(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Want to preach tonight on this subject every word of God is pure That's the title of the sermon I every word of God is pure head I'm gonna make a stack on the pulpit here and on the pulpit I'm gonna make a stack of two two books really now It looks like there's a lot of books up here, right? How many books does it look like I've stacked up there? Five six Let's see here seven Seven Seven books right here, but really there's really only two books up here You know what? I mean, if you really stop and pull it you can say oh, there's eight different but no There's really only two there's this one and this one because these are all pretty much the same thing And then there's the one that's different which one of these does not belong the King James Version This Bible right here is completely different than all these other by on this side I've got the New American Standard, the New World Translation of Jehovah's Witnesses, the NIV, the Recovery Version, the Living Bible, the New King James Version so-called, and the New American Standard Bible But there's really only two books up here But before I show you what's wrong with all these and why this is the only one that we use before I did We got to get our doctrine right because if you don't understand the doctrine of the Word of God I could show you comparisons and differences till I'm blue in the face It's not going to do you any good unless you understand the philosophy behind there only being one Bible that we use and unless you understand that the Philosophy and the concept of every word of God being pure I could show you all day long and you're not going to comprehend what I'm going to show you So let's start by getting the doctrine look down at your Bible where we just read the Bible says in verse 6 the words of the Lord are Pure words now. He doesn't say the thoughts or the doctrines or the teachings or idea. He said the words Are pure words as silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times Thou shalt keep them. Oh Lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation Forever so the Bible says that God's Word will be preserved forever that God's Word is in the earth and That it's pure to this day This is written hundreds and hundreds of years after the books of Moses were written and yet He said every word of God is Pure now many people have attacked this passage It's changed all of these versions right here pretty much change this passage and take out the part about God's Word be preserved but and People tell this lie as well. They say this they say well That's the only verse where God said he's going to preserve his word and here's why it doesn't really mean that they go back But hold on I'm going to give you a list of many other verses that teach the same thing You can just sit back and listen. How about this verse Matthew 24 35 Jesus Christ himself heaven and earth? Shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away Not the thoughts the ideas he said my words shall not pass away mark 13 31 heaven and earth shall pass away But my words shall not pass same thing in the book of Luke heaven and earth shall pass away But my words shall not pass away Isaiah 59 21 as for me This is my covenant with them sayeth the Lord my spirit that is upon thee and my words He's speaking to Isaiah the prophet my words which I have put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth Nor out of the mouth of thy seed nor of the mouth of thy seeds seed sayeth the Lord from henceforth And forever that means the book of Isaiah that we have today is preserved It's the same words that Isaiah preached that his son preached that his grandson preaches. It'll be preserved forever Matthew 5 18 for verily I stand to you till heaven and earth pass one jot or one tittle Shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled Proverbs 30 verse 5 every word of God is Pure he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him add thou not unto his words Lest he reprove thee and I'll be found a liar turn to Matthew chapter 4 2 Timothy 3 15 and that from a child Thou hast known the holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith, which is in Christ Jesus All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness now Matthew chapter 4 The Bible reads in verse number 4, but he answered and said it is written Man should not live by bread alone, but by every word That's receded out of the mouth of God now. It looks to me like it's the words that God is emphasizing He said the words will not pass away. The words are pure words The words will be preserved every jot every tittle will be preserved as long as this earth is standing And he said from henceforth and forever God's Word will be preserved and it's every word now look at Matthew 4. This is what's interesting because You have to understand that when Jesus Christ was on this earth He wasn't speaking Hebrew Because the people in in the land of Israel that time Judea is what it was called at that time Because it's just a province of the Roman Empire They weren't speaking Hebrew and the way I can prove that and I don't need a history book to prove that I Can prove that with the Bible because every time Jesus says something in Hebrew It makes a point that he said it in Hebrew and it tells you what he said and what the interpretation is Like when he said to the man Ephatah about his ears being opened be opened He spells it up when he was on the cross and he said it Eli Eli Llamas about tonight Which being interpreted my God my God why is that forsaken me? Whenever somebody speaks Hebrew whether it's Paul or Jesus it always makes a point says you said this in the Hebrew tongue Which being interpreted is this because they were not speaking Hebrew. They are speaking Aramaic language What language is the New Testament written in? Greek what language is the Old Testament written in? So the first thing we got established is that number one God's Word is still around today It's got to be because he promised he'd preserve it to all generations He promised it would exist forever every word But number two the next thing that we need to learn is that God's Word is not limited to one language But I thank God that he didn't give us the whole Bible in Hebrew Or they didn't give us the whole Bible in Greek because then people would worship that language and say well It's gotta be in the original Hebrew. Wait a minute. He gave it to us in two different languages Two dramatically different languages Hebrew is not even a European language Greek is so he gives these two Dramatically different languages basically showing us It's not one specific language his word can be in any language when Jesus was speaking here in Matthew 4. He's speaking Aramaic Because I don't because every time it speaks Hebrew he tells them, you know, he said in the Hebrew But he was quoting a Hebrew Bible and then it's written down by Matthew in Greek So there's three languages right there in one verse He says every word of God is pure turn if you would to Acts chapter 1 I'm sorry, Acts chapter 2 turn to Acts chapter 2 So we got to get our basic principles down before I show you the differences in these versions We saw that number one. It's every word that matters every word has got to be preserved today Somewhere on the face of this earth. There's got to be a book that contains every word of God. I've got to live by it I've got to preach from it. I should know it and it exists It has not been buried by an archaeologist somewhere It has not fallen off the earth, but number two God's Word is not limited to one language It's funny people say well you you think God only speaks through one version They think that God only speaks in one language or two languages Yeah Let me tell you something God can speak any language and his word can be translated into any language Period I'll prove it to you. The Bible says this in Acts chapter 2, of course, this is the day of Pentecost The Bible says this Verse 7 and they were all amazed and marveled saying one to another behold are not all these which speak Galileans and how here we Every man in our own tongue wherein we were born Parthians and Medes and Elamites and the dwellers of Mesopotamia and in Judea and Cappadocia and Pontius and Asia Phrygia and Paphilia and Egypt and the parts of Libya about Cyrene and Strangers of Rome Jews and proselytes Crete's and Arabia's we do hear them speak in our Tums the wonderful works of God and they were all amazed and we're in doubt saying what to one another what meaneth this Now look at verse 4 and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance look at verse 6 and when this was noise the broad the multitude came together were Confounded because that every man them heard heard him speak in his own what? So hold on a second. There's 17 languages mentioned there Who was the one that gave them utterance they spake as they were moved by whom? Holy Ghost and they were speaking in 17 different languages. Let me tell you something This is God's Word in 17 languages at least that's just the ones that they listed So can God's Word only be in one language? I mean you say oh whenever you have it a translation in other language you lose something in the present This is coming directly from God Directly from the Holy Spirit in 17 different languages, maybe even a hundred different language. That's the one it lists Directly from God and so therefore God does not only speak to man in a couple language his word And I I guarantee they were all here in the same thing just in their own language They were hearing the same preaching the same doctrine the same type of things Maybe not the exact same verses, but it was all God's Word You know because there's 120 different disciples that were speaking and what you know one person was speaking part of you And one person was