(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 2 Timothy chapter 3 beginning in verse number 1 the Bible says this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come and the word perilous means dangerous times will come and I believe that we're living in those days and the Bible says in verse number 2 the reason why those days are going to be perilous or dangerous or bad in many ways it says for men shall be lovers of their own selves and it lists a whole bunch of other things but really that's the crux of where all this begins all the sin that's listed here it all begins with men shall be lovers of their own selves because that's what would cause a person to be covetous what is a covetous person it's one who desires to have more for themselves than what they have they're not content with what they have that's the opposite of covetousness contentment but they want more for themselves they look at what other people have and they wish that it belonged to them that's covetousness boasters obviously a person who loves themselves is going to boast about all their achievements and about all their great attributes right proud well that goes right hand in hand with being a boaster and with loving your own self blasphemers well if you love pleasures at the end of verse 4 more than you love God and if you're a lover of your own self and you're a proud boaster of course you're going to speak against the Lord and speak blasphemous things because you're thinking of yourself more highly than you ought to think so you're going to take down God a notch or two so it says proud blasphemers disobedient to parents see the type of person who's proud arrogant boastful they don't want anybody to tell them what to do they don't want any authority in their life so they're going to be disobedient to their parents they're going to be disobedient to the boss at work they're going to be disobedient to whoever is a legitimate authority in their life unthankful unholy without natural affection truce breakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good traders heady high-minded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God so let's stop and look at these oh one by one here lovers of their own selves the way that we can see this in our generation is the obsessive and just over the top number of selfies that people take now I'm not saying there's anything wrong with taking the occasional selfie but I'm talking about where it's just constant uploading of images of yourself and taking pictures of yourself I mean I've been out and about and seeing people in public do like an hour photo shoot or a 90 minute photo shoot of themselves and they're just they're just posing and they're they're all by themselves just taking all kinds of pictures I mean it just goes on and on and on and you're like how long are they going to work on this and they're just staging it and taking so many pictures of themselves and we see the the muscle heads that they go to the gym and work out and look I I love to work out I I'm all for staying in shape but did you know that you can stay in shape without taking a picture of yourself in front of the mirror did you know that yeah what if I told you that you could actually build big muscles and not take off your shirt and take a photograph in the mirror flexing and upload it everywhere and every and here's the thing you think that oh man this picture picture looks so good because you love yourself so much but honestly it looks silly to everyone else of why is this guy uploading all these pictures where he's flexing and showing us his muscles and everything like that just seems it seems kind of silly and just the constant and then that you know it's not just the guys that do it because the women they do it they make all these faces and they they it's like a daily selfie and now they even decorate it with animal attributes and stuff who knows what I'm talking about what is up with that now they put like whiskers and ears on themselves and just think but it's just like you know you could go overboard just taking pictures of yourself and just being obsessed with yourself and just staring at yourself in the mirror and just loving yourself too much it's an epidemic today so we need to make sure that we get things in their proper order in our lives and this is the order Jesus then others then you that's how you spell joy Jesus others and then you but the people that are being described here is just all about them they just love their own selves they despise those that are good they'll break truces what's a truce breaker that's somebody who makes an agreement or a covenant or a contract and they break their word they commit to doing something and they don't get it done they'll falsely accuse people because they only care about themselves they don't care about other people so of course they're going to be a truce breaker a false accuser they despise those that are good they only love themselves they love pleasures for themselves more than they love God so they don't have Jesus in his proper place as the the preeminent first place in their life they don't have other people in mind as the second priority and putting themselves last but rather they put themselves first in everything that they do they become covetous they just desire to gratify themselves with more possessions and more goods then it says next boasters let me give you something to think about whatever a person boasts about is usually where they lack the most you show me what you boast about and I'll show you where you lack because you'll find people boasting about things that are a weakness for them because they're trying they have a need to persuade you that they're good in that area because they're not you know whenever somebody tells you what a hard worker they are and they keep singing that means they're probably a pretty lazy person if they're constantly telling you what a good worker they are you know if somebody brags about this achievement or that achievement it probably means that they're not good at it you know I remember that there were guys in high school that would brag about how much they could lift but then you'd say okay well there's