(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) man the title my sermon tonight is don't be a derelict don't be a derelict now what is a derelict well in the dictionary the definition is one who is neglectful of duty delinquent negligent a person without a permanent home and means of support a vagrant a bomb one who is guilty of neglect of duty don't be a derelict right someone who's a vagrant a bomb delinquent in your duties lazy refusing to work trashy these are all the things that come to mind when you hear the word derelict all right so if you look down at Proverbs chapter 6 here we're gonna find my first point in verse 6 go to the ant thou sluggard sluggard is someone who's lazy slovenly think of a slug you know moving very slowly and lazily go to the ant thou sluggard consider her ways and be wise which having no guide overseer or ruler provided her meat in the summer and gather her food in the harvest how long wilt thou sleep Oh sluggard when wilt thou rise out of thy sleep yet a little sleep a little slumber a little folding of the hands to sleep so shall thy poverty come as one that travel it and I want as an armed man so number one if you don't want to be a derelict you need to be a person who works without being told to work okay you need to be a self starter self motivated and by the way this starts when you're just a child living in your parents house get in the habit of doing work without being told to do work you know just finding something that needs to be done and getting in there and doing it and those of us that are adults and we have more freedom to control our eyes we don't have our parents breathing down our neck we need to take the effort ourselves to make sure that we're working that we're studying that we're reading that we're learning that we're that we have a job and that we're getting things done around the house whatever work needs to be done be self motivated the ant is used as the example verse 7 it has no guide no overseer no ruler so the ant doesn't constantly have a supervisor breathing down its neck telling it what needs to be done it just works just gets in there and does its job and God is telling the the derelicts of this world hey you need to get in there and work without somebody holding your hand and doing everything for you and showing you exactly what needs to be done and this will help you out on your job a lot if you get this principle because your boss is gonna like it when he doesn't find you standing around and when you're standing around on the job and the but then the boss catches you that way and you just say well there's nothing to do and then he starts pointing out things to do that's bad okay you need to be the one who sees those things you know if you're let's say you have an office job and there's nothing to do take out the trash sweep the floor you know there's always you know that's not my job but if you're the one who's staying busy self-motivated finding work to do and not needing a supervisor all the time pretty soon you're gonna be the supervisor you're gonna be the overseer you're gonna be the ruler there are pretty much two kinds of people in the workforce those who need a supervisor all the time you know and those who don't and the ones who don't can get paid more money because somebody doesn't have to pay somebody to stand over you and watch you right so number one point tonight from the Word of God and we're pretty much gonna live in the book of Proverbs tonight the number one point is you've got to work without being told right and really just all things in our life that we need to do we need to get to where we do them without being told read your Bible without somebody having to tell you read your Bible pray without somebody having to tell you to pray go to work do all the things because what does it mean to be derelict it means to be negligent in your duties well the best way not to become a negligent derelict type person is that you parent yourself supervise yourself oversee yourself and get in the habit of finding work to do on your own especially you kids and teenagers find the job get in there get it done and that habits gonna be with you for the rest of your life to not just try to do as little as possible and we live in a day-to-day where people want to do as little as possible there it's like their dream growing up as a kid and a teenager is like man I just want to get the easiest job where I can make the most money isn't that what they say if you could look into their mind they want to get you know I was the same way when I was a teenager you have this attitude that says you know I just want to work as few hours and as easy of a job and get the biggest possible paycheck you know that's an immature foolish attitude don't try to do the minimum at your job get in there and do the maximum and that's how you're going to succeed but number two if you would flip over to chapter 10 of Proverbs chapter 10 don't mess up the job opportunities that you're given opportunities come in our life throughout life opportunities will come and they don't always knock a second time they don't always knock a third time when you have an opportunity to work and to do a job man jump on that opportunity get in there and do your best and don't let it pass you by and then later one day you'll cry about how you don't have a job you'll cry about how there aren't any jobs there aren't any opportunities but when you've already squandered two three four great opportunities in your life pretty soon God's gonna stop sending you the opportunities is you're a bad steward of what he gave you look at Proverbs chapter 10 verse 26 as vinegar to the teeth and as smoke to the eyes so is the sluggard to them that send him so the lazy slothful derelict person when they're given a job and they don't get it done it's the most irritating thing to their boss right it's like smoke in your eyes you ever get around the campfire and and it's like it seems like you move your chair and it just follows you and you have that smoking eyes is burning and pain and irritation don't be that burning painful irritation to your boss because that's what the sluggard is to those that send him the ones who give him a task and they just assume oh I can check this off this is done because I got so-and-so on that and then all of a sudden they follow up the next day oh I forgot you say well Pastor Anderson everybody forgets things right everybody forgets things some people write them down because sure if we all just rely on our memory we're gonna forget things things that are important write it down I remember I got a job and one of the first things on the first day the guy that was training me on this job he gave me this little notepad that was like this big and he said this is your hard drive and he said you got to keep this in your pocket all the time and our work shirts had a little pocket and everybody at the job had this little notepad before the smartphones okay so yeah the little tiny little spiral notepad in our pocket every single person on the job and he said you know put that in your hard drive write that and we had to constantly every day write things down when when the boss was rattling off instructions you'd whip that thing out you'd write it down don't be one who goofs up on job opportunities that you're given because those opportunities may never come back or you may never have as good of an opportunity when you get fired from this job and fired from that job so don't mess up the opportunities that you're given because the sluggard is an irritation to those who send him right he's like vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes flip over to chapter 15 you don't have to turn there but Matthew 25 26 his Lord answered and said unto him thou wicked and slothful servant thou knowest that I reap where I sowed not and gather where I have not strung and here we have this parable where Jesus is using the illustration of an angry boss chewing out his employee chewing out his servant and saying you are a wicked and slothful servant so being lazy being a sluggard being slothful is wicked in the sight of God it's wickedness don't goof up your job opportunities number three quit making excuses excuses why you can't work excuses for everything so number one work without being told number two don't goof up the job opportunities that you're given prize those opportunities do your best make the best of those opportunities and number three quit making excuses why you can't work or why you can't get a job done this is a big one right here about making excuses look at verse 19 of chapter 15 there the way of the slothful man is as an hedge of thorns but the way of the righteous is made plain now the word way in the Bible is often referring to like a path or a road okay so when the Bible