(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) In 1 Samuel chapter 13 the Bible reads in verse number 1, Saul reigned one year and when he had reigned two years over Israel, Saul chose him three thousand men of Israel where with two thousand were with Saul and Michmash and in Mount Bethel and a thousand were with Jonathan and Gibeah of Benjamin and the rest of the people he sent every man to his tent. So he sends home all the troops is what's going on here but he only just keeps three thousand just in reserve. He's got two thousand with him and he's got one thousand with his son Jonathan. It doesn't mention here that it's his son but later on we're going to be more introduced to him as Saul's son. Now it's so important that our church is King James only and that we only use the King James Bible. Now I discovered something. I used to go to a church when I was a teenager where they preached out of the NIV and I remember how the NIV had butchered this verse in verse number 1. Now verse number 1 is not really that hard to understand. I've got all my phony Bibles here to show you what these other versions say but it's not really that hard to understand verse number 1 is it? Does anybody just perplexed and scratching your head at verse number 1? It basically says Saul reigned one year and when he had reigned two years over Israel Saul chose him three thousand men of Israel so it's not that hard to understand. Basically he gets one year of his reign under his belt and then once he's reigned two years he chooses these men and then the events of the story begin to play out right? Okay listen to what the NIV says and I discovered this when I was about 17 as a teenager and let me have a second to turn there. Just listen as you look down at your Bible in 1 Samuel 13 this is what the NIV says Saul was 30 years old when he became king and he reigned over Israel 42 years. Now is that even similar? I mean it's not even close it's not even the same thing and then it just says Saul chose three thousand men. So it doesn't even make sense like verse 1 doesn't even lead into verse 2 with any kind of a meaning it doesn't make any sense it just jumps into well he chose these guys well when did he do that? Why is he giving us how old he was and how long he reigned when nothing else in the book of 1 Samuel is like that at all? Well here's the funny part though if you go down to the bottom of the page in the NIV it has the little footnote where they explain it and at the bottom it says Hebrew does not have 40 you know it has it because remember it says 40 he reigned 42 years it says that the Hebrew doesn't have that they added that they added the 40 and then where it says that he was 30 years old it says Hebrew does not have 30 so they're basically they changed it to 30 years old when he began to reign and he reigned for 42 years then they put a note at the bottom saying well this isn't in the Hebrew we've added that I mean wouldn't the world sense does that make? So this is the New World translation which is the Jehovah's Witness Bible okay 1 Samuel 13 verse 1 Saul was question mark years old when he began to reign and for two years he reigned over Israel so now the Jehovah's Witness Bible is just putting a question mark he began to reign at some age okay I'm sure God wrote that in the Bible right and then it says he reigned for two years over Israel no he didn't he reigned for 40 years over Israel according to the book of Acts and so this is just totally bogus doesn't make any sense okay now here's the New American Standard Bible you know for those who are looking for something a little more accurate a little more theologically sound the New American Standard listen this Saul was 40 years old when he began to reign now remember the NIV added the word 30 and just said he's 30 this one says he's 40 years old and then at the bottom of the page it says the word 40 is not in the Hebrew so basically the NIV is just adding the word 30 because they feel like it the New American Standard is adding the word 40 and then the New World translation is just putting a question mark see with some age okay and then it says here and he reigned 32 years over Israel that contradicts the book of Acts where it says that he reigned for 40 years this is saying well he reigned 32 years okay now but thank goodness they've updated the New American Standard you know to fix stuff like this so this is the New American Standard Bible updated edition okay let's see what it says and you see the confusion though that comes from all these versions they all say something completely different and they all except the King James contradict the book of Acts all of them listen to this Saul was 30 years old when he began to reign and he reigned 42 years over Israel so basically the updated New American Standard just brings it into conformity with the NIV's made-up number that they added okay and then I got one more for you and this is my favorite one of all this one really take this takes the cake okay this is the Catholic Bible the Dewey Reams version Catholic version and you're not gonna believe me but you know you can look this up but this is really what it says Saul was a child of one year when he began to reign now the thing that's interesting about that is that he was head and shoulders above all the other people that's a big baby it says Saul and I looked this up in several different Dewey Reams Bibles because I couldn't I was like you know my reading this right and so I kept looking it up over and over again and sure enough it says Saul was a child of one year when he began to reign and he reigned two years over Israel so I guess he was three you know in this battle that we're gonna read about and he was head and shoulders above the people when he was one so anyway just that's why that's why you should always stay away from these people who are King James only they're crazy okay you know all Bibles are the same it's just a little easier to understand okay so don't ever listen to these King James only people try to tell you that so anyway let's get into the story here Saul reigned one year and it's good to be back to some sanity here Saul reigned one year and when he had reigned two years over Israel Saul chose him 3,000 men of Israel where with 2,000 men were with Saul and Mikmash and in Mount Bethel and a thousand were with Jonathan and Gibeah of Benjamin and the rest of the people he sent every man to his tent and Jonathan smote the garrison of the Philistines that was in Geba and the Philistines heard of it and Saul blew the trumpet throughout all the land saying let the Hebrews hear so this is our first introduction to Jonathan and and this is kind of how Jonathan is going to continue to be throughout the whole story of the book of 1st Samuel I mean here he is he's just put in charge of a thousand troops just to kind of stand guard just to kind of be there as a defense and then Saul's got his 2,000 well he just decides let's go attack the Philistines you know he just goes in and just attacks which is what he's going to continue to do in subsequent