a set of weights in the other room let's go see it oh why because people tend to boast about things that are actually an area of insecurity for them so they're trying to convince everybody that they're strong in that area so boasters braggarts right telling everybody how the Bible says let another man praise thee and not thine own mouth now little children will tend to praise themselves little toddlers they'll come up and tell you about all their achievements but what that means is that when we get mature when we grow up we should grow out of that that's a childish behavior that's a babe in Christ that's a juvenile thing to do when you're bragging about yourself and and boasting coverage is boasters proud obviously pride goes hand in hand with boasting pride is when you think more highly of yourself than you ought to think blasphemers disobedient to parents and unthankful they don't appreciate what other people do for them they don't give other people any credit they're not grateful for what other people do why because the focus is all on self they're just lovers of their own selves they're unholy they're without natural affection truce breakers false accusers incontinent fierce despised of those that are good what does it mean to be incontinent that means that you cannot contain yourself it means that you cannot resist the urge to commit fornication it means that you cannot resist the urge to take another drink you cannot resist the urge to take drugs or to smoke a cigarette or whatever you just indulge everything you're incontinent you can't contain your desires and urges and lusts fierce you know this could refer to violence the Bible says despisers of those that are good they don't like people that are good traitors what's a traitor somebody who betrays you someone that you put trust in and they stab you in the back that's a traitor Judas was the traitor because he betrayed Christ heady is another word that has to do with arrogance or pride high minded again pride lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God so if we look at the list here how many of these things have to do directly with pride let's count lovers of their own selves boasters for sure right proud unthankful I would say these things directly are connected to pride very strongly despisers of those that are good why because they're all that in a bag of chips and they despise the people who really have it together okay that's five heady and high minded that's six seven so seven of these things are just pretty much other ways of saying they're prideful they're lovers of their own selves so that's a strong emphasis in this passage and people like that make the world a dangerous place why because these people have no bottom they have no they'll sink to all depths they'll do any anything so this is where the world becomes and this is the kind of generation that we're raising today in America a lot of children are just being raised to just think everything's about them the world revolves around them they're lovers of their own selves they're disobedient to their parents their parents are sparing the rod and they are going to grow up and be wicked people that are going to harm every aspect of society let's flip over to Galatians chapter five there's a pretty similar list of sins over in Galatians five when it talks about the works of the flesh the works of the flesh are manifest which are these I always love the lists of sins in the Bible you know like Romans chapter one lists a lot of the sins that the the reprobates are into or when Jesus lists all the the evil things that come out of the heart of man or we've got this list in Galatians five of the works of the flesh we got the list in second Timothy three I love these lists in the New Testament where he lists off all these sins and it's interesting to see how things are kind of connected in that list because we just saw a serious connection in the list we just looked at right seven of them directly had to do with pride and then pretty much everything else indirectly stemmed from that same prideful attitude we'll look at Galatians chapter five we find a similar list and you can see how things are put in categories in a sense it says in verse 19 now the works of the flesh are manifest meaning these things are obvious we can see them blatantly exposed in people's lives these are clearly not things that are spiritual these are clearly things that are of the flesh the works of the flesh are manifest which are these adultery fornication uncleanness lasciviousness let me ask you something do those four things go together absolutely these all have to do with sins that would have to do with the bedroom right fornication adultery uncleanness and lasciviousness are just four categories of that same type of sin so it makes sense that it's all in one verse there right let's look at the next verse we see another cluster of sins or group of sins idolatry witchcraft hatred variance emulations wrath strife seditions heresies now that's a pretty interesting list first of all let's look at the first few here let's let's we're gonna come back to idolatry and witchcraft but let's talk about hatred variance emulations wrath stripes additions okay think about this progression right the person who is a lover of them their own selves from second timothy three right what else do they do according to second timothy three they despise those that are good don't they so isn't despite another word for hatred in many contexts you know if i despise someone that's similar to hating someone those words are very similar so they despise those who are good they have hatred in their heart toward those who are good how about their parents for example remember disobedient to parents that could be an example of of who they could despise they could despise their parents they could despise their pastor despise their teachers despising anyone who's in authority over them they have hatred and they despise them which leads them into variance now what is variance variance is basically being different for the sake of being different this is the person who disagrees with everything that you say even when it's totally not necessary they want