(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Man starting out in the book of Exodus here chapter one the Bible reads now these are the names of the children of Israel which came into Egypt every man in his household came with Jacob, Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah, Isaac Arzibulun and Benjamin, Dan and Naphtali, Gad and Asher and all the souls that came out of the loins of Jacob were 70 souls for Joseph was in Egypt already so the book is called Exodus because exo means out odos means the road ok so it's basically a departure or the road out think of an odometer ok so this is about the children of Israel leaving Egypt that's the main subject matter of the book that's why the book starts out with the names of the children of Israel which came into Egypt so we start out with them going in and the story is all about them being there and going out of Egypt that's the main theme in the book of Exodus now Exodus chapter one is extremely relevant to the day in which we live because of the fact that Egypt in the Bible pictures the sinful world that we live in and there are so many things in this chapter that are applicable today there's nothing new under the Sun and so the things that we see in this chapter are happening around us as we speak all right so let's look at some of these things as we go down through this chapter it says in verse 6 and Joseph died and all his brethren and all that generation and the children of Israel who are obviously God's people living amongst a sinful world right the children of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly and multiplied and waxed exceeding mighty and the land was filled with them so this is God's will for us as Christians to be fruitful and multiply this is a major theme all throughout the Bible even going back to Adam and Eve going back to Noah going back to Jacob and all these people that they would be fruitful and multiplying and and God said surely blessing I will bless you and multiplying I will multiply you so multiplication is a blessing from God being fruitful is a blessing so if you have a lot of children that's a blessing okay if the church is growing and multiplying that's a good thing right we want there to be more Christians next year than there were last year want to constantly be reaching people and growing and bringing forth fruit and multiplying so God's people are being fruitful they're increasing they're multiplying and that's a great thing but when the world sees that when the devil sees that he doesn't like that he doesn't want God's people to multiply either physically or spiritually okay so it says in verse 8 now there arose up a new king over Egypt which knew not Joseph and he said unto his people behold the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we come on let us deal wisely with them lest they multiply and it come to pass that when their fall without any war they join also unto our enemies and fight against us and so get them up out of the land therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens and they built for Pharaoh treasure cities Python and Ramses so what we see here is that when God's people do the right thing when they're living godly in Christ Jesus they're going to suffer persecution all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution and when we're multiplying greatly the devil is going to try to fight us the world is going to try to stop us first of all they don't want us having a lot of kids right they want to brainwash Christians today not to be fruitful and multiply that's why your average independent Baptist Church they're not having a lot of kids they'll typically have two kids maybe three kids if they have four kids it's considered a really big family they are encouraging their people to use birth control I remember when I was in Bible college they had a mandatory meeting for every girl who's getting married and they just sat them down and just indoctrinated them on birth control and it was required that all the Bible college students get this birth control indoctrination and they would have birth control pills literally issued to them on the campus of the Bible college they're doling out in the clinic you know they have a little nurse and doctor on staff the college clinic and they're giving out the birth control literally on the Bible college campus I've heard preachers get up and preach against having a big family and how it's going to slow you down from serving God and just all this nonsense folks God wants us to be fruitful and multiply having children is a blessing happy is the man that had this quiver full of them right and so we need to get back to that kind of a belief amongst God's people where even if the world is telling us oh we're overpopulated and you know don't have too many kids and wait two years you know so you can get to know your wife or how about getting to know her before you get married would be a good thing number one OK but then number two after you get married you're going to have at least nine months where it's just the two of you OK and here's the other thing about that when you just have a little baby you know they don't really interrupt your conversations and say well you might I had you know now obviously they cry and things but you know you still feel like you have privacy look when my wife and I go out on a date with just the baby we feel like we're alone because you know being alone is relative my friend all right when you have 10 kids if we just take the baby we we call that a night out alone because the baby you know isn't part of the conversation all right just as long as you keep the food and drink coming toward the baby it'll be as happy as a clam and so this this doctrine that says oh you need to wait two years I'll tell you where that's really coming from the fundamental Baptist didn't come up with that it comes from Margaret Sanger comes from Planned Parenthood OK and it comes from a wicked person who was pushing abortion and everything else and here's what Margaret Sanger said she said you need to wait two years before you have kids because she said you need to make sure that the marriage is going to work out well guess what when we get married as independent Baptist we get married as a Christian when we get married as one who believes in the word of God it's do or die literally do or die till death do us part so we're not in some waiting period like well we don't want to produce children for the first two years because what if it doesn't work out and then today we have these young girls getting on birth control when they get married and doing that for two years well guess what if you're on birth control for X amount of time you have