(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Part of the chapter that I want to focus on is beginning there in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 10 where the Bible reads For even when we were with you this we commanded you that if any would not work Neither should he eat and the title of my sermon this morning is if you won't work, then you shouldn't eat If you won't work, then you shouldn't eat That's what the Bible says right there in the New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 2nd Thessalonians 3 10 for even when we were with you this we commanded you that if any would not work Neither should he eat for we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly Working not at all But are busybodies now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ that with quietness They work and eat their own bread But ye brethren be not weary in well-doing and if any man obey not our word by this epistle Note that man and have no company with him that he may be ashamed Yet count him not as an enemy But admonish him as a brother if you won't work, then you shouldn't eat. This is what the Bible teaches now Let me just warn you as I get into this sermon this morning This sermon is not going to be politically correct This sermon is gonna offend people But this is a truth that needs to be preached any time I preach even when I just barely touch on this subject I get so many hateful comments and emails and messages It really makes people upset but that just tells me that it needs to be preached more not less If people are that upset about it, and they're struggling so much to get it Then we just need to park it there and make sure people get this message that if you won't work You shouldn't eat now. Let me start out by making sure we differentiate between a few things today. Okay? First of all, let's differentiate between the poor and what the Bible calls the slothful or the lazy Now a lot of people will say oh you're a church. You're supposed to be giving money to the poor You're supposed to be feeding the poor. But wait a minute We need to stop and differentiate between those who are poor and those who are Slothful or lazy. Those are two different things people who refuse to work are not poor. They're lazy They're slothful. They're wicked. That's not the same as being poor The Bible doesn't say if you can't work you shouldn't eat It says if you won't work if you're not willing to work then you should not eat That's what the Bible is actually saying. Let's also stop and differentiate between those who are able-bodied and those who are blind Crippled maimed or in some other way handicapped to the point where they cannot work When you see in the Bible giving alms unto the poor and people that are begging in the Bible in the New Testament and so forth they are Crippled they are blind. They are people who are physically incapable of getting around and working But today in Phoenix, Arizona We cannot drive down the street a single day without seeing able-bodied young men in their 20s or in their 30s Standing by the street corner holding up a sign begging for money and people think that they're doing God's service by reaching into their pocket and giving money to these Drunks and drug addicts and lazy derelicts and they're not They think oh we're giving to the poor we're giving alms. No, you're giving to the wicked you're giving to a drunkard You're giving to a drug addict You don't even stop to consider the cause of the poor as the Bible says you just hand them a five-dollar bill And think that you've done some good deed so he can go buy crack with it and go buy beer with it and go buy Cigarettes with it and go buy a lottery ticket with it Now this and look if you don't like the sermon so far you might as well just get up and walk out right now Because it's only gonna get worse. Let me tell you something I'm not gonna stand up here and pretend that people who are the so-called homeless of Phoenix, Arizona Are anything other than what 99% of them are drug addicts? Drunks and wicked lazy people. That's what they are and don't give me this garbage Oh that can happen to any of us we can all end up there That's a lie out of the pit of hell for lazy people to justify not wanting to work and for sinful people to fight Not going to church not living according to God's commandments not getting married sleeping around Snorting things up their nose drinking themselves drunk instead of living a productive Godly life working six days a week. That's the true story today my friend I'm not gonna lie to you. I'm gonna tell you the truth. Look at the book of Proverbs chapter 20 Proverbs chapter number 20 Proverbs chapter number 20 You say all they got there through no fault of their will get to that We'll get to that Look If we were living in South Africa, I'll agree with you There's poor starving people through no fault of their own if we were in some third-world Country right now if we were in some messed up place. This is the United States of America Anyone can get a job anyone can work. There are people begging for more workers We have people coming to our church all the time giving us fires Hey, is anybody in your church need a job because you know, there's all these jobs that we need to fill People come here. I'll be here working during the week and people will come by and give me five Can you tell your church members about all these jobs? Right in our parking lot. There's a place right here a day labor place. You can show up that morning You can work all day and they pay you in cash at the end of the day Right here in this parking lot and you know anybody who wants to work in this country can work This is the land of opportunity The minimum wage is high They can make the money that they need to eat and survive and it's a wicked person who lazily Slothfully stands on the side of the road and has hard-working people to give them money on the way home from work They can sit on their lazy rear end to do nothing now, let's get you say well, that's your opinion Well, let's go to the Bible. Let's preach the Bible then Let me introduce you to the Bible Proverbs chapter 20 verse 4 the sluggard Will not plow by reason of the cold. See he's got an excuse not to wear. Oh, it's too cold Therefore shall he beg and harvest and have nothing That's why he's begging that's why he has nothing because it was too cold to go to work. That's why Look at Proverbs chapter 24 while you're turning there. I'll read for you. Psalm 37 25 I've been young and now I'm old yet Have I not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread? The Bible says it's not the righteous or their children that are out begging bread They've never been forsaken the Bible says Proverbs 24 verse 30 I went by the field of the slothful that means lazy and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding and lo it was all grown over with thorns and Nettles had covered the face thereof and the stone wall thereof was broken down then I saw and considered it Well, I looked upon it and received instruction yet a little sleep a little slumber a little folding of the hands to sleep So shall thy poverty come as one that travelth and I want as an arm and it's not that there's no opportunity He's got a field that he could plow he could plant something he could build something he could do something But he's lazy and sitting it around and it's all weeds. It's all thorns. It's all broken down because he's lazy The Bible says you don't have to turn there but in Proverbs 12 11, it says he that tilleth his land Shall be satisfied with bread But he that followeth vain persons is void of understanding So the Bible explains also in Proverbs 13, there's much food in the tillage of the poor See the poor has the opportunity to make money and to work if he'll just till his land if he'll just do the work That's right there and the opportunities that he's given but he refuses to work He's lazy and then he begs and has nothing. That's what the Bible says Go to Proverbs 13 Proverbs chapter 13 You know what? I've noticed about these so-called poor areas Where lazy