(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) so that in that shall say there there is a reward for righteous there is a god for judgment the title of the sermon this morning is whirlwinds and warnings whirlwinds and warnings and I want to read there in Psalm 58 in verse 8 will begin well let's just back up and read let's back up to verse verse 6 of course this is one of the imprecatory Psalms that David has prayed for multiple times throughout the book of Psalms he says there break their teeth Oh God in their mouth break out the great teeth of the young lions Oh Lord let them melt away as waters which run continually when he bendeth his bow to shoot out his arrows let them be as cut in pieces as a snail which melteth let every one of them pass away like the untimely birth of a woman that they may not see the Sun so this is David in the Word of God praying a curse upon specific people on wicked people and we talked about this a little bit on Thursday night in the opening of Psalms 23 where the Bible said where David says that the Word of God was in his mouth that he spake by the Spirit and we talked about the fact that even these Psalms where David is described as the sweet psalmist of Israel you know that would include Psalms like this right of course there's a lot of Psalms that are sweet and motivating but also there's these ones like this that are very hard that have an edge but they're all the Word of God okay everything that you're reading here is the Word of God okay God wanted this in the scripture for us to understand that you know there there is a time and place for judgment okay we're going to talk a lot about that this morning but if you looked at verse 9 he says before your pots can feel the thorns he shall take them away as with a whirlwind both living and in his wrath and of course whirlwind there is referring to what we would call a tornado okay that's that's what he's referring to there as a whirlwind you know that's something that we see here in this area down here we see in the summer months we'll see those very small whirlwinds right who's ever seen those out there in the fields like this is a very common occurrence of course he's referring to here you know of one that's probably of a greater degree right the ones that you would see in places around the country like tornado alley Oklahoma those areas where there's a great deal of destruction is wrought by these whirlwinds that we deal with and he's saying there look before your pots can feel the thorns and he's saying you know before you can light that fire and even boil water right he shall take them away as with the whirlwind he's the they there is referring to these people that he's praying a curse against both living and in his wrath saying you look he's gonna come and destroy you in his wrath and we have to understand that God is a God of wrath and vengeance and judgment okay and that God we understand that God is a lot of other things and the Bible says that God is love that God is long-suffering and merciful and patient kind and there's no end to his loving kindness God is forgiving God you know he's not willing that ancient perish but that also come to repentance but we can't just turn a blind eye to the fact that throughout Scripture God judges the earth in fact if you look there in verse 11 he says so so that a man shall say verily there is a reward for the righteous verily meaning truthfully he is a God that judges in the earth you know God is not just passively sitting by while man just does whatever he wants and and getting away with it you know God is still very involved in what judging in the earth and anyone who's read the scripture anyone who's taking the time to read the Bible knows that from cover to cover is just what story after story after story of what God judging in the earth I mean just in the very few first few chapters we see what Adam and Eve eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and they're immediately judged you say it he says you know and the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die and they died spiritually and then death came upon all men right and then we have the story of Noah God literally just drowns everybody except for eight persons right he saved Noah and his family but everybody else died right everyone wants to turn that into some cute Sunday school story and and have their baby showers with the Noah's Ark theme which is fine if you do that you know that's what we did for our first but you know they always want to put the animals and the giraffe putting up poking on its head and the elephant it's like but they forget in the water that there should be bodies right because that's the guy mean that's God's judging the earth right and you might look at me aghast and think wow that's so crazy but that is what happened okay God judge and I'm making the point because I'm gonna say some things this morning that a lot of people would just you know gasp at and say how could you say that okay but I'm building up to it I'm making my case that God judges in the earth and this isn't just something that he used to do okay this is something that God continually does and that's something God is going to do on a very big scale towards the second coming of Christ okay but it says there that he is a God that judges in the earth okay we see that through Genesis you see that when he judges Egypt he goes on and establishes the nation of nation of Israel they get backslidden God just severely judges them I mean that's what Jeremiah Isaiah Nehemiah all these books are about is God judging his people judging the earth judging this nation judging that nation and in God is a God of judgment and he judges in the earth okay he judges in the past and if you would go to 2nd Peter chapter 3 we're gonna look at a lot of Scripture this morning because I don't what I'm gonna say here towards the end again people are going to there's a real strong possibility that people will be offended by what I'm going to say but I I'm not gonna just turn a blind eye to the fact that God still judges in the earth and this country this world needs a wake-up call now I don't expect this sermon to you know resonate throughout the whole world and for the and everybody to repent and get right but at least in this room we should have a biblical perspective on some of the things that we see taking place around us and say and understand that God is still a God that judges in the earth okay you're there in 2nd Peter chapter 33 excuse me verse 1 it says the second epistle beloved I now write unto you and both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken by the holy prophets and of the commandments of us the apostle of the Lord and Savior he's saying look I'm writing on this unto you so that you can be mindful concerning these things these are things that we have to be put in remembrance about these are things that we have to keep in mind as Christians he says what is it they were supposed to keep in mind verse 3 knowing this you should know this knowing this first that there shall come in the last day scoffers walking after their own lust he's saying look there's gonna come people in the last days that are gonna scoff they're gonna see in a minute what are they gonna scoff that they're gonna scoff at the return of Christ you know a lot of people would hear a Baptist preacher get up and talk about the return of Christ and think that I'm just you know they would liken up the the Bible and what I'm saying and preaching as unto a fairy tale they say oh it's just made up you know what that is that's scoffing at the Word of God okay and the Bible's here saying look this is what's going to happen and don't we do and look scoffers obviously have always existed okay but do we not see a great increase in that today isn't there how many people I would I would venture to guess I think I'd be very safe in doing so that that most people