(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 12 as we always do read the whole chapter starting with verse number one judges chapter 12 starting in verse 1 Judges chapter 12 And The men of Ephraim gathered themselves together and went northward and said unto Jephthah Wherefore passes thou over to fight against the children of Ammon and didst not call us to go with thee we will burn thine house upon thee with fire and Jephthah said unto them I And my people were at great strife with the children of Ammon And when I called you you delivered me not out of their hands And when I saw that you delivered me not I put my life in my hands and passed over against the children of Ammon and The Lord delivered them into my hand Wherefore then are you come up unto me this day to fight against me? Then Jephthah gathered together all the men of Gilead and fought with Ephraim and the men of Gilead smote Ephraim because they said he Gileadites are fugitives and of Ephraim Among the Ephraimites and among the Manasseh and the Gileadites took the passages of Jordan before the Ephraimites and it was so That when those Ephraimites which were escaped said let me go over that the men of Gilead said unto them art thou an Ephraimite If he said nay, then said they unto him say now Shibboleth and he said Sibboleth Well, he could not frame to pronounce it right then they took him and slew him at the passages of Jordan and there fell at That time of the Ephraimites 40 in 2000 and Jephthah judged Israel six years Then died Jephthah the Gileadite and was buried in one of the cities of Gilead and after him Ibsen of Bethlehem judged Israel and he had 30 sons and 30 daughters whom he sent abroad and Took in 30 daughters from abroad for his sons and he judged Israel seven years then died Ibsen and was buried at Bethlehem and after him Elon a Zebulunite judged Israel and he judged Israel ten years and Elon the Zebulunite died and was buried in Isilon in the country of Zebulun and after him Abdon the son of Hillel a Pyrethonite judged Israel and he had 40 sons and 30 nephews that rode on three school and ten ass cults and he judged Israel eight years and Abdon the son of Hillel the Pyrethonite died and was buried in Pyrethon in the land of Ephraim in the Mount of the Amalekites Dear Lord, we just ask that you bless everyone that came here tonight Lord and we'd ask that you bless this sermon and Help us Lord to listen to the message tonight Lord and bless pastor Anderson as he preaches your word in Jesus name. Amen Amen Men tonight, I'm preaching on this story here involving the Ephraimites and the Gileadites Jephthah and of course the code word that they had to be able to say to get over the river Shibboleth, so starting in verse number one the Bible reads and the men of Ephraim gathered themselves together and went northward and said unto Jephthah Wherefore passeth thou over to fight against the children of Ammon and didst not call us to go with thee We will burn thine house upon thee with fire now Let me explain to you a little bit of the context here of what's going on back in chapter number 11 We have this battle that took place where the children of Ammon made war against Israel and you have Jephthah Successfully lead the troops into battle and defeat the enemy so he wins the Lord's battle Against the heathen and these people are saying well, why did you go without us? Why didn't you invite us? Why didn't we get to fight? Alongside you now. This is seeking vainglory on their part or seeking spoil or Money or treasure. This is not a righteous reason to go to war because the righteous reason to go to war is Simply to defend the homeland to defend oneself Now here's the thing about that if the goal is just to defend yourself Against the Lord's enemies here, then does it really matter who gets it done so long as it gets done so why does it matter that they didn't get to go or they didn't get to be a part of it and In the New Testament the Bible says let nothing be done through strife or vainglory But in lowliness of mind let each esteem other Better than themselves and the two things that we see at play here are strife and vainglory They're picking a fight with Jetha and the Gileadites for no reason There's no reason to fight, you know, the common enemy Ammon has been defeated They should all be rejoicing and praising the Lord But instead they want to fight amongst themselves over something stupid like well, how come we didn't get to go to? Why do you even need to go it got done without you apparently you weren't necessary But it's ego that's involved of pride of we wanted to be out there doing it That could be one thing vainglory another thing could be just strife It could be that they just want to pick a fight with Jephthah. They've just been wanting to fight the Gileadites So they're looking for a pretext to go to war and this is what governments constantly do I mean if one government just wants to fight against another let's say a country just wants to invade another country They don't make a press conference with their people and say hey everybody. Let's go get some more territory, huh? Let's do it But even though that's really sometimes what's going on or hey We're gonna do this because it just makes sense financially or we need to get those resources We need to get that oil. We need to get that opium or they're not just gonna come out and say it like that So typically they'll come up with some pretext and you're probably familiar with the concept of the false flag Attack. Okay, the false flag attack is where you dress up like the enemy and attack yourself And this happens all the time you see it in the news all the time where Jews are like painting swastikas on their own stuff Or people will break their own window and say yeah I'm being attacked and all these different things or they'll shoot up their own house and say yeah, you know, there are threats on my life I'm getting shot at they'll burn their own house down and say somebody burned my house down That's called the false flag attack and and governments will often do this, you know Gulf of Tonkin incident anyone 9-11 but anyway, you know you dress up like the enemy and You attack yourself and then you say look we got attacked. So now we're gonna go ahead and retaliate Okay, so basically what's going on here? According to the New Testament teaching we could look at this and say is it strife or is it vainglory? Are they just looking for picking a fight or perhaps they just have a big ego pride and either way? It's wicked on their part You know I think of times in my ministry where I've seen people have this kind of wrong Attitude where instead of just being excited about the work getting done They have this attitude that they have to be the one that does it You know I remember there was this one bozo who later got thrown out of the church by the way And it turned out to be a total heretic, but I remember him one time saying oh man You know I don't want anybody to start a church in this such-and-such the city because that's where I want to start a church Sounds to me like he doesn't love that city Sounds to me like he doesn't care about that city He just wants to be the one who gets to go there folks that shows that his heart's in the wrong place Because if someone else were to start a church in the city that he was looking to minister in he should be rejoicing and praising God and saying thank God because that place needed a church that somebody stepped in and got the job done Not just like well, I just really wanted to be in that place folks There are plenty of places to serve God There are plenty of places to preach and start churches And if you really cared about people you'd rejoice about churches being started and you wouldn't be calling dibs on your future Parish, you know and this guy was like really far away from ever pastoring anyway and to be follow five years from now It's like come on You know what that is? That's just total vain glory Like you're not going to the town to reach the people of the town or going to provide a need of a church that needs To be there that's missing But rather you want to go be a big shot and go achieve something That tells you a lot about people when they have that kind of an attitude vain glory All that matters is if