(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Titus chapter two, the part that I'd like to focus on is beginning in verse number three when the Bible reads, the aged women likewise that they be in behavior has become of holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things, that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands that the word of God be not blasphemed. Now, let me just point out to you a little bit later in the chapter about the Lord Jesus Christ in verse 14, the Bible reads, who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and, so he didn't just come just to save us from our sins and to redeem us from all iniquity, but he said, and to purify unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works. Now, what does it mean to be a peculiar people? Well, if you go back to the Old Testament, we don't have to turn there for sake of time, but when God first said this in the Old Testament, he said it about the nation of Israel. And he said, if you follow my word, if you keep my statutes, he said, then you will be a holy nation. You will be a chosen people. And he said, you will be a peculiar treasure unto me. You will be different is what that means. When he says you're a peculiar people, he's saying, you're going to be different from all the other nations around you. That's what he said to them in the Old Testament. And in the New Testament, we as Christians are called out to be a peculiar people unto the Lord. My question today is, what is the difference today between the way a lot of Christians live their lives and the philosophies that they hold and the way that the world lives and the way that the world teaches? The difference ought to be an adherence to God's word amongst his people. That's what makes us peculiar. And by the way, being pure is what makes us peculiar. He's here to purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. Then he tells the young preacher Titus, these things speak. He said, don't just live it, speak it, say it, preach it. He says, these things speak and exhort and rebuke with all authority. What does it mean to rebuke? It means to sternly tell someone you're wrong. That's what it means to deliver a rebuke. Of course, the famous passage in 1 Timothy chapter 4 says, preach the word, be instant, in season, out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. Well, what needs to be reproved? What needs to be rebuked? What is it that needs to be spoken by the pastor? Well, it says right here in verse 15, these things speak. These things rebuke with all authority, meaning don't get up and say, hey, this is my opinion. Hey, here's how I think it is. No, he says, speak it with authority. And that's what they noticed about Jesus when he preached. He did not teach them as the scribes, as the Bible says he taught them as one having authority. And let me tell you something, this is the authority. Whether you acknowledge it or not, the word of God is the final authority. So what are the things that need to be spoken and need to be rebuked with all authority? Well, earlier in the chapter, he gave us what those things are. And he gave it for different groups of people. He said, hey, here's some advice for the aged men. Here's some advice for the aged women. Here's some advice for the young women. And then he said, here's some advice for the young men in verse 6. Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded in all things showing thyself a pattern of good works, meaning not just preach it but set the example in all things showing thyself a pattern of good works in doctrine showing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity. Now the part of the chapter that I want to focus on as an obedient student of God's word who is commanded to preach and exhort and teach these things with all authority, I want to focus on verses 3 through 5 where the Bible reads, the aged women likewise that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste keepers at home, good obedient to their own husbands that the word of God be not blasphemed. Now notice that in these three verses that are directed toward the aged women and the young women, two out of three here have to do with the home life. They have to do with the marriage and they have to do with motherhood if you look at those last two verses there. And it says that the women should love their husbands, love their children, to be discreet, chaste keepers at home. Now what does it mean to be a keeper at home? Well we have the term housekeeping. And what does it mean? To keep the house, to take care of things around the house. That's the job. Now flip over to 1 Timothy chapter 5, just a few pages to the left in your Bible. First Timothy chapter number 5. First Timothy chapter number 5 as we figure out how we're going to live our lives differently than what the world is telling us is the way to live our lives. Let's look at 1 Timothy chapter 5 verse 13. This talks about a bad example about women who are not doing right. It says in verse 13, with all they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house, and not only idle but tattlers also and busybodies speaking things which they ought not. Verse 14, I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully for some are already turned aside after Satan. And it's amazing how people often believe that they're smarter than God and they look at stuff that God tells them to do and they think to themselves, well I don't need that advice. I'm actually okay on my own, just kind of living my life the way that I believe it should be lived. And I'm never going to turn aside after Satan. I'm never going to go out and do wicked things or become a bad person. But what does the Bible say? He said, I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, and guide the house. That's God's will. That's what the Bible teaches here. And he says, some are already turned aside after Satan. And there are women who go into sin because of the fact that they do not heed this great advice in 1 Timothy chapter number 5. Now flip over if you would to Proverbs chapter 15. Proverbs chapter 15, right in the middle of your Bible is the book of Psalms and then right after that is Proverbs. And the main thing that I want to preach about this morning is the subject of women working outside the home and the husband not providing and being the breadwinner of the home but rather both husband and wife working. This has become the norm in our society today. It's not biblical. It's not God's will. It's not something that is the standard that the Word of God sets. And you say, well, I can't. Well, I'm just going to turn this off right now. Well, go ahead and put your iPod in your ears then or whatever. Feel free to get up and walk out and leave whenever you want. But as long as I'm the pastor here, the Word of God will thunder forth from this pulpit with all authority. And I don't care if it's in season or out of season. This is the truth of God's Word today. And this might offend people. My goal is never to offend anyone. I'm for peace but when I speak, they're for war. But I'm here to tell you that the Word of God is just as true today as it was 2,000 years ago when it was penned down. And I believe this and stand for this and I'm not going to water down the message because it offends someone. I don't want to offend anybody but if it offends, well, you know, if the shoe fits, then wear it. Now let me just say this. Today the norm in our society amongst those who are not the peculiar people of God is that both husband and wife will both work, they'll both have a career, they both earn, it's 50-50 and yada, yada, yada. That's what our world teaches. But what the Bible teaches is that it's a man's responsibility to provide for his home and to provide for they of his own house and that the woman's job is to be a keeper at home, to be good, to be obedient to her husband, and to raise the children and guide the house and keep the house. And I'll submit to you that that is a full-time job. Keeping the house, taking care of things in the family, and taking care of the children is a full-time job and that is the job that God has ordained as his perfect will, his perfect plan for women's lives. Now what is the motivation to have both parties work, both the man and his wife to work? Well there could be several motivations, but one motivation could possibly be that they want to have a higher standard of living than what they can afford on one income. They