(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, Romans chapter 1 tonight, of course the part that I wanted to focus on is beginning in verse number 18 and down through the end of the chapter where the Bible talks about those who are reprobate, those who pervert nature and have been turned over to vile and wicked afflictions. And the reason I've chosen this subject for tonight is because everywhere I go this week it is being made known unto me that tomorrow is World AIDS Day. And you know every time I sign onto the internet for some reason the home page that pops up is telling me about World AIDS Day. And then I went to the bank this week to deposit the church offerings and I walk into the bank and it was all decorated for Thanksgiving, no, Christmas, no, it was all decorated for AIDS. All around the bank there were all kinds of signs up about World AIDS Day and oh let's find the cure for AIDS and let's make it AIDS free. And the workers each had a pin about AIDS. Even on the floor there were these little footsteps leading up to the bank teller that talked about AIDS even in the footprints. And I told the manager, you know, I said, look, I know you probably don't have any control over that, I was nice to him, you know, even though you probably don't have any control over it locally here, I don't appreciate this, this offends me, you know, but the sad thing is I'm probably the only person that complained about it because our society is so brainwashed they don't even understand why I would have a problem with all this AIDS paraphernalia being put forth, but in reality AIDS is the judgment of God and that's the title of the sermon tonight, AIDS the Judgment of God. That's the title of the sermon tonight. Now let's look at what the Bible says. It says in Romans chapter 1 verse 18, for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness because that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God has showed it unto them for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man and to birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the creator who is blessed forever amen watch verse 26 for this cause God gave them up unto vile affections now the word vile means gross or disgusting and he says that God gave them up unto vile affections then he explains what kind of vile affections he gave them over to even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meat now i have my bible here this is a possession that i really prize this is my grandma's new testament and boy is this thing marked up now my grandma is about 93 years old now i think she turned 93 in october she lives down in tucson arizona she's been to church here a couple times but this is her new testament i mean she really read the bible i mean every page is marked up in line and she goes through these she has a current one that she's working on right now but i asked her if i could have her last one and she gave this one to me and you know sometimes i like to read it and see what she wrote next to the verses but in romans chapter one my sweet old grandmother right under the part where it says receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meat she wrote the word aids that's what grandma said she said receiving in themselves that recompense or what they deserve or the judgment or punishment that earned receiving in themselves that recompense of the error which was meat she wrote aids it's funny because i was down there visiting her a few years later and i saw oh you have a new new testament going i said let me see the new when you're working i was a lot nicer wasn't falling apart like this one and i went to romans one i was like man i hope she wrote it again and i looked up and it didn't say aids said hiv this time but anyway you know same old grandma she wrote that note you know hey i'll take that over the scofield reference bible or one of these other you know commentaries or vibles you know grandma will tell you how it is it's aids my friend it's a judge you say well i don't think god would send that judgment we'll go back if you went to deuteronomy chapter 28 in fact god already said repeatedly throughout the bible that disease or pestilence is a judgment that he would send the bible used the word pestilence we would normally use the word disease it's the same thing it's germs it's disease it's something that's infected look at deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 19 let me just explain to you what deuteronomy 28 is it's a list of the curses upon those who would disobey the lord now in the first part of the chapter we have the blessings upon those who will obey verses 1 through 14 are the blessings okay and then when we get into verse 15 all the way through the end of the chapter we have all the cursings upon those who would disobey god's word and it says beginning in verse 19 cursed shalt thou be when thou comest in and cursed shalt thou be when thou goest out the lord shall send upon thee cursing vexation and rebuke in all that thou saidest thine hand unto for to do until thou be destroyed and until thou perish quickly because of the wickedness of thy doings whereby thou has forsaken me the lord shall make the pestilence that's disease the pestilence cleave unto thee until you have consumed thee from off the land whither thou goest to possess it the lord shall smite thee with a consumption with a fever and with an inflammation and with an extreme burning and with the sword and with blasting and with mildew and they shall pursue thee until thou perish jump down to verse 27 the lord will smite thee with the botch of egypt and with the amaurods and with the scab and with the itch whereof thou canst not be healed the lord shall smite thee with madness and blindness and astonishment don't tell me that god won't send disease don't tell me that god won't send pestilence as a punishment don't tell me that the fact that our country today is filled with stds isn't the judgment of god today because it is and you say well that has nothing to do with it that's baloney you know and i know that married heterosexual normal christian people are not picking up these diseases they're just not doing it lest they get a blood transfusion from one of these freaks they're not going to get it you get it from being promiscuous you get it from living a life of sin my friend and anybody who's being honest with you would tell you that now go back to romans chapter one it's clear all throughout the bible i'm for sake of time i'm not going to turn to all the scriptures where god talks about sending pestilence as a punishment but that's a study that you can do on your own to just look up the word pestilence and see how often it's associated with the judgment of god but back in romans chapter one where we left off it says in verse 27 likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another man with man working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meat and even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge god gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient being filled with all unrighteousness now a lot of people misunderstand this passage because they mistake the grammar here