(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) If you remember last week we kind of touched upon this because in chapter 10 we see some of the set up or the prologue to the story of the Tower of Babel. But in Genesis chapter 11 verse 1 the Bible reads and the whole earth was of one language and of one speech and it came to pass as they journeyed from the east that they found the plane in the land of Shinar and they dwelt there. Now the word they is used three times in verse number 2. Who is the they referring to? Well if we go back to verse 1 it says the whole what? The whole earth was of one language and of one speech. So in chapter 11 verse 2 when the Bible used the word they it's talking about the people. And so when Genesis 11 and 1 says the earth was of one language and of one speech obviously he's talking about the people on the earth. Now the reason that that's significant and I'm just reviewing this quickly from last week I don't want to go on and on about it because I went on and on about it last week. But if you jump back to chapter 10 verse 25 go to Genesis 10 25 the Bible reads and of the Eber were born two sons. The name of one was Pele for in his days was the earth divided and his brother's name was John 10. Of course people have had theories that that's talking about God breaking apart the continents and Pangea and all that. But the bottom line is that God uses the same words the earth and the word divided about what he did at the Tower of Babel because if you jump down to verse 32 the Bible reads these are the families of the sons of Noah after their generations in their nations and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood. The nations were divided according to the families of the sons of Noah. Then in the next verse Genesis 11 1 it says and the whole earth was of one language and of one speech and then it talks about how he's going to divide them. They were all united they were all of one speech they're divided. Now if you add up the ages of the people that are listed later in Genesis 11 of course we just read the whole genealogy you add up the number it turns out that Pele was born a hundred years after the flood. A hundred years after the flood started okay. I'm sorry 101 years after the flood started but a hundred years after they got off the ark because the flood had them stuck on the ark for a year and so therefore a hundred years after the flood is when the earth was divided is when the Tower of Babel took place. Now people who think that the earth was divided that doesn't make any sense also because how would a guy who's living here okay know that continents are drifting apart thousands and thousands of miles away and say oh I think I'm going to name my son Pele because of that. Obviously he named his son Pele because he experienced the events of the Tower of Babel and that's what we're going to get into. Now the Bible reads in verse 1 and the whole earth was of one language and of one speech so everybody spoke the same language and it came to pass as they journeyed from the east they referring to all of the people of the earth everybody and of course it started out with just eight people because God sent a flood that there was a worldwide flood and then there were eight people that got off the ark Noah, Noah's wife, his three sons and their three wives those eight people stayed together and then they had children and reproduces and so forth but still that group stayed together nobody spread out nobody went abroad they all stayed together they all journeyed together to the east the whole earth every human being you start with eight people multiplied into many hundreds of people and these many hundreds of people it says in verse number two it came to pass as they journeyed from the east that they found a plane in the land of Shinar and they dwelt there and they said one to another go to let us make brick and burn them thoroughly and they had brick for stone and slime had they for mortar and they said go to let us build us a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven and let us make us a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth now you notice the people of the earth did not want to be scattered abroad they said we don't want to separate we don't want to be scattered abroad we all want to stay together now God told them to replenish the earth they're supposed to fill the earth yet they're deciding we all want to be united we all want to stay together we want to make a name for ourselves we want to have an identity we want to be one nation one name one identity we don't want there to be any division here we all want to be united and the bible says in verse five the Lord came down to see the city of the tower which the children of men built it and the Lord said behold the people is one now we might look at this today with all of our brainwashing and think this sounds great it's great we all can be united and we're all joined together and we're all one we're all united now that sounds great but according to God it's not great because when God came down and saw what they were doing it said the people is one and they have all one language and this they begin to do what is it that they're beginning to do building a city building a tower not spreading out not dividing just staying together and watch this and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do go to let us go down and there confound their language that they may not understand one another's speech so the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth and they left off to build the city therefore is the name of the call babble because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth so did God desire that they would all stay together and be united and be one he said the people's one and that's a bad thing he said I'm going to scatter them abroad I'm going to divide them is the word that you use in Genesis 10 32 and the word that you use in regard to peeling he said I'm going to divide the people I'm going to scan them abroad upon the face of the earth I don't want them to be all united now one of the reasons that he said he didn't want them all united is because if they were all united that nothing would be restrained from them that they've imagined to do it I'm going to get to that in a moment but why is it that God looks down and sees everybody united one name one nation and thinks that there's a problem with that well whether we agree with it or not or whether we understand why he had a problem with that or not the simple fact is that he did have a problem with it it was not will that they all be one nation he wanted there to be separate nations he wanted there to be division he wanted people to be scattered abroad that's what he wanted and it's still what he wants today now people will say well how do you know that well because God never changes why would God all of a sudden in 2012 want 7 billion people even way more than what we have here be all united speaking one language and having one name why would he want that now that is the world that we are going into today and that's why the bible talks a lot about the word babylon in regard to end times prophecies because babel is the precursor of babelon that's where the word babelon comes from it comes from the tower of babel it's the same city it's the same place now we are heading toward that today there is an agenda today to take us toward that one language one name and think about this you'll hear terms today like being a citizen of this planet you'll hear terms like the global village or you'll hear who's heard that term before you know i remember when i first got our first computer when i was a young child and my parents got a computer and it's the first