(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) me that whatever subject I seem to study in the Bible or look up in the Bible It always blows my mind and it never seems to amaze me just how much you talk about this every single subject in the Bible and so father, please speak to our hearts and Convict us and help us to live more like you would have us to live and please just bless us for being here In church tonight. We love you. That's why we're here and in Jesus name. I pray. Amen All right, this verse right here is probably a very common passage This is the sermon where Jesus is really just riffs I mean for this whole chapter read this sometime in your own time, Matthew 23. This is some hard preaching Jesus is calling the Pharisees all kinds of names and he's preaching a very Harsh negative sermon here. It's it's very interesting to read this, but I want to just point out this one part That's commonly misunderstood to be honest. Let me read it for you again. It says woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites This whole sermon is about hypocrites he preaches that about 12 or 13 times He lists that word in here and he says for you may clean the outside of the cup and of the platter But within they are full of extortion and excess he's saying, you know, the way you look on the outside. It's all clean It's all you dress right you act right you look right, but he says inside you're wicked You're ungodly and that's what he's preaching about hypocrisy the outwards show without a heart That's doing right without a lifestyle in private. That's living right just an outward appearance coming to church putting on a show and so forth Hypocrisy is what he's talking about. Look at verse number 26. The Bible says thou blind Pharisee cleansed first That which is within the cup. He's talking about the heart. He's talking about the inside clean up the inside But watch this that the outside of them may be clean Most people say it's just the heart that matters God Look at on the man look at on the outward appearance is the common verse but God look at on the heart Man look at on the outward appearance, but God look at on the heart but let's not forget that man does look on the outward appearance and God is saying part of the purpose of You cleaning up the inside is so that you can be clean on the outside. Look at that in verse number 26 Thou blind Pharisee cleansed first that indicates that there's two things that are happening here The first thing is cleanse the inside That which is within the cup and platter Why? That the outside of them may be clean Also now I want to preach to you on a very interesting subject And I've never heard a sermon on this subject before in my life and I've heard a lot of sermons truck Thousands of sermons, but the title of the sermon is Be clean be clean. This is a sermon about being clean. Now. You say come on I mean, that's serious. It's not something to preach on in church. Well, you would be amazed I typed into my concordance. I have a concordance on the computer. It's called a sword I typed it in there and you know many times the word clean is used in the Bible 133 times That's a lot. That's a major Topic that's mentioned. I looked up wash 89 times I looked up bathing it was 19 times It makes me think of the hippie crowd remember the hippies back in the 60s and boy Brother McCoy and I when we were in this neighborhood on Thursday. We went into this time warp we walked into this neighborhood in downtown Tempe in these old houses and We stepped through on a portal that we couldn't see with the human eye We stepped through the portal we were in the time where we were back in the 60s and we walk up to this five not three not four five Volkswagen buses parked in front of one house. They were all painted peace love And we walked up to the door and it was just I could go on and on about There are all kinds of stories about that house, but anyhow We saw several houses where these people were in a time warp of the 60s and 70s but you know you think about the hippie crowd and They did not bathe They go around a bare feet They stink or there was another group back in the 60s and 70s called the Jesus freaks Have you ever heard of them before the Jesus freaks and they were this group that was the Jesus freaks And they said we're the born-again Jesus freaks and they had long hair like hippies They listen to rock music they had long dirty hair they did not bathe They did not clean their clothes, and they had bare feet and they were the Jesus freaks Does God care Whether you keep yourself clean yes, he does Yes, he does now. I've created a list here This is the Ten Commandments of cleanliness okay, but take God now This is this is not the Ten Commandments kids. Don't be confused It's not the Ten Commandments that God came down You know the Moses came down the mountain with all right, but these are very important nonetheless the Ten Commandments of cleanliness And I'm gonna prove this to you out of the Bible and you're gonna be amazed I think how much the Bible has to say about the subject has anybody ever heard of the black plague The black plague that wiped out one-third of Europe's population population of Europe in the Middle Ages 120 million 40 million people died in the black plague If they would have known the Ten Commandments of cleanliness That I hold in my hand right now They would not have died because they died because of a lack of cleanliness a lack of sanitation and of total stupidity Based on not having the Word of God based on the Catholic Church You know making it illegal to read the Bible and keep the people in darkness And they lived in dirty conditions