(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) speak with Mrs. Suzanne Forte for details and then wave your hand Mrs. Suzanne Forte all right that's who you talk to if you want the details about that and then on the back the annual Christmas caroling this is something really fun that we do every year it's on December 21st at 5 30 p.m. just show up here at 5 30 because we're gonna be leaving by 6 o'clock sharp and we need time to get organized break into groups get instructions and so forth and we'll go out for like an hour max and then we'll come back here and have cookies and hot cocoa so that's coming up on Tuesday December 21st and then December 26th is gonna be kind of our Christmas service so that's the one that we're treating as Christmas and so on that day we'll have the cookie bake-off at 4 30 p.m. and we'll have our normal church services as always and then below that other upcoming events pay attention to the small-town soul winning trips that are coming up you can sign up over here the schedule and the signup sheets are over there so that's about it for announcements let's go ahead and just count up quickly the soul winning from the past few days going back to Monday anything from Monday okay got it any other soul winning from Monday how about Tuesday okay got it anything else from Tuesday what about today I know we had one in the church band today what about outside the van another one outside the van another one is that is that the same one okay all right anybody else for today all right very good keep up the great work on soul winning and with that let's sing our next song come lead us those should find the answer with the suit please raise your hand Oh Oh Oh We'll sing come the long-expected Jesus Oh Oh Oh Oh This time we'll pass our offering plates around as the plates go around let's turn our Bibles to Ezekiel chapter 16 Ezekiel chapter number 16 as we always do we read the entire chapter beginning in verse number one fall along silently with brother Hester as he reads Ezekiel 16 starting in verse number one Ezekiel chapter 16 the Bible reads again the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man caused Jerusalem to know her abominations and say thus saith the Lord God unto Jerusalem thy birth and thy nativity is of the land of Canaan thy father was an Amorite and thy mother and Hittite and as for thy nativity in the day that was born thy navel was not cut neither was thou washed in water to supple thee that was not salted at all nor swaddled at all none I pitied thee to do any of these unto thee to have compassion upon thee but that was cast out in the open field to the loathing of thy person in the day that was born and when I passed by thee and it saw thee polluted in thine own blood I said unto thee when thou was in thy blood live yay I said unto thee when thou hast in thy blood live I have caused thee to multiply as the bud of the field and thou hast increased in waxing great and now art come to excellent ornaments thy breasts are fashion and thine hair is grown whereas thou was naked and bare now when I passed by thee and looked upon thee behold thy time was the time of love and I spread my skirt over thee and covered thy nakedness yea I swear unto thee and entered into a covenant with thee say at the Lord God and now became as mine then washed I we then washed I thee with water yay I thoroughly washed away thy blood from thee and I anointed thee with oil I clothed the also with broidered work and shod thee with badger skin and I girded thee about with fine linen and I covered thee with silk I decked thee also with ornaments and I put bracelets upon thy hands and a chain upon a chain on thy neck and I put a jewel on my forehead and earrings in thine ears and a beautiful crown upon thine head thus was thou decked with gold and silver and thy raiment was a fine linen and silk and broidered work thou didst eat fine flour and honey and oil thou was exceeding beautiful and thou didst prosper into a kingdom and I renowned went forth among the heathen for thy beauty for it was perfect through my comeliness which I put upon thee say at the Lord God but thou didst trust in thine own beauty and play it's the harlot because of thy renown and porous out thy fornications on everyone that passed by his it was and of thy garments that it's taken decades thy high places with diverse colors and play it's the harlot there upon the like things shall not come neither shall it be so thou hast also taken thy fair jewels of my gold and my silver which I get had given thee and made us to thyself images of men and didst commit whoredom with them and took it's thy broidered garments and cover it's them and now I set mine oil and mine incense before them my meat also which I gave the fine flour and oil and honey wherewith I fed thee and now has even set it before them for a sweet savour and thus it was say at the Lord God moreover thou hast taken thy sons and thy daughters whom thou has borne unto me and these has thou sacrificed unto them to be devoured is this of thy whoredoms a small matter that thou hast slain my children and delivered them to cause them to pass through the fire for them and in all thine abominations and thy whoredoms thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth when thou was naked and bare and was polluted in thy blood and it came to past after all thy wickedness whoa whoa unto thee say at the Lord God that thou hast also built unto thee an eminent place and has made thee in high place in every street thou has built thy high place at every head of the way and thou hast and hast made thy beauty to be abhorred and hast opened thy feet to everyone that passed by and multiplied thy whoredoms thou hast also committed fornication with the Egyptians thy neighbors great of flesh and hast increased thy whoredoms to provoke me to anger behold therefore I have stretched out my hand over thee and have diminished thy ordinary food and delivered thee unto the will of them that hate thee the daughters of the Philistines which are ashamed of thy lewd way thou hast played the whore also with the Assyrians because thou was insatiable yea thou hast played the harlot with them and yet couldest not be satisfied thou hast moreover multiplied thy fornication in the land of Canaan unto Chaldea and yet thou is not satisfied herewith how weak is thine heart say at the Lord God seeing thou doest all these things the work of an imperious whorish woman and that thou buildest thine eminent place in the head of every way and makest thine high place in every street and has not been as in harlot and that thou scornest higher but as a wife that committeth adultery which taketh strangers instead of her husband they give gifts to all whores but thou giveth thy gifts to thy lovers and hirest them that they may comeest unto thee on every side for thy whoredom and the contrary is in thee from other women in thy whoredoms whereas none followeth thee to commit whoredoms and that thou giveth a reward and no reward is given unto thee therefore thou art contrary wherefore O harlot hear the word of the Lord thus saith the Lord God because thy filthiness was poured out and thy nakedness discovered through thy whoredoms with thy lovers and with all the idols of thy abominations and by the blood of thy children which thou didst give unto them behold therefore I will gather all thy lovers with whom thou hast taken pleasure and all them thou hast loved with all them that thou hast hated I will even gather them round about against thee and will discover thy nakedness unto them that they may see all thy nakedness and I will judge thee as women that break wedlock and shed blood are judged and I will