(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) place in chapter 1 the verse that I want to emphasize here is a verse number 9 where the Bible reads as we said before so say I now again if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that you have received let him be a purse and what I want to preach on tonight is emphasizing what God emphasizes emphasizing what God emphasizes now in this verse he says the same thing again he says it twice and the reason that he repeats it is for emphasis he could have just said it one time but the reason he says well I've already said it before but I'm gonna say it again that if anyone preaches it any other gospel on you that once you proceed let it be a curse repeating things is a way of emphasizing the importance of something and so things that the Bible repeats over and over and over again are important things and God is repeating them for emphasis so let me put it to you this way if I'm a preacher and I'm preaching the Bible and if we were to take all the things that I talked about and sort of make a pie graph and show what I spend time talking about and then if we looked at what the Bible spends time talking about you know those two things shouldn't be dramatically different from one another if God is emphasizing something in the Bible and he's talking about it over and over again then we should emphasize that and talk about that over and over again and if there's something that the Bible just barely even touches on then we shouldn't make that our main thing that we just go on and on about if it's something that's barely even mentioned we should emphasize what God emphasizes now the first point that I want to make is that when it comes to salvation the thing that God emphasizes is the word belief that's the thing that he emphasizes over and over again and this is why it's so important that we read the whole Bible for ourselves listening to a lot of preaching is great but at the end of the day you need to get the Bible on your own by yourself you need to be reading it cover to cover on your own and I recommend even if you're just a babe in Christ even if you're just a beginner make sure you read through the Bible cover to cover at least once a year just as a starting point as a basis it only takes about 15 minutes a day to get through once a year and if you read through the Bible you will get the big picture instead of somebody just cherry-picking certain parts of the Bible to show you the parts that they want to emphasize if you actually read the whole Bible yourself you can figure out what God emphasizes by getting the big picture and when I started reading the Bible cover to cover when I was 16 17 years old I started noticing certain patterns and certain things that God really emphasized and brought up over and over again and one of the things that really jumped out at me reading the New Testament was it how many times it says believe I mean just even in the book of John alone it mentions it 90 times and all the Romans and Galatians and all throughout the New Testament it's just hammering that over and over again believe believe believe that tells me that when we talk about the gospel when we talk about salvation we can emphasize the fact it's my faith alone and we can emphasize that word believe that is the best word to use when talking about the gospel if you can boil it down to one important word one verb it's believe there are a lot of other things that people will say oh you know repent or or make a commitment to Christ or have a personal relationship or inviting into your heart but why don't we emphasize what God emphasizes and really just dwell on that word believe and hammer that you know what does it mean to believe well we're on so many days with the brother Shawn Jolly and he used an illustration that he just kind of barely touched on he said hey if I believe in my mechanic then that means that I'm trusting that he can fix the car you know that he says he can fix it I'm relying on him to fix it I believe in you you're gonna get it done you're gonna do what you've said you will do and that's what it means to believe in Christ we're trusting him to do what he has said he will do that he will save us that he will get us to heaven but as we walked away from the door I thought about the illustration that he used and I thought to myself you know you could take that a step further that illustration about the mechanic you know Jesus is our friend the mechanic our great mechanic the great friend that we have think about this if I have a friend who's a mechanic and I really believe in him and I'm fully trusting him to fix my car you know what that means I don't need to get out my own tools I don't need to put on coveralls I don't need to get under the car and start tinkering around yeah he's need to back off and let him fix the car he's the great mechanic he will get it done I fully trust him that he's capable to do what he said he would do I don't need to get in there and do it and what we have today are a lot of people that are not saved they're in the coveralls they're covered in a lot of grease they're working hard they're sweating they're toiling and they're spending a lot of money they keep driving back and forth to the auto parts store and they're buying parts and they can't get the thing fixed right because no matter how hard you work no matter what parts you use you will not be saved by your own works it's all of a sin that comes short of the glory of God it's only Jesus that can save us it's only his death his burial and his resurrection so our friend our great mechanic Jesus Christ we have to fully trust him to fix the car and not trying to get in there and work oh but look at all the work I've done yeah is the car fixed no I don't care how hard you're working I don't care how much you spend I don't care if you got this expert advice and don't take some mechanic degree off the wall and say well look at this degree I've got or my dad's a mechanic my grandpa's a mechanic you know oh I've been around cars all my life yeah your car is broken down there's only one person who can fix it that's Jesus he can fix it but here's the thing about Jesus's mechanic shop okay he's got this little line on the ground between the lobby and the garage and he tells you look I'll fix your car I'll do it for free out of love for you it's a freaking I'll fix it but I have this one rule you wait in the lobby you let me get it done I don't