chapters which is why he liked David so much when he saw David go up against Goliath against all the odds he said man that's that's my kind of guy because that's what Jonathan did in chapter 14 and we're going to give that next week but he but he battles against a much bigger force and so forth so he basically attacks the Philistines well now the Philistines are mad because they've just been attacked so it says that Saul blew the trumpet throughout all the land saying let the Hebrews hear verse 4 and all Israel heard say that Saul had smitten the garrison of the Philistines and that Israel also was had an abomination with the Philistines and the people were called together after Saul to Gilgal so now they realize oh we've made the Philistines mad because they were just attacked by Jonathan and so now instead of just the 3,000 guys they try to call all the nation of the Hebrews together to fight a big war now against the Philistines verse 5 says this and the Philistines gathered themselves together to fight with Israel 30,000 chariots and 6,000 horsemen and people as the sand which is on the seashore in multitude and they came up and pitched and mick-mashed eastward from Beth-Haven now you say well why did you know now you got this huge army coming after you the Philistines why would Jonathan do that now it wasn't that Jonathan was just doing some kind of a preemptive warfare but you have to understand is that the Philistines had encroached upon the land of Israel and they had set up garrisons in the land of Israel they were basically a foreign occupied invading force in that area and so that's why Jonathan just decided to just attack the garrison okay well now they're sending out this huge army and by the way it's interesting if you if you look at this has nothing to do with this army but if you look at history I don't know if you know this but George Washington is actually the one who started the French and Indian war personally I don't know if anybody knows anybody know that yeah he actually just he just attacked this he was supposed to just be on more of a survey trip and a peacekeeping type of a tree he was trying to make some kind of a treaty and so forth but he just decided to just attack these this group of troops just cuz he knew he could beat him and then he basically started the French and Indian war some people debate whether it would have started anyway but he actually literally fired the first shot and started it that was before he was even famous or anybody knew who he was so just an interesting fact from history but that's pretty much what Jonathan did here he starts this huge war by making this attack and this huge group of the Philistines like the sand which is on the seashore in multitude chariots horses they're coming after them and when the men of Israel saw that they were in a straight verse 6 for the people were distressed then the people did hide themselves in caves and in thickets and in rocks and in high places and in pits so they don't have the boldness of Jonathan here they're all hiding and scared of course God has promised them over and over again that if they trust in him he'll be with them to deliver them but again just a total lack of faith that the children of Israel keep showing and they're just all hiding they're scattered they're there they're not ready for battle verse 7 and some of the Hebrews went over Jordan to the land of Gad and Gilead as for Saul he was yet in Gilgal and all the people followed him trembling so a lot of people even jump over or cross the river Jordan because if you remember the Philistines are on the coast of the here we go right here now the Philistines are on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea here and then the Jordan River goes like this and so the battle is right here will they cross the Jordan River to go to the other side where a few of the tribes remember the two and a half tribes resided on the other side of the Jordan River Moses allowed them to do that look at verse number 8 says at the end of verse 7 all the people followed him trembling so even the people that have not escaped across the river or hidden in the rocks and caves they're scared even the people that have stayed with Saul are trembling and scared they think they're all gonna die verse 8 and he tarried seven days that's talking about Saul according to the set time that Samuel had appointed but Samuel came not to Gilgal and the people were scattered from him so he's just constantly losing more troops constantly people are defecting they're scared they're getting out of there and Samuel was supposed to be there within seven days now Saul is kind of relying on Samuel you know number one to rally the people because remember Samuel's the one who has rallied them against the Philistines before Samuel's the one that has led them to victory and he prayed for them and sacrificed an offering unto the Lord and basically got God's blessing on what they're doing so when the people see that Samuel's not there that makes me even more nervous and he's supposed to be there within seven days well seven days rolls around Samuel's not there Saul said in verse 9 bring hither a burnt offering to me and peace offerings and he offered the burnt offering and it came to pass that as soon as he had made an end of offering the burnt offering and is it always like this behold Samuel came and Saul went out to meet him that he might salute him so Saul has now done what he's not supposed to do in that he offered the sacrifice only the priests were supposed to do that and Samuel was the high priest he was supposed to offer the sacrifice Saul took that upon himself well I'll just offer the sacrifice myself now you say well his heart was in the right place he's trying to get God's help he's seeking God he's offering a sacrifice he's doing a good thing and see a lot of people today they have this idea well as long as your heart's in the right place you're okay you know as long as you're trying to serve God the best that you know how as long as you're worshiping God in your own way you know God just he just wants your heart he just wants to know that you love him that's all that's all that matters but no the Bible is really clear God doesn't just expect people to just worship him in any way that they see fit he says that they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth and if you remember the Old Testament there were so many times where people all the way back to Cain and Abel you know Cain is bringing an offering to God isn't that nice he's taking his stuff and giving it to God but it wasn't what God had asked for and God did not have respect unto Cain's offering people will say respect all religions God didn't respect Cain and his false religion and there's nowhere in the Bible that tells us to respect other religions why would we respect lies why would we respect false doctrine why we respect false prophets that are sending people to hell I have no respect for them they're of the lowest of the people the Bible tells us and so we see here that you know Saul is disobeying God it doesn't