give thee blood and fury and jealousy and I will also give thee into their hand and they shall throw down thine eminent place and shall break down thine high places they shall strip thee also of thy clothes and shall take thy fair jewels and leave thee naked and bare they shall also bring up a company against thee and they shall stone thee with stones and thrust thee through with their swords and they shall burn thine houses with fire and execute judgment upon thee in the sight of many women and I will cause thee to cease from playing the harlot and thou also shall give no higher anymore so I will make my fury toward thee to rest and my jealousy shall depart from thee and I will be quiet and will be no more angry because thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth but hast fretted me and all these things behold therefore I also will recompense thy way upon thine head saith the Lord God and thou shalt not commit this lewdness above all thine abominations behold everyone that useth proverbs shall use this proverb against thee saying as is the mother so is her daughter and thou art thy mother's daughter that loateth her husband and her children and thou art the sister of thy sisters which loath their husbands and their children your mother was in Hittite and your father an Amorite and thine elder sister is Samaria and she and her daughters that dwell at thy left hand and thy younger sister that dwelleth at thy right hand is Sodom and her daughters and yet hast thou not walked after their ways nor done after their abominations but as if that were a very little thing thou was corrupted more than they in all thy ways as I live saith the Lord God Sodom thy sister hath not done she nor her daughters as thou hast done thou and thy daughters behold this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom pride fullness of bread and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy and they were haughty and committed abomination before me therefore I took them away as I saw good neither has Samaria committed half of thy sins but thou hast multiplied thy abominations more than day and hath justified thy sisters in all thine abominations which thou hast done thou also which has judged thy sisters bear thine own shame for thy sins that thou hast committed more abominable than they they are more righteous than thou yea be thou confounded also and bear thy shame and that thou hast justified thy sisters when I shall bring again their captivity the captivity of Sodom and her daughters and the captivity of Samaria and her daughters and will bring again the captivity of thy captives in the midst of them that thou mayest bear thine own shame and mayest be confounded in all that thou hast done and that thou art a comfort unto them when thy sisters Sodom and her daughters shall return to their former state and Samaria and her daughters shall return to their former state that now and thy daughters shall return to your former state for thy sister Sodom was not mentioned by thy mouth in the day of thy pride before thy wickedness was discovered as at the time of thy reproach of the daughters of Syria and all that are round about her the daughters of the Philistines which despise thee roundabout thou hast borne thy lewdness and thine abomination saith the Lord for thus saith the Lord God I will even deal with thee as thou hast done which has despised the oath in breaking the Covenant nevertheless I will remember my covenant with thee in the days of thy youth and will establish unto thee an everlasting covenant then thou shalt remember thy ways and be ashamed when thou shalt receive thy sisters thine elder and thy younger and I will give them unto thee for daughters but not by that covenant and I will establish my covenant with thee and thou shalt know that I am the Lord and thou mayest remember and be confounded and never open thy mouth anymore because of thy shame when I am pacified toward thee for all that thou hast done sayeth the Lord God father in heaven thank you for the Bible I pray that you please bless Pastor Anderson with the fullness and the power of the Holy Ghost as he preaches your word in Jesus name I pray amen men Ezekiel chapter 16 is quite a long chapter but if you remember last week chapter 15 was a very short chapter and so we got a head start on chapter 16 and so I'm just gonna jump in around verse 25 which is about where we left off but it says in verse 25 thou hast built thy high place at every head of the way and has made thy beauty to be abhorred and it's opened thy feet to everyone that passed by and multiplied thy whoredoms so the analogy here is that idolatry and worshipping false gods is like whoredom or adultery so he's using that as a comparison and this is also used in the New Testament where it says you adulterers and adulteresses know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God whosoever therefore will be the the friend of the world is the enemy of God basically if we are unfaithful to the Lord it's a similar concept to a woman who is out just sleeping around or committing adultery or whatever so he's using that as an illustration but it's also good I think when we preach this passage in our day to just really take some time and get the literal meaning here of what he's saying about fornication itself because we need a lot of preaching against fornication on our churches today and we need preaching against adultery because we're living in a very permissive society where a lot of people think this is OK and fornication is something that a lot of people that are in this world don't even know that there's anything wrong with it and so it's good to talk about this because the Bible makes it crystal clear that we are only to go to bed with someone that we're married to right and you are supposed to be a virgin when you get married and once you're married it's still death do us part and you stay faithful to that one person so long as you both shall live the Bible here is talking about this horse woman at the end of verse twenty five who just opens her feet to everyone that passes by I mean that's pretty disgusting you know this is a pretty serious accusation here calling someone a whore that just opens their feet to everybody who passed by and notice it says that thou has made thy beauty to be abhorred so here's the thing it doesn't matter how beautiful you are if you are loose and sleazy and promiscuous you know people are going to be disgusted by that beauty if they know that that's the kind of lifestyle that you're living where you're just cheap and easy and you're a floozy this is something that will cause even the greatest beauty to be abhorred and people will actually be disgusted by you it says in verse 26 thou has committed also fornication with the Egyptians thy neighbors great of flesh I guess just talking about the fact that the I guess the Egyptians have a little extra weight on in those days and has increased thy whoredoms to provoke me to anger behold therefore I have stretched out my hand over thee and have diminished thine ordinary food and delivered thee under the will of them that hate thee the daughters of the Philistines which are ashamed of thy lewd way you know when the world is ashamed of a Christian's lewd way that's pretty bad isn't it this kind of reminds me of America in a lot of ways because the United States of America is known as a Christian nation most of the population claims to be some kind of evangelical Christian in the United States of America even to this day and historically it's been very Christian but yet today there are a lot of other countries that are more righteous than America where if you go and visit these countries