily my cross for the even I cop of grief to share now I mean at this time the ushers look like the offering in the book of Romans chapter 1 I forgot to make one more announcement we're gonna have raising canes after service and so oh so well there'll be cake and raising canes afterwards so just keep in mind you don't have to go get dinner you can stick around here and fellowship for a while all right you you you you you good evening we're in the book of Romans tonight chapter number one Romans chapter number one and the Bible reads Paul a servant of Jesus Christ called to be an apostle separated onto the gospel of God which he had promised before by his prophets in the Holy Scriptures concerning his son Jesus Christ our Lord which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh and declared to be the Son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead by whom we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for his name among whom are you also the called of Jesus Christ to all that be in Rome beloved of God called to be Saints grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ first I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world for God is my witness whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his son that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers making requests if binding means not linked I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God to come on to you for I long to see you and I might impart unto you some spiritual gift to the end you may be established that is that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me now I would not have you ignorant brethren that oftentimes our purpose to come on to you but was led hitherto that I might have some fruit among you also even as among other Gentiles I am a debtor both to the Greeks and to the barbarians both to the wise and to the unwise so as much as in me is I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also for I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written the judge shall live by faith for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and a righteousness of men who hold the truth in a righteousness because that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God has showed it onto them for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man into birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things but for God also gave them up to the uncleanness through the lust of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever amen for this cause God gave them up onto vile affections for even their women to change the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burden their lusts one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving themselves that recompense of their air which was me and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whispers backbiters haters of God despiteful proud boasters inventors of evil things disobedient to parents without understanding covenant breakers without natural affection implacable and merciful annoying the judgment of God that they wish commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them we thank you Heavenly Father for this wonderful church dear God for every precious soul in the church we thank you for dear brothers and sisters we thank you for pastor Anderson preaching your word tonight please blessing with your Holy Spirit as he preaches in Jesus name we pray come on man it's great to be here tonight I love the new building and tonight I'm preaching out of Romans chapter 1 the title of the sermon is only one viewpoint is allowed only one viewpoint is allowed now the idea for this sermon came from the fact that a few days ago I was on YouTube and I was I was doing some research on like some ancient Roman literature and somehow I ended up I was watching this lecture from a university in Australia or something it was some kind of a PhD lecture or giving this lecture and they're talking about this ancient Roman literature and this statement just jumped out at me where the presenter said oh well you know back then the Romans thought that the she's basically showing this literature where this guy's calling another guy a faggot and how he's a pedophile and whatever it's like one Roman guy like attacking another Roman and criticizing him and she said you know back then the Romans thought that the wrong kind of sexual contact could actually make you dirty or or could even lead to like disease that's what they thought back then and then she just keeps on talking and I'm just like um you know can somebody tell this woman about STDs or so you know explain something to her but I was just so taken aback that the seemingly intelligent person would make such a ridiculous statement like oh you know back then they didn't really know so they thought something could be dirty or lead to disease so here's what I did you know I went on I left a comment in the YouTube video and I didn't in this video I didn't use any words like queer sodomite or whatever all I did was I just gave the minute and second marker of what the presenter said and then I I basically said well you know here are the statistics according to AIDS gov and I gave a few statistics just direct quote and I just said it looks like the Romans were right after all okay so I mean this is so benign this wasn't like me and Pastor Anderson mode or anything this was me just basically just pointing out the elephant in the room well according to the Center for Disease Control that's true and this is what blew me away is that my comment I went back a little bit later and my comment had been deleted by a university now why did this university delete my comment this Australian University is it because I was spreading fake news is it because I was spreading disinfo is it because I got my facts that from a source that was not reputable is it because there was something incorrect about what I said or was it just because there's only one viewpoint allowed and it's only a pro sodomite viewpoint it's only a pro homo viewpoint it's only an anti-christian viewpoint that's allowed and I just made the mistake of just expressing the truth but it didn't fit their narrative even though I was using a source that they would look at and say as a reputable source you know I mean cdc.gov aids.gov that should be considered by a university to be a reputable source but I'm telling you the censorship today is so incredible it doesn't matter how well documented it is it doesn't even matter if you even just leave your opinion out of it I didn't even give my opinion because you know I could give you my opinion on sodomites but I didn't even give my opinion I just said this is what the facts are so the Romans were right when they said that that kind of contact leads to disease deleted and supposedly these are supposed to be institutions of free thinking and learning and scientific inquiry we got to believe the science trust the science the science is real until they don't like what the science says now look down at your Bible there in Romans chapter 1 let's see what the Word of God says it says in Romans chapter 1 verse 24 wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness here's a synonym for that dirtiness you know if it's unclean that means it's dirty he gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever amen for this cause God gave them up unto vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lusts one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and you know what else it is is dirty it's unclean it's filthy it's an abomination in the sight of God and it's an abomination inside of every normal person and I'm gonna prove that to you go to 2nd Peter chapter 2 2nd Peter chapter 2 toward the end of the New Testament it says men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which is meet is the physical judgment that they get automatically just by partaking in that lifestyle they end up receiving disease for doing that okay they get that recompense that payback for what they've done and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient look at your Bible in 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 6 and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow making them an ensemble unto those that after should live ungodly and delivered just lot don't miss this vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked lot by living in Sodom and Gomorrah it vexed him what does it mean to be vexed it means like it just bothers you it just makes you uncomfortable it makes you upset it's just like ah it vexed his righteous soul if he was vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked for that righteous man dwelling among them in seeing and hearing vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds have you ever heard people say this about sodomites like well it doesn't really bother me that's what they do and they're not really hurting anybody they're