to disagree they're just a froward or contrary person just a contrary individual i think it's contrariate is the word and this type of person practices variance they just want to be different so basically the teacher tells them something the pastor tells them something from the word of god or let's say they're at home and their parents tell them something they just automatically want to go with the opposite or go with something different why because they despise that person so hatred leads them to variance right variance just being different for the sake of being different argumentative froward whatever you want to call it then we go from variance into emulations now what are emulations well to emulate someone is to try to be like them now this could be a good thing like for example paul said that he wanted to provoke to emulation those that were of his flesh that he might save some of them you know he wanted some of them to emulate him in a good sense meaning follow him be like him and so forth but these type of emulations is envying or coveting that person's position or what they've achieved or who they are it's basically being a a poser right you know is that an 80s term or 90s or what is that emulations has to do with being a poser think about you're too old sorry think about you're too old sorry you know think about think about a simulator think about simulation right it's a similar word to emulation right to simulate something is you feel like you're doing it well emulations is you know you want to be somebody else or you want to take the place of someone else so it's similar to covetousness or envy emulations wrath which is intense anger which makes sense if you if you hate somebody you're going to get angry at them strife this is when you're not getting along you're contending that makes sense if you're practicing variance you're going to be constantly getting in arguments and not getting along sedition what is sedition sedition is when you sneak around and try sneak around and try to create rebellion right sedition would be if i go around try to get my faction together and try to draw away people and and have a rebellion or sedition sedition you have you ever heard of those of you who are american history buffs have you ever heard of the alien and sedition act who knows what i'm talking about passed by john adams right am i right about that it's been a while since i read those books okay well three people know exactly what i'm talking about with sedition they know what sedition means the rest of you're gonna have to look it up in the dictionary but sedition has to do with a rebellion that's basically kept secret it's done uh uh you know behind closed doors it's done under the cover of darkness that's what sedition is heresies heresies what's heresy well obviously that's teaching things that are contrary to the bible teaching false doctrine teaching things that are just in direct opposition to what the scripture teaches heresy and you can see how the person who has disgust for authority doesn't want to get along wants to be different for the sake of being different and practicing sedition would end up going into heresy because when you start wanting to be different for the sake of being different you end up teaching heresy you see you know last night we were talking about this in the preaching class i don't remember who it was that that brought this up but they they said hey you know you should always i think it was you jared you always start with the the traditional view always start with the default view of what our parents did and what our parents have believed and our grandparents have believed and what baptists who've gone on before us have believed that's what we should always start with and we should only discard tradition if it's wrong but there's a lot of tradition that's good paul said hold the traditions which you've been taught whether by word or our epistle so we shouldn't just be ready to just change on a dime ready on a hair trigger to discard tradition and to just be carried about with every wind of doctrine that's just you know that's just variance when you're just looking for things to change let's see if we can find something wrong with the way the baptists are doing it so that we can be different so that we can lift ourselves up and be variant and emulate great men without being a great man but rather through heresy now think about that this is what happens all the time people trying to be different they want to start something new you know that's how joseph smith got started he baptized himself because nobody everybody's wrong go baptize myself look the holy spirit's been on this earth for a couple thousand years they've always been believers they've always been people preaching right and so what we ought to do is by default we should stick with tradition stay and you know any ah you're so interesting yeah we are because we're not just carried about with every wind of doctrine we're rooted and grounded in certain things everything's not on the table everything's not up for grabs if we're going to change our doctrine or change our beliefs on something there must be a compelling reason to do so and the burden of proof should be on the weird new doctrine not on the traditional doctrine the traditional doctrine is by default that's what we should stick with unless we can prove beyond any shadow of the doubt hey it's wrong the bible's saying something different then we need to go with what the bible says because the bible always trumps tradition we never want to make the word of god of none effect through our tradition so for example you know a lot of people have a strong tradition of the pre-trib rapture i mean that's what their parents believe that's what their church believes that's a pretty strong tradition well here's the thing obviously that shouldn't be discarded by them lightly but when you show them just clear scripture as plain as the nose on your face and when there's no bible verse that says it's pre-trib there's not even one in the whole new testament and you can prove it six different ways to sunday that it's false then that tradition must be discarded but that doesn't mean that