(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Men Luke chapter 2 the part that I want to focus on is beginning in verse number 11 the Bible reads For unto you is born this day in the city of David a savior Which is Christ the Lord and this shall be a sign unto you you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger and suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly hosts praising God and saying glory to God in the highest and on earth peace goodwill toward men and the title of my sermon this morning is Goodwill toward men Goodwill toward men now. What does that mean? Well, first of all, I want to point out to you that one of the important reasons why? We use the King James Bible here is that the modern versions have been corrupted. They're based on you know newer archaeological findings of older and more reliable manuscripts that have not been Traditionally used by God's people over the past couple thousand years So, you know, we've had the Bible passed down to us over the years God has worked in the hearts and lives of his people through the traditional text for century after century but now you've got these modern versions that are corruptions of the Bible and It's funny because this is one of the verses that they change even though it's such a famous verse It's such a popular verse But now these bunch of eggheads from Germany have come along and said hey, wait a minute It's not peace on earth goodwill to men, but rather it's peace to those with whom God is pleased or Something along those lines if you look it up in the ESV and and you know The NIV and these modern corruptions of God's Word But what you lose here is God's benevolence here toward all men Right because the Bible says peace on earth goodwill toward men in general Because God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish But have everlasting life. Let's back up a little bit and get the context it says in verse 8 and There were in the same country Shepherds abiding in the field keeping watch over their flock by night and lo the angel of the Lord came upon them and The glory of the Lord shone round about them and they were sore afraid and the angel said unto them fear not For behold I bring you good tidings of great joy and don't miss this last phrase which shall be to all people Front of you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord So Jesus Christ came to be the Savior of the world. He came to be the Savior of everybody. So Jesus Christ's birth is good news for everybody, right? It's not just good news for a select few of pre chosen Preordained few no, it's an invitation that's open to the entire world That whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life And so Jesus Christ's birth is something to be celebrated by the entire world every single person Has the opportunity now to be saved through Christ? Now that's the positive side of things is that the Bible is saying that this is good news This is glad tidings for everyone to all people and it's God's show of love and goodwill toward mankind in general But you know the Bible tells us in 1st Corinthians that if one died for all Then we're all dead The Bible says and so what we need to understand is that yes, Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world Yes Jesus Christ's gift of salvation is available to anyone and everyone who would just believe on him and call upon him by faith But the reason why it's so important is that without Christ Mankind is truly doomed and has absolutely no hope right. What did the Bible tell us? Well, if if one died for all then the Bible says then we're all dead, you know without Christ Everyone is doomed back up just a little bit in this passage to actually let's go forward first Let's go to verse 25 in chapter 2 here of Luke Says behold there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon and the same man was just and devout Waiting for the consolation of Israel and the Holy Ghost was upon him and it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ and He came by the Spirit into the temple verse 27 and when the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him after the custom of the law Then took him up in his arms and blessed God and said Lord now let us thou thy servant depart in peace According to thy word for mine eyes have seen thy salvation Which thou has prepared before the face of all people and so notice again the universal emphasis here all people all men everybody He says here that my eyes have seen thy salvation. And what was he looking at? He wasn't looking at a baptistry. He wasn't looking at a church, right? He wasn't looking at a cracker or a Or some kind of a sacrament, right? He's looking at Jesus and he said my eyes have seen thy salvation Jesus Christ is salvation Okay, he's the only way to be saved and the Bible says that he is prepared before the face of all people verse 32 a Light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of thy people Israel And if you've got a King James Bible it says and Joseph and his mother Marveled at those things which were spoken of him If you have one of these corrupt versions, then it says his father and mother which Joseph is not Jesus's father Joseph is just basically Parenting him but it's Mary who's his actual physical mother because of course the virgin birth and so we see that Jesus Christ is Salvation incarnate and Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven and Jesus Christ is the only hope for mankind in general and so Everyone in this world must believe on Jesus Christ to be saved without him. There's no hope it doesn't matter Jew or Gentile It doesn't matter the nationality Everyone is responsible for believing in Christ because without Christ No one is saved now back up if you would to chapter 1 verse 76 chapter 1 verse 76 this is a prophecy about John the Baptist as The forerunner the one who would go before the Lord Jesus Christ. It says in verse 76 and thou child talking about John the Baptist Shall be called the prophet of