because they did not know what I'm preaching to you tonight. It's important and kids It's important that you learn this number one and number one two and three All kind of go together in the Bible. They're kind of linked together Commandment number one of cleanliness is take a shower Either every day or every other day. You've got to take a shower and be clean all right number two Wash your hands before you eat goodness All right Wash your hands for you. I'm going to show you this in the Bible. You're gonna see this number three Fresh clothes every day That means you don't wear today the clothes that you wore yesterday until they've been washed Alright now. Let me read to you what the Bible says about this Genesis chapter 35 verse number two this is one of the first mentions that I saw this subject in the Bible But God says then Jacob said unto his household and to all that were with them Put away the strange gods that are among you He says we're gonna clean up this house and the first thing I want you to do is get rid of the idols Get rid of the strange gods get rid of the false religion Get rid of the Buddha statue and get rid of the crucifix with the long-haired guy Hanging on it and and get rid of all these Mary's that you're praying to he says get rid of the idols and The strange gods, but what what else? Now it doesn't sound like he's telling them to be an independent fundamental Baptist He's just telling at least get rid of your idolatry. These are just as employees, but what's the second thing that he mentions? put away the strange gods that are among you and be clean and Change your garments. He says look get rid of your idolatry and Then take a shower and put on some clean clothes. I Mean why is he having to tell this to be that's obviously a problem that they're having with being clean Somehow the world doesn't always know how to be clean, but we as Christians in the house of God We need to know how to be clean That's what God's saying here. Let me read this for you and God well I couldn't even I had to change so much out of this message Because I mean I'm looking at like all 89 times wash all hundred three times, and it was just a great verse It's great. I'm gonna use that but I had to just trim it out because it just forsake of time I don't want to just be labor you with this, but let me read some of this to you This is Leviticus chapter 15 you say oh, yeah, Leviticus that boring book of the Bible that we don't want to read That book has a lot of important information that you need And you may take it for granted because somebody taught it to you But guess what they got it from the book of Leviticus a long time ago And now you take it for granted the Bible is talking about a man who's sick who's got an illness Who's got a disease and the Bible says? Every bed whereon he life that hath the issue is unclean and Everything whereon he sitteth shall be unclean and whosoever toucheth his bed shall wash his clothes and Bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even God says if you come into contact with anything That's dirty anyone who's sick. He says wash your body take a shower and clean your clothes And he that sitteth on anything whereon he sat in the same chair that he sat in Shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until even and he that toucheth the flesh of him that hath The issue shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until even and if he that hath the issue Spit upon him that is clean, so that's gross isn't somebody sick spits on you Then he shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until even you say God Why are you being so repetitive? I get the idea I'm supposed to beat my flesh and wash my clothes God Do it they it's important to me you say I don't think it's important well Then why did God say like a hundred and eighty nine times it must be important God wants you to be clean he wants to have clean clothes off Your testimony as a Christian is hurt when you're sloppy and when you're not dressed right when you're not Dressed sharp now. Let me tell you something not everybody can afford nice clothing now first I bought this suit literally for five dollars And I don't think correct me if I'm wrong if I ever paid more than ten dollars for a suit in my life Never my nicest Italian suit that I have I paid ten dollars for didn't I Dollar seventy five that's like the Nina Ricci, and it's this fancy Italian suit Dollar seventy five you know at the thrift store. I'm not some kind of a high roller whatsoever But let me tell you something soap and water is pretty cheap It's pretty cheap for hot water and soap so you may not have nice clothes you may have one outfit You may have three outfits that you have that's all you have But you can keep your clothes clean, and you can keep your body clean soap and water is cheap You know the Bible says about keeping your clothes, man I just have to skip all this is too much But the Bible talks about sickness and in clothing talks about clothing carrying germs in Leviticus chapter 13 And it says if the priests look and behold the plague plague meaning illness sickness germs And if the plague be somewhat dark after the washing of it Then he shall rend it out of the garment or clothing Or out of the skin or out of the warp right of the wolf And if it appears still in the garment either in the warp or in the wolf or in anything in the skin It is a spreading plague thou shalt burn that we're in the plague is with fire These clothes are so dirty and throw them in the trash and burn them anyway It says in the garment either warp or whoop what sort of thing of skin it be which thou shalt wash If