(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) On Genesis chapter 7 the Bible reads in verse number 1 and the Lord said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation and of course in chapter 6 we start out by seeing that the wickedness of mankind had become so great in the earth we saw that there was an intermarrying between the heathen and God's people and the whole earth was filled with violence and God was so upset that the Bible even says that it repented God at his heart that he had even made man on the earth and he says he's going to destroy mankind well he tells him, you know, 120 years will be the days of man and then he'll destroy the earth well now we come to that point in Genesis chapter 7 verse 1 the Bible says the Lord said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation now the thing that's amazing about that is that the earth was filled with people and the Bible says that the earth was overspread with people, the population had grown greatly and men began to multiply upon the face of the earth so there are lots and lots of people on the earth and yet God looks down at Noah and says, Thee, singular one person, for Thee only have I seen righteous before me in this generation and what that tells me is that God's standard of righteousness does not change with the standards of the world around us you see God doesn't look down and say well these are the people that are really bad and then these people are different than them so I guess they're okay no God has standards of righteousness that don't change God doesn't grade on a curve as it were, you know, well if everybody's doing bad well I guess I'll be more lenient or lower the bar a little bit no the Bible says that God looked at the whole earth, the whole population of the earth and said there's only one person on the planet that I consider righteous and that's you Noah, everyone else has perverted their way everyone else is violent, everyone else is committing all these sins you see the Bible says there is a generation that are pure in their own eyes and yet is not washed from their filthiness and the Bible says that that which is highly esteemed among men is a abomination in the sight of God, I think what would surprise most people is to realize that God's standards of right and wrong and God's standards of righteousness are higher than what we probably think that they are and you see the more ungodly the world around us becomes and the more sinful our generation becomes we can sit back and say well I'm not as bad as these people look how different I am from the world around me and look how different I act but wait a minute you don't need to be comparing yourself with the ungodly world around you you need to compare yourself with God's word and if you compare yourself to God's word you're gonna come short you're gonna realize that you have some growing to do and that you need to clean up some things in your life it's easy to compare yourself to our world and feel pretty righteous about yourself and I'll bet there were people at the time of Noah that could have looked around at some of the people who were really bad and said well I'm not near as bad as these people but you know in God's eyes they were not righteous in his sight they were still ungodly, they were still sinful in Revelation chapter 3 when Jesus Christ is addressing that the seven churches which are in Asia in Revelation 2 and 3 he says to the church of the Laodiceans he says these things saith the Amen the faithful and true witness the beginning of the creation of God I know thy works that thou art neither cold nor hot I would thou work cold or hot so that because thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot I will spew thee out of my mouth because thou sayest I am rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing and listen to this and knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire that thou mayest be rich and white raiment that thou mayest be clothed and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear and anoint thine eyes with eye salve that thou mayest see as many as I love I rebuke and chase it be zealous therefore and repent and so he's saying to the church at Laodicea what makes me sick about you what makes me want to spew you out of my mouth is that you think that you're righteous you think that you're fully clothed you think that you're rich you think that you have need of nothing and you don't even know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked so just because people are righteous in their own sight doesn't mean that they're righteous in God's sight there is a generation that are pure in their own eyes and yet is not washed from their filthiness the Bible tells us and so that's the generation that we're living in we look around at a lot of people who think that they're pretty good people you knock on doors you go soul winning and you talk to people and they think that they're going to heaven because they're a good person and you ask them do you know for sure if you die today you go to heaven yeah I'm a pretty good person I live a really good life but yet if that person were to be weighed in the balances they would be found wanting they would not be acceptable in the eyes of God because there's none righteous no not one but especially not in the generation that we're living in there's none righteous no not one and we ought to be careful not to compare ourselves to the people around us but rather to compare ourselves to God's standards because God has no problem at all looking down upon the entire planet and saying this is the only person I approve of this is the only one that's righteous in my sight Noah and everyone else is unacceptable in my sight so God is a very strict God is what that tells me God has a high standard of holiness and righteousness we need to get on board with his program of what's right and wrong we need to get in the Bible and see what he considers clothed