speaking me whatever they all didn't they were preaching They're all from Galilee and yet they were speaking miraculously in these other languages They spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost the language that they didn't even know It came from God God's Word can be in all languages look at Daniel go back to Daniel chapter 4 I'll show you the same thing in Daniel Daniel chapter number 4 The book of Daniel has a similar statement in the beginning of chapter 4 of Daniel Daniel chapter 4 was originally sent out to every nation in the world all the different provinces probably about 127 provinces of this particular empire of Nebuchadnezzar the Babylonian Empire Nebuchadnezzar the king unto all people Nations and languages that dwell in all the earth peace be multiplied unto you So basically this scripture was originally sent out in all different languages It's God's Word God wanted his word to go out in all the languages speaking of his glory preaching the truth Through the parts of the book of Daniel that were sent out these various languages God's Word is pure God's Word needs to be word for word and God's Word can be preached and Spoken in any language without losing something in the translation, but number three look at John chapter 1 John chapter number one Not only that but the third thing we need to realize Besides the fact that God's Word every word is pure. That's the title of the sermon number two We got to realize it can be preached in any language something limited to the Greek or the Hebrew And it's so silly to say what has to be in the Hebrew what about the New Testament? Oh, it has to be in the Greek what so basically you can't read the whole Bible in any language Because the Greek can't read the whole thing the Hebrew can't that doesn't make any sense God's Word is meant to be translated into various languages look if you would at John chapter 1 verse 1 This is the third principle. We need to learn is that the Word of God? Had no beginning and has no end God's Word existed before the world was even created That's what we need to understand because we don't want to think that just a man wrote the Bible No God's Word existed before man ever walked the earth and in John 1 1 it says this in the beginning Was the word and the word was with God and the word was God now you say? I'm not really sure if that's time about I think it's just talking about Jesus well Jesus was the word made flesh this is the written word Jesus was the living word But listen to this in hope of eternal life Titus 1 2 which God that cannot lie Promised before the world began so the promise of the Bible were given before the world even began The Bible says this in Exodus 20 verse 1 so that's the third principle the fourth principle is this God's Word is inspired by God Okay, that's the fourth principle, and I'm going to give you that in that 2nd Peter 121 if you turn there 2nd Peter 121 while you're turning there, I'll read you a great verse a very succinct verse a Very short clear verse Exodus 20 verse 1 right before God gives the Ten Commandments This is my favorite verse on biblical inspiration Exodus 20 verse 1 and God Spake all these words Say that's the best that's to me. That's the best verse in the Bible on biblical this phrase. Yeah, I don't know I've never heard it preached It's the ultimate verse it just in a nutshell You know everybody talks about the verbal of the plenary that you know that marry all these different Dodger don't think hey, just make it simple my friend. God spake all These words it's that simple. Yep. It's that simple look at 2nd Peter 121 And just and learn that verse Learn Exodus 21 let it just be the verse you go to just to show the inspiration of the Bible there it is Exodus 20 verse 1 great verse can you tell that I like that verse 2nd Peter for 121 says this for the prophecy Came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of God Spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost now does it say that they wrote as they were moved by the Holy Ghost? No It says they what? Spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost the fifth principle that you need to understand is That God's Word was first spoken Then written now, it's important to understand that you may not see the importance that but you're going to in a moment Look if you would at before we get into that concept though turn to the book of Acts look at Acts 28 25 While you're turning to acts 28 25 I'll read you acts 116 men and brethren this scripture must needs have been fulfilled which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David Spake before concerning Judas, which was guide to them that took Jesus now Did you get that the Holy Ghost spake by the mouth of David? So who was doing the speaking? The Holy Ghost whose mouth was he using David's mouth was it David's words No, the book is the book is anything in this book of Psalms Can we go to Psalms and say why is David talking? When you're in the book of Psalms, that's the Holy Ghost speaking through it now I'm sure David and his personal life said a lot of things and someone could have been erroneous There are people in the Bible who said erroneous things and told lies and the Bible records it But when the narrator of the Bible is speaking, that's the Holy Ghost speaking my friend and when you're reading the book of Psalms That's the Holy Ghost speaking by the mouth of David the prophet peace. He's speaking in the spirit now Where did I return 28? Verse 25 and when they agreed not among themselves they departed after that Paul had spoken one word Well spake the Holy Ghost by his eyes the prophet unto our father So in Acts 1 he said he spoke by the mouth of David the prophet here He said the Holy Ghost spoke by Isaiah and then he quotes Isaiah now turn if you would to Romans chapter 16. Now let me ask you this, who wrote the book of Romans? Who's the author? Just give me the quick answer. I'm not trying to trick you. Paul, right? You say well Paul the Epistles of Paul, right? Romans written by Paul. Paul wrote 1st 2nd Corinthians Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1st 2nd Thessalonians, 1st 2nd Timothy, Titus, Philemon and Hebrews written by Paul, right? But wait a minute. Look at Romans 16 verse number 22 I Tertius who wrote this epistle salutes you in the Lord. You ever noticed that before? You read the Bible? Who's that say wrote it? I Tertius who wrote this epistle salutes you in the Lord because you see look now look at Romans 1 1 What's the first word of Romans 1 1? Paul. Paul, he's addressing the letter as being from Paul, right? So who's Tertius? Tertius is the man who physically wrote down the words at the mouth of Paul Paul dictated the words to Tertius. Tertius threw in his little shout out at the end I Tertius who wrote this epistle salutes you in the Lord Okay, look at the beginning of 1st and 2nd Thessalonians. Paul and Silvanus and Timotheus under the Church of the Thessalonians and he keeps saying we we this we that Sometimes he says I Paul sometimes he says we because he's talking from the perspective of Paul Silvanus which is Silas and Timotheus, Timothy You see God's Word was spoken then written in the book of Jeremiah Jeremiah had a man named Barak who wrote it down Jeremiah did not pick up a pen and write Jeremiah He spoke the words they were transcribed by Barak. Look at Galatians chapter 6 This is the way it is in Paul's epistles, he dictated them to someone else who was ascribed just like Jeremiah dictated the book of Jeremiah to Barak the scribe the Bible says this in Galatians chapter 6 verse 11 Ye see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own hand now the reason that that's Significant keep your finger there and go to 2nd Thessalonians And again, we're getting our doctrine together before we compare the two books that are on the pulpit we're getting our doctrine together because we want to come at this with the right doctrine or else we're going to be confused from the get-go and We begin to make excuses for this book over here if we don't have our document We're going to start making excuses for this sack. There is no excuse for this wicked pile right here. But anyway Where did I have you turn up? So help me out Second Thessalonians, and why are we going? Oh, yeah Second Thessalonians chapter 2, okay Second Thessalonians 2 says this Verse 2 that you be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word Nor by letter as from us that the day of Christ is dead. Let no man deceive you by any means somebody had been writing letters pretending to be Paul you see that a Letter that was supposedly from Paul telling him Jesus Christ come back at any moment He said don't let him deceive you remember when I was with you I taught you that first these other things, you know He says let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except they're coming falling away first And he explains the man of sin if you reveal all these different things Now look at the end of Second Thessalonians He gave him that thing in chapter 2 saying, you know Somebody's writing a letter pretending to be us telling you the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you Look at chapter 3 he says in verse 17 the Salutation of Paul with mine own hand, which is the token in every epistle So I write the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen Basically at the end of every epistle he wrote that in his own handwriting to prove that it was from him To authenticate the letter because it could have been in various hand writings from Sylvanus or purchase or to Moses So he would always at the end write that grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you Amen in his own handwriting that way they could say, okay This is really from Paul and he says if you get a letter that doesn't have this Then it you know, don't think