(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) This is my voice but in Genesis chapter number 8 the Bible reads in verse number 1 And God remembered Noah and every living thing and all the cattle that was with him in the ark And God made a wind to pass over the earth and the waters assuaged The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped And the rain from heaven was restrained and the waters returned from off the earth continually And after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated So the thing I want to point out first of all about this chapter is that There is so much detail given in this chapter as to how long it took for the earth to flood And then he gives all these different step by step explanations of what happened on this day What happened on this day as far as the waters drying up from the earth Now this is clearly a literal event Some people try to say it's just symbolic or figurative But if it were symbolic or figurative God wouldn't just go into such utter detail of day by day This is when this happened, this is when this happened and the water dried up to this point And a lot of people don't realize just how long Noah was on the ark Now if you remember when Noah entered into the ark The same day that he entered into the ark and God shut him in It rained for forty days and forty nights That's how long the rain was actually falling But the Bible says that for a hundred If you look at chapter 7 verse 24 the Bible reads And the waters prevailed upon the earth a hundred and fifty days So the main flooding where the water is in its highest water mark is for a hundred and fifty days Which is five months So it only took forty days for the rain to fall But it stayed on the earth for a hundred and fifty days Then the Bible says in verse number 4 It says and the ark, this is chapter 8 verse 4 The ark rested in the seventh month on the seventeenth day of the month upon the mountains of Ararat Now let's first of all understand what these different references of time mean Well if you jump back to chapter 7 verse 11 The Bible reads in the six hundredth year of Noah's life In the second month, the seventeenth day of the month The same day where all the fountains of the great deep broken up And the windows of heaven were open So that's when the flood started That's when it started raining Now I like to do this When I look at a passage like this that talks a lot about months and days and everything I like to just call it February Now I know it probably wasn't February You know I always I always give a disclaimer Hey I know it's not February I know it's not November But still I get all these emails saying you're totally wrong That was not February You know I don't understand why people get so hung up by it We don't know when it was We don't know when Noah's birthday was You know we don't celebrate his birthday It's not a state holiday or anything But let's just when we look at these months Let's just for sake of helping us understand the time frames Let's just call the second month February And call the seven month Let's just pretend that he was like brother Seguri It was a baby new year And so we'll just call it February or whatever So let's just say that the flood started according to chapter 7 verse 11 Just to help us understand it We'll just call the second month February And let's say it started on February 17th okay roughly Well then we see in chapter 8 at the end of verse 3 it says And after at the end of 150 days the waters were abated So that's when the water begins to go down a little bit And it says in verse 4 And the ark rested in the seventh month on the 17th day of the month upon the mountains of Ararat So this is at the end of the 150 days It's exactly five months later The bible says that the ark rested on the mountains of Ararat But look at verse 5 And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month okay So basically the the flood started in February 17th for sake of illustration July 17th the water starts going down and the ark is actually resting upon the mountains of Ararat Well then it says the waters decreased continually until the tenth month And the tenth month on the first day of the month were the tops of the mountains Seen you say well wait a minute I thought the ark was already resting on the mountains of Ararat on July 17th How come on October 1st the tops of the mountains are seen Well simply this A boat has a lot of it under the water if you think about it You know most of a boat is going to be under the water And if you look at these big giant ships they have a huge amount of the ship that's underwater That's not seen So that ship is going to rest at a much higher water level than where the tops of the mountain Are actually seen and that's why there's a little bit of a gap there of a couple months that go by And you know it's it's interesting because maybe God you know all things work together for good Them that love God You know I was draining my swimming pool And maybe God just wanted me to drain the pool so I can understand this passage But you know it's interesting because when you drain the pool it's the top that drains the slowest You know what I mean And the reason for that is that the top has the greatest surface area And then as you go down certain steps become exposed and there's a little bit of a slant and incline And so the the top stuff is what takes the longest to drain Well it's going to be the same thing with the earth because when there's no mountains or anything When you're above the tops of the mountains you have the greatest surface area And as you go down and there are more and more mountains seen There's less and less water that needs to go away So this first couple months is a slow draining and a slow evaporating or however God did it But finally it rests in July 17th and then it's October 1st when the tops of the mountains are seen That's where they're actually peeking out from above the water Again proving that you know this is a worldwide flood Obviously it wasn't just the little valley that Noah's in Because it went way above the tops of the mountains It took months to even get to that point It says in verse 6 it came to pass at the end of 40 days So this is 40 days after the tops of the mountains are seen So now we're into let's say November 10th approximately That Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made And he sent forth a raven which went forth to and fro until the waters were dried up from off the earth Also he sent forth a dove from him to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot and she returned unto him Into the ark for the waters were on the face of the whole earth Then he put forth his hand and took her and pulled her into him into the ark Now he releases two birds right away He releases two birds he releases a raven and a dove Okay now the raven never comes back and it actually just lives And it's just fine until the the the waters are completely dried up Whereas the dove comes back not finding any rest for the sole of his foot Now I'm not I'm not claiming to be an expert on animals tonight or some kind of a zoologist tonight But I do know this just from reading the bible that you know a raven is a bird of prey a scavenger So it's probably got plenty of dead bodies to work on you know