(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now before I jump into chapter 5, I want to just pick up some stuff on the very end of chapter 4 that I didn't have time for when I was preaching through chapter 4. I didn't get to these last two verses, so I just want to touch on these briefly where the Bible reads in Genesis 4.25, And Adam knew his wife again, and she bare a son, and called his name Seth. For God said she hath appointed me another seed, instead of Abel, whom Cain slew. And to Seth to him also there was born a son, and he called his name Enos. Then began men to call upon the name of the Lord. I wanted to point out that last phrase, then began men to call upon the name of the Lord. Because that's a very significant statement in the Bible. You see, it's not just that it's saying that they called God by that name. Because we already saw people before this, calling God by various names, and speaking to him, and talking about him. When the Bible says, then began men to call upon the name of the Lord, this is talking about salvation. And all throughout the Bible, this term, calling upon the name of the Lord, is used in regard to salvation. Turn, if you would, just quickly to 2 Corinthians 4. Just quickly, 2 Corinthians 4. And in 2 Corinthians 4, I want to just point this out to you, because it ties in with calling upon the name of the Lord. And a lot of people become confused about salvation, because, of course, we believe that salvation is 100% by faith. And they'll say, well, you don't have to call upon the name of the Lord, because you just have to believe, and that's enough, and you don't have to call upon the name of the Lord. But the thing is that calling upon the name of the Lord, and believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, both go hand in hand. They're both tied in. For example, while you're turning to 2 Corinthians 4, the Bible reads in Romans 10, 9, that thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thy heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scriptures say, whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how should they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how should they hear without a preacher? And of course later on he says, then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. So the Bible is real clear. You hear God's word, you believe God's word, and the result is that you call upon the name of the Lord. Now some people have tried to say that calling upon the name of the Lord is works, salvation, and that praying with someone and having them call out to ask for salvation is work. That is not true. Because of the fact that the Bible makes it very clear in Matthew chapter 7 when he said, If he then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your father which is in heaven give good things to them than ask him? So the Bible is clear that just because you ask for something does not mean that it's not a gift. Because a gift is free. But asking for something does not make something not be free anymore. And also in John chapter 4 Jesus said, If thou knewest the gift of God, notice the wording. If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it was that said unto thee, Give me to drink, thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. So the Bible says that it's a gift, but you ask for it. And he told the woman at the well, you ask for this gift. And he said, if you knew who I was, you would ask for it. So believing and calling upon the name of the Lord go hand in hand because believing is something that takes place in your heart but it's expressed with your mouth. How does anyone know what I believe? Based on what I say. And you look at so many scriptures and I did a whole sermon on this. It was like a 90 minute sermon where I literally went to almost every passage and just showed scores of times where the Bible says that if you call upon him you'll be saved and that tied in what you believe with what you say saying that it's your words that will justify you or save you and that it's your words that will condemn you. You'll be condemned to hell by what you believe. You'll be condemned to hell by what you say because what you say is a reflection of what you believe because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth's speaking. And I'm not going to take the time to go to all the multitude of scriptures but you can listen to my sermon on calling upon the name of the Lord my sermon on the sinner's prayer where I go into this in great detail and show tons of scriptures like for example when the Bible says just whoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God. God dwells at the name of he and God. And there are all kinds of scriptures like that but I want to just highlight one for you. In 2 Corinthians 4.13 the Bible reads we have in the same spirit of faith according as it is written I believed and therefore have I spoken we also believe and therefore speak. So when you have the spirit of faith you believe and you speak. Go back to Psalm 116. We'll be back in Genesis 5 in just a moment but go to Psalm 116. You see if I told you that I have a gift for you but you must give me five dollars that's not a gift. If I told you I have a gift for you but you have to work for me you need to wash my car you need to rake my leaves that's not a gift because you're working for it because you're paying for it. If I said I have a gift for you but you've got to come to church every week that wouldn't be a gift because you're earning it you're working for it. But if I say to you I have a gift for you just ask for it and I'll give it to you for free that's still a gift. Now your faith is expressed in words. Temperatures are expressed in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit and what you believe is expressed by the words of your heart and the words that come out of your mouth. Keep in mind what Paul said when he quoted this in 2 Corinthians 4.13 it says in Psalm 116 verse 10 I believe therefore I have spoken that's the as it was written that he was referring back to in 2 Corinthians 4.13 when he said we have the same spirit of faith we believe therefore we've spoken he says in verse 10 I believe therefore have I spoken I was greatly afflicted I said in my haste all men are liars what shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord. So the Bible puts those two things together