the work of Christ gets done. It doesn't matter whether I do it It doesn't matter whether you do it and you know really godly people You know, they're glad to sit back and let other people do stuff sometimes because of the fact that they just want They just wanted to get done They're not fighting over who gets to do it because that's just vain glory That's strife and envy and all the things that God told us to avoid So in verse 1 we see the strife and vain glory of the men of ephraim Either one of those things or both of those things are at play. Look at verse number two in Jeff the center of them I and my people were at great strife with the children of Ammon and when I called you Ye delivered me not out of their hands. So these people When he needed them, they're not there But now all of a sudden it's like oh, why didn't you invite us? Why didn't you bring us? Well, here's a good verse for that a man that hath friends must show himself friendly When somebody's in a bind when somebody needs you If you're not there for them You can't expect that person to be your friend down the road and include you or invite you over or be your buddy A man that hath friends must show himself Friendly and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother, you know If you're not gonna stick closer than a brother if you're not gonna show yourself to be a good friend if you're not gonna be For other people there in their time of need then don't be surprised if you don't get invited to their birthday party or something And you know again, you could apply this to the ministry, you know You've got preacher friends and pastor friends Maybe not there for you when you need them not there to defend you not there when you call upon them But then all of a sudden it's like well, why don't you include me? Why didn't you invite me or you have? How about this preachers getting bitter because they didn't get included in this conference or get included in this documentary Or why didn't you use my interview or whatever in the video because the interview was no bueno And that's not my fault And and here's the thing about that is that it shouldn't really matter if Your interview gets used or if you get invited to this in that conference You know what? I really enjoy sitting back and just watching conferences happen without me. Amen because Traveling can get pretty exhausting anyway, and I'm totally burned out on it and I'd be happy to never preach anywhere Except in the good old state of Arizona ever again for the rest of my life, you know Maybe I'll get arrested and get an ankle bracelet or something and then my dream can come true But the point is that you know what? Hey, you don't always have to be the one doing it in the limelight front and center Hey it's great to see someone else go achieve something other missions trips happen and conferences happen and Indian Reservation trips happen and and and to just sit back and and the righteous person is just gonna praise God that It's happening and not be in it for themselves for ego or have to be the center of attention or the one Doing and orchestrating everything themselves, you know, they let other people orchestrate things and run things and and lead Amen, they achieve nothing these type of Ephraimites They achieve nothing and then they want to contend with those who do achieve something. I mean, here's Jeff though What does the Bible say in verse 3 and when I saw that ye delivered me not I put my life in my hands and Passed over against the children of Ammon and the Lord delivered them into my hand So we see the Jephthah has achieved something for God here Jephthah has gotten a victory The Lord gave him the victory the Lord blessed him He's actually doing something of value and then the people who are do nothing achieve nothings. What do they do? They come against him to fight against him It says in verse 3 wherefore then at the end of verse 3 are you come up unto me this day to fight? Against me, you know lead follow or get out of the way But don't fight against those and hinder those who are actually doing something for God Because they didn't include you enough or praise you enough or promote you enough or ordain you or lift you up or whatever you expect Don't fight with the people who are doing right because you're a nothing look at verse 4 Then Jephthah gathered together all the men of Gilead and fought with Ephraim and the men of Gilead smote Ephraim because they said ye Gileadites are fugitives of Ephraim among the Ephraimites and among The Manassehites now you got to really read this carefully You know, I think it's easy as you read through this chapter for this to kind of go over your head exactly what he's saying here I know I had to read it several times to grasp what's being said But if you slow down on this verse 4 You can see what total hypocrites the Ephraimites are how they do Exactly what they accuse the Gileadites of doing so what are they saying? Well, it says the men of Gilead smote Ephraim because they said now listen to this quote This is what the Ephraimites are accusing the Gileadites of you Gileadites are Fugitives of Ephraim Among the Ephraimites and among the Manassehites So I read that over and over again and here's the conclusion that I came to of what they're saying They're basically saying you guys aren't really Gileadites. Like you're not really descended from Gilead You're basically just washed up losers from Ephraim and Manasseh your fugitives of the Ephraimites and Basically, that's why you live over there You know you guys are basically the refuse of Ephraim your fugitives of Ephraim because I believe the of Ephraim there means like from Ephraim or Pertaining to Ephraim. So they're basically accusing them of being Ephraimites because they're saying your fugitives of Ephraim Here's the thing. They're not they're not Ephraimites. What are they? They're Gileadites. This is a different family It's a different, you know You could study the genealogies and and understand that they're of Manasseh and that the Gileadites Are being accused of being fugitives of Ephraim Among the Ephraimites that they're actually Ephraimites that they're among the Ephraimites, but they're actually Pretending to be or calling themselves Gileadites that make sense. Well, this is why that's so interesting because in the next verse it says in verse 5 and the Gileadites Took the passages of Jordan before the Ephraimites because remember in the story the Ephraimites are the bad guys And it was so that when those Ephraimites which were escaped said let me go over That the men of Gilead said unto him art thou an Ephraimite if he said nay Then said they unto him say now shibboleth and he said fibboleth For he could not frame to pronounce it right then they took him and slew him at the passage of Jordan and There fell at that time of the Ephraimites 40 in 2000 So what we see here is that now we have the Ephraimites that are fugitives now Fugitives among the Ephraimites, fugitives of Ephraim and what are they doing? Oh, I'm not an Ephraimite I'm a Gileadite Isn't that funny that that's what they're accusing them of doing in verse 4 and then when they lose a battle They get thrown into a situation where they're actually doing What they just accused the other people of doing So what's that called? Hypocrisy right when you do something and that you condemn someone else for doing it and then you go out and do What you condemn to others for doing then that makes you a hypocrite people will often call this Projecting sometimes too when someone's guilty of something they'll sometimes accuse other people of what's in their own heart You know when I remember when we were little kids We would always say I don't know where we picked this up But we would always say you're judging me by your own heart That was something that we said in our house like a hundred times. Well, you're just judging me by your own heart You're judging me by your own heart, and I don't know where we picked that phrase up But we would just say that all the time We'd always accuse because we'd say you think that way because that's what you would do. That's what you have done That's what you're guilty of and so a lot of times people Who are guilty of things will end up just giving a railing accusation against