(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music 166 I will praise him 166 Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Let us start with a word of prayer this evening Thank you Heavenly Father for giving us this opportunity to be gathered here together in your name I pray that you would bless all aspects of this service that we would all be motivated to keep serving you faithfully and that we would all go home safely and in Jesus name we pray, Amen Well go to our second song 409, 409 in your hymnals The fight is on 409 in your hymnals, the fight is on They're on the first The fight is on, the trumpet sound is ringing out, the cry to arms is ever near The Lord of hosts is marching on to victory, the triumph of the Christ will soon appear The fight is on, O Christian soldier, and face to face and stern array With armor gleaming and colors streaming, the right and wrong engage today The fight is on, but be not weary, be strong and in his might all fast If God be for us, his banner o'er us, his name the victor's song at last The fight is on around, see soldiers brave and true, Jehovah leads and victory will assure The battle on the armor God has given you and in his strength forever will endure The fight is on, O Christian soldier, and face to face and stern array With armor gleaming and colors streaming, the right and wrong engage today The fight is on, but be not weary, be strong and in his might all fast If God be for us, his banner o'er us, his name the victor's song at last The fight is leading on to certain victory, the Boa from this fancy eastern sky His glorious name in every lens of honor be the morn will break, the dawn of peace is nigh The fight is on, O Christian soldier, and face to face and stern array With armor gleaming and colors streaming, the right and wrong engage today The fight is on, but be not weary, be strong and in his might all fast If God be for us, his banner o'er us, his name the victor's song at last Great singing. If you don't already have a bulletin and you would like one, lift up your hand nice and high, keep it up there Our ushers will be coming by and they should be able to get you guys a bulletin, we've got some over here in the back corner as well On the front we have our Bible memory passage, Psalm 58 verse 2 that we've been working on And any child that's able to quote our verse of the week can get an ice cream after the service On the inside we have our soul winning times and service times, church stats Please continue to report that to your soul winning captains and lieutenants Also on the right we have a list of our expecting ladies We have several ladies there that you can be praying for And so we're definitely very blessed by God to have so many expecting ladies But they also need your prayers We also have a prayer list, several of our church members are here We usually go over this on our midweek service We've been praying for the nageres for health We've been praying for Miss Lucy's mother for her tumors We've been praying for Brother Cameron for his leg We've been praying for the Wallach's daughter who's also pregnant, Miss Haley We've been praying for Miss Cooley's stepdad for his cancer treatment We've been praying for Brother Goodwin for his job We've been praying for Miss Eva, also health We've been praying for the Redari family They're a family at Verity Baptist Church Unfortunately their infant was diagnosed with leukemia And it's definitely very sick And so we've just been having a lot of our friends pray for them and for their son I believe it's their first son just to give you some information about the family Also we've been praying for Miss Ginger for her friend Dawn for faith And we've been praying for the Holden family for health We've been praying for the Conleys for her mom who's having heart surgery and recovery I don't know exactly when that surgery is but we'll just be praying for her And then also pray for Brother Stewart's friend Charles who's also back in the hospital So we've got several prayer requests you can be praying for throughout the week We'll just say a quick word of prayer for those that were listed here Thank you Heavenly Father for this evening Thank you so much for all the ladies that are expecting in our church I pray that you would please be with them Please help them during their pregnancy Please allow their children to have the right timing for their birth and for development I pray that you would give them an easy delivery I pray that you would also help several of our church family with their health issues We know some of them have been lingering for a long time I pray that if possible you would just please give them a miracle And no matter what you'd please give them peace during this time of affliction And this time of trial I pray that you'd also please help our church family that has various needs with their job And with their travel and with their friends I pray that you would also help them And continue to use us as a bright and shining light for all of our friends and family to hear the gospel In Jesus' name we pray, Amen On the back we have a few church reminders Down below we have the upcoming events Pastor Anderson preaching tonight Obviously that's why people showed up on Wednesday So I knew you guys could I know you're capable alright So we'll see what happens next week when we're going through the book of Romans Also we have the Mighty Men's Conference There's a sign up sheet out in our hallway Please make sure you're signing up for that October we have the Fire Breathing Baptist Fellowship And I don't know how I did it Somehow I conned Pastor Anderson to come back out for us For the Fire Breathing Baptist Yeah yeah I have to say it in front of everybody So then I have all these witnesses right So he said he's going to come back out here And we've got a lot of other great preachers that are coming out Pastor Raja Mena is going to be coming out for us Pastor Bruce Mejia Pastor Aaron Thompson Pastor David Berzins And so we've got a great lineup of a lot of good preachers And we'll have some cool events So I hope you can be a participant in our fellowship in October That's pretty much all I have as far as announcements this evening We'll go ahead and sing our Psalm of the week We are on Psalm 148 And if you can try to share one of these handouts with those that are near you If you need to you could even use a Bible It's a little bit easier though if you have the handout We're going to be singing Psalm 148 Those of you that know this one sing it out nice and loud You're on the first Praise ye the Lord Praise ye the Lord From the heavens Praise him in the heights Praise ye him All his angels Praise ye him All his hosts Praise ye him Sun and moon Praise him All ye stars alike Praise him in the heavens of heaven And ye waters that be above the heavens Let them praise the name of the Lord For he commanded and they were created He had also established them forever and ever He hath made us whole He hath made a decree which shall not last Praise the Lord from the earth He dragons and all heaps firing them of snow and vapor stormy wind fulfilling his work mountains and all his fruitful dreams and all cedars peace and all cattle creeping things in flying clouds kings of the earth and all people princes and all judges of the earth both young men and maidens old men and children Let them praise the name of the Lord For his name alone is excellent His glory is above the earth and heaven and he also is more than the horn of his people The praise of all his saints He of the children of Israel A people near our children praise he the Lord Very good singing. At this time if you would turn in your Bibles to 1 Timothy chapter number 6 and we'll pass the offering plates 1 Timothy chapter number 6 1 Timothy 6 the Bible reads Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honour that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed and they that have believing masters let them not despise them because they are brethren but rather do them service because they are faithful and beloved partakers of the benefit these things teach and exhort If any man teach otherwise and consent not to wholesome words even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ and to the doctrine which is according to godliness he is proud knowing nothing without questions and strifes of words where have cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth supposing that gain is godliness from such withdraw thyself but godliness with contentment is great gain for we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out and having food and raiment let us be there with content but they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition for the love of money is the root of all evil which while some covet it after they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows but thou oh man of god flee these things and follow after righteousness godliness, faith, love patience, meekness fight the good fight of faith behold on eternal life where unto thou art also called and has professed a good profession before many witnesses I give thee charge in the sight of god who quickeneth all things and before Christ Jesus who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession that thou keep this commandment without spot unrebucible until the appearing of our lord Jesus Christ which in his times he shall show who is the blessed and only potentate of all things and lord of lords who only hath immortality dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto whom no man hath seen nor can see to whom be honor and power everlasting amen charge them that are rich in this world that they be not high minded nor trust in uncertain riches but in the living god who giveth us richly all things