(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Psalm 11 the verse that I wanted to focus on is verse number three where the Bible reads if the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do that's the title of my sermon this morning if the foundations be destroyed now flip over if you would to Luke chapter number six Luke chapter number six the Bible says there in Psalm 11 if the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do meaning that the righteous are powerless to do anything if the foundations are destroyed that's how important the foundation is well what is the foundation well according to the Bible itself it's Jesus that's the foundation and it's the word of God that's the foundation the words of Jesus look what the Bible says in Luke 6 verse 47 whosoever cometh to me and heareth my sayings and doeth them I will show you to whom he is like he is like a man which built an house and dig deep and laid the foundation on a rock and when the flood arose and the stream beat vehemently upon that house and could not shake it for it was founded upon a rock but he that heareth and doeth not is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth against which the stream did beat vehemently and immediately it fell and the ruin of that house was great so who is the man that built his foundation upon a rock it's the one who hears the sayings of Jesus Christ and does them and the one who does not hear those sayings and does not do them is like one who's building his house without a foundation the Bible says no foundation so the Bible said in Psalm 11 if the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do if the foundation isn't there then when the storm comes when opposition comes and beats on the house the Bible says here in Luke 6 that it fell immediately immediately it fell it just crumbles why because there's nothing holding it up and so the Bible is teaching us how important it is to have the right foundation go to Ephesians chapter 2 just a few pages to the right in your Bible Ephesians chapter 2 according to Luke 6 the foundation was the sayings of Jesus Christ the Word of God was the foundation according to Luke 6 while you're turning to Ephesians 2 I'll read for you from 1st Corinthians 3 where the Bible reads according to the grace of God which is given unto me as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation and another buildeth thereon but let every man take heed how he buildeth there upon for other foundation can no man lay than that is laid which is Jesus Christ look down at your Bible there in Ephesians 2 verse 18 for through him we both have access by one spirit unto the Father now therefore you're no more strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens with the saints and of the household of God and are built upon the foundation watch the foundation of the apostles and prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone so the foundation that we're to build upon is made up of all the apostles and prophets it's made up of the entire Bible the Old Testament and the New Testament and then Jesus and his sayings are the chief cornerstone but all of it is the foundation all of it is the Word of God that is upon what we are to build our lives now go to Hebrews chapter 6 Hebrews chapter number 6 and by the way this is why it's so important that we are King James only at this church because if the Word of God is the whole foundation for everything that we believe if it's our final authority and all matters of faith and practice then it's pretty important what it says and we can't just join the Bible of the Month Club because that would be shifting sands that would not be a rock to found our church upon something that's constantly changing and you say well you know you don't have to join the Bible of the Month Club you could just pick a different version and stick with it no you can't the King James is the only one that remains for example if you said I'm gonna make the NIV the anchor of my soul I'm gonna make the NIV the rock upon which I build my Christian life and my faith and practice well it just changed in 2011 completely overhauled to make it gender neutral that's the biggest overhaul look it up the number one change the number one reason for a revision from the 1984 NIV to the 2011 NIV was to make it gender neutral and you know you can get all into the American Standard version but then they're gonna come out with the new American Standard and then they come out with the ESV to replace that and these versions are constantly changing even within themselves the Jehovah's Witness New World Translation constantly changing you know I preached stuff in our film New World Order Bible versions exposing the New World Translation as a fraud and then a couple months after I preached that they can't and I'm not saying they did it because of my sermon but I'm saying a couple months later they changed the New World Translation and they got rid of the slimy juice of the marshmallow and then people accuse me of lying and they're like you're lying that's not what it says I've got a New World Translate yeah because they have the new silver one they don't have the black one and here's the thing it said the slimy juice of the marshmallow in job six verse six for the last 50 years and they just changed it at the end of 2013 or or was it 2014 one of the other they just changed it at the end of 2013 I believe so these versions are constantly changing not only that but they twist key Bible doctrines important doctrine about the deity of Christ about salvation about hell about everything we believe is changed in these new versions and they claim to just be easier to understand but in reality they remove 16 entire verses from the New Testament they remove hundreds of other whole phrases whole sentences from other scriptures and so if we're gonna have a foundation that's secure we need to get a Bible that doesn't change the traditional text known as the textus receptus the English version that is based off of the true manuscript which is the King James version that has stood for 400 years as the standard by which all other of these phony Bibles are judged and condemned the King James Bible if it ain't broke don't fix it okay and these new versions are all garbage and and I've proven that in many other sermons you know not only I just got to point this out though it's funny because not only do the new versions affect key doctrines such as the fact that Jesus Christ always has existed and he's not a created being you know like the King James says he's from everlasting the new versions talk about his origin being from ancient times not only do they affect key doctrines like the virgin birth but they also they literally read like they were translated through Google Translate