want you in my garage I don't want you messing with my tools I don't want you getting under the car I don't want you looking over my shoulder no no you let me do it let me do it all and if you come over across this line I'm not fixing it and that's how it is with Christ you have to put all of your faith and trust in him and that's why the Bible says we have to cease from our own works as God did from his and we have to rest in the finished work of Jesus Christ and here's the great thing about this mechanic Jesus is that he has a lifetime warranty so when he fixes the car not only that he'll maintain it he will keep that thing running he will always have the parts in stock he will always have it fixed he will always have it ready to go so we don't have to sit there and say well you know okay Jesus makes the car but I'm gonna go out and buy a bunch of mechanical tools and I'm gonna read much of manuals so that I can keep it right no no he does it all he fixes it and he keeps it fixed he saves us and he keeps us saved and he will never leave us or forsake us and we are sealed under the day of redemption and it's all based on one thing we believe in it we have to believe it we have to rely on it we have to let him do it all we have to make that decision put all of our faith and trust in Christ and then we're saved forever we're saved eternally but the Bible emphasizes a lot more than just believing in Christ one of the things that you'll see emphasized in the Bible is the idea of soul winning the idea of preaching the gospel the idea of going out and winning other people to Christ you say well you sure that's something the Bible emphasizes well the first thing Jesus does after he gets through his baptism and gets through the temptation where the devil is trying to tempt him and everything is then he goes out and starts recruiting his soul winners right right after he finishes that is in Matthew chapter 3 he's baptized Matthew chapter 4 he's tempted of the devil and then what does he do at the end of Matthew 4 he goes out and he finds fishermen and he says to them follow me and I'll make you fishers of men so when he starts his ministry the first thing he does he starts recruiting soul winners he starts recruiting fishers of men and then not only that but what's the last thing he says before he ascends up into heaven is that we're to be witnesses in Jerusalem and in Judea and in Samaria and under the uttermost parts of the earth he starts out talking about reaching the lost winning people to Christ that's how he ends his ministry then we get in the book of Acts what do we see in the book of Acts so winning so winning so winning it's all about a missionary Paul traveling from place to place winning people to Christ bringing the gospel to people so many is emphasized in the four Gospels it's emphasized in the book of Acts and then when we get into the epistles it's brought up again and again God wants us to be a soul winner that's something that the Bible emphasizes now there are a lot of churches today so when he's on the back burner they're busy but they're not emphasizing what God emphasizes they're emphasizing past the pirate or they're emphasizing the choir or they're emphasizing door hangers or they're emphasizing whatever other ministries that they think are more important or the drama team or the orchestra or whatever they're emphasizing listen to me we need to emphasize what God emphasizes emphasize so what in the church do the first works at the first love and emphasize what God emphasizes when it comes to what church we go to we think about the pros and cons of this church or that church because we don't have a perfect church and especially in certain areas that you might live in there could be a shortage of big churches so you have to decide what your priorities are you have to decide what's the best option right where am I going to go to church and when we evaluate churches do we emphasize what God emphasizes well if we want to know what God thinks about churches all we have to do is look at Revelation chapters 2 & 3 and in Revelation chapters 2 & 3 he has a message to seven different churches and he evaluates them he talks about the pros he talks about the cons and you know what every single one of them he starts out by saying I know thy works that's the most repeated thing in that passage and if you would flip over to that pass so I'm going to show you something in particular look at chapter 2 of Revelation the fact that God brings it up first that's emphasis I know thy works the fact that he repeats it seven times that's emphasis I know thy works the fact that he said do the first works but look down at the one at Revelation chapter number two the message to Thyatira it says in verse 19 I know thy works and charity and service and faith and thy patience and thy works he already said works he brings up the works at the beginning and then he brings up the works again and then listen to what he says and the last to be more than the first so the first thing he mentioned is works the last thing he mentioned is the work and he says the last is more than the first I think what he means by that is you're increasing in your works that's on the good side for this church look if God is just repeating works and bringing up their works all the time that tells me that when God looks at a church one of the things he's looking at first and foremost is the works so that tells me that if a church crosses every doctrinal T and dots every doctrinal I but they're not doing the works but they're dead they're not reaching the city for the gospel they're not knocking any doors they're not putting any souls to Christ you know that tells me that's not a good church because they're failing the first test the works and remove the candlestick I rather go to a church that was a little off doctrinally and I'm not talking about doctrines that are deal-breakers like the gospel or you know having obviously having the King James Bible is an essential having salvation by faith that's non negotiable but I'm talking about other doctrine secondary doctrines you know Bible prophecy interpretations or just other issues about you know the music or the you know the style of the church or you know the first thing I would look at is do they practice soul because I'd rather go to a church that was a little off on minor doctrines that was a strong soul winning church then a church that just crosses every T dots every