(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Please take your seats. If you will please tell me the song number 416. Song number 416. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. Please tell me the song number 182. Song number 182. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. And as a volunteer. As a volunteer. As a volunteer. at 1030 is our preaching service. Sunday nights at 630, Wednesday nights at 7 is normally our Bible study. We're gonna take a break from 1st Chronicles and hear from Pastor David Berzins this Wednesday night. So you won't want to miss his preaching on this Wednesday night at 7 o'clock. And then below that we've got the soul winning times listed there, as well as salvation and baptisms. Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful moms in the service today. After the service tonight we're gonna have some ice cream. We're all gonna eat ice cream to celebrate the moms. You know, just whether you're a mom, not a mom, we're all gonna eat ice cream. So anyway, that's gonna be after the service tonight, so stick around for some fellowship. And then below that, and also by the way, we have a nice book for all the moms back there. And there's enough to where even the non moms can start grabbing it if they want. But this is a pretty cool book that we got a bunch of. It's The Home by John R. Rice. And this is a pretty cool book because it was published in 1946. So it's really interesting coming from a totally different time in our country. And just listening to a mainstream independent fundamental Baptist preacher just really ripped some face about a lot of stuff. And there's a lot of really good stuff in this book. And it's just so mind-blowing how far our churches have drifted that they consider John R. Rice one of their big heroes in the old IFB, but they don't believe most of the stuff in this book because he's strongly against birth control. He has like three chapters in this book against birth control. This is a pretty good book. It's pretty interesting. It's got good stuff on child discipline, child rearing, stuff like that. So anyway, it's a pretty good book. Like I said this morning, there's one thing in the book that's not correct. He conflates fornication and adultery. He thinks that those two words both mean the same thing, which is obviously false from the Bible. There's definitely a distinction between fornication and adultery. But other than that, it's a really good book. And so that is back there for you to grab. And then, and by the way, everything on the back shelf is always free. We don't believe in selling anything at the church. God's house is not to be made a house of merchandise. So anything that we have back there is always free. You can take as much you like, share with your friends, DVDs, CDs, whatever's back there, flash drives, etc. And then don't forget about the baby shower next Saturday, May 19th. This is going to be for Raven Flores, Rebecca Nogueira, and Shanina Meether. And please RSVP in the way indicated there. Then we've got the postpartum pals appreciation dinner next Sunday, May 20th. And then the Keepers of the Faith meeting this Friday evening at six o'clock. Who is going to be involved with the Keepers of the Faith? You've got your kids in there. You're going to be down there participating that. All right, great. So that's going to be this Friday at May 18th at 6 p.m. And it's not too late for you to get involved with this. If you want to bring your kids to this, then you can get with my wife there. It says just email her your name, age of your children, and cell phone number so that she can get you signed up for that. And then, and it's a good, it's a good way to spend some quality time with your children too. I sat down with one of my daughters this week and we worked on one of the badges for her Keepers of the Faith. So it's a nice thing just to kind of get you to branch into some different activities and for your kids to learn some nice skills and spend some time together, etc. It's fun for them. And you know, the Boy Scouts of America, good night. This week now they're bringing in girls and everything else and they've just completely torn down all the gender boundaries. First they're bringing in the sodomites and the transvestites. Now they're just saying, oh boys, girls. They're not even calling it Boy Scouts anymore. It's just Scouts now, all right. Because, you know, yeah, going, yeah, you really want your kids going camping out in the woods, just boys, girls, everybody to get trannies, sodomites, whatever. What could possibly go wrong, right? So, you know, this is, this is a better alternative to that, you know, because it's something that you do with your kids and it's through our church. So no creeps and weirdos allowed. We will throw them out. And then we don't have to worry about being politically correct. We're not, you know, we've already failed. So we're just gonna keep on preaching and teaching what the Bible says. And by the way, buckle your seatbelt for tonight's sermon because I've got something to get off my chest about these bunch of sodomites tonight. So anyway, we've got on the back of the bulletin there, Ecclesiastes chapter 11. We're working on memorizing this great passage in the Bible. We're on week six out of ten. Below that is the note if you're interested in being a cleaning volunteer. Other upcoming events are listed there below. All right, let's go ahead and count up the soul winning from the past few days. Going back to Thursday, which would have been the tenth. Anything from Thursday? I've got one here, one here. Anything from your group? Does anybody remember the count from Brother Shelley's group? Anybody that was part of Brother Shelley's? Okay, or you can work on it. Oh, because you were out of town. All right, seven total for the last couple weeks. Very good. All right, how about the eleventh? Anything from the eleventh? All right, that's Friday, two, one. Okay, anything else from Friday the 11th? How about Saturday? The 20 for the reservation? What else for? Two for the group? All right, eight for the McPhail group? So that's the Davis group, the McPhail group. Outside of those groups, we got three more over here. Okay, anything else? What about today? One for FWBC North? Okay, two, one. Let me get the main groups here. Brother Scott, main group? 16? All right, 16 for the main team with Brother Scott. Any other? Well, we'll have you come up and talk about the Belize group. Okay, what? You guys want to know. Yeah, you need a break. Zero for Gila River, Gilbert. Anything else outside the groups today? One more over here, all right. All right, anything? Oh, two, all right. All right, anything else for today? All right, very good. Okay, at this time we're gonna hear some testimonies. First of all, I'm gonna have Brother Garrett Kirschway come and give us a testimony about the soul winning trip to the San Carlos Apache Reservation yesterday. And they had a group of, what, eight people and 20 saved? Go ahead and tell us about that. So we had eight people, including babies, and so we had 20 salvation, so it was very receptive. Not only do we hand out invitations and YouTube cards, but we hand out DVDs or preaching CDs. Unfortunately, a lot of them don't have internet access, so we all make sure that they get some sort of instructional material. What's kind of nice is we were right down the street from where Brother Orlando preached the gospel maybe about 18 months ago, and the guys knocked on the door, and the people recognized our church because they had one of our DVDs, and they loved it. It was the truth about birth control, and they loved it, and they have five kids, but I don't think they got the salvation. Maybe Brother Orlando gave it to one of the kids, and they brought it home, but they loved it, and they got saved. The household got saved, so that was a lot of fun. So when you give someone a preaching CD, you never know what's going to happen down the line, so that was a lot of fun. We also had two ladies groups, and they were leapfrogging, and one group they went around the corner, and there were about four rowdy kids, little boys like six years old, giving them a hard time. My wife was ready to call down sheet bearers to devour them up, but then Sister Theresa came by a little bit later, and she got one of them saved, and the guy was amazed because she asked him if he were to die today, where is he going to go, and he said, well, I'm going to hell because I'm the bad kid, but she gave him the gospel, and he just got it and just made a lot of sense to him, so you never know. Even when someone's rude to you, you know, when you knock on a door, you never know what's going to happen a little bit later on, so it was a lot of fun, so we had 20 salvations, and and thanks Brother Orlando for knocking the doors up before us, and then we just finished up the neighborhood after him. Yeah, Brother Orlando had knocked out a lot of that town and everything, so that was great. He was able to plant a seed there, and then our soul owners were able to come and water that and and see the increase, and you know, we definitely want to go back to the Apache Reservation again, even after we knock every door, I want to knock every door again, because it's been one of the most receptive mission fields that we've ever seen, especially in Arizona, and so it's great to go back and talk to people again, because not everybody's going to get saved the first time they hear it. A lot of people need to hear it again, and if they can watch a DVD, listen to a sermon CD, that can water that seed a little bit, and then they can be saved later on down the road. And again, that was a great testimony too, just about how, you know, even the hard cases can sometimes get saved. You never know, right? Well, at this time we're also going to have some testimonies from a group of our church members who went down to Belize and took a missions trip down there. How many days were you guys down there? They were down there for nine days, so they spent a week and a half down there in Belize. Let me start out by just telling you a little bit about the country of Belize. Belize is the only English-speaking