the plague be departed from them, then I shall be washed the second time and shall be clean He's saying somebody's gotta wash their clothes twice in a row because they're so dirty has so many germs in them Sounds like it's important The Bible says in Leviticus 14 8 and he that is cleansed shall wash his clothes and shave off all his hair And wash himself in the water that he may be clean God is saying look if you're exposed to germs and dirt and filth You've got to scrub yourself down so you gotta shave off and really get clean And Again, I'm gonna skip a whole bunch of this because there's so much I wish you knew just how repetitive God is about this subject of being clean But let me read this for you Revelation 19 8 and to her was granted that she should be arrayed and fine linen Clean and white for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints and the armies which were in heaven It's not about when Jesus comes back Followed him upon white horses Clothed in fine linen white and clean why is God taking the time to say that the armies of those that are following God When he returns the second time their clothes are clean. Why is he making this point? Because maybe our mentality that it's not important the way we look and it's not important cleanliness And it's not important the way we dress Maybe it's the long attitude and maybe it is important to God by the way Their clothes were white now. What's the hardest color to keep clean? Probably white all right those you ladies who do the laundry keeping those whites white and God's saying my whites are white I Mean it's it's funny, but it's true keep the clothing clean is what God's saying the Jesus freaks had it wrong Not be clean smelling not wearing clean clothes Commandment number four so remember number one showering every day every other day number two fresh clothes every day Number three wash their hands before you eat number four Deodorant Use the odor why because God even says in the Bible He said when you win the priests come and serve me he says I don't want them wearing any clothing that causes sweat Now why does he say that he says they're supposed to wear the linen He lists the clothing that they can wear and those of you read the Bible cover the cover You know what I'm talking about He says you can wear this you wear this you can't wear this you can't wear anything That causes sweat because I want you to be clean I don't want my servant my priest to stink so number four put on the deodorant number five touch your fingernails Men now let girls you know you can grow it out and keep it clean, but boys you got to cut the fingernails I Have been to job interviews after job interviews, and I had the job you know I've been to jobs that I didn't get but Every time I got the job. I got the job From the second I walked in the door It had nothing to do with the interview had nothing to do with the conversation had nothing to do with my resume It had everything to do with just the way that you look I Walked in I'm dressed nice. I'm wearing a suit I'm wearing clean clothes my shoes are clean my fingernails are cut my hair is short I've got a fresh haircut. I walk in and sit down. I look them in the eye, and I put out my hand I don't give them the limp fish handshake Those of you that have grown up in church, and then you're shaking hands everybody at church There's always that guy that just gives you the limp handshake just that limp fish I Like a man's handshake, and I you know I walk in you grip the hand. How you doing Yes, sir, and you're hired You can't even hardly find that it is so kids You want to have the edge on the job market? Awesome when you grow up boys Cut the fingernails short hair Cleaned up clean clothes dress nice means everything you know Things that will make or break you in your life, it's the little things You see what's the big deal about these little tiny details details are everything? Details are everything I like the verse and song of Solomon chapter chapter 1 Where God says take us the foxes the little foxes that spoil the vines For our vines have tender grapes. He says it's the little foxes that are going to destroy your vineyard It's the little foxes. It's the little things in life that will make or break you. I've heard somebody say Trifles make perfection and perfection is no trifle little things are what make the difference between perfect and operate You know brother McCoy's an electrician, and he and I both know about bending conduit and bending conduit is a fine art Is that right it is literally an art form and you think you might think we're kidding about this, but? Electricians take great pride, and if you go to a store or if you go somewhere where the roof is exposed you can see the conduit you'll see that it's a beautiful thing and Bending that pipe exact geometric shapes and and there's creative ways to do it And it is a fine artwork, and there's a big difference between something. That's perfect and Something that's 99% huge difference right Massive difference and that difference of just taking a little bit of time and just tweaking that bender just a little bit That's the difference between being 99% being a hundred percent and God's a hundred percent about everything So it's these little details sometimes that you've got to watch you know boy You know look sharp look clean dress clean dress nice I Have noticed the way that people treat me when I'm dressed nice person not dress nice For example when I was going to college. I'd come out of Bible college You know this was the uniform I mean you had to wear a certain time And I wore a full-blown suit every single day to college And I would get out