matter whether he's worshiping God in his own way and no it didn't matter God rejected it Nadab and Abihu tried this in Leviticus chapter 10 when they offered strange fire unto the Lord which he commanded not and God said I didn't command that you're not going to just worship me however you want to do it and he but he killed them I mean he burned them up he said look you're gonna worship me the way that I told you to worship me say well God sounds really mean well you know put whatever label on it you want that's who God is he demands you to worship him in spirit and in truth and in holiness and he doesn't expect you to just just however you want to do it you know he wants us to obey the Bible and just because you say well you know I'm doing this in Jesus name well it better jive with the Bible you know you can't do something that's contrary to God's Word and say well I'm doing it for Jesus I'm doing it in his name I'm dedicating this to him he's not going to accept that from you he won't be pleased with that he only accepts worship that lines up with his word and so we see here that Saul has done a very bad thing and it might not seem that bad but wait till you see what the consequences are look at verse 11 and Samuel said what has thou done and Saul said because I saw that the people were scattered from me so even before he tells them what he did he starts making excuses right away because that I saw that the people were scattered from me and that thou came as not within the days appointed so now he starts to blame Samuel what's your fault for not showing up on time and that the Philistines gathered themselves together at Micmash therefore said I the Philistines will come down now upon me to Gilgal and I have not made supplication unto the Lord I forced myself therefore and offered a burnt offering so he's saying you know I had to force myself to do this I didn't want to do this did anyone force him to do this no he forced himself wow he did wrong and see he begins to blame other people and make excuses now look with Samuel late you know we don't know why Samuel was late maybe it wasn't Samuel's fault I mean maybe Samuel had a legitimate reason why he didn't show up on time something might have stopped him maybe it just wasn't humanly possible for him to get there we don't know but let's say Samuel was late let's say Samuel totally messed up and and you know he didn't set his alarm clock that morning or whatever and he completely showed up late that does not condone Saul committing sin because two wrongs don't make a right and just because other people let you down doesn't give you an excuse to do wrong just because they do you wrong it doesn't give you the right to do wrong and in today's society everybody has an excuse for everything and everybody wants to blame someone else when they do wrong that's the way everyone is today because that's what our society has taught us to think like and people want to just give a psychological disorder for every every problem you know there's probably some we need to come up with a psychological disorder when you force yourself to do things that you don't want to do you know maybe we can come up with some kind of a name for that maybe we can patent some kind of a drug that we can give people that force themselves to do things that they don't want to do and they could take that drug and then and then that you know and then it can be like $800 a bottle but the assurance and the government will pay for it and they'll be fine but the thing is people always want to blame everybody else for what they do wrong or they want to blame well I have this psychological disorder you know I'm just I'm just what are some of these ADD you know I'm just a special needs you know this this my special your child has a special need of a woman your child has a special need of the belt okay but you know they say all my child is special needs your kids a brat spank it lay down the law why are you letting a seven-year-old terrorize you you're an adult and today we want to blame a disorder oh it's ADD or ADHD or adult ADD you know I mean I guess that's what you end up growing up to be when you don't get a spanking as a kid or something you know I just can't stay focused on tapping I have attention deficit disorder I just don't have any patience to stay with the past it's called being lazy it's called playing too many video games it's called watching TV too much where you know even if you watch the same movie or the same TV show for a half hour an hour or two hours the screen is the camera angle is constantly changing changing changing changing you know you're watching a soap opera and it's like one story goes on for 30 seconds then you're on the next story then you're on the next story and there's a commercial you know there's no commercials when you're reading the Bible you just keep reading the same story and it just keeps going and there's no there's no jumping around and there's nothing exploding or no special effects and we live in a day where people have chosen to live the life of a six-year-old when they're 26 and then they just want to put some label on it well I can't stay focused when I'm at work now you don't want to stay focused you don't want to work you want to just play around and fool around and that's why and kids you know get distracted easily when they're allowed to get distracted easily and when they're forced to sit and listen in church that's what they're gonna do and when you just let them do whatever they want they're gonna bring their mother to shame the Bible says and so I want to blame everybody else people today that are adults want to blame their parents for every wrong thing that they do and say well my parents raised me wrong well get over it you're an adult now grow up you know let God's your father let him straighten you out get in the Bible get in God's Word and quit making excuses everybody has an excuse for why they can't come to church why they can't go soul-winning why they watch a bunch of stuff on the on the on the hella vision that they shouldn't be watching why they listen to the wrong music why they're divorced why they want to get remarried why they're committing adultery why they're looking at pornography it's a disorder where I just have to look at pornography you know that's a disorder that everybody has called sin it's called being a human being it's called the heart is deceitful above all things that desperately wicked who can know it but that's why we need to be saved and then we need to put on the new man and put on the Lord Jesus Christ and walk in the spirit so that will not obey the lust of the flesh and so don't fall into the trap of making excuses and blaming other people when you do wrong just admit it to God and confess to the Lord I have done wrong I have sinned I have made a mistake not blaming other people you know and I'm sure you can find a way to blame me for stuff well pastor Anderson you know he warped my mind with all this hard preaching I'm sure there's probably somebody who thinks that or pastor Anderson told me it was okay