want to have things that one income will not afford. Maybe bigger, fancier dwelling places, maybe vehicles and nice clothes and trips and all the different things that can be acquired with two incomes in their mind, they want to do that. But let me tell you this, it's more important to have a good marriage than to have nice things. I'll tell you this, I'd be much happier to be poor and have a good marriage and have a loving relationship with my spouse than to have all kinds of nice things and have strife and friction in the home. And I'm going to explain that as we get further into the sermon, but look what the Bible says in Proverbs 15 verse 15. It says this, all the days of the afflicted are evil, but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast. You know what the Bible is saying there is that if you have a good attitude about life, it doesn't matter whether you have a little or a lot, whether you're rich or poor. If you have a good attitude, you can enjoy life. If you have a merry heart, it's a continual feast, even if you don't have the literal food laid out on the table. He says in verse 16, better is little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble therewith. Better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a stalled ox and hatred therewith. What's he saying? You know, you'd rather have a loving, Christ-pleasing relationship between the husband and wife and eat a vegetarian meal if that's what it takes. And I know this sounds radical. I'm not vegan by any stretch of the imagination. I plan on eating a few pounds of meat today. But I'm saying if I had the choice between sending my wife to work, ignoring God's advice, sending my wife to work, creating marriage problems that are associated with sending my wife to work, just so that I can have a bunch of beef in the freezer, it's not worth it because it'd be better to have a dinner of herbs where there's love and where there's no trouble and strife and contention and fighting and where we have the fear of the Lord and where we're obeying God's plan and pleasing him. We'd rather eat rice and beans and a vegetarian meal than to have a stalled ox and hatred and trouble and strife and all the things that go with it. Look at chapter 17 verse 1. The Bible reads in Proverbs 17, 1, better is a dry morsel and quietness therewith than a house full of sacrifices with strife. And the sacrifices there is referring to meat because they'd make animal sacrifices. They eat the meat and that's what it's referring to. You don't have to turn there. Turn to Matthew 6 if you would. You turn to Matthew 6. I'll read you from Ecclesiastes 4, 6 where the Bible reads, better is a handful with quietness than both the hands full with travail and vexation of spirit. And the reason I'm showing you all these verses is just to let you know that your priorities need to be about something other than money and material possessions. Now you go ahead and make the decision whether or not you agree with my sermon this morning. I'm not going to get up here and tell you what to do. I don't have authority to dictate your personal life. And you know, if you want to walk out of here and say, you know what, Pastor Anderson's completely out to lunch on this and you know, I think that it's better if both husband and wife work. Well, number one, you didn't get that from the Bible. And number two, go ahead and do that. And you're the one who's going to have to deal with the strife. And you're the one who's going to have to deal with all the trouble and all the hatred and all the hassle that comes with that. And you know, I'm going to go home and be quiet and happy and fear the Lord, okay? So it's up to you whether you take the wisdom that I'm laying down to you from the Word of God right now, or whether you go the way of the world. Is there any dispute that the world is going to teach you? Hey, both have a career, both work 50-50, everybody pulls their share. That's what the world is going to tell you. And look at the world, it's a failure. God's people need to be a peculiar people, be different, called out from the world to follow His Word and His mentality and the way of life that He lays out. But I'm trying to lay down, first of all, that money should not be the deciding factor because it's better to be poor and to be observing God's Word and to have a loving, godly relationship with your spouse where there's peace. Look at Matthew 6 25. The Bible says, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink, nor yet for your body what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air, for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns. For heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow, they toil not, neither do they spin. And yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore have God so clothed the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven? Shall ye not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? For take no thought, saying, What shall we eat, or what shall we drink, or wherewithal shall we be clothed? For after all these things do the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knoweth that you have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. What's God saying here? Look, it's not about, life's not about just eating and drinking and nice clothes, no. It's about seeking first the kingdom of God, his righteousness, okay, what he considers righteous, not what the world considers right, what he considers right, and doing it that way, and then just trusting the Lord to provide your needs and to take it from there. And not to look way out in the future, well what about this, what about this, and what if this happens, and what if, no! Just today, give us this day our daily bread, and just live your life and be happy and content with what God gives you and not lusting after more wealth and gain and possessions. Look at 1 Timothy chapter 6, we'll find something very similar in 1 Timothy chapter 6, beginning in verse 6, I'll start reading while you're turning there, but godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. Look at verse 8 in 1 Timothy 6, and having food and raiment, let us be therewith content. What are the two things that God guarantees us in this life as his children? He guarantees to provide us with food and clothing. Now is he guaranteeing us a lavish dwelling place? In heaven, right? In my father's house there are many mansions, I go to prepare a place for you. But on this earth, he guarantees food and raiment. He says that's enough. He's not guaranteeing a lavish dwelling. He's not guaranteeing any particular mode of transportation. He's not guaranteeing anything outside of food and clothing, and he said, you know what? That should be enough. If you get more than that, it's a blessing, enjoy it. But that's what we should be content with. He says having food and raiment, let us be therewith content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil, which while some coveted after, they've erred from the faith. Sounds like those people who turned aside after Satan, right? They've erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But thou, O man of God, flee these things and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. Now we could do a whole sermon on just each of those words, righteousness, doing what's right. Doing things the right way is what God's saying there. That's more important than how much money you have. Did you do it right? That's what matters to God. He said righteousness, godliness, right? Following the laws and commandments of God, living a life that's pleasing to God, faith, trust in God. Isn't that what Matthew 6 was all about when it said, hey, don't worry so much about where the money's going to come from, have faith in God. Trust in the Lord. He said love. Isn't that what Proverbs talked about when it said, look, you'd rather have love in your house and a loving relationship with your spouse. You'd rather live in the corner of a housetop than with a brawling woman or with a contentious woman in a large house. He said you'd rather live in the corner of the housetop. You'd rather have a dinner of herbs. You'd rather live in an attic and eat vegetarian, OK, than to have a big nice house and a bunch of beef and a bunch of meh, meh, meh. That's what the Bible says. I'm just, that's what it says. All right, now I'm going to get on the mend for a while, all right, because you're like, oh, man, he's getting on the