not really bothering me hey just you know whatever they're doing it's not bothering me let me tell you something if it's not bothering you you know what that means it just means you're not righteous why don't you just tell me if you say like well the sodomites don't bother me transvestites don't bother me then basically what you're just saying is I'm not righteous because even lot vexed his righteous soul day to day like every single day this bothered lot so the bothered lot why doesn't bother you and lots not exactly a super Christian lot wasn't exactly the most godly person in Scripture but even lot even at his level of spirituality this is something that bugged him it bothered him it vexed him he didn't want to see it he didn't want to hear it if you are okay with it and it's not bothering you you're like below lot on the spiritual index is what you're basically doing and so if anybody says to me it doesn't bother me I'm just like oh this is an unrighteous person I'm talking to that's why I think to myself you know the Bible says in Proverbs chapter 3 there is a generation that are pure in their own eyes and yet is not washed from their filthiness they don't even understand the filthiness and the dirtiness and they're just living in this dream world I mean it's so bizarre to see a seemingly intelligent person you know PhD professor expert get up and make such an absurd statement there's just absurd on its face to say oh well back then you know they thought I was dirty back then they even thought I could make you disease it's like what what are you laughing at that you know now I so I went to AIDS gov today okay because every and every time I go there I expect it to be gone you know what I mean like I go back and I check if it's still there and it's always still there so today was no exception I was on I was on my flight on the way over here you know just so it'd be fresh so I was flying over here this afternoon I was on Southwest I you know I paid for the the Wi-Fi and I hopped on there I went to AIDS gov and it redirect me to HIV gov because they've changed the name now now they're HIV gov I don't know why but it was still there on the home page so I get there and look I'm just gonna break this down for you and make it really easy for you to find out that what I'm saying is fact it's a fact okay this is not some wild-eyed conspiracy theory from some wild website somewhere I went on HIV gov today and right on the home page I looked at all the choices and one of them said u.s. statistics so that's why I clicked on cuz I figured that's why I'm gonna find what I want I clicked on that so this is not hard folks HIV gov home page u.s. stats and here's what I thought I just scroll down a little bit key points HIV diagnoses MSM now here's what MSM means men having whatever with other men MSM accounted for sixty nine percent of new HIV diagnoses in the United States everybody got that MSM 2019 sixty nine percent of HIV diagnoses okay and then how about this heterosexual men accounted for seven percent of new HIV diagnoses okay everybody got this so homo men 69% of the diagnoses hetero men seven percent of the diagnoses and then the rest is women you know the other twenty some percent or whatever that adds up to okay so let's do a little math together okay I will give you guys a little math lesson tonight all right so according to a Gallup poll from 2017 it they claim that three point nine percent of dudes in America are queers so they're claiming that you know let's just round it off for let's let's just say four percent of dudes are queer according to the Gallup poll right so that means that that would represent about two percent of the United States population right because obviously half of the population are men half of the population are women so if we get fifty percent of the population and then we take four percent of that we have two percent of the population are homo dudes everybody understand what I'm saying I haven't lost anybody yet have I now with this complicated math it's not complicated so two percent of the population is getting sixty nine percent of the HIV okay do a little math here let's just round that off and say two percent is getting seventy percent now if everybody was getting it equally that would mean what two percent of the population would get two percent of the AIDS right two percent of the population should get two percent of the disease but no two percent getting seventy percent of the disease that means they're getting it thirty five times more than what they would be normally okay but it doesn't stop there because straight men then would make up what forty eight percent of the population right because if two percent are queers then forty eight percent are normal dudes because we're only talking about the men right okay so forty eight percent of the population according to AIDS gov is getting seven percent of the disease of AIDS so you got two percent getting sixty nine percent of the disease and you've got forty eight percent getting seven percent now again if everybody's getting equally forty eight percent of the people should be getting forty eight percent of the of the AIDS but they're only getting seven percent so they're getting like one seventh as much as you would expect approximately so therefore if you just do some very simple math it's not even algebra it's arithmetic an elementary school student could do the math on this you'll find out that based on those figures that if you have a homo dude in America and you've got a hetero dude in America the homo dude is more than 200 times likely to get AIDS this year than a straight dude so you got a homo dude and a straight dude the homo is 237 times more likely to get AIDS than a straight dude I mean that's pretty serious I mean shouldn't we be warning people shouldn't we be warning young people hey just so you know if you decide to engage in that activity statistically you're 237 times more likely to get AIDS let alone all the other diseases friend that's one disease what about all the other STDs and other conditions that this could lead to folks these are facts directly from the government's own website but why don't you ever hear about this on the news you think there's a news report on this do you think that this is what they're teaching in elementary school or high school or on universities no you can go to a university's YouTube page in Australia and you just leave a comment linking them to this data and you're censored immediately because there's only one viewpoint a lot look that should show just what I've just explained to you over the last few minutes should just show you right now how much we are just surrounded by lies and fraud and how real truth and real information is just completely hidden away and and not allowed to be talked about unless it fits the agenda now you say well it's right there everybody can read it on HIV gov but here's think people don't just kind of get off work and say hey let's get on HIV gov you know you know what I mean like somebody who's on HIV gov like you know they're either a pastor getting ready to rip on homos from the pulpit or else you know they're doing some kind of research or something or they have it already and so they're going on to fail what do I you know where do I get my drugs to fix this or whatever the point is your common man's not going there and finding this information but and if you try to take this information and bring it over to like a place like Facebook or Twitter or YouTube or or to a school system or something where you can kind of bring this information to the masses and educate people about this they'll immediately shut you up even though the information is from their own government website you can't talk about it what in the world could possibly be the explanation for that other than the fact that Satan has an agenda to promote this queer death style and destroy the family destroy everything that's right destroy everything that's Christian and godly and to promote this filth and this abomination because of the fact that these things are right there and yet what I'm saying right now I'm up here saying you know why I'm up here saying this nobody else even saying it except for a few preachers it's crazy it's unclean go if you would to first Timothy chapter 6 you know the Bible says in Matthew 23 24 ye blind guides which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel and let's face it folks these same libtards are the ones trying to put you on a guilt trip because you won't take the experimental vaccine or you didn't wear enough masks you didn't wear that you didn't triple mask and double mask and you know you let your mask fall below your nose for a couple seconds or you didn't get vaccinated with their experimental garbage vaccine and you know they're gonna virtue signal like we gotta stop the disease and the pet you know what what about AIDS how about why don't we social distance fags from