(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) so in Zechariah of course Zechariah is a you know one of the more there's a lot of of course always negativity but Zechariah is actually more of one of the positive messages when you see when you read the prop when you read the prophets and the reason for that is if you would keep in something Zechariah 8 but just go back to chapter 1 you know it's because of what's taking place in Israel's history at this time and we have to remember that Zechariah is preaching to Israel when they're you know I've begun to come into the land to rebuild you know at this point the temple is being rebuilt or has been rebuilt rather and they're going back to kind of finish up the house of the Lord and build the walls and so on and so forth because it says there in Zechariah chapter 1 verse 1 in the eighth month the second year of Darius came the Word of the Lord it says in verse 2 the Lord hath been sore displeased with your father so on and so forth but that time frame right there is the time when they have rebuilt the temple they're there they're beautifying the temple and they're this is a time of rebuilding for Israel so Zechariah here if you might have noticed it that reading of chapter 8 if there's a lot of positive you know notes there he's saying to them to be glad and to be happy about what's taking place and the Lord wants to bless them if you're there in Zechariah chapter 8 look at verse 13 it says and it shall come to pass that as you were a curse among the he's in Oh house of Israel and Oh house of Judah house of your soul will I save you and you shall be a blessing fear not but let your hands be strong for thus saith the Lord of hosts as I thought to punish you when your fathers provoked me to wrath said the Lord saith the Lord of hosts and I repented not so again have I thought in these days to do well into Jerusalem and to the house of Judah fear ye not so you could see the Lord is trying to encourage them and telling them not to be afraid but to be strong that God is doing a work that he wants to bless them and what that should show us is that you know God chastens us in order to bring us to the place of repentance and blessing you know and this is all just means of introduction but if you would go over to keep something in Zechariah all morning go over to Hebrews chapter 12 you see the Lord in the past had chastened Israel you know and we know the story that they were taken out of land they were taken captive into Babylon and lived there seven years that time has come to an end but God did that so that he could bring them to a place of blessing and repentance and obedience the Bible says in Proverbs chapter 3 you're going to Hebrews 12 it says my son despised not the chaste thing the Lord neither be weary of his correction for whom the Lord loveth he correcteth even as a father of the son in whom he delighteth and of course that's quoted again where you are in Hebrews chapter 12 verse 3 it says for consider him speaking of Jesus that can endure such contradiction of sinners against himself lest you be weary and faint in your minds you have not resisted in the blood striving against sin and he's forgotten the exhortation which speaking of them unto you as unto children my son despised not thou the chastening of the Lord nor faint when thou art rebuked of him for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth so the Bible saying here look every one of us as a child of God is going to receive chastening and why is that because none of us is perfect you know no one gets saved and all of a sudden just becomes this perfect Christian overnight we all have to grow we all have to learn lessons along the way and God chastens us that's how he brings us to this place where we can grow and to and to learn to take on more in fact it says there in verse 7 if you endure chastening God deal with you as with sons for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not he says in verse 8 but if you be without chastisement where of all our partakers then you are are you bastards and not sons so what he's saying here is look if you're if you can go on continue living a wicked life and experience no chastening from God's from God you might want to you know examine yourself to see whether you're even in the faith you know and that's if and I'm sure any of us could look back and we could say and over our Christian life and and could say well here's you know I messed up here God dealt with me here and God was dealing with with me here and so on and so forth so we see here this morning so far that God chastens and works in our lives to bring us to a place of blessing and he wants us what is what is the point behind that to get us right with God you know that's what he's doing here in Zechariah's day you know there he's getting them right with God they've gotten right with God he wants to bless them but getting right with God is just the beginning you know it's not like we get right with God we start to clean up our lives and do the things that we ought to do and quit doing the things we shouldn't do but that doesn't mean that once we start to do that that that's it that's all there is to the Christian life and if you would turn over to second Peter chapter 3 second Peter chapter 3 you see God doesn't save us to just live an idle life and I'm glad for that I'm glad that the Christian life isn't just us you know passing the time like everybody else until we you know take our dirt nap that you know we have things to do that are of internal importance that we have things to do in this life that are going to make an impact in heaven forever and look there in second Peter chapter 3 verse 10 it says but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night and the which the heavens shall pass away with the great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons you ought to be in all holiness excuse me in all holy conversation and godliness so Peter saying here look we know what's coming and because of what's coming we see what persons we ought to be we know that one day everything's gonna burn up we know that the day of the Lord is coming and that we only have this life to live for the Lord to earn those eternal rewards that's why he says you see you know seeing that all these things then shall be dissolved what manner of persons you ought to be and what manner of persons ought we to be in all holy conversation and godliness you know there's a way we ought to live our life as Christians because there's something for us to do because there's work for us to do and so the point being right out of the gate here is that you know God doesn't want us to just live an idol Christian life where we just kind of pass the time yes we're saved yes we're on our way to heaven you know we got our ticket punched but God doesn't just want you know Jesus to be this fire escape for us that he actually wants us to serve him and to live for him and to accomplish things for him if you're there in second Peter go back to chapter 1 and here's the thing you know we have to preach this because living an idol life you know is very possible you know it's real easy to do especially today and you know this this culture that we're living in the United States of America you know it's possible to do this and in fact it's common you know we have a lot of Christians I mean how many times we run into Christians out there you know knock indoors that don't go to church and they're saved but they're not going to church they're not living for God they might even be backslidden they're definitely backslidden if they're not going to church but they're backslidden they're not serving the Lord I mean they're saved they're on their way to heaven they're not doing anything for God I would say that's the vast majority of people in fact that's a vast majority of Christians rather I should say in fact that's probably the vast majority of Christians that even go to a lot of churches you know a lot of people can go to church and punch in you know and do you know put in their their dues at church you know show up and and and I'm glad for that you whether it's this church or another church or you know especially in the mega churches you know the neo and evangelical churches you know the just the the you know the fun centers that are out there as we call them you know a lot of people show up there and that's all they're gonna do for God that week they're just gonna show up to church sit down listen to what the preacher has to say you know and leave and that's it and that's where their Christian life begins and ends that's a very easy thing to fall into you know week and we have to guard against that it's very easy for us to just want to take it easy kick back you know because quite frankly there's a lot to do in the world I mean there's a lot of different things that aren't even necessarily sinful and that that in certain you know in moderation are perfectly acceptable you know a lot of different hobbies and things that we can get involved in and those things are fine and good but when they start to replace you know serving God that's when we have to step back and kind of say what's going on here but look there in 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 8 he says for if these things be in you and abound they make you that you shall be neither unfruitful or excuse me neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ so we see is that you know there's certain things that if we do them and if we abound in them if we make those things that we are supposed to do as Christians the the the the primary things that we do in life if that's where if we emphasize those things that Peter lists here we'll look at in a minute that we are not going to be barren in our Christian life that we're going to be fruitful we're not going to be unfruitful but fruitful that we're going to bear fruit in our Christian life and that's what God wants for all of us that's what God wants for every single Christian not to just move through life barren and unfruitful and what do we mean you know when we think about barren for probably most people minds go to thinking about you know on the inability to have children okay now spiritually speaking you know that Christians can do that they can go through their whole life with no spiritual children of course what do we what do I mean by that well the Bible says that the the the the fruit of righteousness is a tree of life you know if the fruit of righteousness you know a tree bears fruit and what does it bring forth with that fruit another tree so the fruit of righteousness in our life is another tree right so that would be us you know bringing forth spiritual children going out preaching the gospel and seeing people being born again you know beginning them again in the gospel so that you know if we do these things we will have a fruitful and Christian a fruitful life I'm not a life that is not barren you know soul winning is just one area you know we need to learn how to become fruitful in many other areas you know when it comes to our spirit and so on and so forth and if you look there in 1st Peter chapter 1 you know he says that these things be in you in verse 8 you know what is he talking about well he's talking about the preceding verses and when we look through verses 5 through 7 what do we see there we see a Christians to-do list and that's the title of the sermon tonight or this morning the Christians to-do list you know I'm a big fan of to-do lists it helps me keep a lot of things in order if I don't write it down it's not going to get done if I don't put it on a list somewhere because I just have so many small details coming at me throughout the week a lot of different things you have to keep track of and probably everybody experiences this to some degree you know I'm sure there's some in in here that probably have a list at home that somebody else wrote for them right that they that's stuck there on the board or wherever and it says honeydew or to do right so we all know what a to-do list is but here's the thing God gives us a to-do list in the Bible that he gives us several you know we it would take a long time to see her go through all of them but we see here in 2nd Peter 1 he says in verse 5 and besides this give all diligence add to your faith virtue and to virtue knowledge and the knowledge temperance and the temperance patience the patience godliness and godliness brotherly kindness and the brotherly kindness charity these are things that we are to be adding to our faith and that takes of course effort that takes you know purpose that's something that we have to purpose to do in our life so that's a Christians to-do list now let me just clarify if you would turn over to well just stay where you're