(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now tonight I'm continuing my sermon from last Sunday night on the false prophet Muhammad and the false teachings of the Quran. Now keep in mind that Islam is a religion that is followed by 1.6 billion people in this world. This is a major, major religion that many of the people in this world have been duped by and deceived by. And it's a mass segment of the population that believes in this stuff. And it's pretty easy to prove that it's false. Now in this passage, 2 Peter chapter 2, it warns us of false prophets and that's exactly what Muhammad was. Claimed to be a prophet of God and have revelations from God. But I'm going to show you some things tonight from the Quran to show you that his life was actually characterized by many of the traits found in this passage. For example, in verse 14 down in your Bible there, it says, having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin, beguiling unstable souls, an heart they have exercised with covetous practices, cursed children. That is exactly what Muhammad was. Now I'm going to pick up where I left off in this book here, the Quran. And we got through the first couple chapters only, there are 114 chapters in here. Let me just start out by saying this. The Quran is a jumbled mess. This thing is literally in a random order. There are 114 chapters and it's like they're arranged, it seems like they could be arranged from like longest to shortest. I mean imagine taking all the chapters of the New Testament and arranging them from longest to shortest and then trying to read that as a coherent narrative. It wouldn't make, at least the individual chapters within the New Testament would make sense even if you put them out of order. But within each chapter it's just ramblings. It's just one subject and then another. It's like an ADD narrative. You can't even really get into any kind of a story because it'll just talk about one thing, jump to something else, jump to something else. And then the next chapter has nothing to do with what you just read because it's all just in a random order. So it's all jumbled up and whatever. But last week we went through basically, you know, the first three chapters of this and just showed all the lies and falsehood that were therein. So I'm going to pick up where we left off here. But first of all I want to show you this statement. This is from chapter 4 verse 82 in the Quran. It says, will they not ponder on the Quran if it had come from other than God they could have surely found in it many contradictions. So the Quran here is saying that if it's not from God it's going to be filled with contradictions. Well guess what? It's still filled with contradictions. Let me show you one major contradiction just right out of the gate. Okay in chapter 4 verse number 55 it says, those that deny our revelations, talking about these revelations in the Quran, we will burn in the fire. No sooner will their skins be consumed than we shall give them other skins so that they may taste the torment. So this is saying that if you don't acknowledge these revelations from the Quran you're going to be damned. And then it says on chapter 3 verse 85, he that follows a religion other than Islam, it will not save him and in the world to come he will surely be among the lost. Now isn't that making it pretty clear that if you don't believe in the Quran and if you don't believe in Muhammad you're going to hell. Didn't it say that in two different places pretty clearly? Okay now compare that to this, okay? On page 6 in this book which is chapter 2 verse 62, believers who follow the Jewish faith, Christians and Sabeans, whoever believes in God and the last day and does what is right shall be rewarded by their Lord. They have nothing to fear or to regret. Did you hear that? So he's basically saying hey if you're a Christian as long as you do good works and as long as you believe in God you're going to be fine. Listen to what it says again in chapter 5 verse 69, believers who follow the Jewish faith, Sabeans and Christians, whoever believes in God and the last day and does what is right shall have nothing to fear or regret. But then elsewhere he says hey if you follow any religion other than Islam you're going to hell. If you acknowledge the words of the Quran and of Muhammad you're going to hell. That's a major contradiction there comes to salvation. Now you're not going to find any contradiction like that in the Word of God. See the Bible makes it real clear from cover to cover, neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. It says he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life, the Son of God. He said but he that believeth not the Son shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him. It's clear he says whosoever denieth the Son the same hath not the Father but he that acknowledges the Son hath the Father also. Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me. And you'll never find any passage in the Bible that says hey you know what Christianity is the true religion. You know if you follow bail as long as you do what's right and as long as you just kind of believe in God in general hey you're going to have nothing to fear or regret. Can you point to anything in the Bible like that? Absolutely not because the Bible makes it crystal clear from Genesis to Revelation that there's only one God and that you have to believe and call upon the name of the Lord and thou shalt be saved. And notice it says call upon the name of the Lord not just God in general. But the Bible says these things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may believe on the name of the Son of God and that name is Jesus. And so we must believe on Jesus to be saved not just hey believe in God and do what's right and not only that but doing what's right is not a part of our salvation because salvation is by faith alone not of works lest any man should boast. The Bible says for all of sin and come short of the glory of God being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus and it's in Christ Jesus alone. And yet the Quran basically out of one breath is saying hey you know what if you're a Christian as long as you believe in God in the last day and do good stuff you're okay you're fine. Elsewhere it's like if you don't believe in Islam you're going to hell. You know that's a major contradiction and you know because it's not from God. It's man-made so yes it is filled with contradictions. Now listen to this because the chapter that we're going to get into tonight in this in this book here the Quran showing the errors of Islam and comparing it with the Bible and showing how superior the Bible is and how these are all lies even though the Quran claims to be a continuation or a building upon this it has nothing to do with the the Holy Bible here but the section that we're on tonight is chapter four which is called women. Okay so we've done the chapter that was called the cow the house of Imran the table okay so now we're on to the chapter that's called women. Okay so listen to this listen to what the Quran says about women. Okay this is chapter four verse three if you fear that you cannot treat orphans with fairness then you may marry other women who may seem good to you two three or four. How about one that's not no no no two three or four all right he says marry two three or four but if you fear that you cannot maintain equality among them marry only one or any slave girls you may own this will make it easier for you to avoid injustice so what he's saying here is hey try to treat your wives your multiple wives equally if you have two three or four I mean this is a wicked book the Bible first of all the Bible teaches that God made them at the beginning male and female and he said that they too would be one flesh and he said he even commanded the kings of Israel you know not to multiply wives