welfare recipients live, you know what? I'm gonna notice trash everywhere garbage everywhere and You know what? I have some of these derelicts living in my own neighborhood because I don't live in a fancy neighborhood I'm not a rich man up here I'm wearing a suit a threadbare suit from the thrift store All my clothes are secondhand all my clothes are from the thrift store and I live in a humble Neighborhood a half-mile from here and let me tell you what some jerk in my neighborhood did the other day And it just it just blew my mind I can't even wrap my mind around this and every small child needs to be listening right now We have some derelicts living in our neighborhood all kinds of ghetto thugs coming and going Sagging their pants like they look like they need a diaper change Okay, and these one of these fools gets in the car and starts to drive down our street and just Throws an empty bottle onto my street throws an empty bottle out the window. I mean what in the world you're so lazy You're so slothful You have no character to the point where you'll just throw trash out your car window an empty water bottle And you know what I did I walked over and I picked up his trash Because I don't want my neighborhood. I don't want my street looking like some ghetto messed up street There's just filled with trash. I Walked over and I'm thinking to myself I don't even want to touch this bottle because we're kind of a filthy person would do such a stupid thing is to throw their trash out the window But at the same time I can't just leave it there I walked over I picked it up and I threw it in the trash and I'm thinking like am I your servant am I your slave that I have to follow you around picking up your trash It's wicked It's ridiculous. Just no respect so lazy you there's a trash can at every gas station So lazy they can't even wait till they get gas and just put it in the trash at least just put it on the seat Put it in the floorboard and when they get gas throw it in the trash, but I know out the window What a lack of character what late and listen you kids you don't grow up in litter And I used to wonder when I'd go through these trashy neighborhoods pun intended and See all the trash all over the ground. I swear like who would do this Who would do such a thing? I couldn't even wrap my mind around it Then when I started having kids, I would notice that a little toddler will do that Like a one-year-old a two-year-old or a three-year-old. They'll open an ice cream bar and just throw down the wrapper They'll drink a bottle and just cast aside and you know what I realized it's people who've never gotten any instruction in righteousness They've never been taught any kind of character. They've just been left to themselves. So they're still in that age two mode age three mode of just It's mind-blowing that an adult would throw an empty plastic bottle out the window And if that's you you need to get right with God and get some character have Respect for other people and do unto others as you would want them to do unto you and don't go throwing trash on their yard Go if you would to Proverbs chapter number six Proverbs chapter number six the Bible reads in in chapter 13 verse 4 the soul of the sluggard or the lazy man Desirous and has nothing but the soul of the diligent Shall be made fat. So if you're diligent and you work you'll have what you need You're lazy. You'll just lust and desire more and never have what you want Proverbs chapter 6 verse 6 go to the ant thou sluggard Consider her ways and be wise which having no guide overseer or ruler? Provideth her meat in the summer and gathereth her food in the harvest. How long would thou sleep Oh sluggard? When wilt thou rise out of thy sleep Yet a little sleep a little slumber a little folding of the hands to sleep So shall thy poverty come as one that travelth and I want as an armed man You don't have to turn there but Proverbs 2013 love not sleep lest thou come to poverty Open thine eyes and thou might be satisfied. No, no open thine eyes and thou shalt be satisfied with bread Thou shalt be satisfied with bread that is a promise from God that if you work you will eat But if you won't work, you shouldn't eat That's what the Bible says Now I mentioned that day-labor place in this parking lot there's one catch to it you say what's the catch Here's the catch. You got to get there at 4 in the morning That's when you get there if you want to get the job You get there at the day-labor place because you know what people roll out of bed They go down there at 1 in the afternoon Hey, you got any work for me and you know what they tell them come back tomorrow at 4 and We'll have work for you And you know I've Personally known I could list name after name after name of people who went down to that place and were given jobs the same day People of all different skill levels or total lack of skill Even people that were not mentally all there have walked into that place and Been put to work, and they make a decent amount of money for the work that they're doing totally unskilled work They make a decent amount of money in that place, but there's one catch you got to be there at 4 a.m.. 4 a.m. Now let me give you the magical mystical secret to getting up at 4 a.m. And feeling totally refreshed and well-rested you go to bed at 8 o'clock, and then you have no problem getting up at 4 a.m. That's it. It's that simple you go to bed at 730 p.m.. Yeah, you're crazy You go to bed at 8, and you know what if you go to bed at 730 or 8 You will jump out of bed at 4 a.m.. And you will feel you'll be all beauty rested up now sluggard If you can just go to bed, and you know what you say well I don't you know who I say hey early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise and you know what? the reason you don't want to go to bed at 8 o'clock is because you want to go out and sin and drink and and and Party and have fun and look. I'm not against righteous fun and Righteous staying up late and having dinner and dessert and having a good time But you have to earn the right to do that People who pay their own way in life people who work six days a week They have earned the right to stay up as late as they want I can stay up as late as I want I Can stay up and do what why because I work? But when you want to panhandle by the side of the road for free money You know what you haven't earned the right to have fun at 8 p.m.. You have earned the right to go to bed at 8 p.m. Used to be like a toddler who's put to bed at 8 p.m.. With no dinner Go to bed at 8 o'clock with no dinner because you've been a bad boy And then you get up at 4 a.m.. And you show up at that day labor place And they will have a job for you, and you work. Yeah, it's a bad job Well, you know what a bad job better than no job and a bad job will feed you You say nobody can live off minimum wage. Oh really? Let's go down to Guyana where people make about one-third of minimum wage, and we'll see that everything costs the same down there Go to the store with me in Guyana everything Garrett was it way cheaper in Guyana He said stuff. He found things to be a little more expensive He paid more for things and they make a third as much why but but here's the thing people when they say they want minimum wage To be livable what they mean is they want to live like a king at minimum wage They want to live like a successful hard-working person at Minimum wage where they show up at their job sagging their pants Covered in tattoos their face looks like they fell out of a fishing tackle box And then they want to make the same amount as somebody who actually works hard and does a good job It's insane You go to bed at 8 o'clock getting up at 4 is easy You go to the day labor place. They put you to work the same day say well That's not a permanent solution really because if you go there They send you to work for a company for the day, and if you do a good job the company hires you They bring in different people every day, and they see the guy who's doing good And they hire him and then he gets a raise and then he learns other skills then becomes a skilled laborer