okay let me just slowly break this down for you just to make sure that we're all on the same page here with the grammar at the beginning of verse 29 it says being filled now if you were back in school and you were given a sentence that started with being filled you'd you'd you know and you have to check hey is this a complete sentence or not you remember you'd get questions like that and they give you sentences that were complete and then they just give you something like being filled with all unrighteousness what's missing the subject you know so you check hey this is a fragment it's not a complete sentence so in order to get the complete sentence we can't start in verse 29 right verse 29 is a continuation of a longer sentence because god is speaking in complete sentences here it starts out in verse 28 that's where the sentence begins and even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge god gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient what are the things that are not convenient the things that they did the vile affections the men with men the women with women being filled is referring to those same people so what he's saying is the people who did not want to retain god in their knowledge the people who god gave over to a reprobate mind the people who are men with men working that which is unseemly those people are filled with and then he's going to tell us what they're filled with he says being filled with unrighteousness with all unrighteousness so is there any unrighteousness that they're not filled with is there any sin that they're not involved in no they're filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whisperers backbiters watch this haters of god that's a key despiteful hey how's this one sound proud does that sound familiar proud boasters inventors of evil things disobedient to parents without understanding covenant breakers without natural affection implacable unmerciful who knowing the judgment of god that they which commit such things are worthy of death no not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them and then he goes on in chapter two to criticize those who would judge these people and then they would take pleasure in those who do them and do the same thing you see not only those who do these things but how about those who take pleasure in them how about those who enjoy Elton John's music how about those who enjoy a good Keanu Reeves movie and a Leonardo DiCaprio movie and a Ricky Martin CD and they like to listen to the filthy sodomite music because listen he says don't take pleasure in them you are taking pleasure taking pleasure sodomites if you buy their CDs and watch their movies and look up to them as a Hollywood idol and so forth now a lot of people will try to twist this passage and say oh you know you're being too hard on the homos because actually god puts you know those who disobey their parents in the same category that's not what this passage says this passage doesn't say oh uh people who disobey their parents are also reprobate that's not what it's saying at all what it's saying is if you actually read it with the grammar intact it says that those who are reprobate are also filled with all these other things that's what it's actually saying it's saying when you look at the one who is a man who who desires other men or a woman that desires other women the bible is making it clear to you what that person is really like because Hollywood will try to portray that person as a nice person as a sweet person as a loving person tv and movies have spent decades brainwashing us to believe that they're just normal they're just like us they don't tell you hey by the way they're full of murder hey they hate god they're full of all unrighteousness they're they're implacable they're unmerciful they will invent evil things they will be a back biter all these different things can somebody give me a cup of water please uh all of these different things characterize what these reprobates are like now what does the word reprobate mean well you know flip over keep your finger in romance one let's go back to jeremiah chapter six jeremiah chapter number six i'm not going to get too far off topic here because the title of the sermon is aids the judgment of god and i need to stay on topic thank you so jeremiah chapter six because we do want to just kind of define some of the words and nail down some of the grammar to make sure that we're understanding what the bible is trying to tell us in romans one in jeremiah chapter six verse 30 we find the first mention in the king james bible of the word reprobate and it's great how often when a big difficult word is used for the first time in the bible god will define it right there in the first mention it really makes it a good way to learn vocabulary from the bible but in jeremiah 6 30 it says reprobate silver shall men call them because the lord hath rejected them so according to that scripture those who are reprobate are those who are rejected why are they called reprobate silver because the lord has rejected them okay with that in mind if we go to romans one it makes perfect sense because if we look at verse number 28 it says even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge so in the same way that they didn't even want to remember that god existed it's like they don't even want to retain god in their knowledge god gave them over to a reprobate mind okay meaning that they are rejected it basically you reject me i reject you god said over and over again that unto the purer he would show himself pure and unto the froward he would show himself unsavory you know it's basically if we draw an eye to god he'll draw an eye to us but those who just reject god and don't even want to retain god in their knowledge and it says they knew god but they glorified him not as god so basically when it says they knew god it's not saying that they're saved what it's saying is that they know him in the sense of if i said hey i know brother garrett but that doesn't mean i'm trusting him as my savior that doesn't mean anything that just means that i've met him that i know him and when it says that they knew god that's just saying that they knew who he was they were exposed to who god was and the bible even tells us earlier in the chapter that that which may be known of god is manifest in them for god has showed it unto them the invisible things of the world from the creation of the world are clearly seen even his eternal power and godhead so that they're without excuse and he's saying when they had the chance to be saved because they knew god and they knew who he was they rejected god they hated god they didn't even want to retain god in their knowledge and as a result god gave them over to a reprobate mind now it's pretty hard to escape from the fact that three times in this chapter it says god gave them up god gave them over god gave them up i don't understand how people can sometimes just ignore these three words and just basically have this idea that basically this is just a choice that people made it's just a lifestyle choice i mean is that really what the bible's saying no the bible is saying that these things are not