the Bible says that the pastor must be the husband of one wife to be a deacon you must be the husband of one wife but here he says well listen if you can't treat your multiple wives equally he says then you know just marry slave girls because then you can basically treat them like garbage and you don't have to worry about because they're slaves you own them now this is not taught in the Bible anywhere but the the book the Quran is negative toward women now sometimes people accuse Christianity of being negative toward women but Christianity actually exalts women and respects women all throughout the body yes it does teach that there's an authority structure where the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church and that the wives are to be obedient to their own husbands and everything and so on and so forth but it doesn't teach that they have less value they're just as important and when it comes to spiritual worth the Bible says in Christ there's neither male nor female so women have just as much value in God's sight but not in Islam because according to the Quran it says just a few pages after that it says in verse 34 men have superiority over women so it says right here men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other so this just flat out says men are better than women that's not what the Bible says anywhere then he says this in verse number 21 if you wish to replace one wife with another do not take anything from the dowry you gave her even if it be a talent that would be improper and a veritable sin for how can you take it back when you've lain with each other and entered into a firm contract so here he's saying wife swapping is fine but just don't take away the money the dowry you know if you if you gave a dowry you know you can't get that back that would be a big sin you know if you want to switch wives no switching wives is a big sin it's called adultery now listen to this because I'm going to show you flip over to first Peter chapter five if you would just a few pages from where you are I want to show you how just from looking at the Quran it's obvious that Mohammed himself was a domineering cult leader you know he reminds me of the modern day manifestations such as David Karash Joseph Smith Brigham Young these type of men who rule over and tyrannize the people who follow them and basically just use people and they use their followers for the gratification and fulfillment of their own lusts and they are just basically just womanizing eyes full of adultery just desiring to gratify themselves with other people's wives and everyone I mean just total wickedness but listen to what it says in this book on chapter 33 this is in the Quran chapter 33 verse 36 it is not for true believers men or women to order their own affairs if God and his apostle decrees otherwise he that disobeys God and his apostle strays grievously into error and he's the apostle that he's talking about there and he says hey you can't order your own affairs you I'm going to tell you what to do and how to live your life now is this what the Bible teaches well let me read a little more about what Mohammed feels his authority is okay as the apostle it says in verse number 37 and when Zaid divorced her we gave her to you in marriage so that it should become legitimate for true believers to wed the wives of their adopted sons if they had divorced them I'm going to come back to that because you probably have no idea what I just said but listen to verse 50 prophet we have made lawful for you the wives to whom you have granted dowries and the slave girls whom God has given you as booty the daughters of your paternal and maternal uncles and of your paternal and maternal aunts who fled with you and any believing woman who gives herself to the prophet and whom the prophet wishes to take in marriage this privilege is yours alone being granted to no other believer you hear that so he's saying listen Mohammed physically you have access to all your wives all your slave girls I mean to be physical with them to have intercourse to them he says your wives all your slave girls all your cousins he's telling Mohammed he's saying the children of your aunts on your mom's side the children of your aunts on your dad's side the children of your uncles on your mom's side the children of your uncles on your dad's side and just any Islamic woman who just wants to hop in the sack with you Mohammed that's who you have access to I mean isn't this just filthy I mean what kind of a sick domineering cult leader that said that's my privilege nobody else but I just have access to all these women even relatives of his that are near of kin unto him just he's gonna have access to all these women he says a little later you must not speak ill of God's apostle nor shall you ever wed his wives after him because there's all kinds of wife swapping condoned but you can never swap wives with one of his wives I mean is this guy just an evil cult leader or what I mean who thinks this is legit I mean who reads this and say oh that sounds legit hey God just gave me a revelation that every I have access to all these women all my relatives and wives and slave girls every I mean yeah that's a pretty convenient revelation for you buddy who follows this guy well 1.6 billion people and we need to preach them the gospel folks because look if they would I just believe that if they would hear the word of God and hear the New Testament many of them would be saved because anybody's got to be able to see the difference between these two books I mean you'd have to be blind not to but look what the Bible actually teaches in first Peter chapter five when it talks about pastors and it talks about you know the authority that pastors have and so forth the elder is another term for the pastor it says in first Peter chapter five the elders which are among you I exhort who am also an elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed feed the flock of God which is among you taking the oversight thereof not by constraint but willingly not for filthy lucre but of a ready mind neither as being lords over God's heritage but being in samples to the flock and when the chief Shepherd shall appear ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away likewise ye younger submit yourselves unto the elder yea all of you be subject one to another be clothed with humility for God resisted the proud and giveth grace to the humble humble yourselves therefore unto the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time so the Bible is teaching here about the elder or the pastor it says that he should feed the flock of God which is among you he said in verse two taking the oversight thereof not by constraint but willingly not for filthy lucre but of a ready mind then verse three it says neither as being lords over God's heritage but being in samples to the flock and he talks about when the chief Shepherd appears see Jesus is the chief Shepherd he's the great Shepherd of the sheep and the pastor is an under Shepherd because the word pastor literally means Shepherd so God's saying to the pastor you know you're a pastor and then the chief Shepherd is going to appear and he's going to reward you according to your works and so forth and the Bible says that the pastor or the Shepherd should not be a lord over God's heritage but to be in a sample to the flock now what does he mean by that well a lot of people take this a misconstruent say hey the pastor has no authority well that's a false doctrine because I could point to about ten other scriptures in the New Testament that clearly say that the pastor is to rule the house of God it says that the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor especially they labor in the word and doctrine the Bible calls him a ruler three times in Hebrews chapter 13 it talks about the fact that they are to be the overseer the bishop and so forth