women and really getting, no. Well, let's get on the, oh, but there's a few more things on the list because we love, how about patience? You know what patience is? Patience is when you get married and you don't expect to just have all the nice things that your parents had when they're in their 40s and you expect to have that when you're 20. Patience says I can wait to achieve a higher standard of living because let me tell you something, when your parents were in their 40s, they didn't start out necessarily that way when they were 18, 19, 20, but then kids today, you know, think that they just become an adult, get married and then it's just boom, three car garage, the boat, the SUV and, you know, they'll do whatever it takes to get there and it isn't right. They need to be content and have patience. Meekness. What's meekness? Being humble. Okay? The, you know, and what is another reason why people like to spend a lot of money? To make themselves on a higher level to their peers, right? To look more successful unto man. Meekness says, you know what, I'm okay being poor and living a humble life, okay? So what about the men? Well flip back to chapter 5 because this really hinges on the man because if we're going to get up and talk about, hey, the woman needs to be a keeper at home, she needs to guide the house, she needs to marry and bear children and guide the house, well, who's going to make that possible? A man who goes to work and pays the bills and makes that possible. What does the Bible teach? 1 Timothy chapter 5 verse 8, but if any provide not for his own and especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel. So the Bible demands that men step up to the plate and provide for their faith. You say, oh, this sermon's anti-woman. No, this sermon is empowering women. This is a sermon that's positive toward women. Getting women in their proper role, being cared for, nurtured, loved and cherished by their husband as the Bible teaches. That's what the Bible says. And it's men today who have allowed the current situation in 2015 to even exist. It's their slackness and laziness and also their desire for material gain instead of living a godly, righteous life. Now the Bible says in Lamentations 3, 27, you don't have to turn there, but just in regard to starting out humble and maybe achieving a higher standard of living a little later in life, the Bible says it is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth. What does that mean? It's good to work hard, to buckle down and strive and struggle and bear the yoke in your youth. That's what the Bible says. Not only that, but all throughout the Old Testament we have the concept of six days shalt thou labor. And not only that, but Jesus, when he talked about a work day, he often spoke of a 12 hour work day. You don't have to turn to these. If you want to flip over to Matthew 20, why don't you go ahead and turn to Matthew 20. Jesus said in John 9 verse 4, I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day. The night cometh when no man can work. In chapter 11 verse 9 he said, are there not 12 hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not because he seeth the light of this world, but if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth because there's no light in him. Now look down if you would at Matthew chapter 20 verse 2. It says, and when he had agreed with the laborers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard. This is a man who's hiring workers to go out into the field and reap the harvest, and he sends them out into the vineyard. Now look at chapter 20 verse 6, it says, and about the 11th hour he went out and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, why stand ye here all the day idle? And they say unto him, because no man hath hired us. He saith unto them, go ye also into the vineyard, and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive. So when even was come, the lord of the vineyard said unto his steward, call the laborers and give them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first. So they work from morning until evening. They work for 12 hours in this particular parable. If we study the Bible, what we see as being the norm, and I'm not saying that you have to do this, I'm not getting up here and commanding this from the Bible, no. But if you just look at what the Bible considers the norm, and what God refers to as a normal work week, it's six days, not five. That's what God points to. And not only that, when you look at what God considers a normal work day, it's a 12 hour work day. So this idea of just 40 hours being this ceiling of just, I can't work more than 40 hours or I'll die. That is not true, because honestly, the Bible actually indicates, if you study the Old Testament way of life, they're pretty much working a 72 hour work week. But they did, they had one day off every week, totally off the Sabbath, right? But then not only that, they had feasts. They had a few weeks off in the year, three weeks of a whole week off, a vacation time as it were. It's not that God is just saying, ah, just work, work, work, nonstop. No, you get a day off every week, three weeks off throughout the year, and that's it. And then also, they had other periods like in the year of Jubilee and the Sabbath year, where they would take it easier and relax and so forth. So life goes through cycles where you're working really hard, and then you have some times to take it easy and relax and refresh yourself. And the Bible teaches that that's a good thing to do, take a week off or take some time and even take a year where you lighten things up a little bit. Great. But you know what? God doesn't just sit there and guarantee you that you're going to have all of your needs perfectly met just by going to the most minimal, easiest job you can find that doesn't require you to push yourself and work hard, and going there, punching in and punching out for eight hours a day, five days a week, and doing the absolute minimum, and you're like, well, why can't I provide my needs? No. Sometimes you've got to work hard. And sometimes you've got to burn the midnight oil. And you've got to put in the 72-hour work weeks and sometimes even go beyond that. And what I can't understand for the life of me is if people can live on two incomes, then what if the husband would just work two jobs? You could have the identical standard of living. So this idea that says, well, you know, it just doesn't work, you just can't make it today. Look, we're living in the land of opportunity here. We're living in the United States of America. It's not like we're living in some depressed part of Mexico or somewhere in the developing world where it's just, you know, you go to some factory and make a dollar a day or some crazy thing like that. No. We live in America. The opportunities are there. The jobs are there. I'm not saying you're going to drive a fancy vehicle. I'm not saying you're going to live in the lap of luxury. But you know what? It is possible today. Listen to me. It is possible today for a man to go to work and pay for him and his wife to feed them and to put a roof over their head. They might have to ride a bike somewhere or they might have to walk somewhere. You know, God forbid it might actually add some years to your life if you'd actually walk somewhere. Now look, I'm not saying it's bad to have, I mean having a car is great if you've earned it once you get to that point, you know, once you work and earn those things. But those things aren't just your God given right. What am I, look, I don't remember Jesus tossing the keys to Peter and saying, hey, you know, go warm up the car, Peter. I don't even remember Jesus getting on a horse. One time in his whole life do we see him climb aboard a beast and he gets on top of that colt full of an ass that had never been ridden before and he gets on that and he rides in and they say, bless is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. Where else do you see Jesus and his disciples, you know, you don't see them riding around the wild west of Israel, no, guess what they're doing, walking. Guess what they did, they walked and ran everywhere that they went because that's what they had. They didn't even have two coats sometimes when they went out soul winning and out on these missionary trips to these villages. They just went with a staff in their hand and they went with sandals on their feet and that's what they did, you know, and look, people in the