(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. All right, everyone. Welcome to Shield of Faith Baptist Church this Sunday evening. I'm going to ask everyone to turn to song number 324. Draw me nearer. Song number 324. I'm going to ask everyone to turn to song number 324. Draw me nearer. Song number 324. But I long to rise in the arms of faith and be closer drawn to Thee. But I long to rise in the arms of faith and be closer drawn to Thee. But I long to rise in the arms of faith and be closer drawn to Thee. But I long to rise in the arms of faith and be closer drawn to Thee. But I long to rise in the arms of faith and be closer drawn to Thee. But I long to rise in the arms of faith and be closer drawn to Thee. 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But I long to rise in the arms of faith and be closer drawn to Thee. But I long to rise in the arms of faith and be closer drawn to Thee. But I long to rise in the arms of faith and be closer drawn to Thee. But I long to rise in the arms of faith and be closer drawn to Thee. But I long to rise in the arms of faith and be closer drawn to Thee. But I long to rise in the arms of faith and be closer drawn to Thee. But I long to rise in the arms of faith and be closer drawn to Thee. But I long to rise in the arms of faith and be closer drawn to Thee. But I long to rise in the arms of faith and be closer drawn to Thee. But I long to rise in the arms of faith and be closer drawn to Thee. But I long to rise in the arms of faith and be closer drawn to Thee. But I long to rise in the arms of faith and be closer drawn to Thee. Verse of the week is Proverbs 18-24, which says, A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly, and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. So we're a family-integrated church, and what that means is we don't separate children from their parents for any reason. Moms, you can use this room, the one past it. Dad's got to use the break room for the meantime. Don't forget to turn your phones off or place them on silent so they're not a distraction. And just a quick reminder, all those clothes in the back are what we call a blessing rack. We don't charge for things in church. So with that being said, we are going to have one more song before we have the Bible reading. Alright everyone, for our second song, we will be turning to song number 315. Take my life and let it be, song number 315. On the first. Take my life and let it be, consecrated Lord to Thee. Take my hands and let them move at the impulse of Thy love, at the impulse of Thy love. Take my feet and let them be, swift and beautiful for Thee. Take my voice and let me sing, always only for my King, always only for my King. Take my silver and my gold, not a mite would I withhold. Take my moments and my days, let them flow in ceaseless praise, let them flow in ceaseless praise. Take my will and make it Thine, it shall be no longer mine. Take my heart, it is Thine own, it shall be Thy royal throne, it shall be Thy royal throne. Good evening everybody, open your Bibles to Ephesians chapter 5. Ephesians 5, starting in verse 1. Ephesians 5, starting in verse 2. Ephesians 5, starting in verse 2. Ephesians 5, starting in verse 2. Ephesians 5, starting in verse 2. Ephesians 5, starting in verse 2. Ephesians 5, starting in verse 2. Well, it's good to be back with you folks tonight. Thanks again for everybody for coming out. And it was great to, I was kind of wondering where the welcoming committee went. You know, I don't know what, I guess, I was preaching about being consistent, you know, tonight. At least you guys are being consistent and showing up for the preaching. I guess they're not that consistent when it comes to rolling out the red carpet for a preacher. But anyway, I want to preach to you tonight on the subject of being a traditional wife. And really what's kind of kicked this off is I heard this term in the last week or two, I can't remember exactly when or where, but it was this term that's being thrown around nowadays called tradwife. Now who's ever heard that term? Tradwife. So basically, now these days whenever you hear a term that starts with the letters T-R-A, you're kind of like, okay, what am I getting into, right? Like, what's a tradwife? I was almost afraid to Google it because I didn't know what this is going to bring up. Is this some kind of trans thing that's out there? But when I actually looked up tradwife, I ventured out into those waters, I was kind of surprised by what I found. And I found some articles that have been written about this subject. And basically, it's just this movement that's out there on social media where women are being influencers or whatever you want to call it on the platform of being a traditional wife. Basically, you have women today that are expounding the virtues of being a stay-at-home wife. And this has sparked a whole social media movement out there. These ladies have become quite popular on platforms like TikTok and probably other places. And it's gotten so much attention recently that there's been whole articles that have been written. And I'm going to just look a little bit at these articles a little bit tonight. I won't bore you with a lot of that. But it just caught me so off guard that this is a topic that outlets like Today.com and Insider have to write entire articles about the fact that there's women out there who are promoting the virtues of being a stay-at-home wife. And the way they write these articles, it's like it's a new thing. It's like it's something that has just dawned on us. Like, hey, wives can stay at home and keep house and raise children. And I'm sitting there scratching my head thinking, welcome to the party. I've known many tradwives over the years. So the title of the sermon tonight is Trad Wife, Trad Life. I might have to go back on that. I might have to call it Real Tradwives. Because some of these wives that you get into, they're kind of posers a little bit. I'll just be honest. I'm just going to let the cat out of the bag. Some of these tradwives out there, they're kind of cherry picking the best parts of being a traditional wife and mother. But anyway, I'm not going to try and vilify them too much. So we're talking about tradwives and tradlives. Let me just start by saying, I'm kind of shooting from the hip tonight here with this topic, just because it's a pretty well-known topic. But I don't want you to get the impression that I'm underplaying the importance of being a traditional wife, of being a biblical wife and mother. Because as the saying goes, the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. There is a grain of truth to that. That's a very powerful statement. Every wife and mother plays a very important and crucial role, a role that God has ordained for them to play. They have a very strong influence in their home. I think it's very important that wives, young ladies who will become wives when they understand the value and the importance of fulfilling the biblical role of being a wife and mother. Really, being a wife and mother is what societies are built upon. The traditional family, the father working, the mother staying at home, that is what has gotten humanity to where it is. And it's only in recent times that we've seen people kind of cast that off. And we have to kind of ask ourselves, where has it gotten us? We'll kind of look around. It's nothing good. But let me just start here by just getting into this article a little bit. We're talking about this tradwife social media phenomenon. I would argue that it's not a phenomenon. The biblical model is something that has existed since the creation of man. If you want to keep something in Ephesians, go over to Genesis chapter number 3. We'll get there in a minute. This first article that I read kind of points out this specific tradwife on TikTok. It kind of quotes her and some of the