computer we ever ran our house and it was an apple macintosh computer and i remember that if you wanted to send faxes you used a program it was called global village and that's how you send faxes on the apple pc global village now you i never thought anything of it but then later i thought about it and i thought to myself you know that's what we're headed toward a global community a global village and it you know it's such a it's such an oxymoron because a village is something that's just a small town and a globe contains seven billion people but this global village mentality this mentality that is telling us that you know we're all members of the same human race and so therefore we are all you know just part of the human experience and and you know what you'll hear people refer to this the species now i don't want to be called the species number one i'm not an animal yeah so i'm not a species don't tell me i'm a mammal i don't need to you know i'm a human being i have my own category my own class is i'm not going to share it with a duck billed platypus i'm a human being i'm not a mammal i'm not homo sapiens i'm hetero sapiens if anything but i'm not even that i'm a human being i'm a man and and i'll tell you right now i don't just share this common bond with everybody on the planet because we're all the same species no and another thing is that people will say hey we're all god's children well that's not true either because the bible teaches that as many as received him to them gave me power to become the sons of god that means they were not previously the sons of god and when they believed on jesus christ they become the sons of god and so no we're not all god's children no we are not all the same species no we are not all members of the global village and the global community or how about this the world community i mean you hear these terms every day if you're into the news i haven't listened to the news in weeks and weeks i'm kind of living in a bubble a little bit but thank god but i'll tell you right now that term world community you'll hear that all the time or how about this term united nations isn't that kind of what we're looking at here one people one name and and look names are really really important and today we think oh you know i guess shakespeare has taught us that a rose by any other name would not be any less beautiful you know Romeo or Juliet or whoever said that uh yes it would because names matter the name of our church has meaning and it matters it's called faithful word baptist church for a reason it's not just we had to come up with something no it has a lot of meaning packed in now you say why'd you pick that name i just wanted the maximum meaning in four words that i could jam into it because honestly i want a name to tell something about who we are i want people to look at the name of our church and not be scratching their head you know tempe community church i wonder what that's i wonder what they believe i want them to look at it and get some idea of what we believe and who we are names matter god names things in the bible and god changes things he changes the name of people he changes the name of things so names didn't matter why does god make such a special emphasis about saying hey i'm going to change your name from this to this why did he make such a big deal and say you're going to call this baby's name jesus he didn't say name it whatever you want he said the baby's name is going to be called jesus he said the baby's name is going to be called john the baptist and people tried to name him zechariah after the name of his father they said no his name is john it must be john there was a man sent from god whose name was john and it had to be that way jesus had to be named jesus it was ordained by the angel it was a commandment thou shalt call his name jesus names matter they have meaning they have significance you know even uh people come up with a softer name for sin you know you call it adultery like the bible calls it or you can call it an affair you know you can give it these soft titles to try to make it sound like it's not as bad and so names and what we call things matter and so when you hear things like world community we're all part of the species we're all in this together we're all you know uh you know uh i don't really i don't know i guess i'm just not globalistic enough to to just be able to flow at the mouth all the different things but you know what i'm talking about there's so much more than i can say right now that i'm drawing a blank but we hear it all the time god's not in it in fact it's of the devil because what we see today is a repeat of battle yeah we see a one world nation a one world government now part of what's facilitating this is technology now i don't think the technology in and of itself is a bad thing there were all kinds of great godly kings in the bible who invented all kinds of machines for warfare and god acted like that was a good thing that they were doing and i don't think that we should uh live in in uh in in conditions where we don't use any technology i don't think that there's anything wrong with technology in fact some technology can be used for good like for example we can get in the car and we can go soul winning in places that we would normally never be able to reach we'd be able to do a small town soul winning or or we wouldn't even be able to do so what do we do here uh for example i can use a telephone to stay in touch with my wife when i'm on a long trip and have a better relationship with my wife and not just be gone and have no contact i can uh put up my sermons and upload them on the internet and then upload them on the videos and the audio and and people all over the world can listen to godly bible preaching but of course technology can be used for good or evil because technology also brings all kinds of sinful things into people's home on their computer you can go on the internet and on the computer and you can go to faithful word baptist and listen to the preaching and and you can go on there and you know what i downloaded the whole bible in audio in hungarian language it's helping me tremendously to have that resource and it's amazing because when i first started learning foreign languages about 12 years ago 13 years ago when i really started getting serious about learning foreign languages you would have to travel to another country to even purchase a bible in that language or you'd have to write a letter to a missionary and send them some money and say hey can you send me a bible i mean when you were in that country you'd have to buy materials and books now you just order it on amazon so easy you find free the bible audio in all these different languages and there's so many good things you can do with it but there are a lot of bad things you can do with it and one of the bad things that is a result of the technological world that we live in is it's uniting the world the same hollywood movie that comes out in california is being watched all over the world in all different countries it's being translated into german it's being translated into french it's being translated into spanish it's being translated into dutch and what happens is everybody's watching the same movie well now they all have something in common yeah they all think the same way they all laugh at the same jokes they're all developing a lot of the same clothing styles i mean it used to be different countries had dramatically different clothing but now you can travel all over the world and see people dressed you know pretty much the same in a lot of places we're all starting to share the same clothing styles we're all starting to share the same language it's the english language i mean the english