at just stay where yet but let me clarify before I say go any further in the sermon is that this is the Christians to-do list okay you know we understand that we as Christians you know we're saved by grace through faith isn't that what it says in Ephesians chapter 2 for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast we all know that we all quote that at the door if we go out soul winning we understand what that means that salvation is all by grace that we don't have to do any work at all you know that if you looked at first Peter chapter 1 and just scratch you know don't literally scratch it out but just didn't take heed let's say to verses 5 through 7 you know you could still go to heaven if you decided not to give diligence to add to your faith all these things you'd still go to heaven because what you have the faith remember leave you look there you know you're adding to the faith the faith is the basis of your Christian life of course so again you know we understand that you know this is the Christians to-do list these are the works that we have to do after we get saved as it says in Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 & 9 which we're very familiar with that it's not of works lest any man should boast but verse 10 is the one we kind of sometimes forget about it goes on and says for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works you know the reason why God saved us you know to save us from hell God didn't just save us to just go through life doing whatever we please you know he saved us unto good works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them so there are works that God wants us to do as Christians and what we're gonna look at this morning is not an inclusive list you know that they would take you know a long time to go through God's entire to-do list which is why it's so important to be in church to hear the preaching the Word of God to you know get you the Bible yourself and read it because this is just what really it's just one long to-do list it's also a not to-do list you know not and I'm not you know not just the things we should do but also tells us all the things we shouldn't be doing so it would be a very long sermon indeed to try to go over all that so this is not an inclusive list this morning but if you're there in 1st Peter excuse me 2nd Peter you know look there in verse verse 9 you know it says but he that lacketh these things is blind and cannot see afar off and hath forgotten that he was a purge from his old sin so he's saying look the person who has the faith and does not add to it does not add the works of the of the Christian life to it they cannot see afar off you know they don't see the fact that the day of the Lord will come as a thief in which the heavens shall pass away and the earth and the works therein shall melt with fervent heat they're not thinking about that they're not motivated to work for the Lord they cannot see what a far off they can't see what's coming what's down the road and they fail to accomplish this list why because they're short-sighted they just think about the fact well I'm just saved you know I can just you know just coast through life now I know on my way to heaven but they're not getting anything done why because they're just seeing today they're just seeing what's in front of them right now they're not thinking about the world to come and life everlasting our heavenly reward and here's the thing you know there's a due date on this to-do list that God gives us remember when you had we're given homework assignments the teacher didn't say just turn it in whatever you feel like you know you're in tenth grade you're turning your third grade homework that ain't that's not how it works you know they say this is due tomorrow this is due next week there's a test coming up you have to do this this and this there's due dates right you go to your job they say we want this done by this time on this date you know there's there's deadlines and there's a deadline on the Christian life you know we only have this life to accomplish what we're gonna accomplish for Christ Jesus said in Revelation 22 and behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man according to as his work shall be so we will be rewarded for our works accordingly whether we did works or whether we didn't do the works so he gives this do list this due date on this list okay now the Lord gave we're gonna look at a different to-do list which was back in Zechariah you're saying why did you turn to Zechariah this morning what does that have to do with anything well if you go back to Zechariah chapter 8 we'll see another one of these Christians to-do list in Zechariah chapter 8 he said in verse 8 or chapter 8 verse 16 these are the things that ye shall do I mean buckle up he's about to lay out you know give you some commandments here right this is what he's telling them look I've chastened you you're you guys have repented I'm bringing you back in the promised land you're gonna be strong I want you to rejoice it's gonna be a feasting people are gonna be glad it's a time of happiness but here's the things I want you to do and you know the Christian life can be a joyful life can be exciting life but there's things that we have to do along the way he says in in verse 16 these are the things that you shall do speak ye every man truth to his neighbor execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates and let none of your none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbor and love no false oath for all these are things that I hate say it the Lord so he gives us this list and again this is just one small section in one book of a long to do list which is the Bible but let's look at some of these things tonight or this morning that we could learn from we could take note of this list you know we saw the list in 2nd Peter but here's another list that you know we could we could apply to our lives he says in a second or excuse me Zach Zachariah chapter 8 verse 16 speak ye true every man truth to his neighbor you know I was thinking about that well what how can we apply that today you know you can apply this in several different ways you know we could talk about you know me as a preacher I immediately go to like well let me make sure what I'm saying is true make sure when I get up in the pulpit that I'm preaching this book and not just my opinion or how