I they're just get on on Bible prophecy but there's no soul there's no work being done they just sit around being right just they just sit around just man we're so right we got our doctrine perfect let's just talk about our right here no let's get out there with somebody right because what God emphasizes is the work that we're doing that's what God ever says can everybody hear me all right tonight the back everything not only that but when we think about what the Bible emphasizes what does the Bible talk a lot about your talks a lot about the wrath and judgment of God now people who don't read the whole Bible they don't know this because they're listening to a lot of soft so positive type sermons and they're getting the most Bible from Hallmark reading cards that they received in the mail because they're not reading the Bible so the most Bible they read is on a greeting card at Christmas or their birthday or Easter or something like that and so those are really positive uplifting part the most Bible they gain is on a calendar that they read in the office with a picture of nature and a Bible but when you actually read the whole Bible you know what you're going to find page after page after page of the wrath and judgment of God look at the longest books in the Bible what's the longest book in the Old Testament Jeremiah right slightly longer than Psalms even though Psalms has 150 short chapters Jeremiah has 52 long chapters that's gotta be the most negative book in the whole Bible the book of Jeremiah and you just read page after page in Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel of the wrath of God the punishment of God the justice of God it just goes on and on and on and then you finally think and we're through the major prophets then you get to the minor and it just gets more negative it's just negative negative negative negative are we just gonna ignore all that and just preach sweetness in life look how much of the Bible is negative versus how much of the Bible is positive and then now let's go to the average church today and see how much the preaching is positive versus how much of the preaching is negative does it match today I don't think it matches I think churches today are preaching way too much positivity and the Bible has got a lot of negativity and the fact of the matter is that Jesus talked a lot more about hell than he did about hell what because he didn't want anybody to go there and he brought it up and he brought it up hell is look if I asked you to describe hell you would be able to do a pretty good job if I asked any Christian to describe them they'd probably be able to do a pretty good job it's pretty easy for us to describe because the Bible talks a lot about it we've got all kinds of words that would roll off our tongue well it's the lake of fire it's darkness there's wheat meat there's gnashing of teeth there's no rest they're not if we had if we were asked to describe heaven we might have to think a little bit we'd struggle because the Bible doesn't tell us as much we don't have as much detail but let me tell you something we need an emphasize what God emphasizes and so we need some help fire and damnation preaching all over the world whether it's the United States or Canada hard preaching is what God done in the Old Testament hard preaching is what God done in the ministry of Jesus Christ hard preaching got it done in the book of Acts we need to preach the whole counsel of God we need to emphasize what guys emphasize salvation by faith yes we need to emphasize so many yes we need to emphasize getting out there and do some work for the Lord after we're safe yes but we also need to bring some negative sounds what because the Bible is filled with chapters about the wrath of God if it's being emphasized in the Bible let's emphasize it another thing that the Bible emphasizes the second coming of Jesus Christ the second coming of Jesus Christ in the New Testament is a major emphasis I mean when you're when you're thinking about it you'll see it in every chapter I mean we brought up constantly when it's on your mind you'll see the symbolism ever but even just explicit references think about the books of the Thessalonians first and second Thessalonians eight chapters all eight chapters talk about the second coming of Christ all eight chapters we have a whole book the book of Revelation Jesus did a whole sermon where he brings it into focus in the all event discourse Matthew 24 Mark 13 Luke 21 then there's Luke 17 even when Jesus is about to go to the cross in the book of Luke he brings up his second coming he talks about the second coming the epistles of Paul all throughout the New Testament you'll find reference after reference to Christ's second coming that means it's an important subject that we should emphasize we should talk about it you know I know the pastor who he doesn't want to take a stand on this issue because half of this church is pre-trib and half of this church is post-trib it's a big church and it's half half this church believes like us and the other half of the church is pre-trib so Paul Whitmer walked up to this pastor and he asked him he said are you pre-trib and the pastor said I don't know and this guy's been pastoring for over a decade and he just never preaches on that subject because he knows well you know half my church believes one way the other half the church believes the other way so I'm just gonna shy away from that and just not talk about it for the sake of unity but how can we de-emphasize that which God emphasizes we need to talk about the second coming of Christ now if people believe differently on it it doesn't make them horrible people it doesn't mean that they can't do a great work for God in other areas of life but folks we need to keep it in perspective that the second coming of Christ is important it's a big subject and for a pastor to just not talk about it and listen to me there are a lot of pastors who've seen after the tribulation they know that that pre-trib raps is a joke but they're afraid to get up and preach right about it so what they've done now is just they just decide not to say anything about it because they can't preach pre-trib anymore now that they know it's a lie and they can't preach post-trib if they don't want to lose all their friends and be hated and be lumped in with that crazy fanatic down from Arizona so basically they just shy away from it we can't shy away from it the second coming of