versus what he considers naked what he considers right from what he considers wrong and you know the world will tell you you're clothed when you're wearing a bikini the Bible says to cover your nakedness you got to cover your loins and your thighs and so that short skirt the Bible calls that nakedness the shorts and anything that's exposing your thighs and your loins that is nakedness and you say but the world but the Bible says that it's nakedness you know you can sit there and say oh it's abortion it's you know it's a it's a woman's right to choose no the Bible calls it murder and one-third of American women according to any statistic you want to look up have either had an abortion or will have an abortion based on the statistics one-third of our nation's women either have had or will have an abortion you know that's when you look down at that and you see that you can see how it was in Noah's day where he only found one righteous person because mankind has the capability to become very evil and very wicked that's why we need more than ever the preaching of God's word to thunder across the pulpits of America first of all going out and soul winning and winning people to Christ but then baptizing them in the name of the father the son the only goes and then teaching them to observe all things whatsoever he commanded us that's the answer to to the problem of having one righteous man here we need to have uh many righteous people of course brought the way that leads to destruction and always will be but at least judgment must begin at the house of God and we ought to be different than the world around us but look at verse number two he said to Noah that he was the only one that he'd seen righteous perform in that generation verse two of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens the male and his female and of beasts that are not cleaned by two the male and his female of fowls also of the air by sevens the male and the female to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth for yet seven days and i will cause it to rain upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights and every living substance that i have made will i destroy from off the face of the earth and noah did according unto the all that the lord had now let me say this this is the first time that the bible mentions the concept of clean beasts versus unclean beasts it's the first time we see this really come up now if you go to genesis nine flip over to genesis nine quickly the bible reads in genesis nine this is when noah gets off the ark in genesis nine the bible reads in verse three every moving thing that liveth now is that every animal or is it just me that's every single animal he's very specific every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you even as the green herb have i given you all things but flesh with the life thereof which is the blood thereof shall ye not eat now the key thing to understand here is that the bible does not institute eating meat until genesis chapter nine before genesis chapter nine before the flood god told man to eat of the green herb and the fruits that grew from the earth uh basically a vegetarian diet is what he instituted before the flood then after the flood we see the first mention of god telling man that he can eat meat and when he tells man to eat meat he says in genesis nine that he can eat any type of meat so he's not restricting it to just the types of meats that were available under the levitical priesthood you know your cows and your sheep and remember it had to part the hoop and chew the cud and if it doesn't part the hoop and chew the cud they couldn't eat it so they were not allowed to eat rabbits and they were not allowed to eat pigs and they were not allowed to eat shrimp and and other types of sea creatures that did not have fins and scales now in the new testament the bible says clearly that every creature of god is good and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving for it is sanctified by the word of god and prayer of course the lord appeared under peter on the housetop and showed him all manner of beasts and creeping things and told peter arise peter slay and eat and he said not so lord for there is nothing common or unclean entered into my mouth he said what god has cleansed that call not thou common or unclean now i realize that he was referring to a nationality of people the the gentiles the italians that peter was to preach to but we see a clear parallel between what he told peter when he said what god has cleansed that call not thou common or unclean and then if we combine that with the portion in timothy where he tells him every creature of god is good nothing to be refused it's sanctified by the word of god and prayer and there are a lot of other new testament scriptures i'm not going to take the time to go through them making it clear to us that we are allowed to eat any type of meat and what i like to point out to people is that originally when mankind started eating meat in genesis 9 he was told that he could eat any type of meat there's no restriction here so in genesis 9 man is told that he can eat every type of meat it's not till centuries and centuries later with the introduction of the mosaic law and the levitical priesthood that he started having these other rules the the meats and drinks and divers washings and carnal ordinances that were imposed on them until the time of reformation but christ being come those things are no longer required of us we are no longer under the levitical priesthood we are no longer under the laws that regard meats drinks divers washes and carnal ordinances and and i like to point out that it's not that there's anything intrinsically wrong with eating pork because they were allowed to eat pork in the beginning in genesis 9 when they got off the ark and in the new testament were allowed to eat it it was only a few thousand years of human history under the levitical priesthood where