(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) and powers. Thank you for the opportunity that we get to congregate tonight. We thank you for all the souls that were one this past week. We thank you for all the souls that were one today. Please bless Pastor Anderson and let his message pertain to our life today. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Amen. 1 Peter chapter 3. I want to start at the beginning of the chapter here where the Bible reads, likewise ye wives be in subjection to your own husbands that if any obey not the word they also may without the word be won by the conversation about the behavior of Christian wives and how important this is. This is an important subject today because our society has it all wrong when it comes to gender roles. They have it all wrong with even what gender they are for crying out loud and you expect them to understand how a marriage is gonna work or what the role of a husband is versus the role of wife. So we need biblical teaching on this because you're not gonna get this perspective anywhere else. Out in the world they've got it all wrong. We need to go back to the Word of God. The first point that he gives here is that the wives are to be in subjection to their own husbands. That means that there's an authority structure there. There's a chain of command. The husband is the head of the wife, the Bible tells us, even as Christ is the head of the church. And so that's what subjection means. It means that she is under his authority. That's what it means. The Bible's crystal clear on this and he goes on to make some interesting statements here. Right after that he says that, so he's giving a result here, right? So if the wives are in subjection to their own husbands, what's the result gonna be? That if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives. Now let's stop and break this down. The first thing I want to point out here is that some people would try to use this verse to say that you can get saved without the Word of God. Because there are so many scriptures that tell us that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. The Bible says receive sower, the sower soweth the Word. Acts 11 14 he shall tell thee words whereby thou and all thy house may be saved. How about 1st Peter, just a few chapters earlier than this, where it says being born again, chapter 1 verse 23, being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God, without the word by the conversation of the wives. And the conversation, yes when we say conversation we're talking about the way that we talk and interact with other people and that's part of what the Bible means with conversation. But the the King James Bible word conversation is a little broader than that. It's not just our conversations but it's also just the way that we live our lives in general every area of the way that we live our lives. So through their lifestyle they will win over their husband without the word. Now here's the way this works. First someone hears the gospel with words, right? They actually hear scripture, they actually hear the Word of God and they don't end up getting saved. Then they're won over by the testimony, they're won over by the lifestyle. You see this type of lifestyle evangelism should not replace the Word but rather it should be something that augments what the Word has done. It's something that that actually supplements the Word, okay? Now obviously it can be a little bit sensitive when the Word of God is being preached to someone who is above you in authority. So for a child to preach the Word of God to their parents or for an employee to preach the Word of God to their boss or for a wife to preach their husband sometimes even for a younger brother to preach the Word to an elder brother this can be a little bit sensitive sometimes just because of the fact that you know things typically go the other way from an authority standpoint. And so sometimes a wife preaching the Word to her husband or maybe giving him the gospel again and again could sometimes become maybe seen as badgering or irritating or out of line. And so if a wife has given her husband the gospel and he rejects the gospel maybe the answer is not necessarily to just keep preaching to him. You've already preached it to him. Maybe the answer is for you to let your light so shine so that he'll see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven. And so without the Word you can win him over just with your lifestyle. But this is not telling us that that's how we evangelize in general just just win people over through our lifestyle. But I will say this this same principle could work in other areas of life if I gave somebody the gospel and they weren't interested they blew me off they wouldn't really listen they didn't really care I gave them one verse I gave him the whole plan whatever but either way they didn't receive it. You know if I continue living the Christian life in their presence they may begin to respect me and actually want to hear what I have to say or think you know what there must be something to this because this guy or this gal is such a great testimony that it makes me more interested in hearing the gospel. And the reverse could also be true if we are the worst worker or a helpful worker on the job then people are going to probably be a lot more likely to listen to what we have to say. So we don't want to misunderstand chapter 3 verse 1 here into saying that somehow people get saved without the Word. No it's they hear the Word by the testimony by the lifestyle. I hope that you can see that distinction there. Not only that but you could also interpret this verse another way where it's not even about salvation at all because obviously obeying the Word could be applying to obeying the gospel as far as obeying the