language is being taught younger and younger in foreign countries you go to europe now i mean they're starting kids in first grade with english i went soul winning in norway and literally one out of three people probably spoke fluent english when i was knocking doors probably one out of three two out of three didn't speak it but even the two out of three who didn't speak it they know certain words they know a little bit they learned it in school they did kind of like you learned spanish in school you know you don't you can't speak it that's kind of what they do but anyway there are all kinds of things that we can see happening today that are pointing toward this where we see people now you know they can just get on a video i mean my father-in-law is visiting right now from europe and he literally can talk to his family on a video and see them they see him he sees them and it's free totally free it used to be you pay a fortune just to have the audio of a phone call and it sounded bad it was bad reception there were a few seconds of delay and you were paying a fortune to have that five minute phone call that ten minute phone call nowadays it's free it's a video it's crystal clear it's audio it's it's it's instantaneous i mean we are so connected the news media is in every country and they're reporting the same news to every person and we see that the governments of our world are literally becoming like the states of the united states of america i mean think about it the 50 states have their own government but then there's the federal government that has way more power than the state governments and it's getting to the place now where the government of germany or the government of france or the government of spain is is similar to the government of like california arizona nevada and it's all part of not the united states but the united nations we hear more and more about the international criminal court this month it that's being promoted and pushed right now march 2012 amongst the young people it's being promoted oh the international court needs to arrest all these criminals and that goes back to world war ii is where that came about you know the the trying war criminals and obviously those were wicked uh evil people but but what we have now is an international court that's a world government that's an international judicial branch and so it's just an incremental move toward the one world government which is going to culminate in revelation 13 with the antichrist ruling the whole world revelation 17 10 kings of the world over their 10 regions giving all their power under the antichrist one world government total cashless society total control total enslavement total martyrdom of christians except thank god for the second coming of jesus christ he's going to come in the clouds and the bible says except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened jesus christ will come in the clouds before we've all been killed but many will be killed before he comes to the class and so this may happen in our lifetime and in fact i'm almost wondering you know i don't want to be surprised if it doesn't you know i don't know though maybe it will be later but when i see that the wickedness and the filth of our society you know we're getting pretty bad and we're getting toward this godless uh babel tower now while i'm on that same subject let me touch upon this verse here because i i think this is a very significant statement that god made in verse number six let's look at this it says the lord said behold the people is one and they have all one language we see the english language taking over and and even beyond that we see small languages falling away and dying out welch gaelic these are languages that are starting to matter less and less the native american languages we see them fading away disappearing and we see just it conglomerating into just big language groups chinese used to be just thousands of unintelligible dialects and now it's all kind of being conglomerated and so forth and then english is kind of the main language that everybody's going to speak or at least to some degree to some level but then we just have other small languages dying out that's not god's plan you know because this is all part of the babel system okay now he says they all have one language and this they begin to do and this is the key phrase i really want to drive home tonight and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do that's why god steps in now go back to genesis three and you're going to find a very similar concept in genesis three genesis chapter number three you'll find a similar concept it says in genesis chapter three verse 22 this is after man is eaten of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil the bible says the lord god said behold the man is become as one of us to no good and evil who's the us well it's the god the father god the son and god the holy ghost he says the man has become as one of us to no good and evil and now lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever therefore the lord god sent him forth from the garden of evil why was adam kicked out of the garden to be because god does not want him to have the knowledge that god had and also to be able to live forever like god lives god does not want man to have the power that god has yeah he does not want him to happen he does not want man to become too powerful and when man had too much knowledge and he also had eternal life by eating of the tree of life god said the man's become like one of us and that's a problem yeah god will not share his glory with another god will not allow others to approach unto his level that's why satan was cast down because the bible said that satan said in his heart in isaiah chapter 14 i will be like the most high he said i will sit in the sun i'm going to be like god i'm going to be a mormon i'll be a latter-day saint and be my own god my own planet god will not allow man to become too powerful and when he looked at man in the garden living forever and having the knowledge of good and evil he said no i'm going to kick him out of the garden he will not even the tree of life he will die immortal death physically and here we see when all of man was united he said well nothing's going to be restrained from them what's it imagine to do they have too much power they need to be restrained from having that much power and so i'm going to scatter them and divide them that way they will have less power they will have less ability to accomplish what they want to accomplish now i believe that today man is seeking to become like god and he's becoming way too much like god and i think that god right now is sitting in heaven and looking down and saying behold the man has started to become like under one of us go to now you know it's time to bring things to a close that's why i think that jesus christ will probably come back in our lifetime now i don't know it's going to be 100 years from now i don't know not pretending to know when it is but the reason that i would tend to believe that jesus christ would come back in our lifetime is because the technology is getting so ridiculous right yeah that i can't see how god would be sitting up in heaven saying the man's become becoming like that i mean when the technology is out there now where they're now you know modifying plants and animals that's treading on god's territory right there when you start designing in a laboratory and now of course man can't create life all he can do is take what god made and just pervert it change it and let me tell you something anytime man takes what god made and changes it i promise you what god made was better than what man makes now man might make something that he thinks is oh look