country in Central America. If you remember a while back, we done a lot of missions in Guyana, which is the only English-speaking in South America. Well, this is the only English-speaking in Central America, and just to give you an idea of where it is geographically, it's kind of right between Mexico and Guatemala. It's right there on that border of those couple of countries. It's a very poor country, and it's very Catholic. So I went down there a couple months ago and just did a really quick survey trip, kind of just scoping it out for a possible, you know, church-wide type missions trip, and I went down there with my son John. We went soloing in Belize City, and we spent hours soloing there, and it was just really unreceptive. It was just not really what we expected it to be. We didn't have a very good success. So then the next morning, we decided to try something totally different. So we went out just into the countryside, where houses were literally like a quarter mile or a third of a mile apart each, and we just hiked out through the countryside to these dwellings that were really scattered, and out there we found it to be very receptive. And the first door that I knocked, I walk up to this mobile home that it looked like it was just so dilapidated that there wouldn't be anyone possibly living in it, except that I saw people in it. So I thought, wow, that's actually inhabited. So I walk up to this mobile home with my son John, and I'm literally just standing in just trash. Like, here's the door of the mobile home. There were no steps to get in. It was just like a three-foot drop, and I'm standing in just trash and just in black water. So just water that was just black with trash floating in it, and it smelled horrible. I used to test sprinkler systems, and the water would sit in the pipes for like a year at a time, and then you would test it, and that water would come out black, and it was the identical smell of this black water. So we're just standing in this puddle of trash, but they got saved. And, you know, and when we were out in the middle of nowhere like that going to these little dwellings, you know, everybody we talked to listened to the gospel at that point, and the people were really nice. They were receptive. So we ended up getting like seven people saved in the countryside, my son John and I, and then in Belize City we were able to get three people saved, but all three of those salvations were John basically talking to young people his age, but the adults had no interest, unfortunately. So we were there for just a very short time, just a quick turnaround, like less than a day and a half pretty much. But anyway, so we had a group of guys from our church that went down there, and they spent a week and a half down there, and did a ton of sewing. They skipped Belize City, and went straight to the good stuff. So let's get some testimonies from them. Brother Madison, you want to come up here and tell us about it? Thank you. Yes, so just continuing with what Pastor Anderson was saying, first of all we're grateful that he poked around before we went down there, because we had initially decided that we were going to go to Belize City and probably stay there and then traverse into the inland each day, you know, poke around the different spots, which actually we would have wasted a lot of time doing that. Just that one tip was enough when he said, no, I'd stay away from there. So we decided after he come back and reported that, that we were going to go to the second largest city in Belize, which is called San Ignacio, which is in the interior about 65 miles due west. Geographically, Belize is about a hundred and sixty miles north to south and about 65 miles east to west, and it has one main corridor, it's called the Western Highway, and you have Belize City and the Belmapan, which is a third largest city, which is the where the government offices are, that's the capital, and then San Ignacio, which is maybe 10 or 15 miles from, maybe not even that, 10 miles maybe from Guatemala. So anyway, that was a good course of action. So we bivouacked there, found a nice place to stay, and as is incumbent, I think, with all of the people that go on missions trip in our movement, the first thing you have to do is get the driver safe. So we did that, accomplished that. We got in late on a, I don't even know when we got there, my brain's still fried, when did we get there? What day did we, oh we got there on a Tuesday. So we got there and we unpacked, and then we went, it was about four o'clock, maybe on Tuesday, so we went out and did a couple hours of soul winning. I think we had like ten salvations, then we had, you know, we had dinner, and then we went to bed. And then from that moment on, the remaining eight days, every day, you know, we went by ten o'clock, we were out preaching the gospel, we'd break for lunch, and we usually would go until dark about seven o'clock. So what did we find in San Ignacio, in Belize, was first of all, we found out that there are not many saved people there, sadly. And the whole time that we were there, we found about eight people that were actually saved there, which is heartbreaking, and no good churches whatsoever, you know. So that was the bad news. But the good news was, was that these people had the King James Bible, because they're British, they used to be a British, you know, country, they were under the Commonwealth of Britain, so they had, and they feared God, and they believed that the King James Bible was the Word of God. So we had a great foundation in which to work upon. What we were working again, we never had to worry about talking about when was the tribulation, or who were God's chosen people, that never came up. There was only one thing that we had to wrestle over and over and over again, and that was work salvation. And if I could take a snapshot of what it was like, there's a big, on a fence there, across from the market, the Ten Commandments were greatly displayed there. And then under, it said Faith FM 94.1, and I was just thinking to myself, that's the whole problem with this nation. Their faith is in the Ten Commandments, their faith is not in the Son of God. And it was just over and over again. And what broke my heart, and I think the rest of the brothers there too, is you would find people, and you would ask them, you confront them, and because we went in the highways and hedges and house to house, we went everywhere, and as much as we could possibly. But you confront people and ask them, are you a Christian? And people say, nope, not a Christian. You say, do you believe the Bible is the Word of God? Yep. Do you believe Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world? Yep. You're not a Christian? And so, you know, you say, hey, if I show you things out of this book, would you believe them since God wrote them? Yep. Can I tell you how to get to heaven? Yep. So you sit down and you see these people that have been hurt so terribly by churches that are telling them basically, you want to go to heaven, you got to keep all of God's commandments, you got to stop sinning, and God forbid if you break one of those commandments, you better repent before you go to sleep at night, or you're gonna go to hell. I mean, that's the kind of torment and guilt that these people have been under. And so, when you unlock that, and you tell them what the truth is, I mean, it was such a blessing to see people who were standoffish, and then you just see their countenance change, joy come to their heart. Eventually, they understand it clearly that salvation is by grace alone, and they get saved. And I thought of the scripture in Isaiah 9, which said, the people that sit in darkness will see a great light, you know? And there is light in the U.S., and there's lights in other places, but there's not a lot of light down there. And we love that we do plan to go back. And in terms of, I don't know if Pastor Andrew said that, but we were able to win 365 people to Christ, which is more than we had... I was kind of hoping 250 to 300 would be a great work. But, you know, God exceeded all of our expectations. The stories of salvation there, you know, they're chilling. And I don't want to take too much more time, but I just... There's a few that maybe come to mind that, you know, a couple in particular... There's so many. And just to let you know, we saved... We got people saved that were Anglican. We had about 20, 25, seven-day Adventists that got saved. We had Baptists saved. We had, I bet you, 200 Catholics that got saved. We had Mormons saved, Jehovah Witnesses saved, Rastafarians that got saved, Evangelicals that got saved. In fact, the Rastafarian that got saved was so cool. He was be-bopping. He was on his lunch break. He was kind of a big dude, you know. I don't know what to expect, you know. So I just asked him. But he was pretty nice. And I asked him, what do you believe? I'm a Rastafarian. What the heck is that? And it was something like, well, you find out who the king is and you follow him or something like that. I'm like, well, what do you do about your sin? You know, and I got him engaged that way. And then I just started going through the scriptures. And at one point, he started quoting me Matthew 633. Seek, he first became a heaven, you know. And I'm like, wow. He says, yeah, I read the King James Bible. So I give him the gospel. And, you know, he got saved. And it was a great thing. And at the end, it was just cool because he just says to me with this Jamaican kind of thing, he goes, I am Christian now. Not Rastafarian. So that was really cool. And then one last little story, which was the night before we came back, we were all very tired and our throats were parched. And I was heading back into town and I'd had a decent day. I had like seven salvation so far, but I'd given like three presentations a row, rejected on the road. And then I meet this young man. I think his name was Joe. Only Joe I met there. He was like 18. I confronted him. No, not a Christian. Do you believe God? Yes. Do you believe Jesus your savior? Yes. So he said, I'm in a hurry to get home. Will you walk with me? So I said, sure. So we started walking direct