one another every fag needs to say six feet away from from everyone else so they don't transmit AIDS so they can't transmit AIDS and be an AIDS dispenser they strain at a gnat and they swallow a camel ok they don't if they really cared about your health if the if the government just loves you so much and they just really care about protecting you and they just really want to get you vaccinated because they just really want you to be healthy then when they be warning people about this death style and say hey look folks we just want to be healthy just so you know dudes with other dudes you're 237 times more likely to get this horrible disease just saying they're not gonna tell you that but they're so worried about you getting COVID which you know turns out has like a 99 point whatever percent survival rate is what it has turned out over the past few years we've seen now that it's not as deadly as what it was made out to be and it has a huge survival rate and whatever and now we have forced vaccinations that people are looking at you know and what's driving the forced vaccinations is it the fact that they love the truth and they love people and they want to keep you healthy no because if so what about this other data that they just don't care about I'll tell you what it is first timothy chapter six first and I'll tell us why for the love of money is the root of all evil which while some coveted after they've heard from the faith and pierce themselves through with many sorrows and so we see here that the love of money is the root of all evil and there are billions and billions and billions of dollars to be made off of this vaccine because even if they give it to you for free and they even give you a $50 gift card you think that money just came out of thin air you think corporations are just like give cards for everyone there you take $50 $50 for you yes young man here's $50 we just love you so much we're just giving you money give money give more money you really think that are you really that dumb because there's no such thing as a free lunch where's that $50 coming from where's the cost of that vaccine coming from these companies are making billions of dollars ok and then we've got our government you know spending all this money on kovat and two trillion dollar kovat relief and you know what they're doing just buying boats I mean you know I mean if I looked at my bank account I should be voting for Biden he gave me like 20 grand I have 11 kids you know Biden's giving me like 20 grand I'm still not going to vote for him but a lot of people when they just keep getting more money and Biden is saying the money every month I'm getting a monthly payment right now from him who's getting the monthly payment right now god bless you I see that hand hey I'm getting paid every month from the government right now like kovat relief my job hasn't even changed my life hasn't even changed and yet the government's like here here's $20,000 I'm just like thank you I've been paying in my whole life I'm glad to be making a withdrawal right now but the point is this money it's not their money it didn't grow on trees it's tax dollars that basically people are working hard they pay these tax dollars and then politicians are just able to use this to buy people's votes do a big power grab and then you've got these corporations making billions and billions of dollars off this stuff and the love of money is the root of all evil and let me just say it right now hey I'm not vaccinated for COVID I'm not going to get vaccinated for COVID my family's not going to get vaccinated for COVID I encourage my church members not to get vaccinated for COVID because it's an experimental vaccine and we all remember what happened back in 1976 with the swine flu fake scare with all the vaccines that were given out to 40 some million people and a lot of people were harmed and injured by that vaccine you know we don't want the the experimental vaccine isn't that our choice you know and you know what here's here's here's a great reason to just reject the COVID vaccine the fact that they're giving you fifty dollars to take it that should be the first red flag you know what I mean like fifty dollar diff card just for taking this vaccine you know if the vaccine were really desirable people would be begging for it be lining up they'd be paying fifty dollars of their own money to get it but instead they have to pay you to take it also just the bizarre uh brainwashing campaign like you if you go on the news right now you look on whatever the news site it's like a it's just like a vaccine infomercial like every single article is just like get vaccinated this guy didn't get vaccinated he's dead did we tell you about this other guy he used to be against vaccines now he died of COVID he's an idiot don't be like him you know it's just like every single article is like that hey even if you've had COVID twice get vaccinated anyway hey you might need a third vaccine you know it's just like dude what in the world like like it's being pushed so hard that should immediately be suspect just immediately be like whoa there's something weird going on here this is super weird or how about this other red flag the fact that you're not allowed to talk about it because I've made statements about this that were much milder than what I'm saying tonight if you upload a video to youtube even just mildly critical even just questioning like hey I don't trust the vaccine you're deleted what in the world like why because there's only one viewpoint allowed it's got to be a pro-homo viewpoint it's got to be a pro-vaccine viewpoint you can't even give the other side even if you're using facts even if you're uploading facts from the swine flu vaccine of the 70s they'll squash that why is it because it's fake news no it's not fake news it was real it happened is it bad science no I mean all the data is there it doesn't matter folks it doesn't matter if it's true it doesn't matter because there's only one viewpoint that's allowed that's what it comes down to and so you got these forced vaccinations and you know you say well what's wrong why are you against the vaccines first of all like I said it's super super suspect okay but not only that but you know these vaccines they're unclean you know I don't want to put that junk in my body you know I don't want to bring disease and mainline it into my bloodstream or whatever you say oh it's not the disease you know whatever it is it isn't a natural thing and I don't want to inject it into my bloodstream you know I get exposed to germs the old-fashioned way through my mouth and through my nose and through my ears and through my skin and my body has an immune system to deal with those things and I don't want to just mainline that stuff directly into my bloodstream and so it's it's unclean it's you know I don't want to mess with it now if you would turn to john chapter 11 john chapter number 11 you know it's so bizarre again this whole sermon started because I saw that that video and I left that youtube comment and my comment got censored but it's so bizarre today that people don't understand when they read the old testament they don't understand that word unclean it's not a hard word right I mean we all know what clean means is unclean any questions but what you've got a lot of modern bible versions twisting this and changing it to ritually impure it's like look the bible's telling you somebody's sick and they're oozing pus on on the sheets change the sheets it's unclean now I'm paraphrasing but that's what leviticus 15 says if you're bleeding all over the place wash it up and and everything that got the blood on it everything that got the saliva on it everything that got the snot on it from a sick person it's all unclean wash your hands in running water bathe your flesh in running water clean the pot clean the bed clean the chair clean the house it's unclean but you know what the jews don't even believe that they think it's just ritual impurity folks that's not ritual and period it's called sanitation you know he's telling you all these things so that you can be clean you know hey you touch a dead body you're unclean go bathe your flesh and water and wait till the evening and then you're considered ritually pure no you're you're clean now because you took a bath because you washed off the snot you washed off the blood you washed off the whatever okay this is so basic it's so obvious but today people are blinded when they read scripture i kid you not a little while back i met a a sodomite queer jew who kept kosher and i'm thinking to myself like i think i said well let me get this straight so pork pork is unclean but you being a faggot it's not unclean the guy's a open faggot but he's worried about you know mixing his meat and dairy because that'd be unclean he can't eat a chicken sandwich with cheese on it because you know that'd be seething a kid and it's mother's milk now last time i checked chickens