it's bigger oh look it grows more and produces more yeah but the nutrition is gone you know or it has horrible side effects see when god looked at what he made is very good you can't improve on it you cannot improve upon the fruits and vegetables that god created you cannot improve upon the animals that he made you are tampering with things that you don't understand and you are in way over your head when you're working with things like that but we see that there's one sign of man becoming like god as we saw in genesis 3 and genesis chapter 11 also the fact that god one of the attributes of god this is one of his key attributes is that the eyes of the lord are in every place beholding the good and evil man is seeking to do the same thing through video cameras and through cctv and in in this in the country of england for example you walk down the streets of london you're on cctv every step that you take not just businesses and we know that when we walk into businesses we're on all kinds of video cameras but even just walking down the street and even in tempe i've seen a mobile police trailer that has a whole bunch of cameras they just park at places and it just says it's a it's a mobile surveillance unit but what we're looking at is just the early stages are you hearing me the 500 dome cameras in walmart that's just the early stages the camera looking at you at the atm machine you say well that's for security i know it's for security i know it's for red lights i know it's for controlling your speed i know it's for shoplifting but it doesn't matter the end result is that eventually everything's on camera everything's being watched and you say well you know but they can't sit there and watch everybody all the time what do you think they're all sitting in rooms watching everybody else no it's all being recorded yeah it's all being cataloged it's all being put on hard drives it's all being cataloged and now with facial recognition technologies it's being cataloged and indexed by you so yeah they don't have to watch everybody all the time but let's say they just want to watch or let's say even retroactively let's see what steve anderson's been doing for the past five years and they can basically pull up where my license plate has been read by all these license plate reading cameras and there aren't a whole lot of them out there right now but they're more and more the technology's getting cheaper and cheaper i mean now you walk into the fries electronics i mean you just walk into a basic electronics store and your laptop's got a thumb scan and a retina scan and it's a cheapy laptop it's not even the high-end stuff i mean you can buy a cheapo laptop and of course it's got a thumb scan of course it's got facial recognition i was looking at a left i was like six or seven hundred bucks you open the laptop you don't need a password it just looks at you and it knows that you're you i mean it's not even a thumb scan it's not even a redness kit it just looks at you and it just knows it's you and if it's not you somebody else opens it they need a password but when you open it the webcam right there built in just sees you and it just knows that it's you because it can tell by the distance even if you have a beard or you shave your beard it still knows it's you that's good with or without makeup it knows it's you in an haircut it knows it's you because it looks at the distance your eyes are apart and your nose and your cheekbones and your jaw and your mouth and it just knows that's weird and it's been and this technology's been out there for a long time that's why it's getting so cheap and it's getting more and more prevalent i mean think about this they can already pretty much track what you do by what you spend i mean if they wanted to look at a map and see where i've been just look at my bank statement you know if the irs ever wanted to question my mileage log all they'd have to do to verify my mileage log because i you know i keep a mileage log for for a company vehicle or not you know not a company vehicle but a vehicle that i use for business i keep a miles off all you gotta do is pull out my bank statement and it shows exactly where i've been every time i swipe my card for gas for food for a hotel it's all there you can just see exactly where i've been what time every receipt has the time and the second that i was buying that burrito the second that i ordered that pizza the split second that i ordered that sausage egg and cheese on a croissant at panera break i mean they know exactly what you're doing and it's like god he knows he's always watching you he looks at us his eyes are everywhere well their eyes are everywhere too think about that so many other ways that our government is becoming like god not only tampering with and creating new types of plants and animals not only having their eyes everywhere beholding the good and evil not only are they doing those type of things but they're getting to where they want to read your mind now now that's really weird yeah and you say that will never happen that's impossible but you know what the technology already exists today and you know once these things come out they pick up speed and right now people can literally put on a helmet or whatever an apparatus or some kind of a monitor on their head this already exists and they can think and make words appear on a screen you know they're using this for people that have disabilities they're handicapped to be able to put the words on the screen look it up this is and you won't have to go to some conspiracy website not that i don't visit those you you don't you can go and just find all the mainstream articles just saying hey isn't this wonderful for the handicap that this guy can just think and words are appearing on the screen now look obviously that's a far cry from being able to just completely read your mind but that's their goal that's what they're working on and they're getting closer and closer to it because your brain works off electricity and there are things going on and they can read that and they can see what's going on and maybe getting more and more accurate and to the point and i talked to this guy one time on an airplane and this was one of the scariest conversations i ever had i talked to this guy for hours and he was really into technology he was really into science and you know if you get around these real science geeks and these real math nerd computer geeks it's like a religion you know who knows what i'm talking about it is a religion yes sir the big bang is the creation story for them and the bible is their science textbook and and i mean these guys are really into this and and then you know i'm with this guy who's really into this stuff and i mean they write books and magazines and stuff about this it's out there and here's what they say and hey maybe this is far-fetched i'm just saying this is the kind of stuff that they want to do i'm not saying they're going to be able to do it this is what they want to do because this guy on the plane he explained it to me and he showed me a magazine about it and everything and i'm not saying they're going to do this okay because i think god's going to say go to now way before this happens okay but anyway this is what he said that they're going to do he said right now there is no computer on the planet as powerful as the human mind and i i believe that and it's true it's a fact and they even have it calculate you know how many processes you can do per second versus the fastest most powerful computer that the government has they said right now there's no computer on the planet as powerful as the human mind but they said in such and such the year you know the way things are going we will have a computer that's as fast and