taking the cup of salvation and calling upon the name of the Lord just like he said to the woman at the well if you would have known who it was that said unto thee give me the drink thou wouldest have asked of him and he would have given thee living water to drink of the cup of salvation living water and he said if you drink of this water you'll never thirst again more proof that you cannot lose your salvation because once you drink of the cup of salvation you'll never thirst again you don't need to take another swig of it some other time you get saved one time and this is all throughout the Bible and people will try to say well people got saved different back then they began calling upon the name of the Lord in Genesis 4 that's the first generation of man Adam was still alive Seth was still alive all the original humans that were put on this earth there were people there they were calling upon the name of the Lord they were being saved Abraham called upon the name of the Lord Genesis 12 it's reiterated in chapter 13 Isaac called upon the name of the Lord the Bible records Moses called upon the name of the Lord David called upon the name of the Lord and think about this what name did they call upon? well Abraham and Isaac and Jacob did not know God by the name of Jehovah they knew him by the name of God Almighty that's what God told most of the burning bush David called upon the name of Jehovah we call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible says that there is not salvation in any other and that there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved now that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh we must acknowledge him as the son of God and to not acknowledge him is to not acknowledge the Father you must be saved through the name of Jesus not just calling out unto God in general not being out in the jungle looking up at the stars and saying God I know you're out there please save me no, calling upon the name of the Lord and it gets more specific when he said confess with I'm not the Lord Jesus that's the name, Jesus that name is the name that saves today Jesus, Jesus Christ that is the name by which we're saved back to Genesis 5 I just wanted to touch on that in Genesis 4 because I don't have time to get to that salvation is calling upon the name of the Lord calling upon the name of the Lord without believing is meaningless he said you can't call on him unless you believe that's what it said in Romans 10.14 and so when you believe that Jesus can save when you believe that Jesus is the savior and the only way to heaven obviously you confess that you speak that that comes out of your heart in the form of words that you speak and it doesn't have to be some certain magical words you know you look at the Ethiopian eunuch just basically said I believe that Jesus Christ is son of God you look at the public and he went to the temple and he said Lord be merciful to be a sinner you know it could be different words but it's just a calling out to Jesus to save you kind of like the thief on the cross did when he said Lord remember me when thou comest in thy kingdom that's a moment when salvation is crystallized when you believe in your heart and you believe unto righteousness and confession is made to salvation let's get into chapter 5 here this is the book of the generations of Adam in the day that God created man in the likeness of God made he him male and female created he none now this is a statement that is made in Genesis 1 it's also made in Genesis 5 it's also made in 1 Corinthians 11 now we're not going to turn there for a second time but in 1 Corinthians 11 God is explaining some differences between men and women he talks about men having short hair women having long hair that's some of the subject that's covered and part of the reason why he said that the man is not to have his head covered with long hair is that man is made in the image of God that's why he's not supposed to have his head covered in long hair now that tells me that woman is different than man in that regard because he's saying women do have long hair men don't because they're made in the image of God every time in Genesis 1 it's consistent Genesis 5 he says in the image of God made he him male and female created he them you say what's the point Pastor Anderson? the point is that God is not a gender neutral God and a lot of people will try to teach that God has no gender he's neither male nor female and there are even new bible verses coming out the new NIV the 2010 version of the NIV and if you go down to the Christian bookstore and you buy the NIV it's now the new 2010 version it has taken out a lot of the gender specific language from the 1984 NIV of course they're both garbage they use the human version but they're taking out gender specific words like father son man brother and they're replacing them with gender neutral terms and I hear all kinds of people say that God is neither male nor female that is now biblical God is called the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost two out of three of those names are gender specific not the mother and the daughter and the Holy Ghost it's the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost and he said he made man in his image basically what he's saying is that man is after his likeness after his appearance which is why the hair is now tell me this if Jesus had if Jesus had long hair like these artists depicted why would God say well don't have long hair because you're in the image of God well if he had long hair we would need to have long hair in order to be in his image he obviously didn't and so that's a fallacy that's just a myth from a lot of paintings and so forth so I just want to point out very clearly here and there are many other places that God is not a gender neutral God God is a male gender and tampering with that is to tamper with the nature of God and to tamper with the Bible and it says male and female created them and blessed them and watch this this is an important phrase and called their name Adam in the day when they were created does it say he called his name Adam? no it says he called their name Adam who wrote the they there? Adam and Eve he called both their name Adam now this is where we get the tradition and the custom of a woman taking her husband's name now today in our women's lives society that we live in and the