convenient what does it mean to be convenient when the bible says that they do things which are not convenient it means things that don't come naturally they don't come naturally these are unnatural in fact the bible says they're against nature now look we all have a sin nature we all struggle in a battle with the flesh don't we but are we tempted to be a sodomite absolutely not 90 some percent of men today this thought would never even enter their mind why because they have not been given over to vile affections that was why we have a sin nature that's why we're tempted to steal that's why we're tempted to lie that's why if i were to drive down the road and there was a billboard with some scantily clad female you know the flesh is going to want to look at that image and the spirit's going to have to say hey i'll set no wicked thing before mine eyes but the flesh is going to be tempted to sin and there's going to have to be an effort made to subdue the flesh to mortify the flesh to walk in the spirit to resist temptation to not yield to that but if there was some dude in his underwear on a billboard it's not a temptation my friend we'd have to be like oh man i better not look at it so you know you're not tempted why in fact it's repulsive it's repulsive to the normal man well what's normal what's normal me not a reprobate any questions okay so normal means you're not a reprobate look even if you're not even saved i'm not even talking about christians even unsaved non-christian men are going to be repulsed by sodomy or sodomite advance you don't have to be a christian don't have to be saved you know i know i know my wife you know she grew up over in germany being taught every left wing type of ideology and you know her brothers grew up with her also being indoctrinated in a left-wing ideology but and you know they're not growing up as christians not growing up as believers whatsoever and they were always disgusted and repulsed by homos her whole life she said why because they read romans one no just because the natural man it's gross what the bible say it is vile okay so basically in order for a person to get to the point where they're actually lusting after the same gender where a man would burn with his lust toward another man he has to be given over to those things he has to be given over to vile affections he has to be given over to a reprobate might because it's just not going to come naturally even to an unsaved man even to a wicked man not unless he's been reprobate if he's been given over to these kind of filthy things now just to be clear god is not the author of confusion and god is not the author of the filth of this world or so that's why the bible is very clear when it says in verse 24 wherefore god also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts so where did the filth and sin come from their own heart it didn't come from the lord okay but it was the lord giving them over that even allowed them to do the things that are not convenient let me explain it to you this way this is the best way i think to break it down if we think about animals animals do not have the same restraints that we as human beings have they don't have the same sanitation that we have the bible says as a dog returns to his vomit so does the fool according you know return unto his folly so we as human beings would not return unto our own vomit because we would find that unsanitary it would be gross it would be repulsive and our bodies and our minds have all of these natural defense mechanisms built in for example if i were to just stand here and just seek to just fall flat on my face right now you know you can't do it because you have a reflex that's going to stop you either you're going to stop yourself with your legs you're going to put out your hands and stop yourself because we have this reflex you know not to harm ourselves same thing if we come at something that's gross you know let's say we're being forced to take some gross medicine or something if we find it gross there's a gag reflex where your body's like no don't put this into your body don't do it you know don't do it if we were to try to to ingest something that's repulsive now that was put there by god for our safety where we smell something it smells bad you know i went to eat some yogurt the other day i pulled out the yogurt took a bite you know and just immediately didn't smell right didn't taste right so i spat it out rinsed out my mouth then i looked at the expiration date now it only expired about six days ago and i thought you know well you know okay it's yogurt it's six days over you think they'd put in a seven day grace period usually that's like the sell by date but then i looked at it and there was actual green fuzz in the yogurt but thankfully i spat out the very first bite rinsed it out you know god didn't just give us our taste buds and our smell just for enjoyment it is enjoyable the taste and smell the good things of this world but it's also there is a defense mechanism so we have all these natural defenses we have all of these limitations that we just naturally don't want to cross we're not going to return to our own vomit we're not going to eat things that are disgusting we don't want to do things to harm ourselves but what happens is when you look at animals they have a different set of parameters animals will just do all kinds of gross unsanitary things now what what happens to someone who becomes reprobate allah romans one is that basically these human being restraints get removed that's all when it says god gave him over to vile affection he's not the one making them do this stuff he just gives them over he just kind of turns them over and gives them the heart of a beast and the bible says that they are as natural brute beasts we will get to that passage in a moment god turns them over to where they are like unto a beast now what kind of morality does a beast have when it comes to mating none right i mean if you think about a dog dogs will just go after anything that moves or doesn't move i mean they're just they're animals and you know that a dog and it's funny because sometimes these sodomite activists these queer activists will sometimes say things like oh but you know it's natural pastor Anderson because the animals do it and i always say this well you know i've always said that you guys were animals so you know you're just proving my point right now but the point is that you know yes there are animals and animals don't exactly do that anyway but animals will do all kinds of gross weird immoral things they're definitely not monogamous they're definitely not getting married and putting a wedding ring on their paw and being faithful to the one dog you know they're going to be with whatever dog they're going to be with whatever animal because they have no morals okay and because they also will lick up their own vomit my friend well a person who is a sodomite a person who is a reprobate also known in today's world as queer faggot homo whatever you want to call it okay they have had that normal restraint that a human being would have removed now they are just like unto a beast that will basically just do whatever gross sick