to enjoy that they do good that they be rich in good works and are willing to communicate laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come that they may lay hold on eternal life oh Timothy keep that which is committed to thy trust avoiding profane and vain babblings and oppositions of science falsely so called which some professing of erred concerning the faith grace be with thee amen let's bow our heads for a word of prayer father in heaven we thank you for pastor Anderson and his family that you fill him with the spirit now and enable him lord to thunder forth the message you've laid on his heart help us to pay close attention and apply the sermon to our lives so we can be more complete Christians and serve you better we love you and in Jesus name I pray amen amen well it's great to be here and I just came from Houston at Pure Words Baptist Church and then it's good to be here in Dallas Fort Worth after this tomorrow night we're heading up to Oklahoma City and I'm preaching through the pastoral epistles tonight I'm in 1 Timothy chapter 6 and this is a really great chapter dealing with issues of money and economics it starts out talking about people that are sort of at the bottom financially servants that are under the yoke and then it ends up talking about the rich people of this world the people at the other end of the spectrum and the main teaching of this chapter is that we as God's people should not be fixated on money the love of money is the root of all evil and we should not covet other people's money and possessions that have more than we have it starts out here in verse number 1 saying let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed so the Bible is saying that when we work for other people if we're serving other people even if we're under the yoke and we're doing a difficult job and working hard for people that are economically much better off than we are we should not have a bad attitude toward people in this world who have more money than we do or toward the owners of the company when we're say at the bottom of the corporate ladder or what have you and then it says in verse number 2 they that have believing masters let them not despise them because they're brethren so the Bible says so much the more if you have a Christian boss at work or if the owner of the company is a Christian you should want to serve him even more and do an even better job and it would be even less righteous for you to get bitter and angry that you know all must be nice he drives this nice car he lives in this mansion he has a lot more than I do he's a Christian why don't you do him service knowing that God loves him that he's a child of God that he's a fellow Christian and brother in Christ that should even make you want to serve him even more but even if he's not a Christian the Bible says all servants that are under the yoke should count their own masters worthy of all honor how much more when they're a Christian but even if they're not a Christian we need to have a good attitude toward the boss at work toward the owner of the company and not get a stinking communist libtard attitude that's just so anti business or anti everybody who has made it in this world financially and I'm sure that those weird blob freaks out there you know I guarantee you that they would not agree with anything I'm going to preach tonight even though I'm not even talking about sodomites even though my sermon's not about homos and that's their big issue that they're obsessing on out there you know I'm pretty sure those people with the black mass aren't they called antifa right and what they are is a bunch of communists okay and so they are not just upset about Christianity or preaching against sodomites you know they want a Marxist socialist type of an economic policy for our country as well is it biblical because a lot of people will today try to say oh Jesus Christ is a socialist he is a Marxist he is a communist he would love and he loves homos you know that's the kind of rhetoric that you hear but let's turn to the word of God tonight and see what the Bible actually teaches on these type of economic issues is the Bible teaching a Marxist socialist type ideology or not now first of all we see that the Bible says that as many servants as are under the oak should count their own masters worthy of all honor now whether or not they are worthy of all honor whether you think that they deserve it or not because what does it mean to be worthy it means to deserve something isn't that another word for being worthy to deserve whether or not you think they deserve to be where they are the Bible says hey if you're working for them you should count them worthy of all honor it's not your job to sit around and decide whether they deserve to be where they're at instead you should just count them worthy of all honor for the Lord's sake because Christ has told you to be a good servant to be a good worker and to be content with such things as you have they that have believing masters let them not despise them why would they despise them because there are people that literally just despise people who have money simply because they're envious and covetous and wish that they have those things that they don't have don't despise them because they're brethren but rather do them service because they're faithful and beloved partakers of the benefit these things teach and exhort now here's the thing about the world we live in all of us have been blessed by God with different talents and abilities and we have different physical attributes that we've been born with we have different levels of intelligence that we've been blessed with or not blessed with we've been blessed perhaps with musical talent or not or or linguistic abilities or math abilities or or just some people are really good with their hands and they're good at things like woodworking and blue collar jobs and building things and construction and things like that other people are just really good with people they just have great people skills we can go down the list of all of the different talents and abilities that people have or don't have some people are terrible with people some people are terrible with their hands some people are just uncoordinated other people are very athletic and and smooth but here's the thing about that is that all of us are not the same okay we're not all equal we're never going to all be equal because some people are gonna be way smarter than other people some people are gonna be way stronger than other people way more athletic than other people some people are gonna be way more fun and interesting than other people some people are gonna be way better at working with their hands than other people that's just the way the world works we're all different God has created us all to be different not to be the same and so different people Have different blessings and talents and other people might lack those things and so the way that the world is Some people are probably gonna end up just making a lot more money than other people and it doesn't necessarily Mean that something's wrong with our country or that something's wrong with the government or there's something is wrong With you know the economy, you know, it's just that that's the way it's always been and the way it's always gonna be Jesus Said the poor you have with you always There are always gonna be poor people. They're always gonna be rich people They're always gonna be people who go to school and everything's just easy for them and they just cruise through they put forth very little Effort and they get straight A's the other kids just busting a hump in order to get C's Okay, some people are gonna show up on the job and just excel and climb the ladder and other people are just gonna stay At the bottom for year after year after year Now maybe these are some hard truths tonight that maybe you do or don't want to accept what I'm saying tonight But what I'm saying is true Everybody is different. Okay, some people are better-looking than others Okay, the people out there you can guess which end of the spectrum where they fall But the point is that you know, everybody's different everybody has different Abilities and talents from God and You're never gonna just make everyone be equal So if you're at the bottom Maybe you're at the bottom Financially and you've always been at the bottom financially and you always will be at the bottom financially Don't be bitter about that and don't get mad at the guy who God has given a different path in life We've all been given a different path and you know what we shouldn't want to change What God has given us, you know, we don't look in the mirror and wish that God had made you look differently You know and don't wish that you're someone else Don't look at celebrities and stars and and maybe business people or whatever and wish that you were them No, God has made you who you are Be happy with who you are and serve God with your life Now here's the thing money isn't what makes you happy anyway People with all of those skills that you wish yet, maybe somebody who's just so good at playing basketball Yeah, oh man. I wish I could play like that You know that doesn't necessarily mean that that guy's living a happy or more blessed life than you, you know Jesus Christ said blessed are ye poor and he said woe unto you that are rich and So you might think oh man. I just wish I were rich and I wish I were talent I wish I were good-looking and all these girls that are so beautiful It's like they just write their own ticket in life But here's the thing you're you God has created you for a specific purpose Just be who you are and quit thinking that somehow you'd be happier if you had all these things that you don't have and That's what this chapter is getting