says here the way of the slothful man is a hedge of thorns its picture like a sidewalk and right next that sidewalk is a hedge and that hedge is filled with thorns and this should be pretty easy to imagine because here is an Arizona everything has thorns every plant has thorns no matter what the plant it has some sharp object on it in the desert here so when you think of the hedge of thorns when I hear this verse I remember growing up in Northern California I used to go to my grandparents house in the woods and there were these patches of blackberry bushes who's ever gone through blackberry bushes and I remember there was this really cool part of the forest that we always wanted to go to but between my grandparents house and that part of the forest there was a blackberry patch and you can either go around and take like an extra hour or two hours just to make some huge circuitous route or you could just cross straight through the blackberries and so as children were often impatient and we would just cut through those blackberries and I use the word cut in the most literal sense because you'd go through those blackberries and we'd get through it but we'd be all cut up and slash and bleeding from all of the thorns in that thing now you can get through it but it's just a slow process and it's painful and you're dragging and it's not efficient at all so when the Bible says the way of the slothful man is a hedge of thorns but the way of the righteous is made plain first of all I want you to see that the opposite of slothfulness verse is righteous because what did Jesus say wicked and slothful so slothfulness is being wicked and you can't be righteous without being a hard worker because if you're slothful that's an unrighteous thing so he's saying here the slothful man it seems like whatever job you give him point a to point B is always very difficult isn't it white all these obstacles and a lot of the obstacles are in his own mind or he's exaggerating the obstacles are building up the the slothful man just always has all the reasons why it can't be done everything's hard whereas the righteous man it's like the path just opens up it's just clear and plain why because he finds a way to get things done he has a can-do attitude where there's a will there's a way and he finds solutions not just continually finding problems it's not just bad luck that lazy people constantly have all these obstacles and problems why they can't get their work done he just everything goes wrong for the lazy isn't there a saying about that who knows that isn't there some saying about how being lucky is actually because you're actually working harder I don't know if somebody thinks of it raise your hand let me know there's some yes there you go that's exactly what I was looking for the harder I work the luckier I get okay that's the saying it's a you know a lot of people chalk it up to luck or oh you're so lucky you're so fortunate or you're so talented or Wow must be nice but actually you work hard and the way is plain when you're doing right but when you're lazy all of a sudden they're just obstacles upon obstacles and the Bible talks a lot about this actually flip over to verse 22 or chapter 22 I'm sorry Proverbs 22 13 while you're turning there chapter 20 verse 4 says the sluggard will not plow by reason of cold therefore shall he beg and harvest and have nothing so the sluggard he doesn't want to start in the springtime it's time to start plowing the field you got to plant the crops early in order to have that harvest but he says it's too cold and you know he doesn't want to physically go out there and experience that cold sensation but not only that you know the ground is harder because the ground is really cold but you know the wise man the righteous man the hard worker he goes out there in spite of the cold he gets an early start and he starts plowing up that ground and you know what in the harvest he's gonna rejoice he's gonna have the goods whereas the sluggard the Bible says will not plow by reason of the cold that's his excuse and therefore in the harvest he's gonna beg and have nothing look at chapter 22 verse 13 the slothful man saith there's a lion without I shall be slain in the streets this is pretty unrealistic okay that a lion is gonna be roaming the streets of the city now true there are lions out there and occasionally a lion will roam the streets of a city but what are the chances that you are going to be that Lions victim right they're not that high and you can find a workaround here you can get some kind of a weapon or be prepared for that lion somehow but the slot the sluggard is just like oh cancel the job the slothful man says well there's a lion without I shall be slain in the streets look at chapter 26 so number one we said work without being told number two we said don't mess up the job opportunities when you get them don't mess up the opportunities you have if you've got a good job right now if you've got a sweet gig right now man don't mess that up right and here's the way I like to think of it this is the phrase that always comes to my mind run scared run scared all right who knows what I mean by that you know you when I go to work and I'm running scared and what I mean by that is I don't just take my job for granted I don't just take it for granted and just kick back relax and be complacent man I'm running scared meaning that I am afraid of messing up I'm afraid of ruining this opportunity I want to make sure that I don't do things up that's what I mean by running scared maybe that phrase resonates with you maybe it doesn't but for me that's something that I think about hey I'm gonna be running scared today meaning like I don't want to mess up I'm gonna be careful I'm gonna be sober I'm gonna be vigilant I'm running scared all right so number one work without being told number two don't mess up the job opportunities that you have right it's a it's a privilege it's a blessing give it your best don't ruin it number three quit making excuses about anything but especially quit making excuses why you can't work or why you can't get the job done we've all had those employees or known those employees who are just constantly calling the boss with a reason why the job can't be done I remember we used to wire houses for alarm systems when I first got married and we'd go to these houses and like literally 99% of the house would be ready to be wired and there would just be like one doorframe that wasn't in or something or one window hadn't been installed and a lot of guys would just want to just pull off the job and be like oh this one's not ready check it just they want to just cross it out and just shave like two hours off their work day or three hours by just not doing it and then there were other guys who would wire the whole rest of the house and then just that one thing that wasn't ready they'd get the wire like right there close and then they would just swing by another day and just finish that one thing it would take them like five minutes or something but they're being more productive staying ahead of things and stuff like that and there were just two very distinct mentalities there were certain guys where you knew they walked into that house and they were literally chanting this in their mind like please don't be ready please don't be ready please don't be ready you know what I mean you ever been out soul-winding and knocked on door you're like please don't be home please don't be up I remember when I first started soul-winding I was really nervous and I used to kind of hope that people weren't home for those first few doors until you got warmed up right but a lot of people they go into the job it's just like please don't be ready please be a problem please help me have an excuse and then other guys they want to find a way hey I think we can have a work around here I think we can get this done anyway we don't even need to call the boss necessarily because we've got a solution all right that's what the boss wants he wants you to find ways to get things done and if you do call him and sometimes you know they want some some bosses really want you to call a lot and let him know every twist and turn some bosses just don't want to hear from you they just want the work to get done and you got to get to know your boss right what does he want does he want to get every little twist and turn and update or does he want you to just figure out a way to get it done and if he wants the updates then you call him up and say hey boss here's the problem but we've got a solution here's the solution just running it by you okay great you know so that way you're not calling them with a problem you're calling with a solution and then you're not gonna mess up the opportunities that you have and don't make excuses look at verse 26 the Bible