repulsive thing that is the reality that's what romans one clearly teaches and you know i don't know what else to say to you than that except to pull out a bunch of statistics that i printed off the internet from government websites okay listen to this first of all a lot of these are coming from aids.gov cdc website the all these different scientific journals these are not right-wing statistics none of these were put together by a right-wing christian organization these are just scientific studies many of them were done by pro-homo groups because they're trying to figure out you know how can we stop them from getting so much disease because remember the title of the sermon you know they're filled with disease because of the judgment of god now listen to these statistics my friend first of all approximately 1.6 percent of the u.s population will identify themselves as a homo and 0.7 percent are bi well you know that means nothing to me they're all bi as far as i'm i don't care they're anybody who's a homo or bi it's all the same category sodomite is what the bible called them and what the bible actually says and by the way turn to leviticus 2013 because i actually discovered the cure for aids okay now this is the cure for aids okay and you know everybody's talking about let's have an aids free world by 2020 or let's have an aids free look we could have an aids free world by christmas you know all right okay it wouldn't be totally aids free but we'd be like 90 some percent aids free by christmas if we would follow this okay here's what the bible says leviticus 2013 if a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with the woman okay it says even both of them have committed an abomination they shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them and that my friend is the cure for aid it was right there in the bible all along and they're out spending billions of dollars in research and testing it was it's curable right there because if you executed the homos like god recommends you wouldn't have all this aids running around say well i just don't believe that okay well let's get the statistics in since you don't believe what the bible says let's see if you believe science because this is what science tells us that first of all even though only according to the washington post that radical christian conspiracy newspaper according to the washington post 2.3 of the population are homos but 78 of new hiv infections among males are homos so even though they're only two percent of the population they're getting 78 of the aids think about that okay well what about this that the life expectancy that was from aids.gov by the way the life expectancy for homo men is eight to twenty years less than for men in general did you hear that eight to twenty years less and think about tomorrow is world aids day december 1st and you know and i know that the public schools are going to have their little red ribbons and they're going to be teaching the children now children you need to do it safely and here's how you're going to do it safely and let us hand you out the means by which you might do these things safely and we're going to educate you and help you and by the way you know you might be born gay and that's okay it's all right but here's what they're not going to tell them by the way if you choose that lifestyle chances are you're going to die eight to twenty years sooner and the hypocrisy is that they'll go on and on about the evils of smoking and if you smoke cigarettes you're shaving years off your life and they'll have their red ribbon week and talk about tobacco kills and secondhand smoke but they won't even mention the the just forget the fact that it's unrighteous and filthy and vile and wicked in the sight of god because that doesn't even come into these people's minds my friend because they're atheists down at the school system that are running it they're all atheists the architects of it that is that the the head of the department of education is a psycho eugenicist satanist atheist this obama appointed education czar this freak that you know it wanted to put birth control in the water without people knowing it and all the other weird things that he wanted to do look these people were out he doesn't even enter their mind but even just from a health standpoint aren't they hypocrites that they don't tell the kids hey you're shaving 20 years off your life but don't you dare touch a cigarette no no no now i'm against smoking i'm against cigarettes we shouldn't defile our temple of our body in any way shape or form but it's hypocrisy because it's a lot more hazardous to your health to be a homo okay but not only that listen to this and by the way that was from the international journal of epidemiology that radical you know anti-homosexual journal no actually it's just a scientific medical journal totally secular okay not only that but listen to this in 2007 homo men were 44 to 86 times as likely to be diagnosed with HIV compared with other men so why don't they tell the kids in school tomorrow on world aids day hey listen kids if you're a homo you're 80 times more likely you're 80 times more likely to get aids than if you're straight you're 80 times more likely but i can tell you how to be a hundred percent sure that you won't get it be straight and monogamous and married okay see we're just talking about being straight versus being a homo there are straight people who go out and commit fornication we're going to get into that in a little bit but why don't they tell this to the kids in school not only that but remember how romans once said they're full of murder and they're unmerciful and things like that did you know that the incidence of domestic violence amongst sodomite men is nearly double that in the hetero population it's double even just domestic violence beatings murders stabbing stuff like that okay you say well why are they so disease-filled pastor aerson why are they 86 times more likely to come down with hiv even according to our government which promotes these people even our government which is promoting it and pushing it down our throat and telling us don't discriminate and you know you know uh obama you know the bastard gets up and says and by the way that's not a cuss word that is a bible word used three times the bible obama is a literal bastard because he's the product of an unwed mother he's a he's a not a product of marriage that makes him a literal bastard but bastard barry gets up and says you know it shouldn't stop you from serving the country that you love because of who you love you should still be able to serve in the military you love no matter who you love and even his own government website is going to tell you that these people are violent they're filled with disease 86 times more likely to get it but you say where did they get the disease pastor anderson well here's where they get it because 43 percent based on these are scientific studies of thousands of people 43 percent have already been with over 500 partners look that number is mind-boggling 500 you're like how can you 500 i mean one two let's count to 500 just to illustrate this one two three four five six seven okay