they had those dietary rules and there was a lot of symbolism there and that's a whole other sermon in and of itself but i'm telling you that in genesis 9 it's clear that they can eat any animal now i've had some people say this they've said well but if you go back to genesis 7 they said god's already talking about clean and unclean beasts so therefore there was already a restriction of only certain animals that they could eat well first of all that's not what the bible says in genesis 9 number one but number two there is another reason why god distinguished between clean and unclean beasts it has nothing to do with eating meat keep in mind they did not eat there's no record of god telling man to eat meat before the ark okay that only comes in genesis 9 before that it was a vegetarian diet look at genesis 8 20 and we'll see the reason why god distinguished between the clean and the unclean beast it had nothing to do with eating it wasn't that he had them bring seven each of the clean beasts onto the ark that they might eat them that had nothing to do with it because they weren't eating them on the ark they only began to eat meat after they got off the ark it says in genesis 8 20 and noah built an altar under the lord this is right after he gets off the ark and took of every clean beast and of every clean foul and offered burnt offerings on the altar so the reason that noah brought extra onto the ark was so that when he got off the ark he would offer burnt sacrifices of every the bible says of every clean beast he offered those burnt sacrifices and so the bible's clear in genesis 9 that every living thing that moveth would be meat for mankind and if god wanted to express that it was clean beast he could have easily done that because he talks about clean versus unclean beast and really that just proves it even further because in genesis 7 he talks about clean and unclean clean unclean he just is a clean and unclean beast then when he gets to diet he says eat everything so to me it's very clear i'm not going to make suppositions that aren't in the bible the bible's real clear i'm just going to trust what he said to eat every meat and and he's very clear in the new testament you know i could go through tons of scriptures for i'm not going to for sake of time that make it clear that we can eat all animals that we can eat all things and so yes i will eat pork yes it is my favorite meat that's why i'm preaching no i'm just kidding but anyway you know it's important bible doctrine the bible tells us if thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things thou shalt be a good minister of the lord jesus christ about this exact subject and so it's an important thing that we teach we don't want to be like those who are trying to go back to the old testament as far as ritualistically and there are people out there there are churches out there who are observing the sabbath and they're circumcising their children and they're not eating pork and they're under all these things that are just not scriptural they're just flat out not scriptural and the bible clearly rebuked those who would who would be circumcised in the new testament and told them hey this has nothing to do with salvation or the new testament you know this is not something for you and so that's an important doctrine but he says in verse number four he says for yet seven days and i will cause it to rain upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights and every living substance that i have made will i destroy from off the face of the earth now when he says the earth there i remember one time i went to this bible study and it was one of these bible says where everybody had a different version of the bible this is when i was a teenager and it was this liberal bible saying everybody's got a different version it all says something different it's like oh what's yours say oh what's yours say well i like that one the best you know like pick your own bible like choose the one you like i might pick the one that god likes you know but anyway how about what he actually said that would be good instead of just you know all the different versions of what people think it means and have changed it to but i've seen it this bible study and they're getting this big argument about you know whether the bible's contradicting itself because in one place it says he's destroying you know every animal but what about all the fish you know did he destroy them too you know this kind of nonsense obviously a flood is not going to destroy the fish because guess what they like being underwater in the first place okay they're they're in good shape and it all came from their misunderstanding of the word earth because if you remember god called the dry land earth and the gathering together of the waters called he sees so there goes your contradiction because when he says he's destroying every living substance off the earth he's talking about things that live upon the earth as in the dry land not upon the seas because obviously they did just fine through the flood so he didn't have an aquarium on the ark and that's what you know some and that's what some dumb teenager was trying to say maybe an aquarium on the ark okay but you see this is why these small group bible studies aren't always what they're cracked up to be because this is what it is it's a bunch of people who don't know anything about the bible it's the blind leading the blind you know you show up and people who barely even read the bible that like to just hear themself talk i think maybe he had an aquarium on the ark just because they didn't even read chapter one to get the definition of the word earth and and that's just an example of what every bible study was like in these places okay and so it's better to have people and i'm not saying i'm the only one who knows the bible but yeah there are other people who come up here and preach and teach god's work but they need to be people who've studied enough and