to be off birth control for that same amount of time before you can expect to for sure get pregnant or to have metabolized all that stuff so if you're on birth control for seven years it could take up to seven years for your body to recover from the effects of that birth control it's not like you could just be on birth control for years and then all sudden just flip a switch it's like all right I'm ready to have a kid now you are even training your body not to have a kid you know it's not always that easy and sometimes you could have done permanent damage to your body to the point where you can't have kids so now infertility is epidemic and obviously there are a lot of reasons for infertility and you know some of them are biological some of them could be hereditary some some of them could just be you know health problems or it could be all manner of different reasons or God just chooses to open and close the womb for whatever reason and in his wisdom we just have to accept that his way is perfect and wait on his timing and you know if you can't have kids you pray to the Lord that he'll open the womb et cetera but we see just the statistics of infertility rising amongst men and women and part of it is all the birth control is being used OK and then people go to try to have kids after they've already used it and a lot of times they struggle because of that also it's just getting into the water supply because so many women are taking birth control and then it gets into the water supply and then everybody's getting a little bit of birth control you know from the tap water or whatever so you know these things are not of God all right we need to bring back a culture at least amongst God's people that says hey let's get married let's have kids let's be fruitful let's multiply we don't need to use birth control we don't need to artificially tamper with God's plan there and look my children are naturally spaced about two years apart and we don't use any birth control so you're not going to have a kid every nine months OK necessarily now you know the way that our kids are spaced out is just through breastfeeding you know by my wife breastfeeding the baby and following certain rules that allows the babies to be naturally spaced her periods don't come back for like a year after she has a baby because of the fact that she's breastfeeding exclusively and there are certain rules that you have to follow in order to make that work. This is knowledge that used to be passed from mother to daughter and and that people used to just know about now if you tell a doctor sometimes about lactation amenorrhea they don't even know what you're talking about or they'll tell you all that doesn't work really that's fine because it's worked for me for the last 18 years OK none of my kids are nine months apart my kids are all spaced out and we don't use any birth control so there you go folks now obviously you need to read up on that and and and follow the wisdom since your mom didn't teach you you're going to have to go to mother Google to teach you that but it's true you know this is the knowledge that man has had that's why in Hosea it says that when she had weaned then she conceived you know after she weaned the baby she conceived why because those things are related you need to look into that amen so we want to multiply but it's not just physically it's not just that we want to have a bunch of kids we want to have some spiritual children right we want to have our sons and daughters in the faith people that we beget like Paul where he said I've begat Onesimus in my bonds when he was in jail he begat someone he won someone to Christ that was his son in the faith and so we want to have some spiritual children OK so even if you can't have physical children you can have spiritual children amen and win people to Christ and and and hopefully we can have both right and multiply physically and spiritually it's a good thing it's a blessing and it talks about how they multiplied and the king didn't like that and so he began to persecute them and afflict them you know if a church is outreaching people and getting people saved and growing there's going to be persecution Paul said that a great door was opened and effectual for him to preach the gospel but then he followed that up by saying and there are many adversaries so if you're a do-nothing church that's just us for no more high steeple few people and nothing's even happening you're not going to get persecuted but when you actually start preaching hard and winning people to Christ making an impact when the converts are being baptized that's when the persecution is going to inevitably come OK and so that's what happens here God's people are being afflicted because they're multiplying because they're living godly in Christ Jesus because they're being blessed by God and it says here in verse twelve but the more they afflicted them the more they multiplied and grew and they were grieved because of the children of Israel the more they afflicted them the more they multiplied and grew and it's the same thing in the book of Acts when there was a great persecution in the book of Acts then they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the gospel so by persecuting God's people it just scattered them everywhere preaching the gospel in more places so it actually helped the gospel go forward see persecution that comes to Christians is a blessing we're to rejoice when we're persecuted we're to leap for joy all things work together for good to them that love God and to them who are the cold according to his purpose that means even when I'm persecuted that's working together for good everything that happens works together for good to them that love God that's what the Bible says so any persecution that comes we should rejoice we should leap for joy and I'm not just saying that this isn't just some kind of a line of yeah we're supposed to rejoice I'm I'm literally saying rejoice literal rejoicing that's what I do you know when when when we get banned from a country when they shut down this or shut down that you know it can be annoying when you have to change plans and the logistics and everything but you know what we ought to be rejoicing and praising God and just thankful for the persecution when the when the protesters have been out here and and protested outside our church you know that's been a blessing it's it's cheaper than waving a sign waiver you know you hire a sign waiver companies pay somebody to stand out there and dance around and woo you know I mean we have people do it for free hey this guy's preaching hate in here it's like oh really well what time does the service start sounds great this guy hates homos where