(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now in Daniel chapter 4 we have Nebuchadnezzar the king of course at the end of chapter 3 he had basically been impressed by the fact that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were unharmed by the fiery furnace that he had thrown them into but he still did not believe on the Lord, he did not call upon the name of the Lord, he still wasn't saved, he was still talking about other gods he was still a pagan, he was impressed by that but he still hasn't gotten his heart right and he is still filled with pride and so God is basically going to judge Nebuchadnezzar in chapter 4 in chapter 3 Nebuchadnezzar was persecuting God's people, threw them into the fiery furnace they were miraculously spared and he was impressed by that but now Nebuchadnezzar's judgment is coming upon him he is going to be punished for what he has done to God's people Nebuchadnezzar the king unto all people, nations and languages that dwell in all the earth, peace be multiplied unto you I thought it good to show the signs and wonders that the high God has wrought toward me how great are his signs and how mighty are his wonders his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and his dominion is from generation to generation now that's what he should have understood back in chapter 2 because all those things are what he dreamed in chapter 2 about Jesus Christ setting up his everlasting kingdom and all the different things that were exposed to him but he still didn't get it, well he is writing this letter in chapter 4 to the whole realm of his kingdom all the different provinces, all the nations and peoples and languages that he rules over writing about how he finally figured this out and how he finally turned unto the Lord and he is going to explain what happened in the story here now what's interesting here is that it was written to all languages now part of the meaning here that we need to get is that God's word can be manifest in all languages Daniel chapter 4 when it was originally written was written and sent out in all languages and of course God's word is to be translated into all languages when we get to heaven there will be people there the Bible says of every kindred and tongue and people and nation every kindred and tongue you notice and so there will be people that speak all different kinds of languages in heaven and faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God they are in heaven by faith because they heard God's word in their own language because God's word the Bible has been translated into every country's language in the entire world that is a fact now there are some languages that don't have the entire Bible in their language but in every language in the world portions of God's word and in most cases all of God's word have been translated into that language and God's word theoretically could be perfectly translated into any language of this world many people will say things like well you always lose something in the translation who's ever heard somebody say something like that well whenever you translate between languages you're always going to lose something in the translation that is simply not true I speak several languages I speak German with my wife every day and I speak Spanish almost every day and he preached in the gospel door to door and I speak Norwegian very rarely but I still know how to speak Norwegian and I can speak and understand Norwegian and the bottom line is that you don't always lose something when you translate because number one God is the one who divided up the languages in the first place because until the tower of Babel the whole earth was of one language God is the one who confounded the languages of mankind separated their languages not so that he could only give his word to one elite group and they would be the only ones who would have God's word but rather that they would be divided into nations because he did not like the fact that they were all united and banded together at that one city of Babel he wanted them to overspread the earth and to be divided and he gave them different languages but he speaks his word in all those different languages let me give you a perfect example the day of Pentecost 17 languages are mentioned and if you remember that at the day of Pentecost when the apostles were speaking it says that they spake with tongues as the spirit gave them utterance so God's spirit miraculously allowed those men and women because there were actually it says there were 120 of the disciples there including the women they were speaking the gospel and you say I don't think the women were speaking the gospel he said this is that which was spoken of by the prophet Joel he said your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams and upon my servants and upon my handmaidens did you get that? handmaidens I will pour out of my spirit in that day he said your young men will prophesy he said young women will prophesy and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved so we see that at the day of Pentecost these men and women were speaking as the Holy Ghost gave them utterance they were speaking a language that they didn't know they were born and raised Galilean yet they spoke foreign languages and it was God's spirit that gave them the ability so let me ask you something if it was God's spirit that was guiding them as they spoke God's word was there something faulty about that translation? or was it were they losing something? no, it was God's spirit speaking in 17 different languages through man 17 that are listed and others that are not listed so therefore God can speak his word in various languages don't try to limit God and say no God only speaks this language and anytime you translate from that you're losing the meaning that is a lot because the Bible itself is written in at least three languages at least so that right there should