learned enough and know what they're talking about not just this freestyle free-for-all where everybody just puts in their two cents and just everybody's got a uh you know a psalm and everybody's got a tongue and a revelation as the bible says in first corinthians 14 god's not the author of confusion and it's confusing when you have a bunch of people who don't know what they're talking about spouting off nonsense that's just from not even reading the bible cover to cover one time in their entire life and so that's why it's better to uh to listen to people who've studied than to just sit around with your buddies and some people they don't even go to church today and you know maybe i've been on a kick lately you probably noticed where i keep bringing this up i'm on a kick about this because i've noticed this trend where people are getting not out of our church but just out of churches in general it seems like in the last days people have quit going to church and that's why god said not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another and so much the more as we see today approaching i think we're starting to get into the time that he predicted when people would forsake the assembling and and a lot of times they say well you know i don't have to go to church i can just get together with my buddies and have a little bible study and where two or three are gathered together that's true no the church is an institution that has a bishop and if it's bigger it has deacons and it's a it's an institution that's not a freestyle free for all it's not a bunch of guys sitting around the coffee table in a couch saying what do you think that means that is not what god created when he created the church and instituted the church upon this earth okay and so that is not church now if you want to get together and have a bible study with your buddies go ahead have at it more power to you that's great but it's not a substitute for church and beware of the aquarium type doctrines that are going to come out of those type of bible studies you know and if you get together and people know what they're talking about hey you can't study the bible too much for me get together study the bible but know what you're talking about or don't talk about it that's right you know and just talk about the things that you know and so god said he's going to destroy every substance from off the face of all the earth now some people have taken this to say well god didn't flood the whole planet he only flooded just that area has anybody ever heard that before and sometimes they'll uh they'll have these uh documentary shows i remember from when i was a teenager they'd have these documentary shows trying to disprove the bible but they packaged it as if they were talking about the bible and i remember there was a show called mysteries of the bible and it was a show that basically tried to disprove the bible but they they'd have all these pastors and theologians doing it and they'd tell you how there was actually a cold spot in the fiery furnace and they had a diagram of the fiery furnace how there was a cold spot with all the science behind it the bible says they didn't even smell like smoke the bible says the ropes burned off their head and then they explain how you know the crossing of the red sea you know that could happen naturally without god even intervening and all this nonsense and uh you know that's the type of a program that would promote this thing where well it just flooded the valley where noah lived noah just lived in this little isolated valley and that's what well the problem with that is that before the flood 1656 years went by now just to put that in perspective what was going on in the world 1656 years ago were people were men living here i mean maybe some people had come over or whatever but not not really i mean have we think about this way have we spread out the population of the war or world in the last 1656 years would you say i mean go back 1656 years and think about where the planet was at that time i mean we're talking about a very different world but islam hadn't even come out yet okay this is back in the you know when just we're just beginning the stages of the the roman catholic domination of europe and and it was just a completely different world completely different technology 1656 years a really long time and the bible says that men multiplied on the face of the earth and people spread out people traveled and not only that people were living to be 900 and some years old you remember that from genesis 5 when you're living to be 900 and some years old you're going to do some traveling eventually you know now let's say you retire at 65 you're going to spend a long time in that rv you know traveling around if you're living to be 900 i'm kidding of course but anyway you know elderly people they travel around in rv but look i guarantee you're going to do some traveling if you're on this planet for 900 years i guarantee you when you're living to be 900 years old you're going to be pretty intelligent because you're going to constantly be learning more and learning more and learning more 900 years think about 900 years ago okay we're talking about the year 1112 okay has a lot happened since then can you imagine if a person were here tonight that it was alive in 1112 and they were alive all the way till now do you think that that person would be a dumb person or you think they'd be an intelligent person think about the knowledge that they would have gained and so i'm sure that these people were very intelligent had lots of technology had lots of ideas had lots of learning and they had obviously traveled around and overspread the face of the earth period and so you know this thing about a localized flood is simply not biblical because the bible clearly states that he'll destroy every living substance that he created i mean i don't know how it could be any more explicit i like brother dave brought out in the preaching