I feel about something not teaching for you know not teaching traditions of men for the for the commandments of God you know speak truth to everything every man is neighbor but you know we could all apply this in the area of soul winning you say well I can't apply that well maybe it's time to start soul winning then you need to still apply okay he says and speak ye truth every man to his neighbor and what is the gospel the gospel is the word of truth if you would turn over to turn over to I should have had to go to Ephesians but go to Colossians chapter 1 Colossians chapter 1 you know if we're gonna speak the truth every man to his neighbor you know we could speak the word of truth which is the gospel the Bible says in Ephesians 1 in whom also you trusted after that he heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation James chapter 1 verse 18 of course of his own will be get he us with the word of truth you know we were saved we were born again by the word of truth the gospel there in Colossians chapter 1 look at verse 5 for the the hope which is laid up for you in heaven where of he heard before in the word of truth the gospel so if we're gonna go out and speak the truth every man to his neighbor what are we gonna speak we're gonna speak the gospel we're going to preach the gospel and that's something we should all be doing you know that's one of the fundamentals of the Christian faith when the fundamentals of the Christian life rather is to go out and to preach the gospel to every creature and that's what Jesus said that was his last commandments when he left this earth he said and he said unto them going into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature speak the truth every man to his neighbor now if you would go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 you know preaching the gospel is a command that we must obey you know we can say well preaching the gospel you know it's just not for me no it's for everybody it's for every man woman boy girl child it's for everybody you know and everybody has to start somewhere I understand that but it's a command in the Christian life it's on everybody's Christian to-do list to preach the gospel and he says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 1 therefore seeing we have this ministry as we have received mercy we faint not but we have renounced the hidden things of honest dishonesty not walking in craftiness nor handling the Word of God deceitfully but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God but if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost in whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them for we preach not ourselves but Christ Jesus the Lord and ourselves are your servants for Jesus sake look if we don't preach it people are gonna die and go to hell you say why does God command us to go out and preach the gospel why does God want us to speak truth every man to his neighbor because if what without it you know their their minds are blinded and they're gonna remain blinded that the good they need someone to take the glorious light of the gospel and shine it unto them we need to do that and here's the thing if you don't make it a must in your in your life you won't get it done you know one one thing I like to do is I use a I tried different ways to be you know you know getting this whole you know productivity culture that's out there you know people have all these different ways of you know tracking your to-do's and and your tasks and everything like that you know and I and I've tried different things the best thing for me is just you know use my phone you know like Google tasks this was brought to you in part by Google Google tasks okay that's one thing that really works for me I've tried different things and one thing I love about it is that you know you can hold down though like you say you have a list of all your you know your bullets of to-do things if something's important you could press it down you can hold it and it floats and you can bring it to the top of the list and let it go and you can organize your to-do list right you know we've got a lot of things that are important to Christian life and I'm telling you soul winning you know it needs to you need to press that down on your to-do list and float that sucker up you know we've got I know I'm gonna get to so and I'm gonna get to it I've just got all these other things that I get done no you need to move that up you need to make that your highlight in your of your of your week what's the one thing I'm gonna get done this week I'm gonna start soul winning I'm gonna go soul winning it's important it's a big part of the Christian life you know it's something we knew there's a lot of other things that are essential right we could talk about Bible reading and prayer and church attendance and fellowship and you know raising our families and so on and so forth those are all very important but I'm telling you right now soul winning is a big theme in the New Testament it's a big theme in this church you know and it's gonna stay a big theme in this church you know you seem like you're like brother Corbin seems like every other sermon you're bringing it up you're preaching about it it's because it's important you know we got to stay motivated we got it especially when you get into these hot months where everyone's kind of like oh you know we all wait till it cools off a little bit and get out there and I know it's hard and I know it's difficult and it can be a weariness to the flesh but you know it's not easy but here's the thing it's rewarding it's incredibly and rewarding you know I can't I talk was talking about this somebody the other day I thought I said you know how many times I just drug my carcass out to go so anyway I don't want to go you know we're just my flesh just like man you can just take it easy and here's the thing I understand that there's there's seasons in life where we had there's something that we just thought something else we have to attend to that we have to take care of I get that I understand that but here's the thing if that if that season of our life defines our whole life that's no longer a season that's just your life you know and that you need to change that okay but how many times where I didn't have a reasonable you know excuse to not go soul winning you know and I was just saying well I don't really want to