Jesus Christ is an emphasized doctrine in the Bible and we ought to emphasize what God emphasizes now here's another one that we need to emphasize that has really been on my mind lately because of events that happened at our church recently over the last several months one thing that we must emphasize is that Jesus is the Son of God that comes as a shock to me because I thought that that's just kind of a no-brainer the Trinity the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost and that's something that we grew up just assuming that every Christian knows that every Christian believes that we took that doctrine for granted but let me tell you something we have made a mistake over the years we believe right on the Trinity but we did not emphasize what God emphasized and by not emphasizing what God emphasized we actually made an opening for the devil to get in because listen the devil is looking for a weakness that's why we need the whole armor of God he's looking for a weakness he wants to seek who he may devour he's looking for that chink in the armor he's looking for that gap where he can get in there and we need to stand in the gap and we need to make up the hedge and keep false doctrine at bay because the devil is looking for a weakness and he's ready to exploit it now here's why we have this problem I believe is that we have de-emphasized the fact that Jesus is the Son of God and we have overemphasized the fact that Jesus is God now listen of course Jesus is God we believe in the deity of Christ Jesus Christ was God manifest in the flesh he's 100% God there are plenty of scriptures that make it crystal clear that Jesus was God in the flesh but you know what the Bible actually says that Jesus is the Son of God way more than it talks about it being God now it tells us both we believe both they're both true but which one does the Bible emphasize more there are way way more verses emphasizing that Jesus is the Son of God that's what's being emphasized over and over in Scripture but what have we done as fundamental Baptists even myself included for the last few decades is we talk about how Jesus is God ten times as much as we mentioned Jesus being the Son of God probably a hundred times as much we probably say that Jesus is God a hundred times as much as we say that Jesus is the Son of God whereas the Bible does the exact opposite by saying over and over again that he's the Son of God Son of God Son of God Son of God and so we were not emphasizing what God emphasized and then we opened ourselves up to people coming in with this lie that says oh you know there's not a Trinity it's just the oneness of God the Father is Jesus and there's only just one person there that manifests in these three different modes and that's where this modalist teaching comes in it's a heresy and a false doctrine and I don't want to preach a whole sermon about that right now but I will say this we need to get back to emphasizing what God emphasizes and we need to emphasize the Trinity by emphasizing the fact that Jesus is the Son of God now here's why here's why we're overemphasizing the deity of Christ and not talking enough about the fact that he's the Son of God the reason why is because there are three people who knock doors right Baptist Mormons and Jehovah's witnesses I mean who else really does any serious door knocking the cults the Mormons the Jehovah's witnesses and then amongst true evangelical Christians is pretty much the Baptist knocking doors so because we're the ones knocking doors and they're knocking doors we're constantly trying to fight against them because they're the ones that were in competition with right now coming to people's doors they're teaching all the lies and we're trying to undo the lies that they've done so because they deny the deity of Christ as Jehovah's Witnesses because they deny the deity of Christ as Mormons then we're constantly reacting to that and wanting to just go on and on no he's God he's God in the flesh there's only one God the deity of Christ and we've gone on about that but folks in the process we've stopped emphasizing something that needs to be emphasized that Jesus Christ is the Son of God you say why does it matter well there's a lot of reasons why matters but first of all the Bible says that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son now let me ask you this what would show greater love if I sacrifice my own life for you or if I sacrifice my son's life for you you know what there are a lot of all the mothers piped up right away why because they look a mother knows she would she would give her life in a heartbeat if it would save her her son's life every mother at least should and every mother would immediately say you know I value my son's life far more than my own life if I had to choose to die or my son died I would lay down my life before I lay down my son's life see God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son you know that beautiful story in the Old Testament with Abraham just being willing to sacrifice Isaac his son and that's a picture of God the Father be willing to sacrifice his son for us on the cross that's the gospel we don't talk about that we don't emphasize that and then these crazy doctrines come in oh you know the oneness of God and it's just one person and and the name of the father's Jesus and God the Father died on the cross for us and and all this crazy stuff and you say why does it matter I'll tell you why matters because when Jesus was on the cross he said my God my God why is that forsaken me who is he talking to see if you believe in the Trinity that's the son saying to the father my God my God why is that forsaken me and that makes sense but if you don't believe in the Trinity if you believe in this modalism garbage this oneness doctrine then when you have Jesus say my God my God why is that forsaken you know what you have you have a human being on the cross being forsaken by God and then you have a Jesus dying on the cross for you who's not God who's just a man who's just a human because God is forsaken because that's what they distinguish between the man Christ Jesus and Jesus is God well that's just a man that's just a man that's being forsaken by God well then you have a man there so this is like that underhanded attack on the deity of Christ anyway once you really flesh it all out and it leads to a lot of other dark places when you go down that path but all that to say this we need to