class a few weeks ago how he said he would destroy every living thing upon the earth under the whole heaven well we know that the heaven with the or the the the firmament the sky the heaven surrounds the entire globe and so if you distort everything under the whole heaven that's not just the little valley that noah lived in noah lived in this little valley and it flooded no in 120 years people would have figured out to get out of that valley somebody would have got out of that valley that makes no sense that's that's a ridiculous doctrine but he said he's going to destroy it all and not only that it says in verse number uh look at verse number 18 it says the waters prevailed and were increased greatly upon the earth and the ark went upon the face of the water so the ark's floating upon the waters and the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth and all the high hills that were under the whole heaven were covered 15 cubits upward did the waters prevail and the mountains were covered so above the highest mountain the waters were 15 cubits above that 15 cubits is about you know put in half each is a cubic distance from your finger to your elbow so we're talking about 22 and a half uh feet approximately above the mountains well here's a here's a little tip when the water goes above the mountain it gushes over out of noah's little valley and floods everything else okay because the waters were upon the earth uh it first of all they prevailed upon the earth for 150 days and it rained for 40 days and 40 nights but the waters prevailed upon the entire earth the entire earth was covered for 150 days it was a year before noah got off the arc so that's how everyone drowned you say well couldn't somebody grab hold of bits of shrapnel and wood and so forth and couldn't people build their own little boat really fast or hop in a boat that they already had because you say i'm sure people had boats you know i mean these people were not cavemen they've been around for 1656 years i'm sure they had boats but here's the thing when you're in a boat and the whole earth is covered with water you don't have any food you don't have any fresh water you have nothing but salt water everywhere you're not going to live a year are you listening to me you're not going to live for a year in a boat with nothing but salt water and no food unless you've prepared for that like noah had prepared and had everything ready for him on the ark they weren't prepared for that even if they tried to grab hold of stuff they're not going to survive they're not going to make it and god's clear everyone died everyone died except who was on that ark and all the land animals also died and the birds died and so let's keep reading it says in verse number he said he destroy every substance from off the face of the earth verse 5 and noah did according to all that the lord commanded him and noah was 600 years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth and noah went in and his sons and his wife and his son's wives with him into the ark because of the waters of the flood so eight people got on the ark that's why the bible calls noah in the new testament the eighth person he was not the eighth person living on the planet he was not the eighth generation he was the eighth person because there were eight people who got on the ark and they're listed there his wife his three sons and their wives the bible is clear that it was eight people in the book of first peter it says in verse 8 of clean beasts and of beasts that are not clean and a thousand of everything that creepeth upon the earth there went in two and two unto noah into the ark the male and the female as god had commanded noah and it came to pass after seven days that the waters of the flood were upon the earth in the 600th year of noah's life in the second month the 17th day of the month the same day where all the fountains of the great deep broken up and the windows of heaven were opened and the rain was upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights so two things happened the bible says the windows of heaven were open causing it to rain upon the earth and it also says that the fountains of the great deep were broken up so there was also water gushing forth from under the earth so that could have been part of how god ensured the total destruction of every human on the planet you know whatever buildings they had and technology and and boats or whatever he's destroying the earth both from above and from below he's causing the great fountains of the deep you say what's that about well there's water under the earth there's always been water underneath of the soil and and there could have been even more back then than there is now we don't know but there's a lot of water under the earth right now and that's why you dig down you make a well and you can get fresh water from the earth and there's a lot of water that's under the earth and that water came up and then the you know the rains came down and the floods came up and so that's how this happened now a lot of people have said that there was a special water canopy surrounding the earth and that when the bible says the windows of heaven were opened you know he's releasing the water from that canopy i do not believe in that doctrine for the simple reason that the bible says in genesis one that there were waters above the firmament and some people will say that that was a special situation before the flood and that part of what caused the flood was god releasing that water but the problem with that is that at the end of the book of psalms it's either 147 or 148 he says at the end of the book of psalms that there is water above the firmament right now there's waters above the heavens right now and so that was way after the flood that's obviously just talking about the moisture in the atmosphere not a special situation before the flood so god had not caused it to rain upon the earth i'm sure that there was much water in