at and it's saying look if you're under the yoke you're working a hard job You're not making a lot of money. You're poor don't get bitter Don't get a bad attitude toward the people that have money just realize hey this is where God has put me and I'm gonna make the best of it and Here's what you're gonna find. Is that the real joy in life comes from serving God anyway, and God can greatly use the poor just as much as the rich He can use the homely as much as he uses the good-looking he can use people that are not talented not skillful not athletic not Great intellect God has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise So, you know if you're one of the foolish things of this world and God's using you Why would you want to be something different than that? You know God is glorified when he takes the humble things of this world, you know He'd rather defeat Goliath with a David who's short of stature small Looks like a youth kind of a you know, maybe from the outside people looked at him and thought he's just kind of a pretty boy He doesn't seem like a mighty warrior. God would rather use someone like that because then God gets the glory Because it's not by might nor by power but by my spirit sayeth the Lord and so that's what we need to understand contentment now Keep your finger here and flip over if you would to 2nd Corinthians chapter number 8 Talk about this issue of equality now in our country Equality is one of our core values as Americans in The sense that we believe that all people should get equal treatment under the law Right. We don't believe that there should be different laws for different classes of people Like we've got the nobility that are kind of above the law and commoners and if you have money you're above the law We don't believe that right we believe that everyone should be treated equally under the law Amen, red yellow black white rich poor we should all be treated equally under the law that's the equality that our country has always stood for for hundreds of years and It's biblical because the Bible says God's not a respecter of persons and it says ye shall not respect persons in judgment Right you you don't honor the face of the poor Or the rich don't honor the face of the rich more than of the poor right and then in the New Testament He says, you know if a poor man comes into the church don't treat him differently than the rich man Don't give the rich man a better seat and put the poor in another place where it's you know They have they're in standing room only or something like that and so Old and New Testament teach this idea of equality in the sense that Everybody should be treated equally under the law God deals with us equally in the sense that God is not a respecter of a certain nationality or Demographic or economics or whatever and you know, that's a biblical equality right there But today the left in this country has a different version of equality What they'll sometimes call equity, which is not necessarily a bad word because the Bible used that word in a good way But their idea is equity and what they want is they don't want an equal opportunity or equal treatment They want an equal outcome You know They want us just all to have the same amount of money Or all of us to have the same possessions all of us to live the same lifestyle and that is not biblical It's not realistic. It doesn't make any sense and it ends up Leading to totalitarian forms of government that forced everyone to be equal because this is not natural. It's not normal Everybody's different different people are excelling in different ways. It's not normal. Just force this artificial equality and force it on everyone and so the only way to make it work is to use violence and to use force and to take money from people who have more and give it to the poor and whatever and so Equality is good if it's a biblical kind of equality if it's kind of the classical kind of equality that we've always believed in as Americans for hundreds of years where you know We don't want to have like they had in Europe with the nobility and the commoners different classes of people You know We don't want white people and black people to be given different opportunities or to be treated differently I wanted to be treated the same but here's the thing we can't guarantee That everybody's gonna have the same amount of money have the same kind of house drive the same kind of car You know, it's really up to you To do with the opportunities you've been given but it's not totally up to you. Some of it's just up to God Maybe God just didn't really give you as much intellect. Maybe God just didn't really give you as much skill or talent Maybe you're never gonna be rich. Maybe you're never gonna make it financially Maybe you're always gonna be a lower-class person economically. That's okay It's okay You might just live and die a poor person or a person of modest means that's okay No God has given us all a certain path to walk on and God said blessed are ye poor Had not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom Which he has promised to them that love him, but you've despised the poor Do not rich men oppress you and draw you before the judgment seats? Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which you're called? He says look that rich people are usually bad people and they're all these wonderful poor people Wonderful godly Christian poor people. Amen. If you're one of them. Amen Look you despise the poor He said that's wrong. But he's also saying in 1st Timothy 6 don't despise the rich either Right. You either have believing masters. Let them not despise them Don't despise the people at the top or the bottom. Just be happy with where you are Do the best you can with what you got If you work hard and serve the Lord, you're gonna have food and clothing You're gonna make it you're gonna be okay, you can live a good life you can live a blessed life You can serve God with your life. Maybe you're never gonna be rich So what who cares those who want to be rich? The Bible says fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction of perdition now second Corinthians chapters 8 & 9 Talk a little bit about this issue of equality Okay, and second Corinthians chapters 8 & 9 just to give you the context have to do with the Apostle Paul wanting to raise some money for the poor Saints in Jerusalem and So they were going through a hard time financially and there's famine or problems or whatever And so he's trying to raise some money to help them out So he's he's taking up an offering and he's talking to them about the benefits and the blessings of giving to the Lord's work and and you know giving alms to the poor and and being generous and and so forth and So that's kind of the context of chapters 8 & 9 But look at chapter 9 verse number 7 to start. I'm just gonna show you a few highlights here Look at chapter 9 verse 7. It says every man according as he purposes in his heart So let him give not grudgingly nor of necessity For God loveth a cheerful giver So the Bible is saying look when people who have money Give to people that don't have money give to people that are poor people that are going through a bad time It should be done willingly They shouldn't be forced to do so Because God loves a cheerful giver not grudgingly like oh man, you know I got to give all my money to these poor people It's like no it should be because you want to it should be voluntary and God loves a cheerful giver He wants it to be done willingly Not grudgingly out of the goodness of your heart not because the government or somebody's forcing you to give your money away Now if you would go back to chapter 8 and This is a reference to one of my favorite Bible stories from the Old Testament But in chapter 8 verse 12 it talks a little bit about this issue of equality It says in 2nd Corinthians 8 12 for if there be first a willing mind It is accepted according to that a man hath and not according to that he hath not now again Just to kind of catch you up in the context here He's saying look, you know, God's not expecting you to give something that you don't have, you know obviously people who have abundance are gonna be more able to give and And and help other people and give offerings at church or give alms to the poor then people who don't have you know God don't feel bad If you don't have to give you know, God just wants you to have a willing heart And so if you have something to be generous with then that's great If you don't hey God's not holding it against you because you can't give as much as some other guy in the church Who's well-healed or whatever? So he says, you know, it's based on what you have not based on what you don't have It's about having a willing mind and then he says in verse number 13 He says I mean not that other men be eased and ye be burdened but by an equality That now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want That their abundance also may be a supply for your want that there may be Equality as it is written he that had gathered much had nothing over and he that had gathered little had no lack Now here's the thing if we look at the context here. What did he say in chapter 9? He said he's talking about voluntarily giving because you want to with a cheerful heart Wanting to give the person who has abundance giving to the person who lacks so that there can be an equality Right not so that basically one group could be eased and another burdened but rather Hey today you're going through a hard time. So let me reach in my pocket and help you out And then maybe later down the road. I'm going through a hard time You could reach in your pocket and help me out and that there'd be an equality in the sense that It's about the people who have more helping out the people who have less