fact that we're to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior but you know this doesn't necessarily have to even be about salvation you know what if there's a situation where you just have a husband who's saved but maybe he's just not obeying the Word in other areas maybe he's just sort of backslidden or living a sinful life well again preaching at him as his wife is not always necessarily going to be the most effective thing you know you could maybe say hey this is what the Bible says but if he's not receiving it badgering him and repeating it over and over again may not be the answer same thing with your parents by the way you know you show something from the Bible to your parents and your parents reject it well you're their child they're your parent you need to deal with them with respect and hitting them with it over and over again may not be the most effective way to reach them so you preach the Word to them then you model the way with your lifestyle with your conversation and they see your testimony they see your good works they see your light shine and they glorify your Father which is in heaven and then they're receptive to what you have to say so this could actually also be applied to other areas of life but you know there are so many Christian wives out there who fancy themselves so much more spiritual than their husband and they're constantly preaching to him and trying to straighten him out and trying to lead him spiritually sometimes it might even be true maybe the wife is much more spiritual than her husband but guess what it is still not her job to lead the home spiritually sorry but it just isn't the husband is the head of the home the husband's the head of the wife and just because the wife's more spiritual it doesn't mean now she should just take over the spiritual leadership it's our telling her husband what to do now look obviously she can lead the children spiritually because they're under her authority and she can provide spiritual training to her children that maybe dad's not providing yeah mom can provide spiritual teaching and training to the children that should be happening anyway even if dad is providing it mom provides even more but let me tell you something women constantly preaching to their husbands badgering their husbands trying to straighten out their husbands on doctrine or anything else is a recipe for a bad marriage and he's probably just gonna become more this mistake I've been a pastor for 16 years and I've seen it over and over again and you know it always blows my mind how women will even just publicly criticize their husband it's wicked you should never publicly criticize your husband for any reason okay you say well you don't know what you married him you chose to marry that guy you chose to spend the rest of your life with that guy and when you married that guy you made a commitment to be in subjection to him to follow him he's the leader and you have no business talking bad about him to other people and I said publicly you know don't talk bad about him privately either tell it to Jesus or shut up but don't go around talking smack about your husband but I can't even count how many times I've seen especially on social media oh my husband is involved in this and oh my husband is sinning in this way folks that is not right for you to put that out there and criticize your husband in that way and you want to straighten out your husband look you know here's how you straighten out your husband you could you can show them the word once either receives it or doesn't pray about it pray that God will change his heart and do a work in his heart and improve the situation and then you just might have to grin and bear it because he's your husband and you married him and nobody forced you to marry him and I don't know unless you grew up in India or something but you know chances are in America nobody forced you to marry that guy okay you made that decision and you must live with the decision that you have made and it's it's a such a shameful thing when women will just go right oh yeah my husband there's my husband that just talking about about their husband and trying to straighten him out and I'll be honest with you a lot of these women who think they're so much more spiritual than their husband I'm looking at both and I'm thinking like no you're not no and like I said they're there I'm sure there are many situations where the wives are more spiritual than husbands but you know what I'll bet you in those situations where the wives are more spiritual than husbands I probably don't hear about it because the wife who's actually more spiritual than her husband is probably not going around telling everybody that the one who's going around telling everybody usually isn't because they've got this great big beam in their eye of going around and talking smack about their god-given leader and then they're worried about the moat that is in their husband's eye when they got the great big beam in their own eye of I go around and tell everybody all the bad stuff about my marriage and about my husband when you ought to have a meek and quiet spirit the Bible says and so you know you are not responsible for raising your husband his parents did that okay you are his wife not his mother and so it's not your job to train him and it make him do what you believe he's supposed to do and so forth and you know what what cracks me up is there are these people out there called like head covering Baptists and these women do like these head coverings or they put like a doily on their head or whatever it's a hundred percent unbiblical in 1st Corinthians chapter 11 it's crystal clear that the covering that the Bible's talking about is long hair on women women are supposed to have long hair men are supposed to have short hair