don't give milk to their young because they're birds they're not mammals you can't milk a chicken like raise it we're getting raisin canes tonight it's chicken chickens don't produce milk but but according to jewish law you can't have chicken and cheese on a sandwich because that's seething a kid and his mother's milk that chicken that we're gonna eat tonight its mother didn't have any milk you couldn't seed that chicken in its mother's milk if you tried because it's a chicken cows give milk kids are you listening goats give milk sheep give milk they're called mammals chickens you can't milk a chicken you never will but it's like well you know we gotta we gotta make sure we only eat the clean meat and we don't eat the pork because it's unclean and we don't eat the shrimp meanwhile he's doing msm and the cdc says that he's a disease dispenser he's an aids dispenser and he's worried about clean and unclean beasts if he wants to find an unclean beast he just needs to look in the mirror that's a unclean beast you know and he's he's like he's looking up leviticus 11 in the torah you don't need to look at leviticus 11 you need to look in the mirror there's an unclean beast and it's not a pig it's you but this is the insane world that we're living in now why is the truth censored even just even medical stuff even just you know you just want to give some facts about vaccines or some history about vaccines even if it's from reputable sources even if it's from respectable sources censored why is the truth censored why is the truth about the sodomite censored why is the truth about vaccine censored why are so many truths censored i'll tell you why because the truth is powerful and the truth scares people who deal in lies now the truth is not afraid of of scrutiny the truth fears no investigation but the purveyors of lies their only way of keeping the lie going is to keep you from finding out the truth because the truth is so powerful you know you could lie to somebody for 20 years straight and literally in like 20 minutes you could undo all that with the truth truth is like a knife it just cuts through all that right somebody could be lied to in the catholic church for like 20 years you can knock on their door and sometimes in 15 minutes you could literally just show them that what they've been listening to is a lie and many times they'll see like wow i've been lied to this is the truth and the holy spirit can do that when the word of god is preached in soul winning look at john chapter 11 verse 47 it's a great example of this it says in john chapter 11 verse 47 then gathered the chief priests and the Pharisees a council and said what do we do what do we for this man do with many miracles if we let him thus alone all men will believe on him and the romans shall come and take away both our place in the nation they're saying like if we leave this guy alone everybody's gonna believe in him and then we're gonna lose our precious land or whatever to the romans everybody's gonna believe in him if we leave it alone and you know what here's what the people down at youtube are saying right now if we leave this channel alone everybody's gonna believe this facebook is like if we leave this alone people are gonna find out the truth you know i i i i posted a video uh earlier this week it was called like mary tyler moore swine flu vaccine or something who did anybody see that video dude if everybody in america watched that video that's 15 minutes long if everybody in america watched that video people would be really hesitant to take this covid vaccine and here's the thing forget covid because you know that's not really the biggest issue we're dealing with today it might seem like it because everybody's all upset about it that's not the biggest the biggest issues are always spiritual issues okay so fill in the blank whatever biblical issue biblical doctrine bible preaching that's the most important stuff and let me tell you something the people down at youtube they know that if the bible is allowed to just be preached on the airwaves of their platform unfettered it will turn the hearts of millions of people to the lord god's word is powerful with a spirit-filled preacher gets up and preaches god's word i mean if they were to just let it run wild and not shadow ban and and put stuff on the back burner and suggest to you all the phony televangelist types if they were to let it go you know obviously they're exaggerating when they say all men will believe on them because a lot of people their hearts are so hard they're not going to believe no matter what they see or hear but they know that a lot of people are going to believe millions of people if they heard the preaching of god's word opening the bible clearly stating it they'd believe it and so that's why they have to use censorship because the bible is so powerful the preaching is so powerful the truth is so powerful it cuts through all their garbage and it undoes years of the work that they've done to brainwash people it just undoes it in a moment just in a few moments it just it just destroys all their work so what are we going to do we can't just leave them alone everybody will believe in them you know we can't just leave these channels alone we can't just let these guys post to facebook all these bible verses and statements because you know what everybody will hear it and get the truth and and people by the droves will change their views and and turn to the lord look at acts chapter five acts chapter number five next book after john is acts it says in acts five what while you're turning there i'll start reading in verse 27 while you're turning and when they had brought them they set them before the council and the high priest asked them acts chapter 5 verse 28 saying did not we straightly command you that you should not teach in this name and behold you filled jerusalem with your doctrine and intend to bring this man's blood upon us you're trying to blame us for the death of jesus then peter and the other apostles answered and said we ought to obey god rather than men you know i like how earlier in the book of acts when this issue happened they said it differently they said you know hey and i'm paraphrasing but they basically said you know whether it be right in the side of god for us to obey you or to obey god judge you like who should we be obeying her you or god but they've already had this conversation this is the second time now it's just like we ought to obey god you know you didn't understand last time when we gave it to you as a question and we gave you the choices a or b you didn't know which one to pick so now we're just going to make it a statement we ought to obey god rather than men period we ought to obey god rather than men now what are they mad about they're mad about the fact that they are bringing this man's blood upon them you know that they're blamed for the death of jesus because they murdered jesus and they're being called out for that because jesus is the son of god and they killed him but look what they say we ought to obey god rather than men verse 30 the god of our fathers raised up jesus whom you slew and hanged on a tree so are they backing down on the issue that's causing the trouble they're doubling down on it it's the first sentence oh by the way oh you don't like the fact that we brought out the fact that you crucified jesus let me make that the first thing i preach that's gonna be the first sentence is you slew jesus and hanged him on a tree him has got exalted with his right hand to be a prince and a savior for to give repentance to israel and forgiveness of sins and we are his witnesses of these things and so is also the holy ghost whom god has given to them that obey him and when they heard that they were cut to the heart why because god's word is powerful because the truth is powerful because spirit-filled preaching is powerful even the haters even the resistant ones to the holy ghost they were cut to the heart god's word god's preaching cuts like a knife and it said they were cut to the heart so what are they going to do they're still not going to get right with god they took counsel to slay them they said we've got to kill these guys we have to shut these guys up we the only way to stop them is to kill them beating them doesn't stop them putting them in prison doesn't stop them telling threatening them doesn't stop we the only way to stop them is to kill them why are they so bent on stopping them because god's word is too powerful they can't argue with it later on stephen preaches to them and his spirit the bible says they couldn't resist what he was preaching it's like they can't argue with it they can't find a way to counter it so here's the thing when you can't have an argument when you can't prove someone wrong i mean what what was that university in australia what were they going to say to me oh your statistics are wrong they know they're not wrong they know that they're straight from