would scoff at the Word of God today the vast majority of people and let's go down to the college campus let's go to ASU and let's go to the University of Arizona let's go to these campuses across America and tell them let's read 2nd Peter let's read the book of Revelation and see how many people just scoff at that how many professors and students even in high schools junior highs and elementary schools where people are just scoffing at the Bible scoffing at the teachings of the Word of God scoffing at the return of Christ that's what he's saying you have to keep this in mind you need to know this you need to be mindful the fact that in the last days scoffers are going to come they're gonna scoff at the judgment of God okay and he's good and what is it what do they say verse 4 and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation they're saying nothing's changed it's always been this way it's going to be like this for another millions billions of years they think that nothing's ever going to change verse 5 for this they are willingly ignorant of I mean stupid on purpose but that by the Word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water whereby that the world that then was being overflowed with water perished and he's talking specifically they're going to stop and purposely be ignorant willingly ignorant of the fact that what that there was a great flood okay and look if that's something you want to study and look into for yourself I mean you can see evidence of a worldwide flood throughout this world I mean we have one in the state it's called the Grand Canyon that's a great that that's you know I believe as someone who believes in a literal you know six-day creation who believes in a biblical flood that that that's what was created the Grand Canyon that it did not that that that the Colorado River did not somehow magically flow uphill and carve out the canyon because that you know the the you know the Kaibab uplift is higher than where the Colorado River enters the Grand Canyon so unless water flows uphill which it doesn't you know it can flow north but if you look that's because of gravity right but it can't flow uphill okay so how else do you explain that well you know the Bible says that there was a great flood that's why every you know there's just there is multiple you know stories about a flood throughout all cultures and civilizations they talk about this that there was this great flood throughout the whole earth and look and that's not what's gonna get people saved that's not gonna make people believers in the Bible you think that if you could point to some piece of evidence where it just validates the Bible like this that people just oh then then yeah the Bible's true but you know what that wouldn't be a faith would it it takes faith to believe these things that's why it says that even despite all that they're gonna be willingly ignorant and say where is the promise of us coming all things continue as they were and that they're going to be ignorant that that the world which then was being overflowed with water perished they're gonna be ignorant of it on purpose verse 7 but the heavens and the earth which are now by the same word are kept in store reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and the perdition of ungodly men look at verse 8 but beloved be not ignorant of this one thing that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day the Lord is not slack concerning his promises as some men count slackness but as long suffering to us were not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance so you sometimes we even as Christians could say well where is the promise of his coming week we could say why isn't God why is it Christ returning why isn't he judging you know that we see the weakness of man growing worse and worse and we might be tempted to to you know get bitter in our own hearts even as believers we have to understand that that is the long suffering of God you know God holds off his his judgment in order that other people would be saved okay but he says in verse 10 the day of the Lord shall come as a thief in the night in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with the fervent heat of course that's referring to the end of millennium where God's gonna set those whole world on fire and the earth also and the works that there are therein shall be burned up seeing them that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons he ought to be in all holiness and godliness excuse me in all holy conversation and godliness go to Hebrews chapter 12 I'm making the the case this morning before I get into this that God is a God that judges in the earth and this isn't a new thing this is something he's been doing since the beginning of time and this is something that he's been doing this entire time and it's something that he's going to do to a great deal in the future God is a God that judges in the earth it says that he spared not the old world but saved Noah the eighth person a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly and then he points to another example of God's judgment and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes and condemn them with an overflow with an overthrow making them an example to those that should thereafter live in godly which is a great passage about you know what God thinks of the homos today you know a lot of people say oh that the God of the Old Testament he was so mean you know that the God yeah he put the death penalty on homosect homos back then but you know what that he's changed well here in 2nd Peter which is pretty close to the end of the New Testament folks he's pointing back to Sodom and Gomorrah and saying they are an example of what God thinks of this you know and we could point to other civil you know other cities like Sodom and Gomorrah throughout time that were judged by God Pompeii is another one that was destroyed by a volcano right and they were given over these same ungodly lusts like that but that's another sermon you say well yeah that's all that's all you know past tense that's things that God has done in the past yeah but God is going to judge the earth in the future as well he says in Matthew 24 verse 7 for nation shall rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places so notice how God is judging to in the end times you know there's going to be a lot of supernatural things that take place but God is also going to use the earth itself to judge man there's going to be a famines pestilence a lot of those things will be the result of what man does during those times but earthquakes as well you know and you talk about earthquakes and people just want to say oh it's because we're pulling all this oil out of the out of the earth that's why there's all this seismic activity you know maybe so but you know we're gonna look here in Hebrews chapter 12 where God takes credit for a lot of the what he calls you know shaking the earth and heaven you know these shakings of the earth these earthquakes are something that God does look God is a judge in the earth and he uses the earth to judge man he uses earthquakes I mean look think about fire and brimstone falling upon Sodom Gomorrah think about how he judged Noah in the world back then with what water that sprang up from the fountains of the deep right and the rain that fell from heaven Hebrews chapter 12 verse 25 see that you befruced him not that speak it for if they escape not who refused him that speak on earth much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven whose voice then shook the earth so he's referring back to the Lord coming down a pillar of fire and smoke upon Mount Sinai right and that remember what they described it back then that it shook you know there was trembling there was a quaking in that in the in the mountain it says he shook the earth but now hath promised saying yet once more I shake not the earth only saying