so called equality of men and women a lot of women do not want to take their husband's name anymore and I've even known of people in Europe where they're even more further down the left wing toilet bowl a downward spiral they even it's trendy and cool sometimes to take your wife's name I'm serious because they say why not? I mean I've known people personally who did this hey why not? I mean if women if all these thousands and millions of women are taking their husband why can't the husband take her name? and this is becoming a trend in Europe and it's probably coming to the United States if it's not already here but what is already here for sure is women just retaining their original name and you've got men and women retaining separate last names I would point to the Bible right here who's the one doing the calling? God and God called their name Adam God looked at them as one flesh God looked at them as one unit there not as two separate he said they are no more twain but one flesh and therefore they should not have two different names because they are not two different entities in God's mind God looks at it as one flesh therefore the wife should take her husband's name it doesn't say he called their name Eve he called their name Adam and so I believe that women should be called by their husband's name and we do that with the last name now not only that but in the olden days they would even say Mrs. Stephen Anderson who's ever heard that used before now that's way out there in today's society that's considered way out in the left field but really there's nothing wrong with that at all because that's what God did and so I'll stick with that it says he called their name Adam in the day when they were created look at verse 3 and Adam lived 130 years and begat a son in his own likeness after his image and called his name Seth and the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were 800 years and he begat sons of daughters and all the days that Adam lived were 930 years and he died now we're not going to reread this whole chapter because we already read it right before the sermon but notice how long these people are living the Bible is telling us here that Adam lived to be 930 years old now I've heard people try to dismiss this and try to say that people didn't really live that long and here's what they said they said, well maybe maybe the earth was going around the sun faster back then so years were just blowing by you know, because on certain planets years are shorter or longer has anybody ever heard that theory before? and they say no, no, no, no people weren't living to be that long it's just that the years were shorter back then you know, the earth was just whipping around the sun but the problem with that is that go to chapter 11 if you would we'll come back to this first of all, Genesis 5 records a guy begetting a child when he's 65 years old okay Genesis 11, look at Genesis 11 it says in verse 10, these are the generations of Shem Shem was 100 years old and begat Arphaxad 2 years after the flood and Shem lived after he begat Arphaxad 500 years and begat sons and daughters and Arphaxad lived 5 and 30 years and begat Selah now, here's a guy who's begetting a child he's living to be 400 and some years old his dad lived to be, what, how old? you know, 500 and some years and so, so basically he's having a child at 35 let's say, you know, they didn't really live that long it's just the years were 10 times shorter well then you got a guy having a kid when he's 3 and a half or 6 and a half years old that doesn't make sense well it was just 5 times shorter they were only living to be 200 well then you still, you got a 13 year old and an 8 year old having a kid that's garbage so don't try to twist the Bible they really lived to be 930 years and the years and years it was the same year that it is now God set up a year in Genesis 1 and he said he was going to use that as a timekeeper years have not changed they've always been similar length to what they are right now and so a year is a year and when it says that they lived 930 years they really did live to be 930 years old now I've heard other people say this they've said well before the flood they were able to live that long because the conditions were different before the flood and there was a canopy of water and so forth now I personally do not subscribe to that theory for a couple of reasons number 1 they kept living that long or close to that long even after the flood and you'll notice that in Genesis 11 if you look down at your Bible this guy lived after the flood 502 years ok? Shem 502 years so I mean he's still living long after the flood and if you look at his descendants here you've still got people in verse 15 you know he lived after he began Heber 403 years and then you see 430 years in verse 16 you see 430 years in verse 17 you see 209 years in verse 19 so you see it kind of tapers off it's like the people before the flood were living to be 800, 900 years old then after the flood it goes from being like 600, 500, 400 a couple generations go down and they're in the 200s now when you get to people like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob it seems like people are really fortunate if they're living to be in their late 100s you know the 175, 180, 147 those are some good old ages and then it gets to the time of when David is writing the Psalms he's saying that a man's year is a 3 score and 10 he's saying people live to be about 70 years old and if you're lucky you live 80 and that's about where we're at right now people live to be about 70 or 80 years old so I don't think that the flood was what really changed it because if you look at it people were still living pretty long even after the flood and it was like a gradual tapering down of ages in chapter 11 it wasn't just going from 900 to just constantly down to 100 I mean it took a long time to get down to where people were only living to be 80 and where it talks about people being really old when they're 80 like around David's time that's thousands of years later and the other reason that I don't believe in this water canopy shielding people from the sun and that's what made them live longer and making the atmosphere different the reason I don't believe in that is because the Bible talks about the waters above the firmament in Genesis chapter 1 but it also talks about the waters above the