(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) tonight is disrespect because we live in a society and in a generation that's very disrespectful to a lot of different categories of people and I'm going to go through a lot of these tonight and show these but you see it everywhere you go, children mouthing off to their parents and being disrespectful, employees mouthing off to their boss at work, wives mouthing off to their husband, just everywhere you go it seems like there's no respect for people who legitimately deserve respect. Now the Bible says this in Proverbs 30, you don't have to turn there, if you would turn to Exodus 21 but I'll read this from Proverbs 30, the Bible says this, the eye that mocketh at his father, now that's a disrespectful child that would make fun of their dad, it says the eye that mocketh at his father and despises to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out and the young eagles shall eat it. So that's pretty strong language that God's using to deal with disrespectful children. He says in Exodus 21 verse 15, and he that smiteth his father or his mother shall surely be put to death. So that's talking about a parent or a child that would actually smite their parent, actually just sock their dad in the face or something and literally today this happens. Now I would have feared for my life, I think that my parents would have taken this verse literally, okay, and executed this, I mean there's no way I could have gotten away with smiting my parents, even saying disrespectful things to my parents. I remember I'd go over to some of my friends houses that were unsafe, they'd be saying to their parents, I hate you. I mean I wouldn't have even been alive if I said such a thing. And I mean I lived in fear of my parents, not because they were abusive, because they weren't, but because I had a healthy, godly respect and reverence for my parents. I honored my father and my mother and I would have dreaded to think of cursing them or smiting them or mouthing off to them and you know they would have beat the fire out of me and they ought to beat the fire out of me for that. And the Bible says here in verse 16, and he that stealeth a man and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand he shall surely be put to death. That's kidnapping basically. Also received the death penalty and it says in verse 17, and he that curseth his father or his mother shall surely be put to death. Now turn to Matthew chapter 15, because I get so tired of people telling me, you know you try to show them God's word, you try to preach on the Bible and they say, oh that's the Old Testament. As if there's a different God in the New Testament than the Old Testament, as if God has somehow changed. And it's funny because I preach things that were negative maybe from the Old Testament and they said, oh that's the Old, you need to read the New Testament. You need to read the book of Revelation, which is probably one of the harshest books in the Bible, if not the harshest, and it's found in the very end of the Bible. So, you know, if God hasn't changed by the time Revelation rolls around, he's probably not going to change at all. And so it says here in Matthew 15 verse 4, this is Jesus Christ speaking, okay? He says, For God commanded, saying, Honor thy father and mother, and he that curseth father or mother, let him die the dead. Now it sounds to me like Jesus approved of and agreed with the Old Testament commandments. And then he said this, But ye say, Whosoever shall say to his father or mother, it is a gift by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me, and honor not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition. Now, God commanded these things. These were God's laws in the Old Testament, and people in the New Testament claimed to be living by these laws, and yet they did not. And he said, You've made the word of God of none effect by your tradition. Now obviously, you know, you say, Oh, you know, stoning a rebellious child. That's what the Bible says. Okay? Now, I'm not going to go stone a rebellious child. You know, these stupid atheists that are going to burn in hell, like Richard Dawkins, or these... Oh, the Bible tells you to stone a rebellious child. Yes, it does. And a child that smites their parents or curses their father or mother should be killed, according to the Bible, and I'm not going to stand up here and apologize for the Holy Bible to you tonight. Now, obviously, we don't live in a society where we execute God's laws. Obviously, we live under the laws of our messed up government that we live in, and we, you know, obey the powers that be. But this is what God feels about it. Okay? Now, obviously, this is not the civil laws that we live under, but this is how God feels about it. It's how Jesus felt about it. It's how God still feels about it today. And so, children who are listening to this sermon, you better take this seriously and realize, hey, I need to treat my parents with dignity and respect. You know, get your head out of the Simpsons or whatever is teaching you to mouth off to mom and dad and get in the Bible and realize that you need to treat your mom and dad with respect. They're the ones who pay your bills. They're the ones who sweat and toil to make ends meet so that you can live the lifestyle that you live. You ought to have some respect for that and not mouth off to your parents. That's what the Bible teaches, as sure as I'm standing here. And if you would look at Ephesians 6 where we were again, because after he deals with children obeying their parents, he gets into some other things. He says in verse 5, servants be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh with fear and trembling and singleness of your heart as unto