and not unskilled He becomes skilled Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep the Bible says and an idle soul shall Suffer hunger you sit around and don't work. You're gonna suffer hunger. That's what the Bible says Seest thou a man go if you were to Proverbs 26 Proverbs 26 see us thou a man wise in his own conceit. There's more. Hope of a fool than of him The slothful man saith there's a lion in the way a lion is in the streets Verse 14 of chapter 26 as the door turneth upon his hinges so does the slothful upon his bed Just rolling around on his bed hitting the snooze button not getting up laying around lazy The Slothful height is his hand in his bosom it grieve at them to bring it again to his mouth The sluggard is wiser in his own conceit than seven men that can render a reason Seven people can tell you why you're lazy rear-end is in the condition. It's in but you know better As you roll in your bed and roll out of bed at 10 a.m.. 11 a.m.. And start looking for a job online At Starbucks with a $5 drink and a $3 cake as you slowly look for a job online The slothful man is so lazy It grieves him to even take his hand from his bosom to his mouth. That's too much work. Do you see that? It's right there in verse number 15 the slothful hide at this hand in his bosom and agree with him to bring it again He's not now people are gonna say I'm a Freemason because I put my hand there for a second They're gonna freeze-frame that just wait just watch it's coming But he won't even bring it to his mouth again That the slothful man the Bible says he won't even roast that which he took in hunting He'll kill an animal that could provide a valuable source of food But he's too lazy to even butcher it prepare it process it preserve it. He won't even roast what he took in hunting He's at least now. How does that tie in with with? 2017 Phoenix, Arizona Well, here's the deal. There's an abundance of food in this country. We have an overabundance of food There's too much food is being thrown away Constantly Everywhere every grocery store every restaurant is just throwing away mass amounts of food in this country we have about 40,000 food banks and These 40,000 food banks that to relieve those who are supposedly hungry Because remember we're supposed to be feeding the poor and feeding the hungry Well, let me just break some news to you. There are no starving people in America Period they don't exist unless they're just refusing to work or unless it's some child whose parents spent all the money on crack and Lock the kid up forget that's criminal. But you know what? That's not a Somebody starving because there's no food available There is no one going hungry in this country. It's a fraud of oh, there's all these people hungry and starving We got to end hunger and and we're supposed to convert our church into some soup kitchen or or food Dispensary even though there's already 40,000 food banks let alone all the welfare and food stamps and everything else But here's what's so insane. Is that the food banks even in this area have so much food. They can't even get rid of it People are supposedly starving right and we're supposed to be I mean if we don't give money that bum or hobo that we find by The side of the road then basically, you know, we're letting people starve. We're letting them go hungry When was the last time you saw someone walking down the street naked in this city, I've never seen it So I've never found someone who was naked and destitute of daily food and not given unto them because I've never run into anyone in This nation in this country from sea to shining sea that was either naked or destitute of daily food. I've never seen that I've Seen a bunch of drug addicts and derelicts and drunks and lazy jerks who won't go to work and want to ask for free money But I've never seen anyone Naked or destitute of daily food never seen it Because it doesn't exist and anyone who doesn't have food in this country is just too lazy to even go get the free food That's everywhere. I mean all of this either food banks and You don't even have to be poor Look, I know people who make 80 90,000 a year they go to these food banks and collect food on a regular basis Just because they say they don't care. It's okay. They don't mind at first. I thought like come on. Is that right? Like is that right because I thought that's for for poor people And I'm seeing people who drive fancy cars go down there and get this I'm like is that even right but then but then they're like no they they want us to have it because otherwise they throw it Away, so I'm like, okay. Well, you know go ahead and pick it up then If it's gonna go in the trash look They literally they take truckloads of it to poor neighborhoods and just bring it to the people like will you take this? They can't even get rid of it all they can't even use all I mean our church Every Wednesday night we have people donate bread to our church that we didn't even ask for and every Wednesday night We have just piles and piles of bread over here that we give away free every Wednesday night We can't even get enough people to take it home and a lot of it goes in the trash People won't even take it and it's from a fancy bakery We can't even give it all away People bring their vegetables and put them over there. You can't even give the stuff away You can't even get people to take it people are looking at it like well Is this my favorite style of baguette and then they don't want it. It's true So People are so lazy. They won't even go to pick up the free food You have to bring it to them You probably have to put it in their mouth for breath to chew it for him and then that way they can just swallow it But as I was thinking about this I saw an advertisement for this new documentary film About how just there's all these people starving in America. There's all this hunger and I saw this advertisement. I'm thinking like no just no This is a lie. You know you want to see starving children, okay? Let's take you on a mission strip with brother segura down to South Africa. He'll show you some kids are starving He'll show you food being distributed to the poor food being distributed to the hungry that are actually hungry. They're actually starving but this documentary Was saying how oh there's all this hunger in America. There's all these people starving So I thought to myself you know before I preach this sermon because I wanted to preach this sermon but I was like before I preach sermon I should watch that documentary to see the other side and Make sure I'm not missing something. I mean am I missing something here So I downloaded this thing last night this documentary was called a place at the table one nation underfed And I tuned into this thing I saw and look I expected it to at least make a few good points I expected to have a few moments where I'm like well You know they got a point on that or whatever. It was just wall-to-wall stupidity. It was like a parody It was almost like a joke like I laughed my head off. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen I was literally just falling out of my chair laughing. It was so unbelievable I Got to tell you about this film okay, and I thought it said from the makers of food ink and Food ink is a documentary that I had enjoyed and I thought was pretty interesting so I thought like okay Maybe it'll have some merits. Let's see what the other side has to say let's make sure I'm not out to lunch on this No pun intended, but let's see if people really are starving and hungry But I don't think it was from the makers of food ink because the guy who made food Food ink was based on a book called fast food nation by a guy named Eric Schlosser Which I read the book is a great book fast food nation I Never saw his name in the credits, so I don't know if it was the same cameraman or the same Same editor or something, but I mean it It was a dumb movie. It was the it was the dumbest thing okay? let me just give you a synopsis of the movie okay, so I start out watching the documentary and it starts out with this sob story about this single mom and She's a waitress, and she's like yeah every two weeks I get paid two hundred and forty dollars I Mean do these people just think we're stupid or something Waitresses make money on tips not on their salary, but she just acts like oh, I just I work for two weeks I only get 240 bucks liar There's minimum wage and even if there weren't minimum wage Nobody in the USA would work for two weeks a full-time job and get two hundred forty dollars. That's a fraud It's a lie. That's just hurt her draw or whatever her basic pay the tips is like five times that basic pay just a total just start so the movie just starts out just lying to you right out of the gate and Then they said this they start out just in the first few minutes about how you know when you think of hunger and starvation you Picture these skinny people right? And I'm thinking like yeah, I do and they're like no no it's actually fat people Are the ones they're the ones who are skinny they were starving? I'm Not kidding and they said it's called food insecurity, and it's fat people that are suffering from it the most They're the starving ones. They're the ones who are going hungry, and I'm just like What? So then they say okay? Let's go do a case study of this town in Mississippi because they said Mississippi leads the nation in hunger and food insecurity and then they said it also leads the world in obesity And I'm thinking like how good so that you know my first thought was is half the population eating all the food And getting really you know then the other half's going hungry. It reminded me of it reminded me of this joke It reminded me of this corny joke that I grew up with this corny joke Where these two guys are at the airport the fat man the skinny man and the fat man says the skinny man You know by the looks of you you must have come from a land where there's great famine And then the skinny man says and by the looks of you you might have caused it You know it's like a corny joke that I told the kid and I'm that that's what came into my mind But then they explained no no in Mississippi. It's the same. It's the fat people that are starving so then they bring on this expert and This guy's like a really posh British Indian guy Raj Patel and He's the author of a book called stuffed and starved I Mean look talk about a day when men will call good evil and evil good and light darkness and dark light and sweet bitter No, it's fat people that are starving to death Stuffed and starved And Then they show all and by the way the first 40 minutes of the movie is all single moms I'm like 40 minutes in the movie It's just single mom after single mom after single mom and then they're whining because they're like oh I had to move back in with my parents because that's the only way I can make it work No, it's called having a husband. That's how you make it work. He goes to work. Oh I move in with my parents Well you got knocked up by some deadbeat, dude Go if you would to the book of Ezekiel chapter 16 Ezekiel 16, but here's what they said in this movie they say well the reason these fat people are starving and food insecure is because they're poor and because they're poor they can only afford cheap food and Cheap food is junk food So they're not getting any good nutrition. They're not buying fruits and vegetables They're buying total junk food because that's all they can afford So that's why they're starved of nutrition Even though they're eating so much that they're all swollen up, but the but that's just because they ate junk food But it didn't eat junk food because they lack character They didn't eat junk food because they're lazy and and spoiled and don't want to eat their vegetables like a good boy girl No, no, they're fat because they're poor and the government needs to give them more money. That was what the whole movies about okay? So I decided to test this out because they said you know these people and this is what they kept using As an example this they showed a picture of a box of grapes $3.54 they showed it like ten times. It just keeps coming on the screen. I Mean look how much these grapes are three dollars and fifty four cents, and then they're saying bag of chips fifty cents Grapes or three fifty four that's why they're eating junk food. That's why they're obese. That's why they're so hungry That's why they're starving look at them. They're starving But Then I but but here's what it's like people are so dumb They can't even see through this movie it had four point six stars on Amazon Why because our country is filled with lazy wicked slothful people so they all just oh, I love this movie Oh, this is exactly what I'm going through I feel the same. I'm hungry, too Five stars Give it five stars love that movie, so I did a little experiment Because I got to thinking about it And I got to think about the fact when didn't when was last time my wife bought grapes Did you know that grapes are a luxury item? They're not a staple of your diet Look when I was a kid anytime we had great and my mom would buy green grapes quite a bit She really liked green grapes because my dad worked and brought home the bacon He was a highly skilled electrician He learned the skill by working. He made a lot of money. He brought home green grapes, so We would you know we would do when we were kids. We would lay on the couch and And and feed each other green grapes and fan each other and pretend like we're royalty Right who did the who played something like that with your kid? oh Because that's what grapes are friend So they are the greats at three dollars and fifty four cents, okay? But that's not the only nutritious food that you're picking like the most expensive grapes and strawberries and blackberries. Those are luxury foods Those are high dollar food and the whole bag of chips, but okay, so here's what I did this morning And I listen I didn't clip any coupons. I didn't go searching for a sale I didn't go check a bunch of stores. You know when I started this experiment. I started this experiment at 950 a.m.. And I was done with it at about 10 after 10 a.m.. So I spent I'd literally I'd already written my sermon It was like churches starting in 40 minutes. I went to food city across the street right here right before church Now look I went to food city because I figured that's the most ghetto store around here. I Could I didn't go to fry because they're trying to say all these ghetto stores You know they make it so hard to eat healthy, so I picked the most ghetto store on our corner here I went over to food city I Walked in and I didn't I didn't go around shopping the best prize looking for the deals I just walked in just started throwing stuff in the cart. Just throwing it in Okay, and I and I went over there, and I spent like 10 minutes or something all together Just just buying food, and I took pictures of price tags and stuff well my phone's live streaming But I remember and I got the receipt right here actually So I didn't spend much. Thanks for a refill on that so hungry Is that I hope that's pop that's soda Okay So I need I need some I need some volunteers up here some some men up here Who want grown men to come up here and volunteer for me help me out a little bit, okay? So I need you guys to hold this stuff. Okay, so I wanted to see you know is this really true that the grapes are? $3.54 and and I'm obese because I have to buy the chips I have to buy the junk because it's all I can afford Okay, so so first of all I grabbed some junk food was the first thing I did okay So the thing that they kept bringing up was the bag of chips It's just so cheap to get a bag of chips, so I grabbed a bag of chips here now this bag of chips is nine and a half ounces Okay, so this is not a pound right. This is a little over a half a pound you're gonna be my junk food, man Okay, so here's how much I paid for that. What did I do with my receipt? All right, so here's how much I paid for that bag of chips Let me find it on their seat here four dollars and 29 cents For a little more than a half a pound and yeah, there are other bags hits for three bucks, but it was all around Three bucks three fifty four bucks for a