it's almost like America just has a reputation for being godless or perverse or sleazy you know think about Russia for example you know when the Olympics are being held in Russia and they had to say hey look we know the Americans are coming so no queers holding hands or doing anything weird because we don't want our kids to see that filth and so it's pretty sad when the government of Russia has to make these announcements so that the Americans don't bring their their faggoty garbage into Russia during something like the Olympics okay and and now America which has been the greatest Christian nation in the history of mankind I mean if you think about it as far as just sending out missionaries evangelizing I mean America has done a lot to spread the gospel throughout the world over the years probably the greatest in the history of mankind and yet today now we're evangelizing the world with the gospel of Hollywood and the gospel of scantily clad women and and places where they don't have our Western American type culture they're wearing more clothes often than the visitors from America the so-called Christian nation and so here the Philistines are horrified by the lewdness of Judah and God's gonna go on in this chapter to say that you know you're worse than Sodom and you're worse than Samaria of course Samaria is the capital of the northern kingdom of Israel you got the southern kingdom of Judah and you got the northern kingdom of Israel and if you know the Bible and you've read the Old Testament a lot you know that the the northern kingdom was pretty bad you know they they rarely did that which was right in the sight of the Lord almost not at all and it was usually the southern kingdom that was the more godly nation and yet he says you're worse than Samaria now you're worse than Sodom and Gomorrah he says to Judah and it just goes to show that that a nation that has been very godly in the past can fall to these depths where they become even worse than the heathen and so where even the heathen will be ashamed of of the Christian nation so-called and that's what we see here where the Philistines were ashamed of your lewd way look at verse 28 Dallas all Dallas played the whore also with the Assyrians because that was unsatiable yay that was played the harlot with them and yet could us not be satisfied that was moreover multiplied by fornication in the land of Canaan unto Chaldea and yet that was not satisfied there with you know another thing I take from this is that fornication is not gonna satisfy you you know a lot of people think that if they go out and just have that fun and party and sleep around that that's gonna somehow bring joy and fulfillment to their life well guess what it's not because lots of people have tried it before you and they've gone out and committed a bunch of fornication and it's all vanity and vexation of spirit the joy is found in getting married and being faithful to your wife having children and living a family life following God and living a Christian life because those who just go out and commit all these whoredoms it's not like all right I got that out of my system no they're insatiable they just want more they just keep going and so if you're a young person you think that it's gonna be so fun it's gonna satisfy you you're not gonna be satisfied you're just gonna go darker and deeper down that path of sin and it's just gonna get worse and worse so just don't even go down that road because it's just you're gonna just keep going deeper if you're looking for some kind of fulfillment you're not gonna find it and then it and then it just keeps getting more extreme where you're just you're just committing even more fornications and so forth which is what we see here because she's unsatiable she just goes from person to person it says in verse number 30 after saying in verse 29 you know that yet was thou not satisfied here with verse 30 how weak is thine heart how weak is thine heart you know the one who's out committing all this fornication is a weak person they're a weak person spiritually they're often very weak emotionally they don't respect themselves they don't respect their body you know when you see a woman who's just willing to just sleep with whoever she has no dignity she has no self-respect and even men that would go out and do this are also you know those who who are weak of heart strength is being pure and staying married etc you know a lot of guys would brag about how mighty they are you know they're mighty to drink wine and they're just a ladies man or a player or whatever no the Bible calls you a whoremonger and you're weak anybody can do that like oh wow so cool you went out and and and slept around with all these women well you know what there are whorish women lying in wait at every corner the Bible says so that's that's really nothing to be impressed with that you went out and did that how weak is thine heart sayeth the Lord seeing thou doest all these things the work of an imperious whorish woman and that thou buildest thine eminent place in the head of every way and makest thine high place in every street and has not been as a harlot and that thou scornest higher now Ezekiel really preaches hard here but keep in mind look at verse 1 of chapter 16 again the word of the Lord came unto me saying so did Ezekiel come up with this sermon this is something that he received as a revelation from God and you know some people might think that I preach too hard some people they say oh we love hard preaching and then they come to our churches I yeah it's a little too hard but the thing about that is that even when I preach my hardest sermons I don't really ever reach Ezekiel's level here when I read the prophets of the Bible they preach hard I'm a pretty moderate guy all right I'm a reasonable guy up here all right I mean these guys preach pretty hard I mean it's a hard sermon when he says hey you're a whore you're opening your feet to everyone that passes by you're disgusting you've caused your beauty to be a horde you're committing fornication with all these Assyrians and the Egyptians great of flesh whatever that means some big dudes or whatever but he says no never mind you're not a whore because at least whores get paid you're not even getting paid you're worse than a whore and you know it's funny that you know today in our society if a woman sleeps around we would call her a whore but then some people would say well she's not a whore because she's not getting paid you know a whore is a prostitute where you're you're paying for it right so it's worse than a whore because at least the whore is making money okay he says you know you are like a whore but then he says actually you've not been as a harlot in the douse cornice higher verse 32 but as a wife that committed adultery would take his strangers instead of her husband they give gifts to all whores I mean at least whores are getting gifts thou giveth thy gifts to all thy lovers and hire is them that they may come unto thee on every side for thy whoredom he's calling them the reverse of a whore and the contrary is in thee from other women in thy whoredoms whereas none follow with thee to commit whoredom and thou give us a reward and no reward is given unto thee therefore thou art contrary and let me tell you something I don't care how beautiful you are and I hope you young ladies are listening to me I don't care how beautiful you are alcohol and drugs are gonna make you look a lot worse okay so I you know I mean you could start out really beautiful and you know maybe you're just as gorgeous teenager gorgeous a 20 year old or whatever but you know what you go out and live a life of alcohol cigarettes drugs and you