it's literally like someone just took the Greek text and put it into Google Translate that's what the NIV it's such a bad translation just from a literary standpoint it sounds awful I mean I can't imagine the dweebs and geeks that must have worked on this thing because it's so bad just the way that it reads it has no soul it's just so mechanical and wouldn't you know and in their zeal to go gender neutral one of my favorites is where the famous verse in Micah says he has showed thee oh man what is good and what does the Lord require of thee but to do justly and to walk humbly with thy God and so I misquoted it but this is what the NIV does he has showed thee oh human one he has showed you oh human because they just don't want to be a gender of he showed thee oh man just but the whole NIV reads that way it sounds terrible but I was just every once a while I'll just open the NIV and just kind of flip through it because it's so easy to find weird stuff in it so I open it this morning and then go to Job keep your finger in Hebrew 6 but go to Job 36 this is just what I found when I randomly flipped open the NIV this morning and just started looking at it but listen to the difficult to understand King James Version in Job 36 verse 14 here's what the Bible says they die in youth and their life is among the unclean okay this is talking about wicked people dying young hey they die in their youth and their life is among the unclean everybody see that listen to what the NIV says they die in their youth among male prostitutes of the shrines now that's the same thing right just a little bit updated so you know they die in their youth among the unclean the NIV says again look down at your real Bible they die in their youth among male prostitutes of the shrines what in the world I mean this is the kind of weird stuff but it's like that on every page I'm not kidding but people just think oh it's not a big deal what version you use or they'll say well that's why our final authority has to be the Greek and Hebrew yeah languages you don't speak you know yeah that's a real smart idea let's build our foundation something that we don't even understand great idea that's something to base your life on stuff that you don't understand a language you don't speak a foreign language I mean think about what if we were to tell some builder in Phoenix hey we want you to build a building on this foundation that you've never worked with before that you have no idea what it is you know and it's all metric and you're on the English system it's like whoa what are you talking about it doesn't make any sense we need an English Bible that we can read and study trust thank God we have an accurate translation we have a perfect Bible in English we have the Word of God without error in the King James Bible but go to Hebrews chapter 6 verse number 1 what are we talking about this morning if the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do I mean if you take this Bible away from the righteous what can they accomplish nothing right because the foundation has been removed the foundation of what the Apostles the prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone hearing the sayings and doing them well we have to have the sayings and that's the King James not these twisted new versions that that corrupt the original look if you would at Hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 the Bible reads therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ let us go on into perfection not laying again the foundation now he's gonna tell us what the foundation is here not laying again the foundation of what repentance from dead works and a faith toward God of the doctrine of baptisms and of laying on of hands and of resurrection of the dead and of eternal judgment so he lists these the six foundational things right and he says these are the foundation of the doctrines of Christ you know this is what we base our beliefs on this is the starting point and he says let's move on from that unto perfection unto things that are more complicated right but before we can move on to that which is more complicated we have to make sure we have a solid foundation and if the foundation be destroyed what can the righteous do what are those foundations first of all repentance from dead works now what is it to repent from dead works well I like how brother Garrett defined it he said you know faith without works is dead works without faith is dead see the dead faith is the faith without works and the dead works are the works without faith in Jesus Christ that's a great definition because the dead works there are the works that people are doing that they think are going to get them to heaven basically they're doing these dead works and they think that they're gonna work there with him when the Bible says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast he said repentance from dead works and faith toward God so you're turning from trusting in dead works that can't save you to putting your faith in the true and living God to save you and look I can't help myself I got to show you what the NIV does to this to just destroy the foundation of what we believe instead of repentance from dead works here's what they say repentance from acts that lead to death so now it's repenting of your sins now you know repenting of acts that lead to death because we know sin when it's finished bring forth that so you see how they're corrupting the foundation by the way the NIV removes the word repent about 46 times and it's all strategically removed in order to twist the definition of repentance from what the Bible teaches the foundation is repentance from dead works repentance means to turn from okay to change your mind or to change direction and so instead of dead works being their hope to get them into heaven you know the things that people do every day and every week think about the Catholics that go through all these dead rituals and doing this and chanting and going through bees all those dead works that they do kneeling and in front of idols and lighting candles and so forth things that God did not command you know we got to turn from that and put our faith in Jesus Christ to be saved that's foundational faith not works turn from works and turn to faith okay that's what the Bible is teaching here as a foundational doctrine the Bible says repentance from dead works and a faith toward God of the doctrine of baptisms and of laying on of hands and of resurrection of the dead and of eternal judgment you know baptism is a foundational doctrine and the doctrine of baptisms has to do with number one the fact that baptisms by immersion that's why it says in Matthew 3 that Jesus when he was baptized went up straight way out of the water that's why John was baptizing an anon