things that she believes. She's a 25-year-old wife who believes in submitting to and serving her husband as a traditional homemaker. Now, this is today.com that is publishing this article. And that's the big catch line right there. That's the first paragraph where they're talking about, hey, she believes in being a traditional wife and mother. She believes in being a traditional homemaker and serving her husband. And it's just like, really? Well, tell me more. This is the hook that they're getting people with. And this is where we're at in society, where people think that this is just the most far-out, outlandish thing that anybody could believe. And this woman, this tradwife, she goes on and she's quoted early on in the article as saying, it's 2023, this is my choice, says Williams. And it's interesting to me that even these tradwives like this, they're calling it a choice. They're saying, hey, this is my choice. And obviously, it is her choice. I'm not so ignorant as to think that women don't have a choice today. Obviously, they do. Women today can choose to not fulfill the role that God has given them. They have that ability. Society has pandered to that. The legal system has been set up. Culture has been set up. People, our society and others in it will promote and pander to and empower women to be anything but what God has them to be. And this movement is something that is taking people, it's kind of blindsiding them, but again, it's something that's been around for a very long time. Let's just remind ourselves tonight about what the Bible says about being a traditional wife and being a traditional mother. If you would, again, look there in Genesis 2, verse 18, it says, the Lord said, it is not good that the man should be alone. I will make and help meet for him. Okay? So God is creating everything. He makes man and he notices and says, hey, it's not good that man dwells alone. He needs somebody. He needs not just a life partner. He doesn't just need a, he doesn't need a roommate. He doesn't need, you know, someone just for companionships. He needs a help that is meet for him. You know, he needs somebody to help him in meeting meet as in, you know, is appropriate. He needs a help, you know, there. And so what's God's solution here? The Lord caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept and took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof. And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman and brought her unto the man. So God says, hey, it's not good that man is alone. He needs a help meet for him. What does he then turn around and do? He puts the deep sleep upon Adam and he takes the rib and he makes a woman and brings her unto the man. Meaning this, that woman was made to be a help to man. That woman was made to be a helper to her husband. That's what the Bible says. I mean, Genesis chapter 2, right out of the gate, the Bible's making it perfectly clear that's what the intent for women is. You know, and I don't apologize for that in the day and age that we're living in. Where people, they don't even know what bathroom to go in anymore. They're doing all just the most worst, vile, abominable things are being promoted and exalted. And, you know, people who preach things like this are being vilified and are being just, you know, made the oskowering of the world. I'm not going to apologize for that. You know, the Bible makes it very clear that woman was made to be a help for the man. That's her natural role. And here's the thing, you know, if you want to go against the grain, if you want to say, well, that's not for me, that's not the path that I choose in life. Obviously, we're living in a time where young ladies can go do that. They can go out into the world and be anything but what God wants them to be. But, you know, you're going against God's will. And I guarantee you, you're going to find out that being an independent, you know, go-getter, you know, being, you know, an independent woman who can go out there and just, you know, be like, what's that riveter chick? You know, who's always flexing her muscle, you know, you can do it. Rosie the Riveter, I always want to call her Betty, right? You want to be Rosie the Riveter out there, you want to pull on a pair of slacks and go out there in the workforce, you're going to find out it's not as satisfying as you think it's going to be. You know, the world wants to paint it up and doll it up today and sell it to young ladies like, oh, this is the life that you want to live. Earn a high income and be independent and you go girl and all that. And what you're going to find out is that it's not all what it's cracked up to be. And what's best for people is to follow God's will with their lives. And the Bible says here that woman was made as a help meat for the man. Verse 23, and Adam said, this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man. You know, and every time I read that I always think about the fact, you know, this is how unique women are. Because when you think about it, they're the last thing that God made. They're like the crowning jewel of creation, right? So again, obviously a woman has a very important role, but she also occupies a very unique space. You know, it's not anybody that can be a help meat to man. It's something that only a woman can do. Go to Genesis chapter number three. Genesis chapter number three. So again, today you have these ladies out there on social media, these tradwives. Even just saying it feels weird. Just tradwife. You know, I just feel like it's like, what is that? You know, because they've just bastardized those first three letters. You know, I feel like I'm saying transvestite or something. But you know, we have these tradwives that are out there. And let me just come out and say, I think I should have titled this the real tradwives. Because the fact is that some of these tradwives, like I said, they're kind of posers. And Williams, you know, she's one of these tradwives. She's kind of the face of one of these. Which is composed, this article says, largely of Christian, conservative, millennial, and Gen Z women. Who are leaning out of the workforce and into homemaking. Right? So a lot of women today, you know, this younger generation that's coming up that's been sold this bill of goods. On pursuing a career. And you know, not being a wife. Not staying at home. Not fulfilling God's role for themselves. They're actually kind of waking up to this. And they're kind of leaning, as the article says, back into being a homemaker. And of course, this is making waves enough so much so that, you know, these news outlets feel like they have to publish old articles to combat it. So you have these Gen Z women and others who are leaning out of the workforce into homemaking. This decision is not primarily logistical or economical. Instead, it is philosophical. So they're saying, hey, this is philosophy that they're adopting. Well, really, when you think about it, what they're adopting, they can call it whatever they want. What it actually is, is biblical. That's what it is. Okay? It's a biblical philosophy. Whether they know it or not, it's been around for years. Right? Oh, people are coming back to the traditional wife movement. It's like the rest of, you know, all the IFBers are saying, welcome to the party. You know, who's the gangster at? I don't know, the hip hop artist back years ago who said, don't call it a comeback. We've been here for years. Right? It's like, where have you been? You know? Like, you could have written this article. I know several dozens of ladies you could write this kind of article about. Women who are promoting and living the real trad wife life. Okay? So these women are coming out and they're saying the demands of corporate America have made them long for a so-called simpler time. Right? They say they yearn for what they describe as America's golden