that's what the Bible is saying if you read 1st Corinthians 11 and I'll prove it to you beyond any shadow of a doubt just real quick it's not what the sermons about so I'm just gonna very quickly touch on this but here's the thing in 1st Corinthians 11 the Bible acts like that it should be intuitive he says you know judging yourselves is is it is it comely for a woman to pray to God uncovered like does it sit well with you does it nature itself teach you this is the kind of language that he uses over and over again 1st Corinthians 11 that whatever 1st Corinthians 11 is about should be intuitive it should be something clear obvious that even nature itself kind of shows us or or that you know we should be able to judge in ourselves is it comely for a woman to pray unto God uncover but here's what's so funny about that if we read the Old Testament what do we see in the Old Testament we see that men of God are constantly wearing a hat constantly all the time the priest part of the priests outfit that he's commanded to wear includes a hat so riddle me this if men in the Old Testament are constantly wearing hats if the priests while they're doing the job of praying and prophesying are commanded to wear a hat while they pray prophesy then how in the world would that just reverse in 1st Corinthians 11 where now women have to wear the hat and men can't and this should be obvious to everyone it doesn't nature itself I mean judging yourselves think about how ridiculous is this because here's the thing everybody emphasizes in 1st Corinthians 11 the women with head cover but he says that the man cannot cover his head while praying or prophesying well okay so what's the high priest supposed to do when God told him to do that so this shows that they are interpreting it wrong if the Old Testament doesn't jibe with the New Testament you're interpreting something wrong now what's my interpretation 1st Corinthians 11 it's talking about long hair men are not to pray or prophesy having long hair women are not to pray or prophesy having short hair if women have short hair they're dishonoring their head their husband if men have long hair they're dishonoring their head Christ that's how things are defined within that passage now there's a bit of a rabbit trail and you can go study 1st Corinthians 11 on your own but while you're studying 1st Corinthians 11 don't forget to go back to the Old Testament and read about all the prophets and priests wearing hats on their head okay so apparently there's nothing wrong with wearing a hat you know and I see some hats right now and you know what I've had people get on YouTube and whine about how they saw the back of somebody's head wearing a hat or whatever and let me just tell you something I'm okay with you wearing that hat right now all right I got your back all right guys because you know what that's there's nothing in the Bible that says that these guys can't wear a hat in here and you know obviously people you know okay sorry it doesn't go with your cowboy Christian culture to you know take off the hat and pray or whatever guess what I don't care I'm in the business of preaching the Word of God you can take off your hat when you pray all you want but you can also leave it on as far as I'm concerned because it's not a biblical issue except for people who are misunderstanding scripture and if men are gonna take off their hat when they pray I guess they might as well dress their wife up like a nun or a Muslim or whatever to while they're at it but I'm gonna do neither my wife's not gonna dress like a nun or a Muslim in fact next time I preach on this subject I'm gonna preach on it wearing a hat while I preach on it and I should have always preached on it when I were wearing a hat I don't know why I didn't think of that sooner you know I'm tempted to preach all my service at a hat no I'm just kidding can I borrow that hat for a second but the point is though you're like what is the point because that was a bit of a rabbit trail okay but it's about to come it's about to connect all right it's about to make sense I can't even count and my wife could testify to this too how many times you see women complaining on social media oh I just really want to wear a head covering and my husband doesn't want me to because he thinks it's too weird what do I do and then all the head covers are like you need to obey God rather than man and you need to wear that head covering and whether he likes it or not but what's so stupid about that is that literally in 1st Corinthians chapter 11 the woman having her head covered which it defines as long hair shows her submission to her husband and it says that if she doesn't do it then she's dishonoring her head and her head is her husband and the head of the man is Christ and the head of Christ is God so define irony you know a woman basically saying to her husband you better let me submit to you and he's like I don't know you're gonna do it let me wear this thing to show how obedient I am while I trash you publicly online for not letting me wear it what a hypocrite what kind of a stupid you you want to put something on your head to show how submitted to your husband you are when he's telling you not to do it you're not obeying him and you're criticizing him publicly so here you are all like oh my husband is so spiritual what do I do and then you got your stupid doily on your head put that thing back in the coffee maker that coffee filter on your head put that thing back in the coffee maker and make your husband a cup of coffee and do what he said to do put that doily back under the teapot where it belongs alright let's give him beloved let's go back to the text here you know instead of badgering your husband and and beating him over the head with scripture you know why don't you understand the way