whether it be animal or beast or whatever It's able to live off of whatever it can find and so it obviously was able to survive no problem Whereas this dove had to come back and it couldn't find any rest for the sole So it wasn't really happy because there's just the tips of the mountains that are seen There isn't really enough exposed And it says he stayed yet seven other days and again he set forth the dove out of the ark So I guess now we're talking about approximately you know November 17th And it says the dove came in to him in the evening and low in her mouth was an olive leaf plucked off So no one knew that the waters were abated from off the earth So he knows now that at least an olive tree is exposed enough for a leaf to be found And it says and he stayed yet another seven days and sent forth the dove Which returned not again unto him anymore now it's just much happier to be outside Because the waters have gone down even further And it says in verse 13 it came to pass in the 601st year in the first month the first day of the month So let's say January 1st the next year if the flood started on February 17th It says the first day of the month the waters were dried up from off the earth And Noah removed the covering of the ark And looked and behold the face of the ground was dry Now if you remember the ark had one door right and the Bible says that God shut him in So he's getting a little bit impatient I mean when you've been on the ark for almost a year You want to get off the ark I mean you're going to get cooped up You're going to get a little stir crazy in there And so he already realized that back in July 17th hey we're not moving anymore We've rested now then he starts to look out the window He's seeing mountains he keeps sending out all these birds trying hey can we get out Can we come out now so but this doors is not opening So the Bible doesn't say that he opened the door The Bible says he removed the covering of the ark Okay so I guess he's just decides to just burrow out through the roof or something And it says that he removed the covering of the ark And it says you know it's it's his birthday also you know because it says it's the 600 first year of his life You know first month first day he's like look it's my birthday I want to get off this ark and he removes the covering and it says he looked and behold the face of the ground was dry but keep in mind he's still at a pretty high elevation He's resting in the mountains of Ararat so as far as he can see everything's dry, but he's at this high elevation We don't know exactly if he ended up resting on the tippy top Maybe he shifted a little bit maybe he slid down it We don't know exactly where this thing rested obviously But as far as he could see everything looked great on that first day of the first month But it says in verse 14 and in the second month on the 7th and 20th day of the month was the earth dried So in verse 13 he looks at it and says it's dry But it's really not until the second month the 27th day of the month that God says that's when it was really completely dry So from his perspective it was totally dry on January 1st, but it was really February 27th When it actually was dry Enough for him to get off the ark because that's where God spake unto Noah in verse 15 Saying go forth of the ark thou and thy wife and thy sons and my son's wives with thee Break forth with thee every living thing that is with thee so one of the things we can learn from that is that sometimes God Sees things from a better perspective than we see and he knows what's best You know we're looking at it as now we've been on the ark for over ten months. We're cooped up We're sick of it We need to get out and stretch and and and that you know enjoy life again and get out of this boat And then you know where we've been seasick for a long time we ran out of Dramamine, but basically God knew better God knew that he was better off on the ark for whatever reason he knew that they weren't going to be able to Survive effectively, maybe knew that the animals were going to get stuck in the mud Or they weren't going to be able to handle it for whatever reason God and his wisdom Kept him on the ark until it was completely dry even though he looked at it and is saying hey, it's dry I want to get off God makes him wait an additional almost two months And so we can learn from that and say you know what sometimes we look at things And we don't understand why God is doing the things that he does kind of like what I preached about on Sunday morning You know we see events happen in our life and bad things happen And we can't really understand why they're happening and we say God why and so many times I've just seen the answer right away like sometimes you find the answer years later But there have been times when I got so upset about something I was like God why did you cause this to happen and then it ends up working out perfectly like the next day? You know and then you feel like an idiot like okay? Why you know why was I so upset about this God was actually helping me? He was doing me a favor even though it didn't seem like it and that's probably where Noah's at in this story He looks out and as far as he can see it's dry He's probably thinking this is dry enough to at least get off the ark and walk around and let these animals out But God knew that there was a problem and that it was not dry enough And that there could have been a problem with the animals could have been a problem with them and God makes him wait so we need to be patient and Just trust the Lord when bad things happen or when we don't understand the way things are or so much. You know we look at Rules that God has in the Bible, and they don't make sense to us You know we question those rules, but God knows best God knows more than we know I remember one time I was in Christian school, and this this guy is saying you know why can't I marry an unbeliever? You know and then basically they're just telling him because the Bible says not to But but wait a minute What if we could just totally get along and religion didn't really it pose a problem And we could coexist and everything be fine now obviously that's ridiculous because there are so many reasons Why we should not be married to an unbeliever. I mean there are just tons of reasons why? But See this kid was trying to rationalize it He was too ignorant and foolish to understand the plethora of reasons Why that is such a bad idea to marry an unbeliever what it should have just been enough for him to just trust God When God said don't do it that should just be enough you know and you'll understand a couple months later Why or a couple years later or down the road you'll understand why God had that rule at the time it might not make sense I guarantee you that all the rules that I have for my children right now don't necessarily make sense to them And they don't understand why? But when they get older they'll understand why but in the meantime they just need to trust in the Lord where the Bible says children Obey your parents in the Lord for this is right, and so we don't always understand God's rules We don't always understand God's laws and so as we think that we know better And we want to lean on our own understanding when God knows best We just need to trust him if that's what he