but see the difference is that what the Bible teaches that the pastor has authority in the church in the in regard to the fact that he is overseeing the church now where that authority does not extend is into the personal lives of the church members so when there's authority given to somebody that authority could be abused or taken too far or beyond its jurisdiction so does the pastor have authority in the church well the Bible clearly teaches yes that he's the leader he's the ruler in the house of God but does that mean that the pastor has the power to tell you what to do in your personal life now I obviously I'm going to preach the word of God and hey the Bible says you should do this the Bible says you should do this but I'm not going to come to your house and say hey why aren't you doing what I said from the pulpit you know I'm starting forcing you know my preaching on your personal life outside the church now the Bible does teach that obviously if people commit certain grievous sins that there to be you know cast out of the assembly if they're a drunkard or a fornicator or something like that but you know I've heard I've seen some pastors where they do take their authority too far to where they'll even say things like that you know hey you shouldn't even switch jobs without getting my approval first or you know you shouldn't even paint your house without talking to me first I mean things like that before you make any major purchase come talk to me it's like what in the world you know that's obviously out of the scope of your authority see every man is the king of his own castle and the Bible teaches that wives are to be obedient under their own husbands it doesn't teach that a pastor has the right to rule in the home see there are these different spheres of authority in the home the husband the father is the boss there okay and what he says supersedes what the pastor says in the home there so you know the wife should not say to her husband well the pastor said so-and-so well here's the thing in the home the pastor is not the boss of the home the husband's the the boss of that home does everybody understand the difference there now you know hopefully the pastor and the husband are saying the same thing if they're both preaching the word of God if they both believe the same things but if the pastor says something from the pulpit that a man in the church doesn't agree with the wife cannot throw that in his in her husband's face and say well the but the pastor said that it's like well no the pastor is not the boss in the home the pastor is the boss in the church okay but the the husband is the boss in his own home okay because it's just a different authority it's like for example the government has certain authority but is the government in charge of the church no you know if the government comes in the church and starts telling the church what now they're out of bounds of the authority that they've been given by God so the government has certain authority that you know the church has certain authority that the home there's certain authority there at work I mean think about it your job has rules for you when you're at the job but do they really have the right to tell you how to live your life on Saturday and Sunday and you know can they tell you hey you need to stop going to that church because you know you go to that you work for us you go to a church that we approved you know I heard I talked to a guy he said he worked at a job where in order to work there you have to go to the Mormon Church every Sunday and he said he had no interest in Mormonism but he went every Sunday because it was a job requirement you know they just tell him his personal life that he has to go to this church this cult by the way but there are people who abuse the authority so that's why God is putting this chapter here as a check and balance because there are a lot of other passages where he talks about the authority that the pastor has in fact he's a ruler but you know he understands okay some people could misunderstand that and take that too far and so that's why he has checks and balances where the Bible talks about hey you know you're not a lord over God's inheritance or God's heritage what's a lord you know a lord would be like you know the lord of the manor like like you own the place he's saying to the pastor look you don't own the church you don't own the members you're just an under shepherd the chief shepherd is the real boss you know you're just taking orders from him you're supposed to be an example to the flock now go to Matthew chapter number 23 because Jesus talks about how the Pharisees were a bad example of this in Matthew chapter 23 man we have all kinds of people walking out of the services lately while I'm preaching you know that that's fine with me because you know our building is getting a little full anyway so I'd rather that all the people who can't take real preaching just leave you know because then we have room then we have room to fill it up with people who like this kind of preaching you know so Matthew 23 verse 1 it says then spake Jesus to the multitude and to his disciples saying the scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses seat all therefore whatsoever they bid you observe that observe and do but do not ye after their works for they say and do not for they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be born and lay them on men's shoulders but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers you see that he's saying they're preaching to you a lot of good teachings and a lot of good commandments from the Bible except they don't do those things themselves and they're binding these heavy burdens and grievous to be born on you preaching all this strict preaching and telling you how to live your life but then they don't do any of it he said they say and they do not and that is the biblical definition of a hypocrite someone who says one thing and does something else that's exactly what Muhammad is a total hypocrite because he sits there and says hey don't you be marrying my wives but I'll marry yours don't you have more than four wives I mean come on four is the max no one's the max but he says that four is the max but he can have a multitude he can have 11 and then he also just has access to his cousins because God said so I mean this guy's a cult leader he's a pervert but listen to that I got to go back and read this to you because you know in case you missed this okay I got to explain this one I call this the Jerry Springer passage of the Quran it says in chapter 33 verse 37 just listen to this and when Zaid divorced her we gave her to you God the we is God you know saying we gave her to you Muhammad okay everybody get this when Zaid divorced her we gave her to you in marriage so that it should become legitimate for true believers to wed the wives of their adopted sons if they had divorced them because that was that's real important that we that we get that nailed down look everybody it's okay if you're a true believer to marry the wives of your adopted sons after they divorce them I mean that's that's a real important teaching so that's why God had Muhammad set the example by marrying his adopted son's ex-wife you know just to make sure that everybody knows hey this is how we roll in Islam now what in the world kind of teaching is this marry your adopted son's ex-wife I mean this is just bizarre this is something straight out of Jerry Springer but here's what happened here's how the story goes here you say how did this weirdness end up in the Quran well here's what actually happened Muhammad went over to the house of his adopted son one time and he goes over to the house of his adopted son and his adopted son is not home so his adopted son's wife comes to the door lightly clad she was just so excited that the prophet was there that she ran and opened the door without