the atmosphere perhaps more water in the atmosphere than there is now of course for it to rain this much there could have been much thicker cloud cover and so forth but i do not believe that there was a special layer of water being held in place simply because the bible talks about the same wording of genesis 1 in psalm 147 and that's not that important but that's just something to think about for those of you who want to delve into this a little more deeply you can just think about that so anyway he causes it to rain he breaks up the fountains of the deep it says the rain was upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights verse 13 is a key verse in the self-same day now which day is he referring to well in verse 11 it says in the 600th year of noah's life in the second day of the month or the second month the 17th day of the month the same day notice that term were all the fountains of the great deep broken up and the windows of heaven were open and then in verse 13 it said the self-same day entered noah and sham and ham and japhet the sons of noah and noah's wife and the three wives of his sons with them ended the ark day and every beast after his kind and so forth now a lot of people will uh misunderstand this chapter because at the beginning of the chapter he said in verse 4 yet seven days and i will cause it to rain upon the earth and he told him to come into the ark in verse one and then he says in seven days it's the blood's going to come the rains are going to come go to luke 17 quickly luke chapter 17 now the reason that uh people have a discrepancy there is because what the bible is saying is that at the beginning of the chapter he tells noah and his family and all of the animals to come aboard the ark because he says in seven days the flood's going to come the rains are going to come but then later in the chapter he said in the self-same day that it rained noah and his family got on the earth i simply believe that he's saying that it's going to take them seven days to load up that arc i mean i mean think about it just for me to load up my family to go anywhere you know it takes a long time you know if i'm taking a trip just for a few days let alone for a year it takes a long time to pack up the van and you're packing it up packing up let alone pack it up with every animal every kind two of every kind seven of a kind that's going to take a long time so i think what he's saying is load up the ark because he mentions the animals he says load up the animals seven days it's coming i think he began to load up the animals and then on the seventh day is when they actually enter the ark and god shuts the door jesus verifies what i'm saying to you because first of all it said in genesis seven that in the self-same day they got on yet i was taught all my life and i don't know what you were taught maybe when you were younger if you grew up in church i was always taught that they sat on the ark for seven days and then it started raining but jesus very clearly teaches what genesis seven already taught us which is that it did not rain until the day that they got on the ark look at luke chapter 17 verse 26 and as it was in the days of noah so shall it be also in the days of the son of man verse 27 they did eat they drank they married wives they were given in marriage until the day that noah entered into the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all so we see very clearly that the same day that noah got on the ark was the same day that the flood came and destroyed them all he says likewise also as it was in the days of lot they did eat they drank they bought they sold they planned they built it but the same day that lot went out of sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all so do you see a parallel between the story of noah and the story of lot story of noah the same day noah gets on the ark the flood comes and destroys them all rained from heaven the same day that lot left sodom fire and brimstone fell from the sky and destroyed sodomy more same type of pattern one was destroyed with water one was destroyed with fire keep reading even thus verse 30 shall it be in the day when the son of man is revealed so the bible says that in the day when the son of man or jesus christ is revealed the bible says it'll be the same as it was in the days of noah in the sense that they got on the ark the same day the flood came they got out of sodom the same day it rained fire and brimstone he says of course in verse number 34 i tell you in that night there shall be two men in one bed the one shall be taken and the other shall be left two women shall be grinding together the one shall be taken and the other left two men shall be in the field the one shall be taken and the other left clearly talking about the rapture two people are together one's taken the other left he says that's the day when the son of man's revealed when jesus christ comes in the clouds the trumpet sounds and of course uh the dead in christ shall rise first then we which are alive remain shall be counted together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord and so people are misunderstanding what it's going to be like when the rapture takes place when they sit there and and believe a hollywood movie it tells them you know the rapture is going to take place and everybody's going to go where is everybody what's going on and they can't figure out what's going on when the bible is really clear that the same day that the rapture takes place god's going to rain fire and brimstone from heaven and if you read the book of revelation if you read you know all the four gospels you can read whatever you want about this in the new testament you can read uh first i'm sorry second thessalonians chapter one spells this out very clearly that the same day that the rapture takes place god will rain fire and brimstone from heaven so i don't understand how people get this idea that it's going to be a so-called secret