that it came from me Look back at Galatians 6. That's why he said here You see how large a letter verse 11 I have written unto you with mine own hand now is the book of Galatians a very long letter I Mean it's long. I mean if you wrote a letter to your friend, that's pretty long to write that all in your own hand But as compared to some of his other epistles, it's not the longest But the difference is that he wrote this one by hand and he's explaining to them if you get the context of that verse You can see that the reason he wrote a long letter. He's saying this is a really big issue I feel very strongly about this. I didn't have time to get somebody to dictate this to I just wrote you this with my own hand That's right It's funny because this you know, my little this little study Bible the Nelson study Bible that I'm preaching out of tonight You know, and I just ignored it has like a little bit of notes or whatever It's hard to find a Bible anymore. That's just the text of the Bible. It has a note that says with what large letters Now why would public look how big my letters are while I write? Look mom. I'm writing with really big letters. What? He's saying how large a letter like writing a letter like sending off a letter Okay, and he's not talking about boy. I'm writing with big letters today And then he goes back to what he's talking about No, the context is he's saying look there's people creeping in they're preaching false doctrine That's why I wrote you this large letter with my own hand Okay, and so no, he wasn't just showing off his penmanship with large letters So does everybody understand that concept that God's Word was spoken? By the Holy Ghost through man. Does it really matter who pinned it down? Does it really matter who's Paul, Tertius, Barak, Jeremiah, Silvanus? It doesn't matter and that's why I love what God did how the first 13 epistles of Paul all start with the same word Paul Romans 1 1 Paul 1st Corinthians 1 1 Paul 2nd Corinthians 1 1 Paul they all start with the word Paul and then Hebrews which is also written by Paul just Starts out with this word God You know, that's who really wrote it, okay, that's the author It doesn't matter whether Tertius wrote it down and people always tell me well man wrote the Bible God didn't physically write the Bible they say man wrote the Bible and I say well who wrote this Bible that I'm holding right here. I Said who wrote this whose handwriting is this who wrote this? Well, it's a machine. Okay, so a machine wrote the Bible a machine wrote the Bible How do you believe the Bible is written by a machine Does that really make any sense to say that a machine wrote the Bible? No, God didn't write the Bible a machine wrote it But that's the same logic because the guy pinning it down Tertius was like a machine. Yeah, he wasn't making changes What Paul said to him and what Paul said to him was not Paul speaking It was a holy man of God speaking as he was moved by the Holy Ghost. It's God speaking Look at the book of Jude This should really tell you something here about this doctrine of Bible inspiration It's crazy. It's crucial because people who believe wrong on the inspiration of the Bible You know what? They do they correct the Bible all the time. Oh, actually what this should say is this Oh, we gotta go back to the Greek to Hebrew Oh, it doesn't really say this because they're mixed up because they don't believe it's been preserved They don't leave and then this is what they say. Well, it was inspired only the originals were inspired That's what they'll say Well, you know the book of Jeremiah the whole book of Jeremiah. The original was thrown in the fire. Yeah, remember when? Jehoiakim takes a knife and chops up the book of Jeremiah and throws around and you know what Jeremiah didn't he wrote it again And you know what happened when they printed this Bible? I'm holding my aunt. They wrote it again It doesn't matter who pinned it down who is speaking I mean look when I'm speaking to you if I'm quoting this book verbatim like if I stand up here and just say For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish But I've ever I said that's not me talking to you That's God talking to you. Now when I preach to you, I'm putting in a lot of my own words to write Explanation I'm preaching I'm applying it to your life I'm applying it I'm connecting it but hold on a second when I'm quoting a reading from that book You're not listening to Pastor Anderson you're listening to God speaking God speaks through man. God spoke through an ass. Do you remember that? To Balaam It doesn't matter whether you're reading it in a book somebody's speaking it audibly an animal spoke God's Word in the Bible That's the only time in the Bible unless you count the Garden of Eden where an animal yeah talks, you know, but anyway, so The ass spoke God's Word I'm speaking God's Word You could listen the Bible on tape. You're hearing God's Word spoken. That's not the point. The point is who are who's the author? Isn't that really the point and the author's God? Okay, that's what biblical inspiration is God's fake Now you say well you believe that the translators of the King James Bible were inspired by God. No It's not the people that are inspired It's the words that are inspired and if the words that the translators wrote down weren't inspired And they were writing down the wrong words if it wasn't what God spoke And if it was the right words, they wrote down they were writing down what God spoke and therefore if the King James Bible Is the right words? Then it's inspired Otherwise, it's expired. You know, I mean if I'm speaking God's Word It doesn't mean I'm inspired by God It means the words are inspired and so inspired means most people teach that the word is fired means You know God breathed or it came out of the mouth of God Well, it came out of the mouth of God these words you see nobody was speaking English What was he speaking Aramaic Greek Hebrew doesn't matter Acts chapter 2? 17 different languages doesn't matter and I'm almost done with the doctrinal portion then we'll get into some comparison But look at Jude verse 1 or chapter 1 verse 14, it says this and Enoch also the seventh from Adam Prophesied of these saying now who is Enoch in the Bible? Well, the seventh from Adam. It's talking about generations You know Adam Seth Enos, right Adam against Seth Adam Seth Enos Canaan Mahalel Jared Methuselah Enoch lamek Noah, okay, and so that's the list there or Enoch Methuselah lamek Sorry about that makes them up, but the seventh one is Enoch now He says here Enoch also the seventh from Adam prophesied of these say behold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints So who spoke who preached this who prophesied this? Yeah, and is it God's Word? We're reading in the book of Jude. It's God's Word, okay To execute judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds Which they have ungodly committed and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him now Enoch here is preaching about the second coming of Jesus Christ Okay, he's talking about when Jesus Christ returns with ten thousands of his say, you know These people that teach that only certain people are going to be part of the millennium Ten thousands of his say so it's it's a big crowd, you know And and the Bible doesn't use the word millions It just uses like thousands of thousands tens of thousands ten thousand times ten thousand Those are the type of numbers of the Bible it uses because they didn't have all these billions and trillions that we have They didn't do that much deficit spending back then to know like what a trillion is or a quadrillion Pretty soon we're gonna have to start learning what a quadrillion is, you know Do you know that it would take you to count to a trillion? It would take you like 30 some thousand years or so. Have you ever looked at the statistics on that? Second am I wrong? Okay, sorry But anyway, I think I looked it up and it was like if you count once per second You've got to a billion in like 30-some years if you never ate or slept or you know But but it would be like 30,000 I don't have the math in front of me But it's just that one trillion seconds is like so many thousands and thousands of years So the Bible doesn't use these stupid numbers because their numbers are stupid They're dumb They're everything they're used for is wrong. This is a whole nother sermon big number. I'm against big numbers If 10,000 times 10,000 is big enough for the Bible, that's the biggest number I want to hear about Don't bring me a number that's bigger than a hundred million. It's too much because what are these all these big numbers for evolution? Billions and billions of years ago You know, I think what else they teach these big numbers, you know, the national debt's 14 trillion I don't want to hear about these not big numbers. They're stupid There's not even 14 trillion dollar bills in America It's all just some made-up giant number and remember those imaginary numbers. What's wrong with those? I the square root of negative one. Give me a break Anyway, I really truly love math calculus was my favorite subject in school I was a math major when I got started on community college, but Those big numbers are where they lost me. I'm telling you. But anyway, yeah, it's not that I can't figure them out I just don't agree with them That was the word from our sponsor let's get back to the sermon. Okay So hold on a second. Did you ever read this part that Enoch preached in the book of Genesis the story about Enoch? No, it's not found in the book of Genesis. Is it found anywhere in the Old Testament? Where is the only place in the Bible it's found the book of Jude? Thousands and thousands of years late. So how does he know that Enoch preached that? Obviously because it's God's Word here Okay and here's the thing that tells me this that tells