bag this size. This is this is family size all right It's not even it's barely a half a pound okay So I got that then I grabbed this right here some Little Debbie Swiss rolls This was two bucks for 13 ounces of food right here Then I got some root beer Okay, this right here cost a dollar okay, so I got that for a dollar and Then I got some I got some apple juice which isn't junk food, but guess what the Bible calls this wine This is what rich people drink. This is a rich people beverage you understand People used to have to squeeze this out of fruit by hand or by their feet And this is an expensive rich person drink okay, so this is two bucks But see what they want to whine about is like well This is only a dollar and this is two dollars so of course we're gonna buy this hey drink water You Can live and die and never touch either of these beverages and live a happy productive godly healthy life without either of those two things Okay, so this stuff this stuff isn't that cheap Okay, so then I bought some of the healthy food right okay? This is the stuff that poor people can't afford according to this movie so poor people they can't afford stuff like this like carrots This is five pounds Of carrots okay, they can't afford this stuff How much was this five pound bag of carrots? two dollars and twenty nine cents Okay, so this stuff right here is like 40 some cents a pound. This is like eight dollars a pound eight dollars a pound Forty cents a pound okay for these carrots right here. Okay, you hold that okay? And you say well, you know I want some fruit also Show me where the grapes and strawberries are at no no how about this bag of apples? This bag of apples three pound bag three dollars and forty nine cents, this is a dollar and thirteen cents a pound Okay, so basically what that what it comes down to is that basically I can drink two of these Two of these that'll be over in a couple sips Or I can eat this entire bag of apples same price Okay, and then we got some other fruits for you. We got some some Oranges or tangelos or whatever they are and these are This was 99 cents for both of these 50 cents each for those okay, then I got these a couple of things of corn here this is Two for a dollar so these are 50 cents each for that corn right there, okay, you say well come on I mean, that's not really gonna feed us though. That's not gonna fill us up. We need Burger King and McDonald's okay Well, let me get you some stuff. That's gonna fill you up Okay, let me find you something to fill you up here Okay, how about this here's a pound of beans a Pound of beans and then you know that's a pound uncooked once you put the water into it's gonna weigh way more than that a pound of pinto beans, right 69 cents one pound a pound of rice 59 cents Okay, and you say well, that's boring. Okay. Well, why don't you put some tomatoes in it? Okay for here you hold these. I'm he's getting a little but you're getting a little bog down there Actually Let's let's have you be kind of the the fruit guy and you hear what don't let that spill though You're gonna do the more hearty stuff over here. Okay. He's got the carrots. He got the snacks and fruit. All right, you good alright You say well, hey we need to spice that up a little bit, okay, how about a red onion This is packed with nutrition. This is real food. Okay, this red onion was 20 cents So we can add a little spice a little nutrition for 20 cents to that meal. How about these avocados? Ooh, that's a rich man food right there one dollar for four a Dollar you're like I'm going to Food City after service Okay, you want to talk about a good deal Cabbage this stuff is packed with nutrition This is you can live off this stuff I mean this stuff is filled with vitamins the communists have proved that for years that you can live off this in their concentration camps Two dollars and fifty cents and I mean this thing feels like a bowling ball here catch this is that pretty heavy? I Mean like this thing's like a bowling ball Yes, it's going Nice assist. All right. Are you you're doing the the meal over here? Okay. Oh I forgot this for mr. Junk food little hugs Okay now in the in the in this in this documentary they're showing this this child Eating chips and a little hug like this was all I could afford I'm so poor and that's why I'm fat because I mean chips and a look Listen this has zero nutrition zero zilch. This is doing nothing for you. This is only harming you There's nothing good in this bottle. This is just pure garbage just paint and and fake Fake sweetener and whatever. Okay four for a dollar twenty five cents each Except it's money down the toilet because you drink water So basically for the price of these four stupid worthless little hugs You can get like a pound of rice and a pound of beans practically and eat for days Okay, so all in all let me just summarize for you and they show this little brat like with chips and a little hug in its hand Screaming and crying saying I want a doughnut. I wonder the moms like sorry you can't have a doughnut and they're like hunger in America I'm not kidding Am I telling the truth Jusa my wife watched it with me. I if I'm lying I'm dying. That's what happened Okay, so look at mr. Junk food. Look at his abundance right here. I mean this guy's living large. Okay Okay, right here. You know how much he spent on that total? This is like 11 bucks at Food City 11 bucks This right here come stand over here, so we okay this right here In case the people at home didn't see all your junk. I don't know how much the camera shows. But anyway They need to be in church. Amen This this right here was 13 bucks for all this. This is 11 bucks Okay, think about is this is this even gonna get you through one day? That won't even get me through one day. I Mean that's not enough food to get me even through one day. Oh, I don't know how we can't make ends meet Okay, is this gonna get you through a day? Okay a pound of rice pound of beans We got four avocados three tomatoes Spice it up with a red onion bring home salt and pepper packets from Burger King or whatever for free You got a giant bowling ball of cabbage two things of corn five pounds of carrots Two oranges and a bag of apples right so then can't you see why people are buying the cheap stuff? They can't afford this stuff friend It's a government needs to fix it. I Mean is it oh, but what about you didn't buy any grapes? You can live and die without ever eating a grape in your entire life Here let's throw all throw all this stuff in here before it. Let's just throw it on there. Thank you guys You could live and die without whoops you got a red onion on your head So what it actually comes down to is just people's foolish lazy slothful lustful Choices that they want to have a party in their mouth well listen I want to have a party in my mouth too But I'm gonna go work six days so that on the seventh day I can have a party in my mouth because I earned it and I can go buy my ice cream Or chocolate peanut butter cups or whatever I want because I worked, but you know what? Even even my family when we go through times where we're a little lean financially. You know my wife will do She'll start having meals without meat We'll do like three days a week or four days a week of meatless sometimes Just to just to save a little extra money. Here's a meal that we'll do grilled cheese and tomato soup real expensive meal, huh Or how about this a Burrito with tortillas with rice beans corn and tomato in them It tastes great. It's very satisfying it fills you up You say well, it's like eating. I love eating meat but you got to earn the right to be eating meat and staying up past eight and And and and doing stuff like that by working you work, and you earn that money friend I mean this thing was so bizarre, so then they said I Just I got some notes that I took during the movie I want to make sure I hit all the main points, so they're talking about like oh the food stamp program It's not enough because people are only getting like three bucks that here's the thing three bucks a day per person here's the thing the whole point is they look at