(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I'm going to try to read the story. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. Oh, it doesn't look good. 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Really think about these words as you're singing. Number 86, I come to the garden alone. I come to the garden alone. Well, the dew is still on the roses, and the boys are here, calling on my ear, the Son of God destroys. And He walks with me, and He talks with me, and tells me I am His own. And the joy we share, the tear we hear, none of the earth has ever grown. He speaks, and the sound of His voice so sweet the words that they're singing, and the melody that He gave to me within my heart is ringing. And He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own. And the joy we share, the tear we hear, none of the earth has ever grown. I stay in the garden within, though the light around me is falling, but He brings me home through the voice of God, His voice to me is calling. And He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own. And the joy we share, the tear we hear, none of the earth has ever grown. Alright, this time we'll go through our announcements together. If you don't have a bulletin, slip up your hand nice and high. We'll get to you with one. On the inside we have our service times. Sunday mornings at 1030 is our preaching service. Sunday nights at 6. Wednesday nights at 7 is our Bible study. This week we'll be in Ezekiel chapter number 20. We've got the soul-winning times listed there below, as well as salvation and baptisms. And then across the page there, don't forget this Saturday is the memorial service for Hope Conklin. There is also going to be a graveside service that's going to be tomorrow at noon out at Schnepp Farms at the cemetery there. But the big thing is going to be this Saturday. Everybody's invited. 11 a.m. this Saturday memorial service, and lunch will be provided thereafter. And so be sure to be there for that if you can. And then on the back, we've got the homeschool field trip coming up on Friday, January 7th, and then other upcoming soul-winning trips are listed down there below. So let's go ahead and count up the soul-winning from the past few days. So going back to Thursday, or I'm sorry, this isn't right. We need to go back to Monday. So let me change this here. Okay, anything from Monday? All right, gotcha. And then what about Tuesday? Okay, got it. And then is that for Monday? Okay. Anything else from Monday, Tuesday? All right, and then how about today, Wednesday? I know in the van we had three saved in the van. Anything outside of the van? Okay. Anything else outside of the van? All right, very good. We are changing our emphasis of soul-winning for the year of 2022 because about three years ago, we changed our focus because we'd always really focused on the receptive areas, the poor areas, whatever was the best soul-winning is what we worked on for the longest time. But about three years ago, we shifted our emphasis because we just really wanted to get done with the job of knocking every door in our county here. So we've got this big map on the wall that we've been shading in orange, and we're really serious about getting that done. And it was getting to the point where we were kind of just going to the same receptive areas over and over again. And there's kind of a law of diminishing returns. You know, it gets to the point where you're starting to recognize the same people and feel like you're just kind of talking to the same people over and over again. So about three years ago, we shifted our focus and said, hey, we need to knock fresh doors that have never been knocked. Let's get the map done. So for the last three years, we've really been focused on hitting, you know, just the fresh doors, and we've been going to a lot of unreceptive areas because we were just kind of getting it done and just biting the bullet, shading it in. But what we're going to do is we're going to take a year off from that because I don't know about you, but I'm just getting a little burned out on these unreceptive areas. And let me just be specific. I'm tired of knocking the doors of Mormons, okay? And so I'm sick of Mormon doors, no more Mormons, and so down with Mesa, we're done with it, and we're sick of it. And so we need a break from the Mormons, amen? So in 2022, we're going to shift gears and go back to just hitting the really receptive areas just so that we can get a little bit of a break from the difficult neighborhoods. We're going to go back to doing a lot of the easy neighborhoods. We've let the land rest for a few years, so it'll be, you know, fresh once again. And then, you know, when 2022 is over, then we'll go back to the grind of Mormon country and getting that all done. Because, you know, we do have a vision. We want to knock every single door in our whole city, but we just need a little break from that this year. And I feel like if I'm getting burned out on talking to Mormons, other people probably are too. And so that's what we're going to do, so that's good news, amen? You know, we can take a break from that for a while. So I just wanted to throw that out there that the church-wide soul-winning times are going to be more focused on receptive areas in the year of 2022. Yes? Oh, thank you. I would like to just ask for Saturday, for the memorial service, who is planning on coming this Saturday? We just want to get a rough idea of who's planning on coming. Put up your hand nice and high. If you're planning on coming, keep it up. Let me do a count real quick. I want to do a head count. Is that like a number that you're holding up with two hands? Okay, gotcha. All right, that gives us a rough idea, so that'll help us plan a little bit, so thank you for that. And with that, let's go ahead and sing our next song. Come lead us. All right, in the cover of your hymnals, Lauren to Die. If you don't have one, please raise your hand. Lauren to Die. If you don't have one, please raise your hand. If you don't have one, please raise your hand. Born to die upon Calvary, He shall suffer my sin to forgive. Born to die upon Calvary, He was wounded that I might live. From His love Jesus came, laid aside heaven's pain, in exchange for the cross of Calvary. For the kings of were lost, for my sin He bore the cross. He was wounded and I was set free. Born to die upon Calvary, He shall suffer my sin to forgive. Born to die upon Calvary, He was wounded that I might live. Fear is born evermore, may I cross I adore, as I follow the path to Calvary. For the death I partake, my ambition I forsake, for my will I surrender to Thee. Born to die upon Calvary, Jesus suffered my sin to forgive. Born to die upon Calvary, He was wounded that I might live. O holy night, the stars so brightly shining, is the night of our dear Savior's birth. Long lay the world, its dear and dear were pining, till He appeared and the soul felt its birth. A trail of hope, the weary world rejoices, for young earth brings a new and glorious morn, on your knees. O hear the angel voices, O night divine, O night when Christ was born, O night, O holy night, O night divine, there by the line of victory beaming, with glowing hearts by His cradle we stand. Over the world, a star is freely gleaming, now come the wise men from glory and land. The King of Kings laid us in lowly danger, in all our trials, for to be our friend, He does our need, our weakness is no stranger. Behold your King, behold Him lowly there, behold your King, behold Him lowly there. Truly He taught us love from one another, His law is done and His gospel is free. Change shall break, the slave is our brother, and in His name all oppression shall cease. Sweet hymns of joy, in grateful chorus raise we, with all our hearts we praise His holy name, Christ is the Lord. O praise His name forever, His power and glory evermore proclaim, His power and glory evermore proclaim, Amen. All right this time we'll pass offering plates around, as the plates go around, let's turn our Bibles to Ezekiel chapter 20. Ezekiel chapter number 20 as we always do, we'll read the entire chapter beginning in verse number one, follow along silently with brother Hester as he reads, Ezekiel chapter 20, starting in verse number one. Ezekiel chapter 20 Bible reads And it came to pass in the seventh year in the fifth month the tenth day of the