Bible, most people in the Bible did not ride horses if you read the Bible. See people walking and running from place to place. So this idea that just says, hey, I've got to have two vehicles and people today demand two vehicles and I'll tell you what, you know, it's a luxury if you have two vehicles and if you have two vehicles, you should be thankful to your husband for providing that ladies because that is a blessing and that is something extra that it isn't just a, you should be thankful if you have one vehicle, you know, that that's being provided because back in the day, people had to go get groceries and carry them home and, you know, some kind of a wagon or carry them or somehow they had to haul that stuff and it's so much nicer to be able to just hop in the car, turn on the air conditioner, go get what you need, whatever, you know, it's a blessing. What am I saying? I'm not saying to not use technology, I'm not saying not to live in a nice place, I'm not saying not to get a nice vehicle, but I'm saying appreciate it when you get it and don't just consider it like, well, this is my right, this is what I got coming to me. No, it isn't. You know what you've got coming to you? Food and clothing and I didn't even say name brand clothing, you know, just clothes in general is what the Bible tells you you've got coming to you. Now go to 1 Kings chapter 19, 1 Kings chapter 19 and let me say this, you know, sending your wife to work, it doesn't even always make financial sense anyway because when you sit there and realize, okay, now we're going to need two vehicles, you know, I go to work, she goes to work, not only are we going to need two vehicles, she's going to need her whole work wardrobe and then guess what, food's not being prepared at home, so what are we doing? Very expensive or ready-made meals, stuff that's not made from scratch. Well then that's going to cost more money. Now you're going into this tax bracket, married, filing jointly, two incomes and then you're having children of course, you know, reproducing, well guess what, now the children are going into daycare to be molested and who knows what by who knows who, okay, but you're putting your kids in daycare, well guess what, that costs money. So at the end of the day you have to ask yourself, is this even profitable? Plus there have been multiple studies shown that men who work and provide for their wife actually earn more money than men whose wife works and part of the reason why is that if your wife works, sometimes it messes with your job because it's like, oh, I've already used up all my sick days because I've worked with people like this where they had to take off to be with their sick kid because their wife had already used up the sick days and then it was like, oh, now they have to stay home and then it was affecting, they couldn't really give it 100% at their job and it affects their earning potential in that sense. So you have to ask yourself, is it even profitable? Because here's the thing, if you have a stay-at-home wife, then she is able to go out and get the best deals on the groceries and shop around and as Proverbs 31 says, bring her food from afar, you know, and go and find the deals and the discounts and what's on sale. She can go out and find the clothing. I mean, you know, the suits that I wear are all used. I don't wear any new suits. These are all from the thrift store and my wife knows how to go to the thrift store without me, try on one of my suit coats and she knows that if it fits her a certain way, like this is his size. Pretty cool, right? I hate buying clothes. So she'll just go and check the suit and put it on, kind of feel it in her shoulders and know like, okay, I know, you know, I know how it's supposed to fit and get it for what she has time to do that. But you know what you do when you don't have time when you're running around like a chicken with your head cut off because you're both working. You know what you end up doing is just all just buy whatever, just buy what's easy. Just whatever's close, just, oh, I'll just go to Whole Foods and just put whatever in the cart. Yeah, that's pretty expensive, you know, or whatever, if you're Basha or wherever you go. But when you can sit there and get the sales and you can hit up Trader Joe's and then you get the sale at Whole Foods and go over here to Sprouts and whatever and piecemeal it and save some money, that's going to help the finances. So a lot of companies will, they'll hire somebody full time called a purchasing agent. And this person's full time job, eight hours a day, five days a week is just to buy stuff. And the reason they hire a purchasing agent is because they know that they can save a ton of money if they have somebody just buying stuff and getting the right deals instead of just being in a hurry all the time and just buying whatever's the closest because you're not even thinking about it because you don't have time because you're so busy and so on and so forth. But a lot of people will say this, they'll say, well, what if things don't work out? You know, the wife, she needs that career to fall back on in case things don't work out if you know what I mean. Now this is a wicked concept because the Bible teaches that marriage is supposed to be till death do us part. And the Bible says that, you know, what God has joined together, let not man put asunder a man shall cleave unto his wife and they too shall be one flesh. And the Bible teaches over and over again that marriage is for life and that it is not something that just lasts a little while and then you just, you know, get divorced. Well, but they say, well, but you never know, you need that plan B. But I say burn your bridges behind you. I say failure is not an option. Now look what the Bible says in 1 Kings, I love this story in chapter 19 verse 15, and the Lord said unto him, this is God speaking to Elijah, go return on thy way to the wilderness of Damascus and when thou comest anoint Hazael to be king over Syria and Jehu the son of Nimshai shalt thou anoint to be king over Israel and Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abed Mahola shalt thou anoint to be prophet in thy room. So he's saying he's going to be the new prophet instead of you, he's going to be the new preacher. And it shall come to pass that him that escape at the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay and then that escape from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay. Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal and every mouth which had not kissed him. So he departed thence and found Elisha the son of Shaphat who was plowing with 12 yoke of oxen before him and he with the 12 and Elijah passed by him and cast his mantle upon him. So here's a man Elisha who is doing his work. He's out plowing with oxen and as he's out plowing with the oxen Elijah throws his mantle on him. You know the symbolic passing on of the mantle. That doesn't mean that he's taken over that day but Elisha is going to start to follow Elijah and he's going to be his protege and Elijah is going to be training him and mentoring him and he's going to serve Elijah and the Bible says that Elisha poured water on the hands of Elijah. Meaning that even when Elijah went to eat his food you know and he need to wash his hands Elisha would get the water and pour it for him so that he could wash it. And turn on the faucet that somebody had to pour it so he's a servant he's ministering unto him and it says in verse 20 this is what Elisha did when the mantle falls upon him and he left the oxen and ran after Elijah and said let me I pray thee kiss my mother and my father and then I will follow thee and he said to him go back again for what have I done to thee and he returned back from him watch what he does and took a yoke of oxen and slew them and boiled their flesh with the instruments of the oxen and gave unto the people and they did eat then he arose and went after Elijah and ministered unto him. So what does he do? He's plowing with the oxen Elijah anoints him prophet in his room he cast the mantle upon him basically saying you know what you're going to be the next Elijah you're going to be the next guy and when he does that he says okay I just want to say goodbye to my father and mother okay. He goes back and he takes all the tools of his trade all the tools of his job the instruments of the oxen the tools and he takes those and he burns them and he uses those to make the fire he takes all of