me that there was a lot of preaching in the Old Testament going on of New Testament scriptures some of which could have been preached by Old Testament prophets Because here you got Enoch preaching a part of the book of Jude Wasn't written down until thousands of years later, but it was still God's Word I mean think about the books of Moses weren't written until way after the flood but God's Word existed on this earth before the flood God's Word Existed in the time of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It was spoken word Today we have it written down in a book here. So we've got the doctrine you say why is that important? Because what you have to understand is that God's Word is eternal People say this well, you have to understand the culture of when the Bible was written And that's why you have to read it in the Greek because you're not reading in the Greek You're not gonna get the culture what culture it was from before the world began Enoch was preaching the book of Jude What culture it's timeless. It's eternal You don't have to study what some guy was wearing three thousand years ago to figure out what the Bible means You have to study all the Greek philosophers. You have to understand Hebrew culture No, I don't because it was written before a Hebrew ever walked on the earth. It's God's Word. It's written by God No scripture is of any private interpretation, but holy men of God spake is there a move by the Holy Ghost So don't tell me well, you have to get the context of the culture of that language. No, you don't it's God's Word It could be in any language. So what language the book of Jude written in? Book of Jude, what language? What language is Enoch speaking? Who knows? This is before the flood when the whole world was of one language Was he preaching it in Greek? No, you see how the words can go between different languages. It doesn't matter And yet people today have been hung up on this thing of language Who's the one who separated out the languages in the first place God at the Tower of Babel? So if God separated it out, you think he's just giving certain people treatment Well, I'll give it to you in your language, but sorry now you say pastor Anderson is the whole Bible translated properly in every language? No But shame on us for not doing it. Let's get it into every language and that's what missionaries are doing That's what translators are doing and have been doing throughout history That's what people worked and Strive to bring us the Word of God in our language in English many of them burned at the stake like William Tyndale Who was the pioneer behind the King James Bible because the King James Bible even though it was over a hundred years after Tinda It's it's basically just a revision of Tyndale's work I mean Tyndale brought it into English and then it was just perfected and finished He didn't even finish the whole Bible. So it had to be fine-tuned and finish the translating with the King James Bible Now we've got all our doctrine straight, right? We're not going to be All mixed up thinking well, you know as long as you get the gist of it right as long as you're closer in the ballpark No every word He said if you take away from the words of the book of this prophecy I'll block out your part out of the book of life and out of the holy city and I think it's written in this book He said if you add to these things, I'll add you the plagues that are written in this book God says don't add to or take away from this word He said add thou not unto his words lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar So we got our doctrine right everybody got it. God's Word. When was it written? Eternity past no beginning. No ending. It was in the beginning with God before the world was ever created Is it every word or every thought it's every word Does it have to be in a specific language can be in all different languages any language God spoke in various languages He can speak anything when you get to heaven. You're not gonna need a translator to talk to God He'll speak English feel like oh, yeah, there's King James Bible people think God speaks English. Yeah, are we stupid? Are we stupid that we think God speaks English isn't that dumb obviously God can't speak English He only speaks two languages It sounds like you're stupid if you think God can't speak English God God knows everything, but he doesn't know English I Know you're gonna come up to God. He's just gonna look at you like Jesus is just gonna let you like it somebody help me out here. What's this guy saying? Jesus Christ God the Father and the Holy Spirit speak all languages How could you be so foolish to say that God doesn't speak English? Yes, I do That's exactly what I think But I don't think he's gonna speak to everybody in English I think he's gonna speak to me in English or whatever, you know, whatever that's not important But he could if he wanted to Might speak something different. All right, when I get to heaven, I expect God's voice to sound just like Alexander Scurvy Anyway, let's get in some comparisons here because if every word is important One of these books one of these two books is God's Word Or you say well, or maybe it's in another language somewhere, okay, but somewhere there's got to be a book that has God's Word now What do you think is the most important language in the world today? You think we just think that because we live in America or no English is what's known today as the lingua franca. He's never heard that term lingua franca. The lingua franca is Basically the world language the language of commerce the language of trade the language that's Universally a second language you see when a man from Russia and a man from Japan Do negotiations together many times they'll speak English Because it's like a universal second language. It's a bridge. I've been to 13 countries of the world and almost all of those countries I went many people spoke English in all those countries Many people spoke English lots of people spoke English is a universal second language now when the New Testament was written Greek was the lingua franca It was the most important language of the world and it was the most common Second language for people to know which is why the New Testament was given in Greek in the Old Testament There were various language The reason God gave the Old Testament in Hebrew is because he was primarily using the Hebrews as his Lighthouse to the Gentiles was his purpose that they would be a light to the Gentiles in The New Testament the Greeks were the ones who had most of the churches most of the Bible preaching Christians And it was the language of the world the world language just like today. He was well now English is a pretty important language Wouldn't you say that most of the missionary activity in the world is probably coming from English-speaking countries in the last several hundred years Oh, yeah, I mean English-speaking missionaries have circled the globe the King James Bible has been translated into over a thousand dialects. I Mean we're talking about taking it to the jungles of Africa tribes in the Philippines China all over the world this book has been taken by English-speaking Bible believing Christians and Translated into various languages this this is the most important like now What about Greece is Greece really a powerhouse of the gospel and soul winning right now? What about Israel? 99.9% Unbeliever yeah, probably more than that they do not believe on Jesus Christ is Hebrew the language that God's using all over the world right now to see people saved is Greek the language is Greek the nation That's circling the globe of the gospel and yet in America How many thousands of Bible preaching Bible believing they you know they may not all agree with us on everything Or we don't agree with them on everything But just churches that are preaching God's Word and preaching the gospel preaching salvation and missionaries going around the world let's face it English is the world, but it's the most important language in the world and So I don't think that it's any accident that God worked through many of the events of history Okay, and God used men who desired to bring the Word of God into English who had a desire to see it translated into English I think that God saw fit to make sure that we got the Bible in our language and That's why if you study how the King James Bible is brought how Tyndale transit you see how it came about I mean so much Work went into it Scholarly men I mean the men who translate the King James Bible I'm gonna get past this and get to the comparison But the men who translate the King James Bible many of them spoke 18 to 20 languages each They spent six years working on it 554 men and they already had Tyndale's excellent work to build upon They already had the bishops Bible and the Geneva Bible excellent Bibles to work with that were already done, and they spent six years men who were genius Okay, who spent three hours a day for three years before they started translating getting together in groups praying for? Three hours a day God help us to translate it, right? But If I believe that God answered that prayer, I'm crazy I think God answered that prayer when they cried out to him when God could see the future God knows the end for the beginning God saw one billion English speakers if you count the people who speak it as a second language God saw one billion English speakers He saw Baptist and fundamentalists and Christians going around the world to Africa getting the gospel around the world Preaching it like no other nation in history the United States And he saw 54 men begging him help us to translate it right three hours a day for three years But no, it's just a piece of junk. Come on get real now. There's two different books on this platform There's not there's not nine or eight or whatever you see up here. How