near to Salem because there was much water there if he would have been sprinkling he could have just brought a water bottle you know he could have just brought a camel pack he could have just brought a small amount of water no he had to go somewhere where there was much water so that he could dunk people under the water that's why the Bible says in Colossians 2 that we're buried with him by baptism well sprinkling isn't a burial no a burial is when you go down under okay that and I'm not talking about Australia but when you go down under the water that is burial that is real baptism that's foundational and when you see a church that's baptizing by sprinkling or pouring you know what that tells me that church doesn't even have the foundation how can they build anything of value when they don't even have the foundation to start with right they will fail immediately the Bible says these things are foundational the doctrine of baptisms is a foundation the doctrine of laying on of hands is foundational and yet there are people today who just basically just proclaim themselves a pastor with without going through a local church without basically coming up through the ranks of a local church or having the blessing of a local church having a local church send them out to start a church you know the church begets the church and in the Bible they would ordain elders in every city he said ordain elders in every city as I had appointed thee and there are qualifications well who judges whether a person has met those qualifications or not the church who judges whether somebody is sober just holy temperate you know we can't really judge that of ourselves yeah all those things no you know somebody else has to say yeah you are the husband of one wife you do have faithful children not accused of riot or unruly you know you are not given to wine you are not a brawler etc so the doctrine of the laying on of hands where the power of the holy spirit to preach is conferred through the laying on of hands so that a person can go out sanctioned and ordained by a local church to go out and pastor and be an elder a bishop etc but today people just proclaim themselves many times these titles instead of being ordained in a local church or sent out or have the blessing of that church the Bible says of resurrection of the dead I mean obviously that's a key doctrine that has to do with the fact that we don't just have hope of Christ in this life only but that there will be a resurrection both of the just and of the unjust and then of course eternal judgment that's foundational the teaching of hell something that you don't even hear about a lot in in many churches today and therefore a lot of people who go to these churches they don't have that foundation of understanding that there is an eternal punishment for the unsaved and that punishment is hell it's eternal it's burning in the lake of fire forever and ever no rest day nor night etc but if the devil can attack these foundations and pull the rug out from under us look if these foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do and the answer is nothing that's the answer to that question not only that but today the foundations are being destroyed not just in the sense that the Bible is being corrupted in all these new translations new versions that are coming out for one motivation the love of money because they make money by coming out with new translations because all the churches now have to throw away their 1984 NIV and get the new 2011 edition and spend all that money okay not only is the wicked one attacking the foundation of the word of God by translating it into all these goofball translations that make it sound stupid and then atheists will take these goofball translations and say look what the Bible says the Bible says you have to marry the one who rapes you and it's it's from the NIV not in the King James okay and then another one that I saw these atheists showing a verse that said if you if you speak the name of the Lord you should be put to death it's like what in the world you know I mean the Bible wants us to praise him by his name praise the Lord you know and and to use his name and hallowed be his name but to speak his name and all throughout the Bible they're saying you know the Lord be gracious unto you the Lord bless you but in this goofball it was called the revised English Bible this goofball version said if you speak the name of the Lord you're put to death and then these atheists are like look how stupid the Bible is no that's how stupid that translation is and the devil loves to put out all these false translations just to confuse everybody and to give fodder unto the enemy where the enemy can use this as ammunition against the true word of God and then most people aren't fact-checking it most people are just like whoa that is stupid you know they're not actually you think an atheist is pulling their King James off the shelf wait a minute check this out make sure that this is really what it says but not only is the Bible being corrupted in that way not only are doctrines being corrupted where you know they bring in a false repentance a false salvation a false baptism false doctrine on all these subjects but not only that but even just basic words that have had historically accepted definitions just the English definition that's always been around these words are starting to be twisted to mean something completely different you know words like believe which you know seems like a pretty straightforward word but the wicked one will even change the definition of believe where people don't even know what believe means anymore or you know he'll twist the definition of words like church baptism repentance faith and just make them mean something completely different and if those foundations are destroyed what can the righteous do if the very building blocks of our language and how we communicate in English are altered to where when we speak people are getting the wrong meaning from our words what can the righteous do at that point right here's the definition that's being twisted murder you know murder is clearly defined in the Bible but today people don't know what murder is here's what murder is killing an innocent person killing an animal is not murder and here's the thing people today use words like abortion when they ought to be using the word murder and here's another foundational word that's being twisted child yeah they don't know what child means okay so then they'll just say oh it's a blob of tissue it's a bunch of cells you know i saw somebody said what if they found an aborted fetus on Mars they'd say they found life on Mars right i mean if they found if they found a protein bar on Mars they'd say like this is life on Mars because we found amino acids it's a