firmament in Psalm 148 or 147, somewhere around there so that shows that thousands of years later they still have the water above the firmament just like we have water in the atmosphere now and there doesn't seem to be a change in God's language about the water in the sky versus Genesis 1 versus Psalms thousands of years later so why did they live so long? well, I guess when God created Adam He created a perfect man in His image He created a perfect woman and I think that things have just degenerated over time it's all part of evolution things getting better and better and people are getting smarter and stronger I think it's just exactly the opposite I think that people started out I think that the prime specimen was Adam and he was the strongest, the smartest, the most intelligent not quite the longest, but that generation lived the longest and I think that our bodies and our genes and our genetics had just gone downhill since then you know, perhaps from the way that people have you know, who they've married and so forth you know, you mix the genes around and apparently there's been not an evolution, but a devolution everybody's going to the devil and so, evolution is false evolution is just, oh man, it's getting better and stronger and healthier it's not true because if you look back, if you study ancient history now I'm really a person who's interested in language so I love to study languages if you look at the oldest languages, they're the most complicated they're the hardest to learn and the later we get here the more simple languages are becoming upon this earth you look at ancient languages and they're very complex and even the English language let's face it, the English language of the King James Bible is more complex than what we speak today the Bible's too hard to understand, you're just too dumb and it's not God's fault that you're dumb He's not going to make the hop on pop version the Dr. Seuss version, because you don't know how to read because you don't know how to speak the language and you want to speak this dumbed down you know, LOL, TTYL you know, ROFL language of wait, what's up, yo God's too intelligent to talk in a dumbed down way just so that you can understand the Bible you need to get some smarts and you can get some smarts and learn the Bible and then you'll be just fine with the King James but if you go back before the King James languages were even more complicated before that now, if evolution were true then if you go back to these old languages thousands of years ago they'd be simple because it'd be a bunch of dumb hunter-gatherer cavemen saying, you know, me eat cow, yum me, me fight animal me hunt down, hoo hoo but wait a minute they had a more complicated language than we did if they were dumb, why would they be speaking in such a complex way? does it make any sense? the dumber you get, the less your vocabulary is the more simple your grammar is you see, the smarter you are the more complicated the grammar that comes out of your mouth you see, there are a lot of finer points in English grammar that a lot of people don't even know about so they don't use them they just pretty much use a basic past, present and future they don't get into all these other verb tenses and all these other grammatical constructions but people who are intelligent they use a more complex grammar and so, if evolution were true you'd go back to the origins of nations and you'd find very simple language but no, you'd find complicated language and not only that you'd find buildings that are huge that are unaccountable, like the pyramids things that they can't even explain how they did it Stonehenge, the pyramids all these great marvelous structures that supposedly people went from a million years of ooga booga to just all of a sudden they're building pyramids, Stonehenge doing all this stuff doesn't make any sense how could it happen? it couldn't happen and so it's a false doctrine that teaches evolution or theistic evolution or intelligent design evolution yeah, it's just not biblical and this is part of the evidence for that it's how people used to live longer now they're living shorter let's keep going here I'm going to skip some of this just because we already read the whole chapter but let's hit some highlights one of the reasons why this chapter is so interesting you say, ah, it's a boring chapter, why is it there? part of the reason is because we could use this to calculate exactly how much time passed between Adam and the flood because the Bible tells us that Adam lived to be a certain age and he had a son and then his son lived to be a certain age and then he had a son and you could easily do the math and come up with 1656 years give or take a little bit just because of months it doesn't go into the months but it gives us grounded off to the years 1656 years passed between Adam being created and between the flood that took place and then God gives us all kinds of other numbers we can trace from the flood to the children of Israel going to Egypt, onto Solomon's temple all the way through the end of the Old Testament and we can figure out how old the earth is and we can know that it's approximately 6245 years old and that tells us that God gave it to us in such detail for that reason now look at verse 21 of Genesis 5 it says Enoch lived 65 years and begat Methuselah now Methuselah is of course the man who lived longer than any other man reported in the Bible he lived to be 969 years old no one else in the Bible lived that old Adam only lived to be 930 but it says Enoch lived 65 years old and begat Methuselah verse 22 and Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah 300 years and begat sons and daughters all the days of Enoch were 365 years and Enoch walked with God and he was not for God took him now we'll get into that in a moment but I don't know if Enoch walked with God before he begat Methuselah the Bible makes a point to tell us that he walked with God after he begat Methuselah you know what I've noticed? having kids will get you to walk with God in many ways because suddenly you have a responsibility toward those children and I know that I walked with God a lot more after my son Solomon was born than I did before because it causes you to have to mature and you realize hey I'm not just responsible for myself but my actions are affecting my child and you look into a baby's face and it's just