know what you won't have to get very old before you start looking pretty rough it will just that will destroy your beauty that will destroy your looks okay and you know contracting an STD is probably not gonna help your looks either okay when your body gets filled with disease and you're living this unhealthy lifestyle and you know what you that could aid you by 10 or 20 years you you could look like you're 60 when you're 40 literally I mean look all you have to do is go online and look at all the pictures of the meth before and after right and and and it will literally show a woman go from being a beautiful woman to just looking horrific in in literally just a matter of years just a couple of years a handful of years it will destroy your beauty and so oh now you're out committing fornication and drinking and doing drugs and partying or whatever but you know what you're gonna get to this point right here where nobody's even gonna want to commit order them with you because you've gotten so ugly through destroying your body with these substances and diseases and so forth and I'm not trying to be mean you know but God has called me to preach the Bible and here it is in front of me Ezekiel chapter 16 it's in your lap it's in front of me it's in front of you and you know what this is what we need to hear or else God wouldn't have put it in the Bible God could have easily left this chapter out couldn't he but here it is and so we need to take heed to what the Bible is saying here he's saying you know you give them money no reward is given unto thee therefore thou art contrary saying you're the opposite you're the reverse of a whore wherefore O harlot hear the word of the Lord does say it the Lord God because thy filthiness was poured out and thy nakedness discovered discovered in the Bible typically means uncovered in our monovinacular thy naked is discovered throughout thy whoredoms with thy lovers and with all the idols of thy abominations and by the blood of thy children which thou didst give unto them behold therefore I will gather all thy lovers notice the blood what's the blood about well typically when people go out and commit a bunch of whoredoms they end up having an abortion at some point and there's nothing new under the Sun people were doing abortions even in Bible times they were doing chemical abortions there were interuterine devices that were in invented in ancient Egypt and also they just practiced infanticide in the ancient world sometimes after the baby was born they would kill it and we covered that in the first half of Ezekiel chapter 16 so it's in the context here so that's the shedding of blood that's associated with fornication and adultery is that the product of those unions will often be aborted even in our day even in America and it says in verse 37 behold therefore I will gather all thy lovers with whom thou has taken pleasure and watch this night don't miss this next phrase and all them that thou has loved with all them that thou has hated now notice here the fornicating woman the whorish woman the promiscuous woman has been with a whole bunch of dudes and these dudes fall into two categories the ones that she loved and the ones that she hated now how does that sound how does that sound having carnal relations with someone that you hate but you know what that's the reality of fornication you know if you're gonna go out there and just be with dude after dude after dude you know what eventually you're gonna be with the ones that you absolutely hate you're gonna be with some really terrible guys and you know don't let Hollywood deceive you with you know Richard Gere and Julia Roberts pretty woman or whatever that glorifies being a prostitute and how oh it's so nice and then the guy falls in love with the prostitute yada yada yada you know this ain't the book of Hosea all right you know you want to know the reality of being a process stop and think about this just just just use your brain for a minute okay what kind of guys do you think go to prostitutes just think for a minute what kind of guys are going to prostitutes right what level of society are we talking about what level of character what level of godliness are these are these just really eligible bachelors out there going to these prostitutes okay now now that we kind of think about that for a minute okay now think about this what percentage of people in that demographic do you think could be violent or insane or perverted think about it I mean even if we just took the general pop the general population what percentage of people in the general population are either violent or perverted or insane you know it'd be like a few percent right it would it would be a significant number of people out there that are messed up now let's take just people who go to prostitutes what percentage of them are messed up so here's the reality prostitutes are constantly being beat up they're constantly being abused they're constantly being treated horribly and eventually they often get murdered frequently they get murdered all the time and this is the same illustration that's used in the book of Revelation in chapter 17 about the great whore and what happens with the great whore when the Antichrist and the ten kings are done with the great whore the great whore is then discarded and that's the reality of being a whore okay and you could be you know we could be talking about a literal whore that actually gets paid a prostitute they're going to end up getting beaten abused and eventually very likely to be murdered or poisoned or hooked on drugs or you know all kinds of different things we could go on and on about all of the fate of literal prostitutes but you know what the the the whorish woman the promiscuous woman she's gonna end up in the same boat because here's the thing she's basically going out and getting drunk and ending up with whatever the guy well again what kind of guy just hops in the sack with random drunk women that he just met is this is this a godly man is this a loving man is this a Christian that's got character and he and he's kind and he's successful in his business or is this a derelict so you know what you're gonna end up with a bunch of derelicts and what are the chances that one of these derelicts is going to be violent or pervert or whatever I mean just stop and think about and and and and and if these women are with with scores of dudes do the math it's a guarantee that it's going to happen you will be assaulted you will be abused you will be a victim of these things folks the way of transgressors is hard you think living a Christian life is hard you think being married is hard no being a whore is harder okay you say and here's the thing about these prostitutes you know what I don't hate them I feel bad for them you know Jesus Christ you know he reached out to these kind of people and and showed them love and and extended salvation unto them right I mean why because they are living terrible lives I mean it's it's depressing to even think about the life that they're living it's not some glamorous fun life no they're getting beaten they're getting abused they're getting treated like garbage they're getting diseases they're just living horrible lies and and look you think drug addicts are living happy lives right now here's the thing about drugs you know and I've talked to people who were hooked on drugs for many years I've talked to people been on heroin for years and and and here's what they'll say they'll say you know when you first get on drugs there's a couple of months that are just great and then there's just decades of living hell that's drugs for you a little bit of fun in the short term and then just years