the highest for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins through the tender mercy of our God whereby the day spring from on high had visited us and What is the day spring referring to it's actually just referring to the rising of the Sun there and it's comparing Jesus Christ to the Sun as it also does in Malachi chapter 4 and it says in verse 79 to give light To them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death to guide our feet into the way of peace and so Not only is Jesus Christ Salvation not only is he the only one that can bring us the forgiveness of sins Through his blood we have redemption the forgiveness of sins But not only does he bring salvation in an eternal sense meaning that we're heading for heaven Instead of hell, but also he actually shines the light on our darkness right here and now in this life as well because today Unsafe people are dwelling in darkness today, right? They're in the they're totally in the dark meaning that they don't understand the world that we live in. They don't understand life They don't understand the wisdom of God. They're in the dark They're in darkness and they are lost today Groping through this world with no direction and the Bible says that people who are without Christ are without Hope in this world Okay Jesus Christ is the light that shines in the darkness and illuminates Mankind even on this earth because the Bible talked about glory to God in the highest peace on earth Right on earth peace and goodwill toward men and that peace can only come through Christ peace and our hearts can only come through Christ and not only that Eventually an actual physical peace will be brought about only by the second coming of Christ And so the Bible says that Christ is going to come Yes in verse 77 to give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins But also in verse 79 he's coming to give light To them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death to guide our feet into the way of peace To guide our feet into the way of peace even now on this earth To give light to them that Sit in darkness and in the shadow of death. What does that mean to sit in darkness in the shadow of death? Well, obviously as I alluded before Darkness represents ignorance not understanding right stumbling around being lost Groping in the noon day as if it were the middle of the night. That's the unsaved condition according to the Bible But not only darkness, but the shadow of death, you know the Bible talks about the fact that unsaved people are scared of death all the time and the Bible says That Jesus Christ came to deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage right so the unsaved man has this Shadow of death that's hanging over him all the time And he could try to forget about it as much as possible push it out of his mind Just get distracted with the cares of this world, but it's always there, isn't it? You know There's always that dreaded doom that someday he's gonna die and maybe even deep down somewhere he knows that someday he's gonna face God and Be held accountable for his sins because if he doesn't have the forgiveness of sins through Christ Then he's gonna be in trouble for all of the sins He's committed in his life And so it says to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death Right being in the shadow of death. It's like the fear of death death is right there At the door, we never know when it's gonna end now for the Christian death is nothing to fear because you know The Bible says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord and so death where is thy sting? Grave, where is thy victory? You know, I was talking I was talking to my wife a few days ago about Just strange policies that were going on in Germany and just it's just all kinds of strange Rules and just just weird stuff that they're always that the government over there is always doing and I just asked her I said like You know, what's wrong with? Germany Like why are they so weird? Like what's wrong with them? Why do they have all these? Strange rules and strange policies and why why are they people? Why are they like that? I don't remember exactly what we were talking about Specifically but she said you know what she said that it's like they're just characterized by fear. They're just Scared people. They're just always Scared and so this is why they just kind of go with the crowd go with the flow and and they're constantly Trying to lean on this policy and that policy because they're just scared They're just fearful and it's because they're not saved. It's because it's a godless country it's because it's by and large a very Christless nation over there and So the the further you get away from God the further you get away from Christ and you know the more fear takes over But we as Christians, you know we have nothing to fear because we believe that we're saved eternally and That there's nothing we could do to lose our salvation And so no matter how bad things get we always know that we're going to heaven someday and we have that eternal Hope of salvation all the time But for the unsaved it's not so they're sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death now go to John chapter 1 John chapter number 1 John chapter number 1 is a famous passage of course about In the beginning was the Word the Word was with God the Word was God the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us We were joking around yesterday about reading the Christmas story because you always read the one from Luke chapter 2 and my son was joking around and saying, you know, hey, you know, maybe we can mix it up and read You know Matthew chapter 1 or something instead of Luke 2 and then he's joking We said that if people really want to open presents fast They could just read like the Word was made flesh and that would be like they're you know Let's just do it from John this year, right? Just go to the shortest Christmas story ever But look at John chapter 1 verse 1 says in the beginning was the Word