Christ. Now, this is talking about the employer and the employee, the servant and the master. That is the Bible word. We don't use those terms today, but that's what he's referring to. He explains it in other places. It's clear that that's what it means. He says, servants be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh with fear and trembling and singleness of your heart as unto Christ, not with eye service. That means not just doing the right things when the boss is watching, but he says, not with eye service as men please us, but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart with good will, doing service as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free. But then look at verse 9. Here he talks about the employer respecting the employee. He says, and ye masters do the same things unto them forbearing threatening, knowing that your master also is in heaven, neither is there respect of persons with him. So, God doesn't basically think that, you know, the employee is worthless and the boss is on a higher level, but because the master is the master, he deserves the respect due of being the master. I mean, when you work for a company, and if you want to succeed at work, you've got to learn this. You've got to have respect for the person who's paying your paycheck. You see, today we've been taught in America that the boss is somehow the enemy. You know, we have this mentality, this class struggle that's been taught by wicked people and universities and this Marxist philosophy where there's supposedly a struggle between rich and poor and that there's this fight between the employer and the employee and he just wants to take advantage and rip everybody off. But really, that's not a scriptural concept. That's what Karl Marx would have you to believe. And these economists of today are literally trying to bring us back into the dark ages when it comes to economic policy where they literally don't understand that wealth can be created so that everyone can prosper, so that everyone can succeed. When everyone works hard, the employee can make money, the boss can make money, everybody can prosper and make money. They used to think back in the middle ages, in a lot of ignorant places, that in order for one person to have money, you have to take it from someone else. And the only way to make the poor have money is to take it from the rich and give it to them. But that's not true. Everyone can succeed. Everyone can make money. We shouldn't have an enmity where we think that the boss is out to get us all the time and we're trying to just see how much we can, you know, milk out of the situation. The Bible says that if you keep the fig tree, you'll eat the fruit thereof. And so as an employee, your best bet is going to be to work hard, to serve the company, try to make the company. Try to serve that boss and that company as if he were Jesus Christ, the Bible says. Knowing that God is going to reward you, even if your boss does rip you off, God will be there to reward you. But God forbid Christians that would mouth off and be disrespectful to their boss at work. Now if you don't like the job, then go get a job somewhere else. And you know, good luck obviously in this economy in many cases. And so you might need this sermon to keep the job where you're at and not be disrespectful. Now employers should not be disrespectful to their employees and treat them poorly and treat them bad and threaten them and all these different things. But it's a two-way street, but we need to, as human beings, have respect for other people, not be disrespectful to our parents, not be disrespectful to our boss at work. Our boss should not be disrespectful to us, but treat us in a civil way, not with threatenings and all this other stuff. Now if you would look at Titus chapter 2, you're in Ephesians, just a few pages to the right in your Bible, toward the very end of the New Testament there, Titus, one of the last books in the Bible. Look at Titus chapter 2, the Bible says this, exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters and to please them well in all things. And then look at these three words, not answering again. Now what does that mean, not answering again? That's back talk. That's basically talking back, mouthing off, spouting off to the boss. It says not answering again, not purloining, purloining is stealing, but showing all good fidelity that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things. Now I've worked for some jobs where I was definitely being ripped off. Like I've had my boss lie to me and tell me one thing about how I was going to get paid, and then it was completely different than what he told me. Okay, and probably all of us have had things like that happen because man is a sinner, you know, and everybody's a sinner, and there are greedy people in this world who will try to take advantage of you as the employee. I've worked for another job, in fact the job that I worked for right before I went into business for myself. My boss would call me up and curse me out all the time, I mean constantly, and I hadn't even done anything wrong. But he'd just call me up and just rail on me and curse me out, but you know what, I succeeded at that job and this job had a revolving door. I mean employees did not last in this company, you can tell why, because the way the boss treated people, because he would basically curse them out and mouth off to them and yell at them and treat them very disrespectfully. And therefore he was not succeeding in business because he was losing employees by being disrespectful himself. But I was able to stay at that job for five years because of the fact that I kept my tongue under control and I stayed very respectful to him all the time even though he was very