tell you that God's not limited to one language if you even would have thought such a thing Matthew chapter 4 verse 4 but he answered and said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God Jesus Christ was quoting the Old Testament which was originally given in what language? Deuteronomy 8 3, Hebrew he was speaking Aramaic or Syriac or whatever you want to call it, Chaldean he was speaking Aramaic and it was being written down by Matthew in what language? Greek so right there that one verse went through three languages because he's quoting in Hebrew saying in a different language is being recorded in Greek and yet he said it's every word every word of God man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God so don't get confused into thinking that God is so limited and people will say that we're limiting God by saying we only use one English version the King James Bible only and they'll say we're limiting God no, they're limiting God because they really believe that none of the English versions are right I mean at least we believe in one of them you guys are so limited did you know that one is less limited than zero? zero is pretty limited because they believe in zero that are the word of God they just say well they're all just kind of in the ballpark the best we've got well you know what? I just believe that this one is right because I believe that God can speak in any language okay and this is the English Bible I believe that this Bible is God's word in the English language and I believe that God's word can be brought into any language without losing something and when I get to heaven I don't think you know God's going to need a translator or something to speak with me I believe that God will be able to speak with me in English if he wants to because he speaks with me in English right here every time I open his book and read it so that's what I wanted to say about the first verse and if you extrapolate out the length of time that I just spent on that first verse and multiply it times 37 verses that's how long we're going to be here tonight no I'm just kidding but anyway just kidding unto all people nations and languages and this is symbolic also that God wants to get the gospel out to everybody you know and this is the good news here this is God's word being proclaimed by a heathen man who has basically found the truth though finally he's finally found out who the real true God is and he wants everybody to know about it and so he's sending out this message to everyone he says in verse 2 I thought it good to show the signs and wonders that the high God the high God has wrought toward me how great are his signs and how mighty are his wonders his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and his dominion is from generation to generation I Nebuchadnezzar was at rest in my house and flourishing in my palace I saw a dream which made me afraid and the thoughts upon my bed and the visions of my head troubled me therefore made I a decree to bring in all the wise men of Babylon before they might make known unto me the interpretation of the dream now for sake of time tonight because there are so many verses in this chapter I'm just going to basically tell the story to you because we already read the whole chapter before the sermon started I'm just going to explain the story to you then we're just going to hit some of the highlights and make some applications but basically Nebuchadnezzar has a dream Nebuchadnezzar has a dream and in the dream there's this great big giant tree and all the fowls of heaven and the animals are lodging in it they're enjoying the shadow of it and it stretches all the way to heaven and it stretches out as far as the eye can see this great and mighty tree and then of course these angels come down from heaven and basically command that it be chopped down okay and the tree is chopped down and only the stump of it is left Nebuchadnezzar wakes up very perturbed and disturbed by this dream and he's upset and he wants to know what it means and so he calls in all the wise men of Babylon and he still hasn't figured out these guys in verse 7 then came in the magicians, the astrologers he still hasn't figured out that these guys are just idiots you know what I mean? he keeps calling them in, calling them in they never know anything, they never do anything right but it's just people believe what they want to believe isn't it amazing how you could go to somebody's door sometimes with the Bible and try to show them how to be saved and you could show them the truth point blank but yet they'll just want to stick with whatever religion they're into sometimes because they just don't care I mean you could sit there and prove it to them but they're just going to stay a Jehovah's Witness or a Catholic or whatever false religion they're a part of because they just don't care and sometimes people just believe what they want to believe and some people want to believe a lie unfortunately and that's the way Nebuchadnezzar was at this point I mean he knows that these guys are lying he was already almost to the point of killing them all in chapter 2 but now he's just comfortable with his religion though so he brings them all in because probably these guys are really permissive to his wicked lifestyle you know the God of the Bible has all kinds of commandments and laws and right and wrong and morality these wicked heathen religious guys are probably just going to come in tell them what he wants to hear condone of anything that he's doing and so he just keeps calling them in but it says but they did not make known unto me the interpretation thereof but the last Daniel came in before me of course Daniel comes in we're going to come back to that verse but Daniel comes in and he basically is in the presence of Nebuchadnezzar for an hour and he's astonished and his thoughts trouble him he hears the dream thinks about it, prays about it