says in his word We need to just not try to figure out well Why and a lot of people will say that you'll show him a clear command in the Bible And they'll say yeah, but let's get to the spirit of the law Listen what was God trying to accomplish when he made that law and so here's a way around it And we'll still get the same outcome. No you know we need to just stick with what God literally told us to do You know instead of just trying to say well, I think what he was trying to accomplish You know like you know when he said that you know men should not put on a woman's garment It's a you know I think he's just trying to say that there should just be a difference between men and women And and that could really be any difference. It doesn't have to be in the clothing They can have the same clothing as long as something else is different like their hair or makeup or whatever But see that's not what he said He said no the hair needs to be different first Corinthians 11 between men and women Short hair on men long hair on women he says the clothing needs to be different Deuteronomy 22 5 should be different clothing for men as for women not a unisex clothing not everybody in a jumpsuit You know everybody in a pair of coveralls No a different clothing. Yeah, that's what it always is in the future Have you noticed that they they love to brainwash young kids that in the future everybody get dressed the same like it's just a modernized Thing like like all the way back to I don't know different cartoons and stuff that just show in the future Everybody's wearing a jumpsuit. You know everybody's wearing a space suit or whatever and so you know if you wear a space suit You better put a skirt on over it all right It's probably not gonna matter, but the bottom line is they're supposed to be different I mean you're supposed to look at a woman and just see okay her clothing is not a man's clothing It's a woman's clothing and the Bible doesn't say we're neutral clothing It says women to wear women's clothing and men to wear men's clothing, but but see we can sit there and say well What but why? You know what was he trying to accomplish? You know and then let's see if we can come up with another way of accomplishing the same thing He was trying to accomplish now. I'm all for Understanding the spirit of the law, but we need to go by the letter of the law and the spirit of the law You know we need to go by what he said Just literally just do this and then just do it, and then we also need to take it a step further and say okay What was he trying to accomplish here? He was trying to distinguish the genders that means we should probably Stay distinguished in as many areas as possible because God seems to like there to be a difference between men and women That's why you know you're not going to see me wearing a pink shirt a pink tie Now you say well show me that in the Bible I can't because it's not in the Bible because the Bible doesn't have certain colors for men and certain colors for women But our society does Consider pink to be a feminine color and a girl's color now in other cultures It may not be and then wearing pink would be fine But to me as an American that has grown up in this generation in 2012 You know I'm not going to put on a pink shirt because to me that is a Feminine queer look and I'm not I'm not going to embrace that look for myself I don't want to look girly, and you know pink is just a color that an arc now I look in another country my but now you say well You know you're you're letting society determine what's right on no because first I go to the Bible And that's my baseline Like even if I were in a society where the men had long hair and the women had short hair I would not conform to I got to go with the Bible as my starting point so first I'm just gonna literally obey what God told me Then I want to look at the why and Say you know what if God wants me to look there. You know I shouldn't just try to get as girly as I can And still be in a pair of pants You know you see it. I mean You know well, this is technically men's clothing But it's just really so that's the thing and people will a lot of people will take the the term You know the the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life And they'll say you know don't follow the letter of the law because the letter killeth But see if you get the context of that passage He's talking about the fact that the law is what condemns us to death the law is what condemns us to hell Where there is no law there is no transgression there is no sin And so the law is what kills the law is what condemns a person to hell? Because they are judged out of the things which are written in the books According to their works, and they're going to be judged by the measure of God's law Okay, the holy spirit is what quickens the holy spirit is what gives life It's God's word that gives life So that's not saying don't go by the letter of the law go by the spirit of the law Meaning do whatever you want and just find a way to rationalize it and say well that's kind of what God meant, okay? And so what I'm saying is when we look at God's laws and God's judgments They may not always make sense to us and we might and sometimes I found myself scratching my head like Why did God have this law or why does God not allow us to do this or why did God tell us to do this? I understand why that is, but you know I just have to by faith. Just say well. You know what he knows more than I do I Better just go with what he said, maybe I'll understand it later Maybe I won't and children need to do the same thing you know dad has a rule mom has a rule They may not understand the rule it may not make any sense to them at all But they need to just trust and say you know what I'm just gonna do it and later It'll probably make sense that's the same thing God here is telling him You know stay on the ark or you didn't tell that but he didn't tell him to get off the ark He didn't open the door for him. He's trying to burrow out the rooftop and figure out You know kind of get off this ark, but God knew better, and so we need to trust God and let his Way be be the way that we follow Now it says in that verse 18 and by the way when you're living you know 950 years You know it price seemed like a really long time being on that ark And he was on there for about a year and what ten days Yeah, pricing like a really long time, but in the scheme of things of your 950 years on the server It wasn't that long. It wasn't that bad I mean it always stuff like this seems long, but looking back It's just like oh yeah, I remember we're on the ark It probably didn't really seem like it was that long of a time that they were on the ark and especially not that extra That extra month and 27 days that God kept them on the ark when he figured hey, it's dry enough You know let's get off this thing, okay? So it says Noah went forth and his sons and his wife and his sons wives with them this on the 27th day of the second month Every beast every creeping thing and every foul and whatsoever creepeth upon the earth after their kinds went forth out of the ark and Noah builded an altar under the Lord and took of every Clean beast and of every clean foul, and you know what I'm sorry. I skipped apart It says in verse 17. Let me jump back 17 I'll come