we're just going to start throwing out everything no wrong and when i rejected the pre-trib rapture i didn't do it lightly i studied and studied and studied and read and read and memorized you know i didn't just say well let me be different and listen i've never tried to be different when i was an independent fundamental baptist teenager going to an independent fundamental baptist church and just sitting in the pew you know what i walked into church believing that the pastor was there to preach me the truth ready to hear ready to receive the word of god not trying to pick it apart and figure out how i could be different you know i went into it believing what he said and giving him the benefit of the doubt until something he said would just directly contradict scripture of course then i'm going to go with scripture but i didn't go into it like this you know just trying to be variant trying to be different and you know when i started this church i didn't try to start it to be different i actually just was just trying to be biblical and i was following the independent fundamental baptist heritage that i'd been taught but obviously when you come to situations where the tradition contradicts the bible you go with the bible but what we have is a bunch of unlearned new believers people who've barely even read the bible a few times just following all kinds of half-baked doctrine half-baked theories whatever is floating around on the internet or floating around on youtube and they're just because they just have a desire to be different it's the same just like a teenager who dyes his hair green they want to be different they want to stand out they're insecure and so they want to be different so they dream up these things so we can see how the hatred leads to variants emulations wrath strife seditions and ultimately to heresy you say where does idolatry and witchcraft fit in well the bible says rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry so two things that you could relate with idolatry and witchcraft are rebellion and stubbornness and guess what rebellion is like sedition and stubbornness is when they preach the heresy and it's disproved by the bible and they just dig in yeah and stay with the heresy and then he lists other sins in the next verse but let's go back to second timothy chapter three this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection truce breakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good traitors heady high minded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of god why would they despise those who are good why did cain hate apel because his own works were evil and his brothers righteous marvel not my brother and if the world hates you despisers of those that are good think about this what if you were a poser in some other area of life right let's say on a skateboard you're a poser all right well guess what you're gonna despise those who are good because they show you to be the fraud that you are you understand what i'm saying and that's obviously a silly juvenile illustration but now apply that to spiritual things you can see why the poser would despise those who are good the bible says in verse four traitors heady high-minded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of god having a form of godliness you know so you could look at these people and think that they're spiritual if you're not careful because they do have a form of godliness meaning that outwardly you could see something that looks like or is shaped like godliness but they deny the power thereof from such turn away for this sort of they would creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with diverse lust these are pretty bad people right i mean if they're creeping into houses and leading captive silly women laden with sins led away with diverse lust ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth these people are always learning new things they're always coming up with new things but it's never true it's not right doctrine they're bad people they creep into houses i believe this is referring to a literal creeping into houses in the sense of adultery because the bible does say that these people are reprobate and in second peter chapter two it talks about how they have false teachers and false prophets have eyes full of adultery and they cannot cease from sin so this could refer to a literal creeping in and seducing women but it could also refer to figuratively today in two thousand seventeen because we have the internet we have the television we have the radio this is how false teachers could creep in and deceive silly women too through the computer through tv through radio the tv preachers that is now as janice and jamborees withstood moses so do these also resist the truth again they dig in right stubborn men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith but they shall proceed no further for their folly shall be manifest unto all men as theirs also was you see every false prophet or false teacher is always ultimately exposed they're always exposed the bible tells of false teachers and false prophets they're like janice and jamborees they withstand real men of god like moses and it says their folly shall be manifest or exposed or obvious unto all men as theirs also was but thou has fully known my doctrine so paul puts himself as the contrast he's saying look these wicked false teachers they're gonna get worse and worse they're reprobate they're evil they're creeping in they're deceiving people they're prideful they're arrogant yeah they might seem godly outwardly but inwardly they're ravening wolves they only love themselves they despise those who are good they love pleasure more than they love god they don't really love god in their hearts but then the contrast is he's using himself as the example he says but thou has fully known my doctrine manner of life purpose faith long-suffering charity patience persecutions afflictions which came unto me at antiok and at iconium and at lystra what persecutions i endured but out of them all the lord delivered me yea and all that will live godly in christ jesus shall suffer persecution so let me just stop here and remind you of