someone else about something that they themselves Are guilty now you don't want to be one of these bozos who just takes this to an extreme and just says well anytime Anyone accuses anyone of doing anything. It's because they're doing it well That's stupid because then no one could ever be legitimately accused of murder or stealing or lying or because like well You must be like you're stealing. You know that's stupid So that you don't want to just paint with this broad brush Freud Alright Sigmund just relax because of the fact that sometimes people do project like this But guess what? Everybody's not always projected because this is what the heathen will do a preacher gets up and preaches hard against sin Oh, he must be filled with sin because he's preaching against sin Well folks that how could any preacher ever preach against sin then right preachers have to get up and preach against him Condemn sin and so you can't just throw out a railing accusation of oh you accuse somebody of stealing you must be stealing that's Obviously a misuse of this but we do sometimes see people who are hypocrites and the Bible says, you know Thou that judges do us the same things in Romans chapter 2 where we see people guilty of something Judging other people for it projecting on them and accusing them So we see that hypocrites do that and that's what we see here. These guys are hypocrites So what have we got so far in the story number one in verse one? We saw that the the bad guys here they're filled with strife and vainglory We have to be the ones to do it and you know what this made me immediately think of little kids You know little kids Always want to help and this is a good desire that little kids have kids want to work They want to help and that's a good thing but Sometimes you'll say to one of the kids because you know, we have a lot of kids in our house I'll say to one of my kids. Hey, would you throw this in the trash for me? And I'll say to one of my little kids, you know, hey Peter You know go throw this in the trash and then a kid that's a little older than him will jump in and say oh I'll get that they'll take it out of my hand and take it straight to the trash and then Peter's gonna do what? Because he wanted to do it Who's seen that with your kids? Who knows what I'm talking about? You know, it's like you want one of array. Can you give me a glass of water? Some of the kid jumps in I'll get it You know, so basically the Gilead-ites they go get the drink of water the Gilead-ites go throw the trash in the trash and then the Ephraimites like That's basically what they're doing and You know what that shows is that people who are like that are baby Christians You know, if not worse kind of people just horrible people, but if they're saved, you know They're babe in Christ because a mature Christians not gonna have that attitude of I have to do it I have to be front and center. I get to do it. It's just Praise God if it gets done, it's about the work of Christ. It's not about personalities So number one, we see the vainglory and strife in verse one Number two, we see that they weren't there when Jephthah needed him But now all of a sudden they're upset that he's not their buddy that he's not their friend And so a man that had friends must show himself friendly in the third verse We saw that the people who achieved nothing and did nothing are taking shots at the guy who actually did something big for God and had achievements then in verses four and five we see total hypocrisy where they're accusing The Gilead-ites of doing exactly what they're doing Here's what I want to show you in verse six Is that people whose heart is wrong because we have people that their hearts wrong, right? Strife, vainglory Envy, contentions Hypocrisy, right? These are not good attributes here Well verse six shows us that people who are like this are eventually gonna slip up and show their true colors, aren't they? People who are wicked in their heart, people who are in the ministry for the wrong reason People are going to church for the wrong reasons and serving God for the wrong reasons Eventually, they're gonna slip up and show their true colors Because of the fact that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh and the Bible says we cannot help But speak the things that we've seen and heard out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh So if you have bitterness in your heart Envy in your heart, strife in your heart, you can try really hard to cover it up and hide it But eventually it's gonna slip out eventually You're not going to be able to fool everyone look what the Bible says in verse number six Or at the end of verse five. They said let me go over Men of Gilead said in him art thou an Ephraimite? They lie and say no look at verse six then said they unto him say now Shibboleth and he said Sibboleth For he could not frame to pronounce it, right? Then they took him and slew him at the passages of Jordan and there fell at that time of the Ephraimites forty and two thousand Now that we might just take the sh sound for granted, right? It seems pretty easy to make the sound. I mean you read this story who can't go Shibboleth who would say Sibboleth But not every language has this sound You know, we might take it for granted English has the sound but there are actually many languages that don't have a sh sound You know when you go to other countries you start figuring out pretty quick what sound they don't have when they start to speak English You know when we were over in Jordan, they called Baal. They either called him Baal Because because it seemed like the Arabs had no P sound the Hebrews have have a P sound But the Arabic speakers it seems like they didn't have a P sound so everything was either an F or a B They just decide which way to go with it. They don't have a P So it's like are we gonna go F or are we gonna go B? You know, they're just trying to find the two closest sounds So he's either fall or ball and they and then they would talk they didn't talk about Palestine. It was Palestine or Palestine or whatever, you know, they just they just did not have that P sound it seemed like so You know, you know that when you go to other countries a lot of places they don't have that sound in the alphabet I remember in Germany, for example, they don't have that, you know the short e sound a They don't have that that sound or no. I'm sorry. Excuse me. Of course. They have that sound They don't have the a sound so they say it like an a that's what I meant to say. So they don't they can't say In German in fact almost no language in Europe has an a sound so the a sound is actually a really weird sound That's in very few Languages and for us that's like our first sound a says as an apple I mean, that's we start we just get the hard one over with but to us it's not hard No one has ever thought a is hard But yet in other countries they struggle with this so in in in Germany They talk about how they have a cat and a dog Cat because they can't say cat or this guy's saying bring me the letter and I'm like what letter the letter You know, we're on a construction site. Well, you wanted a ladder letter letter and they can't say that at their little ladder they can't They're like trying to they can't open their mouth wide enough to make they just can't figure it out So even a sound that's as basic as the shit, I mean look these people's life depended on it Think about it if they can make that sound if they can roll their are They're getting across the river. I'd be dead. I can't roll my are just I've been speaking Spanish for years I can't roll my are you know, and so if that were the test like, you know, hey, you know, it's it's like hey It's that's gringo. No, no, no. Okay. Well then say I Don't know say it say car I'm like car. Oh, I Try to fake it like cuddle You know just try to do it bad, but when there's those two hours next to each other I remember going through the script for the Spanish after the tribulation just every word that had a double R in it I just replaced it with a synonym replace it with a synonym It was just like pick a different word change the script change the script I can't do a double R so they couldn't do it and they died But but what what God's showing us here, obviously, there's a symbolic