right back to that bring forth with the every living thing that is with thee of all flesh both the foul and of Cattle and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth that they may breed Abundantly in the earth and be fruitful and multiply upon the earth so they weren't being spayed or neutered You know they're being told they breed abundantly, okay? But then not only that man is told the same thing in chapter 9 it says in chapter 9 verse number 7 and you so after he addresses the animals he says to man and You be fruitful and multiply bring forth abundantly in the earth and multiply therein now Here's another principle I taught you a principle a minute ago about you know going with the letter of the law and the spirit of the law When it comes to personal righteousness and personal holiness nothing to do with salvation When regard to salvation we're not under the law we're under grace, but when it comes to our our walk with God He said if you let me keep my commandments. He said Paul said in 1st Corinthians 9. I'm under the law to Christ We do need to follow God's laws if we want to be right with God Because sin is the transgression of the law and if we sin we're not right with God but you see Another principle for studying the Bible is that God gave a lot of laws in the Old Testament a lot of commands and imperatives And a lot of those were specifically changed in the New Testament so here's another rule of thumb for studying the Bible if God commanded something in the Old Testament and He never changed it just stay with what he commanded and Don't just take it upon yourself to say well God's not telling us to do that anymore You know a lot of people will look at Old Testament commands, you know I brought up the one earlier about you know You know a woman not wearing that would pertain to a man or a man putting on a woman's garment for all that do so Or an abomination of the Lord thy God you know people I've even had somebody say to me this You know hey, that's why Jesus died on the cross to set us free from that It's like yeah, I don't think Jesus died on the cross so that we could dress in drag And that is a stupid doctrine, and that's a but that's a false doctrine That's probably embraced by 90 some percent of the new evangelicals out there these Charismatics these big mega churches you show them that and that's what they'll tell you we're not under the law so that's why Jesus died So that we could be a transvestite or something I mean it's ridiculous It's garbage and so the Bible's real clear Very clear and look the Apostles the Apostles were obeying the Old Testament Except where they were told hey this I mean they had to be specifically told look now you can eat all things You no longer have to only eat certain beasts. They were specifically told hey no more animal sacrifices Hey no more of these divers washings and the Nazarite bow and all that stuff That stuff's all obsolete the carnal ordinances the physical ordinances the meat the drink the divers watchings He said hey, there's a change in the priesthood no more Levitical priesthood now It's a priesthood of the order of Melchizedek with Jesus Christ high priest so God always is very specific When he changes certain laws in the New Testament it says hey, we're not doing it that way anymore. Here's the change Just like there was a change before Noah's Ark there was no death penalty on murder But then when we get off the ark all the sudden the death penalty is instituted That's a change in the laws for mankind We say well the law never changes well the Bible says that the priesthood being changed There is a necessity made a change also of the law okay And so there are certain changes from the Old Testament to the New Testament Okay and certain things have changed, but God's very specific to tell us what those changes are We can't just throw out the whole Old Testament and say well all of that is obsolete When the Bible makes it clear that it's not obsolete and there are many many laws that are in the Old Testament that we should abide By today that are not necessarily Repeated in the New Testament because otherwise the Bible be a lot longer if God just repeated the whole Old Testament again Oh by the way, let me just put this all in the New Testament This part that applies you know then there'd be a really long redundancy there now You say well, how do we know what doesn't apply well? This is what it is if God didn't tell you it changed. He didn't change You know don't just take it upon yourself to change them if God tells you hey do this and then later He says okay now that we're in the New Testament. We're going to do it differently That's one thing, but if you said do this And you never heard a change on it you stick with what he said okay, and usually it's it's stuff That has to do with you know morality and right and wrong as opposed to like carnal ordinances You know the the physical meats drinks divers washings etc now when God said and The Old Testament for example that you know you should not marry your sister Or you should not marry your arms, okay, you're not going to find that teaching in the New Testament But does that hey, that's why Jesus died on the cross You know that's that would be you know it would not be silly to say hey Let's reject that law about uncovering the nakedness of your grandmother You know let's just say we're free in Christ see how much nonsense That would be but that those are biblical commands of the Old Testament that are not repeated in the New Testament Right yeah, specifically. They're not repeated whatsoever, and those are just a couple of examples There are lots of other examples of what's right and wrong, and they're not necessarily repeated But that doesn't mean we say well. Why can't I marry my sister? You know why can't I? You know be naked in front of other people. You know why can't I do all these things? It's a silly way to interpret the Bible and look I'll take it a step further this doctrine This commandment of being fruitful and multiplying This is a doctrine that we should still have today and don't buy into this garbage the last person that told me that the earth Was overpopulated you know He also said that China's one-child policy was wonderful Okay, and he also said I support our president Barack Obama, okay So this guy you know and he had really long hair and this way told me you know this is like three strikes. You're out Here's what he told me he said China's one-child policy great We should have the same thing here, and you know and I you know I I cursed him in the name of the Lord It's all never come back to our church You know just like Elijah my hero, but anyway So I said him on his merry way because you know I don't want that kind of a pervert around my children That would say such a way to think he said why? One or two well because I want to have more because I want to breed abundantly because I want to multiply And be fruitful that's one That was just given unto Adam or that was just given unto Noah because they needed to spread out the population But the proof that that is not true is found back in Genesis chapter 1 if you go back there It says in Genesis chapter 1 in verse 28 the Bible reads and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply now that tells me right there that being