the theme of the book of second timothy what second timothy all about look chapter one hammered it don't quit timothy don't change don't compromise don't go into false doctrine don't water down the message don't soften the preaching don't shy away from persecution endure affliction you know do the work of an evangelist be steadfast be unmoved i mean that's what he just keeps pushing and you can almost feel when you read this book especially chapters one and two that he's it's like he's nervous that timothy is gonna quit because he's talking about how everybody else has forsaken me and he really wants timothy to carry the torch in the next generation because he says i'm about to die the time of my departure is at hand timothy you need to commit these things to other faithful men who will be able to teach others also or else there's gonna be nothing left but compromises he's telling him there's gonna be nothing left but false teacher he's really concerned that timothy's gonna drop the ball and that's why he keeps bringing it up in every chapter and he's trying to tell him timothy follow me be like me don't follow these guys they're wicked he says you've fully known my doctrine and he lists off these things one of the things he lists is persecutions and afflictions because that's another theme in timothy he keeps telling him hey you got it you got to preach hard and be willing to be persecuted he goes into that a lot he says all that will live godly in christ jesus shall suffer persecution verse 13 but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived meaning they're only going to get worse than they are now but continue thou in the things which thou has learned and has been assured of knowing of whom thou has learned them now that's a pretty good phrase right there continue thou in the things which thou has learned and has been assured of knowing of whom thou has learned them you know it matters where you learn things from you know you can be more sure of things if you know who you learned them from if you know where they came from it makes you feel a little more confident about those things right i mean if there's a doctrine or teaching that's coming from somebody that's saved it's coming from somebody who loves the lord coming from somebody who's who's a top tried and tested and true soul winning christian you know that's going to give you a lot more confidence that if it's coming from unsaved people right or if it's coming from people that are backslidden or or people that are lame christians or lazy or whatever right know who you learned it from now there are some different sources that you can learn things from right some things you get directly from the holy spirit right you're reading your bible and god shows you something in the bible right so there are a lot of things where it wasn't a specific person that taught it to you but you just got it directly from the holy spirit through reading scripture right another way that you can learn things is from your parents and some of the best doctrine that i've learned in my life i didn't even learn in church i learned from my parents both my mom and my dad taught me key critical doctrines at a young age and i'm very thankful for that one of the best things that they did for me was to just ground me in some great doctrine that i still hold on to today and it's it's just part of the core of what i believe and i you know what i learned it from my parents i know who i learned it from i know who they are and that's a good source for me to get things from my parents my parents have been saved now for about you know both each of them has been saved for like 55 years they've pretty much been a fundamental baptist the whole time they've they've gone to church they've seen a lot of different uh experiences over the years they've been in church they've read the bible they they have you know wisdom that comes with old age and just they're okay they're not that old but you know old age and just learning and experience and being in church and seeing things you know so that's a pretty good source to learn things from right christian parents your godly parents i mean you know them better than just every yahoo that you know johnny come lately that you run into i mean your parents you know better than a lot of people i'm not saying everything that your parents teach you is right but if they teach you biblical truth and it lines up with the bible that's a pretty good source okay what about pastor anderson now if you don't think that pastor anderson's a good source why do you even come here you should even be here i mean if you're here it should mean because you think hey this is a good source to learn the bible this is a pastor that's doctrinally sound and if i'm not doctrinally sound well don't you dare come back because you know what what kind of lies am i going to teach you you should go to someone that is a doctrinally sound teacher it's not going to lead you astray right so you got your pastor you got your parents what about just other independent fundamental baptist preachers you know you know they're king james you know they're soul winning you know those could be good sources and obviously everything needs to match the bible right because if you look down at your bible there it says but continue down the things which i was learning has been assured of knowing of whom thou hast been a knowing of whom thou hast learned them and and that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which faith which is in christ jesus so obviously you got to know the scriptures too right in order to check out what you're learning but good sources are bible believing preachers independent fundamental baptist preachers uh people especially people that you know in the flesh your parents people that you've seen have a track record of a godly life these are good sources to learn things from and the more the more respect you have for that person or the more confidence you have in that person the more weight that doctrine is going to have but ultimately it's all checked with the bible right but stuff that's coming from random people online they're not even a pastor they're not even baptist stuff