God reveals unto him the meaning of the dream and he explains to him he says you know this dream is actually a bad dream he said I wish that this dream basically would be under your enemies and under those that hate thee because he was a loyal subject of this king and he said basically it's bad news because of the fact that you represent that tree I mean you've been given this great kingdom and you have all this power over all these different nations in the world and he says you basically are going to be the one who's cut down you are going to be driven from men and given the heart of a beast and you are actually going to live as a wild animal until seven times pass over and we'll talk about what that means so Daniel explains that to him and then he says in verse 27 he says wherefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee so he's going to give him some advice he says here's the dream let me give you some advice break off thy sins by righteousness and thine iniquities by showing mercy to the poor if it may be a lengthening of thy tranquility he said look this is what God said is going to happen but if I were you I would break off these sins I would stop doing the wickedness that you're doing one of the things he brought up was by showing mercy to the poor because these kind of powerful authoritarian governments usually prey upon and abuse the poor they make money off the backs of the poor and so basically he's saying you need to show mercy to the poor you need to stop being unjust you need to do right and maybe it'll be a lengthening of your tranquility maybe God, maybe, will have mercy upon you and allow you to live in peace before this comes to pass or maybe he'll even decide not to do it well it says in verse 28 all this came upon the king Nebuchadnezzar at the end of 12 months so 12 months after Daniel explains this to him he walked in the palace of the kingdom of Babylon verse 30 the king spake and said is not this great Babylon that I have built for my house of the kingdom by the might of my power and for the honor of my majesty so you can hear the prideful boasting saying wow look what I've done look what I've built look what I've accomplished of course if you know the Bible if you read the book of Jeremiah read the book of Isaiah you'll know that God is the one who raised up the king of Babylon in order to bring judgment upon the nation of Judah primarily but also if you read Isaiah chapters 13 about through 18 he lists all these different nations that he's going to use the king of Babylon to judge he said Nebuchadnezzar is my servant that I'm going to use to destroy you and to bring you captive and to humiliate you that you might know that God rules in heaven and he's basically going to bring them down and bring down the high looks and the lofty looks he said and the prideful man and basically Nebuchadnezzar thinks that he's the one who's doing it I'll turn to Habakkuk if you would keep your finger in Daniel 4 go over to Habakkuk toward the end of the Old Testament the minor prophets Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk look at Habakkuk chapter 1 Habakkuk deals with the subject of the Babylonians led by King Nebuchadnezzar judging the children of Judah that's the subject matter it says in verse 6 of chapter 1 for lo I raise up the Chaldeans that bitter and hasty nation which shall march through the breath of the land and possess the dwelling places that are not theirs they are terrible and dreadful their judgment and their dignity shall proceed to themselves he explains on and on about how they are going to destroy everything they're going to kill young and old and God's wrath is going to be poured out on the children of Judah through the Chaldeans Chaldeans are the same people as the Babylonians but look what it says in verse number 11 and this is talking about Nebuchadnezzar in Habakkuk 1.11 he shall his mind change and he shall pass over and offend imputing this, his power unto his God now do you see that? that's talking about King Nebuchadnezzar because if you remember in Jeremiah 52 for example 51 and 52 and in other places at the end of 2 Kings at the end of 2 Chronicles when Nebuchadnezzar Adan the captain and the host of Nebuchadnezzar came they explained to Jeremiah and say God basically Jehovah the Lord sent us here to bring judgment but then he says here then shall his mind change and he shall pass over and offend imputing this, his power unto his God basically turning away from God and giving the power unto his false God now his false God's name is Bel B-E-L and that was the God that Nebuchadnezzar worshipped it's mentioned in the book of Isaiah in other places which is why when Daniel is called in look at verse 8 of Daniel 4 it says but at the last Daniel came in before me whose name was what? you see that? Bel to Shazzar according to the name of my God so his false God's name was Bel who is mentioned by the name just the first three letters of his name represented that name Bel of the false God, Bel that's mentioned throughout the Bible and so basically where were we? Let me find my place back in chapter 4 let's go to verse number 30 the king spake had said is not this great Babylon that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power and for the honor of my majesty so basically he said I'm doing this all for my own glory for myself, it's all me and so God hears him say that and the prophecy comes true and he's basically destroyed his mind is taken from him and he's given the heart of a beast he's basically driven insane at that moment and he goes out to live among the wild animals it says in verse number 33 the same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar and he was driven from man and he did eat grass as oxen and his body was wet with the dew of heaven till his hairs were grown like eagle's feathers and his nails like bird cloth so basically we need to beware of pride