fruitful is a blessing Right it's not a curse to multiply greatly to have a lot of children They're not a burden or a curse the Bible says they're blessing He said he blessed them saying be fruitful and multiply and here's the key. This is the key word and replenish the earth So right there if he was just talking to Adam He wouldn't say replenish because there's nothing to replenish because replenish means Refill and if he's saying just to Adam hey refill the earth that doesn't make sense to the Earth's never been full Okay, what he's explaining to him is that? Mankind is supposed to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth because people are constantly dying And because the earth needs to constantly be replenished with people you see if everyone stopped having children right now With the current lifespan in about a hundred years there'd be nobody on the planet Right so that's why we have to replenish the earth by having children even if you just have two children You have not even replaced yourself because there are two of you, and you have two children But then some people die in car accidents, and they die young so you even have to have a little more than two even just to replace and that's why a lot of countries in Europe the population is actually going down and It would be going down even more if it were for immigration Now if you look at today in the world, and I'm not going to preach a whole sermon on this tonight But you go back to Genesis chapter 8 But if you look at our world today, who is it that's multiplying greatly in the world if you look at it It's the Muslims. It's the Mormons. Okay. It's a lot of these other false Doctrines that are teaching their people hey have a lot of children And you'll see people with nine or ten children in the state of Arizona you automatically assume that they're Mormon Because that's who's doing it. I mean you know Mormon. You know you look at Muslim nations across the world They're having an average of eight children Which is what used to be the average in the United States about 200 years ago you look at Exodus chapter 1 God's people Multiplied greatly the Egyptians were not multiplying and the Bible says that the children of Israel became more and mightier than the Egyptians That's why they had to put them in hard bondage and keep them under Because they were afraid they become too powerful just because numerically they were multiplying the children of Israel We're just having a lot more children now. There's no place in the Bible that tells you children are a burden There's no place in the whole Bible that tells you have less children. Don't have children be careful not to have too many children There's nothing like that in the entire Bible So why would I just take it upon myself to listen to some communist left-wing propaganda? that says That the earth is over pop Excuse me the earth is overpopulated like I didn't get that from the Bible So I'm oh somebody tells me the Earth's overpopulated, so I'm gonna take it upon myself to just decide hey I better reduce my carbon footprint. You know by having less children Okay, I better save the earth and save the environment by having less children, okay? That's not biblical the Bible says children are a blessing be fruitful multiply these are all good things To have children now that God may only bless you with one or two children That's all fine and dandy, but I do not believe it's right for one second to just decide hey I'm just not gonna have children or hey I'm just gonna have one or I'm just gonna have two or whatever you know I'm just gonna have as many as God gives me he's more than capable of opening and closing the womb according to the Bible He says they're a blessing and if he wants to give me You know my wife is pregnant with number seven if this is the last one then praise God for what I've got And if he wants to give me twice as many as that well praise God you know I'm not scared of that You know why you're scared because fear is not of God. That's why Right no man. Aren't you scared? You know what God is not giving us the spirit of fear? But of power and of love and of a sound mind so no I'm not afraid of having children because God will supply all my need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus And so I'm not gonna let fear tell me don't have children Okay, and that's kind of a whole nother sermon and of itself I could show you the one instance of birth control in the whole Bible with Onan Practicing birth control and God struck him dead and so forth you know I could go into all that I'm not going to for sake of time And I'm gonna get back to the environmental movement in just a moment look down at your Bible It says and Noah building an altar unto the Lord and took of every clean beast and of every clean fowl and Offered burnt offerings on the altar and the Lord smelled a sweet saber Sabre is the word the Bible usually used to talk about a smell so he's smelling a sweet Sabre in his nostrils and the Lord said in his heart I will not again curse the ground anymore for man's sake for the Imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth neither will I against might anymore everything living as I have done So here we see God being merciful, right? Here God is merciful saying I'm not gonna curse the earth anymore Remember he cursed it after Adam and Eve he cursed the earth and made it bring forth thorns and thistles He says hey, I'm not gonna curse it anymore It's gonna be easier to produce food from the earth after the flood than it was before the flood all the way to this day by the way And he said not only that but I'm never gonna destroy the whole earth again I'm never gonna just kill everybody or 99% of people with a flood ever again now What caused God to be merciful here? What was it that triggered the mercy of God because the Bible says that God said in his heart I will not again curse the ground anymore for man's sake for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth Was it man's goodness that triggered God's mercy? No, he didn't say well, I'm not gonna curse anymore because man's not so bad after all What triggered God's mercy was it man's goodness? No He said no man's evil from his youth as imaginations are evil He said why are you not going to destroy the earth because man is so good No, because he smelled the sweet savor of that bird sacrifice That is what triggered God's mercy and caused him to be merciful and to swear Hey, I will not curse the earth anymore. Hey, I will not destroy the earth with a flood once again now go to Ephesians chapter 5 Ephesians chapter 5 now this term a sweet saver is an interesting term now This is a term that is used many many times. I mean as you're reading Exodus Leviticus numbers and Deuteronomy It's like sweet savers sweet savers sweet savers when you've read the Bible. I you know, I'm sorry sweet savers sweet savers sweet savers Every time it's talking about a burn offering Talks about how that burn offering is a sweet saver unto God Now does God just love the smell of just barbecuing animal flesh he just loves the smell of beef on the barbie here, you know of Lamb but look what the Bible says to the Bible sheds a little light in the New Testament in Ephesians 5 2 the Bible says in verse 1 be therefore followers of God as dear