disrespectful to me. And I was able to succeed and make good money at that job and provide for my family because to me it was about providing for my family. You know I knew that this was the best job at the time that I could get and so I wasn't going to let my emotions or my pride or my arrogance get in the way of me putting food on the table for my family. And so I just bit my tongue and did what I was told and was respectful to my boss because I said it's his company, he's the owner, it's his decision, he has the right to decide what we do even if I don't agree with it. Okay and that's why you know I was able to succeed even in a really bad situation. And so you've got to get this in your mind that you know God's going to bless you when you do the right thing even if other people are trying to rip you off. Do the right thing and God's going to bless you. Stand up for what's right and God will take care of you. And so we ought to be respectful to the boss not to answer again not to mouth off to our boss at work. But not only that look at Ephesians chapter 5. So we see respect toward your parents as children, we see respect toward the boss at work, we see respect toward your employees. Just treating your fellow man with respect, not being disrespectful. But also we see in Ephesians chapter 5 a wife being respectful toward her husband. The Bible says this in Ephesians chapter 5 and it's interesting because Ephesians chapter 5 goes on and on about the relationship between a man and his wife. It gives all kinds of commands about this and explains how the relationship between the husband and wife is supposed to work. Well in verse 33 he kind of sums up the whole thing in verse 33. It's kind of a closing statement where he's just kind of giving in one last brief sentence the whole thing in a nutshell how to have a good marriage. Okay and here's what he says in Ephesians 5 33. This is like the final wrap up. He says nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself because that's what he emphasized throughout the chapter husbands loving their wives and look what he says and the wife see that she reverence her husband. So if you're to sum up all this command about how you know wives should submit to their husbands and husbands should love their wives and be forgiving and all the different teachings in Ephesians 5 the best way that he could sum it up from the husband's standpoint is love. He says love your wife that's what your wife needs from you the most is love and he says as a wife the one thing that your husband needs from you is reverence, respect. Respect. This is what men want in their own home. They want to walk into their own home and be respected in their own home. They want to be respected as the king of their castle. You know women want to be loved and cherished and nurtured and men want respect and let me tell you something if you're mouthing off to and disrespectful to your husband you're violating God's word here. You ought to have reverence and that's a pretty strong word reverence and respect for your husband. You see nobody likes to be trampled upon. No one likes to be disrespected. No one likes to be treated like dirt. You know and this is part of the reason why you know in America people like me are so angry about the way we're treated by police officers by these border patrol checkpoints at the airport. We don't like the way we're being treated because we believe that we should be treated with respect. You know we are the boss here in America. We eat the people. It's a government of the people by the people for the people and so we ought to have respect because we are the boss not somebody that's lording over us and enslaving us. That's what we fought the American Revolution to get away from and so we want to be treated with respect by a police officer who supposedly is there to protect and to serve. We want to be treated with respect. Nobody wants to be strip searched at the airport because it violates your dignity as a human being that's why because you want to be respected as a human being and have your basic human rights respected and not have somebody strip you down and you know in front of a stranger. That's very disrespectful. You see what I'm saying about respect? But you see the government doesn't respect us. Children don't respect their parents. We don't respect the authorities that are legitimately in place in our lives and we just are living in a disrespectful society. You know wives need to treat their husbands with respect. Now it's not popular to preach things like this because it goes against all the women's lib and and the feminazi doctrine that's out there but you know the bible's clear here that there is a power structure in the home and that the man is the head of the home whether you like that or not I don't care whether you like that or not and neither does God. That's what it says but look at 1st Peter chapter 3 and we'll see the other side of the coin because it is a two-way street just as the employer should respect the employee even though the employer is the boss in that situation even though he has the authority God says from my viewpoint there's no respect of persons with me so I look down from heaven and I want to see you being respectful toward your employee because I'm over you both and it's the same way in a marriage even though there is a power structure there even though the wife is in submission to her husband God looks down and says hey I want to be able to approve of how you treat your wife as well though because I'm God and so God is above us all whether we're the boss at work we still answer to God whether we're the king of our castle in our home as we ought to be and and pray to God that our government will let us be you know we want