life works is that because he is your authority you have to treat him with respect and reverence and yes tell him what the Word of God says but if he doesn't agree with it if he doesn't obey it if he doesn't believe it it doesn't mean you go on social media what I do my husband won't obey the Bible you know what you actually do is you start modeling what a good Christian life looks like and you start worrying about yourself and worrying less about him and start worrying about yourself because you know why don't you get your own life in order and get your own heart right and then let God work on your husband's heart but you're more worried about straightening him out you haven't even straightened yourself out and and wives are constantly saying like well I'd be a good submissive wife if my husband blah blah blah no you wouldn't if you're not one now you wouldn't be one then because guess what husbands are supposed to love their wives no matter what husbands are supposed to love their wives whether they're submissive or not so I can't say like well I'd love my wife if she were submissive that doesn't work that way does it I'm supposed to love my wife period it might I don't care if my wife were just a completely rebellious feminist I'm supposed to love my wife and I don't care if your husband is totally unspiritual or whatever he is you're supposed to obey your husband and submit to your husband to love your husband because the Bible says so you know and you can always whine and make excuses but at the end of the day we're to do what the Bible says the Bible says the wives should be in subjection to their own husbands even if they don't obey the Word of God verse 1 is saying be subject to the ones that don't obey the Bible that maybe aren't even saved or maybe they are saved they don't obey the Word did he say in verse 1 of chapter 3 be in subjection to your own husbands unless they don't obey the Word is that what it says unless they're a bad leader unless they don't obey the Bible unless they're not saved no the Bible specifically says the guy who's not saved the guy who's not obeying the Word submit to that guy that's what this verse is specifically saying that's the exact situation so how could you walk away from this text and say well I only have to submit to my husband if he's a godly Christian well I guess husbands only have to love their wife if she's just a godly perfect wife that's garbage it's a false doctrine the Bible is clear husbands are to love their wives period wives are to submit to their husband period end of story all right we got through verse 1 let's let's keep going here so the husbands will be won by the actually we're not done with verse 1 I'm sorry there's a lot more to say about verse 1 notice the plurals it's kind of interesting that this is plural because you'd expect it to be singular since a marriage consists of one man and one woman but yet we see plural husbands that if any obey not the word that's plural they also may without the word be won not by the conversation of their wife even necessarily but by the conversation of their of the wives so the husbands are won by the conversation of the wives now why is that important why is that significant to this plural the significance is that you know it's not just your marriage that you're affecting when you are either a godly submissive wife or not you're actually affecting the people around you because imagine if we have a church full of wives that are godly submissive loving wives that actually follow the word of God when it comes to marriage that's gonna that's gonna affect all of us you know when we have a hundred positive examples of the right kind of wife that creates the right culture in our church and if we add a hundred examples of the the feminist kind of wife the wrong kind of wife then that's also going to have a negative impact isn't it so when it says the husbands are won by the chase conversation of the wise yes obviously that's referring to them looking at the testimony of their own wife but they might also just think to themselves you know down at the Baptist Church in general marriages are going the way they're supposed to go down in the Baptist Church in general wives are submitting their husbands families are in their proper alignment and proper balance and that is a good testimony too so there's not even just the individual testimony but there's also the testimony of Christian wives in general or Christian husbands in general because think about it sometimes people will just say oh you know divorce rates are the same amongst Christians and worldly people that's kind of a bad testimony right when they say hey the divorce rates the same whether you're Christian or not Christian that's a bad testimony wouldn't it be better if the statistic showed that divorce rates were way lower among Christians I'd be like all right good this is good for our image good for our testimony good for letting our light shine right if Baptist women were known as being just these loudmouth broads is that going to bring more hair-legged men to Christ or not so it's not even just the individual but it's also just wives in general doing right and and again we can even take this outside of marriage because you say well I'm not married so I'm going to tune out of the sermon well tune in buddy you know because number one you may be married someday or number two maybe this will tell you why your marriage already failed last time or number three you know you can apply this to other areas of life it's not just the wives trying to win the husband's what if we want to win our boss at work what if we want to win our parents to Christ what if we want to win our elder siblings to Christ or whatever the same principle applies you know if what if what if in general there's a reputation