age. Some, but not all, trad wives wear 1950s inspired clothing and hairstyles. And many believe in clearly defined gender roles. They actually believe that a man is a man and a woman is a woman and they each have particular roles that each one has to fulfill. You know, what a novel idea. Right? But this isn't, you know, this is a phenomenon. No, this is something that people have believed for millennia. You know, in the world that we're living in today, when someone actually just comes out and says it on social media, it's like, well, stop the press. We've got to write an article. There's people out there that actually believe that men and women have clearly defined gender roles. It's like, have you read the Bible? Because that's been around for a long time. They go on to talk about these trad wives. They embrace a certain look. They have a lot of different personal, religious, and political beliefs. They have different philosophies about how the home is supposed to be run. But this one particular trad wife that it's talking about says she is motivated to become a trad wife in part because of her chaotic childhood with a struggling single mom after her parents divorced. And here's the thing. You know, people are beginning to eat the fruits of feminism that have been around for so long, you know, and they're rejecting it. You know, they're looking at what, you know, the modern woman has become and what comes with that and all the baggage of, you know, the no-fault divorce and everything else. And they're saying, no, thank you. You know, they're pushing back against this. People are rejecting this. And this is what this one trad wife, this is kind of what drove her into this. And it goes on and talks about her and her husband met in middle school and started dating two years. And when she was in college, a sophomore studying meteorology. I don't know exactly how it goes, but they met in middle school, started dating two years ago when she was a college sophomore. So they dated into her college years. When she was studying meteorology, right? So she's out there, you know, studying, working towards some degree. And she's been dating this guy and they kind of finally bond over their religious values and share a desire for a marriage with traditional roles. And then she drops out of school, right? So she kind of wakes up to this thing of, hey, you know, going out and pursuing a career, there's no guarantee there. You know, and let me just say this, you know, that there are no guarantees. There are no guarantees that if you go out there and just pursue some career and you find Prince Charming that life's going to turn out the way you think it's going to turn out. And you know what, there's no guarantees that, you know, that necessarily even just being the traditional wife and mother is going to play out the way you would want it to as well. It's still going to have its trials and its difficulties, you know, but that's just life. You know, life has inherent risks and we can't just try to shield ourselves from, you know, life happening, okay? But she meets them, they start, you know, dating and then eventually she drops out of school, they get married and then they go out there. And it goes on about how, you know, she doesn't do anything without his permission as far as going out and spending money and things like this. She has a budget and it's like, yeah, it's like, that sounds kind of like my marriage. You know, my wife isn't just, you know, out there gallivanting all over town. You know, we kind of look at the budget. You know, she, you know, makes sure that we're operating within our expenses and things like that. Neither of them cultivate opposite sex friendships. It's like, well, yeah, duh. They don't, they don't, you know, what's so amazing to me is that even the world understands this. They can figure this out. And sometimes it's just, it's frustrating to see God's people don't get this. You know, and I've said this and I will stand by this, is that men and women are not made to be friends. Period. They're just not. I mean, is that what you see anywhere in the scripture? Men and women just being friends? You know, women were made to be and help meet for the man. That's their purpose. They were made to be a man's wife, right? And men were, you know, they're not meant to just go out and have these friendships with other men. You know, women, you know, my wife is not going to go make friends with some other guy and say, hey, you know, I'm going to go hang out with brother so-and-so for the afternoon. We're going to go have coffee. I'm like, no, you're not. In fact, brother so-and-so is going to get a phone call or I might just show up at his door. You know, and we might have a little talk, you know, but like, why are you trying to, you know, have a friendship? Of course, that would never happen, right? But it's just like even the world figures that out. Even these tradwives are like, hey, you know what, let's not go have all these, you know, these friendships with the opposite sex. Because you know what, that's what leads to adultery. You know, that's why most adultery takes place with somebody that you met in the workforce. Because I've even seen studies where they talk about how people who aren't even attracted to one another, if they spend enough time around each other, they will become attracted, just be familiar with them. There's pheromones involved and all this stuff. They'll just get more comfortable. And eventually, you know, it's not just, you know, that sweet guy at the office. Now it's, you know, the guy you're committing adultery with. You know, a lot of times that kind of thing happens. That's another reason to keep your wife at home. You know, and people will look at you like you're crazy, but the facts are the facts. That's how a lot of times these things happen. She has the audacity, this tradwife, to say this, I put my husband's wants ahead of my own and this has done nothing but benefit my marriage, myself and my marriage. It's like, well, duh, you know. Of course that's going to help a marriage when people are fulfilling their God-given roles. And today that, you know, you say something like that, that a woman should put her husband's needs ahead of her own, that they'll just, you know, that will trigger them. That will send them off the deep end. But isn't that exactly how marriage is supposed to be? And obviously, you know, husbands are supposed to do the same thing for their wives. They're supposed to put their wives' needs ahead of their own. And when people do that, you know, that's when you have a good marriage. You want to know what destroys marriages? Selfishness. That's what it is. Pride, selfishness is a big one. People get selfish, they think only about themselves, only what they can get out of it, whether it's the man or the woman. A lot of times that's what's destroying marriages today. I think I had you go to Genesis chapter 3. Now let me kind of pull back the veil a little bit here on Little Miss Tradwife, because the article goes on and says they don't have kids yet, right? So they're planning, you know, they're doing the family planning thing. Though she tells Today.com she knows how she wants to raise her future kid children, our son will learn how to work on cars and build and fix things. Our daughter will learn how to cook, clean, and maintain a home. So, you know, that's why I say these tradwives are kind of posers. Because they're still on birth control, they're still not having the children. You know, the real tradwives are fulfilling God's role by being fruitful and multiplying. And people, again, they don't like this, but Genesis chapter 3, I'm just going to give you Bible tonight, verse 16. Unto the woman, of course, this is part of the curse, right? After the fall, you know, he's cursing the serpent, he's cursing man, and then he comes to the