your income and they see how much you already make and They give you less food stamps because they they know you're already making your own money So it's supposed to be a supplement. It's not even called food stamps anymore. It's called supplemental food but then they have this single mom on there crying about how like My food stamps, you know it got me through like three weeks, and I don't even know what I'm gonna do that fourth week It's like use your own money Use the money that you spent on drugs or liquor or beer and you know don't tell me that these single moms are not are not Spreading their feet onto everyone that passes by because they wouldn't have these kids if they hadn't have Fornicated and don't tell me that they never touch alcohol. Yeah, I'm sure they're a bunch of tea toddlers a Bologna they don't they yeah, they're three dollars and fifty four cents for gay, but how much is a 40 cost? Can you tell me that? Can you tell me that Bob Barker? What's the value of that showcase a? 40 How much is beer and wine and late that stuff cost a lot of money? How about cigarettes how much they I see people begging for food by the side of the road they're smoking a cigarette I Want I rolled out my window say chew up that cigarette and swallow it yeah, you won't be so hungry But this guy said oh, it's not enough money he said so him him and a politician and By the way these politicians who pretend to care about the poor and people who are offended by this sermon cuz they're like ah you Don't love the poor. They're Judas Iscariots because that's exactly what Judas said oh We need to give all this church money to the poor and Jesus said that it was it wasn't that he loved the poor it Was that he was the treasurer and stole money out of it these politicians are millionaires They're stealing money from us every single day through insider trading and through all their Sweetheart deals and their they tax us and and screw us and take all the money and run, but then here's what they say Oh, you know we wanted to see what it was like to live off food stamps So we tried to live off three dollars a day at the grocery store For a week to see what it was like or it's a supplement It has supplement them, but even so even if you even if you only have three bucks You can survive and live and thrive off three bucks. It's not it's not gonna be fun, but you can buy rice and beans I you know what I challenge you to eat three dollars of rice and beans in one day You'll throw up because you can't even fit that much food in your stomach, right I? Want to see you eat seven pounds cooked cooked weight I want to see you eat seven pounds of rice and beans in one day not happening and Rice and beans and corn are staples of a lot of diet. That's what what do you think? What do you think the Indians lived off of before? The Spaniards came and other people came they're living off corn. They're living off acorns. They're living off of all this stuff They didn't have a party in their mouth so the white man came with the fire water and whatever but hey But they they could eat and survive so the point the point is That this is what the guy said he's like well first of all it's horrible because I had a horrible headache And I was cranky I'm thinking like why are you cranky and have headache because he's like cuz I couldn't drink coffee Because it was too expensive Coffee's a luxury. You don't have to have coffee to live coffee's not part of survival And Then they said oh there you know one-sixth of America is starving and hungry they said fifty million people they said One-sixth of Americans are starving. They're hungry one half of kids are on food stamps at one point in their life Everything The answer was more funding for school lunches more government more taxes They just keep saying we attacks more and give more money to schools, and that's gonna fix everything That's what the whole movie about because I wanted to see what are they gonna talk about the last seven minutes in the wrap-up where they give you like the the moral of the story, and it was all just mug government and more taxes and Then the guy that Raj you know and why does it Raj go to India and see what real poverty looks like Mr.. He's like all talking in his little posh British accent like oh, you know the the obesity and poverty Obesity and poverty are close cousins in fact their next-door neighbors You know and we need to understand that some of the fattest people are the you know are the hungriest Yeah, I've been around fat people, and they're usually pretty hungry, but that's usually well. We're talking about we talk about ending hunger It's like wait Why don't you put down your tea and crumpets and go to India and look at what it looks like for somebody be starving Raj? There you can find some real hunger go to Calcutta, and then we'll talk Mississippi good night So then Raj at the end says what the real problem is is class inequality Thank you, Karl Marx for letting us know class struggle class inequality. It's communism It's a brainwashing Communist garbage to get people to watch this movie and then tell the government more money for school I just more food for the poor more food stamp. You know what they do with the food stamp look I've been to the ghetto Okay, I know what the ghetto is like I spent two and a half years and look I'm not even through half my notes come back. I'm finishing this tonight. I'm getting that where is a two-parter I'm getting this material out there this needs to be preached I Spent two and a half years in South Chicago Winning souls knocking doors all day Saturday and Sunday for about two years or so more than two years one of the worst ghettos in America 599 murders that year when I was there in Chicago and most of its on the south side It's a rough part of town rough area, and you know what they would do all summer They have candy shops they call it Every street had like three candy shops where the living room. They're selling chips soda and candy out of the living room and It was cheaper there than at the store, and I asked somebody I said how are these people making money? Because they're selling it for cheaper than the store And I was buying stuff there because I was like this is cheap. You know so when we're out soul winning hey Let's go hit the candy shop We'd grab something you know grab some chips grab so I'm like how are they making money and somebody explain me They're not making money This is how they turn their food stamps into cash because they buy Chips and nacho cheese and stuff on food stamps or the little card or whatever Illinois link it was called And then they would just turn around just sell it for cash And they can buy drugs and alcohol and cigarettes and lotto tickets and every other foolish thing Okay, so I'm 41 minutes into this this documentary, and it's all single moms so far the whole movie I'm like is that all just single moms single moms I? Finally get to the 50-minute marker in the film and they a dude finally a dude because it's all single bombs I Mean look you can't even make this stuff up 51-minute mark a fat cop I Mean I'm not kidding a fat cop with like $6,000 braces on his teeth and He's like yeah, I haven't gotten a raise in four years, so now I got to hit up the food bank a Cop cops make good money friend, and I don't care even if they're not making a whole lot in certain areas They make a lot around here in Tempe, but hey Even if they're not making a lot They don't need to be going to the food bank, and you know officer donuts rear-end showed he didn't need to go to the food bank Okay, he's got he's carrying around a food bank He had a food bank in the front and a food bank in the back, and he's like oh I gotta go, and he's just like oh, it's so humiliating We ought to be ashamed of yourself You Ought to be humiliated and ashamed of yourself that you're going to a food bank when you're a cop Fat cop is starving dead put him in the 50 million put him in that category That was the first man. It's all it's all single moms Okay go to Ezekiel 16 verse 25 Ezekiel 16 25 and Let me just come out and say it and you can