has this guy been all my life you know this is my pastor you know that you know what kids guess what not everybody thinks like they do they think everybody's some flaming liberal they think everybody is some weirdo folks there are still seven thousand men that haven't bowed the knee to bail and you know it's funny we haven't had any protesters out there for about three years now and let me tell you exactly why we haven't had any protesters actually i'm sorry it's been four years now since we've had any protesters out there and i'll tell you why because finally the devil's crowd in our area got smart enough to figure out wait a minute the more we afflict them the more they multiply and grew and they they literally in 2015 in the spring so four years ago now they had a press conference where they said we're not going to talk about pastor anderson anymore in the media define irony let's have a press conference talking about pastor anderson how we're not going to talk about him anymore but this is the last time okay okay so we're going to stop talking about pastor anderson right now so they literally had this press conference brother ramon ventura was there he filmed it for us so i watched it on video and they had this big meeting where they they got together with the congressman and the and the media and everything and they said hey we need to stop talking about this guy because all we're doing is just spreading his message all we're doing is just helping people find out about this church so there was a big protest planned in 2015 and they canceled it they they said we're asking the organizers to cancel the protest we're not covering them anymore and and the media used to always call me up and want to interview me like when big things would happen they'd call me up and do an interview none of the media has contacted me for the last four years except for foreign countries and the spanish station they didn't get the memo because they don't speak english so i the only the only local interviews i've done last four years has been una vision and telemundo that's it okay and then reporters will come from the netherlands and sweden and whatever but the the local reporters don't come because they made an agreement don't talk about faithful word baptist church because the more they afflict us the more we multiply and grow that's why and they finally figured that out and realized that but what's so stupid is the azcentral.com just did an article on our church this week and they're so behind the times they're called the news right the news they show a picture of me sticking my head out the door of the church building and it says this picture taken in 2009 is pastor anderson sticking his head out the door of the church building so basically i've been in hiding for the last 10 years i there's no photograph of me for the last 10 years no video i've been completely in hiding here is a rare photo from 10 years ago of pastor anderson peeking his head out the door and everybody took a picture real fast i'm not kidding look it up that's what they have a newspaper a picture of me from 10 years ago and it even says this is from 2009 well have you thought about an update there brother stupid right folks the media is a joke it's a joke friend who takes these people seriously you know what this is the truth right here the word of god if you want the truth you come to church and listen to the word of god preach you don't listen to the lame stream media with their picture from 2009 and then they're like oh his church has often drawn protests yeah four years ago why don't you guys catch up nobody has protested our church in the last four years but they're they've got a picture from 10 years ago a news story from four years ago folks i got a book from you know 3 500 years ago and it's more relevant than the junk they're putting out every day amen so we've got here a story in the bible that mirrors what we see today where god's people are multiplying they're growing the devil doesn't like it the world doesn't like it persecution comes down and then they just multiply and grow they do better you know when when when i got banned from south africa now i have three times as many listeners in south africa thank you for banning me okay because now i have three times as many listeners overnight because you banned me and was all over the news and everything like that and i didn't really want to go to south africa that much anyway all right i wasn't going there for my own benefit i was going there to try to preach to them to help them to be a blessing to them i'm not going there for myself if i was going there for myself i'd probably pick a country other than the rape capital of the world where you can pay somebody 50 to murder someone great place folks that place is a hellhole okay that place and by the way it's been cursed by god ever since they banned me even more they've been having drought and famine and economic problems murder rape pillage it's all going up it's all getting worse how could god bless them when they have denied the the the preachers it wasn't just me there's a whole bunch of soul winners and preachers that were all going there to minister and they banned all of us now most countries only ban me and then everybody else goes in south africa is the one country that banned all of us i mean they didn't just ban me they banned pastor dave burzins they pat they banned pastor roger jimenez they banned my wife they banned their wives they banned paul wittenberger's wife i mean they banned they banned everybody and their wife okay they probably bet probably other people whose name is steven anderson probably can't even get into that country you know just other steven andersons are struggling to enter south africa now apparently so anyway the more they afflict us the more we multiply and grew that's why we should rejoice when persecution comes it makes us stronger it builds our faith the trying of our faith is like the trying of gold in the fire so we do best when we're being persecuted or when we're in a fight that's when we're at our finest hour as god's people so the more they afflicted them the more they multiplied and grew and they were grieved because of the children of israel folks it grieves this wicked world when they see god's people living right and serving god they they're just grieved why can't they just let us do our thing why can't they just let us uh believe the word of god and preach the word of god they don't want to let it happen because they know how powerful it is and they don't want to spread they want to try to stop it but in trying to stop it it ends up spreading more they can't they've been trying for the last few thousand years to stop it