month That certain of the elders of Israel came to inquire of the Lord and sat before me Then came the word of the Lord unto me saying son of man speak unto the elders of Israel and say unto them Thus saith the Lord God are you come to inquire of me as I live saith the Lord God I will not be inquired of by you Wilt thou judge them son of man wilt thou judge them cause them to know the abominations of their fathers and say unto them Thus saith the Lord God in the day when I chose Israel and lifted up mine hand unto the seed of the house of Jacob And made myself known unto them in the land of Egypt when I lifted up mine hand unto them saying I am the Lord your God in the day that I lifted up mine hand unto them to bring them forth of the land Of Egypt into a land that I had a spied for them flowing with milk and honey Which is the glory of all lands then said I unto them cast ye away every man the abominations of his eyes and Defile not yourselves with the idols of Egypt. I am the Lord your God But they rebelled against me and would not hearken unto me They did not every man cast away the abominations of their eyes neither Did they forsake the idols of Egypt? Then I said I will pour out my fury upon them to accomplish my anger against them in the midst of the land of Egypt But I wrought for my name's sake that it should not be polluted Before the heathen among whom they were in whose sight I made myself known unto them in bringing them forth out of the land of Egypt Wherefore I caused them to go forth out of the land of Egypt and brought them into the wilderness And I gave them my statutes and showed them my judgments which if a man do He shall even live in them Moreover also I gave them my sabbaths to be assigned between me and them That they may might know that I am the Lord that sanctify them But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the wilderness They walked not in my statutes and they despised my judgments Which if a man do he shall even live in them and my sabbaths they greatly polluted Then I said I would pour out my fury upon them in the wilderness to consume them But I wrought for my name's sake that it should not be polluted before the heathen in whose sight I brought them out Yet also I lifted up mine hand unto them in the wilderness that I would not bring them into the land Which I had given them flowing with milk and honey Which is the glory of all lands because they despise my judgment judgments and walk not in my statutes But polluted my sabbaths for their heart went after their idols Nevertheless mine I spared them From destroying them neither did I make an end of them in the wilderness But I said unto their children in the wilderness walk ye not in the statutes of your fathers neither Observe their judgments nor defile yourselves with their idols I am the Lord your God walk in my statutes and keep my judgments and do them and Hallo my sabbaths and they shall be assigned between me and you that you may know that I'm the Lord your God Notwithstanding the children rebelled against me They walk not in my statutes neither kept my judgments to do them Which if a man do he shall even live in them? They polluted my sabbaths then I said I would pour out my fury upon them to accomplish my anger against them in the wilderness Nevertheless I withdrew mine hand and wrought for my name's sake that it should not be polluted in the sight of the heathen In whose sight I brought them forth I lifted up mine hand unto them also in the wilderness that I would scatter them among the heathen and Disperse them through the countries Because they had not executed my judgments But had despised my statutes and had polluted my sabbaths and their eyes were after their father's idols Wherefore I gave them also statutes that were not good and judgments whereby they should not live and I polluted them in their own Gifts in that they caused to pass through the fire all that open at the womb That I might make them desolate to the end that they might know that I am the Lord Therefore son of man speak unto the house of Israel and say unto them thus sayeth the Lord God Yet in this your father's have blasphemed me and that they have committed a trespass against me For when I had brought them into the land for the which I lifted up my hand to give it to them Then saw every they saw every high hill and all the thick trees and they offered their sack and they offered their their sacrifices and there they presented the Provocation of their offering there also they made their sweet saver and poured out their drink offerings Then I said unto them What is the high place where unto you go and the name thereof is called Baima unto this day? Wherefore say unto the house of Israel thus sayeth the Lord God are ye polluted after the manner of your fathers and commit ye Hortem after their abominations For when ye offer your gifts and when you make your sons to pass through the fire Ye pollute yourselves with all your idols even unto this day and shall I be inquired of by you Oh house of Israel as I live sayeth the Lord God I will not be inquired of by you and that which cometh into your mind shall not be at all That you say we will be as the heathen as the families of the countries to serve wood and stone as I live Sayeth the Lord God Surely with a mighty hand and with the stretched out arm and with fury poured out I will rule over you and I will bring you out from the people and will gather you out of the countries wherein you are scattered with a mighty hand and with a stretched out arm and With fury poured out and I will bring you into the wilderness of the people and there will I plead with you face to Face like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt So will I plead with you sayeth the Lord God and I will cause you to pass under the rod And I will bring you into the bond of the Covenant and I will purge out from among you the rebels and then that Transgress against me I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourn and they shall not enter into the land of Israel and ye shall know that I am the Lord as for you Oh house of Israel thus sayeth the Lord God go ye serve ye Everyone is idols and hereafter also if you will not hearken unto me But pollute ye my holy name no more with your gifts and with your idols For in mine holy mountain in the mountain of the height of Israel sayeth the Lord God There shall all the house of Israel all of them in the land serve me there Will I accept them and there will I require your offerings and the first fruits of your oblations with all your holy things I will accept you with your sweet savor when I bring you out from the people and Gather you out of the countries wherein ye have been scattered and I will be sanctified in you before the heathen and Ye shall know that I am the Lord when I shall bring you into the land of Israel Into the country for the which I lifted up mine hand to give it to your fathers and there shall you remember your ways and all your doings wherein you have been defiled and you shall loathe yourselves in your own sight for all your Evils that you have committed and ye shall know that I am the Lord when I have wrought with you for my name's sake Not according to your wicked ways nor according to your corrupt doings. Oh ye house of Israel sayeth the Lord God Moreover the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man Set thy face toward the south and drop thy word toward the south and prophesy against the forests of the south field And say to the forests of the south hear the word of the Lord thus sayeth the Lord God Behold I will kindle a fire in thee and it shall devour every green tree in thee and every dry tree The flaming flame shall not be quenched and all faces from the south to the north shall be burned therein And all flesh shall see that I the Lord have kindled it. It shall not be quenched then said I our Lord God They say of me doth he speak parables Now do your father heaven, please fill pastor experience wisdom from the server we do it with this now pray in Jesus's name. Amen Man, Ezekiel chapter number 20 the Bible reads in verse number one It came to pass in the seventh year in the fifth month the tenth day of the month that certain of the elders of Israel came to inquire of the Lord and sat before me then came the word of the Lord unto me saying son of Man speak unto the elders of Israel and