look I'm gonna shake earth again but not only earth but also heaven verse 27 and this word yet once more signifies the removing of those things that are shaken he's saying why is he gonna shake the earth because he's gonna judge it he's gonna remove some things he's gonna get rid of something he's gonna destroy as things that are as of things that are made that those six things which cannot be shaken may remain okay where boy whereby wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably we're for reverence and godly fear for our God is a consuming fire not God was a consuming fire not God is going to be a consuming fire God is a consuming fire God is a God of judgment okay we got to get the whole picture of who God is not just cherry pick what we like so we see here that God judges the earth and he uses the natural world to do it of course God has done supernatural things and will do supernatural things in the future but you know I want to emphasize on the fact this morning that God uses the natural world to judge the earth okay God is in control of the natural if you would go to Isaiah 29 Isaiah 29 when you get there keep a bookmark in Isaiah we're gonna look at several passages in Isaiah I just want to I'm gonna read you some other verses to show us that God has control the natural you know one thing that might come to mind when I say hey God is in control of the natural world we might think about Jesus right where he were the with the winds were boisterous when he was you know upon the scene with his disciples and he said peace be still right and then there was a great call right you find that in the book of Mark and Luke but he God is in control of the world so you know he can make the waves calm right he can bless through the natural world that's what he said in Leviticus he said if you walk in my statutes and keep my commandments and do them you know if we do the things that God wants to do you know he's gonna bless us he said then I will give you rain in about in due season and the land shall yield her increase and the trees the field shall yield their fruit he's saying that's what the promise that he made to Israel and they brought him into the into the Promised Land he said if you keep my commandments if you keep my statutes you know what it's gonna be fruitful your trees are gonna grow your vegetables are gonna grow you're gonna fruit you're gonna have abundance right but on the other hand if they didn't do those things God would cap would bring drought and famine right you know and then we wonder why we have so many so much drought in America today so it's global warming oh it's it's climate change yeah but even if it is those things who's control of all that God God's control those things you know God uses man God uses the natural world to judge man okay so you know we think about places like California that are just on these droughts places like Arizona and what are some of the things we see them embracing as a nation all the things that God despises all the things that God condemns in the scripture our nation has just begun to embrace wholeheartedly and condemn anybody who would say otherwise and then we sit back and we scratch our heads and we wonder why we're just getting pummeled with hurricanes why we have these tornadoes tearing up vast sections of our country of our country whole counties destroyed why we've been in drought for decades in some places why these wildfires just rage and burn up millions of acres and homes are destroyed whole cities burned to the ground I mean just recently in the last few years there's just cities in California just gone from the face of the earth and you want to talk about a you know a place a state that embraces some of the most vilest things that God abhors I mean it's California okay so God can bless through the natural world but God also punishes through the natural world he punishes through the natural world if you look at Isaiah chapter 29 look at verse 6 thou shalt be visited of the Lord of hosts with thunder and with earthquake and great noise and storm and tempest and a flame of devouring fire these are the things that God uses to judge in the earth and God is a judge in the earth go over to Nahum chapter 1 Nahum chapter 1 in the minor prophets Nahum chapter 1 I'll read to you from Jeremiah chapter 10 while you turn there keep something in Isaiah 29 it says in verse 12 of Jeremiah 10 you're going to Nahum chapter 1 he hath made the earth by his power say why does God get to judge the earth why does God get to use the natural world to judge man because he made it because it's his you can do whatever he wants with it he's God he hath made the earth by his power he established the world by his wisdom and that stretched out the heavens by his discretion when he uttereth his voice there is a multitude of waters in heaven and he causeth the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth he maketh lightnings with rain and bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures it sounds to me like God is in control of the natural world that weather isn't just something just happens in and of itself that is something that God has decreed and God can control these things and does control these things these things Bible says in Psalm 148 if you're still going to Nahum chapter 1 praise the Lord from the earth he dragons and all deeps fire and hail snow and vapor stormy wind fulfilling his word it says that the fire and the hail and the snow and the vapor and the stormy wind do what fulfill his word when God decrees judgment these are the things that he uses to judge fire hail snow vapor stormy wind look at Nahum chapter 1 verse 1 it says the burden of Nineveh the book of the vision of Nahum the Elko shite God is jealous and the Lord revengeth the Lord revengeth and is furious you say well who is God to judge who is God to get up there and and judge the earth who does he think he is well he's jealous you know and today that jealous has a very negative connotation doesn't we should never be jealous but the Bible says that God is a jealous God you know he's jealous over his creation you know it's an analogy I use often you know if I went home and my kids ignored me and didn't acknowledge me as their father and actually started to acknowledge somebody else's their father I would be jealous you know if my wife who was married to me started to you know hang around some other guy I would be jealous and that wouldn't be a bad thing that would be a good thing for me to be jealous we recreate envy and jealousy as being the same we think those are synonymous terms the Bible that's in the Bible that's two different things jealousy is something that's good you know God is good right there's no darkness in him there's no sin in him and it says that he is jealous envy is another thing but notice he's not just jealous and passive God isn't just jealous like all shucks he revenge it it says he is jealous verse 2 and the Lord revenge it the Lord revenge it and it's furious you know God gets upset by the things that man does you know man does things down here that makes God mad in fact Bibles doesn't make some furious look at it goes on there it says in verse 2 the Lord will take vengeance on his adversaries and he reserveth wrath for his enemies God look God is the God that judgeth in the earth verse 3 the Lord is slow to anger and great in power and will not at all acquit the wicked now I want you to notice here in verse at the end of verse 3 the Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm and the clouds are the dust of his feet so again how is God judging here he's using a whirlwind right now I know a lot of times when you see the prophets using the term whirlwind they're referring to it's an analogy for a nation he will raise up a whirlwind out of the coasts you know and but a lot of times you know we do to see God literally using whirlwinds I mean we see it we I read