being dressed as properly as she should have been so she answers the door lightly clad and Muhammad thinks wow this girl looks good so he basically she says come on in and he says no no I better not you know because he was having wicked thoughts lusting after his neighbor's wife as the Bible commands us not to thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife and not only that he's coveting the wife of his adopted son okay so he goes away but then it just so happens that that adopted son ends up divorcing that said wife but the problem was that Muhammad was already maxed out at four wives so and also you know it was against their tradition to marry your son's wife you know I mean you know these darn traditions I tell you you know so he's already maxed out at four wives and you know he can't marry his adopted son's wife but God comes to him in a special revelation and tells him it's okay to marry your adopted son's wife after they've been divorced and not only that but you know I'm gonna lift the band just for you Muhammad you can have more than four wives nobody else can so he's like great you know so it but but here's the thing it says and when Zaid divorced her we gave her to you in marriage so when Muhammad got this particular revelation from the Quran he said to himself well it's past tense we gave her to you in marriage so that means you know we're already it's like we're already married because it says past tense it's past like we're already married because it says past tense we gave so therefore he said we don't need to have a big wedding or anything because of the fact that this is kind of a shameful embarrassing thing to the people around him so he doesn't want to make a big deal out of hey everybody I'm marrying my you know ex-wife's cousin's former you know hey everybody I'm gonna marry my adopted son's ex-wife you know so they just had like a little quiet you know a little do you yes I do yep okay great let's do it so that's uh this is the the filth that is taught but I just don't understand how anybody could read this and think that this is a legitimate prophet of God how can you not see that this is a man who's driven by his own lust his own covetous practices and he just wants to dominate and rule over the people around him and if you look at the history of Islam it was just all about conquering and ruling and taking power it was an empire that was fought with military victories and the guise of a religion it's not a religion that is legitimate whatsoever it's completely false now let me show you the next thing in this uh chapter four let me get there myself of the Quran here this is from uh chapter four verse 89 they would have you disbelieve as they themselves have disbelieved so that you may be all alike do not befriend them until you have until they have fled their homes in God's cause if they desert you seize them and slay them wherever you find them so anybody who deserts Islam is to be seized and killed seized and slain if you desert Islam uh listen to this from verse 92 if these do not keep their distance from you if they neither offer you peace nor cease their hostilities against you lay hold of them and slay them wherever you find them over such men we give you absolute authority it is unlawful for a believer to kill another believer accidents accepted so notice slay the unbelievers wherever you find them they leave Islam slay them the hypocrites slay them but it's unlawful for you to slay a believer so notice it's okay to murder unbelievers in fact it's encouraged slay them but he says well it's unlawful for a believer to kill another but no the bible just teaches that murder is wrong thou shalt do no murder but this says you know just don't kill another believer you know except if it's an accident and then it says he that kills a believer by design shall burn in hell forever you know so again teaching that you can lose your salvation you know works based salvation literally you know so far in this book so far my reading it mentions hell on every page virtually literally sometimes twice on the page you're gonna burn in hell burn in hell do what i say or burn in hell obey me or burn in hell follow these commandments or burn in hell you're gonna burn you're gonna burn you're going to hell i mean it's just whoa i mean i thought the bible talked a lot about hell you know this book is just just all fear-based just if you don't follow mohammed and if you criticize the fact and and to this day in iran you can't criticize mohammed in iran they're allowed to criticize their own government and things like that but they can't criticize mohammed you know if you criticize mohammed you'll be hung you'll be killed in many cases because of the fact that if people started actually talking about this stuff people would figure out what a fraud is they have to silence everybody you know whenever there's a law against criticizing someone that makes you you know that makes you stop and they wait what's going on here why are they what are they trying to hide what are they trying to protect yeah somebody might point out the fact that this guy's just a serial adulterer and a cult leader so he's saying you know slay the unbelievers it's okay to kill them just don't kill a fellow believer but it also teaches that god does not love unbelievers according to the quran it says here in verse 106 god does not love the treacherous or the sinful so god doesn't love anybody that's sinful according to this and then on page 35 it says i thought it was page 35 there we go god does not love the unbelievers that's chapter 30 chapter 3 verse 33 now what is the bible does the bible say that god does not love unbelievers and that god does not love sinful people no the bible says scarcely return to romans 5 because i want you to see it in the context of the famous verse that we always quote in romans 5 says but god commended his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners christ died for us and a lot of people misunderstand that word commended just because it's an old word so let me help you to understand this this great passage in romans 5 this beautiful passage about the love of god and showing how god's love is so much greater than our love you see the word command has a few different meanings one meaning of command would be to give something to someone for safe keeping if i commend something unto you it means i'm giving it to you to watch safekeeping make sure that it stays safe but the meaning that we would normally use for command in our modern vernacular would be to praise or exalt someone or something for example a lot of times you'll hear about policemen getting a commendation and what does it mean when they get a commendation it means they're getting honored in some way they're getting honorable mention and if we commend or sometimes someone will have a great achievement and will say to them i commend you right and this is even where we get our word recommend recommend is loosely related to the word commend that definition so commending someone would be to lift them up and say hey look how good of a job they did on this you know that's what they mean when the police get a commendation that they're being praised for what they've done now look at this scripture starting in verse number six it says for when we were yet without strength in due time christ died for the ungodly for scarcely for a righteous man will one die yet peradventure peradventure means maybe for a good man some would even dare to die so what he's saying is scarcely for a righteous man will one die it's rare that one person is willing to die for another he's saying and it takes a lot of of love to do that he said you know scarcely for a righteous man will one die you know you would die for someone that you really cared about or loved is what he's saying there and he says yet peradventure for a good man maybe for a good man some