go I just don't feel like it it wasn't that something else demanded my attention there was something else I had to take care of you know where I had to give something or somebody else priority it was just I didn't feel like it how many times I just said well I know I don't feel like it but I'm gonna go anyway and I get out there and I knock that first door and knock that second door and I talked to somebody or see my partner give the gospel and as soon as it happens it just it's like all and I'm just saying to myself this is all I want to do what was wrong with me why didn't I want to go out here and my spirit is revived you know my flesh you know it's still hot you know it's still I'm still getting a sunburn I'm still sweating I'm still thirsty now things change there but my spirit is you know been rekindled and my my you know I just want to be out there doing the work of the Lord it's rewarding it's rewarding right now you know a part of the reason we do it is because we know there's a reward that comes you know when Jesus comes to give every man according to his works we understand that but you know it's also rewarding now it'll be it'll be refreshing to your spirit when you go out and actually see somebody get saved it's an amazing thing and here's the thing you need to put it on that list and put it up there and just determined to do it because your flesh will fight you every step of the way look the old man is still with us folks he doesn't want to do anything in the in the spiritual he doesn't want he's just you know there's two natures in us now you know and whether we walk in the spirit or walk in the flesh that's up to us you know and if we walk in the spirit you know we're gonna do the things that God wants us to do and if we walk in the flesh then we're not gonna do the things that God wants us to do and the flesh is gonna fight he's gonna say you know stay home you know don't worry about soul winning go take a nap you know you don't need to go to church today you don't need to go to church tonight you don't need a midweek service you know you know you don't need to read your Bible you don't have time to pray all these things that are should be priorities on our list and the flesh is gonna fight us so that was one of the first things we saw on that list in Zechariah chapter 8 he said speak ye truth every man to his neighbor you know and every one of these things could be a whole sermon in of itself and I'm trying not to let you know just any one of them become a sermon to what you know the the whole sermon this morning so we're gonna move on to the next one he said in verse 16 speak ye truth every man speak ye every man truth to his neighbor execute judgment of truth and peace in your gates execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates and if you would turn over to Acts chapter 20 Acts chapter 20 you're saying you know preach the Bible I think is what he's saying here you know live it preach it you know execute it you know when we think about you know what do you think about when you hear that word execute you might think of like we might think of like a guy in a black hat cutting people's heads off I don't know but I think also the word you know executive right execute executive so you know like the president United States he's you know the executive branch he's what does he do he's the one who's making things happen you know he's the one that executes the law the judge isn't you know an executor of the law you know we should execute you know the judgment of truth and peace in our gates you know in our gates where we dwell where we live where we spend our time those should be places where we exercise truth and peace he says in Acts chapter 20 verse 26 wherefore I take you to record this day of course this is Paul giving his departing words to the people at Ephesus the elders at Ephesus he says I take you to record this day that I am pure from the blood of all men for I have not shunned to declare unto you the counsel of all the counsel of God how much of the counsel of God to declare unto him all of it he executed all of it all of the judgment then the good you know all the all the parts that everyone just you know scratches everyone's back and makes everyone feel warm and fuzzy inside but also all the you know the nitty-gritty parts of the Word of God the parts that maybe we go whoa make a step back parts that the world objects over he declared all the counsel of God look there down on verse 31 and he did this to all men okay therefore watch and remember that by the space of three years I cease not to warn everyone night and day with tears so why was Paul free from the blood of all men because he warned them and he warned all of them because he declared the whole counsel of God you know he didn't just declare some of it you know he was free from the blood of all man because he cleared all of it if you would go over to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 2nd Timothy chapter 3 you know we need to preach and teach and live the Bible all of it not just the parts that people agree with not just the parts that people are are not going to give us a hard time over all of it we need to preach and teach it in its entirety we need to execute judgment and truth in our gates he said in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 all scripture is given by inspiration of God you know you turn it back to some obscure passage in the Old Testament that rubs the fur the wrong way you know upsets people and I say well I don't know about that well I'm sure God God's changed or you shouldn't preach that you should you know you should talk about that but what does it say right there all scripture New Testament Old Testament you know Leviticus Deuteronomy all those parts that the preachers just want to flip over and pretend aren't there they God says those are profitable for doctrine for a proof for correction for instruction and righteousness that the man of God may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works you know he gives all of it for what reason that we that the man of God may be perfect you know a preacher who's not preaching the whole counsel of God he's not perfect he's not complete that's what it means perfect you know he's not perfect an entire wanting nothing as it says in James you know he's he's not thoroughly furnished into all good works you know he's missing