folks and here we are 2019 years after the birth of christ and it's still going strong the word of god's the best seller you know they they different men have talked about how we're going to get rid of the bible you know the french revolution there were radical atheists talking about how you know we're going to get rid of the word of god we're going to get rid of christianity we're going to burn all the bibles really because here we are and there are more bibles on this planet today than there have ever been on any other day in the history of this planet right now in may of 2019 there are more bibles now than there have ever been in the history of mankind the bible's everywhere there are more copies of the word of god available it's easier to get your hands on than ever it's everywhere and the preaching's everywhere it's easy to get the preaching it's easy to get the book itself it's everywhere you know john lennon said that oh well you know 50 years from now i forget the exact quote he said you know people are still going to be listening to the beatles but they're not going to care about jesus anymore we're more popular than jesus christ right now that's what john lennon said and and you know when when when people stop believing in jesus they'll still be listening to beatles well you know what less and less people i think are listening to beatles maybe i'm wrong about that i i don't know maybe young people just love the beatles or something you know they just really want to hold your hand and all that but let me tell you something i think there are i think christianity is going up and the beatles are going down and several of the beatles are already down there okay i think what three out of four of them are already down there or are all four of them reunited there in hell two really you beatles fans you worldly people you know all this how do you know that all right so in exodus chapter one the more they afflicted them the more they multiplied and grew they were grieved because of the children of israel what just bought it's just like just like cain was grieved by able right they just can't take it when someone's serving god and the egyptians made the children of israel to serve with rigor and they made their lives bitter with hard bondage in mortar and in brick and in all manner of service in the field all their service wherein they made them serve was with rigor and the king of egypt spake to the hebrew midwives of which the name of the one was shifra and the name of the other pua and he said when you do the office of a midwife to the hebrew women and see them upon the stools if it be a son then you shall kill him but if it be a daughter then she shall live so we see that the world's agenda and the devil's agenda is to eradicate men to eradicate men okay men are the ones who are going to stand up and fight the lord's battles and be on the front lines of the actual fight itself right you know they weren't worried about the hebrew women siding with their enemies in a war and taking up swords and shields and spear they weren't worried about that they're worried about the men now obviously women play a super important role in christianity in the church in the family obviously women are very important and we as god's people understand that women are as valuable as men that's what we understand that in christ there is neither male nor female and so men and women both have equivalent value but the world though downgrades women now they'll lie and try to make it the other way around oh you christians you degrade women really because i'm not the one telling them not to act like women see i'm up here celebrating femininity tonight okay right i'm up here celebrating femininity saying hey it's great to be a wife to be a mother to stay at home right that's a blessing that's a position of honor you're not just a homemaker you're a homemaker with a capital h i mean you know you're not just you're not unemployed don't put my wife in some unemployment statistic she's not unemployed she is doing the most important job that a woman could ever do and you know what i'm here to celebrate femininity tonight by telling women to wear skirts and dresses it's so feminine embrace your femininity but the world they act like they love you but they really hate you so they tell you hey you have to dress like a man act like a man live like a man do the jobs that a man does they're telling you that you don't have value unless you do men's work i'm telling you that you have value just the way you are just the way god made you a woman being a woman it's great right men being men women being women the world wants to take women and turn them into men but even more than that they want to take men and turn them into women they hate a hair-legged man who stands up and preaches god's word that's their greatest nightmare is a warrior their greatest nightmare is a man who acts like a man okay this is what they hate more than anything a man who's a husband and a father and he rules his home and he's a servant of god they don't like that so they want to emasculate men they want to feminize men here in this story they said hey we're going to kill the men and we're going to save the females alive we're going to save the the girls alive and throw all the boys in the river right murder all the boys they're trying to eradicate manhood is what they're doing there okay they don't want the men and you know what there are a lot of churches today where you walk in and there are very few men in the church it's a lot of women in the church women children and then the men that are there are a little bit soft right and that's putting it nicely see what the devil doesn't want is a church full of manly men that can go out and and fight the lord's battles being supported by godly women that are raising that godly next generation and that are providing a supporting role to their husband you say well i don't have children yet but you know what support your husband be that godly wife that godly homemaker that godly helper so that he's adam and he's got his eve with him the help that is meet for him that's the purpose folks but the devil hates that the world hates that and so they want to tell women to go out and act like men and do men's jobs and then the men are feminized and and you know what this effeminate garbage needs to stop amongst god's people look okay so the world's going to do that okay if the world wants to go out and get all k-pop and synced out and backstreet boyed out and get all effeminate and queer looking you know that's fine but as for me and my house we will serve the lord and you know it's sad that now you go to independent fundamental baptist churches and you see these