of college and many times had to go straight to work. No time to do anything I was just on the gas flying on the freeway getting to my first job And I did fire alarm inspections for big department stores and everything and I would walk in there wearing a suit like this And I'd say hi. How you doing? My name is Steve Anderson. I'm with them shop fire and security I'm scheduled to do this annual fire alarm inspection And I would say you know can I speak with the manager and boy they would come to me And they would bend over backwards to help me. They would be friendly. Oh, what do you need to see? What can we do for you then other times? I'd come in there Wearing just work clothes and of course. I'm not against wearing work clothes of course I wear work clothes when I go to work I try to dress appropriate to whatever occasion that I'm that I'm doing But I noticed that when I would go in there and work clothes And I think you know maybe I even had the tool belts on and I had just you know a pair of work pants like the Dickies the company that makes those work pants I'd wear those nice like Dickies work pants and maybe a button-up shirt or something like that or some kind of college shirt And I'd walk in and I was still dressed nice But I'd walk in and say I'm gonna do the fire alarm inspection, and I was just a burden. I was in the way You know this is a bad time You need to wait longer, and it was for some reason when you're dressed sharp They probably thought that I was from the fire department You know they probably thought I was gonna shut them down or something But I just noticed just in general The way that people treat you when you're dressed nice when you look sharp and even if you're wearing the work clothes if your work Clothes are sharp. I remember I went to I went to the alarm supply store and I walked in there and the guy said you know I know that you work out in the field he said Every time I see you you're dressed up though I Said don't you install these things and I said yes, I said I'm not always dressed up I could when I come in here I said about half the time I'm coming straight from college, and I'm wearing my suit and about the other half the time I'm dressed in work clothes He thought that my work clothes was my formal attire Literally just because I was wearing those you know those work pants and just because I had a button-up shirt on just because it Was tucked in and clean and dialed it he literally thought That was formal. I mean he thought I was wearing that to the office So there's a way to wear work clothes and still look sharp, and you say what what's the point? You know why do I need to do that? That's where you're gonna get the promotion That's where you're gonna get the company to trust you. That's where they're gonna. You know gives you the company vehicle You know that's where you're gonna get the trust That's where people aren't gonna worry about you because they say this guy's got his act together this guy's clean this guy is sharp and Boy that'll get you so far in life Just these little things of dressing sharp looking sharp looking clean. You know forget morality forget the Bible I'm just talking about how to succeed in life how to be wise show up to work clean So that was number five is cut the fingernails keep your fingernails short You know when I see somebody and they've got you know long dirty fingernails of the point And that you know you're still young yet, all right this this fight you need to hear this But listen When you know when I see a grown man, who's just filthy fingernails. You know just really the long fingernails It's gonna tell you something about this character when I see a man who's got you know long shaggy hair And that seems to be the style lately is this this long shaggy bushy hair Tells me something right away about their character tells me something right away about their love for the Lord and so forth because God said that you're Dishonoring Christ as a man to have long hair Even the world even a successful businessman of the world Bill Gates and Donald Trump aside as we nailed on that That was Wednesday night, but the successful businessman of the world I was just in the store the other day, and I'm looking at the ads in a print shop You know doing prints and putting together portfolios and everything and I'm looking around and there's pictures of business people Advertising their goods, and they're coming in with their work every single one of them had a short tapered haircut every single one of them There was no like you know guy with the shaggy hair like like the Beatles or something Walking up there with his blueprints in his drawing in this art in this Advertisement because even the world knows that the successful businessman knows how to get a haircut the successful businessman knows how to dress right the successful Businessman knows how to be clean Okay, so number five cut your fingernails, that's commandment number five thou shalt cut that fingernails commandment number six You know clean haircut. We just we just talked about that commandment number seven Be clean-shaven or keep your mustache or your beard clean now I've heard people that that have actually said like men need to be clean-shaven now I think I think it's ridiculous personally because Most people in the Bible have a beard of some kind Including Jesus Christ himself having a beard and so you know the Bible's clear. I mean it's short hair and a beard That's that was his look but Having a beard is fine, but you know keep it clean. This is like We're talking about keep it sanitized don't don't have this beard That's got you know spiders crawling in and out of