like it or lump it But you know why these single mothers are struggling because they're wicked and they're living in sin That's why because God never intended women to go out and get knocked up and pregnant out of wedlock they need to have some respect for their bodies and save their body until he's willing to put a ring on it and start paying for them and supporting them and commit to them and marry them and If they were living by God's plan and Christian morals they wouldn't be out there being a whore And then get it Yeah, but I don't know what it's like to be a whore though, I don't know what it's like to be a whore monger And you know if I went around and and knocked up a bunch of women out of wedlock Then I'd have a bunch of child support to pay and then I'd be poor too But I didn't do that So I shouldn't have to pay for that You should pay for that Is Ezekiel chapter 16 verse 25 thus built thy high place at every head of the way and has made thy beauty to be abhorred. I Don't care how beautiful you are It's disgusting when you're a whore when you're a slut. That's what the Bible is saying here He said you've made your beauty to be abhorred and has opened thy feet to everyone that passed by and multiplied thy whoredoms Thou has also committed fornication with the Egyptians thy neighbors great of flesh and has increased thy whoredoms to provoke me to anger Behold therefore I have stretched out my hand over thee and have diminished thy ordinary food No wonder you have a little less food than you want No wonder you don't have a party in your mouth. No wonder you only have three weeks of food stamps when you need four Because God looked down and saw your whoredoms He saw you open your feet to everybody who passed by and be a whore and he said well, I'll diminish your food you'll eat less and Deliver thee up under the will of them that hate thee the daughters of the Philistines which are ashamed of thy lewd way Thou has played the whore also with the Assyrians because thou was insatiable Yea thou has played the harlot with them and yet couldest not be satisfied thou is moreover Multiplied by fornication in the land of Canaan unto Chaldea and yet thou was not satisfied here with how weak is thine heart Sayeth the Lord God seeing thou doest all these things the work of an imperious and did I mention? Whorish woman and that thou buildest thine eminent place in the head of every way and makest thine high place in every street and Watches he's called her a whore how many times eight times and then he says this but you've not been a harlot he says at the end of verse 31 and That thou scorn ist higher But as a wife that commiteth adultery would takest strangers instead of her husband they give gifts to all whores But thou giveth thy gifts to all thy lovers and hirest them That they may come unto thee on every side for thy whoredom and the contrary is in thee from other women in thy whoredoms Whereas none followeth thee to commit whoredoms and then thou give us a reward and no reward is given unto thee Therefore thou art contrary wherefore o harlot hear the word of the Lord I'm not going to go on and on and read that but you know what the Bible is saying It's saying to a loose woman a promiscuous woman. You know what the difference is between you and a whore is That you're doing it for free. So you're dumb The whore is making money You're like a whore. That's free You're like a whore that has to pay them to be with you. I Mean that's what God looks at when he sees promiscuous and loose women he says you are a harlot and you are her because people will try to say well know a whore is someone who sells it and God says okay. Yeah, you're right. You're worse than a whore At least a whore has a business sense At least the whore is making money enough money to go buy organic food You're eating chips and little hugs Because you didn't even get paid when you got knocked up. That's what he's saying to you. Oh thou ghetto whore oh thou sleazy single mom going to Washington DC Hanging around a bunch of Judas Iscariots trying to get them to steal more money from hard-working people To give to the lazy and the sluggard and the slothful You say what's the morals I got I got to wind this sermon down But there's there's a lot more here. I got pages of notes, and I'm going to preach on this tonight You say well why preach on this pastor Anderson? You just you just hate poor people wait When did I I'm not even talking about poor people I'm talking about wicked slothful whores Talk about whores and lazy men is what we're talking about tonight and this morning Okay, so first of all no. I'm not against poor people, and I don't I don't even hate the whores I don't even hate the slothful or the lazy. You know what this is what lazy people need to hear some They need some tough love they need a swift kick in the pants You know what when I was a kid, and I acted a fool my parents Disciplined me and chewed me out and told me off not because they hated me, but because they loved me And you know what God doesn't hate mankind God didn't just write Ezekiel 16 in the Bible Man, I hate women. I'm just gonna really let loose on him in his ego 16 No, you know what he wanted. He wanted every little girl to read his equal 16 and say I don't want to do that I don't want to be like that And you know what the point of this sermon is the point of this sermon is for you young man And you young lady to learn to take responsibility for your own actions For your own actions and don't blame everybody blame the government blame the white man blame whoever no No, you decide how you want to live in this world you have a land of opportunity You can succeed you can live for God you can do what's right, or you can ruin your life But don't blame anyone, but yourself you blame yourself You're the one who decides whether you succeed or not and listen the men today are lazy in this generation And it ought not be so in the house of God let the world out there be lazy our church should be known for hard workers Every employer in this area should be wanting more workers from faithful word Send us more workers from faithful word Baptist those guys know how to work. That's the reputation we ought to have and If you and don't you don't you go out soul winning and look at some nice house, and oh must be nice Oh these rich people They're middle-class and You can have that too if you'd go to work They want to be lazy and phone it in at work skip days It's too cold too rainy too hard call in sick when you have the sniffles, and then you wonder why you live in a dump You chose that dump for yourself you can succeed and look in America. You can work two jobs Other countries that's not even legal in Germany they'll tax you 90% on the second job. It's not even worth it literally 90% So we live in America you can work as much as you want you can do whatever you want You can show up and get paid and and and you can also not waste money on lotto tickets beer junk food Juice soda stuff that you don't need And I'm telling you You need to take responsibility work hard the Bible says if any man provides not for his own house He's he's denied the faith and is worse than an infidel So if there's a lazy man in this church, that's not working hard not providing He's worse than an infidel. He's worse than an unbeliever the Bible says Okay, and you late you young ladies Don't you grow up and fornicate and then expect everybody to just fall and then you're like Oh, I had to move home with my parents Were you irresponsible little brat you need to be home with your parents and your parents should give you a whipping no matter how? old you are If that's your if that's your attitude You know what if look you're like. Oh, you know I just want to be a single mom It's wicked You get married, and then you have kids You say what about the ones that are widows none of these women were widows in this film They're not widows, and you say well. What about the widows you know what the Bible addresses that? I'm covering that in tonight's sermon, but the Bible address that they're supposed to marry someone else Hello is