feminized men these queer baits and sissies folks we need to be manly and i'm not saying to have some overly manliness or something right like that meme what there's a meme called the overly manly man right you know i'm not saying you have to be like that guy all right but what i am saying is that you need to be masculine quit this feminine queer looking crap okay skinny jeans no just no no skinny jeans right and and what what's with all the pinks and the lavender oh you're so pretty why don't you go to the men's department and put on some real clothes okay and and you know getting all decorated folks women get decorated men don't put that much time and effort into their appearance and if they do then they have queer tendencies i'm not kidding standing in front of the mirror preening yourself you pretty boy that's not god's will for you be rugged be men the man should not put on a woman's garment the woman should not wear that which pertaineth to a man manner to have short hair women to have long hair you know the principle behind that is that men are to look like men and women to look like women it's not just hair and clothing let's just extract excuse me extrapolate that into all areas of life that men be men and women be women that they be different from one another right and and folks we need this in 2019 more than we've ever needed it why would churches be backing down on this at a time when now in 17 different states a boy can identify as a girl and go compete against female athletes and get first prize in 17 states folks some dude decides to become a girl or something and then he goes out and wins at the 55 meter sprint or the 100 meter dash or whatever because he's a dude because men are genetically able to run faster at a short distance than women that's why they even have a women's event and a men's event but now the women's event has just become a tranny event it's the i mean forget about girls sports now it's just it's all trainings now because how can they compete with the tranny you know he's he's got he's got male dna male hormones of course he's gonna smoke these girls in a race there's no glory in that i mean they even have these transvestites now in in mixed martial arts a man beating up a woman and being rewarded for that it's disgusting and so this is the world we're living in now where there's the drag top drag queen story hour and we got men competing in girls sports beating up girls running faster than girls out jumping and pole vaulting and discus throwing the girls right this is the bizarre twilight zone that we're living in today and then now is the time hey let's just back off on that right and that's the time for us now as babish hey let's just back off on that whole women in pants thing you know let's just back off on that whole you know feminine clothing and masculine clothes no folks it's time to tighten that up if anything we need more distinction in a world that's gone crazy we need more not less and and you know what sometimes i feel kind of bad when some metro'd out dude walks into our church or walks into another church that we're friendly with and i i see people like kind of looking at this guy like is this guy a queer or what you know what i'm talking about and they're kind of like you know they're they're wondering and i always feel kind of bad because i know that the guy's not a homo but that he's just he's just a product of our 2019 american culture and so i'm kind of like hey guys calm down you know this guy's he's not a queer he just looks like one you know but but but at the end of the day even though i feel kind of bad about it at the end of the day though it's really that guy's fault for walking into a bible believing church all queer looking and metro'd out you know why don't you just dress manly quit looking at gq and quit looking at all your little fashion magazines and go down to the uniform store and get some actual manly clothes that fit and show up looking like a real man who goes to work every day not some kind of a french queer looking fashion model or something right you know what i'm talking about folks you know with your with your 50 haircut what what go like this and just cut whatever's above your fingers that's your haircut all right good night but they got their little they're all preened and pretty and all metro'd out and everything it's really it's just it's wrong and it's sin and i'm sick of it and you know what it will never be the culture here if that becomes the culture here then i'll just get up and just preach about it every sunday you know what i mean folks there's got to be some place left on the planet where a man is still a man and a woman is still a woman amen and you just walked into it it's faithful word baptist church so you know they they hate men they want to they want to emasculate the men you know how is the thief going to enter into the strong man's house and spoil his goods except he first bind the strong man and then he'll spoil his house then he'll spoil his goods you know the devil wants men's hands to be tied and men to be weak and effeminate so that they can't be strong in the lord and the power of his might and fight the good fight right so they want to take the fight out of men and then a man gets up and preaches with a little bit of fight in the sermon right oh hate speech hate speech right oh oh he's fighting the good fight that's hateful right everything's hateful now any hard preaching is just hateful doesn't matter what you're preaching hard about it's automatically hate speech i preached the sermon against birth control and it was labeled hate speech and look sometimes i do preach hate because i do hate evil but sometimes i preach stuff that's not even hateful it's like well okay yeah i preached something hateful last week but this wasn't hateful at all and you're still calling it hateful because just anything negative is hateful today it's just a way to silence and shut up god's people from preaching it's just a way to afflict them and bind them put them in bondage and so that they can't get up and preach and say what needs to be said folks it's the agenda of the devil to eradicate men that's what he's trying to do here right get rid of the men throw all the the boys in the river so they don't go grow up to be men right and then the men that are there let's put them in chains and bondage so they can't fight or do anything right well we need to make sure that we produce a generation of real men you know and that we don't buy into all this sissified stuff and you know what if you don't want your children to grow up sissified here are some tips don't let them idolize a bunch of sissies on tv movies and the music industry you know don't have them