it and everything like that It's so dirty stuff living in it food food particles and everything like that, but you know keep it clean Keep it clean shaven keep the beard clean And you know just on the side now. I've never been one of these guys that likes these real manicured beards Okay, well when I said I had a beard for a little while I went through that phase, and I I let a little bit grow on the neck You know because I didn't want to look like you know I didn't really like the super But keep it clean you know keep it within reason obviously you want to be clean say you want to be clean You want to look sharp you want to look like a good testimony number eight brush your teeth Brush your teeth every day, that's number eight brush your teeth. I don't have any Bible on that one. I'm sorry Number nine use soap What was number nine Use soap soap and warm water. What washes your hands better cold water warm water Warm water will get it clean get it as hot as you can take it And then you sing happy birthday While you do it so that you know that you're doing it long enough sing happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Steve Happy birthday to you All right my hands are clean before meals wash their hands with soap hot water sing happy birthday Did you know that Jesus Christ himself, and I skipped a lot about scriptures It's good to run out of time, but Jesus Christ himself calls himself soap Did you know that you know you heard he refers to himself as so I'm gonna turn there because nobody believes me Malachi chapter 3 This is like my Jesus Christ coming the first time when he's gonna come This is just one chapter before the book of Matthew when Jesus is coming and so God's paving the way for John the Baptist And for Jesus Christ is explaining that John the Baptist is going to come in verse 1 of Malachi behold I will send my messenger. He shall prepare the way before me and the Lord who me seek Shall suddenly come to his temple this segment when Jesus went to the temple and clean house with the whip and everything Even the messenger of the Covenant whom he delighted behold he shall come safe the Lord of hosts But who may have bind the day of his coming and who shall stand would he appear? For he is like a refiner's fire and like Fuller's soap I Told it so God says when Jesus Christ walked in that temple He's like a refiner's fire. He's like a fire member in in the in the sermon this morning The Bible said our God is a consuming fire in the book of Hebrews 1229 but here he says I'm like fire, but I'm like soap. I clean you up Spiritually yes, physically yes, also If God relates himself to soap I want to use soap Use shampoo also for your hair and number 10 the final 10 commandment of cleanliness Comb your hair and keep it neat Girls, you know boy Philomena man. She got her hair all fancied up. That's nice. I like that keep your hair clean Keep it combed keep it neat so the Ten Commandments, let's review quickly, and I'm going to show you some more things Shower at least once every day or at least every other day. We'll give you that and I'll make it too hard Number two wash your hands before meals number three fresh clothes every day number four deodorant number five cut your fingernails Number six have a clean haircut number seven Be clean shaven or have a clean mustache or beard number eight brush your teeth daily Number nine use soap and shampoo and number ten Comb your hair and keep it neat or have it short enough to where you never have to mess with that's what I like about this but not only should we have our hygiene clean and Keep the clothes clean which God talked much about in the Bible But I want to show you a few other ways that God wants us to be clean Let me read you some scriptures the Bible says who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean not one Listen this what is man that he should be clean and He which is born of a woman that he should be righteous Do you notice that God equates almost cleanliness and righteousness in the same verse he says? Can a man be clean can a man be righteous? God uses this word clean as a metaphor for being righteous. He uses the word clean for a metaphor for being saved Now it's so easy for us to sometimes see these metaphorical meanings and miss the primary meaning that God wants us to be physically clean Listen to this the righteous also shall hold on his way and he that hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger So I'm gonna keep your hands clean How then can man be justified with God or how can he be clean that is born of the woman? That is born of the woman. I am clean without transgression job said I'm innocent Neither is there an equity in me? Psalm 19 9 the fear of the Lord is clean God said what how do you describe fearing God I describe with one word clean the fear of the Lord. It's clean Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord or who shall stand in his holy place He that hath clean hands and a pure heart Who had not lifted up his soul unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully he shall receive the blessing from the Lord and Righteousness from the God of his salvation Psalm 51 7 purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean wash me and I shall be whiter than snow Let me tell you something you know sin is so dirty. Let's just think about this. Why does God use clean as a synonym for righteous and unclean for something that's wrong. Think about this term. You know what God calls demons in the Bible, devils, unclean spirits. Have you ever heard that term unclean spirits. He doesn't really use the term demon and devil that much. He usually refers them as