the cdc's website and what's everybody saying right now trust the cdc guidelines follow the cdc's guidelines you know and i you know when i hear people say like we need to listen to the cdc i'm just like it's about time let's get on aids.gov and let's listen to them and then they'll be like oh well i mean now don't listen to that part i mean great yeah let's listen to the science no no no not that science the other science science that we're telling you so what were they going to say to me what were they going to say were they going to say your science is wrong well i'd be like well here it is it's cdc.gov you know are you saying that the cdc is wrong are you saying that hiv.gov is wrong so they can't say that can they or they could just say you're mean you're hateful you're a bigot but okay but does that change the science does that change the facts does that change the numbers or they could say you're doing the math wrong but they know i'm not doing the math wrong because it's simple math i mean it's it's not complicated just a little bit of multiplication a little bit of division you know it's nothing crazy and so you could do the math you could round this off and and and just do a couple fractions and boom you're over 200 times more likely as a as a homo dude than a hetero dude real simple real obvious you know what they they can't there's no answer they could give so what do they do just hide hide this comment we gotta hide this comment we gotta hide this user from our channel we gotta delete this and if you ask them why did you delete that what would they say well it was just too true it just hurt too much it just cut i was cut to the heart so i deleted it is that what they're gonna tell you they're gonna say oh it was hate it was against our policy of discrimination hate speech it was too bigoted or whatever that's all just a code word for it wasn't stuff that we like we didn't like it it didn't make us feel good about our sin go to jeremiah chapter 36 if you would we're looking at some censorship in the word of god because what are they trying to do in the book of acts they're trying to censor the preaching we gotta shut these guys up we gotta stop them from preaching if we just let these guys go everybody's gonna believe it man they're filling jerusalem with the doctrine it's everywhere we gotta stop this let's censor it you know what censorship shows that people have no argument and so they just shut down the opposition and don't even give them a voice to even speak now here's the thing about this i could understand a policy that just deletes things that are blatantly false you know what i mean like if somebody just gets on there and just lies like like what if somebody just released a news article that says like you know we're at war with russia right now we're bombing them right now it would just be like what you know if they just made stuff up that would be like a fake news right or like oh look here's an archaeologist dusting off a skull that's like 10 feet tall or you know bat boy found in cave or you know 500 pound baby born to the mother you know okay i can understand saying that's fake news and you know people are lying or if somebody's like slandering someone you know if somebody just what if somebody just posted something about about myself or your pastor or something and they just they just made up some story about how you know we had been involved in some scandal that didn't even happen or so then you could see like wait a minute hey that needs to be deleted because that's a lie that's being spread or something but folks what about when somebody just gives their opinion they're not even giving any facts if somebody just gives their opinion says well here's how i see things here's what i think about this or you know here's my view and they're not even giving facts they're just giving their opinion like what's the harm in letting somebody just give their opinion because if their opinion's stupid then everybody's gonna know it's stupid you know and if their opinion's worth considering then let's hear what they have to say now you know or somebody's just laying out facts and they're even bringing them from a reputable source how could you justify deleting that you know you know i think about some some points of view that i have a big problem with you know i have a big problem with people teaching work salvation you know i have a huge problem with people who deny the trinity you know i have a huge problem with these false doctrines but you know what i don't do i don't hide these things i don't tell my people whatever you do don't listen to the seventh day Adventists you know like you guys need to just not listen to seventh day Adventist teachers whatever you do don't go on mormon.org do not go to jw.org because i'm afraid you guys are gonna get sucked in you think i'm worried about that for five seconds you think i care about that you know when we had to throw out heretics out of our church for denying the trinity you know what i did when that heretic deacon that was fired and thrown out for secretly teaching heresy when he uploaded a video of his oneness doctrine i didn't say like oh man we gotta hide this i don't want people to see this video you know what within an hour and a half of him uploading it i uploaded clips of it on my channel and said listen to the oneness heresy out of his own mouth i had uploaded in less than 90 minutes of him uploading it people were like how did you clip this so fast because i why it's called double speed i watched on double speed it's the greatest feature on youtube where would i be without double speed but the thing is you know i uploaded it right away and said look folks here's the oneness heresy out of his own mouth here's his full video if you want to get it in context and here are the damning clips of him outright denying the trinity right out of his own mouth and so you don't have to take my word for it of why he was fired why he was kicked out of the church he's teaching the lies right i'm not trying to hide it you know why because you can go listen to tyler baker for hundreds of hours if you want to because you know what if you fall for his garbage denying the trinity then you deserve him go for it be my guest you know what i mean because it's like i i'm not trying to hide that and say like oh man we don't want to hear people to hear his arguments folks i can destroy every one of those arguments i already have you know in the first week i destroyed them in three sermons pentecostal oneness doctrine exposed right trinity i don't remember what the sermons were called but there were three of them okay and they they dealt with it all the the point is you know we're not trying to hide you know when we get up and preach against work salvation we're not just like man i hope nobody turns to james 2 i hope people don't find it in their bible when we preach against work salvation we're like turn to james 2 let's see what james 2 says and we we deal with it we expound it we explain why the enemy is wrong about james 2 why they're twisting james 2 we compare scripture with scripture we put all the evidence on the table we get out james 2 and we get romans 4 and we put them right next to each other and we say look at james 2 look at romans 4 and let's get to the bottom of this but i wonder if the work salvation teacher pulls out romans 4 in his sermon and pulls out romans 4 versus 1 through 8 in his sermon no it's not going to happen okay the point is we don't hide what our opponents are saying we don't hide now if somebody comes on our youtube channel is just trolling us i do block the flat earthers because otherwise they'll just and here's why i blocked the fighters because they'll just fill they'll fill up the whole stupid comment section and most of them are literally robots they're not even real accounts but that's because they're just spreading complete garbage and lies it's not because i'm afraid of people seeing it it's just because i don't want that to just become my channel but you know what hey i've i've even pointed people and said look at this stupid flat earth video look at this insanity that they teach i'm not afraid of that do you think i'm afraid of that folks the truth fears no investigation like we love to engage the other side on any subject name the subject we want to engage the other side we will point out here's what they're saying here's what the catholics are saying here's what the mormons are saying here's what the jw's are saying and here's what we're saying and and go get the evidence yourself go listen to it in context we're not afraid to do that but isn't it interesting how the liars and the frauds and the deceivers are always afraid of being scrutinized they don't want anybody checking them out and checking you know and something's wrong when a church has to put their entire youtube channel completely private not because they're trying to just you know because they have two