listening to a bunch of queer music if you don't want them to grow up and have effeminate tendencies if that's who their role models are that's what they're going to do okay so and you need to model the way for them by showing them a good example of a godly man in the home and not only that but you need to teach your boys to be rugged you know to get out there and do stuff and to do hard things you know like for example you know i took my kids hiking uh i don't know if it was yesterday or a couple days ago but i took uh my kids hiking and you know my six-year-old son steven was out there and he got a blister on his foot you know and he kept on going he pushed through i mean look that kind of stuff is good for you to do something hard you know to go out and go through pain and work and he had a great time he enjoyed it you know get out there and do stuff don't just be glued to a screen all day glued to the smartphone glued to the tv glued to the video game just sitting around man get out there and do some stuff right get some some fresh air sunshine and get a little rugged skin the knee get the blisters get out there and and and experience a little bit of pain in your life so that you're not just completely soft and coddled and then you have no backbone then you get to be an adult and this you're like these preachers where the slightest little persecution and they go running away with their tail between their legs scared of their own shadow folks it's it's effeminate if they were manly then they would stand up for what they believe they'd stand up and say no this is what we believe this is what the bible says and you know what if you don't like it tough like it or lump it that's what men do behind the pulpit they get up and they preach god's word they say thus saith the lord and when somebody doesn't like it if they say well you know well thus saying thou reproachth us also well woe unto you also woe unto you lawyers that's what they do they dig in and they preach what needs to be preached that's what we need so he wants to eradicate the men you know he said in verse 16 when you do the opposite of a midwife to the hebrew women and see them upon the stools if it be a son then you shall kill him but if it be a daughter then she shall live then down at the end it says in verse 22 and pharaoh charged all his people saying every son that's born you shall cast into the river and every daughter you shall save alive boy isn't this wicked can you imagine taking a newborn baby and killing it can you imagine just taking a newborn baby in your hands and throwing it in a river just walking up to the river and just hurling in a newborn baby you know what you would have to be such a sick evil wicked disgusting person and you know that's why when the king pharaoh commanded the midwives to do that you know what they didn't do they didn't do it they refused to do it why because they weren't sick depraved individuals and so they didn't do it they refused to do it they did right and god blessed them okay even though they lied about it because they said oh well you know by the hebrew women man they just give birth so fast and we got there and they'd already given birth so it's too late you know what because they weren't sick people perverted depraved monsters they could actually take a newborn baby and hurl it in the river but folks there's a river that babies are being hurled into right now it's called planned parenthood there's a bay there's a river that newborn babies are being hurled into right now it's called the abortion clinic folks and it's it's more than than pharaoh could have ever thought of killing it's more than king harrod could have ever thought of killing boy the united states has a river of blood from all of the babies that have been aborted and you know what that's why god turned the nile river into blood all right to punish them that's what they deserve just like in the end times he said they've shed the blood of saints and prophets and you've given them blood to drink because they're worthy well you know what the egyptians shed the blood of innocent babies because these midwives were righteous but there were babies that did end up getting killed clearly obviously moses was spared he had to be hidden away and they had to hide him for three months and everything like that they shed that blood and you know what they end up drinking blood you know america is going to drink blood one day for all of the abortion and the wickedness that they've done you know it's funny though the one country that that hasn't banned me yet in europe ireland uh they're they've been really just kind of melting down in the media the last couple days uh they're just all freaking out and all the stories about how you know pastor anderson is still coming to ireland and you know whatever and this is what they keep talking about oh well you know he's probably trying to change us on abortion that's why they think i'm going there because they just made abortion legal just a few years ago it's a new thing i don't remember exactly when it was but it was in the last year or two or whatever and it was like a landslide i think it was like two-thirds of the people uh voted for abortion it was it was overwhelmingly brought in i don't remember exactly what the numbers are but ireland overwhelmingly brought in abortion you know that's the fruit of the roman catholic church right you know oh man we're all we're all so catholic over here in ireland well i thought catholics are supposed to be against abortion i thought that's like the only thing people can ever bring up to you good about the catheter well hey at least they're pro-life at least they're pro-life though it's like they don't even have that going for them it's like come on two-thirds of the people overwhelmingly brought in abortion and then a preacher's coming to preach i'm not even going there about abortion i'm not even going there to preach about sodomites i'm going there to do soul winning right to preach the gospel i'm there to preach christ crucified i'm there to evangelize and knock doors but these people are shaking in their boots oh no somebody's gonna take away our right to murder babies boy what a sick depraved evil country ireland is and you know what ireland is on its way to hell ireland is on a bobsled to hell ireland is a wicked place ireland is gonna face the wrath of god they're wicked they're idolatrous roman catholic church is wicked they're pagan priests papa is wicked calling himself father and dressing like a homo dressing in a dress all effeminate and queer teaching lies and hypocrisy his conscience seared with a hot iron boy the wicked mother of harlot's abomination roman catholic church mystery