says I'm sorry chapter 26 verse 12 of Proverbs seeest thou a man wise in his own conceit there's more hope of a fool than of him right so what it's saying is the worst type of a fool is the one who thinks that he's smart the one who's wise in his own conceit you'd be better off with somebody who's dumb and they know they're dumb then somebody who's wise in their own conceit right seeest thou a man wise in his own conceit there's more hope of a fool than of him the slothful man saith there's a lion in the way a lion is in the streets that's what a lazy person says say well I might be legitimate notice what a lazy person says they're afraid of phantoms the boogeyman okay verse 14 as the door turneth upon his hinges sewed at the slothful upon his bed so picture a door that's left ajar and the wind is just kind of I picture like a screen door just kind of turning on its hinges right that's what the slothful does on his bay just keeps flipping over okay hitting that snooze button all right and you know what the snooze button is a bad idea all right don't hit that snooze but some people literally set their alarm like a half hour before they need to get up just so they could snooze for half hour you know I mean hey if you're a very productive member of society and you're a hard worker and that works for you I don't want to mess with your formula okay but if you're a young person if you're a teenager if you're a young adult you know for 99% of people that's a bad habit okay so you know like I said if you're an effective person and you do that okay fine some people are the exception that proves the rule but in general hitting the snooze button over and over again is a bad idea here's what I learned a long time it's gonna be painful whenever you get out of bed in the morning when you get up early it's gonna hurt five minutes from now as much as it hurts now so you might as well just rip off the band-aid just get it over with just get with the first time your alarm goes off just tell yourself hey it's gonna hurt this is gonna hurt and then just get up anyway instead of just turning over on your bed and flipping over because you know the more times you hit that snooze button the chances are you push the wrong button and then the things you know next thing you know it's it's 11 a.m. or something it's anyway and by the way let me give you the great secret to getting up early I have found the secret go to bed early you know everybody's like oh so hard to go to look not if you go to bed early you're you know if you go to bed early nothing could be easier than getting up at any time three four five doesn't matter if you go to bed at eight nine ten I mean then you'll be able to get up at those unholy hours amen so it says here as the door turn it upon his hinges and by the way the real unholy hours are like 11 midnight and 1 a.m. that's where most bad stuff happens there aren't a lot of horrific sins happening typically at three four five six a.m. you know it's mainly at night that the stuff's happening morning is a better time the slothful hide at this hand in his bosom it grieve with him to bring it again to his mouth so this guy's so lazy it's a workout for him to just put the food in his mouth isn't that what it's saying here I mean it's like it grieves him oh man I'm so tired you know just to even lift up his hand to his mouth he hides his hand in his bosom and then look at verse 16 here's the key because what did it say in verse 13 see us thou a man wise in his own conceit there's more hope of a fool than of him you're probably wondering what did that have to do with the rest of the sermon here's the tie-in okay look at verse 16 the sluggard is wiser in his own conceit than seven men that can render a reason so notice the guy who's worse than a fool from verse 12 because he thinks he knows so much he's so wise in his own conceit that guy is one in the same with whom the sluggard he is the sluggard sluggards are wiser in their own conceit than seven men that can render a reason now why is it that they think they're so smart is because they have to come up with all these wild excuses for why they are the way they are because people don't just show up and say like I'm lazy I'm a slugger and look if anybody ever says I'm lazy I'm a sluggard I'm a slothful person this person is probably on the road to recovery I mean that's where the healing begins amen you know once they the person who actually admits that they have a problem and you know I remember coming to a place in my young adult life just saying to myself or not even saying to myself saying to the Lord in prayer I remember praying to God saying God I am a lazy person I struggle with laziness Lord help me learn how to work hard because laziness is something that I struggle with okay and I remember praying that many times in fact part of the reason why I chose the Bible College that I went to was because it was a college that had a reputation for like working you into the ground and running you into the ground and I felt like that's what I needed the most from Bible college more than just learning the Bible or doctrine I felt like I already had a pretty good doctrinal foundation but I felt like I really needed to work on my work ethic and learning how to work hard so I wanted to get that work ethic and I and I knew that about myself you know if you know that about yourself and even if it's not laziness if you know what your faults are if you know what your weaknesses are then you can work on them and you're already on the way to fixing them the sluggard however here man he is wiser in his own conceit meaning he's smarter in his own mind than seven men who actually can render a reason seven men who are actually intelligent articulate men who can explain things in an intelligible way the fool is literally seven times smarter than the wise man in his own mind so just remember that when you're dealing with slothful lazy people they think they're seven times as smart as truly intelligent people let that sink in quit making excuses the sluggard is wiser in his own conceit than seven men that can render a reason the reason that the sluggard wants to render is an excuse here let me give you the reason why I can't get to work let me give you the reason why I don't have a job the reason why I can't do this that or the other and you know getting back to the derelicts of this world you know when we think of the derelicts of this world people that are just washed up in life people who what did the dictionary say it said you know they're they're neglectful of duty delinquent negligent vagrant bomb no permanent home no permanent means of support they're lazy they refuse to work right when we think of the homeless derelicts of Tempe for example okay and I like to ride my bike around as a hobby and I see a lot of the derelicts when I'm out riding my bike and you know they're they're often drunk addicted to drugs they they're carrying around a lot of stolen property hit news flash carts aren't for sale no I mean like when you see somebody pushing a shopping cart that's a stolen item right there okay so you know you see a lot of these derelicts and you know what you'll see certain common denominators like for example when you see them eating and drinking it's always junk food virtually always and they leave their trash everywhere and they don't finish it okay now let me just park it on this for a little bit people make excuses about their situation they make excuses about their condition and it's better to just figure out what the weaknesses are in your life and fix them and fix your life and get on track get yourself to work yeah look are there people that are legitimately in need of course there are people who are legitimately in need but let me just go on the record and say 99% of the homeless population in Tempe and in Phoenix Arizona refuses to work and that's why they're in the condition right they refuse to work you can't get these people you could you can offer them jobs you can offer them opportunities and look so many programs are available I mean Tempe and Phoenix have a ton of programs where they can go and they can be trained they can get a job they can go to the and be fed and clothed and housed I mean there are all kinds of programs to get these people back on their feet they don't want to they want to be drunk they want to be on drugs they want to lay around all day they want to steal and do whatever this is why they're in the condition that they live in but have you noticed how much junk food that they eat okay and and other just poor people and derelicts in general love to eat junk food now this makes no sense because junk food is more expensive than healthy food and I'm sick and tired of this excuse that says oh it's too expensive to eat healthy that is a myth that is