that says well you know when you have these evangelical Christians working for you they're the best employees is that a good testimony versus well I don't want to hire evangelical Christians because they're the worst workers I'd rather hire them Hindus I'd rather hire the Muslims I'd rather hire the atheists you know that's not we don't want that to be said we want it to be that God's people are going to be a reliable trustworthy hard-working employee so whether you're a wife whether an employee whether your child what whatever you know you want to have a good testimony not just so that you can win your loved ones the Lord but so that other people can win their loved ones the Lord because you know what we're all a team here and if if anybody is having a bad testimony it ends up just hurting the name of Christ in general or helping the name of Christ on the positive side now I'm done with verse actually I'm not done with verse 1 go to Titus chapter 2 and let's keep talking about verse 1 here Titus chapter 2 and then also if you want to you could put a finger over in 1st Timothy 6 because that's where we're going next so in Titus chapter 2 we have somewhat of a parallel here and it talks about the behavior of women and it says that that they may teach the young women verse 4 of Titus chapter 2 that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet chaste keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands that the word of God be not blasphemed so what happens according to this scripture if women are not sober they don't love their husbands they don't love their children they're indiscreet and what they're they're unchaste they're not keepers at home they're not obedient to their husband what's gonna happen according the end of verse 5 God's Word is gonna be blasphemed now doesn't that go perfectly with what we read in 1st Peter 3 when it said look you want people to behold the chaste conversation of the wise so they can be won over to the word even though it's not a direct preaching of the Word of God it's an indirect preaching of the Word of God when they behold your chaste conversation and here the converse is true that if you don't have these righteous attributes as a wife you could cause the Word of God to be blasphemed where people are just like man bleep that if that's what these Christian wives are life then bleep it you know forget it I'm done with that that could cause the Word of God to be blasphemed where people talk bad about the Bible talk bad about Christianity and folks this is out there you don't think that there are people out there in this world in other parts of the world they're looking at American culture and saying oh that's Christianity see those booty hugging short shorts that's Christianity see the adultery see the promiscuous girls that's Christianity you don't think that there are Muslims saying that somewhere in this world Hindus saying that somewhere in this world Buddhists saying that somewhere in this world I guarantee you that people would use that to blaspheme the name of Christ because number one the Bible says they will and number two I've heard it and seen it in real life the Bible has spoken and it happened you know first Timothy chapter 6 even though this is not about marriage is still in the same context of you know obeying authority and so forth and it says in verse 1 of chapter 6 let as many servants as are under the yoke this talking about employees at their job count their own masters worthy of all honor that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed and they that have believing masters let them not despise them because they were brethren but rather do them service etc etc the point is though that here the name of God and his doctrine could be blasphemed if somebody's a bad worker on the job and so it's the exact same principle that we saw from Titus 2 and in Titus 2 what are the things that he says the wives are supposed to do to be sober what does that mean to be sober well obviously it's the absence of alcohol that's a primary meaning of that word and it does mean that it also has an additional meaning of being serious or taking their job seriously taking life seriously taking their role seriously to love their husbands to love their children those don't really need a lot of explanation how about this verse 5 to be discreet now what does it mean to be discreet we don't typically use the word discreet very often in 2022 but we often use the word discretion that's how you will hear this word in its noun form as opposed to the adjective you hear the word discretion what is discretion you know it's knowing when you should be speaking up and when you should not be saying anything what is appropriate to say what is not appropriate to say and again back to the social media you know that could show a lack of discretion couldn't it airing of dirty laundry publicly on social media could show a lack of discretion and you know what it could also do is cause the name of God be blasphemed okay so discreet chaste what is chastity this has to do with purity in the sense of not committing adultery right so chaste keepers at home right being at being a homemaker and taking care of things at the house not neglecting the domestic duties good obedient to their own husbands that the word of God be not blasphemed and look I don't understand how any liberal theologian or modern-day evangelical Christian can get around this phrase obedient to their own husbands because they you know they can whine and argue about what subjection means or what submission means and tell well submitting one to another be all of you subject one to another they can turn scripture on its head and take things out of context and twist things but you know what I'd like to see what they're gonna do with this little