opposite of where I was headed. And he took me off the beaten path on the dirt road and down to the pathway. And I didn't know where I was. My phone was dead. I was away from these guys. It was, you know, twilight and everything. I didn't know where it was. But anyway, this guy, you know, he got saved. And again, he was so thrilled to be saved, you know, and we heard this report many times from people is that you guys know the truth. We have we have missionaries that come here all the time and they don't speak the truth. But you men, you have the truth, you know, and I know Brother Alex said that there was somebody told him the Baptist used to come here, but they haven't been here in a long time, just similar to what Pastor Henderson had said about the reservation. So praise God for that. But anyway, this this young man, he was so excited. I give him the flash drive for the Book of Revelation. We always like to, of course, minister to people because there's no lifeline there. So you got to give them what you can. And it was exciting to see people in town afterwards. You know, we checked their salvation. They got saved a few days before. And they've already gone home, got somebody saved. And they're watching some of the, you know, the videos and stuff. And they're all excited. But anyway, this guy, you know, he bid me adieu. And I didn't know where I was. He said, Well, you go down here and you turn left here. So so I so I took off. And now I'm on a green path. I don't even I don't know where I am. I'm not in civilization. And I'm like, I don't know anybody here. I have gringo. But but but anyway, I ended up back finally on a highway. And there were some people there. There were some houses. And I said, Hey, I want to get back in the San Ignacio. They said, Well, just keep following whatever. So I keep going. And then all of a sudden, within a couple hundred yards, there's this young couple walking down the street. And I just keep on, you know, you Christian, and the girl says, Well, I'm Catholic. And the guy with her said, Well, I'm not a Christian. So I engaged them. I talked about the gospel, they wanted to hear how to go to heaven. Long story short, they got saved. And come to find out they, they're engaged to be married, they're gonna get married very soon. But they were so grateful, it touched my heart, we all said they had tears coming. And I tears my eyes too, because when I was leaving the gentleman, very humble people, you know, they just said, Mr. Mike, you know, we don't even know how you just popped out of space. You just we don't even know how you got here. What are you doing here? And one minute, we're just taking a walk. And now we have eternal life and we're going to heaven. And we're so grateful for that. I mean, you know, all of us are soul winners. I'm looking at a soul winning powerhouse church. So we all have these type of experiences when we go soul winning. But it's such we get more blessed, I think, sometimes than the ones we, that we lead to Christ. I mean, it touched my heart, we shed tears together, but they were so grateful that they were going to heaven. And I'm so grateful that these two, and they were living together. And I said, you know, that sin, they go, we're getting married real soon. I said, you know, so but that they're going to start their lives together the right way. And I've godly children, I ministered to them a little bit about that. And then by that time was dark. And, you know, by God's grace, I got back into into town, okay, and met up with the brothers. But that's, you know, many other stories, but I know I don't want to run too long time. I don't you want to say anything brother john? Yeah, I ran into that same phenomenon where they'd say, Are you a Christian? No. But I had one guy who actually explained it to me. He said, Well, the reason why he said, because when here in Belize, if you ask somebody, Are you a Christian? That means Do you go to church? Are you living the life? Are you following the commandments? Are you doing all the right things? I'm not doing that. So that's why I'm saying I'm not a Christian. But then, you know, he was not saved, but he eventually got saved. But yeah. All right. Good testimony. All right. I just wanted to talk a little bit about the our church experience Sunday morning when we were there. Yeah, so we we visited a Baptist church. And so yeah, the pastor wasn't saved too much. Nobody was saved. The good part was is the pastor gave brother Mike and I a chance to actually get up and say a few words. So brother Mike did some great preaching. It was awesome. And then I was able to get up there and just I gave them an example of what we do. I figured that was a good way to preach in the gospel since that's what they needed more than anything. So that's what I did. And one of the first things I did was I asked everybody to raise their hand if they were 100% you know, that they were going to go to heaven. And the only two people I saw raise their hand was the pastor and his wife. And so, you know, there were some other people that were kind of like, well, maybe, you know, but we don't count those, right? So yeah, so that was pretty sad that, you know, we go into a Baptist church, nobody's saved. But, you know, it was good to find that out. It just tells us even more that, you know, hey, if we're not going to do this, who will? Right? So we were out there. And another thing was while we were out in the field, we did actually run into some other workers, the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses. So, you know, they're relentless, they're everywhere. So just even more so we got to do this work, you know, beat them to it. Otherwise, you know, if I could sum up this whole trip in one word, I'd say, unbelievable. All right, they got to you with all the slogans in the airport, right? You better Belize it and everything I saw, though. I saw all the t-shirts and stuff like that. So does anybody else want to come give a testimony? Brother Lee, Brother Jimmy, Brother Alex, anybody? Or does that sum it up? Speak now or forever hold your peace. All right, come on down. Might be a little bit shorter than that, but one thing I like to say is most people, they do know about God, they know the King James Bible, and they read the Trinity, which is good. And they all, they want God, they love God, and I say just got to separate from that works. But as my personal part is, like here, obviously, you got the Mormons Jehovah's Witnesses, even the elderly who, when you come to them, you know it's not a good thing. But there, everyone's available. I mean, I was able to get Jehovah's Witnesses guy saved, an 80-year-old, well, 81-year-old guy, and also a 60-year-old Mormon. So everyone's in play there. And my personal thing, there's about three people after they got saved, how excited they were, they said that they'll go somewhere. You want to do it, and they know that's their new job now, that's their purpose, and they said that they want to do it, and they continue to do it. They want to try to do it. So that's me. That was the best part. Amen. All right, that's good. All right, very good. Anybody else? Just come on up here. But anyway, we appreciate the great work that you guys did, and hopefully you guys can go back, and hopefully the work can continue in Belize. I mean, the harvest truly is plentiful. There's a lot more work to do in Jamaica, there's more work to do in Guyana, there's more work to do in Belize. That part of the world is just filled with people that are ready to get saved, and they will get saved if we go and preach the gospel to them. And you know what, it's the same way with these Indian reservations. If we go, people will get saved, and if we don't, then they're not going to get saved. And so it's a big responsibility. You know, God has committed to us the ministry of reconciliation. He's trusting us to get that job done, and we need to be faithful. So, amen. Hopefully, if you haven't been able to participate in a missions trip so far, hopefully you can go on one of these. You know, whether it's the Philippines, Jamaica, wherever, Mexico, there are all kinds of places. And the what of God's will is more important than the where of God's will. So there's really no bad place to go. So all right, let's go ahead and sing our next song. Thank you for those testimonies. Song number 235, I Know I Love Thee Better, Lord. Song number 235. Song number two. Song number four. Song number five. Song number six. Song number seven. Song number eight. Song number nine. And finally, with brother Dominique Davis as he reads, Romans chapter one, beginning in verse number one. Chapter one, the Bible reads, Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, which he had promised before by his prophets and the holy scriptures concerning his son, Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David, according to the flesh and declared to be the son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead, by whom we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for his name, among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ to all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints, grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all that your faith has spoken of throughout the whole world, for God is my witness whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers, making requests if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God to come unto you, for I long to see you that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift to the end ye may be established, that is that I may become that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith by both of you and me. Now I would not have you ignorant brethren that oftentimes are purposed to come unto you, but was let hitherto that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among other gentiles. I am death of both to the Greeks and to the barbarians, both to the wise and to the unwise, so as much as in me is I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also, for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth, to the Jew first and also to the Greek, for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith, as