unclean spirits. They're not clean. Sin is dirty. It's filthy. I remember you go to go to the place where sin and balance is dirty. Go to a house Where there's prostitution and where there's ungodliness and immorality You'll find dirty laundry piled up to high heaven in that house Go to a house where people are lazy And they're on welfare and there will just be dirty laundry piled up go there And there will just be beer bottles stacked up you'll find old food That's days old sitting out on the counter because we're sin abounds Dirtiness and filthiness abounds and that's why God refers it to being clean You know alcohol is dirty. Let me read let me read you what God thinks about alcohol This is what God thinks about alcohol, and I want you to turn to this one This is Isaiah 28 7 Isaiah It's one of the big books toward the end of the Old Testament Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel those three big ones Isaiah chapter 28 I want to read this to you Isaiah 28 numbers verse number 7 is a 28, but they also have earned through wine Isaiah 28 7, but they also have heard through wine and through strong drink are out of the way These are people that are drinking alcohol The priest and the prophet have heard through strong drink. It's not about a pastor of a church I mean a priest a priest and a preacher is saying they're both drunk They are swallowed up of wine They are out of the way through strong drink. They earn vision they stumble in judgment Listen to this picture that he paints in verse number eight For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness So that there is no place clean now. I didn't write that you say well. You're disgusting to preach that way I didn't write that God is saying in his book that he wrote He says where these people drink alcohol the tables full of vomit. Is that what you want kids? Kids is that what you want to grow up and drink beer is that what they is that what you saw on the Budweiser ad? Now that on the on the screen when that when they all those good-looking people came up and the fancy cars Did they show you a table full of vomit and say drink Budweiser? Do they show you a filthy house and say drink Coors? Do they show you a pile of dirty laundry and say drink Miller light for a good time They'll show you the table that's full of vomit, but God says where you were out the hole of bounds Vomit and filthiness, and there's no place clean. It's dirty Alcohol's dirty listen to this This is Ezekiel I'm sorry Leviticus chapter 10 and the Lord spake unto Aaron saying do not drink wine nor strong drink Thou nor thy sons with thee when you go into the tabernacle of the congregation lest you die He says if you go into my house If you go into my tabernacle, and you drink wine or strong drink I'm gonna kill you that's what God's saying isn't that what he said let me read it again And the Lord spake in the air and saying do not drink wine nor strong drink Thou nor thy sons with thee when you go into the tabernacle of the congregation lest ye die It shall be a statute forever Throughout your generations. Oh, that's the Old Testament says forever forever. It's my law forever. Don't drink But look at the look at verse number 10 where he explains why he doesn't want him to drink God why can't we just have a little social drinking? You know why can't we just have a little brewski here and there and a glass of wine with our dinner or what-have-you? What's the big deal? Well? This is why? That You may put difference why God that you may put difference between holy and unholy and between unclean and clean He says why because when you drink alcohol you can't tell the difference between what's holy and what's unholy And you can't only see clean and dirty That's why alcohol and filthiness and dirtiness go hand in hand, but I want to say also that smoking is dirty What's wrong with smoking you say good night smoking doesn't make me, but you know as alcohol Behold strange women and utter perverse things and vomit all over the table as God just said, but what's wrong with smoking I'll tell you what's wrong with smoking. It's dirty. It's it's dirty think about it It makes your teeth dirty. It makes your breath smell dirty It makes your house smell dirty you ever buy something on eBay who knows what eBay is you ever buy something on eBay Okay, what's it say? Smoke free home smoke free pet free home you ever seen that on there when they sell stuff who's ever seen that But boy awesome good night, what have you been buying without your mom? But whatever you buy stuff in the newspaper wherever you buy some on eBay smoke free pet free home Why because smoking is dirty because if you buy something on eBay you know I buy a sweater and And That's why you're the restaurant smoking or not smoking That's why you go to a motel room you could make it clean it. They can Lysol they can air freshen You walk in there Whoops I got the smoking room time to go back to the front desk and get another room because smoking makes a room Dirty it makes the car dirty it makes your mouth dirty. It makes your lungs dirty. It makes your body dirty It's not clean. You know what God said about being clean. He said Depart from me depart you depart you just go go yell from this Touch no unclean thing saying don't go places where it's dirty where things are unclean where things are ungodly Go you out of the midst of her be Clean that bear the vessels of the Lord God says be Clean that's the title of the sermon be clean We don't smoke don't drink Take a shower take a bath use soap brush their teeth get a haircut be clean Boy, I love cleanliness. I love because and don't be wrong. I'm not one of these