life it's life we found amino acid but you know when when it's growing and breathing and the heart's beating and it's kicking and it's smiling in the womb oh that's not a child i saw a debate between a couple of politicians who are the biggest liars and frauds in this world politicians but i saw it was a republican and a democrat okay and they're both talking about abortion they're asked by the debate moderator when does life begin and both the republican and the democrat said it begins at birth when does life begin in the womb at birth both republican and democrat because it was for some commie state out on the east coast you know i don't remember if it was vermont or massachusetts or one of these you know godforsaken communist liberal places where basically you know thank god we live in arizona arizona is one of the coolest states we have idiots too for politicians but at least it's a cool state though but anyway over there both republican and democrat said it begins at birth now you have to just be completely insane to believe that they don't believe neither one of those people believes that no one believes that because you'd have to be an idiot to believe that it begins at birth because what in the world changes at birth that somehow makes it alive you know i mean look now this tree is not alive but look outside look at that tree out there that's alive that is alive that tree is defined as a living thing but these people won't define a child in its mother's womb as a living thing bacteria is alive people but uh but a child a fully developed child that's going to be born in five minutes is not alive why because they want to murder it that's why and listen the doctor who performs it is a murderer the politician who signs the bill to to perform it is a murderer the politician who wants to donate money to planned parenthood it's a murderer and the people who want to support it and get behind it and vote for it you're an accessory to murder call it what it is today but these foundations are being destroyed we don't even know what murder is anymore i got one guy who agrees with my sermon you know we don't know what murder is anymore we don't know what it means to be alive anymore you know just the definitions of words are being twisted and changed to where we don't even think that a baby in its mother's womb is a living thing it's a living thing by every definition of a living organism it's growing it's multiplying it's eating and people come up with all these new crazy definitions for what it means to be alive no we need to stick with the foundations that we've had for generations and not be carried to and fro tossed about with every wind of doctrine with the changing winds and the shifting sands of what people believe they've changed the definition of murder today they've changed the definition of life changing the definition of a child you know the bible says behold a virgin shall conceive and then the new testament it says a virgin shall be with child because conceive equals a child when you conceive it's a living child and if you kill it you're a murderer and you know what if you're a woman in this auditorium that has had an abortion you're a murderer period end of story and look i'm not saying that you can't you know be forgiven or that you can't be saved or that you're not living a good life now or that you're not a righteous person now but you know what i'm not going to sugarcoat it you have an abortion you're a murderer you had one in the past you've committed murder confess that sin to god forsake that sin but it's murder period everybody who's had anything to do with it's a murderer good look let's put the shoe on the other foot if it was an adult life we'd all agree with that what if somebody drowned their baby in the bathtub you know what you'd call a murderer and nobody would be offended by that but you've been brainwashed by these bunch of whores that teach oh pro-choice and everything they're whores is what they are and they don't want to wait until they're married to go to bed and and do it right and that gets to my next subject the definition of fornication is being twisted today the foundation listen here's a foundational teaching of christian morality that basically what goes on in the bedroom is to take place between married people isn't that foundational wouldn't you say that that's a basic and and another word for foundational is basic like base it's at the base it's at the bottom of things it's a foundation look wouldn't you say that one of the basic teachings of christian morality is that we we have a physical intimacy only with our wife not before marriage not with other people outside of marriage i mean that is a basic teaching of christianity true or false you know and people that are not christian they don't follow that morality and they just basically say well if you love each other if it's consensual it's fine and they go out and they are whores and whore mongers and they think that's okay but what does the bible teach no the bible says that it's for within marriage now nowadays though what you're starting to have is even christians today are starting to say well i don't think it's really wrong you know even just this foundational basis of christian morality one of the basics now even christians are starting to question this and say well i don't see what's wrong with it i don't think there's anything wrong with it you know this judeo-christian mentality because the jews they you know they don't have a problem with it their morality doesn't condemn it so let's see what the bible says go to first corinthian seven and part of the reason why people are starting to doubt this is these new versions again it comes back to that see the new versions completely remove the word fornication and you know what other word they remove that's used 50 to 60 times in the king james 50 to 60 times the word whore whore monger whoredom that's all removed in the niv you'll never see the word whore in your niv see i don't like that where i've offended you use that word then go get out of here and go buy an niv and and don't come back go read your niv and you go sleep with everybody and you go be a filthy whore but you know what at faithful word baptist church i'm going to stand up with a king james bible and say hey the bible calls it whoredom the bible calls it fornication the bible says that if you have sex before you're married you're a whore that's what the bible says and if you're a man that goes out doesn't you're a whore monger this is what the bible says but this foundational teaching is going way to where now our kids are growing up and even amongst christians it seems that in the in the in the majority of christian churches the kids are growing up and they're not remaining pure until they're married