the Word was with God and the Word was God The same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not Anything made that was made in him was life and the life Was the light of man and the light shineth in darkness and the darkness Comprehended it not and so again the world today is dwelling in darkness and the birth of Christ is that ray of light That light that shines in the darkness and brings number one eternal salvation But number two even direction and meaning and understanding about our life right now Even in this life right now It's funny that sometimes you'll Hear the old IFB types the the other like independent Baptists who are on this kick where they think that You know God's not finished with Israel and you know The Jews are God's chosen people and all this stuff and it's kind of funny to hear them talk It's almost like you know, man the Jews they did they've got so much Going for them. They've got so much right? It's just like this one little thing like ah, they're not going to heaven You know, but Now the thing that's so stupid about that is that first of all if you're not going to heaven Who cares about anything else? Nothing else matters. I mean if you're not going to heaven if you're gonna go to hell for all of eternity Then why would anything else in this life matter? Well, at least you know, we were on the right team in the Middle East or it's like what? What does that even mean who cares Let's do it if you're not going to heaven Nothing that happens to you or about you on this earth even matters Because it's just like a little vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away and then eternity just stretches on forever You're either in heaven or you're in hell and this life is just gonna be a shadow It's just nothing compared to all that eternity But number two Even now even right now even in this life if you don't have Christ right now You also have nothing right now. You're in the dark right now So to sit there and say like well You know, they've got they've got so much right if we could just get them to see that Jesus is the Messiah It's like if you don't see that Jesus the Messiah you don't have anything, right? You've got nothing and you say well, you know, you have all the right rules Oh, which rules they get right darshan not kill Cuz I'm pretty sure every Buddhist and Hindu and Muslim has figured that out too. Like oh wow, so complicated Don't kill don't commit adultery. Don't steal. Well, yeah Judeo-christian. All right That's called just being a human being my friend Hey, they when it comes to their religion, they have all different rules They don't follow the rules of the Bible They don't follow the teachings of the New Testament. They don't follow Christ's teachings They are just as lost and confused and in the dark as any other unsaved person It's not like well if you're Christian, you know, you're all the way there if you're a Jew You're halfway there and if you're a Hindu Muslim Buddhist, whatever, you know, you're not even to first base folks The Jews aren't even in the dugout. They're not even in the right baseball field They're they're not even playing the right sport. They're not even in the right country They're in a country where baseball doesn't exist That's how far they are from salvation Okay Let me tell you something if you don't have Christ you have nothing and I'm constantly trying to emphasize this to our young people Because our young people sometimes can get sucked into maybe looking up to the people of this world maybe idolizing or looking up to musicians stars Actors Actresses and thinking like oh, they're such great people. They're so cool You know and I just go through life with this motto if any man loved not our Lord Jesus Christ. Let him be anathema Maranatha You know, oh by the way, I got that from the Bible That's a direct quote from the Bible Because here's the thing anybody who's not saved, you know, yes, we should love them and feel sorry for them and pity them and Extend grace and mercy to them and want them to be saved pray for them to be saved Give them the Gospels they could be saved But why would I ever envy someone who's not saved when I have everything and they have nothing Think about it. I've got everything They've got nothing. Oh But they're so stylish and so cool and they have so much Fame and power it's nothing. It's all meaningless It's gonna be gone like that, you know, we as saved children of God We're the ones that have the real fame and power You know, we're we're as unknown and yet well known So even in this world, you know, we're not known we're famous where it counts You know, we I guarantee you we could go to places in this world where the stars are unknown You know the big fancy Actors and actresses and singers of this world that everybody knows You know But we could go to Papua New Guinea and find some dude with a bone in his nose who doesn't know who they are Doesn't care who they are and we probably wouldn't even have to get it. We probably wouldn't even have to get that obscure You know what? I mean to find people who haven't heard of every Hollywood star or whatever, but I'll guarantee you one place They don't matter is heaven And heaven's like hey, did you see the new whatever movie? Hey, did you hear so-and-so's new album? Nobody cares You know what I mean? So and so look yeah, obviously we live in this world. We interact with unsaved people We love the lost we want to reach them with the gospel But don't ever get to the point where you think that they're somehow better than you Or you think that they're like a role model like well Maybe I can someday be as cool as so-and-so because that's not a goal for the born-again child of God It's a downgrade Because unsaved people have nothing going for them Because without Christ you have nothing you're without hope you're in the dark you're lost you're confused and You know, not only do you have this eternity in hell stretching out in front of you But you've also got even a life that makes no sense Until