and years and decades of living up why because when you first take drugs it's gonna release all these feel-good hormones and endorphins and you're just gonna be so high and it's gonna be so wonderful but then what happens is you know your body gets desensitized to that and then pretty soon you have to take drugs just to feel normal and if you don't take the drugs you feel horrible your life is just misery it's torture and you don't take the drugs to get high you take the drugs just to get back to normal just to get so you know the way all of us feel right now like we're all here and we just feel normal right now they have to take drugs to get to where you're at right now okay so then if they want to get high then they would have to step up the drugs and they'd have to move up to something stronger well here's the thing it doesn't take long until you run out of steps and you get to the end of you know and I mean when you're already shooting up on heroin it's like where do you go next you know what I mean you get to a point where you've done it all and then you know there's nowhere else to go and then you're just spending years or even decades shooting up heroin living this horrible disgusting messed up life just so that you can either feel like garbage or normal garbage or normal they're still getting high getting high is only in the very beginning and it's a fool that would get sucked into that because and just ruin their entire life for a little bit of fun a couple weeks of fun couple months of fun or whatever it is not worth it okay not only that you know my son brought up to me that there's a big thing that's going on right now with fentanyl and people are taking fentanyl recreationally and the problem with fentanyl is that the dosage is very precise you know you don't want to overdo this because you can you can OD on fentanyl very easily okay and so it must be dosed properly well the problem is people are getting fentanyl from all these really sketchy sources and from all of these just you know from Mexico or something or just from people that are just making it themselves and they'll basically stamp it and make it look like a legit you know fentanyl tablet or whatever and the dosages aren't right or they don't know the right dosage whatever and people are dying all the time it's something that's been happening even in Phoenix Arizona where people are dying because they think it's fun to just take a pill right drink a beer go party and they die and this happens all the time okay so you know what if somebody wants to hand you a pill come on man everybody's doing it you know don't just do that to be cool or something or just to fit in say no way run screaming in the other direction and you know what you shouldn't even be hanging around people that are offering you pills anyway if somebody offers you pills you should just decide I don't want to be friends with this person and just tell that person you know what maybe we can be friends again when you're totally done using drugs and maybe that could be a wake-up call for them but if somebody's offering you pills I don't care how peer pressured you are do not take pills do not mix pills with alcohol and they say oh well it's just you know Vicodin or what you don't know what that pill is people could be lying to you about what that pill is it could be for some from some sketchy source or counterfeit or whatever and even if it really is Vicodin you know if you're mixing that with alcohol you know what you are on the path now you're taking drugs and you're mixing drugs and alcohol you are on the path now to just getting to the point that I described where you just need drugs even to feel normal right what fun is that why would you want to be addicted to some expensive substance so you can feel normal sorry coffee drinkers no just kidding all right I'll give you a break but I'm saying like this is that times 1,000 I mean give me a break but he says you know I'll gather all your lovers with whom you've taken pleasure you know the ones that you loved and the ones that you hated why because if you're out sleeping around do the math you're gonna be with some horrible people that you hate sounds fun huh kids it's not fun at all I'll gather them round about thee and will discover thy nakedness unto them that they may see all thy nakedness and I will judge thee as women that break wedlock and shit and shed blood or judge and I will give thee blood in fury and jealousy you know if you if you so blood you reap blood what the Bible saying now again where's the blood coming in you know the Bible says when lust hath conceived to bring it forth sin and sin when it is finished bring it forth death and when it comes to fornication and adultery these can literally lead to death in various ways you know when we're talking about those who break wedlock in verse 38 and that committed adultery that can lead to blood either through number one aborting the baby to try to cover up the sin that you've done or it often leads to blood because if you cheat on your husband your husband might kill the guy that you committed adultery with or he might even kill you or he might kill both I mean this happens all the time or your boyfriend that you're cheating with he might decide he wants to kill your husband and replace your husband you know I had a friend that I worked with and I won him to the Lord and he and I we worked together every day we talked a lot and everything and so I I knew a lot about his life story and everything and he he was married in the past and he came home one day to find this guy was a really big guy was very tall big guy he's a real nice guy very kind man but he was just he was just big and he came home one day to find his wife in the act with another man right he caught her in the act and he grabbed this guy and the guy's not wearing any clothes he grabs this naked man and hurls him through the window at the front like the front window of his house right so he just grabs the guy and throws the guy through the window okay and it shattered out the window and the guy's naked okay so this guy got lacerations all over but just just from the simple act all he did was just hit the guy a few times and then hurl him out the window is you know it wasn't like a second floor first floor but just hurl him out the window but think about you don't want I don't want to get thrown through a window but I if I do I want to be wearing like what I'm wearing right now I want to I want to be I want to have long sleeves on if I'm hurled if I'm ever hurled through a window and long pants and shoes and you know preferably a hat or something you know maybe even a COVID mask you know into the bargain but the point is this guy got hurled stark naked through a window and you know what he got lacerations all over his body and he almost bled to death and he had to be put in the ICU thankfully he lived because otherwise you know my buddy would have gotten in trouble for some kind of manslaughter or third-degree murder or second-degree murder or whatever they would have tried to pin on him you know which you know I have no problem with with you know what he did but obviously you know the jury might have seen it differently and so the point is you know thankfully this guy survived but but hey what did the Bible say those who break wedlock and shed blood I mean was there bloodshed in that story oh yeah I mean this guy got sliced up and he almost bled to death and had to be stabilized in the ICU and so it's a sad story for my friend to have his marriage fall apart in this way but it's always a sad story because sin leads to misery and heartache and eventually death so it says in verse number 39 