phrase right here this little phrase you're gonna have a real hard time wiggling out from under this one obedient to their own husbands that's crystal clear folks it doesn't get any clearer than that I mean other than the angel Gabriel showing up at your house tonight and just getting in your face and telling you to obey your husband I don't know what else you could look for as a clearer signpost than right there in Titus chapter 2 verse 5 about what you're supposed to do as wife all right first Peter chapter 3 let's move on to verse 2 it's gonna be a long night no I'm just kidding we're not doing the whole you're not doing the whole thing it isn't Wednesday so it says they'll be won by the conversation of the wives while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear who's adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plating the hair and of wearing of gold or of putting on of apparel or you know why don't we just add here or putting a coffee filter on your head or putting a doily on your head or or wearing a hijab on your head or wearing a hat on your head or wearing a bonnet on your head is that really what's gonna do it especially if your husband's telling you don't do it this isn't Little House on the Prairie you're not a nun we're not Muslim and by the way some people did some people just like to cosplay like that they're just like they're just like it's like Halloween for them that's why Halloween is so popular because people like to dress up well you know what I don't need to dress up funny to worship Christ isn't it funny how false religions always want to dress you up do they dress you up or what nuns monks I mean we did we just saw some priest walking down the street on Wednesday we went so many and this guy was in this like penguin outfit and he had the big flavor flave cross around his neck and everything and it just you know they want to dress up it's a funny the Buddhists are wearing funny outfits the Orthodox are wearing funny outfits Roman Catholics are wearing funny outfits you know they're putting on nine outfits monk outfits Friar Tuck outfits you know priest outfit wizard outfit sorcerer outfit but isn't it cool how being a fundamental Baptist there's no funny outfit required nobody here is in a funny outfit I mean we're all just dressed like normal people you know and I'm sorry but I don't remember Jesus Christ giving his disciples special outfits I don't remember special outfits in the Book of Acts I don't remember an argument about hey do we wear the funny hats or the Gentiles wear it too or is it just the Jews because there's no outfit there's no special outfit OK we don't need to do a Halloween dress up spiritual cosplay but you know that's not really what this verse is about though that's another sermon I already preached that sermon it's called religious cosplay I think was the title of the sermon so it's out there somewhere if YouTube doesn't delete it tonight who's adorning let it not be that outward adorning so you know what are they going to be impressed by it's not anything that you wear there's nothing that you wear according to the Bible that's going to just get your husband to just all the sudden just fall at your knees and say what must I do to be saved I don't care what you wear that's not what it's going to take according to scripture what are you reading the Bible it's right in front of you says let it be this is what's going to do it folks this is what's going to win them over let it be the hidden man of the heart it's something that's unseen hidden concealed it's something is unseen with I because it's on the inside the hidden man of the heart in that which is not corruptible and then here's how that manifests on the outside because of this inward rightness this manifests as the ornament ornament is something on the outside right can an ornament be seen from the outside where's the hood ornament is it under the hood no the hood ornaments on the outside of the hood okay the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price for after this manner in the old time the holy women also trusted in God adorn themselves being in subjection under their own husbands so what's going to win over the husbands is the meek and quiet spirit the discretion the chastity the love for the husband the love for the children the homemaking the obedience to her husband the godliness the fear of the Lord and it says in verse six you say well I'm not convinced okay even as Sarah obeyed Abraham calling him Lord whose daughters ye are as long as you do well and are not afraid with any amazement so that right there is defining it for you in black and white in case you didn't get it what the meek and quiet spirit is you know it has to do with being submissive to your husband being in subjection to your husband being respectful to your husband giving reverence to your husband and that's what Sarah did now let me ask you this was Sarah's husband perfect you say oh man he's it would have been great to be married to Abraham I mean Abraham's the father of faith Abraham's one of the godliest men in the Bible okay but I got a news flash for you even some of the godliest men in the Bible guess what they're not Jesus they're not perfect and Abraham did some gnarly things as a husband how about when he made his wife tell everybody that she was his sister when they traveled in a foreign country and then some dude wants to take his wife into her into his harem because he lied and said it was a sister and then all the next thing he knows his wife is being married off to some other dude and she's already his wife now if you were Abraham's wife how would you feel about that particular scenario so you know you say wow my husband okay did your husband do that is your husband making you tell people you're his sister and