then and if you're Jewish your life makes no sense Just as much as any other unsaved person Okay, you've got to have Jesus Christ to have real meaning in your life to have peace in your heart now To be able to know how to live your life now So that God would guide you and guide your steps and guide you in the way of peace and show you the right way to Live your life, you know, you need the Word of God You need Christ to do that And a lot of Christian young people could just take that for granted because they just grew up Having someone tell them this is the way walkie in it But they don't understand that people out there in this world they don't know they don't know what to do Because they don't have the Word of God as a lamp to their feet and a light to their path And so the Bible says in verse 5 the light shineth in the darkness. That's Christ shining right the Word of God shining in this world Jesus was born 2,000 years ago, and he wasn't just born just for Israel, but he's born for the whole world right the whole the whole Planet and and the nations of the world the Gentiles Have access to those same promises of salvation through Jesus But the darkness they don't get it right the darkness comprehended it not It says in verse 6 there was a man sent from God whose name was John The same came for a witness to bear witness of the light that all men through him might believe and Again how many times have we seen it just this morning alone that Jesus Christ came for all people Because all people without Christ are doomed. That's what the sermons about all people without Christ are doomed therefore Christ had to die for all and It always blows my mind that people get sucked into this Calvinist doctrine that says that Jesus didn't die for everybody When there's just so many verses that say, you know, hey this is for all people it's for everybody That was the true light That lighteth every man look at verse number nine. That was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world No, no, no, it's just it's just for certain people It's only available for certain people Bible says that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man He will have all men to be saved and to come into the knowledge of the truth He gave himself a ransom for all no, no, no, no Well, I mean, I mean, you know if you just use logic, you know I mean if Jesus died for everybody and everybody's not say it's a shut up. I don't care about your logic The Bible said he died for everybody done Case closed he died for everybody. I don't care about your logic. I don't care about your philosophical You know wranglings and whatever that's just perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds You know trying to just twist up the Word of God Through your logical pretzel, but you know, the Bible is saying that the purpose That John was sent from God The same came for a witness to bear witness of the light that all men through him might believe What does that mean that all men through him might believe that means that the purpose or the goal is Okay, I'm sending you to go preach the Word of God so that all men through you might believe Now does that sound like no no, it's just it's just certain hand-picked people. In fact, Jesus only died for certain people It's not even available to everyone because he didn't even die for them. Is that what the Bible teaches? No, the Bible teaches that Jesus died for everybody he died for every man He died for all people in the Gospels good news to all people Jesus Christ coming is Exciting for everybody. It's God's goodwill toward men. Not just a certain elect few and then it says here that the purpose of The preaching of a man like John the Baptist was that all men through him might believe Now you say well all men didn't believe Well, that's because at the end of the day is a personal decision on their part God says you I've said before you this day life and death choose life and So it has to be mixed with faith in them that hear the preaching The Bible says the word preached not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that hear that heard it But what was God's intent according to the Bible God's intent was that all men through him might believe There was God not powerful enough to just you know, get the job done Folks God's power isn't the issue God gives a choice Now look if I gave a look if I go out soul-winning I Can't make people get saved can I I? Go out and I just preach the gospel but when I go out To preach the gospel aren't I trying to get everybody saved that I can or am I just like well I'm gonna look for somebody That I want to get saved No, it's just like you you're going out there and just preaching the gospel to everybody And when we preach to everybody in our heart, we actually want everybody to be saved, right? It's like we're going out that all Would believe we want everyone that's the intent that's the goal But the reality is that when we get out there other people They make the decision. I don't want to hear the gospel. I'm not interested. I don't believe in that I'm trusting my own works and it's on them. Well, here's the thing. It's the same thing with God okay, God has made the gospel available Jesus has died on the cross for everybody and The goal with preaching is that all men? through that preaching would believe but God doesn't force people to get saved Now you could sit there and say well could God force people to get saved it's not the point he's not going to He gives a choice. He created man with free will he gives a choice and so it's not that God has failed in the mission because Jesus Christ has made salvation available to all by dying for all and As many as believe on Christ will be saved But God wants everyone to be saved The Bible says he's not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance But here's the thing God has got you know, it's also God's will that we would abstain from fornication But does every Christian in this world abstain from fornication? No, because guess