his tools and instruments and he lights them on fire and he uses that fire to cook the meat of the oxen that he's plowing with. So he has this oxen that he's plowing with that's his job it's his work vehicle as it were and he basically says not going to need this stuff anymore burns all the tools cooks all the meat kills his animals cooks it all up gives it all unto his people as a goodbye and as a something to leave him with and he takes off and follows Elijah. Now he can't really get two days in to his training with Elijah and say you know I changed my mind I'm going home and I don't like the lifestyle that you're living you know I don't want to live like this this is too hard this is too much work this is not what it's cracked that you're not as cool of a guy now that I'm pouring water on your hands you know as you were when I was admiring you from afar and look I mean Elijah was a well-known guy I mean Elijah was known unto all Israel this is after Elijah is already faced off with the prophets of Baal everybody knows who Elijah is he's the greatest preacher on earth at that time and so when Elijah throws his mantle on you you're gonna follow him you know it's sort of like when Jesus is saying the disciples follow me and they're forsaking all and following him so when Elijah comes to follow me you're gonna follow him but notice he burned his bridges behind him he didn't leave a way back saying you know what I'm gonna try following Elijah and see how it goes and now mom and dad it's okay if I come back in a little bit you right I'll still have it you're not gonna get somebody else to plow right I mean I can you kind of hold on to my job for me just so that I have kind of a plan B no there was no plan B burn everything cook everything eat everything say goodbye to everybody and you're gonna do God's will for your life and he's basically deciding to follow a man Elijah that's gonna be his leader that's the one that's gonna teach him and of course Elijah does teach him and he ends up becoming a great man of God and doing twice as great of works as Elijah did twice as great but first he was humble and followed well now let's think about the illustration here with women who are getting married what are they basically signing on to do to follow a man because the Bible says the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church that they're to be subject unto their husband so when you get married you're choosing to follow that man as your Elijah in a sense spiritually speaking and you ought to burn your bridges behind you even more so than this story this story is just about a guy who's learning how to be a preacher okay so technically if he would have turned back he wouldn't be committing a big sin obviously God wanted him to follow and it wouldn't have been right for him to not follow God's will for his life but look at least he wouldn't be committing adultery hello is anybody out there at least he wouldn't be committing adultery at least he wouldn't be breaking a vow to God but when you get married and you say I'm gonna follow you as my husband you're gonna be my leader and you break that vow and go be with another man you shall be called an adulterous the Bible says in Romans chapter 7 verse 3 if while her husband liveth she be married to another man she shall be called an adulterous that's what the Bible says in Romans that is that a book that you like Romans 7 and not to mention all the other places that teach the same thing and breaking a vow before God God calls you a fool and he says he will punish you when you break your vows okay so this is an even lesser example but we see a man who burns his bridges behind you know when we know that something is right when we know that God wants us to do something and we know what God feels then we need to just burn our bridges and say you know what I'm gonna do what's right now well you need the plan B though just in case doesn't work out well you know did Peter have a plan B when he stepped out and walked on the water with Jesus Jesus said step out by faith he bad him to come out on the water and when Peter stepped on the water and walked on the water to Jesus what was the plan B did he put on well let me put on my life preserver you know what if he would have put on life preserver he wouldn't have walked on water I promise you if you study that story if he would have put on a life jacket if he would have put like a rubber ducky like you know swim ring on and then stepped out of the boat you know what he would have done you know that's true because even when he looked around and doubted and saw the waves what happened he sank and what's grabbing the life preserver it's doubt if Jesus is telling you to walk on the water you can do it okay and you know what we're not asking you to walk on water we're asking you to be a wife and you know just follow your husband like the Bible teaches is that really so radical of an idea yes it is in 2015 because of our weird twisted perverse society that we live in today in America it's been corrupted by Hollywood and Madison Avenue and the media into believing all this garbage and it's not true burn the bridge behind you now go to Leviticus chapter 22 Leviticus chapter 22 Leviticus chapter 22 because you say well okay pastor Anderson obviously a woman with a bunch of kids you know probably needs to stay home and and and watch the kids and take care of the house that's a full-time job but a lot of us well what about before they have kids though you know what about wives before they have kids or what about even before they get married when they're just single what about that well you know let's see what the Bible says you know the Bible talks about this in Leviticus 22 13 and it says but if the priest's daughter be a widow or divorced and have no child and is returned under her father's house as in her youth she shall eat of her father's meat but there shall no stranger eat thereof so the Bible has this concept of women living at home with their parents and being supported by their parents and even in this particular instance we have a woman who goes out and gets married and her husband dies before she you know has any kids or anything or or her husband divorces her and it says you know where she returns back to her father's house and eats his meat so the reason I bring that up is that I'm just telling you that my daughters and you go do whatever you want you can choose to ignore everything that I'm saying you can go home and read the Bible for yourself and if you decide that the Bible teaches something different than what I'm teaching this morning then by all means follow the Bible I'm not God but let me tell you something I've studied the scripture and what I'm saying is biblical and if you search the scriptures I you'll see the same thing that this is this modern way that we do things is not biblical where we have the both people going to work it's neat by the way it's even new to American culture even throughout American history for hundreds and hundreds of years men provided in the women stayed home even throughout human history all over the world okay where did I have you turn somebody help me out still Leviticus huh well go to go to Matthew 19 somebody help me out what was I starting to say I was starting to say something it was important oh yeah yeah the doc yeah yeah says the guy with the daughter you know he's like daughters yeah yeah you know let me just say this here's what I believe and here's how I'm doing in my house my daughters are not going to get jobs while they live in my house period if you think that my 16 year old daughter and no I don't have a 16 year old daughter but when I do if you think that when my daughter turns 16 she's going to be over at Taco Bell or over at you know wherever in and out burger wherever you know working you're wrong because I will provide for my daughters as long as they live in my house you say why well because I don't believe that this is God's plan for women to go out and get the college degree and get the job and get the career and get out there and work why would I send my daughter to work if she's not going to work as a kid out in the world right up until 16 she's not working out in the world right and then as soon as she gets married she's not going to be working she's going to be a homemaker and take care of them then why would I send her out to work for a few years so that she can just make some little amount of money just to help kick in a little