for you in Psalms how fire hail snow and vapor and stormy wind fulfill his word God does use natural elements to judge and that not saying every time that a whirlwind is mentioned in Scripture it's a literal one but you know what God does literally use a whirlwind to a tornado okay the Lord the Lord is slow to anger great in power and in verse 4 he said he rebuked at the sea and make the dry he drieth up the all the rivers Bay Shan languishes languishes and Carmel and the flower of Lebanon language it so he sends drought right again the mountains quake at him and the hills melt the earth is burned at his presence yea the world and all that dwell therein that's very prophetic verse 6 who can stand before his indignation and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger his fury is poured out like fire and though on the rocks are thrown down by him the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble you know Nahum just describes God as this jealous wrathful vengeful God and then said the Lord is good you know I'm glad that God is God the judges I'm glad that God is righteous that God has indignation that God does not at all quit the wicked because you know what the wicked get a lot away with a lot of things down here in earth don't they they oppress they violate they murder they kill they steal they do all these wicked things and they prosper and they get away with it and sometimes we're tempted we and we sit back and say well how could God let them do that you know God could eat just as easily ask us how do you let them do that you know we're the ones that are making the laws in this nation we're the ones that aren't punishing iniquity that's our job you know but and as long-suffering and merciful as God is the Bible's teaching us that he has a limit that there there's only it only goes so far it's probably a lot further than any of us would imagine but God but look God does have a limit and you know what I don't want to live my life pushing the envelope with God seeing how far I can get away with things with God you know I'm going to stay as far away from that line as possible that threshold right enter into God's vengeance and wrath make no mistake about it God is a God that judges in the earth and Nahum here is saying that God is good for doing so he is a stronghold in the day of trouble you know if you're if this is making you nervous you know God's judging the earth God's gonna judge the earth you know what that should make wicked people nervous you know if they're smart but here's the thing you know God's people who love him who are serving him who are obeying his word you know what that God is gonna be a stronghold unto us in the day of trouble he knoweth them it says there at the end of verse 7 that trust in him right but with an overrunning flood he will make an utter end of the place thereof and darkness shall pursue his enemies you don't want to get on God's wrong side now of course this is Nahum this is the burden of Nineveh which is just one of many nations that God condemned in the Old Testament and they say that's all Old Testament you know God doesn't do that type of thing anymore yes he does you know and even people who would be willing to admit that and say you know God is still a God that judges in the earth they but then they would go and say but you know America is somehow exempt from that that we as a nation somehow you know we can as long as we put you know in God we trust on our currency and we just use the word God in all our political speeches and we just say God bless America just kind of not not be specific about any one God certainly not the God of the Bible but if we just kind of acknowledge that there is a God then we can teach evolution and we can promote you know sodomy and we can promote you know all these filthy abominable things that God hates and get away with it because we're America after all you know we're this great nation look America is not exempt from judgment you should still have something Isaiah but go to Psalms chapter 9 Psalms chapter 9 the Bible says in Isaiah 40 I'll just read to you from there Bible says in verse 17 of Isaiah 40 that all nations before him are as nothing so you know this American exceptionalism exists only in talk radio and and and cable news networks that's not a biblical concept you know that's something that rush lombotta me taught you Sean insanity taught you you know though that that's you know that's where that comes from this American exceptionalism America can do no wrong there were somehow this great shining beacon and look I understand that that nation that this nation started out as a righteous nation I believe that that had at least some Christian values but we are so far removed from that it's not even funny how can you sit here and say that this is a as a godly Christian nation anymore it's not okay and look Christian or not the Bible says all nations are before him as nothing and it does say all right past present and future and they accounted to him as less than nothing in vanity so it's like you want to know where God where America lines up on God's scale of nations well all nations start out as nothing all of them and then he says then they're actually less than nothing how do you be less than nothing I don't know but that's what God counts all nation as so they're less than nothing the meaning you know you shouldn't get puffed up and proud about what nation you live in you know get this tribal attitude this nationalistic attitude this patriotism like I'm all for being grateful for the liberties that we have okay I there's no other country I'd rather live in at this time you know but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna sit here and and and and be blind to the fact this nation has some serious glaring fault flaws that God is and will judge us for and I said is okay I'm gonna get into it here in a minute God is judging this nation oh I don't know there was this thing a couple years ago called kovat you say oh that was from Wuhan you know I was a Chinese lab that did that yeah but God let that happen for all you know God made that happen God lets those things happen couldn't God have just snuffed cove it out whenever he wanted to sure but God uses do you know that how can we sit back and say America's not being judged I mean how are we doing things that are worthy of judgment according the Bible sure do we not promote sodomy in this country in our in our schools don't they in every major metro in this area and even really even the smallest of cities like where I'm from in northern Michigan they have their pride parades they walk up and down and parade their filth and wave their flags in the face of God and everybody out in broad daylight but oh no America we're just exempt from from any kind of judgment even though we're promoting the most abominable filth that God despises all nations are performing nothing you in Psalms chapter 9 look at verse 16 the Lord is known by the judgment which he executed show show me the proof of God judgment the Lord is known by judgment you know we should look at some of the judgments we see taking out and say God did that and acknowledge that that is by the hand of God that these things take place and I'll go so far as they this natural disasters are the hand of God because God's in control of those things friend he's in control of all that he permits those things to happen he makes those things happen I mean would it really shock you if you if you got to heaven and found out that God was responsible that he sent that hurricane he sent that tornado he sent that drought he sent that fire he sent that virus he sent that hail that really shocked you you know what shocked me as if he didn't if I got there so you oh that wasn't your judgment no I was giving him a pass that's just something that just happens that was global warming climate change what we call weather you know that