to have people respect us but God looks down and says hey you respect my rules because I'm God and I'm above your house I'm above America I'm above whatever you know God is the supreme authority and by the way before I move on to my next point because my next point's in 1 Peter 3 7 here before I move on to the next point you know the government is basically neutering men in their house from being the boss that they need to be you see I should be able to have my children in subjection but today in many cases the parents are afraid of the children because the fact that the government is going to come because they spanked their child and look I'm against child abuse I'm not saying that you should beat up your child okay I think that you should spank your child in the cushioned area that God put on their body for that exact purpose and let me tell you something the reason I use the word beat is because that's a Bible word I'm not talking about you know clenching your fists here I'm talking about taking the you know applying the the you know the rod of correction to the seat of learning I'm just kidding but anyway you know I'm talking about you know spanking the child not to injure the child but to discipline the child and today in many states lawmakers have the guts to stand up and spit in God's eye and say we're going to decide whether or not it's right you know for parents make the job I'll tell you what if they put a proposition on the ballot you know I don't even know how this works because I'm not an expert on government but let's say there was a proposition on the ballot that said like here's a proposition to to make sure that parents can keep the right to spank their child I wouldn't even vote on it because it's none of their business I wouldn't even vote yes or no on it because it's none of their business you see in my home I'm in charge in my home and I will spank my children as long as the world stand it and if it's illegal then I'll go to jail for spanking my children because my children are not going to grow up and be monsters and animals like many children are growing up today because they get no discipline in their home they mouth off to mom and dad the children spank the parents in many cases and not in my house it's never going to happen hell will freeze over before I stop spanking my children you can take that to the bank because I will not disobey God's word it says he that loveth his son it said he that spareth his rod hated his son but he that loveth him chasteneth him betoxed and so the government wants to come in and tell us you know I remember when my wife was was giving birth with with our first child Solomon in Sacramento California we're at the hospital and you know she had to walk around all the different floors because they they think that gets things going or whatever you know for the child so we're walking around walking around walking around and you know we're just kind of reading everything on the walls and there was this one that said how to know if you're in an abusive relationship okay and it was geared toward women you know telling them like you're in an abusive relationship if this and that and I read it it was like a checklist of our marriage I'm just kidding it's true you know this is what it said your you know your your husband doesn't allow you to have other male friends I said hell no I don't that's my wife you know I'm not gonna you think my wife is going to be going out to lunch with some guy hanging on the phone with some guy texting with some guy no you say are you a jealous husband yes and you know what god's name is jealous he said he's a jealous god and he made me to be just like him in the garden of eden adam you know and I'm descended from him you see I don't like this free love society where men are palling around with my wife and I'm palling around with somebody else's wife no that's my wife and I don't need the government to tell my wife to supersede my authority and say oh is your husband telling you you can't have male friends putting these ideas into her head you know it's not not that it puts ideas into her head you know and it was probably because I'm telling you this was from the state of California so the state of California is trying to tell my wife that I'm abusive because of rules that I have in my house that make a lot of sense you know because I don't have let her have male friends you know and by the way I don't have female friends it's a two-way street you know I don't call up and hang on the phone with women and and and go out to eat with them because here's the thing when I got married when I got married I basically decided this is my female friend and by the way that's the decision you ought to make when you get married you ought to decide hey I'm going to keep me only unto her and let me tell you something adultery stems from these close friendships outside the bonds of marriage you say oh we're just friends you know John and I at the office we can really talk you know we just it's all just platonic you know Plato was a homosexual we'll get off that platonic is that what that was I don't even know what that stupid word means maybe that's why he could talk to women without having a bad thought you know because he's a sodomite or whatever but the point is you know you ought not play with fire by palling around with my wife or palling around with brother Dave I'm palling around with anybody's wife stay away from people's wife you know and I'll stay away from your wife how's that sound okay we got a deal you see the bible's clear that I'm in charge in my home and the state of California is disrespecting my authority telling her she's an abusive relationship because I think it said if your your husband or boyfriend tells you he doesn't