strikes but because they literally just don't want to be held accountable for what they're preaching i mean think about manly perry you know he made his youtube channel unlisted and basically then you know we got we got the keys to it somehow and i pulled out a clip from his own teaching and i uploaded to my youtube channel with no comment i just put up a video it was just a clip i didn't even explain to people what was wrong with it i just put up a clip of him preaching and it just said it just said in the title something like manly perry teaches heresy that mary isn't even the mother of jesus or so you know this weird teaching that he was doing i put up this video just showing people this is why he's teaching and what does he do just now that literally within like 60 minutes of that upload his whole channel went private you know what that's what colts do they hide what they teach and here's the thing even if one of our youtube channels has to go private because of the fact that you know we get in too many strikes or whatever and we got to be on the alternate channel or whatever hey you can always go to faithfulwordbaptist.org and get all of my preaching since i started the church from then until now every sermon audio is on there in mp3 format and it always will be made publicly available why because phonies and liars and heretics have to hide what they're teaching because they don't want to be held accountable because the truth fears no investigation but liars hate being held accountable and checked out and they hate allowing the opposition to be heard so they have to tell their people like don't go on the internet don't look any of this stuff up don't look any of this stuff you know they have to tell them not to look you think i'm afraid of my church members researching other religions no because you know what if if one of my church members were to go out and research other religions and switch to say the eastern orthodox church or the roman catholic church or the mormon church or the jws you know what i would say i would say they were never saved in the first place they went out from us but they were not all of us for if they had been of us they would no doubt have continued with us but they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us they didn't just now switch to that right now they're just being made manifest that they were not of us they were never of us they were always a fraud that's what i would say so so here's the thing if i believe that my church members are actually saved why would i be afraid of them looking at other religions because i know that if they're actually saved then the holy spirit will not allow them to go off into that and believe that craziness because anybody who believes on christ will continue to believe on christ and they will stay with sound doctrine now they might get screwed up on little things here and there but they're not going to start denying the trinity and become a mormon they're not going to become a muslim they're not going to become roman catholic or something you know what i mean i'm not worried about that if one of my church members became an atheist i would say they were never saved and so we're not worried about it you know that we we allow a free exchange of ideas we're not trying to hide like man i really hope that my people don't find out what methodists teach you know because it might appeal to them or something it's like bye here you want me to help you find the united methodist church it's easy because it's the one with the rainbow flag on it there it is go there and please stay if you like that stuff please don't come back did i have you turned to jeremiah 36 look at verse 21 here's some more censorship in the word of god so the king sent jehudah to fetch the role and he took it out of elishama the scribe's chamber and jehudah read it in the ears of the king and in the ears of all the princes which stood beside the king now the king sat in the winter house in the ninth month and there was a fire on the hearth burning before him and it came to pass that when jehudah i had read three or four leaves so keep in mind this is like a huge chunk of the book of jeremiah this is very long and he only reads three he only reads three or four leaves so he's i mean he's just getting started when he'd read three or four leaves he's not done he cut it with a pen knife and cast it into the fire that was on the hearth until all the roll roll means scroll in our modern vernacular was consumed in the fire that was on the hearth and so what is he doing he he's destroying this copy of the word of god so that it won't go any further so that other people won't hear it so that it won't be read or proclaimed so he cuts it and then burns it yet they were not afraid nor rent their garments neither the king nor any of his servants that heard all these words they destroy it so then you know because youtube is censoring this uh this preaching in verse 25 they file an appeal with youtube nevertheless elnathan and deliah and gamariah made intercession to the king that he would not burn the role but youtube denies their appeal it says he would not hear them you know so so they're they're appealing the youtube strike and youtube's not even scared they're just like no we don't care what god says we don't care what the truth is we don't care what's right we'll destroy it and of course does this work no because god's word continues to go forth because you know what god comes to jeremiah and he says get out another scroll let's do this again and jeremiah gets the word of god again from the lord baric writes it down and he adds to it more like words so he he salvages the the old preaching because it's on a hard drive it's on thumb drives it's on dvds it's on cds he's able to pull out the old preaching and salvage it and then get up and do another one on sunday morning and another one on sunday night and another one on wednesday night you know you can't keep preachers from preaching you can't keep the word of god from going forth and doing its work go to second timothy chapter four and and here's the thing in 2021 there are two very effective ways to get god's word out there two very different very effective ways you know number one is we can go door to door and by going door to door we can just talk to people i mean you know some people this is like a foreign concept like interacting with people in real life flesh and blood actually meeting people and talking to strangers you know kids don't talk to strangers but adults yeah we talk to strangers right we you know we actually meet people in real life not just not just you know uh we're so socially distanced that everything's on zoom or something you know so you know one way to reach people with the word of god is just walk up to them knock on their door right soul winning knock on the door and just open the bible and show people how to be saved and it works every single week it works right i mean you know our churches are getting people saved on a weekly basis on a monthly basis we're getting people safe a lot of times even on a daily basis you know somebody's getting saved almost every day in a lot of cases because of different soul winning times that are meeting during the week or different members witnessing in their personal lives i mean people are being safe it works folks door to door soul winning works it's not going to work every door but you keep knocking doors you keep going man you're going to get some people's aid period and then another powerful way to reach people with the word of god in 2021 is the internet the internet is huge i mean we reach tons of people with the internet through social media through our church websites and the preaching that's uploaded there so we're able to reach literally sometimes even millions of people you know we'll get that viral video on youtube or viral video on facebook you know uh you know i wouldn't recommend tik tok but you know like i know there have been videos of my preaching on tik tok that had like millions of views like literally like two million viewers you know and it's like whoa so you know the internet is a tool to reach literally millions of people with the word of god but let me make this real clear the internet doesn't replace the real life door-to-door soul winning or the public services that you hold sunday morning sunday night wednesday night or thursday night in your case the uh the public services in the house of god you know and the door-to-door and the real life human interaction it's not been replaced by the internet we need both we need both of these working in tandem you know i i don't want to just do door-to-door and public services i also want to do the internet because we reach so many people that way but i don't want to just do the internet i also want to do the real life why because you're reaching very different kinds of people there are a lot of people they're too awkward or shy they don't even want