But the context we need to understand is that this is voluntary. It's done with a cheerful heart. It's not some government mandate Marxist socialist garbage So here's the thing about that It's a reference to the Old Testament story about gathering the manna Because it says in verse 15 as it is written That's a reference to the Old Testament in the book of Exodus as is written He that had gathered much had nothing over and he that had gathered little had no lack now this is a story I love they went out to gather the manna and they all went out and gathered and Some people gathered a lot and some people gathered a little bit They all went out and gathered but at the end of the day when they measured it They all had the same amount. It was a miracle and They had one Omer that whatever that measurement is a measurement that we you know, anything but metric. I'll take it. But anyway the Omer We I don't know exactly how much that is But that's how much each person ended up with so he that gathered a lot He had nothing extra and he that had their little had no lack But there was equality because everybody ended up with an Omer So here's what I take from Looking at these two chapters chapter 8 and chapter 9 and we kind of looked at the highlights kind of just put it all together Is that It's wonderful for there to be equality Because the guy who has two coats gives one to the person who has no coat. That's a beautiful thing, isn't it? And it's equality You know, I've got two coats you have zero. Hey, I want to give you one of my coats. It's a beautiful thing It's a loving transaction. I love you. So I'm giving you the coat. Hey, you gave me the coat So I love you for giving me this coat. Everybody's happy. It's wonderful. It's voluntary. It's a willing thing. That's good okay, and Then the second situation is a supernatural Creation of equality we're basically God supernaturally in the Old Testament Created a certain level of equality by making sure that everyone had that same measure after they gathered the manna They ended up with an Omer whether they gathered little whether they gathered much they ended up with the right amount So that's God stepping in. So here's the thing. God can step in and lift up the poor and Bring him to a higher station help him out financially, right? Make the poor prosper God can do that the Bible talks about in the book of Psalms our God lifts up the poor out of the dung heap and so forth and then God can also Take the rich and knock them off of their perch and bring them down Anytime he wants to he can bring down the rich he can lift up the poor he can bring down the rich So God can supernaturally lift up one and put down another and create equality there can be equality through Voluntary giving and people helping out others out of the goodness of their heart, but you know, what we don't want though is a forced man-made Violent equality that basically says how dare these rich people prosper and succeed and here I am struggling it isn't fair. That's a wicked attitude And that's an attitude that a lot of people have I've had that attitude before I'm sure many people in this room have felt that way at times and that's an attitude that we as human beings are prone to Think that way sometimes like man. It's not fair I'm working so hard and this is all I have this other guy is so easy for him folks That is a wicked attitude You say well, you know, it sounds like you're just kind of going to bat, you know for these rich people or Business owners or whatever. No, you know, I'm just preaching the Bible You know, I got my views and my opinions and the way I feel but that doesn't really matter You know, I go to the Bible every day and get my mind renewed by the Word of God And here's the thing, you know people who bristle at this kind of preaching and they kind of get upset at this kind of Preaching like well, you just don't understand my you know what I'm going through It's because the people that are upset about this kind of preaching because they're fixated on money is what it is They're fixated on money They're thinking too much about money okay, because in reality what we need to do is set our affection on things above not on things on the earth and Then even if you disagreed with what I'm preaching right now, you just be kind of like whatever But you're just like oh man Because you're probably you know, you could be thinking like, you know how much you want that money that you don't have because you're covetous and Covetousness is a big-time sin and so want to make sure that we renew our mind and get Eternities values and view and realize that our life is just a vapor that appearth for just a little time and then vanish of the way and The Bible talks about the fact that the you know, the time's coming When you know people who who who own and possess and people that are are owned and possessed by others Slaves and free, you know All of that stuff's gonna be gone anyway because the fashion of this world passes away The Bible says and you know according to 1st Corinthians chapter number 7, you know, if you're in bonds on this earth you're the Lord's Freeman and If you're free in this world, well, then you're the Lord's bondservant. And so at the end of the day spiritually we can all Love God serve God be filled with the Spirit enjoy the fruit of the Spirit live a godly life live a blessed life live a happy life will be happy if we Hear God's commandments and do them and love God and love our neighbor No matter what our bank account is like even if our bit, you know There are people whose bank account is totally shot and they're happy and then there are people whose bank accounts full and they're miserable So quit being so fixated on money quit obsessing over money Okay, and I you know It's not like I don't know what it's like to struggle financially because I have struggled financially and I've done well financially. I've never been rich at all by anyone's definition but I've done okay, and I've done really bad financially I've done both and You know I can just say that it really isn't the main important factor in my life and it's not gonna be in your life either because Whether you're poor or whether you're doing well You know life is life and it's really about spiritual things at the end of the day So let's go back to first Timothy 6 with that in mind He said let as many services are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor That the name of God and his doctrine be not blaspheme because the bad testimony for Christians to be Despising rich people are despising the company owner or despising the management They that have believing masters let them not despise them because they're brethren But rather do them service because they're faithful and beloved partakers of the benefit these things teach an example saying listen Timothy preach this preach this Right too many workers are whining About their situation and hating and being hateful toward rich people teach this stuff and he says in verse 3 if any man teach otherwise and And Could send not to wholesome words even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ and to the doctrine which is according to godliness He's proud knowing nothing That doesn't sound good But don't think about questions and strikes of words whereof cometh envy strife railings evil surbisings perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds and Destitute of the truth supposing that gain is godliness from such withdrawal myself and again You know just take an example from the people that are outside of your building right now with the megaphones and everything is that? That wouldn't it be fair to say that they are of corrupt minds Based on what's coming out of their mouths They're of corrupt minds are they destitute of the truth and I guarantee you that those same people out there Hate Anyone who is making it financially or wealth, you know? They want wealth to be redistributed forcibly by the government I guarantee you that if we go out there, we're not gonna find a bunch of classical liberalism out there We're not gonna find a bunch of Austrian economists out there You think we are we're not gonna find a bunch of people out there that are for free market economics You think that they love capitalism out there? Do you think that they love? the the type of economics that Conservatives would espouse, you know, do you think do you think that these are members of the Ron Paul revolution out there? No, I guarantee if we were to talk to them, it'd be all kinds of Marxist Socialist garbage. I mean does anybody really doubt that is that a coincidence? Isn't it funny how the Marxist and the socialists you run into hate Jesus Christ? Is that a coincidence? why do we not just run into all of these Bible believing fundamentalist Baptists who are also Marxist and Socialist and and you know, why is it that typically those two things don't go because it's not biblical. That's why Because it's it's it's it's everything that the Bible is against The perverse men with the corrupt minds. They're the ones who teach otherwise then Hey, if you're a servant, you know count your master worthy of all honor and do service to the company Not like, you know, and look it's so funny When you get around these kind of ungodly people if you just say something as mild as like, you know I don't think you should criticize the company that you work for You know, I because I you know, I say things to people like that all the time Like hey, I don't think it's ethical if you work for a company to say like oh, I would never shop here. I Would never eat here I would never hire us Who's heard people talk like that before? Yeah. Yeah. Well, I worked there, but I wouldn't go there I would hide, you know, that's unethical. That isn't right I don't