I will also give thee into their hand and they shall throw down thine eminent place and shall break down thy high places they shall strip thee also of thy clothes and shall take thy fair jewels and leave thee naked and bare they shall also bring a company against thee and they shall stone thee with stones and thrust thee through with their sword so we've been talking about kind of a literal interpretation of the parable just you know it's just about whorish women and what happens and and adultery and fornication and and I I think it's important that we talk about that but again just back to the tie-in with Judah he's basically comparing what they've done as a nation to a whorish woman because they went a whoring after other gods instead of whoring with a bunch of dudes they basically are worshipping a whole bunch of different gods they were practicing polytheistic type religion right just worshipping all these different gods of these countries and just as he said you know the lovers that you took pleasure with the ones you loved and the ones you hated I'm basically gonna bring them back to hurt you and beat you up and abuse you it's kind of what we talked about a little bit earlier too but basically what this is is that the Egyptians and the Assyrians and Babylonians people like that will basically come and attack Judah these nations will attack Judah and when he says they're gonna strip you of your clothes and your jewels and leave you naked and bare that's where they basically come to the temple and they strip all the gold out of it they strip all the precious stones out of it they strip the palace of the king they strip all of the accoutrements for the house of the Lord and they take the military's weapons they just kind of take all their stuff that's what's going on here it says in verse 41 they shall burn thine houses with fire and execute judgments upon thee in the sight of many women and I will cause thee to cease from playing the harlot and thou shalt give no higher anymore so will I make my fury toward thee to rest and my jealousy shall depart from thee and I will be quiet and will be no more angry isn't that a relief you know I mean we all want God to not be angry with us and to be quiet and and give us peace in our life but I mean this is almost like tongue-in-cheek this is almost a joke because he basically says you know everything gets burned down you're stripped of everything you're beaten you're abused you're destroyed you know then I'll then I'll you know then I'll be okay verse 43 because thou has not remembered the days of thy youth but has fretted me in all these things behold therefore I will also recompense thy way upon thine head sayeth the Lord God of course that's a major theme in the book of Ezekiel what you did is coming back to bite you you did this to yourself I'm not doing this for no reason and it says in verse number or let's finish that verse in verse 43 thou shalt not commit this lewdness above all thine abominations so verse 44 he says but behold everyone that uses Proverbs shall use this proverb against these saying as is the mother so is the daughter so is her daughter thou art thy mother's daughter that loateth her husband and her children and thou art the sister of thy sisters which loath their husbands and their children loath means hated your mother was a Hittite and your father an Amorite and thine elder sister is Samaria she and her daughters that dwell at thy left hand and thy younger sister that dwells at thy right hand is Sodom and her daughters yetest thou not walked after their ways nor done after their abominations but as if that were a very little thing thou was corrupted more than they in all thy ways and we talked about this earlier how they end up getting more corrupt in in many ways than even Samaria or Sodom or the Hittites or the Amorites and so forth he says in verse 48 as I live sayeth the Lord God Sodom thy sister hath not done she nor her daughters as thou hast done thou and thy daughters the old this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom pride fullness of bread and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor needy now some people have taken this verse out of context they like to let you know libtards and and just defenders of degenerates and freaks everywhere will sometimes just quote Ezekiel 16 49 all by itself and say well you know the sin and Sodom didn't have anything to do with homosexuality you know it's just the the sin of Sodom was just you know pride and idleness and really just a lack of hospitality it was just that they didn't show hospitality to the strangers that was the problem and you know they'll point to this verse and say well that's the issue and very frequently you'll hear people say well you know the problem in Sodom it wasn't that they were homos it was the fact it was just the fact that they assaulted somebody you know is the fact that they were trying to do it not consensually okay so here's my response to that this this this attitude that says well the thing about Sodom it's not that they were homos it's just that it wasn't considered okay let me ask you something then can you show me a consensual homo in the whole Bible I mean we got 31,000 verses we got 1189 chapters where's the consensual story no actually what we see in the Bible is three stories involving homos and they're forcing someone every time hmm I wonder what God's trying to tell us so we're supposed to look at these three stories and say well you know these are just bad because they're forcing people no you know what we should maybe look at those three stories and say this is what they're like this is how the Bible portrays them the Bible is painting them as a predator painting them as someone who gets violent and someone who violates and someone who molests people that are not willing because that's what we see in Judges 19 that's what we see in Genesis 19 that's what we see in Genesis 9 that's what we see in all the stories there is no little consensual LGBT marriage in the Bible it doesn't exist all you have is this kind of wicked perversion but here's what people are forgetting about Ezekiel 16 49 is they forgot to read verse 50 because it says in verse 50 and they were haughty and committed abomination before me see that's the part that they're skipping it's not just that they had a lot of idle time and that they ate too much bread and that they didn't take care of the strangers it's also the fact that they committed abomination and what the Bible is saying here is that these first things led to that you know when you get prideful and you're idle and you have fullness of bread abundance of idleness and you only carry by yourself and you don't strengthen the hand of the poor and needy and you get haughty and puffed up well guess what the next thing you end up doing is committing abomination before the Lord so the reason Sodom got destroyed is not because they were too idle and eating too much and not taking care of the poor enough committing abomination is what got them destroyed the Bible says they committed abomination before me therefore I took them away as I saw good why did he destroy stopping the war because of the abomination that they committed and you know what the Bible says that if a man lies with mankind it's abomination the man lies with mankind is alive with an above a woman it's abomination that's the abomination that they committed they were dudes being with other dudes and you know what I don't care what our stupid godless society does about the homos that you know what I'm not changing on that issue if you think that someday I'm gonna back off on that or something that you know you might just want to