that pure innocent face that has not been defiled and corrupted with the things of this world and you look into that face and you want that child to grow up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord you don't want to be corrupted and polluted and so it really makes you rethink some of the stuff that you might have thought you know TV shows and movies and music you know it makes you really take a second look at that stuff because you don't want that stuff going into your child's mind and there's so many other reasons why having a child will cause you to mature and grow up and it's good for you and I think it's very good for you and I think that a lot of the problems people have in their marriages is from not having children I think that's part of the problem you say prove it, well the most common time to get divorced is within the first two years of marriage or within the first two years of your last child leaving the home that's the statistic my parents were divorced within two years of the last child leaving the home you know and most people that you know it's one of those two times those are the most common there are exceptions to that but those are the most common times when he would be divorced why? because children are something that bond the family together and they're a common bond that help bring closeness in the family contrary to what a lot of people will tell you that they'll drive a wedge they actually help the family and it helped Deon because he walked with God after he began Methuselah it doesn't record whether he did or not before that but he definitely did after that son was born and he raised that son in an urgent admonition to the Lord now how did Methuselah die? well Methuselah lived to be 969 years old now here's the interesting thing if you do the math he died the same year the flood took place so the question is how long was this guy going to live if he didn't drown in the flood? or did he die of natural causes and then the flood came? we don't really know now if he drowned in the flood good night, how old was he going to live to be? he already set the record so he was so old he might have just died of natural causes give the guy a break don't say that he drowned in the flood hey, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt if we're not sure I'm going to say he was a godly, righteous man no, this is my guess he was godly and righteous and he died of natural causes at 969 and then the flood came but we don't know, maybe he drowned in the flood and it says all the days of Enoch were 365 years in verse 24 and Enoch walked with God and he was not, or God, took him now when it says he was not that's a term that God uses as, you know, he was no longer alive he was no longer on this earth now go to Hebrews 11 Hebrews chapter 11 Hebrews chapter number 11 now that's a pretty interesting thing here that Enoch was not for God took him what does it mean God took him? well that's explained further in Hebrews 11 in verse 5 the Bible reads by faith, notice it doesn't say by works by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found because God had translated him for before his translation he had this testimony that he pleased God so because he walked with God and because he pleased God and because he had faith in God God chose for whatever reason to do this miraculous event where instead of him dying a normal death and his soul going to be with the Lord in heaven he just was not, God took him he did not see it he was just translated and the Bible uses that term translated about us saying that we've been translated from the kingdom of darkness under the kingdom of Jesus Christ we've been translated when we got saved and so that's what this picture is now go back if you would to Genesis 5 he was translated that he should not see death for before his translation he had this testimony that he pleased God what else do we know about Enoch? well the book of Jude records Enoch's preaching he was a preacher and the Bible says and Enoch also the seventh from Adam prophesied to be saying behold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints to execute judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him so he prophesied of Jesus Christ coming in Revelation 19 where he comes on the white horse and he comes with all the saints and he comes with how many ten thousands of his saints so a massive number and the Bible tells the first Thessalonians 3 he's coming with all of his saints you say why didn't he say millions? why is it ten thousands? well because the Bible doesn't really use the word millions it uses the word a thousand thousand more often it says a thousand thousand and thousands of thousands to refer to hundreds of millions or ten thousand times ten thousand I'm sorry he said that the angels were ten thousand times ten thousand ten thousand just seems to be a number that God likes to work with he said ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands and so he says he's coming with ten thousands of his saints he doesn't say how many ten thousands I'm sure it's millions based on other things in scripture I'm sure it's millions but he uses ten thousand ten thousands to refer to hundreds of millions why does God like the number ten thousand to work with? well because God is not this atheistic humanistic society we live in today that loves to talk about billions and trillions and quadrillions now you say why is that bad? well because whenever people are talking about billions and trillions and quadrillions it's usually bad it's usually like trillions of dollars that they're spending of our money or billions of dollars in debt right? I mean isn't that when you normally hear these numbers? or you'll hear these numbers billions of years ago billions of years ago trillions and trillions of years ago a quadrillion years ago so if it's not about our debt it's about this science falsely so called about billions of years ago but you know really in our daily lives I don't think you really need numbers like that very often if you think about it I mean those seem to roll off people's tongues a little too much now I realize there are legitimate uses for the term billion like hey there are seven billion people living in the world but you know it seems like the more often you deal with these numbers and you say well what do you have against those size numbers? well the thing I