would even dare to die you know if you're dying for someone that you feel is a good person you would die for them but god see how it starts with but because he's saying this is man's love is over here he says but god commend his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners christ died for us so he's basically exalting and lifting up his love by showing us that it's different than our love by showing us that he wouldn't just die for a righteous person he'll die for the ungodly that he was willing to die for us while we were yet sinners now the modern versions all change romans 5 8 and this is what part of why people misunderstand this because they'll they'll do it as demonstrates god demonstrates his love toward us in the while we were yet sinners christ died for and that's a different meaning that's not the same thing you know he that that would be he's he's showing his love no no he's commending his love he's showing us the difference between his love and man's love and so the bible's real clear that god loves sinners the bible says that god while we were yet sinners god commended his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners christ ever it says we love him because he first loved us but not according to the quran the god of the quran he doesn't love you if you're an unbeliever he only loves you if you obey muhammad and if you promise not to criticize him and his adulterous ways then he loves you now the quran also teaches and if you would turn to revelation chapter 1 revelation chapter number one the quran also teaches that jesus did not die on the cross so you know when you're out soul winning and these muslims try to tell you oh we believe in jesus too and this is how the muslims will try to evangelize they'll try to act like oh yeah we believe in jesus too he's a prophet let me teach you about what jesus is in the quran and all this stuff no it's not enough to just say i believe in jesus you have to believe in his death barrel and resurrection the bible says that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and believe in thine heart that god hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved thou believe is that there's one god oh muslim but guess what that's not going to save you believing in one god doesn't save you you have to believe in jesus and you have to believe in the lord jesus you have to believe in the lord jesus christ and you have to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And you have to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who died and was buried and rose again according to the Scriptures. That's salvation. Not just, oh, the prophet Jesus, wrong. The Qur'an teaches that Jesus did not die on the cross. Listen to this. They – this is talking about the Jews in, uh, chapter 4, verse 157 – they denied the truth and uttered a monstrous falsehood against Mary. They declared, we have killed the Christ, Jesus, Son of Mary, the Apostle of God. But they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but they thought they did. And then it says in the footnote that literally in the Arabic, it says that he was made to resemble another for them. So basically the guy that they killed on the cross, they thought they killed Jesus on the cross, but it was really someone else. Did you hear that? So basically there was a stand-in. You know, they did the old swaparoo and basically, you know, the Jews thought they killed Jesus, they killed some other guy that looked like Jesus. Okay, now listen to this. It says a few lines later, they did not kill him for certain. Rather God lifted him up to himself. God is almighty and wise. There is none among the people of the book but will believe in him before his death. So basically what they're saying here is that Jesus never died. That Jesus was taken up to heaven like Enoch and then this other guy stood in for him that resembled him, you know, that was an actor. The stunt double. I call this the stunt double doctrine of Islam. So they believe it was a stunt double that he didn't really die. So is that the resurrection? Is that the death, burial, and bodily resurrection of Jesus to say, oh well, he just ascended up? No, he died because look at Revelation 1. This is a key doctrinal teaching. The Bible says in Revelation chapter number 1 verse 18, this is Jesus talking, I am he that liveth, watch this, and was dead. Do you see that? I'm he that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive forevermore, amen, and have the keys of hell and of death. Also it says in Matthew 1240, as Jonas was in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights, so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. So the Bible's clear that Jesus died on the cross, was buried, and was brought back to life, was resurrected, and came back to life to live forevermore. Not only does the Quran deny the fact that Jesus died, was buried, and rose again, but it also denies the fact that he's the son of God. This is a major teaching of Islam. Even though they claim to believe in the Gospel, they claim to believe in the Old Testament, they claim to believe in the New Testament, they say, well, but it's been corrupted, and they say any part that says that Jesus is the son of God, they reject that part. Well, that's a lot of the New Testament because the Bible talks about that a lot. But even the Old Testament teaches the doctrine of the son of God. It's all throughout the Bible and I'm going to show you that. Now in chapter four, we're still in the women chapter, these chapters are called women but then they just kind of talk about a whole bunch of stuff. It's very jumbled up. You say you're going in a weird order. I mean, this book is going in a crazy order. I'm trying to make some logical sense of it for you tonight. But here's what he says in the chapter on women, chapter four, verse 164, he says, to David we gave Psalms, because he's talking about, hey, you know, we gave the law to Moses and gave, gave Psalms to David and the Gospel to Jesus. Well, he's claiming here that Psalms is the word of God. He says we gave Psalms to David. But then just a few lines lower, he says, God forbid that he should have a son. Do not say three, you know, referring to the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, these three are one. Jesus the son of Mary was no more than God's apostle. Do not say three. God forbid that he should have a son. They do blaspheme who declare God is Christ, the son of Mary, and on and on. And there are many, many places in the Quran that state that God has no son and Jesus is not the son of God. But here's the thing, even the book of Psalms teaches, go to Psalm 2, even in Psalms there's the doctrine of the son of God. Now think about some other passages in the Old Testament that would teach the fact that God has a son. First of all, in Proverbs chapter 30, you know, kind of an obscure passage that's not really quoted a lot, but in Proverbs chapter 30, it says, you know, the words of Agar, the son of Jacob, even the prophecy, the man spake unto Ithiel and Ucal, and it says, surely I am more brutish than any man and have not the understanding of man. I neither learned wisdom nor have the knowledge of the Holy. Who hath ascended up into heaven or descended? Who hath gathered the wind in his fist? Who hath bound the waters in a garment? Who hath established all the ends of the earth? What is his name and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell? So even in an obscure passage, there's a mention of the son of God. Of course, we have Daniel 3.25, you know, where we have Nebuchadnezzar with the fourth man and the fire, and he says, I see four men loose walking in the midst of the fire and they have no hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the son of God. All the way back to Genesis 1, God says, let us make man in our image after our likeness. See, God is three in one, and the Muslims will accuse us of believing in polytheism, multiple God, no, we believe in one God, but that one God is made up of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, just like the one person, Stephen Anderson, is made up of body, soul, and spirit. There aren't three Stephen Andersons, but there are three components, the body, the soul, and the spirit. Now, can the body and soul and spirit be separated? Absolutely, because if I were to die right now, my body would remain, but my soul would go to heaven, so there'd be a separation. Does that mean that there are now two Stephen Andersons? No, there's only one Stephen Anderson, and if you looked at that dead body and said, this is Stephen Anderson, that would be accurate, if you were identifying it for the police and say, hey, this is Stephen Anderson, accurate. And up in heaven, if you were to meet me there, you'd say, Stephen Anderson, and it would be accurate. Well, how can they both be Stephen Anderson? Well, it's not really that complicated, and this is the same thing with God. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, these three in one, you say, well, how could God and the Son of God be, how could he be his own dad or whatever, but here's why he's called the Son of God. See, the Bible has all the answers. The Bible explains why he's called the Son of God. He told Mary when she was pregnant, or when she was about to become pregnant, he said, the Holy Ghost will overshadow you. He said, therefore, that holy thing which shall be born of you shall be called the Son of God. Here's why he's called the Son of God, because he had no earthly father. So because he had no earthly father, and because he was conceived of the Holy Ghost, right, the Bible says that which was conceived in her was of the Holy Ghost, that's why it makes sense to call him the Son of God, doesn't it? Because he has no earthly father, but he was conceived of the Holy Ghost, therefore he is called the Son of God. But he also, many times, states in the Bible that Jesus is God himself. So it's not that we believe in multiple gods. We believe in one God, and we believe that Jesus is God, that Jesus is God in the flesh. And the Bible does say three. It says there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one. There are many places, and a lot of people say, oh, that scripture is not legitimate, because, you know, all the new Bibles take out that verse. First John 5, 7 is only in the King James. You look up in these other versions, it just says there are three that bear record, period. No mention of the Father, no mention of the Son, no mention of the Holy Ghost, and no mention of the fact that these three are one. But there are many other places in the Bible that we could point to that mention the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost all in one breath. For example, the Great Commission, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. You know, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all, amen. At the end of 2 Corinthians, there you go, you've got the mention of all three. All throughout the Bible, you have Jesus being baptized, and then you have the Father saying, this is my beloved Son in whom I have well pleased, and you have the Holy Spirit descending like a dove and lighting upon him. You have all three members of the Godhead there, you know, right there in that passage. So this is something that's taught throughout the Bible, let us make man in our image, you know, what is his name, what is his son's name, unto the Son he saith, thy throne, O God, is forever and ever, a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom. Jesus said, you know, how can I show you the Father, if you've seen me, you've seen the Father. He said, I and my Father are one. He said, why callest thou me good, there's none good but one, that's God. Now I've had people point to that and say, you know, exactly, you know, that proves that Jesus is not God, you know, because he said, why callest thou me good, there's none good but one, and that's God. But here's the thing about that, Jesus is good, and I always say to these Jehovah's false witnesses and Mormons who try to pull that out, I always say to them, is Jesus good? Of course. Well, then he's God, and then that's what they always say, oh, I never thought of it that way before, that's not, I must have had a hundred, and it's like, okay, so are you ready to convert, you know, are you ready to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as the one true God? Well, no, I'm going to stick with my religion, that's what a lot of times they'll say, but they often are stumped by that, when you, and I love to show that to Jehovah's Witnesses because Jehovah's Witnesses will use that verse, they'll pull that verse on you, so it's so great to beat them to the punch and show them that, and they're like, yeah, exactly, see, they get all excited, and then they're just like, oh, you know, they're like, get all excited, you know, yeah, there it is, he's not God, and then you're like, is he good? Oh, whoops, it's like, bam, so, you know, it's real clear that Jesus is God, and that's in Scripture, because he said there's none good but one, and that's God, why are you calling me good? So either Jesus is saying I'm not good, which would be a strange teaching indeed, when there's a lot of Scripture that says Jesus is good, or he's saying that he's God, using parables and dark sayings, as he often did in the Bible. So there are lots of Scriptures, you know, the Bible says God was manifest in the flesh, in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God, the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and on and on. But even in Psalms, so in the same breath, the Qur'an is saying, oh, the Psalms, God gave those to David, okay, then it's like, God has no son, that's a blasphemy to say that there's a son of God. Okay, let's look at Psalm 2. Right at the very beginning of Psalms, we're only into the second chapter, why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed, saying, and by the way, the word anointed means Christ, because this is quoted in the New Testament as against the Lord and against his Christ. Saying, let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh, the Lord shall have them in derision, then shall he speak unto them in his wrath and vex them in his sore displeasure. Yet if I set my king upon the holy hill of Zion, I will declare the decree, the Lord hath said unto me, thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron, thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. Be wise now, therefore, oh ye kings. Be instructed, ye judges of the earth, serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the son, lest he be angry and ye perish from the way when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. Now look how much there is here about Jesus. Just in this one Psalm. And there are so many Psalms that are prophetic of Jesus about his hands and feet being pierced and about him being, you know, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? And all these, you know, that's a whole other sermon just to go through Psalms and show you Christ in Psalms. That would be a series of sermons. But right here, he says, thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee. And that he's going to give him all the heathen for his inheritance. And that everyone, he's saying, listen rulers, listen kings, he says, you must kiss the son lest he be angry and ye perish from the way when his wrath is kindled but a little. And then he says, blessed are all they that put their trust in him. So who is this son of God that everyone must trust in, that all the kings and rulers of the earth must submit to? It's Jesus because he's the king of kings and the Lord of lords. It's right here in Psalms. You don't even have to get very far in Psalms. You get