they don't even have this ethic they're not even striving toward that they don't even know about that because they're being taught well it might not even be wrong well if you're reading an niv because the niv completely removes those words and here's what the niv replaces them with immorality immor which can basically mean whatever you want it to mean take out whoredom take out fornication immorality take out the whore and replace it with promiscuous promiscuous now look is that easier to understand i guarantee you that if we went out and did a survey on how many know people know the word whore and how many people know the word promiscuous i guarantee you that more people know the simpler word whore than the word promiscuous you know some of you aren't even comfortable with me saying a word that's 60 times in the bible right but you're but you're comfortable to live in a society where it's just normal you know but you don't even want me to name it but what does the bible teach here in first corinthian seven the bible clearly teaches what fornication means look at the bible in verse one of chapter seven it says now concerning the things were of you wrote unto me it is good for a man not to touch a woman nevertheless to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband that's how we avoid fornication by getting married that's how you avoid fornication look at verse eight i say i say therefore to the unmarried and widows it is good for them if they abide even as i but if they cannot contain let them marry for it is better to marry than to burn what is the bible saying here oh if you can't contain yourself then just go out and just be with your girlfriend be with your boyfriend is that what it says no it says you either contain yourself or you get married and it's better to marry than to burn that's what the bible says jump down to verse 34 there's a difference also between a wife and a virgin okay notice what that says here it doesn't say a wife and a live-in girlfriend it says a wife it doesn't say a wife and a whore it says a wife and a virgin that's god's plan and if you read first corinthian seven the whole chapter it's very clear what god's saying god is teaching that a man and a woman are to come together and be married and have that physical relationship within marriage and be satisfied within that marriage and to not have that relationship outside of marriage and to have it outside that relationship is fornication that's what the bible is teaching go back to deuteronomy chapter 22 deuteronomy chapter 22 so far i've been in the new testament this whole time it's all new testament stuff but going back to the old testament will help illustrate some of these new testament teachings because people today are starting to say i mean i i've i've been hearing it all the time where they're saying well it's not wrong to do that before you're married just as long as you're not they say well whoremonger that's when you're going from person to person you know that's just one after another but you know if you're in a committed relationship if you love each other christians are starting to buy into this junk now or here's what they say oh well you're foolish to marry somebody when you haven't even tried it with them you might not be compatible hey listen if you're a man and they're a woman you're compatible it ain't rocket science folks folks i mean it's just you know it it's not that complicated you know i'm not going to go i i spare you but you know this whole thing of oh i don't know if we're compatible or not well you know what it think about it if you get married if you're a virgin and she's a virgin you're going to be compatible i bet you're going to figure it out i bet it's going to be great i bet you're actually going to enjoy it but there's a thing though oh no you got to try first but you know it's been proven the facts don't lie statistically people who live together before they're married are more likely to get divorced but yet the world will tell you oh you got to live together first you got to test it out you got it you know you wouldn't buy a car without test driving it would you personally i would i would buy a car without test driving it okay i always test drive because my wife says like well don't you want to test drive it i'm like okay but here's the thing that's a stupid illustration because your wife is not a car okay and and here's the thing when i go to buy a car i bought my uh hunday sonata back in 2008 or whatever it was and it had seven miles on it okay well i didn't complain and say hey wait a minute i thought this is a new car why does it have seven miles on it because nobody cares whether somebody drove seven miles in your car before you got into it but you know what people do care if you went seven miles with the with their spouse before they married them you know that actually matters that actually hurts people's feelings that actually does damage to people's lives in their relationship and you know what i'm preaching this morning is not popular but it's bible right you know and i'm not trying to hurt anybody's feelings about mistakes that they made in the past that's the last thing i want to do you know what instead of being so self-centered right now and thinking oh the past is hurting my feelings i'm so offended why don't you think about the fact that we're in a room full of children and teenagers and you know the smart parent right now is looking at their teenager making sure they're awake and listening right now and not worried about oh i'm so offended because of stuff that i did in the past look forget those things which are behind reach forth under those things or before i'm not trying to beat you up about the past i'm trying to warn people who haven't made these mistakes yet how serious it is it's very important very important but now christians are saying oh as long as you're committed oh you know just as long as you don't go from person to person but look what the bible teaches look down at deuteronomy chapter 22 just to define everything for you it says in deuteronomy 22 13 if any man take a wife and go in unto her and hate her and give occasions of speech against her and bring up an evil name upon her and say i took this woman and when i came to her i found her not a maid maid meaning virgin and it goes on to talk about if it was a false accusation she really was a virgin you know how to deal with that but look what it says in verse 20 if it's true but if this thing be true and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die because she hath wrought folly in israel to play the whore in her father's house so shalt thou put away evil from among you now look at that verse and tell me if i'm making this up that if she's not a virgin when she gets married that that is