no it's not worth it to put my daughter out there to all these worldly influences now you say what about your sons well look my sons as soon as they're old enough to work they're going to be out there working and making money why because that's what they're going to be doing for the rest of their lives you say well but what's the difference what do you have a double standard yes I mean do I have a double standard no no I don't have a double standard I think men and women are exactly the same that's what our world teaches today what do you say there's a difference between men and women yes it's a huge difference it's a massive difference and from Genesis to Revelation there's a huge difference don't give me this oh a double standard yes it's a double standard I don't deal the same with my sons and my daughters why don't we have them all use the same bathroom too while we're at it out in public oh yeah California's already doing that yeah why don't they all dress the same why don't they all use the same bathroom why don't they wear their hair the same why don't they do all the same thing look that look we have this weird unisex perverted society sorry I'm peculiar I'm just peculiar like that I actually believe that there's a difference between men and women you know imagine that but let me say this you know my but there is a difference and and one of the big differences is that that you know I'm gonna expect my sons as young men to go out and fend for themselves out there and stand up for what's right I'm not gonna expect my daughter to just be put in an environment with with a whole bunch of men and a whole bunch of you know wicked people that want to take advantage of them and just kind of throw them to the wolves as it were no it's my job to protect and to be that guardian and I'm gonna walk her down the aisle someday and pass her off to the next guardian so that she goes from her father's house to the husband that's the path that's the passing off of the mantle that needs to take place when it comes to a daughter that's what I believe why does she need to work what you say well but what about for says get what about before she's married I just don't believe in it now look again there there are people that are in different situations and you know there are people there are women who work for whatever reason and I'm not just attacking women who work or just getting on them or saying that you're not right with God and whatever because you know there are some situations where you're not being provided for you know and I mean that's I'm not I'm not faulting I'm not saying hey it's your fault you know that you're not doing this what am I saying I'm preaching what's right I'm preaching how things should be look there's a million ways to do it wrong and I'm not blaming you or blaming anybody you know you figure out your own situation I'm not here to condemn anybody's situation I don't have people in mind right now of certain situations I'm preaching the Bible what does the Bible teach that we should do it teaches that we as dads and look if anything I'm getting on the men it teach that we as dads need to pay for our daughters now we might not be able to provide them with a pink convertible when they turn 16 but it's our job to provide for our daughters and then it's a job of the husband to provide for the wife what is so hard to understand about this but you say well you know the plan B is important but you know what the plan B leads to divorce why well because if you have a plan if you don't have a plan B then you think less about divorce because you know you're stuck oh that's so terrible why did you marry the guy if you don't want to be stuck with him I mean maybe we should change the marriage vows I want to be stuck with you for the rest of my life so help me God amen I mean that's the new vow I don't care I mean we're gonna have to change the vows because people don't get it people don't understand about it it's like I don't care what you do I don't care what you say I don't care how bad it gets I am stuck with you for the rest of my life and if I don't like it it's my own fault amen so help me God I do that's the new marriage ceremony you know maybe then people will get what we're saying when we say for better for worse for richer for poorer I mean it should be for poorest you know I mean what do we have to do to these vows before you understand what you're saying you know for richer for poorer for better for worse in sickness and in health in poverty as in wealth and forsaking all others keep me only unto you so long as we both shall live that's what you're saying when you get married you know this divorce thing as far as being a no-fault divorce law where you just get divorced for no reason did you know that it only goes back in the United States in 1969 did you know that and you know where it comes from before that the Soviet Union that's where it came from listen to this in the modern world in modern Western culture this no-fault divorce law where you just think oh we're just not compatible I just don't know if I love her anymore I don't know if I love him anymore I just don't know if we got married too young and you know this do you know what this goes back to the Bolshevik communist revolution in 1918 when the communist Bolsheviks took over in Russia they instituted this first time in the modern world no-fault easy divorce 1918 okay they're the only ones that had it okay then in 1968 they revised their no-fault divorce law even more and then the very next year after the Soviet Union did it the People's Republic of California did the same thing in 1969 exactly one year after the Soviet Union then California had the no-fault divorce law and then slowly other states have adopted it through the years till now pretty much everywhere in America pretty much all the states you can get an easy divorce no questions asked no-fault divorce it used to be if you want to divorce your spouse you had to go to court did you know this it was legally binding when you married someone you had to go to court and prove like they committed adultery or they did that and but here's the thing I'm not even condoning that I'm not even condoning divorcing your spouse for any reason but I'm saying that even legally in America until 1969 I mean many of you were alive in 1969 not that many but some of you were alive in 1969 and I mean this is your lifetime and that was one state California the easy divorce state straight out of the Soviet Union and you know here's just a little hint the same people are you in Matthew 19 here's a little hint the same people that were behind the Bolshevik Revolution in 1918 are the same people who asked Jesus is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for every cause and what does it mean to divorce your wife for every cause no-fault divorce law divorce your wife for any reason that's the same people that were behind the Bolshevik Revolution I'll just leave that there for you to chew on look at verse 3 of Matthew 19 the Pharisees oh there's your hint right there the Pharisees also came unto him tempting him and saying unto him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause I mean isn't it lawful to just divorce your wife for any reason that's what they're asking for every cause and he answered and said to them have you not read that's usually the problem you know you haven't read the Bible enough that he which made them at the beginning made the male and female and said for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and they twain twain means two shall be one flesh wherefore they're no more twain but one flesh what therefore God had joined together let not man put asunder they say unto him why did Moses then command to give a riding of divorce men to put her away he said unto them Moses because the hardness of your heart suffered you to put away your wives but from the beginning it was not so and I say unto you whosoever shall put away his wife except to be for fornication and shall marry another commit at adultery and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery his disciples saying to him if the case of the man be so with his wife it's not good to marry but he said unto them all men cannot receive this saying save they to whom it is given he said you know I don't care whether you can handle that or not I guess some people just can't handle this kind of preaching is what Jesus said well if that's the way it is maybe we shouldn't get