because when things go well the Bible says the prosperity of fools shall destroy them sometimes when things are going bad in your life your heart is more right with God because you're running scared you're praying, you're relying upon him and then all of a sudden, man, things start going good you know, you're making all kinds of money you feel great, everybody likes you everything's moving right along that's when it can become easy to be backslidden actually more than when things are going bad because when things are going bad you're looking to God for help you're reading the Bible, you're running scared blessed is the man that feareth all the way the Bible says, but the wicked rage and are confident, the only one that we should fear is God but we ought to fear God and when things are going really well and when he's flourishing in his palace is when he just starts getting cocky and arrogant and pompous and that's when God has to take him down a notch let God bring you down a notch stay humble, even when you're on top of the world stay humble because he will bring you down I mean, there's one thing God hates it's pride pride, arrogance, the Bible says doth the Lord hate look up the word pride, arrogance he hates it read the book of Isaiah, almost every chapter just pride is the problem pride, pride, pride and God hates pride God wants us to give him the glory whether we eat or drink, we should do all the glory of God, not to increase our majesty and our greatness so God takes him down a notch and gives him the heart of a beast basically drives him insane, he starts acting like a wild animal well because Nebuchadnezzar is acting like a wild animal you know, he's thrown out of the palace picture if Barack Obama you know, just started acting like a wild animal you know, he starts foaming at the mouth and crawling around on all fours, he's out on the lawn of the White House eating grass you know, obviously they're going to get rid of him and put somebody else in charge right? he's not going to continue to be the president that's where the vice president will, you know, take command okay, and he's going to have to be driven from anywhere, that's what happened basically they couldn't even contain him because he was acting such like an animal that basically he just went out into the wilderness, into the forest and just started living with the animals as a wild animal now you say, how long was it? well it says, till seven times pass over seven times okay, well, what unit of time? you know, are we talking days? weeks? are we talking months? are we talking years? you know, how much time are we talking about? well, if you read the context here, we see that his hairs were grown like eagle's feathers and his nails like bird claws so this isn't seven days this isn't seven weeks I don't believe this is seven months I mean, for your nails to be grown like claws and your hairs of your body like bird feathers from being out in the wilderness I believe it was seven years the other reason why I believe it was seven years is that later in the book of Daniel the phrase is used until a time and times and half a time remember that phrase? that phrase is used in Daniel and in the book of Revelation to refer to three and a half years a time, right? a time is how many? times so we got three now, right? a time, times, and half a time the reason we know that's three and a half years is because he also relates that as twelve hundred and sixty days and he also relates that as forty and two months well, forty two months, twelve hundred and sixty days and three and a half years all add up to the same length of time there are, you know if you go by thirty day months basically twelve hundred and sixty days is forty two months, which is three and a half years and so forth so write about that amount of time so that's why I believe that from the context of the book if times later in the book is going to mean three and a half years then our automatic suggestion is going to think if times means years here it probably means years there and it would make sense with the fact that his hairs grew like and really can you really go much further than years? I mean that's pretty much the largest unit that we would deal with days, weeks, months, years those are pretty much our four choices and I would say that years are what we're dealing with because of that fact have you ever seen someone's nails who looked like they had bird claws on their hands? put up your hand I have seen it, I mean I've seen it in the flesh there are some strange people in this world who let their nails grow like bird claws I'm not talking about a manicure sometimes that can look like bird claws too, you know I'm not into that I like my wife's fingernails to be kept short reasonably just a bird claw look but I'm talking about the ones that look like a dirty bird's claw I mean they really look like a bird claw now I'm not going to recommend that for you because of the fact that the only time it's mentioned in the Bible is a guy who's insane, he's living with wild animals and so I think an application here is to trim your fingernails honestly and I freshly trimmed my fingernails for the sermon tonight I was preaching and so my fingernails are completely trimmed and tidy don't let your fingernails grow like bird claws and people will say well if God intended men to have short hair it wouldn't grow long well you know your fingernails grow pretty long too if you don't take care of yourself you'll end up looking like an animal with long claws and your hair will become matted like eagle feathers and so forth and so cut your hair trim your fingernails this is part of being a human being okay and so you know don't just use this excuse well I'm just going to keep it natural you know I'm not going to take a shower and there are people who won't take a shower they won't take a bath, they won't wash they let their hair grow they get these