defined as playing the whore in her father's house am i missing something but these christians will tell you oh it's okay long as you're committed long as you love each other is that what the bible's teaching i sat in a teenage youth group when i was a teenager in a liberal baptist church and had students confront the teacher saying i don't think it's wrong to go to bed with someone before you're married prove me wrong from the bible and the teacher couldn't show him he had an niv in his hand and he didn't know where to turn and he turned to immorality which is what it's been changed to in scores of places and they're just like well immorality i mean that's just if you don't love each other that's if it's not consensual what is the bible i mean is there any doubt to what the bible is saying here that that this is defined as major sin when this girl is is not when she's losing her virginity as a young person major major sin and and by the way go to go to chapter 23 and and you say why are you preaching this pastor anderson because if the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do we have to make sure that we all walk out of here today with a firm foundation and that we don't walk out of here you know with the ground shifting under us we can't walk out of here this morning and say well i'm not sure what murder is i don't know what the bible i don't know which version of the bible to use i don't know what to believe i don't know what repentance means i don't know what believe means i don't know i don't know is hell eternal or not i don't know you know i mean is it wrong and look it let me tell you something if if young people are questioning i don't know is it wrong to have sex before we're married guess what they're gonna do it they need a firm foundation that says no it's wrong it's wicked don't do it it's a major sin and by the way christians who do it are going to be judged much more harshly than non-christians because non-christians don't know better unto whom much is given of him shall much be required the bible says that if you know your lord's will and did it not you'll be beaten with many stripes he that knew not the lord's will and did it not he's beaten with few stripes so god holds you accountable for your knowledge and what you're hearing in this preaching but here's what's so just ridiculous about this doctrine that says oh it's okay to do it before you're married which even christians now are starting to teach this junk you know what's so ridiculous and foolish about it is that what's the product of that relationship children so what are we supposed to just go out and just have children with a bunch of people that we're not married to but see our society has just become so ingrained in this birth control mentality it's like well of course we're going to use birth control and and then we'll just you know stop using birth control when we get married yeah but is that what the bible teaches no in the bible he's telling him be fruitful i mean the only guy who used birth control in the bible god killed him in genesis 38 he pulled he spilled it on the ground the bible says and god killed him but we're supposed to believe that god wants us going out and spilling it on the ground with a bunch of strangers right but as long as you know we love each other that's garbage because you know what the love of god is when we keep his commandments it's not love to go out and commit fornication that's not love that's lust that's sin that's not love at all but yet today we've been so ingrained in this mentality when in reality the truth is that if people went out and committed fornication before they're married they would be producing bastard children okay what does the bible say about that look down at your bible deuteronomy 23 verse 2 a bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the lord even to his 10th generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the lord now obviously that's an old testament thing i'm not trying to bring that into the new testament that's an old testament doctrine but here's the point though if if if bastard children are so wonderful then why did god ever say that if being a bastard is such a wonderful thing why would god have had that rule about the tabernacle where bastards weren't supposed to go into the tabernacle if it's just if it's just fine to be a bastard child but you know what you're doing when you commit fornication producing bastard children and don't tell me i'm cussing in the pulpit okay this is the bible let me introduce you to the word of god the bible amen okay what's the bible saying here the bible is saying that children are supposed to be produced within wedlock and when they're produced out of wedlock that's a shameful thing so what's going to be the product of fornication children born out of wedlock period and he didn't say oh do it safely to prevent bastards you'll never find that in this book it's nonsense but today people are teaching all kinds of nonsense because the foundations of our morality the foundations of our theology the foundations of everything we believe in are under attack today by the devil and somebody needs to stand up and lay the foundation once again we're gonna lay down the rock and say hey build your life on this amen and so many churches today are shifting and swaying in the storm and let me tell you there's a storm going on today in america yeah it's a storm going on the devil is this an all-out assault on god's people today and all these churches and all these pastors are just crumbling and falling like a deck of cards and listen to me we need to stand up and be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord for as much as we know that our labor is not in vain the lord and the only way that's ever going to happen is if we're founded on the rock the unmoving unchanging word of god and it might offend people well you know what there's plenty of church that'll never preach like this and you can just take your pick but somebody's got to lay this foundation somebody's got to dig out the old foundation and lay it down so we can build our lives on it also not only are they twisting the definition of fornication they're even attacking another foundational institution marriage and twisting the definition of marriage where people don't even know what marriage is anymore and and marriage is under attack today from all sides first of all we have a bunch of homos getting married that doesn't make any sense it's garbage the bible says in genesis you turn to matthew 19 if you would in genesis 2 24 the bible says therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh look at matthew 19 verse 4 and he answered and said unto them have you not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female fools male and