as powerful as the human mind obviously won't be human it won't have free will but it can do as much as the human mind can do and then he said in this and that year it'll go way beyond what the human mind can do and he said this he said eventually what will be able to happen is that basically robots will exist like an android like a human being that's actually a machine that would actually be able to perform the functions that a human being can do and he said this they could actually and again i know this is spark edge i know this is ridiculous this isn't what i need to do this isn't what i believe i'm just telling you about what i heard on an airplane okay i'm telling you about what these computer geeks they're really into this these science nerds these guys that have never got the tan these guys that are just in a dark room all day the only tan they're getting and by the way i'm going to invent something new i'm going to make a fortune i'm going to make a computer screen that tans you think about that you know like tanning you it's a computer screen that that way these computer geeks can get a little bit of color get a little sun because you know they just like locked up in a room all day with that machine with that computer and it's dark and their skin keeps getting wider and wider a computer screen that tans you is it already out there i'm gonna make a fortune with this yeah it's gonna be patented and i'm gonna i just made my fortune right now during the sermon but anyway i'm tanning computer screen for geeks but anyway he said this he said don't you be able to scan your brain okay scan your brain and you know what else is in your brain all your memory everything you remember from your whole life everything about you it's all stored in your brain this is what the guy's saying scan your brain and just download that to like a hard drive okay then you can index it you can search it okay or how about this and then put it into one of these machines it's awfully quiet in here and then this machine has all your it thinks it's you i mean it's got all the machine it's got all the memory it's got all the the the knowledge it's got all the experiences that you've had and they literally think that this is their path toward eternal life this is eternal life because they can just transfer who they are into a machine and live forever and then from another machine i mean i know it's bizarre but this is the kind of stuff this is the line just that's just kind of a an idea of how they think okay and and look i do not believe and i told the guy that was next to me on the airplane he was telling me all about this and he was talking about how it brings up all these moral concerns are these robots gonna have rights are these machines when these machines are smarter than people are they gonna have these rights or whatever and you know it's artificial intelligence that's what they call it that's the term i took him to genesis 3 and i took him to genesis 11 and i told him i said i don't think it's gonna get there i said god's not gonna let it get there god's not gonna let man become like him he didn't allow it in genesis 3 he didn't allow it in genesis 11 so wipe the sweat from your brow because what i just explained because i mean if that was really gonna happen that's that seriously though doesn't that i mean that scares me to death to even talk about it it's so weird it's so scary it's it's freaking me out right now but thank god it's not gonna happen because he's gonna say go to now let's put a stop to this right now why because as soon as the people becomes one you know and the anti-christ takes over it's only going to be a very short time before jesus christ comes and puts it up to it now did the lord put a stop to it at the tower of babel when it happened oh yeah guess what he's going to put a stop to it when it happens the second time it's called the second coming of jesus christ he stopped it the first time by confounding the languages he'll stop it the second time by coming into clouds pouring out his rack natural disasters supernatural cataclysm that he's going to pour out anyway that's interesting but let's let's hurry up and move on i got anybody else on the plane anymore i gave him the gospel i gave that guy the gospel okay and so uh he claimed he was already saved and he wasn't really a he wasn't really a firm believer in this stuff he had just read a lot about it and was thinking about it and when i showed him that he he tended to agree with me when i showed him genesis 3 because he claimed to be a bible believing christian when i showed him genesis 3 and genesis 11 he said well yeah no that makes sense so he scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of the earth and they left off to build the city therefore his name is called babel that's where we get our word babbling spelled differently but when we say somebody's babbling it means they're saying things that don't really make any sense they're not intelligible well this is what happened at the tower of babel you probably already know what happened but let me just break it down to you while they're building the city and the tower god confused their languages so imagine you know you go to ask somebody for a hammer or something and you turn over to them and it's like you know like what because he didn't confound it from spanish to italian you know what i mean he confounded them i mean think about how different like chinese is from english from like an african click language you know i mean from welch i mean this is very different so they couldn't build they couldn't stay together because people cannot be united listen to me now they can't be united without a common language you cannot have unity when you don't speak the same language isn't that a lesson we can learn here yeah the people have unity did god want them to have unity no no so what did he do to stop the unity confound their languages so let me ask this is our church going to have unity if we speak different languages no no now i've been to churches and this is why we don't have a spanish church inside of our church now uh a lot of churches do a lot of baptist churches especially in an area like phoenix they'll have a they call it a spanish ministry and it's basically a completely separate service in a separate language that's meeting on sunday morning sunday night wednesday night you know maybe on the same property but just maybe in another room or another building and i've been asked so he doesn't why don't you have a spanish church why don't you have a spanish ministry because here's the thing i don't believe that a church can have unity when half the church speaks one language and half the church speaks another language that's right how can the church be unified god said here you're not unified if i can break up your language i consider that to different churches now you might have the same name on a piece of paperwork somewhere and the same name on the sign and the same name on the tracks but if you've got a church over here and what's the word church mean congregation assembly if you've got an assembly over here speaking spanish and you've got an assembly albeit in the same building but in a completely different room an assembly speaking english and the twain never meet i mean they can't talk to each other they can't communicate they're not unified whatsoever and god says so many times we need to have unity in the church unity in the body of christ he doesn't want the whole earth to be unified because then you're you're unifying good with evil there were good and there are evil people that's the problem with unity worldwide that's the problem with the global village you're uniting righteous people with unrighteous people but in the