want you wearing certain clothing my wife is you know and thank God I don't have to tell my wife how to dress because she has the the godliness and righteousness on her own to not dress like a hoochie mama but let me tell you something if she did if she did I would put a stop to it period because my wife is not going to dress like a harlot but look at first peter chapter three versus seven and you know this this may not be politically correct preaching but it's scripturally correct preaching and so we need to we need to get this down and have some respect okay back to the subject of respect I got off on a little tangent there but children need to respect their parents respect the boss respect your fellow man respect your employees if you're the boss treat your employees with respect even though you know they're under you you still respect my wife is not an authority figure over me yet look how the bible says I'm supposed to respect my wife it says in verse seven the bible used the word honor a little bit more than we would use the word respect it says likewise he husbands he just finished telling the wives to respect their husband okay which we just dealt with likewise he husbands dwell with them according to knowledge watch this giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of light that your prayers be not hindered there the bible is clearly teaching that I should be respectful toward my wife I should honor her as the weaker vessel okay and this used to be a normal thing in American society turn to Titus chapter two if you would that men would be respectful toward women in general but you see we live in a society that's very degrading to women ironically the women's liberation so-called movement has actually degraded women and today we drive down the road and when we see a woman in a bikini on a billboard that is not being respectful toward women but where is the women's lib organization on that one why aren't they crying out and screaming out about the Victoria Secret ad because that's degrading toward women that all they are is in the body that they have no value besides just being put on display for the lustful every man who drives by to just lust after them and many of them are married and we have a society that's disrespectful toward women you see the feminist movement does not respect women it actually degrades women because it tells them there's something wrong with being a woman so let's make you be like a man let's put you in a pair of pants like a man let's send you to work like a man let's have you talk and act like a man let's get you into sports you know so you can pretend like you're a man you know we were joking about this this morning you know how these girls get on sports teams in school you know but the problem is they don't just go out there and just play volleyball and in a skirt and giggle and have fun have you ever seen these girls who get really into sports they start acting manly you know what i'm talking about you know they're like yeah you know they're just you know they're you know on the baseball field you know it's spinning and everything you know i mean and i'm all for women getting exercise and being active and outdoors i think it's great you know getting out there and you know i'm thankful my wife is very athletic you know she she does all kinds of hiking and and uh we're at the roller skating rink she was flying circles around everybody and everything you know it's great to be athletic but you know what men and women are different in this world and this feminist movement is telling women be a man now how is that respected how is that feminism it should be called masculinism they should be called masculinists because they want women to be masculine instead of saying hey you're a woman be thankful that god made you a woman you know let's honor you as a woman let's make it honorable to be a wife let's make it honorable to be a woman let's make it honorable to be a mother let's make it honorable to wear a dress or to wear a skirt it's like oh you have you your husband makes you wear skirts and dresses you're abused you know women have been wearing skirts and dress for thousands of years you know i guess we need to go borrow my ran you know because they can't wear pants over there or something whatever you know the point is that there's nothing wrong with a woman wearing a skirt or a dress and being feminine and looking like a woman but our society tells them you know you gotta be like a man you know and then they tell the men be like a woman and pretty soon we we have this whole you know mixed up thing that we're in right now but anyway look at titus chapter 2 verse 4 it says that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet this is how women should act according the bible chased keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands that the word of god be not blasphemed now there's a key word there okay it's the word right between their and husbands what's that word right there now god could have just said to be obedient to their husbands and he would have basically got the exact same meaning but the word own is there to emphasize the fact that women are not just supposed to be an authority to every man do you get that i mean he makes it clear he even spells it out even further because he could have just said to their husbands but he emphasized it by saying to their own husbands so that means that just because you're a man doesn't mean that you have authority over my wife just because i'm a man i don't have authority over your wife as the pastor of the church i have no authority over your wife i'm not going to circumvent your authority come into your home uh proverbially speaking i don't even mean if i literally enter your home but to enter