dreadlocks where it's just these matted chunks of hair I mean it's it's what you're looking at here in this chapter literally and a lot of people do a lot of strange things a lot of heathen people and pagan people will do very strange things like these that put the disc in their lip have you ever seen this where they put a disc in their lip and try to stretch out their lip to make it look like a duck bill who knows what I'm talking about a lot of people know what I'm talking about others will put rings around their neck and make their neck get longer and longer because they think it's cool to have a really long neck so it keeps stretching their neck higher and higher trying to look like dulcim those that are exactly my age will know what that means they want their neck real long they want it stretched out real long others will put the earrings in their ears and they keep getting bigger I think it's called the gauge get bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger problem is that once you do that, it can't be fixed and so I've seen people, the biggest I've seen has anybody seen bigger than like a little bigger than a quarter have you seen larger than that have you seen larger than that wow, that's the largest I've seen in the flesh but you know, this kind of thing is not of God you know, I'm not going to condone it okay, it's abusive to your body you say, well I've done that in the past well, you know, forgetting those things which are behind but the Bible still speaks against getting tattoos, says thou shalt not print any marks upon thy body now you say, what do I do, I've already got the tattoo you know what, it's too late obviously but I'm speaking to those who haven't yet and I'm speaking to young people who might get caught up in this culture today of tattoos okay, young men and young ladies my own children, you know, and they turn 18 and it's like, hey let's get a tattoo well, God said no he said, thou shalt not print any marks upon thy body and we shouldn't be doing these strange things to our body and really it's just to try to get attention or to try to be different if you really want to be different be like me, you know I'm considered pretty different I mean, the guy, hey, you want to know what different I am? The teacher down at South Mountain Community College who's in charge of diversity for that whole college you know he wanted me to come in because he wanted to bring in diversity so he wanted me, and the school banned me from speaking down there and they've never banned anybody else I mean, literally they've brought in transvestites prostitutes, every weird lifestyle and he said, well let's bring in Pastor Anderson I mean, he's different you know, he represents like just Bible fundamentalist Christianity I mean, that's different than what we offer and they're like, uh, that's not what we meant by diversity we only want freaks and weirdos and perverts, you know we don't want, you know, this guy to come in and represent a normal, you know, normal man I mean, look at him look at him he's married you know, he procreates with his wife like a normal person I mean, he cuts his fingernails short he dresses like a man I mean, he cuts his hair short he looks human you know, and it's like I saw a guy yesterday he had like a spike like this pointy cone coming out of the bottom of his lip like it was about two and a half inches long just coming straight out like, kind of like I don't know, I don't even know what to compare it to but I've never seen this before I've seen, but this was just like a pointy little cone sticking straight out, but you know what if you want to go ahead and shove a cone through your lip okay, that's one thing, but if you really want to be different, God said His desire is that we be a peculiar people and if you do right and win souls and believe and preach the Bible, you'll be different you'll stand out and so, you know, I understand your desire not to be like everybody else not to be another face in the crowd but the cone through the lip the gauged ears, the rings around the neck and the tattoos is not the answer be a fundamental Baptist and you will be considered by the world different okay, and so that was all out of verse 33 and so it says in verse 34 and at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes unto heaven and my understanding returned unto me, and I blessed the most high, so basically, can you imagine this for seven years he's been out living like a wild animal and then just in a moment, his sanity comes back to him and he realizes what he's been doing you know, he realizes I mean, he remembers everything it says his hair is all matted, he's dirty he's filthy, he's been living outside for seven years he's just a complete mess and a wreck and the first thing he does is, God I'm sorry, you know, I mean he figured it out he gave glory to God right away, he said and I blessed the most high and I praised and honored him that liveth forever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom from generation to generation and all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth, and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, what doest thou? we ought to have that respect for God without him having to put us through this kind of experience at the same time, my reason returned unto me so just all at once he's saying, at the same time, I mean my reason returned unto me, and for the glory of my kingdom, my honor and brightness returned unto me, and my counselors and my lords sought unto me, and I was established in my kingdom and excellent majesty was added unto me so basically, his sanity comes back and here he is in this messed up condition physically, but he basically goes back to the palace and says, alright everybody I'm back to normal okay so for seven years, his other and you know, there's other places in the Bible that mention this but his other counselors and rulers