say unto them thus sayeth the Lord God Are you come to inquire of me as the Lord of the Lord unto me? Are you come to inquire of me as I live sayeth the Lord God. I will not be inquired of by you and Again, this is a theme that has come up over and over again in the book of Ezekiel This is not me being repetitive This is the Bible being repetitive where the elders of Israel are continually coming to Ezekiel to find out what is the word of the Lord or what is God saying and Telling Ezekiel, you know, just so you know, these guys are horrible people and here he's instructing Ezekiel to tell them that they shouldn't even be inquiring him because they're so wicked And he doesn't even have an answer for them. Okay And he says in verse four wilt thou judge them son of man wilt thou judge them cause them to know the abominations of their fathers now Today we live in a day where a lot of people have this mantra of just judge not And they think that the verse just ends there just judge not period but you know the Bible over and over again Tells us to judge righteous judgment And if you actually get the context of matthew chapter 7 where the bible tells us judge not that you be not judged If you keep going it says for with what? Judgment you judge you shall be judged And with what measure you meet it shall be measured to you again And why beholdest thou the moat that is in thy brother's eye but considers not the beam that is in thine own eye Or how wilt thou say to thy brother? Oh, let me pull out the moat out of thine eye and behold a beam is in thine own eye Thou hypocrite first cast out the beam out of thine own eye And then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the moat out of thy brother's eye. So the bible's not telling us don't judge What the bible is telling us is don't be a hypocrite in judgment Don't judge or you're going to be judged because whatever judgment you use that's going to be Used on you and so we want to make sure that we don't judge someone for something that we're guilty of ourselves Or judge someone when we're guilty of something even worse You know, we're trying to remove the moat out of their eye and we got a great big beam in our own eye That's hypocrisy and the bible says first cast out the beam out of thine own eye And then does it say just leave the moat in your brother's eye? No, it says then shalt thou see clearly To cast out the moat out of thy brother's eye And so it's not that god doesn't want us to judge anyone or ever pass judgment. It's that we need to judge righteous judgment We need to not be a hypocrite We need to make sure that we are not just talking the talk but that we're also walking the walk And then we will see clearly to cast out the moat out of our brother's eye. And so, you know as a Christian there are situations where we do need to judge And the mantra of like oh don't judge me Is often just from people who just want to live in sin And they don't want to be told what the word of god says and they don't want any hard preaching Because they want to just continue in sin and not be corrected by anyone Okay, you know it reminds me of in the story of sodom and gomorrah where lot Says to them don't do this vile thing Do not so vile a thing and what do they say? Oh, well, this guy came into sojourn and now he must need to be a judge So what do the sodomites say these horrible violent predators like oh you're judging us You came here to judge us lot Well, you know what lot needed to judge them in that situation and here we've got a bunch of phony hypocrites inquiring of the lord When their wicked idolaters worshiping false gods and yet they're coming to ezekiel and saying oh inquire of the lord for us He's saying i'm not going to be inquired of For you And he says, you know Son of man and son of man is what he calls ezekiel So god is saying to ezekiel ezekiel Cause these people to know first of all tell them that I don't want to be inquired of by them Because they're a bunch of idolaters And he says cause them to know the abominations of their fathers judge them And cause them to know the abominations of their fathers now look A preacher today if he judges people And causes them to know the abomination of their fathers people would get angry and say that he's not christ-like or that You know, he he's not a loving preacher of god's word, but here god is commanding a preacher to judge Judgment must begin at the house of god the bible says in the new testament And so it's my job to judge people in many cases and to cause them to know the abominations of their fathers You know that doesn't sound very politically correct You know causing a group of people to know the abominations of their fathers But guess what the bible's never been politically correct And so, you know if there's a nation that's wicked or ungodly then i'm going to call out that nation If there's a group of people that have historically been wicked and ungodly it's my job to call it out And people will sometimes call you all kinds of names and call you a racist If you just get up and let's say call out the sins of a certain group of people and look i'm an equal opportunity guy Because i've called out the sins of white people as well and i've called out the sins of white nations I've had whole sermons against nations like iceland and france entire sermons against these countries Of iceland france what what other countries have i japan You know, but it's like oh you you must be racist against japanese people. No, because what about iceland? What about france? So if I get up and preach a sermon against the hip-hop culture Guess what? That doesn't mean that i'm racist against black people because i'm not Because I believe that god has made all nations of the earth of one blood red and yellow black and white They're precious in a sight but you know what? Let me tell you something The hip-hop culture is garbage And you know what we have some godly christians in our church that are black But guess what? They're not caught up in they're not caught up in the hip-hop culture They're not out spraying graffiti and sagging their pants and showing their underwear And refusing to get an honest job and selling drugs and doing all this stuff, you know How dare you insinuate that black people do those things? Folks let me tell you something. There are black people out there selling drugs spraying graffiti. They got their pants sagging down Hey, i'm not against black people. I'm against seeing black people's underwear It doesn't mean i'm against black people Because I don't want to see white people's underwear either. I don't want to see hispanics underwear either I don't want to see anybody's underwear And you know what i'm not going to sit here and censor my preaching Because some libtard is going to call me a racist, you know, they're going to call me a racist anyway I'm just going to tell the truth And let me tell you something. There's some garbage about white people. There's garbage about hispanics. There's garbage about blacks Hey, i'm going to call out the sins of this world. It's my job I'm a preacher and i'm not going to you know, give rap music a pass So that people don't think i'm racist rap music is some of the vilest most evil wicked music that's out there It has some of the worst lyrics. It has some of the smudgiest content. It's filth It's garbage and I don't care if people like that or not. It's truth And you know, i'm going to call out the sins of any group of people. It doesn't matter who you know Uh, it's not about race It's about grace. All right, we I don't care about race. It's meaningless to me Okay, but you know what? I'm going to get up here and i'm going to preach against the hindus because they're worshiping satan Okay, but let me just tell you something if you think i'm a racist my most hated religion in this world is the whitest religion mormonism Because the religion that I hate more than all others is mormonism and mormons are so white. I mean, they're the whitest They're white and delightsome, right? That's what they call themselves in their in their uh book And so the the point is it's not it's not about Pitting one ethnicity against another and that's what the world wants us to do. They want us to fight You know white versus black and and you know, uh latinos versus english speakers And they want us fighting along these long lines, you know, the the