children and walk in love as Christ also have loved us and have given himself for an offering and a Sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling saver So that sweet-smelling saver to God is Jesus Christ offering himself as a sacrifice To pay for man's sins that brings God Great joy and pleasure. That's what the sweet saver is not man's works Not man's goodness Not the fact that man is righteous the Bible says but God commended his love toward us and the wall We were yet sinners Christ died for God mercy merciful to us in spite of our sins Not because well, we're so good. That's why I will be the recipients of God's mercy and grace. No, we're sinful It's that sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ That brings God's mercy and that is a sweet-smelling saver to God and when we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, we're in Christ Okay, we're covered by the blood of Christ and he allows us into his kingdom not on our goodness and our merit but on the merit of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ sacrificed on the cross The Bible says in Ephesians 5 2 was a sweet-smelling Sabre unto God when Jesus Christ offered himself for an offering and a sacrifice to God now most often This term sweet saver is referring to the burnt offering, you know, and all the offerings were pretty much burnt offerings Okay, you say what does that represent? Well, you know Jesus Christ was killed But then also the Bible says that his soul was in hell for three days and three nights acts 231 spells that out three days later. He rose again. And of course there's fire in hell I'm not one of these modernistic theologians that's going to try to rationalize that and try to explain to you why That didn't really happen a friend of mine was teaching Sunday school in his church and he read acts 231. He just read the verse He made no comment on it. He was just preaching along and for some reason in his reading He read acts 231 and the pastor confronted him afterward and said wait, did I just hear you say that Jesus went to hell? And he said no, you didn't hear me say that he said you heard the Bible say I was just reading that verse He said well that Jesus didn't go to hell. That's not really hell. It's actually Hades. It's actually she'll it's actually this other place it's actually the good part of hell, you know the good side the nice side The west side But It's just funny how people will say Well when the Bible says hell, it's not really talking about hell there now every time you read hell It's always talking about fire and torment every time now you can find all these verses and twist things around but there's no play You cannot just just go home if you don't believe what I'm saying right now just go home and just look up every time the word hell is used in the Bible and Tell me where it's ever a good place. Just look it up. I think it's 54 times that the word hell is used Look at and don't go back to the Greek in the Hebrew. You don't speak those languages. So we're fooling yourself Just go to your English Bible and look up all 54 times The word hell is used and show me which one is a good place. That's what I'd like to know Show me where you say this is the good side This is the good part and even when Jesus was there in the verses about Jesus being there it's not a good place because he said the only read the reason that he's resting and hope is That God won't leave his soul in hell So if it's so great, why is he saying well my only hope is that I'm getting the hell out of here, you know That's the only reason that it was great is that you know, I'm getting out you didn't say, you know Thank God I'm in the side. That's not as warm Thank God I'm in the side with the palm trees, you know, I'm not in the burning brimstone part Okay, and so that's another sermon of itself, but the Bible is real clear about the burnt offering burnt offering burnt offering and Jesus according the Bible was that burnt offering that Passover lamb that was not to be eaten raw, but was to be roast with fire Very important and then you know, you could go on and on with that go back to Genesis 8. I'll quote for you from Hebrews where the Bible says that Jesus Christ for the joy that was set before him endured the cross Despising the shame you see Jesus Christ for the joy that was set before him died for our sins The Bible says that what when he was in hell, it said that he he his soul Would would rest in hope and he said because thou will not leave my soul in hell Neither will thou suffer thy holy one to see corruption He said thou will show me the path of life in thy presence is fullness of joy at thy right hand There are pleasures forevermore. So you see it pleased the Lord to bruise him Obviously, it was a difficult thing for Jesus to go through He sweat those big drops of sweat and he went through the physical pain He was praying that you know, he would just he was just praying that his hope was that he would not be left in hell But here's the thing He did it for the joy of saving us and the Bible says that him saving us brings God great Joy, it brings him great pleasure To see man be saved and the Bible says there's joy in the presence of the angels of heaven Over one sinner that repented the Bible says that there's a great Joy in Jesus Christ with everyone who's saved, you know, God loves the fact He said I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked He said God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. So God is not Just this God who just doesn't care, you know, like the Calvinism God. It's just like well, whatever All day of 90% of people to hell and that'll bring me glory too and I'll let ten be saved just because I said so No, God's desire. He says he will have all men to be saved and he comes out to it. He loved the world In spite of our sins and wants everybody to be saved, okay That's where his joy is That's where his pleasure is and I'm touching on so many topics there that I don't have time to develop and so forth But I've gone into great detail in other sermons. Let's finish up in Genesis chapter 8, but the Bible says in verse number 21 The Lord smelled a sweet saber and the Lord said in his heart I will not again curse the ground anymore for man's sake for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth neither Will I again smite any more everything living as I have done? While the earth remain at seed time harvest and cold and heat and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease Now, let me just say a few words about the environmental movement in regard to this verse Okay, first of all the Bible is really clear in this verse That We don't need To control the weather and we don't need to control the seasons and we don't need to do anything to make sure That cold and heat and summer and winter and seed time and harvest continue because the Bible is real clear They're going to continue as long as the earth remaining so people can try to tell you that we're gonna go into this great deep freeze People can try to tell you that you know We're going into global warming where there's going to be no more winter and no more cold and all the ice caps are gonna melt And the whole earth is going to be covered in water No God's not gonna allow the earth to be covered in water again and