meaning here Okay, the symbolic meaning here is that people who have guile in their heart people have wickedness in their heart are Eventually going to slip up and it's gonna come out of their mouth And as the Bible says thy speech betray at thee thy speech betray at thee, you know your speech will show Who you are and what you're like and you can pretend and go through all the motions But every once in a while you're going to slip out And say something and people who turn out to be phonies later You kind of you remember you look back and you remember weird stuff that they said And you're like man, that was weird when he said that because every once in a while it accidentally slips out What's really going on in their heart? And so we need to be careful that we have the right things in our heart Because if you start getting a bad heart It's gonna come out, you know and and um You say well, i'll just fake it. Well, you know what? Nobody can fake it all the time And eventually you're gonna you're gonna slip and let it out And so let me give you a little tip you know if you want to Uh get along with your parents you want to get along with your spouse you want to get along? With your brothers and sisters your co-workers, you know what you got to actually change your heart toward those people because if you just decide well, you know what i'm so bitter against my wife, but I'm going to go through all the motions and at least Put on a show. Well, you know what? She's going to see through that And the same thing vice versa if you're a bitter contentious wife And you're going to go through all the motions and act like you love your husband Well, guess what? He's going to get a vibe from you And every once in a while the wrong things are going to slip out of your mouth and so you've got to actually get your heart right and then you don't have to Put on a show, you know putting on a show can be pretty exhausting It's got to be tiring to be fake and have to keep track of all your lies And constantly have to pretend to be something that you're not It's a lot easier to just live your life being real So, you know you need to just get your heart right with the lord get your heart right with your parents get your heart right? With your spouse get your heart right with the church get your heart right with the pastor You know, if you have bitterness toward me, that isn't right. You shouldn't be bitter toward me Why why are you coming to faith forward baptist church and being bitter toward me? That doesn't make any sense You either need to make it right in your heart toward me or Then maybe you should just think about going somewhere where you have a pastor that you're not bitter toward Because being bitter toward the pastor of the church that you go to you know what you're ultimately hurting yourself because you're the one Who's not going to profit from the preaching and you're not going to benefit from being here like someone would whose attitude is right? And it's the same in any area of life, you know, that's just church. But what about at your job? You know what? You're hurting yourself when you have a bad attitude and I guarantee that even if you go to work and go through all the motions You know what the boss and your co-workers are going to perceive that something's wrong with your spirit And so have the right spirit love your pastor love your boss Love your job Love your wife love your children love your ha your ha Your husband love love your house too, right love love everything, you know I'm, just saying have the right attitude and by the way You should love your house and not get a bad attitude like oh man. I wish I had a better house That's called covetousness thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house is one of the things that's brought up and so love your People in your life that are supposed to be your loved ones and don't sit there And and just go through the motions because guess what they your husband can tell When your heart's not right your wife can tell when your heart's not right with them And then you wonder why you have a bad marriage. Well, you know what it's starting within on the inside of you That's where you need to start fixing things and let that work itself outward. Okay, and so if we have a wicked heart vainglorious full of strife contention bitter Envy that stuff is going to come out eventually So we need to make sure that we clean up our heart from the inside and then we won't have to be on Guard, you know, you know, some people are just like well, man I just feel like I just have to be just walking on eggshells all the time around my parents Just feel like it's like navigating a minefield Well, you know part of the reason why is because of the fact that your heart's not right And so that's why it's so hard for you. I just got to make sure that I don't push the wrong button Whereas if you actually had a loving Right attitude toward your parents grateful attitude toward your parents then you know what you would just naturally Put out a good vibe to them and they would feel that and they would not get upset And look there's a lot that science doesn't understand about pheromones and and just kind of vibes and you know Your aura man But it's true though Right, it's true. You know, sometimes people put out a wrong vibe. They put out the wrong pheromones They you know what and it's it's even maybe body language that we don't pick up on or think of You know an expert could sit there and watch a video and point out you see how his feet are pointed away from her You know, he doesn't want to be there Even though he seems like he's pretending that he wants to be there, you know We don't but i'm telling you even if you haven't read a book on body language I've read multiple books on body language, but even if you've never read a single book on body language, you're doing this subconsciously Because you know when I read a book on body language I read stuff and it kind of just explained to me stuff that i'd felt in the past Where I would get uncomfortable around certain people. I didn't understand like why do I always get uncomfortable around that person? Then I read the book on body language and then I looked at their body language and i'm like their body language is making me Uncomfortable because they're so shifty and they're doing you know, and it's making me Feel nervous to be around that person because the vibe they're sending out the wrong vibe, okay So instead of running out tonight and buying a book on body language and trying to figure out how can I send the right vibe? Here's the thing, you know, you're never going to be perfect at it Here's the key don't be fake actually love people You know, I mean look if by the way if you go soul winning And you put out a vibe of love and compassion toward the person you're talking to you're going to get more people saved If you put out a loving vibe, but you know what that's not something that can be learned in a textbook You have to actually just have love and compassion for the lost It has to come from the heart. You have to feel it. Okay You know also if you go out soul winning with faith That says hey, I believe god's going to lead us To do his will I believe That god is going to bring us across people that are ready to hear the gospel I believe that god wants to work through me right now, and I believe that we're likely to get someone saved You know if you go out expecting people to listen expecting people to say yes expecting people to get saved You know what many times it's a self-fulfilling prophecy and vice versa when you go out like I don't think anybody's going to get saved in this neighborhood. You don't want to hear the gospel. Do you? I didn't think so. See you sucka You know now here's the thing look obviously some neighborhoods are are are bad for soul-witting and unreceptive But you know what? I still go into that neighborhood saying hey, maybe there's somebody here for us, you know And and there's always and you know, even in the most unreceptive neighborhood seems like there's always that one person Whether it's a teenager or sometimes it's someone who's passing through And they don't even belong to that neighborhood But how many times have we gone to a neighborhood that didn't look very promising and we