false okay and I even see a lot of Christians sharing this oh yeah you know junk food so much cheaper really because how much does it cost to go across there to Wendy's is that what we have in the parking lot here is that a Wendy's or Arby's Arby's is like ten years ago it shows how often I eat there amen but you know this this Wendy's here how much does it cost to go in there as a grown man and get a full meal who knows ten bucks how much you can get out of there for four or five bucks yeah you're drinking water look I guarantee if I got the combo with the soda what do you think John what are you doing going there what's my son doing going there he said when he gets there he's he's out for 12 bucks when he goes there all right well I you're a frugal I like that all right that's good so but look it isn't four or five dollars I'm sorry it wasn't even four or five dollars back in the 90s when I was going there okay so you know I see a lot of these combos for six seven eight nine dollars and stuff everybody acts like it's just so cheap and sure they have the 99 cent menu it's garbage friend but here's here's this I gotta get this off my chest okay and let me tell you where this whole sermon came from you know let me tell you the impetus for this sermon okay okay I got home yesterday and on the edge of my front yard in my yard there was just a pile of McDonald's trash there were like four or five perfectly good nuggets just laying in the dirt there was like a burger with like two bites out of it just ripped apart laying there all the trash all the junk just in a perfect pile and by the way last week three bottles of Budweiser on my front yard the week before that three Budweiser bottles just like the little triple Budweiser pile okay and it's just littering it just blows my I can't understand it there are trash cans everywhere it's not like it's hard to find a trash can it's just the ultimate slothfulness ultimate sluggard total derelict when you're throwing your chest and I used to wonder who does this and then I started having kids and I realized that kids will do that if they're not taught if you hand an ice cream to a two-year-old they just take the package off and just throw it and I started to realize wait a minute this is just children who their parents never taught them that littering is wrong so they just they have that two-year-old mentality of just take off the package and toss it well you've got to teach your kids hardcore that littering is wrong okay littering is wrong I mean it trashes our whole city our whole city starts looking like trash and you just walk down the street it's just trash trash who does this who is it I saw a car drive in front of my house and just chuck a whole bag of trash out the window just driving by just chuck a big super gulp whatever trash drink out of the way so that's where the sermon came from because I just I just looked at this image I was like the Indian with the tear in my eye it's just like I was like this is a picture of America 2019 the problem with the derelicts of this world it's I was trying to think how many things can I find wrong with this it's like you're eating junk food you're wasting money you're littering you're not finishing your food you're wasting your foot I was just like ah it's really bothering me but I kept seeing this thing on Facebook that was just driving me nuts it showed like french fries 99 cents and then this little fruit cup for $4.99 this is why it's hard to eat healthy wrong that's the dumbest thing in the world because you don't have to do what if I told you you don't have to go to Panera in order some overpriced fruit cup to get fruit in your life like they show this little thing from the airport or something you know what I mean where you go to the airport there's like a little plastic cup with a lid and it's got like four little cubes of melon and four little cubes of whatever folks what if I told you you can just buy a whole cantaloupe for less than that okay and and and here's the thing fruit is not expensive vegetables are not somebody else I heard somebody told me that they told somebody hey you know you need to eat more fruits and vegetables and they said well that's rich people food fruits and vegetables that's rich people food folks that is such nonsense the poor people of this world live off of fruits and vegetables in fact I've even heard the nutrition advice eat like a poor person and they weren't talking about American poor people they're saying like eat like the poor people of Mexico or Nicaragua or all these different places because of the fact that they eat a lot of just simple foods and rice and beans and tomatoes and spinach and corn tortillas and stuff like that you know they eat a lot of nutritional stuff believe it or not but they sit there and say oh it's just too expensive eat healthy now now I did a demonstration a while back but I left out a major fact in that demonstration there's a video I did on YouTube well I was a sermon I did here but I made it into a short video on YouTube they got a lot of viewers and it was it was called like you know eating healthy is is just as cheap as eating junk food or it's cheaper eating healthy is cheaper than eating junk food and I actually went to Food City just right across the street here which is where a lot of poor people would go for their food and I went there and just spent like $11 and just loaded up on tons of nutritious food and I had avocados and and cabbage and corn and tomatoes and beans and rice and it's just like a lot of food for you know let's say one and a half trips down to fast food or if you're my son John you know 90% of a trip to fast food you know and basically and I made this demonstration of look at all this food and then I pulled out all the junk food Doritos $4.99 you know soda or whatever that has zero nutritional value two dollars or whatever okay so that's just making an excuse of just I can't eat healthy it's too expensive but here's what I failed to mention in that demonstration what was the common denominator of all the nutritious cheap foods that I showed they all required some amount of preparation they all required work like like for example you know the watermelon or the candle you have to cut it the cabbage you got to wash it and cut it you know wait the avocado has to be peeled you know or whatever but but but people they don't want to do any work remember they're so lazy they only want to raise their hand in their mouth so therefore that's why they gravitate toward the french fries and the chips and the cookies and think about when you're at home and you get the munchies why would you reach for the cookies why would you reach for the chips why do you reach for the ice cream because there's zero preparation that's why it's just right it was cereal bowl milk done you know whereas if you wanted to eat something healthy like scrambling some eggs or something you know you got a butter the pan scramble the eggs cook you know it takes a few minutes but it doesn't take that long it's not that hard to scramble some eggs and eggs are cheap it's not that hard and and people who think fruits and vegetables are overpriced and then this what they'll show on Facebook with their little memes they'll show like grapes and like they'll show like just these really like fancy foods look when I was a kid when we pretended we were rich we would fan each other with palm branches and feed each other grapes and stuff like and we pretend like we were a king and we had servants who ever played that game with your kid and you're being fed grapes and fanned and waiting on hand and foot look maybe you're not gonna be able to afford the grapes but you know you could buy an apple right you could buy an orange you could buy a pear you can buy cabbage you know that cabbage is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet that that cabbage is packed with nutrition and cabbage one of the cheapest things you can ever buy and you can make all kinds of things with it but here's the key make things you can make all kinds of slaw and kraut and whatever you want to make with it but I'm telling you you can eat healthy and by the way you say well I want the strawberries and the cherries and the grapes look I want you to have strawberries cherries and grapes too but here's the thing about that you get them when they're in when on sale when they're in season right here in America we just expect I don't care what time of year it is we want to eat all the fruit on the menu 12 months out of the year so we're paying somebody to fly produce up from Chile South America and they're like oh this is expensive to eat healthy because we're flying stuff up from Chile why don't you eat what's local and what's on sale and what's disease every time you go to the store there's some kind of