right battle Is where we're teamed up with god's people against the devil, you know, so my brothers and sisters Are fellow christians whether they're red yellow black or white so i'm not going to get interested in a fight over race or ethnicity That's not what it's about Okay, and i'm not going to shy away from Preaching against the sins of various ethnicities and groups of people calling them to repentance because that's my job as a preacher And so don't get sucked into this racial mentality where everything's about race Everything's about ethnicity and that the world has has uh given into today in america this woke culture You know if you're not familiar with that term being woke Or maybe this term critical race theory is another term that you'll hear. Let me let me tell you that what it comes down to Is that is basically people blaming their problems? On the fact that they're a different color You know like oh all my problems are because i'm hispanic all my problems are because i'm black All my problems are because i'm asian and i'm a victim i'm jewish or whatever and i'm a victim And i'm telling you this is a wicked mentality That is being uh pushed in america even in churches now you have even southern baptist preachers getting up and saying like Oh, i'm so sorry, i'm a white person and you know, i'm part of the problem because i'm white I'm a white male and i'm the problem folks. No Being white is not the problem Okay, the the problem is sin The problem is rebellion against the lord. The problem is De-christianizing the problem is rejection of god's word and let me tell you something if black people fail it's because they Don't have the character to succeed That's why they're failing it's not because they're black, okay Hey, is anybody home if black people fail it's because they're a failure That's why And if black people are going to prison It's because they committed crimes and they went to prison Because they're a criminal Oh, but you don't understand what it's like to be black Hey, I don't have to understand because you know what I know what it is to be a human being and i'll tell you something Jesus christ was tempted in all points like as we are and yet without sin unless you're black Jesus christ is he can be touched with the feeling of our infirmities unless you're black because jesus doesn't know what it's like to be black Folks that's garbage Black people in this country can succeed they can be good christians. They can make good money They can raise a family They can do great things for god. They can do everything that white people can do and the same thing if you're hispanic You know, you could complain and say well i'm hispanic and that's why I get bad grades and that's why I don't make any money That's garbage And you know go ahead and take clips of this sermon and call me a racist You know what i've learned is that even if i'm not a racist i'm going to be called one So I might as well just say whatever I want Because i'm going to be called one no matter what I do I could never mention anything and i'll still be called that so, you know what nuts to you then I'm, just going to say what's on my mind and i'm going to tell you something this woke garbage that blames Everybody except the person who's out there standing on the street corner refusing to work and said well It's because they're this color or they're this ethnicity or they you know, well, you don't understand It's their parents their grandparents whatever. Well, you know what my friend at some point We need to just take responsibility for our own lives right Okay, there are plenty of white people out there that are on drugs and stealing and going to jail There are plenty of white people that are criminals and that are doing all these bad things What's their excuse? Folks we could keep blaming our parents we could blame our grandparents, but eventually we're gonna get to adam And it's adam and eve's fault Right And you know what didn't we just finish a whole chapter in ezekiel chapter 18 saying it's not your parents fault that you're an idiot You remember that? I mean i'm kind of paraphrasing the chapter But he basically said don't blame your dad that you're an idiot. You're an idiot because you're an idiot Okay But i'm telling you you should see the stuff that the this woke Critical race theory stuff is teaching that basically just says like well, you know Look how many of these people of this certain ethnicity are dropping out of school and they're failing out of school And then it shows how they're not they're failing and then they're also not attending class We can't figure out what's going on it's like you failed because you didn't show up If you show up to class you pass If you don't show up you fail Any questions If you show up at your job you get paid if you don't show well You don't understand about how they didn't have a ride And how they just they didn't feel welcome in school And so that's why they stayed home more because they didn't feel well, we didn't make them feel well. I didn't feel welcome in school Folks everybody is struggling in life everybody goes through hard times everybody has to turn off the snooze button Everybody has to go to work. Everybody has to overcome Difficulties and you know what? It doesn't matter what your ethnicity is You know hiding behind that is garbage and and trying to say that all your problems are due to someone else Okay God here in this chapter is saying, you know, tell them the sins of their parents Tell them the sins of their fathers make them to know the abominations of their fathers in verse four And then you know what he tells them is you be different now Here's what your fathers did and you need to be different And you know what? That's the kind of preaching that we need not the kind of preaching that says oh, well, you know, it's okay That you're a failure because you know, you're so disadvantaged And you know because you're this ethnicity or that, you know, you're not helping people by making them a perpetual victim How are you helping people in this country by telling them they're a victim? And you know what how come there are people of all ethnicities succeeding in america How come we have people of all ethnicities in our church serving god living clean lives raising families doing right? You know, there's no excuse for fathering a bunch of bastard children Instead of getting married and sleeping around. Well, it's our culture then change your culture And you know what? There's nothing wrong with somebody calling out a certain culture and saying hey Look at the hip-hop culture look at its fruit in the ghettos What is the hip-hop culture's fruit in the ghettos today Teaching people how wonderful the the drugs are and all the hoes and other words i'm not going to mention And and how it's so glamorous Right rap music is garbage if you're in this church I don't care if you're red yellow black or white throw the rap music in the trash where it belongs Because I know a lot of white people are listening to it, too Get rid of it it's junk Well, you're just against black culture, you know what if that's black culture then i'm against it If black culture is smoking pot And fathering bastard children and where are my hoes at and where are my dogs at? And all this crap then you know what you're right i'm against it it's garbage but you know, I don't believe that's black culture It's hip-hop culture And you know what? Why don't you if you're black create a new black culture based on clean living based on christianity based on godliness based on what's right And why don't you change the culture and you know, i'm not ashamed to get up here and show you the sins of your fathers Okay your fathers from the 90s And all their rap music garbage that they came out with and all the filthy smutty lyrics. It's junk and i'm going to point it out And I and like I said i'll call out the sins of all ethnicities and the sins of all nations And show the sins of the fathers and you know what? You say well you're being judgmental. Yes, you're right. I am I am being judgmental Because the bible says we need to judge The wickedness of our day and and point out the abominations of their fathers And so the bible says in verse five and say unto them thus saith the lord god in the day when I chose israel And lifted up my hand under the seed of the house of jacob and made myself known