to chapter 2 and he's already talking about the son of God. But not only that, all throughout the Old Testament you'll have mentions, for example, how about Genesis 6, the sons of God are mentioned in Genesis 6. How about in the book of Job, the sons of God came to present themselves before. There are so many scriptures in both Old and New Testaments about the son of God. The Quran is saying God has no son. That's because the Quran is not fulfilling what this scripture teaches as it claims to. Because look, on every several pages he says, oh this confirms previous scripture, oh this confirms the Torah, this confirms Psalms, this confirms the Gospel. No it doesn't because this whole book teaches the fact that Jesus is the son of God. To him give all the prophets witness that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins. Not only that, listen to this. This is a passage in the Quran that basically sounds like you can pay for salvation. Pay to play. You buy salvation. Listen to this. This is from chapter 5 verse 13. If you attend to your prayers and render the alms levy, if you believe in my apostles, remember he's the big apostle. If you believe in my apostles and support them and give God a generous loan, I shall forgive you your sins and admit you, he's going to let you in to gardens watered by running brooks. He's saying look, I'm going to let you into heaven if you generously give money to the apostles. I mean that's literally buying your way in. I mean you know the Catholics have their indulgences. What about this? Hey if you give generously to them, if you give money to the apostles, your sins will be forgiven. And listen, this is something that Muslims actually do because I've heard about this being done in Iran where they pay the religious leaders over there, the Muslim clerics to pray for their loved ones and it's almost just like the whole you know hey let's pray people out of purgatory thing. It's almost the same thing. The Muslims are doing the same thing over in Iran. So there you go. You say oh well you just hate the people in Iran. No I love the people in Iran. That's why we need to warn about everybody who's lying to them. People in Iran need to be warned about the fact that Mohammed is a false prophet and that they're being lied to and deceived by these clerics. And you know what, a religion that was started by a pervert, that was started by a serial adulterer and a pedophile, what do you think his followers are going to be like? Because the Bible says that the servant is not above his Lord, the disciples not above his master. I guarantee you that there are a ton of little Mohammeds over there in Arabia and in Iran that are doing the same type of things and taking liberties with the women and all this stuff. I read about how in Iran the Muslim clerics over there, they make these temporary marriages with prostitutes. They say this prayer, I forget what it's called, I'll have to look it up. They say a prayer and they chant something and they make a temporary marriage for like 20 minutes, 2 hours, 2 days, a week. It can last from anything from 5 minutes to 100 years. They just say some words and then they say okay this is not sin anymore because we're married but it's just a temporary marriage. And in fact prostitutes over there will just carry these temporary marriages with them and fill them out real quick if they get busted by the morality police in Iran. What a bunch of hypocrisy, what a bunch of filth and sin and iniquity. You know the word of God is pure, it's righteous, it teaches godly living, it teaches for people to be married and they too shall be one flesh, a man and his wife and that they're faithfully to keep themselves only unto her so long as they both shall live and yet the Quran is just teaching all of this licentiousness and adultery and immorality and filth and that's what it is. Pay for salvation according to chapter 5 verse 12 in the Quran. Not only that right across the page in verse 17 it says they do blaspheme who declare God is Christ the son of Mary. Say unto them who could prevent God if he so willed from destroying Christ? The son of Mary his mother and all the people of the earth. So according to the Quran God if he wants to can just destroy Christ. What kind of a weird blasphemous saying is that? Why put that in the Quran? Because you're a weirdo, because you hate Jesus, because you're a liar and a false prophet. Listen to these strange teachings and when you read this it's like where is this even coming from? It just randomly pops up. Here you are reading a chapter about something totally different and then all of a sudden he just busts out and starts talking about Cain and Abel for no reason. Here's what he says about Cain and Abel just out of nowhere. I mean this is the most jumbled up convoluted thing I've ever read in my life. You know I mean the Bible follows a coherent story, narrative, no not this book. His soul prompted him to slay his brother. He slew him and thus became one of the lost. Then God sent down a raven which clawed the earth to show him how to bury the naked corpse of his brother. Alas for me he said, have I not strength enough to do as this raven has done and so bury my brother's naked corpse? And he repented. Wow this is, isn't this amazing, isn't this beautiful? Then a few verses later, the punishment of those that make war against God and his apostle and remember his apostle is himself, Mohammed, the punishment of those that make war against God and his apostle and spread disorder in the land shall be to be slain or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides or be banished from the land. Okay now listen to this. Right across the page, we're still in chapter 5. In verse 43 he says, they already have the Torah which enshrines God's own judgments. So here he's putting his stamp on the Torah again saying, they have the Torah which enshrines God's own judgments. Okay but then a few verses earlier in verse 37 he says, as for the man or woman who is guilty of theft, cut off their hands to punish them for what they did. Now does the Bible teach to cut people's hands off for stealing? No. God's judgment in the Bible is that if you steal, you pay it back fourfold or fivefold or you pay back double depending on the circumstances, you know, and I'm not going to go into that for sake of time but the Bible lays it out real clearly. He said, hey in this situation you pay double, in this situation you pay four times, in this situation you pay five times. That seems a lot more reasonable than hacking off someone's hand for stealing something. Now I'm not going to ask for a raise of hands, you know, no pun intended, of who has stolen something. You know, you're kind of like, yep, I've done it, I've stolen something. I'm not going to ask for a raise of hands, you know, the one that you got left of who's stolen something but you know, if I ask for a raise of hands of who's stolen something, probably almost every hand in the building would have to go up unfortunately and I'm not condoning of stealing, I'm not making light of stealing, I mean stealing is bad, thou shall not steal, it's a major sin, it's wicked, we should not steal. It's very important that we don't steal but you know what, is it really justice to cut off someone's hand for stealing anything? I mean that's pretty extreme because what if you just stole something small and I'm not downplaying that but that's not what the Bible says, the Torah says, the books of Moses say that if you steal, you pay it back and you pay extra and that's bad, look, if somebody stole from me, I'd rather they paid me double, I mean you could steal from me like that all day long, you know, if you're going to pay me back double or four times or five times then to have somebody's hand cut off, I mean if somebody stole from me, I don't want them to get their hand cut off, I'd feel bad for them. You