many fingers am I only on? There's two There's this book and this book and I'm going to show you what's wrong with now I'm gonna I'm gonna hand these out to some people that are going to be my Assistants here. Okay, Stuckey. You're gonna help me with the new American Standard Version. You're gonna help me with the New World Translation Okay, so maybe somebody take the NIV All right. That's that's your Bible of choice, right? Yes. Now. Wait a minute. Here we go. The recovery version now This one's cool It's like a VHS Is this awesome or what? Man where has this Bible been all my life in a VHS case? That is so cool Okay, Kenneth Taylor's the dead Bible I mean the Living Bible New King James Version Shawn you want this one you were talking about this before the service. Okay. There we go. Okay I've already handed out a New American Standard. This I'll give out another what's that said any is fear me Yes, I didn't know they were different. Yeah, you're gonna be my backup on the New American Standard. Okay? And you get you recovering over there, okay, so Let me ask you something How many different versions do you think God gave you this word? Do you think he gave different versions of the book of John like that say completely different things Now stop and think about this What if what if what if the two books that I had up here say completely different things Do you think it's logical to say they're both right? Is that a logical say well, they're both they're both right. Well, hold on a second If they're dramatic, let me just show you let me just give you a little sampling of how dramatically different they are Look at Jude, let's go to Jude very in I'm going to show you how dramatically different they are and Let's look at you just to give you just a little sampling of this how different these two books can be in Jude verse 22 the Bible says this and of some have passion making a difference Okay, did you get that in Jude verse first way to and of some? have compassion Making a difference. Okay, who's got the NIV Justin? I do read the NIV for me be merciful to those who doubt Now, is that the same is that the same thing? Sometimes with these verse you can't even tell it's the same verse of some have compassion making a difference is mercy mentioned is doubting mentioned Those are pretty different aren't they now which one did God really say because it is the Bible It's just a fairy tale or did God really speak these words or not So which one did he say did he say be merciful to those that doubt or did he say? Of some have compassion make a difference for the calls There's 22 Who are doubting have mercy on some who are doubting you see what I mean about there really only being two books up here See what I'm saying Okay, that's just to give you a quick sampling. Let's get to some more you say. Well, that doesn't affect any doctrine Oh Scripture is given by inspiration of God is possible for doctrine That verse doesn't affect doctrine. No every verse affects doctor. That's right. All the scriptures give it but but you know, I'll humor you I'll give you one that affects doctrine. Let's look at Acts chapter 8 Acts chapter 8 tell me if this affects doctrine Act 8 37 I'll read you verse 36 and as they came on their way there came unto a certain water and the eunuch said see here is Water what does hinder me to be baptized? He's saying what's hindering me from being baptized? What's not me to be better verse 37 and Philip said if thou believeth with all thine heart thou mayest And he answered and said I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God And he commanded the chariot to stand still and they went down both into the water Springlers Bible Presbyterian Amen Both Philip and the eunuch and he baptized him now. What does yours say brother Justin? What does that say in verse 37? There is no verse. Yeah, there is no verse 37 His Bible goes 36 38 in the NIV. What do you got it? I have a line. Oh, this just has a line so basically basically the eunuch says what the thing to be baptized and folks like They just baptized him because he just the line is just It's like in music when there's a rest He took a little rest in verse 37. So we have a line here. We have no this one just doesn't even count, right? It jumps okay anybody else have that verse missing In your version, what do you got? Is it in the numeric standard take it out? Yeah Yes, so he has it but it says like don't let verse 37 bother you Probably not really part of it. Okay, so basically it doesn't answer the question, but it's so much easier to understand Pastor Anderson a line It's easier to understand a line This is the verse that's left out Tell me if this is doctrine and Philip said if thou believeth with all thine heart thou mayest any answer and said I Believe that Jesus Christ the Son of God what didn't leave out much Help us look at Luke 233 Luke 233 The book of Luke 233 now, let me ask you something who is Jesus's father Was Joseph Jesus's father no because he was born of a Virgin right? Well, that's if you're reading a King James before of a virgin because in Luke 233 The Bible says this and Joseph and his mother Marveled at those things which were spoken of him Justin give us the NIV and if he says the child's father and mother marvel, so that's calling Joseph what? Jesus's father which is blasphemy. What about the New American Standard second his father and mother were amazed Oh, so the New American Standard is calling Joseph. Jesus father as well. How about the recovery version brother Dave? Well, I'm shocked You mean all these agree and the King James is different Well, which one's right? His name's Joseph. He's not Jesus father. I'll prove it to you. Go down a few verses somebody somebody emailed me They thought they're so clever Oh Pastor Anderson, you're so ignorant because if you just go down a few verses the King James calls Joseph. Jesus father wrong Go down if you would to the verse they're referring to which is verse number 48 verse 48. Listen to verse 48 the King James. This is what the debunkers will try to say Oh the King James called his father and when they saw him they were amazed and his mother said unto him son Why is tell those dealt with us before the old thy father and I have softly served serious Oh, no, the Bible is not calling Joseph. He's fine. Mary is calling Joseph. Jesus father and she was wrong It's true that she said that but look at the next verse he rebukes her. He says how is it that you saw me? Wish she not that I must be about my father's business and he wasn't talking about building furniture. That's right He said Joseph's not my father He said my father is God and when I'm preaching God's Word I'm about God's business get that stupid bumper sticker out your car. My boss is a Jewish carpenter. Amen. It's garbage. Yeah Nowhere in the Bible is Jesus a carpenter He's a Jewish no, he's not he's God in the flesh. It's not a Jewish carpenter But the point is that Jesus rebuked her for referring to Joseph as Jesus father because he's not his father But in Luke 233 who's speaking in Luke 233 the narrator of the book? God is speaking God's telling us his father and mother marveled wrong. It's Joseph and his mother marveled Look if you would at Micah 5 to Old Testament for the end of Old Testament minor problem and then we could go all night We're not going to I'm just trying to hit the highlights here I'm just trying to hit a few We could go I could go all night with no notes off the top of my head and show you differences all night long Because I mean I literally have hundreds of them committed to memory I'm just trying to show you some key things because you know what I've noticed if Somebody doesn't figure this out after like two or three comparisons. They're probably never gonna figure it out It's true if I show you two or two hundred how many lies have to be in that book Before you decide that books not God's Word How many lies do you have to see before you say I can't trust this book? I Can't trust the NIV when I'm reading it. It's lying to me all these different times Where did I turn my five to read? Maybe I should turn there myself and lead by example instead of being a hypocrite Telling you to turn there not turn myself look at Micah 5 2 it says but thou Bethlehem Ephrata though thou be little among the thousands of Judah yet out of thee shall come forth unto me He that is to be ruler in Israel whose goings forth have been from of old from everlasting Now that says that Jesus Christ is from everlasting That's why the Bible says in Hebrews 7 verse 3 without father without mother without Dissent having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like unto the Son of God of light of the priests continually Jesus had no beginning. He said I am the beginning and the End the first and the last I am alpha and omega here it says that he's from everlasting. What is your say Justin? It says this but you Bethlehem Ephrata I say that right you are small among clans of Judah out of you will come for me One who will be ruler over Israel whose origin what's an origin? So that's saying that Jesus had a beginning. He has an origin his origin is what are from old Okay, so it's pretty each at times his origin no from everlasting Just give me the end It says days of eternity. Is that in the head soap opera? What do you got in the recovery? Oh, that's the New Testament only Okay, so from everlasting has been changed to an origin in that book right there, let's look together at John chapter 3 Let's do one. Let's do a special one just for the for the new Okay, I don't feel left out over here turn to John And turn to 1st Corinthians Did I say John 3 let's go to John 3 And I'd say John 3 is pretty famous passage. What do you think? Yes, pretty important scripture In fact the most famous verse in the Bible found John 3 John 3 16 But here's a really important verse in