under them in the land of egypt When I lifted up my hand unto them saying i'm the lord your god In the day that I lifted up my hand unto them to bring them forth out of the land of Egypt into a land that I had espied for them flowing with milk and honey Which is the glory of all lands then said I unto them cast ye away every man the abominations of his eyes And defile not yourselves with the idols of egypt. I am the lord your god But they rebelled against me and would not hearken unto me They did not every man cast away the abominations of their eyes neither did they forsake the idols of egypt Then I said i'll pour out my fury upon them to accomplish my anger against them in the midst of the land of egypt so Here this chapter is it's kind of similar to act chapter seven in the new testament because if you remember in act chapter seven He goes through and kind of goes through the history of israel showing how israel has always rebelled against god And how they rebelled against god when they're leaving egypt They rebelled against god in the wilderness and he goes through and shows this pattern and then he says You're stiff-necked people. This is what your fathers were like you need to repent you need to change And of course they stoned stephen when he preached that sermon But this is a similar sermon here going back and talking about how even in the early days of israel When they're brought out of egypt, they're already rebelling against god. They're bringing idols I mean, can you imagine when god's while god's delivering you from egypt you're like packing idols in your suitcase From egypt to bring into the wilderness. You're like crossing the red sea On dry land and you literally have an idol from egypt in your suitcase I mean wouldn't that be the time just kind of toss it into that wall of water And just hope it kind of gets sucked into the wall I don't know how the physics of that would work if you threw something in But you know, you'd be like get rid of this idol. The lord is god But there were people my friend that brought idols into the wilderness even from egypt And they're stiff-necked and and god said this is stiff-necked people So, you know we talked about The hip-hop culture and some of the sins of black america Okay. Hey, let's talk about the fact that the jews have been a wicked group of people. Let's just offend everyone. Okay Because you know what? Israel Was a stiff-necked and gainsaying people in the old testament Okay, then they rejected the lord jesus christ And now judaism has just been like distilling People who hate christ for the last two thousand years Because all of the jews who actually were sincere and actually believed the bible guess what happened to them? If they actually believed the word of god, and they actually had a sincere heart, you know what they ended up doing Converting to christianity they ended up getting saved because the bible says if you believe moses, you'll believe me And so what you have with the jews today is basically a group of people Where all the people who receive christ keep leaving And keep leaving and you're just ending up with the people that are just the most stubborn The most negative toward christ the most rebellious toward the god of the bible and they just get more and more rebellious And and wicked and hateful toward the lord. Jesus christ that look and you say well if you preach that you're gonna offend jews But you know what this is what jews need to hear today Because of the fact that they need to understand the sins of their fathers because I believe that jews today can be saved Jews in america today can believe on the lord jesus christ and be saved But you know what it's going to take it's going to take them to realize the wickedness of their fathers They're going to have to realize the wickedness Of that religion that they've been brought up in the wickedness of their heritage the wickedness of that tradition That is an anti-christ tradition because the bible says who is a liar but he that denyeth that jesus is the christ He's anti-christ that denyeth the father and the son That's judaism They believe that there is a christ but that it's not jesus Christ means messiah Who is a liar but he that denied that jesus is the messiah? He's anti-christ to deny the father and the son and so they need to know the sins of the fathers And be told be not like unto your fathers be not a stiff-necked and rebellious people They need to understand that their so-called culture is actually an anti-christ religion You know the culture Can sometimes just be a smokescreen for sins against god Say oh the hispanic culture. Well, you know what I got a problem with some things about the hispanic culture You know what I have a problem with all their idols Is it their culture that they all have idolatry set up in their house? And you know what look if you would jump down if you would To verse number 39, okay Look at the preaching that ezekiel is instructed to do Verse 39 as for you. Oh house of israel. Thus saith the lord god go ye Serve ye everyone his idols and hereafter also If you will not hearken unto me he's like hey if you're not going to listen to me then go serve your idols But pollute ye my holy name no more with your gifts and with your idols You know go serve idols, but quit putting my name on it Isn't that what he's saying here? Hey, if you're not going to listen to me if you will not hearken to me then go serve your idols But pollute my holy name no more You know what if you want to bow down and worship some female goddess Go ahead and worship your queen of heaven go bake your cakes to the queen of heaven But quit saying that it's mary the mother of jesus because it's not That is a woman of your own imagination It is a goddess. It is a false god that you're worshiping It's not the mediatrix because there's only one mediator between god and men and that's the man christ. Jesus And so look you say oh, this is part of the hispanic culture, you know, I have another problem with hispanic culture the day of the dead The day of the dead it's of the devil It's satanic. You know what? Sorry, but decorating with skulls is not of god It's not christian If you're going to decorate with a bunch of skulls and commune with the dead and praise death and celebrate death Hey, the bible says all day that hate me love death And so I have a problem with that I don't approve of that i'm against that i'm against day of the dead I'm against hanukkah It's not happy holidays. It's merry christmas because I don't celebrate hanukkah Okay, hanukkah is a garbage holiday day of the dead is a garbage holiday and by the way You know you say well, what about white america halloween's a garbage holiday So, you know white america is being satanic with halloween Folks I don't care if it's somebody's culture or their heritage if it's idolatry If it's witchcraft get rid of it If it teaches drugs and drunkenness and fornication get rid of it You say well, it's just my culture, you know, we're russian so we drink vodka get rid of it Oh, we're greek so we drink uzo get rid of it Well, it's just our culture. We're german. So of course we drink beer get rid of it Folks Be not like your father's a stiff-necked and rebellious people at some point We have to decide not to repeat the mistakes of our ancestors Not to repeat the mistakes of our parents or our grandparents or whoever now look thankfully I was blessed to grow up in a christian home And i've got some godly role models in my lineage, but you know what at some point somebody had to break a chain And say I don't care what my parents did as for me in my house. We're going to serve the lord And in joshua chapter 24. Joshua said choose you this day whom you're going to serve You want to serve the gods that your father's served because guess what your father served idols I'm, just going to tell you right now if you want to be true to your cultural heritage you're going to worship idols Because that's what they worship They worship idols and false gods, but you know, I don't know about you as for me and my house We're going to serve the lord I don't care what false god my my father's worshiped and you know I don't care if your ancestors were hindus. Guess what? They're worshiping the hindus are worshiping satan Is that racist against indian people to say that that they're worshiping the devil that hinduism is of