think you should talk bad about and bite the hand that feeds you You know it and but I guarantee if we went out there and interviewed each one of those people and said hey you know, do you think that it's okay to to criticize and Publicly speak against the company that you work for the owner of the company that's writing your paycheck They would all just like blow their tops If you told them and I know I've talked to people like that before and any time you say anything like that They just freak out and you gotta be you gotta be able to criticize The company and criticize the boss agree. They're obsessed with that These people out there. What else do they have to live for? Except the carnal things of this world And so of course, they're fixated on money and economics and financial things but we as God's people We should be setting our affection on things above laying up treasure in heaven and not so fixated on money And you know what? Why don't we and here's the thing about not criticizing the company that you work for It's it's really just because you're trying to honor Christ by doing that which is ethical and righteous and the Bible Teaches that we should count our masters worthy of all honor and And so forth whether they are worthy of it or not is none of our business, you know This is what we are doing And you know what if you if you really hate the company that you work for then you need to get a different job It isn't ethical to just work there and hate them and not get you know You should be going to work every day and working as unto the Lord and not as unto men You know your boss is Jesus That should be your attitude and and by the way get that attitude and notice how you'll start succeeding more at work Too when you start thinking of Jesus as your boss But the Bible says that you know if people teach otherwise than this They're proud. They don't know anything They have a corrupt mind. So, of course, they're not gonna understand this kind of attitude They're not gonna understand this kind of a doctrine of counting your own masters worthy of all honor But look at verse number six. It says it says that also these people they think gain is godliness From such withdraw thyself. Okay, so basically they don't have a concept of Right and wrong that comes from the Bible godliness is what what is what is godliness? What does it mean to be godly if I said he's godly, you know I would say that a godly person loves the Lord with all their heart. They love their neighbor as their self They follow the commandments of the Bible Right, wouldn't you say that's a godly person? Loves God loves his neighbor follows God's commandments follows the Bible has right doctrine from the Word of God Meditates on God's Word day and night you say this is a godly person But no, no these people gain is godliness to them so to them What they care about is just having more money Or just having more people in the church or just whatever gain they can you know gaining a political office gaining money gaining power Gaining wealth gaining influence whatever they think gain is godliness But you know what? I would rather fail in the world's eyes whether financially or as a pastor or in any other area and be godly before the Lord They think gain is godliness. It's all about succeeding in this world. Whatever that means. No. No, it's about being godly It's about doing it right. I'd rather do things right and fail Than to succeed by doing wrong and to succeed in this world's eyes. No, that's not what life's about But godliness with contentment is great gain gains not godliness but godliness is gain Godliness is gain Godliness with contentment is great gain I feel like the new versions mess this up, but I don't remember how does anybody remember how they screw this part up? Because they say something like they end up teaching. Maybe you working on this for me pastor Shelly I see though the smartphone just came out of its holster But I feel like the modern versions they make it out to where godliness isn't gain anymore But actually godliness with contentment is great gain It doesn't go the other way though folks, okay gains not godliness but godliness is gain It says for we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out and So it's really about being godly because that's the one thing I can take with me You know whether or not I was godly in this world is gonna matter when I get to heaven How much money in my bank account is not gonna matter at all? Whether I dined on the lobster and filet mignon or whether I was eating bean and rice burritos every day Either way in heaven. It's not gonna matter But how godly I was is gonna matter was I right? So godliness is a means of great gain So godliness is a means of great gain Man you could make a lot of money. No, I'm just kidding That's not what I was thinking of. There's that maybe it's a different version or it's alright. Let's drop it. Yeah, let's move on We brought nothing into this world, it's certain we can carry nothing out we can't carry anything physically out but you know what we can take with us is The works that we've done because the Bible says that when we go on to be with the Lord our works will follow us And we can lay up treasures in heaven, but anything we lay up on this earth. We can't take it with us Having food and raiment let us be there with content now Here's the thing God's not expecting you to just be destitute and starving and naked and just dying in the street or something and Just shut up and be happy about it because blessed are you poor that's not what he's saying God has promised us food and raiment God said I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed baking bread God said seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you and those things are food and clothing You will be dressed you will have food God's gonna supply your need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus So God's not asking you to to starve. He's not asking you to go naked Okay, he will provide you with food and clothing but he's not necessarily gonna allow you to be rich and that's okay and Maybe other people that you know, maybe they will make it financially Maybe they will become rich and don't envy them or hate them or get mad at them Because you have this attitude that says what's not fair. We should all be equal. We should all that we're not all equal We're never all gonna be equal. We should be treated equally under the law We should treat other people as Christians equally We should help out the poor because we want to and create a little bit of equality through voluntary charitable giving But it's never gonna be the kind of equality that Karl Marx and and his ilk are interested in It's always been a failure Everywhere has been tried. It's always been a disaster. It doesn't work because it's against nature The Bible says in verse 8 having food and Raymond let us be there with content, you know Let's just be happy that God has promised to provide our needs. We're gonna be okay We're gonna make it and you know what? I've I say that I've gone through bad times financially and that I've struggled financially because I have but you know I always made it You know, I never went days without eating or something. I never had to go naked I always had clothing to wear and I bet there's no one in this room who is ever going to die I've never just not had access to clothing. I Mean clothing is pretty easy to come by in America. Okay And I bet you that most people in this room don't really know what it is to starve for days You know we I mean we think we're starving just because we you know, we eat like two hours later than usual We're starving, you know, but I mean I'm talking like none of us is starving Okay, if you're starving, you know see me after the service, you know, and I'll you know, I'll help you out man I don't want you to don't go dying on me, you know but he says Having food and Raven let us be there with content But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts Which drown man in destruction and perdition for the love of money is the root of all evil Which while some coveted after they've erred from the faith and pierce themselves through with many sorrows But thou o man of God flee these things Right, just go running screaming in the other direction from the love of money the get-rich-quick schemes all of the books telling you how to be wealthy and how to be rich and and all of these Foolish lusts where you just want to live in some gigantic Manchiners I mean look Celebrities live in these mansions these these multi-million dollar mansions that celebrities live in. What's the point? It's too big Why do you even need that much space? Like I can understand being a little cramped in a tiny dwelling Right. I know what that's like. Hey, I lived in a house. There was about 1,300 square feet with 13 people For About 15 years. Okay, it didn't have 13 people the whole 15 years Because when I first moved in the house There were only five of us and then it was six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen And then there were 13 of us in that house You know, so toward the end. Yeah, it was like 11 12 13 people for years. I mean that was you know You know, I can understand wanting a little more space, right? So finally a couple years ago We actually were able to move into a house with a little more space instead of being 1300 square feet now our house like 2,500 square feet so, you know now it's like, okay Yeah, and I mean I feel like it's just like a dream come true It's so much space And here's the thing you might say like and you know, my daughter's back there thing like well We can use a little more space, you know There are 12 of us But here's the thing about that, yeah, okay, but here's the thing that's