John 3 13 the Bible says in John 3 13 and no man hath ascended up to heaven Now, what does it mean to ascend? What does it mean to ascend? basically means to Rise up Okay, basically to levitate to go up of your own power. It's when Jesus ascended When he was on the Mount of Olives, they watched him just float up into heaven. Basically. He ascended up into heaven Okay, he wasn't carried up into heaven by anyone. He just ascended up into heaven now Has any man ever ascended up to heaven besides Jesus Christ? Did any has any name another man in the Bible who ascended up there now, there are many people who went to heaven, of course Remember when the Elijah was carried by a chariot up to heaven Remember God took Enoch up to heaven remember the part where Elijah was carried in a world when when he was in that chariot and he went up to heaven Okay, basically in in Job chapter 2 all of God the sons of God are up in heaven You know when person breathes their last breath and dies that they're a believer in Jesus Christ their soul goes where? Yeah Okay, but as anybody ever ascended up in heaven besides Jesus Christ No now remember that God often speaks of things that have not yet happened in the past tense Because he's outside of time. So for example in Isaiah 53 written 700 years before Jesus He was bruised for our iniquities, right? That's past tense, but he's prophetically speaking of a future God speaketh of the things which be not as though they were it says in Romans 4 He knows the end from the beginning. He prophesied in the future. That's why he uses the past tense here about him ascending to heaven No, man have ascended up to heaven look down your King James Version But he that came down from heaven even the Son of Man which is in heaven now Isn't that interesting that Jesus is referring to himself as being in heaven? Now, where was he when he was speaking here? Sitting there talking to Nicodemus, but he said the Son of Man which is in heaven Because Jesus Christ is God my friend and Jesus Christ is in heaven and on the earth at the same time because he's God God can be in multiple places at the same time. That's key. Look what the NIV says Justin No one has ever gone into what did you say? No one has ever gone. What what it says? No one has ever gone into heaven Wait a minute, you're gonna tell me that no one has ever gone into heaven So nobody's ever gone to heaven Elijah didn't go to heaven Enoch didn't go to heaven all the Old Testament believers didn't go to heaven No one's ever gone and ever know you what you mean, but no one oh you mean no one has ever gone to heaven How can you take that Bible seriously? How can you take a book seriously that says no one has ever gone to keep reading Justin? No one has ever gotten to heaven. What else except the one Who came from heaven? Oh, so the only one who's ever gone into heaven is the one that came from heaven The Son of Man the Son of Man. What about the witches in heaven? Oh, it's left off So it cuts off the part about Jesus being in heaven Which is a proof of the deity of Christ and then it basically makes this outlandish Ridiculous statement. No one's ever gone into heaven. That's news. Wow, that's interesting John 118 put back to John 118 now look what the Bible says here It says no man has seen God at any time John 118 the only begotten son Which is in the bosom of the Father he had declared him now, what does the word begotten mean? The word beget remember all the begets in the Bible, you know Abraham get Isaac Isaac get Jacob Jacob get Jews and his brethren What does it mean the word beget means basically to father a child Or to cause to come into existence Basically, okay to bring me into existence is what the word begat means Okay. Now the Bible says that Jesus is the only begotten Son now did Jesus ever have an origin or a beginning? No, but remember this scripture thou art my son Today have I begotten thee So there was a time when Jesus was begotten Okay Basically the Bible calls him the first begotten of the dead When he basically was brought forth, he was also begotten in the sense that basically he became flesh He was made like unto the Son of God the Bible says But he existed before that the Father the Word of the Holy Ghost exists in eternity past What is the New American Standard say Now hold on a second the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father he had declared It was what the New American Standard said now the you know what it didn't even enter the New American Standard translators mind That for thousands and thousands of years two thousand to be exact really just now thousands of thousands just thousands Of years There have been numerous Bibles translated. I've read several I've read I've read the book of John cover to cover in Romanian twice Spanish four times German a few times Norwegian I've read it covered. So I've read the book of John several languages and All of these languages say the only begotten son begotten son In fact every Bible throughout history since the first century AD has said begotten son begotten son begotten son begotten son Everybody's been preaching all these different languages. They just change it to the begotten God Well, the problem is he never came into existence as God. He always was God He's not a begotten God and really if you dig deep into that verse It's kind of like what the JW Bible saying who's got the New World Translation Give us John 1 1 in the New World Translation Garrett, please If you're in John 1 just give us John 1 1 here look down at your cage The word was and the word was with God Did you hear that the word was what the word was a god See in the King James that says in the beginning was the word the word was with God and the word was God in The New World Translation says the word was a god. Well a god means what that there's more than one And let me tell you something. There is only one guy There's not a god. There's the guy. Okay, there's one guy now when the Bible says in Chapter 1 verse 18 the only begotten son that's good doctrine because he was begotten as the Son of God He became the Son of God. Okay. Now hold on a second. Did he become God? He's always God He was God in the beginning. He was with God and he was God according to John 1 1 But if he's the begotten God See how that is. There's a lot of problems there with that doctrine. And so that's what's wrong with the New American Standard Let's go to something for the New King James 1st Corinthians 118 1st Corinthians 118 I want all you guys to turn in your phony Bibles to you guys that I handed out the phony Bibles to look at 1st Corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 Here's what the Bible says for the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness But unto us which are saved it is the power of God Great verse, huh? You know, my favorite part about that is the D on the end saved done past tense. I'm saved What do you got in the new the newer King James? This is the one where they dug up King James's dead body and he signed it from the grave He authorized it after he'd been dead for several years Go ahead Oh the message of the cross not the preaching Good To those who are perishing but to us who are being saved. It is the power of God us who are being saved So is salvation a process or is it done? Sean there just read us from the New King James that we're being saved My Bible says that we are saved now. What do you got there in the in the New American Standard being saved or safe? Yeah us which are being saved, what do you got? What do they think of next here let's do a special section on the new world translation So on this one it says for the speech about the torture state The speech about the torture stage is foolishness to those who are perishing but thus who are being saved it is God's power But you notice the common denominator with the new world translation Jehovah's Witness Bible being saved who else has a version that says They're being saved the recovery version They're being saved New American Standard being saved and I be being saved New King James being say I wonder where the New King James Got it. Why don't they just call the new NIV or the new whatever? What do you got? Yeah being saved that's what they all so right here it's the torture stick now I have to read you a special verse out of the new world translation and don't tell me that this doesn't affect doctrine brother turn to job six six Job six six this is doctrine. Okay, but anyway while we're turning there. Let's let's have some of you guys turn to some other scriptures Let's go to Can you can you hand me who's got the new King James would you would you hand to me for a second? I want I want to take something here real quick While you're turning to job six six and I'm going to expose some some heresy and false doctrine in the new world translation Jehovah's Witness Bible Somebody go ahead and stand up and read for me job six six in the King James Version Which is unsavory be eaten without salt or is there any taste in the white of an egg? Okay, so that makes sense And that which is unsavory be eaten without salt Or is there any taste in the white of an egg now? Would you say that the white of an egg is very flavorful? Yeah, he's saying it doesn't have flavor. There's no taste in the white of an egg listen to the new world translation of the Jehovah's Witnesses You're not even believe this Will tasteless things be eaten without salt or is there any taste in the slimy? juice of marshmallow I Might somebody I need to can I get a witness? Somebody help me come on come on up here somebody be a witness to this Justin come on up here Justin am I lying about what that says? No, really is there any taste or is there any taste in the slimy juice of a marshmallow? Look folks don't tell me it doesn't affect doctrine I'm just kidding Now look We could go on all night. I mean