God's not going to allow winter to cease or or they're gonna Say we're not gonna be able to plan any crops blah blah according to the Bible Those things will continue until the end. Okay. Now the environmental movement is a scam Okay, and here's the scam it's a government scam Okay, because here's what's funny when you talk to the people that try to force this environmentalism on you They love big government and they think that the government literally, you know makes the Sun come up in the morning So they think that the government has to make sure that you know The environment and the Sun and the and everything does what it's supposed to do You know, they have to take care of that which is obviously nonsense, which is obviously ridiculous Now another thing that the environmental movement will do Is the environmental movement will tell us that you know large tracts of land should be left completely uninhabited So that they can just go back to nature Right, and if you look at a map of the state of Arizona and at what part is allowed to be inhabited by man You know 90 some percent of the state they don't want to be inhabited by man It's just all these reserves and preserves and you know, just leave it to nature preserve it now I don't believe in that because the Bible says he formed it to be inhabited God created the earth not to just be a zoo or a Botanical garden he formed it to be inhabited You know, God wants us to live there and to add to cut down the trees and the Bible even commanded children Israel hey, if there's woods there cut down the trees so you can live there and If that were such a bad idea wouldn't told him to chop down the trees so you can live there. Okay now look at the same time though and Again people some it seems like the devil always works at things from both sides He always works at it from both sides So on one side you got the conservative crowd that basically just says, you know, what? Environmentalism is garbage, you know, and I agree with that. Okay, and Then on the other side, you know, you have the liberal side that basically is saying, you know, hey we need to worship mother earth Take it, you know, love your mother Take care and you know, there's a sticker that says love your mother It's picture of the earth, you know, take care of the earth and then I even hear a lot of pastors saying, you know We're supposed to be good stewards of the earth. It's our job to make sure that everything you know, and basically there's that side That's like a worshiping and serving the creature more than the creator who is blessed forever. Amen There's the sign that says hey, you know put everybody out of work and and let people go hungry in Africa Rather than let them eat this animal because we're afraid it's going to go extinct. So when I say that environmentalism is a scam It's basically a government plan to try to tax you and regulate you to get you to pay these huge Environmental impact fees every time you want to build a you know, you just want to build a building Okay. Oh, you got to pay this huge environmental impact fee. It's a money-making scam of the government That's what environmentalism is and it's also a pagan worship of the earth and animals because animals don't matter They don't have souls. Okay, they're not human Now with that being said though, okay So we know this side this liberal side is totally out to lunch because they're worshiping the earth. They're hugging a tree They're worshiping animals. They don't want us to inhabit the earth when God formed it to be inhabited They don't want us to overspread the earth They just want us in these mega cities all packed in with everything all preserved so that we can't get to it You know and they want to tax and regulate and charge you and look a church my own church that I went to in Sacramento, you know, they paid these hundreds of thousands of dollars in environmental impact fees I mean just to build a little building. It wasn't even a building that was that big The church had like a hundred and fifty people in it It wasn't some massive mega church and they're just paying these max environmental impact fees as the government Dumps all kinds of toxic sludge out of their military bases and just so basically the government the biggest polluter So it's like you have a wolf guarding the hen house You know what I mean? Like they're gonna protect the environment when they're the ones who pollute it more than anything with all their Radioactive and depleted uranium and all this garbage and not only that But well, let me get into this So that's this side this left-wing side is totally out to lunch as far as I'm concerned with this environmental earth worship But see on this side where they just say hey, and look let me tell you what I have to Tiffany about this I was at Whole Foods okay, and I was sitting with my family eating pizza at Whole Foods and This young Asian girl who was a student at ASU She comes up to me in my family and she says hi I'm working on a project for my environment class or whatever, you know at that school because now they have full majors on this You know environment like I talked to it. I talked to a lady on the airplane I was like, oh, you know, what are you going to school for? And she said she said oh, you know I'm gonna get a degree so that I can help companies manage their carbon credits with the government Okay So I mean this is what this is the way things are going she said I'm gonna help them manage their carbon credits because some States on the East Coast already have this in place. Okay. Well She sat me down and she said I want to interview you and your wife and and and and you know about green living About how you're green and I'm thinking to myself like But then it turned out I'm pretty green I was pretty surprised by it and I was like I So I was I was shocked because you know, basically we eat all organic food, you know We're using organic laundry soap and you know, we're eating we're using natural stuff and and whatever You know personally I think putting eight people under one roof is pretty green and economical So, you know turned out I was a little greener than I thought and here's the thing Here's why? Because these people over here the thing that they don't get is that there's a difference between forbidding people to inhabit planet Earth and to kill and eat animals what God Commanded them to do and if God gave us the animals and if God gave us the plants and if God said I formed to be In heaven, you know, I'm against the government saying you can't have that animal You can't have that plant that plants illegal that animals illegal You need a license to pull that fish out and eat it You need a license to eat that animal, you know, God gave it to me. He formed it to be inhabited And it's amazing how the animal that people eat the most never seem to go extinct chickens cows pigs The species list, you know, so here's the thing On the one hand we've got this side, but then on this side over here There's just the people who think it's okay to just brazenly Just pollute and destroy the earth with these toxic chemicals and nuclear waste now Honestly, I'm not against that because of the fact that You know, we got to take care of Mother Earth Because I already know hey, there's going to be cold and winter according to