because we have 12 people living at home but think about if you just have like two people or Even three or four people and you've got like a five-bedroom house with like three bathrooms or four bathrooms. I mean like That's pretty comfortable No, no, I need 17 bedrooms For the three of us like that this doesn't even makes it at some point. It just stops even making any sense It's just kind of like, you know, like somebody somebody show I don't remember I saw it on Facebook a picture of you know, some so-and-so the celebrity selling his so-and-so million-dollar home And then somebody left a comment I said, you know bro lives in a community college because it literally it looked like a college building It was like who saw that me Come on. God bless you. I see that hand and it was like it was like this glass front thing It was just like at one point is stupid or like didn't Kanye West like live in a baseball stadium for a while Who knows what I'm talking about? Nobody knows what I'm talking about. Yes It's real. I didn't imagine it. He lived in like a sports or he like was renting some sports arena For just like I don't know some insane amount per day. I'm just gonna throw out numbers It's like I don't know if it was like $50,000 a day or so I'm just making that number up, but it was just some absurd number and he's literally living in like a room That was like say 10 by 10 Like his little bedroom his bedrooms like 10 by 10, but he's just living in a sports arena for months Just spending millions of dollars to just live in a sports arena But but here's the thing like like no matter how much money you have and no matter how big your house is Like your body can only occupy a certain amount of space If you think about it, like like if you're all you're if you're only like six feet tall and you you know You have certain dimensions Like like how like think about like how big of a bed Before it just stops mattering, you know, like I can understand all this twin beds a little small for me and my wife to share We did that for the first like several months of being married, by the way We shared a twin bed twin mattress because we didn't have a bed. We just had a mattress You know, I can see saying hey twin mattress is a little tight for two people or even saying hey Twin mattress is a little tight for one person. You know, I want the queen size bed But then it's I will give me the king size bed Okay, but here's the thing you could do snow angels and and somersault and whatever on that key. It's so big How many times can you flip over without falling off the king size bed several? Right, you could just you can like start the night on one side just be like Just kind of back and forth you're flipping around You can get up in the middle of the night and just do a cartwheel in your bed or something But here's the thing like the king size bed. It doesn't really get any bigger than that Because you're just one person like like well, I'm gonna have a bed. That's a hundred feet long What would be the point I'm gonna live in house with 25 bedrooms. It's like why though? Like there's only so much food you can eat there's only so much Car you can drive. There's only you know, you got these rich people just have like 20 cars. It's like why? But here's the point that I made you say where are you going with this? Here's the point that I'm making foolish and hurtful. Lots. Here's a foolish lust. Here's a foolish desire I want to live in that community college looking thing Here's a foolish lust. I want to I want to live in a sports stadium like Kanye West. It's just like what I Want to have 18 bedrooms You know, I want to drive a car that goes 200 miles an hour. Everybody has the same speed limit and and the Most piece of junk car in that parking lot can't hit the speed limit on the fastest freeway in Texas There's probably not a vehicle in that parking lot that won't hit 80 Right, I mean they all go 80 folks. Well, this one goes 160 Why though like you're never gonna have an opportunity Like when do you ever have a chance to even use it, you know speedometer goes up to 175 You know who's who's like honey, how fast are we going Oh 173 Like Nobody goes that fast. You can't even go that fast. It wouldn't work But the foolish lust is just like oh man I need a car that goes from zero to sixty, you know and Three seconds or something. I you know, I want to go I want a car that goes 175 I need a car that you know, whatever. It's just like you don't need that stuff Is that really gonna make you happy because you know the people who sit around dreaming about 17-bedroom houses and fancy cars and fancy suits and fancy meals and sprinkling gold dust on their Wagyu beef whatever. I don't even know how to pronounce that word Wagyu wagyu How do you say it? Just wagyu. That's it. No mystery there. Okay You got your wagyu With gold poo-poo dust sprinkled on it or something just to make it more expensive Just good because at some point you just can't figure out how to make the food any more expensive start putting literal gold in it. I Don't know maybe you could have like fast food for rich people where you just like, you know You just wrap the paper is just $100 bills or something But they're they're sanitized and then they could just like unwrap a Big Mac from hundred dollar bills and just eat it or something You know, it's just stupid You know It's stupid for you to sit there and just wish and long for all the riches so you could be like these Celebrities or wealthy people or whatever look what we should want is the things that money cannot buy what the Bible calls the true Riches and the Bible says, you know If you're faithful with the unrighteous mammon of this world if you're faithful With the with the money the carnal money of this world the lucre of this world He says that he'll commit unto you the true riches That's what I want I'd rather eat rice and beans I'd rather eat vegetarian meals half the week or you know Six days a week or you know, I want to have a little bit of meat in my life but you know, hey, I'd rather eat a bunch of vegetarian meals and Have my clothes be a little tattered Everything's used everything from goodwill and I've got love and joy and peace in my heart Because I'm serving the Lord Jesus Christ Then well this house has 14 bedrooms like I don't need that you know what I need food and Raymond and Godliness with contentment is great game Okay It's a foolish lust when you desire to be rich and those that will be rich fall into temptation And so it's a dangerous place to be in your heart when you are sitting around Fantasizing about being rich. This is a wicked thought to sit around and fantasize about Having fancy cars fancy houses fancy clothes. It's a wicked thought Going online and and you know Looking at I don't know what the equivalent when I was a kid. It was like Lifestyles of the rich and famous who knows what I'm talking about all you old people out there There was a show that was called Lifestyles of the rich and famous and you watch this guy just show you their yard and their house and their car That's a wicked TV show It's a wicked show why because it's just people sitting around like craving stupid stuff that they don't need Now look I don't despise rich people I don't despise them for having a lot and especially if I'm working for them I'm gonna count them worthy of all honor And I'm gonna honor them and treat them as if I'm working for Christ and look I'm not against people that are smarter than me and more talented than me having success and whatever but here's the thing I'm not sitting there craving The unnecessary things that they're buying because they can't even figure out what to spend all their money on I Don't need to watch some show To show me all the yachts and houses and cars that I don't have so that I can you know think that my life Isn't what it's supposed to be How about lifestyles of the Christian and godly That's what we need right right here We have this Bible that he's been reading every morning for two hours look at this Bible folks. You know And here he is our soul And he's been out soul winning every week for the further last 15 years and look at these ghettos He's choosing to go soul winning in because they're more receptive You know Here's the big giant van that he drives to put all of his children because he's being fruitful and multiplying you know Like you know Isn't that that'd be more biblical goals right reading your Bible going soul winning Having a family right being faithful to your spouse raising children right. That's that's the lifestyle. I'm interested in Not the lifestyles of the rich and famous okay, and so don't get these foolish and Hurtful lusts they're foolish because of the fact that these things aren't even gonna make you happy And they're kind of dumb anyway like when you stop and think about The excesses that people spend their money on and then the reason that they're hurtful is Because they end up making you miserable because you're never satisfied with what you have because you don't have what you saw on Lifestyles of rich and famous or whatever And It says in verse 11, but thou old man of God flee these things you know run away from this stuff But follow after righteousness godliness faith love patience meekness Fight the good fight of faith lay hold on eternal life where unto thou it also called and has professed a good profession before many witnesses right think about eternity not the nasty here and now I Give thee charge in the sight of God who quickeneth all things and before Christ Jesus who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good Confession that thou keep this commandment without spot and rebukable until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ Which in his times he shall show we're on verse 