a big like if he had a you know if you're you know a certain line of work sometimes you have to have specialized tools and if you don't have a particular tool you're not gonna get that job done well you know preaching is a specialized job I mean it's something that not just everybody does and this is a this is a specialized tool right here and if I just go well I don't need this section to just tear out a whole section or a page or a passage you know I've just taken one of my tools that I need to get the job done and just thrown in the garbage and that's the way a lot of preachers you know today operate unfortunately they don't preach the entire counsel of God and that's what we need to do and that's part of our Christian to-do list you know is to execute judgment or to execute the judgment of truth and peace in our gates you know preach it preach all of it and live it you know show you know as preachers as husbands wives parents you know we need to show as neighbors employees every area of life you know we should be showing forth the you know the truth of God's Word so preach the unpopular parts and preach the popular parts of the Bible why because that judgment that's what leads to peace that's what leads to peace everyone wants peace right it's all right here you know the world wants peace but they don't want to do what it takes to get it you know and wanting world peace isn't a bad thing it's just how they go about getting it right and not understanding that it's not there isn't going to be no peace apart from Jesus until he comes and reigns with a rod of iron there will be no peace but you know we can have peace personally in our individual lives as a church as families and so on and so forth when we embrace all of the Word of God when we execute judgment and truth in our gates the Bible says in Psalms 119 great peace have they which love thy law you know and nothing shall offend them nothing you know if we love all of the love his law we love all of it we're gonna have great peace say I want peace do you love the Bible I don't have peace do you love the Bible let's move on though he says in verse 17 let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbor go to Ephesians chapter 4 Ephesians chapter 4 we'll just touch on this one real quick because this is an important one you know we got to have all this is a one of the many Christian to-do lists that we find in the Bible he says let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbor you know earlier already said to speak the truth every man to his neighbor so you should speak the truth to every man but not only that you should not imagine evil you're going Ephesians 4 it says in Proverbs 3 devise not evil against thy neighbor seeing he dwells securely by thee strive not with a man and strive not with a man without a cause if he have done thee no harm then we shouldn't go out of our way to you know do mischief unto our neighbor look there Ephesians chapter 4 verse 25 wherefore putting away lying speak every man truth with his neighbor for we are members one of another I mean sometimes the truth hurts we understand that but let's make sure what we're speaking is the truth and not to imagine you know evil in our hearts you know and you need in unity in the local church you know that's something that this doesn't just happen it's something that has to be worked for because look we're all coming from different walks of life different periods in life different stages in life we all have different backgrounds different personalities not every I don't think we're all just gonna you know everyone's gonna get together and just be one big happy family all the time you know even within a family you know kids are fighting kids get out of sorts with one another parents get frustrated with each other and so on and so forth and you got to work through those things to what end to maintain the unity it's something that has to be worked for that's something that has to be maintained and how do you do that by not imagining evil in your heart towards your brother so let's go towards your neighbor he says let's move on though let's go to the next one he says in verse 17 he said and let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his brother and he said and love no false oath you know love no false oath it was he saying here don't tolerate lies you know don't love a false oath don't love lies go over to Jeremiah chapter 7 Jeremiah chapter 7 here's the thing you think about the fact that a lot of lies are committed a lot of there's a lot of falsehood in the in religion isn't there I mean there's a lot of falsehood out there and and if we're not careful you know we'll we'll learn to tolerate a lot of it you know that's what that's what the that's the big that's the that's the kind of the hot word that's out there right tolerance you know unity at all costs no it's not right not to love a false oath don't love lies hey you should hate lies look lies are what damn people to hell you know if you believe a lie you know you and love not the truth that that damns people look in Jeremiah chapter 7 says in verse 8 behold you trust in lying words that cannot profit will you steal murder and commit adultery and swear falsely and burn incense on the bale so we're talking in a religious context right you know they're burning incense on to bail and walk after other gods which you know not they're swearing falsely you know there's a lot of lies in religion today and he says and in verse 10 and come and stand before me in this house which is called by my name and say we are delivered to do all these abominations saying look you know you can't you cannot drink at the cup look you can't what's the verse you can't drink of a couple of devils and sup at the table of the Lord you can't have it both ways you cannot serve God and man you can't serve God and lies you have to pick one you know that's what he's saying here look you you swear falsely you do all this wickedness you burn incense on to bail you walk after other gods and whom you know not and come and stand before me in this house which is called by my name and say we are delivered to do all these abominations you say what's wrong with it you know what this sounds like is ecumenicalism to me it sounds like hey what's wrong with you know this church that other church and this religion and that other religions what's wrong with you know