i'm not really going to do it you know people think i would because i've done stuff like that but i'm not going to do it tonight i'm going to spare you but we could count to a thousand because 28 percent that's almost one in three have already been with over a thousand so that little sweet little twinkie that you work with has already been with 500 people you say well how is that you say how is that even possible pastor anderson well that's because 79 percent of homos said that more than half of their partners are complete strangers 79 said that more than half of their partners are complete strangers you say no no pastor anderson you don't understand i saw on tv that they want to get married they want to get married and be monogamy no monogamy is non-existent here's the science here are the numbers okay 85 percent of straight married women in the united states claim to have been faithful to their spouse now it's sad that it's that low but you know that's what it is married straight women 85 percent will say that they've been faithful and 75 percent of straight married men will say that they've been faithful to their spouse meaning that they have not committed adultery but amongst homos you know how many are saying and this is just who's saying that they've been faithful four percent so 96 percent will just come right out and say not faithful total adultery total you know so it's only four percent not forty percent four one two three four percent that will even claim to be but then but is that what they show you on tv oh just let them get married if you love each other blah blah blah no the only reason they want to get married is just to make us think it's normal and you know what it's working it's working because of the fact that 54 percent of americans today believe that being a homo is morally acceptable 54 percent 61 percent say that they should be allowed to illegally to legally adopt children 61 percent so i guess seven percent of the people are saying well it's wrong but let them have the kids what in the world it's unbelievable my friend and you say well how can 54 percent i mean i thought it's a christian nation you know i thought it was one nation under god how can 54 percent think it's normal and you know what let me just tell it to you real simply why because sermons like this are not being preached in 99 of churches in america today that's why let me just take a sip of water while that sinks in okay because honestly that is why you say well i don't really like this sermon you know i preferred this morning sermon but here's the thing i i preferred this morning sermon to be huh i thought this morning sermon was a lot more interesting than this it's much more interesting sermon but here's the problem if a sermon like this isn't preached then i'm going to pastor a church filled with a bunch of people who don't know the truth and i don't want that you know i'd rather expose the people that i'm responsible for unto the truth i'd rather that my children grow up with truth because like every person in this room is hearing the other side all week long when they go to the bank and when they go to the grocery store and you know god forbid if they own a tv and if you own a tv just throw it out the window just make sure you know i heard a preacher say be careful with your television you know be careful not to hurt your back as you hurl it out the window that's how you should be careful with your television cut the cord because look when you are offended by a sermon like this it's not because of the fact that i'm not preaching the bible because everything i've preached was either from the bible or from you know statistics and government websites i mean is it offensive if i just tell you the truth about the world that we live in and the country we live in or is the bible offensive which one's offensive no the reason that people are offended today is because they've been brainwashed and programmed and it's mainly by television mainly you know it's also through the school system it's also through magazines and other literature it's also through the internet but by and large it's been the television and hollywood that have normalized this now listen to me if they can normalize this they can normalize anything if you right now don't think that homos are gross you have been fully brainwashed i mean it's so gross it's so disgusting it's so filthy i i hate to even have to bring it up but sermons like this must be preached in 2014 because a warning needs to go forth where we need to uh you know be be told hey this is what these people are like keep these people away from your children and also to understand that god's wrath is going to be upon us when we're taking pleasure in them now plus you know bono the lead singer of you too he thinks that the church needs to get involved in this issue he thinks that the church needs to become an aids clinic listen to what bono said the lead singer of you too the reason the church has been slow to respond meaning slow to respond to aids the reason the church has been slow to respond is that the church has historically always been behind the curve civil rights apartheid the church is afraid of politics now first of all why is he just insulting the church that were no you're behind the curve bono because the church already had the cure to aids before you were even born the cure was in leviticus 2013 oh the church's always been behind the curve pompous puffed up arrogant prideful millionaire rock star sits back and pontificates about the church is behind the girl yeah your rock concerts bono where you dress up like satan literally and put it look i've been to when i was a teenager i went to a u2 concert and i grew up in a christian home but i was worldly as a teenager and so i went to a u2 concert and you know he was literally he came out for the encore in red devil horns and and he was dressed up as the devil but but but it's the church that's behind the curve he's out just saving the world i guess dressing up like satan on stage at a rock concert but he's oh the church is always behind the curve and then the second reason why the church has been slow to respond is less palatable the church has been very judgmental about the aids virus it believes that it's about people living irresponsibly so hold on according to bono it's not about it's not irresponsible to fornicate it's not irresponsible to be a sodomite that's all response that you know how dare the church judge that and be judgmental no the bible said that the the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all unrighteous and ungodliness of men who hold the truth and unrighteous we don't have to judge they're already condemned it's already judged by romans one i'm just reading the i'm the bailiff i'm not the spiritual judge today i'm the spiritual bailiff the jury has just turned in a verdict let me read it for you they've been turned over to a reprobate mind by unanimous consent of the father the son and the holy ghost okay it's not me judging it's me just reporting the verdict as the spiritual bailiff up here but it says here from this quote from bono you know they think it's about people living irresponsibly