it is written the just shall live by faith, for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness, because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God hath showed it unto them, for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made even as eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because that when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man and to birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things, wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lust of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves who changed the truth of God into a lie and worship and serve the creature more than the creator who was blessed forever. Amen. For this cause, God gave them up unto vile affections, for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature, and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burning their lusts one toward another, men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error, which was me. And even as they did not like to retain God and their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient, being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful, who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. Brother Davis, will you pray for us? Amen. Amen. Romans chapter 1 verse 32, the Bible reads, who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. And the title of my sermon tonight is having pleasure in reprobates, having pleasure in reprobates. The Bible in this chapter not only condemns the reprobates themselves, but this chapter also condemns those who have pleasure in those reprobates, those who delight in them, those who would fellowship with them, be their buddies, think they're great, love them, help them, promote them. This is the opposite of what the Bible teaches. Let's back up in this chapter and get the clear teaching of this passage. The Bible says of these people in verse 21, because that when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful, but became vain in their imagination, and their foolish heart was darkened. So these people start out with a knowledge of God. And when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, they became vain in their own imaginations. And then ultimately it says their foolish heart was darkened. Now that is a passive verb where the action is happening to them, right? Their foolish heart was darkened. So the question is, by whom was their foolish heart darkened? And the answer to that question is by God. Okay, go to John chapter 12. Keep your finger here in Romans chapter one and go to John chapter number 12. John chapter number 12, the Bible says in verse number 37, But though he had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on him, that the saying of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spake, Lord, who hath believed our report, and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed? Watch verse 39 carefully. Therefore they could not believe, because that Isaiah said again, He hath blinded their eyes. Who's the he there? The Lord, God. It says, He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart, that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them. This is a hard truth that a lot of people are resistant to in 2018. But the Bible makes it clear that there are people whose eyes God blinds. God darkens their heart. God blinds their mind. God gives them over to a reprobate mind. And that's what we see here. It's pretty hard to get around what we just read there in John chapter 12, where Jesus Christ is speaking of this group of Jews, Pharisees, the people who were just so hard-hearted toward Christ. The people who Jesus said of these exact same people, that they would have no forgiveness in this world or the world to come, because they had blasphemed the Holy Ghost, and that it was too late for them, that they were totally doomed. This is a biblical doctrine, the reprobate doctrine. Go if you would to Romans chapter 1. Let's pick up where we left off. So we see that God does blind people. God does darken their heart. And He doesn't just do this at random, as the Calvinists would have us believe, that He just randomly picks some people to save and other people to just darken their minds. The Bible made it clear in this passage that they are the ones who made the choice to not glorify God, to not be thankful, and to become vain in their imagination. Those are all things that they did, and then that led to what? Their foolish heart being darkened. The Bible said in the next verse, verse 22, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man and to birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things. Wherefore God, wherefore means because of this, God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. So what you clearly see in this passage is a back and forth between here's what they did and here's what God did as a result. Because they did this, that's why God did this, right? That's why God blinded them. That's why God gave them over to uncleanness. The Bible says in verse number 25, who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshiped and served the creature more than the creator who is blessed forever. Amen. For this cause, God gave them up unto vile affections. For even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another. Men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient. So in this back and forth between what they did and then what God did as a result, it keeps getting worse. It's a downward spiral. And then at the end of the road, at the final step, is the point where they're given over to vile affections and where they are men with men, women with women. What the world today calls homosexuality, what we would biblically refer to as sodomy or being a sodomite. But this is the downward spiral and that is the final stage of depravity on this downward spiral. And then it's all wrapped up with even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind. The word reprobate means rejected. A reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient. What are the things that are not convenient? Those things where men would do them with other men and women would do them with other women. That's not convenient, meaning that does not come naturally. That is actually against nature. But they're given over to vile affections, the Bible says. They're given over to a reprobate mind which leads to them doing those things that would not normally happen between human beings. The Bible says in Jeremiah 6 30, reprobate silver shall men call them because the Lord has rejected them. Why did the Lord reject them? Well, they rejected him first because it says they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, therefore God gave them over to a reprobate mind. These people in this story hated God so much they don't even want to remember that he exists. That's what it means when it says they did not like to retain God in their knowledge. They wish that they could just purge God out of their mind. And you've seen people like this, these people who just hate the Lord and just even you just walking up to them and smiling and saying are you a Christian just sets them in a rage, just infuriates them just to even see the church van or just to even see an invite to Faith War Baptist Church. Before you even open your mouth they're already cussing you out, they're already angry, they're just breathing out hatred toward God. These are the ones who just troll Christian videos, just hating the Lord, just blankety blank, Jesus blank blank this just with filthy things, sodomite things about even our Lord and Savior, just disgusting things and you're thinking to yourself you know if you don't believe in God, if you're this atheist why don't you just eat drink and be married because tomorrow you die. But what do they do? They spend their time just hating the Lord. They just can't escape the thought of God. They just wish that they could just never even remember that God exists. They don't even want to retain God in their knowledge. And because they don't want to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind. Now notice that term there, even as. Now he could just say as, even as makes this a little stronger. You know even as, what does even mean? You know if something's even like if we had two different levels and they're both even right, what's he saying? Even as he means in the same way, likewise, just as they don't even want to retain God in their knowledge, just as they feel that way about God. You know what the Bible's saying? That's how God feels about them at that point. You know they cross that line with God. And here's the thing, God's patient. God is slow to anger and of great mercy. And God even loves those who are sinners and who want nothing to do with him. Okay I mean even when we were at enmity with God, right, God loved us and was patient with us. But that does not mean that God's patience is unlimited. Slow to anger doesn't mean he's never going to get there. It just means he's slow to get there. Okay yeah he's slow to anger. He's of great mercy. But he said my spirit will not always strive with man. I'm not just going to fight with you forever. I'm not just going to be patient forever is what he's saying. Eventually you cross a line with God. And when you cross that line, you can go over the cliff and become what's called a reprobate. And of course this is only those that are unsaved because those of us that are saved are eternally secure and nothing can separate us from the love of God. But when he describes these people who've been given over to the reprobate mind, he then describes their attributes. Notice that verse 29 is not a new sentence nor is verse 29 a new thought. This is a dependent clause that is relying on verse 28. It's a continuation of verse 28. It doesn't make sense without verse 28. This is like if you were taking a test and they said hey identify what is a complete sentence and what is a fragment. And if it just said you know being filled with all unrighteousness, you would mark that as incomplete sentence, right? Because it's relying on that which came before. So the same