church we're supposed to all be saved and blood washed born again children of god and so we're supposed to have unity but how can you have unity and here's what i say i say it's two different churches i say it's two churches meeting in one building that's what i said and one church is controlling the other and i don't believe that that's right because i believe churches should be independent this is an independent church now what is not wrong is let's say there were there were someone here translating my preaching let's say i'm up here preaching and a spanish person is brought in or someone of another language and somehow that the sermon is being translated unto them that is biblical that is first parenthesis 14 having someone translate the sermon to someone of a foreign language but having a whole full-blown separate service that's a totally different language though that's not a unified church that's two separate churches so i wouldn't have a problem with somebody doing that across the street but it but i would put that guy the guy who's preaching over there sunday morning sunday night he's he's the boss over there and i would have him financially connected or or otherwise connected with faithful word baptist church his faithful word baptist church the church that speaks english and if there's somebody here who's deaf or somebody here who's of a foreign language and someone interprets for them and does sign language for them or or or verbally interprets for them for example let's say my father-in-law was here and my wife is you know explaining the sermon to him in hungarian or something like that fun but it you know having a totally separate church and calling it faithful word if it ain't english it ain't faithful work okay because you know that's the language that we speak now i speak several languages but i'm not going to sit there and have a different service in a different language because then it would be like two different churches be like me pastoring two different assemblies and that's not something i'm going to do and so i just wanted to touch on that quickly man there's a fun stuff i want to get to i'm running out of time here let me just blow through a couple of quick points of course we've got this genealogy we touched on this last week we proved we added up the numbers and showed that p-lang was born 100 years after they got off the ark and we talked about that i'm running out of time let me just touch on one last thing go to verse 12 this is the last thing i want to touch upon we already read all the rest of the chapter and you know the end of the chapter talks about abraham and introduces who he is we'll talk about him next week because from genesis 12 on it's going to be all about abraham isaac and jacob and the 12th patriarchs that's what the whole rest of the book of genesis is about and so we're kind of getting through this preliminary stuff and then genesis 12 through 50 we're going to be talking about abraham all day long so we'll not touch on that tonight uh genesis 11 12 says and our facts had lived five and thirty years and begat salah you say why are you pointing out that specific verse well because there's something interesting about that verse keep your finger in genesis 11 go to luke chapter 3 luke chapter number three now i'll tell you right now just i'm just going to come right out and tell you exactly what i believe about this is that i believe that every word of god is pure he is a shield unto them to put their trust in him meaning i do not believe god's word has been contaminated in any way jesus said heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away he said it is easier he said till heaven and earth passed he said one jot or one tittle shall in no wise fail from the law till all be fulfilled he said uh many times throughout the bible that he would preserve his word and that god's word is pure that it's the truth and unknown so i believe that god's word is without error it's perfect the bible is perfect the bible is the perfect word of god it has no mistakes in it now not only do i believe the bible has no mistakes in it i believe that in 2012 it is possible to have access to god's word with no mistakes in it does anybody believe that amen okay now there are many people out there today in fact the majority of so-called christians will tell you well i believe that purity exists in the originals okay i believe that the original manuscripts were perfect like like when moses wrote it down it was perfect when matthew mark luke and john wrote it down it was perfect but that today we may not have a perfect copy and here's what they'll say well you know the changes are so minor they don't really affect doctrine it doesn't affect any significant doctrine so let's not lose any sleep over it tonight shall we let's just not worry about it because it's close enough that's what i mean we've heard stuff like that everybody's heard it okay well you know you'll notice a lot of people they will say that in luke chapter 3 that there is a mistake in the bible now here's the interesting thing about this so-called mistake in luke chapter 3 first of all every bible version virtually in the entire world in all known languages says the same thing in luke chapter 3 in the portion that i'm going to show you it's not like the nib says something different under the new american circumstances i mean virtually every bible that's out there is going to pretty much have this same nuance that i'm going to show you right now in luke chapter 3 not only that all the greek manuscripts they have this and what people say about this is that they say well this is a mistake they say well you know luke wrote it down right luke did it right that's what a lot of people will say but they'll say you know right away somebody messed it up and it's been messed up ever since and nobody has corrected the mistake and this has been wrong and they say but but that doesn't change the fact that the bible is infallible i i saw on one of these creation websites you know these creation sites they're really into like proving atheists wrong right you know i just look at the atheist and just say he's a fool you know i'm gonna waste too much time with him i'll waste a little couple minutes with him and move on you know but anyway you know he's an idiot but they say oh we gotta prove him wrong and the atheist will say oh the bible has mistakes in it here's a mistake and here's what the this creation i forget who it was but some creation guru it wasn't ken hovind you know because he is king james only but you know there's other people whose name kind of starts with an h and ends in omen that aren't and uh and and honestly uh i don't remember where i heard this but i've seen it on some kind of a creation guru kind of a place and and basically they were saying well this doesn't this doesn't mean the bible's infallible about luke chapter three because they said well because it's still infallible in the original now that's almost that's that you're stupider than an atheist now you're making the atheist look smart and that's pretty hard to do because you're actually saying well the original that no one's ever seen that no one has access to is perfect but the bible that we go around preaching from and believing it's got mistakes in it but guess what anytime you point one out we're just gonna say well but the original is perfect the one that nobody's ever seen i mean is that the stupidest thing you've ever heard in your life yeah yeah i mean look just either just it almost makes more sense to just be a total unbelieving liberal and just say hey the bible's got mistakes in it i'm a catholic priest the bible's got mistakes in it then just sit there and say well the bible is perfect oh but