rapture where the rapture takes place and everybody where is everybody and people just disappeared and nobody knows why i also would point out the term when it says even though it shall be also in the day when the son of man is revealed revealed it's not he's not going to be hidden he's going to be revealed he's going to come in the clouds every eye shall see him and so forth the trumpet will sound those that are alive man he said that doesn't jive with what i've been i don't care what you've been taught you have no bible to contradict what i just said everything i just said is backed up by everything in the bible and it's true and people need to study to show themselves approved and not let kirk cameron you know look growing pains was a stupid show in the first let me just get that off my chest right now okay some b actor from hollywood and you know what christians do they take the hollywood's leftover trash that's what they do and they get all excited about it like little dogs that they're begging for crumbs that fall from hollywood's table that's what they do it is so true it is that it is as true as the day is long wow a hollywood actor that's claiming to be saved and they get all excited god not a respecter of persons get out of here kirk cameron you don't preach the gospel you don't preach the truth i'm supposed to get all excited because some washed up actor that nobody cares about that had some little tv show that was corny and stupid that no career decides he can make more money in the christian business now you know it's it's like that other guy steven baldwin not a not a well-known famous actor riding on the coattails of his more famous brother he he comes into town with a dirt bike blasts a bunch of rock and roll ride the dirt bike and does tricks and says jesus saves and we're supposed to fall all over ourselves and get excited about steven baldwin hey steven baldwin your movies are stupid in fact every hollywood movie is stupid in fact everything that the world does is stupid and i don't love the world and i don't love the things that are in the world i love things that are in this book and i have more respect for a bible preacher and a man of god and a woman of god and a so many christian lady and a righteous father and a righteous mother and a righteous electrician and a righteous plumber than an ungodly hollywood actor but oh but they're going to be a christian or everybody gets all excited because some sports star will say they're a christian get in church on sunday quit wearing a bunch of tight pants and running around playing with a stupid ball when you ought to be a church listening to the man of god preach but no we get all excited and fall all over ourselves oh this this sports star oh god's not a respecter of persons god's not all excited in heaven when some famous worldly hollywood athlete or you know hollywood star and movie film star claims the name of christ you know what he's excited about he's excited about the poor that are serving god theirs is the kingdom of god he said why he talked about this in james too why do you get all excited about the rich do not rich men oppress you and draw you before the judgment seats do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which you're called he said it's the poor has not god chosen the poor of this world rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which he has promised to them that love him but you despise the poor and you choose hollywood actors and sports idols to be your heroes i'm not interested in it i don't care about it you know kurt cameron needs to go read the bible and get some real bible doctrine instead of preaching a false gospel and preaching false end times prophecy and and these these sports stars need to get right with god and go to church on sunday you know they're a little chaplain who comes and preaches some watered down message to them before the game is at church just like sitting around the coffee table with your friends is at church maybe if i can make church a priority in my life if i can push back work and put work aside and if i can go to work in california and then fly back just to be in church on wednesday night and then fly back to california and make it a priority why can't tim tebow go to church why can't kurt cameron go to church why can't these people make god's house a priority they don't promote a church tell me tell me what church kurt cameron goes to anybody else of course you don't know tell me what church tim tebow goes to tell me what church steven volvin goes to they don't care about church they care about glorifying themselves and making money any questions all right let's move on so go back if you would to uh genesis chapter seven because in luke 17 jesus clear as crystal and here's what's interesting about luke 17 in luke 17 is the first time that jesus really taught on dan times now you say wait a minute pastor wouldn't that be matthew 24 well as you're reading the new testament you're going to come to matthew 24 first you're going to come to mark 13 you're going to come to luke 17 but here's the thing mark matthew 24 is a parallel passage with luke 21 and luke 17 comes before luke 21 so luke 17 the part that we just read that tied in with noah czar that's the first time jesus exposed his disciples to the details of his second coming where he actually went into some detail about it and talked about you know uh people are going to be taken now they didn't quite understand it because at the end of it they asked him when he says you know two are going to be in the field once taken the other left they didn't understand what he meant because it was their first exposure to that doctrine and they said where lord and he and he says to them whithersoever the carcass is thither shall the eagles be gathered together i believe that that's tying in with what he said in the book of exodus when he said i carried you upon eagle's wings and brought you unto myself because of course