to talk to you in real life you try to talk to them real life they get nervous they get scared they kind of clam up plus not only that you can't really be blunt with people in real life like you can't be on the internet because like in real life i'm not gonna i'm not like i was just out soul winning on wednesday and i i knock on a guy's door who's a muslim and you know this muslim he allowed me to go through the whole plan of salvation with him and i went through the whole gospel with him he was asking questions he was listening i got through the whole plan of salvation with this guy and i was able to plant that seed okay but here's what i'm not doing at the door when i knock on the door of the muslim i'm not like muhammad's a pedophile he's married to a six-year-old she was nine it's a pedophile pervert religion that you're part of you're not just if you just if i just went up somebody's door and just said that in their face like you're following a pedophile here's what's gonna happen that person's heart is gonna start beating faster right they're gonna have like a fight or flight response like whoa this guy's getting in my face he showed up at my door he's screaming about muhammad piss me upon him and saying all this stuff and it's like you know they're gonna have like a fight or flight i mean their bloods you know they're not gonna be thinking straight because they're just gonna be defensive like right away their guard is out they're just defensive but but let's face it that's what muslims really need to hear though that's kind of what they need to hear but it's a lot easier for them to hear that like from the comfort of their home because they know i'm not just gonna like jump out of the screen and go you know they so they can like you know they can watch it on youtube and hundreds of thousands of of people hundreds of thousands of muslims over the years have watched my really harsh sermons against islam and the really harsh rebukes of of islam and they're getting that what they need to hear that that kind of wake up call like wake up dude they're getting that but they're getting it like in the safety of their home they can have like a security blanket they have like a pillow they can have like some comfort food and they can they can like they can be in a safe space and kind of check make sure the door is locked the alarm set and they can watch it maybe they can turn it down a little if you know if it's scaring them too much you know what i mean like like they it's a more appropriate place for them to get that and so you know that's where they get the really hard stuff now you know i can get up and preach that way in church you know because it's like hey you know we're all here because we are christians and we we like the hard preaching and we we want the pastor to get up and and scream and yell and and tell us how islam really is but is is the door really the place for that no and like when i go sorting at the door i'm not yelling at people i'm not saying all these really shocking or offensive things even if they're true because of the fact that i know that you know that's not a normal way to interact with people one-on-one you know that's more behind the pulpit or that's more for like a youtube video or something you know it's more appropriate so but but they need to hear it so so the what i'm explaining is kind of some of the differences between youtube and real life stuff youtube you can kind of just cut loose and and and tell the hindus what's up about their religion and they need to hear it you know so that's a good thing about that also you're reaching different kinds of people because you know some people some people spend their life on the internet other people don't not everybody's just like on glued to a screen all day some people actually have real lives that they're living but then half the population is glued to a screen all day and then half the population's out doing stuff but hey i want to reach both so you know a lot of people they're not going to talk to me at the door but they will watch it on youtube a lot of people even if they're on glued to the internet they're glued to a video game they're glued to youtube but they're not searching like baptist preaching kjv 1611 you think that's what they're searching for no that's why i got to go and knock on their door and say hey if you died today do you know for sure you go to heaven and get them thinking about that and and say hey let me show you from the bible because they're not going to search the bible way to heaven until they get that youtube card until i talk to them about that okay and so the point is it's two very different things you know there's the real life stuff and the internet want to use both they're gonna they're gonna reach different kinds of people we're gonna reach them with a different message sometimes i mean the gospel is the same for both but you know the really radical preaching happens behind the pulpit obviously in someone's front yard is neither the time nor the place to really just cut loose and you know and and rip some face okay and i hope that's not how you go soul winning i hope you understand when you're at someone else's house you kind of have to respect that you're at their house you know okay but but anyway you know but one of the big differences i want to bring up too is that here's the thing about real life is that in real life we're not being censored you know so we don't want to just get to where we're just relying everything on the internet because the internet's getting more and more restrictive this isn't 2007 anymore this is in 2008 anymore when youtube was the wild west now it's getting more and more restrictive and if you're relying on that to evangelize you know we we need to have both we need to be able to and and look that's why i'm glad you're here tonight physically in person sitting in this auditorium listening to the sermon right now because a lot of people are not even going to find this sermon they're going to have a hard time finding it because it's going to be so censored of a sermon because you know i pushed all the wrong buttons i talked about the vaccine i talked about sodomites and so that just you know this isn't this is not going to be a viral video on youtube it can't be because youtube will shut it down it can't be viral sometimes you just got to be there you know so second timothy chapter four to want to keep both alive right want to do the internet ministry want to do the door-to-door ministry we want to have the public services we want to do be firing on all cylinders but look at second timothy chapter 4 verse 1 i charged thee before god i'm going to close on this scripture and the lord jesus christ who shall judge the quick and the dead it is appearing in his kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season if it's popular preach it if it's unpopular preach it anyway if they ban it preach it anyway put it on a special website called ban preach dot com reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine for the time will come and watch this next phrase the time when it will come when they will not endure sound doctrine and you know one of the things that it means here when it says they won't endure sound doctrine it's saying like they won't put up with it they can't they don't want to hear it they don't want to listen to it remember reprobates don't even want to retain god in their knowledge according to romans one they don't want god's word to be preached they don't want hard preaching to happen it's not enough for them to just say like well i don't like it i'm not going to listen to it it's like no they won't endure it they want to put a stop to it they don't even want to be exposed to it they want to shut it down they want to shut your church down they want to shut my church down they want to shut down our social media platforms they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears notice they won't endure the preaching they only want the teaching because they want it to be soft and this is why you know it used to be on youtube that when i watched a sermon by say pastor roger Jimenez or something then the next video that it would autoplay or the thing that it would suggest is another pastor Jimenez sermon it's like oh you like pastor Jimenez well here's another one oh oh you like uh you like pastor anderson might i suggest a sermon by pastor bruce mejia you know like like that would actually make sense as a suggestion like oh you like bruce mejia oh here's dave burzins oh have you tried stephen anderson oh you know here you know wouldn't that make sense like it'll be like you know because people who watch this also like dispensation of heresy you know they also liked margin design you know that's the kind of suggestions that would make sense but you know that's how it used to be i could just leave it on autoplay and it'll just play preaching and play stuff i like now it's like you finish