fruit or vegetable that's on sale super there's always something that's just ridiculously cheap isn't there that's what you eat okay if you want to get your fruits and vegetables get what's on sale and by the way it's been shown in scientific studies that eating what's in season in your area is healthier anyway because your body needs the summer stuff in the summer and the winter stuff in the winter you know and so I don't know if that's true or not but it sounds great so just you know eat what's on sale it's good for you and you know just sit there and say oh yeah those fruit cups $4.99 yeah that's because it's a ripoff go chop up your own fruit and it's super cheap I mean you could probably get an apple for 10 cents or something okay and you're gonna get the same amount of and eat the core while you're at it amen get those nitrile asides but anyway I don't want to go off on too much of a tangent here actually I do but I saw this I just read this article about this yesterday as I was preparing for the sermon it said you know calorie for calorie junk foods cheaper yeah of course it's cheaper calorie for calorie because there's way too many calories it's not that junk food is cheaper than healthier food it's that calorie for calorie it's cheaper because it's packed with junk empty worthless calories so calorie for calorie junk food cheaper so poor folks gravitate to junk food in order to fill up in order to fill up like they're just starving to death right in America poor people are just starving to death and so they have to gravitate toward these high calorie foods hey news flash if you're overweight you're running a caloric surplus so you're not you don't have to just gravitate toward calories you know what I mean like you should gravitate toward a low calorie so the point is though that if you're at it there are two ways for your body to be running caloric surplus caloric deficit all right does everybody understand what I'm saying so every day you burn calories even if you're just sitting on your rear end all day you still burn calories even your brain is burning like 20% of your calories just thinking burns calories so even just sleeping you're burning calories okay so every day you burn a certain amount of calories the more active you are the more calories you burn the less active you are the less calories you burn there's calories coming in and this calories going out if more calories go in than what goes out then you're gonna slowly gain weight over time slowly slowly you're adding right because one pound of fat equals 3,500 calories so therefore if you have an extra hundred calories every day which isn't much extra hundred today 35 days later you gain one pound okay so this is how life works now if you're running at a caloric deficit you eat less calories then then the work you're performing then you know if you're at a caloric deficit of a hundred calories then 35 days later you weigh a pound less or whatever okay that's typically how the math ends up working out so the thing is you've got people that are not underweight here they're not malnourished this isn't like you know people that are in Africa or what and they're just struggling hand-to-mouth existence or something I mean we're talking about people in the United States of America who came and finished their burger they can't finish their chicken nuggets they can't finish the french fries they're throwing food away and then basically they're oh they got to gravitate toward those high-calorie foods to fill up no what they're gravitating toward is that which is easy and doesn't require any work that's what they're gravitating toward because lazy people gravitate towards something that requires zero effort and zero work that's what's going on folks and yet it when you eat a lot of junk food it makes you hungry here's why there's no nutrition in it so your body is screaming for nutrition feed me feed me feed me and you're giving it junk and it's like I'm still not getting what I need oh well here's another cheeseburger here's another order of fries here's another milkshake I still don't have the vitamins okay well you know it's like well this this meal has 1% of my daily vitamin whatever so I'm just gonna have to eat a hundred of them okay so anyway a little bit of a tangent there but quit making excuses why you can't go to work making excuses for eating junk food wasting money throwing things on the ground just don't make excuses okay number four and this leads right in that don't waste your food all right so point number one work without being told what's the sermon called don't be a derelict and you say well pastor I understand I don't think anybody in here is gonna ever be a derelict you know what probably somebody in here is gonna end up being a derelict I've seen young people come out of a fundamental Baptist Church and grow up and become a derelict you think it's impossible for people who don't work without being told they mess up the job opportunities that they're given right and then they make excuses for why they can't work and why they live the lifestyle that they live they waste their food you know they can grow up being a derelict but here's the thing I don't even want to act like a derelict even if I do have a permanent dwelling place and a permanent job and even if I do go to work every day and take care of my responsibilities I don't want to have the attributes of a derelict in my life all right I don't want to be like unto a derelict and so I don't want to be one who wastes look at you what a Proverbs chapter number 12 Proverbs 12 don't waste and by the way he also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster so the Bible says that being lazy at work and being wasteful go hand in hand there are two peas in a pod so if you want to be a hard worker you've got to learn not to be a great waster because the great waster is one in the same with the guy who's lazy at work so work on both of these at the same time now notice it says he that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster it's okay to waste a little bit don't be a great waster okay sometimes a little waste makes sense you don't want to be penny wise and pound foolish sometimes a little waste makes sense you don't want to go crazy or overboard okay but you want to be like the Catholic Church where you have to like wipe out the inside of your glass or something to make sure every drop is still accounted for you have to go crazy like that but don't be a great waster and you know what if you raise your kids this way they're gonna grow up and be derelict or they're gonna act like derelict or whatever when you just let your kids just make themself a giant plate of food take a couple bites is I'm full folks and then you're and then you're gonna get on your knees and pray for God to give you your daily bread as you're just throwing food and the trash on mass that's disrespectful okay eat your food clean your plate and here's the thing about that if you don't finish your food you can you can box it up and put it in the fridge you can put plastic over it you put foil over it put it in the fridge and pull that out at the next meal and don't let your kids just go to restaurants just order insane amounts of food or worse yet go to a church activity and just load up take a few bites and then and fall little brat you little snot all right so you know you got it you got to finish your food these habits start young I guarantee you that if we could somehow know the history of a typical derelict drug addicts of Tempe I guarantee you that these are kids who weren't finishing their food growing up they weren't doing chores without being told they constantly had excuses for why they couldn't get things done okay I promise you that these attributes would be in their life do not waste food why because the Bible says in Proverbs chapter 12 verse 27 the slothful man slothful again is lazy sluggard the slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting but the substance of a diligent man is precious so what the Bible is saying here is that when you work hard you value your money and you value your property because you worked hard and you paid for it so the diligent man who worked hard man he values his stuff he values his substance the opposite of that is the lazy person who doesn't even roast what they took in hunting so they go out they hunt they kill an animal they've got all this meat and they're just like too lazy to even cook the food that they hunted and again what does this go back to all they want to eat is fast food why because there's no work that's exactly what this verse is talking about you could apply this to the slothful man doesn't want to cut up his own cantaloupe you know he it grieves him to have to chop up an apple he just he has to only eat that little