the devil It's the truth And you know what buddhism is a worship of death it's a death cult You know worshiping people who starve themselves to death Like mahavira the jains in india worship mahavira who starved himself to death. That's a death cult is what that is Buddhists with their death worship and their whole goal in buddhism is to die and never come back You know what? It's a sad religion and those people need the light of the glorious gospel to shine in It's like well, we don't want to mess with their culture Folks, you know when it comes to if culture is the food that you eat then don't mess with it If culture is the clothes that you wear then don't mess with it as long as i'm not looking at your underwear is fine But you know when it comes to religion Your cultural religion you need to get rid of it if it's not christianity you get rid of it if it's not jesus Get rid of it. It's not the bible Okay Because you know the devil uses Culture In order to get people stuck in wickedness He uses that he gets them all proud of being oh i'm so proud of my latino heritage That's why i'm going to stay roman catholic Right. Oh i'm so proud to be a hindu so proud to be from india. So i'm going to stick with hinduism Right. Oh i'm so proud of my greek heritage. I'm going to be greek orthodox Oh, i'm just so proud to be a palestinian so i've got to stay muslim So proud of my jewish heritage. I'm one of the special chosen ones. Hey, you're going to split hell wide open You know god god wants us to glory in the cross of our lord jesus christ But we got a bunch of people glorying in their ethnicity and it allows them to get trapped in sin You know trapping people in catholicism hinduism Trapping uh african americans in a wicked lifestyle by telling them. This is your culture hip-hop This is your culture hip-hop, right? No, you know what you're you can be whatever you can have whatever culture you want You don't have you know, just because you're black doesn't mean you have to listen to hip-hop. Does it? You know just because you're white doesn't mean you have to listen to country western or something You know your your culture is what you make it my friend Okay, and we need to break some of these patterns and break some of these uh, you know you say oh it's a stereotype Yeah, let's break it. Let's break free of those stereotypes then and let's show hey, you know what I can be A red yellow black white person who's a born-again christian Who's a bible-believing baptist who's a family man? Not surrounded by hoes No surrounded by my wife and children And so god says look if you're going to be an idolater fine, but quit calling that idol jesus Quit calling you want to go worship a long-haired hippie go worship a long-haired hippie But quit saying that that long-haired hippie is jesus because it's not Quit saying that woman that you're worshiping Is the mother of jesus because she's not The mother of jesus will be horrified to see people bowing down to her because she worshiped the savior the lord jesus christ She didn't want to be some kind of a goddess of heaven Okay And so she would be horrified by that Don't be like unto your fathers show them the sins of their fathers show how they've been stiff-necked all along And then admonish them to be different is what ezekiel is saying Now there's an interesting passage in this as well It says I gotta hurry because there's a there's a lot of great things to cover in this chapter It says in verse 23 I lifted up my hand unto them also in the wilderness that I would scatter them among the heathen And disperse them through the countries Because they had not executed my judgments But it despised my statutes and it polluted my sabbaths and their eyes were after their father's idols Wherefore I gave them also statutes that were not good and judgments whereby they should not live And I polluted them in their own gifts in that they caused to pass through the fire all that opened at the womb That I might make them desolate to the end that they might know that I am the lord So this is kind of an interesting little passage here because he says here That they did not execute my judgments. They despised my statutes, right? They did not obey my word They polluted my sabbaths their eyes were after their father's idols Right, that's their excuse. Oh, well, this is my family tradition Hang your family tradition But the interesting statement is in verse 25 when it says I gave them also statutes that were not good Now Don't be confused here because obviously All of god's laws are good All of god's laws are are good. All his statutes and rules are good The law of the lord is perfect converting the soul what the bible says When he says I gave them also statutes that were not good. He's not talking about his statutes He's not talking about his rules. He's not talking about his commandments because those are good If a man does those he will live in them the bible says But rather because they hated the truth rejected the truth rejected the word of god despised his commandments He gives them over unto their own hearts lusts This is very similar to what we see in psalm 81 You know, they walked in their own counsel They would none of my reproofs and so he said so I gave them up unto their own hearts lust or in proverbs chapter one Or in romans chapter one where they don't want to retain god in their knowledge So he gives them over to a reprobate mind He gives them over to these things or how about in second thessalonians 2 where he sends them strong delusion so that they'll believe a lie That they all might be damned that believe not the truth But had pleasure and unrighteousness and really the best parallel is in act chapter 7 itself I'll read it for you. You don't have to turn there act 7 42 says this After they made the golden calf verse 42 then god turned and gave them up to worship the host of heaven So notice god Gave them up to worship the host of heaven As is written the book of the prophets and on and on he talks about them having the star of their god rem fan Which is the flag of the nation of israel now so basically What he's saying here when he says I gave them also statutes that were not good and judgments whereby they should not live As opposed to what his commandments and statutes which if a man do he shall live in them I polluted them in their own gifts in that they cause to pass through the fire all that openeth the womb What's he saying here? He's basically saying that because they refused The good religion that he's giving them The good commandments the good statutes the good way of life the good traditions The godly way of life because they didn't want that he basically gives them over To worship the host of heaven. He basically is turning them over to their idols and saying okay Then fine if you don't want to live By my laws here then live by these stupid laws that you want to live by and their statutes that are not good And let me tell you something In america today, there are some lifestyles that are being promoted that are not good They're not good and if you refuse to live your life The way of the lord and follow god's way for your life, you know, then basically he could give you over To basically and say okay fine then live the way of this world then And you end up following statutes that are not good and you end up messing up your life Because all of us and and this is I think the key thing in this verse 25 is that all of us live by statutes You may think that there are people out there who just have no rules everybody's got rules everybody's got rules everybody's got Commandments that they follow and if you're not following god's rules, you're just following someone else's rules I mean it look we could go on to the most left-wing college campuses of america And find people who just say we don't believe in god's laws at all We don't want to hear what god says. We don't care what the bible says We don't believe in any of that and I guarantee you those people have all kinds of really strong Rules and ethics and beliefs and statutes and principles because these are the kind of principles they'll have Well, we can't discriminate against homos Isn't that a statute? That they have Is that a statue that they have or not? Or would they just say like yeah tell call them a faggot We don't care. That's not what they're going to say They're going to have a rule