emphasize the fact that Jesus Christ is the Son of God because that's something that you find hundreds of times in the New Testament are there verses that teaches God absolutely plenty but there are ten times as many that say he's the Son of God so why don't we let that start rolling off our time that way our children and our converts and people don't get carried about with every wind of false doctrine and carried off into these lies and heresies of the oneness Pentecostal movement modalism other end times heresies let's emphasize what God ever said you know just just on Wednesday night I was preaching from Luke chapter 2 the famous Christmas passage and this is that one chapter it said that Jesus is a Savior which is Christ the Lord and then the same passage it said the Lord's Christ you see that the Lord's Christ and Christ the Lord why because it's the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost these three witnesses the Father Son the Holy Ghost make up one God and we need to make sure that we teach that hey John 1-1-1 brings it up right away he was with God and he was God let's not just go on and on about he was God and nor the fact he was with God yes he's Christ the Lord but he's also the Lord's Christ need to teach the Trinity we need to believe that we need to emphasize what God emphasizes what about sins in the Bible we believe in hard preaching amen hard preaching against sin and if we're going to preach against sin we should emphasize the sins that God emphasizes so what are the sins that God talks about the most one of the sins that he preaches against the most of the Bible well if you read the New Testament it's fornication it just comes up over and over again that means we need hard preaching about fornication coming across the pulpits of America what else drunkenness drunkenness is brought up all the time in the New Testament when you see lists of sins drunkenness based on that list we better emphasize hard preaching against drunkenness hard preaching against adultery hard preaching against stealing hard preaching against murder let's emphasize what God emphasizes and make that the big sins that we harp on and preach hard on but today we have shying away from preaching on fornication even though it should be a big emphasis based on how much the Bible talks about it you know you're a lot of preaching against drunkenness it's on every page of a lot of the epistles we need to go through our New Testament and look at all the sins and see what are the sins that he brings up over and over again that's what we are harp on that's what we ought to preach about other things that are barely even brought up barely even mentioned at all and creatures want to harp on those things things that are that are not even brought up you know like for example smoking I mean preachers preach against smoking all the time and look I'm against smoking I'm talking about cigarettes now that would be along the lines of getting drunk you know when you're taking mind-altering drugs but I'm talking about you know preaching against cigarettes you know I'm against cigarettes I believe it's the same to just intentionally mess with your body and put all this toxic junk into your body but you know the Bible doesn't talk about smoking so you know just go on and on about smoking no why don't we talk about fornication why don't we talk about adultery why don't we talk about drunkenness why don't we get on theft and murder and preach hard against the thing that God brings up over and over and over again and really harp on that and not major on the minor so let's major on the major and let's minor on the minor you know I was talking to someone that I love who was smoking cigarettes they quit now but I was talking to somebody that I knew who smoked cigarettes and I told them I said you know if you're gonna smoke cigarettes you at least need to get something organic you know because of the fact that if you look at the junk that's in cigarettes I mean they're filled with poisonous chemicals they put flame retardant chemical flame retardant is cigarette you're lighting the thing on fire and they put a flame retardant in there and it's filled with just all these poisonous chemicals and garbage and I say you at least need to get some kind of organic tobacco and roll that I said you shouldn't smoke at all but look if you're gonna smoke that stuff it's poison it's garbage but you know what I'm not just gonna preach sermon after sermon after sermon against cigarettes when there's people in the church that are committing fornication and nobody talks about I mean today literally in Baptist churches there people are living together in sin and it's never even addressed they're teaching Sunday school or they're there they're just considered normal members of the church as they live together unmarried there needs to be a preacher that would get up and say flee fornication and then would even pass such out of the church if they won't repent of that fornication we'd emphasize what God emphasizes but instead of emphasizing what God emphasizes what we do is have this cute little doctorable all sins evil no it's not equal smoking a cigarette is not like fornication stealing a pencil is not like robbing a bank you know there are there are varying degrees of sin and we need to emphasize what God emphasizes and look if God put a punishment of death on something that's a big sin and if he put a punishment of many stripes that's a big sin and if it's few stripes it's a smaller sin we need to emphasize what God emphasizes that's what we should spend the most time talking about that's what we should go on about what are some things in the Bible that are not emphasized here's one how about the Virgin Mary I mean is Mary really emphasized in the Bible is Paul and his epistles just going on and on hey you better make sure to better ain't Mary don't forget to worship Mary don't forget to make us trying to marry don't forget to light a candle for Mary you know you read through the New Testament and Mary is barely mentioned she's better look we believe that Mary was a great lady we believe she was a virgin she gave birth to the Lord Jesus Christ we're thankful for her life and testimony but she is not emphasized but you know what if you go to Mexico today you would swear that you know Mary's gone that's who they're bound to that's who they have an offer to that's who they say their prayers to that's what they emphasize today we have