so I it must be okay and you know a lot of people have gone around saying that I said stuff was okay that I didn't say it was okay and some of these people want you to hear what they want to hear sometimes when I'm talking or when other people are talking and I'll be preaching and they'll take some little snippet of what I've said and twist it like well pastor Anderson said it's okay to you know here's a classic example people thought that it was okay people thought that I condone dating unsaved people now if I ever condone that can anybody tell me what sermon I condone young people dating those who are unsafe in fact I preached against that vehemently okay but yet people were going around saying at one point that I condone that I condone dating unsaved people no I condone getting unsaved people saved and then bringing them to church and then dating them in that order say or maybe church saved dating or saved church date none of this dating dating dating dating maybe now they'll come to church or maybe now we'll get them safe I never condone that but see people will hear what they want to hear so here's the moral of the story if you think I condone something that doesn't mean God can don't it even if I did say that which I never did and since every sermon is recorded it's pretty easy for me to prove that I never condone to that but even if I did say that would that make it right because I said and you know even if I said it and you're not gonna be able to stand before God I've heard a lot of people say this they said well you know I'm just gonna do what my pastor told me to do and when I get to heaven you know I'll just tell God hey I just trusted the guy that you put over me and that's not gonna work pastors today will condone just about anything you know and I hope that that's never me that's condoning the wrong stuff but there are sure a lot of other guys I heard about a pastor recently who he was he was preaching okay he's actually preaching the right preaching okay isn't that great and he was actually preaching against fornication okay and there was a person who had basically divorced from their spouse okay and was now living with someone that they're not married to are you listening to me they divorced their spouse and they're living in fornication living in sin with someone that they're not married to so this pastor preached against that situation of course the person left the church immediately go to 1st Corinthians 5 quickly I'm off on a rabbit trail we'll come right back to 1st Samuel 13 here but I'm I like going off on rabbit trails every once in a while so look at 1st Corinthians chapter 5 it's because I have to be like the I have to keep up with the TV so I have to do a little commercial break every once in a while so this is a word from our sponsor okay so so this this person goes to another independent fundamental Baptist Church across town are you listening to me and this is somebody who grew up in a Christian home that's that's doing this wicked activity of basically you know divorcing their spouse and then you know now they're just shacked up with someone okay well they go to another independent fundamental Baptist Church across town and that pastor just it's just fine with with her coming to church with her live-in boyfriend now look you say well yeah you got it is what he said and he was telling people in the church we need that we need to reach out to him we need to we need to love them and show compassion and then they criticize the real pastor across town and said well he's just he's just too new to the ministry that's why he doesn't he doesn't understand how this works yeah he hasn't been corrupted yet he hasn't become a phony yet he still stands on something and you know what people living together when they're not married it's it's fornication I mean these people are living in sin and and I'm sorry but it is wicked and it is not welcome in our church you say well everybody's welcome I saw a church yesterday when I was out sold he had a sign that said everyone's welcome don't put that sign in front of our church because look down at the Bible and you say well everybody ought to be look down at the Bible it says in verse 9 first Corinthians 5 9 everybody just take a good look at this verse I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators now what do you not understand about that are we supposed to hang around with fornicators or not and then look at the next verse yet not all together with the fornicators of this world or with the covetous or extortioners or with idolaters but then must he needs go out of the world so he's explaining to them he's like I don't want you to get the wrong idea I'm not saying that you have to stay away from every fornicator of the world or these other sins that he lists he said in that case you'd have to go out of the world because pretty much the world is fornicators but he clarifies what he means by that in verse 11 but now I've written unto you not to keep company if a man that is called a brother be a fornicator so he's explaining you know if you're if your unsaved co-worker is a fornicator wow what a shock they're not saying they're the world therefore speak to have the world in the world here at them worldly people are going to be worldly they're not saying they don't know God they're not a Christian they're going to live like that he's not saying you have to give them the cold shoulder now they shouldn't be your best friend obviously they shouldn't be your buddy you shouldn't be hanging out with them after work and whatever but you don't have to treat them bad you don't have to shun them you know you can have lunch with them that's not but he said you know what if somebody's called a brother okay and they're a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a railer or a drunkard you see that one or a drunkard or an extortioner with such and one no not to eat so am I supposed to eat with somebody who calls themselves a Christian that is a fornicator or a drunk the bible says no keep going he says for what am I to do to judge them also that are without do not ye judge them that are within he's rebuking them for not judging those that are within the church don't judge he says in verse 13 but them that are without God judge it therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person now does the bible tell us that there are people that we should put away from among ourselves because they're wicked yeah so if we have somebody in our church who's a Christian and again we're not talking I'm not talking about somebody who just got saved yesterday you know somebody just got saved they're not somebody who's called a brother they're just somebody who just got saved and they need to be taught though that they need to get out of that sin and if they're going to just continue in that sin and knock it out of it then you know they do need to be put away from us and just say well okay well then see you later you say well that sounds kind of harsh look I don't want my children growing up in a church where a bunch of people are shacked up and