that says no no, no, no, no, you have to treat the transvestites with respect You have to be loving and respectful to the queers and faggots and lesbians. Isn't that what they're going to say? Well, they're not going to use those words, but they're going to that's what they're going to say And they're basically going to have they're going to have all these statutes and rules about about Accepting all perversions And about just just uh, you know, but but then they'll even have some statutes that'll just say like, you know Oh, you could sleep with whoever you want, but it's got you know, it's got to be consensual and you got to love each other Because they're not going to be like yeah, just force whoever you want. Is that what they're going to say? Yeah, they're going to have rules, aren't they? Everybody has rules Everybody has rules, but here's the thing god's rules are good rules And if you follow them you'll live in them and you're going to have a good life and god's going to bless you What's god's rule god's rule is no sex outside of marriage that's god's rule that's a good rule Follow that live by that But then the world they have a rule too that might even sound good like well Hey, don't ever do that with anybody that you don't really love That's their rule Make sure it's always consensual That's their rule, right But guess what? That's a rule. That's not good Because guess what? It's not an it's not strict enough is the problem. Yeah, obviously, yeah I'm glad that they're not for rape. I'm great. Amen I'm glad that they want you to at least love each other, but that's not enough It's not enough to just love each other. You know what else you gotta do. You gotta be married That's what else and you better also be the opposite gender you freak And so so the point is that the world's got a set of rules out there that's competing with god's rules And we need to embrace the word of god god's way of life the christian way of life the biblical way of life Because there's this other way of life that's out there competing And god says if you despise his way, you're gonna basically he's gonna he's gonna give you Okay, i'll give you statutes that aren't good. Here you go here. Listen to this bozo And then you end up destroying your life And you end up being cursed by god And they end up doing what they end up passing their uh children through the fire They pass through the fire all that opened the womb You say well america would never do that america does that every day It's called abortion murdering their children every single day So And so we see that if you don't follow god's laws you end up following the world's laws and their laws that are not good And you end up committing all these sins and whatever now, let's jump to the end of the chapter beginning verse 45 It says moreover the word of the lord came unto me saying son of man set thy face toward the south And drop thy word toward the south and prophesy against the forest of the south field And say to the forest of the south and it's like man. Why are you so mad at the south? I mean he just said how many times did you just say south? That's a lot of south And here's the thing about that again the bible Will often call out specific groups of people He'll say okay. Here's what I have to say to moab Whole chapter against moab whole chapter against ammon. Here's a whole chapter against the edamites whole chapter against the babylonians Here's a chapter about the ethiopians Here's a chapter about the egyptians chapter about is Syria chapter about babylon chapter about elum Chapter about this tribe that tribe call out the south call out the north and again Don't you think that there were probably people that said that it was racist or you're judging or you're stereotyping Because everybody in the south isn't like that everybody in babylon isn't like that Hey, everybody in edom isn't like that everybody in syria isn't like that but look if you're not like that then why are you offended? Right If you're not like that then why are you offended you know if somebody if I were in another country Let's say I were visiting another country And said somebody and somebody just said man stinking america is so filled with fags and lesbians i'm so sick of it Say oh i'm an american. Oh, you're hurting me. Oh, is that how you think I would react? Would I just be like how dare you talk about america like that is that what I would say What would I say? I'd say yeah, i'm stinking sick of it myself. Is that what I would say? So if somebody said to you so so if you're a certain ethnicity If you're hispanic and somebody got up and said man, what is with the hispanic idolatry? What is with the idolatry? It's everywhere It's just a mary statue on every lawn Would you just be like, oh, how dare you or would you say like yeah, I know It's bad Or what if somebody what if somebody pointed out and said like man, what is with uh black people sagging their pants? Pull up your pants Would you just be like, oh, how dare you talk about black people? Like why don't you just be like, yeah Yeah, let's all pull up our pants They should pull up their pants. I'm sick of it, too But you know what you've been brainwashed by the media to get all defensive and all hurt When because you're all territorial about your country or what color you are or whatever You know if somebody said something bad about arizona Well, here's what I want to know is it true Because if it is then i'm mad about it too I'm not just gonna be like don't mess with texas You know texas might need to be messed with You know what i'm saying like like look why are we all territorial About our ethnicity or our geography. You know what let's just Call it what it is And if our geography or if our ethnicity is guilty of something, you know, let's own it, you know, i'm an american I'm born and raised in in the united states of america I grew up with all the patriotism and flag waving and pledge of allegiance and fourth of july apple pie I've done it all But you know what? I'm not going to get up here and just defend america when america is wrong Because no one should defend any country or ethnicity that's wrong Right and look i'm gonna like the good parts of america But if somebody calls out the sins of america i'm gonna agree with them. I'm not gonna get offended And you know what if you're offended it's somebody calling out the sins of japan or something because you're japanese You know what? You need to get right with god. That's not my problem If I preach about if I preach a sermon called, you know the sins of japan And you're like, that's it. I'm japanese. I'm done You're not right with god, that's all that tells me Because if you were right with god You would want the sinful nation of japan to be called out For its sins if you're right with god you fox news christians would want america to be called out If you're actually right with god, you'd be happy if a preacher called out the sins of america. You wouldn't be like you're an american It doesn't make any sense So son of man set thy face toward the south drop thy word toward the south Prophesy against the forest of the south field and say the forest of the south hear the word of the lord Is god shy about calling out a certain geography? Well, what about the north? Why don't you ever preach against the north? Why don't you preach against the east? Why don't you preach about the west? Because i'm preaching about the south right now. That's why I Mean I literally I I get up and preach sermons like this and people will literally Contact me. I i've had people email the church and say show me one time you ever called out a white nation Like a european nation by name and called out their sins and listed their sins and i'm just like, okay here Let me send you some links sinful nation of france iceland the nation of bastards Whole sermons directed at holland ripping on germany You know Go down the list Norway I preach sermons against norway, you know, but it's like But but just all of a sudden it's just like whoa, what's the big idea about preaching against the south? You know, this is what god's god's calling out specific geographies have fun reading isaiah Jeremiah and ezekiel and just underline every time he calls out a specific Ethnicity or geography and calls out their sins It's whole chapters it's whole sections of these books But i'm supposed to just change