we had a guy today we're also only today we talked to guys a Roman Catholic and he told us he said well you know as a human being our mother's way more important than our father what and I said to him I said well are you implying that Mary is more important than God the father and he just said well he's not alone there's 1 billion other people just like the Roman Catholics say even if they don't admit it like this guy has admitted it hey Mary's more important than Jesus Mary's more important than God about you know don't let it bother you that the Lord Jehovah God is mentioned by name over 7,000 times in the Old Testament and the name of Jesus is on every page in the New Testament you know little kids they get a Bible and they just highlight every time it says Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus right it's everywhere it's every page Mary's not on every page but you think she was when you drove by the houses of Catholics and you see Mary Mary the Pope the boat hey the Bible didn't emphasize Mary I'm not gonna emphasize Mary you shouldn't emphasize Mary and a religion that emphasizes Mary is a false religion we need to emphasize what God emphasizes we need to emphasize who God emphasizes God emphasizes Jesus what does God emphasize in the New Testament the physical nation of Israel or Jesus but today you have people who want to make the physical nation of Israel the fulfillment of every Bible prophecy no Jesus fulfilled everybody Jesus is the seed of Abraham Jesus is the elect Jesus is the one who's gonna hear it all day Jesus is the chosen Jesus is gonna rule the world not Israel ruling the world of the wildfire but today we have people emphasizing married there's a group of months independent Baptist called the Baptist brighter and what you'll notice about these Baptist writers is that that's all they want to talk about all they want to talk about is just the Baptist bride and they take something that the Bible barely mentions the bride of Christ the term bride and they want to just go on and on and on and on and make that the big thing think about when you talk to Seventh-day Adventists all they want to talk about is what Saturday Saturday Saturday the word Saturday does not exist in this book the word Saturday is not even mentioned one time can somebody show me the word Saturday this book well the seventh day well it depends on when you start counting you met if you start counting on Monday then Sunday's the seventh day if that makes you feel better I'm fine with Sunday being the first day and the disciples met on the first day of the week but you know what if you're so worked up about the seventh day just start counting on Monday and shut up and go soul winning and go to church and quit emphasizing something that's never been mentioned Saturday really never been to Europe because in the whole continent of Europe the days start though the week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday how is it in Canada does it start on Sunday or does it start on Monday Sunday to Saturday that's how we are in the US Sunday to Saturday in Germany it's Monday to Sunday the weekend but the point is why would you base your whole life why don't you base your whole ministry on something that the Bible does not emphasize is that what the Bible saying over and over again in the New Testament hey make sure you have church on the right hand I'd rather go to a godly soul-winning righteous church that meets on a Tuesday right then they go to some dead as a doornail liberal church that meets on Sunday I'd rather go on Tuesday I go to the one that meets on Thursday if they're emphasizing what God you know what people are getting hung up the seventh day happiness they're hung up on a day of the week the Catholics are hung up on Mary the Jehovah's Witnesses are hung up on one of God's names Jehovah that's all they want to talk about hey let me talk to you about Jesus let me talk to you about his death his burial resurrection well wait a minute turn to Psalm 83 wait a minute what day of the week do you go to church and then you're the one this Pentecostal wait a minute were you baptized in the name of the father the son of the Holy Ghost or Jesus only look we have people getting obsessed with and emphasizing things the Baptist pride or these things that aren't emphasized let's emphasize what God emphasizes and make that our big thing let's make that our push let's make that our emphasis let's emphasize what he emphasizes I've seen people emphasize communion to the point of ridiculous I got somebody called the church and they said I just want to know one thing about your church is your communion open communion close communion or closed up and I asked the guy is that really the biggest issue he said yeah that that's my most important issue when choosing a church I want closed communion and I'm like what is the different thing close and close I mean I know there's a people where they just want to make a huge deal about this church has a different view on communion and this church look communion is barely mentioned in the Bible let's not emphasize it and the Roman Catholics emphasize it perverted twisted and tied up with salvation but let me tell you something we ought to emphasize what God emphasizes and not get hung up on things that are minor things in the Bible let's get hung up on the big things and let's spend the look don't get me wrong I want to preach the whole Bible if something's mentioned only once in the Bible I'm gonna preach about I'm gonna talk about it I'm gonna cover communion I'm gonna cover the bride of Christ I'm gonna cover the Virgin Mary I'm not saying that these things don't matter don't get me wrong but I'm telling you that if the Bible talks ten times as much about something else I'm gonna spend ten times as much on that and if it only spends a little bit of time on something I'm gonna spend a little bit of time on it because I want to emphasize what God emphasizes you know what God emphasized in Galatians 1 at the start of the sermon hey if somebody preaches another gospel let it be a curse and I'm gonna say it again to make sure that it's emphasized why don't we emphasize that why don't we get mad at the false prophets why don't we let them be a curse why don't we pretty tardy and say well you don't know it's emphasized it's emphasized music you know music is not something that's emphasized in the New Testament it's now look music is important music is a