they're not married and everybody acts like it's normal everybody acts like it's fine that's going to defile them go to second corinthian chapter two while we're on this rabbit trail and we'll be back very soon to our regular sponsored programming go to second corinthian chapter two this is later on because we were in first corinthians where he's telling him hey get that stinking fornicator out of your church put away from among yourselves that wicked person get him out of there and by the way if I ever find out that one of the young people or young men of our church or young ladies of our church is in fornication I'm going to ask them to get out of here did you hear me if you're if you and look the people in our church ought to know better because the people in our church they've heard the bible preached they've been saved they they know what's going on and if they're going to live a fornicating life go living at the church down the street because you know what they'll love to have you they'll roll out the stinking red carpet for every fornicator that wants to come through the door but I'm not trying to have a church that's filled with a bunch of random people I'm trying to have a church filled with god's people who want to serve god who are not in rebellion against god and that's what faithful word baptist church is I didn't give my life and my time for the last five and a half years to start a church filled with fornicators where we can all get together with a bunch of fornicators and drunks and extortioners and and covetous people hey we're here together with like-minded believers and we don't want for no fornicators allowed did you hear me no fornicators allowed and if you're and I don't and you say well man do you know about something no I'm not preaching against anybody in particular I'm preaching this in advance you know I'm I don't know of anybody who's committing sin maybe god's just leading me to preach this and if I'm you know if you're the one I'm talking to then you're the one I'm talking to and I hope that it doesn't apply to anyone uh you know god forbid that it would apply to anyone in our church and I don't believe that it does but you know what if if you're hearing this and it does apply to you you know put if the shoe fits this is what it said anyway second Corinthians a little bit later on this guy who they told to throw out he actually ends up getting right with god he stops committing fornication he actually repents of that and he's sorry now now let's look at that it says in verse number uh second Corinthians chapter two uh he's explaining I'm going to blow past part of this just for saying now he's just explaining why he wrote to them why he was so harsh with them in first Corinthians and then he says in verse number five but if any have caused grief he have not grieved me but in part that I may not overcharge you all sufficient to such a man is this what punishment this is he's talking about the guy who had been committing fornication in first Corinthians chapter five he said sufficient to such a man is this punishment which was inflicted of many so that contrary wise you ought rather to forgive him and comfort him lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with over much sorrow wherefore I beseech you that you would confirm your love toward him and then he says in verse 10 to whom you forgive anything I forgive also for if I forgave anything to whom I forgave it for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ lest satan should get an advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices so and there's he talks more about this subject later in the book of second Corinthians but the bottom line is that this guy he was living in fornication but he ended he got straight with it he got right with it he quit his sin and he said he was sorry now he was punished by many people basically they threw him out of the church and said get away from us we don't want anything to do with you you know hit the road jack and don't you come back and you know what that's what they were supposed to do that's what they were told to do and he was thrown out but when he realized I mean that was a wake-up call to him now notice while he's in church living in sin he's just going to keep doing it once they threw him out of the church that helped him you say oh but we need to have compassion on him and keep him with no you know he needs the preaching wait a minute the best thing that ever could happen this guy was when somebody confronted him and said hey you're committing a wicked sin you need to leave you can't be here anymore and then he realized what have I done now I can't even come to church I've been thrown out of the church so then he said okay you know I'm gonna get this right I'm gonna get out of fornication and then when he got it right he came back and Paul told him you know what you need to reach out to this guy comfort him love him forgive him so people can live things down people can can get right with God and get back on track and then he said you know what don't don't chastise the guy any further he's already been punished just love him encourage him but you know what the pastors of today want to do they want to just jump right to chapter two here of second Corinthians they want to bypass first Corinthians five and just go straight to second Corinthians two where somebody does is living in fornication and we just love them and just tell them it's okay we you know we're just we just want to be an encouragement to you at least you're in church at least you came to church oh I'm so impressed that you dragged your fornicating carcass to church there's nothing impressive about that amen you get right with God and then come to church and you say oh you only want perfect people no I didn't say perfect people I said people that aren't fornicators there's only a few sins that God listed where he said you can't come to church and fornication is one of them and this is why it's so bizarre that people would allow homosexuals to come to church God doesn't even allow fornicators in church that are normal let alone some sodomites I mean did you see how weird our society has gotten today and so we see that when they're get right with God then we forgive them then we love them then we bring them back into the fold we don't just sit there and say yeah let's go to lunch after church together you know fornicating friend of mine no and the thing is my sister I remember my sister she was going through a time in her life where she you know she wanted to get more involved in church and so she went to this we were at this church and it was a liberal church it was some NIV church it was during that time of our life and we were you know in in the wilderness in that regard and so we were at this church she goes to this class and it was a it was a singles class you know a lot of churches they break it down by age like a sunday school and they'll have like a teenagers and then they'll have like a college and career or singles type of a class and then they'll have like a young married class well she