that's a the Bible says that Lord is known by his judgment we should acknowledge that God is judging in the earth the wicked is snared and the work of his own hands look at verse 17 the wicked shall be turned into hell right people are gonna be punished for their sins in hell and what does it say after that and all nations that forget God you say well known America's exempt because we started out as this Christian nation where we had Christian values yeah but all nations that forget God I mean that's exactly what Old Testament Israel did didn't they start out with with as a righteous nation sure it didn't last very long but you know what they forgot God and what happened judgment came upon them look it says that the wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations that forget God you what that tells me that entire nations of people go to hell that people get so far removed from God they can get so put into such spiritual darkness where the gospel can't penetrate where it's not brought to them that entire nations of people live and die without ever getting saved they never hear the gospel and they go to hell because what takes a person to hell is sin and we're all sinners and unless we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ we will go to hell and be punished for our sins unless we trust in the fact that Christ paid for our sins for us that he's already done all the hard work we just have to believe and accept that by faith you know hell is our destiny and entire nations go to hell so I don't I don't think I can't believe you're saying that Jesus said that you know broad is the way and wide is the gate which leadeth unto destruction and many there be that going there at many he said you know few there are that be saved he called us his little flock okay Jesus himself taught that more people are going to hell than heaven okay and in time the Bible is showing us here that entire nations go there why because they forget God he said all nations forget God why verse 18 for the needy shall not always be forgotten the expectation of the poor shall not perish forever God's not just gonna sit by and let wicked people get away with it forever okay he is going to judge and you know what we should thank God for that I mean that's what the psalmist prayed 19 arise o Lord let not man prevail let the heathen be judged in thy sight put them in fear o Lord that the nations may know themselves to be but men you know he's saying could take him down a notch you know shake him up slap him around a little bit you know kid him quit get cause them to quit being such so prideful and look this country like others is a very proud nation you know and we can pay lip service to God all we want but if we're not acknowledging his word if we're scoffing at God and his judgments we deserve all the judgment we get and you know what I pray that God brings it you know I want God to to judge this nation you know everyone's worried about the economy collapsing you know what I think it'd be a good thing for us I think you know of course a lot of people are gonna suffer a lot of people would you know there'd be a lot of people hurting because of it you know what a lot of people might just quit being so proud and actually acknowledge God for once in their life people might actually say well man all the money's gone you know everything I had is gone what's going on here maybe I should get in church maybe I should read the Bible and try to figure this out you know judgment has a way of shaking people and waking them up to some spiritual realities I say arise O Lord put them in fear cause them to know that they are but men you know and this is what people need to be reminded of that's why I'm preaching this that's what this nation and nations like us around the world need to be reminded of we don't need people to get up and soothe us about our patriotism and tell us how you know we can be patriotic and it's okay look I understand that you know we can have a love for country but you know what we really need to hear this morning is that this nation is and deserves to be judged by God that's what we need to hear because God is a God that judges in the earth because well you know what when when wicked men aren't judged and they're exalted the Bible says in Psalms 2012 it says that the wicked walk on every side when the vilest men are exalted when when a nation is not judged when people forget God wicked men are exalted they get into places of leadership and then what happens is that the vilest of men walk on every side we're surrounded by them and is that exactly what we see happening in our country look wicked men are exalted godless god-hating people are in the highest levels of authority all the way down down to your you know your your city council is filled with people that despise and hate God that's not far-fetched friend that's a reality and all the way up to the highest highest courts of this land the highest you know places of judgment in this land is filled with people that mock and scoff and despise this book you know what happens as a result the vilest men are exalted they say get that Baptist preacher shut him up shut down his YouTube channel ban him from Facebook don't know anybody here what he has to say and let's get this you know let's just talk about all these sodomites that want to adopt and get married and just shove everything in your face that's what they promote the vilest men are exalted why because we have wicked people that are ruling and reigning in this country because they haven't learned and acknowledged God's judgment in Isaiah still go to chapter 3 Isaiah chapter 3 verse 8 this is an Isaiah chapter 3 I'll beginning in verse 8 for Jerusalem is ruined and Judah is fallen because their tongue and their doings are against the Lord to provoke the eyes of his glory you know he's saying look we're being judged Isaiah is talking about how Jerusalem and Judah are just destroyed by God because they provoked God through their tongues through the things that they say and through their doings verse 9 the show of their countenance doth witness against them and they declare their sin as Sodom they hide it not he's saying they're just out in front of the eyes of God just declaring their sin as Sodom and we all know what the sin of Sodom was it was sodomy they declare it they hide it not that's us as a nation it used to be that they would you know they were in the closet you know it wasn't that long ago 70s 80s even the 90s but now it's cool now if you call a kid a fag at school you're gonna you know you can't place smear the queer anymore you'll get sent to sensitivity training you'll get expelled it hasn't been that long since I was playing that game smear the queer you don't even if football played anymore you just take it literally and you know what you and people say how can you say that you shouldn't say that yeah well you know what the show of their countenance doth witness against them that just prove to me that we're worthy of judgment look at he goes on and says in verse 9 woe unto their soul for they have rewarded evil unto themselves they're their own worst enemy say to the righteous that it shall be well with him for they shall eat the fruit of their doings woe unto the wicked it shall be ill with him for the reward of his hands shall be given unto look God judges the earth because he's giving man exactly what he deserves as for my people children are their oppressors you know isn't that the truth children are their oppressors women rule over them the Bible says that women ruling over you is a is a judgment that's when society's gone completely backwards all my people they that elite which lead the cause thee to err and destroy the way of thy paths so we see that God is a god of judgment in the earth that's what people need to be reminded of this morning in this nation not not to have their conscience sued because they like to