just go find another church now if you're like if you're thinking that someday I'm gonna soften up on that or accept that listen I would rather just not be a pastor and literally disband the church than to have church with homos in here amen I will disband the church I will walk away I will stop pastoring no homos will ever be allowed in this church as long as I'm the pastor period never it will never happen I would literally rather not be a pastor than to worship the Lord with a bunch of almost it's disgusting they will never be allowed I will never back down on that they the Bible says they're worthy of death okay the Bible says they are an abomination and well it's an about though they're an abomination the Bible says in Deuteronomy 22 5 that they are an abomination all that do show are an abomination to the Lord thy God and so you know it doesn't matter how far society goes in accepting them or how far evangelical Christianity goes or how far the independent fundamental Baptists go I'm not going anywhere I'm not moving the only place I'm going is out that door if they're ever allowed to worship here it's the only place I'm going because I won't do it oh you're gonna be forced to perform a queer wedding no one could ever force me to do that how are they gonna force me to do that are they gonna attach strings to me and I'll be like a marionette will you take this dude to be your lawfully wedded dude they can't do that no one can force me to do anything how can someone force me to do that they can't no one has ever been forced to do that in the history of mankind anybody who did that did that because they decided to do that because you know what there's always death is the other option you know there's always prison right there's always exile but you know what performing a sodomite wedding is not an option having homos in this church is not an option it's not gonna happen we go to church to get away from that garbage okay we don't want our children being in danger and exposed to that filth even in the house of God okay we try to keep them away from that junk even out there in the world you know I was talking to a relative of mine recently he had his children enrolled in a in a Christian sports league right they're playing sports Christian League there's a guy on the team that's just open homo during the game he's talking to the other team which is also a Christian team he says to one of the teammates oh see that guy on the other team he's my ex-boyfriend okay this is a Christian team right and then uh this this young boy on the team with him says wait you're gay which I don't I'm offended by that word I don't use that word it's too nice of a word but you know you're and the guys like we yeah obviously didn't you know that and then he said I just did whatever last night and it tells this kid that and the coach just doesn't even do anything so then the parents go confront the coach and say hey this is what's going on and he's like oh well you know we're trying to reach the lost and you know this kid's from a troubled background and we got to help this kid and we got to reach him with the guy and and and and so the parents said to the coach like why why do you think a Christian sports league exists why do you think parents want to put their kids in a Christian sports league and this is what the guy said well you know they want the Christian coaches and the Christian leaders it's like no it's not you buddy no here's what they want they want their kids around other Christian kids and they want them protected from sodomites and transvestites and whatever that's the whole point I mean here's the thing look don't you think there are a whole bunch of Christian schoolteachers are excuse me don't you think there are a whole bunch of public school teachers that are born-again Christians and and good people across America wouldn't you say there are probably thousands and thousands of born-again Christians nice people godly people church going people family people that are elementary school teachers junior high teachers high school teachers across America is it out there I guarantee it's out there thousands and thousands and thousands of when I went to public school there were Christian school teachers and and really nice teachers you know I'm not obviously they're gonna be some some gnarly ones too but they're gonna be some good people but here's the thing even if the elementary school had a born-again Baptist separated soul winner as the teacher I still wouldn't want to put my kids there because I wouldn't want my kids just seven hours a day away from me around the influence of just random kids in a day where you've got all kinds of perversion abounding and and just just okay just drop off little Johnny for seven hours there's no adult there's no supervision and he's you know with with who who knows what perversion because look and you say well when the kids are that young folks when kids are that young they still get exposed to stuff by their parents and by older siblings and whatever and even little kids can have all kinds of perverted ideas in their head that they that they share readily okay I mean I remember even even when I was in school I remember being in third grade and there was this kid who who watched a bunch of pornography and came to school and told everybody all about it thankfully I was young enough to where it just kind of and then later I was like man that kid was into some weird stuff you know once the penny dropped you know when I got a few years older but the point is that the whole point of putting your kid in the Christian sports league is to get them away from that right because you don't want them to be around that and then here you're on a Christian team you know in a in a conservative part of our nation okay and you've got an open sodomite on the team talking about an open sodomite on the other Christian team and the coach like well we just gotta reach people no they're reaching you he's reaching that kid next to him telling him these perversions during the game but this is the insanity and stupidity oh and by the way did I mention that the coach said oh I was brought up independent fundamental Baptist folks this is the insanity that is happening in our day this just happened in the last few weeks and this is going on where Christians are so stupid now that they're just like come on in devil come on in Satan come on in reprobates come on in degenerates and they just bring in the worst most degenerate people to be around their kids and I mean it's it's insane it's truly insane and so we see here that Sodom was destroyed because they committed abomination that stuff is an abomination you what does the word abomination mean the word abomination is something that is hateful you know like like for example you know if a certain food were an abomination unto me it means man get that food away from me I don't want to eat that things that are an abomination unto the Lord are just things where God is disgusted by them okay and that's why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah was because of that abomination that they committed of men with men working that which is unseemly okay and women with women is also disgusting in the sight of our Lord it is something that is equally abominable even though sometimes society goes easier on that but yet they're both an abomination to the Lord and so pride is where it starts and then it ends up with abomination but isn't it interesting that those who commit this particular abomination that that's literally their slogan is pride I mean when they have a parade here in Phoenix they don't call it you know the sodomite parade or the the homo