there's so many scriptures. There's so many verses. There's so many changes Just the missing verses alone. There's 15. You know I showed you the 37 was just a line or is missing. There's 15 important verses Key verses about look at first job five seven just to go to one of the most key verses I'm going to turn somewhere else in the new King James here Turn to first job five seven to another key verse First job five seven and somebody stand up and read it in the King James Version Somebody stand up read King James first job, I've said You're reading it you're on a totally different pro whoops you're in John five second first job first job I said But there are three that bear record in heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and That's a pretty important doctrine, huh? Not the Trinity now. That's not the only verse that teaches the Trinity you got you got second Corinthians 13 where it says that the love of God and The community the Holy Ghost and the fellowship of Jesus prior I don't know I'm messing that up, but you've got you know you've got the Father the Son the Holy Ghost Amen in a lot of places Matthew 28 is another example pretty doctrinal verse though pretty important verse About the deity of Christ the Father the Word of the Holy Ghost and these three are one Give it to me just verse seven only Garrett in in the new world translation verse seven only Keep going well, that's all okay, so there are three business bearers, okay? Go ahead Justin verse seven only there are three that testify the spirit. No hold on verse seven only Yeah, just for seven. I know it's confusing the way its number. Oh for there are three to testify. There are three to testify That's verse seven There are three witness bearers Okay, somebody somebody give me verse seven. What do you got for verse seven? I think you're on the wrong verse Get on verse seven it's real confusing because here's the thing in the King James all the numbers are lined up in the columns So it's really easy to count one two three But because they're taking out so many verses in order to hide them they put it in paragraph form and bury the numbers within The text so it's hard to tell Brother Carl's are you seeing it now verse seven? Let me see it. It's very wrong. Well. Let me let me check Let me check this out No he's right this is different I stay corrected I don't know this one says in verse seven and it is the spirit who bears witness because the spirit is truth So they've basically taken verse six and put it into verse seven to confuse And then yeah, and then verse eight Have you ever read the longest verse in the Bible Esther eight nine it's real It's like longer than some chapters almost. I'm just kidding. It's a long verse. You're right Dave Carl's I'm sorry that I did not respect you as a literate He's right because his is totally different They just chop it up and change it to try to hide the fact that in reality in all of these bibles that I handed Out all of them verse seven is completely gone. You say well. There was a little part left No, it's gone that little part that they read is actually part of verse eight Because listen to the King James Bible it says For there are three that bear reckon heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one and there are three There bear witness in earth the Spirit and the water and the blood and these three agree in one If you were verse seven and eight in these other versions It's basically the same as first John 5 8 in the King James and verse 7 is completely gone That's a pretty important verse in fact wouldn't it be a little blasphemous to say certain verses are not important Well, then why did God speak him? Why did he give it to us all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine and Now look at verse look at 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 I'm running out of time tonight. I've shown you some real doctoral discrepancies saying that Jesus had a father Jesus had a beginning Basically saying that we're being saved, but how about just the fact that all these modern Bibles have been toned down Okay For example in the NIV the word hell does not occur even one time in the Old Testament not even once you won't find the word hell in the NIV until you get to Matthew and It's removed more than half of the times from the New Testament Old Testament. It's gone New Testament. It's gone half the time Other words are taken out words like damned Damned sodomite. Yeah, the Old Testament word sodomite Gone from all these modern versions Somebody brother Dave I'm gonna put you on this assignment give me a verse on the sodomites breaking down the houses of the sodomites Okay, you need an electronic tool. I'm gonna be able to find it. Here's here's this right here You can search versus your computer guys. You should be able to figure that out. Otherwise, I won't think you're computer programmer anymore. But anyway Basically These modern versions are being toned down taking out the word hell the word Jehovah the name of God Seven times now not his only name, but one of his many names seven times in the kjb We find Jehovah New King James No mention of Jehovah Damn damn nation. Sorry to cuss at you, but that's a King James Bible word gone from the New King James Let me read you the New King James. Are you in second Thessalonians chapter 2? I'm gonna read you the New King James second Thessalonians 2 12 Somebody read it for me in the King James second Thessalonians 2 12 quickly. Somebody pop up read it take this line It's too quick, but they all might be damned to believe what did you just say? Are you using bad language? Body now sit down They all might be damn Okay, damn yes, you heard me say damn damn damn damn. What are you gonna do about it? hell But look what the Bible look with the NIH or the New King James new or better easier to understand that they all might be Condemned who did not believe the truth, but had pleasure and unrighteousness see same meaning Just tone just watered down Us a weaker word not as strong of a word here and God uses the word condemned But here we want to use a stronger word damn Okay Damnation is gone from the New King James over 50 mentions of the word heaven are gone from the New King James Half the mentions of hell gone from the New King James every mention of Jehovah gone from the New King James Every mention of damn damn nation gone from the New King James the word piss removed from new versions and And Replaced with in many cases just not just taking out the whole concept of using the bathroom gone You know you say what's the matter with that because it's a Bible that's trying to be sanitized for modern eardrums It's a Bible. It's made to fit our culture Instead of just giving us what God said I mean if God said him the pisseth against the wall That's what the Bible needs to say. I mean don't try to say oh our culture can't handle that concept I Can handle it just fine on a daily basis in fact, but what do you got there? You got a verse for me? I'm sorry which one are you? The one about where they break down the houses second Kings 23 7 to give you another example second Kings 23 So again we could go on for hours And you know if you need more help with this subject See me after the service I could set you up with lists of hundreds of scriptures but I wanted to show you a few attacking and you don't get my sermon I have a sermon called the NIVs attack on Jesus and the whole sermon is just showing where the NIV attacks attributes of Jesus His deity his virgin birth his blood just all the attributes of Jesus That's the whole sermon okay, and so that we could go on all day with doctrinal differences I showed you dramatic differences I showed you missing verses Get the whole list of 15 after the service and look them all up. I showed you two that are missing Now we're getting into just the general watering down instead of the sharper than any two-edged sword. We're God The NIV and the new King James are more like a butter knife They're gonna spread you with the truth instead of cutting to the heart It's more of a spreading motion. Okay like a butter knife But look at second Kings 23 7 somebody's pop up and read it for me King James Bible And you break down the houses of the sodomites that were by the house of the Lord I wasn't very nice where the women who will payings for the grove, okay? So there the good King Asa who did that which was right in the side of the Lord Broke down at the houses of the sodomites. Why? Because they were by the house of the Lord get those bunch of queers Further away, so I don't have to look at it actually says that you put out all the sodomites out of the way But he also break down their house Memorize that verse would you that's a good memory verse okay learn that verse Sega Kings 23 7 Somebody pop and read because they want to take out the word sodomite because it's not a word that goes very well with alternative lifestyles and gaze and the GLBT community Doesn't like the word sodomite because it just brings these pictures of fire and brimstone Raining from heaven people screaming and dying going to hell No, that's Anderson. We can't have the word sodomite. It sounds bad So in fact many religions today teach that homosexuality is fine The United Methodist Church in Tempe, Arizona Is pastored by a lesbian it has a rainbow on the sign of the church Who's questioning me on it's there Honestly drive drive with me to University Avenue. It's true. There is a rain, but you've seen the rainbow on this There's a gay rainbow on the sign of the United Methodist Church in Tempe, Arizona Are you saying break it down? I'm not up here rapping. I'm just Preaching the Bible, but see they've got to tone it down get rid of hell damnation sodomite all these offensive words What do you get what do you got Justin it says here? He also tore down the quarters of the male shrine