people who've been given over to a reprobate mind who had vile affections, they're doing these things that are not convenient, men with men, women with women, he says that these people are filled with what? What are they like? All unrighteousness. All unrighteousness. I mean you name it, they do it. And not only do they dabble in it, they're filled with it. They're filled with all the worst types of sins. Then he begins to get more specific. Filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whispers, backbiters, and here's the key right in the middle of this list, haters of God. The Bible says that these people hate God. Now that makes sense because they don't want to retain God in their knowledge. Well they're haters of God. They are also, according to the Bible here, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful. Those two are also key. I want to give special emphasis to these. What does it mean to be implacable? Well there's a verb to placate and to placate someone is to appease them, to satisfy them, to kind of give them what they want, to get them off your back. If somebody's kind of bugging you, you could just kind of placate them. Like here, just take this and leave me alone, right? It's like when my sister used to babysit me when I was a little kid and she'd give us some cookies just so that we kind of leave her alone, let her get back to her phone call, you know. So placate is what we're talking about. Well these people are implacable. That means they're never satisfied. No matter what you give them, it's not going to be enough. You cannot reach a truce with these people because they're truce breakers. You cannot placate them. They're implacable. They'll never be satisfied. And we see today that these sodomites, this homo agenda, is always pushing for more, more, more. And you know what? It'll never be enough and that's why anyone is a fool to compromise with them. You know the Christians today or the Republicans today or the Democrats today, they say, hey, let's just give these people their rights. Let's just give them what they want. It'll never be enough. Because if you sit there and say, hey, you can be a fag with each other or whatever, if it's consenting adults and everybody's over 18, then they'll say make it 16. Make it 14. Make it 12. Like it is in the Netherlands or other places in Europe where they keep lowering it down to 14, 12. I think in Germany the age of consent is 12 right now. So some 12 year old could be with some 65 year old dude and that's just completely legal because these filthy sodomites have an agenda toward pedophilia and toward molesting children. They're not reproducers. They're recruiters and they target children. And that is the agenda. You know, you have to be a fool to think that the pedophilia is not part of their agenda. It's in the Bible that that's part of the agenda and open your eyes and look around. That is part and parcel of the sodomite lifestyle. But see the world has got everybody brainwashed through TV and movies that these people are just normal nice people. No, they're filled with violence and murder and wickedness and all kinds of evil and hatred for God and everyone around them. They're implacable and they're unmerciful. You know what it means to be unmerciful? It means somebody calls out for mercy and you don't give it to them. Why? Because they're predators. They're abusers is what they are. They are unmerciful. Look, you could trace this back all the way to ancient Greece and the sodomite culture of ancient Greece and you know what? There was this open pedophilia involved in it. It's always been open. And then today in 2018 you have the North American Man Boy Love Association just openly calling for pedophilia. And today even on mainstream radio and TV they're saying, oh, that's just another orientation. You know, pedophiles aren't bad people. They just have a different orientation. And we just need to placate them so that they don't abuse children. No, they're implacable. And the Bible is clear how to fix this problem. You say, what do we do for these people? How do we help them? Here's how you help them. You do what the Bible said and you put them to death. That's what the Bible said. Go back to Leviticus chapter 20 verse 13. Leviticus chapter 2013. Now, I'm not advocating for violence. I'm not saying that we should go out and harm anyone because it's not our place. We wrestle not with flesh and blood but against principalities and power. And I am not a believer in vigilantism. I don't believe it's ever right for us to take the law into our own hands or to execute justice or anything like that. I am not a vigilante. I don't believe that anyone should be a vigilante. But according to God's law, there's one solution for this problem. It's that they be put to death. That's what the Bible teaches. And you know what? The United States used to have that law. They used to be put to death. Before we were the United States when we were the original colonies, that was the law even in the United States of America. But of course, now we've become so much more enlightened now that we would never even think of having capital punishment, the death penalty, how barbaric. But you know what? For thousands of years, this has been the punishment all over the world. All over the world. And even today, there are 70 some countries in the world where it's still punishable and many of them by death even. Leviticus chapter 20 verse 13 says, if a man also lie with mankind as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. Now, if you don't agree with what I'm saying right now, you better have your Bible open right now to Leviticus chapter 20 verse 13. You need to be looking at this verse right here and looking down at what your Bible says. It says, if a man also lie with mankind as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon. That's what the Bible says. That's God's word. It's the word of God today. But people don't believe in it. They say, oh, that's horrible. That's hate speech. It's barbaric. It's the word of God. The Bible says, the law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. God's law is perfect. Look what the Bible says in Leviticus chapter 18 verse 22. It says, thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind. It is abomination. Now, today, we even have independent Baptist preachers getting up and saying that Muslims are bad because they put homosexuals to death. And they say that putting homosexuals to death is Sharia law. Who's heard that before? You know, oh, the Sharia law, the Muslim. You know what? That is blasphemous to act like there's something wrong with what God said in the Bible and say it's Muslim. It's not Muslim. It's Bible. Okay. Even a broken clock is right two times a day. And so the Muslims have borrowed teachings from the Bible and the Muslims are wrong about a lot of things. But you know what? This is the word of God. So if the Muslims are quoting this, we can't say, well, that's bad because it's Muslim. No, it's not Muslim. It's Bible. But today we have Baptist preachers that are so ignorant of the Bible that they'll say, oh, can you believe that they actually believe in the death penalty for homosexuals? It's Sharia law. And don't go to Dearborn or they're going to stone you to death or all this stuff. You know what? You've been watching too much Fox News and you need to spend more time in the word of God, more time in the Bible. Romans chapter number one. If you want to go back there, you say, well, that's the Old Testament. That's Old Testament. Well, it's all God's word. It's still what God said. It's still the Bible. What? We don't believe the Old Testament or something. Now, there are certain differences between Old and New Testament, different rituals and things with the animal sacrifices and meats and drinks that have been done away. But we don't just throw out the whole Old Testament, friend. The Bible says, do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid we establish the law. You know, Jesus said every jot and every tittle will be there and will not pass away until it's all fulfilled. And so there's nothing in the New Testament that says that God has changed his mind about sodomites. There's nothing like it. In fact, we have the exact opposite right here, because right here in Romans chapter one, verse 32, it says, who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death. Now, is he saying, oh, I changed my mind about Leviticus 2013. Or is he saying, yeah, I mean, we know that we know that's the judgment of God. We know that God has already judged and this is the judgment. They're worthy of death. That's what he decided. But he said that they know the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death. He says this, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them, but they have pleasure in them that do them. And then look at the very next verse, therefore. Now what does therefore mean? Therefore is again, connecting what we're about to hear with what we've just heard. Whenever there's a therefore, you've got to see what it's there for, right? Because it's referring to something that was just said. Therefore, because of that, thou art inexcusable, oh man, whosoever thou art that judgest. For wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself, for thou that judgest doest the same things. What's he saying? He's saying look, if you have pleasure in those who do those things, then you're inexcusable and how can you judge them when you take pleasure in them? You know, you're going to get up and condemn, oh man, it's so wicked. These sodomites are so wicked, right? And then you take pleasure in those same sodomites and take pleasure in those reprobates. He's saying look, you are doing the same thing by having pleasure in them. And then he says in the next verse, verse 2, lest anyone should misunderstand this, he says, but we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things. So here's what he's saying. They are certainly guilty. So the problem with the people who are judging them is not that they're saying that they're worthy of death because God said they're worthy of death and then he said we're sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them that commit such things. But then in verse 3, he just says, and thinkest thou this, oh man, that doest them, excuse me, and thinkest thou this, oh man, that judgest them which do such things and doest the same that thou shalt escape the judgment of God. So the people who are being rebuked for judging here are the hypocritical judges who condemn the wickedness of the reprobates but then they take pleasure in those same reprobates. They take pleasure in them that do them. Maybe they don't do those things but they take pleasure in those who do. And he says they're inexcusable and they will not escape the judgment of God. They're guilty as well. What does it mean to take pleasure in them that do them? There are even Christians today who they love Michael Jackson, right? They put in the CD and they listen to Michael Jackson and they love Michael Jackson. And you know what? Michael Jackson is, or burning in hell, but Michael Jackson was a pedophile just openly. I mean sure he had his multi-million dollar lawyers that got him off the hook, but he was a pedophile, he was a sodomite, he was a reprobate, and yet there are people who take pleasure in him, don't they? They love that music. How can you enjoy Michael Jackson's music ever again when you know what a God-hating reprobate predator and pedophile is? How can you enjoy that music again? How can you enjoy Elton John? How can you put your kids in front of the Lion King knowing that they're just listening to this flaming sodomite, this God-hating devil, and why? Because we don't want to take pleasure in them. You see our society today in America, even the Christian part of our society, even the evangelical part of our society, even the Baptist part of our society, even those who are independent Baptists today are taking pleasure in sodomites. What are they doing? They're hanging around them, being friends with them, listening to their music, loving their movies, loving their TV shows, loving to enjoy their entertainment, and you know what? We need to abstain from that stuff and not take pleasure in those who hate the Lord. We should not. Look if you would at 2 Chronicles chapter number 19. 2 Chronicles chapter number 19 in the Old Testament. 2 Chronicles chapter number 19. Folks, these people hate the Lord, and they are reprobate, they're rejected by God, they're filthy, they're wicked. We should have nothing to do with them. We should stay away from them, and people today say, oh, well, we've got to give them the gospel. Well, really? Because the Bible says that they're reprobate. The Bible says that they don't even want to retain God in their knowledge, and people say, well, don't you believe that Jesus could save the homosexual? Sure he could. Of course Jesus could save the homosexual if it weren't for the fact that the homosexual hates God and doesn't even want to believe that Jesus even exists. How can you call upon him and whom you've not believed? How can a homosexual get saved when they hate God so much they don't even want to retain him in their knowledge? How are they going to trust Jesus Christ as their savior if they don't even want to believe that he even exists? I mean, what kind of nonsense, well, what if that hater of God who has been blinded and darkened and turned over to a reprobate mind, what if they believe in Jesus? They hate God. They rejected him. They don't even want to retain him in their knowledge. They're a reprobate. They have rejected and been rejected. Now, theoretically, if they believed on Christ, they'd be saved. Anybody who believes on Christ will be saved. Amen? Jesus died for everybody. Jesus died for the homos. But let me tell you something. The homos hate God, and therefore they're not going to believe on Christ. You say, well, how do you know that they hate God? Because they're a homo. And because no normal person is a homo. And the Bible explains in Romans 1 how a person becomes a homo. And it's by hating and rejecting God, and you go down this dark, dark path, and that's the final destination is being given over to those vile affections. That's how they got that way. And look, you know how the world says they got that way? They say, oh, they're born that way. Who believes that? Who thinks, yeah, I think they're just born that way. I think they're just born a homo. Okay, good. We don't have to throw anybody out of the building. You know, oh, they're just born a homo. They're just born that way. No, but we don't believe that. But you know what? If we asked our Baptist brothers and sisters in other churches, they wouldn't believe that either. You know, hardly anybody who's a Christian would even entertain such a crazy idea that they're born that way. They don't believe they're born that way, right? Okay, but then that leaves you with a big question. How'd they get that way? They're clearly different than everybody else. If 95% of people are totally repulsed and repelled at the thought of that activity and find it vile and disgusting and filthy, and you know, you couldn't pay them any amount of money to do that, and they'd be, ugh. But then there's this small percentage that craves that and desires that. You have to ask yourself, what made these people different? How'd they get that way? The Bible says the curse causeless shall not come. You know, there's a cause for every effect. How did they get that way? Well, you know what? They were either born that way, as the world says, or they were given over to that because they hated the Lord so much. As a punishment, they're given over to a reprobate mind. They're darkened. They're given over to animal-type affections, vile affections. That's what the Bible says. Look at 2 Chronicles 19 verse 2. And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him and said to King Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord? Therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord. Now look, if you help the ungodly and love those who hate the Lord, the Bible says that God's wrath is on you. And we're not just talking about your run-of-the-mill unsaved people. Most unsaved people don't hate God. Most unsaved people, you know, they're just lost but they don't hate the Lord. Reprobates from Romans 1, they hate the Lord. And the Bible says we don't want to love those who hate the Lord or God's wrath will be on us. Look at Psalm 139. Psalm 139. And look, God's view on this subject did not change in the New Testament. Romans 1 is pretty harsh. Then we see other scriptures like in Jude where he says even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. The Bible is saying that Sodom and Gomorrah is an example today. Today of what God feels on that sin and what he will do to those who have gone down that road. I mean, Sodom and Gomorrah is not an antiquated story. It's relevant according to the New Testament. Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, the Bible says in Jude, the second to last book of the Bible. Look at Psalm 139 verse 21. Psalm 139 verse 21. Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred. I count them mine enemies. Now, what does that mean perfect hatred? Perfect means complete or the whole thing or entire. So when he says I hate them with perfect hatred, he's just saying, you know what, I've nothing but hatred for these people that hate God. And you know, I'm going to stand up here right now and tell you right now, I hate homosexuals. I hate them. You say, well, hate the sin, love the sin. Shut up, Gandhi. I hate the homosexuals themselves. I hate them. You say, oh, that's hate speech. You got it right. You got hate speech. You know what, if the Bibles hate speech, then sign me up because I believe the Bible is the word of God. You know, and I don't know, I don't want to be found to take pleasure in sodomites. I don't want to do those things and I don't want to take pleasure in them that do them. And I don't want to love those who hate the Lord. The Bible says, I hate them that hate thee. And I'm grieved with those that rise up against thee and I hate them with perfect hatred. That's what the Bible says in Psalm 139. And I'll take King David over Gandhi any day of the week. It was Gandhi who said, love the sinner, hate the sin. And you know what, that's true of most sinners that we should love the sinner. But when it comes to those who hate the Lord, they've crossed the line and you know what, I hate them. You say, why do you hate homosexuals? I hate homosexuals because they are child molesters and I love children. And you can't love the flowers without hating the weeds. How can you say, oh, I love children, but you love predators who molest children. You know, I don't think homos are pedophiles. Yes, they are. In the Bible, they abuse children. In the Bible, they're always raping someone or praying upon someone or molesting someone every single time they're mentioned. Whether it's Genesis 9, Genesis 19, Judges 19, every single time, they're always abusing someone and harming someone. Then if you look at historically, that's what they've done. You look at today, what their goals are, keep lowering that age of consent, get access to children, adopt children, abuse children, I hate them. And you know what, the longer I live and the more I see examples of their wickedness, examples of their abuse, victims who've been victimized by them, I just hate them more and more. I hate them more in 2018 than I did in 2017. And you know what I can't even believe is how these Baptist pastors could be in their 40s and 50s, so they've lived even longer than I have, they've even had more experience than I have, and they have a soft spot for these sodomites. I don't get it. I would think, man, you would just hate pedophiles more and more as you get to talk to more victims and get to minister to more people that have been hurt by them and tried to help people, and you see over and over and over again all the different examples of these horrible perverts and destroying lives, and you just keep reading the Bible, every righteous king, what did he do? He got the sodomites out of the land. King Asa, he got them out of the land. King Jehoshaphat, he break down the houses of the sodomites. He got