what God's will doesn't always happen because of the free will that he gives man But that doesn't change the fact that the Bible clearly says that John the Baptist in verse 7 came for a witness To bear witness of the light that all men through him might believe that was the goal in Sending John the Baptist that all men through him might believe He was not that light But was sent to bear witness of that light. That was the true light which lighteth every man That cometh into the world now again, if if the true light lighteth every man that cometh into the world You say well, I just think when it says all it doesn't really mean all but it kind of cracks me up when it when It's so specific. Sometimes like where he's like he tasted death for every man it's just like That was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world like it even qualifies What do you mean by every man? Every man that cometh into the world. I mean, I don't know What if God would just added the word like single like every single man Calvinist would still be Calvinist Who here thinks that if we added the word single here Calvinist would still be Calvinist I Do I think they'd still be a Calvinist all day long. They wouldn't be like, oh well now that you say it like that I mean you got you have so many verses that do say it So clearly I mean what what if it just said, you know, that was the true light which lighteth Every last man that cometh into the world Every single last one of them without exception they'd still be like I got no I Mean it says that he lights every man that comes in like I don't need any extra adverbs and things going on here I'm I get it I get it Right. So now does that mean everybody's saved? No, because Christ has shined the light but at the end of the day, they have to believe in Christ in order to be saved But that light has come into the world that light illuminates every man that cometh into the world The purpose was that all men through Christ through John the Baptist preaching would believe through that pointing to Christ and It says that that was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world and Again, if if Christ is the true light that lights every man that comes in the world You know what? That means that means that anybody who doesn't have Christ is in darkness Because it's not like the light of Christ comes along and he's like, oh you're already all lit up. Okay. Well have a good day Because no one is lit without Christ Because Christ is the one is the only one who can illuminate The Bible says he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him Not he came unto his own and his own received him not but his may has received him to them gave He power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name So here Christ came into the world and he came unto his own and his own received him not he lights every man that cometh in the world, but Yet there are those who don't receive him But as many as did receive him to them gave me power to become the sons of God Even to them that believe on his name So those who believe on Jesus Christ are the sons of God those who do not believe on Christ are without Hope in this world. They have nothing They are doomed completely. Okay, you know the Bible talks about Having no hope being without Christ without hope in the world go if you would to first Timothy chapter number two first Timothy chapter number two First Timothy chapter number two the Bible says in verse one I exhort therefore that first of all supplications prayers intercessions and giving a thanks be made for all men for Kings and for all that are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior Who will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth? For there's one God and one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus Who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time? whereunto I'm ordained a preacher and an apostle I Speak the truth in Christ and lie not a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and Verity and so once again we see that all men in this world need Jesus Christ to be saved and They need Jesus Christ to even show them how to live their lives right now Okay. Now the famous verse that we started with said glory to God in the highest and on earth peace Goodwill toward men right and if we break down that profound statement We see first of all goodwill toward men. That's God's benevolence God's love Toward all of mankind in general not just Israel Not just the Jews not just those who will eventually get saved the the elect Not just a select few but rather an open invitation to the whole world God's willingness that all men be saved and Christ sacrificed for all His light that shines so bright that it pierces even to the darkest soul and lights every man that come into the world so that if anyone doesn't get saved it's their own fault because the light of the gospel has shined forth and So goodwill toward men What about on earth peace? You know, what's interesting is that later when Jesus grows up and starts preaching twice? He says think not that I've come to send peace on earth That's kind of interesting in light of the fact that the angels who announces birth say on earth. Peace goodwill toward men but what it is is that Christ gives us peace in our hearts right now and We can even have peace in our personal lives right now Whereas the Bible says there's no peace unto the wicked The wicked don't have peace. The reason we can't have peace right now is because most of this world isn't saved most people don't believe in Jesus and so the wicked are like the the trouble I'm paraphrasing but the wicker like the troubled water that's constantly stirring up dirt and muck and there's no peace to the wicked the Bible says Whereas those of us that are saved we have peace in our hearts and God has also taught us the way of peace We can live our lives in a right way that gives us peace in our family or peace in our heart peace with those that we love and So there's peace on