prostitute male shrine prostitutes Now basically what the NIV is trying to teach is that it's not wrong to be a sodomite as long as you're not selling it As long as you're not a prostitute does this say anything about prostitution no It's just saying they're sodomite, but that's his male shrine a prostitute Okay, what do you got? Male cult prostitute in the New American Standard, what do you got? male temple prostitute Now what did I tell you about the memorized at the beginning? There's two books on there You thought there were you thought there were nine no There's two books There's God's Word and there are all the phony live perversions from Satan that want to confuse you It's confusion and God's not the author of confusion for a hundred different versions That's confusing I Mean I've literally been in a Sunday school class in one of these churches somebody preached something that somebody raised their head That's not what my version says If you've been in a state who's been in a situation like that That's all mine said what is your say? What is yours? You know it's confusion. It's confusing What do you got who else has got a version? Male cult prostitute anybody else can we get the look? Where's the living? Who's got the living? Thank you in the sermon participate By the way Well But anyway, so we've got all those all these phony Bibles agreeing on male prostitute except the King James says sodomite They'll all agree by taking out the word hell because hell is a word. That's really hard to understand, right? It's funny when I walked up to a group of teenagers today to give him the gospel They all knew the word hell. I said you know what hell is it yes. It's where people burn and are Tormented for eternity. That's what they told me they said we know what hell is But guess what hell is replaced with in these new Bibles right look at Luke 16 for one example right now We're on the phase about just toning down watering down the Bible Taking away the power of God's Word the harsh language used God uses some harsh language in places, right? He's from pretty strong language. You ever read Malachi chapter 2 where he said I'm gonna spread dung in your faces Yeah, you ever read that scripture somebody looked that up in one of these phony versions it's why I changed Somebody looked that up. Where did I have you turn? He's turned to Luke 16, but get with your other finger get in Malachi, too He said your church service is a piece of dung and I'm gonna shove it in your face That's what Malachi said in chapter 2. That's God's Word welcome to the God of the Bible I know you go to sunshine Baptist, but you know this is what? It somebody somebody get in Malachi to Luke 16 with your other hand now of course Luke 16 Says in verse number 23 it says and in hell he lived up his eyes being in torments right where was he at? He was in hell the new King James easier to understand New or better and being in torments in Hades Now which word do you think is easier understand Hades or hell? Hell and the Old Testament they change hell to shield what does that mean? Do you think the average man on the street you're on your way to shield? You will go to Hades if you're not saved Look it's either heaven or Gehenna you choose Gehenna, Hades, and Sheol are not easier to understand They're words that people don't know and if you look them up in the dictionary You look up the word Hades in the dictionary. You know what the first definition is the Greek underworld the second definition the Assyrian happy fields What's it say the place where the souls and spirits of the dead are kept Yeah, it doesn't matter anyway. It doesn't matter what word they use. It's just the thought that counts, right? No, he said every word Every word of God's pure man shall live by bread alone by every word that precedes out of the mouth of God So at every who's who says hell does anybody with a modern Bible in your hand does it say hell there? Which one have you got the Living Bible, but of course in the bond it says literally? Hades It's like literally in Hades So we got two out of eight That say hey, let's say hell the rest of them all say hate But in other places your Living Bible will take out hell in other places They kind of mix and match because they all use hell about I think 17 18 times Somewhere around there. That's just off the cuff. But some of them say it some of them don't it just depends But anyway, where did I turn Malachi chapter 2 now? This was not in my notes to turn here anything interesting in Malachi to Okay, so refuse and don't refuse just means trash so the god of the New American Standard just put some trash in your face If you're one of these false prophets the King James is a just spread done in your faces Now who would rather have trash shoved in your face than done? I? Think It's funny to that in Philippians 3 where Paul said I count all things but done For the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord the easier to understand version says I count all things rubbish Now I'm sure Victor likes that In the NIV I can't all things but rubbish and Victor trust me victory is wrong Okay So we can literally go on all right I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna get and close the service because honestly if you haven't seen it by now I could show you in Isaiah 14 where where the devil's name Lucifer is removed and Jesus's name is put in the Morning Star which what Jesus called where it has Jesus being cast out of heaven in Isaiah 14 12 instead of Satan That's Pretty bad. I can show you where it lists the the last five of 10 minutes and leaves out the one I'm not very false witness because it's a book of lies so leaves out the commandment on online and we can go on all night But listen to me if you don't get it yet You're not gonna get it if I show you a hundred more if you don't get it after three You're not gonna get it after 300 Because it's either a perfect book or it's not and if it's not Then you can't even try. How do you even know that the part that you're relying on to be saved? How do you even know that part's right? How can you really stand up and say I know what I believe No, it's because the Bible says I'm going to heaven That's how I know I'm going to you can't say that if you have a Bible that says no one's ever gone to heaven Because you don't even know which part is wrong and which parts right? But thank God for an every word Bible the King James Bible preserved believed preached throughout the world Translated into hundreds of languages. Thank God for it. And Isn't it funny that the new King James? Every time it differs from the King James it goes right along with all these new versions There was a place where the King James version says lieutenants New American Standard say traps Now who knows what the word lieutenant means put up your hands you've ever heard that word lieutenant Now who knows the word say trap? But the NIV is easier to understand right and yet guess what? The new King James says say trap Do you think that they both just independently you put say trap? That's what I put when I was translating that say trap whoa Because the new James editors all they did was they took the King James and they took all the phones NIV and New American Standard and mixed them together and gave you a hybrid version to ease you into the phony Bibles So that wouldn't freak people out as much as jumping from KJV to NIV. This is the gateway drug right here This is like your marijuana cigarette. The new King James is like your marijuana cigarette. The Living Bible is like crack cocaine Okay, this is the gateway drug Because church are like Oh new King James I said to somebody King James like well new King James See what I mean? They just had to ease in with that. This is your gateway drug Before long you're gonna be a total phony version junkie But it's funny how you know the NIV I can't rubbish same thing in the new King James I Count all things but rubbish because oh oh, oh Don't use the word dumb I Literally went to an NIV preaching church for two years and never heard the word hell I said dad we've been in this church for two years. Have you ever heard the pastor saying the word hell and he said I Said why is the Bible talk so much about hell and he never talks about it and we confronted the pastor We've been to church for tears. Why do you never talk about hell? It's like it doesn't even exist and he said well, I probably said that I just don't like to talk about it That's literally what he said he said I don't like to talk about hell Well, apparently neither does the NIV like to talk about It's easier to understand no, it's not easier to understand rubbish say trap Hades, Sheol, Gehenna and again I don't want to waste time because you know what going any further tonight would be a waste of Time because you either get it or you don't let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer father Thank you for an every word Bible dear God. Thank you that when I memorize the Bible and God I love memorizing your word Thank you that when I can memorize your word, I Can memorize it word for word and know that it's right that it's God's Word that it's not just a rough Copy of a copy The best we have I don't think it's the best version. It's God's Word in English God thank you for our church that stands with me on that subject Thank you for a church that knows what we believe why we believe it and is not deceived dear God By letters that are supposedly written by you that came from the enemy dear God only the enemy Would want to attack the virgin birth attack the deity of Christ attack the doctrine of hell attack the doctrine of Salvation only Satan the father of all lies Would do it and so father. Thank you for showing us the truth. Thank you for your preserve inspired infallible Word of God We love you, and thank you for our church in Jesus name Amen