woman and he says, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception. In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children, and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. You know, and that's where we are today. That women are to be subservient to their husbands, that they are to obey their husbands. So that's Old Testament. Well, we just read Ephesians 5 and we're going to go back in a minute. And we're going to look at some other passages where it explicitly says that women to obey their husbands. But here I'm turning us to Genesis 3 to point out the fact that it says right there, it's like this little commandment, thou shalt bring forth children. Does that sound like a commandment to you? What if I said, thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. You'd say, well, those are the commandments. You know, those are the ten commandments you're quoting. Well, what about this commandment? This is a commandment, isn't it? I mean, it's worded in the exact same way. Thou shalt bring forth children. You know, women are commanded to bring forth children. And again, that's, you know, obviously that's not convenient. That's not going to help you with your career as a marine biologist. You know, that's not going to help you in your passion to get into public office. You know, that's not going to help you with your career in meteorology. You know, that's not going to be the career path that maybe the high school counselor is going to suggest. But you know what? That's what the Bible says. The Bible says that women should bring forth children. Okay? That's God's role or will for women. So that's why I kind of say these tradwives, you know, they're kind of posers. You know, they're not the real tradwives. You know, the real tradwives are the ones that are living up to this biblical standard of not just being a stay-at-home wife, but also being a stay-at-home mother and raising children and having children. Which is a job in and all of itself. Now I want to kind of just point out a few other things in this article. And I hope I'm not boring you too much with these articles. I know that's a thing that can happen. But we're going through this. You're just working through it. And she starts to explain in this article, you know, why tradwives are a thing. And they go to this psychologist in some university in Ohio and he kind of explains things. And he says here, you know, this could be a reaction to the overall liberalization of American belief systems. He's saying what's going on as people are pushing back against the liberalization of America. And he goes on and says that each new generation tends to become more open-minded than the previous one in regards to race, sexuality, and gender. Okay? So he's saying what happens as nations, you know, become more, have become more liberalized, more progressive, I think is the word. Although I don't know how becoming a degenerate is progressive. But that, you know, they're saying people push back against that. You know, as generations become more and more open-minded about these things, that sometimes you have people who are pushing back against it. Now, what they would call, you know, this progressivism, what they would call this open-mindedness, is really nothing else but a slow slide into the slime of sin. Okay? I mean, even this guy is saying, hey, they become more open towards things regarding sexuality and gender. And it's like, well, wait a minute. How much more open-minded about gender do you have to be than man and woman? What he's talking about there is like, oh, they become more open-minded about, oh, that people are non-binary. You know, I'm not going to sit and go figure out every other gender that is supposedly that is out there. It's man and woman. You know, excuse me if I get your, you know, your trans whatever description wrong. It's man and woman. You know, but that's where we're at today where people are becoming more and more open-minded when it comes to gender. So, you know, what good has, you know, this liberalization of America done us? You know, what good is it, right? And this is where we're at where people think it's so crazy that someone would get up and say, hey, ladies should stay at home and bear children and guide the house. I'm like, oh, that's, you're just, you know, what are you, some, you know, are you from Mars? They'll think you must be some Martian that's here. You know, you're from the Stone Age or something like that. Meanwhile, you know, they won't bat an eye when you have somebody who is, you know, just openly and just proudly declaring the fact that they're transitioning their children. A child, taking a child, they're going to take that child and, you know, help them swap genders, which is something you can't do, by the way. You can't manipulate the chromosomes in their body. That's always going to be the same. You know, those chromosomes are never going to change, right? I don't care how much you mutilate that child's body. I don't care how many hormones you pump into that child. Look, that's why we need preaching like this. This is why people need to stand up and preach these type of things, because that's where we're at in this country where people can just get up and just say, hey, we're transitioning our child. My friend, that is child abuse. You know, if I was going to start pumping my kids full of hormones to make them more masculine or more feminine, take a substance and put it into a greater degree that's already in their body, you know, some hormone that obviously is already produced there but then up the levels so that they can transition into being the opposite gender, that's child abuse. You ask me. Well, oh, if I get up and say something that women should stay at home and raise children, you know, I'm the weird one. You know, we're the weird ones for thinking that there's two genders. You know, when you're the one that's the, you know, these freaks are at home, you know, transitioning their children. You know, it's wicked. And I guarantee you this. Those kids that they're transitioning, you mark my words, those kids are going to grow up and despise their parents for what they've done to them. You think a kid has any sense of what it means to transition? Do you think they understand these concepts of sexuality and things like that at such a young age? They have no idea. They're just being brainwashed in the public school system. They're being brainwashed by their liberal idiot parents, their reprobate parents. They're going to grow up and despise them for what they've done to them. Guarantee it. Mark it down. It'll happen. You know, so this is why this type of preaching needs to take place. You know, and that's why this type of preaching has become so radical, you know, to go back to Genesis 2, to go back to Genesis 3 and just say, hey, thou shalt bring forth children. Be fruitful and multiply. Whoo! And we need that today because so many pastors today, they're so afraid to even preach anything like this. They're afraid of upsetting people. You know, they'll want to preach that before they can even hide. Well, you know, homosexuality is a sin. Oh, you know, it's getting really bad out there. Well, they won't even say that. Oh, you know, it's getting bad out there. America's turning into a moral cesspool. Well, really, how so? How so, preacher? What exactly is going wrong? Oh, we're being overrun by a bunch of sodomites and faggots? Is that what you mean? Someone get me out of here. You know, of course they'll never say that, but, you know, that's the reality that we're living in. Where someone actually just gets up and says it like it is, you know, and then they're getting blasted on Google, and they're getting, you know, protesters showing up at their church. They're just saying what the Bible says. And, you know, we can't help the fact that we're living in this backward society that is going to, you know, have no problem with just abusing their children, that gets just so blown out of proportion when someone actually starts to promote traditional values on social media. There's two different news outlets here, folks. Like these giant articles. Can you believe these women are promoting traditional values? Put that out. That's where we're at. That's why we need this preaching. The Bible's real clear that woman is to be, you know, bringing forth children, that her desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. Okay? That's what the Bible says. Now, if you would, go over to Ephesians chapter 5. Let's just look at some more scriptures on this. So this psychologist goes on in this article and says, whenever there is a social change, not everyone will be happy. He compares trad wives to people who support laws like, don't say gay, Bill. Hey, that, you know what? I think you shouldn't say gay either, but not for the reasons that they think over there in Florida. I think you shouldn't say gay because it's the wrong use of the word. You know, gay means happy. You know, if you're describing a sodomite or a faggot, it's not gay. There's nothing gay about those people. They're not happy. They're miserable wretches. So don't say it. I support that bill, but not for the reasons that they think. We should sponsor that bill in another way. Anyway, both seeking to return to society what some people see as a simpler time with fewer individual freedoms. So he kind of, you see how he kind of takes a jab at it? They want to return to a simpler time where you have fewer individual freedoms, right? And he's kind of suggesting that, you know, if you take on traditional values, you know, you young ladies are going to be brought into the bondage of being a homemaker, okay? And that's how they're going to sell it. You know, if you get married, young ladies, and decide to stay at home and serve your husband and have children, you're being brought into the bondage. Your personal liberties are being restricted. So now you have to be a stay-at-home wife and mother. Let me tell you something. You know, I certainly don't envy having to go through the process of childbirth, but, you know, sometimes I envy the fact that my wife gets to stay home with the kids and kind of do her thing. You know, my wife, and I'm not saying it's a pleasure cruise, but, you know, she's expressed to it many times how great it is that she has a man that supports her, that takes care of her, that provides for her, that pays all her bills, that puts a roof over her head, puts food on the table, clothes her, you know, just takes care of everything, but she doesn't have to worry about all that and she can just be mom. Because whether they want to admit it or not, there's something in every single woman that wants to be a mother. You know, and I have some, you know, anecdotal evidence towards this because of the fact that before my wife got married, you know, she was a hairdresser for many years. So she taught, and you know how, some of you ladies who go to hairdressers, you know how it is. You know, she's kind of like your therapist, right? That's where you kind of start to let, you know, these ladies would show up and they'd start to talk, right? And a lot of these ladies were working class women, you know, with husbands that had them out in the workforce, and my wife would say, I don't know how many times I sat there and listened to women who would have a child and say, all I want to do is just stay home with my baby, but my husband is making me work. He's putting me back out there. And they're just yearning to stay at home, just yearning to have a child, yearning to be there with their baby and not turn it over to daycare and go back in the workforce. They want to stay with that, right? Because that's just in women. They just want to be a wife and mother. And they can suppress that and say that's not the case, but you know, it's there, okay? Obviously, you know, some of these freaks that are out there, you know, they've buried that and repressed it so far down there, it's hard to imagine it's even there. But let me just say this, you know, you're not being brought into bondage when you choose to be a homemaker. What you're doing is you're fulfilling God's will. What you're doing is doing what God has ordained. There's nothing that, you know, and his commandments are not grievous, the Bible says. Where did I have you go, Ephesians? Ephesians 5, where we were, verse 22. Oh, you're quoting the Old Testament. I think we're pretty far into the New Testament here. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the Lord. Well, you know, we have a 50-50 marriage. Well, then you're not fulfilling it. It says, as unto the Lord. Submit unto him as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church, and he is the savior of the body. Therefore, as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands and everything, right? So how much should a wife be subject unto her husband? To the same degree that the church is subject to Christ. So how much should this church be subject unto Christ? I say 100%. I say that, you know, we should be subject as a church in all matters of faith and practice unto the King James Bible. That is, you know, that is the word of God, that's Christ. Right? He is the word. Right? We should be subject unto that. Well, in the same way, that's how wives ought to be subject unto their husbands. Husband, and then, you know, and here's the thing, you know, sometimes guys will be like, yeah, ha ha, ha, you know, got her right where I want her, ha ha. But whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute. It's back up here. Husbands love your wives. Right? Again, you know, it's not like God is just, you know, decreeing that every woman just be brought under, you know, the cruel leadership of some jerk. Right? You know, hopefully, ladies, you marry somebody that's a good guy. You know, that's why you should never rush into marriage. You know, that's why it'd be very, you know, it's a very wise thing to, you know, listen to your parents when it comes to marriage. You know, I've told my daughters, and I'll tell them again right here now publicly, as God is my witness and everybody in this room, I have veto power over who they marry. You know, that's not just a hollow threat. You know, I'm not just bluffing when I say that. They will have to get my approval if they're going to, if I'm, if they want me to walk them down that aisle and give them away to some man, I have to approve of him beforehand. He's got to run through my gauntlet. Literally. Right? And I've already got all kinds of schemes and plans in place. Why? Because I'm not just going to hand my wife, my wife, my daughters over to some bozo. You know, because I understand as a husband, as somebody who knows the Bible, that when I'm giving away my daughter to a man, that she has to be subject unto this man. So he better be somebody who can hold up his end of the bargain, who's going to love his, my daughter. He's going to love his wife, even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it. It better be somebody who's willing to sacrifice, to work his fingers to the bone, not be some lazy, derelict jerk, you know, that's just going to, you know, waste my wife's time and treat her poorly or wait my daughter's time and treat her poorly. You know, he's going to have to, he's going to have to come correct as they say, right? He's going to have to be able to put food on the table. Right? This type of preaching always makes my daughters very nervous. They think that there's some, look, and it's not some, you know, immeasurable standard that, you know, that can never, that I have, that can never be attained unto for this young man. But there is a standard, friend. You know, and fathers, you'd be very wise to kind of determine that beforehand. And young ladies, you'd be very wise to listen to your fathers and your mothers when it comes to who you marry. Because when you're young and all of the emotions and the hormones and everything that are involved, you don't think clearly. You know, as a young person, the prefrontal cortex isn't even fully developed until you're like almost 25. Which is the part of your brain that is responsible for like logic and reasoning and long-term thinking. Like that literally is still being developed into your 20s. Right? So it'd be very wise to think, you know, hey, let me, let me get some counsel on this person. Let me, let me see what other wiser people have been around who, people who've been married and know what it takes, what it, what they should look for in a spouse. Because once you're married, you're married. You know, don't be one of these parents that's going to say, oh, you can come back to daddy anytime, you know, he raises his voice. Anytime he says this is how it's going to be and you don't like it, you know, that's not how it's going to be in my house. When I marry my daughters off, that's it. And she comes crying back to me, you know, knocking on my door, I'm going to say, go back to your husband. Okay? And that's the way it ought to be because I'm not going to meddle with somebody else's marriage, even if it's my daughters. But again, you know, husbands are to love their wives even as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it, that he might sanctify it and cleanse it by the washing of the water of the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church. So, verse 28, so ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. Okay? And this, you know, I kind of want to point this out because this is where this article goes. Because they say, oh, you know, these ladies, these tradwives, you know, they're harkening back to this golden era of, you know, America in the 1950s where there was just this picturesque, glamorized view of being a housewife. And then the article says, you know, what being a 1950s housewife was really like. And then it goes into this dark place where it talks about, you know, how life in the 1950s certainly had its advantages for men, but not for women. And I'm just going to read this. It says, you know, it quotes this author, this woman who's writing a book, you know, about marriage. And it goes on and says, you know, concerning marriage in the 1950s, marriage was potentially sweet but uncertain, but always uncertain deal for women. You know, nothing's changed. That's always going to be the case. There are no guarantees in life. Right? That's just the way it is. You know, and whether you're going to follow traditional values or not, life's going to have an element of uncertainty. Okay? Justice was not always served in bad marriages as there's little or no protections against marital rape and domestic abuse. People would often not make an arrest and life wounds required a certain number of states. I'm reading this because this is where she goes. You know, you think that's the ideal? Let me tell you what it was really like back in the 1950s. All the wives were just being raped and beaten. I mean, that's the extreme they go to. Oh, you think it was this great ideal? Oh no. How it really was back then. It was just this, you know, men were just these belligerent jerks that were just beating and raping and pillaging in their own homes and wives. It's like, what in the world? But this is just the, that's how people picture that. You know, this is coming out of this lady's heart. And, you know, she's just trying to, you know, if you go back to these traditional values, ladies, oh, look out. This is what's going to happen. But you know what the real problem is? It's not the traditional values. It's the fact that people have cast off biblical preaching. Right? Because if the whole council of the word of God is being preached, it would also be preached, yeah, it would be preached that wives ought to submit it to their husbands. It would be preached that women ought to bring forth children. It would be preached that wives, young ladies, should get married, guide the house, give no occasion for the adversary to speak reproachfully. But you know what also would be preached is that men should love their wives. And that's the problem when you want to cast off biblical preaching and just hold on to the part that, you know, just suits your needs. You know, maybe the 1950s really was this, you know, barbaric era for women, I don't know. But that's certainly not because of traditional values. It's not because of Bible preaching. If anything, it's because of a lack of biblical preaching. Men need to be reminded just as much as women of their roles and their duties as men, as husbands, and as fathers. You know, and if we both, as men and women, seek to fulfill God's role in our lives, you know, that's when, you know, it's not going to turn into this 1950s nightmare that these liberals want to paint. You know, it's not going to turn into, you know, Conan the Barbarian coming home or something like that. That's where they go, though. Oh, if it's that, then, you know, you're just going to end up beaten and everything else. It's like, let's slow down there a little bit, you know, pump the brakes on that. What's really going on here? So we looked at Ephesians. Let's go to Colossians, okay? Because there's another passage that's just crystal clear, that, you know, wives should submit to their husbands, they should be homemakers, that they should bear children. You know, there's many passages about this. You're there in Colossians, chapter number 3, look at verse 18. Wives, submit to yourselves under your own husbands as it is fit in the Lord. I mean, there's your marriage counseling right there. You know, that would solve 99, that would solve so many marriage problems for people, wouldn't it? If wives would just learn to submit to their husbands as it is fit in the Lord, and if husbands would fulfill verse 19. Husbands, love your wives, but be not bitter against them. I mean, it's just repeating Ephesians, right? And again, you know, husbands should pay attention to this, too, because, you know, when it's talking about loving your wives, it's not just talking about, you know, buying her flowers on Valentine's Day, getting her favorite chocolates, you know, calling her sweet little, you know, pet names. That's not what it's talking about there. Now, I don't know if you guys want to do that kind of stuff, you go ahead, but, you know, that's your marriage, I'm not going to get into that, right? It's your business. But that's not what it's talking about, it says love your wives. It's talking about loving your wives, it's talking about, as he said back in Ephesians, even as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it. That's what love is, it's sacrificial. It's a laying down of oneself. It's putting aside your own ambitions, putting aside your own desires. Men ought to use their strength to provide for a family. They ought to use that strength, that ability to go out there and work hard. That's what it means to love your wives, to provide for them. So, obviously, men, they have a role in this, too. Children, as well, obey your parents. But, you know, that would solve so many problems in so many marriages if men and women would just do those two things. You know, I've known women that have been very frustrated in marriages that have had very difficult times, and it's not because they want to fulfill this role. Like I said, deep down, every woman, whether she wants to admit it or not, has this in her. It might be so buried under so much liberal thinking and so much just indoctrination that's just been poured upon them since kindergarten, that that voice of wanting to be a mother is just barely heard. But it's there, they want to fulfill