fruit cup that's been totally prepared in heavy syrup or whatever so the Bible is saying here the slothful man roasted not with that which he took in hunting I used to always quote this verse to myself back when I ran my fire alarm business I would go out and I would do a whole bunch of jobs and I had to do the paperwork and the paperwork was how I got paid and I remember just getting back from work and being exhausted and tired and I didn't want to do that paperwork and I would always quote this verse to myself you know this is what I took in hunting I need to roast this you know and that I would use this verse to motivate myself to do paperwork like I did the hunting now it's time to butcher the animal amen and I'd fill out the paperwork and get it turned in and everything like that so the the substance of a diligent man is precious that means if you're a hard worker you're not wasteful if you're wasteful you're probably not a hard worker and again sometimes a little bit of waste makes sense sometimes a little bit of waste is being efficient you know so you don't want to just go overboard on just wasting like an hour to preserve like some 20 cent item or something you obviously have to weigh your time versus the the expenditure and everything like that but when you see somebody just ordering a fast-food meal when they're homeless and poor and they're holding a sign up that says I'm hungry you know I'm hungry and anything helps God bless and then you see them not even finish their food and then litter it on my yard not even finish it right they can't even finish chicken who doesn't finish their chicken nuggets I mean look I've look I've I've been at a point where I couldn't finish a burger I don't think there's ever been a time when I couldn't finish chicken nuggets I mean chicken nuggets are like the easiest thing to finish in the world you there's never enough when is there ever enough when are you like this is too many chicken nuggets nobody says that it never happens I mean for chicken I mean people were so I post a picture to Facebook of the of the trash on my front yard and and and somebody said like maybe you could wash those off because I mean it's just like it goes against the grain to just see these little pristine chicken nuggets sitting on the ground untouched it's like but you know here should be a news flash how come the animals aren't touching them and we got all kinds because we all kinds of cats in the neighborhood we've got wild coyotes and stuff that roam the neighborhood from time to time bugs and everything is you know the answer like taking a wide birth it take like a birth around so that's you know that should be a hint okay but man not finishing when you can't get your kids to finish their chicken fingers you're in trouble as a parent at that point Wow let's go ahead and let's I gotta hurry up for sake of time here go to verse go to chapter 24 of Proverbs chapter 24 we said number one be self-motivated self-starter don't have somebody always have to tell you what to do all the time right see I'm sick of people tell me what to do do stuff yourself and then nobody will tell you what to do they'll just say oh leave that guy alone he's productive if you're constantly being told man my parents are constantly on my case they're constantly telling me what to do probably cuz you're constantly not doing anything okay I don't like being told what to do then do stuff without being told right make your own rules amen number two don't screw up the opportunities that you're given you know sometimes sometimes that great job opportunity only comes once make the best of it number three quit making excuses why you can't work making excuses for your shortcomings making excuses why you eat junk food and you're too lazy to cook a meal or prepare something better don't make excuses you've got to start taking responsibility for yourself people are delinquent of their duties they're derelict you know they're not taking responsibility take responsibility and say you know what it's my job to make sure that I get X Y & Z done I'm gonna take responsibility number four don't waste food okay and don't waste by the way don't waste supplies at your job either you know and again this you got to use common sense on this because sometimes a little waste makes sense but don't be one who's just constantly just throwing away materials because you're just too lazy and you just want to open a new one all the time right I mean I could go on and on about that but this is not a job seminar okay it's a Bible sermon but another thing you don't want to waste besides wasting food is don't waste opportunities look at verse 30 of chapter 24 and this this sort of goes hand in hand with wasting food I went by the field of the slothful and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding now stop for a second the field and the vineyard what is this this isn't just saying oh I went by and he didn't mow his lawn what this is saying is the field or the vineyard is where food comes from the field is where the crops are growing the vineyard is where grapes are growing this is this guy's livelihood it's his job it's his food it's his meat right I went by the field of the slothful and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding and lo it was all grown over with thorns and nettles had covered the face thereof and the stone wall thereof was broken down then I saw and considered it well I looked upon it and received instruction you say how dare you look down on these people how dare you well how dare the author of Proverbs look down on this guy because the author of Proverbs right when he went by the field of what he considered a lazy person he went by that field and he considered it and he took lessons from it and he said to himself you know what I don't want to be like that guy is that what not what the Bible says he considered it and he took a lesson he said look that guy doesn't have any food he doesn't have any money because he's he's not even using what he has here's enough I mean what is a field it's an opportunity what's a vineyard it's opportunity you know there's some people who don't own any land there are people in the Bible who don't own any land right they're just servants and bond maids and bond servants look if you actually own a business or you actually own a vineyard or you own a farm that's an opportunity and so this guy who's just letting it all grow over with thorns and nettles and the walls breaking down basically what he's doing is he's wasting a great opportunity where he could be producing something and we should take lessons from that it says I looked upon it and I received instruction it says in verse 32 I received instruction so I'm not up here just saying oh yeah stinking derelict that's not what the sermons about it's not about looking down on people you know what it's about it's about taking a lesson saying I'm not gonna end up that way look I feel bad for the homeless people I feel bad for the derelict I feel bad for drug addicts you say well I did it to themselves yeah but I mean I still feel bad for them because they're living a miserable life oh that drunk he did it to himself yeah but I still feel bad for him because he's still living a miserable life but you know what the best thing we can do for that guy is rebuke him because he needs that's what his parents failed to do that's what his church failed to do and we you know he needs to be taught you can't just coddle him all right here let me give you some free needles that's what the city of San Francisco will do that's what Portland Oregon will do right here let's just give you needles folks that's not what they need they need to be taught a more excellent way and then we need to all so teach our kids and say kids look at this kids receive instruction from this look out the window kids this is not how you want to end up therefore finish your food therefore do work around the house therefore be motivated right amen I mean that's what the Bible is saying consider it and receive instruction and realize verse 33 oh it's it's because of white privilege is that what it says in verse 33 I looked at the field of the slugger and I said oh white privilege this guy you know he's too brown that's why he can't make anything happen folks that's bologna oh I looked at it realized oh it's cuz slavery 200 years ago what it was oh it's because you know the white man took the Indians land you know here we are 2019 folks let that go that was a long time ago all right you know what I mean like everybody's got excuses oh you know oh the wage gap oh you know these people they can't they start out behind they can't get ahead you know what folks in America you can get ahead there may be places in this world I'm sure there are in fact for sure places in this world