anybody home they're supposed to be married and A man is supposed to pay the bills and if they well then go live with your parents Okay But you know no I know I want to live on my own And I want to just fornicate and screw around and and eat and have a party in my mouth No, and then this girl and that one of one of the girls in this film. She finally gets a job you know it's like six months later or whatever and then she finally has a job and Then she's just like oh some of my jobs really hectic. She's sitting at a desk She's not even working a factory or something She's sitting in a cubicle Just like doing office work. I made phone calls for some government organization Yeah, those state jobs are a bear Those state office jobs will really burn you out She's just like you know some of this really hectic, but you just got to do what you gotta do then she's crying No, I made too much money. I can't get food stamps anymore And then this expert comes on and she's just like you can't just stop giving these people food stamps when they get a job You got to give them food stamps for a few months so they can transition Be pure Don't fornicate you fornicate suffer You fornicate you're gonna suffer. You're lazy. You're gonna suffer Do what's right obey the Bible go to church live right do right and God? Promises that if you seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness you will be fed and clothed till the day you die Say well, you don't know what it's like to not have food You know what I'll never know what it's like to not have food because God has sworn to me that he will feed me and clothe me for the rest of my life and If I go without food it will just be for a period of fasting It'll just be a period maybe where God wants to humble me and maybe fast He said you know chug my silver spoon your mouth listen to me when I first got married. I was poor But I wasn't lazy. I Went to work. I worked 50 hours a week You know later I'd work a lot more than that, but I started out my first real job after I got married I worked 50 hours a week My wife and I live in a small apartment in a rough area We sat on the floor to eat meals. We had no table. No chairs. We slept on a twin mattress That was all we had didn't even have a bed just a mattress on the floor twin mattress two plates two forks two glasses that's what we had and We worked our way up, and you know what even after I was the pastor of this church and Even after I had three children Me my wife and three children for five years For five years. I slept in my car because I would work in California to make ends meet Right that's a real wonderful smooth easy life living in Phoenix and working in LA and pastoring a church and It will halftime. I was working at Sacramento, and I would drive back and forth to California and I had to cram a lot of the week's work into just three days So I could be back for Wednesday night And I slept in my car over the course of five years an average of two nights a week for over five years Okay, so that means I've slept in my car Over 500 times now if you want to come to me and wind me about your situation after the service You come tell me that you slept in the car 501 times, and then we'll talk If you've slept in your car for 501 times, then I'll talk to you about your sob story And you know what I've never touched touched a drop of beer in my life And I've had sex with one woman, and it's the woman that I'm married to Okay So don't come whining to me about how hard it is to be a fornicating Single mom and how hard you got to work at your state 40-hour a week job The people in this room, and I'm not trying to exalt myself here because I guarantee you any successful person in this room Any person in this room that drives a nice car or lives in a nice house? I guarantee you they'll tell you about the times. They stayed up all night working They might not have slept in their car, but I guarantee they worked all night They worked 16-hour days they studied all night to take some tests somewhere while others were playing beer pong and Sleeping around and being a whore being a fool being a slacker being an idiot. That's the true story my friend and so I slept in my car 500 times and I ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches I've gone the whole days where I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast Peanut butter and jelly for lunch peanut butter and jelly for dinner and that has everything a growing boy needs What else you need? It's got carbs. It's got protein. It's got your fruits. I mean it's Glass of milk on the side. What else do you need I? Mean that'll keep you rolling a bag of baby carrots on the side. Yeah, because these carrots are real expensive Carrot and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and you know what you say well Yeah, but now two weeks ago I went soul winning I went a little soul winning expedition on the Indian reservations And you know what I didn't trust the food because it was a small town junk food places You know I don't I don't like to just eat at these hole-in-the-wall restaurants in small towns It's usually rough Okay, so here's what I did. I went to the grocery store in the small town. This is two weeks ago 13 days ago 13 days ago. I walked into a small town grocery store Basha or whatever and I bought a loaf of Dave's killer bread white bread done right it was called White bread done right it's my new favorite Dave's killer bread I Got a jar of Laura Scudder's peanut butter That was the because I read I stood there And I read every label of all the peanut butter and found the healthiest one the Laura Scudder's naturally had like two ingredients peanuts and Salt or something I was it I got the Laura Scudder's peanut butter, and I got an organic jam and I bought a couple plastic knives and I bought a jug of milk and I ate guess what I have for lunch peanut butter and jelly guess what I have for dinner peanut butter jelly The place where I stayed provided breakfast next day for lunch peanut butter and jelly again Dinner peanut butter and jelly for two days in a row I Mean if you calculate out, I mean how much was that loaf of bread? How much was that peanut so I got literally I got four meals out of 12 bucks For bit and I was eating two big Generously portioned peanut butter and jelly and then and then I brought home a whole bunch of extra There was there there was extra bread left More than half the peanut butter was left Half the jam was left So I mean honestly there were probably like ten meals for an adult grown hard-working man Peanut butter and jelly, but it wasn't steak and lobster and whatever and I'm not against eating steak and lobster if you earn it If you earn it Take responsibility for yourself work hard Be someone respectable and and look I don't care What color you are, and I don't care what your background is you know what any person can succeed in this country And you know what black people are succeeding in this country every day look around our church and see successful hard-working black people Show me one black person in this church whose pants are hanging down, and they look like they need a diaper change Right we have successful Native Americans in our church who work honest jobs They don't make money off booze and casinos and wickedness They work honest jobs, and there's then they pay their bills, and they have respect for themselves and their wives and their children We have successful Native Americans blacks Hispanics white people Asians look it's nothing to do with the color of your skin It has nothing to do with your background I don't care what your great-granddad did or your or your great-grandparents or your parents or You can succeed today You can feed yourself you can feed your family And if you want to look for help don't come looking to me to pay for your lazy Sorry behind look to the end of your own right arm, right? and look to this book and And this book will tell you to get your butt to work. That's what the whole book of Proverbs is about It's a whole book of the Bible about it. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer