(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, so tonight I want to preach a sermon entitled the true Jews the true Jews and of course, you know with the recent events I was just talking about during announcements, you know It's kind of ties in but you know, also, I don't know if anyone's noticed, you know, our pastor has been Going through a series on YouTube where he's been, you know, the pastor Anderson exposed series who's seen that, right? Okay, so I don't know if you've noticed but in that series and I think it's up to like six parts now It seems like the the one thing that that keeps coming up the one issue that they take Have problem with pastor Anderson over is this issue of who are the Jews or what are the Jews to God this relationship between? the modern-day Israel and the Lord today and that's you know, they get real upset about that and you know It's frustrating to sit there and see that when you know what the scripture says, you know And the hardest part about this sermon tonight was to know what to cut out like what scriptures to not include because there's just so much Bible on this topic that shows us that the you know The the true Jews today are me and you that we are the people of God It's not a bunch of people over there that hate the Lord and hate the Bible and hate Christianity Those are not God's people, you know, and I'm gonna preach this and probably everybody in the room is on board with that But I'm gonna go ahead and preach it anyway, just because of the fact that you know, we need to know this This is something's a major topic in our time, you know, there's certain doctrines There's certain things that we need to know that are a little bit more relevant in certain certain generations And this is one of them, you know, this is one that that you know, it's being taught everywhere It's being taught in Bible colleges. It's being taught in Baptist churches. Most of New Evangelical Christianity believes that You know the people in modern-day Israel today those that are the adherence to Judaism are somehow just magically God's chosen people when we read the scripture nothing could be further from the truth Okay, now you read there in Revelation chapter 2 look at verse 9 It says I know thy works and tribulation and poverty But thou art rich and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not but are the synagogue of Satan Okay So here's a couple clues here about this group of people who claim to be something that they are not the Bible You know Jesus is saying that there's this group of people Even in John's day that were saying they were something that they actually weren't Okay, and what was it that they were saying they were it says that they were saying that they were Jews They say they are Jews. Hey, we're Jews. We're God's chosen people. We are the people of God That's the claim that they make but Jesus says they are not okay. You say well who would say that? Well, it gives us another clue who this group is gives us another group one We see what they say that they're Jews. So it's some it's one some group out there that's calling themselves Jews Guess who that is Jews, right? It's pretty clear But just in case that wasn't clear enough it says that they are of the synagogue of Satan So you have to do is figure out. Okay. Well, what religion uses a synagogue? It's Judaism Okay So Jesus is saying just I mean could it be any clearer could it be any plainer than the way he's saying right here? That there's a group of people that say they are Jews and they are not and they are the synagogue of Satan. Okay? They claim to be something They are not they claim to be God's people go over to Revelation chapter 3 Revelation chapter 3. He repeats this again Revelation chapter 3 look this group hasn't gone anywhere You know and I think it's real interesting that God has brings this up twice in the last book of the Bible make sure that we Understand this that there's this group of people that say they are Jews that are not and that practice and worship in a synagogue Which is satanic and it's satanic in the sense that you know, it's Antichrist, you know It's it's not of the Lord Revelation chapter 3 verse 9 behold. I will make them of the synagogue of Satan. There it is again Okay, the synagogue of Satan which say say they are Jews and are not but do lie You know, they're lying out there. There's people out there saying hey, we're the Jews. We're God's chosen people they'll even go so far as to say we are the physical descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob when they there's no way to prove that and And they're not, you know historically we know that the people that are occupying Israel today are in fact people You know that came from, you know, what was considered modern-day Russia today, you know, Kazak, you know Kazakhstan or you know They were there's a group of people hundreds of years, you know way back that you decided to go ahead and convert to Judaism They're not they're not from the Middle East, you know, they're not Arab at all They cannot trace their roots How would we know how would we even know if these people are Jewish that they can they could say? Well, we are the children of Abraham. How would we even know that they would have to present what a Genealogy, they'd have to bring out a genome and what does the Bible tell us to avoid? Genealogies, right we are not to give you know, we're to avoid genealogies why because none of that matters Okay, none of that matters. It doesn't matter You know, there is neither Jew nor Greek in Christ you're all one in Christ the Bible says But I'm gonna preach it because I know I'm gonna bring this up because it says that they are the synagogue of Satan which say They're Jews and do lie They are not and they do lie I mean the going out with the intention of deceiving people of making them thinking that they are something that they are not That's why you know, they left as a bunch of brown people and came back white Right, you know if they would have been you know, if they were the true descendants of of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, they would actually look like it They would actually look Arab, but they don't they look like what they look like Polish people. They look like Europeans Okay, because that's what they are. That is their actual lineage and Nobody can trace their lineage back. We're talking thousands of years Thousands of years that doesn't exist. Okay, it's not out there. So what are they doing? They're lying and they're trying to convince people to think hey, we're the Jews were God's chosen people You know, we're gonna inherit this land it's God ordained it's a lie They claim to be God's people when in fact they are not So, how do you know that because the Bible tells us in the New Testament who is considered God's people and guess what? It's not it's not the people that are occupying Israel today Those are not God's chosen people because being God's chosen people has nothing to do with your geography It has nothing to do with your physical descendants. It has nothing to do with your skin color It has nothing to do with some genealogy that you can't produce Anyway, that's nothing to do with that has everything to do with what you believe Whether or not you believe on the lead Lord Jesus Christ or do not that is what determines whether or not you are God's people And again, this is something that our church and our pastor and our friends get attacked over because we preach what's called replacement theology You know, I didn't I didn't set out to study replacement theology I just said I set out to study the Bible and hear what the Bible had to say You know what and it happens to preach Replacement theology that there's a group of people, you know Old Testament Israel that was replaced by the New Testament Christian Okay They were replaced and then we're gonna look at the verses tonight that just clearly teach that and it needs to be preached because you know There's there they're standing up behind pulp. It's all across this country They're teaching us in Bible colleges that we are not God's chosen people but the people over there who blaspheme the name of Christ who hate the Lord that they are the God's people and we should Reverence them for some reason to the point where it's almost with some people. It's almost like a Jew worship. Okay? They claim to be God's people when in fact they are not Go over to Romans chapter 9 Romans chapter 9. It says that they lie they do lie Behold, I will make them come to worship before thy feet who is a liar, but he that denieth Jesus is the Christ Bible says that if you deny that Jesus is the Christ you are a liar Okay, and that's what you know, and look other religions do this cable. We're just focusing in on one today Judaism right they deny that Jesus is the Christ. I mean, that's that that's the Gospels friend. That's the story That's how it went. He came on to his own and his own received him not They did not believe on him. They did not confess that he is Christ that makes them want a liar Okay, you can't sit there and tell me you are God's people that you are the true Jews tonight and deny Christ and These debts it's those things are diametrically opposed one to another denial of Christ being God's people. You can't have both Okay, that's what it means to be God's people to accept Christ and not deny him. All right Who is a liar, but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ he is Antichrist He's satanic Right that denyeth the father and the son and they say well, you know, they don't have the son But they worship the father they worship the same God That's not what the Bible says John said in first John that if you deny the father you deny the son Whosoever denied the son the same had not the father. Okay, you're there in Romans chapter 9 verse 6 It says there 9 Romans 9 verse 6 not as though the Word of God hath taken none effect For they are not all Israel which are of Israel He's saying look, they're not all Israel. They're not they're not God's people. They're not God's chosen people They're not that spiritual nation that spiritual Israel That are of physical Israel, right? He's saying look the the my kinsmen after the flesh You know the the my fellow Jews Paul saying they which are of Israel. They are not all the true Israel They are all all these Jews are not all true Jews. Okay Verse 7 neither because they are the seed of Abraham are they all children? Okay, so that right there, you know that that's a that's a big stumbling block to people that would say well You know, they're God's chosen people because they descend from Abraham, right? But the Bible says they because neither because art they are the seed of amber Abraham. Are they all children? Okay Being the child of Abraham does not make you God's child because you physically descended from him You know back in Paul's day. It was a lot more likely that they could trace their lineage back, right? But even in Nehemiah and Ezra's day after just 70 years in the captivity People that they came back into the land and the priests then could not produce a genealogy Like there were some that could not do it and they were put out from the priest on the Bible says But we're supposed to believe, you know fast forward thousands of year later that that they've kept track of all that No, and even they will admit the Jews today will admit we can't trace our genealogy. We don't know what tribe were from Okay, but even if they could the Bible is telling us here. It wouldn't matter. It wouldn't matter. Okay It says right there that neither because they are the seed of Abraham Are they all children but an Isaac that shall thy seed be called that is they which are of the children of the flesh? These are not the children of God So he goes back to this, you know illustration of Isaac and Esau, right? And that is a picture of the Gentile and the Jew, right? Esau came first, but he was not of faith, you know, he was that was which was born of Hagar, you know Which is Sinai which is gender with bondage the Bible says You know that is a picture of the Old Testament bondage under the law. That's you know, and that's what the Jews practice You know, that's what they practice in Paul's day They don't believe in the in the promise of faith, which is what Isaac represents that the seed is of faith, right? That's what I that's what Abraham had to exercise in order to have Isaac he had a you know His flesh yet being dead one was born, right? And so much is so as we're born many were born that couldn't even number the sands of the sea There's so many right there. There's so many that but that came by faith That is something that was produced by faith. Isaac is the child of faith Esau is not and that's what he's saying here in Isaac So I see by called that is they which are the children of the flesh. These are not the children of God So does your flesh does your pedigree does your genealogy play into you being a child of God today? Not one bit. That's what the Bible saying. We're in the New Testament Okay, that's the testament that we we you know, this is our all matters of faith and practice And by the way, it lines up with the Old Testament. It's not like it's contrary but it's saying here that that that He's saying that they which are the children of flesh These are not the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted for the seed and what is the promise? It was the promise that was made to Abraham that into be that in thy seed shall all nations be blessed That in his seed, you know, which is one not not not seeds plural But one which is Christ that seed like we talked about this morning He Christ fulfilled that Abrahamic covenant by being the seed of Abraham that in him That all nations should be blessed. That is the promise that is given The children of the promise are counted for the seed those that have believed on Christ not those that have Claimed to have these days some kind of genealogy So who are the children of God today? Who is the true Jew? Is it the one who denies Christ? Is it the one who who has not the father nor the son you tell me that's the child of God today? That's the people of God today or is it those that are made children by the promise of faith Well, it's the by the promise of faith. That's what the Bible says go to Galatians chapter 3 You're gonna want to keep something in Galatians 3 because we're gonna be coming back quite a bit tonight because Galatians 3 is just you know just demolishes this doctrine along with Ephesians 2 and several other passages and Galatians 3 look at verse 14. Look if they're not the true Jews today over there in Israel, then who is Well, the Bible tells us it's those that are the that are the children of the promise of faith That they are the children those that are That the children the promise they are the counted are counted for the seed those that were born of faith Looking Galatians chapter 3 verse 14 that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ That we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith, you know, we receive that spirit By faith right we receive we get saved by believing on Christ We received this promise that what that we will be the children of God That promise that was made to Abraham is fulfilled in us when we believe that his his seed would number outnumber the stars that his Scene would outnumber the sands of the sea That that he would have many children, okay How and it's just it's children of faith, you know, we fulfill that promise when we believe on Christ, you know, we become God's children Okay, that's what the Bible says over and over again, you know that that when we believe, you know, we're born again We become God's child To that, you know to them gave you power even to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name Behold what manner of love the Father bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God. That's what the Bible says, okay So who are the children of God today? It's those that believe by faith those that are made the children by the promise of faith Okay, it says in verse 22 But the scripture hath concluded all under sin that the promise made by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe So the promise is given to those that believe Those that believe they inherit the promises of God that they are the children of God So what makes you a child of God today? It's belief Right. So how can it be that there's a group of people who? Who vehemently deny Christ that mock Christ that mock God that mock the Bible that detest Christianity But we're supposed to sit here and say that's the people of God. It's it's the strangest thing. It's ridiculous It's a ludicrous stock doctrine It's it's false and it's what's most amazing to me is how upset people get when you preach against it You know, they say all these things in this, you know, Steven Anderson exposed series where they're you know They just start railing on our pastor calling a name saying he's a despicable person and then and it's like wow What that's quite an accusation. What what evidence do you have? It's like well, it's because well how he feels about the Jews It's like are you serious? You know that they don't have a leg to stand on and it's not like these rebuttals are chock full of Scripture. Good night It's a you know, you listen to Grady and it's just a bunch of dumb Italian jokes You've heard a hundred times and a bunch of him recounting some movie and trying to sell a book It's like look if you if you got something put it on the table. Let's hear what you got. That's here Let's go to the turn of the scripture You know But that's not what they do You know they attack and it's just frustrating because of the fact that the Bible couldn't be any clearer on the subject That we are the children of God verse 26 for ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus Let's just let's just go eat ice cream now. I Mean, what other passages do I need to turn to to prove this doctrine tonight? But don't worry. We're going to we're gonna turn to several other ones And that's what's so frustrating today is that many of those who claim to be Christians to claim yeah I believe the Bible many independent Baptists King James only say this is my final authority You turn them to a passage like that and just whoop goes right over their head Because this isn't their final authority. It's you know, Schofield's notes. That's their final authority It's Matthew Henry is their final three, you know, it's what was that bozo out of Florida the one that died Bruckman, you know, that's their final authority some Dispensational, you know dipstick that's your authority, you know, Sam Gipp is your authority It's not this because if this is your authority you wouldn't believe that those people over there are the children of God and It's frustrating because of the fact that they try to rob God's people of that blessing You know that that we have as being the children of God, you know The Bible is it couldn't be any clearer on this yet many people who claim to believe the Bible deny it. Okay? Go over to Matthew chapter 3 in Matthew chapter 3. Look this needs to be preached Needed to be preached in Paul's day. That's what he told Titus He said there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers You know guys just get up and just just say a whole lot of nothing with their time Well, I got a lot to get through to gear expose Stephen Anderson in this false doctrine today You know, but and they don't do any of that they get up and they recount literally tell us about some movie You know where how West Point was founded. I Mean it's like I thought you were up here to explode expose this false doctrine and use some scripture You know, they'll they'll twist a few passages out of Romans 9 for a second And then it's just as he out of their own mouth blah blah blah That's what you know that dr. Grady said between every other thing. He said literally just blah blah blah blah blah blah He wants to go to church and hear blah blah blah You know why they call them Italian lights because they're dim hey No, I want to especially if you're gonna get up and say hey, let's let's expose this false doctrine called replacement Oh, yeah, let's do it. Let's hear it. Go ahead. I'm all ears And it's just it's not that's not what happens and they they they're what are they they're vain talkers and deceivers Especially they of the circumcision that's a reference to the Jews Whose mouths must be stopped who subvert whole houses. They subvert whole Bible colleges They subvert whole churches They subvert whole nations with their false doctrine with their vain talk and their deceit of all You're not God's chosen people. No those people over in modern-day Israel. That's God's chosen people You know Jerry Seinfeld not you You know, what was that? We know Sarah Silverman. That's God's chosen people. Not you that blasphemous comic That she's God's chosen people because because she's a Jew not you child. You're not the child of God I know you've believed on Christ by faith, but that's not the promises aren't for you It's for some blasphemer Right whose last name ends in Berg or whatever or Stein or something? That's What they that's what they want you to believe You know, is that Steven Spielberg? He's he's the chosen today. Not you look they their mouths must be stopped They subvert whole houses and that's the that's where we're at. People have just swallowed this hook line and sinker You know, what's great about this exposed series though? That's coming out. Is it just goes to show you that we're making waves That pastor Anderson and no others who've gotten up and preaches doctrine Look they wouldn't get up and talk about it in these mega huge Baptist churches, you know I'm talking like there's like some big names getting up and addressing this they wouldn't get up and talk about it. They didn't have to Because here's the thing when the people the people in the pew they don't have any problem with this People the pew they have enough integrity that if the Bible says that I believe it. That's good enough for me and they don't care who it comes from if you can show me from the Bible if that then that's what I'm gonna believe and Look this is what the Bible teaches and once you see it, you cannot unsee it And so that's why they're having to get up and make their videos and just you know Try to just you know, the there's a saying, you know that that personal attack is the last is the last bastion of a failing position People who just who don't have anything to stand on they don't have a leg to stand They just start lashing out at people personally, you know, they can't attack the doctor And so it's like well, let's just try to drag, you know, the preacher through the mud Let's just try to drag Steven Anderson through the mud somehow Don't you know he's a holocaust denier You know and that's you know, that's not entirely true and it's he just has a different view on that. Okay That's a whole nother. That's not really sermon material anyway, but anyway What they're trying to do is just you know discredit him right rather than actually take on the doctor and open your Bible Tell me chapter and verse and show me where we're wrong You Can't do it. It can't be done, but we can look at passage after passage at the passage tonight Where people are to where we see that the true Jew is not who's claiming to be it today Those people over there are not the true Jews. We are we are the true Jews. Okay tonight That's what the Bible says according to John the Baptist. What's your authority? John the Baptist is my authority tonight the Word of God Okay, not not Grady not you know Sam Gipp not some commentary and some Bible somewhere the Bible itself is my authority Matthew chapter 3 verse 7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to the baptism He said in them Oh generation of vipers who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come Bring forth fruits meet for repentance and think not to say within yourselves We have Abraham to our father for I say unto you that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham Oh, that sounds a little anti-semitic Don't you know who you're talking to buddy? You know, he's saying look don't think to yourselves you have Abraham to your father Look, he's got saying he's saying God could raise up stone. He could raise up children out of these stones You think your genealogy has anything to do with it? Has nothing to do with it and go and look what he says he goes on here and he doesn't just end there verse 10 and Now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees Therefore every tree which bringeth forth not good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire You know when you hew something down and cast in the fire, that's it. You know, I work back in Michigan and Excavating firm sometimes we'd have to go out and we had you know where I lived with the cherry capital of the world More cherries were produced there and still are than anywhere else in the world Okay, and you would have these you know, these orchards sometimes you'd have big patches of it That would those trees would have to be uprooted You'd go out there the bulldozer and just tear them all up and you'd make this I mean a huge pile would fill this this room Just gigantic and then you'd have to light it on fire And then one of us would have to sit there and watch it all night and feed it make sure it didn't get out of control You know what? Once you put those cherry trees in the fire you weren't did you think we sat around waiting for them to blossom and bear? fruit the next year You think we started at a pile of ashes and went man any minute now This is just gonna come back to life and bloom No, when you toss something in a fire and burn it you're done with it. It's destroyed. It's over Right and that and is this an unrelated verse in chapter 10? You know John the Baptist is just saying hey, you know bring forth fruits for you for repentance Don't think this day you're smug yourself that we have Abraham to our father for God as of these stones able to raise up children Abraham. Oh and by the way, you know this completely unrelated thing. I'm about to say no It's this it's all tied together You say look if you're gonna trust in your genealogy, you're gonna trust in your lineage You're gonna trust in the fact that you were born of Abraham You know what if you don't bring forth fruits meats for repentance if you don't believe on Christ You're gonna get cut down and cast into the fire gonna be destroyed And that's exactly what happened to that nation that rejected Christ. Okay, I Mean I love so that's my first authority, but you know, that's not my final authority Although it could be because it's Scripture my other authority is is Jesus, okay Maybe John the Baptist wasn't good enough for these other Baptists You know, maybe their spiritual forefather isn't good enough authority for him Let's go ahead and just turn to the Lord himself Because I love how this this parable that John gives out about the axe being laid under the tree and cast in the fire Kind of ties in with Jesus's own parables go to Matthew 21 Matthew 21 a passage that is just laden with parables about Israel. Okay Several are there. Let's just read it, but it ties in nicely with what John said, okay So here's my other authority of why we are the true Jews and the people that are boycotting Ben and Jerry's tonight or not. Okay, and that look that is the least of their atrocities Okay, and I don't want to and you know what? I try not to get too involved in it because it's really not I can't do anything to control It's kind of beyond anything I can do but what they're doing to the Palestinian people over there is it's it's nothing short of atrocities You know and and they're going back and forth and I'm sure there's people that are guilty on both sides, but it's a shame. Okay But let's look at what Jesus said, you know, here's my other authority, okay Matthew 21 verse 33 here another parable. So remember there's you know, we're in verse 33. There's been several others about this topic Okay here another parable there was a certain householder which planted a vineyard and hedged it round about and digged it in a wide press and Built the tower and let it out to and husband men and went into a far country You know, that's that's the Lord coming and planting a nation called Israel and then and then you know going into a far country And when the time of the fruit draw near he sent his servants to the husband that they may receive the fruits thereof fruits of It and the husband took his servants and beat one and killed another and stoned another And again, he sent other servants more than the first and they did unto him Likewise, this is the prophets that came on to Israel time and time again Coming these are them coming to the to the vineyard and saying hey bring forth fruits get right with God He's the prophets and what do they do the prophets? They beat some they killed some they took the stone some But last of all verse 37 he sent unto them his son his son, right? This is Jesus Saying they will reverence my son, but when the husband and saw the son they said among themselves This is the heir come. Let us kill him and let us seize on his inheritance They didn't want the Messiah they want they wanted look the the Pharisees and the Sadducees who had all that political and Religious power at that time. They didn't want to give that up They wanted that they wanted that power and they didn't want and they didn't want to say well This is the Messiah, you know, let him rule and reign over us. No, they rejected that they said let us seize upon the inheritance There's 39 and they caught him and cast them out of the vineyard and slew him When the Lord therefore the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto those husband men? You restore them right and get them all saved just by showing up, right? That's what they would have you believe No, they say unto him He will miserably destroy those wicked men and will let out his vineyard unto other husband men You know a broken clocks white right at least twice a day Right these Jews who didn't get it. They're right. He's gonna lend it out unto other husband men other husband men Not the same guys who killed all the prophets who killed the who killed his only son who despised him who rejected him He's not gonna lend the same vineyard back out to them. He's gonna say okay, I'm done with you I'm gonna lay the axe to the root and burn this down and find somebody else. I'm gonna plant something else I'm gonna make something new I'm going to Replace you There's that dreaded word replace replacement theology that's because they've been replaced Verse 41 they say well, let's jump to verse 42. We just read that Jesus saith unto them Did you never read in the scriptures the stones which the builders rejected the same has become the head of the corner? This is the Lord's doing and it's marvelous in your eyes Therefore I say unto you the kingdom of God shall be taken from you Didn't say borrowed didn't say it for a sort season We're just gonna I'm just gonna borrow the kingdom of God which is rightfully yours and we're gonna use it for something else He said it's going to be taken from you. It's gonna be pulled out of your hands and you're never gonna get it back Just like you would cut down a tree and burn it. You don't expect it to grow again because it's dust. It's ash It's gone with wind He's saying here. I Should the kingdom God should be taken from you and doing what and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof And who is that nation today? It's a spiritual nations me and you it's it's the whole it's the it's that spiritual priesthood It's that peculiar people. It's that holy nation that we are that the children of promise make up by faith in Christ Jesus That's who it is Israel has been replaced by the church Israel has been replaced by the Bible believing Christian. We are the true Jews today I mean, isn't that what Jesus is saying then? Okay, then you explain it What do you means by that, you know, and I'm sure they have some cute little way They've got some commentary somewhere that you know They can just do some mental gymnastics and really stretch to try to make this work But you know what the common man who just reads the Bible and just believes it for what it says understands this No, he's rejecting the Jews and he's gonna give it to another nation What what nation could that be Syria Pakistan Egypt the Netherlands You know, no, it's a spiritual nation Okay, that is not named It's the it's the it's the heavenly Jerusalem. You know that that's what it is Go over to Luke 13 Luke 13 You know John's parable about the about the tree being cut down a cast in the fire ties in nicely with what Jesus taught That something's gonna be taken away and given to another Look at verse you're going to Luke chapter 13 Look at verse 23 then said one unto him Lord Are there a few that be saved and he said I'm strive to enter into the straight gate for many I say unto you will seek to enter in and shall not be able when once the master of the house was risen up and had shut to the door and he began to stand without and to knock At the door saying Lord Lord open unto us. He shall answer and say unto you I know not whence you are Then you shall begin to say we have eaten and drunk in your presence and now has taught in our streets So this is kind of a different Rendering of what you read in Matthew 7 where they say have we not and I were and I named on many wonderful works And then they name cast out doubles and prop and in I prophesied in the name and that's exactly right But this is a little bit of a different take on that, right? This what I believe applies more specifically to the Jews because look he's saying here We have eaten and drunk in thy presence and thou hast taught in our streets Whose streets did Jesus teach in? Israel's that's where he was In fact before he even went to the lost about the other nations before he went to Samaria or anywhere else You know, he said he told his disciples to go to note none other but the lost sheep of the of the tribes of Israel That was it Okay, and then eventually he opened it up to the other Gentile nations. Okay, especially after we know he ascended that was the command But he's saying look that this is who this is is the Jews People that have drunk with him in his presence. They have eaten with him in his presence They have he has taught in their streets and he shall say verse 27 I tell you I know not whence you are depart for me you workers of iniquity verse 28 There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth when ye now who's the ye there those that have eaten and drunk in his presence Those and whose streets he has taught that is the that is the ye there well, those people shall what see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets their Progenitors those that came before them their forefathers. Okay, when he sees them in the kingdom of God and yourselves what thrust out Not just help that arms distance not just say you can hang out in the foyer. Oh You know what? You can just look through the window. No, they are thrust out of the kingdom they and he says in verse 29 and they shall come from the east and from the west and from the north and from the South and shall sit down and the kingdom of God while they themselves shall be what thrust out. What are they what's going on here? They're being replaced by all other nations, I Mean, it's just plain. It's just clear We could we could end now we could stop now and everyone, you know, it probably has got it down But we're gonna keep going you're in Luke 13. Look at verse 6 He spake also this parable a certain nobleman had a fig tree Reminds me what John was preaching a little earlier had a certain fig tree planted in his vineyard He came and sought fruit there on and found none Then he said unto the dresser of the vineyard behold these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree How long was Jesus ministering on the earth when he started ministry three years? Now it's not a coincidence it's Jesus shows up he comes to his vineyard He comes and he looks at the fig tree called Israel and is looking for the fruits of repentance He's looking for them to turn and believe on Christ and they don't there's no fruit there and he says what cut it down Why come birth at the ground and he answering said unto him Lord? Let it alone this year also and I will dig it about and dung it and if it bear wet fruit Well, and if not then after that thou shalt cut it down Not thou shalt transplant it now, you know thou shalt put it in a nursery and then when it's ready to bear fruit We'll bring it back. No, you're gonna cut it down and it's gonna die That's what happens to treat when you cut it down They die, okay So when Jesus comes for three years ministers finds no fruit and then he says, you know what? Give them a little more time They got 70 years before they fight with the Romans show up and burn their city to the ground and Ban them from entering into the Promised Land or kick them out rather Now does that mean that every person who claims to be a Jew today by reason You know by who claims to be of the descendant of Abraham Is is cursed no, they can become true Jews if they believe on Christ Okay Go over to Romans chapter 11 Romans chapter 11 because you preach this and people say oh you're being anti-semitic You hate Jews No, I hate I hate falsehood. I hate lies. I hate deceit. I hate God's people having the wool pulled over their eyes I hate exalting people who hate the Lord I Hate them who hate the Lord You know, I hate them with perfect hatred David said do not I hate them they hate the Oh Lord Yeah, I pay them with perfect hatred But look if they want to get saved all of them as brethren because that's what they'll be But you're never gonna convince me that a Christ rejecting drew is God's chosen people because he's not Romans chapter 11 verse 1 I say then hath God cast away his people God forbid That doesn't mean oh, no, no all of Israel is gonna get saved, you know, that means every Jew is still God's chosen people Paul goes on to explain himself here folks He says God forbid for I also am an Israelite of the seed of Abraham of the tribe of Benjamin He's using himself as an example Now why is it that that that Paul was not cast away? because he believed on Christ we went down the Damascus Road the vision appeared the scales fell off got the gospel preached to him and he believed So God has not cast off his people in the sense that if they want to believe on Christ they can be saved It's not only said we just say look your physical nation is done with This old this old test this old system of worship the temple the sacrifices. It's done. It's over You have to believe on Christ now, okay God hath not cost away his people which he did for know which he foreknew Excuse me, why not with the scripture say of Elias how he may get intercession for God against Israel saying Lord They have killed a prophets and dig down on altars and I am left alone and they seek my life But what sayeth the answer of God unto him I have reserved myself 7,000 men who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal So look remember when when when Elijah thought he was all alone That everybody else had turned on God of God's people. They'd all gotten back. So there's nobody left. He said no, they're still a remnant There were still you know that 7,000 that had not bowed their knee to Baal Okay, and he's using a same old things example saying in his day the same time in the same way You know, although much of Israel had rejected Christ, you know that there was still a remnant that hadn't So God had not completely cast away his people because there were people that believed on Jesus Even so verse 5 at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace Why is there a remnant of the children of Israel at this time because of grace? Not because of race not because of their skin not because of who they descend from not because they have Abraham to their father according to the election of grace and Verse 6 and if by grace and it is no more of works Otherwise grace is no more grace and if it be of works and it is no more of grace Otherwise work is no more work verse 7 what then Israel hath not obtained that which it seeketh for But the election hath obtained it the rest were blinded Look the election those that got saved by grace the elect or selected Right those who are in the elect is is anyone who gets saved by the way Anyone who is saved by grace is the elect he's saying look Israel hath not obtained which it seeketh for It's been rejected, but the election hath obtained it Israel's the elect brother that would this would make no sense then How do you read this verse if it says the Israel hath not obtained with that which you seek it for but the election hath obtained it. Okay, and the rest were blinded Now who is the elect? It's anyone that believes on Christ So if if there's if there was a rent the remnant of Jews that believed on Christ back in Paul's day They got saved. You know what they are true Jews just like me and you Because you become a true Jew by state by believing in Christ by getting saved. That's it And you know, we can prove that by turning several passages. I got to hurry along here, but go over to a Go over to John chapter 8 John chapter 8, I'm just gonna read some verses about who is the elect Okay, first Thessalonians chapter 1 knowing brethren beloved your election of God Now the Thessalonians last I checked weren't Jews They were Gentiles. Okay, they were not in the nation of Israel and He says look your brother and beloved your what election of God they were the elect Right put on therefore. This is what he said that the Colossians also not Jewish Put on therefore as the elect of God holy and beloved bowels of mercy kindness humbleness of mind He's called them what as the elect of God do this because that's what you are You're elect if you believed on Christ first Peter chapter 1 Peter an apostle of Jesus Christ to the stranger scattered throughout Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia Bithynia Elect according the foreknowledge of God the Father through sanctification of the Spirit Unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ grace unto you and peace be multiplied So here's this you know These Gentile nations that Peters naming off and he calls them elect according the foreknowledge of God how through the sanctification Of the Spirit through the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ That's what makes you elect today not being from a certain region in the Middle East that doesn't make you elect having some lineage that you can lay claim to You know in all in the Old Testament, you know, it was God's people were God's people through obedience to the law And here's the thing anybody could have become, you know a Jew back then, you know And if you read Deuteronomy 29, I had it in here, but it's just it's it's too much But Deuteronomy Deuteronomy 29 shows us that if as God's people if they did not follow God if they did not keep his judgments and statutes and keep the law that he would drive them out of the land Okay, that was under obedience. There were stipulations attached. And if you remember he that when he when Moses was giving that You know, that's that that speech of them in Deuteronomy 29 that the hewers of wood were there too there were strangers which were amongst them right the I'm forgetting their names. I had it down too but you remember when they came when Joshua came into the promised land and And and and the what were their names who knows the name? Does anybody know the name? What is it? The Gibeonites that's right the Gibeonites and the Gibeonites came and they fooled Joshua thinking to say hey We're not of the nations are supposed to destroy and they brought him they made a covenant with them They were there when Deuteronomy 29 was read and God said hey this even goes for them They they weren't what I'm getting at is that they weren't they were not of the children of Abraham They didn't come out with that multitude, you know, and even in Esther's day, you know when they found out that Esther had You know got Mordecai Haman hung, you know, he they she turned the tables on him It says that many of them many of those nations did what became Jews Gentile nations became Jews. Okay, they did that through the keeping of the Old Testament law and the the the practices and the worship back then Is that how it's done today? Is that how you become God's people today through animal sacrifices through circumcision through keeping the Sabbath? Is that how we do it today? No, how do you do it today through the blood of sprinkling? Jesus Christ the sanctification the spirit through the obedience to what to the gospel they do be obedient to the statutes and commandments And and and all of that back then the Old Testament but today it's the obedience to the gospel that makes you God's people Jesus said in answering them in John 6. This is the work of God that you believe on him that whom he hath sent The Bible says in 1st Peter chapter 4 the time has come that judgment must begin at the house of God and if it first Begin at us what shall be the end of them that what obey not the gospel of God Did that word I have you go you in John 8? I'll read you from 2nd Thessalonians 2 and to you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus Shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels and flaming fire Taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ If you do not obey the gospel, you do not know God. I Don't care. I don't care you know what kind of hat you wear or how you wear your hair or what kind of garments you put on or where you Pray what wall you rock in front of or what book you read if you do not obey the gospel You do not know God period that's what the Bible says So don't sit there and tell me that someone who rejects the gospel of Christ is God's people Nothing could be further from truth The truth is is that the true Jew is me and you Like how that rhymes don't you the true Jew is me and you right not unbelievers Who are waving some banner? You know with the star of rem fan on it the star of David Is what they call it. I call it the star of rem fan, right? They wave that thing. That's not that's not God's chosen people. We are I'll go to the grave believe in that because I've got Bible to stand on I've got mountains of Scripture to stand on and What are they got on the other side who would argue against this? Commentaries Just glib Vain talking just nothing they got nothing That's why they can't stand it that it's that this is reaching their people the true Jew is me and you according to Paul according to the New Testament according to Jesus You're in John 8. I know I'm going long But I'm gonna get off my chest verse 30 as he spake these words Many believed him then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him If you continue my word, then you're my disciples indeed and he shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free They answered him we the Abraham seed and were never in bondage to any man how sayest thou you shall be made free Jesus answered and said answered them verily verily saying to you whosoever committed sin is the servant of sin and The servant abideth not in the house forever But the son abideth forever if the son therefore shall make you free then you shall be free indeed I know that you are Abraham seed, but you seek to kill me because my word hath no place in you I speak that which I have seen of my father and you do that what you have seen with your father He's saying look we got different dads We got different fathers My father and we all know who his father was God Almighty, okay And he's saying look and you have your father then answer they and said unto him Abraham is our father Jesus said unto them if you were Abraham's children, you would do the works of Abraham Does it sound like Jesus believes that these Jews are the children of Abraham? But they probably you know, they did have a physical they were physical descendants Back then they were physical descendants. They could say hey, we we have a genealogy to prove it and Jesus saying look you're not you're not his father. You're not his children. He's not your father Right. That's what he's saying Verse 40 but now you see to kill me a man that hath told you the truth Which I have heard of God this did not Abraham Ye do the deeds of your father. They say unto them. We'd be not born of fornication. We have one father even God Again, they're they lie They lie they say they are Jews in our and they do lie. We're of God He's our father then said said they to him Excuse me verse 42 Jesus said unto them if God were your father you would love me for I proceeded Forth and came forth from God neither came I of myself, but he sent me Why do you not understand my speech even because he cannot hear my word ye are of your father the devil? And the lusts of your father he will do He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him When they speak at the lie He speaks of his own free as a liar and the father of it and because I tell you the truth He believed me not which of you convinced me of sin and if I say the truth Why do you believe me not he that is of God here with God's Word ye therefore hear them not because ye are not of God I Mean do I have to really get up here and expound this? Jesus looking at Jews back then the Pharisees and saying you're not of God He's not your father Abraham's not your father. The devil is your father. You're a liar. And so is he that's what he's saying Well, would you call that anti-semitic Well, we just call that a guy preaching the truth and just telling it like it is And look they could have believed they could have said hey, you know what he's right and believed Jesus is the promised seed of Abraham How do I know that we are the true Jews today? Because the fact that Jesus is the promised seed of Abraham and we are you know, we are heirs with Christ making us also the seed of Abraham Genesis chapter 12 I'll read to you but go back to Galatians chapter 3 Genesis chapter 12 the Bible says verse 1 now the Lord had said unto Abraham Abraham get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that I will show thee And I will make of thee a great nation and I will bless thee and I will make thy name great and thou shall be A blessing why am I putting emphasis on the these and thighs and vows because that's singular This is a promise that he's making to Abraham specifically that one man named Abram at this time, right? I will make of thee a great nation and I will bless thee and I will make thy name great and thou and thou Shalt be a blessing and I will bless them that bless thee You know, and this is the verse that gets twisted all the time. Oh if we bless Israel, you know, God will bless us Well, you know what? Let me ask you. But what would you consider blessing Israel? What if we sent eight billion dollars in foreign aid to Israel every year? Would you call that? I mean I would look if you don't believe me give me eight billion dollars I'll take and I'll say I'll say you know what? Thank you for the blessing. Okay Who wouldn't call that right if you gave me eight bucks and say bless me, right? Look, we've been you know, we're sticking up for them giving them a nuke, you know, give them nukes Going to bat for them that every president that gets elected goes over there and stands in front that wall and puts that hat on and and And kisses the wall or whatever they all go over there and pay homage to Israel That's right. So they you would say that wouldn't you say that we've been blessing Israel for decades We've been blessing Israel, but let me ask you something. Do you feel blessed today as a nation? Does it feel like God's hand of blessing is upon America? But wait a minute haven't we been blessing that country that that was founded in 1948. Haven't we been blessing them? I mean, oh my gosh, we've been blessing that country that was founded in 1948 Haven't we been blessing them? I mean all that foreign aid all that military support all those presidents going all those people standing up for him that little nation that's just you know It's just got a sliver over there a little tiny toehold Surrounded peep by people that just want to wipe them off the face of the earth You know, they're staying there why because they have the force of the US military behind them as well as their own That's why they're still there. That's why they've been driven in the ocean now because God's blessings on them Look we've been blessing Israel We've been supporting Israel And I'm looking around this country and I'm thinking myself. Where's the blessing? Where's the blessing we got transvestites, you know teaching and teaching our kids and in in You know in story time hour reading them books and public libraries We got a Pride Month every year now It's this craps everywhere You know this country is in a spiritual, you know spiral It's turning into a sewer spiritually speaking You know, and I don't want to go on and on about it But look, I don't think I have to get up here and trying to convince people that this this country is morally bankrupt And it's getting worse every day But I'm supposed to believe that's the blessing of God So, how does this work then? because this is this is this blessing was to Abraham to Abraham and To those that would his and to his seed those who are truly his seed, okay He said and I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curseth thee and in thee shall what all families of the earth be blessed Not just one certain nationality. He said that all nations all families of the earth shall be blessed in Abram Now, how is that possible? It's possible because Jesus Christ is the seed of Abram and he you know, if you believe on Christ you're blessed and When we get to heaven we're gonna see every nation kindred and tongue Praising God and being blessed by God. That's how that works That's why he said in Genesis 22 in a nice seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed. Okay Galatians chapter 3 where you are verse 16 Now to Abraham and his seed with the promises made he saith not and to seeds as of many But as of one and to thy seed which is Christ So Christ is the seed. Okay, not not the nation of Israel. Okay, the Christ is the seed verse 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek. There is neither bond nor free. There is neither male nor female For you're all one in Christ Jesus. I mean, can we let's just read it one more time just to make sure Correct me if I'm wrong, but does your Bible say in verse 28 there is neither Jew nor Greek That's what it says in mind. It says there's neither Jew nor Greek in Christ It says if you beat Christ, then are you Abraham seeds and heirs according to the promise if you beat Christ's You know, but we're the ones that get accused of being anti-semitic. We're the ones that get accused of being racist Because we don't believe that there's just one special nationality. That's better than everybody else Jared I said we're the ones that say no there is neither Jew nor Greek. We're the ones that say hey There's no one nation that's better than any other ones that that all nations are equal in God's sight Which is less than nothing by the way That's how he steams nations that there's no one race better than another that the Jews aren't better than everybody else You're racist for saying that You know who the real racist is is the one who would say hey they're better than everybody else just because they're Jews That's called racism. That's the definition of it But we're it we're anti-semitic. We're racist because we just believe that the Bible says that there is neither Jew nor Greek That we are all in one in Christ Jesus So, you know, these are these are my this is my authority tonight the Bible Okay, and the Bible teaches me that the true Jew is the one who believes on Christ according to John according to Jesus You know not people who have rejected Christ those people have been replaced They are not the true Jews according to the Apostle Paul Go to Romans chapter 2 Romans chapter 2. I'm almost done Romans chapter 2 maybe I Won't go full Bill Grady on you and I'm done with this 20 minutes later and then I'm done with this. I'll finish here What's going on? If you saw that video, you know, that's how it was so frustrating to watch How does anybody sit listen to that nonsense Galatians chapter 3 verse 8 and the scripture for seeing that God would justify the heathen through faith Preached unto the God preached before the gospel unto Abraham saying in thee shall all nations be blessed How are all nations gonna be blessed? through faith For seeing that God would justify the heathen through faith That's how all nations are gonna be blessed when the heathen gets saved by faith in Christ. That's the blessing that comes upon all nations Bible says in verse 29 and if you be Christ then or your Abraham seed and heirs according to promise if ye be Christ's Then you are the heir according to the promise if ye be Christ's tonight. You are the true Jew you are Don't let anybody take that away from you ever That's what it says in Romans chapter 2 according to Paul verse 28 for he is not a Jew which is one outwardly Which is one outwardly? Neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh. How do you know? He's a Jew? Oh, he looks like one He's got he's got this little apron on he's got the tassels on this on the sides of his waist He's got the hair curled the locks that come down on the side. He's got that black hat He stands in front of him goes like this He's got that cube on his forehead He's got that little goily on the back of his head. That's that's that's God's chosen people. Just look at him You could tell just by looking at him. That's a lot of people have you believe tonight That's not what Paul would have you to believe Paul said the exact opposite in Romans he said he is not a Jew which is one Outwardly your outward appearance has nothing to do with what makes you the true Jew tonight Neither is that circumcision with his out there in the flesh. Oh, he's circumcised clearly He's a Jew and wrong again has nothing to do with the flesh Verse 29, but he is a Jew which is one inwardly and Circumcision is that of the heart in the spirit and not a letter whose praise is not of men but of God Look I'm not expecting the world to lift us up tonight So you guys are the true Jews and praise us for that all you believed on Christ. You're so great. You know, let us bless you But we have that praise of God you think God knows who's the people are tonight and who they aren't You know, they can they can have all their they can write all their commentaries They can they can come out and try to preach all their sermons They can they can rage against all this But they're not fooling God. They might be able to fool some of God's people We don't read their Bible who don't listen the Word of God. You might be able to fool some of them, but they'll never fool God God looks down and knows exactly whose people are and who it is are those that have believed on Christ. It's me and you tonight And I don't mean like we squeaked in at the last minute We got we you know, we got to be God's chosen people. We're in his plan B We're not we're not the redheaded stepchild of God's family. Okay, no offense to any gingers in the crowd tonight I only say that because there are no right That's not what we are spiritually You know some some tag along that God has to just kind of put up with. Oh, yeah, you got in on a You know because there's nobody else I guess you'll have to do You know, we didn't catch God on the rebound Right Oh Israel rejected me, I guess I'll go to the Gentiles because you know No, we are God's chosen people through faith You know, you're a first-class citizen of heaven You know, here's my passport here's my visa I got I've got the paperwork to prove it right here it says I'm a citizen of heaven You know, that's according to Paul Jesus John the Baptist it's according to Peter Go over to Ephesians chapter 2 Ephesians chapter 2 He said in 1st Peter chapter 2 verse 9, but ye are a chosen generation Ye are he's right in the Gentiles folks a chosen generation a royal priest priesthood a holy nation of Peculiar people that's the same words. He used to describe Israel in the Old Testament Those are the exact same words saying you say hey, you're gonna be a peculiar people enemy. You're a holy nation You're a royal priesthood, that's how he described Old Testament Israel back when they were God's people But now we are God's chosen people and he calls us these same things He says we are the chosen generation. We are the royalty persisted. We are the holy nation We are the peculiar people to show forth praise of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvellous lights In which times past were not a people but now are the people of God Who are the people of God we are she obtained I had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy If you obtain of nursing retain mercy in Christ tonight, you are God's chosen people So don't let these Zionists rob you of your joy don't let the Sam Gipps and the the Bill Grady's and the you know, and anyone, you know, the All the rest of them you name it you come up with the name you fill in the blank Don't let them rob you of the fact that you know, you are God's chosen people That you are elect according the foreknowledge of God that God, you know, it calls you a holy nation a peculiar people You're special to God You say well, you know, I this just sounds too anti-semitic it sounds to me like you hate the Jews look I'm I don't hate Jews. Okay, I want them to be saved You know, the person who hates Jews thinks that they're fine. They don't need Jesus that they're just you know They're gonna go to heaven no matter what that's the person that hates the Jews Okay, I don't hate them. I want you know, Paul didn't hate them, you know, I want them to be saved Just like just like I want Muslims to be saved. Just like I want Hindus to be saved. Just like I want you know Roman Catholics to be saved just like I want any other person who's in a false religion to be saved But I'm not gonna sit here and just and just take it on the chin and just let people say oh that that Christ Rejecting group of people over there that one particular group. That's God chosen people. Not you know, I'm gonna fight for that I'm gonna lay claim to that because that's what the Bible teaches. You're not gonna take that from me You know, I started out in Christianity not understanding this being taught Zionism being taught dispensationalism being taught that You know, they are the chosen people. We're not, you know, we're just kind of second-class citizens You know what? You know what? It made me feel made me feel like a second-class citizen You know, it's a pretty good day when you find out that you are first-class That you're not substandard that you didn't just you know, get by on a on a you know technicality with God That God died for you that he wanted to be blessed you like he would bless all nations anyone that would believe Are blessed in him. So you sound kind of angry about it. Let me tell you something I'm not any angry about it than God is I'm not any angry in it than God is say is God angry about it. He's angrier than I am. I Mean first Thessalonians chapter 2 he says in verse 14 for ye brethren became followers of the churches of God Which is in Judea are in Christ Jesus for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen Even as they have of the Jews who both killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets and have percute Persecuted us and they please not God. Well, yeah, I understand that, you know, they don't please God No, it's much more than just that friend. It's not just that they don't please God It's that God is angry at them far more than I am It says they please not God and are contrary to all men Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved. Look. I don't care what nationality you are I don't care what race you are I don't care where you come from if you get in the way between the gospel and a sinner who'll believe it You're gonna occur God's wrath in your life You're gonna be somebody who's gonna try and thwart the work of God. You're gonna bring God's Wrath down on your own head. I don't care who you are And then you know what? It just so happens that that's what they did. They persecute they were persecuting them You know, they they killed the Lord Jesus their prophets. They persecuted us. They please not God They're contrary Oh, man Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved to fill up their sins always for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost You know God's not done with Israel. Yeah, he's pouring out his wrath on them. That's why they've been kicked out of over a hundred countries That's why they need, you know America to sit there and hold their hand Because they're contrary to all men and God wiped them out And he's gonna wipe them out again So you sound angry about these people. I'm not anywhere near as angry as God is God is angry with the Jews than I am and Don't they deserve that? Let it his blood be upon us and on our children. Okay? That's not you know, look you don't want anybody's blood on your hand anyone's especially not the Son of God's blood You know, he paid a great price to make us his people I'm not gonna I'm not gonna take that for granted I'm not gonna let God's people get shortchanged of that in Ephesians chapter 2, you know I know I'm running out of time, but we're gonna read it verse 11 Wherefore remember ye that being times past Gentiles in the flesh who were called uncircumcision by that which is called the circumcision the flesh made by hands that at that time ye were without Christ being alien from the Commonwealth of Israel and Strangers from the covenant the promise having no hope and without God in the world. That was our case, wasn't it? We were without God we had no hope in the world without God But now in Christ Jesus ye who are sometimes a far-off are made nigh. We're made nigh We've been brought close to God. Now. How did that happen? What says right there by the blood of Christ? So I'm not gonna let us get shortchanged of the fact that we are the people of God when it when that came at such a price It came at the blood of Christ But now in Christ Jesus you were sometimes far-off or made nigh by the blood of Christ for he is our peace who hath made Us both one and hath broken down the middle wall partition between us having abolished in his flesh the enmity Even the law of commandments contained in ordinances for to him to for to make in himself of twain And he's talking about who are the twain here the uncircumcision and the circumcision he's saying he's broken down that middle partition and to make one of twain That's why it says there's no there is neither Jew nor Greek it doesn't exist But you have a lot of Baptist today. You have a lot of people clinically in this book they're trying to prop up this partition that God has broken down and Say no, there are God's chosen people. God's not done with them God's got a special plan for them. We got to bless them Why don't you quit trying to hold up a partition that God has broken down and just accept what the Bible says? Well if we do that someone might call us anti-semitic oh We wouldn't want to call you a name You know, you're such a snowflake, you know, and some of these preachers are there's just such they're just it's like They're just weak lily-livered it's like they can you take your coat off you can expect to see a big yellow stripe down their back Like oh you can't somebody call you a name You're not gonna stand up for Bible doctrine because you you're afraid someone might call you a name you poor little baby The Southern poverty Law Center might might put out a might have put out a little issue They might said they might fax you something and you might get a paper cut And then you might handle a lemon or some salt they could burn I mean, that's a word. What's the worst that could happen? If you stood up for biblical truth, they might call you a name It's ridiculous They want to prop up this partition that God has abolished It says there in verse 15 in his flesh the enmity in the law of the commandments Verse 16 that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross How did he break down this partition? How did he make both 20 through his blood through the cross through his suffering? And We're gonna we're gonna make that void By trying to put this partition back up say oh no, we're different but God it took the cross for him to do that Not in this church not in this pulpit Having slain the enmity thereby and came and preached peace to you which were far off and to them that were not For through him we both have access by one spirit of the Father Now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the Saints and again, this is to those that are in Ephesus to Ephesians to Gentiles and he's saying that they Just like us are what fellow? citizens with the Saints Who are the people of God tonight? Anyone who believes on Christ that means me and you we are the true Jew We are of the household of God and are built upon the foundation of the apostles of prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief Cornerstone You know who the true anti-semite is tonight the one who would persecute the true Jew I mean think about it if we're the true Jews and you're gonna persecute us for what we preach You're the real anti-semite. You're the real you're the real hater of God's people Last passage I'm gonna go to promise Psalms 100 You say well, what's the takeaway because I'm sure this isn't new to any of us Most of us probably already understand all this You know anyone that say it and has the Holy Spirit is just taking the time to read the New Testament It's probably figured this out on their own So, what's the point what's the takeaway don't let them rob you of the joy that you have and being a fellow citizen with Christ In being an heir of head in heaven Being part of that heavenly kingdom because it came at a price friend came at the cross. It came at the blood Look At Psalm 100 verse 1 make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lands serve the Lord with gladness Come before his presence with singing You know, it's gonna put gladness and singing in your heart when you realize that Christ loved you just as much as he loves anybody else You know, I know he loves me but he doesn't love me as much as those people over in Israel He loves them extra extra lot more than he loves me. That's not true His wrath is upon them Look he wants them to be saved. I want them to be saved But you know what until they you know, stop rejecting Christ. His wrath is upon them And they lie and they say they are Jews and they are not they are not God's chosen people We are and when you understand that you know what you can do you could serve God with what? With with you can come before singing presence with singing you could serve the Lord with gladness Not just well serve God because you know, I happen to just squeak in there Technicality know he died for me. He shed his blood for me. He died on the cross for me. Maybe his people I'm a child of Abraham by faith. I'll serve him with gladness I'll come before his presence with singing and put joy in my heart to know that you are God's chosen people tonight You are the true Jew that'll put joy in your heart in the Christian life. Don't let them take that from you Don't let them rob you of that joy Verse 3 know ye that the Lord he is God it is he that hath made us and not we ourselves We are his people You know, he made us as people, you know, they're gonna say oh we made ourselves our people by just you know Keeping our bloodline pure Because we have so we're descendants because we inhabit some dirt in a specific part of the world now. We're God's people We made ourselves God people. No, you know, I'm God's people because he made me as people you know why you know why you're God's people tonight because God made you his people and How did he do that through the blood? Through the cross He made us not we ourselves. We are his people and the sheep of his pasture Entering his gates with Thanksgiving and into his carts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name You know what? I want you're gonna be more thankful and want to bless God when you understand that you are God's chosen people tonight And not not not those that lie and say they are and are not we are That's gonna you know It's what you can make you say verse 5 for the Lord is good as mercy is everlasting his truth adoreth to all Generations and you know what and to all people to all people Jew Gentile Bond free skimpy and it doesn't matter Greek Jew Hindu and you know what whatever nation under the Sun if they believe on Christ They are God's chosen people all kindreds all all all tongues all tribes of the earth can be saved in Christ And when you realize that you know what it's gonna make you say God is good God is good when you're gonna sit there and tell me that God well, it's only this select small race that God cares about You know what? The God isn't good then God's not that good But God is good Because God loves all people. He's not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance Jew Greek, it doesn't matter. Okay, so that's the sermon tonight. Don't let the Zionists don't let this false doctrine creep in Rob you the fact that you are God's chosen people You know once you understand this and know this it should cause you to serve him with gladness It should cause you to come into his presence with singing and praising God for his goodness and his grace. Let's go ahead pray