this. But a lot of times, it's the husbands that are failing. It's the husbands that, you know, want to just sit around, not get the, oh, she makes more money than me. Then get a second job, dude. Seriously. You know, I mean, that's something I've done in the past. You know, bills were tight. It's like, okay, well, let me just put a hairnet on my wife and a name tag and send her out so she could be a free, you know, modern woman and punch in and punch out and have some boss at work telling her what to do. You know, if you go out in the workforce, girls, it's not, you think it's, oh, I'm going to be free if I can go get my own job. No, you're going to have a boss there, too. You know, and he's not going to love you like a husband would. You know, yeah, my wife has a boss called me, but I'm a pretty good boss. You can ask her. She'll tell you. You know what? I mean, she's the employee of the month every single month. She's the employee of the year every single year. You know, I appreciate my wife. I respect my wife. You know, I love my wife in more ways than just, oh, you know, let me write you a sonnet. You know, I care for her. You know, the boss at work at Burger King isn't going to do that. You know, the corporate president, you know, the CEO, whatever monolithic company, you know, you're just going to be another cog in the wheel over there. Oh, you want maternity leave? Well, be back in, you know, X number of weeks. I don't care what you do with your kid. That's how cold they are. You know, but that's what's being sold to young ladies today. Oh, go out there. You go, girl. You go get that job, and you be an independent woman. You be financially independent, and you be free. That's not freedom. I guarantee you, my wife as a stay-at-home mother has more freedom than any woman that's working. Guarantee you. I mean, she, I mean, it's like sometimes she comes to me and asks me, like, can I, I'm just like, why are you even asking me? Of course you can. It's like, yeah, just go. Hey, I want to go do this. And it's like, yeah, go. She doesn't have to, like, look at the work schedule, you know, and see all the other shifts and, like, try to put in for time off when she wants to go do something. She just goes. You try that at work. You know, walk up to your boss and say, hey, I'm going to go to the park. I'm going to go to the park with the kids for, like, 20 minutes. I'll be back when we're done. You're getting fired. You don't get to just go do that at work. Hey, we're going to go to the zoo for, like, an hour. I'm going to go by a season pass at the zoo and we're just going to go to the zoo every day. Hey, every day we're going to go down to the pool. You know, because where we live, that's what we do down in the desert. You know, if you have a pool, you know, we have a community pool. And my wife's just like, hey, when it gets warm enough, I'm taking the kids to the pool every day. It's like, you know, but if she was working some register somewhere, that just went out the window. You know, that's not, you know, so how is that freedom? Again, my wife has more freedom as a stay-at-home mother than any working woman. So how is being a housewife, how is being a tradwife, you know, bondage somehow? It's not. It's actually the opposite. What they're doing is they're selling a bill of goods. You know, I'm just making the case. Scripture already says tonight. That's all I'm trying to do. If you would, go over to 1 Timothy, 1 Timothy chapter number 5. You know, 1 Timothy chapter 5 is a chapter dealing with, you know, widows and some other things, and elders at the end there, honoring them. But notice in verse 11 it says, But the younger widows refuse, meaning young women who have been widowed, for when they have begun to wax wanton at Christ, they will marry having damnation because they cast off their first faith. That's not telling them that they're going to lose their salvation. It's just meaning, you know, they're going to bring damnation. They're not going to follow in the faith. And it says, And withal they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house, and not idle only, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not. Notice verse 14, I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion for the adversary to spoke reproachfully, for some are already turned aside after Satan. Does it sound like it's an option with God? Does it sound like the Bible kind of makes it, Hey, you know, if it's what you want for your life, you know, if it suits, you know, if that's the season that you're in, you know, if you've accomplished all these other things that you've set out to do, you know, then, you know, you can fulfill this role. No, it says, I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear, I will. Thou shalt bring forth children. It's a command. Go over to 1 Peter chapter number 3. 1 Peter chapter number 3. Look at another passage. You know, and people can say whatever they want about this preaching. They can call it whatever they want, but, you know, I'll tell you one thing, they have to call it biblical. It's biblical. You don't have to like it, but you know what? It's Bible. You can't say what I'm preaching tonight isn't biblical, because are we not just turning to passage after passage after passage? That it's just preaching and teaching the same thing when it comes to wives, when it comes to husbands. 1 Peter chapter 3 verse 1, likewise ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, that if any obey not the word, that may also without the word be won by the conversation of the wives. So he's kind of dealing here with, you know, if a woman is married to an unsaved man, she should still be in subjection so that her conversation, the way she conducts herself, you know, might win him over to Christ, might win him over to the gospel. But notice he says in verse 3, who's adorning, let it not be that outward adorning of plating of hair and of wearing of gold or of putting on of apparel, but let it be the hidden man of the heart, in which sight is, excuse me, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which in the sight of God is of great, excuse me, in the sight of God of great price. Look, the Bible is saying here that women who, you know, adorn that inward man, who have that meek and quiet spirit, who are going to submit themselves to their own husbands, to fulfill God's commands for their lives, that in the sight of God they are of great price. You know, and again, this goes back to what I was saying earlier in the beginning of the sermon, that the value of being a wife and mother, of a trad wife, whatever you want to call it, a traditional wife, in the sight of God is of great price. It's so important today. It's so important. You know, we need people, and whether people want to admit it or not, you know, that's what society has been built upon. The nuclear family, the traditional family, you know, that's what's gotten to the place where we are, where people can make the choice of whether or not they want to be the, you know, a trad wife or not. You know, it was, well, it was traditional values that got the society where it is, where people can just choose all these things today, right? You know, sometimes that's, I kind of secretly wish, I guess I'm kind of, it's not going to be a secret here in a minute, you know, that maybe society would just completely collapse, you know, that we just all have to go back to like grinding literal grain and learning how to make bread from scratch and everything. Because you know what, you know what's going to happen real quick if society, just modern society collapsed, is that women and men are going to find traditional roles real fast. Because it's going to be about survival. And when it's all about survival, you know who it is? It's out there hunting. You know who is out there going out there facing the man-eater. You