went to the singles class and they were going to have an activity with some kind of a barbecue and they literally at a baptist church they went to a barbecue at the home of some singles that were living together in fornication they hosted the singles barbecue a man and woman who were living together in fornication and you know what my sister's and you know my sister's trying to get some spiritual meat here she's trying to grow she's trying to get uh you know some some some good uh some good influence in her life by going to church which is i mean isn't that why you go to church i mean you're trying to go the right direction she looked at that and said you know this is church this is church and she quit going to that church you know because it was a you know you for obvious reasons and so but that kind of thing goes on everywhere and i mean the church that i was referring to earlier that's saying you know embrace the fornicator and her and her fornicating uh uh boyfriend you know what that's an independent fundamental baptist soul-winning king james only church criticizing the guy who's actually read first corinthians five who actually believed the bible and and and ripping on him saying he's immature well i'm immature too then i must be like so one year old that's about you know that's about my that's the maturity level apparently you know if you actually yo oh you're still in that you're still in that stage of pastoring where you still follow the bible we'll give you a little we'll give you a little time brother to catch up with us and then you'll realize it's just fill the chair with whoever will sit in it you know whatever go back to i'm saying okay now back to our regular scheduled program first samuel 13 everybody wants to blame someone else don't they and everybody wants to make excuses for sin and everybody wants to blame everybody else for their fornicating and adultery and you know if you and you know you say how in the world did you even get off on that because i was saying you'll find a pastor that'll condone fornication you'll find a pastor that'll condone any lifestyle you want to live there will be a pastor that'll condone it for you and and you know if you ever get thrown out of faith for a baptist church which you know we don't we rarely have had to tell anybody to hit the road and the reason why is because they can't handle the preaching when they're living in sin that's that's the best way to do it just preach them out that's the way to do it but you know we've rarely had to tell people i i told a fornicating couple they needed to either you know stop you know stop living together get and they were new believers you know so i i taught them i preached it to them and i gave them the time to learn and so forth and then after that time had gone by i sat down with them and and you know i said and by the way our church was small back in the early days and we would have loved to have just a few more bodies in the auditorium and i told him i said you know what i said pretty much you have three options and i was kind and loving i showed them in the bible i said you can either get married or stop living together or stop coming to church those are your three options it's called following the bible it's called having integrity and caring about the integrity of god's house everyone welcome has become just a mantra to people it's not in the bible i didn't see that verse everyone welcome but he says here in uh in verse number where were we what verse were we in somebody helped me out yeah he forced himself verse 12 and samuel said to saul thou has done foolishly thou has not kept the commandment of the lord thy god which he commanded thee for now would the lord have established thy kingdom upon israel forever you see by the way when you say why do you preach so hard about this you know what it even when i preach this way sin creeps in sometimes and if you if i don't preach like this it just becomes a sin fest and a lot of baptist churches are just a sin fest i mean just sin is everywhere the youth group the young people is just filled with with sodomites literally i talked to somebody they said recently they said in their youth group there were four sodomites in their youth group and an independent fundamental baptist church you know every christian school kid i've ever talked to you said oh yeah this one's a sodomite this one's a it becomes a sin fest of fornication sodomy drunkenness and wickedness when the preaching of god's word goes soft and you say well this preaching's a little too hard for me well listen just get out of here then just get out of here i'm sick of looking at you glaring at me while i'm preaching then but it says in first samuel chapter 13 and samuel said to saul thou has done foolishly thou has not kept the commandment of the lord thy god which he commanded thee for now would the lord have established thy kingdom upon israel forever now i don't know how a calvinist is going to understand this verse god said if you would have done right to saul i would have established your kingdom forever but because you messed up you're not going to be in this kingdom forever would he have been well no because you know god had it all planned god's the one who planned for him to mess up no the ball is in your court and again this goes back to blaming other people you can't blame other people and you can't blame god can't say and don't see the devil made me do it or god made me do it or it was all god's will god's using this you know i've seen people commit adultery and then say why you know i think that was god's will because god used that so i could help other people who've committed adultery no god's will was that saul did right god's plan was that saul would have obeyed and his kingdom would have gone on forever just like david's did but he said because you've broken the commandment of the lord your kingdom will not be established forever verse 14 thy kingdom should not continue the lord hath sought him a man after his own heart and the lord hath commanded him to be captain over his people because thou has not kept that which the lord commanded thee so samuel is definitely not a calvinist says in verse 15 and samuel arose and and got him up from gilgal on the gibeah of benjamin and saul numbered the people that were present with him about 600 men so now he's down to 600 troops remember before he had 2000 he's down to only 600 men and it says and saul and jonathan his son and the people that were present with him abode and gibeah of benjamin but the philistines encamped in mcmash and the spoilers came out of the camp of the philistines and three companies one company turned under the way that leaded to oprah under the land of shoal and another company turned the way to bethoron and another company turned to the way of the border that look at to the valley of zeboam toward the wilderness now we're not going to see how this battle turns out in this chapter it's going to be in the next chapter okay thank god things are going to turn around because things don't look very good right now saul has disobeyed