babylon religion of ireland is rotten and you know what these bunch of people who voted in abortion two-thirds of the people are a bunch of rotten people you rotten hey if you if anybody in ireland voted for that they're a rotten person there i said it you're a rotten person that means more than half of your country is rotten two-thirds of you are rotten wicked your country's an abomination ireland is a wicked abomination of a place you say why are you going there you know what i'm going there just to reach a few people that's why i'm going there to reach a few people i'm going there because i know there are godly christians in ireland there are a lot of godly christians in ireland but in the scheme of ireland they're a very small minority but i mean even just the ones who listen to my sermons there are thousands of people in ireland who listen to my sermons and i'm going there for them you know i'm going there for the people who actually love the lord who love the word of god who love the preaching that comes out of our church or other godly churches i'm going there for them to encourage them to motivate them to be a blessing them and you know what we're gonna do we're gonna go out we're gonna knock some doors and we're gonna find and you know we're even going to find some of those rotten people that voted in abortion and you know what we're going to get them saved and then they won't be rotten anymore then they won't be such a rotten person anymore but you know what right now they're a rotten person they're a wretch is what they are you know what they are they're a scummy individual if they're oh yes let's vote so we can murder babies you sick freak but you know what hey i want to get some of those people saved so they can stop being such a rotten person so that christ can make them a new creature because right now they're on their way straight to hell and so look i'm going there for the individual i'm not trying to change that country you know why would i spend my life on something that is a lost cause life's too short to spend it on a lost cause trying to fix ireland is a lost cause trying to fix the united states is a lost cause trying to stop abortion in ireland sorry lost cause you know what's going to stop abortion in ireland is when god gives them blood to drink and rains fire and brimstone from the sky that's what's going to stop it and you know what has always stopped it throughout history heathen hordes of armies the heathen horde comes in and that puts a stop to it fire and brimstone from the sky that puts a stop to it the volcano erupts that puts a stop to it the tidal wave comes and that puts a stop to it folks it's only the wrath of god whether it come through an invading heathen horde or whether it come through natural disasters that will bring wicked people like that to their knees but you know what i'm there to reach the individual i'm there to encourage the seven thousand that have about the knee to bail i'm there to pull one lost soul out of the fire hey if i just go there and win one person to christ then you know what it's a success at that point right i got that person saved but you know what we're going to get way more than one person saved because you know what when we have a hundred spirit-filled soul winners out there i don't know how many people are going to show up but let's say we have a hundred spirit-filled soul winners out there folks we're going to come back rejoice and bring in our sheaves with us and you say well what if you get paired what if you don't make it then there's going to be 99 spirit-filled soul winners instead of a hundred and it's still going to be great folks when we read the bible we see a reflection of our world this when you read don't just read the bible as oh this is ancient stories from long long ago no this is a story from yesterday because the same things keep happening in our world the world look there are still pharaohs in this world there are still the the shifras and the puas of this world there are still the children of israel of this world and there are the egyptians of this world and the pharaohs and the josephs and the moseses and the errands and the jacobeds folks it's the same there's nothing new under the sun people are people and it keeps repeating over and over again right the same thing same thing so when you read the bible you got to see the day that we live in here you see the infanticide you see the murdering of babies you see the the anger at god's people thriving and succeeding and growing and being fruitful and things going well for them you see that the eradication of manhood getting rid of the men folks it's all happening okay and the bible is teaching about what's going to happen in the end thereof you know at the end of this chapter it's just every son's getting thrown in the river but guess what then we get into chapter two chapter three chapter four and you know in the end the wicked get punished and god's people make it to the promised land that's the way the story ends all right spoiler alert that's how exodus ends they end up leaving all right and pharaoh and all of his people end up suffering and being punished but you know what i guarantee you that a lot of egyptians are going to get saved in the course of this story because the bible talks about later on how oh the egyptians who feared the lord man when he sent the hail to destroy the cow they put their cattle inside they listened when moses preached they feared the lord and you know even if an egyptian were to put the blood on the doorpost they shall be saved folks god used this to get a lot of people saved so even when the heathen are raging even when egypt is going crazy and pharaoh's going crazy you know what there's still some of the egyptians that can be saved some of the irish or the dutch or the swedish they can still be saved as a result they can be pulled out of the fire and you know when it's all in the media and everything it just causes people to look into it and learn about it and be saved so god is going to make sure that it all works together for good in the end to those that love him and so we need to just stay steadfast and unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord as much as we know that our labor is not in vain in the lord now if you're a woman okay you know and you're married and you're having children don't ever think oh man i wish i were out living like the world having the career you're already doing the most important thing you're you're doing the most important thing just keep doing what you're doing embrace your femininity and you know what if you're a man be a man and don't don't what are you who are you trying to get all pretty for you know what i