you imagine that crazy idea only six percent of evangelicals felt like they were to act in response to the aids epidemic well count me in bono because i am ready to act to fight aids and in fact our church listen to what he says also bill has convinced me of the importance of the church as the moral force and practical infrastructure for solving the world's problems now i don't know who this bill is i mean is this bill gates the psycho eugenicist you know founder of microsoft or is this bill hybels with you know the the the guy with the what is it the purpose not purpose driven that's rick warren the uh what's it called the seeker sensitive the willow creek you know bill hybels i don't know if this is bill hybels because i'm sure he loves to surround himself with sodomites and freaks it's either bill hybels or bill gates or i don't know billy graham i don't know who you know who this bill is that's convinced him of this but you know it certainly wasn't anybody in the bible okay there's nobody in the bible named bill or saw you know turn it well actually let's turn to bill chapter three oh yeah it's not there you know there's no bill in the bible so i don't know this but you know bill convinced me and this is what this is what bono says open the doors of your church and make them an aids clinic let me just tell you something our doors are open and this aids clinic is in session right now aids clinic right here free aids clinic right here because you know what this church and this preaching is doing more to fight aids than bono ever thought of doing way more i mean we go door to door fighting aids why because we go out and we preach the gospel to people and get people saved and if people get saved they're not going to become a reprobate see anybody we're inoculating people against being a sodomite i mean when we go out and give somebody the gospel and they believe on the lord jesus christ they shall be saved and god gives unto them eternal life and they shall never perish and you know they're no longer going to be able to become a reprobate jesus will never leave them nor forsake them and so we're actually out just you know preventatively we're a we're an aids clinic that makes house calls and not only that but the preaching that comes forth from this pulpit is is like a rare bird that's going extinct that's actually condemning fornication and condemning sodomy and condemning filth and perversion everywhere we see it now a lot of people will will say this oh pastor anderson you're just coming down on the homos but what about those who are straight now truly there are straight people who are filled with aids now part of it is but you know you say well you know yeah yeah i know the homos are 86 percent more you know times more likely to get it but what about that 186th of a shot that everybody else is god of getting it yeah but this is why because the homos go both ways that's why the bible said in the in the leviticus 2013 which by the way did i mention is the cure for aids in leviticus 2013 it says if a man lie also if a man also lie with mankind as he lies with a woman and by the way every homo in the bible went both ways the ones in sodom and gomorrah went both ways the ones in judges chapter 19 went both ways ham went both ways so the bottom line is that when you go out as a straight young person and you're going to sow your wild oats listen to me young people i want every young person to wake up and listen to me and pay close attention especially teenagers and and and young single men listen to me you go out to a nightclub you go out to a bar and you go out and and find some easy woman right guess what you're not the first person that she's been with and if she's that easy she's been with guy after guy after guy and only one of them has to be a sodomite right because think about it as soon as she's with one sodomite she's just been tantamount with 500 people as soon as she's with one guy that's a sodomite she just picked up the germs of 500 people so when you go out and you're with these floozies and these promiscuous type girls you it's you're easily having the chance to pick it up amongst those who are now obviously those who are straight are not passing it around at the levels of those who are home you know the homos are 86 percent i'm sorry 86 times more likely to get it because the fact they're having 500 part now straight people that are ungodly that are fornicating they're not being with 500 but even being with five or ten is a wicked sin it's one my friend one man one woman and let me tell you something fornication is not allowed at this church and the bible is clear in first corinthians five that any brother who is called a fornicator should be cast out of the church first corinthians chapter five it says wherefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator note with such and one know not to eat what have i to do to judge them also that are without do not you judge them that are within but them that are without god judge it therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person it's a major sin it's a wicked sin and you young people need to understand that virginity and purity is god's demand for our christian life and when we walk across that marriage altar we should be pure and very you say well i've already made the mistake well that's where this morning sermon kicks in don't sorrow unto death have godly sorrow and decide you know what i'm going to get it right from here on out i'm starting over and from here on out i'm going to be clean look if you just confess if you confess your sins he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and he cleanses from all unrighteousness there's no reason to throw in the towel over the past forget those things which are behind and reach forth unto those things are before but let me tell you something unto whom much is given much shall be required and my sons that are hearing this message and my daughters that are hearing this message you know and by the way my daughters they they can go ahead and turn this message off because you know i'll physically make sure that no guy ever gets near them but as far as my sons they better be listening to this message god will smite you with the burning and the inflammation and the itch and the scab and the disease because unto whom much is given of him shall much be required and you need to realize that as a christian god demands holiness god hath not called us unto uncleanness but unto holiness for this is the will of god even your sanctification that you should abstain from fornication and we need some hard preaching against fornication today in the churches of america and not an attitude that just says hey anything goes and you sow your wild oats well boys will be boys and that's what young people are going to do no they're not and not in this church are they going to do it this church is going to have a standard of purity and fidelity and marriage being honorable and whore mongers and adulterers being judged in this church my friend not gonna it's not gonna become a debt of iniquity here well you're not you can't build a church with this kind of preaching oh really look around on a sunday