wave the flag getting reminded that this is a nation that deserves judgment and I'm telling you right now that God is judging this nation he already is judging this nation why wouldn't I mean we saw what God judged Jerusalem over sodomy they're promoting it isn't that what we do here so how are we exempt somehow from that we're not and I'm here to tell you this morning that natural disasters that we see are just just the lightest judgment that God has has is already beginning to dole out on this country I believe that these natural disasters are America's judgment and they're a warning of our impeding doom okay impeding doom I'm gonna keep something Isaiah I'm gonna have you go to numbers 35 because you need to read this with your own eyes okay numbers 35 America is guilty of being judged you know and that that might cause you know the average even the conservative Baptist to clutches pearls and just say oh no not America but it's true America deserves to be judged America is guilty and it's inevitable it's not something we can escape even if we got right today let's just say every a we just as a nation as a whole just repented got right with God you know broke down the houses of the sodomites and started upholding righteous laws in this land we'd still be guilty of judgment I'll show you why numbers 35 verse 50 who so killeth any person the murderer shall be put to death by the mouth of the witnesses but one witness shall not testify against any person to cause them to die moreover you shall take no satisfaction for the life of a murderer saying look you can't you can't pay this off you can't you know you can't come up you can see there's no exception to death the death penalty you can't take a satisfaction life imprisonment not good enough life and present for the murderer not good enough that's not justice according to God death is justice okay take no satisfaction where we shall take no verse 31 for the life of a murderer which is guilty of death he shall surely be put to death and he shall take no satisfaction for him that has fled to the city of his refuge that he should come again to dwell in the land until the death of the priest so you shall not what pollute the land wherein ye are saying look when you don't do this you pollute what you pollute the land okay for blood it defileth the land remember when Cain slew Abel what guy God confronted him about it and he said the your brother's blood crieth to me from the ground right all that blood that just soaks in the ground God hears that innocent blood crying out to him God hears it and it defiles the land God doesn't just turn a blind eye a deaf ear to the to the death of innocent people and seeing wicked people just get away with it and look people are getting away literally with murder in this country according the Bible say no they go to prison for life that's not justice though did we just read what justice was according God it's death so God's looking down saying well the adjustment just judgment has not been delivered is what you're doing is unjust that that that innocent blood has not been you know accounted for vengeance hasn't taken place and he hears it how about how about the murder in the form of abortion that's what it is friend the Bible says that kids that the life begins at conception okay that a virgin shall conceive that a virgin shall be with child okay compare the verses conceive with child life begins at conception you know what and we kill we kill what we murder in the in thousands in the thousands three plus thousand abortions take place in the country every day and that's innocent blood I mean what could be more innocent than a harmless child in the womb who's done nothing wrong nothing nothing worthy of death has no power to even defend itself and it's snuffed out before it even you could see it draw its first breath you know and that blood defiles the land you know what and I'm glad that God is a God that takes that takes account of that you know and that makes all these doctors in these clinics murderers look and I'm not and I don't know what people have or haven't done in the past and if there's anyone here that's had an abortion you know what you confess that for sin you forsake that sin and you shall have mercy that's what the Bible says I'm not mad at you but I'm just saying this that I can't deny the fact that there is a lot of you know innocent blood in our hands as a nation there's a lot of murderers walking around today aren't there and God says that that pollutes the land he shall take no satisfaction so verse 33 so you shall not you shall not pollute the land where you're which wherein you are for blood it defileth the land and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein but by the blood of him that shed it so how do we get all this innocent blood off our hands we shed the blood of those that shed it that's the biblical prescription to cleanse innocent blood from our land you have to put the murderer to death okay and look I'm not I'm not preaching I'm preaching that because that's what the Bible says this is a Baptist Church I'm a Baptist minister it's my job to preach the whole Council of God what kind of minister would I be if I didn't but I'm not saying I'm not so stupid to sit here and think that you know that some senator or some you know congressman somewhere is gonna hear the sermon say oh you know what we need to get right and so that some great revival is gonna sweep this nation and I'm saying this even if that happened it's too late it's too late because there's so much blood that's been shed that is crying out to God got it and I'm saying all this to make the case that God is and will judge this nation and any other nation like it this whole world's worthy of it I mean anyone that's been touched by Western civilization which is pretty much the entire world and adopted its philosophies is probably worthy of death or worthy of being judged you say well what you're saying that God is judging us through natural disaster what are you talking about well how about the whirlwind right that was the title the sermon whirlwinds and warnings tornadoes you know what kind of got me thinking about all this is that you know Kentucky and Illinois and I you know sports states over there in the Midwest in the south that just had one of the most devastating tornadoes ripped through their states just this last week I think was Friday night I'm not exactly sure but it just happened and Kentucky they that I said and I sat there listen to their governor give up and his declaration of you know state of emergency and listen to his whole speech and he talked about how this these tornadoes that came through one of them it was the longest tornado it was on ground longer than any other tornado that's ever come through their state that it's done more damage than any other it's it's killed more people than any other tornado before and look Kentucky isn't exactly tornado alley it's kind of a phenomenon there but does happen every so often you know but that's something that just happened and you know what tuck is just one example of many you know natural disasters that I believe God is bringing upon the station because he's trying to wake us up he's trying to shake us up and snap people out of it and say you know because here's the thing what are most people doing they're sitting at home watching TV they're watching television programming and they're being programmed to think after the world the world's philosophies and just chalk up all these things as anything but the judgment of God and I'm here to tell you this morning that it is the judgment of God that God is already judging this nation in an attempt to wake people up to their iniquities and cause them to repent if at least not as a nation as individuals in Kentucky is just one example and I sat there and I listened to that governor and his 20-minute speech and he had those guys get up and