mean what what what you know and people are people are constantly criticizing me for my hair and my clothing hey guess what i don't care you want to know why my clothing is a little off because i don't care that's why i get i get all these uh you know all these uh youtube comments hey you need to get a tailor why so i can wear some form-fitting suit hey as long as my suit's within about three sizes of what it's supposed to be i'm as long as it's as long as it's too big not too small then i ask me if i care mr queer eye for the straight guy okay you know it's like oh man you know your haircut oh your beard guess what this is called it's called low maintenance this you know what it's called i don't care this is called go jump in a lake this is called nuts to you i don't care this is called i'm dressed let's go this is called i have pants and shoes and a shirt let's go i'm dressed everything nothing's on backwards i'm ready to go hey my hair's there all right let's go you know you're sitting there get over yourself it's not a fashion show and you say well i'm single i want the girls to like me guess what girls like confidence not some queer little sissy pretty boy i don't care what you look like men care about looks more than women do that's why women they get all dolled up because men actually care about that women don't okay so quit if you're single just dress like a man and if you're married you shouldn't be trying to impress people with your appearance anyway just so long as your wife is happy with the way that you look okay as long as am i okay honey am i okay up all right there we go that's see that i got the thumbs up on this outfit sorry i'm not in 2019 style you know who cares folks we need men that act like men and not like they're trying to win some kind of a fashion show or be the prom king or something grow up put away childish things who cares you're spending too much time on your appearance you have feminine tendencies right so men be men women be women let's be fruitful let's multiply let's get out there and win souls to christ and you know what when the heathen rage and when the persecution comes bring it on great rejoice all these reporters always say how do you feel about being banned i don't know it feels a little awkward sometimes it feels stinking good to be banned feels great how does it make you feel on the inside i don't know i mean i didn't even think that much about it it's like okay i got banned all right next thing move on folks who cares oh there's protesters outside i'm afraid to go to church you spineless wimp oh that oh that's right i forgot there's that chapter in fox's book of martyrs about the people who had to go through protesters from their car to the church remember that chapter it was right it was right between the people being tortured and the people being burned at the stake was that chapter about people had to walk through protesters to get to church they had to go 50 feet from their car to church but you know what when pastor Jimenez's church was surrounded by protesters there were people who stayed home because they didn't even have the guts to get out of their car and walk 50 feet with with sodomites hurling insults at them folks you know that that should be one of the most glorious moments of your life you know who who was there who traveled to verity on that day how did you feel folks how did you feel when you walked through that gauntlet of literally 500 right five six hundred protesters who felt pretty good walking through that like yeah it was fun i like that attitude folks if the devil persecutes us we grow if he doesn't persecute us we grow anyway we're always winning we're more than conquerors if god's for us who can be against us folks just live your life the way that god wants you to live it and who cares what people say right hey be a godly man be a godly woman if your family doesn't like it tough i'm talking about extended family if your immediate family doesn't like it you know then you might have some problems but i'm saying you know if you're if your extended family doesn't like it then tough if the media doesn't like it tough if the government doesn't like it tough if your preacher friends don't like it tough just live your life it's between you and god and god's gonna bless whether you're a man or woman just live your life for god and you cannot fall you cannot fail everything will in the end work out great now look are there going to be some times where you're serving with rigor yeah i mean that you know they went did they go through some tribulations in this passage yeah they went through some affliction it said their lives were made bitter with rigor and bondage but you know what in the end they're going to come out blessed they're going to come out they're going to cross the red sea they're going to see the mighty power of god it's worth it friend stay with the lord stay with church stay with the things of god and you are going to come out like gold and you will be blessed in the long run don't listen to the enemy don't listen to egypt telling you not to have kids don't have kids get rid of the toxic masculinity you know and all this stuff folks just don't walk in the counsel of the ungodly right have a delight in the law of the lord and in his law meditate day and night let's borrow this board of prayer father we thank you for this chapter lord and we thank you for these godly midwives that defied egypt and and saved the the men children alive thank you for the children of israel serving as an example of your people at this time lord help us to be godly help us to do right and lord when the persecution comes lord help us to just continue to multiply and serve you lord help us to be as as strong and fearless as lions in the face of opposition lord and please just continue to bless our church help us to continue to grow and flourish and lord i pray that you'd bless these events in in the netherlands and and ireland and sweden that are coming up lord i pray that no one would be a coward and afraid to come and and afraid to show up at the event because they think that something bad is going to happen lord i pray that you would just put a spirit of boldness in all of your people in these places so that they would show up to the event lord and and and serve you and win souls and get that much needed fellowship and preaching over there lord and i just pray that you just open doors and prepare the hearts even before they get there and and uh even in ireland lord prepare the hearts and prepare the way and and lord help your people to come out in droves to serve you and to show that there is still a group of people that have not bowed the knee to bail and in jesus name we pray amen