that's coming from other denominations stuff that's coming from people that aren't even saved stuff that's just coming from who knows where it should be very suspect it should be very suspect it should be guilty until proven innocent now stuff that's coming from your godly parents or from your pastor or from you know other bible believing preachers and king james bible baptist type preachers you know that stuff by default you should be ready to receive the teaching unless it's contradicting the bible but this other stuff you should be super wary and super skeptical of it matters where you get things from you know this junk that that came into our church this this oneness heresy the modalist oneness pentecostalism it's not it's not taught by any independent fundamental baptist preachers it's not taught by any southern baptist preachers the only people that you can find that are teaching it are oneness pentecostals that's a pretty bad source when you think about the fact that oneness pentecostals believe that you have to be baptized to be saved oneness pentecostals believe that you have to speak in tongues to be saved they abuse acts 238 that's like the john 316 of oneness pentecostalism is acts 238 right i mean they're obsessed with it they abuse it they twist it it's the only verse that many of them know if you run into them out solely it's their it's the only verse they know and they know it frontward backward sideways i've even seen these churches that are called acts acts 238 pentecostal church that's the name of the church i've seen that multiple times in different cities okay so that's a terrible source to get stuff from right that's a wicked source to get something you know and tyler baker he said when when when brother segura and i confronted him about this the first time he said well well i didn't even know that the pentecostals teach this i didn't even know that the pentecostals believe this is that what he said he's like i didn't or what no no what did he actually he said i promise right i promise i promise that i didn't know that you know and and so he said oh i just got it on my own from reading the bible just got it on my own but then a minute later he said well i just found this one verse in first timothy 6 and then i ended up talking to elliot and then elliot told me about it and rick told me about it or whatever of course multiple people in our church stood up at the preaching class the next day on that tuesday night and said that they'd been talked to by these guys and one of the things that was brought up was that how elliot had watched these debates on youtube between oneness pentecostals and trinitarians and how the oneness pentecostal just destroyed the trinitarian in this debate so that's of whom he learned it from oneness pentecostals that's where they're getting these arguments from you say no no let's take his word for it look if somebody got this on their own from reading the bible that's even worse it's even worse because if you go to the bible and you're getting oneness pentecostalism from the bible you're getting a doctrine that denies the trinity from the bible then that's just crystal clear that it's not the holy spirit that's showing you anything that's an unclean spirit that just shows that you're not even saved if you can read the bible and come up with such a bizarre anti-bible doctrine and you say well you're offending me right now i want you to get off those guys you know what why don't you just go hit the road jack and don't you come back no more okay because this church needs to be solid on what we believe and we need to hammer this nail down even further and so the thing about that is that you know if you're reading the bible and coming away with heresy what in the world is wrong with you are you not saved because if you have the holy spirit inside you look i got the holy spirit inside me i'm reading the bible the last few weeks i see the trinity on like every page who's been seeing it on every page because like i've never had the trinity on my mind so much before i'm just being honest like i've always just taken this doctrine for granted you know you want to know the mistake that i've made over the years i've taken this doctrine for granted because you did it's something that i just grew up with and you hear it and it's just like it's just a given everybody believes in it and i'll admit let me admit to you i've seen sermons on the trinity or videos on the trinity and i just skipped them because i thought well too basic you know what i mean just like i you know i was talking to somebody today and they said yeah you know i whenever i see a sermon on the trinity i just skipped it because i just thought well duh so you kind of just take it for granted and and look i was wrong to have taken it for granted because apparently it is something that can be attacked and and something that that can be people can get twisted up on and so you know over the years i took it for granted you know i've never properly given it its importance in preaching or in anything even though i believed it right even though i understood it and i've always said and don't let these people lie to you i've always believed the exact same thing and by the way my parents have believed the exact same thing since they got saved in 1960 we've always had a strong doctrine on this but i have not taught it as much as i should have i've not taught it as clearly as i should have and frankly there were times if i if i go way back to my oldest sermons where i made some just downright sloppy statements about the trinity and even wrong statements just because you don't realize how important it is to be exactly clear in what you're saying because you just you never thought that anybody except a wild-eyed acts 238 quoting Pentecostal would ever believe in it but now i realize the need to tighten it up and to make sure that it's airtight to make sure that it's watertight but look now that i have it on my mind and i know you guys have it on your mind because i keep putting it on your mind it's been on my mind more than it's ever been i'm seeing it every time i read my bible i've not read my bible over the last two weeks or however