the commandment of the lord he's told by samuel your kingdom is not going to continue god's going to find somebody else to take your place he's going to find him a man after his own heart of course that's going to be david he numbers the people that are left that have not scattered from him he's only got 600 guys so look notice when you take things into your own hands and do wrong and disobey god does it does god i mean is that going to work out for you no because the whole reason why he offered the sacrifice when he wasn't supposed to is because he didn't want the people to scatter from him remember he said well i saw people scattering from me so i did this well did him offering that sacrifice stop the people from scattering no it's down to 600 guys so it looks pretty bleak the philistines are starting to send in these spoiling expeditions to come in and attack these raiding parties he's only got 600 troops the philistines have an army the numbers like the sandwiches by the seashore it looks like this prophecy might come through pretty quick about his kingdom not continuing you know we don't know what's gonna in chapter 14 we're gonna see the outcome and uh thankfully things turn around but look if you would have verse 19 it says now there was no smith found throughout all the land of israel this is talking about like a blacksmith or a some a smith is basically just a metal worker could be like a silversmith the blacksmith so forth there was no smith found throughout all the land of israel for the philistines said lest the hebrews make them swords but all the israelites went down to the philistines to sharpen every man his share and his coulter and his axe and his matic yet they had a file for the maddox and for the coulters and for the forks and for the axes and to sharpen the goads so it came to pass in the day of battle that there was neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any of the people that were with saul and jonathan but with saul and with jonathan his son was there found and the garrison of the philistines went out to the passage of mcmash so they get to the battle sauls only got 600 guys with him one sword he's got a sword everybody else that's following him basically just has these various tools the the the file for the maddox the coulters and the forks and the axes so they basically have axes but it's not like a battle axe it's basically an axe that's used for chopping wood they've got the coulters the maddox they just are using tools as weapons because the philistines are not allowing them to have swords now let me explain to you when the government is telling you that you can't have a weapon you know that's an oppressive government now here this is a foreign occupying army of the philistines who's occupying israel and they say wait a minute we want to keep them oppressed we want to keep them enslaved we're not going to allow them to have weapons and they took away all the weapons out of their hands now look if you would keep your finger there we're almost done but look at luke chapter number 22 luke 22 matthew mark luke in the new testament look at luke chapter 22 this is jesus christ speaking and this is just shortly before he's crucified and it says in verse number 35 and he said unto them and he's referring to back when he first sent him out soul winning in matthew chapter 10 or luke chapter 10 and he sent him out to preach the gospel in all the towns and villages he says when i sent you without purse and strip and shoes lacked you anything and they said nothing because he sent them out and he said don't even bring two coats he said don't bring any money don't bring any extra shoes he said don't bring anything just go with the shirt on your back and just go soul just go preach because he said that basically people would take care of them as they went you know they would come into a house and they would just stay at people's houses and just basically just by faith just to you know expect god to provide meals and a place to stay and so he sent them out on that mission and they said we didn't lack anything when we needed shoes shoes were available when we needed a meal when we needed a bed to sleep on it was there for us that's a you know that shows god can provide for us can't he he provided for them and they had nothing he says uh did you lack anything they said nothing then said he unto them but now he that have a purse let him take it and likewise his script and he that have that'd be like your wallet i guess he said uh and he that have no sword let him sell his garment and buy one for i say unto you that this is that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me and he was reckoned among the transgressors for the things concerning me have an end verse 38 and they said lord behold here are two swords and he said to them it is enough so i don't see jesus being against people owning weapons and i've heard people trying to say today you know what would jesus think about you carrying a gun and people people have come to church people come to our church wearing a gun and sometimes people just flip out like it's like they saw a tarantula or something it's like they you know they what what is it what talk tell me oh you know like it's just like it's gonna just kill them like it's just gonna jump out of the holster and just bang bang bang bang now look i'll be honest with you listen to me now i'll be honest if somebody walked up to me with a gun on their belly and if somebody walked up to you with a sword on their belt i would be more scared of the sword of the sword who's with me i would be more who'd be more afraid of the gun nobody wants to disagree with me come on yeah there we go yeah well i guess it depends on what kind of guy it was but anyway you know a store is pretty scary it reminded me my mom told me that my mom is a flight attendant and she told me that shortly after september 11th like just a few months after this guy was getting she she worked for american airlines and this guy was getting on the airplane with a chainsaw okay he had it you know like in the black case but the case is like in the shape of a chainsaw you know what i'm talking about he made it through security with a chainsaw and it was just when he was just going down the jet bridge onto the plane like he's already made it through the ticket counter the the security that that is that a flight attendant stopped him and said you know no i mean you think those 9 11 box cutters were bad i mean i mean if somebody came at me with a gun versus a chainsaw i'd be more scared of the chainsaw but the bible's not talking about a chainsaw you know we're talking about a sword here and a sword is a serious weapon you know a lot of times we think of just well in the age of guns you know all other weapons are obsolete you know a sword is a pretty serious weapon you know and if you if you if you wound someone with a sword they're probably more likely to die than if you wound someone with a gunshot wound you know depending on but but all things considered i would say that a sword is is at least as deadly if