know who is out there fighting off the warring tribes. You know who it is out there defending and protecting and providing. It's the man. You know, maybe you could tell me about some freak incident somewhere in history where some Amazonian women rose up or something like that. I don't know. To me it sounds like a myth, right? But I mean, that's what I'm saying. It's like, it's just modern society. It's just, you know, it's all these institutions of higher learning, you know, that have, they're the ones that have benefited from all these traditional values, from all these biblical values to the place where now they can decide, they can sit around and philosophize about what's best for the home or what's best for women or what's best for men. You know, because it's traditional values that have gotten us to this place in society. You know, if it all just went away tomorrow, you know, if all the power got shut off, if the electricity stopped flowing, if the water stopped flowing, you know, if the gasoline went away, if the internet disappeared, if the food down at the grocery store was just all gone in a week, which probably would happen, you know, people would find out real quick, hey, you know, I think it's a good idea for the women to just stay at camp, you know, and gather acorns, you know, and grow things while the men go out, you know, up in these, you know, and put their lives in peril in order to provide. That wouldn't even be a question. It would just happen like that. So what is it that's led to this place where men and women can even have these choices? Well, it's traditional values that got us there. And I say, you know, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Or there in 1 Timothy chapter number 5, or 1 Peter 3, right? Again, in the sight of God, this is of great price. For after this manner, verse 5 in the old time, the holy women also who trust in God or adorn themselves being subject unto their own husbands. That's the way it's always been. Even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord, whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement. And again, the guys would be like, yeah, ha ha ha, got him right where we want him, right? Verse 7, Paul's always careful to follow this up. Likewise ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel. Oh, I can't believe you call them weaker. They are, because the Bible says it's just nature, just biology. Look, I'm sure you can point to some CrossFit chick, who's probably taken some kind of performance-enhancing drug and just lives in a gym that is probably stronger than some man. But you know what, if people just lived natural, normal lives, they weren't these gym rats, these fitness freaks that they've all turned into, you know how it would usually play out, is that men by and large would be the stronger vessel. You know, nine times out of ten. That's just the way it is. Women are the weaker vessel, and men ought to honor that, they ought to give honor to the wife, they ought to protect the wife, they ought to care for the wife, as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers be not hindered. So again, you know, what has led to this place today where these articles are being written about tradwives and things like this? It's not the fact that biblical principles are being promoted, it's the fact that they've been abandoned. And it just proves to me that abandoning biblical principles, that's not the solution, folks. Abandoning biblical principles is not what is fixing society. Because last time I checked, America isn't some giant Bible-believing country, is it? By and large, I mean people, more and ever, are getting farther away from God, people are less interested in things of God, people are less interested in things of the Bible, and where has it led? What do we see happening to society? We're seeing the moral fabric of society fall apart before our very eyes. I mean, in a generation, it's just disintegrating toward just the most reprehensible people are just being promoted and protected, and God's people, the people who actually believe biblical principles, are being made the enemy. It hasn't fixed anything, abandoning biblical principles. Abandoning biblical principles, abandoning traditional values that are taught by the Bible, that's not the problem, friend. Excuse me, it's not the problem, it's the solution. I'm glad that there's people out there that are making waves, whatever, on social media, these tradwives, but social media phenomenons come and go. These trends, they come and go. God's truths are eternal. God's truths have always remained the same. They haven't changed from Genesis all the way to 1 Peter, we're reading about these things. 2 Peter, we're reading about these things. God's view hasn't changed on these things. That's why we should get back to these things. Don't take them for granted. They're important. Latch on to these things, and you know what? You'll have a blessed life for it. And again, is it going to be risk-free? No. Is it going to be without its trials and tribulations? Of course not. But you know what? It's going to be far better than what they're promoting out there. The real traditional values that God promotes, that's the way we ought to go. It's night and day between what the world's promoting today. Let's go ahead and have a word of prayer. Dear Lord, again, thank you for these clear and sound doctrines that are taught in your word. Not just regarding salvation, not just regarding end times eschatology, not just regarding all these different things. We're glad for those, Lord. But let us never lose sight of just the down-to-earth, practical, day-in, day-out teachings in your word. The things that are going to help us to live truly fulfilled lives. Lord, I pray that you'd help every person in here, man, woman, to seek to fulfill the role that you have for them in their lives, Lord. As a wife and as a husband, Lord, help us to live up to these roles that you've assigned to us, Lord. And embrace them, Lord, so that we can live a blessed and contented life. We ask these things in Christ's name, Amen. Alright, we'll go ahead and sing one more song before we go. Alright everyone, for our final song of this evening, I'm going to ask you to turn to song number 325. Trust and Obey, song number 325. On the first. When we walk with the Lord, in the light of his word, what a glory he sheds on our way. While we do his good will, he abides with us still. And with all who will trust and obey, trust and obey. For there's no other way to be happy in Jesus. But to trust and obey, on the second. Not a shadow can rise, not a cloud in the skies. But his smile quickly drives him away. Not a doubt or a fear, not a sign or a tear, can abide while we trust and obey. Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus. But to trust and obey, on the third. Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share, but our toil he doth richly repay. Not a grief nor a loss, not a frown nor a cross, but is blessed if we trust and obey. Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus. But to trust and obey, on the fourth. But we never can prove the delights of his love until all on the altar we lay. For the favor he shows and the joy he bestows are for them who will trust and obey. Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus. But to trust and obey, on the last. Then in fellowship suite we will sit at his feet or we'll walk by his side in the way. What he says we will do, where he sends we will go. Never fear, only trust and obey. Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus. But to trust and obey. Alright, let's bow our heads in a word of prayer. Dear Lord, thank you for this time we had to hear your word be preached. I ask that you please bless everyone's travels home and the fellowship after the service. In Jesus' name we pray, amen. Amen.