have against them is that you can't really wrap your mind around them for example you can't count to a million you can't count to a billion if you can't do a billion it would take you your whole life and you'd never get there even if you were counting all day every day do the math so these numbers are numbers that are much larger than what we can comprehend and yet we talk about them and throw them around you know when you get into numbers that size God just says it's like the sand in the sea you can't count it when there's a huge number of people in heaven God just says it's a multitude that no man can number can't count that high no one can count to a billion and that's how he says no man can number this number no man can count the stars no man can count the sand on the seashore so look why don't you just stick with ten thousand and when you get to ten thousand times ten thousand and you've got all that figured out and counted then come back to me and we'll talk about millions and billions I'm kind of joking around but you know what I mean and so he talks about ten thousands of saints coming to execute judgment upon an ungodly world he was the man who preached against ungodliness so we know very little about Enoch but we know that he walked with God we know that he had faith we know that he pleased God and we know that he preached hard against ungodliness and we know that he also preached hard about the second coming of Jesus Christ you say the second coming of Jesus Christ that's what he preached and so a pretty amazing guy he had a lot of revelation and knowledge from God even before the flood took place now some people will say that Enoch being translated they'll say you know hey this is a picture of the rapture have you heard people say that? now in many ways I agree because if you look at it when the rapture takes place in 1 Thessalonians 4 the Bible talks about then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together in the clouds but in 1 Corinthians 15 when he talks about the rapture he says this we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye so when he says we shall not all sleep think about what he said in 1 Thessalonians 4 about those who sleep in Jesus those are those who are dead the dead in Christ are called those asleep in Jesus so the Bible is saying we're not all going to sleep some people will be like Enoch in the sense that they will not die a physical death because if they are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord they will not die a physical death they will be changed or translated just like Enoch was translated they will be translated and so it is a picture of what is going to take place at the rapture it's a foreshadowing of the resurrection of the dead saints but also just the translation of the living now I've heard some people say that the two witnesses the two witnesses in the book of Revelation are Enoch and Elijah because of the fact that they're the only two guys that did not see death but were translated and so forth well, other people will say it's Elijah and Moses first of all, it could just be two guys that we've never heard of it doesn't have to be a reincarnation of a Bible character it could just be two new guys two new witnesses it doesn't have to be these people but not only that but the Bible doesn't really specifically tell us that Elijah did not see death but I guess we can infer that from the fact that he was just carried up in that chariot the fiery chariot, the whirlwind and so forth but wait a minute and this is what they said well those guys have to come back I heard somebody say this it's a point that a man wants to die they said and so Enoch has to die it's just not fair that he didn't die and Elijah didn't die so that's why those two have to come back and die but here's the thing about that what about all the people in the rapture? they're not going to come back and die so if it's just a point that a man wants to die everybody's going to die and so Enoch and Elijah are going to have to come back and die in Revelation 11 get real, that's ridiculous because there are going to be so many people going up in the rapture we don't know the number but a huge number of people that are going to be caught up in the clouds they're never going to die physically now I'd like to be in that crowd now we don't know if it's going to happen in our time or not if it's going to happen in our lifetime but hey it'd be pretty cool wouldn't it to not have to go through physical death just live all the way through and just look up in the sky see Jesus coming and be caught up in the clouds be like Enoch, that'd be great and so hopefully we will be the ones who can make it there and survive and do it otherwise it might be beyond us in a different generation so no question that Enoch represents the rapture there because that's exactly what's going to happen at the rapture but here's what I don't agree with people will say Enoch proves that the rapture is before the tribulation now here's some problems with that Enoch lived 65 years and began Methuselah he lived after he began Methuselah 300 years so all of his days were 365 years now let's do a little math here he lived 300 years after he began Methuselah okay when he was translated that he should not see death that means Methuselah was 300 years old how old was Methuselah when the flood happened? 969 so that's a really pre-tribulation rapture because the flood and the seven days that represents the tribulation so this is pre-trib that's way pre-trib that's 669 years early that's ridiculous okay long time yeah that's a really long time and not only that not only is that a really long time but see they make it sound like yeah he's raptured and then boom pre-tribulation no it was 669 just to put it in perspective what year was it 669 years ago? think about that I mean what are you in the, you'd be in the 1300s right? am I right about that? sometime in the, you know whatever you'd be, that's a long time ago for the rapture to be taking place okay that doesn't make any sense that's a bunch of false talk not only that but a lot of people they decide to just interpret the bible however they want they kind of decide what they believe and then they just find stuff to prop it up now look at Luke 17 quickly I don't want to spend a lot of time on this because I already spent a super long time on it last Wednesday night