that's a mistake but it wasn't in the original long long ago in a galaxy far away there was a there was a book that was perfect and that's what we believe in but we don't have it he will preserve his word okay he said would not pass away so this is not a mistake in the bible it's the truth every bible in the world says it the king james bible says it that's enough right there because i believe the king james bible is the word of god without error but every other bible in the world says it every other language says it because this is what it's supposed to say and let's look at it together it says in verse 35 which was the son of serach which was the son of ragu that's where the sauce comes from which was the son of which was the son of heber which was the son of salah which was the son of kainan which was the son of our facts that which was the son of sam and on and on you say pastor what in the world what are you talking about well jump back to genesis 11 and in genesis 11 12 it says our facts ad lived five and thirty years and begat salah so our facts ad begat salah got that our facts that is shim's son and he begat salah 35 years after he was born okay go to luke three and notice there's an extra name in luke three you see that because it says at the end of verse 35 which was the son of salah and remember salah was begotten by who in genesis 11 our facts had but notice here it says that salah was the son of kainan which was the son of our facts ad so we have an extra person in there we have an extra generation there and they will say oh it's just a mistake he just made a mistake he just you know he was tired you know so the magnificent gospel according to luke filled with preaching and doctrine and the power of god to bring salvation people actually think it's written by man which is not how can man write the book of luke it's unlike anything man can write it's god's word there's so much power there's so much wisdom there's so much depth oh but but he can write the book of luke but he can't he can't even copy a genealogy out of the book of genesis without goofing it up i mean is this just insane that's the people who think luke made them stay yeah other people say well luke was reading from a different version of the old testament or whatever other people say well and then that's that theory has been proven false or whatever by archaeology or without that i believe in any of that stuff and then uh they you know other people say well you know luke got writing that everybody copied it wrong wouldn't you think somebody would realize that they copied it wrong when they got genesis 11 to compare it to and somewhere in the last couple thousand years somebody would have noticed that and figured that out and rectified that but alas here it is in spite of everybody who would say hey let's make this match genesis 11 hey that must be a mistake hey let's take that out why is it still there in every language in 2012 if god promised to preserve his word and it's the truth and it has to be there because if you took it out if god allowed man and his wisdom to take it out then the bible would have something missing in it and people prayed and asked god to guide them as they translated and did this and so somehow it's been preserved to us today in 2012 now you say well catch your ass it's a clear contradiction it's not a contradiction at all let me prove to you why number one let me teach a few things in a short time here number one this genealogy is not even technically really a genealogy because the genealogy talks about so-and-so begat so-and-so and so-and-so begat so-and-so this doesn't say begat this says so-and-so was the son of so-and-so now the first thing i want you to notice is up in verse number 23 the bible says in verse 23 and jesus himself began to be about 30 years of age being as was supposed so was he really the son of joseph no but people supposed that he was okay as was supposed the son of joseph which was the son of heli now let me ask you this was joseph the son of heli in a biological sense no no and let me tell you why because in matthew chapter one you have to understand the book of matthew chapter one there's a central character of matthew chapter one and that character is joseph everything in chapter one centers around joseph and joseph's perspective at first it gives a genealogy of joseph showing that he is descended from the royal kingly line of david his father david begat solomon solomon begat abaya abaya and on and on okay then we have joseph being visited by an angel in a dream then we have joseph arising from that dream and naming the child jesus everything in that chapter centers around a central character of joseph now the reason why is because the book of matthew heavily emphasizes the fact that jesus christ is the king of the jews and the king of israel over and over again you see kingdom of heaven kingdom of heaven kingdom of god kingdom of god king of israel king of the jews king kingdom kingdom chapter 12 says kingdom chapter 13 the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of god king king king king so it starts out with the genealogy showing his right to inherit that kingdom through Joseph, not his biological father, but his supposed father. The one who basically raised him and basically would have put him in that line for the kingship because Joseph was a descendant of that kingly line of all the kings. So that's Jesus as King. The genealogy of Matthew 1, Jesus as King. Now the book of Mark heavily emphasizes the fact that Jesus was a servant. It talks a lot about him serving and ministering. If you have a red-letter Bible, the book of Mark has the least red letters in it because it doesn't emphasize his preaching as much as the things that he did, the works that he did. He went about doing good, the service that he did. Very clear in the book of Mark. That's why the book of Mark does not contain any genealogy of where his birth was from because the Bible says he made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant. That's why it just starts out, the book of Mark, where Jesus works. It starts out, John the Baptist is preaching, Jesus is already an adult. So in Matthew 1, we see him as the King of the Jews in Matthew 1, the descendants from David. In Mark, we see him as the servant, the minister, the worker, doing the works that the father sent him to do. That's emphasized. In the book of Luke, what is Jesus called over and over again? The son of man, the son of man, the son of man, the son of man. And obviously all of these things are mentioned in all four gospels, but there is a heavy emphasis of the things that I'm referring to. In Luke, son of man, son of man, son of man, son of man. It's showing Jesus Christ, the man, the humanity of Christ emphasized in the book of Luke. Therefore, we have here the genealogy not showing that he's from David as far as being the son of David, as far as in the Kingly line. Now this genealogy quote-unquote does include David, but notice it's not the Kingly line because Jesus Christ in this genealogy is descended from David. But if you go up to verse number 31, you'll see which was the son of Maliah, which was the son of Mena, which was the son of Metaphtha, which was the son of Nathan, which was the son of David. So this shows a descendants from a guy named Nathan who was David's son, not the king, never a king of Israel. And notice where this genealogy ends up. Not a David, look at verse 38, which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God. Now this goes all the way back to Adam. Why? Because this is Jesus Christ's human genealogy, okay? Not of his stepdad who was the king, not him just coming on the scene as a servant with no reputation in the Book of Mark, but