Buddhism what's wrong with you know Roman Catholicism what's wrong with you know all these other false ways is because they're preaching lies look if someone is telling you have to work your way to heaven that's a lie if it doesn't line up with this book it's a lie and we have to determine what are we gonna love more the Lord and his word and the truth are we gonna love a false oath are we gonna love lies are we gonna go ahead and say well what's wrong with it you know we come in to come into God's house and say well there's nothing wrong with you know there's nothing wrong with the Muslim and the Hindu look there's nothing wrong with them as people I'm sure there's fine good people and all of those religions but they're damned to hell if they believe a lie and we want to deliver them that's a big reason why we can't just tolerate it you know and just tell them oh you're okay because they're not okay they need to come to a repentance and the acknowledging of the truth that Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me and that's all by salvation is by grace through faith say what's the difference between what your church believes and every everything else in the world and you know what I don't say this haughtily but it's the truth and it's profound is that this church and like many other churches and any church that actually preaches the whole Council of God believes that salvation is by grace through faith and out of works every other false way will teach you it's by works that's the difference whether it's the Hindus whether it's the Muslims whether you know even in the realm of Christianity the Mormons the Catholics the Episcopalians all of them you name it they all teach you you got to be a good person you got to get baptized you got to get catechized and homogenized pasteurized and all these other eyes you got to do all these steps you got to go through this process and keep the commandments and live a good life look we hear all the time you say well that doesn't sound right well maybe if you we did more soul winning we actually go talk to people who are caught up in these false religions we'd understand this we hear it all the time out there what do you got to do to go to heaven be a good person keep the commandments I hear all the time why do you hear it all the time because that's what they're being taught who's teaching them all these false ways you know all these these people that would teach them lies I mean that's what the devil does he wants to go out just so lies get people to just believe a lie that they might be damned so don't tolerate these things he's saying love no false oath you don't love it don't say oh it's okay I could put up with it no it's wicked it's leading people to hell don't tolerate it false ways need to be called out and condemned you know by the by the preacher of course you know it's the job of the man of God to get up and say this way is false this way is false and look it's because this book is true you know this is our authority you know we're I say that not because it says Baptist on the door I say that because that's what this book teaches that you know this is the this is the truth you know this is our final authority you know who are you to call every other fault every other religion false I'm nobody but this that's what this book says if we read it and if we're honest with it you know so of course that's the preacher's job to get to do that but you know it's also our job in our personal life to not love lies not to love a false oath and to call it out for what it is and to you know obviously you have to use tack you have to be gentle and all that thing that we speak the truth in love as Paul said but we still need to speak the truth we say well it's loving you for me just not saying anything no that's not that's not love you need to speak the truth in love that's the loving thing to do and why is it you know why do we need to take note of this this list this morning why would I even turn us over to this obscure passage in Zechariah and have us read these couple verses and try to you know impress upon us they need to do all these things today because of the fact that you know God hates these things when they go undone or if we do them that's how he concludes this list if you look there he says at the end of verse 17 he said let none of you imagine even your hearts against his labor love no false oath or all these are things that I hate say it the Lord say why is this list important why are you even preaching this brother Corbin because God hates these things God hates them they go on done God hates when they're tolerated God hates when we do when we do or don't do these things that he's telling us to do you know when you don't speak every man truth to his neighbor when we just speak lies when we devise evil against our neighbor when we you know don't execute judgment and truth when we don't do those things when when we love a false oath or tolerate it or put up with it God hates that and that that fact right there is a is you know shocking to some people but go over to Proverbs chapter 6 it's not very often you walk into a church house and hear somebody get up and say hey God hates that you know he is like a four-letter well it is a four-letter word but you know it's like a four-letter word today I was thinking about this I remember it was probably like I don't know I mean before I even got married so it's probably like 12 13 years ago where I was talking to somebody and was talking about something worldly you know I was just talking about some worldly thing and I said oh I hate that and this person said oh hate is such a strong word and I was just like that's the first time I'd ever heard anything like that you're like where people would actually you know disparage you for using a word like hate in any context you know like you spit out a sandwich and say I hate that sandwich dare you hate that sandwich you know or you hate some worldly thing you know whatever it is and someone would just like mildly rebuke you know rebuked me for using the word hate and I remember just I didn't know what to say I was like well that's yeah so why I hate it you know and today and since then it's just it seems like it's gotten worse and worse and worse and that I've never forgot that because I realized now looking back on that moment like that's a whole philosophy and a whole teaching