the sodomites out of the land. That's what it says about all the righteous kings. When they had revival, they got rid of the sodomites, and you keep reading that Sodom and Gomorrah story every year of your life, you think eventually it's going to sink in. You think if they just read Romans 1 30 more times, it's going to sink in, but they don't care about the truth. They don't care what God's word says. They don't care about the victims. They don't care about their children. All they care about is their own safety because they're afraid of being persecuted. Well, you don't bring on the persecution because I'm not going to pander to this faggot agenda, and you know what? If you're a fag-loving idiot here tonight, I'm not going to pander to you either, and you know what? If you don't like this kind of preaching, then go find some soft church down the street, some watered-down church that's going to tell you about, oh, we just have to love these little fairies. Get out of here. You can go find that garbage preaching anywhere. It's stupid. It's a lie. It's fake. It's Hollywood-based. The real truth is that they are predators. They are dogs. They are sons of Belial. They shall surely be put to death. That's what the Bible said, but then a preacher gets up and preaches that, and it's, oh, you're not loving. Shut up and leave. We don't need any bunch of fag-loving idiots around here because you know what? If you're one of these bleeding-heart fag-loving idiots, I don't even want you around my kids anyway because you probably have fag tendencies. I'm not kidding. A bunch of queer baits and fag hags defending these people. Don't you ever come up and defend a filthy faggot to me. You get out of my face. I don't have time to listen to your garbage. You know what? It's wicked. It's of the devil, and you know what? Today, we have a vice president of our United States, Mike Pence, who's extolled all over America by fundamental Baptists as a godly Christian. Oh, and of course, our wonderful godly Christian president, Donald Trump, with all his whore houses and all his whores and all his prostitutes and all his casinos, and just grab them by the whatever, that filthy pervert of a president that we have, Donald Trump. Oh, sorry. Am I finning your little Republican eardrums, your Fox News Christianity? You know what? We have this wicked, sleazy man, Donald Trump, as the president today, and his running mate, but everybody said, well, you know, we got to vote for Donald Trump because of that running mate, Mike Pence. What a godly Christian, right? Well, you know what Mike Pence did this week? He actually ordained an ambassador to Germany that's an open sodomite, an open homo, and you say, well, he has to do that. It's his job. You know what? Leaders don't have to do anything. You know, it's fine. Daniel didn't have to do stuff. Daniel didn't have to eat the king's meat. Daniel didn't have to defile himself with the wine which he drank. It's funny how Daniel didn't have to stop praying, and Daniel didn't have to bow down to the image that Nebuchadnezzar set up. Isn't it interesting how the people in the Bible, they did what was right? And you know what? This Mike Pence, he gets up and praises this homo. Oh, he did such a great job, and he's such a great guy, and then he even said, oh, it's so good to have his partner here with him today. This is our supposed Christian vice president. Oh, you know, this guy has his partner and his partner's parents. You know, his partner's parents ought to be ashamed of themselves for raising a God-hating reprobate of a son. Oh, David and Nancy. Well, whoever you are, David and Nancy, you're the worst parents ever because you raised a sodomite, but Mike Pence today is sending an ambassador to Germany so that everybody in Germany, when they think of the United States, they can look at this little faggot ambassador and say, that's America. And he said, thank you so much for representing us in Germany. You know, everybody said, not my president, or hey, not my ambassador. I mean, good night. And you know what? We're sending homo ambassadors all over the world today as a country. All kinds of African countries are getting offended because we're sending them some sodomite as an ambassador of the United States. Well, you know what? That is a pretty good representation of what our country's turning into. So at least they're being honest. You know, why doesn't he wear a tutu when he goes over there? Huh? Maybe he can go over there dressed in drag while he's at it, huh? Maybe Dennis Rodman can be our official ambassador to North Korea while we're at it, since he gets along with Kim Jong whatever so well. But I'm telling you, we're living in the twilight zone today where I get up and preach like this and I'm considered the enemy. I'm considered wicked. I'm considered bad. Because we're living in a day where they call evil good and good evil. Okay? So that people who commit the worst abominations are lifted up. Hey, let's give this guy a hand. Oh yeah, him and his partner are here today. And you know, hey, well, he has to do that. He didn't have to do that. You know what? What if Mike Pence would have just said, nuts to you. I'm not going to, I'm not going to praise this fag. You think he'd still be the vice president? I do. Oh, you're impeached. You can't do that. If he just stood for what he believed, right? But he doesn't believe anything because he's fake and the Christians just fell for it and got sucked into it. You see this Mike Pence, all he had to do is just say, well, no, you know, I'm not going to praise this guy and I'm not going to talk about his fag buddy that's here and call it a partner. Like that's not partners are somebody that you go into business with and LLC. Okay. I'm not going to ruin that word or use that word, but no, he just panders to it and cow towels too. And you know, pastors are doing the same thing right now. Churches are doing the same thing right now. Not this church, not this pastor. It's going to be a cold day in hell before I ever act like it's normal and treat these people like they're normal. They're not normal. They're disgusting. You say, well, you know, we need to go out and evangelize them and get them safe. You know, the Bible says, give not that which is Holy unto the dogs. Neither cast ye your pearls before swine lest they trample them under their feet and turn again and rend you. And by the way, we accidentally witnessed a homos every single day in our, we have so many people out soul winning. Somebody is probably knocking on the door of a homo almost every day. Cause we knock hundreds and hundreds of doors every day. And if they're 2% of the population here, well then every hundred doors, you know, two of them are, we're knocking their doors all day long, but you know what? They don't want to hear the gospel. They hate the Lord. They turn us away anyway. So it's not even an issue. Mike Pence today is taking pleasure in those that do them. And you know what? He is condemned with them, you know, and that's, that's what Christianity is today in America. And then you just see Christians make excuses for it. I mean, at least Christian should just say, Hey, he was wrong. He shouldn't have done that. Well, he has to do that. That's his job. Then get a new job. And you know what? What if he actually stood up and just said, no, I won't do it. I won't do it. And then what if he got fired? You know what? Then he'll be my hero at that point. Then I'll like him. Then I'll support him. When he gets fired and said, Hey, I'm not going to cow towel. I'm not going to pander to the sodomite agenda because I love the Lord. You know what? He'd be considered a hero. He would be a legend, right? And you know what? I guarantee you he'd get speaking engagements wherever he would want to go of people that would support him because he had a backbone. We need some leaders with a backbone. You say, well, you're too hard pastor. I said, well, you're too soft. Goldie locks. Sorry. I'm not just right for you, but you know what? We need hard preaching today. You can't get any harder than what God did in Sodom. You can't get any harsher than what God said in Romans one and in the book of Jude, when he called them filthy and vile and brute beasts. Folks, Hollywood has brainwashed our country tonight and we need to have one place in the world where at least the truth is still being said on this subject, where we can have some sanity here. Okay. And I'm not going to stop. And thank God brother Jimenez isn't going to stop. Brother Jimenez was already tested by fire. He went through a serious trial and tribulation for doing what? For preaching the truth. He got up and preached the truth. And guess how many pastors in California supported him? Zero. Not one of his fellow pastors in California supported him. He stood up and told the truth and the media all rallied against him, hated him, lied about him, viciously attacked him. He had over 500 protesters surrounding his church and chanting. And then he even had people just for months thereafter, he had people just outside his church, just harassing church members on their way into church for months. Then his landlord canceled his lease and he had to go find a new building. And he went through just months and months of looking for buildings and no one would rent to him because his name was Mudd in the Sacramento area for taking that stand. His church was running 190 on Sunday morning. The attendance dropped to 150 because 40 people couldn't take the heat. They couldn't take the light affliction. They couldn't take the persecution. They quit the church. He lost 40 church members. His name was Mudd. He had people yelling at him in public, maligned in all the newspapers, surrounded by 500 protesters. And you know what he did? He kept on preaching it right. And he even came out with that great video, that wonderful video called Psychopath Reprobates. It's a classic. It's an instant classic. He came out with that wonderful video. Why? Because he has a backbone. And then our disgraced deacon, Tyler Baker, who was fired for being a loser and a heretic and a Judas Iscariot, had the gall to get up and say, oh, Pastor Jimenez has no