part of our lives the longest book in the Bible by some measurement Psalms right it's right there with Jeremiah is being one of the longest is a song book but it's also filled with a lot of other doctrine so the New Testament is not just going on and on about our music is it but yet you go to a lot of churches today and what do you get an hour of music 20 minutes of preaching is that what God emphasizes I mean he's got just emphasizing the music the music the music and he's telling the Romans about the music and the Corinthians about the music and the Galatians about the music and the Ephesians about the music and the Colossians about the music and the Thessalonians chapter after chapter and Revelation is about the music I know that I've used it to the church of Smyrna I know that I'm using the church of Thyatira I know thy worship service to the church at Sardis I know your lighting look we have a bunch of churches today that have built a whole movement on music look when I hear about this hill song church what do I think of do I think of preaching oh when you hear a hill song do you think about the doctrine do you think about the preaching do you think about the soul winning do you think about what they're doing with the Word of God no it's all about the music wrong emphasis music is important music is critical music has its place but it is not the emphasis in our churches it's not the emphasis in our religion it's the preaching it's the Word of God it's the soul winning it's not just all about the music but a lot of churches have made it all about the music I'm not going to take a church based on music I'd rather go to the rock-and-roll dam for Jesus Church that's all winning I haven't seen one yet I'd rather go to a church that has the wrong music with soul winning then sing holy holy holy with those who don't go so now the perfect world will see holy holy holy and then go so it will say to God be the glory and blessed assurance and then go soul winning but I'm not gonna pick a church based on the music that is not the emphasis let's emphasize what God emphasizes and let's de-emphasize that which God does not put a lot of emphasis on you say how do I know pastor what to put the emphasis on you gotta read the whole Bible cover to cover it's the only way you say well I listen to a lot of preaching from you pastor Anderson aren't you giving me a balanced diet I sure hope so I hope so but how do you know I'm not emphasizing a bunch of stuff that I want to emphasize and how do you know I'm not de-emphasizing some things that God really emphasizes you know how you're gonna know if I've got the right balance by reading this book yourself when you read this book yourself and you say so negative but then I read the Bible it was morning but the bottom line is you don't know until you've read it and the thing that changed my life more than anything else was reading this whole book the King James Bible the whole book every word of it changed my life because I realized what's being emphasized in church is not what God is emphasizing the church is all sweetness in life church is all about the music the church is all about the decorations and the building let me tell you something in the New Testament the emphasis is not on the building it's not on the windows it's not on the same glass it's not on the artwork it's not on the facilities the emphasis is on the preaching and the spirit and the work and God's people not a building but we have churches today where what do they emphasize the building program building fun it's what's all about and they measure their success in buildings bigger building equals success cheap building you have arrived keep on trying whereas I would measure the way God measured it I know that it works he didn't tell you I know my facilities right okay here's another thing you go to a lot of churches what's it all about the Christian school it's not what the New Testament emphasizes not even one engine but if you look at the budgets today of churches and we actually looked at their bank statement where the money's going huge amounts of money are going to the Christian school and they wonder how do you afford giving away CDs giving away DVDs you know how do you afford to do these so many marathons and and take all these trips to Indian reservations and buy hotels and buy meals and and have a hundred people out so winning and furnish them and equip them and feed them and live them and do a great work for God on the mission field in Arizona or the uttermost parts of the earth where does the money come from are you being funded by Hamas are you being funded by you know where's the money coming from and you know where the money's coming from the same place the other churches money's coming from except we didn't spend it on the window we didn't spend it on a building we didn't spend it on bale shafts up on top of our building we didn't spend it on a Christian school we spent it on stolen we just have a different priority of spending our money it's that simple we didn't dump a bunch of money into this black hole called a Christian school we didn't dump a bunch of money into a black hole called building a building from scratch we didn't dump a bunch of money into artwork so that our church would look like an art gallery or a palace no we have a building that's functional and it's all about the work it's all about getting the job done why because we want to emphasize what God emphasizes and God says here God's building he doesn't say get building I pastor told me this favorite book was Nehemiah and I found that disturbing and look I love the Word of God I love the whole Bible I love all of God's Word obviously I would never be down on a portion of God's Word but I found it disturbing that this pastor said oh my favorite book of the Bible is Nehemiah because you know I just love building and our church is in this multi-million dollar building program and we were in a building program before and we're gonna get another building program you know you know what why don't you take a favorite book that talks about Jesus it's sad today when it's just all about the building the building the building and Nehemiah is my favorite book you know my favorite books are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and I'm not criticizing you whatever your favorite book is if your favorite books Genesis great great find Jesus in Genesis you know he's there hey if your favorite books Revelation