night yes this preaching will build a church that god builds we're not trying to build the purpose-driven mega fun center and you know what today fundamental baptist churches are failing today more than they're succeeding because they're weak because they're watered down because they're compromised and because even the world's spitting them out because they're neither cold nor hot people are forsaking the fundamental baptist churches because they're like if i want to have a liberal watered down sermon i might as well go to the big church because they have a better playground we need to be different my friend we need to preach the word of god and i don't care if half the church gets up and walks out and never comes back at least my kids will grow up with the kind of preaching that i grew up with that kept me pure it's what we need today you say oh you don't have love hey this is love that we walk after his commandments and let me tell you something it's loving to warn people so they don't destroy their lives it's the unloving preacher that won't warn you and it'll just let you go off the cliff all right have a good day hey looking sharp big smile that's not love okay love is when we tell the truth it's the bible it's the word of god go to second peter chapter two second peter chapter two look somebody needs to grab you to shake you and get your attention tonight second peter chapter two discusses the same thing let's keep our finger in second peter two and jude and let's look at both in tandem because second peter chapter two and jude are parallel passages in jude it says in verse number seven of jude even as sodom and gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication watch this and going after strange flesh don't let anybody tell you oh god didn't destroy sodom because of because of being a homo it's because they weren't hospitable that's a lie the bible says right here that they gave themselves over to fornication and they went after strange flesh what's another word for strange queer he says they went after strange flesh watch this they are set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire who are they an example unto oh pastor that's the old testament wait jude is in the old testament so i guess the new testament's only one book long revelation no jude's the new testament and jude in the new testament said hey sodom and gomorrah is an example to us they are set forth for an example example of what of what god thinks about that sin of what god thinks about strange flesh he said they're set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire likewise also what does likewise mean in the same way likewise likewise also verse 8 these filthy dreamers defile the flesh despise dominion and speak evil of dignities now go if you would to second peter to the parallel passage look the vocabulary that we should be using about these people is strange or queer same word we should be using the word filthy wasn't that a bible word found in jude filthy vile you know what do you think about uh you know being a homo pastor you know it's filthy it's vile strange queer revolting disgusting you know just to bring it into modern vernacular but second peter chapter two says in verse six and turning the cities of sodom and gomorrah into ashes condemn them with an overthrow making them an example what's an example an example to them to those that after should live ungodly so it's an example unto the people today that are living ungodly we can point to sodom and gomorrah as an example and delivered just lot vexed with the there's that word again filthy conversation of the wicked for that righteous man dwelling among them and seeing and hearing vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds the lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished but chiefly then that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness on that you say why is excuse me why does he use the word uncleanness well i mean do we need to get out the statistics again what's another word for unclean unsanitary filthy i mean isn't filthy just a superlative way of saying unclean that's what he means when he says unclean it's gross you know he's just talking about just it's it's morally repulsive it's it's just physically repulsive it's just it's just repulsive across the board and we need to get a biblical view tonight of this subject and not be deceived by the world that we live in to tell us oh you know uh we just need to just be more loving and and everything's going to be fine and you know what that's funny because that's what everybody's doing it's not working all the churches who are like oh let's just open our doors and just love everybody look no queers allowed in this church and all god's people said there's no queers allowed is that even legal against such there is no law no homos will ever be allowed on this church as long as i'm the pastor here never say you're crazy no you're crazy right if you think that there's something wrong with my no homo policy okay look around look how many little kids we have here i mean on a sir on a sunny morning when we have like 130 people about 50 of them we counted one time we had about 130 and then we counted about 50 of them are like eight and younger i think we need some pedophile right now let me just say it right now and you can go ahead and just put this in your pipe and smoke it all homos are pedophiles there i said it they're all pedophiles and look would you allow and you know what we would have a better attitude toward homos if we just realize that they're pedophiles because just think what would be your attitude toward pedophiles that should be our attitude toward homos i mean think about would you have pedophiles over for a family gathering would you invite pedophiles into the church no that's what they are the bible said they're full of all all types of unrighteous and look it's in the same list in leviticus 20 with all that other crazy stuff that i don't even want to mention tonight all kinds of weird crazy stuff in leviticus 18 and leviticus 20 and and here's the thing about it if they're being with 500 you're shocked that they're a pedophile but look just just do a search on like phoenix just in our area just phoenix child molester and you know what's usually getting molested boys why because they're a homo okay and not only that but you know it's just these repeat offenders that are just going revolving door down at the jail and it's it's disgusting and you say well that's why we need to do a background check no that's not going to work because everybody has a clean record until they get caught the first time just no homos allowed it's that simple you know they the news the abc news came and interviewed me and she said would you perform a ceremony for a homo couple that wants to get married and i said no and i said i'll take it a step further i wouldn't even allow them to come to our church you know that didn't make it on the news but thank god a few of the things i said made it on there you know but but but the funny thing is that they had to ask i was the 13th phone call i'm the bottom of the barrel they called 12 other pastors that are all against