accidentally getting you married off to other dudes did you do that okay well it sounds like you can obey your husband then because if Sarah can obey Abraham I think you could obey your husband you know you want to be one of those spiritual daughters of Sarah you know we think a lot about father Abraham and being you know the children of Abraham and being the seed of Abraham through faith but you know you ladies ought to think about being a daughter of Sarah if you do well as a wife if you do well in this area of being in subjection to your own husband what's to say at the end of verse five being in subjection to their own husbands you say pastor Anderson you're really repeating this and being redundant folks you're only going to hear it here I have to repeat this over and over again because you're not going to hear it anywhere else you're not going to get this at school you're not getting this at college you're not getting this at work you're not getting this on the telenovelas you're not getting this on the radio talk show you're not getting this from Oprah and Dr. Phil and whoever you know you got to get it here and so forgive me if I repeat it a few times because I'm making up for the fact that you hear the opposite out there seven days a week you got to come to the word of God on Sunday morning Sunday Wednesday get a bit of a reality check about what the bible actually teaches and it says in verse seven likewise ye knowledge or excuse me likewise ye husbands dwell with them according to knowledge giving honor unto the wife as under the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered now look the bible says right here give honor unto the wife now let me ask you something according to this is the bible degrading women or is the bible down on women is it teaching that women are inferior to men that they're not as good or that they're not as important no the bible teaches that men and women are equal the bible says in Christ there's neither male nor female we're all one in Christ Jesus and so therefore God is not down on women God is not misogynistic or woman hating the bible is not negative toward women at all because in the same breath God says women need to submit to their husband in the same breath he says give honor to the wife well it doesn't make it doesn't make sense to you because you have a twisted view of reality but it makes perfect sense to those of us who understand the word of God that you can be honored as a wife and still be in your proper place as a wife you can be respected you can be honored you can be treated well but you're in the role that God has given you God has designed marriage to where the husband is the head and that's the way it works and this is not degrading toward women it's just men and women being in their proper roles that's it that's all there is to it and so give honor unto the wife this is respectful toward women this is giving honor to women but you get all excited there for a second you feminists when you read give honor unto the wife and then it says as under the weaker vessel now you could be triggered again you know you're kind of like submit subject calling him lord and then it's like give honor unto the wife oh as under the weaker vessel that one you like that one phrase but it's a whole chapter he'll make me finish it tonight as under the weaker vessel weaker vessel weaker vessel now look you say what does that mean well first of all women are physically weaker than men and in fact you know it all it comes back to this again folks all right sorry to traumatize you again I know some of you are already having PTSD from the first time I brought this out but it's coming out again all right now you're going to notice that there's two colors on here you want to know what those two colors represent boys and girls and notice because it's from 1985 there's no non-binary or prefer not to say you know if I were making this thing today and we had to have a prefer not to say I'll just I'll give you some incredible amount of pull-ups to do that you'll never be able to do just to punish you for being mentally ill but anyway you know right here why why I wonder why is there a different row for boys in a different row for girls I wonder why that is that's not fair why would you make it easier for the girls folks this does not make it easier for the girls it's the same difficulty for the boys as it is for the girls because girls are the weaker vessel so for them to do the lower standard is just as hard as for the boys to do the higher standard because the boys have the genetics of being boys and the girls are girls so there's a difference between boys and girls does this mean that boys are better than girls absolutely not absolutely not look boys are physically stronger than girls that's just biology okay and it isn't funny how the liberals they want us to trust science and believe the science until we start pulling out the science on queers and gender and stuff like that all of a sudden they don't want to believe the science anymore but you know men and women have different roles and they do have different strengths and weaknesses men are stronger physically but there are other things that women are better at than men women have a much better intuition than men that's why you hear people talk about a women's intuition so women often have wisdom in certain areas that men don't have they often have discernment and intuitions and they're much more observant many times and they perceive things they're more perceptive to things than men you know certain men's bodies are different than women's bodies men's minds work differently than than women's minds work and they have various strengths and weaknesses it's not that one's better than the other it's not the one smarter than the other but one is stronger