The whole philosophy behind preaching just to to somehow cater to this woke philosophy I'm not going to well, it's not the babylonians fault that they're babylonians. It's not their fault. They're serious Yeah, but you know what they can change and get right with god And not be like their corrupt fathers That's what the bible says So he says say to the force of the south hear the word of the lord verse 47 Thus saith the lord god behold. I will kindle a fire in thee and it shall devour every green tree in thee And every dry tree the flaming flame Now just in case you want to know what kind of flame this is the flaming kind And i'm going to show you why that's important The flaming flame The flaming flame Shall not be quenched and all phases from the south to the north shall be burned therein And all flesh shall see that I the lord have kindled it It shall not be quenched then said I ah lord god and don't miss this verse do not miss it They say of me doth he not speak parables Isn't it funny that you can talk about a flaming flame and people aren't sure if it's fire or not Think about that He's like it's gonna burn it's all gonna burn it's gonna be on fire It's gonna be so hot even the green trees are gonna burn it's gonna burn there's gonna be flaming flames Oh, is this a parable? Oh, so what is the what does the fire represent? What is it? I'm trying to figure out what the flame represents You know the flaming one. Well, guess what the flame represents. He's saying it's literally gonna be on fire And you know what I understand that the bible contains parables I understand that some things in the bible are figurative or allegorical Or that they are symbolic. I get that not everything in the bible is literal. I get it But do not ever make the mistake of thinking That when god says i'm going to pour out my wrath i'm angry i'm fed up I'm going to punish you for your sins and i'm going to burn it all down Don't you ever make the foolish mistake that these people are making and saying I think it's figurative I think it's just a picture. I think it's just an allegory Folks, no, it isn't and you know what that's exactly what people do with the book of revelation today And this is becoming increasingly popular To say that the book of revelation is all symbolic And they'll take what's called the historical view of prophecy instead of the futurist view of prophecy They'll take a historical view where they say everything in revelation. It's all happening right now It's been happening throughout history. It's an allegory. It's a symbol, you know the struggle between good and evil that's ongoing No, my friend Revelation is god's promise to burn it all down someday Right What does he say he's going to do in the book of revelation he says it's going to be fire and brimstone Falling out of the sky meteors crashing into the earth Right cataclysm tidal waves earthquakes You know one-third of the trees burned up and all green grass burned up and we got people today saying what oh This is a parable You know and then you try to show people in the bible about hell And jesus talks about the rich man and lazarus. He talks about the rich man Burning in hell and he says i'm tormented in this flame Give me a drop of water on my tongue to cool my tongue because i'm tormented in this flame And you know people tell you oh, that's a parable And you know what i've always when i'm out soul winning and somebody claims that there's no hell and that it's a parable Here's what I always say when I show them luke 16 and they say it's a parable I always say, okay What does it represent then? What does it mean? There's a guy burning on fire begging for a drop of water. What's the parable? Oh, oh god's just warning us that if we if we die without being saved we're just going to stop existing How does a guy on fire begging for water represent not existing anymore? That's what atheists think right Atheists think that when they die, they're just gone. It's just over. It's just done. Just like the the screen turns off and it's just done So, let's see a guy burning on fire, I mean or what about when jesus said, you know If your right hand defends you cut it off Because you'd rather go with one hand Into heaven than having two hands and two feet to go into everlasting fire to go into hell fire To go into the fire that never shall be quenched and people are like that's just a parable What does it mean Chop your hand off rather than go to hell hell's so bad You'd rather rip out your own eye than go there You'd rather chop off your hand than go there. You'd rather chop off your foot than go there Hell is that bad, but oh, but hell is just ceasing to exist That's what the joe's witnesses want you to believe You know, that's what the mormons want you to believe That's what these other false religions that deny hell want you to believe that. Oh, it's just it's just it's just a big nothing burger But let me tell you something When god says that he's going to rain fire and brimstone on this earth. It's going to happen It's not a parable And when god says that those who do not believe on the lord, jesus christ will suffer everlasting punishment everlasting damnation Overlasting fire fire that never shall be quenched. Guess what? That's not a parable And these wicked people they just oh, this is just doesn't he speak? This is a parable God's like tell him it's all going to burn and he's like, well the problem is they think it's a parable And no when god says i'm going to burn it all down it's real And when god says hell is fire that's real too, I just think it's hilarious how god tells him flaming flame Flaming fame. I mean, I mean that it's like Is it a parable Flaming flame I I you know, i'm not really sure if it's fire or not. Maybe it's just like a burning desire for god a thirst for god You know the the rich man in hell he's thirsting for god That's funny because he didn't seem that thirsty for god while he was on this earth So why would he all of a sudden start thirsting for god when he's in hell? No, he's thirsting for for agua Because he's burning in a literal flaming flame the flaming kind okay, so The bottom line of this chapter is you know a lot of What we've inherited in our culture Whether it's american culture and we've inherited this faggot culture in america Whether it's japanese culture and you inherited a buddhist culture Or shinto or whatever whether you're hindu and you've inherited all the hindu gods, you know, whether you've inherited the hip-hop culture Whether you've been hold inherited latino roman catholicism Or white people roman catholicism for that matter or whatever you've inherited, you know, you need to understand that god's judgment Is real god's punishment is real And if you're smart, you won't say like well, this is my nation. This is my ethnicity This is my heritage you'll say hey tell me what the bible says And if my parents are wrong, then my parents are wrong If if my culture is wrong if my country is wrong if my nation's wrong, then it's wrong And as for me and my house, we're going to serve the lord let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer Father we thank you so much for your word lord. And uh, lord, I pray that uh, No one in our church would get sucked into this whining sniveling snowflake woke Whatever liberal garbage where they they get all offended by anybody pointing out anything About a wicked culture a wicked heritage lord help us all to Examine our traditions examine our heritage and decide to do right and if somebody calls out Our nation or nationality lord help us not to get offended but lord help us to receive the correction And if someone calls out our our nationality for being a certain way help us to just decide we're not going to be that way and we're going to be In a way that would please you and glorify you lord Help us to be open and receptive to hard preaching And your commandments and statutes so that we don't end up with commandments and statutes that aren't good And in jesus name we pray. Amen Amen let's go to hymn number 162 in your song books number 162 To god be the glory great things he hath done number 162 162 let's really sing it out all together on this verse 162 Oh The purchase Praise the lord Praise the lord And Her and higher and greater will be our wonder our transport when jesus Let the people rejoice In the glory great things he had done You