where you start out in some low caste or you start out in a bad situation it's really hard to pull yourself out of that we are living in the place in the world where it's the easiest to pull yourself out of poverty okay I don't care what color you are I don't care what education level your parents have you can succeed in this country and you know what you know well you don't understand my disadvantage and you know I grew up with a single parent what look I'm sorry but it's time to just quit making excuses and just get to work and make something of yourself break the cycle break sign you know what they're all kinds of black people and Indians and Mexicans that are doing well and succeeding and they are taking care of business and they're making money and they're feeding their family and they're respectable people and then there are other people who are derelict and you know what they do they complain and blame it on oh it's cuz I'm this I'm that you know quit making excuses and being a derelict I consider it and I said here's why this field looks this way here's why this vineyard looks for this way yet a little sleep a little slumber a little folding of the hands to sleep so shall I poverty come as when the travel and I want as an armed man hey poverty is coming when you're lazy that's what the Bible says okay the Bible says this over and over again and so we don't want to fall into these kind of liberal talking points of you know it's everybody else's fault you know nobody made you wear your pants sagging a foot below your waist slavery has nothing to do with that okay you know you can pull up your pants no matter what color you are you can pull up your pants no matter what your economic background is you can pull up your pants no matter what side of the tracks you live on and you know what men who go to work never dress that way because of the fact that men who go to work they wear a practical garment for work you can't get anything done this is how they walk am I lying yeah you know what that just shows they're literally holding their ways and they're just like that's like it's like a hula hoop to keep their pants up or something seriously anybody who's serious about getting a job done man they got their pants they fit they're cinched up and it's like let's go they got practical shoes they got practical pants right they're ready to roll they're not and and by the way they don't wear some sure I guess this is the 90s preaching coming out but you know the shirt down to the knees giant gold chain hey that's gonna get caught in something if you're trying to actually work for a living that chain is gonna suck you into the machine or something it's gonna get caught in the drill right you're gonna be like hanging from the Raptors if you're doing a framing job like that so the point is look where you know you see people that aren't serious about work take a lesson take instruction you see some homeless person just laying by the side of the road filthy dirty when they're like 30 feet from what from a source of water there's like a drinking fountain right here there's a canal here there's a lake here you know it's all this water is available right there they could just go up to the drinking fountain and clean up these underwear showing dirty drugged out just middle of the daytime right other people are out at work you say well don't you feel bad for me yes I do but you know what some of these people is too late for them and I you know I'd love to see the homeless derelict of our city you know get jobs and get cleaned up and get right with God but you know what some some of them they've just they've lived that way a long time they're just they're on a downward spiral and they're just people people are trying to help them every day you know with all these programs and everything it's just not working but so what we can do is prevention by teaching our young people hey that lifestyle is not an option you've got to go to work you've got to make something of yourself you've got to work okay and then let me just finish up with the last couple points here number point number five is don't be covetous and greedy the Bible says and I got a hurry so just turn in your Bible if you would to chapter 13 but of Proverbs but the desire of the slothful killeth him for his hands refuse to labor he covetous greedily all the day long but the righteous giveth and spareth not so what the Bible saying here is that the slothful man ironically is very covetous and that you know this is why they'll buy lottery tickets homeless people buying a lottery ticket you say well you know they're trying to get out of poverty come on that's ridiculous it's pretty much the work you have the idiot tax is what lottery is you know who runs the lottery the state okay and a lot of a lot of states where gambling is illegal but the lottery you know can be run by the state government it's idiot tax it's a tax on you for being an idiot is what it is you pay you're taxed for stupidity that's what the lottery is it's a voluntary you sign up and say I'm an idiot tax me more well it's my lucky day folks he that hates it to be rich should not be innocent the Bible tells us don't make haste to be rich but they covet greedily all the day long the Bible says lazy people their hands refuse to work but they covet greedily all the day long and then the Bible talks about the righteous man the hard worker is generous right he's he's spending money to help other people you know he'll take somebody out to eat and pay the bill he'll buy somebody's groceries when they're down on their luck right somebody hey I'm falling on hard times can I borrow a hundred bucks sure here you go here's a hundred bucks you know what hard working righteous people are more generous and they're not just interested in getting more for themselves now there are greedy people out there but I'm saying the right kind of hard worker is not a greedy covetous person but the Bible says that the sluggard greedily covets all day long he doesn't just lay there and say I'm totally content he wants a shopping cart that doesn't belong to him and other things don't belong to him okay and again there's no place that I know of where you go to buy shopping carts I've never seen a shopping cart store okay the shopping carts are all stolen they should be returned to the grocery store amen you need to go out repo all the shopping so he covetous greedily all the day long the desire of the slothful killeth him the soul of the sluggard desireth oh you're there in verse four the soul of the sluggard desireth and hath nothing but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat number six the final point don't be a know-it-all don't be a know-it-all so we said don't waste food don't be covetous don't make excuses why you can't work don't mess up your job opportunities work without being told and don't be a know-it-all okay look at verse one a wise son hereth his father's instruction but a scorner hereth not rebuke again I guarantee you that the derelicts of this world they did not listen their parents growing up guaranteed they didn't listen to rebuke when somebody told them hey you need to go to school or you need to work you need to learn how to read and write you need to show up for work you need to stop pushing the snooze button you know you need to get a haircut you need to pull up your pants and then tell me what to do they didn't listen to rebuke and this is where they are now listen to your father's instruction see every teenager thinks that they know more than mom and dad when I was a teenager I thought I knew more than my mom and dad but but you have to just by faith follow your parents instructions follow the pastor's instruction follow role models in your life that are telling you look here's how you succeed at work here's what you need to do listen right listen to other people giving you advice you don't know everything the soul of the slugger desireth and hath nothing but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat diligent means you're working hard and steady patient you're not in a hurry but you're doing a good job you're getting your work done verse 7 there is that maketh himself rich it hath nothing there is that making themselves poor yet hath great riches the ransom of a man's life are his riches watch this but the poor hereth not rebuke you see that here's a person who somebody tells them how to get out of poverty and they don't want to listen they won't listen to the rebuke they won't listen the instruction and then they just want to blame everybody else they think voting Democrat is gonna fix everything is that what they think they think that stinking Bernie Sanders or whatever that dirty old communist freak that's who they think is gonna fix all their problems Bernie stinking Sanders or