long it's been three weeks i've not even read my bible one time without just the trinity just being everywhere just it's jumping off the page who felt the same way you just seeing it over and over again and and the thing about that is that that's because i'm saved and i have the holy spirit and i'm seeking truth and i'm just it's just everywhere so the fact that these guys can just read the bible and come away with oh we got it on our own that's even scarier because at least if you had an excuse that you watched a bunch of oneness Pentecostals that deceived you and seduced you and tricked you at least that'd be an excuse if you got it on your own then that means the devil's in you instead of the devil being in that other guy that explained it to you and look i'm not kidding up here this doctrine is wicked it's heresy it's blasphemy it's it's it's i mean it's it's i don't know where god draws the line but it's almost like another jesus or even another god you know when you're done denying the trinity you know i mean i i don't know where god draws the line but it's it's that scary of a doctrine and i don't want to go too deep into that tonight i just wanted to put that out there that we need to know who we learned this stuff from where did it where did this come from you know it's like paul said to the galatians will this persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you who hath bewitched you that you should not obey the truth and the galatians are like oh we got this on our own reading the bible uh-uh who has bewitched you right who you've been listening to and if they did get it on their own he says i'm afraid of you lest i've bestowed labor on you in vain those are the two options either you got bewitched by some devil or you're the devil i don't see another option where this blasphemous heresy could come from it's out of the imagination of a wicked heart that has even dreamed up in the first place this doctrine let's keep going and that from a child that has known the holy scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in christ jesus and i love that verse because it shows us that salvation is through faith right and it shows us that the scriptures are what get us saved because the scriptures make us wise unto wise unto salvation which is through faith in christ jesus not through works not through the deeds of the law it's through it's through faith in christ verse 16 all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction and righteousness that the man of god may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works so the bible tells us here that the word of god it's profitable for doctrine all of it all of it what's doctrine teaching it's what our beliefs are reproof what's reproof it's for telling someone that they're wrong correction that's telling them how to get it right and then instruction and righteousness i've heard it explained this way that doctrine is to tell you what's right reproof is to tell you what is not right correction is to tell you how to get it right and instruction and righteousness is to tell you how to keep it right right so there's a four-point outline there what's right what's not right how to get it right and how to keep it right the bible will do that for you and all scripture will do that part that means we can preach out of any book of the bible like no preacher should ever get up behind the pulpit and say hey turn to this book and people think it's a wrong book to turn to right because all scripture is given by inspiration of god and it's all profitable for doctrine now today in 2017 any old testament book it has profit for us today in the light of the new testament it needs to be interpreted but it's all relevant today it's all profitable for doctrine today that the man of god may be perfect perfect there means complete thoroughly furnished unto all good works so what's the purpose of knowing doctrine what's the purpose of having the right doctrine it's not so that we can sit around and do nothing with it it's not though so we can sit around and be smart and be close to the truth or all the way into the truth it's so we can actually do work right i mean look i would rather go to a church i'd rather go to a church that had a couple minor things and i emphasize minor things wrong doctrinally obviously if if if they have major false doctrine or heresy obviously that's a deal breaker but i'm saying i'd rather go to a church that had a couple minor errors doctrinally if they were doing a great work for god then to go to a church where i agreed with all the doctrine and they're doing nothing because look i've been in some churches that were doctrinally sound but they're dead there's not a soul winning going on there's nothing great being done for god you know i would go down the street to the church even if i agreed with them more at the dead church i'd go over to the church that's actually doing work for god because when jesus judges the church that's the first thing he looks at you say how do you know well revelation two and three the seven churches in asia what's the first thing he says to all of them i know thy works i know thy works i know thy works i he didn't say i know how you guys are just right on with everything doctrinally he brings up the good doctrine he brings up fighting false doctrine but first and foremost he says i know your works and by the way if you don't do the first works i'm gonna cast you out from being i'm gonna take away the candlestick so that's a deal breaker for god not working that the man of god may be perfect thoroughly furnished into all good works you know when i went to i went to hyles anderson college and i originally i didn't want to go to bible college i wanted to be trained out of the local church i thought that was more biblical and my pastor he kept saying he was going to train me and i thought great you know i'll just be trained a local church but it just kind of never happened he kind of kept putting it out there oh yeah i'm going to train you i'm going to train you i'm going to train you but it was just kind of not happening so i started to realize you know the only way i'm ever gonna get into the ministry the