when jesus christ comes in the clouds he'll he'll bring us unto himself and so shall we ever be with the lord and so forth but let's go ahead and i've heard oh yeah i don't want to go into the carcass and the eagles thing i i could preach a whole you know sermon on that but i not gonna have time let's just get into genesis 7 here but it but it is important to to go to luke 17 and make an application with the second coming of christ tie that in with the rapture and the flood and everything like that but we see here that in verse 13 in the self same day entered noah and sham and ham and japhet the sons of noah and noah's wife and the three wives of his sons with them into the ark they and every beast after his kind and so forth we already read it earlier but uh jumped down to verse 16 and they went in they that went in went in male and female of all flesh as god had commanded him and i love this last phrase at the end of verse 16 and the lord shut him in so that last day so seven days early he told him hey get on the ark get the animals on the ark they loaded up they get to that seventh day they enter into the ark the eight people and the bible says the lord shut them in now this is a great picture of salvation right here because the ark pictures salvation because the ark saved them from a physical flood we are saved from spiritual destruction by believing on the lord jesus christ we're saved from hell and the bible tells us that uh once we're saved we're always saved jesus said i give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand and jesus said i'm the door if any man enter in by me he shall be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture so the bible tells us that jesus is the door the ark only has one door according to chapter six jesus is the door to salvation there's only one way to be saved only one door jesus says unto him i am the way the truth and the life no man comes under the bottom of my knees when they went through that door which was picturing jesus to be saved okay from a flood but of course it pictured being saved from hell the lord shut him in it wasn't like they could get on and get off and get on and get off that proves again and obviously there's enough scripture to prove that you can't lose your salvation it's eternal life once you're on the ark of salvation he shuts you in and that door didn't open up again until the flood was completely over and they were able to step out into a beautiful paradise where there was no violence no wickedness a brand new world a brand new start and so forth that is what that pictures when he said he shut them in and just like us when we get saved he shuts us in we're locked in we he said no man can pluck them out of my hand and we are saved and that door will stay shut until we're in the new heaven and the new earth someday and and we will be saved eternally and there's no way we could ever lose our salvation so he says in verse 17 the flood was 40 days upon the earth the waters increased and bear up the ark and it was lift up above the earth and of course we already read the part where it says that all the mountains and all the high hills were covered it says in verse 21 and all flesh died that moved upon the earth both the fowl and of cattle and the beast and of creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth and every man all in whose nostrils was the breath of life of all that was in the dry land died and every living substance was destroyed and and god couldn't be any clearer could he he keeps saying they all died they all died oh did i mention that they all died he just keeps saying that over and over and yet people will say well it was just a local flood okay so he said they all died every living substance was destroyed verse 23 which was upon the face of the ground both man and cattle and the creeping thing and the fowl of heaven and they were destroyed from the earth and noah only remained alive and they that were with them in the ark and the waters prevailed upon the earth 150 days so amazing story that's it for tonight of course we'll get into chapter 8 next week but god destroyed the whole earth because of sin and wickedness now god's not going to blink an eye to send people to hell in 2012 when they die without believing on the lord jesus christ and the bible makes it clear that whosoever believeth in him should not perish could have eternal life it's not difficult to be saved jesus did the hard part when he died for us on the cross that was the difficult part it's easy to be saved and i'm often telling people to god sometimes i'll be talking to an atheist or somebody and i preach in the gospel and i say to them does it sound easy to be saved or hard to be saved they say it sounds easy and i say you know what but it's the one thing you're not doing no matter how easy it is if you don't do it you're not saved you've got to believe you got to believe the word of god you got to believe on the lord jesus christ and thou shalt be saved that's better than that word of prayer father thank you so much for your word and father help us not to compare ourselves to this ungodly generation and to start getting high-minded or prideful and thinking that we're wonderful just because we're better than the people around us i'm sure that there are some noah upon this earth that's probably a lot more righteous than any of us and so help us to strive for a higher calling and strive to be more like you and more godly in our lives and father thank you so much for this story that we could learn from and get some teachings about your second coming about the rapture and so forth and also that we could uh just just learn how serious you are about judging sin and it'll help us to take things more seriously in our life but thank you so much that we can find grace in your eyes as noah did just by believing on christ thank you for making it so easy to be saved in jesus name we pray amen all right let's sing one more song before we go