that this society is just putting on people don't hate anything don't hate anyone if you hate if you even say the word hate in the wrong way you're wicked you're wrong but Bible says God hates I mean is that we just read over there in Zechariah chapter 8 for all these things I hate say it the Lord Oh Lord hate such a strong word do you really want to use that I have a strong disliking for all these things the Lord doth not care for no he said I hate I hate these things say hey it's a strong word yeah so when God uses it we should probably pay attention it doesn't mean don't use it means you know give it the the emphasis you know it needs and pay attention when it's used he says in Proverbs chapter 6 are you there verse 16 these six things that the Lord hate say oh God doesn't hate anything well I got a list of six things right here that God hates he said yay seven or abomination so abomination is that's like that's another whole level of hate there's hating something and there's like that's an abomination to me you know that's just infuriating I detest it you know it's a very strong hatred when you say it's an abomination seven things are abomination and we got the list here a proud look a lying tongue hands that shed innocent blood how dare God hate hands that shed innocent blood I mean what if God didn't hate hands that shed innocent blood that'd be that would be backwards that would be wrong so I'm okay with that that'd be wicked verse 18 and heart that devises wicked imaginations we kind of read about that a minute ago do we about imagining evil in our hearts right feet feet that be swift and running to mischief a false witness that speaketh lies you know not speaking truth every man to his neighbor loving a false oath God hates it a false witness that speaketh lies and he that soweth discord among the brethren you can see how this all ties in with Zechariah chapter 8 if you think about it these are very similar similar things that he's describing that God says he hates why should we pay attention to these lists well when it got when he ends the list with God hates these things when they're not done when they are committed we should definitely take note and again you know every one of these things I just touched on this morning our entire sermons in and of themselves and there are many other Commandments many other lists that we could look at that are ours to obey and to perform and the point I'm just trying to get across this morning is not maybe these specific things but the fact that if we fail if we leave these things undone if we fail to to to accomplish these things in our lives if we just leave that to-do list if we treat it like the one that's at home men you know just undone on the board right just I'll get to it later I'll get to it later you know that it's gonna cause suffering right even that list you know the honeydew list if you leave it undone long enough will cause suffering in another way right but if we fail to accomplish the list that God gives us the Christian to-do list that God has said I want you to do this this this and this and don't do this and don't do this and if we don't go through our life and start checking off these boxes look I'm telling you it's gonna lead to suffering in our lives you know it's gonna lead to suffering in those around us and we could just talk about that first one we could just park it right there all morning and talk about that the fact that if we don't go out and speak truth every man to his neighbor people are going to suffer people are gonna die and go to hell I say it's not important for me to learn how to preach the gospel go do it you know I can I cannot go so winning look there's somebody that you could reached out there that maybe one of us couldn't you know that's another person that we there's a lot of people to get to you know I think about it all the time with the goal that we're trying to accomplish here of knocking every door in Tucson in the greater area you know even at you accomplishing that you know that's a great goal and we're working towards that but that needs to happen over and over and over for all the doors that you know they just weren't home that day that was their chance but they weren't home you know or the people that we have to pass up for one reason another look we got to get back over there again that's why every single person it matters whether or not you go soloing because if you don't and that's just and again I know I'm parking it on that I'm kind of harping out this morning but that's just one thing and if you don't do it people are going to suffer my thing about you know if we as parents don't fulfill our roles as moms and dads our children will suffer if we leave these things done undone in our lives people will suffer around us those around us and all of us if we don't do these things we will suffer the eternal loss of rewards you say you know if I don't do these things if I don't accomplish these to-do lists it's no big deal you know but you know I'm still going my way to heaven but you're going to suffer eternal loss of rewards you know it's really easy on this side to think well that would be so bad you can't see a far off then you cannot see a far off it's not that real to you yet to think about when you got because when you the moment you get to heaven and God you see the Lord just handing out rewards to so-and-so and rewards to so-and-so people in your church that you knew that are getting crown of being you know saying hey you be thou over five cities be thou over ten and it's your turn you walk up and he's just like I got nothing for you I'm glad you're here glad you got saved but you know you can just go stand in the corner now just go over there and then sweep that floor and people have this attitude well that's fine with me it won't be it won't be when you look at what everybody else has you're gonna you're gonna wish you had done more you're gonna wish you had done more you will suffer eternal loss of rewards and you'll suffer for it you know personally and people in our lives if we don't do these things if we don't start to check off the Christians to-do list so each and every each and every one of us needs to look at these lists in the Bible lists like the one I just gave you this morning you know that one and others like it and just make it our life's work to start to accomplish these things let's go ahead pray