talk about all the stats now Matt showed us the map and the counties that were hit and what they're doing and you know what I never heard though no talk of God well they said we're praying for the victims well who you pray to that's just like that's just like a condolence to them I hope you're praying I hope you're praying to the God of Heaven we should be you know and I'm sorry that for those people that got hurt I mean one of them was a nursing home where people couldn't get out if they wanted to one of them hundreds of people died in a candle factory they were just in there making candles whole building collapsed on them just people are still missing I mean it's it's gonna be in the hundreds of people that are dead probably by the end of it and they have to be rebuilt and I'm sorry for those communities but you know what if and I and they're gonna rebuild they're gonna get together and all that but you know what this nation really needs to do is get right with God because you know what's gonna happen after they rebuild all that and they take every and everyone buries those people and everyone heals from those wounds they get over it there's gonna be another one and then another one there's gonna be another hurricane and another fire and there's gonna be another earthquake and there's gonna be you know a natural disaster upon natural disaster because God is a judge in the earth and he doesn't just let a nation get away with it we're no different so you know what I'd like to hear and some of these you know these congressional statements these public decorations by these got by these governors and others is I'd like to hear the talk of God to come out of their mouth I'd like to hear them start to talk about how we need to get right as a nation but I'm not holding my breath friend and I expect these things to just keep coming and coming coming you know I would like at least to hear about maybe we should do some collective introspection as a nation and start to think about what we're really about did I have you go to Proverbs I probably haven't go to Proverbs chapter 1 I know I'm going along this morning I'm almost done but he says in Proverbs I'll begin reading in verse 24 of Proverbs chapter 1 because I have called and he have refused I have stretched out my hand and no man regarded you know that's what God has been doing forever God is calling that you know what God's you know right now God is calling out to people right now right now on this sermon right now this is you know you know I'm a man of God getting up preaching God's Word God through me is calling out to people stretching out his hand saying you need to get right get saved repent judging God's been doing and I'm not anything special God's been doing that for forever holy men of old have been getting up since the dawn of time a you know Abel was a preacher of righteousness the Bible says okay and God has had prophets and and and the men of God preaching he has been what calling out he's been stretching out his hand you know what people have been doing that entire time refusing not regarding the same season that whatever that's why he says verse 25 but he has said it not all my counsel and would none of my reproof he didn't like that when when when when God said you're wrong and as a result it says in verse 26 I also will laugh at your calamity God says you want to scoff and mock at me then I'll scoff and mock at you I'll give you a taste of your own medicine you want to reject you want to disregard you want to laugh I'll laugh at your calamity I will mock when your fear cometh you want to scoff at the judgment of God God will mock you when it comes God scoffs and God's mocks at people who do the same to him when your fear cometh as desolation and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind as a what as a whirlwind when distress and anguish cometh upon you then shall they call upon me but I will not answer they shall seek me early but they shall not find me for they that hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord they would none of my recounsel and despised all my reproof therefore they shall eat of the fruit of their own way and be filled with their own devices look I'm sorry for the destruction that's come upon those places over there through that tornado through that whirlwind but you know what we as a nation maybe not the specific people over there but we as a nation deserve it we deserve a whole lot more and a whole lot more is coming and it's unfortunate that you know that that people had that innocent people that people get hurt and those things but you know what that's collateral damage when you live in a wicked nation go to Proverbs chapter 10 Proverbs chapter 10 Jeremiah 23 says behold a whirlwind of the Lord has gone forth in fury even a grievous whirlwind it shall fall grievously upon the hand of the wicked the anger of the Lord shall not return until you've executed it till he performed the thoughts of his hearts in the latter days you shall consider it perfectly you know when God thoroughly judges the earth people will consider it in the latter end they'll go you know what that was the judgment of God hindsight's 20 20 I'm just trying to say this morning I'm just trying to get us to acknowledge the judgment of God now Proverbs chapter 10 look at verse 24 it says the fear of the wicked it shall come upon him but the desire of the righteous shall be granted as the whirlwind passes so that is the wicked no more but the righteous is an everlasting foundation look we're living in a nation that is and will continue to be judged by God and you know what this is or this is a wake-up call for us to what to get in at least in our personal lives to get right with God to get saved if we're not saved to get right with God stay right with God because you know what God's gonna continue judge there's gonna be more whirlwinds that pass until he's performed all the thoughts of his heart and you know what we need to be if you want to be an everlasting foundation then get right with God I don't know if I had you to say something keep something in Isaiah chapter 40 Isaiah chapter 40 keep something in Proverbs will come right back but Isaiah 4 it says have you not known have you not heard hath it not been told you from the beginning have you not understood from the foundations of the earth is it is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth that's not flat earth okay a circle you know and described in a three-dimensional space is a sphere okay so don't let the flat-earthers try to pull out on you and inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers that stretched out the heavens as a curtain and spread them out as a tent to dwell in that bring it the princess to nothing he make judges of the earth as vanity yeah they shall not be planted yeah they shall be snot be sown yeah their stock shall not take root in the earth he shall also blow upon them and they shall wither I love how God describes how easy it is for him to just judge man I mean these judges are these rulers these governors they name airports after these presidents they name these libraries and they name all these places they think that they're just gonna have a name that lasts forever God said you know when God comes and judges the earth we when God rules and reign there we're not gonna remember these people Trump who Biden what you know Biden can't remember his own name we're gonna forget about all these people why a y'all ain't how you people that must be really hard to do God says he's just gonna blow on like that it's like those little dandelions and they get all white that's what I think of when God's judgment just and they're just gone they're just scattered in the wind that's how easy it is for God I mean he sits upon the circle here he hangeth the earth upon nothing how hard is it gonna be for him to judge a bunch of men they shall wither and the whirlwind