went away with the salvation, you know And and i'm telling you Having the right attitude helps because if you go to somebody's door and you put out a vibe that says You probably don't want to talk to me if that's what you're already thinking then that person could be subconsciously esp getting a message like I don't want to talk to you Now i'm not getting all spooky here my friend i'm just I believe a lot of it's science It's just that we don't necessarily understand all of it yet, but I believe a lot of it's just a natural phenomenon Now there could be other spiritual phenomenon at play as well That's a whole nother layer Okay, but even if we were to put aside the spiritual for a moment I think even just going out and not loving people you're going to send the wrong vibe physically And I think going out and not having faith in the gospel You're going to send the wrong vibe even physically let alone the fact that god's going to bless your faith He's going to bless your love. He's going to bless your compassion even just physically you are sabotaging your own soul Winning if you have a bad attitude when you go out there and send forth a vibe that doesn't have confidence And listen to me I'll tell you why I have confidence because the bible says he that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bring in his sheaves with them. So the bible promises me success Now obviously it's not saying that every single time we go out we're going to get somebody saved Or every single week or every single month. We're going to get somebody's look I've gone through dry spells where I went out week after week after week and i'm beating my head against the wall in some area That's not receptive getting through it shading in the map or just having a personal dry spell Sometimes you'll go out soul winning with a big group of people seems like everybody else is preaching the gospel Everybody else is getting somebody saved. I remember, you know pastor mijia and I were on a mexico soul winning trip We went out soul winning all morning super receptive area and just nobody was getting saved We would we would preach the gospel to people Over and over again. It wasn't that people weren't listening. It was just like they couldn't understand the gospel They couldn't comprehend it. They weren't getting saved and I I was like which one of us is jonah. Let's cast lots And see for who's caused this evil has come upon us No, I was I was just kidding But it's it's the most frustrating thing because you'd almost rather people just said no and you could just waste your not waste your breath Then to just be going through the whole plan of salvation over and over again and it's just whoop Just right over their head right over their head Nothing's getting through nobody believes it and we showed up at lunch And everybody else is rejoicing and all the souls saved and we had nothing And look That's life That's life. If you know if you haven't experienced that you haven't been soul winning long Because you can go out for all day Or many hours or even week after week even more than a month of going out and go through a dry spell And you know, thank god that afternoon We we you know, god started to open things up and we started getting people saved But i'm telling you you can't expect to have burger king have it your way right now instant results all the time Sometimes you got to put in the work put in the effort you got to sew you got to water you got to wait I'm, not promising instant results, but god is promising results The results are guaranteed Okay, they're guaranteed and that's why I say if people aren't getting saved Then either the gospel is not being preached or the gospel has lost its power. Which one is it? If people are not being saved then either the gospel is not being preached or the gospel has lost its power And the gospel will never lose its power. Therefore when no one's getting saved the gospel is not being preached take it to the bank Oh this missionary he was over there for 20 years. No, salvations. He's not preaching the gospel He's not preaching the gospel maybe there's a language barrier What's he doing find people that speak english Either there's a language barrier or he doesn't know how to do soul winning or he's doing very little soul winning because look And look i'm not just speaking in theory my friend i've gone to some of the most Unreceptive countries in the world and done soul winning i've done soul winning in norway You want to talk about an unreceptive place here's why norway's unreceptive Place here's why norway's unreceptive everybody's got a lot of money Everybody's lutheran and almost everybody says they're going to heaven But they do not believe the gospel do not believe in salvation by grace through faith They don't even have close to an understanding of the gospel they when you ask them how they know they're going to heaven You know, usually it has nothing to do with jesus and i'm telling you but they've got two houses The winter home and the summer home They've got religion They got sprinkled as a baby lutheran and they came up through the lutheran Uh upbringing and got their catechism and confirmation And then after that they leave the church very few people in in these places Uh will go to church But they've all gone through the the christening and the whole thing and they've got the basics of it and they kind of feel like Okay, i'm good now I got that I did that that's what you do when you're a kid and you know when you're an elderly person you kind of go back and you know Figure things out with god right before you die, you know to make sure that everything's kosher So look I went soul winning in norway and one day of soul winning I was out soul winning with the the pastor's son And he was like maybe 18 years old or something And I was I guess uh 27 or something 28 And i'm so winning with it. We went so winning for eight and a half hours without even getting one person even let us present the gospel Eight and a half hours and we weren't dragging our feet. We were actually running between doors Because it was very cold. I don't remember how cold it was. It was pretty cold And so I think it's like 18 fahrenheit or something, I don't remember what the temperature was so don't quote me on that But we were uh, you know, we were running between the doors. We were motivated We were having a great fellowship all day, you know, but we did not I kid you not for over eight hours We did not present the gospel to a single person. Everyone told us no Everybody was real friendly. Do you know for sure you're going to heaven? Yes Yes But then it's like oh, well, I got baptized as a baby. So i'm good to go or oh, well, you know I'm a good person. I live a good life or you know, no understanding of the gospel And it's just door after door after door after door But let me tell you something. I was there for four days went soul winning for four days and a total of that four days Myself and the pastor of the church won a total of 10 people to christ in four days in norway Okay, so I believe I believe I had like six people saved he had like four people saved And over the course of four days of four long days of soul winning So, you know what that tells me is that it's possible to win souls anywhere if I can win souls in norway which is rich and religious and wealthy not interested good to go totally not into being a baptist or into Uh, you know seeing what the bible says that just shows to me that you can do it you you could have success anywhere And everybody's got an excuse But I guarantee you you say well, what about people that are in a muslim country, huh? What are they first of all, you're not in a muslim country I'm not in a muslim country Most people that we deal with or that most people are listening to this sermon are not in a muslim country Okay But let's say somebody's in a muslim country, right? Well, here's the thing like let's say the united arab emirates The soul-winning mega marathon had a whole bunch of people saved on that day in the united arab emirates How'd they do it because in muslim countries if it's illegal to preach the gospel It's illegal to preach the gospel to muslims You can't preach the gospel to muslims legally but guess what all the filipino guest workers In the united