and so forth, they were basically running things while he was God so his kingdom was not destroyed remember how the stump was going to remain? and that that represented the fact that his kingdom wasn't going to fall apart while he was in this condition his bureaucracy that was already in place continued to function during that time, he didn't lose any kingdom, everything went forward and when he came back, they wanted him back I mean, he was a powerful man he was an ingenious man, he was a great leader and so when he came back you know, he got a haircut you know, cut his fingernails took a few hundred baths and scrubbed himself and got back to normal and basically, he became even more powerful, he was even more popular and he loved him even more and he actually had more power, more majesty and more greatness and so he finished out his life basically giving the glory to God look over at chapter 5 real quick, I got to hurry but it says in verse 18 of chapter 5 this is Daniel speaking unto his grandson speaking unto Nebuchadnezzar's grandson, Belshazzar he says in verse 18 O thou king, the most high God be it Nebuchadnezzar thy father a kingdom and majesty and glory and honor and for the majesty that he gave him all people, nations and languages trembled and feared before him whom he would, he slew and whom he would, he kept alive and whom he would, I'm sorry whom he would, he set up and whom he would, he put down and when his heart was lifted up and his mind hardened in pride he was deposed from his kingly throne and they took his glory from him and he was driven from the sons of men and his heart was made like the beasts and his dwelling was with the wild asses, they fed him with grass like oxen and his body was wet with the dew of heaven till he knew that the most high God ruled in the kingdom of men and that he appointeth over it whomsoever he will and thou his son O Belshazzar has not humbled thine heart, though thou knewest all this, so of course his grandson knew about it because remember that, this is a proclamation that you're reading in Daniel chapter 4 that was sent out unto all nations all people, all kindreds, all tongues and so basically he should have known and feared and understood what was going on in his life but basically he had forgotten the lesson that his grandfather had learned so the reason I'm showing you this in chapter 5 verse 18 is because it's clear that Nebuchadnezzar finished his life giving God the glory here because retrospectively when Daniel looks back upon it it's like hey, your father meaning your progenitor your grandfather because actually there was one man in between named Evil Merodach that was the son of Nebuchadnezzar and the father of Belshazzar he's saying look, your father learned his lesson and yet you are still a wicked heathen and so forth so that's what I wanted to show you but let's go back and just hit a few quick highlights, we're almost out of time but one of the things I want to talk about is back in verse number 8 in verse number 8 it says but at the last Daniel came in before me whose name was Belshazzar according to the name of my God and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods and before him I told the dream saying now the thing I want to point out about this part right here is the capitalization of the word God right in the dead center of the verse, do you see that? see how it says according to the name of my God whose Bible here tonight is that capitalized that word God in Daniel 4, 8 anyone else? does anyone's ok, 1, 2, 3, ok a few people ok now turn to Daniel 11, 38 Daniel chapter 11 verse 38 Daniel chapter 11 verse 38 you'll find a similar thing this is talking about the antichrist in Daniel 11, 38 and it's talking about a false god that the antichrist is going to worship which is called the God of forces and look at Daniel 11, 38 it says but in his estate shall he honor the God of forces now notice that God is capitalized who has God of forces capitalized? everybody in the room of course we all use the King James Bible the God of forces capitalized but then look at the next phrase and a God whom his fathers knew not shall he honor with gold and silver and with precious stones and pleasant things now the a God right after the God of forces is the same same subject there they're both talking about the false God that the antichrist is worshiping now people will say this, well why would the name of that false God be capitalized? and they'll say and why in the world do a lot of King James Bibles have God capitalized in Daniel 4 verse 8 and then some of them don't and they'll make a big deal out of this but let me tell you something there are people out there my friend their goal is to make you doubt the word of God their goal is to bring confusion now let me just start out by saying this if a person is not saved listen very carefully this is very important if a person is not saved they cannot please God, they are not fulfilling God's will with their life if they're trying to serve God or do anything for God without faith it's impossible to please them and the Bible says that in time passed when we were not saved we walked according to the prince of the power of the air the spirit which now worketh in the children of disobedience, Ephesians chapter 2 if there's a Bible preacher, somebody who preaches the Bible and they're not saved okay that person is not of God their preaching is not of God we should not listen to what they have to say if they're not even saved why are you saying, you know, it's basic it's basic but get this down don't say, oh well I'm going to see what good things I can learn from him even though he's wrong on the gospel if you're wrong on the gospel, you're wrong on everything what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul, the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they're spiritually discerned, the unsaved man cannot understand the