shall take them away a stubble Bible says no go back to Proverbs chapter 1 they have sown the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind so I don't think that that we deserve to be judged you know what we've sown a whole lot more than we were getting America deserves every bit of judgment it's getting look this is something that has to be just preached over and over again because we got it so good in this country and we do and we've got all these amenities we eat all these food I mean just that we just came out of Thanksgiving and we're eating these these foods on it we even outside of Thanksgiving on a daily basis we eat things that a lot of people would have counted as delicacies for centuries we just have bowls of sugar bowls of this spice bowls of that spice just laying around we throw them out because they go stale we never use them and you know what some places that that was currency I mean salt used to be like a currency for some people I mean there was whole you know trade routes that would just span continents and go across oceans to just bring tea right and we just have it shipped in by the truckload this train and we just enjoy all these things and you know what that causes us to do is is we get a little lackadaisical you start to take those things for granted and we start to think well we got it pretty good and we do but we need to be woken up this morning and understand that God is that that you know don't be like people that that you know you know count gain as righteousness they think all we're prospering so much and we must be right with God look the wicked prosper the Bible says the wicked prosper all the time and just because you know don't don't count your gain as righteousness as a people or as a nation and it's because we have all these things that doesn't mean we're that somehow blessed look we deserve to be judged you know I just touched on some of the things that our nation is guilty of according the Word of God you know and of course we feel pity for the people that are suffering because a result of these things and we should you know I'm not saying we're up here you're laughing and we're cold and heartless about it you know we should we should have a realistic perception of what's going on here just go just you know that they just live in that part of country where tornadoes are normal Kentucky's not tornado alley friend Illinois is not tornado alley you know and even if it were those are still things that God sends and God uses and God judges the Bible says in Habakkuk I'll read you from chapter 3 verse 2 Oh Lord I have heard thy speech and was afraid Oh Lord revive thy work in the midst of the years in the midst of the years make make known in wrath remember mercy you know I look at God's wrath I see God's judgment I see God pouring out his vengeance upon us and others and I just want to pray God be merciful you know help us to preach the gospel helping to get more people save help us to not help us to use your long-suffering you know to see more people saved but here's here's what I'm trying to get at this morning is that we as a nation should take note and repent that's what we should do that's not what we're gonna do look at probably there's a result and as a result we're gonna suffer look at Proverbs chapter 1 verse 32 it says for the turning away of the simple shall slay them the prosperity of fools shall destroy them you know the simple turning away that's gonna what's gonna slay the people who are just gonna be simple what do they mean ignorant they're just they're not knowing not understanding who God is what God how God operates what God wants what God approves of what God disapproves of they're being simple them being ignorant them not understanding those things as what's going to destroy them you know ignorance is not an excuse it shall slay us okay and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them God wants us to be prosperous but you know what when people are prosperous and they don't acknowledge God that's what destroys them and that's prosperity of fools you know and who's a fool he who has said in his heart there is no God he is a fool that's the Bible says and that's what we do as a nation there is no God and yes we prosper and as a result will be destroyed for it the prosperity of fools shall destroy them well that's a scary sermon you're preaching it is it's reality we should be afraid look if it's making your palm sweat good but you know let me give you some reassurance here at the close look at verse 33 but who so harkeneth unto me shall dwell safely and he shall be quiet from fear of all you from evil you know I'm gonna this world can God can judge and this whole world can just burn down around us and if we harken unto God we can know well I'm gonna be safe we're gonna be like Israel in Egypt right when all those other plagues fall upon the Egyptians but none of them touched the Israelites I mean there was a darkness upon Egypt that could be felt and but the Israelites had light in all their houses you know that the Hebrews are on there flipping the switch or the the Egyptians are lighting the candles are flipping the switches nothing's coming on and I did all the all the Hebrews are just like I don't know what your problem is you know they're just lighting up the candle of course didn't have lighters understand but you know what I'm saying right that's what I'm saying that's what's gonna be with us you know I'm not nervous about God judging this nation I'm sorry it's happening I wish these people with our nation would repent I wish people will get right with God I'm sorry people are being hurt but we deserve it as a nation playing simple and I'm not worried about it and not just because I live in Arizona where we don't have these things because quite frankly every summer here is a natural disaster okay our natural disasters just when you go walk out in the grass and come back with you know thorns in your foot you know we had everything here is either trying to stab you or kill you or burn you right this whole place is a natural disaster just kidding I love Arizona Southwest beautiful but I'm not worried about God's judgment because you know what I'm gonna I'm just gonna you know what I'm just gonna hearken unto this word I'm just gonna raise my family in the fear of God I'm just gonna obey the Lord I'm gonna keep his commandments and I'm just gonna dwell in safety even even if it got I mean just where guys just I mean fire and brimstone supernatural things are happening God would supernaturally protect me provide for me you know I'm not worried about getting all my bullets and batteries and beans stocked up for you know a three year I'm gonna I'm gonna withhold I'm gonna hold out throughout the tribulation I'm not worried about it cuz I'm gonna be like Elijah at the brook everybody else is starving and God's just gonna feed me if I'm right with God and look I'm not that's for you too it's promises for everybody you know at the very least in our personal lives we should repent we should get right with God we don't have to go down with the ship you know we can watch the ship go down around us and we can just have our little lifeboat and just be perfectly fine but what we don't want to be is ignorant of the fact that God sends judgment on the earth let's go ahead pray dear Lord again thank you for the warnings that we have your word well I pray that you would help us as a nation Lord to to the very least minimize the judgment that we're worthy of Lord that we would we would begin to acknowledge you Lord and and Lord I don't expect us to as a nation to do that but Lord I pray to help us to do that as people as individuals in this church and Lord help us to reach people in this community where we are and Lord that we can see a great harvest of souls in these last days we ask in Christ's name amen all right we'll go ahead and sing one more song before we go you