earth now for the Christian right now Not only do I have a home in heaven, but I also know how to live my life right now I also have God walking and talking with me and blessing me right now Okay, which the unsaved they don't have they're in darkness They're confused and then the first part of that was glory to God in the highest, right? So glory to God in the highest on earth. Peace. Good will to men, you know, Jesus Christ has brought God the most glory in this world, you know if you think about God's name being known throughout the whole world and If you think about how the world today knows About the Bible they know Genesis the Revelation and they know about Jesus Why is that? Why does the whole world know this book? Why is this book found in every country every continent every place of this world Is it because God parted the Red Sea? Is that why this book is in all parts of the world? No Is it because of the fact that God rained manna from heaven and fed his people is it because Elijah? Called down fire on the the prophets of Baal at the Mount Carmel Showdown, is that why? This book is known throughout the whole world. No, this book is known throughout the whole world because of Jesus Okay, because when Jesus is coming is prophesied the prophecy is that the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea and That's what has happened You know, it isn't just Some kind of a local Religion for a certain nation or certain group of people but rather through Christ because of Christianity Because of Jesus Christ death burial and resurrection on the cross That that's the ultimate his death on the cross his burial resurrections the ultimate culmination of God's plan that caused God to be glorified throughout the whole world and caused the Word of God to be glorified throughout the whole world to where the entire world knows who Jesus is and The earth is Filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord even as the waters cover the sea. It's just it's everywhere through Christ and so Jesus being born 2,000 years ago Brought God's glory to the entire world, you know, even as evidenced by even the date itself 2022 is 2022 years after what? Well the current era, you know 2022 CE You know, I I don't mind CE because I just say well, yeah, it's 2022 the Christian era You know and BCE stands for before the Christian era You know, so I'm fine. How are you? And so we see that The earth is filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. There's peace on earth Not world peace or global peace but peace in the hearts of all of God's people the peace that passes all Understanding even on earth. I don't just have to live some messed up life and then go to heaven Like oh man, my life is so confusing and messed up and it's just um, it's just a train wreck But thank God for heaven. It's like no I have peace on earth right now and I get to go to heaven and Then of course goodwill toward men is God's benevolence toward all men why because he wants everyone saved Because Jesus died for everyone and he wants everyone to be saved and on Christmas We're proclaiming the birth of Christ. It's good news for all people You know and it's like sometimes I look at the world and I'm thinking to myself like man What are you guys even celebrating? This is what I think in my heart Like what are you guys even celebrating if you don't even believe in Jesus? What are you celebrating? You know somebody posts a comic showing like they showed a picture of the Flintstones Having Christmas and it said what are they celebrating? And I said, well they you know, they're looking forward to the cross Obviously Flintstones aren't real But I mean, come on the point is though, you know, it's like what are they celebrating out there but here's the thing you know, I thought about it and Even if they're not a Christian, even if they don't believe in Christ, you know, they ought to be celebrating anyway Because it's available to them Because it is glad tidings for all people it is good news for everybody. So go ahead and celebrate, you know I hope someday you figure out what you're even celebrating though Because because it really is for you Christmas is for you, you know Merry Christmas. Oh, I'm Jewish. It's for you Merry Christmas. Oh, I'm Muslim. It's for you Christmas is for you. Oh, I'm a Hindu though. It's for you Christmas is for everybody Why because the birth of Christ for all people because everybody is in darkness without Christ and Christ is the true light The lighteth every man that cometh into the world and so it's for everybody It's good news for everybody. It's glad times for everybody. I thank God when we go out knocking doors We're like, hey, I might have some good news for you, but there's a 90-some percent chance that I don't Because you're not one of the chosen But in reality, it's potentially good news for everybody Is the only thing stopping people from being saved is them? It's right there. They can just reach out and grab it. It's for everybody. Let's buy ads and have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for the fact that the birth of Christ and and Christ's death on the cross and and his burial and resurrection is is for everybody and Lord God, I just pray that Those that are not saved would realize their hopeless condition Lord They would realize that without you they have nothing help them Lord to find the peace that comes through believing In Jesus and those of us that are saved we Lord can sometimes maybe take it for granted Because we don't Maybe it's been so long since we've been unsaved. We don't really remember what it's like To to be in darkness and in the shadow of death Lord, but thank you so much Lord for your unspeakable gift of salvation and Lord God, I pray that those of us that were that are saved would always be thankful and keep that in our hearts and minds And that we would also share with others the the peace and the Most importantly the salvation that comes through believing in Christ and it's in Christ name. We pray. Amen