female yeah i don't even know what that means anymore you idiot it's a foundational truth that men and women are two different genders but today even that foundation has been destroyed so i'm gender queer no you're just queer you freak i'm gender queer i don't know you know i'm a man trapped in a woman's body you know i was once a man trapped in a woman's body and then my mom gave birth to me you know that's the only man trapped in a woman's body you know right before my mother gave birth that was me but this whole thing yeah you too so the thing is okay we had all these people that are so confused where they don't even know which bathroom to go into and we got to have a third bathroom for these freaks don't know what they are i'm a man and woman woman in man's body or you know what about people that are born with both all the stupid unscientific lying garbage today when everybody knows there are two genders man and woman period he made them male and female male and female created he them it's real simple you know even in this really hard to understand king james version you can figure out these really difficult words male female two become one flesh okay not three not 12 muhammad two become one flesh not 36 joseph smith two okay so the bible says here in matthew 19 four have you not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female verse five and said for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh therefore they are no more twain but one flesh what therefore god hath joined together let not man put asunder what has god joined together the husband and his wife and the two become one flesh they're married what god has joined together let not man put asunder now because these homos are getting married now this is what's happening now now it's causing normal people to forsake the institution of marriage i think that's part of the plan all along because think about it makes people disdain the institution of marriage it makes people just think marriage is dumb when you see some woman marrying an animal or this woman married herself she had some ceremony where she walked down the aisle and like made vows to herself okay and then you have two dudes get i mean look i'd rather marry myself than another dude any day of the week but you know you have these two dudes getting married people getting married to animals people getting married and you know what it makes people do is just think oh man i'm just not going to get married at all you know some of these some of these uh government institutions that are handing out the marriage licenses when they found out the homos are getting married they're like well we're not going to issue marriage licenses at all then we won't even issue it to men and because they didn't want to issue it to homos so they're like we don't even want to issue it to normal couples because they felt that was the only way because then they you know they can't discriminate so they just kind of went home for the day or whatever but you see how that has that effect where it makes it devalues marriage to the point where people don't want to get married anymore and now you're hearing a lot of christians and libertarians saying that christians shouldn't get a marriage license who's been hearing this teaching it's everywhere it's huge right oh christians shouldn't get a marriage license christians need to just they just get married on their own but you know what i don't stand for that i will not stand for that and i've had a bunch of people come to me and say oh will you perform a marriage that's not has nothing to do with the state and i refuse to do it every time and let me and you say ah you feed my pastor no listen to me i will not perform a wedding on a marriage that is not legally binding period i will not perform a marriage that's not legally binding why because god ordained marriage to be legally binding legally binding i'll prove it to you from the bible the bible says the adulterous shall be put to death the adulterer shall be put to death let me ask something how can you put someone to death for sleeping with another man's wife if there's no definition of marriage if there's no legally binding marriage if two people who just go to bed together are magically married then how do you put people to death for adultery how does the government issue a bill of divorcement which the bible talks about the writing of divorcement the bill of divorce how do you do that if there's no legal marriage but i'm supposed to just perform what and here's why i won't do it here's why i won't perform a wedding for people that want to do it outside the law where they want to just do like just a a handshake type marriage where it's not actually legally binding because this is what this is what inevitably would happen you'll perform the marriage right and then later they'll split up and just be like oh well we weren't really married anyway when it's convenient for them they just won't have really been married anyway no marriage in the bible was always a public thing that's before god and man and it's it's legal now look did they always have a marriage license being issued no but they had some way where it was a legally binding whether it was through the church or what whatever it was through so look if you want to go to some lawyer and draw up some your own marriage contract or something you know okay maybe i'd be open to that as long as i knew for sure that it's legally binding but you know what it doesn't make any sense just shut up and get a marriage license and get married the normal way sanctioned by law we don't have to reinvent the wheel okay and you say well what what the government is giving me permission except they give everybody permission so it's not like you're going to the government getting permission to get married will you please allow me to marry someone no you go down there you show them you know that you're 18 and that you're not already married and boom it's done and you know what the people sometimes they take their libertarianism too far and i'm as libertarian as they come i'm more libertarian than a lot of people but let me tell you something there are a few things that the government should be involved in and this is one of them period because of the fact that the government is supposed to punish adultery the government is supposed to regulate bills of divorcement etc so to sit there and say oh let's just get the government out of marriage is that what the bible teaches no the bible says to get the government out of building roads and welfare and everything else but does the bible say to get the government out of marriage no there's supposed to be a human authority that enforces marriage even the passage we just read about you know the guy who's marrying a woman that's supposedly a