the Bible. There's going to be seed time and harvest There's going to be season, but what I am against is being poisoned. I Am against walking outside and breathing in a bunch of toxic fumes you know and let's face it if you go work in a coal mine or something and you don't have a Respirator, you know, you're going to die very soon You know if you if you work in some chemical plant and you don't have any kind of a respirator on you're going to obviously Die from the fuse. I mean there are poisons in this world and especially with all the nuclear and chemical and radioactive stuff That's out there You know in many ways we're being poisoned today and there are all kinds of toxins and poisons and chemicals out there And people out there for their greed, you know Basically just want to just emit whatever garbage in here and the worst Example of all is the genetically modified plants and animals I mean look if you say this isn't biblical preaching it is biblical Because if God created all the animals and said they're very good and if God created all the plants and said they're very good Who are we to tamper and make these mutant plants and mutant animals and somebody explain that to me where you're splicing? Mouse with the with a tomato or you know, they do weird stuff You think I'm joking do a little research on it They splice plants and animals get and it gets put where they're perverting nature and playing God Now here's the problem once they release these genetically modified species into the environment You can't round them all back up again. No pun intended. We round up, but you can't round them up They're round up ready. They're round up immune. That's the whole point. But anyway, you know this Monsanto garbage That's being released into the ecosystem And you say oh you're starting like a tree-hugging liberal No, I don't really care a less about the fact that there's not enough national parks Or I want to have all these animals preserve But I want to preserve this guy right here and I want to preserve my family or preserve mankind And I don't think it's right this dumping of just poisons and toxins and genetically modified garbage And here's the thing the environmental movement does not address genetically modified stuff from what I've seen. I Don't see the government making illegal, I mean don't sure they'll charge you $200,000 environmental impact for building a church building, but where are they at when they're releasing all these genetically modified plants and animals into the earth and Copywriting and patenting them like it's their creation like they created this plan. It's patented I mean that's bizarre and that's wrong and a lot of people today because they say well I want to be an environmentalist and I see where they're coming from Because I'm turned off by all the earth worship. It is ungodly I'm turned off by telling me I can't inhabit the earth and that I have to not eat animals. Okay? but the problem is they go to another extreme and You see both sides are wrong on some things because on the one extreme is the earth worship but on the other extreme is just this thing of just There's no such thing as poisons in the environment Well, there are poisons that are out there and you know people who harm other people with poisons You know if you went to God's law, they'd be criminally prosecuted Even if they just even the Bible even just talks about they just let their animal run loose and it killed somebody then they'll be punished so the God's law does Have a place for punishing people who harm others and and and pollute others Property and destroy their property and destroy their lungs or their or their system But today in our food in our water There's so many poisons out there and you know a lot of fundamental Baptists because they're reacting to this Environmental wackoism that it says I'm going to McDonald's every day and blah blah nuts to this, you know It's like don't be don't be dumb And I don't know what it is about fundamental Baptist but it seems like they eat more garbage than anybody It just seems like every fundamental Baptist I went to it says McDonald's and McDonald's and Burger King And Jeff and they're just consuming large amounts of fast food It's that you know in the cage this is Kool-Aid and parsley hydrogenated cookies and all this stuff You know, we don't want to go to that extreme folks You know on one side the devil's getting you to worship the earth and put the creature above the Creator put animals over man But on the other side a lot of the conservative movement is basically just telling you no Shut up and just you know, just quit even worrying about it. There's no poisons out there. The birds are still chirping, you know, we're fine Well, it's not true. I mean, there's a lot of poison out there and The government turns a blind eye because they're paid off, you know, the corporation pay off the government, you know When you're a church, you're not paying off the government. So you got to pay the environmental impact Oh, you can't cut down a tree on your own property. That's the kind of environmental garbage I'm against if I own my property I can cut down whatever tree I want. I think somebody told me all the trees in danger But it's definitely in danger because it's on my property and I'm gonna cut it down Danger that you think because it's going down tomorrow, okay That's the environmental garbage. I'm against but but wait a minute. Would it be right for me to just start just Spewing out toxic chemicals from my backyard and just saying what are you an environmentalist? Are you left-wing? Or to start selling food that's filled with poisons and heavy metals and toxins. No So use your brain, you know the devil on one side is getting us to worship the earth But the devil on the other side poisoning us all making us sick You know, and I think part of the agenda behind it is to get us all sick And to get us all unhealthy so that they can turn us into a socialist country with all the socialist health care And you know because when you're really healthy, you don't even you don't want that stuff, but when everybody's sick They're like, oh, yeah, man, how I'm gonna pay for all this. We need all this stuff, you know, please give us socialist health care Please give us communist safety net. Okay, you know and that's just my theory about it. You know take that for what it's worth But the Bible's real clear here. Let this sink down in yours and in Genesis 8 The Earth's going to continue to go. The only global warming is going to be when God You know scorches men with great heat during the time he pours out his wrath on the earth But until then there's going to be summer and winter there's going to be cold and hot These things will continue as they were does that mean we should just spew Radioactive filth everywhere. No, so that's the balance So, you know people accuse me smiles of being an environmentalist or being a greenie is what they call me to make fun of me You greenie left-wing environmentalist hippie, you know, I've been called But then these people will attack me too, you know These people are attacking me on one side and these people are attacking me on the other side, you know, and so You know get a biblical worldview is all I'm saying. And so let's bow our heads in that word of prayer father