arab emirates. Hey, I got a ton of listeners The good news is I got a ton of listeners in in the united arab emirates The bad news is very few of them are muslims or arabs or people that are of that demographic because unfortunately those arabs Are going to hell in a handbasket and very few of them Are saved unfortunately, they're vastly muslim, but you know what the good news is i've got a huge Group of people that are that they email me. They they've sent me letters. They've participated in the soul-winning mega marathon They're in touch with brother jimenez and everything over there they're filipinos So look if I was in the united arab emirates, i'm not going to sit around saying oh, well, it's illegal I'm gonna go win some filipinos to christ Because they're catholic a lot of them. Well, guess what they need to hear the gospel And so if you're in one of these countries and by the way I've been to a muslim country and guess what I did I witnessed to muslims while I was there Because obviously, you know if you go down the street with a bullhorn or if you just went door-to-door soul winning You're probably going to get nailed in a country where it's illegal if you just start knocking doors, right? But here's the thing you can say once you start talking to somebody After 10 minutes or 15 minutes, you can kind of get a feel. Okay, this person's Not gonna care and you can start, you know, you can start talking about the gospel. So but but here's the thing We don't want to just you know Wait until we build that rapport with someone to be able to give the gospel to that one person every once in a while So that's where you go to the neighborhoods filled with foreigners and you preach the gospel to all of the foreigners, right? The filipinos or whatever guest workers from other countries because there are filipinos all over the world, you know We're in cyprus filipinos, you know, hey if they're receptive get them saved I think brother jimenez, uh preached a sermon like that about how they're scattered all over the world win them to christ You know that it's a good demographic to find and seek and save So you can always find an excuse or oh, well where I live that the houses are a half mile apart So what then walk a half mile? Well, it's you know, it's it's just too weird Well, you know what we go to the indian reservation and and sometimes we have to drive from door to door We have to drive a half mile between each door And yeah, sometimes it is a little weird to just like drive right up to somebody's driveway and just pull in and get out And give the gospel. Well, I'd hate for you to do something a little weird I guess we should just let people go to hell because you feel a little weird about driving into somebody's driveway You know, i'd rather drive into somebody's driveway get a few dirty looks have a few dogs bark at me Get cussed out a few times and win somebody to the lord and not sit around explaining why it can't be done Because I promise you if nobody's being saved the gospel is not being preached anywhere in this world because even in the most hardened place There's always that one That guy's been working on there's always that one with a tender heart There's always that one who's going to be receptive i'm telling you. It's a fact i've been soul winning in europe I've been soul winning in africa. I've been soul winning in the us I've been soul winning in south america folks. You can win souls anywhere in this world I believe that now are some places harder than others. Yeah But either the gospel is not being preached or the gospel has lost its power. Which one is it? It's not being preached. So what i'm saying is when you go out. I know that was a big rabbit trail, huh? But i'm bringing it back full circle When you go out soul winning Have a can-do attitude that says you know what? I'm here for a reason and look when we pray when we go soul winning and say god lead us To that one person who wants to hear the gospel lord guide us and direct us as we go I don't know about you, but that's not a vain repetition for me. I actually expect god to lead me to that person So here's the thing when I get to that person And they're just the most receptive person ever and everything just falls into place. I am not surprised i'm not surprised Why would I be surprised? That's what I prayed for God has power. God wants people to be saved. Hey, i'm surprised when people don't want to hear the gospel So don't be like, you know, hey, you know, can I show you from the bottom? You can be said really? Really? You want to see this really? Wow Folks I don't even feel that way on the inside Because of the fact that I just expect that even if there are 10 000 people and nine thousand 999 of them want nothing to do with the gospel, you know, I believe god can get me to that one person Because he knows who's going to receive it and who's not he knows everything And so we want to project the right vibe And guess how you project the right vibe? How do you do it by having your heart right and then you don't have to you don't have to read any books You don't have to go to any seminars. You don't have to practice and and worry and and navigate a minefield No, you walk at liberty because when you're filled with the spirit when your heart's right, you know what you just End up doing the right stuff and you end up feeling the right way and saying the right things and whatever now Of course, nobody's perfect We're all gonna say things that we shouldn't say and do things that we shouldn't do But what i'm saying is in general if you get your heart right then the right things are going to come out of your mouth Right heart right things coming out of your mouth Things that come out of your mouth that are wrong It's because there's a problem in your heart and look do we all have some problems in our heart? Of course we do, you know, somebody left me a voicemail today telling me You know that that I uh, i'm like moses when he smote the rock Because I said the f-word from the pulpit and they're not talking about that f-word folks They're not talking about the bad f-word. They're talking about fag Okay, and then he's just like he's somebody let me this long-winded voicemail. I can't believe The you would find an excuse to justify Yourself using the f-word from the pulpit and i'm not talking about the four-letter f-word He said and you know, you're saying this horrible word and it's like he couldn't even say it You know why he can't say it because he can't frame to pronounce it, right? And you know what it tells me about him he's one of the ephraimites That's what it tells me You know, i've never met any normal person who is offended by the word faggot I just haven't i'm, sorry, you know, it's amazing to me how people aren't offended by faggots, but they're offended by the word faggot, huh? Well, you know what? There's something wrong with your heart Don't get mad at me. And you know what, you know why I use that word Because you know what's coming out of my heart Disgust Revulsion For that filthy death style, that's what I have in my heart So therefore when I get up and preach i'm like these bunch of vile reprobates or sodomites or dogs or faggots You know, i'm hey, that's how I feel That word just and i've even heard people say that word just flows out of your mouth It's like you just say like it's just natural as rain That horrible word I just cringe when I hear you say it just like just flows out of your mouth You better know it flows out of my my mouth I've got a river of life flowing out of me, you know, hey look, you know why it flows out of my mouth Because that's how I feel And i'm not up here You know just trying to hide how I feel when I because guess what the way I feel is the way god feels about that Because god told us over and over again. They're vile. They're beasts. They're dogs. They're reprobates They're haters of god all this stuff and and so i'm not going to handle them with kid gloves But when you have these people that are just like oh man I can't believe you use that word and and here's the word that they want you to use. They want you to use the word gay But you know when they use the word gay and then they're offended by uh negative words It tells you something about their heart is what it does tells you