on my marathon sermon last Wednesday night Luke 17 let me just touch on this because they'll say hey Enoch being caught up that proves it's pre-trib well first of all it's one guy one guy whereas the rapture is going to be lots of people you know millions of people but not only that look what the bible clearly says in verse 26 but as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be also in the days of the son of man so he does relate the Noahic flood he does tie it in with the second coming of Christ and with the tribulation and these events he says they didn't eat they drank, they married wives they were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all likewise also as it was in the days of Lot they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold they planted, they built it but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom and rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all even thus shall it be in the day when the son of man is revealed so God says yes it will be like those days but guess who Jesus said represents the believer not Enoch because Enoch, listen to me Enoch did not live in the days of Noah he said as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the coming of man son of man news flash Enoch didn't live in the days of Noah you say well how did he even know because guess what Enoch was Noah's great grandfather that's why so Noah was not living in the days of Enoch but guess who was living in the days of Noah Noah and he represents the believers and he says it's going to be just like that just as Noah was entered into the ark which represented safety and refuge Noah was entered into the ark the same day the flood came and destroyed them all so the flood came and destroyed them all the same day that Noah got on the ark and he says it's the same thing with Sodom and Gomorrah he said the same day Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone so the same day Noah got into the ark it rained water the same day Lot got out of...not out of Dodge what is it...Sodom? the same day he got out of Sodom it rained fire the same day when Jesus comes he says it's going to be the same way look at the pattern the same day that we are taken out of this world the same day that we're caught up in the clouds God's going to rain fire and brimstone upon this earth just like he did with Noah with rain and water and just like he did with Sodom with fire and brimstone and the Bible is real clear on that you know you see the rapture take place after the tribulation after the sun and moon are darkened and you see in Matthew 24 the sun and moon are darkened Jesus comes in the clouds, the trumpet sounds in chapter 6 of Revelation you see the sun and moon darkened chapter 7 you see the great multitude appear in heaven of all the people who have been raptured and then in chapter 8 a half hour later now isn't that the same day? a half hour later he pours out fire and brimstone so this fairy tale of the Left Behind series that says oh everybody's going to be wondering where is everybody and not knowing what's happening no, they're going to be heading for cover because they got 30 minutes before fire and brimstone starts falling out of the sky and the same day Noah got out of the ark the same day not 7 days later no, and I was taught that growing up that Noah got in the ark and sat there for 7 days waiting and then it rained, no he started loading up the animals and everything 7 days in advance but the Bible clearly said right here in Luke 7 and it says back in Genesis 7 that the same day he got on the ark is when the flood came and the same day Lot who was the saved person living in Sodom got out of Sodom and rained fire and brimstone hey, the same day that we're caught up in the clouds God will rain fire on this earth that is not jive with pre-tribulation rapture doctrine which says everybody's going to disappear nobody's going to know where they were it's a big secret rapture hey, 30 minutes later fire's coming out of the sky there's nothing secret about that it's a false doctrine and look, did Noah escape tribulation? did Noah escape persecution? that's what tribulation means study your Bible did Lot escape persecution? he was being attacked by Sodomites angels had to step in and miraculously protect him from being attacked and physically assaulted but he was spared the judgment and wrath of God we will not be here when God pours out his wrath on this earth but we will be here for the tribulation we're going through tribulation right now but we're going to go through even greater tribulation when the real great tribulation comes and then the rapture then God pours out his wrath and so forth so go back to Genesis 5, let's finish up so bottom line is this you can't just take stories and just make them mean whatever you want well I think Enoch represents this and I think this proves this well it doesn't matter what you think it matters what Jesus said it means and Jesus said Noah is a picture of the timing of when the rapture takes place versus the judgment coming from God Noah is the picture is Enoch a picture of the rapture? absolutely, but was he living in the days of Noah? no, 669 years early he was that prototype had nothing to do with the timing of the rapture in regards to the tribulation, the wrath of God and so forth let's finish this up in Genesis 5 we see of course Enoch begets Methuselah, begets Lamech Lamech begets Noah and the Bible reads in verse 28 and Lamech lived 182 years and begat his son and he calls his name Noah saying this same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands because at the ground is the Lord hath cursed so Lamech prophesied about an infant about a baby, about a child and just said this same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands because of the ground which the Lord hath cursed what does that mean? well they're struggling to produce crops they're struggling to feed themselves because God had placed a curse on the ground when Adam and Eve sinned God cursed the earth and said it's going to bring forth thorns and thistles to you and you're going to have to work by the sweat of your brow it's going to be very difficult for you to be able to get things to grow out of the ground well Lamech makes this pronouncement upon the birth of Noah saying this same will comfort us and that it has to do with the earth being cursed look