only way i'm ever going to become a preacher is i'm gonna have to go to bible college because my local pastor here is not doing it for me and i wouldn't really know where else to go to be trained in a local church so i guess i'm just gonna have to break down and go to bible college and you know i looked at a whole bunch of different bible colleges it's a big decision right you know because you're gonna move across the country and you want to pick the best one you're gonna be there for years you're gonna learn a lot or not learn anything so it's important to pick the right one right and so as i was looking at these bible colleges you know the one that i ended up going to was hyles anderson college and i did not go to hyles anderson college because i agreed with them doctrinally the most there were some doctrines about hyles anderson when i went there that i i could see that they were weak on you know i mean they had the essentials of being king james and salvation by faith and and so forth but you know there were a few doctrines that i could see that they were weak on stuff that i didn't agree with but i went to hyles anderson for one reason because hyles anderson had a reputation for being the people who work the hardest and i saw a lot of hyles anderson graduates that they were hard workers that they were doing a lot of work and and everybody who talked about going to hyles anderson they said man this place teaches you to work hard they run you into the ground and i you know i knew that laziness was something i struggled with as a young man and i wanted to go to hyles anderson to get cured of that and to learn how to work hard and you know what hyles anderson did that for me so even though you know there were a lot of bad things about hyles anderson i got out of it what i went there to get i went there to learn how to work hard and i learned how to work hard and i came out of there a better person and the reason i illustrate that is that you know that work needs to be a priority in our lives it was a priority for me to go to the because i thought to myself you know i've already learned a lot of good doctrine from my parents i'm learning great doctrine from my local independent baptist church i'm reading the bible on my own getting great doctrine i don't want to go to bible college to get doctrine as much as i just wanted to learn how to do the work that's why i chose that college and look i don't recommend any bible college i don't recommend hyles anderson i don't recommend any bible college i think you should be trained in the local church which is my original intent anyway but the difference is that i actually will train people and send them out to start churches from faithful word baptist church gladly and so will our other pastor friends they're eager to train young men or even middle aged men to go out and start churches and do a great work for god i didn't have that opportunity so i went to bible college but that was the criteria and that's a biblical mindset of hey let's go where the action is let's go where the work is being performed let's go where something's happening let's not go to a place that just crosses every doctrinal t and dots every doctrinal i but they're letting everybody go to hell they're not growing they're not winning any souls they're not doing any work should be based on work and you know what god can't use you if you're a lazy person that's that's a fatal flaw if you're lazy you are fatally flawed as a servant of god you must fix that that's why i identified a weakness in my own life and i looked at the college that was going to fix it and that's where i went that was the doctor that i needed to go to was the one that's going to fix what needed to be fixed and the difference between me and a lot of people that are 22 years old or 21 years old is that i realized what the problem was and went to somebody who could help fix it and whip me into shape and teach me how to work and you young men that are 20 21 22 if you struggle with work ethic you better fix that or god can never use you you know you need to you need to learn to work hard and put your nose to the grindstone it's good to bear the burden in your youth so the man of god needs the word of god to do work to do good works you say why do we need to be doctrinally sound so that we can be a better worker for god and false doctrine will destroy our works it'll turn our works into works of iniquity it'll it'll destroy everything so we got to keep the doctrinal purity but let's remember why we want to keep doctrinally pure so that we can do a great work for god there are people that help us accomplish that work and there are people that are a hindrance to that work there are people that bring forth great fruits and then there are other people that have to be purged so that we can bring forth more fruit and so it's important that we don't let disease or decay or mildew corrupt our tree here and i'm not talking about this tree but our spiritual tree here we don't want it to get a disease have you ever seen trees when they get a disease and they start turning like black or or just one branch will start dying and then it starts to spread and then it's like man if we don't cut off that branch it's going to kill the whole tree you know you don't want to sacrifice the whole tree you'd rather cut off that branch so that you can stay what you are today and keep bringing forth fruit and not get corrupted and so this is a great chapter for us today in the end times what what kind of a world are we dealing with and what's the answer the answer is to be like the apostle paul number one the answer is number two to be like timothy and listen to the apostle paul's in our life whether that's our parents our teachers our pastor whoever is pulling us in the right direction spiritually listen to those kind of people and reject the janice and jamborees of this world the false teachers the false prophets and and know where you learn stuff know of whom you learn it make sure it's coming from the word of god or that it's coming from sound biblical teachers not from the charismatics or from other false religions and false prophets this bar is never word of prayer