something about which side they're on When they want to jump down the throat of a baptist preacher who's actually standing up for what's decent and clean And get mad at the decent and clean preacher for saying a bad word. Why is it a bad word? It's a bundle of sticks, you know sometimes sometimes I wish the king james bible translators would have just put it in acts 28 when he said like when when when when uh, The apostle paul throws a bundle of sticks into the fire You're just like I just wish I could get a time machine and be like hey You know lance a lot of andrews just put faggot. You know what I mean? It's gonna save us a lot of trouble in the year 2020, you know, that's what a bundle of sticks is Put faggot, you know what I mean you wait, you know, that's what I would do with a time machine. Amen I'm joking Pastor hansen wants to update the king james He's trying to change everlasting to eternal Hey, guess what everlasting and eternal both mean the same thing and a bundle of sticks as a faggot It's a perfectly good english term. Amen It's the king's english May not be the king james, but it's the king's english So, you know Here's the thing I don't when I talk I don't talk about people having an affair I don't use that term Oh, well, they had an affair. You won't hear me saying that if I do then correct me because you know what I say Oh, they committed adultery That's what I say adultery. I say that's his concubine You know, those are the words I like to use, you know, because because what the words that we use They say a little bit about our values talk about people having an affair. No, you know, they she terminated a pregnancy It's murder Right. She had an abortion. She murdered her child That's what's really going on. And so the you know, when I get up and preach i'm preaching raw unadulterated truth up here And so i'm not going to filter it Through some politically correct filter to please a bunch of queer baits and fag hags of 2020 Okay, because to me if you want to be a bleeding heart for fags and queers and freaks then you know what there's the door Because there are and look hey, i'm sure jesus still loves you you queer little sissy Okay, but he can love you down at some other baptist church down the street and you can have a wonderful life serving God without having your eardrums offended by pastor anderson ripping on homos, but you know what i'm right so i'm not gonna stop I'm not going to stop because i'm right because the bible's on my side because the bible uses Negative harsh language about them and so i'm using the negative harsh language of our day in 2020 to describe them I'm, not going to call them gay because gay means happy You know, why would I they're not do you think that they're happy you think that do you think that makes you happy to live? That lifestyle is that a path to happiness? But that's what they want you to think They want you to think that it's happy they want but that's not what it is And so i'm not going to use that word I'm going to use a negative word and you know what faggots are bundles of stick that you throw in the fire As kindling, you know, and and I believe that these people according to scripture second peter chapter two are made to be taken and destroyed And they're going to be cast into the fire. The bible says gather you together first the tares and bind them in bundles To burn them, you know, maybe lance a lot andrews or somebody could have put a little footnote there, you know You know the little uh, the little alternate renderings in the column of that king james replica You know bind them in bundles to burn them. He could just put like asterisk see the column a faggot Right bind them in bundles to burn them folks If you can't handle me saying shibboleth from the pulpit You know, then maybe you're just an ephraimite and maybe you just need to go down to ephraim baptist Okay, but around here we know how to call a spade a spade Okay, and you can't take the filthiest Most wretched sin in the bible and come up with some soft way of handling it The bible uses some rough language. Am I right? And look you don't hear me up here using words that are not on the tipper gore approved list You don't hear me up here People constantly accuse me of cussing From the pulpit folks. Am I have I ever truly cussed from the pulpit? Have I ever truly cussed? No, because I basically used Derogatory terms for home. I said from the pulpit. All right, but I you know, i've yeah I don't want you to misquote me on that. But the point is, you know, hey i'm using very derogatory terms For Something that god uses some very derogatory language about himself and is very negative toward So i'm being very negative toward and then i've used bible words that people think are a cuss word people people think is a cuss Word if you say words like bastard or pissed or something that are in the bible that are in the king james Somebody else already did that time travel and put those in for us. And so just kidding But the point is, you know, we need to use the right words And when people are just so offended because you're preaching against sodomites folks. They have a wrong heart They have a wrong heart. They've been brainwashed by the media. They've been brainwashed by hollywood They're not in scripture if they were if their head was in this book, they wouldn't feel that way They wouldn't feel like jumping to the defense of horrible pedophiles and and let me just you know Well, I might as well just unload the whole truck while we're here right while i'm here. Hey homos are pedophiles You know, I have you seen all this stuff lately on facebook seems like everybody's condemning pedophiles Has anybody seen that doesn't seem like everybody's condemning pedophiles right now. Well, you know what just that's homos Maybe you guys can catch up Maybe you guys can catch up to where i've been at for the last 20 years Hating pedophiles, but guess what? I realize that homos are pedophiles And you know what? If you don't know that that's you being ignorant on the facts. It's not i'm not the problem. You're ignorant And it's okay to be ignorant unless you start trying to correct people that have the facts Now you're being a fool Now if you're ignorant of the fact that homosexuals are pedophiles then you know what that's your problem But I just because I know more than you don't punish me for knowing more about the subject than you do Because let me tell you something if you read ancient greek literature And you read ancient greek history and read about that death style all the way back Then it was always hand in hand with pedophilia and the greek is nodding his head. So there you go folks Can I get a witness? Folks read read ancient greek literature read about it And you know what these homos were a bunch of pedophiles all the way back then That's always what that lifestyle has been about and even today you've got the north american man boy love association And you've got them always trying to push to lower the age of consent and explain riddle me this If these bunch of perverts aren't pedophiles, then why are they teaching sex education to kindergartners in the state of arizona? Can you explain that? And you know what you better think twice about saying little johnny and susie into public school When in kindergarten first grade they're teaching them sex education And you know what you think they're only teaching them to be straight Is that what you think they're telling them? Hey, this is a man and a woman No, they're teaching them. Hey, this could be two boys. This could be two girls That's what they're teaching them and listen to me any five-year-old that's a boy prefers other boys because girls have cooties Because guess what when you're not at puberty that thought doesn't enter your head because you're innocent And we need to let our children be innocent And not sit there and show them all these drawings and show them all these Diagrams and explain all this stuff to them and sit there and say hey you need to experiment with this and here's folks They need to remain innocent and they don't need to know about that stuff Until they get to that age where they're old enough to understand and process that What kind of a freak what kind of an evil pervert? Would teach a five-year-old or a six-year-old