15 who is the blessed and only Potented the king of kings and Lord of Lords who only hath immortality dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto whom no man had seen nor can see to be honor and Power of a lasting amen and you say what's that got to do with money nothing. That's the whole point. This is the stuff that matters He said look man get get all that money and Lusting after riches and fancy things puts it out of your mind Here's what you need to be focused on the Lord Jesus Christ the second coming godliness You know the Lord you know you want to talk about approaching Some kind of a crib or some you know it's it's heaven You know that it's the mansion in heaven. That's the only episode of cribs that I'm interested in And So he says in verse 17 to come back to the subject of the rich He says charge them that are rich in this world that they be not high-minded You know that they don't get all prideful and puffed up Nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God who giveth us richly all things to enjoy So he started out by talking to the poor and saying look don't despise the rich don't despise the boss at work Don't despise the master don't envy him and covet his stuff, and then he turns around and says to the rich You know what you rich people don't get all proud and prideful and puffed up you see I started out the sermon by talking about how we're all different and we're not equal No one in this room is really totally equal to anyone else in the room We all have different strengths and weaknesses, and it's not that we're better than one another or worse than one other because because You know I'm better than you in one area, and you're better than me in another area You know I guarantee that every single person in this room is better than me at something period and I'm probably better at something than everyone in this room and Everyone in this room is better than everyone else at something we all have different strengths and weaknesses None of us are equal at all and some people are better at more things or whatever who cares right be who you are God made you who you are so if you're rich Guess what you're not just rich because you're so wonderful, and you're so awesome You know it's because God blessed you with the brains and the talent to get where you're at If you're rich you know if you're rich you didn't do that on your own God is the one who gives you the power to get wealth that says in Deuteronomy Okay, so if you're poor don't be mad that God put you where you're at and if you're rich Acknowledge that God is the one who put you where you're at and he can take you out of that position anytime he wants to So don't get high minded And don't trust in uncertain riches Because you know what riches can't save you in the day of your death the Bible says and you know what the richest person With all the doctors and all of the best drugs and medicines and and Practitioners and the best diet and the best health and the best workout program God can just go like that and they can just fall over dead for absolutely no reason and nobody can even figure out why Just he holds our breath in his hand and he can just End your life like that No matter how much money you have and then all your money's gone because you can't take any of it with you So don't trust in uncertain riches, but trust in the living God who's the one who richly giveth us all things to enjoy Charge them that they do good. It says in verse 18 That they be rich and good works Ready to distribute willing to communicate Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come that they may lay hold on eternal life He's saying look focus on the future Eternity in heaven laying up treasures in heaven use the money that you have if you're wealthy to do good To give alms to be a blessing to the poor to bless other people to bless the work of God Use your money to do something that will lay up treasures in heaven because you can't take it with you anyway So be rich in good works be ready to distribute Be generous be willing to communicate communicate in this context is talking about Financially, you know being willing to Give and and be generous and help people and give toward the work of the Lord and give to your fellow man and so forth not because you're being forced to but willingly because God loves a cheerful giver and Then he says every once in a while I hear that noise coming from outside and I wonder like is somebody's phone going off I felt like somebody did somebody push the wrong button on their phone and then I remember that they're out there chanting and carrying on out there Oh Timothy keep that which is committed to thy trust Avoiding profane and vain babblings and oppositions of science falsely so called which some professing have heard concerning the faith grace be with the amen now, you know, I Kind of like to try to find connections in these chapters Where sometimes? Verses might feel a bit random now a lot of these verses are very useful out of context and Taking something out of context is not always bad Because the Bible is so deep and and and so many verses have so many wonderful meanings and uses and taking them out of context is not necessarily a problem because you know The New Testament quotes the Old Testament out of context all the time You know because the Bible has more than one meaning it has the main meaning in the context and then it has other useful meanings Because each verse stands alone as a powerful truth in and of itself in many cases So, you know, obviously we don't want to take something out of context to teach lies We don't want to take something out of context to contradict something that's in context We don't want to take some out of context and and and you know confuse someone but you know This is one of those verses that you just kind of use it as a standalone without context you just say avoid oppositions of science falsely so-called which some professing of earth concerning the faith and just just just you can just kind of pull that out of context and it's Just kind of a standalone maxim of a avoid science falsely so-called and the big one for us living in the 21st century would be Scientific theories about the origin of life and really there are no scientific theories about the origin of life. There aren't even scientific Really hypotheses about the origin of life because honestly scientists have no idea Where life originally came from and and anyone who's an honest? Scientists or biologists would tell you that they would just say we don't know where the first life forms came from and they'll make guesses And say you know well, maybe this up Maybe it's up, but there's not even a detailed hypothesis on where life came from let alone a theory there Just isn't but yet people will come at you and say well science has shown you know that Life came from nothing or life came from non life no because everything we know about science shows that only life can beget life And so to the non-believer the origin of life is a mystery any any Honest scientists would say it's a mystery Even if they're an atheist if they're being honest they'd say it's a mystery No, it's not a mystery to us because we know that God created life So we would say that this idea that life originated from non-living material is science falsely so-called if Somebody comes at you and says here's the science of the origin of life It's it's total baloney any real scientists would even tell you that no matter what their belief Or you know what about this idea that every Living organism on this planet all comes from a common ancestor whether it's a banana or an orangutan or a or a human or A duck-billed platypus, you know it's it's all from the same ancestor right. I mean that's that's not true That is false You know we believe the Word of God that God created each Animal and it brings forth after its own kind and that no every creature on the earth It's not share a common ancestor. That is false. That is wrong, but yet science Will say that that is the truth won't they? But I would say that science falsely so-called because you can't prove that you can't test that you can't actually know that and Of course they're never gonna be able to know that because it isn't true Because we know that God created the creatures of this world and that they did not Come into or come into existence on their own So that's kind of the big one today is people would look at these kind of ideas about You know The world Being created you know from nothing and the universe being created from nothing and all of this You know evolution across Just gulfs of kinds of animals because obviously we know that micro evolution is real. It's happening every day, right? But I'm talking about the macro evolution of hey We all came from the same ancestor and whatever bologna that's science mostly so-called And so that's probably the most popular use of this verse wouldn't you agree? That probably this is kind of a go-to verse of like hey avoid that science Falsely so-called that tries to negate the Bible and tell you that the Bible is not true cuz science Right. I'm sure all those people out there. They all believe that the Bible is not true cuz science of course, they don't believe the science of Gender, you know that that that they're male and female and you know, they don't want to hear about X and Y chromosomes out there Okay, but they got their science falsely so-called Where they'll tell you. Oh, you know homos are born that way. That's that's false But you know One thing I'd like to do though besides that obvious Interpretation that we've all used this verse for that and we're all gonna continue to use it for that and that's a great Application for this verse when when you know people are coming at with science