guts. Our loser of a deacon that we fired, that got fired for being a heretic and lazy, he got up and said, oh, well, you know, Pastor Jimenez has no guts. He has no backbone. And that was easy for him to take that stand. That was no big deal. He probably didn't lose anybody. That wasn't that big of a deal. Well, you know what? Try going through it. It is a big deal. I've been through persecutions. I don't think I've ever been through anything quite as bad as what he went through last year, Brother Jimenez. But I've been through similar things. And let me tell you something, it's not easy. That's why if it were easy, everybody would be doing it. It's hard. That's why these other pastors won't preach like us. They won't back us up on this truth because they're afraid. But he gets up and says, oh, yeah, you know, what really takes guts is, you know, standing up to Pastor Anderson. Really, that's funny because you didn't stand up to me, you spineless wimp. I threw you out of the church. I threw your butt out of this church for being a heretic and you cowered before me. Yeah, he was there. That little sneaky coward, he never preached his Pentecostal oneness junk behind the pulpit when he was here. And he had every opportunity at that Faith Ward Baptist Church North. He never preached that lying doctrine because he knew that if I found out that he was preaching that oneness junk, he knew that I would fire him because as soon as I found out about it, he was fired three hours later. Three hours later. Why? Because of the fact that we believe in the Trinity and always have. And I had just preached a really hard sermon two months before he was fired on the shack exposed. You remember that sermon where I ripped on that stupid modalist oneness heresy months before. And you know what? He knew that. And so he hit it and snuck around with it. They all snuck around with it, those heretics. And then they have, oh, we have so much guts. Well, yeah, it takes a lot of guts to get fired and thrown out. And now all of a sudden we're bad. Now that you've been fired and thrown out of the church, all of a sudden we're bad now. And then he has the goal to criticize brother Jimenez. You know what? Brother Jimenez may be a man of small stature physically, but he's a giant spiritually because he had the guts to take on the side of it. And, you know, thank God for Oscar Peter Bogart over in South Africa for standing up to the sodomites over there. And you know what? He's in danger of going to jail right now. I mean, they're, they're putting him on trial. They're suing him. They're finding him. And you know what? All the others are hiding and cowering. You know, it's just a few people who will stand up and fight, who will stand up and say these things. Okay. And it's so funny how in the 1990s, all the Baptist would preach this stuff, but now they've all watered it down because the doctrine of convenience today. And look, I don't have a lot of time tonight because we, we took the time for the testimonies and I'm glad that we did because those testimonies are inspiring and they inspire us to reach people with the gospel and win souls to Christ. But you know what? We're not going to be able to win souls to Christ. We're not going to be able to operate our church and, and do the work that God has for us to do and raise up a godly seed of children that will grow up and continue to serve God. If we're living in Sodom and Gomorrah. And you know what? The one who's standing between our country and Sodom and Gomorrah is the preacher who takes a stand. You know, it's the preacher in the church house that stops the country from becoming a Sodom and Gomorrah. We're standing in the gap. We're standing between the living and the dead. And you today, when you go out and win souls to Christ, you're helping stem the tide. You are helping preserve our country. You are helping there to be enough salt and light to keep our country from going all the way off the cliff. And so when we win souls, we're helping. But you know what? When we preach hard on sin, we're also helping. And you know what? The old IFB has gone completely off the deep end on this subject and they are totally homo sensitive now and homo friendly and homo welcoming in their churches. It's, it's only us that are standing now as far as independent Baptist. It's, it's, it's about 20 of us pastors that I know of, and maybe there are others out there, but you know, that aren't really making their voices heard loudly online. But you know, there are about 20 of us right now that are really openly preaching hard and, and really taking the sodomites to task. And you know, God willing, it's going to be 200 in a few years here, you know, as the truth spreads. But the old IFB, there's 6,000 of them. And you know what? They're all hiding. They're all scared. Show me one old IFB preacher who's preached a hard sermon against the sodomites in the last 10 years. You know, you can't, you know, they pull out service from the 1990s when they were preaching hard against the sodomites. Show me one from the last five years. I'll show you one from the last five minutes. Okay. And so we need to, you say, why are you preaching on this pastor? And I say, because you know what? I do not want our church to ever become soft on this issue. We need to never think it's normal. I know you're getting bombarded with it throughout the week. TV, radio, you're around, maybe you're even around it at work, God forbid. You know what? You need to come to church and get a reality check and a Bible check and realize, hey, this is still just as disgusting as it was 20 years ago. It's still just as wicked and wrong. You say, what do I do if I, if I have to work around these people? You know what? If you have to work around these people, just stay away from them as much as you can. Just deal with them as little as you can. Because I understand today we're in a world where they're everywhere. They're open. They're, you know, what do you do? Right. Cause you got to go to work. You got to go to your job. You know, when I was out working in the secular world and one of my big customers was Bed Bath and Beyond, and you're not going to believe this, but there are some dudes who work at Bed Bath and Beyond that aren't straight. Okay. Now don't get me wrong because I've actually known some godly Christians who work at Bed Bath and Beyond. Some, some good men of God that worked there. So I'm not saying that everybody isn't. And you know, there were a lot of great people who worked for the company, but you know what? There are also some Froot Loops that work for that company. And you know what? What I would do, cause I would, I would just have to go in there, do my job, get some paperwork signed or whatever. I would just try, you know, I just try to seek an assistant manager or somebody else if I could to deal with and deal with these people as little as possible. One time I almost lost it, you know, because I would just always try to just be like, you know, like kind of like, you know, okay, you know, here, yeah, I just need your signature right here and I'm just gonna like, you know, wash my hands, you know, like. One time I almost just blew up. But the, the fruit of the spirit is temperance. So I was able to retain self-control because this, this manager comes up to me and he, this is, this is what he says to me. I mean, I fixed the fire alarm and I'm just coming to get a signature. I'm just getting out of there. He, he, he walks in, he goes, oh, you fixed me. Oh, you fixed me. And I was just like, like, I was just this close to just being saying like, how dare you talk to me that way, you faggot. Like, I'm here working. I didn't fix you. I don't want anything to do with you. You know, but I mean, I, I, I, I, I stayed calm. I played my cool. I kept it cool. I played it cool. And I, I got the signature. I got it. That was the closest I came to just losing it. You know, and, but there were jobs, there were jobs when I literally called the company that we worked for and said, I'm never going to this job site again. And I cannot send my texts out here because this place is too weird. It's too scary. I said, my technician didn't even feel safe because there were just so many weird perverts working at this place. We can't, we don't, we won't service this location, but that, you know, but I understand there's a balance there of having to work, but you know what, when you're outside of work, stay away from these people. And even within work, avoid them as much as you can. Don't be buddies with these people. Don't hang out with these people. Don't let these people corrupt you and influence you. And don't let them desensitize you or deceive you as to what they're really like. The Bible will tell you what they're really like. Pastor Anderson will preach to you what they're really like. Okay. Don't listen to Hollywood. It's of the devil. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Father, we thank you so much for salvation Lord. And we thank you for the word of God and Lord, I just pray that, that our church would not be deceived Lord. And I pray that none of our pastor friends would be deceived Lord. I dread the day that one of our pastor friends preached, preaches a sodomite friendly sermon, Lord. And I, I just, I dread to think that that would ever happen. Lord, please just help there to at least be some preachers in this country who still preach Romans one and who still stand on these truths and Lord give us the backbone to continue standing. And in Jesus' name, we pray. Amen. Song number 319, song number 319, song number 319, song number 319. Song number 319. Jesus keep me from all wrong. Let it be, Lord, let it be. Through this world of toils and snares, live my vulture, Lord, who cares. Through the deep, my burnished shares, I'm like thee, dear Lord, I'm like thee. Just a closer walk with me, present Jesus as my King. Maybe walking closer to Him, let it be, dear Lord, let it be. Then my evil life is o'er, time for me will be no more. Rightly, gently, simply, o'er, to thy feet come shore, to thy shore. Just a closer walk with me, present Jesus as my King. Gave me walking close to thee, let it be, dear Lord, let it be.