things of God because he has the veil over his eyes when his heart turns to Christ as his savior, the veil is removed so somebody who is teaching a works salvation is not someone that I'm going to go to to teach me anything about the Bible and let me tell you something there are a lot of people out there who are big time King James Bible only advocates okay that are preaching another gospel a works salvation a turn from your sins turn over a new leap a Christian type gospel and their goal with being King James only is to deceive and to bring confusion because they are of the enemy if they're preaching works they're of the wicked one if they're preaching salvation by grace through faith they're of God does everybody comprehend what I'm saying at that point now there are a lot of people out there who pretend to be zealous of the King James but really their goal is to bring confusion and what they'll do is they'll bring up stuff like there are errors in all these King James Bibles they'll say and they'll pretend like oh we're just trying to make sure that you have the right King James Bible and so we just want to point this out and there's like a little checklist where you can test and see if your Bible is really the right one and I think you were the one that was telling me about this what's the name of the guy that was what was the name of the website though it was like bibleprotector.com and he has this list of a test okay or whatever to make sure your Bible is right and they'll bring up things like this upper case versus lower case letters or words that mean the exact same thing okay that are just spelled differently but they're identical in meaning now obviously if you have a book that says King James Bible and the words are changed as in a different word that produces a different meaning well then guess what you have a problem obviously you know if you're changing the words of God around but there are certain punctuation and spellings that have nothing to do with whether it's God's word or not okay and so you have to beware here but the Bible, do you remember at the beginning of the sermon we were talking about the Bible being translated into all these different languages well guess what, in different, some languages don't even have upper and lower case letters and guess what Koine Greek is one of them not that that even matters but guess what God's word turn to 2 Peter chapter 1 verse 21 because this is an important point people will say, oh the King James Bible has been changed and like you'll say to people I'm King James only because I'm King James only but you'll say to people hey I'm King James only and they'll say well which King James do you use because you know it's been changed and changed and changed and they'll say oh there's all these mistakes one of these that's bringing confusion is Jack Scott, Dr. Jack Scott will basically say oh there's all these mistakes in the King James Bible and what he's calling mistakes are differences in spelling or typographical errors, you know what a typo is like where the printer just accidentally types something wrong I mean we're not talking about a difference in translation we're not talking about a difference in the we're talking about just a typo in a particular printing like for example I've had Bibles that had a typo in them but that doesn't mean that it's a perversion or that it's some wicked attempt to change God's word it's just like a typo it didn't really mean that the King James version is wrong it just means that that particular printer that printed it he had a typo and those show different places where things are upper case spirit versus lower case spirit and if yours isn't upper case you're the wrong one well guess what God's word was not delivered as a written word God's word was not delivered to man as a written word God's word was delivered to man as a spoken word look at 1 Peter 1.21 I'll show you what I'm talking about and let me ask you something when someone speaks to you can you see punctuation marks or capitalizations you can't see it no that was a joke I hope you can't see if you can then see me after the service and tell me what drugs you're smoking no I'm just kidding but anyway you can't see I mean you can't see whether something's capitalized or not and God's word was originally spoken and then later written down ok Jesus Christ spoke the Sermon on the Mount long before it was ever written down didn't he the book of Hebrews the book of Romans the book of 1 and 2 Corinthians were spoken to someone else who wrote it down Romans was penned down by a man named Tertius because in chapter 16 it says Tertius who wrote this epistle salutes you in the Lord he was the guy penning it down Paul's the author he was dictating it unto the person that was writing it down and of course he would sign the end he said the salutation of Paul with mine own hand which is the token in every epistle so I write the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all Amen 2 Peter 1.21 for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man the men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost and I don't have time to preach a whole sermon on this but God's word was spoken first the Bible says in Revelation 1.3 blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this prophecy the Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God God's word is a spoken word yes it's also written down yes spellings and punctuations and upper lower case letters can help us understand what's being said when we look at something on a piece of paper you know if there were all just letters run together it would be more difficult to read the punctuation helps us break it down into sentences and so forth but it was a spoken word I've showed people Hebrews 1 where it said unto which the angels said he at any time thou art my son to save I begotten thee saying none of the angels are God's sons you