in the Book of Luke, this is showing his human genealogy from his human side, which is Mary. Because Mary was literally his mother. She was a human being, and of course Jesus Christ was 100% man and 100% God, because he was born of the Virgin Mary who was a human being. This is Mary's genealogy showing that she also, now look, that's why they both, remember Joseph and Mary? They both went to Bethlehem to be taxed. They were both of that lineage of David, but they were from two branches of the family. Joseph was from the royal lineage, Mary was from a different branch of the family of David. This is Mary's genealogy. So when the Bible says here in verse 23 that Joseph was the son of Heli, well we know from Matthew 1 that it was Jacob who begat Joseph. It was Matthan who begat Jacob, and Jacob begat Joseph. The word begat is talking about a literal physical relationship. Like, if you begat a child, they are physically your child. As opposed to someone else could be your son without you begetting them. For example, what if I adopted a child? I didn't beget that child. But that is still my son, that's my adopted son. Now when it comes to being saved, we're both. We're adopted children of God and we're begotten children of God. Because we've been regenerated, we've been born again, and so on. And that's almost, I don't have time for that. But anyway, another sermon. What we've got here is we've got Joseph being the son of Heli because he's Heli's son-in-law. Just like I am my father-in-law living in my house, he didn't beget me, but he's still my dad in a sense. You know, because he's my father-in-law and I'm his son in a sense. Okay? If I adopted a child, I didn't beget that child, but it's still my son. Right? And if people say, that's not your son, I mean, yes, he is my son. If you adopt a child, that's your son. And so what's going on here is we have not a genealogy as far as so-and-so begets so-and-so, but we have a so-and-so was the son of so-and-so, which is different. Okay? So that's one thing to consider. The second thing to consider is this. There are many places in the Bible where the Bible uses the word begat about a grandchild. I don't have time to turn to them, but I could turn to them and prove to you. There are times where the Bible says so-and-so begat so-and-so and it was actually his grandchild. There are places where we could prove that it was the grandchild. And the reason for that is because to begat just means to physically, you know, cause to come into being, to pass on the gene pool. That could be through another generation. If I begat my son Solomon and then he has a child, those children are begotten unto me. And again, we could look at examples of that in the Bible, not for sake of time. So when the Bible says all that to say this, when the Bible says in Genesis 11 that our facts had begat Salah. Salah was his grandchild. It's that simple. And the Bible uses the word begat about other grandchildren. And you say, okay, we'll square that with Luke chapter 3. Well, Luke chapter 3 could either mean one of two things. Okay? Well, one of three scenarios. There are three ways, there are three ways that both can be true. Both Genesis 11 and Luke 3, and then we'll shut them out of these Bible-correcting people who are telling us it's wrong. Three different ways it could be true. Any one of these three and we can still walk away and say the Bible is a perfect word to God. But everybody seems to be going through door number four and saying, oh, the Bible's filling with mistakes. Okay? Well, there's only three doors, okay? Number one is that there was another guy in between named Kayin, and he's just not mentioned in Genesis 11. You say, why wouldn't he be mentioned? Because he was an insignificant person. Because when people are living to be four and five hundred years old, perhaps what happened is that basically our facts ad begets Kayin, okay? This is one scenario, there are three scenarios. Our facts ad begets Kayin, Kayin begets Selah, and then maybe he died shortly thereafter. He died at a very young age. So who's going to raise the kid? When Kayin dies at a very young age, at 18, 19 or something, he's dead at 18. Who's going to raise the child? Our facts ad. Grandpa's going to raise the child. And now he's his son. And he begat him because it is his physical descendant. It is his physical son. The Bible called Jesus the son of David. Obviously there were some people in between. He called Belshazzar the son of Nebuchadnezzar. Well, the evil Merodath was in between. He was actually a grandson, okay? So that's scenario number one. The guy died at a young age. Nobody knows who he is anyway, whereas they know who these other people are who lived to be four and five hundred years old. They have significance. Nobody knows who he is. They don't mention him. God mentions him in Luke because he's giving us just the blow by blow all the way back to Adam. That's a very, that's probably what happened. I would say that that's what I would tend to believe. That it's just a grandson. Wow, big deal. He died young. Therefore he's not mentioned. He's not significant. And since the other guy was raised by the other guy, that's who gets credit for him. Scenario number two is that it was his son-in-law. Perhaps, listen to this, perhaps our fact set had a daughter, okay, who married a guy named Kayinan, okay? And then those two had a child, Selah. Selah is still begotten by our fact set. It's still his granddad. And because Kayinan was not in the family, he's not mentioned because it was through the daughter that the lion was carried because Kayinan was not a literal son. He was a son-in-law. Just like Joseph was the son-in-law of Eli, Kayinan was perhaps just the son-in-law of Selah, or I mean of our fact set and the father of Selah. So does everybody understand options one and option two? Now listen, option three, I'm not even going to explain to you because listen to this, when you're getting off the arc with eight people, you're marrying some sort of squirrely, you know, you're doing some squirrely things when it comes to getting married because there's only eight people. So who do you marry? Best case scenario, you're marrying your cousin. I mean that's best case scenario. But we know that back then, even way after our fact set and Kayinan and Selah, we know there's some squirrely things were going on because Abraham married his own half sister. Now we're commanded in Leviticus, do not marry your half sister or half brother, but they were doing it. There weren't a lot of options. Obviously Adam and Eve's children married their own siblings, so therefore it wouldn't be far-fetched to think that basically both of these can be true because of some squirrely intermarriage and I could draw it all on a whiteboard and I've drawn it before. I've gotten out a piece of paper and drew it before. I ain't going to draw it, but it's there. It's option three. Figure on option three on your own. It's complicated and weird, but a lot of things were complicated and weird back then when you got eight people populating the whole earth. Okay, and so I'll close with that. Let's bow our eyes for word of prayer. Father, we thank you so much for your word there, God, and I thank you for people who believe it and they're not just skeptical on every page. You know, we're never going to understand the Bible unless we believe it because the Bible says through faith we understand and it's amazing how once you just decide that both Genesis 11 and Luke 3 are true, you can easily come up with three perfectly legitimate realistic scenarios whereby they could both be true and so help us not to be deceived, dear God, and help us not to get sucked into this globalism and in Jesus' name we pray.