neat creeps I Sometimes I wish I were and I'm not at all and this is something that I have to do by character I'm not one of these people by nature Who's just everything is just immaculate and laid out and and you walk in and it's just you know my dad Well, my dad is a clean freak He rides his dirt bike and boy we would go on these two three days dirt rides out in the desert We get back, and I'm so tired. I would just go up and just crash in the bed I mean I stumble up the stairs and just crash in the bed and My dad was just as tired as I was but we would get home We'd unpack the truck. I'd crash in bed. You know my dad was doing while I was laying in bed He would go out. He would take his motorcycle, and he would clean his motorcycle And I'm not exaggerating whatsoever, and he had this motorcycle for years I Will not exaggerate we had it just caked in mud I mean you you couldn't even hardly see the colors as motorized caked dirt mud filthy He would watch that motorcycle, and it literally looked like a brand new motorcycle I'm not exaggerating whatsoever. It looked like it came off the showroom. He had a special toothbrush in the garage Literally that there was no purpose for this toothbrush, but to clean his motorcycle Now I'm not I'm not saying that that's what we need to do because I I don't do that at all I'm not like that. I'm saying he's like that I'm trying to illustrate to you that I'm not a neat freak or a clean freak, but Sanitation and being clean is the main thing I'm talking about here being clean being sanitary But on top of that do you think that your husband wants to come home from work to a filthy house? No, he wants to get home and have the house clean. He wants it to be clean because cleaning is vital Didn't God think it's clean. Yeah, I mean didn't God think it's important to be clean and so you gotta straighten things up I ask kids kids keep your room clean, right? All right good Don't try do it keep it clean all right get the room clean awesome. You keep your room clean Say yes All right, but keep keep it clean cuz you know what you better start cleaning it now or else When you grow up, it's gonna be a lot harder to change your ways But if you grow up when you're young keeping the room clean and keep your house clean now If I were God which I'm not but let's say I were God and I said I'm gonna decide What kind of house to give often should I give him a mansion? Big old huge mansion you know big ol swimming pool, how about a water slide in the back? Yeah? Big dual freezer just full of all ice cream every kind of ice cream in the freezer. That's not good all right just All the excitement a basketball court out back. How does it sound good a? Whole room just devoted to foosball and ping-pong tables and air hockey where you don't even have to put the quarters in You don't put a quarter in just works That sound good Why would I awesome why would I and we're pretending I'm God, but I'm not why would I give you a house like that If I know you're gonna make it dirty I Mean that's a big house. That's a lot of cleaning But I'm gonna look at how well you keep your room clean and say well, you know keeps his room clean I'm gonna give him a house But if you keep it filthy, I'm gonna say well Why would I give you something nice if you're not gonna keep it nice you understand that awesome So if you keep what you've got nice, then maybe God will upgrade you to something a little nicer And you keep that ice and God will upgrade you get into something a little nicer Being clean is vital You know God talks about being clean in the bathroom I don't want to be graphic or anything, but sanitation in the bathroom is vital Let me read this for you, and if I'm being graphic than the Bible's being graphic as I'm just gonna read it the Bible says in Deuteronomy 23 13 and now shall have a paddle upon my weapon and It shall be when I will ease thyself abroad Thou shalt dig therewith and shall turn back and cover that which coming from me now if you understand that then you're old enough to understand that and you don't think it's You know something bad, but anyway it says for the Lord thy God walketh in the midst of I can't To deliver thee and to give up thine enemies before thee therefore shall I can't be holy That He see no unclean thing and then turn away from me, it's saying God walks around in this camp He says the bathroom needs to be outside the camp You need to take what comes out in the bathroom and put it far away outside again and bury it underground This would be a modern-day toilet of course This would have ended the plague right here this this point right if they would understood this And God says I don't want to walk through your camp. He says if I if there's Phil and and Disgusting bathroom, so I'm not gonna come there. He says he says I'm just gonna turn away from you He says do you want my presence? Do you want my presence in your home do all my presence in your life that keep it? Holy holy boy that sounds like you know morality. It sounds like righteousness. God says no. I'm talking about Being clean with the bathroom, that's what I'm talking about cleaning the bathroom Cleanliness Is next to godliness who's ever heard that saying before and that's not found in the Bible concert a popular belief But maybe it's not real far from the truth Maybe cleanliness is important, and this is something that every single one of us could work on myself included Keeping things straight keeping things neat keeping things clean Our appearance our house the bathroom our clothing Everything our lifestyle our morality What goes into our eyes what goes into our ears? Be clean that's the message be clean