virgin it turns out she's lying and she's been playing the whore who puts her to death she's bought before the elders of the city you know the basically the authority there the civil authority puts her to death but you know everybody gets on their trendy bandwagon where they're carried about with every wind of doctrine of just well what do we need a marriage let's just make our own vows and i've known a bunch of people who just made their own but oh we just made our own just but no no it's supposed to be publicly sanctioned it's supposed to be before god and man and it's supposed to be legally binding and so and you say well i disagree that's fine go ahead and disagree but i'm not going to perform anybody's ceremony without a marriage license that's always been my policy and it's not changing the bible says and here and here's one thing that some people will try to turn to go to genesis 24 67 genesis 24 67 this is another foolish doctrine of people trying to destroy the foundations of our society and look these are the foundations of a christian society are they not marriage these are institutions that are the bedrock of who we are marriage family the bible you know the fact that we don't believe in murder the fact that we don't commit adultery the fact that we don't fornicate i mean these are the basics of a christian society what did the bible say in genesis 24 67 and isaac brought her into his mother sarah's tent and took rebecca and she became his wife and he loved her and isaac was comforted after his mother's death now this is what people do they'll take that verse and say see that's how you get married he just took her into the tent and she became his wife that's it go to bed with her and you're married you don't need a marriage license you don't need any ceremony you don't need any kind of a legally binding it's just you take her in the tent and you're married well you know they forgot to read um 66 verses leading up to that see that verse has a number in front of it what's that number say 67 and you know what comes before that 66 verses and you know what's in those 66 verses abraham telling his servant go to the country where i'm from go find a wife they load up 10 camels full of gifts 10 camels full of gifts the servant brings 10 camel loads of gifts unto rebecca's family they go and sit down with the family and explain to them look you know abraham wants your daughter to be his son's wife and we're going to give you all these gifts and we need to leave right away and you can and and the and the dad says it's fine the brother says it's fine the mother says fine and then the the you know rebecca consents and says yes i will go with him i will be his wife and then she goes to him and then they get back and then she goes into the tent with him and she becomes his wife you know isn't that just a little different than just just head for the tent and you're gonna be my wife you know this is it look if you're gonna teach that doctrine this is a really poor example because this is an example of a really elaborate marriage that involved a lot of goods being you know a lot of goods being exchanged a lot of people's permission being granted i mean this is a major thing so to point to this as the poster child for just oh anybody that you hop in the sack with is automatically your wife no that is a fraud but if the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do what is marriage according to the bible it's one man one woman okay and they have a covenant before god and man legally binding covenant and you know the laws are different in different states the laws are different in different countries but you're supposed to have a legally binding commitment between a man and a woman and it's for life it's till death do us part what god has joined together let not man put asunder and it's one man and one woman for life and that's where that physical relationship belongs period these are foundational things these are the basics of christianity and when we are seeing these things thrown out the window we are witnessing the destruction of our nation and the destruction of our society the destruction of the family the destruction of morality right around us and you dig into this word of god and you will see that everything i'm preaching this morning is the truth that all it's all in there just do a word search on whore do a word search on fornication it's all there everything that i'm saying is biblical if not prove me wrong from the king james version i'm telling you if the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do i'll close by reading the scripture matthew 7 verse 24 therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them i will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon a rock and everyone that heareth these sayings of mine and do with them not shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house upon the sand and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell and great was the fall of it make this your foundation and don't let the devil chip away at your basic beliefs and your basic morality state look if it isn't broke don't fix it okay we don't have to just throw out all tradition there are good traditions people and they come from the word of god and we need to stay we need to throw out that which is evil but we need to stick with the tested time-honored and true traditions of our christian society and not let the devil pull the rug out from under us let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer father we thank you so much lord for a firm foundation a rock of our salvation lord the solid rock on which we stand lord it will never move and we thank you that it will say the same thing tomorrow as it said yesterday lord please help no one to be offended this morning i know some sometimes these kind of harsh words can hurt people's feelings lord and that's not my intent but sometimes the truth needs to hurt lord and help us all to get on board with with the truth this morning and to realize the importance of this type of message for this new generation that's coming up and throwing out all of the time-honored traditions of our of our once christian society and in jesus name we pray amen all right we're gonna go ahead and sing another song but before we do i just want to mention that the baptistry is ready if anyone needs to be baptized so if you're here this morning and you've never been baptized after you've been saved then come see me after the service if you're saved but you've never been baptized after you were saved because if you got baptized before you were saved you just took a bath you got wet but that's not baptism you're supposed to be baptized after you're saved so if that's you this morning come see me after the service the baptistry is ready