brigade or something they call it Phoenix pride well you know pride is an abomination too and these filthy sodomites they don't have anything to be proud of they ought to be ashamed of themselves I'm ashamed of even the fact that they even exist in our in our nation you know it's an embarrassment to our whole country that our country is exporting these freaks now and exporting this death style and so he says they committed abomination and he says in verse number 53 when I shall bring again their captivity the captivity of Sodom and her daughters and the captivity of Samaria and her daughters then why bring again the captivity of thy captives in the midst of them so he's saying okay you guys that are going into the Babylonian captivity guess when you're coming home you're coming home when Sodom comes home excuse me didn't they all get burnt to a crisp centuries ago yeah the point what's the point he's making you're not coming home you're going to Babylon you're never coming back now you say aren't they gonna come back in 70 years yeah but it's different people 70 years later it's not the same people 70 years later it's it's the grandchildren that are coming back you know but this generation they leave and they don't come back because he says you guys are gonna come back when Sodom comes back you're coming back when Samaria comes back and of course Samaria never came back the the ten lost tribes and so forth so it says in verse number 55 when thy sister Sodom and and her daughters shall return to their former estate and Samaria and her daughters shall return to their former estate then thou and thy daughters shall return to your former estate for thy sister Sodom was not mentioned by thy mouth in the day of my pride before thy wickedness was discovered and at the time of thy reproach of the daughters of Syria and all that around about her and the daughters of the Philistines which despise thee roundabout thou is born thy lewdness and thine abominations sayeth the Lord for thus saith the Lord God I will even deal with thee as thou has done again major theme in the book of Ezekiel which has despised the oath in breaking the covenant nevertheless I will remember my covenant with thee in the days of thy youth and I will establish unto thee an everlasting covenant and thou shalt remember thy ways and be ashamed when thou shalt receive thy sisters thine elder and thy younger and I will give them unto thee for daughters but not by thy covenant and I will establish my covenant with thee and thou shalt know that I am the Lord this is a little bit of a foreshadowing of the new covenant the everlasting covenant because of course the old covenant is no longer in force the Bible says and that he saith the new covenant he hath made the first old you know theologians didn't come up with the term Old Testament it wasn't like hey I have an idea let's you know we're printing Bibles let's call it the Old Testament in the New Testament now the Bible calls it that the Bible says in Hebrews in that he saith the new covenant he had made the first old now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away now let me ask you this the book of Hebrews written in the first century AD and it said that which decayeth and waxeth olds ready to vanish away you think it's gone by now in 2021 yeah it's long gone the old covenant is not in effect the old covenant is not in force okay we're in the new covenant and the new there was some overlap because the new covenant starts with the death of Christ on the cross you know some people are still grandfathered in for a while in the old covenant but guess what that was back then that's first century AD it's gone now there's only the new covenant and the new covenant is an everlasting covenant it's everlasting Testament Testament and covenant are synonymous in the Bible so that's why we don't need the Book of Mormon another Testament of Jesus Christ because we're right now we're in the final Testament here final covenant the new covenant the everlasting covenant and when he says you shall receive your sisters thine elder and the younger I think this is an allusion to the fact that basically under the new covenant the Gentiles are gonna be brought in all foreigners are gonna be brought other nations are gonna be brought into the fold in the new covenant that thou mayest remember and he said thou shalt know that I'm the Lord that thou mayest remember and be confounded and never open thy mouth anymore because of thy shame when I am pacified toward thee for all that thou has done sayeth the Lord God and then and then he's gonna change subjects at the beginning of chapter 17 he's gonna talk about something completely different but anyway it's a long chapter it's a great chapter but the big takeaways from this are obviously there's the spiritual takeaway of being faithful to the Lord and don't go after other gods don't have any other gods before him because that's that's like being married and then basically going and being with someone else okay that's like a woman who has other men instead of her husband he says it's it's it's horrible you know and and and having polytheism is like being a whore you know with all these false gods but then there's also just the surface meaning of the fact that fornication is described in the Bible as filthy okay don't be tempted by it it's a strong temptation when you're young to commit fornication do not give into that be patient wait until you get married and then you have your whole life to enjoy that relationship with your spouse but don't give into that temptation to commit fornication and if you're married be faithful to your spouse till death do you part and just keep it leave it at that don't go into all this excess of you know the the what we see here this this insatiable excess be satisfied and content with what you've got let's bow to the number word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word Lord and I pray that every single young person that's here would would would listen to advice and stay away from drugs stay away from alcohol stay away from fornication and get around the right friends and if someone's offering them pills that they would get away from that person if someone's trying to pressure them into drinking or committing fornication that they would get away from that person and if someone is a homo that they would get away from that person and and not be friends with homos and other dangerous bad influences Lord help us all in this godless and wicked generation Lord help us to shine the light of the gospel and get as many people saved as we can but in the process Lord please help us to stay unspotted from the world ourselves and in Jesus name we pray amen number 425 no room in the end number 425 425 begins no beautiful chamber no soft cradle bed number 425 on this first verse together no soft cradle bed no place but a manger no plan for his death no praises of blackness No thought of their sin. No worry but sadness. No room in the end. No room, no room for Jesus. Oh, giver well, come free. Bless you, Shamir, and heaven's grace. There is a room for thee. No sweet consecration. No singing his part. No humiliation. No place in the heart. No heart of the Savior. No prayer for his favor. No room in the end. No room, no room for Jesus. Oh, give him well, come free. Bless you, Shamir, and heaven's grace. There is no room for thee. No want to receive him. No welcome of fear. No balm to believe him. No scab on us near. No singing his treasure. No weeping for sin. No doing his pleasure. No room in the end. No room, no room for Jesus. Oh, give him well, come free. Bless you, Shamir, and heaven's grace. There is a room for thee. you