up a pastor bruce mejia sermon what's the next sermon john mccarther what's the next sermon joel ostin td jakes kenneth copeland that's the kind of stuff it rolls into now just these couple of approved guys these teachers that they've heaped to themselves these teachers having itching ears the the phony big name and you know what all these guys have in common by the way that i'm listening you know what they all have in common they're all millionaires right they're all just filthy rich preaching things they ought not for filthy lucre's sake and they are the people that the youtube uh community wants to push for you like oh let's get you on and and look here's what i do friend because i i don't like it how they do that so you know before i click out i always give it a thumbs down first so by suggesting me mccarther every day you're just giving mccarther a thumbs down is all you're doing when you just keep wanting me to listen to td jakes so it says they'll heap to themselves these teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth it's not even just that they don't believe the truth or that they won't acknowledge the truth they turn away their ears from it's like nope we won't even listen you know we just we don't even want to hear the other side we just want to shut the other side down and be turned into fables but watch that on all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist make full proof of thy ministry for i'm now ready to be offered in the time my departure is at hand i have fought a good fight i've finished my course i've kept the faith and you know what first works baptist church has fought a good fight you've kept the faith you know even in the face of the you know the things that happen at the old building you know i mean just take a look at the piano you know the piano has been bombed with the improvised explosive device you know you're not going to get that the old ifb you know what i'm saying you know this church has fought a good fight and has kept the faith and you know i i you know obviously i don't really know all the church members here well but i wouldn't be surprised if a couple people probably didn't bail when that happened i don't know if they did or not but i wouldn't be surprised to find out maybe that i haven't talked to pastor mahia about this but you know i wouldn't be surprised if he told me yeah a couple people left the church you know after the sodomites bombed the building it wouldn't really surprise me but you know what you guys are the ones who've stayed and obviously it's the vast majority because i'm seeing all the same people that i know and love every time i come here and a lot of new faces as well but i'm telling you something you know you guys have fought a good fight you've kept the faith just realize there's always going to be somebody trying to shut up your preacher and trying to shut him down and trying to shut you down from proclaiming god's word if they did it to jesus if they did it to jeremiah if they did it to peter and john and the apostle paul it's going to happen you know what we must continue preaching the truth we can't let them win they win when we start censoring our message because what happens is they censor and then you know what you know what we would start doing if we're if we're tempted is start censoring ourselves you know what i mean like they're they're out to censor us so you know what i'm just gonna censor myself don't let them do that to us i'm not gonna censor myself i'm not gonna stop talking about these statistics i'm not gonna start talking about leviticus 2013 i'm not gonna stop preaching romans one i'm gonna do that stuff until i die okay i'm not gonna let them tell me that only one viewpoint's allowed okay because the biblical viewpoint is valid and nobody's gonna shut this preacher up and nobody's gonna shut that preacher up we're gonna keep doing it and you know what support your preacher support him and thank god you know what you should do you should get on your knees members of the church here get on your knees and say thank you god that my pastor stood for what was right and even when things got ugly he stayed with it thank you for the privilege lord of going to a church where the pastor preaches the whole bible because you know what a lot of people out there they're going to a church that's censoring themselves and so we ought to be thankful for the gift that god has given as as eph's chapter four says you know he gave some pastors and teachers and evangelists you know he gave that gift unto men he gave the gift of these preachers and teachers and men for the for the edifying of the body of christ and so you know you ought to be thankful for this church because you have a church to go to that is willing to confront these things and you know what it doesn't matter what youtube does it doesn't matter what facebook does and it doesn't even matter what the laws of the state of california or arizona or the laws of the united states we are not going to take back the things that we've said and we're going to continue to say them because they're biblical and you and god's people need to continue to stand all of us man woman boy and girl let's stand inspired us to have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for the the local church lord as an institution that gives us a place to come together and have fellowship lord and we're living in an insane world it's crazy and and it's it's it's almost like some kind of a a strange dystopian novel sometimes just just our lives and so lord god thank you so much for the sanity that's found in the local church help us to come to the local church frequently so we can get that sanity check and lord just continue to bless first works baptist church and lord i pray that you would just confound and destroy the enemies of this church the the reprobates the sodomites lord i pray that you would destroy them and uh those that are just you know they're ignorantly persecuting the church lord i pray that they would get saved before it's eternally too late and lord help this church continue to grow and thrive and in jesus name we pray man all right one last song for us song number 343 revive us again song number 400 uh song number 343 revive us again song 343 uh everyone nice and loud on that first verse we praise the oh god for the son of thy law for jesus who died and is now gone above hallelujah line the glory hallelujah amen hallelujah we praise the oh god for the spirit of life who has shown us our savior and scattered our night hallelujah hallelujah revive us again all glory and praise to the lamb that was slain who has born all our sins and has cleansed every saint hallelujah the glory hallelujah amen hallelujah thine the glory revive us again revive us again fill each heart with thy love may each soul be rekindled with fire from above hallelujah all right great singing that was an awesome sermon amen i was talking to pastor anderson right before the service we're talking about the concept about just uh you know one viewpoint allowed type of a thing and we're talking about the old ifb for example they've kind of bitten into that type of thinking as well because in you know the old ifb churches is like only one viewpoint is allowed you can only be pre-chirib you can only be zionist there's only certain things you could adhere to and if you try to bring something different to the table even though it's biblical it's like they try to censor you you know what i mean don't listen to pastor and or you've been on the internet you've been listening to pastor anderson you've been watching marching design you've been watching after the tribulation or whatever and so it's we obviously expect it from the liberals but not from other christians come on you know but unfortunately that's the case but i like what he said the truth fears no investigation amen you could do nothing against the truth before the truth and so great sermon and um we're gonna pray for the food i i smell canes i think the canes is here i think that's why he pastor anderson landed the plane because the canes was seeping through and so let's pray for the food and we'll be dismissed father we thank you so much for uh the great sermon thank you so much for the great truth and uh thank you for pastor anderson and his investment and my personal life and of course i'm in the lives of many here in this building and of course in our church lord i pray father god that uh do you continue to be with him in his ministry at faithful word baptist church may you continue to give him great success and prosper and winning souls to christ and influencing millions for years to come and i pray you bless the meal and uh the remainder of our weekend give us a great harvest of souls tomorrow help us to may you lead us to people who are receptive towards the gospel and uh fill us with your power in your spirit to win them to christ in jesus name we pray amen you are dismissed so so so you