or Alexandra airhead whatever her name is right all these stinking bunch of literal communist socialist devils that literally want to turn our country into like the Soviet Union or the People's Republic of China or something stupid like that they want to just flush our freedom down the toilet flush all our opportunities down the toilet or that or that idiot Joe Biden that pervert he's always like hovering over children is such a freak Uncle Biden or whatever will creepy Uncle Joe is oh yeah dirty old man Joe Biden this dirty old man this creep is just like it's like salivating over these kids and and and here's what he said the other day he said oh here's the answer we need we need to pay for women's daycare we need to give him a tax credit to pay their way to daycare so we can send more women into the workforce he said we can put 720 million women back to work folks there's only 330 million people in our country there's 330 million people in our country how many women does he want to send to work you say well he just misspoke you know what did he mean 72 million seven million yeah that's the answer let's take all the women out of the home and let's have the government pay them to put their kid in daycare so that they can neglect their responsibilities and go off to work and make more money so they could pay more taxes so they can make more money and pay more taxes folks is a scam to line the pockets of the government to get men and women both working and everybody's pouring into the government more taxes because when your wife stays home you get more write-offs that way when you're one income you get the two incomes the government's taking a lot of it and then they're gonna give it back to you so you can pay it into some childcare provider so you can drop your kid off it don't care excuse me daycare drop your kid off it don't care and go to work folks we don't need women joining the workforce to the tune of 720 million you know we need is women raising their kids not to be a derelict because a child left to himself will bring his mother to shame the Bible says don't be a derelict don't be a know-it-all don't say oh you understand my situation here let me give you some advice how to fix it and then have you ever tried to help somebody and given them all these tips how to fix their life and they're just like no no that won't work no no that won't work no you don't understand oh but you don't understand this other thing have you ever had that kind of conversation you're providing like ten salute well what about this why don't you try it why can't you work at this job why don't you get a job right here here's a place where you can get yourself cleaned up oh here's where you can get some skin oh no no not gonna work no no no no not gonna work not gonna work not gonna work but oh oh let's go down and vote for some stinking commie and destroy our whole country so that what so they oh so I can maybe today will be my lucky day with the lottery and then Bernie Sanders can give me some kind of a Bernie phone or Obama phone or whatever feel the burn or whatever yeah burn in hell okay Bernie Sanders these people are so evil and you know what if you don't know how evil they are you're ignorant and you shouldn't be voting I don't even vote anyway by the way I don't even vote because I don't even like any of them they're all a bunch of Devils you know I actually I vote every week when I go out soul winning I guarantee you they're going out soul any every week does more for our country's freedom because where the Spirit of the Lord is there's Liberty I haven't voted in since like 2012 or something I'm probably never gonna vote again but I vote every single week when I go soul winning I vote every single week when I get up and preach sermons like this and I voice the truth and by getting people saved you know you're actually gonna help God to bless our country more and keep these Devils from destroying our country okay because these these people are super wicked I mean some of the people that are that are running for office in California and something you can't even believe these people it's like an episode of the Twilight Zone or something I mean it's it's weird it's creepy like you wonder like you're like pinching yourself like am I asleep you know it's crazy right don't be a know-it-all and so let me just close with a couple we did all Proverbs so let me just give you two verses from the New Testament Romans 12 11 you don't turn there not slothful in business fervent in spirit serving the Lord isn't that a great motto right there Romans 12 11 this should be us as Christians not slothful in business fervent in spirit fervent means like on fire burning right passionate serving the Lord right that should be our trifold motto when we go to work right we're not slothful in business and you know what we're on fire we're not just like don't move like a slug okay move fast right be a be excited show up to work and don't miss Monday isn't that what people say like hey how you doing hey buddy how you doing it's Monday just kidding you know so it's just you know don't have this it's Monday attitude you know TGIF or whatever that's stupid man TGIM let's get to work right amen look get zealous about your job and then find out how much you can succeed serving the Lord so when you go to work you work as unto the Lord not unto men Hebrews chapter 6 verse 12 that you be not slothful but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promise don't be lazy don't be slothful follow the people who by patience and faith inherit the promises right there are all kinds of promises for people who work hard there are all kinds of promises for people who are diligent who are patient and work and they're not in a hurry to get rich hurry to get done hurry to finish their job no they want to diligently work hard do a good job and you know they inherit the be followers of those people don't be lazy don't follow all the people who are like you understand what my ancestors went through and you understand you know how hard it is growing up in XYZ the city or whatever look I know there are people growing up in some hard places but none of them are in the United States there I said it yeah Pete there are people who are who are growing up hard in Mongolia they're growing up hard in Nicaragua they're growing up hard in Venezuela there are people are growing up hard in Uganda and Kenya people are growing up hard in South Africa yeah people are growing up in some what do they call those things in South Africa those neighborhoods the townships you're going up in some Township in South Africa yeah you know you're at a disadvantage but you know what if you're growing up in the United States of America the world's your oyster you're like a citizen of Rome or something in the Bible where just everything's available to you okay so therefore make something out of your life work hard you say well what's this sermon about is it about getting no it's not about getting rich it's just about not being a derelict I don't want to be rich I don't want you to be rich I just want us all to be not be delinquent and not be derelict I just want us all to be able to work hard feed our families and teach our children to grow up and be productive members of society who eat healthy food and don't throw it in other people's yards they don't litter right they eat their food they work they're a blessing and they're a good testimony to where when they go to work they say hey that's a good Christian testimony he's the best worker on the job spirits never word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word Lord the book of Proverbs is such a treasure Lord the wisdom that's in Proverbs is better than rubies it's better than gold Lord help us not to be a fool that doesn't want to listen to rebuke and you don't know my situation Lord help us to just listen to the Word of God tonight and and not be sloth will not be a slugger and Lord God if there's anybody in the auditorium tonight who's working hard at their job and they're struggling to pay their bills and they're and they're struggling to make ends meet Lord I pray you'd give that person a special blessing Lord I pray you just look down from heaven and if there's anybody here tonight who's working really hard Lord I pray that you give them a blessing this week give them a bonus give them some windfall or overtime or something Lord bless though and Lord God any I pray for all the poor people of Tempe Lord that you would bless their work and their efforts Lord but but God those that are lazy and refusing to work Lord I pray that they would hit rock bottom Lord and I and I pray that you would actually wake them up and that they would actually get right Lord but but please bless the hard-working poor Lord and in Jesus name we pray amen