at the fulfillment of that prophecy at the end of Genesis 8 the Bible reads in Genesis 8 what does Lamech say Noah was going to do? he was going to comfort them concerning the work and toil of their hands because the Lord had cursed the ground look at Genesis 8 20 the Bible reads and Noah built an altar unto the Lord and took of every clean beast, of every clean fowl and offered burnt offerings on the altar and the Lord smelled a sweet saber and the Lord said in his heart I will not again curse the ground anymore for man's sake so are we still today living with the same cursed earth that Adam was living with and Seth and Enos and Kainan and Mahalel and Jared? no it was worse before the flood now sure weeds grow but it's not that hard to get things to grow today you know now we live in Arizona it's pretty hard to get anything to grow but there are a lot of places in this earth where it's not so hard but the bottom line is when God smelled the sweet saber of Noah's sacrifice Noah worshipping him and making supplication to him he lifted that curse and said I will not again curse the ground anymore for man's sake for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth he's just saying look I understand man is a sinner he's going to continue to sin but because of Noah's life I'm going to not curse him anymore neither will I again smite anymore everything living as I have done while the earth remaineth seedtime and harvest and cold and heat and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease now I don't want to steal my thunder of chapter 8 but let me just quickly say this a lot of people teach that when Jesus Christ draws out his wrath on this earth in the book of Revelation they teach that every unbeliever will be killed now this is what most people that I've heard teach about prophecy they say wipe out every unbeliever only the saved will go into the millennium that's not true because right here he promises he's never more going to wipe out everybody because in the flood he wiped out everybody except for who? the people who got on the ark which represents salvation but you see there will be unsaved people who survive the wrath of God he talks about wiping out a third of the population and then in chapter 19 he wipes out the great army that assembles with the antichrist but that's only the army that he wipes out it's not every human being living upon the earth at that time and so there will be unsaved people who survive all that if not taking the mark of the beast and they've made it through it and that's when we're going to be ruling and reigning over in the millennium we're going to rule and reign with Christ because a lot of people will say well if everybody's saved going into the millennium who are all these people rebelling a thousand years later? well if you stop and think about it if everybody's saved they neither in the resurrection those who've been saved and gone through the wrath they neither marry nor are given in marriage and so that doesn't hold water God's not going to destroy everybody again he's going to destroy a lot of people he's not going to send a flood he's going to set fire and brimstone he's going to kill a lot of people but he's not going to make a full end of mankind that's what he did in the days of Noah he's not going to do it again and so one more quick thing the last verse of Genesis 5 the Bible reads and Noah was five hundred years old and Noah begat Shemhem and Japheth now some people have said well they're triplets but they were not triplets the Bible often gives a list of children it gives an age and then a list of children same thing when it talks about Terah giving birth to Abraham if you study your Bible and you do the math it lists three children that Terah gave birth to Abraham was born seventy years later he had those three in succession now we know that his son Shem was not the firstborn he was listed first because he was the one who inherited the blessing of being the firstborn because of the fact that Ham sinned and because Ham sinned he lost his position and so God gives Shem the position of preeminence there sort of like Ephraim and Manasseh he switched their order and the elders served the younger same thing with Jacob and Esau the elders served the younger that's what happened with Shemhem and Japheth because the Bible tells us that Noah if you study your Bible and I'm not going to do the math for the sake of time but Shem was actually born when Noah was five hundred and two years old if you do the math and it talks about that in Genesis chapter eleven you can compare numbers in Genesis eleven and Genesis five and see that Noah was five hundred and two years old when he began Shem so he had Ham and Shem and Japheth we don't know exactly when Japheth was born but stop and think about this remember earlier I talked about how the years were real years not like the earth was spinning on the sun faster well this proves that they were real years because if he's having children two years apart if he's been getting Ham and then two years later he's been getting Shem that's about the distance between two pregnancies I don't see any record of Noah having multiple wives in fact he gets on the ark with one wife three sons and their wives no mention of him having a multiple wife or multiple wives he was a godly man, he had one wife he got on the ark with his one wife and if you notice that my children I have six children and the seventh is on the way they're all spaced approximately two years apart that's a pretty natural spacing and so if this was some kind of one fifth of a year or one tenth of a year then that would mean that they were like four months apart or two months apart well guess what, that doesn't work that's not physically possible and so let's put our eyes and have a word of prayer Father thank you so much for this chapter a lot of people skimmed over this chapter and thought it was boring because of the genealogy but there were a lot of things that we could learn from it and study from it and help us to keep on learning and studying to show ourselves approved unto you and help us to apply these truths to our life and understand the importance of the doctrines of the second coming and the doctrines of the creation of the world and the flood these are vital doctrines and help us not to be carried about with every wind of false doctrine in Jesus' name we pray