back well if you can't handle this preaching that's your problem that's the new Steven Anderson version I mean that's basically what he's saying when he says well all men cannot receive this thing you know some people can't handle it they can't receive it now look the wife going to work gives her the plan B and it makes her independent now what does the word independent mean our church is an independent Baptist Church right and people ask what kind of Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist is North America no no we're independent Baptists and what does that mean it means that we don't depend on an outside organization see if you're not independent what does it mean you're dependent now if money from somewhere else we're propping us up then we're not really independent independent is when you control your own destiny and the only one that we depend on is Jesus you know we're not dependent on like a denomination or some kind of a fund or some kind of outside money coming in you know if for example we've sent out guys to start churches if we were paying brother Romero's way right now or if we were paying Pastor Burson's way right now could they really be said that they're independent Baptists if we're paying their way now if we sent them a gift that's fine but if they're depending on us to pay their way on a weekly monthly basis they wouldn't really be independent would they but what happens when you start paying somebody's way well then they're dependent in fact I think I remember doing my taxes and there were these things called dependents and one of them was my wife she was a dependent and my children were dependents I had nine dependents people that are depending on me to pay the bill now what if a woman got her tax return just scratch that I just wrote independent well you know claim I'm gonna claim myself claim myself on my taxes because I'm independent because look paying your own way does make you independent because you're no longer depending upon someone else but the question is is it good for women to be independent or should they be independence upon their husband for their needs is that what God has ordained now and it's funny this as I was preparing this sermon this illustration from history popped into my mind for those of you who know a little bit about American history when our country was founded there was a major debate in the early days of our nation's founding and in fact this took place in the year 1790 and there was a debate about the assumption of debt the states had racked up a bunch of debt during the Revolutionary War because war will do that to you put you into debt right so the 13 colonies the 13 states had racked up a bunch of debt and so Alexander Hamilton who was kind of the arch banker guy who wanted to give the federal government lots of power and wanted to you know let the bankers take over and everything he had this idea and this financial plan where the federal government would assume responsibility for all the states debts that's why it's called assumption and they would basically say hey instead of the states being in debt we're going to pick up the tab for you we as the federal government will pay your bill for you Virginia well Virginia was the only one who'd already paid off their debt bad example Pennsylvania Massachusetts we will pay your debt for you we will assume responsibility for your debt but those who were of more of a liberty mindset those who wanted more of a state's rights and a more libertarian form of government with a smaller less powerful federal government less taxation they knew that when you let the federal government pay the bill there's strings attached and you're giving up your power so the Liberty faction they fought against this thing of the federal government assuming the debt and so they worked out this great compromise of 1790 where they said okay well James Madison and Alexander Hamilton worked it out where they said okay we'll let the federal government assume the debts of the states but you guys have to put the capital all the way down at the Potomac River where it is now Washington DC you have to put it down by the south because the the place where they ran things before was like up in Philadelphia and you know more northern so they said we'll feel more comfortable because the states rights Liberty minded people were more of the southern states so they said you know put the capital down on the Potomac River where Washington DC is down by Virginia and we'll let you and it was like a backroom deal between Madison and Hamilton to do that and that illustrates and listen this is from the encyclopedia it says politically Hamilton sought to tie the creditors to the new central government by linking their financial fortunes to the success of his economic nationalism this in turn would gradually cause decline in state authority and a relative increase in federal influence so he knows that if the federal government's paying the bill their authority is going to go up and the authority of the states is going to go down and that's what happened and today the states have very little authority you know the federal government it has all the power in America today now this sermon is not about politics doesn't really matter what matters is that in your home you're the federal government sir all right and your wife is these feisty states that you know they have all this debt and this is pretty realistic because a lot of women today when they get married are in debt you know so it's kind of realistic in a sense that's the new dowry used to be when you married a girl you had to pay a dowry to her father now when you marry a girl you have to pay off the student loans you know you have to pay off the the car payment you have to pay off all the credit cards you know but anyway okay that's another sermon so you're the federal government in this equation right you want to come in and you want to assume the debt okay because that gives you power in your home because the one who pays the bills is the one who makes the rules and if you allow your wife to be independent and make her own money then you're not going to have the proper balance of power in your home say well why why do you want to give men all the power oh because that's what the Bible teaches next point done now look let me just give you some advice because I have people talk to me about this all the time because they hear me preach about this and I show them the scriptures I show them Titus 2 where it says that the women should be keepers at home obedient to their husbands and I show them first Corinthians 5 Mary first 75 Mary bare children guide the house and the husband's the head of the wife and the husband provides and and the wives obey and submit and and whatever and I show them all this and they but they I've had so many people friends of mine who said this they said well Pastor Anderson and you say why are you talking about this Pastor Anderson because I love you and I want you to to hear the truth and I'm and I'm not talking to people who've already made mistakes I'm talking to people that have not yet made mistakes and I want to help them okay I've had so many I've had the same conversation over and over again where where they people ask me well what do you think about the wife working until the first child comes just to help out financially in those early days why not just have her work until the first child comes and I always tell them the same thing don't do it do not do it it's not worth it and here's what I say to them I want you to listen very carefully listen listen to this because this is the crux right here if you need think about this if you need two incomes to support two people how are you going to support three people on one income somebody explain that to me the math doesn't work if you can't support two people on one income how are you going to support three people on one income but you're like oh well she's just going to work until the baby's born and then we're going to support three people on one income I mean I know right now we're supporting two people on two incomes but then we're just going to go to three people on one no you need to start learning how to support two people on one income living within your means figuring out what you can afford two people on one income then you add that third party who's going to be a very expensive third party eventually alright and eat you out of house and home this is just logic this is just math