than the other but there's these there's this intrinsic difference between male and female and god is acknowledging that and at the end of the day women have a role in marriage and men have a role in marriage neither is better they're just needing to be in their proper place look i'm the pastor of the church you're not the pastor of the church that doesn't mean i'm better than you look i guarantee you that there are going to be plenty of people on the judgment seat of christ laymen and women getting way more rewards than pastors even many that are first shall be last and the last shall be first do you think that it's like oh well you know first you're going to get the the pastoral base package of rewards you know just for being a pastor you know now let's get into your good works folks i'm a pastor you're a layman but at the end of the day you can reward as many you can earn as many or more rewards than me at the judgment of christ just because i'm the pastor doesn't mean i'm a better christian than you you say pastor do you think there could be better christians in the church than you absolutely in fact i'd be shocked if i were the best christian in the room right now if i'd be like no way okay because guess what being a pastor doesn't make me the best christian it's not just automatic oh he's a pastor so he's the greatest christian ever that's not true you could be the greatest christian ever the greatest christian in this church could be female the greatest christian in this church could be young old male female on staff not on staff does everybody understand because being on staff or being a deacon or being a pastor doesn't make you better being male doesn't make you better but you know what being the pastor makes me it doesn't make me better it doesn't make me the best christian it doesn't make me the most godly it doesn't guarantee me the most rewards you know what being the pastor makes me it makes me the pastor and you know what you may be a much better christian than me but you still shouldn't be the pastor i should be the pastor because what if you're female and you're the best christian are we going to make you the pastor or what if you're divorced and remarried and you're the best christian in the room what if you're the best christian in the house but you're not the husband of one wife does that mean you should be the pastor no or what about this what if you're the greatest christian in the building tonight and you meet all the qualifications but you're not a good teacher you're not except you're not apt to teach you don't have the ability to communicate you don't have the ability to leave you're a great christian but you don't have the ability to lead and communicate then you're not going to make a good pastor you know the best piano player is not necessarily the best piano teacher because playing piano and teaching piano are two different things aren't they someone could be an incredible piano player doesn't mean they can teach someone could be a mediocre piano player but they could be an excellent teacher in fact there's even a joking expression that says those who can do and those who can't teach so the point is and you know we make fun of that but honestly sometimes people are just really good at teaching stuff and really good at communicating stuff even if they're not the best at the activity itself and so therefore obviously in a perfect world yeah every pastor would be the greatest christian in the church and you know obviously i strive to be the best christian that i could possibly be and to read my bible and pray and go soul winning and do everything i'm supposed to do live a christian life but at the end of the day though being a pastor does not make me better than anyone being a husband does not make you better than the wife being the parent does not make you better than the child but you know what it does make you is it makes you the parent it makes you a husband it makes you the pastor and that gives you authority and so don't confuse authority with value okay don't say well i know more than pastor anderson so i should be the pastor not necessarily well i'm better than pastor anderson that doesn't necessarily mean that you should be doing this job now if you truly are better than me at this job then see me after the service and let's see if we can do a peaceful transition of power because i'd love to get under your leadership because you're awesome no i'm just kidding hey you know what honestly i hope you're getting what i'm saying though i'm kind of joking around a little but you know we don't want to let the world brainwash us to say oh well if wives have to obey their husbands you're saying that men are better that's not what the bible is saying that's not what i'm saying so don't let the world twist your mind into thinking that authority means you know your boss at work may not be better than you at the job you might be a better electrician than the boss but you know what he is he's still the boss isn't he and because you're a better electrician he's still the boss and don't i think oh i need his job now you know maybe you'll get there but go through the proper channels let's fire it up word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word lord and we live in a society that that has taught us all the wrong things about marriage and family and authority and life lord and so i pray that your word would cut through all that noise and that people would get their hearts right with you and get on your program for what marriage is supposed to look like and in jesus name we pray amen amen let's take our song books please and go to hymn number 351 number 351 tell it to jesus number 351 351 are you weary are you heavy-hearted number 351 to jesus tell him is do you shall be tomorrow are you jesus brother okay you