homos that are all against homos getting married and everything else they called 12 of them and they all said well we're against it but we don't want to go on camera because we don't want to be seen as condemning people they said we're too busy loving the community than to just condemn people for their sin no you're too busy loving yourself and your paycheck and your nice car and your fancy building that's what you love because if you love the lord and if you loved your kids and if you loved your church members you'd tell them the truth what the bible says and look all these statistics are mainstream none of this stuff is hidden i lost my statistics but none of it's none of it's hidden it's all mainstream it's all available but why don't you see it on tv think about they're too busy telling you oh a new study is in you know instead of telling you to eat only four eggs per week turns out you can eat six eggs a week and you'll be just fine i eat six eggs every day but they'll tell you oh you know new study about this and all the new study about that why do you never hear about any of these studies because they have an agenda to brainwash you because it's getting us ready for the anti-christ you know it's getting us ready for just a total immoral wicked world that we're going into and the bible says in the last days it'll be as it was in the days of lot you know and that and that's where we're going my friend but you know what we can turn the tide at least in our area at least in our church i mean at least amongst independent baptists you know let the world be the world but we as christians should be different and have a different attitude and we should not get this doctrine of tolerance where we're just going to tolerate and just think it's normal and even christians even conservative christians today are saying oh if your relatives a homo you have them over for barbecues and have them around your kid just tell your kids it's wrong you know that you don't approve of it but just have them over and they're your buddy and they're your friend look not in my family i have an uncle who's a homo i mean everybody's got an uncle that's a homo these days there's so many of them you know if it's not your uncle it's your cousin or your second cousin once removed or whatever but i have an uncle who's a homo and let me tell you something i have had nothing to do with him since i found and by the way he's also a pedophile in fact we found out he was a pedophile before we found out he was a homo and i said watch he's a homo too because that's what pedophiles are sure enough turned out to be a homo that uncle ever since i found that out about him never had anything to do with him my mom never had anything to do with him my brothers and sisters don't want to have anything to do with them because we know what they are and we have not been fooled by tv and hollywood the bible says that they're full of all this unrighteousness and uncleanness and filth and iniquity and stone them with stones etc etc and look i'm not going to stone them with stones i don't believe in taking the law into my own hands this is not a violent sermon about harming anyone let me tell you something it was supposed to be the law of the land now when moses was in charge it was the law of the land and when this country was founded it was the law of the land in america you know study your history and in america was the death penalty on homos even in the massachusetts bay colony you know going back to the early 1600s of this country and yes this country was found in the early 1600s just because you know the united states constitution didn't come around till 1787 you know this country was was was founded and people populated it in the early 1600s that were people who used the bible as the basis for the law of the land and in those days it was against the law and even even until 2003 there were some laws on the books against it it's only since 2003 what's the purpose of the sermon tonight number one to celebrate world aids day i want to be part of it i don't want it to pass me by number one number two is to celebrate gay history month you know back in history back when we used to actually have the right view toward them you know my favorite part of gay history is leviticus 2013 you know that i mean it's it has historical value i'm sorry uh number three purpose of this sermon is to warn you about these dangerous predators so that you can keep your kids close and don't just put your kids on school buses all right see you later you know five-year-old johnny you know keep your kids near you and even just when you're out in public don't just let them loose and unprotected to keep your kids don't even just trust oh somebody's from church no you don't don't just leave your little kids around even people from because the bible talks about judices and false prophets that even creep into churches so what are we saying hey protect your kids it's a warning sermon number four i want you to have a biblical view of this subject a biblical view not a worldly view not a hollywood view not a tv view but a biblical view of this subject and that is why i'm preaching this sermon tonight and i'm preaching it fifthly because you don't hear it hardly anywhere else i mean somebody's got it you know i have to do all the dirty work somebody's got to do it tonight somebody's got to get up and say it what everybody else is thinking because i'm not the only one who's thinking these thoughts you think i'm the only pastor who's ever read roman's one or second peter too all kinds of you know we need to say it we need to cry aloud and spare not and lift up our voice like a trumpet and we don't need all the disclaimers there's more disclaimers coming across pulpits than actual preaching it's like you know they'll have to give like 50 to we love them and they're wonderful and they're nice and we're going to treat them good and we think they're great and they're wonderful and everything's fine and we love everybody and love love love oh and by the way you know homosexuality is a sin you know that's the typical sermon nuts to that next to the disclaimer it's filthy it's filed they're wicked and age is the judgment of god tonight bow our heads and have a word of prayer father we thank you for the word of god and lord we thank you for salvation through jesus christ so that we'll never be reprobate lord because you'll never cast us out you said him that cometh to me i will in no wise cast out thank you lord that we will never be cast out we'll never be rejected we'll never be reprobate thank you so much that we've been adopted as sons lord and father there are those for whom it is too late but god for the vast majority of people in this country it's not too late for 90 some percent of the people in this country it's not too late lord help us to reach those people with the gospel lord and help us to preach the good news of salvation by faith alone through jesus lord before it's too late because our country is in a mess lord and and salvation and the holy ghost and hard bible preaching is going to fix it lord if it's going to be fixed at least in our area and in jesus name we pray these things amen