or a seven-year-old you say you're exaggerating look it up It's going on right here in arizona and don't even get me started on what's going on california the same thing Folks this is what they're doing In public schools across america and it's not just california. It's all over america including right here in arizona And let me tell you what kind of a depraved freak would be behind that a faggot. That's who sorry. You don't like that word You big baby Hey, you know what? Somebody needs to call it what it is shibboleth Oh you use the sh word shibboleth Look friend These people are recruiting children They are Child molesters that they they're not reproducers. They're recruiters and they're after your children That's what they are And you know what that the the the and people like, uh, you know the statistics right folks If you look at the statistics I think it's like 33 of pedophiles admit to being an open homo News flash, they're not 33 of the population, right? So even if even going by those numbers and and I would submit to you that they're all reprobates and that they would all be a homo I'm, just saying some of them are admitting to it and some of them aren't or whatever But the point is even the statistics that they'll try to throw at you to try to say they're like well Most pedophiles aren't homos most beautiful, but this was a guy molest boys and they say well He's not a homo because he didn't do with adults folks. That's a homo. So that's how he twists these statistics Does everybody understand what i'm saying? But not only that But here's the thing Even if it were the lying statistic that they give well, you know, it's only 40 it's only 33 that are homos It's like well, hold on a second. What percentage of the population are homos like two percent But yet they're 40 of the pedophiles or 33. I say they're a hundred percent of the pedophiles And by the way, you know the average pedophile he gets away with it like a hundred times before he gets caught They rarely get caught they get caught 20 years later They constantly are getting these catholic priests and it's like oh he's been doing this for 20 years And so just because they didn't get caught yet or just because they haven't acted on it yet That's where they're heading with that reprobate mind into all unrighteousness vile Implacable unmerciful beasts that they are and that's who you just feel so bad that I just close the door on them Folks, I want to rub the door off its hinges and shove it down the throat You close the door to your church on the homos. No, I want to let them get in the door and then slam them in the door Folks why would you have sympathy for someone who targets and abuses children? And you know if you're not smart enough to figure out that there's a correlation between sodomites and pedophiles. That's your ignorance on history That's your ignorance on the statistics That's your ignorance on the facts and that's your ignorance on the word of god because even in the word of god They're always a predator every story involving them in the predator. They're forcing someone against their will every story Genesis 9 genesis 19 judges 19 100 Habakkuk 2 15. It's all right there friend 100 of the time but you tell me well No, we ought to have compassion on them and I can't believe that you would call them such a name folks You couldn't even call them a bad enough name To even like there wouldn't be enough letters in the alphabet to phonetically put together a word that would adequately Adequately describe how bad they are They just have to be thrown into a giant oven to burn for all eternity friend. This is the truth tonight And so, you know when somebody uh wants to just constantly soften their language towards sodomites. What does that mean? When someone gets mad about someone who actually calls the sodomite what it is What does that mean about what does that it says something about them? It says that they've been brainwashed It says that they're not Getting their feelings from the word of god or from the spirit of god But that rather they have the spirit of this world that basically wants to indulge and tolerate that lifestyle and you know What aids is the judgment of god and it's not just the judgment of god on homos It's the judgment of god on a society that tolerates homos Because other people get it that aren't even homos Because that society that tolerates it it's going to abound Because they are a bunch of disease dispensing filthy freaks Okay, other than that. They're great people. Okay, so Don't even think for one second. I would ever back off on that subject. I will never back off on that subject not gonna happen And I don't care how many bleeding heart whining voicemails I get Take that and shove it You say well, what if that person hears the sermon and they get offended good I hope they do because I don't want their fag loving queer bait carcass in my church Because I don't want a bunch of fag sympathizers in the church. Amen Amen Who needs them there's enough of that crap out there Why don't you go out there and you can find every bleeding heart that just thinks that sodomites are wonderful The bible says they're dogs. The bible says they're brute beasts The bible says that according to god's law they were to be put to death under moses And I believe that was the correct punishment for them. I'd love to see it instituted in the good old us of a But i'm not holding my breath on that one So back to jeff though You know people Are eventually going to slip up and just like I just accidentally slipped and let you guys know exactly how I felt just now I mean, you know what that just all just came, you know now i'm just like what have I done I just I I said all that out loud. I blurted all that Yeah, but that's what's in my heart Every time I see a fag i'm disgusted and I want to puke If i'm out with my family I get angry if i'm out with my family some queer walks in i'm just like oh gross kids Look away Why would I want my kids to see that? Do you want your kids to see that? Hey, they're stinking up the joint even by existing I want them out of my city. I want them out. The last place I want to go is come to church And have to look at some ferry and have my kids looking at some tranny in church that will never happen Well, we might pass the law they they can take that law and they can shove it Because of the fact that you know, we in in god's house need a place Where we have an oasis away from from those kind of horrors that are out there in this world the dark places of the earth And so let me find a way to quickly tie all this together somehow I don't know if it's going to work But you got these wicked people Vainglory pride ego strife Do-nothings bad friends hypocrites Creating problems look people who have a bad heart like that They're eventually going to slip up and say the wrong thing and they're going to show what they really are and ultimately they're going to be doomed Is what the bible is saying let's have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for the fact that we have a great church lord where I can get up and just Cut loose and and rip some face and and and really just uh, tell it like it is without a bunch of cry babies Whining when when they they ought to be crying over the the victims of these people They ought to be crying over kindergartners all over arizona that are getting their minds warped in a classroom by being taught that this this uh, Sodomite stuff is okay Lord, they ought to be crying about that. That's the real shame lord I just pray that you would just open the eyes of people in america and and wake up christians lord That they would actually understand what's happening in our country And lord, I just pray that that we would all get our hearts right with you and have a right heart so that we could Say the right things And and use the right terms and have the right attitude lord and in jesus name we pray. Amen Amen please take your hymnals will be dismissed in singing number 379 Number 379 bringing in the sheaves singing on this first verse number 379 She's bringing in the sheaves We shall come rejoicing We shall come rejoicing Please Bringing in the sheaves We shall come rejoicing bringing in the sheaves bringing in the sheaves And then good singing this evening So You