great it's all about Christ but it's pretty sad today when somebody's favorite book is Nehemiah because they just love pulling another building for me and putting up another thermometer and let's build build build no I want to build the kingdom of God I want to build a kingdom on this earth yes look I'm not trying to build a wall around Jerusalem I'm not I mean okay I like that part of Nehemiah too where he's chasing people and ripping their hair look I like the part where he rips the hair off their head I like it where he's chasing them I like it where he says hey come back one more time and I'll lay hands on you I like that too but you know what I'm not going to emphasize that you know why because God didn't call me to rip the hair off anybody's head God didn't call me to lay hands on anybody except or neither for the gospel ministry of it God didn't call me to curse people for speaking you know the wrong language or or for lodging outside the wall of Jerusalem you know what I'm not going to emphasize that because you know what we ought to emphasize what God and it's not a physical battle it's not a physical wall you know what it is it's a spiritual battle and it's Jesus let's emphasize Jesus let's emphasize the gospel let's emphasize so many let's emphasize the second coming why don't we emphasize the importance of having every word of God that's something the Bible talks a lot about and we need to emphasize not a building not school not a window not a steeple we need to emphasize what God emphasizes because all that stuff's gonna burn some day the sanctuary is gonna burn as people get a bar that church building is gonna burn all of its gonna burn it's all gonna become nothing but you know what's not gonna burn is my soul your soul and the souls of every person we win Christ that's all we take with us the only thing that we can take with us there's nothing else everything you see here one day will be gone because everything that we see is temporal including our own bodies it's the things that are not seen that are eternal and people constantly want to look at us and they want us to show them show us your success well you know I don't have a great but you know what let me get back to you on that meet me in heaven and I'll show you I can't show you now I mean I can't I can't show you the souls that were saved in Guyana or the souls that were saved in Botswana or Maui or souls that are being saved all over the world through through hearing the preaching from me for God I don't know I haven't even seen it but it's there but they can show us a building pretty easily and you know what people that are carnal they emphasize that which is seen people that are spiritual emphasize that which is not seen because the things that are seen are temporal and the things that are not seen are eternal let me ask you today what do you emphasize in your life what is emphasized in your life how much of a pie graph does the Lord take up in your life how much time is spent reading the Bible versus reading other things how much time is spent meditating upon the Lord and things of God versus meditating upon the things in this world what's your priority what's the most important thing what's the thing that just matters to you more than anything else because it ought to be him in all things he must have the three of us he must have the emphasis in our lives we ought to give him all the glory and you know when we wake up in the morning he should be on our mind and when we go to bed at night and when we sit down and eat our food we have to thank him for it and I'm not talking about just going through a ritual I'm talking about in your heart when nobody's looking when nobody's listening when it's not even public how about just in your own heart just thank God just be thankful for it and just be thankful for your wife or your husband children and just giving him all the glory and when you the first thing that you think when you get a bonus or a raise or or you get a gift in the mail or someone hands you a gift you know I even if someone gives me a gift I just thank the Lord because every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and even if he used a human instrument to provide us with that gift we should be thankful to that person but ultimately it's God who's really blessing us because God said that he'll cause men to give into our wisdom does he have the emphasis in our lives do we emphasize what he emphasizes if you want to know what he emphasizes you gotta read this book cover to cover figure out what he talks about over and over again and make that the right word make that the big thing father we thank you so much lower for the whole Bible or there there are people in this world who they live in a place where they don't have the entire Bible in their language they might only have one or two books or maybe just the New Testament Lord thank you for letting us have the whole Bible so that we can figure out everything that you emphasize and help us to keep the main thing the main thing and help us prioritize what you prioritize and to repeat what you repeat Lord I pray that you'd bless every single person who came here Lord and people that drove a long way and sacrificed financially to put gas in the tank and to buy that expensive hotel room and to buy meals on the road Lord I pray that you would send them some good gifts over the next few weeks to help offset the cost of coming here to serve you Lord and I thank you for people that love you so much that they will travel just as your people in the Old Testament used to travel to Jerusalem to worship you Lord thank you for people who drove the Toronto to worship you Lord to gather with your people and to do a great work for you Lord I pray that you bless every single person and Lord I pray that you bless the nation of Canada with some fire-breathing preaching Lord with some men of God Lord you Lord Canada needs leadership I pray that you raise up men of God and stir in the hearts of even men that are even in this auditorium today Lord and stir up some great deliverers and men that would rise up and build and restore the old ways paces and shake Canada with the Word of God and reach the lost with the gospel Lord we pray that you bless the rest of this weekend Lord as we as we have baptisms and as we see the film tomorrow Babylon USA Lord just pray that people would be edified and strengthened and in Jesus name we pray amen all right let's go ahead