it just makes sense but I've had so many people in this conversation where I explain this to them and say look it doesn't work it's a bad idea oh my wife's going to be bored well you know what she needs to start cooking three awesome meals a day and then she won't be so bored because you know it takes a long time to really cook quality food and make three hot meals a day you know or there are other ways to use your time places to volunteer to serve the Lord to go soul winning to read the Bible to clean the house to find a hobby good night do something there's plenty of opportunities to do something other than putting on the hair net and the name tag and going under CCTV to go you know work for somebody so I've had that conversation with just a multitude of guys and this is what happened they don't listen they don't listen then here's what happens the baby's born and the wife's still working almost every time because how can they make that transition and it just it's just if you can't do two people on one income how are you going to do three on one it just doesn't make any sense now you say well why does why does the fact but not only that I say you're starting your marriage off on the wrong foot 50 50 independent you need to start out by asserting your authority by saying you know what baby I'm paying the bills I'm providing I'm assuming that the state debt here okay but think about this scripture unto whom much is given of him shall much be required see here's the thing when you're paying for everything it puts you in a position of authority now you can require obedience and you can require submission because you're paying the bills whereas oftentimes when the wife is also working and paying her way and it's a 50 50 yada yada you know that authority structure is just not going to be there it's just something deep down and even a godly woman I think even a godly woman who loves the Lord can fall into this when she's out working and making money and putting that paycheck a little bit of pride enters in of you know I'm doing my part too you know and then and here's the thing let's face it folks if both people are going and working 40 hours a week wouldn't they both have to split the housework wouldn't you think I mean it would make sense right it wouldn't really make sense to say well I'm going to work 40 hours as a man you're going to work 40 hours a woman and you're going to do all the housework I mean does that sound like it it's fair I don't want to do half the housework who agrees any man here agree look I hate doing the housework I'd rather go do almost any job I mean I'd rather do almost any job than to do my wife's job now I'm not saying it's bad for her I mean she's a woman she's born to do it she's designed to do it but look I would rather do almost anything I hate taking over my wife's job like sometimes when I'll take over for my wife for whatever reason you know I love my kids I love spending time with my kids but I don't want to take over that job at all ever and you know I don't want to cook half the meals I can barely boil water okay I don't want to I don't want to clean the house I don't want to do it's just I don't like it I you know what I like you know when I worked at round table pizza I liked it I was a teenager when I worked for an alarm company I liked it when I did electrical work I liked it I like being a pastor I liked running a fire alarm business you know I there's a lot of things I like being a homemaker is not something that I like thank God I was created as a man but here's the thing I was created as a man mentally and physically so that just it just goes against the grain now here's what a lot of women will say is well I just don't want to live that lifestyle I don't want to be a stay-at-home wife I don't want to be a stay-at-home mom I want to go out and and you know and and achieve things and and be my own successful career but here's the thing about that though let's flip that over so women today say well I just don't want to live that lifestyle I just want to go out and live the career life okay what if a man said the opposite what if a man said to you I don't want to go to work I just don't like that lifestyle I don't want to have a job I don't like the lifestyle of going and punching in and punching out and working and I just physical work just isn't my thing nor computer work nor mental work nor management I just it's just not my thing I just don't want to work I'm just a stay-at-home kind of guy now look anybody would look at that guy and say get your lazy butt to work are you insane you lazy worthless okay so why did that men are told go work but why don't we tell women stay home clean the house cook and I like cooking learn to like it because you know what I mean there's stuff that I've had who's had to do stuff at work as a man that you didn't like look around ladies now we have to change poopy diapers well you know what I've cleaned toilets of strangers at least you're changing a diaper on your own kid okay and you know what when I worked in construction sorry to be graphic folks but I use the porta john every day and it doesn't smell like roses in that porta john who's had to use a porta john at your job put up your hands man god bless you I see that hand all over the building look we've all had to use filthy porta johns and they were filthy and there were flies and they stank and they're unsanitary not to mention all the the the racial stuff that was written on the porta potty all the all the filthy stuff that was written on the porta potty union versus non-union white versus black white versus hispanic homosexual just perverted just whatever that was sharpied on that porta potty but we went and used it every day and we hated it but we did it to pay the bills and I'd rather change a diaper on my own son or my own daughter than to go use a filthy porta john so look everybody does things in life that you don't like it's just you do it because it's the right thing to do as men we go to work as women you cook and clean and take care of the kids you know I like my job I hope that my wife likes her job but sometimes I don't like my job and sometimes she doesn't like it but you know what we get it done it's righteousness that's what we're supposed to do and so this idea of just well you can be whatever you want boys and girls when you grow up you could be an astronaut and a marine biologist or the president of the united states no you can't first of all you have to worship satan to become the president of the united states okay number one but number two you know as I don't tell my sons you could be whatever you want you want to be a fashion designer you want to no you can't you won't you know you know I'm not going to list all the jobs that they can't be but anyway you know and my daughters you know what they're being taught to be wives and mothers oh you want to be ignorant no college is what makes you stupid and all god's people said amen yeah this is what makes you smart god's word makes wise the simple and you know what else makes you smart reading books going to the library learning something not listening to some burned out long-haired hippie tell you about the big bang in some university somewhere it'll make you stupid let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word lord and and I thank you that when I got married 15 years ago lord I didn't have to just go into it wondering what to do and confused lord you know I definitely had a lot less wisdom than I have now I definitely was was mistaken on a lot of things lord but thank you at least for giving me the word to be a guide in those early days and and to try to learn and grow over the years and I thank you for the the marriage that I have and the children that I have lord and father I just pray that people would take heat under this wisdom I I know that I'm not a perfect husband or perfect father a perfect pastor but lord I also know that what the word says is true that that we need to be different and we need to follow your plan if we want to have a peaceful home lord help us not to buy into this feminism lord that's it's like a cancer and a disease in our country and and in our churches and in our homes lord in Jesus name we pray amen alright let's sing a song for you alright we broke the record how many do we have 158 wow so our old record was 144 people on a Sunday morning now we have 158 and that means we all get ice cream after the service so stick around for ice cream