falsely so-called but you know We could actually also apply this to The actual chapter that we're reading because the chapter that we've been reading has really been all about money Because it really started out talking about the servants that are under the yoke not Despising the people at the top and then it just came back to that over and over again about the rich people People desiring to be rich people that are rich the love of money envy covetousness I mean this chapters been pretty consistent on that theme, hasn't it? So here's another application and I'm not trying to replace the original one because you know The Bible has a lot of great interpretations, but you know another application you could do with this, you know Avoiding profane and vain babbling is an opposition of science falsely so-called is that you know, you could say that Marxism itself is science falsely so-called Economic theories That teach that someday we can achieve true equality and that we're all you know, and then we're gonna eliminate poverty and that we're gonna all have this communist utopia and Socialist Marxist theories that teach that that is actually gonna make things better economically Those are just as much of a fairy tale as the original life form just coming from nothing That's a science falsely so-called, you know, they could be an economic science or a political science That is just as fraudulent as whatever foolish thing that scientists have taught and So those could be oppositions of science falsely so-called when somebody comes at you with some political theory or some economic Theory that goes against the Word of God and that you know, they've got the science or whatever It's garbage my friend Because there is no counsel or wisdom or understanding against the Lord God's right about everything all the time. You're never gonna prove God wrong you're never gonna prove the Bible wrong because the Bible is always right and God's always right and So if we take that interpretation, which is not the only interpretation, but it's an interpretation Keep that which is committed that I trust Avoiding profane and vain babblings, you know these could be the same kind of profane and vain babblings as these guys in verse 4 who are proud and knowing nothing and they You know, they're they won't they're teaching other than this monetary doctrine that he's giving in this chapter He's saying, you know They have how this profane and vain babbling and they say a bunch of stupid things. They've got all their Marxist ideology and they've got their you know economics or whatever to back it up and He says, you know some people professing that have erred concerning the faith because some people have gotten away from the true gospel of Jesus Christ Which is about getting people out of hell and getting people saved and they've gone to a social gospel They've erred concerning the faith because they've gone to a social gospel that's just all about eliminating poverty and it's just all about bringing in social justice and Economic justice see, you know justice in the Bible is about right and wrong according to the Word of God But to those people out there they believe in a so-called justice. Don't they aren't they known as social justice warriors? Okay. Well, let me explain some to you. Did you know that the word justice and the word righteousness are the exact same word? Did you know that in almost every language in fact every I've never seen a language other than English That separates these two words Like anybody in here who knows a foreign language Think about that foreign language and think about the word for righteousness and the word for justice is the same word It's the same word in Hebrew. It's the same word in Greek and same word in Latin same word in Spanish It's the same word in German. I mean every language that I've studied. It's the same word and The Bible uses in the King James Version righteous and just Interchangeably talks about a lot being a just man and being a righteous man So justice another word for justice is righteousness in virtually every language I've never seen one where it's not except English. I love English though. English is the best language, but I'm just saying I'm Not down on English so I'm just saying like we need to understand that righteousness and justice are synonyms Okay, so imagine this Imagine somebody being a social righteousness warrior Okay, like think about that like think about you know, you can go to a liberal university and get a degree in justice studies So you're studying righteousness? Now the reason that that kind of makes you laugh and seems kind of silly is because you know that those people out there don't Care about righteousness at all But they claim to care about justice But here's the thing if your definition of justice doesn't match with the word righteousness Like if those two things aren't like like for me like Oh rights this injustice is justice that justice this good night If somebody said to me, you know righteousness and justice are are the same thing. I'm just like well, yeah Right. I mean like does that it that's not a tough sell to a born-again Christian Because we're just like well, of course righteousness and justice are the same thing If someone is just they're righteous if someone is righteous, they're just I mean, right doesn't that make sense? But then imagine going to a liberal university and studying righteousness and It sounds silly why because they have a perverted view of justice that's unrighteous if Your justice is unrighteous and who decides what's righteous God the Lord the Bible and So what I'm saying is that people have erred from the faith because they've gotten more interested in this World's version of justice than in God's version of righteousness or justice same thing doesn't matter They're more interested in a social gospel Social justice, that's all about making everybody equal in some Marxist mentality Instead of following the Word of God and saying like, you know, Peter and John will silver and gold have I none But such as I have I give unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Take up thy bed and walk. I don't know if I'm quoting that right? I'm in fact, I know I'm not But that's the essence of what happened in that story Right the guys that he said look I'm here to give you something better than money I'm here to give you salvation You know, I'd rather spend my life going into poor neighborhoods getting people out of hell and getting people into heaven Then getting people out of the poor neighborhood Because what if I get them out of the poor neighborhood and they still go to hell Right or what if they stay in that poor neighborhood the rest of their life? What if they're always poor and they never make it financially well, you know what they're gonna walk on streets of gold someday. So who cares? But there are many people who've erred from the faith because of some babblings about social justice Economic justice or whatever this new kind of justice that's foreign to the Word of God It's not the Bible's version and look I realize that there's some truth in what they're saying not these idiots out there I'm just pointing randomly. There's nothing true about what they're saying But I'm saying obviously there is some truth that things aren't necessarily economically fair in this world Because obviously we live in a sinful world and people take advantage of other people and maybe your boss at work Isn't worthy of all honor It doesn't matter you count him worthy of all honor because God said to and because this world's gonna pass away anyway But what I'm saying is that in general They have a corrupt view of right and wrong because they're not studying the Word of God to figure out what's right and wrong and Many people have erred from the faith and gone to a social gospel. That's fixated on money fixated on economics instead of fixating on Christ heaven hell the gospel salvation Don't make that mistake Don't just have your money on your mind and your mind on your money All right, you need to have the Word of God in your heart Let's buy rides and have a word of prayer father. We thank you so much for your word Lord And we thank you for this great chapter and Lord I pray that you would just help us all to have a healthy view toward money a healthy view toward the poor a healthy view toward the rich and Lord God help us not to get sucked into a social gospel and err from the faith Listening to a bunch of communist ideologies Lord help us rather to study your word and Understand that poverty and riches are always going to exist Because you've given us all different gifts Lord help us not to envy people who have different gifts than us Help us rather to just do the best we can with what we have Love you and focus on that which is spiritual and in Jesus name we pray amen Well, that was a great sermon and we had a lot of people show up this evening So we broke our attendance for Wednesday night. We had 206 for this evening and so we're gonna have ice cream and treats for everybody So it used to be a capitalistic system where if you quoted the verse of the week You would get a special treat But we went in honor of the sermon into communism where everyone gets one no matter what just for showing up So I figured Sunday night will go back to capitalism so if you If you got the verse for tonight Remember, it's Sunday night and you can get the treat Sunday night as well. So there's the capitalism spin We brought it back. All right, we're gonna sing our final song of the evening song 24 and our hymnals song 24 And Can it be that I should gain song 24 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh My We have ice cream and treats in this fellowship hall out here god bless you are dismissed You You You You You You