know we as believers are God's sons but the angels are not God's sons and they'll say no no no that's a capital S so if I read it it's not true if I read it it's not true out loud but if I look down at it I mean I'm sorry if I speak it it's not true then but if I read it it's true because it's an upper case S that's baloney garbage because if the meaning changes when you're speaking it versus reading it when you're hearing it versus reading it then you have the wrong meaning because it should be the same meaning when you hear it as when you read it are you comprehending what I'm saying? if you have the Bible on tape you'll get the same meaning as reading it with your eyes does everybody understand that concept? if Jesus spoke to you the Sermon on the Mount you wouldn't say well I'm waiting what do you think about that sermon? well I'm waiting to see it in print whether Spirit's going to be capitalized or not you know what I mean? God never promised he would preserve capitalization did he? did he ever say he's going to preserve capitalizations? or spellings? or grammar? certain grammatical constructions? no and you can see there's one place where a he becomes ye but if you read the context it's just a difference in grammar talking about the exact same people and there's all these different nitpicky things and I'm all for splitting hairs when it comes to every word of God but not a spelling, a capitalization a punctuation or a grammar is not going to be preserved it's going to change with the times as language changes I mean look the King's English here it's God's word this is what God said in English he's not speaking English but this is exactly what he said in English well guess what? in German, every noun is capitalized in German, every single noun you see what I'm saying? there are differences in language and in Greek, nothing's capitalized it's all lower case see what I'm saying? so don't get mixed, don't listen to these people that are bringing confusion by telling you oh there's all these different which King James are you? is it the Oxford or the Cambridge? and they want to get up and split you know why? because they want to get you reading the new stinking King James which is totally different totally changing every they want to get you reading that garbage so they'll confuse you like there's a bunch of different King James out there now look, if somebody's putting out a King James that's actually changing a word that's actually like a noun or a verb you know there's an actual difference hey, if it changes one word that's an issue but can I explain to you that betray and be-ray are the same word spelled differently with one letter different and they both mean the identical thing and they're both the same it's just a different time and I don't want to go on and on about it but don't get confused why is God capitalized in Daniel 4.8 and in Daniel 11.38? maybe in your Bible it's just capitalized in Daniel 11.38 the reason that the translators here have chosen to capitalize it is because it's a proper name the god of forces was a specific god and it's capitalized in many editions of Daniel 4.8 because he's talking about his main only god that's for him which is Bell to separate from just a god he's talking about his major false god Bell the star wars god the god of forces because you notice that the god of forces may the force be with you for example the god of forces one line later is spelled in the lower case when it's being referred to a god that his fathers knew not which is known as capitalized the god of forces people say oh, it's capitalized therefore it's god no, it's not talking the force be with you just because it's capitalized so don't let it bother you well, you don't have a real King James unless your G is capitalized in Daniel 4.8 don't listen to that because it's the words that matter it's not the thoughts, it's not the ideas but it's not the punctuation, the spelling those are just things to help us understand our language but this is an audible spoken word written down in pen god said let there be light long before anybody wrote down the word let there be light I believe what's written here is exactly what he spoke but it's been put into a modern English that I can understand here in the King James Bible does everybody understand what I'm saying? okay don't get off on rabbit trails don't let people deceive you into getting you to think that spellings somehow determine the meaning of the Bible and the meaning sometimes, right? oh, okay, I see why this is capitalized okay, it can lead, that's why they do that a period or a comma or a colon or a semicolon can help us understand the meaning of a sentence and the translators have put that there to help us understand but is that really part of what God is saying to us? no, it's the words God's word so I hope you understand that I'm pretty much out of time I wanted to point out that at the end of verse 17 it says that he sets up over at the basest of men and that's pretty much who our leaders are today the basest of men pretty much at the bottom of the barrel and I'll close with that thought Father, thank you so much for your word dear God, we thank you that you preserved your word and that the King James Bible has not changed since 1611 as these liars and deceivers Jack Scopp and others Bible Protector will try to make us believe that that we should be confused and confounded by differences in spellings and differences in capitalization dear God, help us not to be deceived and Father, help us to read your word believe your word speak your word, meditate upon your word and help us to give you all the glory in our lives so that we will not suffer the fate of Nebuchadnezzar and help us even if we are in our right sane mind not to go the route of Nebuchadnezzar and not to take care of our bodies dear God, help us to live as human beings and not as animals and in Jesus' name we pray, Amen