know, I would just want to get my stuff back and get restitution made, I don't need to see anybody's hand chopped off just for stealing but he says in one breath that the Torah's right and then in the next breath he says, oh, chop off their hands. And then the last thing I want to show you tonight in this abominable book is that he teaches that if you are friends with unbelievers, meaning people who are not Muslims, then you're going to go to hell. Okay, so listen to this, it says in chapter 5 verse 51, believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends, they are friends to each other, you know, I guess he knew about Zionism and then, but listen to this, listen to this though from verse 80, you see many among them make friends with unbelievers, evil is that to which their soul prompts them, they have incurred the wrath of God and shall endure eternal torment, did you hear that? He said, they make friends with unbelievers and they have incurred the wrath of God and shall endure eternal torment, you know, so this is a very us against them, slay them where you find them, you know, God doesn't love them, don't kill a Muslim but slay them where you find them, the unbelievers, the idolaters, the hypocrites, slay them all, kill them everywhere and, you know, don't be friends with them, they let them be friends with each other and if you're friends with them, you know, you've incurred the wrath of God and you're going to suffer eternal torment, that was the mention of hell for that page of the Quran, so, you know, all that to say this, this religion of Islam has nothing to do with the God of the Bible, it has nothing to do with Jesus, it is not even coherent, it was written by someone who's not even that smart, okay, and not only that, I can't even really say it was written because the man who authored this book could not read or write, he was illiterate, okay, other people had to write it down for him because he was illiterate and this teaching was motivated by his own lust for other men's wives, his own lust for the blood of his enemies and to slay them and his own lust for his own personal power and aggrandizement, listen, Rick Warren, with your krizlam and trying to say, hey, let's focus on, you know, what we have in common with Islam, okay, here, let me focus on what we have in common with Islam, I just did, because you know what, I can't have any fellowship with this, the Bible says have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them, this religion of Islam is a wicked religion and look, I believe in reaching out to Muslims, I believe in going to them kindly and gently, I don't believe in going to them and ripping their face, you know, I want to go in love and speak the truth in love and be kind unto them and talk, but you know what, you need to show them the difference right away, not come to them with the message of, hey, we both worship the same God, because that's a lie, hey, we're both two of the great monotheistic religions, no, that's a lie, hey, you know, I respect your religion, that's a lie, we need to come to them and say, listen, I love you but you're wrong, Jesus is the son of God, let me show you what the scripture teaches, here's what the Bible says, you know, and show them the Romans wrote, show them salvation by faith, show them that it's all of God's grace, show them that we have a savior, a mediator, an intercessor, show them the Lord Jesus Christ and the gospel with love, but you can't sit there and try to act like, hey, I'm okay, you're okay, we're all worshiping the same God, let's agree to disagree, no, this is a false religion, it's violent, it's perverted, it's evil, and by the way, it's one of the fastest growing religions in the world, according to many metrics, now part of that is because they're actually reproducing, unlike the Christians who are so pumped full of drugs that they don't produce children anymore, they're actually reproducing, that's a lot of where the growth comes from, you know, they try to make it like, oh, everybody's converting to Islam, well, first of all, a lot of people are being forced to do it in a lot of countries where, you know, it's illegal to do anything but continue to be a Muslim, but not only that, but they're actually reproducing, you know, the Mormons are reproducing and we as Christians have bought into the lies of Margaret Sanger and that's another sermon that shall be preached at another time, but we should have no fellowship with this wickedness, and these people need the gospel and we need to shine the light of the gospel of Jesus unto them and we need to understand a few basic points of what they believe that's false, because otherwise they're going to come at you with, oh, well, I already believe in Jesus, so where do you go next? You know where you go? That he's the son of God. You can show him Psalms. You can say, well, hey, you know, the Quran said it's Psalms, let me show you Psalm 2. Hey, the Quran said that it was confirming previous scriptures. Here's all the scripture on Jesus as the son of God. Now, what's the power of God unto salvation for the Muslim? Well, yeah, the power of God unto salvation for the Muslim is the same power of God unto salvation for anyone. The power is in the word of the King James. So, I'm not going to carry this out soul, this piece of junk out soul winning with me and show it to him. You know, I don't need it. This is what we need to show him the Bible, but I will say to them, hey, didn't the Quran say that it confirmed previous scriptures? What about these scriptures? What about this? And show them the word of God and show them the Romans road and show them John 3 16 where they have to believe in the son of God to be saved and listen to me. I have one Muslims to Christ and you know how I won the Muslims to Christ that I won to the Lord? Pretty much the same way that I won everybody else to the Lord. You know what I mean? I took him to Romans 3 23, I took him to Romans 6 23, I took him to Romans 5 8, I took him to Revelation 20 and 21, I took him to John 3 16, I took him to Ephesians 2 8 and 9 and I went through the same. I won an Iranian Muslim to the Lord. I've won other Muslims from Eastern Europe and the Middle East to the Lord. The same way anybody gets saved. But here's the thing though, it's just good to know certain things that you need to focus in on. That it's not of works and you can't lose it, that's what everybody needs to focus. But you need to really focus on the fact that Jesus is the son of God. And that Jesus is God in the flesh. And that there is a Father, Son, and Holy Ghost that's taught clearly in scripture. And let the power of God's word do its work. And the power of the message that salvation is by grace, that good news, that it's a free gift. That's the power. And are all the Muslims you talk to going to get saved? No. If they don't get saved, you know, you shake it off and you go to the next door. But eventually you will find, if you go door to door, you'll run into them and eventually you'll get them saved. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Father we thank you so much for your word Lord and we thank you so much for giving us the Bible. Such a wonderful book. Unlike this piece of junk that other people have to read Lord, we have the amazing wonderful Bible that's just perfect and pure and preserved unto us and it's just so powerful. You know, every day we wake up and we read our Bibles and we're just amazed at the awesome power of your word. And we just never cease to marvel at how beautiful your word is Lord. But their rock is not as our rock Lord. And please just help us to bring them the truth and help them to see the gospel of Jesus Lord and help them to be saved. Please just soften up the hearts of Muslims Lord that they would be saved when we knock their doors and preach the gospel. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.