not more deadly than a than a gun is i mean a sword is a very deadly weapon and it's it's going to not take long to uh to to uh injure someone or hurt someone with a sword and so jesus here is telling his apostles basically carry a sword now were they just blowing smoke when they said well we have two swords were they just figuratively speaking no because a little later peter's gonna pull out his sword right and chop somebody's ear off with it okay remember malkus okay he's in the garden and basically peter gets the wrong idea and he doesn't understand that jesus is you know going to die on the cross he thinks he's supposed to fight he just whips out a sword and just you know and i don't think he was just trying to take off his ear i think he's trying to take off his head and he ended up just taking off the ear and then of course jesus heals his ear and says you know put up thy sword into the sheep he says don't live by the sword if you live by the sword you'll die by the sword but that doesn't mean that we don't need a sword for defense and that's what jesus is saying here he's not saying you know go sell your garment and buy a sword so that we can go you know attack and take over what he's referring to is a defensive weapon he's saying look you know you need a sword to defend yourself he's not because he didn't want peter to go on the offense but he is telling him to have a sword so there's nothing wrong with being armed and we ought not be afraid or flipped out i mean would we have freaked out if we saw the apostles walking into church this morning and they had swords on them i mean would that just flip us out and you say well times change well for some people they change you know for some people they don't this is an old-fashioned church so jesus is saying have a sword anyway back to first samuel basically it's an oppressive government that wants to take all the weapons away because they want you to be defenseless they want you to be at their mercy and that's why when our country was founded it was codified in the bill of rights that the right of the people to keep and bear which means carry arms shall not be infringed and so that's why they took away their weapons but you know let's talk about the spiritual application that's the physical application you know nothing wrong with being armed were all of the disciples armed no because there were 11 guys there and only two of them were armed now we have a much higher percentage in our church that's armed we have about we have about two and eleven that are not armed no i'm just kidding and that includes the women and children no i'm just kidding just kidding but anyway uh we do have a higher percentage than that i'm sure but two out of eleven so he's not saying you know you have to everybody be armed he said well two is enough you know and i think we have enough swords in our church you know that we don't need it we we definitely don't need to hire a security guard right we definitely don't need we don't need this right be writing a check to securitas anytime soon okay so uh but but let's talk about the spiritual application the spiritual application here if you think about the philistes are wicked and they represent the devil and the devil wants to take the sword out of our hand because you know what the we wrestle not against flesh and blood you know again but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places and the bible says the weapons of our warfare are not carnal our weapons are not carnal or physical fleshly weapons you see that gun that you have at your side right now oh arizona faithful we're a baptist church member is not the weapon of your warfare you know it's a defensive implement which is fine you know to be able to defend yourself but it's not the weapon of your warfare i you know unless there's something about you that i don't know you know what i mean you're not we're not in a war and you're not using that weapon for warfare it's just to be used for a defensive weapon and when peter used it offensively he was told that he might have felt that he was using it defensively to defend jesus but of course jesus was explaining him look this is all part of the plan here now the weapons of our warfare are spiritual weapons and the bible says that we're to take the whole armor of god and the sword of the spirit which is the word of god now the devil would love to take this sword out of your hand that he might win the battle more easily that you might be a sitting duck to his attack and and some of you would you know in our church maybe wouldn't be caught dead you know without your firearm out of the house you know but this is really what ought to be with you at all times even more important than a than a and maybe maybe not the physical book but in your heart memorized you know meditated upon in your cd player if it's if it's the bible on cd carry a new testament in your pocket you know but you know if you're gonna carry a weapon you know boy carry the ultimate weapon because this is the real battle much more i mean chances are you'll never have to use that gun on your i hope you never have to use it i hope i never have to use my shotgun you know but it's there but i hope i never have to use it right but i know i'm going to use this so if i have to choose between the shotgun or this i'll take this any day of the week hands down this is the weapon that i can't live i can live without physical weapons but i cannot war without this weapon you cannot be a soul winner without this weapon you will not win listen to me you will not win souls without this this is the seed of the word of god that produces life that wins souls that faith coming by hearing and hearing by the word of god this is your weapon right here and the devil would love to take this weapon out of your hand and out of your mind out of your heart and he'll replace it with with some kind of a kitchen knife you know instead of the sword of the word of god he'll give you the butter knife of the niv that you might spread you know the enemy he'll he'll replace it with uh you know a fork right a fork of the new american standard version and he'll try to get you to replace it with something that's not as sharp not as effective not as quick and powerful as the real word of god the king james bible and you know you say why king james well i mean were you here at the beginning of the sermon and what a bunch of confusion what a bunch of nonsense the bible tells us that saul reigned you know 40 years and they're saying 32 42 he's a one-year-old he's a you know he's he's 30 he's 40 it's a bunch of nonsense it's a bunch of confusion and so we need to make sure that we have the sword of the spirit you know uh is it wrong to have a physical weapon to defend yourself no jesus even recommended it to people and said you know you need to have some what you know uh we have to okay that's enough go fine but this is what we ought to have the ultimate weapon right here the word of god and don't let the devil take it from us that's about our heads in that word of father we thank you so much for your work